Temnocora candida (Gilbert & Burke, 1912). Bigeye Snailfish or Crested Snailfish. To 10.6 cm (4.2 in) SL. Western North Pacific Ocean off northern Kuril Islands and south-eastern Kamchatka; south-eastern Bering Sea (56°17’N, 168°45’W) (Personal communication: University of Washington, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture Fish Collection, Seattle, Washington) and Aleutian Islands to north-western Gulf of Alaska at Cook Inlet. Depth: 64–400 m (210–1,312 ft). All except Bering Sea record in Mecklenburg et al. (2002). Previously Careproctus candidus Gilbert & Burke, 1912. The descriptions of two closely related new species are being prepared (Gardner, Orr, and Tornabene).