Epinephelus quinquefasciatus (Bocourt, 1868). Pacific Goliath Grouper or Jewfish. To 250 cm (98.4 in) TL (Robertson and Allen 2002). Bahía Almejas (24°22’N, 111°42’W), southern Baja California (Personal communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California) and Gulf of California (Heemstra in Fischer et al. 1995) to Máncora, Peru (Chirichigno and Vélez 1998). Depth: intertidal to 100 m (328 ft) (min.: Personal Communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California; max.: Craig et al. 2011). Also found in fresh water (Greenfield and Thomerson 1997). Previously considered Epinephelus itajara (Lichtenstein 1822), now known to be a species limited to the Atlantic Ocean (Craig et al. 2009).