Icelus spatula Gilbert & Burke, 1912. Spatulate Sculpin. To about 21 cm (7.1 in) TL (Tokranov and Orlov 2005). Circumpolar; Sea of Okhotsk (Schmidt 1950), Kuril Islands (Tokranov and Orlov 2005), and western North Pacific off Kamchatka (Gilbert and Burke 1912), to Arctic Seas off Russia, Alaska (Chukchi and Beaufort Seas), and Canada to western Greenland and Labrador (D. W. Nelson 1984); Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands west to Atka Island (Personal communication: University of Washington, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture Fish Collection, Seattle, Washington), and eastern Gulf of Alaska at Glacier Bay (Quast and Hall 1972). Benthic; depth: 12–930 m (39–3,050 ft) (Mecklenburg et al. 2011). Ten years (1993–2002) of intensive sampling off the Kuril Islands found I. spatula at 100–300 m (328–984 ft) (Tokranov and Orlov 2005). Mecklenburg and Steinke (2015) note that I. spatula and I. spiniger are so similar in appearance that “the relationship [between the two taxa]…should be reevaluated.”