Ditropichthys storeri (Goode & Bean, 1895). To 13.1 cm (5.2 in) SL (Roberts et al. 2015). Circumglobal; western North Pacific Ocean east of Japan, Kuril Islands (Paxton 1989), and Kamchatka (Sheiko and Fedorov 2000); northern California (Paxton 1989) to southern Baja California (Pequeño 1989). Mesopelagic and bathypelagic (Paxton and Johnson in Carpenter and De Angelis 2016); depth: about 607 to about 5,000 m (1,991 –16,400 ft) (min.: Personal communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California; max.: Paxton and Johnson in Carpenter and De Angelis 2016).