66. Chrysis zetterstedti Dahlbom, 1845

? Chrysis sexdentata Dahlbom, 1831: 30, nom. praeocc., nec Christ, 1791. Holotype ♀; Sweden: Vestrogothia, Kinnaskog [= Västergötland, Kinnaskog] (lost?). Zetterstedt 1840: 434.

Chrysis Zetterstedti Dahlbom 1845: 11. Lectotype ♂ (here designated); Sweden, Laxbro (ZMUL) (examined). Dahlbom 1854: 305, Kawall 1864: 303.

Chrysis fasciata [part.]: Tumšs & Maršakovs 1970: 92, Kimsey & Bohart 1991: 410, Soon 2004: 21, 46, Cederberg et al. 2010: 353, Orlovskytė et al. 2010: 148, Johansson 2012b, Dyntaxa 2013.

Chrysis zetterstedti: Erlandsson 1971: 90, Hedström 1987: 156.

Chrysis fasciata fasciata [nec Olivier, 1790]: Rosa & Soon 2012.

Chrysis fasciata zetterstedti: Rosa & Soon 2012.

Distribution. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden.—Transpalearctic: from North Europe to Siberia and possibly China and Korea (Linsenmaier 1959).

Remarks. The species is known from Sweden and the Baltic countries. It is rare in all countries, and it has been classified as vulnerable in Sweden (Cederberg et al. 2010). Records from Norway are uncertain. Dahlbom (1845) described the species on the basis of specimens collected from Norway and Sweden. According to Dahlbom (1845, 1854) the Norwegian syntype specimen was collected from Christiania (= Oslo) in July 1844 by N. Moe. However, the labels of Moe have proven to be unreliable, and much of his material include a mix of Norwegian and foreign specimens (Munster 1923: 267–268, Ødegaard & Ligaard 2000: 13). Therefore the origin of the Norwegian syntype specimen is uncertain, as are all published records from Norway based on Dahlbom’s publications (Mocsáry 1889: 541, Siebke 1880: 75, Strand 1898: 97, Frey 1915: 43, Trautmann 1927: 182, 1930: 508 (as C. fasciata), Balthasar 1954: 237 (as C. fasciata), Haupt 1957: 96 (as C. fasciata), Rosa & Soon 2012 (as C. fasciata zetterstedti)).

The species was reported from central Finland (Sa: Juva) on the basis of an uncertain record by Forsius (1925: 183, as Hexachrysis zetterstedti) and later also Rosa & Soon (2012) listed the species from the country. However, as pointed out by Vikberg (1986a: 62), the record is unreliable and the species should not be included in the Finnish fauna.

Linsenmaier (1959) classified zetterstedti as a subspecies of C. fasciata, and reported it from Fennoscandia, Russia and Siberia, while the nominotypical form was stated to occur in central and southern Europe and North Africa. A third subspecies (or form), daphne Smith, 1874, is known from Japan and the Far East. Unpublished molecular studies suggest that zetterstedti and daphne together probably represent a different species in relation to fasciata. Also morphologically they have differences which support their separation. Therefore we have considered zetterstedti as a distinct species. Rosa & Soon (2012) reported C. fasciata erroneously from the Baltic countries as C. fasciata fasciata. The closest records of C. fasciata are from Poland.

From Dahlbom’s (1845: 11) description of C. zetterstedti (“ Chrysis Zetterstedti nob. ♂ ♀. Svecia nob.; Norrveg. N. Moë ”) it can be interpreted that there were at least two Swedish specimens (one male and one female) and one Norwegian specimen (collected by N. Moe) upon which the description was based. In Dahlbom’s collection in Lund (ZMUL) there are two male specimens under the name C. zetterstedti, which are probable syntypes. One specimen bears the labels “ Laxbro 7.5.40. ”, “ Chr. Zetterstedti ” [Dahlbom's handwriting], and an additional red lable “ Typ ” was added during the mid 20th century by a former curator (Fig. 9). The second specimen bears a label with “ Moe 44 ” and it also has a square red label. As noted earlier, it is uncertain whether this specimen was originally collected from Norway. Both specimens fit with the current interpretation of the species, and therefore we here designate the Swedish specimen from Laxbro as the lectotype of C. zetterstedti.