Published August 31, 2021 | Version 1.00
Project deliverable Open

Design of PHYSIO DSS component


The objective of the present document is that of presenting the design of the first version of the PHYSIO DSS component (PHYSIOlogical evolution of the victim Decision Support System), constituted by a series of functions (submodules), algorithms, and classes of instances, supported by a taxonomy, for the description of the management of victims of a real crisis event.
The development and implementation of the PHYSIO DSS Component is an object of the deliverable D4.6 (“Development of the PHYSIO DSS component”) and is based on a client-server architecture provided as Web Services.
The PHYSIO DSS component follows a fully Bayesian approach for the estimation of the evolution over time of the victim physiological status and enables the S&R DSS to exploit a runtime update of the physiological conditions of the victims, based on the health measurements recorded in the field as well as on the treatments administrated by the care givers. All computations are performed in terms of probability distributions and at each time and for each victim, a PIE (an encoded long character string, for a given victim, at a given time, collecting all the information representing the victim's situation from a physiological point of view) summarizes where the victim is likely to be in the Physiological State Variables’ (PSVs) space.
The present document describes, in terms of inputs and outputs, all the developed functions, which can be used both in a simulated and in a real crisis situation (Section 2.2 Description of the Methodology), as well as the content of all the defined classes (Section 3 The PHYSIO DSS CLASSES and external inputs). To notice that the class contents can be only provisional and that can be updated and improved in the subsequent version of the component.


SnR_D4.4 - Design of PHYSIO DSS component_v1.00.pdf

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Search and Rescue – Search and Rescue: Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations 882897
European Commission