Bathophilus brevis Regan & Trewavas, 1930. Deepbody Dragonfish. To 5.5 cm (2.1 in) SL (Gibbs and Barnett in Quéro et al. 1990). Circumglobal (Fricke et al. 2020); western Pacific Ocean north to Ogasawara Islands (Aizawa in Nakabo 2002); Point Sal, central California (Personal communication: Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History Fish Collection, Los Angeles, California) to Chile (Pequeño 1989). Depth: 75–1,650 m (246–5,412 ft) (Morrow and Gibbs 1964). A record of “ 0–3,000 m ” (9,840 ft) (Personal communication: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Fish Collection, La Jolla, California) was from an obliquely towed midwater trawl and may represent a catch shallower than the maximum depth.