Lethrinus genivittatus Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1830 —Longspine emperor

Status at New Ireland. New record, based on a specimen collected at Kavieng Fish Market by B. C. Russell; a video of a specimen taken off Bauddisson Island, Kavieng District, at 2–35 m depth, St. KR 58, in 2014 (identified by Barry C. Russell); another taken off Nubilus Island, off eastern New Hanover at 3–25 m depth, St. KR 90, in 2014.

Distribution and habitat. New Ireland: 1, 2.—General distribution: Indonesia east to Caroline Islands and Vanuatu, north to southern Japan, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Found in seagrass beds, in mangroves and near coral reefs, 1–25 m depth. Marine.