Eucinostomus gracilis (Gill, 1862). Graceful Mojarra or Slender Mojarra. To 23.9 cm (9.4 in) TL (Amezcua Linares 1996). Bahía de Ballenas (26°39.7’N, 113°18.7’W), southern Baja California (Personal communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California) to northern Peru (Chirichigno and Vélez 1998), including southern Gulf of California (Bussing in Fischer et al. 1995) and Islas Galápagos (Grove and Lavenberg 1997). Marine, brackish, and fresh waters (Fricke et al. 2020); depth: in ocean, surface to 1–112 m (3–367 ft) (min.: Gonzáles-Acosta et al. 1999; max.: Amezcua Linares 1996). Eucinostomus californiensis (Gill, 1862) and E. gracilis are synonymous. The name E. californiensis was selected as the correct name by Jordan and Evermann (1898) but this has been largely overlooked and E. gracilis is the name usually seen.