Zaniolepis frenata Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889. Shortspine Combfish. To 25 cm (10 in) TL(Eschmeyer and Herald 1983). Southern Oregon (Miller and Lea 1972) to Bahía Asuncion (27°01’N, 114°16.3’W), southern Baja California (Personal communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California), and in Gulf of California (Castro-Aguirre 1991). Benthic; depth: 7–450 m (23–1,476 ft) (min.: Personal communication: Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, Westminster, California. Unpublished data from their trawl surveys; max. NWFSC-FRAM). The NWFSC-FRAM database also lists a single, much deeper, record of 966 m (3,168 ft), but we think this is likely in error. The species name is correctly spelled frenata to agree in gender (feminine) with the genus name, not frenatus as originally spelled (Mecklenburg and Eschmeyer 2003).