Contact: Dr. Daniel F. Carlson, This dataset includes four files, in addition to this README file: 20190810_BearTrap_Grave01.pdf 20190810_BearTrap_Grave01.jpg 20190810_BearTrap_Grave01.mtl 20190810_BearTrap_Grave01.obj 20190810_BearTrap_Grave01.laz OVERVIEW The .obj file is a high resolution, textured mesh model of a grave situated near the Bear Trap, a Norse ruin at the western end of the Nuussuaq Peninsula in NW Greenland. This 3D model was created from 639 of photographs that were processed using Agisoft Metashape Pro (v1.7 Linux Ubuntu). The images were collected as part of the Vaigat Iceberg-Microbial Oil Degradation and Archaeological Heritage Investigation (VIMOA) project that was funded by the Danish Centre for Marine Research and supported by the Arctic Research Centre at Aarhus University, the Danish National Museum, the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, and the Greenland National Museum and Archives in Nuuk. Walsh et al. (2020) provides an overview of the archaeological surveys conducted during the VIMOA project. This dataset supports Walsh et al. The Bear Trap: Reinvestigation of a unique stone structure on the northwest tip of the Nuussuaq Peninsula, Greenland. Submitted to Arctic Anthropology. Walsh et al. (2020) The VIMOA project and archaeological heritage in the Nuussuaq Peninsula of north-west Greenland. Antiquity 94:e6 doi:10.15184/aqy.2019.230 HOW TO VIEW THIS MODEL The .obj 3D model of the grave can be viewed using Meshlab, an open access software The following instructions were tested on the Mac version of Meshlab. The process should be similar on Windows and Linux, but has not been tested or verified. + Download and install Meshlab + File -> Import Mesh + Select the .obj file + Wait for the mesh to load - this can take 30-60 s depending on your computer + If the Info Panel is not open, View -> Show Info Panel + To change the appearance of the model, click on the cylinder icon and options for ’Shading’, ‘Color’, and ‘Back-Face’ will appear + NOTE: if ‘Color: Face’ is selected the model will appear in all white; to change this select ‘Color: Vert’ For more information about Meshlab- read their documentation. The .laz file can be viewed using software with support for 3D point clouds, like CesiumJS or Cesium Ion.