id,version,text,quote,uri,created_at,updated_at,post_id,creator_id,type,shape,units,geometry,src,ext,container,start,end,topic_id,post_creator_id,code_id 31097,v1.0,,"Both. Machine learning can suggest tags and connections. But there will be a human-in-the-loop for the foreseeable future. tagging artificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning human oversight Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72607,2021-06-28T18:26:00.280Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.538Z,72607,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7068 31096,v1.0,,"So it depends on consistent and widespread tagging? It's either that or machine learning I guess. tagging artificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72372,2021-06-28T18:26:00.278Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.532Z,72372,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2915,7068 31095,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2021-06-28T18:26:00.275Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.526Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7068 31094,v1.0,,"The project utilizes Bridgit ‘s mapping capability to catalyze a Massive Online Research Collaboration on COVID19. Massive Online Research Collaborations HELP researchers connect and interact with other researchers on any webpage WITHOUT any coordination EVEN IF they don't know each other or speak the same language WITH a self-generating interactive knowledge map. AI will monitor the knowledge map and send alerts about emerging threats, false news, and misinformation.",/post/71603,2021-06-28T18:26:00.273Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.520Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7068 31093,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2021-06-28T18:26:00.270Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.515Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7068 31092,v1.0,,"whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions; whether they conceptualise these devices as authorities, or whether they experience that these devices learn to handle accents, dialect speech and other ‘irregularities’.",/post/74497,2021-06-28T18:26:00.268Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.509Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7068 31091,v1.0,,"his concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-06-28T18:26:00.265Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.504Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7068 31090,v1.0,,"The problem is not whether you could use the data set. Could you curate the data set to make it unbiased? At face value, you could obfuscate the sensitive variables, and claim the dataset has not bias. But virtual variables can be inferred, even if they are not in a database, just like an exercise of missing values imputation. The big F is known to be able to infer data by crossing information between an external ID and the data of her/his contact on the platform... Thus, not... the problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them and ML/AI: we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2021-06-28T18:26:00.259Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.498Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7068 31089,v1.0,,"The crucial point when ML/AI gets in the picture is the scale. If I am the only judge and I'm working on my own locally, the tools I have to judge are limited, and bias creeps in my practice as I attempt to exploit heuristics to deal with the burden of my task. Luckily, the bias in my heuristic is local, can be made sense of and appear in audits, ...I can ultimately be trained off of some (and maybe into others... nobody is perfect). But, if I'm deploying the largest system, extremely fast and effective in browsing data, historical information, logistic information, and more: why am I still asking questions as if I were a single person with limited access to information, imagining the system will magically produce the best reply in a context in which I am even avoiding the challenge of aligning my goals with those announced in our Constitutions?",/post/61024,2021-06-28T18:26:00.256Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.493Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7068 31088,v1.0,,"When you train any machine learning system on a data set, you normally think that you are assigning a task to the machine. In truth this is always slightly different in the sense that the task is encoded in such a way that you award the machine ""gains"" for solving the puzzle through the data that you're giving it. And the machine is actually only trying to get those gains, it is not making any sense of the task. This means that any loopholes in your design will be exploited very efficiently by the machine! When this happens in a gaming context, the researchers react enthusiastically by claiming the machine ""thought outside of the box"", or ""learnt to cheat""..",/post/61024,2021-06-28T18:26:00.254Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.488Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7068 31087,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them. This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-06-28T18:26:00.251Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.482Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7068 31086,v1.0,,"So, it's interesting that a machine-learning powered translation tool would default to the formal",/post/76159,2021-06-28T18:26:00.249Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.477Z,76159,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7068 31085,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2021-06-28T18:26:00.246Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.471Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7068 31082,v1.0,,"He calls mass surveillance a ""killer app for deep learning"" and touts the virtues of a city ""carpeted with cameras.""",/post/76852,2021-06-28T18:26:00.238Z,2021-06-28T18:26:13.453Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,7068 31081,v1.0,,"Oh wow, this is really extensive, thanks so much @RobvanKranenburg! I need to wrap my head around this a little bit more - but the overall idea is: we can't ""stop"" it, but it has to be done on our terms (super simplified of course).",/post/54280,2021-06-28T18:25:37.047Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.574Z,54280,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,7068 31078,v1.0,,"Regarding IVA and AI, it's getting started a little. IVA has not been so focused on IT-related issues. Attempts have been made and now we hope we have started again with ""digitization for increased competitiveness"".",/post/65866,2021-06-28T18:25:37.040Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.558Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7068 31077,v1.0,,We are going to look at the main technologies being developed in the Next Generation Internet debate and explore how AI and Internet Infrastructure impact on indicators of equality and justice.,/post/56473,2021-06-28T18:25:37.038Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.553Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,7068 31076,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2021-06-28T18:25:37.036Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.547Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7068 31075,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2021-06-28T18:25:37.033Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.542Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7068 31074,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2021-06-28T18:25:37.030Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.537Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7068 31073,v1.0,,"The Anatomy of AI, is such a great touchstone for when we think about IoT. Often we talk about IoT, we just see a smart light bulb, or we often just see an object, you know, some sort of traffic light or something. But it's really the new vast network of stuff before, during and after that device where things get really interesting.",/post/61040,2021-06-28T18:25:37.028Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.531Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7068 31072,v1.0,,"Anatomy of AI, which is a collaboration between",/post/61040,2021-06-28T18:25:37.026Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.526Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7068 31068,v1.0,,on A,/post/54210,2021-06-28T18:25:37.018Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.505Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,7068 31067,v1.0,,"There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?",/post/54755,2021-06-28T18:25:37.016Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.499Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7068 31066,v1.0,,"None of this invalidates what you have to say. All I'm saying is this: let's all be very wary of technological determinism. Just because the tech enables something, it does not mean this something will happen",/post/52979,2021-06-28T18:25:37.014Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.493Z,52979,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,7068 31064,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2021-06-28T18:25:37.010Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.468Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,7068 31063,v1.0,,What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space?,/post/53307,2021-06-28T18:25:37.008Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.462Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7068 31062,v1.0,,"Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions.",/post/54755,2021-06-28T18:25:37.006Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.457Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7068 31061,v1.0,,Some mobile health applications like Grace Health and Lilly are using both what they are calling AI,/post/54679,2021-06-28T18:25:37.004Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.452Z,54679,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,8,7068 31060,v1.0,,"So instead the industry took a risk by developing specialized chips. There are two main types of such chips: AI and blockchain. That's the only reason why AI became a hype and we're talking about it: it is pushed on us, because industry needed a new profitable outlet for investments, and high levels of capital investment are backing AI already. ""If we are not buying it, it's going to go down. If we are not buying it, we are going to go down."" We are still in the process of making that choice if we (also: the Commission) want to invest money into AI.",/post/65148,2021-06-28T18:25:37.002Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.446Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,7068 31059,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2021-06-28T18:25:37.000Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.440Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,7068 31058,v1.0,,"I think that one misconception is that a lot of people think of AI as something akin to the highly sophisticated, autonomous artificial agents that we see in dystopian sci-fi movies: those kinds of ‘general’ AI would be able to operate across a whole range of different tasks, and would not be dependent on humans pre-defining decision problems for them. That's not the kind of AI we are dealing with now, or even in the foreseeable future.",/post/75832,2021-06-28T18:25:36.997Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.435Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7068 31057,v1.0,,"In popular culture and in public discourse, AI is often portrayed as a kind of looming entity, which is both inevitable and out of our control. People seem to worry about the ways in which we ought to adapt to the emergence of powerful new technologies: how will AI change what it means to be human? But it also seems important to turn that question on its head: how should humans shape what AI does and does not do? Which consequences of AI innovation are truly inevitable and where do human decision-makers have room to make deliberate, conscious choices about how AI affects our social life? How does your work respond to these complex questions?",/post/75832,2021-06-28T18:25:36.995Z,2021-06-28T18:26:25.430Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7068 31055,v1.0,,"the Uyghur activists “game” the app’s algorithm,",/post/59948,2021-06-28T18:25:20.909Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.173Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,7068 31054,v1.0,,"a big chunk of these unknowing Americans are locked into their own bubbles, some of which are watching Fox News, which if you have not seen it makes RT seems almost objective, and many who just stay with what the social media algorithms tell them, along with whoever they hang out with.",/post/56607,2021-06-28T18:25:20.907Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.169Z,56607,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7068 31053,v1.0,,platforms that rely on algorithmic feeds are much more susceptible to things like dogpiling for example.,/post/54141,2021-06-28T18:25:20.905Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.164Z,54141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7068 31052,v1.0,,"Digitalization of Public Administration is one of the most stupid expressions invented. Digitalization doesn't mean anything in itself. For example, you are running a welfare system at the municipal level and decide to use AI to figure out who should benefit from housing intervention, or from care: then what you are doing is that you are depriving these people from the most important thing — which is even more important than housing — namely to interact with human beings, and to be understood by someone who they can express their feelings to. We could have a technology which could be used to actually understand the people in front of you better, but you are using the technology in a wrong matter.",/post/64179,2021-06-28T18:25:20.903Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.159Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7068 31051,v1.0,,"Let’s take as an example whether or not a vague algorithm could potentially be put to good use, or to terrible use. At the moment, large companies transfer the predictability and volatility of the market onto the workers, for example, telling them when to work without any regard for their personal lives. But you could use the same algorithm to predict what benefits the worker. It's not the algorithm itself which is the problem, but the objective.",/post/64179,2021-06-28T18:25:20.901Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.154Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7068 31050,v1.0,,"NYC's policing algorithm (in)famously measures effectiveness by fairly simply metrics like numbers of arrests and severity of the causes of arrests. This has created horrific incentives for police to report highly selectively so as not to ruin their (perceived) performance, including going so far as to structurally intimidate rape victims to change their charges from rape to minor offenses.",/post/62744,2021-06-28T18:25:20.899Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.149Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,7068 31049,v1.0,,"algorithmic bias at its worst where policing and/or justice related algorithms were trained on training sets that had massively racist data points, including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but somehow remained part of the data sets.",/post/62744,2021-06-28T18:25:20.897Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.145Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,7068 31048,v1.0,,"a group in LA - Stop LAPD surveillance, automating inequality, ranging from criminal justice, homelessnes…to uncover the ways in which algorithms are used for surveillance. People got together to demand that the police releases surveillance policies. They were able to uncover the full scope, pushing back against the LAPD. Intervention takes a long time and needs a lot of work.",/post/66346,2021-06-28T18:25:20.895Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.140Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7068 31047,v1.0,,"Use of AI in judicial and social welfare, like in housing projects who gets a house, based on an algorithm. But people need to have someone recognize them as a human people,",/post/66346,2021-06-28T18:25:20.893Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.134Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7068 31046,v1.0,,What are better urban metrics in cities increasingly governed or shaped by algorithms?,/post/53307,2021-06-28T18:25:20.891Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.130Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7068 31045,v1.0,,"Amazon, for instance, was in the news recently because they used an algorithmic hiring tool that ended up having a disparate impact that disadvantaged women applicants, because the majority of applicants who had been successful at Amazon so far had been male. Suppose, for example, that an algorithmic hiring tool takes into account the number of years of coding experience for each applicant. Boys tend to be encouraged to start coding earlier in life than girls—but the amount of years of coding experience might be differently predictive for different genders in terms of future success as a ‘good employee’ in the tech industry. So, a female Amazon applicant with five years of coding experience might be just as well-suited as a male applicant with ten years of coding experience, if their current skill set is on par—but if the algorithm ranks ‘years of coding experience’ much more highly than ‘current skill set’, the algorithm will keep favouring male applicants.",/post/75832,2021-06-28T18:25:20.888Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.125Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7068 31044,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes.",/post/75832,2021-06-28T18:25:20.886Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.120Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7068 31043,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2021-06-28T18:25:20.883Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.115Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7068 31042,v1.0,,"There’s currently a run for AI. There’s all this inevitability and urgency around it: “If we don’t do AI, then China and the US will. So we need to do AI.” On a cynical day, one could imagine this is a huge fraud scheme to transfer wealth from some parties to others in the name of innovation while changing our governance structures. At the same time, the academic and civil society discussion is focused on data and algorithms. But we really need to open up a discussion about what it means to use optimization systems in managing all aspects of life.",/post/64014,2021-06-28T18:25:20.874Z,2021-06-28T18:25:30.109Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7068 30540,v1.0,,"we had a really hard time seeing how building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2021-05-14T05:17:54.394Z,2021-05-14T05:17:54.394Z,55704,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,4523 30539,v1.0,,"we had a really hard time seeing how building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2021-05-14T05:17:54.357Z,2021-05-14T05:17:54.357Z,55704,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,8093 30538,v1.0,,"we had a really hard time seeing how building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2021-05-14T05:17:54.303Z,2021-05-14T05:17:54.303Z,55704,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,427 30537,v1.0,,"In order to overcome misinformation, both journalists and teachers have a responsibility to educate the public on how to spot false narratives and stop them from spreading.",/post/54755,2021-05-14T05:11:09.427Z,2021-05-14T05:11:20.457Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3812 30536,v1.0,,Within the scope of improving digital skills and media and information literacy among library staff I run a small learning lab called (The MIL Lab).,/post/63591,2021-05-14T05:11:09.425Z,2021-05-14T05:11:20.452Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,3812 30535,v1.0,,"Though, the responsibility lies not only on journalists. “ People always assume that science journalists are experts in fake news and know how to change them. But that's not true,” said Mićo Tatalović, “Nature” news editor and Chair of the Board of the Association of British Science Writers. “I don't believe in the idea of media manipulating people. We are here to report, not to change peoples mind,” he responded about the ways science journalism can fight fake news. “ There is already too much manipulation outside. It should be the role of education and teachers. They are the expertise you need, not journalists.” Therefore, the knowledge must be passed to teachers as well.",/post/54755,2021-05-14T05:11:09.422Z,2021-05-14T05:11:20.448Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3812 30534,v1.0,,"Solutions? EducationSo, can we overcome misinformation, or is it here to stay permanently? People working with hybrid threats and information warfare stress the role of education and raising awareness in overcoming this threat.After Russia illegally annexed Crimea and started a war with Ukraine in 2014, Ukrainian media professionals spotted how the society was manipulated with misinformation for many years. Their first response was to start debunking the myths, but the long-term strategy required educating young people. Media professionals started a project where school children could learn to discern non-objective information.",/post/54755,2021-05-14T05:11:09.419Z,2021-05-14T05:11:20.443Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3812 30531,v1.0,,"Good UX guides them, informs the newbies about the presets and their reasoning, and so on. Imagine you see someone else post racist hate speech. Depending on which options and how visible these are, you might just put that person on an ""ignore"" list and move on. Or you actively block the racist. Or maybe report the content to moderators, but leave the person unblocked, because doing both requires too much effort through the interface.",/post/54153,2021-05-14T05:08:46.262Z,2021-05-14T05:08:46.262Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4275 30530,v1.0,,"We will add in self-help features, so that people who get mobbed online can mute, report, block, lock down, and have other functions that enable them to get safe",/post/54141,2021-05-14T05:08:22.599Z,2021-05-14T05:08:22.599Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7765 30529,v1.0,,"We will add in self-help features, so that people who get mobbed online can mute, report, block, lock down, and have other functions that enable them to get safe",/post/54141,2021-05-14T05:08:14.535Z,2021-05-14T05:08:14.535Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4275 30528,v1.0,,"Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.",/post/59490,2021-05-14T04:59:47.549Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.252Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,8726 30527,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2021-05-14T04:59:47.546Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.247Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,8726 30526,v1.0,,"That in contrast was what was so extremely shocking to me with what I saw from the official response after Katrina in the US in 2005, where those individual assistance initiatives were actively hindered / forbidden, and people had to wait for official help that took days and days to appear. That was handled like a law enforcement operation first (hunting 'looters') rather than an emergency aid situation. government failure police violence Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59480,2021-05-14T04:59:47.544Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.243Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,8726 30525,v1.0,,"Governments often don’t understand the systems, especially on the local level, they don't have access to the data that's being produced. They outsource the entire management of the systems, the key criteria, to private parties. And I think that's a problem. And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?",/post/63492,2021-05-14T04:59:47.542Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.237Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8726 30524,v1.0,,"Governments have been redesigning services in a one-size-fits-all approach, meaning you have the same reform of the health system or education system whether you live in Rome, or Bellino, or Paris. This means, however, that some people may have to travel to school for 45 minutes. And as a result, they grow a sense of resentment. They feel that the only places where we could live (urban areas) are depriving them of their own sense of being somebody. Resentment doesn’t only grow out of having a lower income, but also out of not being recognized. This kind of abandonment produces anger towards the experts that are perceived as working for “the other guys,” the upper class, the authorities. And the only thing you can do is hate the migrants and call for an authoritarian government which, at least, decides quickly without discussion and participatory “boring things,” what to do. They have lost their trust in democracy.",/post/64179,2021-05-14T04:59:47.540Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.232Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8726 30523,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2021-05-14T04:59:47.537Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.227Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8726 30522,v1.0,,"The computerization/mechanisation of the public sector has largely been driven by the hope that logical government (deterministic decisions, given certain input deterministic output) will make society more ""just"" and ""equal"" (i.e. a computer does not have the social sensitivity to discriminate, for instance, and even when it does - for instance through statistical short-comings - we can normally measure and assess the discrimination that occurs). But we are now half a century in to computerization - has it worked?",/post/54637,2021-05-14T04:59:47.535Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.222Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,8726 30521,v1.0,,"I think governments across Europe - certainly in Sweden - are still very much stuck in the 1960s vision of computers-as-the-saviour-of-government-through-imposing-cold-hard-logic. I.e. the ""fairness"" our governments strive for is either being able to use technology against the governments' own citizens (to find ""cheaters"") or to have a ""government machine"" that is not able to distinguish the unique life-stories of either subjects (citizens) or staff (civil servants). European Union government failure Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54637,2021-05-14T04:59:47.533Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.218Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,8726 30520,v1.0,,"It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2021-05-14T04:59:47.531Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.213Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8726 30519,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2021-05-14T04:59:47.529Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.209Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,8726 30518,v1.0,,"I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2021-05-14T04:59:47.526Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.205Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,8726 30516,v1.0,,"Also, the Dutch State did not comply with its duty of transparancy.",/post/86662,2021-05-14T04:59:47.522Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.196Z,86662,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,8726 30515,v1.0,,"Within government, there seems to be a widespread belief that societal problems can be solved through data analysis. Before we went to court, the coalition that started the case initiated talks with the ministry of Social Security. The people we talked to didn't seem to understand the privacy and other human rights issues. In the past few years, following a number of scandals, public opinion and general awareness have shifted, but I think there is still a strong undercurrent of 'law and order' arguments. After the SyRI judgment, members of parliament seem to be more aware of the legal problems. So, bringing cases like this might actually help :slight_smile:",/post/86657,2021-05-14T04:59:47.518Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.191Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,8726 30514,v1.0,,"The State argued that SyRI was necessary for preventing and combating fraud in the interest of economic welfare. The Court agreed that this is an important interest of society. However, the State failed to demonstrated that SyRI was a proportionate means to reach this goal.",/post/86665,2021-05-14T04:59:47.516Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.186Z,86665,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,8726 30513,v1.0,,"I guess it depends on the data and on the indicators used. To make good predictions you need reliable data and strong indicators. And that is a big problem if you use data from government databases, because that data is often not reliable. Garbage in = garbage out.",/post/86663,2021-05-14T04:59:47.513Z,2021-05-14T04:59:55.180Z,86663,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,8726 30512,v1.0,,"third: publicly accessible data can help in building public trust at a time when even governments manufacture fake news (though, in Seehofer's defense, his intentions might have been good). But, de facto, this does not seem to be working. We have (some) data, but trust is super low. In Belgium anti-vaxxers run rampant.",/post/92592,2021-05-14T04:58:37.093Z,2021-05-14T04:58:47.401Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8593 30511,v1.0,,"There's a lot of different motives for people to behave the way they do. It's not just market concerns. It's also solidarity, sociality. And the systems don't take that into account. Governments often don’t understand the systems, especially on the local level, they don't have access to the data that's being produced. They outsource the entire management of the systems, the key criteria, to private parties. And I think that's a problem. And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?Many public authorities, and people working on policy policy — including myself — don't really understand the systems. But because of austerity, budget cuts, they're very sensitive to the narrative about cutting costs and efficiency. They believe the systems can solve everything, but actually don't understand them. That’s why they outsource it without really asking the difficult questions: what exactly is the problem you’re trying to solve? Can we solve it by just collecting data ourselves and coming up with some automated system?",/post/63492,2021-05-14T04:47:31.043Z,2021-05-14T04:47:42.433Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8726 30510,v1.0,,"I think one of the main problems about the resistance against governments and health authorities collecting this data via the apps is that the duration of data aggregation is unclear, so is the temporality of the pandemic. This might only be the start of an era where such digital certifications, facilitated by AI tech, will be issued with less and less concern for privacy of individuals. We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-05-14T04:39:09.419Z,2021-05-14T04:39:09.419Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,8136 30509,v1.0,,"For the very first long months of the pandemic, I saw people looking at the number tables, as if they were the Olympic medal table. An unnecessary attention to the reading of numbers that in most cases did not add any information",/post/92612,2021-05-14T04:37:11.850Z,2021-05-14T04:37:11.850Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8726 30508,v1.0,,"For the very first long months of the pandemic, I saw people looking at the number tables, as if they were the Olympic medal table. An unnecessary attention to the reading of numbers that in most cases did not add any information. But I've also seen a lot of new attention and evolution. Friends, relatives, colleagues, journalists have had an approach with the subject of data and with the responsibility that one has in managing and telling them, which I had never seen. For example, I have seen journalists asking for the publication of raw and quality data with a maturity that was not there in 2019. I saw the data of the largest survey done every year on the quality of life in Italy, published in a github repo. I have seen the Italian civil protection publish data in ways that will leave a mark. Less than this can no longer be done.",/post/92612,2021-05-14T04:37:02.058Z,2021-05-14T04:37:02.058Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8588 30507,v1.0,,"Other example: the former head of Italy's pension administration authority deplored the lack of open data on unemployment benefit claims. Scholars and policy makers themselves are flying blind, with no reliable data. How can we trust people who cannot maintain a Google spreadsheet to steward a massive trove of sensitive locational data?",/post/74176,2021-05-14T04:35:32.222Z,2021-05-14T04:35:32.222Z,74176,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8726 30506,v1.0,,Participants agreed that it is not realistic to promise anonymization of locational data. A famous 2013 study shows that human mobility traces are highly unique. Four datapoints were enough to de-anonymize 95% of individuals in a large cellphone operator dataset. As one person put it:,/post/74176,2021-05-14T04:31:26.442Z,2021-05-14T04:31:37.690Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7590 30505,v1.0,,"Data governance issues: possible breaches, difficulty to anonymize the data, and so on. More on this below.",/post/74176,2021-05-14T04:31:26.440Z,2021-05-14T04:31:37.685Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7590 30495,v1.0,,"Other example: the former head of Italy's pension administration authority deplored the lack of open data on unemployment benefit claims. Scholars and policy makers themselves are flying blind, with no reliable data. How can we trust people who cannot maintain a Google spreadsheet to steward a massive trove of sensitive locational data?",/post/74176,2021-05-14T04:29:54.445Z,2021-05-14T04:30:02.236Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4542 30494,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-05-14T04:28:39.674Z,2021-05-14T04:28:46.332Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8598 30493,v1.0,,there is a serious problem for health data and their degree of openness. It is true that it is not an easy domain because it is important to combine openness and privacy. Probably I would invest on this. It is so much important to find the right balance and privacy cannot be an obstacle; rather a right to be always preserved while keeping open the overall knowledge.,/post/92583,2021-05-14T04:28:39.670Z,2021-05-14T04:28:46.325Z,92583,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8598 30492,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2021-05-14T04:28:10.122Z,2021-05-14T04:28:18.343Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,8585 30491,v1.0,,"issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2021-05-14T04:28:10.119Z,2021-05-14T04:28:18.338Z,58060,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,8585 30490,v1.0,,My guesstimate is that >95% of the data transferred does not mean anything.,/post/54514,2021-05-14T04:28:10.116Z,2021-05-14T04:28:18.333Z,54514,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,8585 30489,v1.0,,"For most of these applications, data transfer efficiency can be infinite by just keeping all the data on the user's devices.",/post/54687,2021-05-14T04:28:10.114Z,2021-05-14T04:28:18.328Z,54687,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,8585 30488,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2021-05-14T04:28:10.112Z,2021-05-14T04:28:18.323Z,58068,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,8585 30486,v1.0,,"a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all. That's like the Wild West. Completely. Interesting.",/post/61040,2021-05-14T04:26:40.345Z,2021-05-14T04:26:40.345Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,8585 30485,v1.0,,"a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all. That's like the Wild West. Completely. Interesting.",/post/61040,2021-05-14T04:26:40.344Z,2021-05-14T04:26:40.344Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,8601 30484,v1.0,,"a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all. That's like the Wild West. Completely. Interesting.",/post/61040,2021-05-14T04:26:40.298Z,2021-05-14T04:26:40.298Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1321 30483,v1.0,,"The business model of Big Tech now is based on keeping the code, providing cloud services and collecting data to profile and ultimately influence users. They cross-subsidize their cloud services with their marketing revenue streams. If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2021-05-14T04:24:59.205Z,2021-05-14T04:24:59.205Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8585 30071,v1.0,,"I've been working on the last few years is the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/67775,2021-04-06T15:36:10.138Z,2021-04-06T15:36:10.138Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7922 30070,v1.0,,"I've been working on the last few years is the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/67775,2021-04-06T15:36:10.132Z,2021-04-06T15:36:10.132Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,8590 30069,v1.0,,"I've been working on the last few years is the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/67775,2021-04-06T15:36:10.097Z,2021-04-06T15:36:10.097Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1283 30068,v1.0,,"I've been working on the last few years is the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/67775,2021-04-06T15:36:10.061Z,2021-04-06T15:36:10.061Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1028 30067,v1.0,,"I've been working on the last few years is the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/67775,2021-04-06T15:36:10.059Z,2021-04-06T15:36:10.059Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,3611 30066,v1.0,,"There is a lot that could be improved about how Europe works. And this is not the nature of policymaking, this is how policymaking is implemented in Europe. That's a problem. It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T22:20:27.808Z,2021-04-04T22:20:37.274Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1321 30065,v1.0,,"When it comes to the Digital Strategies, many people don't really understand what it's about — this also includes me by the way. We looked at the digital sector for a long time in terms of competition. We started with Microsoft in the 90s, how they sold a pre-installed Internet Explorer browser on the Microsoft Windows operating system. I arrived much later at the Commission. We looked at copyright laws, we looked at the digital single market strategy, at the revision of the ratio of digital single strategy in 2017, at autonomous and connected cars. We tried to define what kind of legislation we needed, to bring it into life in a broad manner. For example Audio Visual Media Services, we came up with a new directive two years ago. It was quite broad, but a lot of it was linked to economic law, and then what we call digital law. This included portability, geo blocking, all from a regulatory perspective. But I think this is very problematic. We wait to see what comes and then we try to regulate it, instead of coming up with more positive, efficient motivational transitions.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T22:20:27.805Z,2021-04-04T22:20:37.269Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,1321 30064,v1.0,,"most of the policies are tricks. For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T22:20:27.803Z,2021-04-04T22:20:37.265Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1321 30063,v1.0,,"The entire endeavor has no power when dealing with individual states. There is an explicit ""no naming and shaming policy."" You may be an activist group working on behalf of citizen privacy with a seat at the table, but it's a big no-no to say that Russians using the internet to spy on their citizens.",/post/78498,2021-04-04T22:20:27.793Z,2021-04-04T22:20:37.259Z,78498,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,1321 30062,v1.0,,"I don't think there is a short cut. Unfortunately, we have some major powers in this field, but we could frame it. Our best shot, however, is trying to coordinate a movement independently of the singular individual activity of producing the reflections and conversation around the topic. There is nothing bad in trying to have a bit of activism about things that are fundamentally screwing the way your life and your society work.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:24:45.947Z,2021-04-04T21:24:45.947Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8591 30061,v1.0,,"I don't think there is a short cut. Unfortunately, we have some major powers in this field, but we could frame it. Our best shot, however, is trying to coordinate a movement independently of the singular individual activity of producing the reflections and conversation around the topic. There is nothing bad in trying to have a bit of activism about things that are fundamentally screwing the way your life and your society work.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:24:45.947Z,2021-04-04T21:24:45.947Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8530 30060,v1.0,,"We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:23:26.013Z,2021-04-04T21:23:26.013Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5295 30059,v1.0,,"We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:23:25.634Z,2021-04-04T21:23:25.634Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1487 30058,v1.0,,"When you try to regulate taxes, as if we were regulating Western immigration for professionals — all the wrong and strange narratives about migrations and sustainability start to emerge. When honestly, it's your mistake for trying to regulate one phenomenon with the rules of something completely different. And the same applies to a single person — whatever his role, whether it's a doctor, or it's a judge, a policeman. We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:23:03.189Z,2021-04-04T21:23:03.189Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8097 30057,v1.0,,"When you try to regulate taxes, as if we were regulating Western immigration for professionals — all the wrong and strange narratives about migrations and sustainability start to emerge. When honestly, it's your mistake for trying to regulate one phenomenon with the rules of something completely different. And the same applies to a single person — whatever his role, whether it's a doctor, or it's a judge, a policeman. We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:23:03.176Z,2021-04-04T21:23:03.176Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8601 30056,v1.0,,"When you try to regulate taxes, as if we were regulating Western immigration for professionals — all the wrong and strange narratives about migrations and sustainability start to emerge. When honestly, it's your mistake for trying to regulate one phenomenon with the rules of something completely different. And the same applies to a single person — whatever his role, whether it's a doctor, or it's a judge, a policeman. We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:23:03.168Z,2021-04-04T21:23:03.168Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7083 30055,v1.0,,"When you train any machine learning system on a data set, you normally think that you are assigning a task to the machine. In truth this is always slightly different in the sense that the task is encoded in such a way that you award the machine ""gains"" for solving the puzzle through the data that you're giving it. And the machine is actually only trying to get those gains, it is not making any sense of the task. This means that any loopholes in your design will be exploited very efficiently by the machine! When this happens in a gaming context, the researchers react enthusiastically by claiming the machine ""thought outside of the box"", or ""learnt to cheat""..",/post/61024,2021-04-04T21:21:50.510Z,2021-04-04T21:21:50.510Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8062 30054,v1.0,,"A big question around how to come up with standards in Europe is related to those which don't undercut industrial production and outsourcing everything. One idea is introducing something like a carbon tax. It may be controversial, but we need to have this discussion regarding technology. Europe is a very important consumer market, it’s too big for most companies to do ignore. And we saw this with the GDPR.That's why ultimately — and perhaps this radical — for certain key services, like the way we communicate, talk online, or gather information it perhaps shouldn’t be completely private. Companies will try to avoid the law where they can, and especially because a lot of these companies are global, they don't even have that like cultural link.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:20:12.352Z,2021-04-04T21:20:12.352Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3715 30053,v1.0,,"A big question around how to come up with standards in Europe is related to those which don't undercut industrial production and outsourcing everything. One idea is introducing something like a carbon tax. It may be controversial, but we need to have this discussion regarding technology. Europe is a very important consumer market, it’s too big for most companies to do ignore. And we saw this with the GDPR.That's why ultimately — and perhaps this radical — for certain key services, like the way we communicate, talk online, or gather information it perhaps shouldn’t be completely private. Companies will try to avoid the law where they can, and especially because a lot of these companies are global, they don't even have that like cultural link.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:20:11.908Z,2021-04-04T21:20:11.908Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3425 30052,v1.0,,"That's why ultimately — and perhaps this radical — for certain key services, like the way we communicate, talk online, or gather information it perhaps shouldn’t be completely private. Companies will try to avoid the law where they can, and especially because a lot of these companies are global, they don't even have that like cultural link.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:19:39.460Z,2021-04-04T21:19:39.460Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8593 30051,v1.0,,"That's why ultimately — and perhaps this radical — for certain key services, like the way we communicate, talk online, or gather information it perhaps shouldn’t be completely private. Companies will try to avoid the law where they can, and especially because a lot of these companies are global, they don't even have that like cultural link.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:19:39.454Z,2021-04-04T21:19:39.454Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7927 30050,v1.0,,"That's why ultimately — and perhaps this radical — for certain key services, like the way we communicate, talk online, or gather information it perhaps shouldn’t be completely private. Companies will try to avoid the law where they can, and especially because a lot of these companies are global, they don't even have that like cultural link.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:19:39.253Z,2021-04-04T21:19:39.253Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,424 30049,v1.0,,"When it comes to the Digital Strategies, many people don't really understand what it's about — this also includes me by the way. We looked at the digital sector for a long time in terms of competition. We started with Microsoft in the 90s, how they sold a pre-installed Internet Explorer browser on the Microsoft Windows operating system. I arrived much later at the Commission. We looked at copyright laws, we looked at the digital single market strategy, at the revision of the ratio of digital single strategy in 2017, at autonomous and connected cars. We tried to define what kind of legislation we needed, to bring it into life in a broad manner. For example Audio Visual Media Services, we came up with a new directive two years ago. It was quite broad, but a lot of it was linked to economic law, and then what we call digital law. This included portability, geo blocking, all from a regulatory perspective. But I think this is very problematic. We wait to see what comes and then we try to regulate it, instead of coming up with more positive, efficient motivational transitions.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:11:00.105Z,2021-04-04T21:11:00.105Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8471 30048,v1.0,,"When it comes to the Digital Strategies, many people don't really understand what it's about — this also includes me by the way. We looked at the digital sector for a long time in terms of competition. We started with Microsoft in the 90s, how they sold a pre-installed Internet Explorer browser on the Microsoft Windows operating system. I arrived much later at the Commission. We looked at copyright laws, we looked at the digital single market strategy, at the revision of the ratio of digital single strategy in 2017, at autonomous and connected cars. We tried to define what kind of legislation we needed, to bring it into life in a broad manner. For example Audio Visual Media Services, we came up with a new directive two years ago. It was quite broad, but a lot of it was linked to economic law, and then what we call digital law. This included portability, geo blocking, all from a regulatory perspective. But I think this is very problematic. We wait to see what comes and then we try to regulate it, instead of coming up with more positive, efficient motivational transitions.",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:11:00.103Z,2021-04-04T22:21:04.976Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,979 30047,v1.0,,"We tried to define what kind of legislation we needed, to bring it into life in a broad manner. For example Audio Visual Media Services, we came up with a new directive two years ago. It was quite broad, but a lot of it was linked to economic law, and then what we call digital law. This included portability, geo blocking, all from a regulatory perspective",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:10:45.857Z,2021-04-04T21:10:45.857Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3715 30046,v1.0,,"We tried to define what kind of legislation we needed, to bring it into life in a broad manner. For example Audio Visual Media Services, we came up with a new directive two years ago. It was quite broad, but a lot of it was linked to economic law, and then what we call digital law. This included portability, geo blocking, all from a regulatory perspective",/post/63492,2021-04-04T21:10:45.752Z,2021-04-04T21:10:45.752Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8600 30045,v1.0,,"Rather than asking how tech can be fixed for the better, the more urgent and important question is: who and what are we overlooking when we turn to tech solutions? Social workers, administrators, advocates and activists, and scholars spend years becoming experts in violence prevention and response so that they can serve survivors better. How much money, time, and energy are not going to them, when we spend those resources on tech? These are the people who work directly with victims and are in the best position to inform policies and practices. We should trust what they have to say, because they have experience and have demonstrated that they have the public’s interest. The same can’t be said for tech solutions.",/post/61746,2021-04-04T21:03:28.963Z,2021-04-04T21:03:28.963Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8089 30044,v1.0,,"Rather than asking how tech can be fixed for the better, the more urgent and important question is: who and what are we overlooking when we turn to tech solutions? Social workers, administrators, advocates and activists, and scholars spend years becoming experts in violence prevention and response so that they can serve survivors better. How much money, time, and energy are not going to them, when we spend those resources on tech? These are the people who work directly with victims and are in the best position to inform policies and practices. We should trust what they have to say, because they have experience and have demonstrated that they have the public’s interest. The same can’t be said for tech solutions.",/post/61746,2021-04-04T21:03:28.941Z,2021-04-04T21:03:28.941Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,3711 30043,v1.0,,"Rather than asking how tech can be fixed for the better, the more urgent and important question is: who and what are we overlooking when we turn to tech solutions? Social workers, administrators, advocates and activists, and scholars spend years becoming experts in violence prevention and response so that they can serve survivors better. How much money, time, and energy are not going to them, when we spend those resources on tech? These are the people who work directly with victims and are in the best position to inform policies and practices. We should trust what they have to say, because they have experience and have demonstrated that they have the public’s interest. The same can’t be said for tech solutions.",/post/61746,2021-04-04T21:03:28.533Z,2021-04-04T21:03:28.533Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8064 30042,v1.0,,"For the very first long months of the pandemic, I saw people looking at the number tables, as if they were the Olympic medal table. An unnecessary attention to the reading of numbers that in most cases did not add any information.",/post/92612,2021-04-04T20:52:02.085Z,2021-04-04T20:52:11.504Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8602 30039,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2021-04-04T20:48:08.178Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.511Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,7650 30038,v1.0,,"For lobbying, well, in EU Parliament that was also (and still is) a big issue with GDPR which was watered down by influences from big tech (and if you ask me, big tech wins big with GDPR in place). I'm not sure how can we make an advertising ecosystem that gives people what they want, but treats data with confidentiality and use it only in purposes that the consumer who gave them that data allowed them to use it.",/post/58068,2021-04-04T20:48:08.176Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.505Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,7650 30037,v1.0,,Facebook got fined 5 billion dollars by the US Govt last month. The EU is about to announce its findings on FB's alleged violations of the GDPR regarding sharing WhatsApp data with FB without user consent..,/post/57964,2021-04-04T20:48:08.174Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.500Z,57964,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,7650 30036,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2021-04-04T20:48:08.172Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.494Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7650 30035,v1.0,,I have no faith that social media companies that make most of their money tracking you and subtly funneling you into where they want you to go in order to maximize revenue are ever going to allow enough user control to “un break” it.,/post/59260,2021-04-04T20:48:08.170Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.488Z,59260,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,7650 30034,v1.0,,"And FB has to operate at a scale beyond what many of us can probably even imagine. So naturally whatever they do, good or bad, is going to look big to anyone who looks. And Amazon does the same thing with Alexa.But there is a bit of a story here though for the reason you point out: they don't disclose.The ""break things"" ethos unfortunately allows a lot of room to justify unethical behavior. And this is exactly why they get so much scrutiny. The company leadership misrepresents what they do, even, in the case of Zuckerberg testifying to Congress, while under oath. Those sharks will never leave his tail after that.",/post/57960,2021-04-04T20:48:08.168Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.483Z,57960,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,7650 30033,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent, issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2021-04-04T20:48:08.166Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.476Z,58060,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,7650 30032,v1.0,,"I admit to at least some complicity in this whole process because in early 1994 I co-founded the first news website,, and we didn't make anyone pay for it. This was before Yahoo, Google, Amazon or any of the big web content providers. Everything was experimental.",/post/52985,2021-04-04T20:48:08.164Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.468Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7650 30031,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2021-04-04T20:48:08.162Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.462Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7650 30030,v1.0,,"ugh. several years ago when I talked with internet startups I advised them to move away from ad-based revenue models, as everyone would soon be using ad-blockers - but I see I was wrong: big tech is more than happy to revert it back to ad-based. Can we not come up with something more creative to make money but to shove products into our faces we don't really need? ad-blocking business model startup big tech advertising Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58802,2021-04-04T20:48:08.160Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.457Z,58802,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7650 30029,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2021-04-04T20:48:08.158Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.451Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7650 30028,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2021-04-04T20:48:08.156Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.446Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7650 30027,v1.0,,"I admit to at least some complicity in this whole process because in early 1994 I co-founded the first news website,, and we didn't make anyone pay for it. This was before Yahoo, Google, Amazon or any of the big web content providers. Everything was experimental.",/post/52985,2021-04-04T20:48:08.154Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.406Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7650 30026,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2021-04-04T20:48:08.152Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.398Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7650 30025,v1.0,,"ig Tech has successfully presented itself as the reliable and ideal alternative to the failures of traditional institutions. Because many people harbor reasonable distrust towards traditional institutions and don’t necessarily understand tech systems, Big Tech can be really appealing. I’ve really struggled with this aspect, which comes up in my fieldwork over and over again. When you have been dismissed, interrogated, and vilified by traditional institutions of law enforcement all your life, why would you want to turn to them in your moment of need? Without alleviating these institutions from their history of inequality and injustice, what does meaningfully distinguish them from Big Tech is that they are, by design, accountable to public interest. The same can’t be said for Big Tech.",/post/61746,2021-04-04T20:48:08.150Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.390Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7650 30024,v1.0,,"In Belgium there is a company called It’sMe, who does online identity. They are pushing their data onto Azure, making it GDPR and EIDAS compliant. That changed my thinking, because it showed me as even these sterling silver pieces of European thinking ends up in the Silicon Valley cloud.",/post/66346,2021-04-04T20:48:08.148Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.381Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7650 30023,v1.0,,"The business model of Big Tech now is based on keeping the code, providing cloud services and collecting data to profile and ultimately influence users. They cross-subsidize their cloud services with their marketing revenue streams. If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2021-04-04T20:48:08.145Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.370Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7650 30022,v1.0,,"nd the thing is, it's very illustrative of, of the tech industry in the tech scene over the last 10 years, from kind of utopian activists, as soon as we can, like, digitize and everything will be better, automatically to have, okay, there's actually there's complications once it hits a certain scale, and more people come in and all that stuff, and the dynamics change, and now we need to remedy some of the potential problems, too. Oh, now we really need to dig in and, and see if we are contributing to a problem because it's such a dominant force of power.",/post/61040,2021-04-04T20:48:08.143Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.361Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7650 30021,v1.0,,"we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/61040,2021-04-04T20:48:08.141Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.351Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7650 30020,v1.0,,It's as if our openness is being used against us since this very openness usually means big tech is controlled by large Corporations and Governments..,/post/61815,2021-04-04T20:48:08.138Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.344Z,61815,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,5188,7650 30019,v1.0,,"I don't think so. The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2021-04-04T20:48:08.136Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.331Z,58040,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7650 30018,v1.0,,I do think denying access to market is the only way to enforce monopolistic behavior. But does breaking up big tech companies solve the problem? So for example you would break Instagram and WhatsApp away from Facebook?,/post/57978,2021-04-04T20:48:08.134Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.320Z,57978,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,7650 30017,v1.0,,"Silicon Valley culture, even if it purports to save the world, startups get bought up by venture capitalists, which then again are owned by the ones that already currently own the world. Self-feeding. Exactly. And again, I find it sad that all this beautiful technology that could be built into really meaningful things in the end, nobody says that all the social media companies we have now or all those giants needed to go to the direction they had to it was just that's the society in which technology arrived was one in which these kinds of innovations were immediately put under profit, maximizing pressure.",/post/62431,2021-04-04T20:48:08.132Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.313Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,7650 30016,v1.0,,"The optimization systems we look at are based on a utilitarian logic. They come with very specific economic models. We need to discuss whether this kind of utilitarian model is the only model for resource allocation. And when it is not the right model, then we need to look at what would be better? As far as I know, which is little, until the end of the 60s, economic models and social choice theory predominantly assumed we are selfish agents trying to maximize our gain, and they proposed systems that could optimize over everybody’s gains. Utilitarian models have been subject to much critique. Optimization systems bring utilitarian logics back in vogue, but with the addition that they optimize resources in different domains in line with profit interests. I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources. Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation. To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want the models of life that they propose and implement.",/post/64014,2021-04-04T20:48:08.130Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.303Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7650 30015,v1.0,,"In other words, even if you don't buy the argument that ""the data barons are giving us robust tools we need"", most people and governments do.",/post/76836,2021-04-04T20:48:08.128Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.292Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 30014,v1.0,,"About Big Tech becoming the de facto infrastructure we cannot get out of- which then creates a narrative that they are somehow more capable/better able at meeting our needs, which allows them to further strengthen their positions, etc.etc.",/post/76832,2021-04-04T20:48:08.126Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.283Z,76832,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,7650 30013,v1.0,,Strong right-wing control that keeps todays hierarchies intact emboldens the tech leaders too.,/post/77004,2021-04-04T20:48:08.124Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.272Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,7650 30012,v1.0,,"It's absolutely within reach, especially if we organize to build that future beyond Big Tech. Looking forward and hoping to!",/post/77013,2021-04-04T20:48:08.122Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.264Z,77013,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4897,7650 30011,v1.0,,how Big Tech and Big Money (crucial components of neoliberalism) view the opportunities of the pandemic.,/post/77004,2021-04-04T20:48:08.120Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.253Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,7650 30010,v1.0,,"That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us.",/post/64014,2021-04-04T20:48:08.117Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.245Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7650 30009,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2021-04-04T20:48:08.115Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.234Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,7650 30008,v1.0,,"With more of us reliant on technology for our daily lives than ever before, we have become more willing to turn a blind eye to the excesses and ethical shortcomings of these companies and their business models.",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.113Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.225Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 30007,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful. This,/post/76830,2021-04-04T20:48:08.111Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.217Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,7650 30006,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful.,/post/76830,2021-04-04T20:48:08.109Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.207Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,7650 30005,v1.0,,city halls in Europe deploying Jitsi servers so that schools can host online lessons.,/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.106Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.195Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 30004,v1.0,,A world with great digital tools that are not owned and wielded by Big Tech is absolutely within reach.,/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.102Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.186Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 30003,v1.0,,they've now so entrenched their power that they are better able to uphold the kinds of infrastructures that we now rely on,/post/76830,2021-04-04T20:48:08.099Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.177Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,7650 30002,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. With Mediawiki to replace version control with an edit history (developed 2002) + any chat (which hark back to IRC, developed 1988) you could do 95% of what people do today with MS Teams",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.097Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.164Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 30001,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. With Mediawiki to replace version control with an edit history (developed 2002) + any chat (which hark back to IRC, developed 1988) you could do 95% of what people do today with MS Teams",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.095Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.152Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 30000,v1.0,,The obvious big winner of the COVID-19 crisis so far has been Big Tech.,/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.093Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.142Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 29999,v1.0,,"There is something about the way in which the services are applied in places where they are expeted to bring return on investment, leaving behind many places. Only when these companies are pressured to expand their markets, do they start deploying their services elsewhere. However, it may not be the same quality, or like Facebook did in Myanmar and Bangladesh: without any support for the local languages. It has to do with the logic of extraction, of value driving, how you deploy services.",/post/64014,2021-04-04T20:48:08.091Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.131Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7650 29998,v1.0,,"the privileged new class of remote workers can only be sustained because we have access to solid, well-functioning digital tools courtesy of the data barons of the new Gilded Age.",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.089Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.121Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 29997,v1.0,,Later on I also say that I hope this might just give us the impetus to more permanently transition to open source alternatives etc.,/post/76830,2021-04-04T20:48:08.087Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.108Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,7650 29996,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. [/",/post/76811,2021-04-04T20:48:08.085Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.098Z,76811,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4934,7650 29995,v1.0,,"that the pandemic, as it ravaged so many human lives and endeavors, has strengthened large tech companies.",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.083Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.091Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 29994,v1.0,,"many large tech companies are reporting record profits, and have been able to use this momentum to further consolidate market share.",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.081Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.081Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 29993,v1.0,,"But will it turn out to be a temporary respite for the internet giants, or are we witnessing a more permanent concentration of power over yet more aspects of our society and economy?",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.079Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.071Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 29992,v1.0,,It is not just their sizable battle chests that leaves Big Tech so well positioned in this current crisis.,/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.077Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.062Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 29991,v1.0,,"many large tech companies are reporting record profits, and have been able to use this momentum to further consolidate market share.",/post/76784,2021-04-04T20:48:08.074Z,2021-04-04T20:48:20.053Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7650 29990,v1.0,,"a lot of these systems are technically for everyone, but they’re usually only adopted by, and used for, privileged and tech savvy English speaking users. For example, workplace harassment system tools are for everybody, which should include anitorial workers, temp workers, contract workers. But they are written out of these systems because they are rarely identified as a potential user or their employment contracts subject them to a different grievance procedure.",/post/61746,2021-04-04T20:45:59.292Z,2021-04-04T20:45:59.292Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8091 29989,v1.0,,"Invest in people to train their skills, that's the only resource you should really aim at.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T20:45:14.400Z,2021-04-04T20:45:14.400Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7994 29988,v1.0,,"Invest in people to train their skills, that's the only resource you should really aim at.",/post/61024,2021-04-04T20:45:14.391Z,2021-04-04T20:45:14.391Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7610 29987,v1.0,,"Transparency is a basic principle of democracies. The availability of public data is necessary in order to involve the scientific community in managing the epidemic. In the absence of transparency, every conclusion becomes contestable on the scientific level and, therefore, also on the political level. Edit Delete No Commentindependent actor Edit Delete No Comment'scientific community' public administration Cancel Save Annotate",/post/92613,2021-03-28T20:01:16.861Z,2021-03-28T20:01:16.861Z,92613,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8593 29986,v1.0,,"The availability of public data is necessary in order to involve the scientific community in managing the epidemic. In the absence of transparency, every conclusion becomes contestable on the scientific level and, therefore, also on the political level. 'scientific community' independent actor Cancel Save Annotate",/post/92613,2021-03-28T20:01:10.028Z,2021-03-28T20:01:10.028Z,92613,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8603 29985,v1.0,,"The availability of public data is necessary in order to involve the scientific community in managing the epidemic. In the absence of transparency, every conclusion becomes contestable on the scientific level and, therefore, also on the political level. 'scientific community' independent actor Cancel Save Annotate",/post/92613,2021-03-28T20:01:09.946Z,2021-03-28T20:01:09.946Z,92613,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8595 29984,v1.0,,"Transparency is a basic principle of democracies. The availability of public data is necessary in order to involve the scientific community in managing the epidemic. In the absence of transparency, every conclusion becomes contestable on the scientific level and, therefore, also on the political level.",/post/92613,2021-03-28T20:00:40.856Z,2021-03-28T20:00:40.856Z,92613,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,7516 29983,v1.0,,"Transparency is a basic principle of democracies. The availability of public data is necessary in order to involve the scientific community in managing the epidemic. In the absence of transparency, every conclusion becomes contestable on the scientific level and, therefore, also on the political level.",/post/92613,2021-03-28T20:00:40.708Z,2021-03-28T20:00:40.708Z,92613,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,5025 29982,v1.0,,"I've also seen a lot of new attention and evolution. Friends, relatives, colleagues, journalists have had an approach with the subject of data and with the responsibility that one has in managing and telling them, which I had never seen. For example, I have seen journalists asking for the publication of raw and quality data with a maturity that was not there in 2019. I saw the data of the largest survey done every year on the quality of life in Italy, published in a github repo. I have seen the Italian civil protection publish data in ways that will leave a mark. Less than this can no longer be done.",/post/92612,2021-03-28T20:00:08.328Z,2021-03-28T20:00:08.328Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8602 29981,v1.0,,"For the very first long months of the pandemic, I saw people looking at the number tables, as if they were the Olympic medal table. An unnecessary attention to the reading of numbers that in most cases did not add any information.",/post/92612,2021-03-28T19:59:37.390Z,2021-03-28T19:59:37.390Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8601 29980,v1.0,,"For the very first long months of the pandemic, I saw people looking at the number tables, as if they were the Olympic medal table. An unnecessary attention to the reading of numbers that in most cases did not add any information.",/post/92612,2021-03-28T19:59:37.304Z,2021-03-28T19:59:37.304Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,4733 29979,v1.0,,"Civil society and NGO that deal with these issues must be committed to teaming up, they must be prepared and ready. We have done a good job of keeping attention on the issue, creating a large and above all new network. But it is still too little. We will dedicate the resources we have available to do better and more in 2021.",/post/92612,2021-03-28T19:58:01.571Z,2021-03-28T19:58:01.571Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,1683 29978,v1.0,,"Civil society and NGO that deal with these issues must be committed to teaming up, they must be prepared and ready. We have done a good job of keeping attention on the issue, creating a large and above all new network. But it is still too little. We will dedicate the resources we have available to do better and more in 2021.",/post/92612,2021-03-28T19:58:01.361Z,2021-03-28T19:58:01.361Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8591 29977,v1.0,,"Civil society and NGO that deal with these issues must be committed to teaming up, they must be prepared and ready. We have done a good job of keeping attention on the issue, creating a large and above all new network. But it is still too little. We will dedicate the resources we have available to do better and more in 2021.",/post/92612,2021-03-28T19:58:01.179Z,2021-03-28T19:58:01.179Z,92612,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,1207 29976,v1.0,,"oh no no, I've been studying since years fully decentralized approachs. There is no need to centralize the data in 2021!! For instance paradigms as Linked Data and projects like solid demonstrate that it is possible :) decentralisation open data Cancel Save Annotate",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:56:38.436Z,2021-03-28T19:56:38.436Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,4299 29975,v1.0,,"oh no no, I've been studying since years fully decentralized approachs. There is no need to centralize the data in 2021!! For instance paradigms as Linked Data and projects like solid demonstrate that it is possible :) decentralisation open data Cancel Save Annotate",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:56:38.423Z,2021-03-28T19:56:38.423Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29974,v1.0,,"Finding the right balance is something we need to work on, all researchers, PAs and also the private sector. It is not easy: aggregate means loosing information. probably we need to investigate more how to apply strong privacy preserving techniques that are available at the state of the art. I still see this as a very big obstacle because skills are missing, in particular in public sector. That's way I keep on saying that a much larger collaboration with research institutions and PAs for instance is key to make progresses and break the barrier of the fear that usually exists when opening data that may have some impact on privacy rights",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:56:17.969Z,2021-03-28T19:56:17.969Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,5891 29973,v1.0,,"Finding the right balance is something we need to work on, all researchers, PAs and also the private sector. It is not easy: aggregate means loosing information. probably we need to investigate more how to apply strong privacy preserving techniques that are available at the state of the art. I still see this as a very big obstacle because skills are missing, in particular in public sector. That's way I keep on saying that a much larger collaboration with research institutions and PAs for instance is key to make progresses and break the barrier of the fear that usually exists when opening data that may have some impact on privacy rights",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:56:17.942Z,2021-03-28T19:56:17.942Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29972,v1.0,,That's way I keep on saying that a much larger collaboration with research institutions and PAs for instance is key to make progresses and break the barrier of the fear that usually exists when opening data that may have some impact on privacy rights,/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:56:01.028Z,2021-03-28T19:56:01.028Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8590 29971,v1.0,,That's way I keep on saying that a much larger collaboration with research institutions and PAs for instance is key to make progresses and break the barrier of the fear that usually exists when opening data that may have some impact on privacy rights,/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:56:01.024Z,2021-03-28T19:56:01.024Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8591 29970,v1.0,,probably we need to investigate more how to apply strong privacy preserving techniques that are available at the state of the art.,/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:55:21.775Z,2021-03-28T19:55:21.775Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8594 29969,v1.0,,probably we need to investigate more how to apply strong privacy preserving techniques that are available at the state of the art.,/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:55:21.753Z,2021-03-28T19:55:21.753Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,3610 29968,v1.0,,It is not easy: aggregate means loosing information,/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:55:06.109Z,2021-03-28T19:55:06.109Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7298 29967,v1.0,,It is not easy: aggregate means loosing information,/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:55:06.108Z,2021-03-28T19:55:06.108Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8136 29966,v1.0,,"open data does not include personal data, with some exceptions to balance other rights (e.g., transparency). However, there are tons of data owned by PAs that can be definitely returned back to the society because it does not include personal data (e.g., environmental data. Why are still so closed?) :",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:54:25.851Z,2021-03-28T19:54:25.851Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8600 29965,v1.0,,"open data does not include personal data, with some exceptions to balance other rights (e.g., transparency). However, there are tons of data owned by PAs that can be definitely returned back to the society because it does not include personal data (e.g., environmental data. Why are still so closed?) :",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:54:25.747Z,2021-03-28T19:54:25.747Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,3814 29964,v1.0,,"open data does not include personal data, with some exceptions to balance other rights (e.g., transparency). However, there are tons of data owned by PAs that can be definitely returned back to the society because it does not include personal data (e.g., environmental data. Why are still so closed?) :",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:54:25.722Z,2021-03-28T19:54:25.722Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7927 29963,v1.0,,"open data does not include personal data, with some exceptions to balance other rights (e.g., transparency). However, there are tons of data owned by PAs that can be definitely returned back to the society because it does not include personal data (e.g., environmental data. Why are still so closed?) :",/post/92609,2021-03-28T19:54:25.691Z,2021-03-28T19:54:25.691Z,92609,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29962,v1.0,,"I have read your petition and I followed the link to Integrated COVID-19 Surveillance of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The ""open data"" they offer shows cases by date and cases by region. Is what you are demanding the right to see the raw data that creates those totals? How personal is that data if it is disaggregated? First of all that data is not open data and this is something we should tell the people about because we need to let people understand what open data is truly",/post/92605,2021-03-28T19:52:46.176Z,2021-03-28T19:52:46.176Z,92605,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7068 29961,v1.0,,"I have read your petition and I followed the link to Integrated COVID-19 Surveillance of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The ""open data"" they offer shows cases by date and cases by region. Is what you are demanding the right to see the raw data that creates those totals? How personal is that data if it is disaggregated? First of all that data is not open data and this is something we should tell the people about because we need to let people understand what open data is truly!",/post/92605,2021-03-28T19:52:28.288Z,2021-03-28T19:52:28.288Z,92605,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8588 29960,v1.0,,"I have read your petition and I followed the link to Integrated COVID-19 Surveillance of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità. The ""open data"" they offer shows cases by date and cases by region. Is what you are demanding the right to see the raw data that creates those totals? How personal is that data if it is disaggregated? First of all that data is not open data and this is something we should tell the people about because we need to let people understand what open data is truly!",/post/92605,2021-03-28T19:52:28.102Z,2021-03-28T19:52:28.102Z,92605,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29959,v1.0,,"Another example I can give you is that Eurostat has a massive database on weekly deaths. It is available for most countries and is the main source of excess death graphs one sees online. But Germany is missing from Eurostat even though the German statistical agency publishes this information online. So I don't get why cant this be added to the centralized database. Unlike tracing apps data, this information is already in the public domain. There is a need for data solidarity in Europe.",/post/92604,2021-03-28T19:51:53.922Z,2021-03-28T19:51:53.922Z,92604,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,8534 29958,v1.0,,"Another example I can give you is that Eurostat has a massive database on weekly deaths. It is available for most countries and is the main source of excess death graphs one sees online. But Germany is missing from Eurostat even though the German statistical agency publishes this information online. So I don't get why cant this be added to the centralized database. Unlike tracing apps data, this information is already in the public domain. There is a need for data solidarity in Europe.",/post/92604,2021-03-28T19:51:53.922Z,2021-03-28T19:51:53.922Z,92604,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,8598 29957,v1.0,,"Another example I can give you is that Eurostat has a massive database on weekly deaths. It is available for most countries and is the main source of excess death graphs one sees online. But Germany is missing from Eurostat even though the German statistical agency publishes this information online. So I don't get why cant this be added to the centralized database. Unlike tracing apps data, this information is already in the public domain. There is a need for data solidarity in Europe.",/post/92604,2021-03-28T19:51:53.899Z,2021-03-28T19:51:53.899Z,92604,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,3535 29956,v1.0,,Opening up data allows us to better control these cases and probably avoid unnecessary controversies.,/post/92602,2021-03-28T19:50:36.734Z,2021-03-28T19:50:36.734Z,92602,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8537 29955,v1.0,,"Well, for a week one Italian region was in red area because based on some data that the central government collects, the resulting color was red. They complained a lot since they claimed it was not true. Nobody, especially not citizens, could verify that. Where is the truth? Opening up data allows us to better control these cases and probably avoid unnecessary controversies.",/post/92602,2021-03-28T19:50:11.129Z,2021-03-28T19:50:11.129Z,92602,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,6077 29954,v1.0,,"in Italy we decided to take decisions on COVID restrictions based on data. That’s very important btw. The idea is that Italian regions are color-coded according to three main colors. Yellow: you can do some things but not others (e.g., you cannot go to the restaurants during the evening); orange (there are some restrictions. but still there is some freedom of movement); red (you essential are quite stuck at home with some exceptions). Well, for a week one Italian region was in red area because based on some data that the central government collects, the resulting color was red. They complained a lot since they claimed it was not true. Nobody, especially not citizens, could verify that. Where is the truth? Opening up data allows us to better control these cases and probably avoid unnecessary controversies.",/post/92602,2021-03-28T19:49:54.133Z,2021-03-28T19:49:54.133Z,92602,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,5877 29953,v1.0,,"in Italy we decided to take decisions on COVID restrictions based on data. That’s very important btw. The idea is that Italian regions are color-coded according to three main colors. Yellow: you can do some things but not others (e.g., you cannot go to the restaurants during the evening); orange (there are some restrictions. but still there is some freedom of movement); red (you essential are quite stuck at home with some exceptions). Well, for a week one Italian region was in red area because based on some data that the central government collects, the resulting color was red. They complained a lot since they claimed it was not true. Nobody, especially not citizens, could verify that. Where is the truth? Opening up data allows us to better control these cases and probably avoid unnecessary controversies.",/post/92602,2021-03-28T19:49:54.130Z,2021-03-28T19:49:54.130Z,92602,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,5156 29952,v1.0,,"all countries now have fancy dashboards, but how to get to the data behind them, is a massive challenge.",/post/92600,2021-03-28T19:48:42.857Z,2021-03-28T19:48:42.857Z,92600,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,7677 29951,v1.0,,"all countries now have fancy dashboards, but how to get to the data behind them, is a massive challenge.",/post/92600,2021-03-28T19:48:42.846Z,2021-03-28T19:48:42.846Z,92600,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,3611 29950,v1.0,,"When the EC/JRC starting putting together NUTS2 level COVID-19 maps, I thought that they would start releasing regional data as well. They clearly have it and I would have made a lot of sense for research work. But suddenly they announced in October 2020 that they would actually scale down the whole thing and only release aggregated bi-weekly statistics. This was really surprising and in the opposite direction I thought they would go. I think besides the countries holding back on data, the EU is also not doing much. It might be on purpose.",/post/92600,2021-03-28T19:48:14.885Z,2021-03-28T19:48:14.885Z,92600,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,8136 29949,v1.0,,"When the EC/JRC starting putting together NUTS2 level COVID-19 maps, I thought that they would start releasing regional data as well. They clearly have it and I would have made a lot of sense for research work. But suddenly they announced in October 2020 that they would actually scale down the whole thing and only release aggregated bi-weekly statistics. This was really surprising and in the opposite direction I thought they would go. I think besides the countries holding back on data, the EU is also not doing much. It might be on purpose.",/post/92600,2021-03-28T19:48:14.885Z,2021-03-28T19:48:14.885Z,92600,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,7559 29948,v1.0,,"When the EC/JRC starting putting together NUTS2 level COVID-19 maps, I thought that they would start releasing regional data as well. They clearly have it and I would have made a lot of sense for research work. But suddenly they announced in October 2020 that they would actually scale down the whole thing and only release aggregated bi-weekly statistics. This was really surprising and in the opposite direction I thought they would go. I think besides the countries holding back on data, the EU is also not doing much. It might be on purpose.",/post/92600,2021-03-28T19:48:14.853Z,2021-03-28T19:48:14.853Z,92600,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7231,3611 29947,v1.0,,"In this year, here in Italy, I have too often heard decision makers say phrases that showed that they did not have the necessary basic knowledge on these issues. These issues are important, they must be a piece of their profession. Data literacy by default",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:20:34.804Z,2021-03-28T19:20:34.804Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8588 29946,v1.0,,"In this year, here in Italy, I have too often heard decision makers say phrases that showed that they did not have the necessary basic knowledge on these issues. These issues are important, they must be a piece of their profession. Data literacy by default",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:20:34.410Z,2021-03-28T19:20:34.410Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8594 29945,v1.0,,"In this year, here in Italy, I have too often heard decision makers say phrases that showed that they did not have the necessary basic knowledge on these issues. These issues are important, they must be a piece of their profession. Data literacy by default",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:20:34.390Z,2021-03-28T19:20:34.390Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,4868 29944,v1.0,,"Build stable and clear procedures that allow and define the modalities of interlucution between the parties: decision makers, researchers, associations, companies, citizens.",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:19:51.073Z,2021-03-28T19:19:51.073Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,6718 29943,v1.0,,"Build stable and clear procedures that allow and define the modalities of interlucution between the parties: decision makers, researchers, associations, companies, citizens.",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:19:51.061Z,2021-03-28T19:19:51.061Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,6933 29942,v1.0,,"Build stable and clear procedures that allow and define the modalities of interlucution between the parties: decision makers, researchers, associations, companies, citizens.",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:19:51.052Z,2021-03-28T19:19:51.052Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,4054 29941,v1.0,,"Build stable and clear procedures that allow and define the modalities of interlucution between the parties: decision makers, researchers, associations, companies, citizens.",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:19:50.939Z,2021-03-28T19:19:50.939Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8591 29940,v1.0,,"Building processes where open data is one of 100 outcomes; do not build an isolated process designed only for publishing open data. Because otherwise it is not sustainable and in most cases, sooner or later it will stop or produce dirty data; - Build stable and clear procedures that allow and define the modalities of interlucution between the parties: decision makers, researchers, associations, companies, citizens.",/post/92599,2021-03-28T19:18:00.525Z,2021-03-28T19:18:00.525Z,92599,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8589 29939,v1.0,,"2) revise processes. Take one important case with a big impact and work on the overall process and governance in order to identify blocking elements and to let open data be by design part of the process. Process will become sustainable, data will become probably of high quality and an impact, I am sure will show up!",/post/92587,2021-03-28T19:16:39.376Z,2021-03-28T19:16:39.376Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8599 29938,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.946Z,2021-03-28T19:14:39.946Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8586 29937,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.916Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.131Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1534 29936,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.872Z,2021-03-28T19:14:39.872Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29935,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.668Z,2021-03-28T19:14:39.668Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8597 29934,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.616Z,2021-03-28T19:14:39.616Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8598 29933,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.553Z,2021-03-28T19:14:39.553Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7677 29932,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.550Z,2021-03-28T19:14:39.550Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7516 29931,v1.0,,"What's thing number one you would do (with the data, but not only) if Italian COVID data actually became open and accessible to everyone? I would definitely reuse it to link it to other data! It is not the single dataset that unlocks the value but the ability to link it to other data that can allow us to truly benefit of the shared and open knowledge",/post/92597,2021-03-28T19:14:39.519Z,2021-03-28T19:14:39.519Z,92597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,5156 29930,v1.0,,With more open data probably that strange situation with continuous controversies could be easily and quickly fixed!,/post/92595,2021-03-28T19:12:55.284Z,2021-03-28T19:12:55.284Z,92595,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29929,v1.0,,"To what extent keeping the Covid data closed is hampering the fight against the pandemic I tell you the Italian story. For days some Italian regions complained for the government decision to put the region in ""red"". Not sure you know that based on some data (mostly closed to everybody) the government takes decisions on closing or opening up social and public activities. They claimed that they were orange or even yellow (better colors because most of the activities are tot open). And they asked to be moved at least in orange area. Well, we do not know precisely if the first government decision that limited so much the freedom of enterprises and citizens is correct or not. With more open data probably that strange situation with continuous controversies could be easily and quickly fixed!",/post/92595,2021-03-28T19:12:49.599Z,2021-03-28T19:12:49.599Z,92595,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7516 29928,v1.0,,"To what extent keeping the Covid data closed is hampering the fight against the pandemic I tell you the Italian story. For days some Italian regions complained for the government decision to put the region in ""red"". Not sure you know that based on some data (mostly closed to everybody) the government takes decisions on closing or opening up social and public activities. They claimed that they were orange or even yellow (better colors because most of the activities are tot open). And they asked to be moved at least in orange area. Well, we do not know precisely if the first government decision that limited so much the freedom of enterprises and citizens is correct or not. With more open data probably that strange situation with continuous controversies could be easily and quickly fixed!",/post/92595,2021-03-28T19:12:49.317Z,2021-03-28T19:12:49.317Z,92595,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,6077 29927,v1.0,,"To what extent keeping the Covid data closed is hampering the fight against the pandemic I tell you the Italian story. For days some Italian regions complained for the government decision to put the region in ""red"". Not sure you know that based on some data (mostly closed to everybody) the government takes decisions on closing or opening up social and public activities. They claimed that they were orange or even yellow (better colors because most of the activities are tot open). And they asked to be moved at least in orange area. Well, we do not know precisely if the first government decision that limited so much the freedom of enterprises and citizens is correct or not. With more open data probably that strange situation with continuous controversies could be easily and quickly fixed!",/post/92595,2021-03-28T19:12:49.294Z,2021-03-28T19:12:49.294Z,92595,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,5877 29926,v1.0,,"To what extent keeping the Covid data closed is hampering the fight against the pandemic I tell you the Italian story. For days some Italian regions complained for the government decision to put the region in ""red"". Not sure you know that based on some data (mostly closed to everybody) the government takes decisions on closing or opening up social and public activities. They claimed that they were orange or even yellow (better colors because most of the activities are tot open). And they asked to be moved at least in orange area. Well, we do not know precisely if the first government decision that limited so much the freedom of enterprises and citizens is correct or not. With more open data probably that strange situation with continuous controversies could be easily and quickly fixed!",/post/92595,2021-03-28T19:12:49.289Z,2021-03-28T19:12:49.289Z,92595,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7559 29925,v1.0,,"To what extent keeping the Covid data closed is hampering the fight against the pandemic I tell you the Italian story. For days some Italian regions complained for the government decision to put the region in ""red"". Not sure you know that based on some data (mostly closed to everybody) the government takes decisions on closing or opening up social and public activities. They claimed that they were orange or even yellow (better colors because most of the activities are tot open). And they asked to be moved at least in orange area. Well, we do not know precisely if the first government decision that limited so much the freedom of enterprises and citizens is correct or not. With more open data probably that strange situation with continuous controversies could be easily and quickly fixed!",/post/92595,2021-03-28T19:12:49.264Z,2021-03-28T19:12:49.264Z,92595,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1037 29924,v1.0,,"Because we have many data of poor quality and this prevents to see a real impact of its reuse. In addition, many important data with a strong and direct impact is still closed I am afraid. This means that people cannot appreciate the potential of opening up data",/post/92592,2021-03-28T19:10:03.140Z,2021-03-28T19:10:03.140Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8597 29923,v1.0,,"Because we have many data of poor quality and this prevents to see a real impact of its reuse. In addition, many important data with a strong and direct impact is still closed I am afraid. This means that people cannot appreciate the potential of opening up data",/post/92592,2021-03-28T19:10:03.024Z,2021-03-28T19:10:03.024Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7298 29922,v1.0,,"Because we have many data of poor quality and this prevents to see a real impact of its reuse. In addition, many important data with a strong and direct impact is still closed I am afraid. This means that people cannot appreciate the potential of opening up data",/post/92592,2021-03-28T19:10:03.003Z,2021-03-28T19:10:03.003Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,4447 29921,v1.0,,Take into account that knowledge is power and having informed citizens implies having less control on them. Open Data enables a wider knowledge and possibly citizens who can reason and develop their own opinions.,/post/92592,2021-03-28T19:08:30.449Z,2021-03-28T19:08:30.449Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29920,v1.0,,Take into account that knowledge is power and having informed citizens implies having less control on them. Open Data enables a wider knowledge and possibly citizens who can reason and develop their own opinions.,/post/92592,2021-03-28T19:08:30.417Z,2021-03-28T19:08:30.417Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7334 29919,v1.0,,Take into account that knowledge is power and having informed citizens implies having less control on them. Open Data enables a wider knowledge and possibly citizens who can reason and develop their own opinions.,/post/92592,2021-03-28T19:08:30.255Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.125Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1534 29915,v1.0,,"third: publicly accessible data can help in building public trust at a time when even governments manufacture fake news (though, in Seehofer's defense, his intentions might have been good). But, de facto, this does not seem to be working. We have (some) data, but trust is super low. In Belgium anti-vaxxers run rampant.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:49:18.193Z,2021-03-28T04:49:18.193Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,6077 29914,v1.0,,"third: publicly accessible data can help in building public trust at a time when even governments manufacture fake news (though, in Seehofer's defense, his intentions might have been good). But, de facto, this does not seem to be working. We have (some) data, but trust is super low. In Belgium anti-vaxxers run rampant.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:49:18.093Z,2021-05-14T04:59:00.170Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7746 29913,v1.0,,"third: publicly accessible data can help in building public trust at a time when even governments manufacture fake news (though, in Seehofer's defense, his intentions might have been good). But, de facto, this does not seem to be working. We have (some) data, but trust is super low. In Belgium anti-vaxxers run rampant.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:49:18.020Z,2021-03-28T04:49:18.020Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8593 29912,v1.0,,"third: publicly accessible data can help in building public trust at a time when even governments manufacture fake news (though, in Seehofer's defense, his intentions might have been good). But, de facto, this does not seem to be working. We have (some) data, but trust is super low. In Belgium anti-vaxxers run rampant.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:49:18.017Z,2021-03-28T04:49:18.017Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7559 29911,v1.0,,"Second: there is an issue with the independence of the institutions whose job is to gather, publish and use the data. Science should be independent, but can the Koch Institute really annoy the all-powerful federal minister? Here I see a role for civil society, and organizations such as Andrea's own Ondata.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:48:34.047Z,2021-03-28T04:48:34.047Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8595 29910,v1.0,,"Second: there is an issue with the independence of the institutions whose job is to gather, publish and use the data. Science should be independent, but can the Koch Institute really annoy the all-powerful federal minister? Here I see a role for civil society, and organizations such as Andrea's own Ondata.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:48:33.978Z,2021-03-28T04:48:33.978Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8468 29909,v1.0,,"Second: there is an issue with the independence of the institutions whose job is to gather, publish and use the data. Science should be independent, but can the Koch Institute really annoy the all-powerful federal minister? Here I see a role for civil society, and organizations such as Andrea's own Ondata.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:48:33.960Z,2021-03-28T04:48:33.960Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7079 29908,v1.0,,"Second: there is an issue with the independence of the institutions whose job is to gather, publish and use the data. Science should be independent, but can the Koch Institute really annoy the all-powerful federal minister? Here I see a role for civil society, and organizations such as Andrea's own Ondata.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:48:33.831Z,2021-03-28T04:48:33.831Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7997 29907,v1.0,,"First: there is a structural tendency of governments towards a strategic use of information. Open data and open modelling limit such use, so that is an obstacle to their adoption.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:46:57.383Z,2021-03-28T04:46:57.383Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7516 29906,v1.0,,"First: there is a structural tendency of governments towards a strategic use of information. Open data and open modelling limit such use, so that is an obstacle to their adoption.",/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:46:57.372Z,2021-03-28T04:46:57.372Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29905,v1.0,,First: there is a structural tendency of governments towards a strategic use of information.,/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:46:34.222Z,2021-03-28T04:46:34.222Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,6077 29904,v1.0,,First: there is a structural tendency of governments towards a strategic use of information.,/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:46:34.218Z,2021-03-28T04:46:34.218Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8593 29903,v1.0,,First: there is a structural tendency of governments towards a strategic use of information.,/post/92592,2021-03-28T04:46:34.214Z,2021-03-28T04:46:34.214Z,92592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7559 29902,v1.0,,"Open data must no longer be something special, but one of the automatic consequences of the work on public information assets. It must be like opening a water tap at home, a fact that can be taken for granted: quality assurance, available on request, whose contact person is known, whose process documentation exists, etc.",/post/92588,2021-03-28T04:45:43.491Z,2021-03-28T04:45:43.491Z,92588,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8594 29901,v1.0,,"Open data must no longer be something special, but one of the automatic consequences of the work on public information assets. It must be like opening a water tap at home, a fact that can be taken for granted: quality assurance, available on request, whose contact person is known, whose process documentation exists, etc.",/post/92588,2021-03-28T04:45:43.481Z,2021-03-28T04:45:43.481Z,92588,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7230,8593 29899,v1.0,,start reasoning in terms of community. Public/private/research institutions and communities with their organisations should start work TOGETHER and not in silos! Promote a greater collaboration among these actors. It is not necessarily bad if it is private :),/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:43:55.631Z,2021-03-28T04:43:55.631Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8591 29898,v1.0,,start reasoning in terms of community. Public/private/research institutions and communities with their organisations should start work TOGETHER and not in silos! Promote a greater collaboration among these actors. It is not necessarily bad if it is private :),/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:43:55.422Z,2021-03-28T19:46:42.054Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8591 29897,v1.0,,ake one important case with a big impact and work on the overall process and governance in order to identify blocking elements and to let open data be by design part of the process,/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:42:59.926Z,2021-03-28T04:42:59.926Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8590 29896,v1.0,,"2) revise processes. Take one important case with a big impact and work on the overall process and governance in order to identify blocking elements and to let open data be by design part of the process. Process will become sustainable, data will become probably of high quality and an impact, I am sure will show up!",/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:42:14.227Z,2021-03-28T04:42:14.227Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8589 29895,v1.0,,"start training civil servants and raise the awareness in even larger number of communities. We need to change the mindset: ""the data is mine and I decide how and when to open or share it"" is something OLD that prevents us to move forward. It",/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:40:48.494Z,2021-03-28T04:40:48.494Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8588 29894,v1.0,,"start training civil servants and raise the awareness in even larger number of communities. We need to change the mindset: ""the data is mine and I decide how and when to open or share it"" is something OLD that prevents us to move forward. It",/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:40:48.446Z,2021-03-28T04:40:48.446Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8587 29893,v1.0,,"start training civil servants and raise the awareness in even larger number of communities. We need to change the mindset: ""the data is mine and I decide how and when to open or share it"" is something OLD that prevents us to move forward. It",/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:40:48.395Z,2021-05-14T05:02:02.623Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,4704 29892,v1.0,,"We need to change the mindset: ""the data is mine and I decide how and when to open or share it"" is something OLD that prevents us to move forward. I",/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:39:49.480Z,2021-03-28T04:39:49.480Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,7562 29891,v1.0,,"We need to change the mindset: ""the data is mine and I decide how and when to open or share it"" is something OLD that prevents us to move forward. I",/post/92587,2021-03-28T04:39:49.464Z,2021-03-28T04:39:49.464Z,92587,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,3814 29890,v1.0,,there is a serious problem for health data and their degree of openness. It is true that it is not an easy domain because it is important to combine openness and privacy. Probably I would invest on this. It is so much important to find the right balance and privacy cannot be an obstacle; rather a right to be always preserved while keeping open the overall knowledge.,/post/92583,2021-03-28T04:38:49.124Z,2021-03-28T04:38:49.124Z,92583,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,8586 29889,v1.0,,there is a serious problem for health data and their degree of openness. It is true that it is not an easy domain because it is important to combine openness and privacy. Probably I would invest on this. It is so much important to find the right balance and privacy cannot be an obstacle; rather a right to be always preserved while keeping open the overall knowledge.,/post/92583,2021-03-28T04:38:49.022Z,2021-03-28T04:38:49.022Z,92583,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,5891 29888,v1.0,,there is a serious problem for health data and their degree of openness. It is true that it is not an easy domain because it is important to combine openness and privacy. Probably I would invest on this. It is so much important to find the right balance and privacy cannot be an obstacle; rather a right to be always preserved while keeping open the overall knowledge.,/post/92583,2021-03-28T04:38:48.901Z,2021-03-28T04:38:48.901Z,92583,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,1250 29887,v1.0,,"It is true that it is not an easy domain because it is important to combine openness and privacy. Probably I would invest on this. It is so much important to find the right balance and privacy cannot be an obstacle; rather a right to be always preserved while keeping open the overall knowledge. privacy Cancel Save Annotate",/post/92583,2021-03-28T04:38:29.131Z,2021-03-28T04:38:29.131Z,92583,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,7160,3610 29886,v1.0,,"I think one of the main problems about the resistance against governments and health authorities collecting this data via the apps is that the duration of data aggregation is unclear, so is the temporality of the pandemic. This might only be the start of an era where such digital certifications, facilitated by AI tech, will be issued with less and less concern for privacy of individuals. We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:29:35.207Z,2021-03-28T04:29:35.207Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,6172 29885,v1.0,,"I think one of the main problems about the resistance against governments and health authorities collecting this data via the apps is that the duration of data aggregation is unclear, so is the temporality of the pandemic. This might only be the start of an era where such digital certifications, facilitated by AI tech, will be issued with less and less concern for privacy of individuals. We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:29:35.200Z,2021-03-28T04:29:35.200Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,8468 29884,v1.0,,"I think one of the main problems about the resistance against governments and health authorities collecting this data via the apps is that the duration of data aggregation is unclear, so is the temporality of the pandemic. This might only be the start of an era where such digital certifications, facilitated by AI tech, will be issued with less and less concern for privacy of individuals. We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:29:35.181Z,2021-03-28T04:29:35.181Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,6077 29883,v1.0,,"I think one of the main problems about the resistance against governments and health authorities collecting this data via the apps is that the duration of data aggregation is unclear, so is the temporality of the pandemic. This might only be the start of an era where such digital certifications, facilitated by AI tech, will be issued with less and less concern for privacy of individuals. We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:29:35.159Z,2021-03-28T04:29:35.159Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,7559 29882,v1.0,,"I think one of the main problems about the resistance against governments and health authorities collecting this data via the apps is that the duration of data aggregation is unclear, so is the temporality of the pandemic. This might only be the start of an era where such digital certifications, facilitated by AI tech, will be issued with less and less concern for privacy of individuals. We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:29:34.783Z,2021-03-28T04:29:34.783Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,8585 29881,v1.0,,"We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:27:30.153Z,2021-03-28T04:27:30.153Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,7954 29880,v1.0,,"We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:27:30.113Z,2021-03-28T04:27:30.113Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,1150 29879,v1.0,,"We already know how the pandemic is creating extra vulnerabilities for people on the move, border regimes, the class-based inequalities etc.",/post/92576,2021-03-28T04:27:30.013Z,2021-03-28T04:27:30.013Z,92576,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,15354,3816,5349 29654,v1.0,,"User control is not just a policy issue. And not just a privacy or bubble issue. Or a UI issue. It is all of them. Facebook would say, “but you do have user control. You control who your friends are, many privacy settings, what groups you want to join and so much else.” But what about following me around? What if I control that for myself? What if I say don’t follow me here (have private browsing but Matt Coleman security expert extraordinaire says they aren’t all that private) but you can follow me to these sites while I shop for something, and when I find it you leave me alone again, as one example. Anyway I don’t see how at this point the giant companies can be controlled other than to enforce ways that allow authentic competition. Fining them does nothing as far as I can tell. Right now they just crush or buy what looks interesting or makes them more profitable or dominant. And again this is the bobsled course. Go fast and can’t get off.",/post/56634,2021-03-19T18:37:41.944Z,2021-03-19T18:37:41.944Z,56634,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,8537 29653,v1.0,,This is why I think it is necessary to have good user controls in social media for it to work in ways that we here think it should work. (Assuming we are more or less aligned.),/post/59261,2021-03-19T18:36:54.582Z,2021-03-19T18:36:54.582Z,59261,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,8537 29652,v1.0,,"Hosting info for others definitely comes at a cost, both for the host and the guest, considering ""there's no free lunch"". I'm quite interested in Solid, as it feels like a ""middle-way"" from the mainstream Internet as we know it but with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data. Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2021-03-19T18:35:44.890Z,2021-03-19T18:35:44.890Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,8537 29651,v1.0,,"We're toying with the idea of making the algorithm transparent and user-controlled, but it's hard to do right. The fetched content should be relevant, new, interesting, and still in tune with the users preferences somehow. And it needs to be clear why each and every bit of new content is presented to the user, so they understand what is going on.Getting an algorithmic feed needs to be a pull operation, not a push one. That means that the user needs to actively ask for the algorithmic feed. Each and every time. The default needs to be a sorted timeline view. And if that gets too full, the user should be asked to curate which content is shown there, and which sources get pushed to the backburner.",/post/57345,2021-03-19T18:34:37.500Z,2021-03-19T18:34:37.500Z,57345,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,5144,8537 29606,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2021-03-19T17:47:16.133Z,2021-03-19T17:47:27.061Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,8534 29605,v1.0,,"issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2021-03-19T17:47:16.131Z,2021-03-19T17:47:27.056Z,58060,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,8534 29604,v1.0,,My guesstimate is that >95% of the data transferred does not mean anything.,/post/54514,2021-03-19T17:47:16.128Z,2021-03-19T17:47:27.050Z,54514,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,8534 29603,v1.0,,"For most of these applications, data transfer efficiency can be infinite by just keeping all the data on the user's devices.",/post/54687,2021-03-19T17:47:16.126Z,2021-03-19T17:47:27.045Z,54687,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,8534 29602,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2021-03-19T17:47:16.124Z,2021-03-19T17:47:27.039Z,58068,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,8534 29574,v1.0,,"So I think kind of like that was my work that I started, or did two years ago that I talked about this narrative shift to cyber peace. And what I didn't like about it is that it was apart from that it was state centric, and that there were many practical problems with it and very long shot, it was still defensive, it was still like it's talking about my utopia is security or safety, which is still something like the absence of violence. That's the problem with peace. Also, you know, it's not medicine super positive, it's only that bad things are not there. And so I was like, I want something more positive than that. And and that's then where I got also more into this AI space. And because I think they're really there is opportunity to positively shape human thriving in many ways. And to unlock this potential that we need to avoid many risks that are often also discussed and that are very real. And the as I said, also, I wonder, and they I feel I don't have this super clean utopia, because somehow every utopia that involves machines that can do more than we do, in some sense, apparently ends up being a dystopia sometimes. And so we have to still do a lot of work on which utopia, we actually want out there.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:31:24.123Z,2021-03-19T17:31:24.123Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,978 29573,v1.0,,"So I think kind of like that was my work that I started, or did two years ago that I talked about this narrative shift to cyber peace. And what I didn't like about it is that it was apart from that it was state centric, and that there were many practical problems with it and very long shot, it was still defensive, it was still like it's talking about my utopia is security or safety, which is still something like the absence of violence. That's the problem with peace. Also, you know, it's not medicine super positive, it's only that bad things are not there. And so I was like, I want something more positive than that. And and that's then where I got also more into this AI space. And because I think they're really there is opportunity to positively shape human thriving in many ways. And to unlock this potential that we need to avoid many risks that are often also discussed and that are very real. And the as I said, also, I wonder, and they I feel I don't have this super clean utopia, because somehow every utopia that involves machines that can do more than we do, in some sense, apparently ends up being a dystopia sometimes. And so we have to still do a lot of work on which utopia, we actually want out there.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:31:24.012Z,2021-03-19T17:31:24.012Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,1533 29572,v1.0,,"So I think kind of like that was my work that I started, or did two years ago that I talked about this narrative shift to cyber peace. And what I didn't like about it is that it was apart from that it was state centric, and that there were many practical problems with it and very long shot, it was still defensive, it was still like it's talking about my utopia is security or safety, which is still something like the absence of violence. That's the problem with peace. Also, you know, it's not medicine super positive, it's only that bad things are not there. And so I was like, I want something more positive than that. And and that's then where I got also more into this AI space. And because I think they're really there is opportunity to positively shape human thriving in many ways. And to unlock this potential that we need to avoid many risks that are often also discussed and that are very real. And the as I said, also, I wonder, and they I feel I don't have this super clean utopia, because somehow every utopia that involves machines that can do more than we do, in some sense, apparently ends up being a dystopia sometimes. And so we have to still do a lot of work on which utopia, we actually want out there.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:31:23.784Z,2021-03-19T17:31:23.784Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,7813 29571,v1.0,,"We now actually live a world where there's still too many bombs, but at least less than 50 years ago. And in the same way, I have a hope that in 50 years, I know it's a long shot and it's not going to happen overnight. And right now, all the talks on the UN level are basically non-existent on this topic. So it's I really hope that we could live in a world where we have less, not more attacks and more integrity of everybody's devices.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:30:18.095Z,2021-03-19T17:30:18.095Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,8530 29570,v1.0,,"Yeah, I don't think security must always be so state-centric, my vision for cyberpeace is that, basically everybody in a certain union, and it doesn't have to be a contractual union, which works towards building collective defenses. A global norm for zero day reporting, that countries that join and when they report zero days they never improve not only their security, but security of everybody else. And again, like many people might say that sounds so super idealistic. And I don't think it is, I think there are very pragmatic reasons to do so. Because if you're part of this defensive union, then you will be much safer than if you're if you don't share any of you zero days, and you twist try to get keep and build your own offensive capabilities for all the reasons that I've named, because on offensive capabilities can be destroyed by enemies, and because of having offensive capability is not a deterrent against attacks.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:28:26.382Z,2021-03-19T17:28:26.382Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4704 29569,v1.0,,"Yeah, I don't think security must always be so state-centric, my vision for cyberpeace is that, basically everybody in a certain union, and it doesn't have to be a contractual union, which works towards building collective defenses. A global norm for zero day reporting, that countries that join and when they report zero days they never improve not only their security, but security of everybody else. And again, like many people might say that sounds so super idealistic. And I don't think it is, I think there are very pragmatic reasons to do so. Because if you're part of this defensive union, then you will be much safer than if you're if you don't share any of you zero days, and you twist try to get keep and build your own offensive capabilities for all the reasons that I've named, because on offensive capabilities can be destroyed by enemies, and because of having offensive capability is not a deterrent against attacks.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:28:26.156Z,2021-03-19T17:28:26.156Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,7590 29568,v1.0,,"Yeah, I don't think security must always be so state-centric, my vision for cyberpeace is that, basically everybody in a certain union, and it doesn't have to be a contractual union, which works towards building collective defenses. A global norm for zero day reporting, that countries that join and when they report zero days they never improve not only their security, but security of everybody else. And again, like many people might say that sounds so super idealistic. And I don't think it is, I think there are very pragmatic reasons to do so. Because if you're part of this defensive union, then you will be much safer than if you're if you don't share any of you zero days, and you twist try to get keep and build your own offensive capabilities for all the reasons that I've named, because on offensive capabilities can be destroyed by enemies, and because of having offensive capability is not a deterrent against attacks.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:28:26.137Z,2021-03-19T17:28:26.137Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,8529 29567,v1.0,,"The superpowers that are emerging, are basically trying to copy this old patterns into this new world. First of all, I don't think that's how it's going to work out. And second of all, I don't think it's desirable, and it doesn't work that way. And that's because because of this asymmetry in the internet, that you don't know who your attacker, attribution is very difficult. So you can't retaliate, even if you have offensive capabilities, right? The offensive capability you have is not a deterrence against somebody else's attack, which in the physical world is very different. If you have a nuclear bomb, you know, the other person is not going to bomb you because you can bomb them back. This logic of the Cold War in that sense doesn't work anymore in the internet. A second reason for that is basically you can destroy somebody else's offensive capability by building up your own defenses. So if you do really good, actually security for yourself, and if you do security research, and you find vulnerabilities and you find zero days, then you can basically destroy the offensive capabilities of others because they rely on these vulnerabilities. And so, you know, if I have a nuclear bomb, just because you build some protection doesn't mean I don't have a nuclear bomb. But if I have a zero day, which is basically an exploit to which there is no fixes yet, and you close that, that gap, that I don't have a bomb anymore, I don't have a weapon anymore. So basically, you can take away somebody else's offensive capability by building good defenses. I think these dynamics have not been fully understood by policymakers.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:27:56.586Z,2021-03-19T17:27:56.586Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4704 29566,v1.0,,"Because right now, when we speak about the internet, we just speak a lot about, like, there's a lot of cybercrime and a cyber war between the countries and all that. And I think that what we really should aim for is really to have this this utopian vision and how I think that can actually happen in cyberspace, much more than in real world, think cyberspace is actually could be a much more peaceful place, then the world we live in physically. And that is because of the different dynamics of security in the cyberspace. It's very asymmetric. And it's very different from other security, thinking of like 20th century Cold War thinking, which often has been the only dominant security paradigm has been applied to the internet, because the common story is that on the internet you you don't know who's your attacker. Basically, it's very difficult to do attribution of attackers. So you just want to develop your own offensive capability and hack everyone. The superpowers that are emerging, are basically trying to copy this old patterns into this new world. First of all, I don't think that's how it's going to work out. And second of all, I don't think it's desirable, and it doesn't work that way. And that's because because of this asymmetry in the internet, that you don't know who your attacker, attribution is very difficult. So you can't retaliate, even if you have offensive capabilities, right? The offensive capability you have is not a deterrence against somebody else's attack, which in the physical world is very different. If you have a nuclear bomb, you know, the other person is not going to bomb you because you can bomb them back. This logic of the Cold War in that sense doesn't work anymore in the internet. A second reason for that is basically you can destroy somebody else's offensive capability by building up your own defenses. So if you do really good, actually security for yourself, and if you do security research, and you find vulnerabilities and you find zero days, then you can basically destroy the offensive capabilities of others because they rely on these vulnerabilities. And so, you know, if I have a nuclear bomb, just because you build some protection doesn't mean I don't have a nuclear bomb. But if I have a zero day, which is basically an exploit to which there is no fixes yet, and you close that, that gap, that I don't have a bomb anymore, I don't have a weapon anymore. So basically, you can take away somebody else's offensive capability by building good defenses. I think these dynamics have not been fully understood by policymakers.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:26:56.423Z,2021-03-19T17:26:56.423Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,8529 29565,v1.0,,"Because right now, when we speak about the internet, we just speak a lot about, like, there's a lot of cybercrime and a cyber war between the countries and all that. And I think that what we really should aim for is really to have this this utopian vision and how I think that can actually happen in cyberspace, much more than in real world, think cyberspace is actually could be a much more peaceful place, then the world we live in physically. And that is because of the different dynamics of security in the cyberspace. It's very asymmetric. And it's very different from other security, thinking of like 20th century Cold War thinking, which often has been the only dominant security paradigm has been applied to the internet, because the common story is that on the internet you you don't know who's your attacker. Basically, it's very difficult to do attribution of attackers. So you just want to develop your own offensive capability and hack everyone. The superpowers that are emerging, are basically trying to copy this old patterns into this new world. First of all, I don't think that's how it's going to work out. And second of all, I don't think it's desirable, and it doesn't work that way. And that's because because of this asymmetry in the internet, that you don't know who your attacker, attribution is very difficult. So you can't retaliate, even if you have offensive capabilities, right? The offensive capability you have is not a deterrence against somebody else's attack, which in the physical world is very different. If you have a nuclear bomb, you know, the other person is not going to bomb you because you can bomb them back. This logic of the Cold War in that sense doesn't work anymore in the internet. A second reason for that is basically you can destroy somebody else's offensive capability by building up your own defenses. So if you do really good, actually security for yourself, and if you do security research, and you find vulnerabilities and you find zero days, then you can basically destroy the offensive capabilities of others because they rely on these vulnerabilities. And so, you know, if I have a nuclear bomb, just because you build some protection doesn't mean I don't have a nuclear bomb. But if I have a zero day, which is basically an exploit to which there is no fixes yet, and you close that, that gap, that I don't have a bomb anymore, I don't have a weapon anymore. So basically, you can take away somebody else's offensive capability by building good defenses. I think these dynamics have not been fully understood by policymakers.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:26:56.312Z,2021-03-19T17:26:56.312Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4773 29564,v1.0,,"Because right now, when we speak about the internet, we just speak a lot about, like, there's a lot of cybercrime and a cyber war between the countries and all that. And I think that what we really should aim for is really to have this this utopian vision and how I think that can actually happen in cyberspace, much more than in real world, think cyberspace is actually could be a much more peaceful place, then the world we live in physically. And that is because of the different dynamics of security in the cyberspace. It's very asymmetric. And it's very different from other security, thinking of like 20th century Cold War thinking, which often has been the only dominant security paradigm has been applied to the internet, because the common story is that on the internet you you don't know who's your attacker. Basically, it's very difficult to do attribution of attackers. So you just want to develop your own offensive capability and hack everyone. The superpowers that are emerging, are basically trying to copy this old patterns into this new world. First of all, I don't think that's how it's going to work out. And second of all, I don't think it's desirable, and it doesn't work that way. And that's because because of this asymmetry in the internet, that you don't know who your attacker, attribution is very difficult. So you can't retaliate, even if you have offensive capabilities, right? The offensive capability you have is not a deterrence against somebody else's attack, which in the physical world is very different. If you have a nuclear bomb, you know, the other person is not going to bomb you because you can bomb them back. This logic of the Cold War in that sense doesn't work anymore in the internet. A second reason for that is basically you can destroy somebody else's offensive capability by building up your own defenses. So if you do really good, actually security for yourself, and if you do security research, and you find vulnerabilities and you find zero days, then you can basically destroy the offensive capabilities of others because they rely on these vulnerabilities. And so, you know, if I have a nuclear bomb, just because you build some protection doesn't mean I don't have a nuclear bomb. But if I have a zero day, which is basically an exploit to which there is no fixes yet, and you close that, that gap, that I don't have a bomb anymore, I don't have a weapon anymore. So basically, you can take away somebody else's offensive capability by building good defenses. I think these dynamics have not been fully understood by policymakers.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:26:56.226Z,2021-03-19T17:26:56.226Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,7590 29563,v1.0,,"Because right now, when we speak about the internet, we just speak a lot about, like, there's a lot of cybercrime and a cyber war between the countries and all that. And I think that what we really should aim for is really to have this this utopian vision and how I think that can actually happen in cyberspace, much more than in real world, think cyberspace is actually could be a much more peaceful place, then the world we live in physically. And that is because of the different dynamics of security in the cyberspace. It's very asymmetric. And it's very different from other security, thinking of like 20th century Cold War thinking, which often has been the only dominant security paradigm has been applied to the internet, because the common story is that on the internet you you don't know who's your attacker. Basically, it's very difficult to do attribution of attackers. So you just want to develop your own offensive capability and hack everyone. The superpowers that are emerging, are basically trying to copy this old patterns into this new world. First of all, I don't think that's how it's going to work out. And second of all, I don't think it's desirable, and it doesn't work that way. And that's because because of this asymmetry in the internet, that you don't know who your attacker, attribution is very difficult. So you can't retaliate, even if you have offensive capabilities, right? The offensive capability you have is not a deterrence against somebody else's attack, which in the physical world is very different. If you have a nuclear bomb, you know, the other person is not going to bomb you because you can bomb them back. This logic of the Cold War in that sense doesn't work anymore in the internet. A second reason for that is basically you can destroy somebody else's offensive capability by building up your own defenses. So if you do really good, actually security for yourself, and if you do security research, and you find vulnerabilities and you find zero days, then you can basically destroy the offensive capabilities of others because they rely on these vulnerabilities. And so, you know, if I have a nuclear bomb, just because you build some protection doesn't mean I don't have a nuclear bomb. But if I have a zero day, which is basically an exploit to which there is no fixes yet, and you close that, that gap, that I don't have a bomb anymore, I don't have a weapon anymore. So basically, you can take away somebody else's offensive capability by building good defenses. I think these dynamics have not been fully understood by policymakers.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:26:55.946Z,2021-03-19T17:26:55.946Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,5098 29562,v1.0,,"First of all, I don't think that's how it's going to work out. And second of all, I don't think it's desirable, and it doesn't work that way. And that's because because of this asymmetry in the internet, that you don't know who your attacker, attribution is very difficult. So you can't retaliate, even if you have offensive capabilities, right? The offensive capability you have is not a deterrence against somebody else's attack, which in the physical world is very different. If you have a nuclear bomb, you know, the other person is not going to bomb you because you can bomb them back. This logic of the Cold War in that sense doesn't work anymore in the internet.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:25:59.078Z,2021-03-19T17:25:59.078Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,5535 29559,v1.0,,"I think generally, the, the methodologies of business can often be very useful if they are used to different ends. So like, basically, the idea of Muhammad Yunus is to find a social business, to use business means for social ends to solve real social problems, and not for the kind of problems they've been conventionally associated with. One more additional thought that helped me to develop my own philosophy that I call pragmatic idealism. At this point, I can summarize in three models: first, hope without critical thinking, is just naivety, but critical thinking without hope is just cynicism. And then the second idea is: confidence without humility, is just arrogance but then humility, without confidence, is sheepishness.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:20:03.285Z,2021-03-19T17:20:03.285Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4662 29558,v1.0,,"I think generally, the, the methodologies of business can often be very useful if they are used to different ends. So like, basically, the idea of Muhammad Yunus is to find a social business, to use business means for social ends to solve real social problems, and not for the kind of problems they've been conventionally associated with. One more additional thought that helped me to develop my own philosophy that I call pragmatic idealism. At this point, I can summarize in three models: first, hope without critical thinking, is just naivety, but critical thinking without hope is just cynicism. And then the second idea is: confidence without humility, is just arrogance but then humility, without confidence, is sheepishness.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:20:02.754Z,2021-03-19T17:20:02.754Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,7815 29556,v1.0,,"So I really don't like just complaining about how things should be very different. I didn't like only like talking about business ethics, but I also got into social entrepreneurship and founded companies myself and tried to not just talk about how business should be run differently, but I tried to do it.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:15:40.747Z,2021-03-19T17:15:40.747Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4662 29555,v1.0,,"I think my my philosophy that I developed around this is kind of really being willing to think, very radical, very big about how things could be different",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:14:56.020Z,2021-03-19T17:14:56.020Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,3619 29554,v1.0,,"I think my my philosophy that I developed around this is kind of really being willing to think, very radical, very big about how things could be different",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:14:56.005Z,2021-03-19T17:14:56.005Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,978 29553,v1.0,,"Silicon Valley culture, even if it purports to save the world, startups get bought up by venture capitalists, which then again are owned by the ones that already currently own the world. Self-feeding.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:14:33.382Z,2021-03-19T17:14:33.382Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,8016 29552,v1.0,,"Silicon Valley culture, even if it purports to save the world, startups get bought up by venture capitalists, which then again are owned by the ones that already currently own the world. Self-feeding. Exactly. And again, I find it sad that all this beautiful technology that could be built into really meaningful things in the end, nobody says that all the social media companies we have now or all those giants needed to go to the direction they had to it was just that's the society in which technology arrived was one in which these kinds of innovations were immediately put under profit, maximizing pressure.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:14:22.148Z,2021-03-19T17:14:22.148Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,1616 29551,v1.0,,"Silicon Valley culture, even if it purports to save the world, startups get bought up by venture capitalists, which then again are owned by the ones that already currently own the world. Self-feeding. Exactly. And again, I find it sad that all this beautiful technology that could be built into really meaningful things in the end, nobody says that all the social media companies we have now or all those giants needed to go to the direction they had to it was just that's the society in which technology arrived was one in which these kinds of innovations were immediately put under profit, maximizing pressure.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:14:22.125Z,2021-03-19T17:14:22.125Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,3816 29550,v1.0,,"Silicon Valley culture, even if it purports to save the world, startups get bought up by venture capitalists, which then again are owned by the ones that already currently own the world. Self-feeding. Exactly. And again, I find it sad that all this beautiful technology that could be built into really meaningful things in the end, nobody says that all the social media companies we have now or all those giants needed to go to the direction they had to it was just that's the society in which technology arrived was one in which these kinds of innovations were immediately put under profit, maximizing pressure.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:14:22.124Z,2021-03-19T17:14:22.124Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4274 29549,v1.0,,"Silicon Valley culture, even if it purports to save the world, startups get bought up by venture capitalists, which then again are owned by the ones that already currently own the world. Self-feeding. Exactly. And again, I find it sad that all this beautiful technology that could be built into really meaningful things in the end, nobody says that all the social media companies we have now or all those giants needed to go to the direction they had to it was just that's the society in which technology arrived was one in which these kinds of innovations were immediately put under profit, maximizing pressure.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:14:22.112Z,2021-03-19T17:14:22.112Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4509 29548,v1.0,,"In generally I find egalitarian philosophy very appealing, particular, John Rawls' idea that first of all, freedoms should be equal, and everybody should have some basic civil liberties. And then when we look at material conditions, that to be very rough again, the different principle according to John Rawls is that an unequal division of resources is only legitimate, if it actually benefits those that are least well off. And I think, right now we're definitely at a point I would say, where we don't justify our current system is not justified by that, by that standard, in the sense that we use technology often not centered on the most vulnerable people in our communities and societies.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:07:04.462Z,2021-03-19T17:07:04.462Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4423 29547,v1.0,,"In generally I find egalitarian philosophy very appealing, particular, John Rawls' idea that first of all, freedoms should be equal, and everybody should have some basic civil liberties. And then when we look at material conditions, that to be very rough again, the different principle according to John Rawls is that an unequal division of resources is only legitimate, if it actually benefits those that are least well off. And I think, right now we're definitely at a point I would say, where we don't justify our current system is not justified by that, by that standard, in the sense that we use technology often not centered on the most vulnerable people in our communities and societies.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:07:04.436Z,2021-03-19T17:07:04.436Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,7954 29546,v1.0,,"In generally I find egalitarian philosophy very appealing, particular, John Rawls' idea that first of all, freedoms should be equal, and everybody should have some basic civil liberties. And then when we look at material conditions, that to be very rough again, the different principle according to John Rawls is that an unequal division of resources is only legitimate, if it actually benefits those that are least well off. And I think, right now we're definitely at a point I would say, where we don't justify our current system is not justified by that, by that standard, in the sense that we use technology often not centered on the most vulnerable people in our communities and societies.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:07:04.172Z,2021-03-19T17:07:04.172Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,6125 29545,v1.0,,"I realized what drives companies and what really shapes them, because companies can become really slow to develop there as well. The single force that right now is changing companies and the economy most is technology. And so if we get this one right, if we can get the technological change right, then that's also a really good opportunity to just change how our economy works, and how our society works for the better. So like technology is what's right now is the moving pieces that right now are shaping new things, and our generation has the opportunity to co-shape these technological changes. And I think that's opportunity I want to take so that we can use the technology together with our human insights and intuitions and values to make a more humane society and economy.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:05:48.584Z,2021-03-19T17:05:48.584Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,4447 29544,v1.0,,"I realized what drives companies and what really shapes them, because companies can become really slow to develop there as well. The single force that right now is changing companies and the economy most is technology. And so if we get this one right, if we can get the technological change right, then that's also a really good opportunity to just change how our economy works, and how our society works for the better. So like technology is what's right now is the moving pieces that right now are shaping new things, and our generation has the opportunity to co-shape these technological changes. And I think that's opportunity I want to take so that we can use the technology together with our human insights and intuitions and values to make a more humane society and economy.",/post/62431,2021-03-19T17:05:48.544Z,2021-03-19T17:05:48.544Z,62431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11282,5409,1662 29424,v1.0,,"But I feel that if we look at the history of the European Commission, when they started in the 50s, 60s, the progressive rate was the future. It was to create an internal market to take power away from Member States and create one common market. The idea was that it would allow for political integration, and would block war: a nice progressive society where everybody would be happy. It’s a very good story. But now we're in a different environment: we’ve created this huge internal market, but the political structures are not there. And for me, this is a key driver for inequality.It's kind of a neoliberal model where they let the markets do what it has to do. And then maybe if there's some kind of narrowly defined market failure, then EC would step in. For example with geo blocking that's the case. And we have many laws and copyrights. Whereas with competition, obviously, you’d like to restore perfect competition, but it hasn't really worked. It's a very fragmented approach, in a way a very reactive approach. I understand that law is important, and we should have it. The general data protection regulation is I think a step in the right direction, but it can't be the only thing. You also need to govern",/post/63492,2021-03-15T00:07:39.475Z,2021-04-04T21:01:59.688Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4437 29423,v1.0,,"But I feel that if we look at the history of the European Commission, when they started in the 50s, 60s, the progressive rate was the future. It was to create an internal market to take power away from Member States and create one common market. The idea was that it would allow for political integration, and would block war: a nice progressive society where everybody would be happy. It’s a very good story. But now we're in a different environment: we’ve created this huge internal market, but the political structures are not there. And for me, this is a key driver for inequality.",/post/63492,2021-03-15T00:07:18.766Z,2021-03-15T00:07:18.766Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7991 29422,v1.0,,"But I feel that if we look at the history of the European Commission, when they started in the 50s, 60s, the progressive rate was the future. It was to create an internal market to take power away from Member States and create one common market. The idea was that it would allow for political integration, and would block war: a nice progressive society where everybody would be happy. It’s a very good story",/post/63492,2021-03-15T00:06:36.749Z,2021-03-15T00:06:36.749Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7949 29421,v1.0,,"But I feel that if we look at the history of the European Commission, when they started in the 50s, 60s, the progressive rate was the future. It was to create an internal market to take power away from Member States and create one common market. The idea was that it would allow for political integration, and would block war: a nice progressive society where everybody would be happy. It’s a very good story",/post/63492,2021-03-15T00:06:36.731Z,2021-03-15T00:06:36.731Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3659 29420,v1.0,,"But I feel that if we look at the history of the European Commission, when they started in the 50s, 60s, the progressive rate was the future. It was to create an internal market to take power away from Member States and create one common market. The idea was that it would allow for political integration, and would block war: a nice progressive society where everybody would be happy. It’s a very good story",/post/63492,2021-03-15T00:06:36.719Z,2021-05-14T04:22:15.964Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7949 29419,v1.0,,"But I think this is very problematic. We wait to see what comes and then we try to regulate it, instead of coming up with more positive, efficient motivational transitions.",/post/63492,2021-03-15T00:05:27.670Z,2021-03-15T00:05:27.670Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8471 29418,v1.0,,"It’s a blunt instrument, because as of now there is no good understanding of the process from the ethical values (fairly easy to encode in a directive) to the actual technical choices of the scientists and engineers building AI systems. Ex. we like the New Zealand group developing Scuttlebutt: when users asked for cross-device accounts, the core developer replied “I’m not doing that, because we want to serve underprivileged people, and these people do not have multiple devices”. What he was doing was justifying his technical choices in terms of his values. As a socio-technical culture, we are not good at that.",/post/66346,2021-03-15T00:03:17.634Z,2021-03-15T00:03:17.634Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7991 29417,v1.0,,"It’s a blunt instrument, because as of now there is no good understanding of the process from the ethical values (fairly easy to encode in a directive) to the actual technical choices of the scientists and engineers building AI systems. Ex. we like the New Zealand group developing Scuttlebutt: when users asked for cross-device accounts, the core developer replied “I’m not doing that, because we want to serve underprivileged people, and these people do not have multiple devices”. What he was doing was justifying his technical choices in terms of his values. As a socio-technical culture, we are not good at that.",/post/66346,2021-03-15T00:03:17.621Z,2021-03-15T00:03:17.621Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4875 29415,v1.0,,"I’m a bit skeptical that legislation is the right instrument to do this kind of things. It’s a blunt instrument, because as of now there is no good understanding of the process from the ethical values (fairly easy to encode in a directive) to the actual technical choices of the scientists and engineers building AI systems. Ex. we like the New Zealand group developing Scuttlebutt: when users asked for cross-device accounts, the core developer replied “I’m not doing that, because we want to serve underprivileged people, and these people do not have multiple devices”. What he was doing was justifying his technical choices in terms of his values. As a socio-technical culture, we are not good at that.",/post/66346,2021-03-15T00:01:04.283Z,2021-05-14T04:47:05.030Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8726 29414,v1.0,,"I’m a bit skeptical that legislation is the right instrument to do this kind of things. It’s a blunt instrument, because as of now there is no good understanding of the process from the ethical values (fairly easy to encode in a directive) to the actual technical choices of the scientists and engineers building AI systems. Ex. we like the New Zealand group developing Scuttlebutt: when users asked for cross-device accounts, the core developer replied “I’m not doing that, because we want to serve underprivileged people, and these people do not have multiple devices”. What he was doing was justifying his technical choices in terms of his values. As a socio-technical culture, we are not good at that.",/post/66346,2021-03-15T00:00:52.601Z,2021-03-15T00:00:52.601Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8468 29413,v1.0,,data and security policy,/post/67700,2021-03-15T00:00:19.639Z,2021-03-15T00:00:19.639Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,7590 29412,v1.0,,data and security policy,/post/67700,2021-03-15T00:00:19.596Z,2021-03-15T00:00:19.596Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,3685 29411,v1.0,,innovation,/post/67700,2021-03-15T00:00:12.017Z,2021-03-15T00:00:12.017Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,7443 29408,v1.0,,"In the EU it's a huge challenge that all the local populations are not the same - e.g., benefitting ATOS will almost certainly provide a material benefit to someone in France, but it's not clear that this benefit will disseminate to other parts of Europe in equal measure.",/post/67700,2021-03-14T23:58:53.705Z,2021-03-14T23:58:53.705Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,8090 29407,v1.0,,"In the EU it's a huge challenge that all the local populations are not the same - e.g., benefitting ATOS will almost certainly provide a material benefit to someone in France, but it's not clear that this benefit will disseminate to other parts of Europe in equal measure.",/post/67700,2021-03-14T23:58:53.704Z,2021-03-14T23:58:53.704Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,7954 29406,v1.0,,"It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2021-03-14T23:57:57.927Z,2021-04-27T15:12:50.014Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7650 29405,v1.0,,"It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2021-03-14T23:57:57.838Z,2021-03-14T23:57:57.838Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7799 29404,v1.0,,"It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2021-03-14T23:57:57.836Z,2021-03-14T23:57:57.836Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,3715 29403,v1.0,,"most of the policies are tricks. For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2021-03-14T23:52:01.988Z,2021-03-14T23:52:01.988Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7954 29402,v1.0,,"most of the policies are tricks. For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2021-03-14T23:52:00.763Z,2021-03-14T23:52:00.763Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8464 29401,v1.0,,"most of the policies are tricks. For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2021-03-14T23:52:00.683Z,2021-03-14T23:52:00.683Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7657 29400,v1.0,,"most of the policies are tricks. For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2021-03-14T23:52:00.664Z,2021-04-04T22:21:04.971Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,979 29397,v1.0,,More requests for consent. Apple introduced new nutrition labels for App Store apps today.,/post/79365,2021-03-14T23:47:25.912Z,2021-05-14T04:19:27.278Z,79365,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,7677 29396,v1.0,,More requests for consent. Apple introduced new nutrition labels for App Store apps today.,/post/79365,2021-03-14T23:47:25.839Z,2021-03-14T23:47:25.839Z,79365,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,8022 29395,v1.0,,More requests for consent. Apple introduced new nutrition labels for App Store apps today.,/post/79365,2021-03-14T23:47:25.812Z,2021-03-14T23:47:25.812Z,79365,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,1943 29394,v1.0,,More requests for consent. Apple introduced new nutrition labels for App Store apps today.,/post/79365,2021-03-14T23:47:25.795Z,2021-03-14T23:47:25.795Z,79365,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,5882 29393,v1.0,,More requests for consent. Apple introduced new nutrition labels for App Store apps today.,/post/79365,2021-03-14T23:47:25.795Z,2021-03-14T23:47:25.795Z,79365,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,7677 29392,v1.0,,More requests for consent. Apple introduced new nutrition labels for App Store apps today.,/post/79365,2021-03-14T23:47:25.786Z,2021-03-14T23:47:25.786Z,79365,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,3685 29391,v1.0,,Is it even reasonable to believe that the average consumer understands what's in this Security and Privacy Overview?,/post/78887,2021-03-14T23:46:10.847Z,2021-03-14T23:46:10.847Z,78887,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,7676 29390,v1.0,,"I'm skeptical of internet governance initiatives, but I think that the best of good governance can protect individuals from predatory practices. Is it even reasonable to believe that the average consumer understands what's in this Security and Privacy Overview?",/post/78887,2021-03-14T23:46:04.983Z,2021-03-15T00:25:09.072Z,78887,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,8468 29389,v1.0,,"The multi-stakeholder approach is supposed to give separate interests a seat at a table: states, business, citizen groups, etc.... I'm not convinced this works in practice, but that's the intent, at least.",/post/78498,2021-03-14T23:43:36.261Z,2021-03-14T23:43:36.261Z,78498,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,7997 29388,v1.0,,"The entire endeavor has no power when dealing with individual states. There is an explicit ""no naming and shaming policy."" You may be an activist group working on behalf of citizen privacy with a seat at the table, but it's a big no-no to say that Russians using the internet to spy on their citizens.",/post/78498,2021-03-14T23:42:47.328Z,2021-03-14T23:42:47.328Z,78498,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,8460 29387,v1.0,,"The entire endeavor has no power when dealing with individual states. There is an explicit ""no naming and shaming policy."" You may be an activist group working on behalf of citizen privacy with a seat at the table, but it's a big no-no to say that Russians using the internet to spy on their citizens.",/post/78498,2021-03-14T23:42:47.192Z,2021-03-14T23:42:47.192Z,78498,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,8039 29386,v1.0,,"The entire endeavor has no power when dealing with individual states. There is an explicit ""no naming and shaming policy."" You may be an activist group working on behalf of citizen privacy with a seat at the table, but it's a big no-no to say that Russians using the internet to spy on their citizens.",/post/78498,2021-03-14T23:42:47.063Z,2021-04-04T22:21:04.964Z,78498,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,979 29385,v1.0,,"I have mixed feelings on the UN internet governance initiatives, but I do think they can be important for intra-State conflicts. The UN is looking at three different models for coordination among stakeholders: Internet Governance Forum+ (IGF+): this model reflects the current structure of internet governance and the United Nations, with some enhancements. Digital Commons Architecture (DCA): a simplified structure of three bodies, a tech panel, a digital commons platform, and an architecture secretariat, that coordinate through the existing infrastructure at the United Nations. Distributed Co-Governance (CoGov): two bodies, network support platforms and digital cooperation networks , that coordinate through a network of networks.",/post/78447,2021-03-14T23:40:57.604Z,2021-03-28T19:46:42.049Z,78447,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,8591 29384,v1.0,,"The multi-stakeholder approach is supposed to give separate interests a seat at a table: states, business, citizen groups, etc.... I'm not convinced this works in practice, but that's the intent, at least.",/post/78498,2021-03-14T23:40:47.967Z,2021-03-28T19:46:42.042Z,78498,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,8591 29383,v1.0,,"I have mixed feelings on the UN internet governance initiatives, but I do think they can be important for intra-State conflicts. The UN is looking at three different models for coordination among stakeholders: Internet Governance Forum+ (IGF+): this model reflects the current structure of internet governance and the United Nations, with some enhancements. Digital Commons Architecture (DCA): a simplified structure of three bodies, a tech panel, a digital commons platform, and an architecture secretariat, that coordinate through the existing infrastructure at the United Nations. Distributed Co-Governance (CoGov): two bodies, network support platforms and digital cooperation networks , that coordinate through a network of networks.",/post/78447,2021-03-14T23:39:32.722Z,2021-03-14T23:39:32.722Z,78447,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,8458 29382,v1.0,,"I have mixed feelings on the UN internet governance initiatives, but I do think they can be important for intra-State conflicts. The UN is looking at three different models for coordination among stakeholders: Internet Governance Forum+ (IGF+): this model reflects the current structure of internet governance and the United Nations, with some enhancements. Digital Commons Architecture (DCA): a simplified structure of three bodies, a tech panel, a digital commons platform, and an architecture secretariat, that coordinate through the existing infrastructure at the United Nations. Distributed Co-Governance (CoGov): two bodies, network support platforms and digital cooperation networks , that coordinate through a network of networks.",/post/78447,2021-03-14T23:39:09.960Z,2021-03-14T23:39:09.960Z,78447,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13818,6400,4868 28670,v1.0,,"For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2021-02-12T18:00:25.766Z,2021-02-12T18:00:25.766Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,424 28668,v1.0,,"There is a lot that could be improved about how Europe works. And this is not the nature of policymaking, this is how policymaking is implemented in Europe. That's a problem. It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2021-02-12T17:59:15.797Z,2021-04-04T22:21:04.981Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,979 28255,v1.0,,"Of course they still need to get distributed globally, too. Next up would be spot tests for antibodies, and this would change things significanty.Continuing in our wider discussion, Ross Anderson does a great write up of the UK situation, from technical to legal here: Edit Delete No Commentresource distribution Edit Delete No Commentsupply chain COVID-19 rapid testing Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74235,2021-01-28T17:26:01.518Z,2021-01-28T17:26:01.518Z,74235,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,3180,5156 28254,v1.0,,"Of course they still need to get distributed globally, too. Next up would be spot tests for antibodies, and this would change things significanty.Continuing in our wider discussion, Ross Anderson does a great write up of the UK situation, from technical to legal here: Edit Delete No Commentresource distribution Edit Delete No Commentsupply chain COVID-19 rapid testing Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74235,2021-01-28T17:26:01.502Z,2021-01-28T17:26:01.502Z,74235,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,3180,8166 28253,v1.0,,"Of course they still need to get distributed globally, too. Next up would be spot tests for antibodies, and this would change things significanty.Continuing in our wider discussion, Ross Anderson does a great write up of the UK situation, from technical to legal here: supply chain resource distribution Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74235,2021-01-28T17:25:51.677Z,2021-01-28T17:25:51.677Z,74235,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,3180,7174 28252,v1.0,,"Of course they still need to get distributed globally, too. Next up would be spot tests for antibodies, and this would change things significanty.Continuing in our wider discussion, Ross Anderson does a great write up of the UK situation, from technical to legal here: supply chain resource distribution Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74235,2021-01-28T17:25:51.658Z,2021-01-28T17:25:51.658Z,74235,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,3180,2899 28251,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.695Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.695Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,8167 28250,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.624Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.624Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,8109 28249,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.621Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.621Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,7815 28248,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.595Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.595Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,7626 28247,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.539Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.539Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,2963 28246,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.538Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.211Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,1534 28245,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.514Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.514Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,1446 28244,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.512Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.512Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,816 28243,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.511Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.511Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,358 28242,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.415Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.415Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,1532 28241,v1.0,,"Technology must not necessarily be digital. We need more spaces for community activities in our built environment. Structures that enable being together. I think we need face to face interaction in order to stay well. There is no resilience without exchange. Especially digital technology starts to change our behavior in a strange way. Technology must step in the background again and not dominate our experience. non-technological solution public space shared space community building face-to-face resilience sharing resources sharing knowledge behaviour change abusing technology excessive technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74229,2021-01-28T17:25:30.414Z,2021-01-28T17:25:30.414Z,74229,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,1395 28240,v1.0,,some,/post/74225,2021-01-28T17:24:02.000Z,2021-01-28T17:24:02.000Z,74225,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,8,6172 28239,v1.0,,privacy,/post/74225,2021-01-28T17:23:48.707Z,2021-01-28T17:23:48.707Z,74225,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,8,8166 28238,v1.0,,privacy,/post/74225,2021-01-28T17:23:48.621Z,2021-01-28T17:23:48.621Z,74225,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,8,5156 28237,v1.0,,"Would you say distributed autonomous organisations and distributed ledger technology already do that in a way? At least in an embryo state? While I agree, we should be building tech for participation, it is even more important we figure out how we participate already. In a way, the concurrent discussion may as well lead to concrete actions and influence decision-making processes. The biggest issue seems to be signalling and effective information sharing, no? supporting existing practices recognising existing capabilities sharing information autonomy autonomous organisations distributed ledger technology decision-making Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74215,2021-01-28T17:23:30.955Z,2021-01-28T17:23:30.955Z,74215,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,6413,8165 28236,v1.0,,"Would you say distributed autonomous organisations and distributed ledger technology already do that in a way? At least in an embryo state? While I agree, we should be building tech for participation, it is even more important we figure out how we participate already. In a way, the concurrent discussion may as well lead to concrete actions and influence decision-making processes. The biggest issue seems to be signalling and effective information sharing, no? supporting existing practices recognising existing capabilities sharing information autonomy autonomous organisations distributed ledger technology decision-making Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74215,2021-01-28T17:23:30.889Z,2021-01-28T17:23:30.889Z,74215,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,6413,8164 28235,v1.0,,"Would you say distributed autonomous organisations and distributed ledger technology already do that in a way? At least in an embryo state? While I agree, we should be building tech for participation, it is even more important we figure out how we participate already. In a way, the concurrent discussion may as well lead to concrete actions and influence decision-making processes. The biggest issue seems to be signalling and effective information sharing, no? supporting existing practices recognising existing capabilities sharing information autonomy autonomous organisations distributed ledger technology decision-making Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74215,2021-01-28T17:23:30.881Z,2021-01-28T17:23:30.881Z,74215,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,6413,8153 28234,v1.0,,"Would you say distributed autonomous organisations and distributed ledger technology already do that in a way? At least in an embryo state? While I agree, we should be building tech for participation, it is even more important we figure out how we participate already. In a way, the concurrent discussion may as well lead to concrete actions and influence decision-making processes. The biggest issue seems to be signalling and effective information sharing, no? supporting existing practices recognising existing capabilities sharing information autonomy autonomous organisations distributed ledger technology decision-making Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74215,2021-01-28T17:23:30.860Z,2021-01-28T17:23:30.860Z,74215,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,6413,4056 28233,v1.0,,"Would you say distributed autonomous organisations and distributed ledger technology already do that in a way? At least in an embryo state? While I agree, we should be building tech for participation, it is even more important we figure out how we participate already. In a way, the concurrent discussion may as well lead to concrete actions and influence decision-making processes. The biggest issue seems to be signalling and effective information sharing, no? supporting existing practices recognising existing capabilities sharing information autonomy autonomous organisations distributed ledger technology decision-making Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74215,2021-01-28T17:23:30.800Z,2021-01-28T17:23:30.800Z,74215,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,6413,80 28232,v1.0,,"Would you say distributed autonomous organisations and distributed ledger technology already do that in a way? At least in an embryo state? While I agree, we should be building tech for participation, it is even more important we figure out how we participate already. In a way, the concurrent discussion may as well lead to concrete actions and influence decision-making processes. The biggest issue seems to be signalling and effective information sharing, no? supporting existing practices recognising existing capabilities sharing information autonomy autonomous organisations distributed ledger technology decision-making Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74215,2021-01-28T17:23:30.712Z,2021-01-28T17:23:30.712Z,74215,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,6413,7805 28231,v1.0,,"Would you say distributed autonomous organisations and distributed ledger technology already do that in a way? At least in an embryo state? While I agree, we should be building tech for participation, it is even more important we figure out how we participate already. In a way, the concurrent discussion may as well lead to concrete actions and influence decision-making processes. The biggest issue seems to be signalling and effective information sharing, no? supporting existing practices recognising existing capabilities sharing information autonomy autonomous organisations distributed ledger technology decision-making Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74215,2021-01-28T17:23:30.688Z,2021-01-28T17:23:30.688Z,74215,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,6413,1539 28230,v1.0,,"We should be building technology for participation YES!",/post/74200,2021-01-28T17:22:32.192Z,2021-01-28T17:22:32.192Z,74200,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,8160 28229,v1.0,,"We should be building technology for participation YES!",/post/74200,2021-01-28T17:22:32.072Z,2021-01-28T17:22:32.072Z,74200,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,1662 28228,v1.0,,"“We can normalize heightened levels of separation and control, believe that they are necessary to keep us safe, and accept a world in which we are afraid to be near each other. Or we can take advantage of this pause, this break in normal, to turn onto a path of reunion, of holism, of the restoring of lost connections, of the repair of community and the rejoining of the web of life.”",/post/74199,2021-01-28T17:22:11.629Z,2021-01-28T17:22:11.629Z,74199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,6134 28227,v1.0,,"“We can normalize heightened levels of separation and control, believe that they are necessary to keep us safe, and accept a world in which we are afraid to be near each other. Or we can take advantage of this pause, this break in normal, to turn onto a path of reunion, of holism, of the restoring of lost connections, of the repair of community and the rejoining of the web of life.”",/post/74199,2021-01-28T17:22:11.611Z,2021-01-28T17:22:11.611Z,74199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,5156 28226,v1.0,,"“We can normalize heightened levels of separation and control, believe that they are necessary to keep us safe, and accept a world in which we are afraid to be near each other. Or we can take advantage of this pause, this break in normal, to turn onto a path of reunion, of holism, of the restoring of lost connections, of the repair of community and the rejoining of the web of life.”",/post/74199,2021-01-28T17:22:11.596Z,2021-01-28T17:22:11.596Z,74199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,1263 28225,v1.0,,"“We can normalize heightened levels of separation and control, believe that they are necessary to keep us safe, and accept a world in which we are afraid to be near each other. Or we can take advantage of this pause, this break in normal, to turn onto a path of reunion, of holism, of the restoring of lost connections, of the repair of community and the rejoining of the web of life.”",/post/74199,2021-01-28T17:22:11.577Z,2021-01-28T17:22:11.577Z,74199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,828 28224,v1.0,,"“We can normalize heightened levels of separation and control, believe that they are necessary to keep us safe, and accept a world in which we are afraid to be near each other. Or we can take advantage of this pause, this break in normal, to turn onto a path of reunion, of holism, of the restoring of lost connections, of the repair of community and the rejoining of the web of life.”",/post/74199,2021-01-28T17:22:11.494Z,2021-01-28T17:22:11.494Z,74199,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,1520,7986 28223,v1.0,,"If you look at the development of technology around World War II, you see a similar frantic speed to get something done, and also a lot of half-assed and unworkable solutions, but ultimately it gave our technological possibilities a big boost (within wartime, but esp. also beyond it). There is a split between times of rapid development, and times of consolidating these developments and learning to live with them. The last years have been about learning to live with the Internet and its consequences, and now we're back in the rapid development mode. We can't choose what comes when, but we can make the best out of both times … need for speed 'the rush to deploy' trade-off assigning value assessing impact history of technology understanding history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:08:37.611Z,2021-01-28T17:08:37.611Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,8163 28222,v1.0,,"If you look at the development of technology around World War II, you see a similar frantic speed to get something done, and also a lot of half-assed and unworkable solutions, but ultimately it gave our technological possibilities a big boost (within wartime, but esp. also beyond it). There is a split between times of rapid development, and times of consolidating these developments and learning to live with them. The last years have been about learning to live with the Internet and its consequences, and now we're back in the rapid development mode. We can't choose what comes when, but we can make the best out of both times … need for speed 'the rush to deploy' trade-off assigning value assessing impact history of technology understanding history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:08:37.508Z,2021-01-28T17:08:37.508Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,7949 28221,v1.0,,"If you look at the development of technology around World War II, you see a similar frantic speed to get something done, and also a lot of half-assed and unworkable solutions, but ultimately it gave our technological possibilities a big boost (within wartime, but esp. also beyond it). There is a split between times of rapid development, and times of consolidating these developments and learning to live with them. The last years have been about learning to live with the Internet and its consequences, and now we're back in the rapid development mode. We can't choose what comes when, but we can make the best out of both times … need for speed 'the rush to deploy' trade-off assigning value assessing impact history of technology understanding history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:08:37.468Z,2021-01-28T17:08:37.468Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,7325 28220,v1.0,,"If you look at the development of technology around World War II, you see a similar frantic speed to get something done, and also a lot of half-assed and unworkable solutions, but ultimately it gave our technological possibilities a big boost (within wartime, but esp. also beyond it). There is a split between times of rapid development, and times of consolidating these developments and learning to live with them. The last years have been about learning to live with the Internet and its consequences, and now we're back in the rapid development mode. We can't choose what comes when, but we can make the best out of both times … need for speed 'the rush to deploy' trade-off assigning value assessing impact history of technology understanding history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:08:37.466Z,2021-01-28T17:08:37.466Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,7286 28219,v1.0,,"If you look at the development of technology around World War II, you see a similar frantic speed to get something done, and also a lot of half-assed and unworkable solutions, but ultimately it gave our technological possibilities a big boost (within wartime, but esp. also beyond it). There is a split between times of rapid development, and times of consolidating these developments and learning to live with them. The last years have been about learning to live with the Internet and its consequences, and now we're back in the rapid development mode. We can't choose what comes when, but we can make the best out of both times … need for speed 'the rush to deploy' trade-off assigning value assessing impact history of technology understanding history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:08:37.446Z,2021-01-28T17:08:37.446Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,5891 28218,v1.0,,"If you look at the development of technology around World War II, you see a similar frantic speed to get something done, and also a lot of half-assed and unworkable solutions, but ultimately it gave our technological possibilities a big boost (within wartime, but esp. also beyond it). There is a split between times of rapid development, and times of consolidating these developments and learning to live with them. The last years have been about learning to live with the Internet and its consequences, and now we're back in the rapid development mode. We can't choose what comes when, but we can make the best out of both times … need for speed 'the rush to deploy' trade-off assigning value assessing impact history of technology understanding history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:08:37.443Z,2021-01-28T17:08:37.443Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,4781 28217,v1.0,,"If you look at the development of technology around World War II, you see a similar frantic speed to get something done, and also a lot of half-assed and unworkable solutions, but ultimately it gave our technological possibilities a big boost (within wartime, but esp. also beyond it). There is a split between times of rapid development, and times of consolidating these developments and learning to live with them. The last years have been about learning to live with the Internet and its consequences, and now we're back in the rapid development mode. We can't choose what comes when, but we can make the best out of both times … need for speed 'the rush to deploy' trade-off assigning value assessing impact history of technology understanding history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:08:37.326Z,2021-01-28T17:08:37.326Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,7472 28216,v1.0,,"So when the government does it, it's called solutionism, and when grassroots people do it, it's called hacking and they are celebrated for it? That does not seem too fair a judgment to me :smile:",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:07:30.574Z,2021-01-28T17:07:30.574Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,8162 28215,v1.0,,"So when the government does it, it's called solutionism, and when grassroots people do it, it's called hacking and they are celebrated for it? That does not seem too fair a judgment to me :smile:",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:07:30.460Z,2021-01-28T17:07:30.460Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,7313 28214,v1.0,,"So when the government does it, it's called solutionism, and when grassroots people do it, it's called hacking and they are celebrated for it? That does not seem too fair a judgment to me :smile:",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:07:30.403Z,2021-01-28T17:07:30.403Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,8161 28213,v1.0,,"So when the government does it, it's called solutionism, and when grassroots people do it, it's called hacking and they are celebrated for it? That does not seem too fair a judgment to me :smile:",/post/74177,2021-01-28T17:07:30.322Z,2021-01-28T17:07:30.322Z,74177,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,5,1662 28212,v1.0,,"The dialog between the technologically possible and the politically acceptable needs to be had. Immediately it will be done by the elected politicians, that is what they are there for. Then, we should be moving to broader participation. We should be building technology for participation, as much as we should be building technology for tracing.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:07:05.341Z,2021-01-28T17:07:05.341Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8160 28211,v1.0,,"And finally, people called for more patient, open deliberation.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:55.055Z,2021-01-28T17:06:55.055Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8159 28210,v1.0,,"And finally, people called for more patient, open deliberation.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:54.970Z,2021-01-28T17:06:54.970Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,5847 28209,v1.0,,"And finally, people called for more patient, open deliberation.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:54.945Z,2021-01-28T17:06:54.945Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1256 28208,v1.0,,"Several people suggested that studying history (of epidemics, of technologies, of health and technology policies) could be useful. Solutionism has been with us for a long time (at least since the 1950s, according to a participant). Studying its successes (not many) and failure modes (many more) might help us not make the same mistake twice.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:26.274Z,2021-01-28T17:06:26.274Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7949 28207,v1.0,,"We contacted the producer, a multinational, and asked them for the CAD file. They expressed reluctance and would not reach a decision. There are protocols, safety concerns. These are doubtlessly important. But there were people in need of saving, so we went ahead and reverse engineered it. [...] We have not been sued so far.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:12.871Z,2021-01-28T17:06:12.871Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1483 28206,v1.0,,"We contacted the producer, a multinational, and asked them for the CAD file. They expressed reluctance and would not reach a decision. There are protocols, safety concerns. These are doubtlessly important. But there were people in need of saving, so we went ahead and reverse engineered it. [...] We have not been sued so far.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:12.817Z,2021-01-28T17:06:12.817Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1074 28205,v1.0,,"There was agreement that it might helpful to lift IPR restrictions. We found one nice example in Italy, where a SME 3D-printed respirator valves that could not be obtained on the market fast enough to save lives.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:04.380Z,2021-01-28T17:06:04.380Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8158 28204,v1.0,,"There was agreement that it might helpful to lift IPR restrictions. We found one nice example in Italy, where a SME 3D-printed respirator valves that could not be obtained on the market fast enough to save lives.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:04.257Z,2021-01-28T17:06:04.257Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1257 28203,v1.0,,"There was agreement that it might helpful to lift IPR restrictions. We found one nice example in Italy, where a SME 3D-printed respirator valves that could not be obtained on the market fast enough to save lives.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:06:04.178Z,2021-01-28T17:06:04.178Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1932 28202,v1.0,,"Dare I say that if tech wants to make a contribution, a great way to do it, would be exploring the causal factors behind why minorities communities are being hit harder or perhaps not receiving the help required during this pandemic.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:05:34.710Z,2021-01-28T17:05:34.710Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8157 28201,v1.0,,"Dare I say that if tech wants to make a contribution, a great way to do it, would be exploring the causal factors behind why minorities communities are being hit harder or perhaps not receiving the help required during this pandemic.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:05:34.625Z,2021-01-28T17:05:34.625Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,3939 28200,v1.0,,"Dare I say that if tech wants to make a contribution, a great way to do it, would be exploring the causal factors behind why minorities communities are being hit harder or perhaps not receiving the help required during this pandemic.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:05:10.294Z,2021-01-28T17:05:10.294Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8156 28199,v1.0,,"The tech community might find an important role to play in protecting the most vulnerable individuals from the worst consequences of the pandemic, and of the measures adopted to fight it. This was not mentioned in the call, but rather proposed in the ensuing online discussion.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:04:59.978Z,2021-01-28T17:04:59.978Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8155 28198,v1.0,,"The tech community might find an important role to play in protecting the most vulnerable individuals from the worst consequences of the pandemic, and of the measures adopted to fight it. This was not mentioned in the call, but rather proposed in the ensuing online discussion.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:04:59.505Z,2021-01-28T17:04:59.505Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1834 28197,v1.0,,"Several people remarked that the tech community can have the greatest impact by playing a support role. They identified three areas to do this in. One is supporting what doctors are already doing, for example remote diagnosis or e-mail prescriptions. Another is supporting community organizers – another example of ""boots on the ground"". The third one is the people manning the supply chain.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:04:36.187Z,2021-01-28T17:04:36.187Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7805 28196,v1.0,,"Several people remarked that the tech community can have the greatest impact by playing a support role. They identified three areas to do this in. One is supporting what doctors are already doing, for example remote diagnosis or e-mail prescriptions. Another is supporting community organizers – another example of ""boots on the ground"". The third one is the people manning the supply chain.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:04:36.161Z,2021-01-28T17:04:36.161Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8154 28195,v1.0,,"Several people remarked that the tech community can have the greatest impact by playing a support role. They identified three areas to do this in. One is supporting what doctors are already doing, for example remote diagnosis or e-mail prescriptions. Another is supporting community organizers – another example of ""boots on the ground"". The third one is the people manning the supply chain.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:04:36.154Z,2021-01-28T17:04:36.154Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8153 28194,v1.0,,"Several people remarked that the tech community can have the greatest impact by playing a support role. They identified three areas to do this in. One is supporting what doctors are already doing, for example remote diagnosis or e-mail prescriptions. Another is supporting community organizers – another example of ""boots on the ground"". The third one is the people manning the supply chain.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:04:36.058Z,2021-01-28T17:04:36.058Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,2899 28193,v1.0,,"I am worried that people fall off the cracks, because they are not on government databases and we do not see them. Maybe they are disabled, but have a job. They never touch the state, and fund their own care. I am worried about people with learning disabilities, for example. If you are not on social media, you have not seen the messages of your local authority, telling you where to get help.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:03:39.389Z,2021-01-28T17:03:39.389Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8152 28192,v1.0,,"I am worried that people fall off the cracks, because they are not on government databases and we do not see them. Maybe they are disabled, but have a job. They never touch the state, and fund their own care. I am worried about people with learning disabilities, for example. If you are not on social media, you have not seen the messages of your local authority, telling you where to get help.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:03:39.365Z,2021-01-28T17:03:39.365Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8150 28191,v1.0,,"I am worried that people fall off the cracks, because they are not on government databases and we do not see them. Maybe they are disabled, but have a job. They never touch the state, and fund their own care. I am worried about people with learning disabilities, for example. If you are not on social media, you have not seen the messages of your local authority, telling you where to get help.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:03:39.329Z,2021-01-28T17:03:39.329Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8151 28190,v1.0,,"I am worried that people fall off the cracks, because they are not on government databases and we do not see them. Maybe they are disabled, but have a job. They never touch the state, and fund their own care. I am worried about people with learning disabilities, for example. If you are not on social media, you have not seen the messages of your local authority, telling you where to get help.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:03:39.255Z,2021-01-28T17:03:39.255Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,802 28189,v1.0,,"I am worried that people fall off the cracks, because they are not on government databases and we do not see them. Maybe they are disabled, but have a job. They never touch the state, and fund their own care. I am worried about people with learning disabilities, for example. If you are not on social media, you have not seen the messages of your local authority, telling you where to get help.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:03:39.226Z,2021-01-28T17:03:39.226Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,5434 28188,v1.0,,"I am worried that people fall off the cracks, because they are not on government databases and we do not see them. Maybe they are disabled, but have a job. They never touch the state, and fund their own care. I am worried about people with learning disabilities, for example. If you are not on social media, you have not seen the messages of your local authority, telling you where to get help.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:03:39.203Z,2021-01-28T17:03:39.203Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8149 28187,v1.0,,"I am worried that people fall off the cracks, because they are not on government databases and we do not see them. Maybe they are disabled, but have a job. They never touch the state, and fund their own care. I am worried about people with learning disabilities, for example. If you are not on social media, you have not seen the messages of your local authority, telling you where to get help.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:03:39.093Z,2021-01-28T17:03:39.093Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,805 28186,v1.0,,"Other participants highlighted the positive of labor-intensive ""boots on the ground"". A participant from the UK remarked:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:02:34.352Z,2021-01-28T17:02:34.352Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8148 28185,v1.0,,"Other participants highlighted the positive of labor-intensive ""boots on the ground"". A participant from the UK remarked:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:02:34.254Z,2021-01-28T17:02:34.254Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1092 28184,v1.0,,"For example, we closed schools and universities, but did not inform students that they should not be hanging out with their friends. We did not tell students from different cities and regions to go back home. The rules are simple: if you are ill, tell your friends, and tell them to get tested. But in Italy it is hard to get tested, so the whole protocol fails. Contact tracing is the last thing we need. It is useless from a public health efficacy point of view, and not proportionate.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:02:15.319Z,2021-01-28T17:02:15.319Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8147 28183,v1.0,,"Medical and public health practitioners insisted on good execution over innovation. The WHO protocols, although devised for flu-type viruses, are well suited to coronaviruses as well. But their deployment was late and sloppy. Even at the time of writing, most EU countries cannot test at scale; they cannot provide adequate equipment. The medical community sees this emphasis on tech as misdirection. Part of any solution is to do public health well, without cutting corners. One participant from Italy remarked:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:01:51.235Z,2021-01-28T17:01:51.235Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8146 28182,v1.0,,"Medical and public health practitioners insisted on good execution over innovation. The WHO protocols, although devised for flu-type viruses, are well suited to coronaviruses as well. But their deployment was late and sloppy. Even at the time of writing, most EU countries cannot test at scale; they cannot provide adequate equipment. The medical community sees this emphasis on tech as misdirection. Part of any solution is to do public health well, without cutting corners. One participant from Italy remarked:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:01:51.137Z,2021-01-28T17:01:51.137Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8144 28181,v1.0,,"Medical and public health practitioners insisted on good execution over innovation. The WHO protocols, although devised for flu-type viruses, are well suited to coronaviruses as well. But their deployment was late and sloppy. Even at the time of writing, most EU countries cannot test at scale; they cannot provide adequate equipment. The medical community sees this emphasis on tech as misdirection. Part of any solution is to do public health well, without cutting corners. One participant from Italy remarked:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:01:51.134Z,2021-01-28T17:01:51.134Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8145 28180,v1.0,,"Medical and public health practitioners insisted on good execution over innovation. The WHO protocols, although devised for flu-type viruses, are well suited to coronaviruses as well. But their deployment was late and sloppy. Even at the time of writing, most EU countries cannot test at scale; they cannot provide adequate equipment. The medical community sees this emphasis on tech as misdirection. Part of any solution is to do public health well, without cutting corners. One participant from Italy remarked:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:01:51.067Z,2021-01-28T17:01:51.067Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7815 28179,v1.0,,"A silver lining in all this is that contact tracing apps were battle-tested ten years ago. This means we have open datasets which can be used to model the impact of public health measures (example). If the goal is modelling, there is no need for more surveillance.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:00:42.566Z,2021-01-28T17:00:42.566Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8143 28178,v1.0,,"Other example: the former head of Italy's pension administration authority deplored the lack of open data on unemployment benefit claims. Scholars and policy makers themselves are flying blind, with no reliable data. How can we trust people who cannot maintain a Google spreadsheet to steward a massive trove of sensitive locational data?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:00:23.662Z,2021-01-28T17:00:23.662Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8142 28177,v1.0,,"Other example: the former head of Italy's pension administration authority deplored the lack of open data on unemployment benefit claims. Scholars and policy makers themselves are flying blind, with no reliable data. How can we trust people who cannot maintain a Google spreadsheet to steward a massive trove of sensitive locational data?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:00:23.661Z,2021-01-28T17:00:23.661Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1250 28176,v1.0,,"Other example: the former head of Italy's pension administration authority deplored the lack of open data on unemployment benefit claims. Scholars and policy makers themselves are flying blind, with no reliable data. How can we trust people who cannot maintain a Google spreadsheet to steward a massive trove of sensitive locational data?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:00:23.643Z,2021-05-14T04:33:57.390Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8588 28175,v1.0,,"Other example: the former head of Italy's pension administration authority deplored the lack of open data on unemployment benefit claims. Scholars and policy makers themselves are flying blind, with no reliable data. How can we trust people who cannot maintain a Google spreadsheet to steward a massive trove of sensitive locational data?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T17:00:23.564Z,2021-01-28T17:00:23.564Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,6077 28174,v1.0,,"This was the one part of the conversation where I felt I could add my bit. After ten years of open data activism, I am pessimistic on the ability of EU governments and companies to do advanced, ethical governance of large datasets. The daily data on confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths are a mess. No standardization, no metadata, collection criteria that keep changing. Belgium, for example, on some days (but not every day!) reports on the same day the sum of two dishomogenous quantities:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:59:36.036Z,2021-05-14T04:29:28.344Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8585 28173,v1.0,,"This was the one part of the conversation where I felt I could add my bit. After ten years of open data activism, I am pessimistic on the ability of EU governments and companies to do advanced, ethical governance of large datasets. The daily data on confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths are a mess. No standardization, no metadata, collection criteria that keep changing. Belgium, for example, on some days (but not every day!) reports on the same day the sum of two dishomogenous quantities:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:59:35.982Z,2021-01-28T16:59:35.982Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8139 28172,v1.0,,"This was the one part of the conversation where I felt I could add my bit. After ten years of open data activism, I am pessimistic on the ability of EU governments and companies to do advanced, ethical governance of large datasets. The daily data on confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths are a mess. No standardization, no metadata, collection criteria that keep changing. Belgium, for example, on some days (but not every day!) reports on the same day the sum of two dishomogenous quantities:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:59:35.906Z,2021-01-28T16:59:35.906Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4282 28171,v1.0,,"This was the one part of the conversation where I felt I could add my bit. After ten years of open data activism, I am pessimistic on the ability of EU governments and companies to do advanced, ethical governance of large datasets. The daily data on confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths are a mess. No standardization, no metadata, collection criteria that keep changing. Belgium, for example, on some days (but not every day!) reports on the same day the sum of two dishomogenous quantities:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:59:35.810Z,2021-01-28T16:59:35.810Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8138 28170,v1.0,,"This was the one part of the conversation where I felt I could add my bit. After ten years of open data activism, I am pessimistic on the ability of EU governments and companies to do advanced, ethical governance of large datasets. The daily data on confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths are a mess. No standardization, no metadata, collection criteria that keep changing. Belgium, for example, on some days (but not every day!) reports on the same day the sum of two dishomogenous quantities:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:59:35.783Z,2021-01-28T16:59:35.783Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8137 28169,v1.0,,"This was the one part of the conversation where I felt I could add my bit. After ten years of open data activism, I am pessimistic on the ability of EU governments and companies to do advanced, ethical governance of large datasets. The daily data on confirmed cases, hospitalizations and deaths are a mess. No standardization, no metadata, collection criteria that keep changing. Belgium, for example, on some days (but not every day!) reports on the same day the sum of two dishomogenous quantities:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:59:35.731Z,2021-01-28T16:59:35.731Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,3715 28168,v1.0,,"One participant offered these apps could help in assessing the efficacy of containment measures. That does not require granular data, but only pre-aggregated statistics. A recent paper on Science argues that it is possible to do this securely. The EFF has just released a policy proposal on this solution.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:58:25.477Z,2021-01-28T16:58:25.477Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8136 28167,v1.0,,"One participant offered these apps could help in assessing the efficacy of containment measures. That does not require granular data, but only pre-aggregated statistics. A recent paper on Science argues that it is possible to do this securely. The EFF has just released a policy proposal on this solution.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:58:25.294Z,2021-01-28T16:58:25.294Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4781 28166,v1.0,,"I do not think that you get any useful information from these apps. They will show that people get infected in places, like supermarkets or hospital, where people HAVE to come into contact with each other.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:53:33.583Z,2021-01-28T16:53:33.583Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8135 28165,v1.0,,Participants agreed that it is not realistic to promise anonymization of locational data. A famous 2013 study shows that human mobility traces are highly unique. Four datapoints were enough to de-anonymize 95% of individuals in a large cellphone operator dataset. As one person put it:,/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:53:20.179Z,2021-01-28T16:53:20.179Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8116 28164,v1.0,,Participants agreed that it is not realistic to promise anonymization of locational data. A famous 2013 study shows that human mobility traces are highly unique. Four datapoints were enough to de-anonymize 95% of individuals in a large cellphone operator dataset. As one person put it:,/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:53:20.177Z,2021-01-28T16:53:20.177Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8118 28163,v1.0,,"Result 4. Locational data are impossible to anonymize, and of limited utility. Capacity for data governance is bad",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:53:04.551Z,2021-01-28T16:53:04.551Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4542 28162,v1.0,,"Over and above such concerns, it seems unlikely that immunity certificates would be effective. Issuing certificates means that having capacity to do massive-scale testing. We do not have that. If that capacity was there, we would be much better off in fighting COVID-19 with traditional anti-epidemic protocols, and not need immunity certificates. The medical professionals in the call also reminded us that we do not know how immunity works with SARS-CoV-2. How long does it last? Does it prevent reinfection, or only make it weaker? So, it's not even clear what you would be certifying.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:52:54.055Z,2021-01-28T16:52:54.055Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8134 28161,v1.0,,"Over and above such concerns, it seems unlikely that immunity certificates would be effective. Issuing certificates means that having capacity to do massive-scale testing. We do not have that. If that capacity was there, we would be much better off in fighting COVID-19 with traditional anti-epidemic protocols, and not need immunity certificates. The medical professionals in the call also reminded us that we do not know how immunity works with SARS-CoV-2. How long does it last? Does it prevent reinfection, or only make it weaker? So, it's not even clear what you would be certifying.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:52:53.979Z,2021-01-28T16:52:53.979Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,5479 28160,v1.0,,"Over and above such concerns, it seems unlikely that immunity certificates would be effective. Issuing certificates means that having capacity to do massive-scale testing. We do not have that. If that capacity was there, we would be much better off in fighting COVID-19 with traditional anti-epidemic protocols, and not need immunity certificates. The medical professionals in the call also reminded us that we do not know how immunity works with SARS-CoV-2. How long does it last? Does it prevent reinfection, or only make it weaker? So, it's not even clear what you would be certifying.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:52:53.953Z,2021-01-28T16:52:53.953Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,805 28159,v1.0,,"They are going to be basically ""passport to civil liberties"". There are going to be a lot of perverse incentives around them.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:52:22.700Z,2021-01-28T16:52:22.700Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8132 28158,v1.0,,"They are going to be basically ""passport to civil liberties"". There are going to be a lot of perverse incentives around them.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:52:22.687Z,2021-01-28T16:52:22.687Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8133 28157,v1.0,,"They are going to be basically ""passport to civil liberties"". There are going to be a lot of perverse incentives around them.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:52:22.625Z,2021-01-28T16:52:22.625Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8099 28156,v1.0,,"Another idea that is making the rounds is that of immunity passports. The group agreed that they can turn into a civil rights nightmare, As one participant said:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:52:03.221Z,2021-01-28T16:52:03.221Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8131 28155,v1.0,,"To keep it simple, most “obvious” solutions in an emergency turn out to be counter productive. […] You need to do your emergency homework in advance, and trust the experts. So for my contribution, I would argue you send every “develop an emergency app”/“do-something-itis” developer to work on future pandemic solutions, rather than give them reign in a crisis.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:51:53.422Z,2021-01-28T16:51:53.422Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8114 28154,v1.0,,"I am currently involved with a group building a contact tracing app. But I am uneasy, actually thank you for giving voice to my anxieties. I do not see my colleagues discussing the use cases for this tech. I do not see them asking themselves if their solution is going to be effective. I do not see them discussing failure modes of the technologies. Almost everybody is hiding their head in the sand about the consequences of these solutions, intended or not.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:51:37.705Z,2021-01-28T16:51:37.705Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8128 28153,v1.0,,"I am currently involved with a group building a contact tracing app. But I am uneasy, actually thank you for giving voice to my anxieties. I do not see my colleagues discussing the use cases for this tech. I do not see them asking themselves if their solution is going to be effective. I do not see them discussing failure modes of the technologies. Almost everybody is hiding their head in the sand about the consequences of these solutions, intended or not.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:51:37.704Z,2021-01-28T16:51:37.704Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8129 28152,v1.0,,"I am currently involved with a group building a contact tracing app. But I am uneasy, actually thank you for giving voice to my anxieties. I do not see my colleagues discussing the use cases for this tech. I do not see them asking themselves if their solution is going to be effective. I do not see them discussing failure modes of the technologies. Almost everybody is hiding their head in the sand about the consequences of these solutions, intended or not.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:51:37.684Z,2021-01-28T16:51:37.684Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8130 28151,v1.0,,"I am currently involved with a group building a contact tracing app. But I am uneasy, actually thank you for giving voice to my anxieties. I do not see my colleagues discussing the use cases for this tech. I do not see them asking themselves if their solution is going to be effective. I do not see them discussing failure modes of the technologies. Almost everybody is hiding their head in the sand about the consequences of these solutions, intended or not.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:51:37.603Z,2021-01-28T16:51:37.603Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4774 28150,v1.0,,"We will not need one until the next pandemic. Rushing development might lead to the deployment of evil, ineffective or broken solutions. One participant had this to offer:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:50:57.030Z,2021-01-28T16:50:57.030Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7472 28149,v1.0,,"To be effective, tracing needs near-universal availability of testing, which is currently not there. Without this, contact tracing need to rely on self-reporting.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:50:46.235Z,2021-01-28T16:50:46.235Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8127 28148,v1.0,,"To be effective, tracing needs near-universal availability of testing, which is currently not there. Without this, contact tracing need to rely on self-reporting.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:50:46.177Z,2021-01-28T16:50:46.177Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8088 28147,v1.0,,"To be effective, tracing needs near-universal availability of testing, which is currently not there. Without this, contact tracing need to rely on self-reporting.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:50:46.135Z,2021-01-28T16:50:46.135Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8126 28146,v1.0,,"To be effective, tracing needs near-universal availability of testing, which is currently not there. Without this, contact tracing need to rely on self-reporting.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:50:46.042Z,2021-01-28T16:50:46.042Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,6132 28145,v1.0,,"This is where solutionism kicks in: building an app can be presented as ""doing something about it"". On top of that, building apps is much faster, cheaper and easier, than, say, retooling the health care system. So, it's a political win, though not an epidemiological one.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:50:19.763Z,2021-01-28T16:50:19.763Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8125 28144,v1.0,,"So, why is everyone (including several people in our call!) building contact tracing apps? Because there is a political demand for it. It is linked to the end of the lockdown. Leaders are seen as doing nothing, while leaving people behind locked doors. T",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:52.962Z,2021-01-28T16:49:52.962Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8124 28143,v1.0,,"Loss of confidence: if the authorities roll out an app, and it does not deliver, the public may lose confidence in any app. This could happen as new cases rise again after lockdown is loosened, as is happening currently across Asia. This might burn an opportunity to help contain the next pandemic at an early stage.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:34.209Z,2021-01-28T16:49:34.209Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8123 28142,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.956Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.956Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8122 28141,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.948Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.948Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8121 28140,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.922Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.922Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8120 28139,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.824Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.824Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4274 28138,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.822Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.822Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7280 28137,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.778Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.778Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1376 28136,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.765Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.765Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8119 28135,v1.0,,"Lock-in effects: for these app to work, they need 50-60% of the population to take them on. It's a ""winner-take-it-all"" service. There is potential for companies to lock authorities into long term contracts, invoke all kinds of confidentiality to protect their business models, and so on. This situation could prevent better solutions from emerging.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:49:21.677Z,2021-01-28T16:49:21.677Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7289 28134,v1.0,,"Data governance issues: possible breaches, difficulty to anonymize the data, and so on. More on this below.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:47:36.706Z,2021-01-28T16:47:36.706Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8117 28133,v1.0,,"Data governance issues: possible breaches, difficulty to anonymize the data, and so on. More on this below.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:47:36.698Z,2021-01-28T16:47:36.698Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8116 28132,v1.0,,"Data governance issues: possible breaches, difficulty to anonymize the data, and so on. More on this below.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:47:36.698Z,2021-01-28T16:47:36.698Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8118 28131,v1.0,,"Data governance issues: possible breaches, difficulty to anonymize the data, and so on. More on this below.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:47:36.607Z,2021-01-28T16:47:36.607Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,5535 28130,v1.0,,"On top of this, these apps are easy to get wrong. Among failure modes, people cited:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:46:59.032Z,2021-01-28T16:46:59.032Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8115 28129,v1.0,,"On top of this, these apps are easy to get wrong. Among failure modes, people cited:",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:46:58.957Z,2021-01-28T16:46:58.957Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7784 28128,v1.0,,"Result 2. Contact tracing apps are ineffective against COVID-19, but may help in the next pandemic",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:46:32.058Z,2021-01-28T16:46:32.058Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8114 28127,v1.0,,"Result 2. Contact tracing apps are ineffective against COVID-19, but may help in the next pandemic",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:46:31.986Z,2021-01-28T16:46:31.986Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7343 28126,v1.0,,"If this fails, civil society can invoke the European Convention on Human Rights. This has its own court, which is not part of the EU, and so it is at arm's length from the EU political space.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:46:15.927Z,2021-01-28T16:46:15.927Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8113 28125,v1.0,,"If this fails, civil society can invoke the European Convention on Human Rights. This has its own court, which is not part of the EU, and so it is at arm's length from the EU political space.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:46:15.917Z,2021-01-28T16:46:15.917Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8112 28124,v1.0,,"If this fails, civil society can invoke the European Convention on Human Rights. This has its own court, which is not part of the EU, and so it is at arm's length from the EU political space.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:46:15.917Z,2021-01-28T16:46:15.917Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8111 28123,v1.0,,"Data protection laws, starting with the GDPR. They all state that any data retention should be ""necessary and proportionate"" to the need it tries to solve. This is a weak defense, because all such laws provide exceptions for public safety. Also, governments and corporates have a history of ignoring ""necessary and proportionate"".",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:45:47.897Z,2021-01-28T16:45:47.897Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8110 28122,v1.0,,"Data protection laws, starting with the GDPR. They all state that any data retention should be ""necessary and proportionate"" to the need it tries to solve. This is a weak defense, because all such laws provide exceptions for public safety. Also, governments and corporates have a history of ignoring ""necessary and proportionate"".",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:45:47.831Z,2021-01-28T16:45:47.831Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,3785 28121,v1.0,,There are two lines of defense against abuse of surveillance tech:,/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:45:31.608Z,2021-01-28T16:45:31.608Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8109 28120,v1.0,,"Another example: car manufacturer Ferrari has a plan called ""back on track"". It involves re-opening the factory with a scheme that includes mandatory blood testing and a contact tracing app. Is this the kind of decision that your employer should make for you? What happens if you test positive?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:45:21.817Z,2021-01-28T16:45:21.817Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8108 28119,v1.0,,"Another example: car manufacturer Ferrari has a plan called ""back on track"". It involves re-opening the factory with a scheme that includes mandatory blood testing and a contact tracing app. Is this the kind of decision that your employer should make for you? What happens if you test positive?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:45:21.787Z,2021-01-28T16:45:21.787Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8107 28118,v1.0,,"Another example: car manufacturer Ferrari has a plan called ""back on track"". It involves re-opening the factory with a scheme that includes mandatory blood testing and a contact tracing app. Is this the kind of decision that your employer should make for you? What happens if you test positive?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:45:21.758Z,2021-01-28T16:45:21.758Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8106 28117,v1.0,,"Example: in Italy, drones are being used to check distancing in public spaces. There are talks of equipping them with facial recognition algos. Is this necessary? Why? Is it going to become a permanent feature in our cities?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:44:46.011Z,2021-01-28T16:44:46.011Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8105 28116,v1.0,,"Example: in Italy, drones are being used to check distancing in public spaces. There are talks of equipping them with facial recognition algos. Is this necessary? Why? Is it going to become a permanent feature in our cities?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:44:45.998Z,2021-01-28T16:44:45.998Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,744 28115,v1.0,,"Example: in Italy, drones are being used to check distancing in public spaces. There are talks of equipping them with facial recognition algos. Is this necessary? Why? Is it going to become a permanent feature in our cities?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:44:45.943Z,2021-01-28T16:44:45.943Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7876 28114,v1.0,,"Example: in Italy, drones are being used to check distancing in public spaces. There are talks of equipping them with facial recognition algos. Is this necessary? Why? Is it going to become a permanent feature in our cities?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:44:45.918Z,2021-01-28T16:44:45.918Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4412 28113,v1.0,,"The public is scared, so willing to accept almost anything.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:44:13.092Z,2021-01-28T16:44:13.092Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8104 28112,v1.0,,"The public is scared, so willing to accept almost anything.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:44:12.987Z,2021-01-28T16:44:12.987Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,828 28111,v1.0,,"In the last week, it's been reported that around a dozen governments are using Palantir software and that the company is in talks with several more. They include agencies in Austria, Canada, Greece and Spain, the US, and the UK.",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:43:55.623Z,2021-01-28T16:43:55.623Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8103 28110,v1.0,,Digital surveillance companies are treating COVID-19 as a business opportunity. Some of these have dubious track records on the respect of human rights online. In the words of one participant:,/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:43:46.069Z,2021-01-28T16:43:46.069Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1645 28109,v1.0,,Digital surveillance companies are treating COVID-19 as a business opportunity. Some of these have dubious track records on the respect of human rights online. In the words of one participant:,/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:43:45.960Z,2021-01-28T16:43:45.960Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4509 28108,v1.0,,"Policy makers tend to overestimate the effectiveness of technology-based surveillance vis-a-vis the pandemic. People spoke of pervasive solutionism (in the sense of Evgeny Mozorov – ""a little magic dust can fix any problem"").",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:43:30.959Z,2021-01-28T16:43:30.959Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,6928 28107,v1.0,,"Policy makers tend to overestimate the effectiveness of technology-based surveillance vis-a-vis the pandemic. People spoke of pervasive solutionism (in the sense of Evgeny Mozorov – ""a little magic dust can fix any problem"").",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:43:12.051Z,2021-01-28T16:43:12.051Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8102 28106,v1.0,,"Policy makers tend to overestimate the effectiveness of technology-based surveillance vis-a-vis the pandemic. People spoke of pervasive solutionism (in the sense of Evgeny Mozorov – ""a little magic dust can fix any problem"").",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:43:12.001Z,2021-01-28T16:43:12.001Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1662 28105,v1.0,,"You see, there are two kinds of problem. For the first kind, the more knowledge people gain about the problem, the less they worry. For the second kind, the more knowledge they gain, the more they worry. Nuclear power production belongs to the first kind; climate change belongs to the second one. Is government-corporate use of tech surveillance more like nuclear power, or is it more like climate change?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:42:42.106Z,2021-01-28T16:42:42.106Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8101 28104,v1.0,,"You see, there are two kinds of problem. For the first kind, the more knowledge people gain about the problem, the less they worry. For the second kind, the more knowledge they gain, the more they worry. Nuclear power production belongs to the first kind; climate change belongs to the second one. Is government-corporate use of tech surveillance more like nuclear power, or is it more like climate change?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:42:42.097Z,2021-01-28T16:42:42.097Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8100 28103,v1.0,,"This is creating uneasiness in the communities I am a part of – a disturbance in the Force, if you are a Star Wars fan. People worry, but no one is sure what an appropriate diagnosis and response to the situation would be. Is the situation ""problematic"" or ""dystopian""? Can we do anything about it, besides worrying?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:40:06.592Z,2021-01-28T16:40:06.592Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,4781 28102,v1.0,,"This is creating uneasiness in the communities I am a part of – a disturbance in the Force, if you are a Star Wars fan. People worry, but no one is sure what an appropriate diagnosis and response to the situation would be. Is the situation ""problematic"" or ""dystopian""? Can we do anything about it, besides worrying?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:40:06.550Z,2021-01-28T16:40:06.550Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,7824 28101,v1.0,,"This is creating uneasiness in the communities I am a part of – a disturbance in the Force, if you are a Star Wars fan. People worry, but no one is sure what an appropriate diagnosis and response to the situation would be. Is the situation ""problematic"" or ""dystopian""? Can we do anything about it, besides worrying?",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:40:06.539Z,2021-01-28T16:40:06.539Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,5470 28100,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.793Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.793Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8099 28099,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.734Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.734Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,8098 28098,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.716Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.716Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,3610 28097,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.630Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.630Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1662 28096,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.571Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.571Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,966 28095,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.536Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.536Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,6172 28094,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.527Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.527Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,424 28093,v1.0,,"Governments and tech companies are reaching for tech-based tools to help defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of the solutions under discussion imply restrictions to civil liberties and human rights, like the right to privacy (here is Edward Snowden weighing in).",/post/74176,2021-01-28T16:39:13.518Z,2021-01-28T16:39:13.518Z,74176,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13183,4,1929 28091,v1.0,,"My hope is that people are more willing to accept technological change if they have a saying in decisions. For example, at the company level people could be involved designing what criteria for AI systems. If they understand the purpose and the meaning, they are much more likely to accept it and work with technology. That's what I would like to see.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:58:49.486Z,2021-01-25T21:58:49.486Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4867 28092,v1.0,,"My hope is that people are more willing to accept technological change if they have a saying in decisions. For example, at the company level people could be involved designing what criteria for AI systems. If they understand the purpose and the meaning, they are much more likely to accept it and work with technology. That's what I would like to see.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:58:49.478Z,2021-01-25T21:58:49.478Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7591 28090,v1.0,,"99% of people passively comply with a law because it corresponds to their cultural values and social norms. If nobody would comply, and it's only enforcement and the law simply will not work. You can never have 100% enforcement, but maybe in the digital sector it's all about shared social norms. That's what makes laws effective, but it has to be based on something which already exists. This is more difficult in an international environment, because a lot of companies, don't share those norms, a lot of companies don't give a crap about privacy or data protection. This introduces some additional challenges for the effectiveness of law.That's why I think that public authorities need to be more actively involved and have more ownership of these systems. That doesn't mean per se at the level of the state or the European level, it can be at the local level. Because just outsourcing everything to the market and then trying to control those developments will be very imperfect, and it will be too late.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:57:47.554Z,2021-01-25T21:57:47.554Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7083 28089,v1.0,,"A big question around how to come up with standards in Europe is related to those which don't undercut industrial production and outsourcing everything. One idea is introducing something like a carbon tax. It may be controversial, but we need to have this discussion regarding technology. Europe is a very important consumer market, it’s too big for most companies to do ignore. And we saw this with the GDPR.That's why ultimately — and perhaps this radical — for certain key services, like the way we communicate, talk online, or gather information it perhaps shouldn’t be completely private. Companies will try to avoid the law where they can, and especially because a lot of these companies are global, they don't even have that like cultural link.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:57:05.133Z,2021-01-25T21:57:05.133Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8097 28088,v1.0,,"A big question around how to come up with standards in Europe is related to those which don't undercut industrial production and outsourcing everything. One idea is introducing something like a carbon tax. It may be controversial, but we need to have this discussion regarding technology. Europe is a very important consumer market, it’s too big for most companies to do ignore. And we saw this with the GDPR.That's why ultimately — and perhaps this radical — for certain key services, like the way we communicate, talk online, or gather information it perhaps shouldn’t be completely private. Companies will try to avoid the law where they can, and especially because a lot of these companies are global, they don't even have that like cultural link.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:55:39.111Z,2021-01-25T21:55:39.111Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7083 28087,v1.0,,"We saw the exact same arguments for the general data protection regulation. Companies said it would kill innovation. This is dramatic. Now, other countries have exercised legislating in a similar fashion and Apple has made it their competitive advantage. I don't think it would’ve happened without GDPR.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:45:33.966Z,2021-01-25T21:45:33.966Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3785 28086,v1.0,,"Let’s say Facebook releases a new algorithm on a billion people, we could introduce certain requirements. I think that's kind of a basic step. You have some key criteria, you have some transparency, and documentation requirements about how the systems work, what it's trying to maximize.Some may argue that it would stifle innovation. But I don’t think we have to be worried. We saw the exact same arguments for the general data protection regulation. Companies said it would kill innovation. This is dramatic. Now, other countries have exercised legislating in a similar fashion and Apple has made it their competitive advantage. I don't think it would’ve happened without GDPR.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:45:18.354Z,2021-01-25T21:45:18.354Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7443 28085,v1.0,,"Let’s say Facebook releases a new algorithm on a billion people, we could introduce certain requirements. I think that's kind of a basic step. You have some key criteria, you have some transparency, and documentation requirements about how the systems work, what it's trying to maximize.Some may argue that it would stifle innovation. But I don’t think we have to be worried. We saw the exact same arguments for the general data protection regulation. Companies said it would kill innovation. This is dramatic. Now, other countries have exercised legislating in a similar fashion and Apple has made it their competitive advantage. I don't think it would’ve happened without GDPR.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:45:17.913Z,2021-01-25T21:45:17.913Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7555 28084,v1.0,,"this also means making it more local. These technologies are similar to major monopolies, but they actually govern the infrastructure of cities and communities around the world. They don’t know their culture, their language, their interests, their problems. How can they offer an infrastructure — a system that will supposedly help them resolve issues — if they don't even know them?One of the key examples is Facebook how operates. They pay a lot of money to engineers to come up with a massive one-size-fits-all system. Whereas people actually have to govern to innovate, such as the information which they would like to receive. But it isn't, it's selling us products. People actually check the info that's being put online, if it's illegal or not. In addition, they’re outsourcing employees to people in the Philippines who have to make split second decisions about what would be appropriate or offensive to a certain community they often don't know.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:39:10.309Z,2021-04-04T20:43:57.830Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8090 28082,v1.0,,"In addition, they’re outsourcing employees to people in the Philippines who have to make split second decisions about what would be appropriate or offensive to a certain community they often don't know.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:38:35.878Z,2021-01-25T21:38:35.878Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8093 28081,v1.0,,"You won’t get the right questions, because if you want to get the right questions, you need to have a new set of people, you need to have a more participatory style of governing technology. And this also means making it more local. These technologies are similar to major monopolies, but they actually govern the infrastructure of cities and communities around the world. They don’t know their culture, their language, their interests, their problems. How can they offer an infrastructure — a system that will supposedly help them resolve issues — if they don't even know them?One of the key examples is Facebook how operates. They pay a lot of money to engineers to come up with a massive one-size-fits-all system. Whereas people actually have to govern to innovate, such as the information which they would like to receive. But it isn't, it's selling us products. People actually check the info that's being put online, if it's illegal or not. In addition, they’re outsourcing employees to people in the Philippines who have to make split second decisions about what would be appropriate or offensive to a certain community they often don't know.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:37:29.460Z,2021-01-25T21:37:29.460Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8090 28080,v1.0,,"You won’t get the right questions, because if you want to get the right questions, you need to have a new set of people, you need to have a more participatory style of governing technology. And this also means making it more local. These technologies are similar to major monopolies, but they actually govern the infrastructure of cities and communities around the world. They don’t know their culture, their language, their interests, their problems. How can they offer an infrastructure — a system that will supposedly help them resolve issues — if they don't even know them?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:37:09.945Z,2021-01-25T21:37:09.945Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,1092 28079,v1.0,,"We never regulated a space that we actually could democratically control. With the libertarian origins of the internet — and the fact that it became really crucial in the 90s, which was the height of the neoliberal period — we never did anything about it. And that means that all the potential those technical technologies, are being used by conservative forces that already have power. For them, it’s interesting to ask how can we prevent people from reoffending. They only want to know which people would do it again and automatically lock them up. For me, this is linked with the conservative bias. These technologies are being used to amplify the logics which are dominant dominant already.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:36:08.032Z,2021-01-25T21:36:08.032Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3686 28078,v1.0,,"We never regulated a space that we actually could democratically control. With the libertarian origins of the internet — and the fact that it became really crucial in the 90s, which was the height of the neoliberal period — we never did anything about it. And that means that all the potential those technical technologies, are being used by conservative forces that already have power. For them, it’s interesting to ask how can we prevent people from reoffending. They only want to know which people would do it again and automatically lock them up. For me, this is linked with the conservative bias. These technologies are being used to amplify the logics which are dominant dominant already.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:36:07.898Z,2021-01-25T21:36:07.898Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,6222 28077,v1.0,,"We never regulated a space that we actually could democratically control. With the libertarian origins of the internet — and the fact that it became really crucial in the 90s, which was the height of the neoliberal period — we never did anything about it. And that means that all the potential those technical technologies, are being used by conservative forces that already have power. For them, it’s interesting to ask how can we prevent people from reoffending. They only want to know which people would do it again and automatically lock them up. For me, this is linked with the conservative bias. These technologies are being used to amplify the logics which are dominant dominant already.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:36:07.878Z,2021-01-25T21:36:07.878Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,6947 28076,v1.0,,"Data is a simplification of the real world. And that's exactly the same with neoclassical economics. It simplifies things. You have a hypothesis about how humans behave and then you built an entire theory on that, which influences policy-making. In the end, people end up playing by those new rules and behave in a more simplistic way. And I see that when I'm on Facebook, I sometimes feel automated myself in the way I use language, for example. In a way, we’re becoming automated. And I think that's the key problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:29:19.345Z,2021-01-25T21:29:19.345Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7951 28075,v1.0,,"Data is a simplification of the real world. And that's exactly the same with neoclassical economics. It simplifies things. You have a hypothesis about how humans behave and then you built an entire theory on that, which influences policy-making. In the end, people end up playing by those new rules and behave in a more simplistic way. And I see that when I'm on Facebook, I sometimes feel automated myself in the way I use language, for example. In a way, we’re becoming automated. And I think that's the key problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:29:19.245Z,2021-01-25T21:29:19.245Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7991 28074,v1.0,,"Data is a simplification of the real world. And that's exactly the same with neoclassical economics. It simplifies things. You have a hypothesis about how humans behave and then you built an entire theory on that, which influences policy-making. In the end, people end up playing by those new rules and behave in a more simplistic way. And I see that when I'm on Facebook, I sometimes feel automated myself in the way I use language, for example. In a way, we’re becoming automated. And I think that's the key problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T21:29:19.239Z,2021-01-25T21:29:19.239Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7952 28073,v1.0,,"You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:29:21.816Z,2021-04-04T20:40:25.777Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8593 28072,v1.0,,"You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:29:21.666Z,2021-01-25T20:29:21.666Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7954 28071,v1.0,,"We outsourced something, which is not directly related to AI, but which I found quite instructive for myself. When I worked for a certain organization, we had a specific problem: a complaint form, and we wanted to lessen the workload for ourselves, because we got too many complaints and we couldn't handle it all. We needed to find a way to make us more efficient. Under the guise of automating things, it became no longer accessible. We made it more difficult for people to complain. Yes, we put the complaint form online, but we also created a number of technological hurdles. The result meant it was actually more difficult for people to complain, we restraint the options to complain.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:29:11.009Z,2021-01-25T20:29:11.009Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3599 28070,v1.0,,"We outsourced something, which is not directly related to AI, but which I found quite instructive for myself. When I worked for a certain organization, we had a specific problem: a complaint form, and we wanted to lessen the workload for ourselves, because we got too many complaints and we couldn't handle it all. We needed to find a way to make us more efficient. Under the guise of automating things, it became no longer accessible. We made it more difficult for people to complain. Yes, we put the complaint form online, but we also created a number of technological hurdles. The result meant it was actually more difficult for people to complain, we restraint the options to complain.And this is also a part of the digital environment, you can design exactly everything the way you want it in a way that you can't in the physical world. But you can also inadvertently make it more difficult. For me that was very instructive, because the narrative is always “we put things online, we make it digital, to make it more accessible. Closer to the citizen, to be more effective and more efficient.”But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:59.467Z,2021-01-25T20:28:59.467Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8088 28069,v1.0,,"We outsourced something, which is not directly related to AI, but which I found quite instructive for myself. When I worked for a certain organization, we had a specific problem: a complaint form, and we wanted to lessen the workload for ourselves, because we got too many complaints and we couldn't handle it all. We needed to find a way to make us more efficient. Under the guise of automating things, it became no longer accessible. We made it more difficult for people to complain. Yes, we put the complaint form online, but we also created a number of technological hurdles. The result meant it was actually more difficult for people to complain, we restraint the options to complain.And this is also a part of the digital environment, you can design exactly everything the way you want it in a way that you can't in the physical world. But you can also inadvertently make it more difficult. For me that was very instructive, because the narrative is always “we put things online, we make it digital, to make it more accessible. Closer to the citizen, to be more effective and more efficient.”But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:59.466Z,2021-01-25T20:28:59.466Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7144 28068,v1.0,,"We outsourced something, which is not directly related to AI, but which I found quite instructive for myself. When I worked for a certain organization, we had a specific problem: a complaint form, and we wanted to lessen the workload for ourselves, because we got too many complaints and we couldn't handle it all. We needed to find a way to make us more efficient. Under the guise of automating things, it became no longer accessible. We made it more difficult for people to complain. Yes, we put the complaint form online, but we also created a number of technological hurdles. The result meant it was actually more difficult for people to complain, we restraint the options to complain.And this is also a part of the digital environment, you can design exactly everything the way you want it in a way that you can't in the physical world. But you can also inadvertently make it more difficult. For me that was very instructive, because the narrative is always “we put things online, we make it digital, to make it more accessible. Closer to the citizen, to be more effective and more efficient.”But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:59.093Z,2021-01-25T20:28:59.093Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7933 28067,v1.0,,"We outsourced something, which is not directly related to AI, but which I found quite instructive for myself. When I worked for a certain organization, we had a specific problem: a complaint form, and we wanted to lessen the workload for ourselves, because we got too many complaints and we couldn't handle it all. We needed to find a way to make us more efficient. Under the guise of automating things, it became no longer accessible. We made it more difficult for people to complain. Yes, we put the complaint form online, but we also created a number of technological hurdles. The result meant it was actually more difficult for people to complain, we restraint the options to complain.And this is also a part of the digital environment, you can design exactly everything the way you want it in a way that you can't in the physical world. But you can also inadvertently make it more difficult. For me that was very instructive, because the narrative is always “we put things online, we make it digital, to make it more accessible. Closer to the citizen, to be more effective and more efficient.”But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:59.077Z,2021-01-25T20:28:59.077Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3751 28066,v1.0,,"We outsourced something, which is not directly related to AI, but which I found quite instructive for myself. When I worked for a certain organization, we had a specific problem: a complaint form, and we wanted to lessen the workload for ourselves, because we got too many complaints and we couldn't handle it all. We needed to find a way to make us more efficient. Under the guise of automating things, it became no longer accessible. We made it more difficult for people to complain. Yes, we put the complaint form online, but we also created a number of technological hurdles. The result meant it was actually more difficult for people to complain, we restraint the options to complain.And this is also a part of the digital environment, you can design exactly everything the way you want it in a way that you can't in the physical world. But you can also inadvertently make it more difficult. For me that was very instructive, because the narrative is always “we put things online, we make it digital, to make it more accessible. Closer to the citizen, to be more effective and more efficient.”But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:59.070Z,2021-01-25T20:28:59.070Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4773 28065,v1.0,,"But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:02.294Z,2021-04-04T21:01:59.710Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4437 28064,v1.0,,"But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:02.083Z,2021-01-25T20:28:02.083Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3599 28063,v1.0,,"But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:01.604Z,2021-01-25T20:28:01.604Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,76 28062,v1.0,,"But I feel that the underlying trends are that's what matters with technology. It's not the technology itself, it's the socio-economic environment. It’s often austerity. “We need to cut costs. We need to cut budgets,” And the market logic is preparing the public sector. The result is often that people aren’t held accountable by the solutions.You see this a lot in healthcare and the social care sector where everything is digitized: you can't actually talk to a person anymore. There's often a binary logic, you can click this or that. But often, your case doesn't fit those options. And then you're left out, there's no one to complain to. And it means reduced access. You see it a lot in the US where, once they digitize procedures, the amount of people that are allowed to claim benefits goes down drastically.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:28:01.198Z,2021-01-25T20:28:01.198Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,6264 28061,v1.0,,"And this is also a part of the digital environment, you can design exactly everything the way you want it in a way that you can't in the physical world. But you can also inadvertently make it more difficult. For me that was very instructive, because the narrative is always “we put things online, we make it digital, to make it more accessible. Closer to the citizen, to be more effective and more efficient.”",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:27:12.939Z,2021-01-25T20:27:12.939Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7991 28060,v1.0,,"What I've seen when talking about technology, is the fact that we don't understand it. When I worked at the Commission, I was also involved in some IT projects. There was no oversight, and we wanted to have system deadlines, increase incredibly overturn. And it's just a sense of helplessness, because you don't understand it.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:24:18.407Z,2021-01-25T20:24:18.407Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7076 28059,v1.0,,"What I've seen when talking about technology, is the fact that we don't understand it. When I worked at the Commission, I was also involved in some IT projects. There was no oversight, and we wanted to have system deadlines, increase incredibly overturn. And it's just a sense of helplessness, because you don't understand it.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:24:18.399Z,2021-01-25T20:24:18.399Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,5028 28058,v1.0,,"What I've seen when talking about technology, is the fact that we don't understand it. When I worked at the Commission, I was also involved in some IT projects. There was no oversight, and we wanted to have system deadlines, increase incredibly overturn. And it's just a sense of helplessness, because you don't understand it.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:24:18.396Z,2021-01-25T20:24:18.396Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3611 28057,v1.0,,"I read in a recent report that the Austrian labor department started to use AI to decide how they should spend the resources for rescaling and training the unemployed. And given the criteria, they would focus mainly on people that had the most chance to find a job. What happened was that people who needed help the least, actually received the most resources. Whereas the people that had the least chance to actually find a job again, were left out: it wasn’t considered an efficient investment. You need to understand how this tech works, because the institutions using them often have certain targets. Probably the central authority tells them “you need to help this percentage of people for this amount of money.” The outcome, however, means that the people who need to help the most will get it the least, and the other way around. I found that quite instructive for the kind of thinking that that's happening on a more personal level.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:23:35.813Z,2021-02-26T12:26:49.482Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7725 28056,v1.0,,"I read in a recent report that the Austrian labor department started to use AI to decide how they should spend the resources for rescaling and training the unemployed. And given the criteria, they would focus mainly on people that had the most chance to find a job. What happened was that people who needed help the least, actually received the most resources. Whereas the people that had the least chance to actually find a job again, were left out: it wasn’t considered an efficient investment. You need to understand how this tech works, because the institutions using them often have certain targets. Probably the central authority tells them “you need to help this percentage of people for this amount of money.” The outcome, however, means that the people who need to help the most will get it the least, and the other way around. I found that quite instructive for the kind of thinking that that's happening on a more personal level.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:23:35.807Z,2021-04-04T20:40:25.772Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8593 28055,v1.0,,"I read in a recent report that the Austrian labor department started to use AI to decide how they should spend the resources for rescaling and training the unemployed. And given the criteria, they would focus mainly on people that had the most chance to find a job. What happened was that people who needed help the least, actually received the most resources. Whereas the people that had the least chance to actually find a job again, were left out: it wasn’t considered an efficient investment. You need to understand how this tech works, because the institutions using them often have certain targets. Probably the central authority tells them “you need to help this percentage of people for this amount of money.” The outcome, however, means that the people who need to help the most will get it the least, and the other way around. I found that quite instructive for the kind of thinking that that's happening on a more personal level.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:23:35.797Z,2021-01-25T20:23:35.797Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4056 28054,v1.0,,"I read in a recent report that the Austrian labor department started to use AI to decide how they should spend the resources for rescaling and training the unemployed. And given the criteria, they would focus mainly on people that had the most chance to find a job. What happened was that people who needed help the least, actually received the most resources. Whereas the people that had the least chance to actually find a job again, were left out: it wasn’t considered an efficient investment. You need to understand how this tech works, because the institutions using them often have certain targets. Probably the central authority tells them “you need to help this percentage of people for this amount of money.” The outcome, however, means that the people who need to help the most will get it the least, and the other way around. I found that quite instructive for the kind of thinking that that's happening on a more personal level.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:23:35.797Z,2021-01-25T20:23:35.797Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7591 28053,v1.0,,"I read in a recent report that the Austrian labor department started to use AI to decide how they should spend the resources for rescaling and training the unemployed. And given the criteria, they would focus mainly on people that had the most chance to find a job. What happened was that people who needed help the least, actually received the most resources. Whereas the people that had the least chance to actually find a job again, were left out: it wasn’t considered an efficient investment. You need to understand how this tech works, because the institutions using them often have certain targets. Probably the central authority tells them “you need to help this percentage of people for this amount of money.” The outcome, however, means that the people who need to help the most will get it the least, and the other way around. I found that quite instructive for the kind of thinking that that's happening on a more personal level.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:23:35.794Z,2021-01-25T20:23:35.794Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,6264 28052,v1.0,,"I read in a recent report that the Austrian labor department started to use AI to decide how they should spend the resources for rescaling and training the unemployed. And given the criteria, they would focus mainly on people that had the most chance to find a job. What happened was that people who needed help the least, actually received the most resources. Whereas the people that had the least chance to actually find a job again, were left out: it wasn’t considered an efficient investment. You need to understand how this tech works, because the institutions using them often have certain targets. Probably the central authority tells them “you need to help this percentage of people for this amount of money.” The outcome, however, means that the people who need to help the most will get it the least, and the other way around. I found that quite instructive for the kind of thinking that that's happening on a more personal level.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:23:35.651Z,2021-01-25T20:23:35.651Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7954 28051,v1.0,,"When we talk about predictive policing, it has shown to steer officers to serve the neighborhoods which are well off: the chance that certain people get caught is higher in those. So, you create a self reinforcing loop. If this is how we build systems —by just importing existing data — it will penalize those — minorities, the poor people — and they’ll become even more disadvantaged. It’s a crucial problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:22:36.744Z,2021-01-25T20:22:36.744Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7954 28050,v1.0,,"I read in a recent report that the Austrian labor department started to use AI to decide how they should spend the resources for rescaling and training the unemployed. And given the criteria, they would focus mainly on people that had the most chance to find a job. What happened was that people who needed help the least, actually received the most resources. Whereas the people that had the least chance to actually find a job again, were left out: it wasn’t considered an efficient investment.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:22:30.005Z,2021-01-25T20:22:30.005Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3599 28048,v1.0,,"When we talk about predictive policing, it has shown to steer officers to serve the neighborhoods which are well off: the chance that certain people get caught is higher in those. So, you create a self reinforcing loop. If this is how we build systems —by just importing existing data — it will penalize those — minorities, the poor people — and they’ll become even more disadvantaged. It’s a crucial problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:21:22.564Z,2021-01-25T20:21:22.564Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7808 28047,v1.0,,"When we talk about predictive policing, it has shown to steer officers to serve the neighborhoods which are well off: the chance that certain people get caught is higher in those. So, you create a self reinforcing loop. If this is how we build systems —by just importing existing data — it will penalize those — minorities, the poor people — and they’ll become even more disadvantaged. It’s a crucial problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:21:22.563Z,2021-01-25T20:21:22.563Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8081 28046,v1.0,,"When we talk about predictive policing, it has shown to steer officers to serve the neighborhoods which are well off: the chance that certain people get caught is higher in those. So, you create a self reinforcing loop. If this is how we build systems —by just importing existing data — it will penalize those — minorities, the poor people — and they’ll become even more disadvantaged. It’s a crucial problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:21:22.416Z,2021-01-25T20:21:22.416Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,6222 28045,v1.0,,"When we talk about predictive policing, it has shown to steer officers to serve the neighborhoods which are well off: the chance that certain people get caught is higher in those. So, you create a self reinforcing loop. If this is how we build systems —by just importing existing data — it will penalize those — minorities, the poor people — and they’ll become even more disadvantaged. It’s a crucial problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:21:22.344Z,2021-01-25T20:21:22.344Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8038 28044,v1.0,,"When we talk about predictive policing, it has shown to steer officers to serve the neighborhoods which are well off: the chance that certain people get caught is higher in those. So, you create a self reinforcing loop. If this is how we build systems —by just importing existing data — it will penalize those — minorities, the poor people — and they’ll become even more disadvantaged. It’s a crucial problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:21:22.325Z,2021-01-25T20:21:22.325Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,1925 28043,v1.0,,"When we talk about predictive policing, it has shown to steer officers to serve the neighborhoods which are well off: the chance that certain people get caught is higher in those. So, you create a self reinforcing loop. If this is how we build systems —by just importing existing data — it will penalize those — minorities, the poor people — and they’ll become even more disadvantaged. It’s a crucial problem.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:21:22.135Z,2021-01-25T20:21:22.135Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,1065 28042,v1.0,,"A lot of those AI systems essentially feed on existing data. We feed an AI data system with occupational roles, and the jobs that people have. This means it will train on data that shows that a lot of managers are male, and a lot of cleaning personnel are female. If you add that data for a labor application, women will more likely get an ad for cleaning jobs, and not managerial roles. The system has learned that it’s the most efficient, because that's often what we know.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:20:39.254Z,2021-01-25T20:20:39.254Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8062 28041,v1.0,,"A lot of those AI systems essentially feed on existing data. We feed an AI data system with occupational roles, and the jobs that people have. This means it will train on data that shows that a lot of managers are male, and a lot of cleaning personnel are female. If you add that data for a labor application, women will more likely get an ad for cleaning jobs, and not managerial roles. The system has learned that it’s the most efficient, because that's often what we know.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:20:39.247Z,2021-01-25T20:20:39.247Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,6222 28040,v1.0,,"A lot of those AI systems essentially feed on existing data. We feed an AI data system with occupational roles, and the jobs that people have. This means it will train on data that shows that a lot of managers are male, and a lot of cleaning personnel are female. If you add that data for a labor application, women will more likely get an ad for cleaning jobs, and not managerial roles. The system has learned that it’s the most efficient, because that's often what we know.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:20:39.118Z,2021-01-25T20:20:39.118Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7952 28039,v1.0,,"A lot of those AI systems essentially feed on existing data. We feed an AI data system with occupational roles, and the jobs that people have. This means it will train on data that shows that a lot of managers are male, and a lot of cleaning personnel are female. If you add that data for a labor application, women will more likely get an ad for cleaning jobs, and not managerial roles. The system has learned that it’s the most efficient, because that's often what we know.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T20:20:39.117Z,2021-01-25T20:20:39.117Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7591 28038,v1.0,,"There's a lot of different motives for people to behave the way they do. It's not just market concerns. It's also solidarity, sociality. And the systems don't take that into account. Governments often don’t understand the systems, especially on the local level, they don't have access to the data that's being produced. They outsource the entire management of the systems, the key criteria, to private parties. And I think that's a problem. And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?Many public authorities, and people working on policy policy — including myself — don't really understand the systems. But because of austerity, budget cuts, they're very sensitive to the narrative about cutting costs and efficiency. They believe the systems can solve everything, but actually don't understand them. That’s why they outsource it without really asking the difficult questions: what exactly is the problem you’re trying to solve? Can we solve it by just collecting data ourselves and coming up with some automated system?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:03:11.239Z,2021-01-25T16:03:11.239Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8095 28037,v1.0,,"But because of austerity, budget cuts, they're very sensitive to the narrative about cutting costs and efficiency.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:02:53.164Z,2021-01-25T16:02:53.164Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,6264 28036,v1.0,,"But because of austerity, budget cuts, they're very sensitive to the narrative about cutting costs and efficiency.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:02:53.124Z,2021-01-25T16:02:53.124Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,76 28035,v1.0,,"But because of austerity, budget cuts, they're very sensitive to the narrative about cutting costs and efficiency.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:02:53.098Z,2021-01-25T16:02:53.098Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3599 28034,v1.0,,"They believe the systems can solve everything, but actually don't understand them. That’s why they outsource it without really asking the difficult questions: what exactly is the problem you’re trying to solve? Can we solve it by just collecting data ourselves and coming up with some automated system?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:02:29.765Z,2021-01-25T16:02:29.765Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4850 28033,v1.0,,"There's a lot of different motives for people to behave the way they do. It's not just market concerns. It's also solidarity, sociality. And the systems don't take that into account. Governments often don’t understand the systems, especially on the local level, they don't have access to the data that's being produced. They outsource the entire management of the systems, the key criteria, to private parties. And I think that's a problem. And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:00:36.193Z,2021-04-04T21:01:59.705Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4437 28032,v1.0,,"Governments often don’t understand the systems, especially on the local level, they don't have access to the data that's being produced. They outsource the entire management of the systems, the key criteria, to private parties. And I think that's a problem. And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:00:26.355Z,2021-01-25T16:00:26.355Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7799 28031,v1.0,,"And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:00:18.438Z,2021-05-14T05:02:02.839Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4704 28030,v1.0,,"And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:00:18.025Z,2021-01-25T16:00:18.025Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4874 28029,v1.0,,"And I think that if we take a very close look at how we design the infrastructure, we will be locked into long term contracts, with very expensive systems that will decide how people live together in a city for decades to come. I think we have a real opportunity to make this more participatory and more accountable, but we have to take it. The same counts for the debate about the automation of jobs: what kind of work will there be in the future, how can we help people you to find meaningful, remunerated activity in the decades to come? How does it look like?",/post/63492,2021-01-25T16:00:17.956Z,2021-01-25T16:00:17.956Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,18 28028,v1.0,,"Governments often don’t understand the systems, especially on the local level, they don't have access to the data that's being produced. They outsource the entire management of the systems, the key criteria, to private parties.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T15:59:02.075Z,2021-01-25T15:59:02.075Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7933 28027,v1.0,,"Governments often don’t understand the systems, especially on the local level, they don't have access to the data that's being produced. They outsource the entire management of the systems, the key criteria, to private parties.",/post/63492,2021-01-25T15:59:02.047Z,2021-01-25T15:59:02.047Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8093 28025,v1.0,,"It's kind of a neoliberal model where they let the markets do what it has to do. And then maybe if there's some kind of narrowly defined market failure, then EC would step in. For example with geo blocking that's the case. And we have many laws and copyrights. Whereas with competition, obviously, you’d like to restore perfect competition, but it hasn't really worked. It's a very fragmented approach, in a way a very reactive approach. I understand that law is important, and we should have it. The general data protection regulation is I think a step in the right direction, but it can't be the only thing. You also need to govern. And for me, that means steering investment into a specific technology or a technological application that you want. To use public procurements and all your buying power to steer it all into a better direction: environmentally friendly, interoperable, etc. We're not doing that enough, because the commission isn’t willing to intervene in a market like that. It's also difficult because of the treaties, the four key things are the freedom of movement, capital, services, and goods.",/post/63492,2021-01-23T21:17:29.993Z,2021-01-23T21:17:29.993Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4436 28024,v1.0,,"And for me, that means steering investment into a specific technology or a technological application that you want. To use public procurements and all your buying power to steer it all into a better direction: environmentally friendly, interoperable, etc. We're not doing that enough, because the commission isn’t willing to intervene in a market like that. It's also difficult because of the treaties, the four key things are the freedom of movement, capital, services, and goods.",/post/63492,2021-01-23T21:17:18.955Z,2021-01-23T21:17:18.955Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4447 28023,v1.0,,"And for me, that means steering investment into a specific technology or a technological application that you want. To use public procurements and all your buying power to steer it all into a better direction: environmentally friendly, interoperable, etc. We're not doing that enough, because the commission isn’t willing to intervene in a market like that. It's also difficult because of the treaties, the four key things are the freedom of movement, capital, services, and goods.",/post/63492,2021-01-23T21:16:59.592Z,2021-01-23T21:16:59.592Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4334 28022,v1.0,,"I'm not neutral or unbiased to this. But I feel that if we look at the history of the European Commission, when they started in the 50s, 60s, the progressive rate was the future. It was to create an internal market to take power away from Member States and create one common market. The idea was that it would allow for political integration, and would block war: a nice progressive society where everybody would be happy. It’s a very good story. But now we're in a different environment: we’ve created this huge internal market, but the political structures are not there. And for me, this is a key driver for inequality.",/post/63492,2021-01-23T21:15:53.231Z,2021-01-23T21:15:53.231Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3939 28020,v1.0,,"When it comes to the Digital Strategies, many people don't really understand what it's about — this also includes me by the way. We looked at the digital sector for a long time in terms of competition. We started with Microsoft in the 90s, how they sold a pre-installed Internet Explorer browser on the Microsoft Windows operating system. I arrived much later at the Commission. We looked at copyright laws, we looked at the digital single market strategy, at the revision of the ratio of digital single strategy in 2017, at autonomous and connected cars. We tried to define what kind of legislation we needed, to bring it into life in a broad manner. For example Audio Visual Media Services, we came up with a new directive two years ago. It was quite broad, but a lot of it was linked to economic law, and then what we call digital law. This included portability, geo blocking, all from a regulatory perspective. But I think this is very problematic. We wait to see what comes and then we try to regulate it, instead of coming up with more positive, efficient motivational transitions.",/post/63492,2021-01-23T21:15:18.077Z,2021-01-23T21:15:18.077Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,1321 28019,v1.0,,"A good example of this is the data protection regulation. It's not that different from what already existed in 1995, the directive on data protection, but it was simply not enforced. So, how can we do better? How can you make sure that the law is not just existing on paper? What actually works? And this is a major problem for the commission: they don’t have the staff or the resources to really ensure that the directives are enforced to a significant extent.",/post/63492,2021-01-23T21:14:04.540Z,2021-05-14T05:18:07.347Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,979 28018,v1.0,,"In my first year my life I studied how the Fiat company in Italy was exploiting their laborers. We analyzed a drop in the fertility rate of women which were being mistreated in the factory. I quite honestly believe that capitalism as a mechanism to extract value from labor. And compared to now and then, this hasn’t changed, only the tools have. Personally, what has changed is how I understand change can be driven. I always relied a lot on political parties, I believed in parties, I was a member of them. I also believed a lot in unions. But, I never quite realized how effective civic organizations could be in gathering around specific purposes. Not only doing advocacy work, but also taking things into their own hands, such as shaping services in local areas.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:06:28.905Z,2021-01-23T21:06:28.905Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7985 28017,v1.0,,"In my first year my life I studied how the Fiat company in Italy was exploiting their laborers. We analyzed a drop in the fertility rate of women which were being mistreated in the factory. I quite honestly believe that capitalism as a mechanism to extract value from labor. And compared to now and then, this hasn’t changed, only the tools have. Personally, what has changed is how I understand change can be driven. I always relied a lot on political parties, I believed in parties, I was a member of them. I also believed a lot in unions. But, I never quite realized how effective civic organizations could be in gathering around specific purposes. Not only doing advocacy work, but also taking things into their own hands, such as shaping services in local areas.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:06:28.899Z,2021-01-23T21:06:28.899Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4822 28016,v1.0,,"But, I never quite realized how effective civic organizations could be in gathering around specific purposes. Not only doing advocacy work, but also taking things into their own hands, such as shaping services in local areas.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:06:16.996Z,2021-01-23T21:06:16.996Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4429 28015,v1.0,,"but also taking things into their own hands, such as shaping services in local areas.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:57.477Z,2021-01-23T21:05:57.477Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,1092 28014,v1.0,,"Personally, what has changed is how I understand change can be driven. I always relied a lot on political parties, I believed in parties, I was a member of them. I also believed a lot in unions. But, I never quite realized how effective civic organizations could be in gathering around specific purposes. Not only doing advocacy work, but also taking things into their own hands, such as shaping services in local areas.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:48.506Z,2021-01-23T21:05:48.506Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7535 28013,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:14.561Z,2021-01-23T21:11:45.908Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3939 28012,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:14.473Z,2021-01-23T21:05:14.473Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,6185 28011,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:14.451Z,2021-01-23T21:05:14.451Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,5177 28010,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:14.446Z,2021-01-23T21:05:14.446Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3939 28009,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:14.426Z,2021-01-23T21:05:14.426Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,407 28008,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:14.383Z,2021-01-23T21:05:14.383Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4461 28007,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:14.059Z,2021-01-23T21:05:14.059Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8091 28006,v1.0,,"In a country like Italy, the concentration of wealth has been remarkable in the last 20 years. There are so many people that don't have much of a choice, they do what they need to do to work, get whatever opportunity that comes along. It’s not a lack of jobs, but it’s the poor quality of those jobs, which have been created through the technological transfer. There is no dignity in the gig economy: at the end of the game, the workers are not in control. Most people aim in live for substantial freedom. But many people feel deprived from that freedom, which results in resentment.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:05:13.960Z,2021-01-23T21:05:13.960Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7985 28005,v1.0,,"Governments have been redesigning services in a one-size-fits-all approach, meaning you have the same reform of the health system or education system whether you live in Rome, or Bellino, or Paris. This means, however, that some people may have to travel to school for 45 minutes. And as a result, they grow a sense of resentment. They feel that the only places where we could live (urban areas) are depriving them of their own sense of being somebody. Resentment doesn’t only grow out of having a lower income, but also out of not being recognized. This kind of abandonment produces anger towards the experts that are perceived as working for “the other guys,” the upper class, the authorities. And the only thing you can do is hate the migrants and call for an authoritarian government which, at least, decides quickly without discussion and participatory “boring things,” what to do. They have lost their trust in democracy.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:51.397Z,2021-01-23T21:03:51.397Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8090 28003,v1.0,,"Governments have been redesigning services in a one-size-fits-all approach, meaning you have the same reform of the health system or education system whether you live in Rome, or Bellino, or Paris. This means, however, that some people may have to travel to school for 45 minutes. And as a result, they grow a sense of resentment. They feel that the only places where we could live (urban areas) are depriving them of their own sense of being somebody. Resentment doesn’t only grow out of having a lower income, but also out of not being recognized. This kind of abandonment produces anger towards the experts that are perceived as working for “the other guys,” the upper class, the authorities. And the only thing you can do is hate the migrants and call for an authoritarian government which, at least, decides quickly without discussion and participatory “boring things,” what to do. They have lost their trust in democracy.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:51.333Z,2021-01-23T21:03:51.333Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7799 28002,v1.0,,"Governments have been redesigning services in a one-size-fits-all approach, meaning you have the same reform of the health system or education system whether you live in Rome, or Bellino, or Paris. This means, however, that some people may have to travel to school for 45 minutes. And as a result, they grow a sense of resentment. They feel that the only places where we could live (urban areas) are depriving them of their own sense of being somebody. Resentment doesn’t only grow out of having a lower income, but also out of not being recognized. This kind of abandonment produces anger towards the experts that are perceived as working for “the other guys,” the upper class, the authorities. And the only thing you can do is hate the migrants and call for an authoritarian government which, at least, decides quickly without discussion and participatory “boring things,” what to do. They have lost their trust in democracy.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:51.184Z,2021-01-23T21:03:51.184Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7083 28001,v1.0,,"Governments have been redesigning services in a one-size-fits-all approach, meaning you have the same reform of the health system or education system whether you live in Rome, or Bellino, or Paris. This means, however, that some people may have to travel to school for 45 minutes. And as a result, they grow a sense of resentment. They feel that the only places where we could live (urban areas) are depriving them of their own sense of being somebody. Resentment doesn’t only grow out of having a lower income, but also out of not being recognized. This kind of abandonment produces anger towards the experts that are perceived as working for “the other guys,” the upper class, the authorities. And the only thing you can do is hate the migrants and call for an authoritarian government which, at least, decides quickly without discussion and participatory “boring things,” what to do. They have lost their trust in democracy.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:51.118Z,2021-01-23T21:03:51.118Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,1321 28000,v1.0,,They have lost their trust in democracy.,/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:10.518Z,2021-01-23T21:03:10.518Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7559 27999,v1.0,,They have lost their trust in democracy.,/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:10.485Z,2021-02-19T12:47:16.474Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,5025 27998,v1.0,,They have lost their trust in democracy.,/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:10.349Z,2021-01-23T21:03:10.349Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,5177 27997,v1.0,,They have lost their trust in democracy.,/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:03:10.332Z,2021-01-23T21:03:10.332Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,1778 27996,v1.0,,"as a result, they grow a sense of resentment. They feel that the only places where we could live (urban areas) are depriving them of their own sense of being somebody. Resentment doesn’t only grow out of having a lower income, but also out of not being recognized. This kind of abandonment produces anger towards the experts that are perceived as working for “the other guys,” the upper class, the authorities. And the only thing you can do is hate the migrants and call for an authoritarian government which, at least, decides quickly without discussion and participatory “boring things,” what to do. They have lost their trust in democracy.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:02:28.027Z,2021-01-23T21:02:28.027Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,6185 27995,v1.0,,"Public administration at the local level can say they can collect all the information on mobility to redesign the mobility of a particular town. Okay. All right. Fantastic. Only, they don’t share the data with everyone, or with those who are professional, innovative experts who could redesign the mobility. Instead, they allow a single monopoly corporation to become the owner of the data.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:01:36.099Z,2021-01-23T21:01:36.099Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8089 27994,v1.0,,"Instead, they allow a single monopoly corporation to become the owner of the data.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:01:17.996Z,2021-01-23T21:01:17.996Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,424 27992,v1.0,,"Instead, they allow a single monopoly corporation to become the owner of the data.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:01:17.862Z,2021-01-23T21:01:17.862Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,1167 27990,v1.0,,"Only, they don’t share the data with everyone, or with those who are professional, innovative experts who could redesign the mobility. Instead, they allow a single monopoly corporation to become the owner of the data.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:00:53.176Z,2021-01-23T21:00:53.176Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3711 27989,v1.0,,"Public administration at the local level can say they can collect all the information on mobility to redesign the mobility of a particular town. Okay. All right. Fantastic. Only, they don’t share the data with everyone, or with those who are professional, innovative experts who could redesign the mobility. Instead, they allow a single monopoly corporation to become the owner of the data.Something like 60% of the Italian territory is hard to reach by car in terms of access to services. These are amazing places, which people like you and me enjoy enjoy for a couple of days. Living there could be beautiful. You could become a farmer. You could live off cultural heritage, and so on. But the people actually living there right now aren’t recognized and they aren’t provided services.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:00:30.478Z,2021-01-23T21:00:30.478Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8088 27988,v1.0,,"Public administration at the local level can say they can collect all the information on mobility to redesign the mobility of a particular town. Okay. All right. Fantastic. Only, they don’t share the data with everyone, or with those who are professional, innovative experts who could redesign the mobility. Instead, they allow a single monopoly corporation to become the owner of the data.Something like 60% of the Italian territory is hard to reach by car in terms of access to services. These are amazing places, which people like you and me enjoy enjoy for a couple of days. Living there could be beautiful. You could become a farmer. You could live off cultural heritage, and so on. But the people actually living there right now aren’t recognized and they aren’t provided services.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T21:00:30.400Z,2021-04-04T20:40:25.767Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8593 27987,v1.0,,"We could have a technology which could be used to actually understand the people in front of you better, but you are using the technology in a wrong matter.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:59:26.886Z,2021-01-23T20:59:26.886Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4264 27986,v1.0,,"Digitalization of Public Administration is one of the most stupid expressions invented. Digitalization doesn't mean anything in itself. For example, you are running a welfare system at the municipal level and decide to use AI to figure out who should benefit from housing intervention, or from care: then what you are doing is that you are depriving these people from the most important thing — which is even more important than housing — namely to interact with human beings, and to be understood by someone who they can express their feelings to. We could have a technology which could be used to actually understand the people in front of you better, but you are using the technology in a wrong matter.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:59:13.896Z,2021-01-23T20:59:13.896Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7591 27985,v1.0,,"Digitalization of Public Administration is one of the most stupid expressions invented. Digitalization doesn't mean anything in itself. For example, you are running a welfare system at the municipal level and decide to use AI to figure out who should benefit from housing intervention, or from care: then what you are doing is that you are depriving these people from the most important thing — which is even more important than housing — namely to interact with human beings, and to be understood by someone who they can express their feelings to. We could have a technology which could be used to actually understand the people in front of you better, but you are using the technology in a wrong matter.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:59:13.891Z,2021-01-23T20:59:13.891Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4056 27984,v1.0,,"Digitalization of Public Administration is one of the most stupid expressions invented. Digitalization doesn't mean anything in itself. For example, you are running a welfare system at the municipal level and decide to use AI to figure out who should benefit from housing intervention, or from care: then what you are doing is that you are depriving these people from the most important thing — which is even more important than housing — namely to interact with human beings, and to be understood by someone who they can express their feelings to. We could have a technology which could be used to actually understand the people in front of you better, but you are using the technology in a wrong matter.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:59:13.873Z,2021-01-23T20:59:13.873Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3758 27983,v1.0,,"For example, you are running a welfare system at the municipal level and decide to use AI to figure out who should benefit from housing intervention, or from care: then what you are doing is that you are depriving these people from the most important thing — which is even more important than housing — namely to interact with human beings, and to be understood by someone who they can express their feelings to.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:58:54.179Z,2021-01-23T20:58:54.179Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7144 27982,v1.0,,"For example, you are running a welfare system at the municipal level and decide to use AI to figure out who should benefit from housing intervention, or from care: then what you are doing is that you are depriving these people from the most important thing — which is even more important than housing — namely to interact with human beings, and to be understood by someone who they can express their feelings to.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:58:54.176Z,2021-01-23T20:58:54.176Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,6264 27981,v1.0,,"For example, you are running a welfare system at the municipal level and decide to use AI to figure out who should benefit from housing intervention, or from care: then what you are doing is that you are depriving these people from the most important thing — which is even more important than housing — namely to interact with human beings, and to be understood by someone who they can express their feelings to.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:58:53.746Z,2021-04-04T20:40:25.761Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8593 27980,v1.0,,"We believe that by putting pressure on entrepreneurs, by having state owned enterprises with the right goals, or by creating collective platforms where people can actually put together the data on mobility, then use it, and then make sure that everybody has access. We can actually turn these technologies into something which could increase social justice rather than reduce it.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:57:24.922Z,2021-01-23T20:57:24.922Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7984 27979,v1.0,,"by having state owned enterprises with the right goals,",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:57:08.421Z,2021-01-23T20:57:08.421Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4274 27978,v1.0,,"by having state owned enterprises with the right goals,",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:57:08.412Z,2021-04-04T20:40:25.756Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8593 27977,v1.0,,"by having state owned enterprises with the right goals,",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:57:08.409Z,2021-01-23T20:57:08.409Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7927 27976,v1.0,,"by having state owned enterprises with the right goals,",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:57:07.943Z,2021-01-23T20:57:07.943Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7959 27975,v1.0,,We can actually turn these technologies into something which could increase social justice rather than reduce it.,/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:56:21.679Z,2021-01-23T20:56:21.679Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4470 27974,v1.0,,We can actually turn these technologies into something which could increase social justice rather than reduce it.,/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:56:21.666Z,2021-01-23T20:56:21.666Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4423 27973,v1.0,,"by creating collective platforms where people can actually put together the data on mobility, then use it, and then make sure that everybody has access.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:56:10.785Z,2021-01-23T20:56:10.785Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4260 27972,v1.0,,"by creating collective platforms where people can actually put together the data on mobility, then use it, and then make sure that everybody has access.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:56:10.783Z,2021-01-23T20:56:10.783Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7677 27971,v1.0,,"If we put pressure on the entrepreneurs, then they will do somehow what we asked them to do, but if we don't, they don't.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:55:19.139Z,2021-01-23T20:55:19.139Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,424 27970,v1.0,,"If we put pressure on the entrepreneurs, then they will do somehow what we asked them to do, but if we don't, they don't.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:55:19.055Z,2021-01-23T20:55:19.055Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7959 27969,v1.0,,"If we put pressure on the entrepreneurs, then they will do somehow what we asked them to do, but if we don't, they don't.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:55:19.027Z,2021-01-23T20:55:19.027Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7984 27968,v1.0,,"If we put pressure on the entrepreneurs, then they will do somehow what we asked them to do, but if we don't, they don't.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:55:19.024Z,2021-01-23T20:55:19.024Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7083 27967,v1.0,,"Let’s take as an example whether or not a vague algorithm could potentially be put to good use, or to terrible use. At the moment, large companies transfer the predictability and volatility of the market onto the workers, for example, telling them when to work without any regard for their personal lives. But you could use the same algorithm to predict what benefits the worker. It's not the algorithm itself which is the problem, but the objective.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:54:46.416Z,2021-01-23T20:54:46.416Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4264 27966,v1.0,,"Let’s take as an example whether or not a vague algorithm could potentially be put to good use, or to terrible use. At the moment, large companies transfer the predictability and volatility of the market onto the workers, for example, telling them when to work without any regard for their personal lives. But you could use the same algorithm to predict what benefits the worker. It's not the algorithm itself which is the problem, but the objective.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:54:46.266Z,2021-01-23T20:54:46.266Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3758 27965,v1.0,,"At the moment, large companies transfer the predictability and volatility of the market onto the workers, for example, telling them when to work without any regard for their personal lives. But you could use the same algorithm to predict what benefits the worker. It's not the algorithm itself which is the problem, but the objective.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:54:27.889Z,2021-01-23T20:54:27.889Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4461 27962,v1.0,,"But you could use the same algorithm to predict what benefits the worker. It's not the algorithm itself which is the problem, but the objective.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:54:16.420Z,2021-01-23T20:54:16.420Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7990 27961,v1.0,,"At the moment, large companies transfer the predictability and volatility of the market onto the workers, for example, telling them when to work without any regard for their personal lives.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:53:47.777Z,2021-01-23T20:53:47.777Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4523 27960,v1.0,,"At the moment, large companies transfer the predictability and volatility of the market onto the workers, for example, telling them when to work without any regard for their personal lives.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:53:47.732Z,2021-01-23T20:53:47.732Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4509 27959,v1.0,,"At the moment, large companies transfer the predictability and volatility of the market onto the workers, for example, telling them when to work without any regard for their personal lives.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:53:47.717Z,2021-01-23T20:53:47.717Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,424 27957,v1.0,,"In 2008, inequality was not a major topic, everyone believed that we should leave everything to the market: inequality would fix itself.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:52:47.085Z,2021-04-04T21:01:59.694Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4437 27956,v1.0,,"The problem is that about 15 years ago, through the time of neoliberalism, the idea was that the state should not interfere with markets. Unfortunately, capitalism can only produce good things, if there is conflict.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:52:35.916Z,2021-04-04T21:01:59.699Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4437 27955,v1.0,,"The problem is that about 15 years ago, through the time of neoliberalism, the idea was that the state should not interfere with markets. Unfortunately, capitalism can only produce good things, if there is conflict.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:52:35.837Z,2021-01-23T20:52:35.837Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4822 27954,v1.0,,"This is a paradox, because we have an information technology that in theory could be improved in equality, and in fact, is producing an enormous unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:50:56.808Z,2021-01-23T20:50:56.808Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3939 27953,v1.0,,"This is a paradox, because we have an information technology that in theory could be improved in equality, and in fact, is producing an enormous unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:50:56.667Z,2021-01-23T20:50:56.667Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4264 27952,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:50:18.100Z,2021-04-04T20:40:25.749Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,8593 27951,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:50:18.005Z,2021-01-23T20:50:18.005Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7677 27950,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:50:18.004Z,2021-01-23T20:50:18.004Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7799 27949,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:50:18.003Z,2021-01-23T20:50:18.003Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7559 27948,v1.0,,"All of the Western countries are going through an enormous crisis at the moment. People are angry, they resentment , there’s a so-called authoritarian dynamic. The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2021-01-23T20:49:14.032Z,2021-01-23T20:49:14.032Z,64179,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,6185 27947,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access. In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2021-01-23T01:58:55.770Z,2021-01-23T01:58:55.770Z,53307,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7591 27946,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access. In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2021-01-23T01:58:55.739Z,2021-01-23T01:58:55.739Z,53307,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,3611 27945,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access. In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2021-01-23T01:58:55.724Z,2021-01-23T01:58:55.724Z,53307,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4773 27944,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access. In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2021-01-23T01:58:55.545Z,2021-01-23T01:58:55.545Z,53307,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1395 27943,v1.0,,"It seems that the effectiveness of this App is largely based upon the people using it. According to virologists at the University of Oxford, such Apps are only effective if around 60% of the population uses them",/post/79137,2021-01-23T01:50:48.189Z,2021-01-23T01:50:48.189Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,8085 27942,v1.0,,I'm considering hosting a prototype open workshop to flash Android phones with for folks who wish to get rid of Google's and OEM vendor bloatware.,/post/54228,2021-01-23T01:43:47.740Z,2021-01-23T01:44:04.367Z,54228,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,805 27940,v1.0,,"Invest in people to train their skills, that's the only resource you should really aim at.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:39:34.820Z,2021-01-23T01:39:34.820Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4334 27939,v1.0,,"When you try to regulate taxes, as if we were regulating Western immigration for professionals — all the wrong and strange narratives about migrations and sustainability start to emerge. When honestly, it's your mistake for trying to regulate one phenomenon with the rules of something completely different. And the same applies to a single person — whatever his role, whether it's a doctor, or it's a judge, a policeman. We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:37:13.542Z,2021-01-23T01:37:13.542Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7785 27935,v1.0,,"When you try to regulate taxes, as if we were regulating Western immigration for professionals — all the wrong and strange narratives about migrations and sustainability start to emerge. When honestly, it's your mistake for trying to regulate one phenomenon with the rules of something completely different. And the same applies to a single person — whatever his role, whether it's a doctor, or it's a judge, a policeman. We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:36:40.194Z,2021-01-23T01:36:40.194Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1321 27934,v1.0,,"When you try to regulate taxes, as if we were regulating Western immigration for professionals — all the wrong and strange narratives about migrations and sustainability start to emerge. When honestly, it's your mistake for trying to regulate one phenomenon with the rules of something completely different. And the same applies to a single person — whatever his role, whether it's a doctor, or it's a judge, a policeman. We love to have a system where applications scale up extremely fast, basically, on any device around you tomorrow. Even if I as a doctor,wouldn’t use it, maybe the hospital is using it, maybe the medical registry are using it.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:36:40.180Z,2021-01-23T01:36:40.180Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,805 27933,v1.0,,"Our goal is not to make it impossible for innovation to enter, but not to make it too easy.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:31:23.854Z,2021-01-23T01:31:23.854Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7443 27932,v1.0,,"Our goal is not to make it impossible for innovation to enter, but not to make it too easy.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:31:23.852Z,2021-01-23T01:31:23.852Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8018 27931,v1.0,,"Well-established practices should be studied. Questions figuring out how much of a certain practice or investigation is informed by current limitations of the system, and if they are informed by the declared agreed upon goal of the system. These are slightly different problems. We should also look at the states or the communities where they have power: they should try to enforce systems of control, or the introductions of these tools, not systems that are extremely punitive. Our goal is not to make it impossible for innovation to enter, but not to make it too easy.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:31:00.205Z,2021-01-23T01:31:00.205Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7555 27930,v1.0,,"Questions figuring out how much of a certain practice or investigation is informed by current limitations of the system, and if they are informed by the declared agreed upon goal of the system.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:30:48.332Z,2021-01-23T01:30:48.332Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7955 27929,v1.0,,"As long as a company claims that they have a product, they can start investing and working on it, absorbing public resources.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:30:05.560Z,2021-01-23T01:30:05.560Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7280 27928,v1.0,,"As long as a company claims that they have a product, they can start investing and working on it, absorbing public resources.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:30:05.554Z,2021-01-23T01:30:05.554Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4509 27927,v1.0,,"As long as a company claims that they have a product, they can start investing and working on it, absorbing public resources.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:30:05.394Z,2021-01-23T01:30:05.394Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4274 27926,v1.0,,"What is happening right now is that the AI technology in Europe is being accelerated to be used. But were massively risking getting the wrong results, because we're not asking the right questions.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:29:16.242Z,2021-01-23T01:29:16.242Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4850 27925,v1.0,,Even if we make these tools auditable,/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:28:34.550Z,2021-01-23T01:28:34.550Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7555 27924,v1.0,,"If you’d invest in this kind of research in the next 10 years, with these kind of resources, maybe you will be closer to a much more interesting product. But if everything we do with AI looks just like speeding up what we were doing 20 years ago, we will never get to a point of real improvement.Even if we make these tools auditable, we would be able to learn that the mistake was done in good faith. But is it making it any better for the people?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:28:25.807Z,2021-01-23T01:28:25.807Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7957 27923,v1.0,,"If you’d invest in this kind of research in the next 10 years, with these kind of resources, maybe you will be closer to a much more interesting product. But if everything we do with AI looks just like speeding up what we were doing 20 years ago, we will never get to a point of real improvement.Even if we make these tools auditable, we would be able to learn that the mistake was done in good faith. But is it making it any better for the people?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:28:25.807Z,2021-01-23T01:28:25.807Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7940 27922,v1.0,,"But if you are asking: is Merkel going to have cancer? Now, that's NOT a marketing question. Because in marketing you care about the mass, you want to sell more chips, and even if somebody doesn't buy them, okay, it happens. But with medicine, it makes a huge difference.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:28:03.002Z,2021-01-23T01:28:03.002Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5106 27921,v1.0,,"But if you are asking: is Merkel going to have cancer? Now, that's NOT a marketing question. Because in marketing you care about the mass, you want to sell more chips, and even if somebody doesn't buy them, okay, it happens. But with medicine, it makes a huge difference.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:28:02.326Z,2021-01-23T01:28:02.326Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8081 27920,v1.0,,"And it's not only that there are more data points, it's that it's a really different question. If you look into the general population: people who smoke, in general, have more probability to have lung cancer. This is like marketing. People who purchase a beer are likely to purchase chips. But if you are asking: is Merkel going to have cancer? Now, that's NOT a marketing question. Because in marketing you care about the mass, you want to sell more chips, and even if somebody doesn't buy them, okay, it happens. But with medicine, it makes a huge difference.If, on average, these markers are more likely to have a disease, do these patients have more risk in the next two years, one year, three years? And being a different question, you will have to work with completely different mathematics. If you’d invest in this kind of research in the next 10 years, with these kind of resources, maybe you will be closer to a much more interesting product. But if everything we do with AI looks just like speeding up what we were doing 20 years ago, we will never get to a point of real improvement.Even if we make these tools auditable, we would be able to learn that the mistake was done in good faith. But is it making it any better for the people?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:27:37.413Z,2021-01-23T01:27:37.413Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7434 27918,v1.0,,"With progresses in data crunching, the medical community has been expecting these classification systems to become more refined: they can digest more data, they can be more precise in the finesse the classes. That's the expectation of precision medicine: not just knowing that a person has more than 20% likelihood in 10 years of having an event, but distinguishing among those who might have likelihoods of 19%, or 30%, or maybe even 50% . But this hasn’t really happened.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:26:17.453Z,2021-01-23T01:26:17.453Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8081 27917,v1.0,,Healthcare and AI,/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:25:20.504Z,2021-01-23T01:25:20.504Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27916,v1.0,,Healthcare and AI,/post/61024,2021-01-23T01:25:20.347Z,2021-01-23T01:25:20.347Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5106 27915,v1.0,,"most of the discourse around human control over artificial intelligence is focused today on explainability, or reproducibility of the decisions (a historical inheritance of the old days claim that artificial neural networks were too much of a black box). One of the requirements for a new decision to be accepted among us humans is that it has to be convincing in the arguments and assumptions. So, if you have something which predicts the next value of your dice every time you throw it, but you cannot explain how it works, you think it's a trick, right? Exactly like with David Copperfield. You want to understand where information is leaked for the prediction to be faked, if the prediction itself cannot be explained. This is to say explainability is extremely important - some co-workers and I work on the problem of the explainability and interpretability of autonomous systems decisions, as well... but it's not enough, it's just half (or maybe I am too optimistic, and it is less) of the work we need... rethinking how we question the world with this new tools is as important, at least.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:51:56.452Z,2021-01-23T00:51:56.452Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4874 27914,v1.0,,"We are often asking ourselves different questions from those we think we are formulating. But once we translate these into machine language, the machine is extremely proficient in engineering precisely the question we're formulating. And this is a short coming on our side, the onus is ours to begin with.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:51:25.972Z,2021-01-23T00:51:25.972Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7952 27913,v1.0,,"Most of the research in this field, if I may, say, is low quality because it tried fitting human thought process to a shakily grounded model of wealth dynamics... thus claiming human irrationality in the most stressful context (a bias, I may say?). Now, when he worked out the theory from the corrected formalism, he figured out that what was considered as irrational decision making actually makes sense, formally. If something as simple as deciding on a bet, between two different types of return dynamics (additive vs multiplicative) has seemed so dramatically complicated to academics for centuries, I might be allowed to state that our assumptions about how we decide in more complicated situations, are wrong. We are often asking ourselves different questions from those we think we are formulating. But once we translate these into machine language, the machine is extremely proficient in engineering precisely the question we're formulating. And this is a short coming on our side, the onus is ours to begin with.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:50:58.280Z,2021-01-23T00:50:58.280Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7970 27912,v1.0,,"Most of the research in this field, if I may, say, is low quality because it tried fitting human thought process to a shakily grounded model of wealth dynamics... thus claiming human irrationality in the most stressful context (a bias, I may say?). Now, when he worked out the theory from the corrected formalism, he figured out that what was considered as irrational decision making actually makes sense, formally. If something as simple as deciding on a bet, between two different types of return dynamics (additive vs multiplicative) has seemed so dramatically complicated to academics for centuries, I might be allowed to state that our assumptions about how we decide in more complicated situations, are wrong. We are often asking ourselves different questions from those we think we are formulating. But once we translate these into machine language, the machine is extremely proficient in engineering precisely the question we're formulating. And this is a short coming on our side, the onus is ours to begin with.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:50:58.280Z,2021-01-23T00:50:58.280Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7968 27911,v1.0,,"But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:44:37.828Z,2021-01-23T00:44:37.828Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7952 27910,v1.0,,"But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:44:37.592Z,2021-01-23T00:44:37.592Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7894 27909,v1.0,,"For example, I find someone burgling in an apartment, and I have to judge — let's imagine I'm a judge — whether this person will re-offend. To me this becomes a very clear problem. Let's imagine a scenario where we all tend to feel strongly there is a need for intervention: a man who is stalking his ex-wife. Of course, we want to prevent him from reoffending. Right? That's without a doubt. Now, as a human, I ask myself: “is he likely to reoffend. How can I prevent it?” ...there might be ideas about temporary restrictions, coupled with therapy and education, and establishing a redline for a certain time window when re-offense might be most likely... But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:44:11.904Z,2021-01-23T00:44:11.904Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8081 27908,v1.0,,"For example, I find someone burgling in an apartment, and I have to judge — let's imagine I'm a judge — whether this person will re-offend. To me this becomes a very clear problem. Let's imagine a scenario where we all tend to feel strongly there is a need for intervention: a man who is stalking his ex-wife. Of course, we want to prevent him from reoffending. Right? That's without a doubt. Now, as a human, I ask myself: “is he likely to reoffend. How can I prevent it?” ...there might be ideas about temporary restrictions, coupled with therapy and education, and establishing a redline for a certain time window when re-offense might be most likely... But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:44:11.902Z,2021-01-23T00:44:11.902Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8038 27907,v1.0,,"The problem is not whether you could use the data set. Could you curate the data set to make it unbiased? At face value, you could obfuscate the sensitive variables, and claim the dataset has not bias. But virtual variables can be inferred, even if they are not in a database, just like an exercise of missing values imputation. The big F is known to be able to infer data by crossing information between an external ID and the data of her/his contact on the platform... Thus, not... the problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them and ML/AI: we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:38:57.070Z,2021-01-23T00:38:57.070Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8062 27906,v1.0,,"The problem is not whether you could use the data set. Could you curate the data set to make it unbiased? At face value, you could obfuscate the sensitive variables, and claim the dataset has not bias. But virtual variables can be inferred, even if they are not in a database, just like an exercise of missing values imputation. The big F is known to be able to infer data by crossing information between an external ID and the data of her/his contact on the platform... Thus, not... the problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them and ML/AI: we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:38:56.912Z,2021-01-23T00:38:56.912Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7957 27905,v1.0,,"The data is biased because the system is, the AI simply learnt to give you the most rewarding reply, without care for the amplification of bias (because that was never part of the game for it). And what do we, humans, learn from biased data? That it should not be used for classification, that we should use it to focus on pitfalls we want to challenge. So the issue boils down to the following: should we ask ML/AI to guess from the data under which category does a fellow human fall, in striving for efficiency, as to exclude her/him from a certain benefit? Or should we rather try to force the machine to assist us in finding effective (not efficient) ways to include them?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:38:05.486Z,2021-01-23T00:38:05.486Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8038 27904,v1.0,,The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing.,/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:37:51.680Z,2021-01-23T00:37:51.680Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1264 27903,v1.0,,"The data is biased because the system is, the AI simply learnt to give you the most rewarding reply, without care for the amplification of bias (because that was never part of the game for it). And what do we, humans, learn from biased data? That it should not be used for classification, that we should use it to focus on pitfalls we want to challenge. So the issue boils down to the following: should we ask ML/AI to guess from the data under which category does a fellow human fall, in striving for efficiency, as to exclude her/him from a certain benefit? Or should we rather try to force the machine to assist us in finding effective (not efficient) ways to include them?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:36:42.253Z,2021-01-23T00:36:42.253Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8062 27902,v1.0,,"The data is biased because the system is, the AI simply learnt to give you the most rewarding reply, without care for the amplification of bias (because that was never part of the game for it). And what do we, humans, learn from biased data? That it should not be used for classification, that we should use it to focus on pitfalls we want to challenge. So the issue boils down to the following: should we ask ML/AI to guess from the data under which category does a fellow human fall, in striving for efficiency, as to exclude her/him from a certain benefit? Or should we rather try to force the machine to assist us in finding effective (not efficient) ways to include them?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:36:41.817Z,2021-01-23T00:36:41.817Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8081 27901,v1.0,,"imagine black people receiving worse follow-up care, because their social context is associated with lower rates of follow-up. Would you be satisfied with a recommender ""guessing"" that being black, or coming from that social context is by itself a predictor of low effectiveness in care practice, thus recommending not to follow-up with your patient?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:36:12.462Z,2021-01-23T00:36:12.462Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8081 27900,v1.0,,"imagine black people receiving worse follow-up care, because their social context is associated with lower rates of follow-up. Would you be satisfied with a recommender ""guessing"" that being black, or coming from that social context is by itself a predictor of low effectiveness in care practice, thus recommending not to follow-up with your patient?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:36:12.315Z,2021-01-23T00:36:12.315Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1925 27899,v1.0,,"imagine black people receiving worse follow-up care, because their social context is associated with lower rates of follow-up. Would you be satisfied with a recommender ""guessing"" that being black, or coming from that social context is by itself a predictor of low effectiveness in care practice, thus recommending not to follow-up with your patient?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:36:12.292Z,2021-01-23T00:36:12.292Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8038 27898,v1.0,,"imagine black people receiving worse follow-up care, because their social context is associated with lower rates of follow-up. Would you be satisfied with a recommender ""guessing"" that being black, or coming from that social context is by itself a predictor of low effectiveness in care practice, thus recommending not to follow-up with your patient?",/post/61024,2021-01-23T00:36:12.278Z,2021-01-23T00:36:12.278Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,6222 27870,v1.0,,It is my own basic belief that coworking is best framed as the infrastructure of the future of work,/post/80543,2021-01-20T10:22:38.677Z,2021-01-20T10:22:38.677Z,80543,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14101,6536,8069 27869,v1.0,,It is my own basic belief that coworking is best framed as the infrastructure of the future of work,/post/80543,2021-01-20T10:22:38.669Z,2021-01-20T10:22:38.669Z,80543,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14101,6536,8067 27868,v1.0,,It is my own basic belief that coworking is best framed as the infrastructure of the future of work,/post/80543,2021-01-20T10:22:38.657Z,2021-01-20T10:22:38.657Z,80543,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14101,6536,8068 27867,v1.0,,"I was planning to take all the coworkers on a party bus tour of all the locations for our 10th birthday this month but, er, see, there was this global pandemic. :slight_smile:I am also involved with Open Coworking, the people who bring you, and with the European Coworking Assembly. So I stay busy.",/post/80543,2021-01-20T10:22:10.868Z,2021-01-20T10:22:10.868Z,80543,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14101,6536,2287 27866,v1.0,,"was planning to take all the coworkers on a party bus tour of all the locations for our 10th birthday this month but, er, see, there was this global pandemic. :slight_smile:I am also involved with Open Coworking, t",/post/80543,2021-01-20T10:17:24.186Z,2021-01-20T10:17:24.186Z,80543,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14101,6536,2287 27865,v1.0,,"If you haven’t seen it yet, ImageNet Roulette is an excellent bit of educational/provocative art by the ever-brilliant Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglan. It’s a simple demonstrator of how facial recognition will label you based on its training data set. Concretely, based on ImageNet, which according to this project is the dominant training model out there, used widely in the making of real world products. I highly encourage you to try it out, but with a warning: The results might be hilarious, or pretty disturbing.ImageNet Roulette is best enjoyed side by side with Excavating AI, which explains a little better what’s going on: “Training sets, then, are the foundation on which contemporary machine-learning systems are built. They are central to how AI systems recognize and interpret the world. These datasets shape the epistemic boundaries governing how AI systems operate, and thus are an essential part of understanding socially significant questions about AI. But when we look at the training images widely used in computer-vision systems, we find a bedrock composed of shaky and skewed assumptions.”",/post/59880,2021-01-17T01:50:32.054Z,2021-01-17T01:50:32.054Z,59880,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10863,5092,8062 27861,v1.0,,"NYC's policing algorithm (in)famously measures effectiveness by fairly simply metrics like numbers of arrests and severity of the causes of arrests. This has created horrific incentives for police to report highly selectively so as not to ruin their (perceived) performance, including going so far as to structurally intimidate rape victims to change their charges from rape to minor offenses.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:32:35.124Z,2021-01-17T01:32:35.124Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,3758 27860,v1.0,,"NYC's policing algorithm (in)famously measures effectiveness by fairly simply metrics like numbers of arrests and severity of the causes of arrests. This has created horrific incentives for police to report highly selectively so as not to ruin their (perceived) performance, including going so far as to structurally intimidate rape victims to change their charges from rape to minor offenses.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:32:35.121Z,2021-01-17T01:32:35.121Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,1065 27859,v1.0,,including going so far as to structurally intimidate rape victims to change their charges from rape to minor offenses.,/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:32:03.521Z,2021-01-17T01:32:03.521Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,8066 27858,v1.0,,"This has created horrific incentives for police to report highly selectively so as not to ruin their (perceived) performance, including going so far as to structurally intimidate rape victims to change their charges from rape to minor offenses.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:31:37.751Z,2021-01-17T01:31:37.751Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,7959 27857,v1.0,,"including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:31:11.886Z,2021-01-17T01:31:11.886Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,7894 27856,v1.0,,"algorithmic bias at its worst where policing and/or justice related algorithms were trained on training sets that had massively racist data points, including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but somehow remained part of the data sets.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:30:41.048Z,2021-01-17T01:30:41.048Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,8062 27855,v1.0,,"algorithmic bias at its worst where policing and/or justice related algorithms were trained on training sets that had massively racist data points, including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but somehow remained part of the data sets.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:30:40.991Z,2021-01-17T01:30:40.991Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,1925 27854,v1.0,,"algorithmic bias at its worst where policing and/or justice related algorithms were trained on training sets that had massively racist data points, including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but somehow remained part of the data sets.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:30:40.903Z,2021-01-17T01:30:40.903Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,8038 27853,v1.0,,"algorithmic bias at its worst where policing and/or justice related algorithms were trained on training sets that had massively racist data points, including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but somehow remained part of the data sets.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:30:40.647Z,2021-01-17T01:30:40.647Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,3758 27852,v1.0,,"algorithmic bias at its worst where policing and/or justice related algorithms were trained on training sets that had massively racist data points, including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but somehow remained part of the data sets.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:30:40.640Z,2021-01-17T01:30:40.640Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,1065 27851,v1.0,,"algorithmic bias at its worst where policing and/or justice related algorithms were trained on training sets that had massively racist data points, including statistics created based on policing behavior that was deemed illegal/racist by courts at the time, but somehow remained part of the data sets.",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:30:40.515Z,2021-01-17T01:30:40.515Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,6222 27850,v1.0,,"ThingsCon conference (2018), Manon den Dunnen shared her experience of reporting gone bad through unintented consequences when police officers would exchange phone numbers with both victims of crimes as well as suspects, and the Facebook apps would often do its network matching/contact proposal thing and directly propose to connect victim and suspect/perpetrator. It's quite horrific, and a super important case study about data minimization and network mining",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:29:42.438Z,2021-01-17T01:29:42.438Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,8058 27849,v1.0,,"ThingsCon conference (2018), Manon den Dunnen shared her experience of reporting gone bad through unintented consequences when police officers would exchange phone numbers with both victims of crimes as well as suspects, and the Facebook apps would often do its network matching/contact proposal thing and directly propose to connect victim and suspect/perpetrator. It's quite horrific, and a super important case study about data minimization and network mining",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:29:42.041Z,2021-01-17T01:29:42.041Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,7657 27848,v1.0,,Facebook apps would often do its network matching/contact proposal thing and directly propose to connect victim and suspect/perpetrator,/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:28:43.122Z,2021-01-17T01:28:43.122Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,3638 27847,v1.0,,"Manon den Dunnen shared her experience of reporting gone bad through unintented consequences when police officers would exchange phone numbers with both victims of crimes as well as suspects,",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:28:36.157Z,2021-01-17T01:28:36.157Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,1065 27846,v1.0,,ThingsCon conference (2018),/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:28:09.164Z,2021-01-17T01:28:09.164Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,4713 27845,v1.0,,"It's quite horrific, and a super important case study about data minimization and network mining",/post/62744,2021-01-17T01:27:59.234Z,2021-01-17T01:27:59.234Z,62744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5092,8065 27844,v1.0,,"This is why we need to support practitioners in anti-violence space, like social workers, jurors and judges, and advocates, with data and tech literacy, so that they have control over how they interpret and act on data.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:27:00.954Z,2021-01-17T01:27:00.954Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7676 27843,v1.0,,"This is why we need to support practitioners in anti-violence space, like social workers, jurors and judges, and advocates, with data and tech literacy, so that they have control over how they interpret and act on data.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:27:00.954Z,2021-01-17T01:27:00.954Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7306 27842,v1.0,,"The shiny new tech can seem like it can offer accuracy and objectivity. But they can’t because they are built by people based on data collected by people. From design to implementation, every point is inculcated with bias. This is not to say that there is no place for data-driven tools. But when we de-glam tech, we can see it for what it is--it’s a tool to help us connect, communicate, and make informed decisions.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:26:03.174Z,2021-01-17T01:26:03.174Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7990 27841,v1.0,,"The shiny new tech can seem like it can offer accuracy and objectivity. But they can’t because they are built by people based on data collected by people. From design to implementation, every point is inculcated with bias. This is not to say that there is no place for data-driven tools. But when we de-glam tech, we can see it for what it is--it’s a tool to help us connect, communicate, and make informed decisions.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:26:02.646Z,2021-01-17T01:26:02.646Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,6222 27840,v1.0,,"The shiny new tech can seem like it can offer accuracy and objectivity. But they can’t because they are built by people based on data collected by people. From design to implementation, every point is inculcated with bias. This is not to say that there is no place for data-driven tools. But when we de-glam tech, we can see it for what it is--it’s a tool to help us connect, communicate, and make informed decisions.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:26:02.585Z,2021-01-17T01:26:02.585Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4875 27838,v1.0,,"Social workers, administrators,",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:24:51.396Z,2021-01-17T01:24:51.396Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8064 27837,v1.0,,advocates and activists,/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:24:42.642Z,2021-01-17T01:24:42.642Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4417 27836,v1.0,,"These are the people who work directly with victims and are in the best position to inform policies and practices. We should trust what they have to say, because they have experience and have demonstrated that they have the public’s interest. The same can’t be said for tech solutions.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:24:15.836Z,2021-01-17T01:24:15.836Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4868 27834,v1.0,,"Rather than asking how tech can be fixed for the better, the more urgent and important question is: who and what are we overlooking when we turn to tech solutions? Social workers, administrators, advocates and activists, and scholars spend years becoming experts in violence prevention and response so that they can serve survivors better. How much money, time, and energy are not going to them, when we spend those resources on tech? These are the people who work directly with victims and are in the best position to inform policies and practices. We should trust what they have to say, because they have experience and have demonstrated that they have the public’s interest. The same can’t be said for tech solutions.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:23:45.137Z,2021-01-17T01:23:45.137Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4874 27833,v1.0,,"How much money, time, and energy are not going to them, when we spend those resources on tech?",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:22:59.733Z,2021-01-17T01:22:59.733Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4334 27832,v1.0,,"How much money, time, and energy are not going to them, when we spend those resources on tech?",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:22:59.588Z,2021-01-17T01:22:59.588Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,6125 27831,v1.0,,"who and what are we overlooking when we turn to tech solutions? Social workers, administrators, advocates and activists, and scholars spend years becoming experts in violence prevention and response so that they can serve survivors better.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:22:34.280Z,2021-01-17T01:22:34.280Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,802 27830,v1.0,,"who and what are we overlooking when we turn to tech solutions? Social workers, administrators, advocates and activists, and scholars spend years becoming experts in violence prevention and response so that they can serve survivors better.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:22:34.145Z,2021-01-17T01:22:34.145Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4868 27829,v1.0,,"This means that victim demographic information and the incidents, assault information, and legal recourse are already extremely partial. The reporting tools I study build their systems based on that data. The data we use reinforce the privileging of reporting as the ideal outcome for survivors.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:54.321Z,2021-01-17T01:21:54.321Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8062 27828,v1.0,,"This means that victim demographic information and the incidents, assault information, and legal recourse are already extremely partial. The reporting tools I study build their systems based on that data. The data we use reinforce the privileging of reporting as the ideal outcome for survivors.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:54.250Z,2021-01-17T01:21:54.250Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8023 27827,v1.0,,"This means that victim demographic information and the incidents, assault information, and legal recourse are already extremely partial. The reporting tools I study build their systems based on that data. The data we use reinforce the privileging of reporting as the ideal outcome for survivors.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:54.224Z,2021-01-17T01:21:54.224Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4875 27826,v1.0,,"a lot of these systems are technically for everyone, but they’re usually only adopted by, and used for, privileged and tech savvy English speaking users. For example, workplace harassment system tools are for everybody, which should include anitorial workers, temp workers, contract workers. But they are written out of these systems because they are rarely identified as a potential user or their employment contracts subject them to a different grievance procedure.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:10.175Z,2021-01-17T01:21:10.175Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8061 27825,v1.0,,"a lot of these systems are technically for everyone, but they’re usually only adopted by, and used for, privileged and tech savvy English speaking users. For example, workplace harassment system tools are for everybody, which should include anitorial workers, temp workers, contract workers. But they are written out of these systems because they are rarely identified as a potential user or their employment contracts subject them to a different grievance procedure.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:09.682Z,2021-01-17T01:21:09.682Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8058 27824,v1.0,,"a lot of these systems are technically for everyone, but they’re usually only adopted by, and used for, privileged and tech savvy English speaking users. For example, workplace harassment system tools are for everybody, which should include anitorial workers, temp workers, contract workers. But they are written out of these systems because they are rarely identified as a potential user or their employment contracts subject them to a different grievance procedure.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:09.676Z,2021-01-17T01:21:09.676Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,6112 27823,v1.0,,"a lot of these systems are technically for everyone, but they’re usually only adopted by, and used for, privileged and tech savvy English speaking users. For example, workplace harassment system tools are for everybody, which should include anitorial workers, temp workers, contract workers. But they are written out of these systems because they are rarely identified as a potential user or their employment contracts subject them to a different grievance procedure.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:09.636Z,2021-01-17T01:21:09.636Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7765 27822,v1.0,,"a lot of these systems are technically for everyone, but they’re usually only adopted by, and used for, privileged and tech savvy English speaking users. For example, workplace harassment system tools are for everybody, which should include anitorial workers, temp workers, contract workers. But they are written out of these systems because they are rarely identified as a potential user or their employment contracts subject them to a different grievance procedure.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:21:09.635Z,2021-01-17T01:21:09.635Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,802 27821,v1.0,,"what actually could be a useful use of tech? There have been a few interesting efforts of trying to create apps or automated system, for people to collect evidence pertaining to tech facilitated harassment in a way that that would be legally admissible. But for those the victim would still have to go through three years of chat history with their abuser. Instead, let’s figure out a method to automate that process. Not only is it a traumatizing experience, but also a lot of victims don’t have the data literacy to be able to doso. When I was working at a domestic violence clinic in Los Angeles, for example, most of our clients were single, undocumented mothers who didn’t speak English, with very low tech literacy. But they would bring screen grabs, they would have to sit through and waded through years of stuff, and they get extremely overwhelmed by tech, and for good reasons. Of course, that’s something that tech could actually make easier.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:19:14.267Z,2021-01-17T01:19:14.267Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8060 27820,v1.0,,"what actually could be a useful use of tech? There have been a few interesting efforts of trying to create apps or automated system, for people to collect evidence pertaining to tech facilitated harassment in a way that that would be legally admissible. But for those the victim would still have to go through three years of chat history with their abuser. Instead, let’s figure out a method to automate that process. Not only is it a traumatizing experience, but also a lot of victims don’t have the data literacy to be able to doso. When I was working at a domestic violence clinic in Los Angeles, for example, most of our clients were single, undocumented mothers who didn’t speak English, with very low tech literacy. But they would bring screen grabs, they would have to sit through and waded through years of stuff, and they get extremely overwhelmed by tech, and for good reasons. Of course, that’s something that tech could actually make easier.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:19:14.201Z,2021-01-17T01:19:14.201Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8049 27819,v1.0,,"what actually could be a useful use of tech? There have been a few interesting efforts of trying to create apps or automated system, for people to collect evidence pertaining to tech facilitated harassment in a way that that would be legally admissible. But for those the victim would still have to go through three years of chat history with their abuser. Instead, let’s figure out a method to automate that process. Not only is it a traumatizing experience, but also a lot of victims don’t have the data literacy to be able to doso. When I was working at a domestic violence clinic in Los Angeles, for example, most of our clients were single, undocumented mothers who didn’t speak English, with very low tech literacy. But they would bring screen grabs, they would have to sit through and waded through years of stuff, and they get extremely overwhelmed by tech, and for good reasons. Of course, that’s something that tech could actually make easier.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:19:14.170Z,2021-01-17T01:19:14.170Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8058 27818,v1.0,,"what actually could be a useful use of tech? There have been a few interesting efforts of trying to create apps or automated system, for people to collect evidence pertaining to tech facilitated harassment in a way that that would be legally admissible. But for those the victim would still have to go through three years of chat history with their abuser. Instead, let’s figure out a method to automate that process. Not only is it a traumatizing experience, but also a lot of victims don’t have the data literacy to be able to doso. When I was working at a domestic violence clinic in Los Angeles, for example, most of our clients were single, undocumented mothers who didn’t speak English, with very low tech literacy. But they would bring screen grabs, they would have to sit through and waded through years of stuff, and they get extremely overwhelmed by tech, and for good reasons. Of course, that’s something that tech could actually make easier.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:19:14.159Z,2021-01-17T01:19:14.159Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,3751 27817,v1.0,,"how do these systems fail to work? Consider how these reporting tools categorize sexual violence. In general, the reporting interface will ask few descriptive questions about who, when, where and an open response form asking ‘describe what happened.’ Around this point, forms generally provide the option for the user to select a category of sexual misconduct that applies to them. It may appear as a drop-down menu or checkboxes. Some may enable you to select more than one option, say, ‘racial profiling’ and ‘sexual harassment.’ Some may only allow for one category. Some may not even have a category that applies to you. This is often the case with experiences of non-physical/sexual violence, like stalking and partner abuse. This means that, if your experience of sexual harassment is different from system designer’s understanding of sexual harassment, you may not even be able to input your experience. This bias actively leaves out certain people’s experiences, because its designers are working with a very particular narrative of how they understand what violence is.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:18:25.579Z,2021-01-17T01:18:25.579Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8058 27816,v1.0,,"how do these systems fail to work? Consider how these reporting tools categorize sexual violence. In general, the reporting interface will ask few descriptive questions about who, when, where and an open response form asking ‘describe what happened.’ Around this point, forms generally provide the option for the user to select a category of sexual misconduct that applies to them. It may appear as a drop-down menu or checkboxes. Some may enable you to select more than one option, say, ‘racial profiling’ and ‘sexual harassment.’ Some may only allow for one category. Some may not even have a category that applies to you. This is often the case with experiences of non-physical/sexual violence, like stalking and partner abuse. This means that, if your experience of sexual harassment is different from system designer’s understanding of sexual harassment, you may not even be able to input your experience. This bias actively leaves out certain people’s experiences, because its designers are working with a very particular narrative of how they understand what violence is.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:18:25.572Z,2021-01-17T01:18:25.572Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7068 27815,v1.0,,"how do these systems fail to work? Consider how these reporting tools categorize sexual violence. In general, the reporting interface will ask few descriptive questions about who, when, where and an open response form asking ‘describe what happened.’ Around this point, forms generally provide the option for the user to select a category of sexual misconduct that applies to them. It may appear as a drop-down menu or checkboxes. Some may enable you to select more than one option, say, ‘racial profiling’ and ‘sexual harassment.’ Some may only allow for one category. Some may not even have a category that applies to you. This is often the case with experiences of non-physical/sexual violence, like stalking and partner abuse. This means that, if your experience of sexual harassment is different from system designer’s understanding of sexual harassment, you may not even be able to input your experience. This bias actively leaves out certain people’s experiences, because its designers are working with a very particular narrative of how they understand what violence is.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:18:25.523Z,2021-01-17T01:18:25.523Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,885 27814,v1.0,,"how do these systems fail to work? Consider how these reporting tools categorize sexual violence. In general, the reporting interface will ask few descriptive questions about who, when, where and an open response form asking ‘describe what happened.’ Around this point, forms generally provide the option for the user to select a category of sexual misconduct that applies to them. It may appear as a drop-down menu or checkboxes. Some may enable you to select more than one option, say, ‘racial profiling’ and ‘sexual harassment.’ Some may only allow for one category. Some may not even have a category that applies to you. This is often the case with experiences of non-physical/sexual violence, like stalking and partner abuse. This means that, if your experience of sexual harassment is different from system designer’s understanding of sexual harassment, you may not even be able to input your experience. This bias actively leaves out certain people’s experiences, because its designers are working with a very particular narrative of how they understand what violence is.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:18:25.387Z,2021-01-17T01:18:25.387Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,6222 27813,v1.0,,"When you have been dismissed, interrogated, and vilified by traditional institutions of law enforcement all your life, why would you want to turn to them in your moment of need?",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:17:34.083Z,2021-01-17T01:17:34.083Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,1065 27812,v1.0,,"People harbor serious distrust in their institutions and for good reasons. Tech positions itself as the solution to this problem of institutional distrust. Big Tech has successfully presented itself as the reliable and ideal alternative to the failures of traditional institutions. Because many people harbor reasonable distrust towards traditional institutions and don’t necessarily understand tech systems, Big Tech can be really appealing. I’ve really struggled with this aspect, which comes up in my fieldwork over and over again. When you have been dismissed, interrogated, and vilified by traditional institutions of law enforcement all your life, why would you want to turn to them in your moment of need? Without alleviating these institutions from their history of inequality and injustice, what does meaningfully distinguish them from Big Tech is that they are, by design, accountable to public interest. The same can’t be said for Big Tech.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:17:20.186Z,2021-01-17T01:17:20.186Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,6077 27811,v1.0,,"ig Tech has successfully presented itself as the reliable and ideal alternative to the failures of traditional institutions. Because many people harbor reasonable distrust towards traditional institutions and don’t necessarily understand tech systems, Big Tech can be really appealing. I’ve really struggled with this aspect, which comes up in my fieldwork over and over again. When you have been dismissed, interrogated, and vilified by traditional institutions of law enforcement all your life, why would you want to turn to them in your moment of need? Without alleviating these institutions from their history of inequality and injustice, what does meaningfully distinguish them from Big Tech is that they are, by design, accountable to public interest. The same can’t be said for Big Tech.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:17:04.428Z,2021-01-17T01:17:04.428Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7746 27810,v1.0,,"ig Tech has successfully presented itself as the reliable and ideal alternative to the failures of traditional institutions. Because many people harbor reasonable distrust towards traditional institutions and don’t necessarily understand tech systems, Big Tech can be really appealing. I’ve really struggled with this aspect, which comes up in my fieldwork over and over again. When you have been dismissed, interrogated, and vilified by traditional institutions of law enforcement all your life, why would you want to turn to them in your moment of need? Without alleviating these institutions from their history of inequality and injustice, what does meaningfully distinguish them from Big Tech is that they are, by design, accountable to public interest. The same can’t be said for Big Tech.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:17:04.380Z,2021-01-17T01:17:04.380Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,3816 27808,v1.0,,"The recurring narrative is that because this is data- and automation-driven, it is objective, it’s neutral, it’s secure. It very much feeds into the collective imagination of technologies as non-human and therefore, trustworthy",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:15:53.230Z,2021-01-17T01:15:53.230Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7970 27807,v1.0,,"Interestingly, there’s actually some behavioral science suggesting that because of this perception, victims are more likely to disclose earlier on and seek help earlier on, when they’re talking to a digital interface rather than a human.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:15:32.849Z,2021-01-17T01:15:32.849Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7746 27806,v1.0,,"The recurring narrative is that because this is data- and automation-driven, it is objective, it’s neutral, it’s secure. It very much feeds into the collective imagination of technologies as non-human and therefore, trustworthy. Interestingly, there’s actually some behavioral science suggesting that because of this perception, victims are more likely to disclose earlier on and seek help earlier on, when they’re talking to a digital interface rather than a human.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:15:19.421Z,2021-01-17T01:15:19.421Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7990 27805,v1.0,,"And when they’re applied within a politically charged and socially laden environment, they of course have discriminatory, exclusionary and unjust implications.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:14:46.595Z,2021-01-17T01:14:46.595Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7991 27804,v1.0,,"his means biases are encoded into the design of the systems, especially about what sexual harassment or violence looks like, or what a real victim is.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:14:40.589Z,2021-01-17T01:14:40.589Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7952 27803,v1.0,,"there are flaws in how these systems are designed and how they’re applied. They are designed by humans. This means biases are encoded into the design of the systems, especially about what sexual harassment or violence looks like, or what a real victim is. And when they’re applied within a politically charged and socially laden environment, they of course have discriminatory, exclusionary and unjust implications.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:14:27.798Z,2021-01-17T01:14:27.798Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4875 27802,v1.0,,"they of course have discriminatory, exclusionary and unjust implications.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:14:09.495Z,2021-01-17T01:14:09.495Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,729 27801,v1.0,,"especially about what sexual harassment or violence looks like, or what a real victim is.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:13:51.867Z,2021-01-17T01:13:51.867Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7068 27800,v1.0,,"These systems are attractive to institutions, because they seem to be an easy fix to a difficult problem: having an internal grievance procedure, making sure it’s a fair process, etc. This is especially true right now in a politically charged environment with #metoo and the Trump administration. To victims, who have very reasonable considerations to distrust their institutions — maybe because of their prior experiences of not being heard, or because they feel isolated, or because they fear retaliation — these technologies are perceived to be objective and neutral third parties.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:13:30.783Z,2021-01-17T01:13:30.783Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7959 27799,v1.0,,"These systems are attractive to institutions, because they seem to be an easy fix to a difficult problem: having an internal grievance procedure, making sure it’s a fair process, etc. This is especially true right now in a politically charged environment with #metoo and the Trump administration. To victims, who have very reasonable considerations to distrust their institutions — maybe because of their prior experiences of not being heard, or because they feel isolated, or because they fear retaliation — these technologies are perceived to be objective and neutral third parties.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:13:30.754Z,2021-01-17T01:13:30.754Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8058 27798,v1.0,,"These systems are attractive to institutions, because they seem to be an easy fix to a difficult problem: having an internal grievance procedure, making sure it’s a fair process, etc. This is especially true right now in a politically charged environment with #metoo and the Trump administration. To victims, who have very reasonable considerations to distrust their institutions — maybe because of their prior experiences of not being heard, or because they feel isolated, or because they fear retaliation — these technologies are perceived to be objective and neutral third parties.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:13:30.744Z,2021-01-17T01:13:30.744Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4773 27797,v1.0,,"My doctoral research takes an ethnographically-informed approach to interrogate how assumptions about sex, violence, and power are encoded into the design and implementation of data/AI-driven sexual misconduct reporting systems.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:12:56.137Z,2021-01-17T01:12:56.137Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4054 27796,v1.0,,I really hope that we move beyond the visibility-oriented model of organizing. It asks too much of our organizers with little or no safeguarding in place.,/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:12:38.126Z,2021-01-17T01:12:38.126Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8059 27795,v1.0,,I really hope that we move beyond the visibility-oriented model of organizing. It asks too much of our organizers with little or no safeguarding in place.,/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:12:38.112Z,2021-01-17T01:12:38.112Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4417 27794,v1.0,,I really hope that we move beyond the visibility-oriented model of organizing. It asks too much of our organizers with little or no safeguarding in place.,/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:12:37.976Z,2021-01-17T01:12:37.976Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4704 27793,v1.0,,"But I think the issue extends beyond cyberharassment and hate speech. Youth organizing increasingly requires public visibility. We are asking young people to put themselves out on the Internet to face a barrage of hateful speech in order to commodify themselves in the name of social justice. I know, for myself, I found the constant expectation of visibility extremely constraining and harmful.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:11:37.877Z,2021-01-17T01:11:37.877Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8059 27792,v1.0,,"But I think the issue extends beyond cyberharassment and hate speech. Youth organizing increasingly requires public visibility. We are asking young people to put themselves out on the Internet to face a barrage of hateful speech in order to commodify themselves in the name of social justice. I know, for myself, I found the constant expectation of visibility extremely constraining and harmful.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:11:37.839Z,2021-01-17T01:11:37.839Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4470 27791,v1.0,,"But I think the issue extends beyond cyberharassment and hate speech. Youth organizing increasingly requires public visibility. We are asking young people to put themselves out on the Internet to face a barrage of hateful speech in order to commodify themselves in the name of social justice. I know, for myself, I found the constant expectation of visibility extremely constraining and harmful.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:11:37.819Z,2021-01-17T01:11:37.819Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4004 27790,v1.0,,"But I think the issue extends beyond cyberharassment and hate speech. Youth organizing increasingly requires public visibility. We are asking young people to put themselves out on the Internet to face a barrage of hateful speech in order to commodify themselves in the name of social justice. I know, for myself, I found the constant expectation of visibility extremely constraining and harmful.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:11:37.796Z,2021-01-17T01:11:37.796Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4417 27789,v1.0,,"But I think the issue extends beyond cyberharassment and hate speech. Youth organizing increasingly requires public visibility. We are asking young people to put themselves out on the Internet to face a barrage of hateful speech in order to commodify themselves in the name of social justice. I know, for myself, I found the constant expectation of visibility extremely constraining and harmful.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:11:37.778Z,2021-01-17T01:11:37.778Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,1873 27788,v1.0,,"But I think the issue extends beyond cyberharassment and hate speech. Youth organizing increasingly requires public visibility. We are asking young people to put themselves out on the Internet to face a barrage of hateful speech in order to commodify themselves in the name of social justice. I know, for myself, I found the constant expectation of visibility extremely constraining and harmful.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:11:37.645Z,2021-01-17T01:11:37.645Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7922 27787,v1.0,,"as the cyberharassment keeps clogging your inbox.We know that this kind of environment has a chilling effect on who decides to speak where. Research shows again and again that women, especially women of color, tend to self-censor",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:10:31.338Z,2021-01-17T01:10:31.338Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7765 27786,v1.0,,"Research shows again and again that women, especially women of color, tend to self-censor.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:10:08.461Z,2021-01-17T01:10:08.461Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7954 27785,v1.0,,"Burning out is a real deterrent in this space, unfortunately. We lose our most vocal and critical people because we don’t have the structure in place for them to reflect and grow. And all this while battling PTSD and other mental health challenges, and as the cyberharassment keeps clogging your inbox.We know that this kind of environment has a chilling effect on who decides to speak where. Research shows again and again that women, especially women of color, tend to self-censor.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:09:15.966Z,2021-01-17T01:09:15.966Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7922 27784,v1.0,,"We know that this kind of environment has a chilling effect on who decides to speak where. Research shows again and again that women, especially women of color, tend to self-censor",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:09:01.163Z,2021-01-17T01:09:01.163Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7764 27783,v1.0,,"I knew that this was the common response to cyberharassment, let alone non-tech facilitated harassment. Victims are always told that they should watch out, they should be more vigilant and judicious. I knew nothing would be done so I dropped my report.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:08:02.453Z,2021-01-17T01:08:02.453Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8058 27782,v1.0,,"I knew that this was the common response to cyberharassment, let alone non-tech facilitated harassment. Victims are always told that they should watch out, they should be more vigilant and judicious. I knew nothing would be done so I dropped my report. I know that there are some resources available today, but they remain individualized defensive strategies. We need to listen to the victims and activists of cyberharassment and tech-facilitated abuse to fundamentally change how we conceptualize these issues. It’s built into the design of the Internet we have today, and until we change the platforms, it’s only gonna get worse.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:07:54.872Z,2021-01-17T01:07:54.872Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7765 27781,v1.0,,"It’s built into the design of the Internet we have today, and until we change the platforms, it’s only gonna get worse.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:07:39.966Z,2021-01-17T01:07:39.966Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4875 27780,v1.0,,"I decided to report to the campus police and I remember being told it was my fault for having online accounts online, “Oh, you wrote something online? Well, we can’t really do anything.”",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:06:54.650Z,2021-01-17T01:06:54.650Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,1065 27779,v1.0,,"Because it was anonymous and online, it felt like I was constantly being watched. I felt completely at a loss as to how to even respond to it.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:06:46.119Z,2021-01-17T01:06:46.119Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,5535 27778,v1.0,,"When I started organizing against campus sexual violence, it required me to spend a lot of time online to research, draft guidelines, connect with organizers in other campuses and organizations, etc. Almost immediately, I realized there were many communities of misogynist men who would actively track the discourse on sexual violence, and then directlytarget young activists who became national figureheads. They’d constantly barrage us, saying we were liars, or that we didn’t know what we were talking about.It was deeply unsettling. I distinctly remember trying to report some cyberharassment I received. It felt different from other forms of harassment I had experienced before.. I would open my phone or my laptop, and the red notification button would just glare at me. Because it was anonymous and online, it felt like I was constantly being watched. I felt completely at a loss as to how to even respond to it. I decided to report to the campus police and I remember being told it was my fault for having online accounts online, “Oh, you wrote something online? Well, we can’t really do anything.”",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:06:11.772Z,2021-01-17T01:06:11.772Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4004 27777,v1.0,,"When I started organizing against campus sexual violence, it required me to spend a lot of time online to research, draft guidelines, connect with organizers in other campuses and organizations, etc. Almost immediately, I realized there were many communities of misogynist men who would actively track the discourse on sexual violence, and then directlytarget young activists who became national figureheads. They’d constantly barrage us, saying we were liars, or that we didn’t know what we were talking about.It was deeply unsettling. I distinctly remember trying to report some cyberharassment I received. It felt different from other forms of harassment I had experienced before.. I would open my phone or my laptop, and the red notification button would just glare at me. Because it was anonymous and online, it felt like I was constantly being watched. I felt completely at a loss as to how to even respond to it. I decided to report to the campus police and I remember being told it was my fault for having online accounts online, “Oh, you wrote something online? Well, we can’t really do anything.”",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:06:11.406Z,2021-01-17T01:06:11.406Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4264 27776,v1.0,,"I decided to report to the campus police and I remember being told it was my fault for having online accounts online, “Oh, you wrote something online? Well, we can’t really do anything.”",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:05:35.254Z,2021-01-17T01:05:35.254Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8058 27775,v1.0,,"When I started organizing against campus sexual violence, it required me to spend a lot of time online to research, draft guidelines, connect with organizers in other campuses and organizations, etc.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:05:09.220Z,2021-01-17T01:05:09.220Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4417 27774,v1.0,,"When I started organizing against campus sexual violence, it required me to spend a lot of time online to research, draft guidelines, connect with organizers in other campuses and organizations, etc.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:05:09.197Z,2021-01-17T01:05:09.197Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,126 27773,v1.0,,"Almost immediately, I realized there were many communities of misogynist men who would actively track the discourse on sexual violence, and then directlytarget young activists who became national figureheads. They’d constantly barrage us, saying we were liars, or that we didn’t know what we were talking about.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:04:30.123Z,2021-01-17T01:04:30.123Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8057 27772,v1.0,,"Almost immediately, I realized there were many communities of misogynist men who would actively track the discourse on sexual violence, and then directlytarget young activists who became national figureheads. They’d constantly barrage us, saying we were liars, or that we didn’t know what we were talking about.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:04:30.017Z,2021-01-17T01:04:30.017Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,3686 27771,v1.0,,It was in the early days of Gamergate.,/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:03:29.773Z,2021-01-17T01:03:29.773Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,8056 27770,v1.0,,"Much of the national organizing relied heavily on social media, specifically Facebook groups to build coalition and share best practices. This happened to coincide with growing cultural awareness of social media as a potential tool for movement and community building. The downside of that that none of us really anticipated going in was cyberharassment. It was in the early days of Gamergate. And that is what made me interested in the role of technology: its double-edged role in facilitating connections but also targeted harassment",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:03:21.960Z,2021-01-17T01:03:21.960Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4264 27769,v1.0,,"Much of the national organizing relied heavily on social media, specifically Facebook groups to build coalition and share best practices. This happened to coincide with growing cultural awareness of social media as a potential tool for movement and community building.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:03:11.103Z,2021-01-17T01:03:11.103Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4417 27768,v1.0,,"Much of the national organizing relied heavily on social media, specifically Facebook groups to build coalition and share best practices. This happened to coincide with growing cultural awareness of social media as a potential tool for movement and community building.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:03:11.073Z,2021-01-17T01:03:11.073Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,358 27767,v1.0,,"Much of the national organizing relied heavily on social media, specifically Facebook groups to build coalition and share best practices. This happened to coincide with growing cultural awareness of social media as a potential tool for movement and community building.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:03:10.965Z,2021-01-17T01:03:10.965Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7685 27766,v1.0,,"Much of the national organizing relied heavily on social media, specifically Facebook groups to build coalition and share best practices. This happened to coincide with growing cultural awareness of social media as a potential tool for movement and community building. The downside of that that none of us really anticipated going in was cyberharassment. It was in the early days of Gamergate. And that is what made me interested in the role of technology: its double-edged role in facilitating connections but also targeted harassment.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:02:43.020Z,2021-01-17T01:02:43.020Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,4004 27765,v1.0,,"Much of the national organizing relied heavily on social media, specifically Facebook groups to build coalition and share best practices. This happened to coincide with growing cultural awareness of social media as a potential tool for movement and community building. The downside of that that none of us really anticipated going in was cyberharassment. It was in the early days of Gamergate. And that is what made me interested in the role of technology: its double-edged role in facilitating connections but also targeted harassment.",/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:02:42.985Z,2021-01-17T01:02:42.985Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,7765 27764,v1.0,,Facebook,/post/61746,2021-01-17T01:01:47.799Z,2021-01-17T01:01:47.799Z,61746,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,3638 27763,v1.0,,"Use of AI in judicial and social welfare, like in housing projects who gets a house, based on an algorithm. But people need to have someone recognize them as a human people,",/post/66346,2021-01-17T00:45:58.892Z,2021-01-17T00:45:58.892Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3758 27762,v1.0,,"the problem isn’t the algorithm, We have a tool: like a knife, it can be used for cooking in the kitchen or killing someone. Same with algorithms.",/post/66346,2021-01-17T00:45:35.033Z,2021-01-17T00:45:35.033Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7990 27761,v1.0,,"a group in LA - Stop LAPD surveillance, automating inequality, ranging from criminal justice, homelessnes…to uncover the ways in which algorithms are used for surveillance. People got together to demand that the police releases surveillance policies. They were able to uncover the full scope, pushing back against the LAPD. Intervention takes a long time and needs a lot of work.",/post/66346,2021-01-17T00:45:22.366Z,2021-01-17T00:45:22.366Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,1645 27760,v1.0,,"a group in LA - Stop LAPD surveillance, automating inequality, ranging from criminal justice, homelessnes…to uncover the ways in which algorithms are used for surveillance. People got together to demand that the police releases surveillance policies. They were able to uncover the full scope, pushing back against the LAPD. Intervention takes a long time and needs a lot of work.",/post/66346,2021-01-17T00:45:22.360Z,2021-01-17T00:45:22.360Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8038 27759,v1.0,,"a group in LA - Stop LAPD surveillance, automating inequality, ranging from criminal justice, homelessnes…to uncover the ways in which algorithms are used for surveillance. People got together to demand that the police releases surveillance policies. They were able to uncover the full scope, pushing back against the LAPD. Intervention takes a long time and needs a lot of work.",/post/66346,2021-01-17T00:45:22.341Z,2021-01-17T00:45:22.341Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3758 27758,v1.0,,"a group in LA - Stop LAPD surveillance, automating inequality, ranging from criminal justice, homelessnes…to uncover the ways in which algorithms are used for surveillance. People got together to demand that the police releases surveillance policies. They were able to uncover the full scope, pushing back against the LAPD. Intervention takes a long time and needs a lot of work.",/post/66346,2021-01-17T00:45:22.329Z,2021-01-17T00:45:22.329Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,1065 27757,v1.0,,"Interestingly, newer tools also express ‘emotions’, for example via intonation. What I take from this is that programmers have seen in the data that has been collected that many people try to develop a social and emotional bond with the tool and do not want to only interact on technical matters or search for information on the internet. So the data, I believe, has taught programmers that language is more than a referential tool for representing and sharing information.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:42:23.153Z,2021-01-17T00:42:23.153Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8055 27756,v1.0,,"Interestingly, newer tools also express ‘emotions’, for example via intonation. What I take from this is that programmers have seen in the data that has been collected that many people try to develop a social and emotional bond with the tool and do not want to only interact on technical matters or search for information on the internet. So the data, I believe, has taught programmers that language is more than a referential tool for representing and sharing information.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:42:03.882Z,2021-01-17T00:42:03.882Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27755,v1.0,,"Interestingly, newer tools also express ‘emotions’, for example via intonation. What I take from this is that programmers have seen in the data that has been collected that many people try to develop a social and emotional bond with the tool and do not want to only interact on technical matters or search for information on the internet. So the data, I believe, has taught programmers that language is more than a referential tool for representing and sharing information.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:42:02.431Z,2021-01-17T00:42:02.431Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3809 27754,v1.0,,"Interestingly, newer tools also express ‘emotions’, for example via intonation. What I take from this is that programmers have seen in the data that has been collected that many people try to develop a social and emotional bond with the tool and do not want to only interact on technical matters or search for information on the internet. So the data, I believe, has taught programmers that language is more than a referential tool for representing and sharing information.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:42:02.270Z,2021-01-17T00:42:02.270Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3940 27753,v1.0,,"Interestingly, newer tools also express ‘emotions’, for example via intonation. What I take from this is that programmers have seen in the data that has been collected that many people try to develop a social and emotional bond with the tool and do not want to only interact on technical matters or search for information on the internet. So the data, I believe, has taught programmers that language is more than a referential tool for representing and sharing information.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:42:01.845Z,2021-01-17T00:42:01.845Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4728 27752,v1.0,,which kinds of interactions is the machine able to handle?,/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:39:42.307Z,2021-01-17T00:39:42.307Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7970 27751,v1.0,,"It has also been interesting to see how my children interact with digital assistants. In the very beginning, when they first used it, my youngest didn't get the concept of a voice-controlled digital assistant, so she just started to tell Siri stories about her life, like ""I have this little dog and I really like her"" and so on, and Siri would respond, ""sorry, but I can't find this on the internet"". My daughter was really frustrated and said, ""I think Siri is really stupid. Is there a real person sitting on the other end?"".",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:39:19.284Z,2021-01-17T00:39:19.284Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27750,v1.0,,"It has also been interesting to see how my children interact with digital assistants. In the very beginning, when they first used it, my youngest didn't get the concept of a voice-controlled digital assistant, so she just started to tell Siri stories about her life, like ""I have this little dog and I really like her"" and so on, and Siri would respond, ""sorry, but I can't find this on the internet"". My daughter was really frustrated and said, ""I think Siri is really stupid. Is there a real person sitting on the other end?"".",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:39:19.269Z,2021-01-17T00:39:19.269Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4285 27749,v1.0,,"It has also been interesting to see how my children interact with digital assistants. In the very beginning, when they first used it, my youngest didn't get the concept of a voice-controlled digital assistant, so she just started to tell Siri stories about her life, like ""I have this little dog and I really like her"" and so on, and Siri would respond, ""sorry, but I can't find this on the internet"". My daughter was really frustrated and said, ""I think Siri is really stupid. Is there a real person sitting on the other end?"".",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:39:19.261Z,2021-01-17T00:39:19.261Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3809 27748,v1.0,,"I remember one specific case from last year: I asked Siri, ""what can I give to the children for Christmas?"", and she said, in German, ""Wie wäre es mit einem hässlichen Pullover?"", which is the German equivalent of, ""how about an ugly sweater"". The concept of ugly Christmas sweaters doesn't really exist in Germany, so I didn't understand her answer and I thought it was almost spooky. I thought, what a crazy answer! Why would I give my children an ugly sweater for Christmas?At some point, I discussed this with some colleagues and they explained to me that in the US you have this idea of the ugly sweater, which is a Christmas sweater, which I hadn't known. And so, this was just a direct translation of the US-American concept of the ugly sweater.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:38:49.949Z,2021-01-17T00:38:49.949Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8053 27747,v1.0,,"I remember one specific case from last year: I asked Siri, ""what can I give to the children for Christmas?"", and she said, in German, ""Wie wäre es mit einem hässlichen Pullover?"", which is the German equivalent of, ""how about an ugly sweater"". The concept of ugly Christmas sweaters doesn't really exist in Germany, so I didn't understand her answer and I thought it was almost spooky. I thought, what a crazy answer! Why would I give my children an ugly sweater for Christmas?At some point, I discussed this with some colleagues and they explained to me that in the US you have this idea of the ugly sweater, which is a Christmas sweater, which I hadn't known. And so, this was just a direct translation of the US-American concept of the ugly sweater.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:38:49.937Z,2021-01-17T00:38:49.937Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8054 27746,v1.0,,"I remember one specific case from last year: I asked Siri, ""what can I give to the children for Christmas?"", and she said, in German, ""Wie wäre es mit einem hässlichen Pullover?"", which is the German equivalent of, ""how about an ugly sweater"". The concept of ugly Christmas sweaters doesn't really exist in Germany, so I didn't understand her answer and I thought it was almost spooky. I thought, what a crazy answer! Why would I give my children an ugly sweater for Christmas?At some point, I discussed this with some colleagues and they explained to me that in the US you have this idea of the ugly sweater, which is a Christmas sweater, which I hadn't known. And so, this was just a direct translation of the US-American concept of the ugly sweater.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:38:49.914Z,2021-01-17T00:38:49.914Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8005 27745,v1.0,,"I remember one specific case from last year: I asked Siri, ""what can I give to the children for Christmas?"", and she said, in German, ""Wie wäre es mit einem hässlichen Pullover?"", which is the German equivalent of, ""how about an ugly sweater"". The concept of ugly Christmas sweaters doesn't really exist in Germany, so I didn't understand her answer and I thought it was almost spooky. I thought, what a crazy answer! Why would I give my children an ugly sweater for Christmas?At some point, I discussed this with some colleagues and they explained to me that in the US you have this idea of the ugly sweater, which is a Christmas sweater, which I hadn't known. And so, this was just a direct translation of the US-American concept of the ugly sweater.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:38:49.852Z,2021-01-17T00:38:49.852Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3535 27743,v1.0,,"I remember one specific case from last year: I asked Siri, ""what can I give to the children for Christmas?"", and she said, in German, ""Wie wäre es mit einem hässlichen Pullover?"", which is the German equivalent of, ""how about an ugly sweater"". The concept of ugly Christmas sweaters doesn't really exist in Germany, so I didn't understand her answer and I thought it was almost spooky. I thought, what a crazy answer! Why would I give my children an ugly sweater for Christmas?At some point, I discussed this with some colleagues and they explained to me that in the US you have this idea of the ugly sweater, which is a Christmas sweater, which I hadn't known. And so, this was just a direct translation of the US-American concept of the ugly sweater.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:38:49.366Z,2021-01-17T00:38:49.366Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27742,v1.0,,"I remember one specific case from last year: I asked Siri, ""what can I give to the children for Christmas?"", and she said, in German, ""Wie wäre es mit einem hässlichen Pullover?"", which is the German equivalent of, ""how about an ugly sweater"". The concept of ugly Christmas sweaters doesn't really exist in Germany, so I didn't understand her answer and I thought it was almost spooky. I thought, what a crazy answer! Why would I give my children an ugly sweater for Christmas?At some point, I discussed this with some colleagues and they explained to me that in the US you have this idea of the ugly sweater, which is a Christmas sweater, which I hadn't known. And so, this was just a direct translation of the US-American concept of the ugly sweater.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:38:49.357Z,2021-01-17T00:38:49.357Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,6222 27741,v1.0,,"I have tried, but my informants so far – German, middle-class – don't want me to observe them. They also do not want me to audio-record or film them. People often feel like they have to excuse themselves for using Alexa, and they feel a bit shy or say, ""I didn't actually want to have it, it was just included in something"", or, ""it was given to me as a present"". They feel like they have to excuse the fact that they own these devices, because it’s hard to legitimise giving all of your data to Amazon",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:36:10.144Z,2021-01-17T00:36:10.144Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8052 27740,v1.0,,"I have tried, but my informants so far – German, middle-class – don't want me to observe them. They also do not want me to audio-record or film them. People often feel like they have to excuse themselves for using Alexa, and they feel a bit shy or say, ""I didn't actually want to have it, it was just included in something"", or, ""it was given to me as a present"". They feel like they have to excuse the fact that they own these devices, because it’s hard to legitimise giving all of your data to Amazon",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:36:10.070Z,2021-01-17T00:36:10.070Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27739,v1.0,,"I have tried, but my informants so far – German, middle-class – don't want me to observe them. They also do not want me to audio-record or film them. People often feel like they have to excuse themselves for using Alexa, and they feel a bit shy or say, ""I didn't actually want to have it, it was just included in something"", or, ""it was given to me as a present"". They feel like they have to excuse the fact that they own these devices, because it’s hard to legitimise giving all of your data to Amazon",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:36:09.743Z,2021-01-17T00:36:09.743Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8051 27738,v1.0,,"I have tried, but my informants so far – German, middle-class – don't want me to observe them. They also do not want me to audio-record or film them. People often feel like they have to excuse themselves for using Alexa, and they feel a bit shy or say, ""I didn't actually want to have it, it was just included in something"", or, ""it was given to me as a present"". They feel like they have to excuse the fact that they own these devices, because it’s hard to legitimise giving all of your data to Amazon",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:36:09.702Z,2021-01-17T00:36:09.702Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7955 27737,v1.0,,"I have tried, but my informants so far – German, middle-class – don't want me to observe them. They also do not want me to audio-record or film them. People often feel like they have to excuse themselves for using Alexa, and they feel a bit shy or say, ""I didn't actually want to have it, it was just included in something"", or, ""it was given to me as a present"". They feel like they have to excuse the fact that they own these devices, because it’s hard to legitimise giving all of your data to Amazon",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:36:09.700Z,2021-01-17T00:36:09.700Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3814 27736,v1.0,,"I have tried, but my informants so far – German, middle-class – don't want me to observe them. They also do not want me to audio-record or film them. People often feel like they have to excuse themselves for using Alexa, and they feel a bit shy or say, ""I didn't actually want to have it, it was just included in something"", or, ""it was given to me as a present"". They feel like they have to excuse the fact that they own these devices, because it’s hard to legitimise giving all of your data to Amazon",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:36:09.684Z,2021-01-17T00:36:09.684Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4691 27735,v1.0,,"I think people are pretty much aware that someone has programmed the device, and when it comes to these notions of authority, they do not believe that Alexa is the authority, they believe the programmer is the authority: the programmer knows best and wouldn’t programme it ‘incorrectly’.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:35:10.558Z,2021-01-17T00:35:10.558Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7970 27734,v1.0,,"I think people are pretty much aware that someone has programmed the device, and when it comes to these notions of authority, they do not believe that Alexa is the authority, they believe the programmer is the authority: the programmer knows best and wouldn’t programme it ‘incorrectly’.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:35:10.443Z,2021-04-04T20:41:26.036Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7940 27733,v1.0,,"This particular woman, who I think has a relatively rare relationship to her devices, often signals forms of politeness through her intonation patterns. So, while most of the time you have to use commands when you talk to Alexa – ""Alexa, switch on the light"", ""switch on the radio"", ""switch it off"" – she does that, but in a way that sounds very polite, almost intimate. So, she performs friendliness. During the interview she would sometimes demonstrate how she uses Alexa, and she would say things like, ""computer, what time is it?"", and Alexa responded and then she said, ""brav, dass ist meine Alexa"" (“well done. That's my Alexa”). I think a lot of people do that even if they don't notice. If Alexa does what they ask it to, they will say something like ""ah, gut"" (“very good”), ""gut gemacht"" (“well done”) or something. So, there are elements of human-pet-like relationships as well.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:34:27.954Z,2021-01-17T00:34:27.954Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8050 27732,v1.0,,"This particular woman, who I think has a relatively rare relationship to her devices, often signals forms of politeness through her intonation patterns. So, while most of the time you have to use commands when you talk to Alexa – ""Alexa, switch on the light"", ""switch on the radio"", ""switch it off"" – she does that, but in a way that sounds very polite, almost intimate. So, she performs friendliness. During the interview she would sometimes demonstrate how she uses Alexa, and she would say things like, ""computer, what time is it?"", and Alexa responded and then she said, ""brav, dass ist meine Alexa"" (“well done. That's my Alexa”). I think a lot of people do that even if they don't notice. If Alexa does what they ask it to, they will say something like ""ah, gut"" (“very good”), ""gut gemacht"" (“well done”) or something. So, there are elements of human-pet-like relationships as well.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:34:27.793Z,2021-01-17T00:34:27.793Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8014 27731,v1.0,,"This particular woman, who I think has a relatively rare relationship to her devices, often signals forms of politeness through her intonation patterns. So, while most of the time you have to use commands when you talk to Alexa – ""Alexa, switch on the light"", ""switch on the radio"", ""switch it off"" – she does that, but in a way that sounds very polite, almost intimate. So, she performs friendliness. During the interview she would sometimes demonstrate how she uses Alexa, and she would say things like, ""computer, what time is it?"", and Alexa responded and then she said, ""brav, dass ist meine Alexa"" (“well done. That's my Alexa”). I think a lot of people do that even if they don't notice. If Alexa does what they ask it to, they will say something like ""ah, gut"" (“very good”), ""gut gemacht"" (“well done”) or something. So, there are elements of human-pet-like relationships as well.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:34:27.778Z,2021-01-17T00:34:27.778Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3940 27730,v1.0,,"This particular woman, who I think has a relatively rare relationship to her devices, often signals forms of politeness through her intonation patterns. So, while most of the time you have to use commands when you talk to Alexa – ""Alexa, switch on the light"", ""switch on the radio"", ""switch it off"" – she does that, but in a way that sounds very polite, almost intimate. So, she performs friendliness. During the interview she would sometimes demonstrate how she uses Alexa, and she would say things like, ""computer, what time is it?"", and Alexa responded and then she said, ""brav, dass ist meine Alexa"" (“well done. That's my Alexa”). I think a lot of people do that even if they don't notice. If Alexa does what they ask it to, they will say something like ""ah, gut"" (“very good”), ""gut gemacht"" (“well done”) or something. So, there are elements of human-pet-like relationships as well.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:34:27.685Z,2021-01-17T00:34:27.685Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27729,v1.0,,"I think for all my informants to a certain degree, you can compare the relationship to the relationship you would have with a pet; you have an interaction partner and you want it to do what you say and you have some degree of control over it. But it is somehow there and gives you a feeling of comfort, a feeling that someone or something is there with you.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:32:39.670Z,2021-01-17T00:32:39.670Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3940 27728,v1.0,,"I think for all my informants to a certain degree, you can compare the relationship to the relationship you would have with a pet; you have an interaction partner and you want it to do what you say and you have some degree of control over it. But it is somehow there and gives you a feeling of comfort, a feeling that someone or something is there with you.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:32:39.443Z,2021-01-17T00:32:39.443Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27727,v1.0,,"I think for all my informants to a certain degree, you can compare the relationship to the relationship you would have with a pet; you have an interaction partner and you want it to do what you say and you have some degree of control over it. But it is somehow there and gives you a feeling of comfort, a feeling that someone or something is there with you.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:32:39.423Z,2021-01-17T00:32:39.423Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3809 27726,v1.0,,"I think for all my informants to a certain degree, you can compare the relationship to the relationship you would have with a pet; you have an interaction partner and you want it to do what you say and you have some degree of control over it. But it is somehow there and gives you a feeling of comfort, a feeling that someone or something is there with you.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:32:39.292Z,2021-01-17T00:32:39.292Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8014 27725,v1.0,,"Most of my informants are actually male, middle-aged, work as consultants or something similar, and they often use it in the car during their commutes to and from work. In this way, Alexa is a kind of secretary. And they write emails and do everything they would do from their desk, but in the car – so it’s more of a practical relationship.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:25:02.203Z,2021-01-17T00:25:02.203Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,5323 27724,v1.0,,"Most of my informants are actually male, middle-aged, work as consultants or something similar, and they often use it in the car during their commutes to and from work. In this way, Alexa is a kind of secretary. And they write emails and do everything they would do from their desk, but in the car – so it’s more of a practical relationship.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:25:02.129Z,2021-01-17T00:25:02.129Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4691 27723,v1.0,,"Most of my informants are actually male, middle-aged, work as consultants or something similar, and they often use it in the car during their commutes to and from work. In this way, Alexa is a kind of secretary. And they write emails and do everything they would do from their desk, but in the car – so it’s more of a practical relationship.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:25:02.021Z,2021-01-17T00:25:02.021Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,885 27722,v1.0,,"I don't want to glorify the development of these devices, and I am actually very critical of their development – but I am very sure there is a lot of potential for elderly people in this, and for people who are alone. Of course, it would be much nicer if everyone had a happy family life and many friends around them, but if someone doesn’t have that, I think it is still better to talk to Alexa than to talk to no one.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:24:31.554Z,2021-01-17T00:24:31.554Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8049 27721,v1.0,,"If I remember correctly, she had different relationships to each of them, and she interacted with them in different ways. Can you tell me a bit more about her relationship to and interaction with her devices?BS: So, in every room in her flat, she had two or three devices – in each room. And in this case, ""Alexa"" was conceptualised as one person, or let's say, interaction partner. But she had developed different relationships to each of the actual boxes – the tangible, material boxes – even though they all use the same voice.She had one, for example, where she had put some stickers on it to look like a cat's face. She liked each box and she reported very openly to the fact that she had developed very emotional relationships to each of them. She had a closer relationship to the boxes with which she spoke more frequently: So, there was this one device in the living room that was the main speaker and the others were also speakers, but less important.She also had two devices in her bedroom; one that would tell her stories at night to fall asleep, and another box that would play the sound of a fire – a fireplace. As far as I understood her, she had less of an emotional relationship to the device that would only play the sound of a fireplace than she did to the one that told her stories.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:23:22.768Z,2021-01-17T00:23:22.768Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27720,v1.0,,"If I remember correctly, she had different relationships to each of them, and she interacted with them in different ways. Can you tell me a bit more about her relationship to and interaction with her devices?BS: So, in every room in her flat, she had two or three devices – in each room. And in this case, ""Alexa"" was conceptualised as one person, or let's say, interaction partner. But she had developed different relationships to each of the actual boxes – the tangible, material boxes – even though they all use the same voice.She had one, for example, where she had put some stickers on it to look like a cat's face. She liked each box and she reported very openly to the fact that she had developed very emotional relationships to each of them. She had a closer relationship to the boxes with which she spoke more frequently: So, there was this one device in the living room that was the main speaker and the others were also speakers, but less important.She also had two devices in her bedroom; one that would tell her stories at night to fall asleep, and another box that would play the sound of a fire – a fireplace. As far as I understood her, she had less of an emotional relationship to the device that would only play the sound of a fireplace than she did to the one that told her stories.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:23:22.750Z,2021-01-17T00:23:22.750Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3940 27719,v1.0,,"If I remember correctly, she had different relationships to each of them, and she interacted with them in different ways. Can you tell me a bit more about her relationship to and interaction with her devices?BS: So, in every room in her flat, she had two or three devices – in each room. And in this case, ""Alexa"" was conceptualised as one person, or let's say, interaction partner. But she had developed different relationships to each of the actual boxes – the tangible, material boxes – even though they all use the same voice.She had one, for example, where she had put some stickers on it to look like a cat's face. She liked each box and she reported very openly to the fact that she had developed very emotional relationships to each of them. She had a closer relationship to the boxes with which she spoke more frequently: So, there was this one device in the living room that was the main speaker and the others were also speakers, but less important.She also had two devices in her bedroom; one that would tell her stories at night to fall asleep, and another box that would play the sound of a fire – a fireplace. As far as I understood her, she had less of an emotional relationship to the device that would only play the sound of a fireplace than she did to the one that told her stories.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:23:22.692Z,2021-01-17T00:23:22.692Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4691 27718,v1.0,,"If I remember correctly, she had different relationships to each of them, and she interacted with them in different ways. Can you tell me a bit more about her relationship to and interaction with her devices?BS: So, in every room in her flat, she had two or three devices – in each room. And in this case, ""Alexa"" was conceptualised as one person, or let's say, interaction partner. But she had developed different relationships to each of the actual boxes – the tangible, material boxes – even though they all use the same voice.She had one, for example, where she had put some stickers on it to look like a cat's face. She liked each box and she reported very openly to the fact that she had developed very emotional relationships to each of them. She had a closer relationship to the boxes with which she spoke more frequently: So, there was this one device in the living room that was the main speaker and the others were also speakers, but less important.She also had two devices in her bedroom; one that would tell her stories at night to fall asleep, and another box that would play the sound of a fire – a fireplace. As far as I understood her, she had less of an emotional relationship to the device that would only play the sound of a fireplace than she did to the one that told her stories.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:23:22.417Z,2021-01-17T00:23:22.417Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4061 27717,v1.0,,"If I remember correctly, she had different relationships to each of them, and she interacted with them in different ways. Can you tell me a bit more about her relationship to and interaction with her devices?BS: So, in every room in her flat, she had two or three devices – in each room. And in this case, ""Alexa"" was conceptualised as one person, or let's say, interaction partner. But she had developed different relationships to each of the actual boxes – the tangible, material boxes – even though they all use the same voice.She had one, for example, where she had put some stickers on it to look like a cat's face. She liked each box and she reported very openly to the fact that she had developed very emotional relationships to each of them. She had a closer relationship to the boxes with which she spoke more frequently: So, there was this one device in the living room that was the main speaker and the others were also speakers, but less important.She also had two devices in her bedroom; one that would tell her stories at night to fall asleep, and another box that would play the sound of a fire – a fireplace. As far as I understood her, she had less of an emotional relationship to the device that would only play the sound of a fireplace than she did to the one that told her stories.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:23:22.411Z,2021-01-17T00:23:22.411Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3809 27716,v1.0,,"If I remember correctly, she had different relationships to each of them, and she interacted with them in different ways. Can you tell me a bit more about her relationship to and interaction with her devices?BS: So, in every room in her flat, she had two or three devices – in each room. And in this case, ""Alexa"" was conceptualised as one person, or let's say, interaction partner. But she had developed different relationships to each of the actual boxes – the tangible, material boxes – even though they all use the same voice.She had one, for example, where she had put some stickers on it to look like a cat's face. She liked each box and she reported very openly to the fact that she had developed very emotional relationships to each of them. She had a closer relationship to the boxes with which she spoke more frequently: So, there was this one device in the living room that was the main speaker and the others were also speakers, but less important.She also had two devices in her bedroom; one that would tell her stories at night to fall asleep, and another box that would play the sound of a fire – a fireplace. As far as I understood her, she had less of an emotional relationship to the device that would only play the sound of a fireplace than she did to the one that told her stories.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:23:22.282Z,2021-01-17T00:23:22.282Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8014 27715,v1.0,,"This suggests that using sound and voice – in a very literal sense – seems to do something to us as humans in contrast to communicating via the keyboard, for example: it facilitates the development of emotional relationships.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:21:10.538Z,2021-01-17T00:21:10.538Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3940 27714,v1.0,,"They also refer to them with personal pronouns that we usually use to refer to humans – and female humans, in particular. So, it’s always ""she"". Some speakers also use ""it"", but mostly ""she"". The most interesting point, I find, is that some speakers really develop an emotional relationship to their devices.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:53.585Z,2021-01-17T00:20:53.585Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3940 27713,v1.0,,"They also refer to them with personal pronouns that we usually use to refer to humans – and female humans, in particular. So, it’s always ""she"". Some speakers also use ""it"", but mostly ""she"". The most interesting point, I find, is that some speakers really develop an emotional relationship to their devices.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:53.578Z,2021-01-17T00:20:53.578Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27712,v1.0,,"They also refer to them with personal pronouns that we usually use to refer to humans – and female humans, in particular. So, it’s always ""she"". Some speakers also use ""it"", but mostly ""she"". The most interesting point, I find, is that some speakers really develop an emotional relationship to their devices.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:53.547Z,2021-01-17T00:20:53.547Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,885 27711,v1.0,,"They also refer to them with personal pronouns that we usually use to refer to humans – and female humans, in particular. So, it’s always ""she"". Some speakers also use ""it"", but mostly ""she"". The most interesting point, I find, is that some speakers really develop an emotional relationship to their devices.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:53.377Z,2021-01-17T00:20:53.377Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,5163 27710,v1.0,,"I did notice that they usually do not believe that Alexa has it wrong. Rather, they believe that they themselves are making mistakes and that they have to adapt their speech.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:21.933Z,2021-01-17T00:20:21.933Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7660 27708,v1.0,,"Rather, they believe that they themselves are making mistakes and that they have to adapt their speech.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:13.424Z,2021-01-17T00:20:13.424Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3671 27707,v1.0,,"Rather, they believe that they themselves are making mistakes and that they have to adapt their speech.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:13.291Z,2021-01-17T00:20:13.291Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7968 27706,v1.0,,"Rather, they believe that they themselves are making mistakes and that they have to adapt their speech.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:20:13.289Z,2021-01-17T00:20:13.289Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7626 27705,v1.0,,I did notice that they usually do not believe that Alexa has it wrong.,/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:19:49.195Z,2021-01-17T00:19:49.195Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7990 27704,v1.0,,I did notice that they usually do not believe that Alexa has it wrong.,/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:19:49.194Z,2021-01-17T00:19:49.194Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7970 27703,v1.0,,"Another interesting aspect is that these devices are given personal names so that users refer to them as though they were people. They also refer to them with personal pronouns that we usually use to refer to humans – and female humans, in particular. So, it’s always ""she"". Some speakers also use ""it"", but mostly ""she"". The most interesting point, I find, is that some speakers really develop an emotional relationship to their devices.This suggests that using sound and voice – in a very literal sense – seems to do something to us as humans in contrast to communicating via the keyboard, for example: it facilitates the development of emotional relationships.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:19:12.074Z,2021-01-17T00:19:12.074Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8014 27702,v1.0,,"And, of course, also because they want to make the thing work. So, they don't really care.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:18:26.431Z,2021-01-17T00:18:26.431Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7767 27701,v1.0,,"so they adapt their speech. And, of course, also because they want to make the thing work. So, they don't really care.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:18:06.513Z,2021-01-17T00:18:06.513Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7626 27700,v1.0,,"so they adapt their speech. And, of course, also because they want to make the thing work. So, they don't really care.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:18:06.082Z,2021-01-17T00:18:06.082Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7968 27699,v1.0,,"None of them really questioned the authority of Alexa and believe that it must know better because it had been programmed,",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:17:50.131Z,2021-01-17T00:17:50.131Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7990 27698,v1.0,,"None of them really questioned the authority of Alexa and believe that it must know better because it had been programmed,",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:17:50.129Z,2021-01-17T00:17:50.129Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7970 27697,v1.0,,"None of them really questioned the authority of Alexa and believe that it must know better because it had been programmed, so they adapt their speech. And, of course, also because they want to make the thing work. So, they don't really care.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:17:35.967Z,2021-01-17T00:17:35.967Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7660 27696,v1.0,,"there is potential to have more language variety in digital assistants, but I don't think it will stay flexible forever. These systems will always be more responsive to the demographically more dominant variety, which is of course, typically a variety that already has had status and prestige for a very long time.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:16:57.834Z,2021-01-17T00:16:57.834Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27695,v1.0,,"there is potential to have more language variety in digital assistants, but I don't think it will stay flexible forever. These systems will always be more responsive to the demographically more dominant variety, which is of course, typically a variety that already has had status and prestige for a very long time.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:16:57.819Z,2021-01-17T00:16:57.819Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,6222 27694,v1.0,,"there is potential to have more language variety in digital assistants, but I don't think it will stay flexible forever. These systems will always be more responsive to the demographically more dominant variety, which is of course, typically a variety that already has had status and prestige for a very long time.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:16:57.816Z,2021-01-17T00:16:57.816Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27693,v1.0,,"there is potential to have more language variety in digital assistants, but I don't think it will stay flexible forever. These systems will always be more responsive to the demographically more dominant variety, which is of course, typically a variety that already has had status and prestige for a very long time.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:16:57.789Z,2021-01-17T00:16:57.789Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3939 27692,v1.0,,"there is potential to have more language variety in digital assistants, but I don't think it will stay flexible forever. These systems will always be more responsive to the demographically more dominant variety, which is of course, typically a variety that already has had status and prestige for a very long time.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:16:57.405Z,2021-01-17T00:16:57.405Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8045 27691,v1.0,,"But again, all of these efforts depend on certain existing power dynamics and inequalities in society. Some speakers may not have that kind of decision-making power and it is very difficult to adapt their speech. Using the standard language variety when interacting with technology can also be a form of symbolic subordination. And in other cases, there will never be a commercial interest in adapting linguistic templates, simply because there are not enough speakers of a particular variety or this variety is in itself more variable because it has no writing tradition or because the speakers themselves are socially marginalized (as for example Kiezdeutsch or other multi-ethnic urban forms of speech).",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:16:14.183Z,2021-01-17T00:16:14.183Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,3939 27690,v1.0,,"in other cases, there will never be a commercial interest in adapting linguistic templates, simply because there are not enough speakers of a particular variety or this variety is in itself more variable because it has no writing tradition or because the speakers themselves are socially marginalized (as for example Kiezdeutsch or other multi-ethnic urban forms of speech).",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:06:08.531Z,2021-01-17T00:06:08.531Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7280 27688,v1.0,,"in other cases, there will never be a commercial interest in adapting linguistic templates, simply because there are not enough speakers of a particular variety or this variety is in itself more variable because it has no writing tradition or because the speakers themselves are socially marginalized (as for example Kiezdeutsch or other multi-ethnic urban forms of speech).",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:06:08.126Z,2021-01-17T00:06:08.126Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7443 27687,v1.0,,Cortana – the Microsoft voice-controlled digital assistant,/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:04:07.624Z,2021-01-17T00:04:07.624Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27686,v1.0,,Cortana – the Microsoft voice-controlled digital assistant,/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:04:07.478Z,2021-01-17T00:04:07.478Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4665 27685,v1.0,,Cortana,/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:03:51.159Z,2021-01-17T00:03:51.159Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8048 27684,v1.0,,"I think that the vast majority of people believe there is a form of language that is correct, and that everything else is not correct. And you devote years of teaching and training to learning this one correct way of speaking and writing. From a sociolinguistic or linguistic anthropological view, these notions of correctness are historical artefacts that we can deconstruct and critique: they are simply the language of the powerful, the language of those who were able to label a particular language variety as correct. So, there is nothing intrinsically correct in using a particular kind of relative pronoun or a particular kind of pronunciation. There is also nothing intrinsically incorrect about using a double-negative. It is simply our traditions and conventions that have been regularised in lexicons and grammar books and that have also come to influence the way all digital devices that deal with human language have been programmed.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:03:23.620Z,2021-04-04T20:41:26.030Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7940 27683,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:03:11.758Z,2021-04-04T20:41:26.025Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7940 27682,v1.0,,"I think a relevant difference is that the frequency of occurrence of linguistic features in digital contexts plays a much more important role. This contrasts with traditional standards in Western cultures where a small elite of people decide what is correct and what is not correct. These traditional standards were unconceivable without technologies of writing and are still reified and controlled by grammarians, and other elite groups. This concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:02:42.939Z,2021-04-04T20:41:26.020Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7940 27681,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:02:21.855Z,2021-01-17T00:02:21.855Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7940 27679,v1.0,,"I think that the vast majority of people believe there is a form of language that is correct, and that everything else is not correct. And you devote years of teaching and training to learning this one correct way of speaking and writing. From a sociolinguistic or linguistic anthropological view, these notions of correctness are historical artefacts that we can deconstruct and critique: they are simply the language of the powerful, the language of those who were able to label a particular language variety as correct. So, there is nothing intrinsically correct in using a particular kind of relative pronoun or a particular kind of pronunciation. There is also nothing intrinsically incorrect about using a double-negative. It is simply our traditions and conventions that have been regularised in lexicons and grammar books and that have also come to influence the way all digital devices that deal with human language have been programmed.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:02:08.971Z,2021-01-17T00:02:08.971Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,6222 27678,v1.0,,"I think a relevant difference is that the frequency of occurrence of linguistic features in digital contexts plays a much more important role. This contrasts with traditional standards in Western cultures where a small elite of people decide what is correct and what is not correct. These traditional standards were unconceivable without technologies of writing and are still reified and controlled by grammarians, and other elite groups. This concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-17T00:00:14.800Z,2021-01-17T00:00:14.800Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8045 27677,v1.0,,"I think a relevant difference is that the frequency of occurrence of linguistic features in digital contexts plays a much more important role. This contrasts with traditional standards in Western cultures where a small elite of people decide what is correct and what is not correct. These traditional standards were unconceivable without technologies of writing and are still reified and controlled by grammarians, and other elite groups.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:59:48.899Z,2021-01-16T23:59:48.899Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8046 27676,v1.0,,"if a language has a written tradition, people are much more likely to believe the language has to be fixed and regular: this highlights the crucial impact of the printing press and of writing technologies on our conception of language.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:59:24.701Z,2021-01-16T23:59:24.701Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8046 27675,v1.0,,"This means there are computational linguists, language professionals such as IT programmers, people who study language in education, some who work on language variation, researchers interested in questions of language and law, language endangerment and language rights, and some who study language ideologies, and all in relation to the changes we face with regards to the human-machine era. So, the network is huge and there are several working groups that will realize conferences, meetings or summer schools within the next four years.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:58:54.770Z,2021-01-16T23:58:54.770Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4850 27674,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them. This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:57:43.018Z,2021-01-16T23:57:43.018Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7991 27673,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them. This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:57:42.994Z,2021-01-16T23:57:42.994Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7952 27672,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them. This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:57:42.981Z,2021-01-16T23:57:42.981Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27671,v1.0,,"It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:57:25.408Z,2021-01-16T23:57:25.408Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,6222 27670,v1.0,,"It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:57:25.346Z,2021-01-16T23:57:25.346Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,885 27669,v1.0,,"This concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:47:54.301Z,2021-01-16T23:47:54.301Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7894 27668,v1.0,,"This concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:47:54.299Z,2021-01-16T23:47:54.299Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27667,v1.0,,"This concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:47:54.239Z,2021-01-16T23:47:54.239Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7952 27666,v1.0,,"This concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:47:54.155Z,2021-01-16T23:47:54.155Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,6222 27664,v1.0,,"his concept of written standard language now interacts with frequency: as soon as you have a certain language phenomenon occurring frequently online, then it might, sooner or later, be considered as correct by programmes and devices like Siri and Alexa. Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:47:16.935Z,2021-01-16T23:47:16.935Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,1104 27663,v1.0,,"Whereas before, correctness might have been based on what appeared in lexicons, or if it appeared in a novel or grammar book – many written by male, educated, white speakers – now if certain words and phrases that appear very often, or rather, appear often in forms that machines can read, then they may become correct even if it would not have been labeled as ‘correct’ by a lexicon.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T23:46:43.191Z,2021-01-16T23:46:43.191Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7970 27662,v1.0,,Alexa or Siri,/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:30:09.494Z,2021-01-16T22:30:09.494Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7591 27661,v1.0,,"whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions; whether they conceptualise these devices as authorities, or whether they experience that these devices learn to handle accents, dialect speech and other ‘irregularities’.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:29:57.768Z,2021-01-16T22:29:57.768Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,1104 27660,v1.0,,"if a language has a written tradition, people are much more likely to believe the language has to be fixed and regular: this highlights the crucial impact of the printing press and of writing technologies on our conception of language. I thought it would be very interesting to look at what happens to all of this in digital environments, where we no longer have the printing press as our main technology of producing mediated communication: how does the internet shape our concepts of language and our concepts of linguistic appropriateness, correctness, and standardness?",/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:29:19.794Z,2021-01-16T22:29:19.794Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7991 27658,v1.0,,"if a language has a written tradition, people are much more likely to believe the language has to be fixed and regular: this highlights the crucial impact of the printing press and of writing technologies on our conception of language.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:28:42.616Z,2021-01-16T22:28:42.616Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7990 27657,v1.0,,"the idea is to bring together researchers with an interest in language, but with very different disciplinary backgrounds who are, in one way or another, involved with the topic of language and digital communication. This means there are computational linguists, language professionals such as IT programmers, people who study language in education, some who work on language variation, researchers interested in questions of language and law, language endangerment and language rights, and some who study language ideologies, and all in relation to the changes we face with regards to the human-machine era. So, the network is huge and there are several working groups that will realize conferences, meetings or summer schools within the next four years.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:27:10.641Z,2021-01-16T22:27:10.641Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7685 27656,v1.0,,"the idea is to bring together researchers with an interest in language, but with very different disciplinary backgrounds who are, in one way or another, involved with the topic of language and digital communication. This means there are computational linguists, language professionals such as IT programmers, people who study language in education, some who work on language variation, researchers interested in questions of language and law, language endangerment and language rights, and some who study language ideologies, and all in relation to the changes we face with regards to the human-machine era. So, the network is huge and there are several working groups that will realize conferences, meetings or summer schools within the next four years.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:27:10.627Z,2021-01-16T22:27:10.627Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4054 27655,v1.0,,"the idea is to bring together researchers with an interest in language, but with very different disciplinary backgrounds who are, in one way or another, involved with the topic of language and digital communication. This means there are computational linguists, language professionals such as IT programmers, people who study language in education, some who work on language variation, researchers interested in questions of language and law, language endangerment and language rights, and some who study language ideologies, and all in relation to the changes we face with regards to the human-machine era. So, the network is huge and there are several working groups that will realize conferences, meetings or summer schools within the next four years.",/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:27:10.608Z,2021-01-16T22:27:10.608Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,394 27654,v1.0,,European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST),/post/74497,2021-01-16T22:12:50.449Z,2021-01-16T22:12:50.449Z,74497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7998 27653,v1.0,,"I'm sure you've considered it already, but just in case: I think another really interesting use case for this is just local communities, even within well-connected areas. A fully localized mesh could be built up as a hub for all kinds of creativity that has a distinctly local flavor in a way that often the internet isn't optimized for (even though of course localized communities exist there, too).",/post/53308,2021-01-11T17:24:16.984Z,2021-01-11T17:24:29.578Z,53308,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5092,1092 27652,v1.0,,Smart cities to me imply that there will be a tight grid of 5G or stronger transmitters densely packed in cities. Does human centered also include studying and adjusting for health effects? So far it seems that it has hardly been studied. And all I hear is the inevitability of it.,/post/53324,2021-01-11T17:23:09.254Z,2021-01-11T17:23:09.254Z,53324,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,8012 27651,v1.0,, and did an interesting study on this comparing proprietary with FOSS in public sector municipality school. The conclusion was something like: it costed the same financially and the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2021-01-11T17:21:33.521Z,2021-01-11T17:21:42.013Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,4054 27650,v1.0,,"by Gabrielle Lim, Researcher at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center. She presented Disinformation Strategies and Tactics at the Internet Freedom Festival’s Community Knowledge Share.",/post/77689,2021-01-11T17:21:33.519Z,2021-01-11T17:21:42.008Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,4054 27649,v1.0,,the Hackuarium work for the #coronadetective project so far is mainly open sci documentation and discussion in the JOGL slack (esp the working group nucleic acid amplification). The AGiR! work for open sourcing DNA damage detection is a mix between the domain things and experiments at Hackuarium.,/post/78063,2021-01-11T17:21:33.517Z,2021-01-11T17:21:42.003Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,4054 27648,v1.0,,"Chris Adams, currently a fellow at Prototype Fund at the Greenweb Foundation, has been doing a lot of work around energy consumption of web services and especially around mapping which providers in that space use renewable energies:",/post/53357,2021-01-11T17:21:33.515Z,2021-01-11T17:21:41.998Z,53357,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,5092,4054 27645,v1.0,,"Use of AI in judicial and social welfare, like in housing projects who gets a house, based on an algorithm. But people need to have someone recognize them as a human people, But we aren’t recognized as human beings anymore, discrimination grows because the human to human contact is no longer there. But the problem is that is that there are sooo many more things happening that are not implicit. The way labor was exploited in capitalism, enormous change happened. But now this is being copied again. But it isn’t causing an enormous reaction. The unions are weak.",/post/66346,2021-01-11T17:12:46.874Z,2021-01-11T17:12:56.254Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,6222 27644,v1.0,,"I suspect that AI (ML applied on big data) is inherently NOT human-centric, because its models (for example a recommendation algo) encode each human into a database, and then models you in terms of who you are similar to: for example, a woman between 35 and 45 who speaks Dutch and watches stand-up comedy on Netflix",/post/66346,2021-01-11T17:12:46.872Z,2021-01-11T17:12:56.248Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,6222 27643,v1.0,,Companies like Google optimise with AI the profilazione of their customers. The difference is if it’s a data centered AI or not. … ? Where do we bring the democratic process into new models?,/post/66346,2021-01-11T17:12:46.865Z,2021-01-11T17:12:56.242Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,6222 27642,v1.0,,"One of the reasons I left the Commission is because it is a quite hierarchical organization. This makes it sometimes difficult to get things moving. There's little room for personal initiative, especially when you're not high up. And it can take a very long time to get higher up in the Commission.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:50:09.487Z,2020-12-28T23:50:09.487Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4436 27641,v1.0,,"One of the reasons I left the Commission is because it is a quite hierarchical organization. This makes it sometimes difficult to get things moving. There's little room for personal initiative, especially when you're not high up. And it can take a very long time to get higher up in the Commission.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:50:09.437Z,2020-12-28T23:50:09.437Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8040 27639,v1.0,,"But I think this is very problematic. We wait to see what comes and then we try to regulate it, instead of coming up with more positive, efficient motivational transitions.I'm not neutral or unbiased to this. But I feel that if we look at the history of the European Commission, when they started in the 50s, 60s, the progressive rate was the future. It was to create an internal market to take power away from Member States and create one common market. The idea was that it would allow for political integration, and would block war: a nice progressive society where everybody would be happy. It’s a very good story. But now we're in a different environment: we’ve created this huge internal market, but the political structures are not there. And for me, this is a key driver for inequality.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:49:21.810Z,2020-12-28T23:49:21.810Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4436 27638,v1.0,,"I started as a trainee at the application law unit. That sounds a bit abstruse, but it means that we were essentially checking whether the member states complied with EU law. There are quite a lot of directives coming out each year. Member states have to transform them into the national laws. And this is kind of a black box area. We don't really know: we come up with all these laws of up level, then we think it's done. But a huge part of the laws, how it's being transposed, how's the entire plan implemented, if it's being enforced. A good example of this is the data protection regulation. It's not that different from what already existed in 1995, the directive on data protection, but it was simply not enforced. So, how can we do better? How can you make sure that the law is not just existing on paper? What actually works? And this is a major problem for the commission: they don’t have the staff or the resources to really ensure that the directives are enforced to a significant extent.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:32:45.945Z,2020-12-28T23:32:45.945Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8040 27637,v1.0,,"I started as a trainee at the application law unit. That sounds a bit abstruse, but it means that we were essentially checking whether the member states complied with EU law. There are quite a lot of directives coming out each year. Member states have to transform them into the national laws. And this is kind of a black box area. We don't really know: we come up with all these laws of up level, then we think it's done. But a huge part of the laws, how it's being transposed, how's the entire plan implemented, if it's being enforced. A good example of this is the data protection regulation. It's not that different from what already existed in 1995, the directive on data protection, but it was simply not enforced. So, how can we do better? How can you make sure that the law is not just existing on paper? What actually works? And this is a major problem for the commission: they don’t have the staff or the resources to really ensure that the directives are enforced to a significant extent.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:32:45.860Z,2020-12-28T23:32:45.860Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7083 27636,v1.0,,"I started as a trainee at the application law unit. That sounds a bit abstruse, but it means that we were essentially checking whether the member states complied with EU law. There are quite a lot of directives coming out each year. Member states have to transform them into the national laws. And this is kind of a black box area. We don't really know: we come up with all these laws of up level, then we think it's done. But a huge part of the laws, how it's being transposed, how's the entire plan implemented, if it's being enforced. A good example of this is the data protection regulation. It's not that different from what already existed in 1995, the directive on data protection, but it was simply not enforced. So, how can we do better? How can you make sure that the law is not just existing on paper? What actually works? And this is a major problem for the commission: they don’t have the staff or the resources to really ensure that the directives are enforced to a significant extent.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:32:45.835Z,2020-12-28T23:32:45.835Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,7960 27635,v1.0,,"I started as a trainee at the application law unit. That sounds a bit abstruse, but it means that we were essentially checking whether the member states complied with EU law. There are quite a lot of directives coming out each year. Member states have to transform them into the national laws. And this is kind of a black box area. We don't really know: we come up with all these laws of up level, then we think it's done. But a huge part of the laws, how it's being transposed, how's the entire plan implemented, if it's being enforced. A good example of this is the data protection regulation. It's not that different from what already existed in 1995, the directive on data protection, but it was simply not enforced. So, how can we do better? How can you make sure that the law is not just existing on paper? What actually works? And this is a major problem for the commission: they don’t have the staff or the resources to really ensure that the directives are enforced to a significant extent.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:32:45.804Z,2020-12-28T23:32:45.804Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,4439 27634,v1.0,,"A good example of this is the data protection regulation. It's not that different from what already existed in 1995, the directive on data protection, but it was simply not enforced. So, how can we do better? How can you make sure that the law is not just existing on paper? What actually works? And this is a major problem for the commission: they don’t have the staff or the resources to really ensure that the directives are enforced to a significant extent.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:32:20.599Z,2020-12-28T23:32:20.599Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,8039 27633,v1.0,,"A good example of this is the data protection regulation. It's not that different from what already existed in 1995, the directive on data protection, but it was simply not enforced. So, how can we do better? How can you make sure that the law is not just existing on paper? What actually works? And this is a major problem for the commission: they don’t have the staff or the resources to really ensure that the directives are enforced to a significant extent.",/post/63492,2020-12-28T23:32:20.497Z,2020-12-28T23:32:20.497Z,63492,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11443,5204,3785 27630,v1.0,,"Use of AI in judicial and social welfare, like in housing projects who gets a house, based on an algorithm. But people need to have someone recognize them as a human people, But we aren’t recognized as human beings anymore, discrimination grows because the human to human contact is no longer there. But the problem is that is that there are sooo many more things happening that are not implicit. The way labor was exploited in capitalism, enormous change happened. But now this is being copied again. But it isn’t causing an enormous reaction. The unions are weak.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:17:12.925Z,2020-12-15T21:17:12.925Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8038 27629,v1.0,,"Use of AI in judicial and social welfare, like in housing projects who gets a house, based on an algorithm. But people need to have someone recognize them as a human people, But we aren’t recognized as human beings anymore, discrimination grows because the human to human contact is no longer there. But the problem is that is that there are sooo many more things happening that are not implicit. The way labor was exploited in capitalism, enormous change happened. But now this is being copied again. But it isn’t causing an enormous reaction. The unions are weak.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:17:12.685Z,2020-12-15T21:17:12.685Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7144 27627,v1.0,,"Use of AI in judicial and social welfare, like in housing projects who gets a house, based on an algorithm. But people need to have someone recognize them as a human people, But we aren’t recognized as human beings anymore, discrimination grows because the human to human contact is no longer there. But the problem is that is that there are sooo many more things happening that are not implicit. The way labor was exploited in capitalism, enormous change happened. But now this is being copied again. But it isn’t causing an enormous reaction. The unions are weak.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:17:12.654Z,2020-12-15T21:17:12.654Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,6264 27626,v1.0,,"People become the owners and agents over their own data. The Great Hack. Fair use, data economy. An ethical data operations on a global scale, with a decentralized system, fair european data economy, we’re currently colonized - europe only has 3% market share",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:16:12.472Z,2020-12-15T21:16:12.472Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8022 27625,v1.0,,My freedom should be enhanced,/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:15:56.608Z,2020-12-15T21:15:56.608Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4275 27623,v1.0,,"I just read a review of 37,000 studies of AI in medicine. Of these, only about 100 had enough information on training datasets to do a meta-analysis on. Of these, 24 claimed prospective design (the algorithm had been trained without knowing the real data); of these zero had actually done prospective design. … I don’t know any real medical problem that prospective AI model can solve. medicine is not diagnosis, but prognosis-based. In medicine, nothing has value if I cannot improve your life. A patient can and should negotiate with the doctor where to go from here; he or she even has a right to die. This is a very poor fit for how ML-on-big-data works.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:14:35.778Z,2020-12-15T21:14:35.778Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7144 27622,v1.0,,"I just read a review of 37,000 studies of AI in medicine. Of these, only about 100 had enough information on training datasets to do a meta-analysis on. Of these, 24 claimed prospective design (the algorithm had been trained without knowing the real data); of these zero had actually done prospective design. … I don’t know any real medical problem that prospective AI model can solve. medicine is not diagnosis, but prognosis-based. In medicine, nothing has value if I cannot improve your life. A patient can and should negotiate with the doctor where to go from here; he or she even has a right to die. This is a very poor fit for how ML-on-big-data works.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:14:35.758Z,2020-12-15T21:14:35.758Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7955 27621,v1.0,,"I just read a review of 37,000 studies of AI in medicine. Of these, only about 100 had enough information on training datasets to do a meta-analysis on. Of these, 24 claimed prospective design (the algorithm had been trained without knowing the real data); of these zero had actually done prospective design. … I don’t know any real medical problem that prospective AI model can solve. medicine is not diagnosis, but prognosis-based. In medicine, nothing has value if I cannot improve your life. A patient can and should negotiate with the doctor where to go from here; he or she even has a right to die. This is a very poor fit for how ML-on-big-data works.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:14:35.732Z,2020-12-15T21:14:35.732Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7472 27620,v1.0,,"We are now in a mess with the GDPR. Uber, for example, uses it to refuse to give drivers their data, saying this impacts the rights of the riders. This (says Seda) is the consequence of focusing on personal rights when the data are used to optimize over populations.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:47.721Z,2020-12-15T21:13:47.721Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3785 27619,v1.0,,"We are now in a mess with the GDPR. Uber, for example, uses it to refuse to give drivers their data, saying this impacts the rights of the riders. This (says Seda) is the consequence of focusing on personal rights when the data are used to optimize over populations.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:47.708Z,2020-12-15T21:13:47.708Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,6395 27618,v1.0,,"We are now in a mess with the GDPR. Uber, for example, uses it to refuse to give drivers their data, saying this impacts the rights of the riders. This (says Seda) is the consequence of focusing on personal rights when the data are used to optimize over populations.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:47.705Z,2020-12-15T21:13:47.705Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7985 27617,v1.0,,"We are now in a mess with the GDPR. Uber, for example, uses it to refuse to give drivers their data, saying this impacts the rights of the riders. This (says Seda) is the consequence of focusing on personal rights when the data are used to optimize over populations.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:47.692Z,2020-12-15T21:13:47.692Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3596 27616,v1.0,,"We talk about automated decisions, but there is a set of criteria … the optimization is not about the single person, but as pbe part of a certain group which operates certain choices in general. So, you expect to empower people, but actually you don’t. Paul Olivier Dehaye is trying to pool data from different workers to see if people are being discriminated. This is called a “data trust”. There is also the DECODE project that is doing something they called “data commons”.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:18.988Z,2020-12-15T21:13:18.988Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7592 27615,v1.0,,"We talk about automated decisions, but there is a set of criteria … the optimization is not about the single person, but as pbe part of a certain group which operates certain choices in general. So, you expect to empower people, but actually you don’t. Paul Olivier Dehaye is trying to pool data from different workers to see if people are being discriminated. This is called a “data trust”. There is also the DECODE project that is doing something they called “data commons”.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:18.966Z,2020-12-15T21:13:18.966Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8022 27614,v1.0,,"We talk about automated decisions, but there is a set of criteria … the optimization is not about the single person, but as pbe part of a certain group which operates certain choices in general. So, you expect to empower people, but actually you don’t. Paul Olivier Dehaye is trying to pool data from different workers to see if people are being discriminated. This is called a “data trust”. There is also the DECODE project that is doing something they called “data commons”.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:18.964Z,2020-12-15T21:13:18.964Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4525 27613,v1.0,,"We talk about automated decisions, but there is a set of criteria … the optimization is not about the single person, but as pbe part of a certain group which operates certain choices in general. So, you expect to empower people, but actually you don’t. Paul Olivier Dehaye is trying to pool data from different workers to see if people are being discriminated. This is called a “data trust”. There is also the DECODE project that is doing something they called “data commons”.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:18.955Z,2020-12-15T21:13:18.955Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4260 27612,v1.0,,"We talk about automated decisions, but there is a set of criteria … the optimization is not about the single person, but as pbe part of a certain group which operates certain choices in general. So, you expect to empower people, but actually you don’t. Paul Olivier Dehaye is trying to pool data from different workers to see if people are being discriminated. This is called a “data trust”. There is also the DECODE project that is doing something they called “data commons”.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:13:18.951Z,2020-12-15T21:13:18.951Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4341 27611,v1.0,,"on feedbacks: I know GDPR, it’s regulated anyway. There are serious problems on how GDPR focuses on personal data on individuals.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:12:37.521Z,2020-12-15T21:12:37.521Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3814 27610,v1.0,,"on feedbacks: I know GDPR, it’s regulated anyway. There are serious problems on how GDPR focuses on personal data on individuals.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:12:37.506Z,2020-12-15T21:12:37.506Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3785 27609,v1.0,,"on feedbacks: I know GDPR, it’s regulated anyway. There are serious problems on how GDPR focuses on personal data on individuals.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:12:37.482Z,2020-12-15T21:12:37.482Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3596 27607,v1.0,,"Optimisation has been the logic as far, but it can go wrong anyway. Traffic is a perfect example. If you look at optimization system, it comes at a cost and if you don’t do internalise the cost it causes bigger damages. Apparently innocent choices as what to optimize for turn out to have huge consequences. When you design traffic, do you optimize for driver safety? Or for pedestrian safety? Of minimize time spent on the road?",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:12:07.354Z,2020-12-15T21:12:07.354Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4523 27606,v1.0,,"Optimisation has been the logic as far, but it can go wrong anyway. Traffic is a perfect example. If you look at optimization system, it comes at a cost and if you don’t do internalise the cost it causes bigger damages. Apparently innocent choices as what to optimize for turn out to have huge consequences. When you design traffic, do you optimize for driver safety? Or for pedestrian safety? Of minimize time spent on the road?",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:12:07.331Z,2020-12-15T21:12:07.331Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7982 27605,v1.0,,"Optimisation has been the logic as far, but it can go wrong anyway. Traffic is a perfect example. If you look at optimization system, it comes at a cost and if you don’t do internalise the cost it causes bigger damages. Apparently innocent choices as what to optimize for turn out to have huge consequences. When you design traffic, do you optimize for driver safety? Or for pedestrian safety? Of minimize time spent on the road?",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:12:07.301Z,2020-12-15T21:12:07.301Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,1264 27604,v1.0,,"We optimize relationships. This is problematic. For example, we have marketing companies working with civil liberties organizations, that tell their clients: we can tell you which of your donors care about which issues, so you can optimize for issues where you get more money",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:11:18.647Z,2020-12-15T21:11:18.647Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,1264 27603,v1.0,,"We optimize relationships. This is problematic. For example, we have marketing companies working with civil liberties organizations, that tell their clients: we can tell you which of your donors care about which issues, so you can optimize for issues where you get more money",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:11:18.631Z,2020-12-15T21:11:18.631Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7959 27602,v1.0,,"We optimize relationships. This is problematic. For example, we have marketing companies working with civil liberties organizations, that tell their clients: we can tell you which of your donors care about which issues, so you can optimize for issues where you get more money",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:11:18.630Z,2020-12-15T21:11:18.630Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7280 27601,v1.0,,"We optimize relationships. This is problematic. For example, we have marketing companies working with civil liberties organizations, that tell their clients: we can tell you which of your donors care about which issues, so you can optimize for issues where you get more money",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:11:18.619Z,2020-12-15T21:11:18.619Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,5187 27600,v1.0,,"Can we think of counterproductive regulation on the Internet? Stuff like the copyright directive? how did we end up with all these things, that used to be a public good, end up being someone’s property?",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:10:29.433Z,2020-12-15T21:10:29.433Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7535 27599,v1.0,,"I agree with the antitrust principle. What we consider AI is machine learning, this is the root of our problems, it’s just classical statistics. You create the illusion that value production is shifted to the generation…. ex. if the doctor establish a relation with the patient, the AI has not to invade the relation, but now the doctor has to take notes and patient see less value in it (you look somewhere else and you are centralised…). Airport before and after Ryanair: before architecture were associated to functions and your experience of travels, room for different functions. Now with the low cost you consider that the experience is less valuable, now is a shopping mall and at the gate it’s temporarily informations about space. medicine is not diagnosis, but prognosis-based. In medicine, nothing has value if I cannot improve your life. A patient can and should negotiate with the doctor where to go from here; he or she even has a right to die. This is a very poor fit for how ML-on-big-data works.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:10:18.715Z,2020-12-15T21:10:18.715Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7959 27598,v1.0,,"I agree with the antitrust principle. What we consider AI is machine learning, this is the root of our problems, it’s just classical statistics. You create the illusion that value production is shifted to the generation…. ex. if the doctor establish a relation with the patient, the AI has not to invade the relation, but now the doctor has to take notes and patient see less value in it (you look somewhere else and you are centralised…). Airport before and after Ryanair: before architecture were associated to functions and your experience of travels, room for different functions. Now with the low cost you consider that the experience is less valuable, now is a shopping mall and at the gate it’s temporarily informations about space. medicine is not diagnosis, but prognosis-based. In medicine, nothing has value if I cannot improve your life. A patient can and should negotiate with the doctor where to go from here; he or she even has a right to die. This is a very poor fit for how ML-on-big-data works.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:10:18.304Z,2020-12-15T21:10:18.304Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4523 27597,v1.0,,"I agree with the antitrust principle. What we consider AI is machine learning, this is the root of our problems, it’s just classical statistics. You create the illusion that value production is shifted to the generation…. ex. if the doctor establish a relation with the patient, the AI has not to invade the relation, but now the doctor has to take notes and patient see less value in it (you look somewhere else and you are centralised…).",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:09:42.986Z,2020-12-15T21:09:42.986Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,6092 27595,v1.0,,"Governance instead of government. Here’s my take: the kind of society you are looking at is anarcho-communist. The communist part is that infrastructure is fully centralized, like in the 30 glorieuse. Anything that runs onto the infrastructure is fully permissionless. That’s the anarchist part. And finally, the data stays with the people.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:09:09.248Z,2020-12-15T21:09:09.248Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3619 27594,v1.0,,"Governance instead of government. Here’s my take: the kind of society you are looking at is anarcho-communist. The communist part is that infrastructure is fully centralized, like in the 30 glorieuse. Anything that runs onto the infrastructure is fully permissionless. That’s the anarchist part. And finally, the data stays with the people.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:09:09.235Z,2020-12-15T21:09:09.235Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,905 27593,v1.0,,"I suspect that AI (ML applied on big data) is inherently NOT human-centric, because its models (for example a recommendation algo) encode each human into a database, and then models you in terms of who you are similar to: for example, a woman between 35 and 45 who speaks Dutch and watches stand-up comedy on Netflix",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:08:33.822Z,2020-12-15T21:08:33.822Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8038 27592,v1.0,,"I suspect that AI (ML applied on big data) is inherently NOT human-centric, because its models (for example a recommendation algo) encode each human into a database, and then models you in terms of who you are similar to: for example, a woman between 35 and 45 who speaks Dutch and watches stand-up comedy on Netflix",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:08:33.770Z,2020-12-15T21:08:33.770Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7951 27591,v1.0,,"I suspect that AI (ML applied on big data) is inherently NOT human-centric, because its models (for example a recommendation algo) encode each human into a database, and then models you in terms of who you are similar to: for example, a woman between 35 and 45 who speaks Dutch and watches stand-up comedy on Netflix",/post/66346,2020-12-15T21:08:33.491Z,2020-12-15T21:08:33.491Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4733 27590,v1.0,,"I’m a bit skeptical that legislation is the right instrument to do this kind of things. It’s a blunt instrument, because as of now there is no good understanding of the process from the ethical values (fairly easy to encode in a directive) to the actual technical choices of the scientists and engineers building AI systems. Ex. we like the New Zealand group developing Scuttlebutt: when users asked for cross-device accounts, the core developer replied “I’m not doing that, because we want to serve underprivileged people, and these people do not have multiple devices”. What he was doing was justifying his technical choices in terms of his values. As a socio-technical culture, we are not good at that.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:36:26.384Z,2020-12-15T20:36:26.384Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7083 27587,v1.0,,"We need to break the number-person relationship: when you get born, you receive a number from the state, and the game’s up. I dream of disposable identities, that we set up with the purpose of entering into a relationship, like for example receiving a service. A good analogy is one-time email addresses: you get an email address, you sign up to some online service with it, use it ONCE to receive the email to confirm you do control that email, and then it self destructs.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:34:07.685Z,2020-12-15T20:34:07.685Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4733 27586,v1.0,,"We need to break the number-person relationship: when you get born, you receive a number from the state, and the game’s up. I dream of disposable identities, that we set up with the purpose of entering into a relationship, like for example receiving a service. A good analogy is one-time email addresses: you get an email address, you sign up to some online service with it, use it ONCE to receive the email to confirm you do control that email, and then it self destructs.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:34:07.684Z,2020-12-15T20:34:07.684Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7687 27585,v1.0,,"In Belgium there is a company called It’sMe, who does online identity. They are pushing their data onto Azure, making it GDPR and EIDAS compliant.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:32:35.622Z,2020-12-15T20:32:35.622Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,5898 27584,v1.0,,"In Belgium there is a company called It’sMe, who does online identity. They are pushing their data onto Azure, making it GDPR and EIDAS compliant.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:32:35.612Z,2020-12-15T20:32:35.612Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3785 27583,v1.0,,"In Belgium there is a company called It’sMe, who does online identity. They are pushing their data onto Azure, making it GDPR and EIDAS compliant. That changed my thinking, because it showed me as even these sterling silver pieces of European thinking ends up in the Silicon Valley cloud.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:32:10.239Z,2020-12-15T20:32:10.239Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3425 27582,v1.0,,"In Belgium there is a company called It’sMe, who does online identity. They are pushing their data onto Azure, making it GDPR and EIDAS compliant. That changed my thinking, because it showed me as even these sterling silver pieces of European thinking ends up in the Silicon Valley cloud.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:32:10.238Z,2020-12-15T20:32:10.238Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3816 27581,v1.0,,Companies like Google optimise with AI the profilazione of their customers. The difference is if it’s a data centered AI or not. … ? Where do we bring the democratic process into new models?,/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:31:34.227Z,2020-12-15T20:31:34.227Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,8038 27580,v1.0,,Companies like Google optimise with AI the profilazione of their customers. The difference is if it’s a data centered AI or not. … ? Where do we bring the democratic process into new models?,/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:31:33.849Z,2020-12-15T20:31:33.849Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3822 27579,v1.0,,Companies like Google optimise with AI the profilazione of their customers. The difference is if it’s a data centered AI or not. … ? Where do we bring the democratic process into new models?,/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:31:33.836Z,2020-12-15T20:31:33.836Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,1264 27578,v1.0,,"If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:29:33.661Z,2020-12-15T20:29:33.661Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7535 27577,v1.0,,"If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:29:33.495Z,2020-12-15T20:29:33.495Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,1371 27576,v1.0,,"If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:29:33.257Z,2020-12-15T20:29:33.257Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7927 27575,v1.0,,"The business model of Big Tech now is based on keeping the code, providing cloud services and collecting data to profile and ultimately influence users. They cross-subsidize their cloud services with their marketing revenue streams. If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:29:02.884Z,2020-12-15T20:29:02.884Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7280 27574,v1.0,,"The business model of Big Tech now is based on keeping the code, providing cloud services and collecting data to profile and ultimately influence users. They cross-subsidize their cloud services with their marketing revenue streams. If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:29:02.805Z,2020-12-15T20:29:02.805Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3814 27572,v1.0,,"The business model of Big Tech now is based on keeping the code, providing cloud services and collecting data to profile and ultimately influence users. They cross-subsidize their cloud services with their marketing revenue streams. If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:29:02.779Z,2020-12-15T20:29:02.779Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4570 27571,v1.0,,"The business model of Big Tech now is based on keeping the code, providing cloud services and collecting data to profile and ultimately influence users. They cross-subsidize their cloud services with their marketing revenue streams. If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:28:30.780Z,2020-12-15T20:28:30.780Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4274 27570,v1.0,,"The business model of Big Tech now is based on keeping the code, providing cloud services and collecting data to profile and ultimately influence users. They cross-subsidize their cloud services with their marketing revenue streams. If you want to fight that, you should have public cloud infrastructure, which is a trillion-EUR affair. That’s your investment in human-centric AI infrastructure.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:28:30.762Z,2020-12-15T20:28:30.762Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3816 27569,v1.0,,"Why are we pushing for AI? The end of Moore’s law. The money we seek in are more unlike to come back. Industry took a risk at specialised chips: AI and blockchain-specific. So, now they need to create a demand for these chips. We should be aware of the vendor-driven nature of this stuff, and think about how to regulate these companies.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:27:59.202Z,2020-12-15T20:27:59.202Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7280 27568,v1.0,,"Why are we pushing for AI? The end of Moore’s law. The money we seek in are more unlike to come back. Industry took a risk at specialised chips: AI and blockchain-specific. So, now they need to create a demand for these chips. We should be aware of the vendor-driven nature of this stuff, and think about how to regulate these companies.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:27:59.201Z,2020-12-15T20:27:59.201Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7959 27567,v1.0,,"Why are we pushing for AI? The end of Moore’s law. The money we seek in are more unlike to come back. Industry took a risk at specialised chips: AI and blockchain-specific. So, now they need to create a demand for these chips. We should be aware of the vendor-driven nature of this stuff, and think about how to regulate these companies.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:27:59.147Z,2020-12-15T20:27:59.147Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7472 27566,v1.0,,"Why are we pushing for AI? The end of Moore’s law. The money we seek in are more unlike to come back. Industry took a risk at specialised chips: AI and blockchain-specific. So, now they need to create a demand for these chips. We should be aware of the vendor-driven nature of this stuff, and think about how to regulate these companies.",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:27:59.130Z,2020-12-15T20:27:59.130Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,3674 27565,v1.0,,"The EU’s new Commission is looking to approve a new AI directive, and of course democratic participation is important to ensure a good law. What do you feel necessary from EU to participate?",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:25:11.847Z,2020-12-15T20:25:11.847Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,4436 27564,v1.0,,"The EU’s new Commission is looking to approve a new AI directive, and of course democratic participation is important to ensure a good law. What do you feel necessary from EU to participate?",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:25:11.637Z,2020-12-15T20:25:11.637Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,7591 27563,v1.0,,"The EU’s new Commission is looking to approve a new AI directive, and of course democratic participation is important to ensure a good law. What do you feel necessary from EU to participate?",/post/66346,2020-12-15T20:25:11.573Z,2020-12-15T20:25:11.573Z,66346,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12014,8,18 27562,v1.0,,"Internet, computers and programming is introduced from birth in our children's lives. The current generation is the first, that never will have experienced a world without internet.",/post/53347,2020-12-14T18:01:54.127Z,2020-12-14T18:01:54.127Z,53347,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,8012 27561,v1.0,,"Internet, computers and programming is introduced from birth in our children's lives. The current generation is the first, that never will have experienced a world without internet.",/post/53347,2020-12-14T18:01:54.126Z,2020-12-14T18:01:54.126Z,53347,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,6947 27560,v1.0,,"I'm really interested in the internet, and the role it plays in society. I see it as a global public resource, and something really worthy of attention and care",/post/67775,2020-12-14T18:00:10.585Z,2020-12-14T18:00:10.585Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7927 27559,v1.0,,"I'm really interested in the internet, and the role it plays in society. I see it as a global public resource, and something really worthy of attention and care",/post/67775,2020-12-14T18:00:10.578Z,2020-12-14T18:00:10.578Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,6947 27558,v1.0,,"So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-12-14T17:59:30.212Z,2020-12-14T17:59:30.212Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4867 27557,v1.0,,"So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-12-14T17:59:30.182Z,2020-12-14T17:59:30.182Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,394 27556,v1.0,,"I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started. And I remember telling everybody I knew like my university professors, ""there's this amazing website that lets you edit all these these different articles. And it's all the world's knowledge and all the world's languages."" And I just thought that was the most ambitious and coolest thing on the internet. And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of Wikimania in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons for a few years, started to work at the Mozilla Foundation. So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-12-14T17:59:01.410Z,2020-12-14T17:59:01.410Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4585 27555,v1.0,,Artificial intelligence also is not helping - it does not require a lot of math and computer science to realize most of A.I. is matrix multiplications (a famously energy consuming computational problem!).,/post/67864,2020-12-14T17:58:02.274Z,2020-12-14T17:58:02.274Z,67864,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,2346,7591 27554,v1.0,,"In general I think we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining.",/post/67775,2020-12-14T17:57:15.501Z,2020-12-14T17:57:15.501Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7997 27553,v1.0,,"In general I think we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining.",/post/67775,2020-12-14T17:57:15.499Z,2020-12-14T17:57:15.499Z,67775,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7559 27552,v1.0,,"""My dream is to have an internet where everything is truly allowed. And it should be easy to choose where to be, if you disagree with something, don't go there.""",/post/53875,2020-12-14T17:55:32.407Z,2020-12-14T17:55:39.342Z,53875,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,7927 27551,v1.0,,"got active again on the platform because of the IOH project,",/post/56935,2020-12-14T17:55:32.405Z,2020-12-14T17:55:39.335Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,7927 27550,v1.0,,"We discuss at MyData Global, how to disseminate our communities best practices of human-centric internet.",/post/63602,2020-12-14T17:55:32.402Z,2020-12-14T17:55:39.329Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,7927 27545,v1.0,,"My proposal is to research: How can we organize for a big, complex and social multi-stakeholder challenge like the development of the Internet? A challenge which at first seems like a web of technical challenges and where it seems every issue can be solved with technical solutions - but in reality perhaps in essence is a social issue at its roots?My proposal for a track at the distributed conference would be to try to arrange distributed participatory processes to try to build the coalition throughout Europe needed to take on the challenge of reshaping the development of the Internet.",/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:54:56.874Z,2020-12-14T17:54:56.874Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7927 27544,v1.0,,"My proposal is to research: How can we organize for a big, complex and social multi-stakeholder challenge like the development of the Internet? A challenge which at first seems like a web of technical challenges and where it seems every issue can be solved with technical solutions - but in reality perhaps in essence is a social issue at its roots?My proposal for a track at the distributed conference would be to try to arrange distributed participatory processes to try to build the coalition throughout Europe needed to take on the challenge of reshaping the development of the Internet.",/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:54:56.870Z,2020-12-14T17:54:56.870Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,6947 27543,v1.0,,My proposal for a track at the distributed conference would be to try to arrange distributed participatory processes to try to build the coalition throughout Europe needed to take on the challenge of reshaping the development of the Internet.,/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:53:41.092Z,2020-12-14T17:53:41.092Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1284 27542,v1.0,,My proposal for a track at the distributed conference would be to try to arrange distributed participatory processes to try to build the coalition throughout Europe needed to take on the challenge of reshaping the development of the Internet.,/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:53:41.082Z,2020-12-14T17:53:41.082Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4867 27541,v1.0,,My proposal for a track at the distributed conference would be to try to arrange distributed participatory processes to try to build the coalition throughout Europe needed to take on the challenge of reshaping the development of the Internet.,/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:53:41.074Z,2020-12-14T17:53:41.074Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3425 27540,v1.0,,"How can we organize for a big, complex and social multi-stakeholder challenge like the development of the Internet? A challenge which at first seems like a web of technical challenges and where it seems every issue can be solved with technical solutions - but in reality perhaps in essence is a social issue at its roots?",/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:53:07.631Z,2020-12-14T17:53:07.631Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7815 27539,v1.0,,"How can we organize for a big, complex and social multi-stakeholder challenge like the development of the Internet? A challenge which at first seems like a web of technical challenges and where it seems every issue can be solved with technical solutions",/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:52:47.239Z,2020-12-14T17:52:47.239Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1662 27538,v1.0,,"How can we organize for a big, complex and social multi-stakeholder challenge like the development of the Internet? A challenge which at first seems like a web of technical challenges and where it seems every issue can be solved with technical solutions - but in reality perhaps in essence is a social issue at its roots?",/post/54251,2020-12-14T17:52:32.175Z,2020-12-14T17:52:32.175Z,54251,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4850 27537,v1.0,,"My hopes are that we can gather a group of organizations and individuals from different sectors of society who are willing to collaborate and take a more holistic approach, a systems thinking approach on building a Internet infrastructure which serves humans and society as a whole.",/post/52655,2020-12-14T17:51:17.614Z,2020-12-14T17:51:17.614Z,52655,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,394 27536,v1.0,,"My hopes are that we can gather a group of organizations and individuals from different sectors of society who are willing to collaborate and take a more holistic approach, a systems thinking approach on building a Internet infrastructure which serves humans and society as a whole.",/post/52655,2020-12-14T17:51:17.514Z,2020-12-14T17:51:17.514Z,52655,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7927 27535,v1.0,,"My hopes are that we can gather a group of organizations and individuals from different sectors of society who are willing to collaborate and take a more holistic approach, a systems thinking approach on building a Internet infrastructure which serves humans and society as a whole.",/post/52655,2020-12-14T17:51:17.254Z,2020-12-14T17:51:17.254Z,52655,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3593 27534,v1.0,,What a deep green movement for the Internet of Humans would look like and which questions we should be asking to start figuring this out together. For example- how would you/not approach the work of developing a deep green trustmark for digital tech? What would you not try/avoid doing? Who or what would you bring into that conversation?How would you mobilize people in tech to contribute or adopt using it?,/post/55428,2020-12-14T17:48:27.707Z,2020-12-14T17:48:27.707Z,55428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,3842 27533,v1.0,,“Therapy”: Helping people to feel better and reevaluate their situation. Community calls like “How to cope with loss of work” and conversation threads like “This made me think..”),/post/74016,2020-12-14T17:45:42.684Z,2020-12-14T17:45:42.684Z,74016,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,8035 27532,v1.0,,“Therapy”: Helping people to feel better and reevaluate their situation. Community calls like “How to cope with loss of work” and conversation threads like “This made me think..”),/post/74016,2020-12-14T17:45:42.620Z,2020-12-14T17:45:42.620Z,74016,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,7733 27531,v1.0,,“Connection”: Connecting people and projects to empower the creators to realise their projects and avoid the waste of resources. This also includes help with finding and applying to funding or creating crowdfunding campaigns.,/post/74016,2020-12-14T17:44:49.221Z,2020-12-14T17:44:49.221Z,74016,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,2065 27530,v1.0,,“Connection”: Connecting people and projects to empower the creators to realise their projects and avoid the waste of resources. This also includes help with finding and applying to funding or creating crowdfunding campaigns.,/post/74016,2020-12-14T17:43:26.527Z,2020-12-14T17:43:35.275Z,74016,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,7733 27529,v1.0,,The hypothesis is that teachers simply don't know enough of how free and open source really is central to knowledge itself. I believe we need to educate teachers and leaders in schools/academia in this area. That is how we change the game for the benefit of future generations of internet citizens.,/post/53347,2020-12-14T17:40:23.118Z,2020-12-14T17:40:23.118Z,53347,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7676 27528,v1.0,,"The bottom line is: concepts always have moral and political baggage. If we fail to engage with that problem, we risk developing technology that becomes less and less representative of what the world is really like, in all its complexity. We risk ending up with technology that isn't merely inaccurate, in the sense that it doesn't faithfully represent the real world, but also with technological tools that fail differently for different people.",/post/75832,2020-12-14T17:37:21.133Z,2020-12-14T17:37:37.122Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7952 27527,v1.0,,"This sounds simple and intuitive, but it has dramatic implications for how we can and should tackle problems like unfair algorithmic decision outcomes. Assume that we manage to develop an algorithm that actually does adhere to whatever broadly plausible mathematical fairness desiderata we have articulated in the design stage, and then we deploy it in the world. But, unsurprisingly, the world is shaped by a history of inequality and injustice, and technological models interact dynamically with the social world. So, whatever new data gets fed back into our algorithmic model will reflect those inequalities in our status quo to some extent. So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-12-14T17:37:21.131Z,2020-12-14T17:37:37.117Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7952 27526,v1.0,,"Are there some decisions that we simply should not automate, even if we have highly accurate and efficient technological tools?",/post/75832,2020-12-14T17:37:21.129Z,2020-12-14T17:37:37.113Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7952 27525,v1.0,,"Taking the possible consequences for citizens in account, the predictions should actually be much better than just 'good'. If 2% procent of the outcomes are wrong, this is already effecting a large number of people. This raises the question if decisions by government about fraud can ever be left to algorithms alone. Maybe, human interference should be mandatory.",/post/86667,2020-12-14T17:37:21.127Z,2020-12-14T17:37:37.108Z,86667,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7952 27524,v1.0,,"I guess it depends on the data and on the indicators used. To make good predictions you need reliable data and strong indicators. And that is a big problem if you use data from government databases, because that data is often not reliable. Garbage in = garbage out.",/post/86663,2020-12-14T17:37:21.125Z,2020-12-14T17:37:37.103Z,86663,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7952 27523,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping.",/post/86484,2020-12-14T17:37:21.122Z,2020-12-14T17:37:37.097Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,7952 27522,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them.",/post/74497,2020-12-14T17:30:52.729Z,2020-12-14T17:31:02.705Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4691 27521,v1.0,,"I thought it would be interesting to start by interviewing people who use Alexa or Siri and other voice-controlled digital assistants to understand how people interact with machines via their voices, and whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions;",/post/74497,2020-12-14T17:30:52.726Z,2020-12-14T17:31:02.699Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4691 27520,v1.0,,"I can give you an example from a German-English database called Linguee, which is an online translation tool. It is based on websites that appear in English and in German. It simply uses a web crawler that looks for English and German websites",/post/74497,2020-12-14T17:29:08.330Z,2020-12-14T17:29:21.305Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4773 27518,v1.0,,"most of the discourse around human control over artificial intelligence is focused today on explainability, or reproducibility of the decisions (a historical inheritance of the old days claim that artificial neural networks were too much of a black box). One of the requirements for a new decision to be accepted among us humans is that it has to be convincing in the arguments and assumptions. So, if you have something which predicts the next value of your dice every time you throw it, but you cannot explain how it works, you think it's a trick, right? Exactly like with David Copperfield. You want to understand where information is leaked for the prediction to be faked, if the prediction itself cannot be explained. This is to say explainability is extremely important - some co-workers and I work on the problem of the explainability and interpretability of autonomous systems decisions, as well... but it's not enough, it's just half (or maybe I am too optimistic, and it is less) of the work we need... rethinking how we question the world with this new tools is as important, at least.",/post/61024,2020-12-14T17:27:26.352Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.323Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8014 27517,v1.0,,"But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2020-12-14T17:27:26.350Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.319Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8014 27516,v1.0,,"The AI revolution at the moment is justified by the idea that we are having machines, doing tasks with less effort, at scale... but we are still in a phase in which we ""humanise"" them, and don't really work well with them.This is not going to be easy. We don't fully understand human reasoning either.",/post/61024,2020-12-14T17:27:26.347Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.314Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8014 27515,v1.0,,"When you train any machine learning system on a data set, you normally think that you are assigning a task to the machine. In truth this is always slightly different in the sense that the task is encoded in such a way that you award the machine ""gains"" for solving the puzzle through the data that you're giving it. And the machine is actually only trying to get those gains, it is not making any sense of the task. This means that any loopholes in your design will be exploited very efficiently by the machine!",/post/61024,2020-12-14T17:27:26.345Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.310Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8014 27514,v1.0,,"So, that's a really fascinating aspect too; how people adapt to the pragmatic requirements of the devices: which kinds of interactions is the machine able to handle?",/post/74497,2020-12-14T17:27:26.343Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.305Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8014 27513,v1.0,,"I think that one misconception is that a lot of people think of AI as something akin to the highly sophisticated, autonomous artificial agents that we see in dystopian sci-fi movies: those kinds of ‘general’ AI would be able to operate across a whole range of different tasks, and would not be dependent on humans pre-defining decision problems for them. That's not the kind of AI we are dealing with now, or even in the foreseeable future.",/post/75832,2020-12-14T17:27:26.341Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.301Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,8014 27512,v1.0,,"Irrespective of that fact, humans often attribute some form of agency to technological systems. This is dangerous: whenever the use of algorithmic decision-making leads to unjust outcomes, we can't exclusively blame the technology. The agents which we have to hold accountable instead are human decision makers—including private corporations who develop technology, and governments who choose to procure and deploy it. And once it becomes well-known that technology leads to unjust outcomes, we also need start thinking of ourselves—regular citizens—as people who are responsible for addressing problems like algorithmic injustice together, in the arena of democratic decision-making. Without that, I think citizens are not truly living up to their collective responsibility of safeguarding, and indeed demanding, equal freedom and justice for all.",/post/75832,2020-12-14T17:27:26.339Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.296Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,8014 27511,v1.0,,"On the other hand, there is a dramatically opposing view that says something like, “it is inevitable that all AI will lead to incredibly bad and harmful consequences”. That’s a different sense of inevitability right there. Tech pessimists seem to think that whatever we do, whichever domain we focus on in our AI deployment, the use of automated reasoning methods will always be somehow counterproductive or harmful.",/post/75832,2020-12-14T17:27:26.337Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.292Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,8014 27510,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping. ""The term “self-learning” is confusing and misleading: an algorithm does not know and understand reality. There are predictive algorithms which are fairly accurate in predicting the outcome of a court case. However, they do not do so on the basis of the substantive merits of the case. They can therefore not substantiate their predictions in a legally sound manner, while that is required for all legal proceedings for each individual case. (…)",/post/86484,2020-12-14T17:27:26.335Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.287Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,8014 27509,v1.0,,Prediction of the climate. What are the changes we can make that have the most impact in avoiding more damage to the climate.,/post/54182,2020-12-14T17:27:26.333Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.282Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,8014 27508,v1.0,,Measuring climate and greenhouse gases - we will be able to better control our emissions if we know where they are happening and be able to make better predictions if we know what is happening in the climate today.,/post/54182,2020-12-14T17:27:26.331Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.277Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,8014 27507,v1.0,,"I guess it depends on the data and on the indicators used. To make good predictions you need reliable data and strong indicators. And that is a big problem if you use data from government databases, because that data is often not reliable. Garbage in = garbage out.",/post/86663,2020-12-14T17:27:26.329Z,2020-12-14T17:27:36.259Z,86663,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,8014 27506,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-14T17:24:43.253Z,2020-12-14T17:24:52.282Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,6222 27505,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-14T17:23:47.159Z,2020-12-14T17:23:56.290Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7660 27504,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-14T17:22:24.471Z,2020-12-14T17:23:26.472Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7679 27503,v1.0,,"we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2020-12-14T17:21:24.177Z,2020-12-14T17:21:39.611Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27502,v1.0,,"The AI revolution at the moment is justified by the idea that we are having machines, doing tasks with less effort, at scale... but we are still in a phase in which we ""humanise"" them, and don't really work well with them.This is not going to be easy. We don't fully understand human reasoning either.",/post/61024,2020-12-14T17:21:24.175Z,2020-12-14T17:21:39.606Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27501,v1.0,,"When you train any machine learning system on a data set, you normally think that you are assigning a task to the machine. In truth this is always slightly different in the sense that the task is encoded in such a way that you award the machine ""gains"" for solving the puzzle through the data that you're giving it. And the machine is actually only trying to get those gains, it is not making any sense of the task. This means that any loopholes in your design will be exploited very efficiently by the machine! When this happens in a gaming context, the researchers react enthusiastically by claiming the machine ""thought outside of the box"", or ""learnt to cheat""..",/post/61024,2020-12-14T17:21:24.172Z,2020-12-14T17:21:39.602Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27500,v1.0,,"I was not aware of the W3C's Ethical Web Principles, and it's a great discovery!",/post/55935,2020-12-14T17:16:14.774Z,2020-12-14T17:17:38.413Z,55935,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4,3631 27499,v1.0,,"This feels a bit depressing, but I'd try asking why we still only keep referring to Fairphone as one of the only small company success stories in electronics - after 6 or 7 years. We desparately need more examples like them, but I struggle to see many.",/post/55704,2020-12-13T15:42:09.034Z,2020-12-13T15:42:09.034Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7933 27498,v1.0,,"This feels a bit depressing, but I'd try asking why we still only keep referring to Fairphone as one of the only small company success stories in electronics - after 6 or 7 years. We desparately need more examples like them, but I struggle to see many.",/post/55704,2020-12-13T15:42:08.896Z,2020-12-13T15:42:08.896Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,912 27495,v1.0,,"I've been looking around at my end and came across @cassie's mapping of some people doing different things in what is called ""responsible tech"" - I think it is an interesting approach and could be something we could build on to make sense of this: Background and call for input: The actual map they produced:",/post/55854,2020-12-13T15:41:01.109Z,2020-12-13T15:41:01.109Z,55854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,7933 27494,v1.0,,"I've been looking around at my end and came across @cassie's mapping of some people doing different things in what is called ""responsible tech"" - I think it is an interesting approach and could be something we could build on to make sense of this: Background and call for input: The actual map they produced:",/post/55854,2020-12-13T15:41:00.998Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.873Z,55854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,1028 27493,v1.0,,"I've been looking around at my end and came across @cassie's mapping of some people doing different things in what is called ""responsible tech"" - I think it is an interesting approach and could be something we could build on to make sense of this: Background and call for input: The actual map they produced:",/post/55854,2020-12-13T15:41:00.782Z,2020-12-13T15:41:00.782Z,55854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,7592 27491,v1.0,,"I was not aware of the W3C's Ethical Web Principles, and it's a great discovery!",/post/55935,2020-12-13T14:17:04.186Z,2020-12-13T14:17:04.186Z,55935,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4,4282 27489,v1.0,,"I was not aware of the W3C's Ethical Web Principles, and it's a great discovery!",/post/55935,2020-12-13T14:17:04.133Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.884Z,55935,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4,1028 27488,v1.0,,"Some of the foundational questions to ask yourself is: - Should this mark provide a base-line, or be more aspirational? (One establishes a minimum standard, the other a ""gold"" standard, which means one applies to potentially everything while the other applies to a small subset.) - Do we build this around information provided by the vendor/manufacturer or do we verify information independently? (One is easy but could be abused, the other is more robust but more costly.)",/post/55486,2020-12-13T14:14:43.115Z,2020-12-13T14:14:43.115Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3715 27487,v1.0,,"Some of the foundational questions to ask yourself is: - Should this mark provide a base-line, or be more aspirational? (One establishes a minimum standard, the other a ""gold"" standard, which means one applies to potentially everything while the other applies to a small subset.) - Do we build this around information provided by the vendor/manufacturer or do we verify information independently? (One is easy but could be abused, the other is more robust but more costly.)",/post/55486,2020-12-13T14:14:12.015Z,2020-12-13T14:14:12.015Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7311 27486,v1.0,,"Some of the foundational questions to ask yourself is: - Should this mark provide a base-line, or be more aspirational? (One establishes a minimum standard, the other a ""gold"" standard, which means one applies to potentially everything while the other applies to a small subset.) - Do we build this around information provided by the vendor/manufacturer or do we verify information independently? (One is easy but could be abused, the other is more robust but more costly.)",/post/55486,2020-12-13T14:14:11.727Z,2020-12-13T14:14:11.727Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7313 27485,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2020-12-13T14:13:33.315Z,2020-12-13T14:13:33.315Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,1778 27484,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2020-12-13T14:13:33.177Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.878Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,1028 27483,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2020-12-13T14:12:56.836Z,2020-12-13T14:12:56.836Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,7311 27482,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2020-12-13T14:12:56.587Z,2020-12-13T14:12:56.587Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,3711 27481,v1.0,,"So maybe one aspect is along the spectrum of ""how does this come into the world"", ""how is this in the world"", ""how does this end its life"" kinda thing.",/post/55472,2020-12-13T14:12:07.976Z,2020-12-13T14:12:07.976Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7311 27480,v1.0,,"Let's start by trying to define ""deep green"". Do you mean ""deep"" it as it is referred to in relation to ""deep tech""?",/post/55429,2020-12-13T14:09:29.555Z,2020-12-13T14:09:29.555Z,55429,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4022,7313 27478,v1.0,,"Getting an algorithmic feed needs to be a pull operation, not a push one. That means that the user needs to actively ask for the algorithmic feed. Each and every time. The default needs to be a sorted timeline view. And if that gets too full, the user should be asked to curate which content is shown there, and which sources get pushed to the backburner.",/post/57345,2020-12-12T18:06:15.835Z,2020-12-12T18:06:15.835Z,57345,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,5144,7933 27477,v1.0,,"From the end users point of view, especially with a platform like YouTube, where you essentially do the digital equivalent of channel zapping, a recommendation algorithm is key.The problem is that for YouTube, this algorithm is ultimately controlled by the wrong metric (is this ""engagement"", that drives advertising consumption and hence revenue?).The solution though isn't simply to abolish the algorithm - we still want a system that shows us new things. And these new things should ideally blip us out of our bubble, but in a way that doesn't make us uncomfortable or, worse, bored.We're toying with the idea of making the algorithm transparent and user-controlled, but it's hard to do right. The fetched content should be relevant, new, interesting, and still in tune with the users preferences somehow. And it needs to be clear why each and every bit of new content is presented to the user, so they understand what is going on.Getting an algorithmic feed needs to be a pull operation, not a push one. That means that the user needs to actively ask for the algorithmic feed. Each and every time. The default needs to be a sorted timeline view. And if that gets too full, the user should be asked to curate which content is shown there, and which sources get pushed to the backburner.",/post/57345,2020-12-12T18:05:50.304Z,2020-12-12T18:05:50.304Z,57345,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,5144,7591 27476,v1.0,,"From the end users point of view, especially with a platform like YouTube, where you essentially do the digital equivalent of channel zapping, a recommendation algorithm is key.The problem is that for YouTube, this algorithm is ultimately controlled by the wrong metric (is this ""engagement"", that drives advertising consumption and hence revenue?).The solution though isn't simply to abolish the algorithm - we still want a system that shows us new things. And these new things should ideally blip us out of our bubble, but in a way that doesn't make us uncomfortable or, worse, bored.We're toying with the idea of making the algorithm transparent and user-controlled, but it's hard to do right. The fetched content should be relevant, new, interesting, and still in tune with the users preferences somehow. And it needs to be clear why each and every bit of new content is presented to the user, so they understand what is going on.Getting an algorithmic feed needs to be a pull operation, not a push one. That means that the user needs to actively ask for the algorithmic feed. Each and every time. The default needs to be a sorted timeline view. And if that gets too full, the user should be asked to curate which content is shown there, and which sources get pushed to the backburner.",/post/57345,2020-12-12T18:04:12.906Z,2020-12-12T18:04:12.906Z,57345,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,5144,4275 27475,v1.0,,"From the end users point of view, especially with a platform like YouTube, where you essentially do the digital equivalent of channel zapping, a recommendation algorithm is key.The problem is that for YouTube, this algorithm is ultimately controlled by the wrong metric (is this ""engagement"", that drives advertising consumption and hence revenue?).The solution though isn't simply to abolish the algorithm - we still want a system that shows us new things. And these new things should ideally blip us out of our bubble, but in a way that doesn't make us uncomfortable or, worse, bored.We're toying with the idea of making the algorithm transparent and user-controlled, but it's hard to do right. The fetched content should be relevant, new, interesting, and still in tune with the users preferences somehow. And it needs to be clear why each and every bit of new content is presented to the user, so they understand what is going on.Getting an algorithmic feed needs to be a pull operation, not a push one. That means that the user needs to actively ask for the algorithmic feed. Each and every time. The default needs to be a sorted timeline view. And if that gets too full, the user should be asked to curate which content is shown there, and which sources get pushed to the backburner.",/post/57345,2020-12-12T18:04:12.663Z,2020-12-12T18:04:12.663Z,57345,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,5144,3776 27474,v1.0,,"We're toying with the idea of making the algorithm transparent and user-controlled, but it's hard to do right. The fetched content should be relevant, new, interesting, and still in tune with the users preferences somehow. And it needs to be clear why each and every bit of new content is presented to the user, so they understand what is going on.",/post/57345,2020-12-12T18:03:46.483Z,2020-12-12T18:03:46.483Z,57345,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,5144,7955 27473,v1.0,,"The problem is that for YouTube, this algorithm is ultimately controlled by the wrong metric (is this ""engagement"", that drives advertising consumption and hence revenue?).",/post/57345,2020-12-12T18:03:27.432Z,2020-12-12T18:03:27.432Z,57345,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,5144,4733 27472,v1.0,,Anyway I don’t see how at this point the giant companies can be controlled other than to enforce ways that allow authentic competition. Fining them does nothing as far as I can tell. Right now they just crush or buy what looks interesting or makes them more profitable or dominant. And again this is the bobsled course. Go fast and can’t get off,/post/56634,2020-12-12T17:59:34.376Z,2020-12-12T17:59:34.376Z,56634,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7083 27471,v1.0,,Anyway I don’t see how at this point the giant companies can be controlled other than to enforce ways that allow authentic competition. Fining them does nothing as far as I can tell. Right now they just crush or buy what looks interesting or makes them more profitable or dominant. And again this is the bobsled course. Go fast and can’t get off,/post/56634,2020-12-12T17:59:34.340Z,2020-12-12T17:59:34.340Z,56634,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,8012 27470,v1.0,,Fining them does nothing as far as I can tell. Right now they just crush or buy what looks interesting or makes them more profitable or dominant.,/post/56634,2020-12-12T17:59:21.523Z,2020-12-12T17:59:21.523Z,56634,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,1167 27469,v1.0,,"YouTube's drive to get to 1billion views and having every decision - from design to algorithms -- designed to get people watch more and more. They apparently joked about the previous algorithm being called the Gangam Style algorithm: every video would eventually lead to Gangam Style, the most popular video at that time. They started realizing that just showing the same content but more popular did lead to more views per video, but not more minutes watched (if you get feed exactly the same video but watched by more people, you may like it, but you won't continue watching it).",/post/56626,2020-12-12T17:56:48.758Z,2020-12-12T17:56:48.758Z,56626,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,7591 27468,v1.0,,"YouTube's drive to get to 1billion views and having every decision - from design to algorithms -- designed to get people watch more and more. They apparently joked about the previous algorithm being called the Gangam Style algorithm: every video would eventually lead to Gangam Style, the most popular video at that time. They started realizing that just showing the same content but more popular did lead to more views per video, but not more minutes watched (if you get feed exactly the same video but watched by more people, you may like it, but you won't continue watching it).",/post/56626,2020-12-12T17:56:48.745Z,2020-12-12T17:56:48.745Z,56626,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,3776 27467,v1.0,,"YouTube's drive to get to 1billion views and having every decision - from design to algorithms -- designed to get people watch more and more. They apparently joked about the previous algorithm being called the Gangam Style algorithm: every video would eventually lead to Gangam Style, the most popular video at that time. They started realizing that just showing the same content but more popular did lead to more views per video, but not more minutes watched (if you get feed exactly the same video but watched by more people, you may like it, but you won't continue watching it). So, the culprit is that YouTube's aim to make YouTube profittable (which it wasn't when Google bought it), it's need to have people watch more and more, led them to create something allowing fringe voices to be in your feed when you're just looking for a video on how to your lawn, and now you're a flat earther. Edit Delete No Commentfinancial incentives business model Youtube Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56626,2020-12-12T17:56:25.622Z,2020-12-12T17:56:25.622Z,56626,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,4274 27466,v1.0,,"YouTube's drive to get to 1billion views and having every decision - from design to algorithms -- designed to get people watch more and more. They apparently joked about the previous algorithm being called the Gangam Style algorithm: every video would eventually lead to Gangam Style, the most popular video at that time. They started realizing that just showing the same content but more popular did lead to more views per video, but not more minutes watched (if you get feed exactly the same video but watched by more people, you may like it, but you won't continue watching it). So, the culprit is that YouTube's aim to make YouTube profittable (which it wasn't when Google bought it), it's need to have people watch more and more, led them to create something allowing fringe voices to be in your feed when you're just looking for a video on how to your lawn, and now you're a flat earther. Edit Delete No Commentfinancial incentives business model Youtube Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56626,2020-12-12T17:56:25.621Z,2020-12-12T17:56:25.621Z,56626,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,4283 27465,v1.0,,"So, the culprit is that YouTube's aim to make YouTube profittable (which it wasn't when Google bought it), it's need to have people watch more and more, led them to create something allowing fringe voices to be in your feed when you're just looking for a video on how to your lawn, and now you're a flat earther. Edit Delete No Commentattention economy Edit Delete No Commentattention economy financial incentives Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56626,2020-12-12T17:56:03.847Z,2020-12-12T17:56:03.847Z,56626,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,7280 27464,v1.0,,"YouTube's drive to get to 1billion views and having every decision - from design to algorithms -- designed to get people watch more and more. They apparently joked about the previous algorithm being called the Gangam Style algorithm: every video would eventually lead to Gangam Style, the most popular video at that time. They started realizing that just showing the same content but more popular did lead to more views per video, but not more minutes watched (if you get feed exactly the same video but watched by more people, you may like it, but you won't continue watching it). So, the culprit is that YouTube's aim to make YouTube profittable (which it wasn't when Google bought it), it's need to have people watch more and more, led them to create something allowing fringe voices to be in your feed when you're just looking for a video on how to your lawn, and now you're a flat earther.",/post/56626,2020-12-12T17:55:57.992Z,2020-12-12T17:55:57.992Z,56626,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,3771 27463,v1.0,,"YouTube's drive to get to 1billion views and having every decision - from design to algorithms -- designed to get people watch more and more. They apparently joked about the previous algorithm being called the Gangam Style algorithm: every video would eventually lead to Gangam Style, the most popular video at that time. They started realizing that just showing the same content but more popular did lead to more views per video, but not more minutes watched (if you get feed exactly the same video but watched by more people, you may like it, but you won't continue watching it).",/post/56626,2020-12-12T17:55:36.394Z,2020-12-12T17:55:36.394Z,56626,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,3771 27462,v1.0,,"Earlier this year, researchers at Google’s Deep Mind examined the impact of recommender systems, such as those used by YouTube and other platforms. They concluded that “feedback loops in recommendation systems can give rise to ‘echo chambers’ and ‘filter bubbles,’ which can narrow a user’s content exposure and ultimately shift their worldview.”The model didn’t take into account how the recommendation system influences the kind of content that's created. In the real world, AI, content creators, and users heavily influence one another. Because AI aims to maximize engagement, hyper-engaged users are seen as “models to be reproduced.” AI algorithms will then favor the content of such users.The feedback loop works like this: (1) People who spend more time on the platforms have a greater impact on recommendation systems. (2) The content they engage with will get more views/likes. (3) Content creators will notice and create more of it. (4) People will spend even more time on that content. That's why it’s important to know who a platform's hyper-engaged users are: They’re the ones we can examine in order to predict which direction the AI is tilting the world.""",/post/56597,2020-12-12T17:54:10.211Z,2020-12-12T17:54:10.211Z,56597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,8023 27461,v1.0,,"The model didn’t take into account how the recommendation system influences the kind of content that's created. In the real world, AI, content creators, and users heavily influence one another. Because AI aims to maximize engagement, hyper-engaged users are seen as “models to be reproduced.” AI algorithms will then favor the content of such users.The feedback loop works like this: (1) People who spend more time on the platforms have a greater impact on recommendation systems. (2) The content they engage with will get more views/likes. (3) Content creators will notice and create more of it. (4) People will spend even more time on that content. That's why it’s important to know who a platform's hyper-engaged users are: They’re the ones we can examine in order to predict which direction the AI is tilting the world.""",/post/56597,2020-12-12T17:53:46.846Z,2020-12-12T17:53:46.846Z,56597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7591 27460,v1.0,,"(1) People who spend more time on the platforms have a greater impact on recommendation systems. (2) The content they engage with will get more views/likes. (3) Content creators will notice and create more of it. (4) People will spend even more time on that content. That's why it’s important to know who a platform's hyper-engaged users are: They’re the ones we can examine in order to predict which direction the AI is tilting the world.""",/post/56597,2020-12-12T17:53:32.604Z,2020-12-12T17:53:32.604Z,56597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3776 27458,v1.0,,"(1) People who spend more time on the platforms have a greater impact on recommendation systems. (2) The content they engage with will get more views/likes. (3) Content creators will notice and create more of it. (4) People will spend even more time on that content. That's why it’s important to know who a platform's hyper-engaged users are: They’re the ones we can examine in order to predict which direction the AI is tilting the world.""",/post/56597,2020-12-12T17:53:18.475Z,2020-12-12T17:53:18.475Z,56597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7317 27457,v1.0,,"The model didn’t take into account how the recommendation system influences the kind of content that's created. In the real world, AI, content creators, and users heavily influence one another. Because AI aims to maximize engagement, hyper-engaged users are seen as “models to be reproduced.” AI algorithms will then favor the content of such users.",/post/56597,2020-12-12T17:52:27.987Z,2020-12-12T17:52:27.987Z,56597,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7317 27456,v1.0,,I need to find the reference but I read recently that controversy and polarization raise ad revenue more than the happy kitty photos and the cuddly babies. Since they are publicly traded they can’t let their stock price go down as if they were part of some socially responsible portfolio.,/post/56593,2020-12-12T17:51:26.179Z,2020-12-12T17:51:26.179Z,56593,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7280 27455,v1.0,,"Still, it shows that they respond to some pressure. Which has been quite heavy lately given how shameless they have been in exploiting kids. Edit Delete No Commentchildren placing external pressure regulation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56592,2020-12-12T17:49:17.938Z,2020-12-12T17:49:17.938Z,56592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7984 27454,v1.0,,"Still, it shows that they respond to some pressure. Which has been quite heavy lately given how shameless they have been in exploiting kids. Edit Delete No Commentchildren placing external pressure regulation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56592,2020-12-12T17:49:17.932Z,2020-12-12T17:49:17.932Z,56592,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7083 27453,v1.0,,Facebook and Twitter set up their feeds to stoke controversy and polarization,/post/56578,2020-12-12T17:44:04.401Z,2020-12-12T17:44:04.401Z,56578,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3855 27452,v1.0,,Facebook and Twitter set up their feeds to stoke controversy and polarization,/post/56578,2020-12-12T17:44:04.387Z,2020-12-12T17:44:04.387Z,56578,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3638 27451,v1.0,,Facebook and Twitter set up their feeds to stoke controversy and polarization,/post/56578,2020-12-12T17:44:04.386Z,2020-12-12T17:44:04.386Z,56578,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,1786 27450,v1.0,,"A big part of the problem, as i understand it, is the way that Facebook and Twitter set up their feeds to stoke controversy and polarization. If it stayed as a controlled boil they would prefer that since they can sell more ads that way. But it does boil over and then they think they have to start censoring some of the bile they in fact encourage as a business model.",/post/56578,2020-12-12T17:42:27.555Z,2020-12-12T17:42:27.555Z,56578,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,7280 27449,v1.0,,"A big part of the problem, as i understand it, is the way that Facebook and Twitter set up their feeds to stoke controversy and polarization",/post/56578,2020-12-12T17:42:08.509Z,2020-12-12T17:42:08.509Z,56578,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3912 27448,v1.0,,"The cloud is really just somebody else's computer. There may be efficiencies of scale, obtained in exchange for a massive lack of control. Network speeds inside Europe (25 - 100 Mbit/s via ADSL and VDSL in most places now) is already sufficient for self-hosting, for taking back full control. Of course that needs a massive investment both into open source software (to make it nice and simple to use) and into skills. For the latter, I'd create an obligatory subject in school, called ""server and data management"". I mean, why not. Controlling and safeguarding ones own data is a skill that will be useful even in 100 years if (!) Europe decides to go that way rather than continue on the current road of letting everyone else but not the citizen take control of citizen data …",/post/67069,2020-12-12T17:38:39.925Z,2020-12-12T17:38:39.925Z,67069,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,5,8022 27443,v1.0,,"The cloud is really just somebody else's computer. There may be efficiencies of scale, obtained in exchange for a massive lack of control. Network speeds inside Europe (25 - 100 Mbit/s via ADSL and VDSL in most places now) is already sufficient for self-hosting, for taking back full control.",/post/67069,2020-12-12T17:34:30.951Z,2020-12-12T17:34:30.951Z,67069,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,5,4570 27442,v1.0,,Of course that needs a massive investment both into open source software (to make it nice and simple to use) and into skills.,/post/67069,2020-12-12T17:33:55.042Z,2020-12-12T17:33:55.042Z,67069,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,5,4334 27441,v1.0,,Of course that needs a massive investment both into open source software (to make it nice and simple to use) and into skills.,/post/67069,2020-12-12T17:33:55.033Z,2020-12-12T17:33:55.033Z,67069,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,5,1257 27440,v1.0,,"If we wish to ensure rule of law in Europe, we need a principle of balance of investment when it comes to AI and other networked digital technologies. This means that for every investment of public resources into promotion, education, research, development, or monetisation of these new technologies - we need to ensure equal injection of resources towards providing the means for the individual citizen to gain ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-10T00:00:25.652Z,2020-12-10T00:00:25.652Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,7083 27439,v1.0,,"If we wish to ensure rule of law in Europe, we need a principle of balance of investment when it comes to AI and other networked digital technologies. This means that for every investment of public resources into promotion, education, research, development, or monetisation of these new technologies - we need to ensure equal injection of resources towards providing the means for the individual citizen to gain ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-10T00:00:25.632Z,2020-12-10T00:00:25.632Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,3425 27436,v1.0,,"If we wish to ensure rule of law in Europe, we need a principle of balance of investment when it comes to AI and other networked digital technologies. This means that for every investment of public resources into promotion, education, research, development, or monetisation of these new technologies - we need to ensure equal injection of resources towards providing the means for the individual citizen to gain ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:59:39.553Z,2020-12-09T23:59:39.553Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,7927 27435,v1.0,,"If we wish to ensure rule of law in Europe, we need a principle of balance of investment when it comes to AI and other networked digital technologies. This means that for every investment of public resources into promotion, education, research, development, or monetisation of these new technologies - we need to ensure equal injection of resources towards providing the means for the individual citizen to gain ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:59:39.516Z,2020-12-09T23:59:39.516Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,4334 27434,v1.0,,"If we wish to ensure rule of law in Europe, we need a principle of balance of investment when it comes to AI and other networked digital technologies. This means that for every investment of public resources into promotion, education, research, development, or monetisation of these new technologies - we need to ensure equal injection of resources towards providing the means for the individual citizen to gain ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:59:39.515Z,2020-12-09T23:59:39.515Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,4372 27433,v1.0,,"We need new general principles of justice as a foundation for all policymaking in an age of networked technologies. 1) The ethics of substantial freedom. This includes citizens’ inalienable rights of ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.2) The Capability Approach as defined by Amartya Sen. 3) Data is not a commodity. In the digital society it is the equivalent of the air we breathe.4) Optimisation is not neutral. The choice to optimise at all has to be assessed based on its potential impact on the substantial freedoms of the individual.5) “The individual”, “the citizen” and the “Human” are understood to mean individual members of the species Homo Sapiens.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:58:03.860Z,2020-12-09T23:58:03.860Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,4434 27432,v1.0,,"We need new general principles of justice as a foundation for all policymaking in an age of networked technologies. 1) The ethics of substantial freedom. This includes citizens’ inalienable rights of ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.2) The Capability Approach as defined by Amartya Sen. 3) Data is not a commodity. In the digital society it is the equivalent of the air we breathe.4) Optimisation is not neutral. The choice to optimise at all has to be assessed based on its potential impact on the substantial freedoms of the individual.5) “The individual”, “the citizen” and the “Human” are understood to mean individual members of the species Homo Sapiens.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:58:03.858Z,2020-12-09T23:58:03.858Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,7813 27431,v1.0,,"The ethics of substantial freedom. This includes citizens’ inalienable rights of ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:57:50.021Z,2020-12-09T23:57:50.021Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,966 27430,v1.0,,"The ethics of substantial freedom. This includes citizens’ inalienable rights of ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:57:50.003Z,2020-12-09T23:57:50.003Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,3814 27429,v1.0,,"The ethics of substantial freedom. This includes citizens’ inalienable rights of ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:57:50.002Z,2020-12-09T23:57:50.002Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,4282 27428,v1.0,,"The ethics of substantial freedom. This includes citizens’ inalienable rights of ownership, control, access and possession of information about themselves and their communities.",/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:57:49.981Z,2020-12-09T23:57:49.981Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,407 27427,v1.0,,Optimisation is not neutral. The choice to optimise at all has to be assessed based on its potential impact on the substantial freedoms of the individual.,/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:57:21.600Z,2020-12-09T23:57:21.600Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,4781 27426,v1.0,,Optimisation is not neutral. The choice to optimise at all has to be assessed based on its potential impact on the substantial freedoms of the individual.,/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:57:21.597Z,2020-12-09T23:57:21.597Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,7434 27425,v1.0,,Optimisation is not neutral. The choice to optimise at all has to be assessed based on its potential impact on the substantial freedoms of the individual.,/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:57:21.567Z,2020-12-09T23:57:21.567Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,1264 27424,v1.0,,Data is not a commodity. In the digital society it is the equivalent of the air we breathe.,/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:56:56.138Z,2020-12-09T23:56:56.138Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,7927 27423,v1.0,,Data is not a commodity. In the digital society it is the equivalent of the air we breathe.,/post/66974,2020-12-09T23:56:56.125Z,2020-12-09T23:56:56.125Z,66974,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,8,3814 27421,v1.0,,"It's a good question. Industrial policy ties into tech, innovation, data and security policy because it's ultimately about preserving the material welfare of (at least parts of) the local population. In the EU it's a huge challenge that all the local populations are not the same - e.g., benefitting ATOS will almost certainly provide a material benefit to someone in France, but it's not clear that this benefit will disseminate to other parts of Europe in equal measure.",/post/67700,2020-12-09T23:09:30.686Z,2020-12-09T23:09:30.686Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,7771 27420,v1.0,,"I think we could add the ""ATOS-problem"" to the complexity, e.g., Arak raises the issue of the ""materials industry problems"" (implying, I think correctly, that subsidizing the industry for eco-materials is unlikely to increase the capabilities of Polish rural communities) - and the ATOS problem is the same. If the goal is simply to avoid quasi-monopolies like ATOS (and I'm not sure in which industry segment they'd be particularly dominant?), then perhaps ortholiberalism coupled with some Tim Wuean concept of lowered market entry barriers would be sufficient. If the goal is, on the other hand, to spread capabilities around Europe, we'd have a more difficult task at hand.",/post/67700,2020-12-09T23:09:23.642Z,2020-12-09T23:09:23.642Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,7771 27419,v1.0,,"If the goal is simply to avoid quasi-monopolies like ATOS (and I'm not sure in which industry segment they'd be particularly dominant?), then perhaps ortholiberalism coupled with some Tim Wuean concept of lowered market entry barriers would be sufficient. If the goal is, on the other hand, to spread capabilities around Europe, we'd have a more difficult task at hand.",/post/67700,2020-12-09T23:08:45.878Z,2020-12-09T23:08:45.878Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,4781 27418,v1.0,,"This opinion piece by Piotr Arak starts out a bit shaky, but I think the latter half explains pretty well the problem of a green economy from a Polish perspective: I think we could add the ""ATOS-problem"" to the complexity, e.g., Arak raises the issue of the ""materials industry problems"" (implying, I think correctly, that subsidizing the industry for eco-materials is unlikely to increase the capabilities of Polish rural communities) - and the ATOS problem is the same. If the goal is simply to avoid quasi-monopolies like ATOS (and I'm not sure in which industry segment they'd be particularly dominant?), then perhaps ortholiberalism coupled with some Tim Wuean concept of lowered market entry barriers would be sufficient. If the goal is, on the other hand, to spread capabilities around Europe, we'd have a more difficult task at hand.",/post/67700,2020-12-09T23:08:39.203Z,2020-12-09T23:08:39.203Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,7646 27417,v1.0,,"This opinion piece by Piotr Arak starts out a bit shaky, but I think the latter half explains pretty well the problem of a green economy from a Polish perspective: I think we could add the ""ATOS-problem"" to the complexity, e.g., Arak raises the issue of the ""materials industry problems"" (implying, I think correctly, that subsidizing the industry for eco-materials is unlikely to increase the capabilities of Polish rural communities) - and the ATOS problem is the same. If the goal is simply to avoid quasi-monopolies like ATOS (and I'm not sure in which industry segment they'd be particularly dominant?), then perhaps ortholiberalism coupled with some Tim Wuean concept of lowered market entry barriers would be sufficient. If the goal is, on the other hand, to spread capabilities around Europe, we'd have a more difficult task at hand.",/post/67700,2020-12-09T23:08:39.174Z,2020-12-09T23:08:39.174Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,1321 27415,v1.0,,"It's a good question. Industrial policy ties into tech, innovation, data and security policy because it's ultimately about preserving the material welfare of (at least parts of) the local population. In the EU it's a huge challenge that all the local populations are not the same - e.g., benefitting ATOS will almost certainly provide a material benefit to someone in France, but it's not clear that this benefit will disseminate to other parts of Europe in equal measure.",/post/67700,2020-12-09T23:06:41.420Z,2020-12-09T23:06:41.420Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,4439 27414,v1.0,,"It's a good question. Industrial policy ties into tech, innovation, data and security policy because it's ultimately about preserving the material welfare of (at least parts of) the local population. In the EU it's a huge challenge that all the local populations are not the same - e.g., benefitting ATOS will almost certainly provide a material benefit to someone in France, but it's not clear that this benefit will disseminate to other parts of Europe in equal measure.",/post/67700,2020-12-09T23:06:41.405Z,2020-12-09T23:06:41.405Z,67700,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,2346,1321 27413,v1.0,,"We don’t have to treat all ethical arguments as equally persuasive by default. Of course, there will still be many competing ethical arguments that are not obviously flawed in that way, so complicated trade-offs may arise. For instance, in the context of AI, we might really care about accuracy, but we also really care about justice, and about efficiency, and about transparency, privacy, and so on. All of these are important values and goals—but it is not enough to simply come up with a ‘wish list’ of values, because it is often impossible to optimize for all of these important values at the same time. We have to make ethical judgment calls about which values to rank more highly, and we have to be clear about which values we have failed to realise when we do so",/post/75832,2020-12-09T23:05:26.101Z,2020-12-09T23:05:26.101Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7783 27411,v1.0,,"The challenge to us (and this is beyond journalism) is how to change this culture of accounting and management. Our challengers are human resource offices that essentially live by framing candidates and employees in cells construed by titles and certificates, financial and accounting offices that are tasked with maximising short term returns and producing histories of efficiency (as opposed to effectiveness), and technologists/solutionists who have built entire consultancy/entrepreneurial careers on just satisfying those counterparts, conflating their rhetorics, and lobbying for all this. It's a scary inertia.",/post/54776,2020-12-09T23:02:36.025Z,2020-12-09T23:02:36.025Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,3599 27410,v1.0,,"You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-12-09T23:01:38.499Z,2020-12-09T23:01:38.499Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3599 27409,v1.0,,"My point is rather that cloud infrastructure is not very useful in general – or should not be, as with proper decentralization and local control of data, there are only a few use cases for high-performance data centers. In political organization, we have federation (5 levels here in Germany).",/post/67113,2020-12-09T22:58:12.579Z,2020-12-09T22:58:12.579Z,67113,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,5,4570 27408,v1.0,,"My point is rather that cloud infrastructure is not very useful in general – or should not be, as with proper decentralization and local control of data, there are only a few use cases for high-performance data centers. In political organization, we have federation (5 levels here in Germany).",/post/67113,2020-12-09T22:58:12.577Z,2020-12-09T22:58:12.577Z,67113,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,5,4299 27407,v1.0,,"My point is rather that cloud infrastructure is not very useful in general – or should not be, as with proper decentralization and local control of data, there are only a few use cases for high-performance data centers. In political organization, we have federation (5 levels here in Germany).",/post/67113,2020-12-09T22:58:12.549Z,2020-12-09T22:58:12.549Z,67113,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12117,5,7590 27406,v1.0,,"I think ""lasagna-style"" technologies, which are vertically separated as a matter of technology, are more likely to lead to an outcome of increased ""justice"". Because I think of justice as something which guarantees to individuals freedom to act - commercially and socially - and this freedom can only be obtained if market entry barriers are low, or if technologies lend themselves to a multitude of entities cooperating on different levels. I'd prefer, for this reason, WiMAX and Wi-Fi over LTE systems and cellular networks, and I am for this reason cautious about 5G.",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:50:10.998Z,2020-12-05T03:50:10.998Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,7927 27405,v1.0,,"I think ""lasagna-style"" technologies, which are vertically separated as a matter of technology, are more likely to lead to an outcome of increased ""justice"". Because I think of justice as something which guarantees to individuals freedom to act - commercially and socially - and this freedom can only be obtained if market entry barriers are low, or if technologies lend themselves to a multitude of entities cooperating on different levels. I'd prefer, for this reason, WiMAX and Wi-Fi over LTE systems and cellular networks, and I am for this reason cautious about 5G.",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:50:10.870Z,2020-12-05T03:50:10.870Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,4875 27404,v1.0,,"I think ""lasagna-style"" technologies, which are vertically separated as a matter of technology, are more likely to lead to an outcome of increased ""justice"". Because I think of justice as something which guarantees to individuals freedom to act - commercially and socially - and this freedom can only be obtained if market entry barriers are low, or if technologies lend themselves to a multitude of entities cooperating on different levels. I'd prefer, for this reason, WiMAX and Wi-Fi over LTE systems and cellular networks, and I am for this reason cautious about 5G.",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:50:10.622Z,2020-12-05T03:50:10.622Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,4434 27403,v1.0,,"The computerization/mechanisation of the public sector has largely been driven by the hope that logical government (deterministic decisions, given certain input deterministic output) will make society more ""just"" and ""equal"" (i.e. a computer does not have the social sensitivity to discriminate, for instance, and even when it does - for instance through statistical short-comings - we can normally measure and assess the discrimination that occurs). But we are now half a century in to computerization - has it worked?",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:49:21.521Z,2020-12-05T03:49:21.521Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,7799 27402,v1.0,,"The computerization/mechanisation of the public sector has largely been driven by the hope that logical government (deterministic decisions, given certain input deterministic output) will make society more ""just"" and ""equal"" (i.e. a computer does not have the social sensitivity to discriminate, for instance, and even when it does - for instance through statistical short-comings - we can normally measure and assess the discrimination that occurs). But we are now half a century in to computerization - has it worked?",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:49:21.271Z,2020-12-05T03:49:21.271Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,7783 27401,v1.0,,"I think governments across Europe - certainly in Sweden - are still very much stuck in the 1960s vision of computers-as-the-saviour-of-government-through-imposing-cold-hard-logic. I.e. the ""fairness"" our governments strive for is either being able to use technology against the governments' own citizens (to find ""cheaters"") or to have a ""government machine"" that is not able to distinguish the unique life-stories of either subjects (citizens) or staff (civil servants). European Union government failure Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:48:43.349Z,2020-12-05T03:48:43.349Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,7799 27400,v1.0,,"I think governments across Europe - certainly in Sweden - are still very much stuck in the 1960s vision of computers-as-the-saviour-of-government-through-imposing-cold-hard-logic. I.e. the ""fairness"" our governments strive for is either being able to use technology against the governments' own citizens (to find ""cheaters"") or to have a ""government machine"" that is not able to distinguish the unique life-stories of either subjects (citizens) or staff (civil servants). European Union government failure Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:48:43.336Z,2020-12-05T03:48:43.336Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,4439 27399,v1.0,,"I think governments across Europe - certainly in Sweden - are still very much stuck in the 1960s vision of computers-as-the-saviour-of-government-through-imposing-cold-hard-logic. I.e. the ""fairness"" our governments strive for is either being able to use technology against the governments' own citizens (to find ""cheaters"") or to have a ""government machine"" that is not able to distinguish the unique life-stories of either subjects (citizens) or staff (civil servants).",/post/54637,2020-12-05T03:48:21.763Z,2020-12-05T03:48:21.763Z,54637,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,2346,1662 27398,v1.0,,"scope of the rules (what ‘AI’ systems should be covered, only top consumer/citizen-facing applications, or other/underlying infrastructure)",/post/60624,2020-12-05T03:46:38.287Z,2020-12-05T03:46:38.287Z,60624,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,5204,7068 27397,v1.0,,"it’s great as the European Commission will come up with horizontal AI legislation (principles) in early 2020. Not an expert, but I reckon issues they will have to come to grips with could be scope of the rules (what ‘AI’ systems should be covered, only top consumer/citizen-facing applications, or other/underlying infrastructure) type of obligations (only transparency/documentation requirements?, what should they contain?) How to differentiate, depending on scale (i.e. me building system affecting 10 people vs FB unleashing a new content ranking algorithm on a quarter of world population) and risk (system to distinguish which cat video I will be shown vs. decisions on employment, insurance, housing, predictive policing).",/post/60624,2020-12-05T03:46:12.035Z,2020-12-05T03:46:12.035Z,60624,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,5204,7591 27396,v1.0,,"it’s great as the European Commission will come up with horizontal AI legislation (principles) in early 2020. Not an expert, but I reckon issues they will have to come to grips with could be scope of the rules (what ‘AI’ systems should be covered, only top consumer/citizen-facing applications, or other/underlying infrastructure) type of obligations (only transparency/documentation requirements?, what should they contain?) How to differentiate, depending on scale (i.e. me building system affecting 10 people vs FB unleashing a new content ranking algorithm on a quarter of world population) and risk (system to distinguish which cat video I will be shown vs. decisions on employment, insurance, housing, predictive policing).",/post/60624,2020-12-05T03:46:12.013Z,2020-12-05T03:46:12.013Z,60624,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,5204,4436 27395,v1.0,,"it’s great as the European Commission will come up with horizontal AI legislation (principles) in early 2020. Not an expert, but I reckon issues they will have to come to grips with could be scope of the rules (what ‘AI’ systems should be covered, only top consumer/citizen-facing applications, or other/underlying infrastructure) type of obligations (only transparency/documentation requirements?, what should they contain?) How to differentiate, depending on scale (i.e. me building system affecting 10 people vs FB unleashing a new content ranking algorithm on a quarter of world population) and risk (system to distinguish which cat video I will be shown vs. decisions on employment, insurance, housing, predictive policing).",/post/60624,2020-12-05T03:46:12.004Z,2020-12-05T03:46:12.004Z,60624,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,5204,1321 27394,v1.0,,"I would say that technologies that have low barrier to entry have a higher likelihood to lead to an outcome of increased justice.If the barrier to entry is high, the productivity benefits will be leveraged more by the people who are able get over that barrier.If you look at the question from a bird's eyes view that seems to be the general outline. The two main barriers to entry from a general perspective seems to be either capital or knowledge. So all else being equal a technology that doesn't require specialized knowledge to be able to use, or require a big amount of capital to be able to leverage that technology you'll be able to disperse the productivity benefits of that technology to a broader populace, and more people would be able to gain the benefits of it.",/post/56510,2020-12-05T03:44:20.121Z,2020-12-05T03:44:20.121Z,56510,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,34,6212 27393,v1.0,,"I would say that technologies that have low barrier to entry have a higher likelihood to lead to an outcome of increased justice.If the barrier to entry is high, the productivity benefits will be leveraged more by the people who are able get over that barrier.If you look at the question from a bird's eyes view that seems to be the general outline. The two main barriers to entry from a general perspective seems to be either capital or knowledge. So all else being equal a technology that doesn't require specialized knowledge to be able to use, or require a big amount of capital to be able to leverage that technology you'll be able to disperse the productivity benefits of that technology to a broader populace, and more people would be able to gain the benefits of it.",/post/56510,2020-12-05T03:44:20.113Z,2020-12-05T03:44:20.113Z,56510,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,34,4470 27392,v1.0,,"I would say that technologies that have low barrier to entry have a higher likelihood to lead to an outcome of increased justice.If the barrier to entry is high, the productivity benefits will be leveraged more by the people who are able get over that barrier.If you look at the question from a bird's eyes view that seems to be the general outline. The two main barriers to entry from a general perspective seems to be either capital or knowledge. So all else being equal a technology that doesn't require specialized knowledge to be able to use, or require a big amount of capital to be able to leverage that technology you'll be able to disperse the productivity benefits of that technology to a broader populace, and more people would be able to gain the benefits of it.",/post/56510,2020-12-05T03:44:20.087Z,2020-12-05T03:44:20.087Z,56510,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,34,12 27391,v1.0,,"When it comes to the field of IT more specifically I think there will always be a certain barrier to entry because of the knowledge requirements to leverage ITs benefits. Yes, tools can be built that can be used by everyone, and in one way distributing the productivity benefits to more people. It will still be the people who have specialized knowledge which will in one way or another be gatekeepers.",/post/56510,2020-12-05T03:43:44.075Z,2020-12-05T03:43:44.075Z,56510,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,34,1618 27390,v1.0,,"When it comes to the field of IT more specifically I think there will always be a certain barrier to entry because of the knowledge requirements to leverage ITs benefits. Yes, tools can be built that can be used by everyone, and in one way distributing the productivity benefits to more people. It will still be the people who have specialized knowledge which will in one way or another be gatekeepers.",/post/56510,2020-12-05T03:43:43.953Z,2020-12-05T03:43:43.953Z,56510,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,34,3711 27389,v1.0,,"When it comes to the field of IT more specifically I think there will always be a certain barrier to entry because of the knowledge requirements to leverage ITs benefits. Yes, tools can be built that can be used by everyone, and in one way distributing the productivity benefits to more people. It will still be the people who have specialized knowledge which will in one way or another be gatekeepers.",/post/56510,2020-12-05T03:43:43.719Z,2020-12-05T03:43:43.719Z,56510,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,34,7922 27388,v1.0,,"I would say that technologies that have low barrier to entry have a higher likelihood to lead to an outcome of increased justice.If the barrier to entry is high, the productivity benefits will be leveraged more by the people who are able get over that barrier.If you look at the question from a bird's eyes view that seems to be the general outline. The two main barriers to entry from a general perspective seems to be either capital or knowledge. So all else being equal a technology that doesn't require specialized knowledge to be able to use, or require a big amount of capital to be able to leverage that technology you'll be able to disperse the productivity benefits of that technology to a broader populace, and more people would be able to gain the benefits of it.",/post/56510,2020-12-05T03:42:18.274Z,2020-12-05T03:42:18.274Z,56510,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,34,7922 27387,v1.0,,"I think that public discourse on this issue tends to split into two fairly extreme views, neither one of which is correct. On the one hand, there’s ‘AI optimism: the view that the increasingly ubiquitous use of AI is inevitable, that we can’t return to not using AI once we have deployed it in a given domain. The implicit assumption behind that view often seems to be something like, ""well, if AI is inevitable, there isn't really a point in trying to critique it ethically""—or to critique it politically, even. On this view, AI is nothing more than a tool—and one that promises to have a decidedly positive impact on society. On the other hand, there is a dramatically opposing view that says something like, “it is inevitable that all AI will lead to incredibly bad and harmful consequences”. That’s a different sense of inevitability right there. Tech pessimists seem to think that whatever we do, whichever domain we focus on in our AI deployment, the use of automated reasoning methods will always be somehow counterproductive or harmful.",/post/75832,2020-12-05T03:39:04.325Z,2020-12-05T03:39:04.325Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,8012 27386,v1.0,,"For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.Most of the policy created isn’t really to regulate. And it becomes a hinder, because it was the goal from the beginning.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:36:37.491Z,2020-12-05T03:36:37.491Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5497 27385,v1.0,,"As individuals, our power is very limited. But independently of all that, as individuals we are trying to raise is a very neoliberal idea that an individual can change the society.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:33:27.938Z,2020-12-05T03:33:27.938Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1934 27384,v1.0,,"As individuals, our power is very limited. But independently of all that, as individuals we are trying to raise is a very neoliberal idea that an individual can change the society.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:33:27.902Z,2020-12-05T03:33:27.902Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7802 27383,v1.0,,"As individuals, our power is very limited. But independently of all that, as individuals we are trying to raise is a very neoliberal idea that an individual can change the society.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:33:27.664Z,2020-12-05T03:33:27.664Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8018 27382,v1.0,,"As individuals, our power is very limited. But independently of all that, as individuals we are trying to raise is a very neoliberal idea that an individual can change the society.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:33:27.633Z,2020-12-05T03:33:27.633Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7933 27380,v1.0,,"Our best shot, however, is trying to coordinate a movement independently of the singular individual activity of producing the reflections and conversation around the topic. There is nothing bad in trying to have a bit of activism about things that are fundamentally screwing the way your life and your society work.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:32:37.486Z,2020-12-05T03:32:37.486Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27379,v1.0,,"Our best shot, however, is trying to coordinate a movement independently of the singular individual activity of producing the reflections and conversation around the topic. There is nothing bad in trying to have a bit of activism about things that are fundamentally screwing the way your life and your society work.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:32:37.464Z,2020-12-05T03:32:37.464Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4417 27378,v1.0,,"Our best shot, however, is trying to coordinate a movement independently of the singular individual activity of producing the reflections and conversation around the topic. There is nothing bad in trying to have a bit of activism about things that are fundamentally screwing the way your life and your society work.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:32:37.354Z,2020-12-05T03:32:37.354Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7933 27377,v1.0,,"Our best shot, however, is trying to coordinate a movement independently of the singular individual activity of producing the reflections and conversation around the topic. There is nothing bad in trying to have a bit of activism about things that are fundamentally screwing the way your life and your society work.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:32:37.103Z,2020-12-05T03:32:37.103Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5368 27376,v1.0,,"When it comes to biometrics, for example, that we are at a point that we should’ve asked questions before, because maybe it's too late now. When authorizing the first research on these at scale, we should have asked “what are the implications of generating tools that unify your physical body with your identity.” Because in all our societies, your identities are demonstrated by documents you bring, or by relationships you have. They have to be demanded with data to be verified. And your body is not automatically your identification. At the moment you introducebiometric tools, whether they are effective or not, you are claiming a unification of the soul. This is the first time it is happening in human societies. We never had companies, humans, or states that were able to impose an identity on a body. And we never reflected on what changes these imply for the social contract of our life to live life together. And this is extremely radical. The point is not whether we want to be faster in telling whether you are yourself when you are entering the train. The point is, what are the implications when these permeates all fields of our life? And maybe now it's a bit too late to ask because it's out there.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:30:22.587Z,2020-12-05T03:30:22.587Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8020 27375,v1.0,,"The point is not whether we want to be faster in telling whether you are yourself when you are entering the train. The point is, what are the implications when these permeates all fields of our life? And maybe now it's a bit too late to ask because it's out there.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:30:04.351Z,2020-12-05T03:30:04.351Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4850 27374,v1.0,,"The point is not whether we want to be faster in telling whether you are yourself when you are entering the train. The point is, what are the implications when these permeates all fields of our life? And maybe now it's a bit too late to ask because it's out there.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:30:04.337Z,2020-12-05T03:30:04.337Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7434 27373,v1.0,,"The point is not whether we want to be faster in telling whether you are yourself when you are entering the train. The point is, what are the implications when these permeates all fields of our life? And maybe now it's a bit too late to ask because it's out there.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:30:04.084Z,2020-12-05T03:30:04.084Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4874 27372,v1.0,,"When it comes to biometrics, for example, that we are at a point that we should’ve asked questions before, because maybe it's too late now.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:08:47.959Z,2020-12-05T03:08:47.959Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8012 27370,v1.0,,"There is a lot that could be improved about how Europe works. And this is not the nature of policymaking, this is how policymaking is implemented in Europe. That's a problem. It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:06:33.889Z,2020-12-05T03:06:33.889Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1321 27368,v1.0,,"There is a lot that could be improved about how Europe works. And this is not the nature of policymaking, this is how policymaking is implemented in Europe. That's a problem. It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:06:08.562Z,2020-12-05T03:06:08.562Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8018 27367,v1.0,,"There is a lot that could be improved about how Europe works. And this is not the nature of policymaking, this is how policymaking is implemented in Europe. That's a problem. It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:06:08.554Z,2020-12-05T03:06:08.554Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4439 27366,v1.0,,"There is a lot that could be improved about how Europe works. And this is not the nature of policymaking, this is how policymaking is implemented in Europe. That's a problem. It's a systematic problem, but not a principal problem. It's really systematic of the system. The problem lies not in the idea that we want to have policies to regulate issues, the problem is how we do them. And the same happens for standards. Most of the standards are imposed after de facto companies who ruled the market have agreed about it on the phone. I've hardly ever seen any standard being imposed before the large companies were already ready for them.We are allowing it.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:06:08.532Z,2020-12-05T03:06:08.532Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,424 27364,v1.0,,"most of the policies are tricks. For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.Most of the policy created isn’t really to regulate. And it becomes a hinder, because it was the goal from the beginning.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:03:19.110Z,2020-12-05T03:03:19.110Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8018 27363,v1.0,,"We’re creating a lot of regulation that contains redundant regulation. It is well intentioned at the European level, but it's countered by national governments. At the same time, a lot of the conversations and negotions don’t happen at the policy level, but in discussions about standards.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:00:52.106Z,2020-12-05T03:00:52.106Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7555 27362,v1.0,,"We’re creating a lot of regulation that contains redundant regulation. It is well intentioned at the European level, but it's countered by national governments. At the same time, a lot of the conversations and negotions don’t happen at the policy level, but in discussions about standards.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:00:52.081Z,2020-12-05T03:00:52.081Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27361,v1.0,,"We’re creating a lot of regulation that contains redundant regulation. It is well intentioned at the European level, but it's countered by national governments. At the same time, a lot of the conversations and negotions don’t happen at the policy level, but in discussions about standards.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:00:52.072Z,2020-12-05T03:00:52.072Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7083 27360,v1.0,,"We’re creating a lot of regulation that contains redundant regulation. It is well intentioned at the European level, but it's countered by national governments. At the same time, a lot of the conversations and negotions don’t happen at the policy level, but in discussions about standards.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:00:52.064Z,2020-12-05T03:00:52.064Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7559 27359,v1.0,,"We’re creating a lot of regulation that contains redundant regulation. It is well intentioned at the European level, but it's countered by national governments. At the same time, a lot of the conversations and negotions don’t happen at the policy level, but in discussions about standards.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:00:52.050Z,2020-12-05T03:00:52.050Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4439 27358,v1.0,,"We’re creating a lot of regulation that contains redundant regulation. It is well intentioned at the European level, but it's countered by national governments. At the same time, a lot of the conversations and negotions don’t happen at the policy level, but in discussions about standards.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T03:00:52.030Z,2020-12-05T03:00:52.030Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1321 27357,v1.0,,"For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:59:33.887Z,2020-12-05T02:59:33.887Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,3785 27356,v1.0,,"For example the GDPR. A few years ago before it actually entered into force, I knew it would most likely be more challenging to be GDPR compliant for small organization than for the large ones. So, despite the declared goal being “we are going to rule how Google and Facebook access your data,” we already knew this was going to hinder small organization’s activities, and actually a treasure trove for the big ones. And what happened if we look at the reviews, two years later, three years later, that's exactly what happened.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:59:33.868Z,2020-12-05T02:59:33.868Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4893 27354,v1.0,,"Well-established practices should be studied. Questions figuring out how much of a certain practice or investigation is informed by current limitations of the system, and if they are informed by the declared agreed upon goal of the system. These are slightly different problems. We should also look at the states or the communities where they have power: they should try to enforce systems of control, or the introductions of these tools, not systems that are extremely punitive. Our goal is not to make it impossible for innovation to enter, but not to make it too easy.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:57:09.882Z,2020-12-05T02:57:09.882Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4874 27353,v1.0,,"My argument isn’t that we shouldn’t look into AI, but the true question should be how do we go there? We have never questioned, what's the moment, and what should be the mechanism, the funnel for AI to enter medicine. At the moment, it’s a vastly unregulated system. As long as a company claims that they have a product, they can start investing and working on it, absorbing public resources.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:57:03.998Z,2020-12-05T02:57:03.998Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4850 27352,v1.0,,"We did it before. For example, after the diffusion of web marketing systems, medicine, received a lot of investments to dematerialize medical data and make them available on the web. The idea was that this would improve metrics of success, whether this was patients involvement in care, or smoothing out pathways across different services. It was done with precisely the same approach that we are seeing today in machine learning: because it was a success for marketing, it would be a success in medicine: the electronic health records that were mostly designed under the current practice of data collection, that was justified by billing.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:56:38.123Z,2020-12-05T02:56:38.123Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5106 27350,v1.0,,"What is happening right now is that the AI technology in Europe is being accelerated to be used. But were massively risking getting the wrong results, because we're not asking the right questions.Medicine is one of the fields where there's not really a huge gain by using AI. But a lot of money is being spent both on the development and marketing of it. And this money absorbs other investments. Investing a lot of money trying to train an AI — that money isn’t going into training clinicians, not into getting better tools, not invested in your patients, not even in redesigning hospital spaces.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:56:04.089Z,2020-12-05T02:56:04.089Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7472 27349,v1.0,,"What is happening right now is that the AI technology in Europe is being accelerated to be used. But were massively risking getting the wrong results, because we're not asking the right questions.Medicine is one of the fields where there's not really a huge gain by using AI. But a lot of money is being spent both on the development and marketing of it. And this money absorbs other investments. Investing a lot of money trying to train an AI — that money isn’t going into training clinicians, not into getting better tools, not invested in your patients, not even in redesigning hospital spaces.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:56:04.045Z,2020-12-05T02:56:04.045Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27348,v1.0,,"What is happening right now is that the AI technology in Europe is being accelerated to be used. But were massively risking getting the wrong results, because we're not asking the right questions.Medicine is one of the fields where there's not really a huge gain by using AI. But a lot of money is being spent both on the development and marketing of it. And this money absorbs other investments. Investing a lot of money trying to train an AI — that money isn’t going into training clinicians, not into getting better tools, not invested in your patients, not even in redesigning hospital spaces.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:56:04.034Z,2020-12-05T02:56:04.034Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5295 27347,v1.0,,"And this money absorbs other investments. Investing a lot of money trying to train an AI — that money isn’t going into training clinicians, not into getting better tools, not invested in your patients, not even in redesigning hospital spaces.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:55:31.890Z,2020-12-05T02:55:31.890Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,6125 27346,v1.0,,"And this money absorbs other investments. Investing a lot of money trying to train an AI — that money isn’t going into training clinicians, not into getting better tools, not invested in your patients, not even in redesigning hospital spaces.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:55:31.888Z,2020-12-05T02:55:31.888Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4334 27345,v1.0,,"Justifying Machine Learning We may be pushing AI onto the markets, because we are in a rush for “supremacy” on the market. We did it before. For example, after the diffusion of web marketing systems, medicine, received a lot of investments to dematerialize medical data and make them available on the web. The idea was that this would improve metrics of success, whether this was patients involvement in care, or smoothing out pathways across different services. It was done with precisely the same approach that we are seeing today in machine learning: because it was a success for marketing, it would be a success in medicine: the electronic health records that were mostly designed under the current practice of data collection, that was justified by billing.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:54:38.153Z,2020-12-05T02:54:38.153Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8016 27344,v1.0,,"Justifying Machine Learning We may be pushing AI onto the markets, because we are in a rush for “supremacy” on the market. We did it before. For example, after the diffusion of web marketing systems, medicine, received a lot of investments to dematerialize medical data and make them available on the web. The idea was that this would improve metrics of success, whether this was patients involvement in care, or smoothing out pathways across different services. It was done with precisely the same approach that we are seeing today in machine learning: because it was a success for marketing, it would be a success in medicine: the electronic health records that were mostly designed under the current practice of data collection, that was justified by billing.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:54:38.061Z,2020-12-05T02:54:38.061Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27343,v1.0,,"Justifying Machine Learning We may be pushing AI onto the markets, because we are in a rush for “supremacy” on the market. We did it before. For example, after the diffusion of web marketing systems, medicine, received a lot of investments to dematerialize medical data and make them available on the web. The idea was that this would improve metrics of success, whether this was patients involvement in care, or smoothing out pathways across different services. It was done with precisely the same approach that we are seeing today in machine learning: because it was a success for marketing, it would be a success in medicine: the electronic health records that were mostly designed under the current practice of data collection, that was justified by billing.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:54:38.061Z,2020-12-05T02:54:38.061Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7472 27342,v1.0,,"For example, after the diffusion of web marketing systems, medicine, received a lot of investments to dematerialize medical data and make them available on the web. The idea was that this would improve metrics of success, whether this was patients involvement in care, or smoothing out pathways across different services. It was done with precisely the same approach that we are seeing today in machine learning: because it was a success for marketing, it would be a success in medicine: the electronic health records that were mostly designed under the current practice of data collection, that was justified by billing.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:53:53.616Z,2020-12-05T02:53:53.616Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7949 27341,v1.0,,"most of the discourse around human control over artificial intelligence is focused today on explainability, or reproducibility of the decisions (a historical inheritance of the old days claim that artificial neural networks were too much of a black box). One of the requirements for a new decision to be accepted among us humans is that it has to be convincing in the arguments and assumptions. So, if you have something which predicts the next value of your dice every time you throw it, but you cannot explain how it works, you think it's a trick, right? Exactly like with David Copperfield. You want to understand where information is leaked for the prediction to be faked, if the prediction itself cannot be explained. This is to say explainability is extremely important - some co-workers and I work on the problem of the explainability and interpretability of autonomous systems decisions, as well... but it's not enough, it's just half (or maybe I am too optimistic, and it is less) of the work we need... rethinking how we question the world with this new tools is as important, at least.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:51:29.494Z,2020-12-05T02:51:29.494Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7963 27340,v1.0,,"most of the discourse around human control over artificial intelligence is focused today on explainability, or reproducibility of the decisions (a historical inheritance of the old days claim that artificial neural networks were too much of a black box). One of the requirements for a new decision to be accepted among us humans is that it has to be convincing in the arguments and assumptions. So, if you have something which predicts the next value of your dice every time you throw it, but you cannot explain how it works, you think it's a trick, right? Exactly like with David Copperfield. You want to understand where information is leaked for the prediction to be faked, if the prediction itself cannot be explained. This is to say explainability is extremely important - some co-workers and I work on the problem of the explainability and interpretability of autonomous systems decisions, as well... but it's not enough, it's just half (or maybe I am too optimistic, and it is less) of the work we need... rethinking how we question the world with this new tools is as important, at least.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:51:29.465Z,2020-12-05T02:51:29.465Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7970 27339,v1.0,,"most of the discourse around human control over artificial intelligence is focused today on explainability, or reproducibility of the decisions (a historical inheritance of the old days claim that artificial neural networks were too much of a black box). One of the requirements for a new decision to be accepted among us humans is that it has to be convincing in the arguments and assumptions. So, if you have something which predicts the next value of your dice every time you throw it, but you cannot explain how it works, you think it's a trick, right? Exactly like with David Copperfield. You want to understand where information is leaked for the prediction to be faked, if the prediction itself cannot be explained. This is to say explainability is extremely important - some co-workers and I work on the problem of the explainability and interpretability of autonomous systems decisions, as well... but it's not enough, it's just half (or maybe I am too optimistic, and it is less) of the work we need... rethinking how we question the world with this new tools is as important, at least.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:51:29.441Z,2020-12-05T02:51:29.441Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27338,v1.0,,"most of the discourse around human control over artificial intelligence is focused today on explainability, or reproducibility of the decisions (a historical inheritance of the old days claim that artificial neural networks were too much of a black box). One of the requirements for a new decision to be accepted among us humans is that it has to be convincing in the arguments and assumptions. So, if you have something which predicts the next value of your dice every time you throw it, but you cannot explain how it works, you think it's a trick, right? Exactly like with David Copperfield. You want to understand where information is leaked for the prediction to be faked, if the prediction itself cannot be explained. This is to say explainability is extremely important - some co-workers and I work on the problem of the explainability and interpretability of autonomous systems decisions, as well... but it's not enough, it's just half (or maybe I am too optimistic, and it is less) of the work we need... rethinking how we question the world with this new tools is as important, at least.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:51:29.428Z,2020-12-05T02:51:29.428Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5028 27337,v1.0,,"most of the discourse around human control over artificial intelligence is focused today on explainability, or reproducibility of the decisions (a historical inheritance of the old days claim that artificial neural networks were too much of a black box). One of the requirements for a new decision to be accepted among us humans is that it has to be convincing in the arguments and assumptions. So, if you have something which predicts the next value of your dice every time you throw it, but you cannot explain how it works, you think it's a trick, right? Exactly like with David Copperfield. You want to understand where information is leaked for the prediction to be faked, if the prediction itself cannot be explained. This is to say explainability is extremely important - some co-workers and I work on the problem of the explainability and interpretability of autonomous systems decisions, as well... but it's not enough, it's just half (or maybe I am too optimistic, and it is less) of the work we need... rethinking how we question the world with this new tools is as important, at least.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:51:29.421Z,2020-12-05T02:51:29.421Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7762 27336,v1.0,,"I guess what I am pointing to is that we should work out what questions does AI enable us to ask that we could not ask before? What constructive questions? And what questions need to be avoided or to be reformulated? Rather than just answering questions we already have, faster and dumber.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:49:47.837Z,2020-12-05T02:49:47.837Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4850 27335,v1.0,,"I guess what I am pointing to is that we should work out what questions does AI enable us to ask that we could not ask before? What constructive questions? And what questions need to be avoided or to be reformulated? Rather than just answering questions we already have, faster and dumber.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:49:47.606Z,2020-12-05T02:49:47.606Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7472 27334,v1.0,,"I guess what I am pointing to is that we should work out what questions does AI enable us to ask that we could not ask before? What constructive questions? And what questions need to be avoided or to be reformulated? Rather than just answering questions we already have, faster and dumber.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:49:47.604Z,2020-12-05T02:49:47.604Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27333,v1.0,,"I guess what I am pointing to is that we should work out what questions does AI enable us to ask that we could not ask before? What constructive questions? And what questions need to be avoided or to be reformulated? Rather than just answering questions we already have, faster and dumber.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:49:47.597Z,2020-12-05T02:49:47.597Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5295 27332,v1.0,,"The AI revolution at the moment is justified by the idea that we are having machines, doing tasks with less effort, at scale... but we are still in a phase in which we ""humanise"" them, and don't really work well with them.This is not going to be easy. We don't fully understand human reasoning either.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:48:32.565Z,2020-12-05T02:48:32.565Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7591 27331,v1.0,,"The AI revolution at the moment is justified by the idea that we are having machines, doing tasks with less effort, at scale... but we are still in a phase in which we ""humanise"" them, and don't really work well with them.This is not going to be easy. We don't fully understand human reasoning either.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:48:32.564Z,2020-12-05T02:48:32.564Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8014 27329,v1.0,,"The AI revolution at the moment is justified by the idea that we are having machines, doing tasks with less effort, at scale... but we are still in a phase in which we ""humanise"" them, and don't really work well with them.This is not going to be easy. We don't fully understand human reasoning either.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:48:32.549Z,2020-12-05T02:48:32.549Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7472 27328,v1.0,,"The crucial point when ML/AI gets in the picture is the scale. If I am the only judge and I'm working on my own locally, the tools I have to judge are limited, and bias creeps in my practice as I attempt to exploit heuristics to deal with the burden of my task. Luckily, the bias in my heuristic is local, can be made sense of and appear in audits, ...I can ultimately be trained off of some (and maybe into others... nobody is perfect). But, if I'm deploying the largest system, extremely fast and effective in browsing data, historical information, logistic information, and more: why am I still asking questions as if I were a single person with limited access to information, imagining the system will magically produce the best reply in a context in which I am even avoiding the challenge of aligning my goals with those announced in our Constitutions?",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:47:32.609Z,2020-12-05T02:47:32.609Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1104 27327,v1.0,,"The crucial point when ML/AI gets in the picture is the scale. If I am the only judge and I'm working on my own locally, the tools I have to judge are limited, and bias creeps in my practice as I attempt to exploit heuristics to deal with the burden of my task. Luckily, the bias in my heuristic is local, can be made sense of and appear in audits, ...I can ultimately be trained off of some (and maybe into others... nobody is perfect). But, if I'm deploying the largest system, extremely fast and effective in browsing data, historical information, logistic information, and more: why am I still asking questions as if I were a single person with limited access to information, imagining the system will magically produce the best reply in a context in which I am even avoiding the challenge of aligning my goals with those announced in our Constitutions?",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:47:32.600Z,2020-12-05T02:47:32.600Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7785 27326,v1.0,,"The crucial point when ML/AI gets in the picture is the scale. If I am the only judge and I'm working on my own locally, the tools I have to judge are limited, and bias creeps in my practice as I attempt to exploit heuristics to deal with the burden of my task. Luckily, the bias in my heuristic is local, can be made sense of and appear in audits, ...I can ultimately be trained off of some (and maybe into others... nobody is perfect). But, if I'm deploying the largest system, extremely fast and effective in browsing data, historical information, logistic information, and more: why am I still asking questions as if I were a single person with limited access to information, imagining the system will magically produce the best reply in a context in which I am even avoiding the challenge of aligning my goals with those announced in our Constitutions?",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:47:32.584Z,2020-12-05T02:47:32.584Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5295 27325,v1.0,,"If I am the only judge and I'm working on my own locally, the tools I have to judge are limited, and bias creeps in my practice as I attempt to exploit heuristics to deal with the burden of my task. Luckily, the bias in my heuristic is local, can be made sense of and appear in audits, ...I can ultimately be trained off of some (and maybe into others... nobody is perfect).",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:46:53.886Z,2020-12-05T02:46:53.886Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7957 27324,v1.0,,"If I am the only judge and I'm working on my own locally, the tools I have to judge are limited, and bias creeps in my practice as I attempt to exploit heuristics to deal with the burden of my task. Luckily, the bias in my heuristic is local, can be made sense of and appear in audits, ...I can ultimately be trained off of some (and maybe into others... nobody is perfect).",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:46:53.886Z,2020-12-05T02:46:53.886Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4608 27323,v1.0,,"If I am the only judge and I'm working on my own locally, the tools I have to judge are limited, and bias creeps in my practice as I attempt to exploit heuristics to deal with the burden of my task. Luckily, the bias in my heuristic is local, can be made sense of and appear in audits, ...I can ultimately be trained off of some (and maybe into others... nobody is perfect).",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:46:53.885Z,2020-12-05T02:46:53.885Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,3763 27322,v1.0,,"we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:45:40.101Z,2020-12-05T02:45:40.101Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8014 27321,v1.0,,"we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:45:16.738Z,2020-12-05T02:45:16.738Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,5295 27319,v1.0,,"But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:43:18.184Z,2020-12-05T02:43:18.184Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7951 27318,v1.0,,"But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:43:18.184Z,2020-12-05T02:43:18.184Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7956 27317,v1.0,,"For example, I find someone burgling in an apartment, and I have to judge — let's imagine I'm a judge — whether this person will re-offend. To me this becomes a very clear problem. Let's imagine a scenario where we all tend to feel strongly there is a need for intervention: a man who is stalking his ex-wife. Of course, we want to prevent him from reoffending. Right? That's without a doubt. Now, as a human, I ask myself: “is he likely to reoffend. How can I prevent it?” ...there might be ideas about temporary restrictions, coupled with therapy and education, and establishing a redline for a certain time window when re-offense might be most likely.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:42:25.442Z,2020-12-05T02:42:25.442Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7968 27316,v1.0,,"But when I ask the same question to a machine, this could be shortcut to simply meaning ""how often does re-offense by this category of person get pursuit?"" and recommend me not the best strategy to prevent re-offense and support all the parties move over, it will simply remind me we have to be harder with marginalised individuals with complicated mental-health conditions, and we can be lenient with those individuals who are well off enough to obtain a good legal assistance...",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:42:09.208Z,2020-12-05T02:42:09.208Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7970 27315,v1.0,,"The problem is not whether you could use the data set. Could you curate the data set to make it unbiased? At face value, you could obfuscate the sensitive variables, and claim the dataset has not bias. But virtual variables can be inferred, even if they are not in a database, just like an exercise of missing values imputation. The big F is known to be able to infer data by crossing information between an external ID and the data of her/his contact on the platform... Thus, not... the problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them and ML/AI: we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:41:22.321Z,2020-12-05T02:41:22.321Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1104 27314,v1.0,,"The problem is not whether you could use the data set. Could you curate the data set to make it unbiased? At face value, you could obfuscate the sensitive variables, and claim the dataset has not bias. But virtual variables can be inferred, even if they are not in a database, just like an exercise of missing values imputation. The big F is known to be able to infer data by crossing information between an external ID and the data of her/his contact on the platform... Thus, not... the problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them and ML/AI: we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:41:22.306Z,2020-12-05T02:41:22.306Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,6222 27313,v1.0,,"the problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them and ML/AI: we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:41:00.326Z,2020-12-05T02:41:00.326Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7955 27312,v1.0,,"the problem does not lie within the data exclusively, it lies with our intended purpose for them and ML/AI: we're just asking questions that we take at face value as if we were proposing them to a sentient entity that would of course interpret them contextually, and we are forgetting that instead when talking to a machine we should questioning the questions we ask, ourselves, for it. The true bias is that we are using extremely effective cheating systems to multiply what we’re already doing. Instead of asking ourselves how we’re able to improve certain situations. That's the direction where we really want to go, I believe.",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:41:00.323Z,2020-12-05T02:41:00.323Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7434 27311,v1.0,,"At face value, you could obfuscate the sensitive variables, and claim the dataset has not bias. But virtual variables can be inferred, even if they are not in a database, just like an exercise of missing values imputation. The big F is known to be able to infer data by crossing information between an external ID and the data of her/his contact on the platform...",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:39:50.252Z,2020-12-05T02:39:50.252Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7957 27310,v1.0,,"The data is biased because the system is, the AI simply learnt to give you the most rewarding reply, without care for the amplification of bias (because that was never part of the game for it). And what do we, humans, learn from biased data? That it should not be used for classification, that we should use it to focus on pitfalls we want to challenge. So the issue boils down to the following: should we ask ML/AI to guess from the data under which category does a fellow human fall, in striving for efficiency, as to exclude her/him from a certain benefit? Or should we rather try to force the machine to assist us in finding effective (not efficient) ways to include them?",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:38:45.798Z,2020-12-05T02:38:45.798Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4875 27309,v1.0,,"The data is biased because the system is, the AI simply learnt to give you the most rewarding reply, without care for the amplification of bias (because that was never part of the game for it). And what do we, humans, learn from biased data? That it should not be used for classification, that we should use it to focus on pitfalls we want to challenge. So the issue boils down to the following: should we ask ML/AI to guess from the data under which category does a fellow human fall, in striving for efficiency, as to exclude her/him from a certain benefit? Or should we rather try to force the machine to assist us in finding effective (not efficient) ways to include them?",/post/61024,2020-12-05T02:38:45.754Z,2020-12-05T02:38:45.754Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,6222 27308,v1.0,,"When you train any machine learning system on a data set, you normally think that you are assigning a task to the machine. In truth this is always slightly different in the sense that the task is encoded in such a way that you award the machine ""gains"" for solving the puzzle through the data that you're giving it. And the machine is actually only trying to get those gains, it is not making any sense of the task. This means that any loopholes in your design will be exploited very efficiently by the machine! When this happens in a gaming context, the researchers react enthusiastically by claiming the machine ""thought outside of the box"", or ""learnt to cheat""..",/post/61024,2020-12-04T22:06:01.444Z,2020-12-04T22:06:01.444Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,1104 27307,v1.0,,"So the issue boils down to the following: should we ask ML/AI to guess from the data under which category does a fellow human fall, in striving for efficiency, as to exclude her/him from a certain benefit? Or should we rather try to force the machine to assist us in finding effective (not efficient) ways to include them?",/post/61024,2020-12-04T22:05:45.105Z,2020-12-04T22:05:45.105Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,4850 27306,v1.0,,"When you train any machine learning system on a data set, you normally think that you are assigning a task to the machine. In truth this is always slightly different in the sense that the task is encoded in such a way that you award the machine ""gains"" for solving the puzzle through the data that you're giving it. And the machine is actually only trying to get those gains, it is not making any sense of the task. This means that any loopholes in your design will be exploited very efficiently by the machine! When this happens in a gaming context, the researchers react enthusiastically by claiming the machine ""thought outside of the box"", or ""learnt to cheat""..",/post/61024,2020-12-04T22:05:11.829Z,2020-12-04T22:05:11.829Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,8014 27305,v1.0,,"When you train any machine learning system on a data set, you normally think that you are assigning a task to the machine. In truth this is always slightly different in the sense that the task is encoded in such a way that you award the machine ""gains"" for solving the puzzle through the data that you're giving it. And the machine is actually only trying to get those gains, it is not making any sense of the task. This means that any loopholes in your design will be exploited very efficiently by the machine!",/post/61024,2020-12-04T22:04:17.467Z,2020-12-04T22:04:17.467Z,61024,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11075,854,7970 27304,v1.0,,"I've found that quite interesting. Slowly, a push is coalescing around the notion that we should demand our service providers and companies to go green so at least they're not net negative contributors in this space.",/post/53357,2020-12-02T15:28:50.863Z,2020-12-14T17:09:08.535Z,53357,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,5092,7984 27303,v1.0,,"I've found that quite interesting. Slowly, a push is coalescing around the notion that we should demand our service providers and companies to go green so at least they're not net negative contributors in this space.",/post/53357,2020-12-02T15:28:50.773Z,2020-12-02T15:28:50.773Z,53357,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,5092,7933 27302,v1.0,,"I've found that quite interesting. Slowly, a push is coalescing around the notion that we should demand our service providers and companies to go green so at least they're not net negative contributors in this space.",/post/53357,2020-12-02T15:28:50.278Z,2020-12-02T15:28:50.278Z,53357,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,5092,3980 27300,v1.0,,"Chris Adams, currently a fellow at Prototype Fund at the Greenweb Foundation, has been doing a lot of work around energy consumption of web services and especially around mapping which providers in that space use renewable energies:",/post/53357,2020-12-02T15:28:07.393Z,2020-12-02T15:28:07.393Z,53357,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,5092,3725 27299,v1.0,,Here you can see they actually spent billions to develop and install the technology and they spent 0 Euros to actually study the effects on health...thats insane.,/post/53252,2020-12-02T15:26:28.278Z,2020-12-02T15:26:28.278Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3702 27298,v1.0,,Here you can see they actually spent billions to develop and install the technology and they spent 0 Euros to actually study the effects on health...thats insane.,/post/53252,2020-12-02T15:26:01.496Z,2020-12-02T15:26:01.496Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,4874 27297,v1.0,,"Here you can see they actually spent billions to develop and install the technology and they spent 0 Euros to actually study the effects on health...thats insane. When I manufacture a product in China and import to EU everything is checked for safety/health concerns, even type of plastic/paint etc and nobody is checking this...unbeliavable.",/post/53252,2020-12-02T15:24:52.261Z,2020-12-02T15:24:52.261Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,6073 27296,v1.0,,"And I can just say what I hear from a person working on 5G implementation in Germany. If it's so bad for them to just go on the tower and work up there for a short period of time, I cannot see how it will be fine for health to have it on 24/7. And yes, apparently they need to have towers every 60-100 meters.",/post/53252,2020-12-02T15:24:18.660Z,2020-12-02T15:24:18.660Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,7790 27295,v1.0,,"And I can just say what I hear from a person working on 5G implementation in Germany. If it's so bad for them to just go on the tower and work up there for a short period of time, I cannot see how it will be fine for health to have it on 24/7. And yes, apparently they need to have towers every 60-100 meters.",/post/53252,2020-12-02T15:23:52.195Z,2020-12-02T15:23:52.195Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3535 27294,v1.0,,"And I can just say what I hear from a person working on 5G implementation in Germany. If it's so bad for them to just go on the tower and work up there for a short period of time, I cannot see how it will be fine for health to have it on 24/7. And yes, apparently they need to have towers every 60-100 meters.",/post/53252,2020-12-02T15:23:49.767Z,2020-12-02T15:23:49.767Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3711 27293,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-12-02T15:22:54.107Z,2020-12-02T15:22:54.107Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3535 27292,v1.0,,"Absolutely, let's address the impact on health. 5G requires a big buildout in towers, especially with such dense demand augmented with all that IoT action. We're swimming in radio waves. How much is too much? I know that there are a lot of alarmists out there on this subject, but I also know that there were several years when I wore my cell phone in my front jeans pocket and after some time I could feel that phone-sized rectangle in my leg even when the phone wasn't there. And we know that it isn't safe to live under high voltage electric lines. What about 5G?",/post/53215,2020-12-02T15:22:36.771Z,2020-12-02T15:22:36.771Z,53215,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7 27291,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-12-02T15:22:21.969Z,2020-12-02T15:22:21.969Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,7790 27290,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-12-02T15:22:21.922Z,2020-12-02T15:22:21.922Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,4781 27289,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-12-02T15:22:21.866Z,2020-12-02T15:22:21.866Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,7657 27288,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-12-02T15:22:21.836Z,2020-12-02T15:22:21.836Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,8012 27287,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-12-02T15:22:21.750Z,2020-12-02T15:22:21.750Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,1391 27286,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-12-02T15:22:21.047Z,2020-12-02T15:22:21.047Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3727 27285,v1.0,,"So, yes we want a human-centered internet that respects and empowers us, but what if it is a net contributor to this die-off and climate change in general?",/post/53158,2020-12-02T15:19:27.878Z,2020-12-02T15:19:27.878Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,4349 27284,v1.0,,5G is clearly inevitable. What is going to stop it or even slow it down? Does the EU have a plan for that? 5G requires large increases in physical infrastructure.,/post/53158,2020-12-02T15:18:17.716Z,2020-12-02T15:18:17.716Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7790 27283,v1.0,,5G is clearly inevitable. What is going to stop it or even slow it down? Does the EU have a plan for that? 5G requires large increases in physical infrastructure.,/post/53158,2020-12-02T15:18:17.630Z,2020-12-02T15:18:17.630Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,1321 27282,v1.0,,5G is clearly inevitable. What is going to stop it or even slow it down? Does the EU have a plan for that? 5G requires large increases in physical infrastructure.,/post/53158,2020-12-02T15:18:16.916Z,2020-12-02T15:18:16.916Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,4019 27281,v1.0,,5G is clearly inevitable. What is going to stop it or even slow it down? Does the EU have a plan for that? 5G requires large increases in physical infrastructure.,/post/53158,2020-12-02T15:17:03.135Z,2020-12-02T15:17:03.135Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,8012 27280,v1.0,,"Looking ahead, How are 5G, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, zero lag time for videos and all the other inevitable developments going to help?",/post/53157,2020-12-02T15:16:19.271Z,2020-12-02T15:16:19.271Z,53157,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,6114 27279,v1.0,,"Looking ahead, How are 5G, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, zero lag time for videos and all the other inevitable developments going to help?",/post/53157,2020-12-02T15:16:19.199Z,2020-12-02T15:16:19.199Z,53157,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7 27278,v1.0,,"Looking ahead, How are 5G, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, zero lag time for videos and all the other inevitable developments going to help?",/post/53157,2020-12-02T15:16:18.672Z,2020-12-02T15:16:18.672Z,53157,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3598 27277,v1.0,,"Looking ahead, How are 5G, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, zero lag time for videos and all the other inevitable developments going to help?",/post/53157,2020-12-02T15:16:17.829Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.866Z,53157,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,1028 27276,v1.0,,"Looking ahead, How are 5G, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, zero lag time for videos and all the other inevitable developments going to help?",/post/53157,2020-12-02T15:14:17.373Z,2020-12-02T15:14:17.373Z,53157,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,978 27275,v1.0,,"I can give you an example from a German-English database called Linguee, which is an online translation tool. It is based on websites that appear in English and in German. It simply uses a web crawler that looks for English and German websites",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:47:33.638Z,2020-12-02T14:47:33.638Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8011 27274,v1.0,,"I can give you an example from a German-English database called Linguee, which is an online translation tool. It is based on websites that appear in English and in German. It simply uses a web crawler that looks for English and German websites",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:47:33.547Z,2020-12-02T14:47:33.547Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8010 27273,v1.0,,"I can give you an example from a German-English database called Linguee, which is an online translation tool. It is based on websites that appear in English and in German. It simply uses a web crawler that looks for English and German websites",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:47:33.500Z,2020-12-02T14:47:33.500Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8002 27272,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them. This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:42:06.541Z,2020-12-14T17:28:01.536Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,1104 27268,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:41:10.813Z,2020-12-14T17:25:42.785Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27267,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:34:55.135Z,2020-12-02T14:34:55.135Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4875 27266,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:34:55.124Z,2020-12-02T14:34:55.124Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7660 27265,v1.0,,"This implies that Alexa is working with a conception of ‘correct’ speech that is based on the traditional norms and rules that we find in standardised written languages, and which insufficiently captures the breadth of different forms of speaking: accents, slang, etc. It also has been reported that – this doesn't appear in my data, but I have read in other studies – Alexa reacts better to male voices and that the frequencies with which it is programmed expect a male voice.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:34:54.871Z,2020-12-02T14:34:54.871Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,6222 27264,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:31:36.222Z,2020-12-02T14:31:36.222Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7626 27263,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:31:36.185Z,2020-12-02T14:31:36.185Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4691 27262,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:31:36.184Z,2020-12-02T14:31:36.184Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8006 27261,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:31:36.149Z,2020-12-02T14:31:36.149Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27260,v1.0,,"Users report to adapting their speech when they communicate with Alexa, even on a very fine-grained level, so that Alexa will understand them.",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:31:35.984Z,2020-12-02T14:31:35.984Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4019 27259,v1.0,,"So, that's a really fascinating aspect too; how people adapt to the pragmatic requirements of the devices: which kinds of interactions is the machine able to handle?",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:29:06.870Z,2020-12-02T14:29:06.870Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7970 27258,v1.0,,"So, that's a really fascinating aspect too; how people adapt to the pragmatic requirements of the devices: which kinds of interactions is the machine able to handle?",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:29:06.858Z,2020-12-02T14:29:06.858Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7660 27257,v1.0,,"So, that's a really fascinating aspect too; how people adapt to the pragmatic requirements of the devices: which kinds of interactions is the machine able to handle?",/post/74497,2020-12-02T14:29:06.817Z,2020-12-02T14:29:06.817Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7626 27256,v1.0,,"I thought it would be interesting to start by interviewing people who use Alexa or Siri and other voice-controlled digital assistants to understand how people interact with machines via their voices, and whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions;",/post/74497,2020-12-01T18:06:28.760Z,2020-12-01T18:06:28.760Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8007 27255,v1.0,,"I thought it would be interesting to start by interviewing people who use Alexa or Siri and other voice-controlled digital assistants to understand how people interact with machines via their voices, and whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions;",/post/74497,2020-12-01T18:06:28.736Z,2020-12-01T18:06:28.736Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8006 27254,v1.0,,"I thought it would be interesting to start by interviewing people who use Alexa or Siri and other voice-controlled digital assistants to understand how people interact with machines via their voices, and whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions;",/post/74497,2020-12-01T18:06:28.696Z,2020-12-01T18:06:28.696Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4691 27253,v1.0,,"I thought it would be interesting to start by interviewing people who use Alexa or Siri and other voice-controlled digital assistants to understand how people interact with machines via their voices, and whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions;",/post/74497,2020-12-01T18:06:28.674Z,2020-12-01T18:06:28.674Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7626 27252,v1.0,,"I thought it would be interesting to start by interviewing people who use Alexa or Siri and other voice-controlled digital assistants to understand how people interact with machines via their voices, and whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions;",/post/74497,2020-12-01T18:06:28.673Z,2020-12-01T18:06:28.673Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,4841 27251,v1.0,,"I thought it would be interesting to start by interviewing people who use Alexa or Siri and other voice-controlled digital assistants to understand how people interact with machines via their voices, and whether they believe they have to standardise their own speech in these interactions;",/post/74497,2020-12-01T18:06:28.393Z,2020-12-01T18:06:28.393Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8005 27247,v1.0,,"So, it's interesting that a machine-learning powered translation tool would default to the formal",/post/76159,2020-12-01T18:01:32.688Z,2020-12-01T18:01:32.688Z,76159,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,1104 27246,v1.0,,"So, it's interesting that a machine-learning powered translation tool would default to the formal",/post/76159,2020-12-01T18:01:32.602Z,2020-12-01T18:01:32.602Z,76159,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8002 27245,v1.0,,"I noticed that when you use DeepL translator to translate English texts to German, it defaults to translating the second person singular pronoun, ""you"", to the formal ""Sie"" in German.",/post/76159,2020-12-01T17:58:47.174Z,2020-12-01T17:58:47.174Z,76159,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,8001 27239,v1.0,,The network is funded by the European Council.,/post/74497,2020-12-01T17:53:02.869Z,2020-12-01T17:53:02.869Z,74497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13245,5059,7999 27236,v1.0,,There is no such thing as a ‘purely technological issue’—technological choices are to some degree always political and ethical choices.,/post/75832,2020-11-29T08:00:46.133Z,2020-11-29T08:00:46.133Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7990 27235,v1.0,,Not everybody in the tech industry has to get a PhD in philosophy—but practitioners need to start seeing themselves as people who are already unavoidably making decisions of ethical and political significance. There is no such thing as a ‘purely technological issue’—technological choices are to some degree always political and ethical choices.,/post/75832,2020-11-29T08:00:25.063Z,2020-11-29T08:00:25.063Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7997 27234,v1.0,,"Not everybody in the tech industry has to get a PhD in philosophy—but practitioners need to start seeing themselves as people who are already unavoidably making decisions of ethical and political significance. There is no such thing as a ‘purely technological issue’—technological choices are to some degree always political and ethical choices. Also, I think it’s important for practitioners to bear in mind that ethical reflection is never a process that is done unilaterally, and it’s never a process that is done, so to speak. We shouldn't approach AI ethics as something like a checklist. We should not think of ethics as a final ‘quality control’ check that we simply run once after we've developed a particular technology. We should have ethical goals in mind before we deploy, but we should also be very open to changing those ethical goals once we do deploy and once we see what effects that technology has in the world. Recall the problem of model-world interactions that I mentioned before: because of it, we might simply not foresee certain problems, we might not be able to accurately forecast the magnitude of problems, we might not be able to predict how different technological systems interact with each other, and we may not be able to accurately predict how humans change their behaviour once they know they are subject to algorithmic assessments. All of these problems require that we keep our ethical critique going, rather than approaching it as a static, one-time process. Edit Delete No Commentdiscrimination → racism Edit Delete No Commentdifferential impact Edit Delete No Commentsurveillance Edit Delete No Commentfacial recognition ethics nuancing the debate reframing priorities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:59:24.676Z,2020-11-29T07:59:24.676Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4874 27233,v1.0,,"Not everybody in the tech industry has to get a PhD in philosophy—but practitioners need to start seeing themselves as people who are already unavoidably making decisions of ethical and political significance. There is no such thing as a ‘purely technological issue’—technological choices are to some degree always political and ethical choices. Also, I think it’s important for practitioners to bear in mind that ethical reflection is never a process that is done unilaterally, and it’s never a process that is done, so to speak. We shouldn't approach AI ethics as something like a checklist. We should not think of ethics as a final ‘quality control’ check that we simply run once after we've developed a particular technology. We should have ethical goals in mind before we deploy, but we should also be very open to changing those ethical goals once we do deploy and once we see what effects that technology has in the world. Recall the problem of model-world interactions that I mentioned before: because of it, we might simply not foresee certain problems, we might not be able to accurately forecast the magnitude of problems, we might not be able to predict how different technological systems interact with each other, and we may not be able to accurately predict how humans change their behaviour once they know they are subject to algorithmic assessments. All of these problems require that we keep our ethical critique going, rather than approaching it as a static, one-time process. Edit Delete No Commentdiscrimination → racism Edit Delete No Commentdifferential impact Edit Delete No Commentsurveillance Edit Delete No Commentfacial recognition ethics nuancing the debate reframing priorities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:59:24.674Z,2020-11-29T07:59:24.674Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4282 27232,v1.0,,"Not everybody in the tech industry has to get a PhD in philosophy—but practitioners need to start seeing themselves as people who are already unavoidably making decisions of ethical and political significance. There is no such thing as a ‘purely technological issue’—technological choices are to some degree always political and ethical choices. Also, I think it’s important for practitioners to bear in mind that ethical reflection is never a process that is done unilaterally, and it’s never a process that is done, so to speak. We shouldn't approach AI ethics as something like a checklist. We should not think of ethics as a final ‘quality control’ check that we simply run once after we've developed a particular technology. We should have ethical goals in mind before we deploy, but we should also be very open to changing those ethical goals once we do deploy and once we see what effects that technology has in the world. Recall the problem of model-world interactions that I mentioned before: because of it, we might simply not foresee certain problems, we might not be able to accurately forecast the magnitude of problems, we might not be able to predict how different technological systems interact with each other, and we may not be able to accurately predict how humans change their behaviour once they know they are subject to algorithmic assessments. All of these problems require that we keep our ethical critique going, rather than approaching it as a static, one-time process. Edit Delete No Commentdiscrimination → racism Edit Delete No Commentdifferential impact Edit Delete No Commentsurveillance Edit Delete No Commentfacial recognition ethics nuancing the debate reframing priorities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:59:24.666Z,2020-11-29T07:59:24.666Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7313 27231,v1.0,,"e should have ethical goals in mind before we deploy, but we should also be very open to changing those ethical goals once we do deploy and once we see what effects that technology has in the world. Recall the problem of model-world interactions that I mentioned before: because of it, we might simply not foresee certain problems, we might not be able to accurately forecast the magnitude of problems, we might not be able to predict how different technological systems interact with each other, and we may not be able to accurately predict how humans change their behaviour once they know they are subject to algorithmic assessments. All of these problems require that we keep our ethical critique going, rather than approaching it as a static, one-time process.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:59:07.649Z,2020-11-29T07:59:07.649Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7991 27230,v1.0,,"I think that one good example of the so-called non-deployment argument – the argument that we just shouldn't deploy particular types of AI systems in particular domains to solve particular problems, no matter how much we can optimise AI in that domain – is the current debate about facial recognition technology, which is used in law enforcement, for instance.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:58:18.196Z,2020-11-29T07:58:18.196Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7434 27229,v1.0,,"I think that one good example of the so-called non-deployment argument – the argument that we just shouldn't deploy particular types of AI systems in particular domains to solve particular problems, no matter how much we can optimise AI in that domain – is the current debate about facial recognition technology, which is used in law enforcement, for instance.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:58:18.195Z,2020-11-29T07:58:18.195Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7472 27228,v1.0,,"I think that one good example of the so-called non-deployment argument – the argument that we just shouldn't deploy particular types of AI systems in particular domains to solve particular problems, no matter how much we can optimise AI in that domain – is the current debate about facial recognition technology, which is used in law enforcement, for instance. What many people do not know is that fifty percent of American adults are currently in a facial recognition database that law enforcement has access to. These databases don't only include mugshots, they also include images from drivers’ licenses. So, a huge part of the population is already assessable by facial recognition systems, here and now. In several American cities, including San Francisco, activists argued that they did not want their cities to deploy these tools, and subsequently, these cities decided to ban them. One primary concern was not only the fact that so many people are represented in those databases without having clear recourse mechanisms, so that there isn't a clear due process path for people who get assessed inaccurately by those facial recognition tools. A potential for mass surveillance obviously affects all citizens, but there is also a more specific, injustice-based concern that these kinds of tools have been empirically shown to be less accurate for people of colour. If you are already disadvantaged in society by structures of racial injustice, then the use of facial recognition tools will oppress you further.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:57:48.663Z,2020-11-29T07:57:48.663Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4412 27227,v1.0,,"A potential for mass surveillance obviously affects all citizens, but there is also a more specific, injustice-based concern that these kinds of tools have been empirically shown to be less accurate for people of colour. If you are already disadvantaged in society by structures of racial injustice, then the use of facial recognition tools will oppress you further.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:57:26.792Z,2020-11-29T07:57:26.792Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7954 27226,v1.0,,"A potential for mass surveillance obviously affects all citizens, but there is also a more specific, injustice-based concern that these kinds of tools have been empirically shown to be less accurate for people of colour. If you are already disadvantaged in society by structures of racial injustice, then the use of facial recognition tools will oppress you further.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:57:26.789Z,2020-11-29T07:57:26.789Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,1925 27225,v1.0,,"A potential for mass surveillance obviously affects all citizens, but there is also a more specific, injustice-based concern that these kinds of tools have been empirically shown to be less accurate for people of colour. If you are already disadvantaged in society by structures of racial injustice, then the use of facial recognition tools will oppress you further.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:57:26.771Z,2020-11-29T07:57:26.771Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,1645 27224,v1.0,,"One primary concern was not only the fact that so many people are represented in those databases without having clear recourse mechanisms, so that there isn't a clear due process path for people who get assessed inaccurately by those facial recognition tools.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:56:38.543Z,2020-11-29T07:56:38.543Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7958 27223,v1.0,,"What many people do not know is that fifty percent of American adults are currently in a facial recognition database that law enforcement has access to. These databases don't only include mugshots, they also include images from drivers’ licenses. So, a huge part of the population is already assessable by facial recognition systems, here and now.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:56:18.199Z,2020-11-29T07:56:18.199Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3814 27222,v1.0,,"Irrespective of that fact, humans often attribute some form of agency to technological systems. This is dangerous: whenever the use of algorithmic decision-making leads to unjust outcomes, we can't exclusively blame the technology. The agents which we have to hold accountable instead are human decision makers—including private corporations who develop technology, and governments who choose to procure and deploy it. And once it becomes well-known that technology leads to unjust outcomes, we also need start thinking of ourselves—regular citizens—as people who are responsible for addressing problems like algorithmic injustice together, in the arena of democratic decision-making. Without that, I think citizens are not truly living up to their collective responsibility of safeguarding, and indeed demanding, equal freedom and justice for all.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:55:41.523Z,2020-11-29T07:55:41.523Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7933 27221,v1.0,,"Irrespective of that fact, humans often attribute some form of agency to technological systems. This is dangerous: whenever the use of algorithmic decision-making leads to unjust outcomes, we can't exclusively blame the technology. The agents which we have to hold accountable instead are human decision makers—including private corporations who develop technology, and governments who choose to procure and deploy it. And once it becomes well-known that technology leads to unjust outcomes, we also need start thinking of ourselves—regular citizens—as people who are responsible for addressing problems like algorithmic injustice together, in the arena of democratic decision-making. Without that, I think citizens are not truly living up to their collective responsibility of safeguarding, and indeed demanding, equal freedom and justice for all.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:55:41.523Z,2020-11-29T07:55:41.523Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7970 27220,v1.0,,"Irrespective of that fact, humans often attribute some form of agency to technological systems. This is dangerous: whenever the use of algorithmic decision-making leads to unjust outcomes, we can't exclusively blame the technology. The agents which we have to hold accountable instead are human decision makers—including private corporations who develop technology, and governments who choose to procure and deploy it. And once it becomes well-known that technology leads to unjust outcomes, we also need start thinking of ourselves—regular citizens—as people who are responsible for addressing problems like algorithmic injustice together, in the arena of democratic decision-making. Without that, I think citizens are not truly living up to their collective responsibility of safeguarding, and indeed demanding, equal freedom and justice for all.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:55:41.508Z,2020-11-29T07:55:41.508Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3763 27219,v1.0,,"I think that one misconception is that a lot of people think of AI as something akin to the highly sophisticated, autonomous artificial agents that we see in dystopian sci-fi movies: those kinds of ‘general’ AI would be able to operate across a whole range of different tasks, and would not be dependent on humans pre-defining decision problems for them. That's not the kind of AI we are dealing with now, or even in the foreseeable future.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:54:13.889Z,2020-11-29T07:54:13.889Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7970 27218,v1.0,,"I think that one misconception is that a lot of people think of AI as something akin to the highly sophisticated, autonomous artificial agents that we see in dystopian sci-fi movies: those kinds of ‘general’ AI would be able to operate across a whole range of different tasks, and would not be dependent on humans pre-defining decision problems for them. That's not the kind of AI we are dealing with now, or even in the foreseeable future.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:54:13.887Z,2020-11-29T07:54:13.887Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4479 27217,v1.0,,"The bottom line is: concepts always have moral and political baggage. If we fail to engage with that problem, we risk developing technology that becomes less and less representative of what the world is really like, in all its complexity. We risk ending up with technology that isn't merely inaccurate, in the sense that it doesn't faithfully represent the real world, but also with technological tools that fail differently for different people.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:53:42.643Z,2020-11-29T07:53:42.643Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7940 27216,v1.0,,"The bottom line is: concepts always have moral and political baggage. If we fail to engage with that problem, we risk developing technology that becomes less and less representative of what the world is really like, in all its complexity. We risk ending up with technology that isn't merely inaccurate, in the sense that it doesn't faithfully represent the real world, but also with technological tools that fail differently for different people.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:53:42.590Z,2020-11-29T07:53:42.590Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7954 27215,v1.0,,"The bottom line is: concepts always have moral and political baggage. If we fail to engage with that problem, we risk developing technology that becomes less and less representative of what the world is really like, in all its complexity. We risk ending up with technology that isn't merely inaccurate, in the sense that it doesn't faithfully represent the real world, but also with technological tools that fail differently for different people.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:53:42.585Z,2020-11-29T07:53:42.585Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7952 27214,v1.0,,"Consider the use of algorithmic decision-making in credit scoring or in hiring. When designing algorithmic tools, for this purpose, we have to come up with a way of measuring who counts as ‘a good employee’ or as ‘creditworthy’. But those are not straightforward, unambiguous, and uncontroversial concepts. There are many ways of cashing them out, and if we do not think hard about what kinds of concepts we should be working with, bad things can happen",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:53:15.936Z,2020-11-29T07:53:15.936Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4733 27213,v1.0,,"Consider the use of algorithmic decision-making in credit scoring or in hiring. When designing algorithmic tools, for this purpose, we have to come up with a way of measuring who counts as ‘a good employee’ or as ‘creditworthy’. But those are not straightforward, unambiguous, and uncontroversial concepts. There are many ways of cashing them out, and if we do not think hard about what kinds of concepts we should be working with, bad things can happen.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:53:06.651Z,2020-11-29T07:53:06.651Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7952 27212,v1.0,,"Amazon, for instance, was in the news recently because they used an algorithmic hiring tool that ended up having a disparate impact that disadvantaged women applicants, because the majority of applicants who had been successful at Amazon so far had been male. Suppose, for example, that an algorithmic hiring tool takes into account the number of years of coding experience for each applicant. Boys tend to be encouraged to start coding earlier in life than girls—but the amount of years of coding experience might be differently predictive for different genders in terms of future success as a ‘good employee’ in the tech industry. So, a female Amazon applicant with five years of coding experience might be just as well-suited as a male applicant with ten years of coding experience, if their current skill set is on par—but if the algorithm ranks ‘years of coding experience’ much more highly than ‘current skill set’, the algorithm will keep favouring male applicants.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:52:40.633Z,2020-11-29T07:52:40.633Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4892 27211,v1.0,,"Amazon, for instance, was in the news recently because they used an algorithmic hiring tool that ended up having a disparate impact that disadvantaged women applicants, because the majority of applicants who had been successful at Amazon so far had been male. Suppose, for example, that an algorithmic hiring tool takes into account the number of years of coding experience for each applicant. Boys tend to be encouraged to start coding earlier in life than girls—but the amount of years of coding experience might be differently predictive for different genders in terms of future success as a ‘good employee’ in the tech industry. So, a female Amazon applicant with five years of coding experience might be just as well-suited as a male applicant with ten years of coding experience, if their current skill set is on par—but if the algorithm ranks ‘years of coding experience’ much more highly than ‘current skill set’, the algorithm will keep favouring male applicants.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:52:40.630Z,2020-11-29T07:52:40.630Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4497 27210,v1.0,,"Amazon, for instance, was in the news recently because they used an algorithmic hiring tool that ended up having a disparate impact that disadvantaged women applicants, because the majority of applicants who had been successful at Amazon so far had been male. Suppose, for example, that an algorithmic hiring tool takes into account the number of years of coding experience for each applicant. Boys tend to be encouraged to start coding earlier in life than girls—but the amount of years of coding experience might be differently predictive for different genders in terms of future success as a ‘good employee’ in the tech industry. So, a female Amazon applicant with five years of coding experience might be just as well-suited as a male applicant with ten years of coding experience, if their current skill set is on par—but if the algorithm ranks ‘years of coding experience’ much more highly than ‘current skill set’, the algorithm will keep favouring male applicants.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:52:40.626Z,2020-11-29T07:52:40.626Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,6136 27209,v1.0,,"Amazon, for instance, was in the news recently because they used an algorithmic hiring tool that ended up having a disparate impact that disadvantaged women applicants, because the majority of applicants who had been successful at Amazon so far had been male. Suppose, for example, that an algorithmic hiring tool takes into account the number of years of coding experience for each applicant. Boys tend to be encouraged to start coding earlier in life than girls—but the amount of years of coding experience might be differently predictive for different genders in terms of future success as a ‘good employee’ in the tech industry. So, a female Amazon applicant with five years of coding experience might be just as well-suited as a male applicant with ten years of coding experience, if their current skill set is on par—but if the algorithm ranks ‘years of coding experience’ much more highly than ‘current skill set’, the algorithm will keep favouring male applicants.",/post/75832,2020-11-29T07:52:40.613Z,2020-11-29T07:52:40.613Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3758 27208,v1.0,,"The scare comes when you assign specific health effects to something when there is no evidence linking them. So, yeah, 5 G is too new for any of that. But it is also being rolled out as a world-wide inevitability - which it is - with no studies and no plans for studies (from industry apparently - why should they, nobody is forcing them to do it) when in fact it is known that cellular frequencies and some high frequencies used in certain ways and in proximity in certain strengths, can have measurable effects. So it is possible and to say otherwise or suggest otherwise is, in my view, irresponsible. But on the other side of it, assigning this or that bad health effect discredits just about anyone who even questions the safety of the technology. Because we have to be able to question it without coming off as an uninformed luddite. .",/post/54475,2020-11-27T10:13:33.101Z,2020-12-14T17:28:41.113Z,54475,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,1467 27207,v1.0,,"We hear about how AI, Internet of Things, robotics, real time remote operations are great and of course inevitable. But it all will run on 5G or something even more dense. It isn't like nuclear radiation - but you still don't want a lot of it going on right next to you.",/post/53256,2020-11-27T10:13:33.099Z,2020-12-14T17:28:41.108Z,53256,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,1467 27206,v1.0,,"If it's so bad for them to just go on the tower and work up there for a short period of time, I cannot see how it will be fine for health to have it on 24/7. And yes, apparently they need to have towers every 60-100 meters.",/post/53252,2020-11-27T10:13:33.097Z,2020-12-14T17:28:41.104Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,1467 27205,v1.0,,"Absolutely, let's address the impact on health. 5G requires a big buildout in towers, especially with such dense demand augmented with all that IoT action. We're swimming in radio waves. How much is too much? I know that there are a lot of alarmists out there on this subject, but I also know that there were several years when I wore my cell phone in my front jeans pocket and after some time I could feel that phone-sized rectangle in my leg even when the phone wasn't there. And we know that it isn't safe to live under high voltage electric lines. What about 5G?",/post/53215,2020-11-27T10:13:33.095Z,2020-12-14T17:28:41.099Z,53215,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,1467 27204,v1.0,,"How come you don't address the impact on health? I am not even looking at all the data available already which is, to put it mildly, very worrying. I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2020-11-27T10:13:33.093Z,2020-12-14T17:28:41.095Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,1467 27203,v1.0,,"Each of us is seeing from zero to one person outside the house. These extra people are informed that their behavior could potentially put all of us at risk. The consensus is that zero risk is impossible to achieve, so we settle for vigilance and risk minimization. minimising risk health risk Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73921,2020-11-27T10:13:33.090Z,2020-12-14T17:28:41.091Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1467 27201,v1.0,,We also need to look deeped into the issue of potential personal data leakage consequences of DRM and ebook lending.,/post/63649,2020-11-26T14:45:08.224Z,2020-11-26T14:46:45.093Z,63649,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,7296 27200,v1.0,,We also need to look deeped into the issue of potential personal data leakage consequences of DRM and ebook lending.,/post/63649,2020-11-26T14:45:08.195Z,2020-11-26T14:45:08.195Z,63649,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,3814 27199,v1.0,,We also need to look deeped into the issue of potential personal data leakage consequences of DRM and ebook lending.,/post/63649,2020-11-26T14:45:08.152Z,2020-11-26T14:45:08.152Z,63649,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,5480 27198,v1.0,,We also need to look deeped into the issue of potential personal data leakage consequences of DRM and ebook lending.,/post/63649,2020-11-26T14:45:07.876Z,2020-11-26T14:45:07.876Z,63649,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,7629 27197,v1.0,,"We discuss at MyData Global, how to disseminate our communities best practices of human-centric internet.",/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:42:34.141Z,2020-11-26T14:42:34.141Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,968 27196,v1.0,,"We discuss at MyData Global, how to disseminate our communities best practices of human-centric internet.",/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:42:34.128Z,2020-11-26T14:42:34.128Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,1539 27195,v1.0,,"We discuss at MyData Global, how to disseminate our communities best practices of human-centric internet.",/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:42:33.842Z,2020-11-26T14:42:33.842Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,358 27194,v1.0,,"We discuss at MyData Global, how to disseminate our communities best practices of human-centric internet.",/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:42:33.494Z,2020-12-14T17:55:49.932Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,6947 27193,v1.0,,I develop a solution to reduce digital gap/inequality of Access to Learning: issues of underserved groups.,/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:38:41.486Z,2020-11-26T14:38:41.486Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,3939 27192,v1.0,,I develop a solution to reduce digital gap/inequality of Access to Learning: issues of underserved groups.,/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:38:41.451Z,2020-11-26T14:38:41.451Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,5325 27191,v1.0,,I develop a solution to reduce digital gap/inequality of Access to Learning: issues of underserved groups.,/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:38:41.412Z,2020-11-26T14:38:41.412Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,7677 27190,v1.0,,I develop a solution to reduce digital gap/inequality of Access to Learning: issues of underserved groups.,/post/63602,2020-11-26T14:38:41.284Z,2020-11-26T14:38:41.284Z,63602,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5604,4447 27189,v1.0,,"Through the lab I want to inspire learning about the open web, FOSS and open tech, with the aim to strengthen these perspectives in our digital learning initiatives in our libraries.",/post/63591,2020-11-26T14:37:11.223Z,2020-11-26T14:46:45.088Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,7296 27188,v1.0,,"Through the lab I want to inspire learning about the open web, FOSS and open tech, with the aim to strengthen these perspectives in our digital learning initiatives in our libraries.",/post/63591,2020-11-26T14:37:11.091Z,2020-11-26T14:37:11.091Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,1257 27187,v1.0,,"Through the lab I want to inspire learning about the open web, FOSS and open tech, with the aim to strengthen these perspectives in our digital learning initiatives in our libraries.",/post/63591,2020-11-26T14:37:10.947Z,2020-11-26T14:37:10.947Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,5325 27186,v1.0,,Within the scope of improving digital skills and media and information literacy among library staff I run a small learning lab called (The MIL Lab).,/post/63591,2020-11-26T14:36:16.813Z,2020-11-26T14:36:16.813Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,7994 27185,v1.0,,Within the scope of improving digital skills and media and information literacy among library staff I run a small learning lab called (The MIL Lab).,/post/63591,2020-11-26T14:36:16.737Z,2020-11-26T14:36:16.737Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,7676 27184,v1.0,,Within the scope of improving digital skills and media and information literacy among library staff I run a small learning lab called (The MIL Lab).,/post/63591,2020-11-26T14:36:16.665Z,2020-11-26T14:36:16.665Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,4447 27183,v1.0,,Within the scope of improving digital skills and media and information literacy among library staff I run a small learning lab called (The MIL Lab).,/post/63591,2020-11-26T14:36:16.622Z,2020-11-26T14:36:16.622Z,63591,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11464,5032,7923 27182,v1.0,,"Today, the discourse around Smart Cities is largely dominated by the vendors of smart city tech: The debate is using their language, the framing of possible solutions matches their products. There isn’t anything malign going on, either - but the arguments are one-sided and myopic: They are selling technical “solutions” to complex societal challenges. This can never work, and is problematic in a myriad of ways.",/post/53307,2020-11-25T12:00:13.810Z,2020-11-25T12:00:13.810Z,53307,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7982 27180,v1.0,,"If I understand you right, you are proposing that new tools to produce narratives, just like new artistic forms, can contribute to awaken journalism, and public alike, from the spell they fallen prey to... That certainly I would agree with... they can be a force to be reckoned with... :+1: Even art, though, has often become a tool of propaganda, and technology is just an accelerator to make certain things quicker and allow us to make more, sometimes qualitatively more allowing us to invent new forms... but still technology is just that, an accelerator trapped in the social context it is born from and used into...",/post/54764,2020-11-25T11:57:56.210Z,2020-11-25T11:57:56.210Z,54764,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7982 27179,v1.0,,"Are we alone in the fight against misinformation and fake news? Are there tools out there that can help journalists or should we be rather scared of artificial intelligence in the media? Although it seems robots will not conquer our newsrooms in the near future and we will not have an algorithmic army fighting online trolls, it does not mean AI tools are risk-free options. We checked the pros and cons of automated fact checkers. Do they work? Even if they do, can be entirely sure that journalism has the largest responsibility in the war on misinformation?",/post/54755,2020-11-25T11:55:55.049Z,2020-11-25T11:55:55.049Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7982 27178,v1.0,,"Are there some decisions that we simply should not automate, even if we have highly accurate and efficient technological tools?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:49:48.269Z,2020-11-25T11:50:34.401Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7927 27177,v1.0,,"Burning Question The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around? reframing questions 'the rush to deploy' artificial intelligence (AI) 'higher threshold' common good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64014,2020-11-25T11:49:48.267Z,2020-11-25T11:50:34.395Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7927 27173,v1.0,,"But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:22:12.626Z,2020-11-25T11:22:12.626Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7963 27172,v1.0,,"But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:22:12.602Z,2020-11-25T11:22:12.602Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7555 27171,v1.0,,"Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:21:48.452Z,2020-11-25T11:21:48.452Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7957 27170,v1.0,,"another line of thought in political philosophy that is relevant for AI is the debate on disagreement and dissent in democratic societies. Thinking about disagreement is, I think, very important when we think about design decisions linked to AI and machine learning. To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:21:27.551Z,2020-11-25T11:21:27.551Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7992 27169,v1.0,,"another line of thought in political philosophy that is relevant for AI is the debate on disagreement and dissent in democratic societies. Thinking about disagreement is, I think, very important when we think about design decisions linked to AI and machine learning. To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:21:27.447Z,2020-11-25T11:21:27.447Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7535 27168,v1.0,,"another line of thought in political philosophy that is relevant for AI is the debate on disagreement and dissent in democratic societies. Thinking about disagreement is, I think, very important when we think about design decisions linked to AI and machine learning. To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:21:27.419Z,2021-02-19T12:47:16.443Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5025 27166,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:18:17.045Z,2020-11-25T11:18:17.045Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4733 27165,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:18:17.033Z,2020-11-25T11:18:17.033Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5368 27164,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:18:16.883Z,2020-11-25T11:18:16.883Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7325 27163,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:18:16.864Z,2020-11-25T11:18:16.864Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7951 27162,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes. Of course, we could try to approximate what riskiness in this context means by looking at things like: has this person committed previous offences? Is she in an unstable economic situation? Do her social networks include a lot of other people who recidivate? Some of those variables might be more appropriate to use than others, right? For instance, one might think it’s inappropriate to make inferences from the behaviour of your friends and family whether you in fact will be guilty of criminal conduct again in the future. Some predictions might be more ethically and politically defensible than others. Similarly, we have to be attuned to the fact that even if you have a list of prior offences, that might be partially dependent on your social context, which we may want to consider as a mitigating factor. But it is often difficult to do just that when using algorithmic decision-making instead of human judgment: using tools like COMPAS doesn't allow us to take context into account sufficiently, and it simultaneously obscures the extent to which underpinning concepts in our algorithmic model are subject to wide social and political disagreement.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:18:16.857Z,2020-11-25T11:18:16.857Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,1467 27161,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:17:08.512Z,2020-11-25T11:17:08.512Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7990 27160,v1.0,,"To give a concrete example, suppose that we are using algorithmic tools to predict the risk that a criminal offender will reoffend in the future. One such algorithm is called COMPAS—a tool that various states in the US having been using for a few years now—to determine whether an offender is ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’, and that according to a well-known investigation by ProPublica, it was more likely to classify Black defendants as ‘high risk’ in comparison to similar white defendants. Of course, what it means to be a ‘high risk individual’ is subject to disagreement—whether those who design algorithmic tools explicitly acknowledge that or not. Algorithms are not inherently neutral, because we still have to make conscious choices when we design systems, including choices influenced by implicit bias and stereotypes.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:17:08.351Z,2020-11-25T11:17:08.351Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3758 27159,v1.0,,"I think that one particularly useful resource in political philosophy is the long tradition of thinking about theories of justice. These are theories about how we should distribute benefits and burdens in society, but also about how we should relate to each other. So, it’s not only about allocating goods and benefits to people, but also about thinking about the social relations and structures that we ought to create and maintain: what it means to respect each other as equals, and what we owe each other on an interpersonal level. What does it mean to treat each citizen in our society with respect, given that there are going to be some inequalities that we possibly can't eliminate? For example, we can’t change the fact that people are born with different natural talents and abilities, but most of us think that your access to basic resources and basic rights shouldn't depend on those ‘undeserved’ features that you are born with. In addition, it is also plausible to think that if an individual or group is structurally disadvantaged in society, we should prioritise the interests and the voices of members of that group in processes of collective decision-making in some form. So, if we are going to have inequalities in our society, those inequalities ought to be arranged in a way that benefit those who are worst off the most. Many analytic political philosophers, especially those working in the 20th century, have been thinking about that question. In addition, feminist philosophers and critical race theorists have called our attention to the idea that we should not treat the social and political status quo as just by default: justice is not only about ensuring compliance with the rules governing our existing social institutions—it is also about transforming those institutions as a whole, and about being accountable for historical patterns of injustice.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:16:06.041Z,2020-11-25T11:16:06.041Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4874 27158,v1.0,,"I think that one particularly useful resource in political philosophy is the long tradition of thinking about theories of justice. These are theories about how we should distribute benefits and burdens in society, but also about how we should relate to each other. So, it’s not only about allocating goods and benefits to people, but also about thinking about the social relations and structures that we ought to create and maintain: what it means to respect each other as equals, and what we owe each other on an interpersonal level. What does it mean to treat each citizen in our society with respect, given that there are going to be some inequalities that we possibly can't eliminate? For example, we can’t change the fact that people are born with different natural talents and abilities, but most of us think that your access to basic resources and basic rights shouldn't depend on those ‘undeserved’ features that you are born with. In addition, it is also plausible to think that if an individual or group is structurally disadvantaged in society, we should prioritise the interests and the voices of members of that group in processes of collective decision-making in some form. So, if we are going to have inequalities in our society, those inequalities ought to be arranged in a way that benefit those who are worst off the most. Many analytic political philosophers, especially those working in the 20th century, have been thinking about that question. In addition, feminist philosophers and critical race theorists have called our attention to the idea that we should not treat the social and political status quo as just by default: justice is not only about ensuring compliance with the rules governing our existing social institutions—it is also about transforming those institutions as a whole, and about being accountable for historical patterns of injustice.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:16:05.862Z,2020-11-25T11:16:05.862Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4434 27156,v1.0,,"feminist philosophers and critical race theorists have called our attention to the idea that we should not treat the social and political status quo as just by default: justice is not only about ensuring compliance with the rules governing our existing social institutions—it is also about transforming those institutions as a whole, and about being accountable for historical patterns of injustice.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:15:30.768Z,2020-11-25T11:15:30.768Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7949 27154,v1.0,,"For example, we can’t change the fact that people are born with different natural talents and abilities, but most of us think that your access to basic resources and basic rights shouldn't depend on those ‘undeserved’ features that you are born with. In addition, it is also plausible to think that if an individual or group is structurally disadvantaged in society, we should prioritise the interests and the voices of members of that group in processes of collective decision-making in some form. So, if we are going to have inequalities in our society, those inequalities ought to be arranged in a way that benefit those who are worst off the most. Many analytic political philosophers, especially those working in the 20th century, have been thinking about that question.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:15:09.769Z,2020-11-25T11:15:09.769Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7927 27153,v1.0,,"For example, we can’t change the fact that people are born with different natural talents and abilities, but most of us think that your access to basic resources and basic rights shouldn't depend on those ‘undeserved’ features that you are born with. In addition, it is also plausible to think that if an individual or group is structurally disadvantaged in society, we should prioritise the interests and the voices of members of that group in processes of collective decision-making in some form. So, if we are going to have inequalities in our society, those inequalities ought to be arranged in a way that benefit those who are worst off the most. Many analytic political philosophers, especially those working in the 20th century, have been thinking about that question.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:15:09.579Z,2020-11-25T11:15:09.579Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,6264 27152,v1.0,,"These are theories about how we should distribute benefits and burdens in society, but also about how we should relate to each other. So, it’s not only about allocating goods and benefits to people, but also about thinking about the social relations and structures that we ought to create and maintain: what it means to respect each other as equals, and what we owe each other on an interpersonal level.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:14:24.402Z,2020-11-25T11:14:24.402Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3809 27151,v1.0,,"These are theories about how we should distribute benefits and burdens in society, but also about how we should relate to each other. So, it’s not only about allocating goods and benefits to people, but also about thinking about the social relations and structures that we ought to create and maintain: what it means to respect each other as equals, and what we owe each other on an interpersonal level.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:14:24.392Z,2020-11-25T11:14:24.392Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4372 27150,v1.0,,"These are theories about how we should distribute benefits and burdens in society, but also about how we should relate to each other. So, it’s not only about allocating goods and benefits to people, but also about thinking about the social relations and structures that we ought to create and maintain: what it means to respect each other as equals, and what we owe each other on an interpersonal level.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:14:24.375Z,2020-11-25T11:14:24.375Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5335 27149,v1.0,,"That would be a bad conclusion for us to reach, I think. To address the model-world interaction problem in a more meaningful way, we must ask: what is the purpose of using algorithmic decision making for a given problem in the first place? What—and indeed whom—are we defining as a problem? What sort of data are we trying to look at, and does that data really help us solve the problem? Which populations are most affected by technological innovation, both positively and negatively? In sum, we need to take a broader, socially and politically informed view—not a purely technological view—on algorithmic fairness.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:12:15.483Z,2020-11-25T11:12:15.483Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7313 27148,v1.0,,"That would be a bad conclusion for us to reach, I think. To address the model-world interaction problem in a more meaningful way, we must ask: what is the purpose of using algorithmic decision making for a given problem in the first place? What—and indeed whom—are we defining as a problem? What sort of data are we trying to look at, and does that data really help us solve the problem? Which populations are most affected by technological innovation, both positively and negatively? In sum, we need to take a broader, socially and politically informed view—not a purely technological view—on algorithmic fairness.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:12:15.466Z,2020-11-25T11:12:15.466Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5368 27147,v1.0,,"To address the model-world interaction problem in a more meaningful way, we must ask: what is the purpose of using algorithmic decision making for a given problem in the first place? What—and indeed whom—are we defining as a problem? What sort of data are we trying to look at, and does that data really help us solve the problem? Which populations are most affected by technological innovation, both positively and negatively?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:12:05.890Z,2020-11-25T11:12:05.890Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4850 27146,v1.0,,"To address the model-world interaction problem in a more meaningful way, we must ask: what is the purpose of using algorithmic decision making for a given problem in the first place? What—and indeed whom—are we defining as a problem? What sort of data are we trying to look at, and does that data really help us solve the problem? Which populations are most affected by technological innovation, both positively and negatively?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:12:05.747Z,2020-11-25T11:12:05.747Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7954 27145,v1.0,,"But, unsurprisingly, the world is shaped by a history of inequality and injustice, and technological models interact dynamically with the social world. So, whatever new data gets fed back into our algorithmic model will reflect those inequalities in our status quo to some extent. So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:09:40.530Z,2020-11-25T11:09:40.530Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5368 27144,v1.0,,"So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:09:12.636Z,2020-11-25T11:09:12.636Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7657 27143,v1.0,,"This sounds simple and intuitive, but it has dramatic implications for how we can and should tackle problems like unfair algorithmic decision outcomes. Assume that we manage to develop an algorithm that actually does adhere to whatever broadly plausible mathematical fairness desiderata we have articulated in the design stage, and then we deploy it in the world. But, unsurprisingly, the world is shaped by a history of inequality and injustice, and technological models interact dynamically with the social world. So, whatever new data gets fed back into our algorithmic model will reflect those inequalities in our status quo to some extent. So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:09:03.243Z,2020-11-25T11:09:03.243Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4573 27142,v1.0,,"This sounds simple and intuitive, but it has dramatic implications for how we can and should tackle problems like unfair algorithmic decision outcomes. Assume that we manage to develop an algorithm that actually does adhere to whatever broadly plausible mathematical fairness desiderata we have articulated in the design stage, and then we deploy it in the world. But, unsurprisingly, the world is shaped by a history of inequality and injustice, and technological models interact dynamically with the social world. So, whatever new data gets fed back into our algorithmic model will reflect those inequalities in our status quo to some extent. So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:09:03.220Z,2020-11-25T11:09:03.220Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7957 27141,v1.0,,"This sounds simple and intuitive, but it has dramatic implications for how we can and should tackle problems like unfair algorithmic decision outcomes. Assume that we manage to develop an algorithm that actually does adhere to whatever broadly plausible mathematical fairness desiderata we have articulated in the design stage, and then we deploy it in the world. But, unsurprisingly, the world is shaped by a history of inequality and injustice, and technological models interact dynamically with the social world. So, whatever new data gets fed back into our algorithmic model will reflect those inequalities in our status quo to some extent. So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:09:03.132Z,2020-11-25T11:09:03.132Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7894 27140,v1.0,,"This sounds simple and intuitive, but it has dramatic implications for how we can and should tackle problems like unfair algorithmic decision outcomes. Assume that we manage to develop an algorithm that actually does adhere to whatever broadly plausible mathematical fairness desiderata we have articulated in the design stage, and then we deploy it in the world. But, unsurprisingly, the world is shaped by a history of inequality and injustice, and technological models interact dynamically with the social world. So, whatever new data gets fed back into our algorithmic model will reflect those inequalities in our status quo to some extent. So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:09:02.992Z,2020-11-25T11:09:02.992Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7952 27139,v1.0,,"This sounds simple and intuitive, but it has dramatic implications for how we can and should tackle problems like unfair algorithmic decision outcomes. Assume that we manage to develop an algorithm that actually does adhere to whatever broadly plausible mathematical fairness desiderata we have articulated in the design stage, and then we deploy it in the world. But, unsurprisingly, the world is shaped by a history of inequality and injustice, and technological models interact dynamically with the social world. So, whatever new data gets fed back into our algorithmic model will reflect those inequalities in our status quo to some extent. So then, a decision rule within that algorithm that seemed ostensibly fair in the beginning, may not ultimately deliver truly equitable results. One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:09:02.992Z,2020-11-25T11:09:02.992Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7940 27138,v1.0,,"Furthermore, as many FATML researchers have pointed out, algorithmic models will always interact dynamically with the world.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:08:26.546Z,2020-11-25T11:08:26.546Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7991 27137,v1.0,,"One consequence we might draw from this insight that models interact dynamically with the world is to say, “well, it’s not decisive how well we mathematically articulate what the algorithm is supposed to be doing and in what way it’s supposed to be doing it, if there is always going to be this dynamic interaction.”",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:08:17.202Z,2020-11-25T11:08:17.202Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7991 27136,v1.0,,"FATML researchers have thought critically about whether simply distributing the same probabilities of obtaining a particular outcome across different socio-demographic groups is actually sufficient for an algorithmically fair procedure. The trouble is that there are multiple plausible mathematically defined fairness metrics, and we cannot optimise for all of them at the same time—they are mathematically incompatible. Furthermore, as many FATML researchers have pointed out, algorithmic models will always interact dynamically with the world.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:07:14.738Z,2020-11-25T11:07:14.738Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4573 27135,v1.0,,"FATML researchers have thought critically about whether simply distributing the same probabilities of obtaining a particular outcome across different socio-demographic groups is actually sufficient for an algorithmically fair procedure. The trouble is that there are multiple plausible mathematically defined fairness metrics, and we cannot optimise for all of them at the same time—they are mathematically incompatible. Furthermore, as many FATML researchers have pointed out, algorithmic models will always interact dynamically with the world.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:06:53.044Z,2020-11-25T11:06:53.044Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7952 27133,v1.0,,"FATML researchers have thought critically about whether simply distributing the same probabilities of obtaining a particular outcome across different socio-demographic groups is actually sufficient for an algorithmically fair procedure. The trouble is that there are multiple plausible mathematically defined fairness metrics, and we cannot optimise for all of them at the same time—they are mathematically incompatible. Furthermore, as many FATML researchers have pointed out, algorithmic models will always interact dynamically with the world.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:06:53.017Z,2020-11-25T11:06:53.017Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7957 27134,v1.0,,"FATML researchers have thought critically about whether simply distributing the same probabilities of obtaining a particular outcome across different socio-demographic groups is actually sufficient for an algorithmically fair procedure. The trouble is that there are multiple plausible mathematically defined fairness metrics, and we cannot optimise for all of them at the same time—they are mathematically incompatible. Furthermore, as many FATML researchers have pointed out, algorithmic models will always interact dynamically with the world.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:06:53.017Z,2020-11-25T11:06:53.017Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7894 27132,v1.0,,"I think that public discourse on this issue tends to split into two fairly extreme views, neither one of which is correct. On the one hand, there’s ‘AI optimism: the view that the increasingly ubiquitous use of AI is inevitable, that we can’t return to not using AI once we have deployed it in a given domain. The implicit assumption behind that view often seems to be something like, ""well, if AI is inevitable, there isn't really a point in trying to critique it ethically""—or to critique it politically, even. On this view, AI is nothing more than a tool—and one that promises to have a decidedly positive impact on society. On the other hand, there is a dramatically opposing view that says something like, “it is inevitable that all AI will lead to incredibly bad and harmful consequences”. That’s a different sense of inevitability right there. Tech pessimists seem to think that whatever we do, whichever domain we focus on in our AI deployment, the use of automated reasoning methods will always be somehow counterproductive or harmful.I think both views are wrong. The first view underestimates our ability to subject AI to productive scepticism, public oversight, and collective control. Even if it is inevitable that we will be using more and more AI in our collective decision-making processes, we ought to keep reflecting critically on AI’s purpose. There might be some collective decision-making problem domains where it would be ethically and politically inadequate to use AI because we intuitively feel that when things go wrong in those domains, we want a human decision-maker to blame; we want somebody to justify to us why a particular decision outcome was reached. In those domains, we are often quite happy to not be maximally efficient or accurate. What we really want is to think and argue with each other about how best to arrange our political and social life, about what it would mean to have a just society, about how we can relate to each other as true equals. These are ultimately not just ethical, but fundamentally political questions. Of course, tech optimists might reply to the response that I just gave: “but clearly AI will optimize our collective decision-making!” To that, I think a more nuanced and sceptical view might say in response, “well, optimising isn't everything”. We must exercise our critical judgment to determine when optimising further and further, and thereby entrenching and accelerating our current social status quo, is actually what matters most. And in many cases, that might not be what justice requires. But at the same time, the second view that I outlined before—the tech pessimists’ view—can also be misleading. It is misleading in the sense that it equates all forms of AI and machine-learning, including their ethical importance and impact, with each other. I do not think that that is plausible at all. Not all forms of AI will lead to the same kinds of harmful outcomes. It is especially important to ask: where and how can we use AI to mitigate injustice rather than exacerbating it? Nuanced ethical and political engagement with new technologies requires avoiding sweeping generalisations. But, it is clear that, as a general principle, if using algorithmic decision-making in a particular decision domain moves us further away from justice, then we have a strong presumption against using it in that domain.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:00:05.434Z,2020-11-25T11:00:05.434Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7313 27131,v1.0,,"I think that public discourse on this issue tends to split into two fairly extreme views, neither one of which is correct. On the one hand, there’s ‘AI optimism: the view that the increasingly ubiquitous use of AI is inevitable, that we can’t return to not using AI once we have deployed it in a given domain. The implicit assumption behind that view often seems to be something like, ""well, if AI is inevitable, there isn't really a point in trying to critique it ethically""—or to critique it politically, even. On this view, AI is nothing more than a tool—and one that promises to have a decidedly positive impact on society. On the other hand, there is a dramatically opposing view that says something like, “it is inevitable that all AI will lead to incredibly bad and harmful consequences”. That’s a different sense of inevitability right there. Tech pessimists seem to think that whatever we do, whichever domain we focus on in our AI deployment, the use of automated reasoning methods will always be somehow counterproductive or harmful.I think both views are wrong. The first view underestimates our ability to subject AI to productive scepticism, public oversight, and collective control. Even if it is inevitable that we will be using more and more AI in our collective decision-making processes, we ought to keep reflecting critically on AI’s purpose. There might be some collective decision-making problem domains where it would be ethically and politically inadequate to use AI because we intuitively feel that when things go wrong in those domains, we want a human decision-maker to blame; we want somebody to justify to us why a particular decision outcome was reached. In those domains, we are often quite happy to not be maximally efficient or accurate. What we really want is to think and argue with each other about how best to arrange our political and social life, about what it would mean to have a just society, about how we can relate to each other as true equals. These are ultimately not just ethical, but fundamentally political questions. Of course, tech optimists might reply to the response that I just gave: “but clearly AI will optimize our collective decision-making!” To that, I think a more nuanced and sceptical view might say in response, “well, optimising isn't everything”. We must exercise our critical judgment to determine when optimising further and further, and thereby entrenching and accelerating our current social status quo, is actually what matters most. And in many cases, that might not be what justice requires. But at the same time, the second view that I outlined before—the tech pessimists’ view—can also be misleading. It is misleading in the sense that it equates all forms of AI and machine-learning, including their ethical importance and impact, with each other. I do not think that that is plausible at all. Not all forms of AI will lead to the same kinds of harmful outcomes. It is especially important to ask: where and how can we use AI to mitigate injustice rather than exacerbating it? Nuanced ethical and political engagement with new technologies requires avoiding sweeping generalisations. But, it is clear that, as a general principle, if using algorithmic decision-making in a particular decision domain moves us further away from justice, then we have a strong presumption against using it in that domain.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T11:00:05.356Z,2020-11-25T11:00:05.356Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7591 27130,v1.0,,"Not all forms of AI will lead to the same kinds of harmful outcomes. It is especially important to ask: where and how can we use AI to mitigate injustice rather than exacerbating it? Nuanced ethical and political engagement with new technologies requires avoiding sweeping generalisations. But, it is clear that, as a general principle, if using algorithmic decision-making in a particular decision domain moves us further away from justice, then we have a strong presumption against using it in that domain.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:59:35.231Z,2020-11-25T10:59:35.231Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4850 27129,v1.0,,"I think both views are wrong. The first view underestimates our ability to subject AI to productive scepticism, public oversight, and collective control. Even if it is inevitable that we will be using more and more AI in our collective decision-making processes, we ought to keep reflecting critically on AI’s purpose. There might be some collective decision-making problem domains where it would be ethically and politically inadequate to use AI because we intuitively feel that when things go wrong in those domains, we want a human decision-maker to blame; we want somebody to justify to us why a particular decision outcome was reached. In those domains, we are often quite happy to not be maximally efficient or accurate. What we really want is to think and argue with each other about how best to arrange our political and social life, about what it would mean to have a just society, about how we can relate to each other as true equals. These are ultimately not just ethical, but fundamentally political questions. Of course, tech optimists might reply to the response that I just gave: “but clearly AI will optimize our collective decision-making!” To that, I think a more nuanced and sceptical view might say in response, “well, optimising isn't everything”. We must exercise our critical judgment to determine when optimising further and further, and thereby entrenching and accelerating our current social status quo, is actually what matters most. And in many cases, that might not be what justice requires.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:59:03.048Z,2020-11-25T10:59:03.048Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7813 27128,v1.0,,"I think both views are wrong. The first view underestimates our ability to subject AI to productive scepticism, public oversight, and collective control. Even if it is inevitable that we will be using more and more AI in our collective decision-making processes, we ought to keep reflecting critically on AI’s purpose. There might be some collective decision-making problem domains where it would be ethically and politically inadequate to use AI because we intuitively feel that when things go wrong in those domains, we want a human decision-maker to blame; we want somebody to justify to us why a particular decision outcome was reached. In those domains, we are often quite happy to not be maximally efficient or accurate. What we really want is to think and argue with each other about how best to arrange our political and social life, about what it would mean to have a just society, about how we can relate to each other as true equals. These are ultimately not just ethical, but fundamentally political questions.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:58:40.052Z,2020-11-25T10:58:40.052Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7963 27127,v1.0,,"I think both views are wrong. The first view underestimates our ability to subject AI to productive scepticism, public oversight, and collective control. Even if it is inevitable that we will be using more and more AI in our collective decision-making processes, we ought to keep reflecting critically on AI’s purpose. There might be some collective decision-making problem domains where it would be ethically and politically inadequate to use AI because we intuitively feel that when things go wrong in those domains, we want a human decision-maker to blame; we want somebody to justify to us why a particular decision outcome was reached. In those domains, we are often quite happy to not be maximally efficient or accurate. What we really want is to think and argue with each other about how best to arrange our political and social life, about what it would mean to have a just society, about how we can relate to each other as true equals. These are ultimately not just ethical, but fundamentally political questions.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:58:40.032Z,2020-11-25T10:58:40.032Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4027 27126,v1.0,,"I think both views are wrong. The first view underestimates our ability to subject AI to productive scepticism, public oversight, and collective control. Even if it is inevitable that we will be using more and more AI in our collective decision-making processes, we ought to keep reflecting critically on AI’s purpose. There might be some collective decision-making problem domains where it would be ethically and politically inadequate to use AI because we intuitively feel that when things go wrong in those domains, we want a human decision-maker to blame; we want somebody to justify to us why a particular decision outcome was reached. In those domains, we are often quite happy to not be maximally efficient or accurate. What we really want is to think and argue with each other about how best to arrange our political and social life, about what it would mean to have a just society, about how we can relate to each other as true equals. These are ultimately not just ethical, but fundamentally political questions.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:58:39.845Z,2020-11-25T10:58:39.845Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7555 27125,v1.0,,"Even if it is inevitable that we will be using more and more AI in our collective decision-making processes, we ought to keep reflecting critically on AI’s purpose. There might be some collective decision-making problem domains where it would be ethically and politically inadequate to use AI because we intuitively feel that when things go wrong in those domains, we want a human decision-maker to blame; we want somebody to justify to us why a particular decision outcome was reached. In those domains, we are often quite happy to not be maximally efficient or accurate. What we really want is to think and argue with each other about how best to arrange our political and social life, about what it would mean to have a just society, about how we can relate to each other as true equals. These are ultimately not just ethical, but fundamentally political questions.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:57:44.149Z,2020-11-25T10:57:44.149Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7955 27124,v1.0,,"Of course, tech optimists might reply to the response that I just gave: “but clearly AI will optimize our collective decision-making!” To that, I think a more nuanced and sceptical view might say in response, “well, optimising isn't everything”. We must exercise our critical judgment to determine when optimising further and further, and thereby entrenching and accelerating our current social status quo, is actually what matters most. And in many cases, that might not be what justice requires.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:57:27.687Z,2020-11-25T10:57:27.687Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5295 27123,v1.0,,"Of course, tech optimists might reply to the response that I just gave: “but clearly AI will optimize our collective decision-making!” To that, I think a more nuanced and sceptical view might say in response, “well, optimising isn't everything”. We must exercise our critical judgment to determine when optimising further and further, and thereby entrenching and accelerating our current social status quo, is actually what matters most. And in many cases, that might not be what justice requires.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:57:27.672Z,2020-11-25T10:57:27.672Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,1264 27122,v1.0,,"On the one hand, there’s ‘AI optimism: the view that the increasingly ubiquitous use of AI is inevitable, that we can’t return to not using AI once we have deployed it in a given domain. The implicit assumption behind that view often seems to be something like, ""well, if AI is inevitable, there isn't really a point in trying to critique it ethically""—or to critique it politically, even. On this view, AI is nothing more than a tool—and one that promises to have a decidedly positive impact on society.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:52:47.114Z,2020-11-25T10:52:47.114Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7990 27121,v1.0,,"On the one hand, there’s ‘AI optimism: the view that the increasingly ubiquitous use of AI is inevitable, that we can’t return to not using AI once we have deployed it in a given domain. The implicit assumption behind that view often seems to be something like, ""well, if AI is inevitable, there isn't really a point in trying to critique it ethically""—or to critique it politically, even. On this view, AI is nothing more than a tool—and one that promises to have a decidedly positive impact on society.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:52:46.987Z,2020-11-25T10:52:46.987Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7660 27120,v1.0,,"On the other hand, there is a dramatically opposing view that says something like, “it is inevitable that all AI will lead to incredibly bad and harmful consequences”. That’s a different sense of inevitability right there. Tech pessimists seem to think that whatever we do, whichever domain we focus on in our AI deployment, the use of automated reasoning methods will always be somehow counterproductive or harmful.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:50:09.755Z,2020-11-25T10:50:09.755Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7970 27119,v1.0,,"On the other hand, there is a dramatically opposing view that says something like, “it is inevitable that all AI will lead to incredibly bad and harmful consequences”. That’s a different sense of inevitability right there. Tech pessimists seem to think that whatever we do, whichever domain we focus on in our AI deployment, the use of automated reasoning methods will always be somehow counterproductive or harmful.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:50:09.728Z,2020-11-25T10:50:09.728Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,828 27118,v1.0,,"On the other hand, there is a dramatically opposing view that says something like, “it is inevitable that all AI will lead to incredibly bad and harmful consequences”. That’s a different sense of inevitability right there. Tech pessimists seem to think that whatever we do, whichever domain we focus on in our AI deployment, the use of automated reasoning methods will always be somehow counterproductive or harmful.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:50:09.719Z,2020-11-25T10:50:09.719Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7950 27117,v1.0,,"In popular culture and in public discourse, AI is often portrayed as a kind of looming entity, which is both inevitable and out of our control. People seem to worry about the ways in which we ought to adapt to the emergence of powerful new technologies: how will AI change what it means to be human? But it also seems important to turn that question on its head: how should humans shape what AI does and does not do? Which consequences of AI innovation are truly inevitable and where do human decision-makers have room to make deliberate, conscious choices about how AI affects our social life? How does your work respond to these complex questions?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:49:02.152Z,2020-11-25T10:49:02.152Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4479 27116,v1.0,,"In popular culture and in public discourse, AI is often portrayed as a kind of looming entity, which is both inevitable and out of our control. People seem to worry about the ways in which we ought to adapt to the emergence of powerful new technologies: how will AI change what it means to be human? But it also seems important to turn that question on its head: how should humans shape what AI does and does not do? Which consequences of AI innovation are truly inevitable and where do human decision-makers have room to make deliberate, conscious choices about how AI affects our social life? How does your work respond to these complex questions?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:49:02.069Z,2020-11-25T10:49:02.069Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7968 27115,v1.0,,"In popular culture and in public discourse, AI is often portrayed as a kind of looming entity, which is both inevitable and out of our control. People seem to worry about the ways in which we ought to adapt to the emergence of powerful new technologies: how will AI change what it means to be human? But it also seems important to turn that question on its head: how should humans shape what AI does and does not do? Which consequences of AI innovation are truly inevitable and where do human decision-makers have room to make deliberate, conscious choices about how AI affects our social life? How does your work respond to these complex questions?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:49:02.022Z,2020-11-25T10:49:02.022Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5470 27114,v1.0,,"In popular culture and in public discourse, AI is often portrayed as a kind of looming entity, which is both inevitable and out of our control. People seem to worry about the ways in which we ought to adapt to the emergence of powerful new technologies: how will AI change what it means to be human? But it also seems important to turn that question on its head: how should humans shape what AI does and does not do? Which consequences of AI innovation are truly inevitable and where do human decision-makers have room to make deliberate, conscious choices about how AI affects our social life? How does your work respond to these complex questions?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:49:01.993Z,2020-11-25T10:49:01.993Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,828 27113,v1.0,,"Doing ethics well means getting comfortable with that sense of uncertainty surrounding these trade-offs: there is a risk that we might get things wrong, and a good way of confronting that risk is to keep asking questions, rather than committing to one ethical argument at one point in time (a view like: “Irrespective of the domain of application, always prioritize accuracy over transparency!”) and then trying to just apply it without ever revisiting it. In other words, it’s dangerous to declare the ethical case closed.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:40:56.308Z,2020-11-25T10:40:56.308Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7950 27112,v1.0,,"Doing ethics well means getting comfortable with that sense of uncertainty surrounding these trade-offs: there is a risk that we might get things wrong, and a good way of confronting that risk is to keep asking questions, rather than committing to one ethical argument at one point in time (a view like: “Irrespective of the domain of application, always prioritize accuracy over transparency!”) and then trying to just apply it without ever revisiting it. In other words, it’s dangerous to declare the ethical case closed.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:40:56.269Z,2020-11-25T10:40:56.269Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5470 27111,v1.0,,"Doing ethics well means getting comfortable with that sense of uncertainty surrounding these trade-offs: there is a risk that we might get things wrong, and a good way of confronting that risk is to keep asking questions, rather than committing to one ethical argument at one point in time (a view like: “Irrespective of the domain of application, always prioritize accuracy over transparency!”) and then trying to just apply it without ever revisiting it. In other words, it’s dangerous to declare the ethical case closed.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:40:56.172Z,2020-11-25T10:40:56.172Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5891 27110,v1.0,,"Doing ethics well means getting comfortable with that sense of uncertainty surrounding these trade-offs: there is a risk that we might get things wrong, and a good way of confronting that risk is to keep asking questions, rather than committing to one ethical argument at one point in time (a view like: “Irrespective of the domain of application, always prioritize accuracy over transparency!”) and then trying to just apply it without ever revisiting it. In other words, it’s dangerous to declare the ethical case closed.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:40:56.166Z,2020-11-25T10:40:56.166Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4282 27109,v1.0,,"Doing ethics well means getting comfortable with that sense of uncertainty surrounding these trade-offs: there is a risk that we might get things wrong, and a good way of confronting that risk is to keep asking questions, rather than committing to one ethical argument at one point in time (a view like: “Irrespective of the domain of application, always prioritize accuracy over transparency!”) and then trying to just apply it without ever revisiting it. In other words, it’s dangerous to declare the ethical case closed.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:40:56.116Z,2020-11-25T10:40:56.116Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7951 27108,v1.0,,"Whenever we do ethics—and that ‘we’ includes not just political and moral philosophers, but also tech practitioners, policy-makers, and ordinary citizens—we must remain open to the possibility that we have been making the wrong choices so far, and that we need to change our actions going forward, rather than simply trying to make whatever we have been doing so far more efficient. I think that one central dimension of this in the context of AI ethics will be to prioritise the perspective of those most directly and most negatively affected by the use of algorithmic decision-making tools that exhibit racial or gender bias, as well as other forms of biases that exacerbate social inequality.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:40:00.700Z,2020-11-25T10:40:00.700Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4874 27107,v1.0,,"I think that one central dimension of this in the context of AI ethics will be to prioritise the perspective of those most directly and most negatively affected by the use of algorithmic decision-making tools that exhibit racial or gender bias, as well as other forms of biases that exacerbate social inequality.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:39:51.030Z,2020-11-25T10:39:51.030Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7954 27106,v1.0,,"I think that one central dimension of this in the context of AI ethics will be to prioritise the perspective of those most directly and most negatively affected by the use of algorithmic decision-making tools that exhibit racial or gender bias, as well as other forms of biases that exacerbate social inequality.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:39:50.997Z,2020-11-25T10:39:50.997Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,6222 27105,v1.0,,"I think that one central dimension of this in the context of AI ethics will be to prioritise the perspective of those most directly and most negatively affected by the use of algorithmic decision-making tools that exhibit racial or gender bias, as well as other forms of biases that exacerbate social inequality.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:39:50.991Z,2020-11-25T10:39:50.991Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3939 27104,v1.0,,"Whenever we do ethics—and that ‘we’ includes not just political and moral philosophers, but also tech practitioners, policy-makers, and ordinary citizens—we must remain open to the possibility that we have been making the wrong choices so far, and that we need to change our actions going forward, rather than simply trying to make whatever we have been doing so far more efficient",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:39:27.995Z,2020-11-25T10:39:27.995Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7783 27103,v1.0,,"Whenever we do ethics—and that ‘we’ includes not just political and moral philosophers, but also tech practitioners, policy-makers, and ordinary citizens—we must remain open to the possibility that we have been making the wrong choices so far, and that we need to change our actions going forward, rather than simply trying to make whatever we have been doing so far more efficient",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:39:27.845Z,2020-11-25T10:39:27.845Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7762 27102,v1.0,,"Right now, a lot of people—including those working in the tech industry—are recognizing the need for ethical reflection on the social implications of AI: we are in an ‘AI ethics gold rush’ moment. But how does one actually do AI Ethics? I think that when people hear ‘ethics’, they often think of it as basically being the same thing as reasoning based on personal beliefs and opinions, religious views, or cultural norms. Many people therefore think that the answers to all ethical questions—that is, questions about what we ought to do, about what it means to do the right thing —are ultimately relative: that there is no obvious way of sorting out whether one ethical view is better or worse than another view. I think that that is a dangerous way of thinking about ethics—including AI ethics—because I think that there are at least some value-based arguments that are clearly incoherent or that lead to deeply morally repugnant conclusions",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:38:16.904Z,2020-11-25T10:38:16.904Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7313 27101,v1.0,,"Right now, a lot of people—including those working in the tech industry—are recognizing the need for ethical reflection on the social implications of AI: we are in an ‘AI ethics gold rush’ moment. But how does one actually do AI Ethics? I think that when people hear ‘ethics’, they often think of it as basically being the same thing as reasoning based on personal beliefs and opinions, religious views, or cultural norms. Many people therefore think that the answers to all ethical questions—that is, questions about what we ought to do, about what it means to do the right thing —are ultimately relative: that there is no obvious way of sorting out whether one ethical view is better or worse than another view. I think that that is a dangerous way of thinking about ethics—including AI ethics—because I think that there are at least some value-based arguments that are clearly incoherent or that lead to deeply morally repugnant conclusions",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:38:16.903Z,2020-11-25T10:38:16.903Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4282 27100,v1.0,,"Right now, a lot of people—including those working in the tech industry—are recognizing the need for ethical reflection on the social implications of AI: we are in an ‘AI ethics gold rush’ moment. But how does one actually do AI Ethics? I think that when people hear ‘ethics’, they often think of it as basically being the same thing as reasoning based on personal beliefs and opinions, religious views, or cultural norms. Many people therefore think that the answers to all ethical questions—that is, questions about what we ought to do, about what it means to do the right thing —are ultimately relative: that there is no obvious way of sorting out whether one ethical view is better or worse than another view. I think that that is a dangerous way of thinking about ethics—including AI ethics—because I think that there are at least some value-based arguments that are clearly incoherent or that lead to deeply morally repugnant conclusions",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:38:16.891Z,2020-11-25T10:38:16.891Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4847 27099,v1.0,,"We don’t have to treat all ethical arguments as equally persuasive by default. Of course, there will still be many competing ethical arguments that are not obviously flawed in that way, so complicated trade-offs may arise. For instance, in the context of AI, we might really care about accuracy, but we also really care about justice, and about efficiency, and about transparency, privacy, and so on. All of these are important values and goals—but it is not enough to simply come up with a ‘wish list’ of values, because it is often impossible to optimize for all of these important values at the same time. We have to make ethical judgment calls about which values to rank more highly, and we have to be clear about which values we have failed to realise when we do so.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:36:54.029Z,2020-11-25T10:36:54.029Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5891 27098,v1.0,,"We don’t have to treat all ethical arguments as equally persuasive by default. Of course, there will still be many competing ethical arguments that are not obviously flawed in that way, so complicated trade-offs may arise. For instance, in the context of AI, we might really care about accuracy, but we also really care about justice, and about efficiency, and about transparency, privacy, and so on. All of these are important values and goals—but it is not enough to simply come up with a ‘wish list’ of values, because it is often impossible to optimize for all of these important values at the same time. We have to make ethical judgment calls about which values to rank more highly, and we have to be clear about which values we have failed to realise when we do so.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:36:54.014Z,2020-11-25T10:36:54.014Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7762 27096,v1.0,,"We don’t have to treat all ethical arguments as equally persuasive by default. Of course, there will still be many competing ethical arguments that are not obviously flawed in that way, so complicated trade-offs may arise. For instance, in the context of AI, we might really care about accuracy, but we also really care about justice, and about efficiency, and about transparency, privacy, and so on. All of these are important values and goals—but it is not enough to simply come up with a ‘wish list’ of values, because it is often impossible to optimize for all of these important values at the same time. We have to make ethical judgment calls about which values to rank more highly, and we have to be clear about which values we have failed to realise when we do so.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:36:53.855Z,2020-11-25T10:36:53.855Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7813 27095,v1.0,,"We don’t have to treat all ethical arguments as equally persuasive by default. Of course, there will still be many competing ethical arguments that are not obviously flawed in that way, so complicated trade-offs may arise. For instance, in the context of AI, we might really care about accuracy, but we also really care about justice, and about efficiency, and about transparency, privacy, and so on. All of these are important values and goals—but it is not enough to simply come up with a ‘wish list’ of values, because it is often impossible to optimize for all of these important values at the same time. We have to make ethical judgment calls about which values to rank more highly, and we have to be clear about which values we have failed to realise when we do so.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:36:53.848Z,2020-11-25T10:36:53.848Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4434 27094,v1.0,,"We don’t have to treat all ethical arguments as equally persuasive by default. Of course, there will still be many competing ethical arguments that are not obviously flawed in that way, so complicated trade-offs may arise. For instance, in the context of AI, we might really care about accuracy, but we also really care about justice, and about efficiency, and about transparency, privacy, and so on. All of these are important values and goals—but it is not enough to simply come up with a ‘wish list’ of values, because it is often impossible to optimize for all of these important values at the same time. We have to make ethical judgment calls about which values to rank more highly, and we have to be clear about which values we have failed to realise when we do so.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:36:53.831Z,2020-11-25T10:36:53.831Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7325 27093,v1.0,,"I was thinking about decision-making and justice more broadly: about the rights that people have when democratic constituencies make decisions together, particularly when different people bear various levels of risk of being affected by those decisions. Then I realised that algorithmic decision-making models often lead to a specific instantiation of this complex, larger problem that appears over and over again in political philosophy: in a democratic society, in which we are committed to treating people as equals, how should we distribute risks between people?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:34:16.251Z,2020-11-25T10:34:16.251Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4056 27092,v1.0,,"I was thinking about decision-making and justice more broadly: about the rights that people have when democratic constituencies make decisions together, particularly when different people bear various levels of risk of being affected by those decisions. Then I realised that algorithmic decision-making models often lead to a specific instantiation of this complex, larger problem that appears over and over again in political philosophy: in a democratic society, in which we are committed to treating people as equals, how should we distribute risks between people?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:34:16.249Z,2020-11-25T10:34:16.249Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3751 27091,v1.0,,"I was thinking about decision-making and justice more broadly: about the rights that people have when democratic constituencies make decisions together, particularly when different people bear various levels of risk of being affected by those decisions. Then I realised that algorithmic decision-making models often lead to a specific instantiation of this complex, larger problem that appears over and over again in political philosophy: in a democratic society, in which we are committed to treating people as equals, how should we distribute risks between people?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:34:16.248Z,2020-11-25T10:34:16.248Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5335 27090,v1.0,,"I was thinking about decision-making and justice more broadly: about the rights that people have when democratic constituencies make decisions together, particularly when different people bear various levels of risk of being affected by those decisions. Then I realised that algorithmic decision-making models often lead to a specific instantiation of this complex, larger problem that appears over and over again in political philosophy: in a democratic society, in which we are committed to treating people as equals, how should we distribute risks between people?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:34:16.193Z,2021-02-19T12:47:16.437Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5025 27089,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:31:59.351Z,2020-11-25T10:31:59.351Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4434 27088,v1.0,,"Who has a right to have a say: who should be involved in decisions about that, and how should those decisions take place given existing political and social structures? What would it mean to democratize AI, and would democratizing AI solve problems like algorithmic injustice?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:30:30.131Z,2021-02-19T12:47:16.428Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,5025 27087,v1.0,,"who is responsible for when things go wrong? Who should fix things like algorithmic bias, particularly when it compounds historical patterns of injustice?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:30:16.351Z,2020-11-25T10:30:16.351Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4027 27086,v1.0,,"who is responsible for when things go wrong? Who should fix things like algorithmic bias, particularly when it compounds historical patterns of injustice?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:30:16.343Z,2020-11-25T10:30:16.343Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,1934 27085,v1.0,,"I am also working on a short book titled The Algorithmic is Political. The book is about the extent to which technological design and deployment decisions have this political and moral baggage that we talked about before, and what that means for our moral and political rights and duties: who is responsible for when things go wrong? Who should fix things like algorithmic bias, particularly when it compounds historical patterns of injustice? Are there some decisions that we simply should not automate, even if we have highly accurate and efficient technological tools? Who has a right to have a say: who should be involved in decisions about that, and how should those decisions take place given existing political and social structures? What would it mean to democratize AI, and would democratizing AI solve problems like algorithmic injustice?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:29:50.806Z,2020-11-25T10:29:50.806Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7313 27084,v1.0,,"Are there some decisions that we simply should not automate, even if we have highly accurate and efficient technological tools?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:29:38.894Z,2020-11-25T10:29:38.894Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7940 27083,v1.0,,"Are there some decisions that we simply should not automate, even if we have highly accurate and efficient technological tools?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:29:38.784Z,2020-11-25T10:29:38.784Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7962 27082,v1.0,,"Are there some decisions that we simply should not automate, even if we have highly accurate and efficient technological tools?",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:29:38.740Z,2020-11-25T10:29:38.740Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3751 27081,v1.0,,"In my work, I think about questions like: what type of injustice are we talking about when we talk about algorithmic injustice? Is it a unique form of injustice, or just a reiteration of other, more familiar forms of non-technological injustice that already shape society? I am also interested in the question of how algorithmic bias develops and compounds over time, which in my view is an extremely underexplored area.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:17:12.983Z,2020-11-25T10:17:12.983Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7313 27080,v1.0,,"In my work, I think about questions like: what type of injustice are we talking about when we talk about algorithmic injustice? Is it a unique form of injustice, or just a reiteration of other, more familiar forms of non-technological injustice that already shape society? I am also interested in the question of how algorithmic bias develops and compounds over time, which in my view is an extremely underexplored area.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:17:12.970Z,2020-11-25T10:17:12.970Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4434 27079,v1.0,,"In my work, I think about questions like: what type of injustice are we talking about when we talk about algorithmic injustice? Is it a unique form of injustice, or just a reiteration of other, more familiar forms of non-technological injustice that already shape society? I am also interested in the question of how algorithmic bias develops and compounds over time, which in my view is an extremely underexplored area.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:17:12.846Z,2020-11-25T10:17:12.846Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4850 27078,v1.0,,"In my work, I think about questions like: what type of injustice are we talking about when we talk about algorithmic injustice? Is it a unique form of injustice, or just a reiteration of other, more familiar forms of non-technological injustice that already shape society? I am also interested in the question of how algorithmic bias develops and compounds over time, which in my view is an extremely underexplored area.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:17:12.844Z,2020-11-25T10:17:12.844Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4847 27077,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:15:59.497Z,2020-11-25T10:15:59.497Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,1104 27076,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:15:59.471Z,2020-11-25T10:15:59.471Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3758 27075,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:15:59.470Z,2020-11-25T10:15:59.470Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,3751 27074,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2020-11-25T10:15:59.469Z,2020-11-25T10:15:59.469Z,75832,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4056 27073,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.Peter 6:03",/post/61040,2020-11-24T17:53:26.071Z,2020-11-24T17:53:26.071Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3814 27072,v1.0,,I think this breaks reasonably new ground to really justify some deep research: How can we mitigate the lack of transparency and still get to meaningful insights into how green a product is? What are best practices to make things more green? What are strategies to allow for this type of mark to evolve as things get more transparent over time?,/post/55486,2020-11-24T17:51:30.532Z,2020-11-24T17:51:30.532Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,4850 27071,v1.0,,"See also: AI based surveillance running amok. A super short “best of”: At least seventy-five out of 176 countries globally are actively using AI technologies for surveillance purposes. This includes: smart city/safe city platforms (fifty-six countries), facial recognition systems (sixty-four countries), and smart policing (fifty-two countries). Liberal democracies are major users of AI surveillance. Democracies are not taking adequate steps to monitor and control the spread of sophisticated technologies linked to a range of violations. China is the leading exporter of this type of surveillance tech, but US and European countries are in on it, too. Seriously, read this one, it’s as quick to read as it is horrifying. facial recognition surveillance Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59880,2020-11-24T17:46:50.967Z,2020-11-24T17:46:50.967Z,59880,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10863,5092,4412 27070,v1.0,,"See also: AI based surveillance running amok. A super short “best of”: At least seventy-five out of 176 countries globally are actively using AI technologies for surveillance purposes. This includes: smart city/safe city platforms (fifty-six countries), facial recognition systems (sixty-four countries), and smart policing (fifty-two countries). Liberal democracies are major users of AI surveillance. Democracies are not taking adequate steps to monitor and control the spread of sophisticated technologies linked to a range of violations. China is the leading exporter of this type of surveillance tech, but US and European countries are in on it, too. Seriously, read this one, it’s as quick to read as it is horrifying. facial recognition surveillance Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59880,2020-11-24T17:46:50.893Z,2020-11-24T17:46:50.893Z,59880,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10863,5092,1645 27069,v1.0,,"If you haven’t seen it yet, ImageNet Roulette is an excellent bit of educational/provocative art by the ever-brilliant Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglan. It’s a simple demonstrator of how facial recognition will label you based on its training data set. Concretely, based on ImageNet, which according to this project is the dominant training model out there, used widely in the making of real world products. I highly encourage you to try it out, but with a warning: The results might be hilarious, or pretty disturbing.ImageNet Roulette is best enjoyed side by side with Excavating AI, which explains a little better what’s going on: “Training sets, then, are the foundation on which contemporary machine-learning systems are built. They are central to how AI systems recognize and interpret the world. These datasets shape the epistemic boundaries governing how AI systems operate, and thus are an essential part of understanding socially significant questions about AI. But when we look at the training images widely used in computer-vision systems, we find a bedrock composed of shaky and skewed assumptions.”",/post/59880,2020-11-24T17:46:17.027Z,2020-11-24T17:46:17.027Z,59880,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10863,5092,7952 27068,v1.0,,"If you haven’t seen it yet, ImageNet Roulette is an excellent bit of educational/provocative art by the ever-brilliant Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglan. It’s a simple demonstrator of how facial recognition will label you based on its training data set. Concretely, based on ImageNet, which according to this project is the dominant training model out there, used widely in the making of real world products. I highly encourage you to try it out, but with a warning: The results might be hilarious, or pretty disturbing.ImageNet Roulette is best enjoyed side by side with Excavating AI, which explains a little better what’s going on: “Training sets, then, are the foundation on which contemporary machine-learning systems are built. They are central to how AI systems recognize and interpret the world. These datasets shape the epistemic boundaries governing how AI systems operate, and thus are an essential part of understanding socially significant questions about AI. But when we look at the training images widely used in computer-vision systems, we find a bedrock composed of shaky and skewed assumptions.”",/post/59880,2020-11-24T17:46:17.015Z,2020-11-24T17:46:17.015Z,59880,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10863,5092,4875 27067,v1.0,,"If you haven’t seen it yet, ImageNet Roulette is an excellent bit of educational/provocative art by the ever-brilliant Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglan. It’s a simple demonstrator of how facial recognition will label you based on its training data set. Concretely, based on ImageNet, which according to this project is the dominant training model out there, used widely in the making of real world products. I highly encourage you to try it out, but with a warning: The results might be hilarious, or pretty disturbing.ImageNet Roulette is best enjoyed side by side with Excavating AI, which explains a little better what’s going on: “Training sets, then, are the foundation on which contemporary machine-learning systems are built. They are central to how AI systems recognize and interpret the world. These datasets shape the epistemic boundaries governing how AI systems operate, and thus are an essential part of understanding socially significant questions about AI. But when we look at the training images widely used in computer-vision systems, we find a bedrock composed of shaky and skewed assumptions.”",/post/59880,2020-11-24T17:46:17.012Z,2020-11-24T17:46:17.012Z,59880,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10863,5092,4412 27066,v1.0,,"These are examples of methods of exploration and experimentation that allow service providers to optimize their services, while externalizing risks and costs onto users.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:23:55.107Z,2020-11-24T17:23:55.107Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4525 27061,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2020-11-24T17:22:53.377Z,2020-11-24T17:23:10.352Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7986 27057,v1.0,,"Service providers can improve the software using this feedback, and in the process also optimize users behavior towards a certain direction. You can orient the users towards the interests of the company.And this is how I started to understand that we are no longer looking at information and communication technologies, but we’re looking at optimization systems. These are systems that are optimizing features depending on user behavior, and optimizing that behavior based on the interest of the company for the extraction of value.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:22:53.365Z,2020-11-24T17:23:10.329Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7986 27056,v1.0,,"And since most user interactions are also communicated to the server, the developers can observe users’ behavior and tweak the design to get better results. With this feedback loop in place, the industry can now optimize software so that they capture and manipulate user behavior in a way that is aligned with business interests.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:22:53.362Z,2020-11-24T17:23:10.320Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7986 27055,v1.0,,"Similar results came out of Brooke Borel’s (the author of The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking) research, during which she used ClaimBuster against her own manual work. Although ClaimBuster found almost the same amount of fake information and did it faster than her, it missed some important information which was only partially true and could be defined as misinformation. She cited the example of a sentence about climate change, a topic both political and scientific, which contained a subtle judgment: minimizing the impact of human activity on global warming. The ClaimBuster was not able to point out the doubtful tone of the article.",/post/54755,2020-11-24T17:20:16.670Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.917Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4056 27054,v1.0,,"At the moment, these fact checkers are half-automated. The databases used in these algorithms have displayed multiple examples of stereotypes and biases, and they are not capable of the judgment and sensitivity to the context, necessary to reliably establish the veracity of the material. "" I'm a bit skeptical about AI and fact-checking. Sometimes misinformation is not fake, it's a tone, something very subtle” admitted Guido Romeo, Data journalist at FACTA, “ I have never seen a machine to grasp it""",/post/54755,2020-11-24T17:20:16.668Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.912Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4056 27053,v1.0,,"Fact checking tools use rich databases of verified, high-quality and wide-ranging information. The algorithm is also fed with examples of debunked stories and results of the work of human fact-checkers. According to Lucas Graves from Reuters Institute Oxford the development focuses on three aims: spotting false or questionable claims circulating in the media; verifying or facilitating verification of claims or stories and delivering corrections instantaneously, across different media, to audiences exposed to misinformation.",/post/54755,2020-11-24T17:20:16.664Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.907Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4056 27051,v1.0,,"we’re looking into implementing the CRM, and we’re also looking into the tools to automate our bookings a step further, so we make them available online. And also, we’re looking into improve the access control in the co-livings, as the current doors that we have at the co-livings are mechanical, they are not electrical. And, it’s a bit tricky to automate access with those, and make sure that it doesn’t become a recurring problem, in terms of maintenance.",/post/80267,2020-11-24T17:20:16.658Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.897Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,4056 27050,v1.0,,"There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:20:16.654Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.892Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4056 27049,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:20:16.650Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.887Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4056 27048,v1.0,,"You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:20:16.647Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.882Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4056 27047,v1.0,,"Your current case is on behalf of Uber drivers who were fired by algorithm decision making that also significantly identifies the reason as ""fraud"" which triggers deeper problems for the drivers.Uber is famously bad to its drivers, but what is the outcome you hope to achieve with this case? Are you looking to prevent all machine-generated judgements against individuals? Or is your focus on ensuring fair due process for people who are the recipients of such judgements?",/post/86487,2020-11-24T17:20:16.643Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.877Z,86487,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,4056 27045,v1.0,,"This applies to the use of AI in fighting misinformation. As Wilfried Runde of Deutsche Welle said, “ publishers must be open about the AI tools that they are using in their work”. If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback. This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-24T17:20:16.636Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.867Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4056 27044,v1.0,,"Therefore, it seems that humans are not entirely alone in the fake news war. Technology has already developed useful tools for facilitating the journalists’ work, such as fact-checkers, and the industry does not stop progressing. However, these options still require human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse. So journalists are here to stay. But they must stay alter and show how our values of democracy, transparency, and freedom of speech are being preserved in this super dynamic, technologically enhanced environment.",/post/54755,2020-11-24T17:20:16.633Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.862Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4056 27043,v1.0,,"Wilfried Runde stressed the importance of the journalist’s judgment in the process - “ the result will always be left with the journalist in the newsroom.” This applies to Truly Media, a tool developed three years ago by Deutsche Welle and the Athens Technology Center in Greece. The technology is based on open-source engines, such as TinEye, which reverse-searches images. It is used for example by Amnesty International in their investigations, or in the European Parliament to verify scientific material. Its main purpose is to verify the authenticity of user-created content - but the final decision lies with the person who interprets these findings.",/post/54755,2020-11-24T17:20:16.628Z,2020-11-24T17:20:22.857Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4056 27042,v1.0,,"I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:13:45.026Z,2020-11-24T17:13:45.026Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7591 27040,v1.0,,"The optimization systems we look at are based on a utilitarian logic. They come with very specific economic models. We need to discuss whether this kind of utilitarian model is the only model for resource allocation. And when it is not the right model, then we need to look at what would be better? As far as I know, which is little, until the end of the 60s, economic models and social choice theory predominantly assumed we are selfish agents trying to maximize our gain, and they proposed systems that could optimize over everybody’s gains. Utilitarian models have been subject to much critique. Optimization systems bring utilitarian logics back in vogue, but with the addition that they optimize resources in different domains in line with profit interests. I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources. Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation. To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want the models of life that they propose and implement.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:13:27.235Z,2020-11-24T17:13:27.235Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3816 27039,v1.0,,"The optimization systems we look at are based on a utilitarian logic. They come with very specific economic models. We need to discuss whether this kind of utilitarian model is the only model for resource allocation. And when it is not the right model, then we need to look at what would be better? As far as I know, which is little, until the end of the 60s, economic models and social choice theory predominantly assumed we are selfish agents trying to maximize our gain, and they proposed systems that could optimize over everybody’s gains. Utilitarian models have been subject to much critique. Optimization systems bring utilitarian logics back in vogue, but with the addition that they optimize resources in different domains in line with profit interests. I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources. Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation. To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want the models of life that they propose and implement.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:13:27.226Z,2020-11-24T17:13:27.226Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7308 27038,v1.0,,"The optimization systems we look at are based on a utilitarian logic. They come with very specific economic models. We need to discuss whether this kind of utilitarian model is the only model for resource allocation. And when it is not the right model, then we need to look at what would be better? As far as I know, which is little, until the end of the 60s, economic models and social choice theory predominantly assumed we are selfish agents trying to maximize our gain, and they proposed systems that could optimize over everybody’s gains. Utilitarian models have been subject to much critique. Optimization systems bring utilitarian logics back in vogue, but with the addition that they optimize resources in different domains in line with profit interests. I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources. Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation. To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want the models of life that they propose and implement.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:13:27.205Z,2020-11-24T17:13:27.205Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 27037,v1.0,,"The optimization systems we look at are based on a utilitarian logic. They come with very specific economic models. We need to discuss whether this kind of utilitarian model is the only model for resource allocation. And when it is not the right model, then we need to look at what would be better? As far as I know, which is little, until the end of the 60s, economic models and social choice theory predominantly assumed we are selfish agents trying to maximize our gain, and they proposed systems that could optimize over everybody’s gains. Utilitarian models have been subject to much critique. Optimization systems bring utilitarian logics back in vogue, but with the addition that they optimize resources in different domains in line with profit interests. I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources. Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation. To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want the models of life that they propose and implement.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:13:27.202Z,2020-11-24T17:13:27.202Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,905 27036,v1.0,,"The optimization systems we look at are based on a utilitarian logic. They come with very specific economic models. We need to discuss whether this kind of utilitarian model is the only model for resource allocation. And when it is not the right model, then we need to look at what would be better? As far as I know, which is little, until the end of the 60s, economic models and social choice theory predominantly assumed we are selfish agents trying to maximize our gain, and they proposed systems that could optimize over everybody’s gains. Utilitarian models have been subject to much critique. Optimization systems bring utilitarian logics back in vogue, but with the addition that they optimize resources in different domains in line with profit interests. I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources. Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation. To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want the models of life that they propose and implement.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:13:27.151Z,2020-11-24T17:13:27.151Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 27035,v1.0,,"The optimization systems we look at are based on a utilitarian logic. They come with very specific economic models. We need to discuss whether this kind of utilitarian model is the only model for resource allocation. And when it is not the right model, then we need to look at what would be better? As far as I know, which is little, until the end of the 60s, economic models and social choice theory predominantly assumed we are selfish agents trying to maximize our gain, and they proposed systems that could optimize over everybody’s gains. Utilitarian models have been subject to much critique. Optimization systems bring utilitarian logics back in vogue, but with the addition that they optimize resources in different domains in line with profit interests. I think in that sense, optimization systems, or machine learning, or AI propose a very specific model, and it’s a very narrow model to organize allocation of resources. Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation. To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want the models of life that they propose and implement.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:13:27.140Z,2020-11-24T17:13:27.140Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 27034,v1.0,,"To succeed, these companies backdoor into the world through users. They use investment money to disrupt existing markets and outrun competitors. If and when they become the last ones standing, it may be too late to have the discussion whether we want",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:12:05.886Z,2020-11-24T17:12:05.886Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 27033,v1.0,,"Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:11:44.699Z,2020-11-24T17:11:44.699Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7308 27032,v1.0,,"Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:11:44.693Z,2020-11-24T17:11:44.693Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,905 27031,v1.0,,"Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:11:44.688Z,2020-11-24T17:11:44.688Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4372 27030,v1.0,,"Given how little attention has been paid to these issues, it is really time to move beyond data and algorithms, and to focus on the forms of governance these technologies are brining and whether they fit with our imagination of how we want to govern our societies? Currently things are the other way around: technology companies are redefining forms of governance and proposing optimization as the only way to organize resource allocation",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:11:44.637Z,2020-11-24T17:11:44.637Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7610 27029,v1.0,,"Burning Question The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around? reframing questions 'the rush to deploy' artificial intelligence (AI) 'higher threshold' common good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:10:36.461Z,2020-11-24T17:10:36.461Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7927 27027,v1.0,,"Burning Question The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around? reframing questions 'the rush to deploy' artificial intelligence (AI) 'higher threshold' common good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:10:36.457Z,2020-11-24T17:10:36.457Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4850 27028,v1.0,,"Burning Question The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around? reframing questions 'the rush to deploy' artificial intelligence (AI) 'higher threshold' common good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:10:36.457Z,2020-11-24T17:10:36.457Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7962 27026,v1.0,,"Burning Question The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around? reframing questions 'the rush to deploy' artificial intelligence (AI) 'higher threshold' common good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:10:36.392Z,2020-11-24T17:10:36.392Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7472 27025,v1.0,,"Burning Question The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around? reframing questions 'the rush to deploy' artificial intelligence (AI) 'higher threshold' common good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:10:36.392Z,2020-11-24T17:10:36.392Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7591 27024,v1.0,,"Basically, every time we apply optimization systems to public agencies or infrastructures, we are redefining the social welfare function of these agencies, and changing the fabric of society. There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:09:44.673Z,2020-11-24T17:09:44.673Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6264 27023,v1.0,,"Basically, every time we apply optimization systems to public agencies or infrastructures, we are redefining the social welfare function of these agencies, and changing the fabric of society. There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:09:44.651Z,2020-11-24T17:09:44.651Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 27022,v1.0,,"Basically, every time we apply optimization systems to public agencies or infrastructures, we are redefining the social welfare function of these agencies, and changing the fabric of society. There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:09:44.648Z,2020-11-24T17:09:44.648Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,905 27021,v1.0,,"Basically, every time we apply optimization systems to public agencies or infrastructures, we are redefining the social welfare function of these agencies, and changing the fabric of society. There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:09:44.498Z,2020-11-24T17:09:44.498Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7962 27020,v1.0,,"There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:57.567Z,2020-11-24T17:08:57.567Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7313 27019,v1.0,,"There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:57.554Z,2020-11-24T17:08:57.554Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4056 27018,v1.0,,"There’s currently very little discussion about whether we want this model. Instead, we have public discussion that is overly focused on algorithms, automated decisions and data flows. Discussions about how to improve algorithms or control data flows does not address how optimization systems are changing the way in which our infrastructures should be governed, or how our resources should be allocated.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:57.483Z,2020-11-24T17:08:57.483Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3751 27017,v1.0,,"There’s currently a run for AI. There’s all this inevitability and urgency around it: “If we don’t do AI, then China and the US will. So we need to do AI.” On a cynical day, one could imagine this is a huge fraud scheme to transfer wealth from some parties to others in the name of innovation while changing our governance structures. At the same time, the academic and civil society discussion is focused on data and algorithms. But we really need to open up a discussion about what it means to use optimization systems in managing all aspects of life.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:14.261Z,2020-11-24T17:08:14.261Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3814 27016,v1.0,,"There’s currently a run for AI. There’s all this inevitability and urgency around it: “If we don’t do AI, then China and the US will. So we need to do AI.” On a cynical day, one could imagine this is a huge fraud scheme to transfer wealth from some parties to others in the name of innovation while changing our governance structures. At the same time, the academic and civil society discussion is focused on data and algorithms. But we really need to open up a discussion about what it means to use optimization systems in managing all aspects of life.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:14.254Z,2020-11-24T17:08:14.254Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7313 27015,v1.0,,"There’s currently a run for AI. There’s all this inevitability and urgency around it: “If we don’t do AI, then China and the US will. So we need to do AI.” On a cynical day, one could imagine this is a huge fraud scheme to transfer wealth from some parties to others in the name of innovation while changing our governance structures. At the same time, the academic and civil society discussion is focused on data and algorithms. But we really need to open up a discussion about what it means to use optimization systems in managing all aspects of life.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:14.236Z,2020-11-24T17:08:14.236Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3758 27014,v1.0,,"There’s currently a run for AI. There’s all this inevitability and urgency around it: “If we don’t do AI, then China and the US will. So we need to do AI.” On a cynical day, one could imagine this is a huge fraud scheme to transfer wealth from some parties to others in the name of innovation while changing our governance structures. At the same time, the academic and civil society discussion is focused on data and algorithms. But we really need to open up a discussion about what it means to use optimization systems in managing all aspects of life.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:14.232Z,2020-11-24T17:08:14.232Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7472 27013,v1.0,,"There’s currently a run for AI. There’s all this inevitability and urgency around it: “If we don’t do AI, then China and the US will. So we need to do AI.” On a cynical day, one could imagine this is a huge fraud scheme to transfer wealth from some parties to others in the name of innovation while changing our governance structures. At the same time, the academic and civil society discussion is focused on data and algorithms. But we really need to open up a discussion about what it means to use optimization systems in managing all aspects of life.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:14.203Z,2020-11-24T17:08:14.203Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 27012,v1.0,,"There’s currently a run for AI. There’s all this inevitability and urgency around it: “If we don’t do AI, then China and the US will. So we need to do AI.” On a cynical day, one could imagine this is a huge fraud scheme to transfer wealth from some parties to others in the name of innovation while changing our governance structures. At the same time, the academic and civil society discussion is focused on data and algorithms. But we really need to open up a discussion about what it means to use optimization systems in managing all aspects of life.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:08:14.162Z,2020-11-24T17:08:14.162Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7591 27011,v1.0,,"Companies like Waze do not officially join the infrastructure planning. They offer services to citizens that use that infrastructure, going through the backdoor, de facto redefining the social welfare function of those infrastructures. These services are putting into practice a new definition of what it means to use roads optimally. In the process, they are no longer optimizing the infrastructure for everyone, but doing so their users and their bottom line.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:05:56.282Z,2020-11-24T17:05:56.282Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 27010,v1.0,,"Companies like Waze do not officially join the infrastructure planning. They offer services to citizens that use that infrastructure, going through the backdoor, de facto redefining the social welfare function of those infrastructures. These services are putting into practice a new definition of what it means to use roads optimally. In the process, they are no longer optimizing the infrastructure for everyone, but doing so their users and their bottom line.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:05:56.249Z,2020-11-24T17:05:56.249Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7959 27009,v1.0,,"The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:04:43.493Z,2020-11-24T17:04:43.493Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4875 27008,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:04:28.048Z,2020-11-24T17:18:30.049Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4575 27007,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:04:27.983Z,2020-11-24T17:04:27.983Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7799 27006,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:04:27.965Z,2020-11-24T17:04:27.965Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4056 27005,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:04:27.964Z,2020-11-24T17:04:27.964Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3751 27004,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:04:27.920Z,2020-11-24T17:04:27.920Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,729 27003,v1.0,,"This is a very narrow view of the problems that can arise when optimization systems are applied in the public sector. The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.Here we see the trouble with the systems, because they are already racialized and discriminatory systems of population control. That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor. How can government agencies who employ AI start making claims about fairness, when they’re in themselves problematic institutions.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:04:27.876Z,2020-11-24T17:04:27.876Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6222 27002,v1.0,,"That they’re discriminatory is not just at the level of the algorithm, but the whole system. The fact that it’s optimizing over that population is already very problematic, because it’s going to optimize with respect to somebody’s understanding of what is optimal. The discriminatory effect is just an additional factor, but it’s not the main factor.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:03:44.336Z,2020-11-24T17:03:44.336Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7951 27001,v1.0,,"The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:03:12.669Z,2020-11-24T17:03:12.669Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7954 27000,v1.0,,"The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:03:01.995Z,2020-11-24T17:03:01.995Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1925 26999,v1.0,,"The concern about automated decision with discriminatory effect misses the point that a border system is already a very racialized and very discriminatory system. With regards to social welfare, especially unemployment systems are most likely to impact people with low economic resources, and a good portion of that is likely going to be immigrants. People quickly made the conclusions that border control could be discriminatory or make mistakes. Similar to the Austrian example, there are claims that if you are an immigrant, or a woman with a child, the systems reduces your chances of getting access to resources to re-enter the employment market.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T17:02:54.723Z,2020-11-24T17:02:54.723Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1150 26998,v1.0,,I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.,/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:59:31.362Z,2020-11-24T16:59:31.362Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7986 26997,v1.0,,I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.,/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:59:31.353Z,2020-11-24T16:59:31.353Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7626 26995,v1.0,,"I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:58:09.683Z,2020-11-24T16:58:09.683Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7799 26994,v1.0,,"I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:58:00.767Z,2020-11-24T16:58:00.767Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 26993,v1.0,,"I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:57:39.865Z,2020-11-24T16:57:39.865Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7959 26992,v1.0,,"I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:57:39.824Z,2020-11-24T16:57:39.824Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6264 26990,v1.0,,"I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:57:39.789Z,2020-11-24T16:57:39.789Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4523 26989,v1.0,,"I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows. Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training. This can be said to be a proposition for optimizing the social welfare state.You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:57:39.734Z,2020-11-24T16:57:39.734Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,427 26987,v1.0,,Another example I have heard about is from the Austrian Employment Agency: they are deciding who of the currently unemployed is likely to reenter the workforce in order to only offer those access to re-training.,/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:56:33.635Z,2021-02-26T12:26:49.391Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7725 26986,v1.0,,I have followed from a distance a proposal for a ‘lie detector’ AI to be piloted on European borders. They are proposing that this service will help optimize the surveillance at the border and the management of flows.,/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:56:14.847Z,2020-11-24T16:56:14.847Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1150 26985,v1.0,,"You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:56:00.523Z,2020-11-24T16:56:00.523Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4056 26983,v1.0,,"You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:56:00.408Z,2020-11-24T16:56:00.408Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,729 26982,v1.0,,"You can imagine that all of these services have been sold, and all of these technologies have been developed, with the idea in mind that these institutions can cut costs and be more efficient at the same time, the main concern being that they may make unfair automated decisions with discriminatory effects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:56:00.407Z,2020-11-24T16:56:00.407Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3751 26981,v1.0,,"I think there’s also another story to be told, which is that Cloud services are a natural progression from the move from shrink-wrapped software in a box to services as we have them now. Some argue services lead to centralization and concentration of computing power, which is optimized to serve all these different services. That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us. But you can also turn that story around and say, the cloud is a promise of the software industry to investors, that they can get a lot of people onto the cloud. They should invest in it. In fact, cloud services are fast growing investment objects. Seen this way, autonomous cars are a great way to fulfill the promise of the clouds. In other words, the clouds and their investors are pulling on autonomous cars.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:53:58.237Z,2020-11-24T16:53:58.237Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 26980,v1.0,,"I think there’s also another story to be told, which is that Cloud services are a natural progression from the move from shrink-wrapped software in a box to services as we have them now. Some argue services lead to centralization and concentration of computing power, which is optimized to serve all these different services. That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us. But you can also turn that story around and say, the cloud is a promise of the software industry to investors, that they can get a lot of people onto the cloud. They should invest in it. In fact, cloud services are fast growing investment objects. Seen this way, autonomous cars are a great way to fulfill the promise of the clouds. In other words, the clouds and their investors are pulling on autonomous cars.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:53:58.186Z,2020-11-24T16:53:58.186Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7308 26979,v1.0,,"I think there’s also another story to be told, which is that Cloud services are a natural progression from the move from shrink-wrapped software in a box to services as we have them now. Some argue services lead to centralization and concentration of computing power, which is optimized to serve all these different services. That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us. But you can also turn that story around and say, the cloud is a promise of the software industry to investors, that they can get a lot of people onto the cloud. They should invest in it. In fact, cloud services are fast growing investment objects. Seen this way, autonomous cars are a great way to fulfill the promise of the clouds. In other words, the clouds and their investors are pulling on autonomous cars.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:53:58.176Z,2020-11-24T16:53:58.176Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 26978,v1.0,,"That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:52:19.000Z,2020-11-24T16:52:19.000Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4665 26977,v1.0,,"That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:52:18.996Z,2020-11-24T16:52:18.996Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3816 26976,v1.0,,"That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:52:18.995Z,2020-11-24T16:52:18.995Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3822 26975,v1.0,,"That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:52:18.962Z,2020-11-24T16:52:18.962Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4892 26974,v1.0,,"the cloud is a promise of the software industry to investors, that they can get a lot of people onto the cloud. They should invest in it. In fact, cloud services are fast growing investment objects. Seen this way, autonomous cars are a great way to fulfill the promise of the clouds. In other words, the clouds and their investors are pulling on autonomous cars.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:51:24.961Z,2020-11-24T16:51:24.961Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4334 26973,v1.0,,"the cloud is a promise of the software industry to investors, that they can get a lot of people onto the cloud. They should invest in it. In fact, cloud services are fast growing investment objects. Seen this way, autonomous cars are a great way to fulfill the promise of the clouds. In other words, the clouds and their investors are pulling on autonomous cars.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:51:24.951Z,2020-11-24T16:51:24.951Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7938 26972,v1.0,,"the cloud is a promise of the software industry to investors, that they can get a lot of people onto the cloud. They should invest in it. In fact, cloud services are fast growing investment objects. Seen this way, autonomous cars are a great way to fulfill the promise of the clouds. In other words, the clouds and their investors are pulling on autonomous cars.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:51:11.784Z,2020-11-24T16:51:11.784Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3598 26971,v1.0,,"take autonomous cars as an example: for them to function, you have to remove everything that has a lot of uncertainty from their way. I’m seeing a lot of research now where they’re like, “Okay, how can we still maybe have people in the picture? And the answer is we can profile them all the time. We can constantly monitor people and their behavior and give them control when they fit our expectations and models of risk.” Basically, what they’re imagining is that autonomous cars can only exist if the infrastructure continuously monitors everyone around those cars, and provides agency to those people based on continuous behavioral analysis. None of this is an accident. This is a plan.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:50:14.162Z,2020-11-24T16:50:14.162Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7626 26970,v1.0,,"take autonomous cars as an example: for them to function, you have to remove everything that has a lot of uncertainty from their way. I’m seeing a lot of research now where they’re like, “Okay, how can we still maybe have people in the picture? And the answer is we can profile them all the time. We can constantly monitor people and their behavior and give them control when they fit our expectations and models of risk.” Basically, what they’re imagining is that autonomous cars can only exist if the infrastructure continuously monitors everyone around those cars, and provides agency to those people based on continuous behavioral analysis. None of this is an accident. This is a plan.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:50:14.144Z,2020-11-24T16:50:14.144Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3598 26969,v1.0,,"take autonomous cars as an example: for them to function, you have to remove everything that has a lot of uncertainty from their way. I’m seeing a lot of research now where they’re like, “Okay, how can we still maybe have people in the picture? And the answer is we can profile them all the time. We can constantly monitor people and their behavior and give them control when they fit our expectations and models of risk.” Basically, what they’re imagining is that autonomous cars can only exist if the infrastructure continuously monitors everyone around those cars, and provides agency to those people based on continuous behavioral analysis. None of this is an accident. This is a plan.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:50:14.126Z,2020-11-24T16:50:14.126Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1645 26968,v1.0,,"take autonomous cars as an example: for them to function, you have to remove everything that has a lot of uncertainty from their way. I’m seeing a lot of research now where they’re like, “Okay, how can we still maybe have people in the picture? And the answer is we can profile them all the time. We can constantly monitor people and their behavior and give them control when they fit our expectations and models of risk.” Basically, what they’re imagining is that autonomous cars can only exist if the infrastructure continuously monitors everyone around those cars, and provides agency to those people based on continuous behavioral analysis. None of this is an accident. This is a plan.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:50:14.124Z,2020-11-24T16:50:14.124Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4523 26967,v1.0,,"Let’s take, Uber: normally, you would pay people for the time they work. And now you basically pay people if there are customers. This means that you externalize the risk of not having customers on to individual workers. What you offer them in return is that you will make an optimization system that will give them enough information, so that they can judge when they’re going to take that risk. Uber tells its drivers there will be more customers between 3pm and 5pm. The system is also very attuned to their price optimization. Basically, Uber is constantly putting their drivers into a situation where they are provided with information, so that they can manage their risk. This is how Uber is designed to work. Having seen many examples like thiswe intentionally moved away from calling these negative occurrences ‘accidents’.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:48:30.651Z,2020-11-24T16:48:30.651Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7985 26966,v1.0,,"When we started this work on optimization systems and their externalities, and we’re not sure if we should call these risks and harms externalities. When looked at AI safety papers and we realized their authors call these harms and risks “accidents”. We decided not to follow in their steps. These are not accidents. These are deliberate ways of scaling technologies to extract value, while externalizing certain costs onto others. In fact, a lot of the technologies are externalizing risks onto other people.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:46:32.286Z,2020-11-24T16:46:32.286Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7068 26965,v1.0,,"When we started this work on optimization systems and their externalities, and we’re not sure if we should call these risks and harms externalities. When looked at AI safety papers and we realized their authors call these harms and risks “accidents”. We decided not to follow in their steps. These are not accidents. These are deliberate ways of scaling technologies to extract value, while externalizing certain costs onto others. In fact, a lot of the technologies are externalizing risks onto other people.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:46:32.285Z,2020-11-24T16:46:32.285Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7950 26964,v1.0,,"When we started this work on optimization systems and their externalities, and we’re not sure if we should call these risks and harms externalities. When looked at AI safety papers and we realized their authors call these harms and risks “accidents”. We decided not to follow in their steps. These are not accidents. These are deliberate ways of scaling technologies to extract value, while externalizing certain costs onto others. In fact, a lot of the technologies are externalizing risks onto other people.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:46:32.170Z,2020-11-24T16:46:32.170Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1467 26963,v1.0,,"Let’s take, Uber: normally, you would pay people for the time they work. And now you basically pay people if there are customers. This means that you externalize the risk of not having customers on to individual workers. What you offer them in return is that you will make an optimization system that will give them enough information, so that they can judge when they’re going to take that risk. Uber tells its drivers there will be more customers between 3pm and 5pm. The system is also very attuned to their price optimization. Basically, Uber is constantly putting their drivers into a situation where they are provided with information, so that they can manage their risk. This is how Uber is designed to work. Having seen many examples like thiswe intentionally moved away from calling these negative occurrences ‘accidents’.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:44:59.206Z,2020-11-24T16:44:59.206Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 26962,v1.0,,"These are deliberate ways of scaling technologies to extract value, while externalizing certain costs onto others. In fact, a lot of the technologies are externalizing risks onto other people.Let’s take, Uber: normally, you would pay people for the time they work. And now you basically pay people if there are customers. This means that you externalize the risk of not having customers on to individual workers. What you offer them in return is that you will make an optimization system that will give them enough information, so that they can judge when they’re going to take that risk. Uber tells its drivers there will be more customers between 3pm and 5pm. The system is also very attuned to their price optimization. Basically, Uber is constantly putting their drivers into a situation where they are provided with information, so that they can manage their risk. This is how Uber is designed to work. Having seen many examples like thiswe intentionally moved away from calling these negative occurrences ‘accidents’.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:44:41.477Z,2020-11-24T16:44:41.477Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4523 26961,v1.0,,"These are deliberate ways of scaling technologies to extract value, while externalizing certain costs onto others. In fact, a lot of the technologies are externalizing risks onto other people.Let’s take, Uber: normally, you would pay people for the time they work. And now you basically pay people if there are customers. This means that you externalize the risk of not having customers on to individual workers. What you offer them in return is that you will make an optimization system that will give them enough information, so that they can judge when they’re going to take that risk. Uber tells its drivers there will be more customers between 3pm and 5pm. The system is also very attuned to their price optimization. Basically, Uber is constantly putting their drivers into a situation where they are provided with information, so that they can manage their risk. This is how Uber is designed to work. Having seen many examples like thiswe intentionally moved away from calling these negative occurrences ‘accidents’.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:44:41.362Z,2020-11-24T16:44:41.362Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4509 26960,v1.0,,"Let’s take, Uber: normally, you would pay people for the time they work. And now you basically pay people if there are customers. This means that you externalize the risk of not having customers on to individual workers. What you offer them in return is that you will make an optimization system that will give them enough information, so that they can judge when they’re going to take that risk. Uber tells its drivers there will be more customers between 3pm and 5pm. The system is also very attuned to their price optimization. Basically, Uber is constantly putting their drivers into a situation where they are provided with information, so that they can manage their risk. This is how Uber is designed to work. Having seen many examples like thiswe intentionally moved away from calling these negative occurrences ‘accidents’.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:43:50.579Z,2020-11-24T16:43:50.579Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6395 26959,v1.0,,"it's like, as an individual, even if miraculously. And this should not be a crime in Canada, possible zero crime, but even if you will be able to read and fully understand and fully navigate all the privacy policies in the world, a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all. That's like the Wild West. Completely. Interesting.",/post/61040,2020-11-24T16:42:25.088Z,2020-11-24T16:42:25.088Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7767 26958,v1.0,,"it's like, as an individual, even if miraculously. And this should not be a crime in Canada, possible zero crime, but even if you will be able to read and fully understand and fully navigate all the privacy policies in the world, a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all. That's like the Wild West. Completely. Interesting.",/post/61040,2020-11-24T16:42:25.087Z,2020-11-24T16:42:25.087Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3596 26957,v1.0,,"a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all.",/post/61040,2020-11-24T16:42:01.592Z,2020-11-24T16:42:01.592Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4509 26956,v1.0,,"a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all.",/post/61040,2020-11-24T16:42:01.531Z,2020-11-24T16:42:01.531Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3814 26955,v1.0,,"a lot of the magic of data exploitation still happens once the data is your individual data is collected with like data of like 150,000, or like 100 or 2 million other people. And none of the privacy policies even tagged with that level at all.",/post/61040,2020-11-24T16:42:00.554Z,2020-11-24T16:42:00.554Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7785 26954,v1.0,,"I think in general, we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining. So pools of users able to put together their demands, their needs, their permissions, and through more collective bargaining, able to negotiate. And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because Yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/61040,2020-11-24T16:40:55.310Z,2020-11-24T16:40:55.310Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7767 26953,v1.0,,"I think in general, we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining. So pools of users able to put together their demands, their needs, their permissions, and through more collective bargaining, able to negotiate. And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because Yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/61040,2020-11-24T16:40:55.297Z,2020-11-24T16:40:55.297Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7933 26952,v1.0,,"I want to be careful here and not fold everything under optimization, because, then we might as well talk about capitalism rather than optimization, but I think these are new technological practices that deserve their own critique. At the same time, it looks a lot like capitalism, too. There is something about the way in which the services are applied in places where they are expeted to bring return on investment, leaving behind many places. Only when these companies are pressured to expand their markets, do they start deploying their services elsewhere. However, it may not be the same quality, or like Facebook did in Myanmar and Bangladesh: without any support for the local languages. It has to do with the logic of extraction, of value driving, how you deploy services.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:31:12.044Z,2020-11-24T16:31:12.044Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4822 26951,v1.0,,"There is something about the way in which the services are applied in places where they are expeted to bring return on investment, leaving behind many places. Only when these companies are pressured to expand their markets, do they start deploying their services elsewhere. However, it may not be the same quality, or like Facebook did in Myanmar and Bangladesh: without any support for the local languages. It has to do with the logic of extraction, of value driving, how you deploy services.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:30:57.748Z,2020-11-24T16:30:57.748Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3816 26950,v1.0,,"There is something about the way in which the services are applied in places where they are expeted to bring return on investment, leaving behind many places. Only when these companies are pressured to expand their markets, do they start deploying their services elsewhere. However, it may not be the same quality, or like Facebook did in Myanmar and Bangladesh: without any support for the local languages. It has to do with the logic of extraction, of value driving, how you deploy services.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:30:57.740Z,2020-11-24T16:30:57.740Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4334 26949,v1.0,,"There is something about the way in which the services are applied in places where they are expeted to bring return on investment, leaving behind many places. Only when these companies are pressured to expand their markets, do they start deploying their services elsewhere. However, it may not be the same quality, or like Facebook did in Myanmar and Bangladesh: without any support for the local languages. It has to do with the logic of extraction, of value driving, how you deploy services.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:30:57.724Z,2020-11-24T16:30:57.724Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7984 26948,v1.0,,"There is something about the way in which the services are applied in places where they are expeted to bring return on investment, leaving behind many places. Only when these companies are pressured to expand their markets, do they start deploying their services elsewhere. However, it may not be the same quality, or like Facebook did in Myanmar and Bangladesh: without any support for the local languages. It has to do with the logic of extraction, of value driving, how you deploy services.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:30:57.632Z,2020-11-24T16:30:57.632Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7959 26947,v1.0,,"There is something about the way in which the services are applied in places where they are expeted to bring return on investment, leaving behind many places. Only when these companies are pressured to expand their markets, do they start deploying their services elsewhere. However, it may not be the same quality, or like Facebook did in Myanmar and Bangladesh: without any support for the local languages. It has to do with the logic of extraction, of value driving, how you deploy services.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:30:57.611Z,2020-11-24T16:30:57.611Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7983 26946,v1.0,,"you can experiment with services in a way that you couldn’t with shrink-wrap software. For example, the Waze app: maybe there’s a road near a congested freeway that might be an interesting alternative. However, Waze doesn’t have any users going down that road, so they can’t capture if this road is congested and good to recommend. To find out, they send some of the users down these roads that they don’t have enough sensory information about. Let’s say they don’t want to risk it with their “favorite” users, so they may prefer to recommend this route to users that are less optimal for their business. The route may turn out well, or turn out to be congested or blocked, a risk externalized onto that selected user. These are examples of methods of exploration and experimentation that allow service providers to optimize their services, while externalizing risks and costs onto users.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:26:29.553Z,2020-11-24T16:26:29.553Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4509 26945,v1.0,,"Let’s say they don’t want to risk it with their “favorite” users, so they may prefer to recommend this route to users that are less optimal for their business. The route may turn out well, or turn out to be congested or blocked, a risk externalized onto that selected user. These are examples of methods of exploration and experimentation that allow service providers to optimize their services, while externalizing risks and costs onto users.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:25:55.619Z,2020-11-24T16:25:55.619Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7954 26944,v1.0,,"Let’s say they don’t want to risk it with their “favorite” users, so they may prefer to recommend this route to users that are less optimal for their business. The route may turn out well, or turn out to be congested or blocked, a risk externalized onto that selected user. These are examples of methods of exploration and experimentation that allow service providers to optimize their services, while externalizing risks and costs onto users.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:25:55.556Z,2020-11-24T16:25:55.556Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7766 26943,v1.0,,"you can experiment with services in a way that you couldn’t with shrink-wrap software. For example, the Waze app: maybe there’s a road near a congested freeway that might be an interesting alternative. However, Waze doesn’t have any users going down that road, so they can’t capture if this road is congested and good to recommend. To find out, they send some of the users down these roads that they don’t have enough sensory information about. Let’s say they don’t want to risk it with their “favorite” users, so they may prefer to recommend this route to users that are less optimal for their business. The route may turn out well, or turn out to be congested or blocked, a risk externalized onto that selected user. These are examples of methods of exploration and experimentation that allow service providers to optimize their services, while externalizing risks and costs onto users.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:24:09.291Z,2020-11-24T16:24:09.291Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4523 26942,v1.0,,"you can experiment with services in a way that you couldn’t with shrink-wrap software. For example, the Waze app: maybe there’s a road near a congested freeway that might be an interesting alternative. However, Waze doesn’t have any users going down that road, so they can’t capture if this road is congested and good to recommend. To find out, they send some of the users down these roads that they don’t have enough sensory information about. Let’s say they don’t want to risk it with their “favorite” users, so they may prefer to recommend this route to users that are less optimal for their business. The route may turn out well, or turn out to be congested or blocked, a risk externalized onto that selected user. These are examples of methods of exploration and experimentation that allow service providers to optimize their services, while externalizing risks and costs onto users.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:24:09.260Z,2020-11-24T16:24:09.260Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 26941,v1.0,,"you can experiment with services in a way that you couldn’t with shrink-wrap software. For example, the Waze app: maybe there’s a road near a congested freeway that might be an interesting alternative. However, Waze doesn’t have any users going down that road, so they can’t capture if this road is congested and good to recommend. To find out, they send some of the users down these roads that they don’t have enough sensory information about. Let’s say they don’t want to risk it with their “favorite” users, so they may prefer to recommend this route to users that are less optimal for their business. The route may turn out well, or turn out to be congested or blocked, a risk externalized onto that selected user. These are examples of methods of exploration and experimentation that allow service providers to optimize their services, while externalizing risks and costs onto users.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:24:09.200Z,2020-11-24T16:24:09.200Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4520 26940,v1.0,,"The Hidden Truth of Google Maps And Other Apps Many of us use Google Maps, or Google-owned Waze, which allows you to beat traffic. If you’re on the freeway, and there’s a traffic jam, Waze can recommend an alternate route. Waze then will say “Okay, get off the freeway, I’ll push you through the surface roads, so that you can get from A to B faster.” In doing so, they’re claiming to optimize the time to travel for the users. But what they’re also doing is that by optimizing your path by putting you through surface roads, they are actually causing more congestion. What they’re doing is putting more traffic onto roads that cannot deal with that kind of congestion. If only a few users do this, they are doing well. But if a lot of users start doing this, you actually increase congestion for everyone. This is something traffic engineers have called the price of anarchy.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:21:55.739Z,2020-11-24T16:21:55.739Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7982 26939,v1.0,,"The Hidden Truth of Google Maps And Other Apps Many of us use Google Maps, or Google-owned Waze, which allows you to beat traffic. If you’re on the freeway, and there’s a traffic jam, Waze can recommend an alternate route. Waze then will say “Okay, get off the freeway, I’ll push you through the surface roads, so that you can get from A to B faster.” In doing so, they’re claiming to optimize the time to travel for the users. But what they’re also doing is that by optimizing your path by putting you through surface roads, they are actually causing more congestion. What they’re doing is putting more traffic onto roads that cannot deal with that kind of congestion. If only a few users do this, they are doing well. But if a lot of users start doing this, you actually increase congestion for everyone. This is something traffic engineers have called the price of anarchy.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:21:55.669Z,2020-11-24T16:21:55.669Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 26938,v1.0,,"The Hidden Truth of Google Maps And Other Apps Many of us use Google Maps, or Google-owned Waze, which allows you to beat traffic. If you’re on the freeway, and there’s a traffic jam, Waze can recommend an alternate route. Waze then will say “Okay, get off the freeway, I’ll push you through the surface roads, so that you can get from A to B faster.” In doing so, they’re claiming to optimize the time to travel for the users. But what they’re also doing is that by optimizing your path by putting you through surface roads, they are actually causing more congestion. What they’re doing is putting more traffic onto roads that cannot deal with that kind of congestion. If only a few users do this, they are doing well. But if a lot of users start doing this, you actually increase congestion for everyone. This is something traffic engineers have called the price of anarchy.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:21:55.665Z,2020-11-24T16:21:55.665Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1662 26937,v1.0,,"The Hidden Truth of Google Maps And Other Apps Many of us use Google Maps, or Google-owned Waze, which allows you to beat traffic. If you’re on the freeway, and there’s a traffic jam, Waze can recommend an alternate route. Waze then will say “Okay, get off the freeway, I’ll push you through the surface roads, so that you can get from A to B faster.” In doing so, they’re claiming to optimize the time to travel for the users. But what they’re also doing is that by optimizing your path by putting you through surface roads, they are actually causing more congestion. What they’re doing is putting more traffic onto roads that cannot deal with that kind of congestion. If only a few users do this, they are doing well. But if a lot of users start doing this, you actually increase congestion for everyone. This is something traffic engineers have called the price of anarchy.Waze basically keeps its users, by promising them the ability to optimize their path. Time to travel from A to B. It optimizes all of its services, so that the users are happy and if the user base grows, it has more location data from people, which can then be used to build new services and overall, keep investors happy.In services like Waze, the app is the product of layers and layers of managerial and mathematical forms of optimization. And, at the same time, the app helps optimize asocial selfish driver behavior while congesting surface roads, increasing congestion overall, causing extra traffic expenses for municipalities that now have to deal with hundreds of cars using small roads, increasing accidents, etc. Waze and other optimization systems do not “know” things, but sense the world and give information to users in order to co-create new geographies and behaviors for the extraction of value. They maximize the extraction of value by externalizing costs onto others, like non-users and their roads and cities.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:21:02.270Z,2020-11-24T16:21:02.270Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4520 26936,v1.0,,"the app helps optimize asocial selfish driver behavior while congesting surface roads, increasing congestion overall, causing extra traffic expenses for municipalities that now have to deal with hundreds of cars using small roads, increasing accidents, etc. Waze and other optimization systems do not “know” things, but sense the world and give information to users in order to co-create new geographies and behaviors for the extraction of value. They maximize the extraction of value by externalizing costs onto others, like non-users and their roads and cities.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:20:43.112Z,2020-11-24T16:20:43.112Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 26935,v1.0,,"the app helps optimize asocial selfish driver behavior while congesting surface roads, increasing congestion overall, causing extra traffic expenses for municipalities that now have to deal with hundreds of cars using small roads, increasing accidents, etc. Waze and other optimization systems do not “know” things, but sense the world and give information to users in order to co-create new geographies and behaviors for the extraction of value. They maximize the extraction of value by externalizing costs onto others, like non-users and their roads and cities.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:20:43.104Z,2020-11-24T16:20:43.104Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4523 26934,v1.0,,"the app helps optimize asocial selfish driver behavior while congesting surface roads, increasing congestion overall, causing extra traffic expenses for municipalities that now have to deal with hundreds of cars using small roads, increasing accidents, etc. Waze and other optimization systems do not “know” things, but sense the world and give information to users in order to co-create new geographies and behaviors for the extraction of value. They maximize the extraction of value by externalizing costs onto others, like non-users and their roads and cities.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:20:43.074Z,2020-11-24T16:20:43.074Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 26933,v1.0,,"my collaborators like Martha Poon, Carmela Troncoso, Bekah Overdorf, Joris van Hoboken and others have been asking: if the systems are no longer about information, collection, and knowledge — which comes with associated problems of surveillance — but these systems are about optimization, what are their associated problems? And how do we protect the users and their environments?",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:18:18.883Z,2020-11-24T16:18:18.883Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4850 26932,v1.0,,"Google can watch every click, holds all user documents, and can capture all the desirable and undesirable ways in which users interact with their service. Service providers can improve the software using this feedback, and in the process also optimize users behavior towards a certain direction. You can orient the users towards the interests of the company.And this is how I started to understand that we are no longer looking at information and communication technologies, but we’re looking at optimization systems. These are systems that are optimizing features depending on user behavior, and optimizing that behavior based on the interest of the company for the extraction of value.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:14:10.007Z,2020-11-24T16:14:10.007Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 26931,v1.0,,"Google can watch every click, holds all user documents, and can capture all the desirable and undesirable ways in which users interact with their service. Service providers can improve the software using this feedback, and in the process also optimize users behavior towards a certain direction. You can orient the users towards the interests of the company.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:13:37.816Z,2020-11-24T16:13:37.816Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3822 26930,v1.0,,"Service providers can improve the software using this feedback, and in the process also optimize users behavior towards a certain direction. You can orient the users towards the interests of the company.And this is how I started to understand that we are no longer looking at information and communication technologies, but we’re looking at optimization systems. These are systems that are optimizing features depending on user behavior, and optimizing that behavior based on the interest of the company for the extraction of value.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T16:13:22.672Z,2020-11-24T16:13:22.672Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7766 26928,v1.0,,"Until the end of the 90s, it was very typical that software came in a box, which included floppy disks or CD ROMs that contained a copy of the software that you could install on your personal computer. This box was the product of a very specific way to produce software as a product using “waterfall methodologies”. In waterfall methods, you start with the requirements from the clients, once you have those, you go to your developer team and start turning those requirements into a specification and a design of a machine to be developed. This whole process was slow, like one or two years, and after that you would emerge and pass what you developed back to the client. You would test it with the client to see if it worked. And, ideally it all worked and you were done.Or, for example with Microsoft, every two to three years a new release of the operating system would be offered. They would go through a similar cycle for each version, and come back in 2-3 years with a new version of the operating system, or other software like Microsoft Office. Once it was ready, you would release the code and put it on a disk to get sold. Once code was released, changes were difficult, so that release date was a big moment and the end of a production cycle. Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.This subtle shift has completely changed how software is produced and how the software industry functions. As a result, the political economy of these companies has transformed, turning them into very different kinds of investment objects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T14:12:27.969Z,2020-11-24T14:12:27.969Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7286 26927,v1.0,,"Until the end of the 90s, it was very typical that software came in a box, which included floppy disks or CD ROMs that contained a copy of the software that you could install on your personal computer. This box was the product of a very specific way to produce software as a product using “waterfall methodologies”. In waterfall methods, you start with the requirements from the clients, once you have those, you go to your developer team and start turning those requirements into a specification and a design of a machine to be developed. This whole process was slow, like one or two years, and after that you would emerge and pass what you developed back to the client. You would test it with the client to see if it worked. And, ideally it all worked and you were done.Or, for example with Microsoft, every two to three years a new release of the operating system would be offered. They would go through a similar cycle for each version, and come back in 2-3 years with a new version of the operating system, or other software like Microsoft Office. Once it was ready, you would release the code and put it on a disk to get sold. Once code was released, changes were difficult, so that release date was a big moment and the end of a production cycle. Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.This subtle shift has completely changed how software is produced and how the software industry functions. As a result, the political economy of these companies has transformed, turning them into very different kinds of investment objects.",/post/64014,2020-11-24T14:12:27.903Z,2020-11-24T14:12:27.903Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7949 26919,v1.0,,"Yes, also core hardware gets trickier to use with free only software (wifi-cards, bios-stuff, graphics chips, etc.pp. for a podcast with some stories see/hear also:",/post/67032,2020-11-16T14:56:29.220Z,2020-11-16T14:56:29.220Z,67032,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11985,4861,5890 26918,v1.0,,"Yes, also core hardware gets trickier to use with free only software (wifi-cards, bios-stuff, graphics chips, etc.pp. for a podcast with some stories see/hear also:",/post/67032,2020-11-16T14:56:25.547Z,2020-11-16T14:56:25.547Z,67032,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11985,4861,5263 26917,v1.0,,"Yes, also core hardware gets trickier to use with free only software (wifi-cards, bios-stuff, graphics chips, etc.pp. for a podcast with some stories see/hear also:",/post/67032,2020-11-16T14:09:56.375Z,2020-11-16T14:09:56.375Z,67032,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11985,4861,927 26916,v1.0,,"Yes, also core hardware gets trickier to use with free only software (wifi-cards, bios-stuff, graphics chips, etc.pp. for a podcast with some stories see/hear also:",/post/67032,2020-11-16T14:09:45.921Z,2020-11-16T14:09:45.921Z,67032,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11985,4861,868 26912,v1.0,,Prediction of the climate. What are the changes we can make that have the most impact in avoiding more damage to the climate.,/post/54182,2020-11-14T12:22:27.076Z,2020-11-14T12:22:34.964Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,7970 26911,v1.0,,Measuring climate and greenhouse gases - we will be able to better control our emissions if we know where they are happening and be able to make better predictions if we know what is happening in the climate today.,/post/54182,2020-11-14T12:22:27.074Z,2020-11-14T12:22:34.958Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,7970 26909,v1.0,,"I guess it depends on the data and on the indicators used. To make good predictions you need reliable data and strong indicators. And that is a big problem if you use data from government databases, because that data is often not reliable. Garbage in = garbage out.",/post/86663,2020-11-14T12:22:27.070Z,2020-11-14T12:22:34.947Z,86663,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7970 26908,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping. ""The term “self-learning” is confusing and misleading: an algorithm does not know and understand reality. There are predictive algorithms which are fairly accurate in predicting the outcome of a court case. However, they do not do so on the basis of the substantive merits of the case. They can therefore not substantiate their predictions in a legally sound manner, while that is required for all legal proceedings for each individual case. (…)",/post/86484,2020-11-14T12:22:27.067Z,2020-11-14T12:22:34.942Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,7970 26907,v1.0,,"True, but 'existing non-algorithmic systems' basically depend on human decisions. This makes it possible to talk to a human being. Algorithms cannot yet explain their reasoning.",/post/86672,2020-11-14T12:06:28.254Z,2020-11-14T12:06:36.314Z,86672,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7762 26906,v1.0,,Was this what worried the courts? Solution: unleash SyRI on randomly chosen citizens.,/post/86649,2020-11-14T11:57:40.811Z,2020-11-14T11:57:49.524Z,86649,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,4,6222 26905,v1.0,,"Chosing citizend randomly would solve that problem, but I guess that would not fit in the governments agenda.",/post/86652,2020-11-14T11:57:40.808Z,2020-11-14T11:57:49.519Z,86652,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,6222 26904,v1.0,,"Scientific bloggers (who are not living in the walled garden of professions) are already competing on quality of analysis, and often doing a much better job than ""journalists""... a few of them transition with success to more traditional editorial endeavours, like book publishing... so it is achievable with a bit of effort :slight_smile: and people refusing to analyse their own profession are a bit like those men replying the accounts of feminists are exaggerated, because they have never directly witnessed this or that...",/post/54759,2020-11-14T11:54:34.842Z,2020-11-14T11:54:47.859Z,54759,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,3596 26903,v1.0,,"I have somewhat of a tooth with journalists that repel the responsibilities of their role... It has been investigative journalism ( ) that has brought everyone to think of the activity as a 4th estate, and which justified a number of protections for the category, including the excess of creating protected professions out of it (e.g. in Italy) as if one needed to be professionalized to exercise the the category seems very keen to rush for clickbait strategies, first reporting rather than deep reporting, and overall journalism as a form of marketing, which is a paid ally of this or that power/mission...No doubt education is part of the solution, and I have never heard anyone claiming otherwise... but journalists should live up to their roles, or be ready for expiration :angel:",/post/54759,2020-11-14T11:54:34.839Z,2020-11-14T11:54:47.853Z,54759,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,3596 26902,v1.0,,"I think that one good example of the so-called non-deployment argument – the argument that we just shouldn't deploy particular types of AI systems in particular domains to solve particular problems, no matter how much we can optimise AI in that domain – is the current debate about facial recognition technology, which is used in law enforcement, for instance.",/post/75832,2020-11-14T11:50:48.646Z,2020-11-14T11:50:58.583Z,75832,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7472 26901,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping.",/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:50:48.643Z,2020-11-14T11:50:58.578Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,7472 26900,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping.",/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:50:48.640Z,2020-11-14T11:50:58.572Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,7472 26899,v1.0,,"True, but 'existing non-algorithmic systems' basically depend on human decisions. This makes it possible to talk to a human being. Algorithms cannot yet explain their reasoning.",/post/86672,2020-11-14T11:49:01.116Z,2020-11-14T11:49:17.602Z,86672,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7762 26898,v1.0,,"True, but 'existing non-algorithmic systems' basically depend on human decisions. This makes it possible to talk to a human being. Algorithms cannot yet explain their reasoning.",/post/86672,2020-11-14T11:44:45.159Z,2020-11-14T11:44:45.159Z,86672,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7963 26897,v1.0,,"True, but 'existing non-algorithmic systems' basically depend on human decisions. This makes it possible to talk to a human being. Algorithms cannot yet explain their reasoning.",/post/86672,2020-11-14T11:44:45.041Z,2020-11-14T11:44:45.041Z,86672,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3763 26896,v1.0,,One could ask why SyRI was not used in the richer neighbourhoods. That might actually result in much more fraud being detected. Of course we didn't make this argument in court. Rich people have a right to privacy too :slight_smile:,/post/86671,2020-11-14T11:43:24.084Z,2020-11-14T11:43:24.084Z,86671,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,5349 26895,v1.0,,"Taking the possible consequences for citizens in account, the predictions should actually be much better than just 'good'. If 2% procent of the outcomes are wrong, this is already effecting a large number of people. This raises the question if decisions by government about fraud can ever be left to algorithms alone. Maybe, human interference should be mandatory.",/post/86667,2020-11-14T11:42:50.733Z,2020-11-14T11:42:50.733Z,86667,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7962 26894,v1.0,,"Taking the possible consequences for citizens in account, the predictions should actually be much better than just 'good'. If 2% procent of the outcomes are wrong, this is already effecting a large number of people. This raises the question if decisions by government about fraud can ever be left to algorithms alone. Maybe, human interference should be mandatory.",/post/86667,2020-11-14T11:42:50.697Z,2020-11-14T11:42:50.697Z,86667,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7555 26893,v1.0,,"Taking the possible consequences for citizens in account, the predictions should actually be much better than just 'good'. If 2% procent of the outcomes are wrong, this is already effecting a large number of people. This raises the question if decisions by government about fraud can ever be left to algorithms alone. Maybe, human interference should be mandatory.",/post/86667,2020-11-14T11:42:50.689Z,2020-11-14T11:42:50.689Z,86667,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7927 26892,v1.0,,"Taking the possible consequences for citizens in account, the predictions should actually be much better than just 'good'. If 2% procent of the outcomes are wrong, this is already effecting a large number of people. This raises the question if decisions by government about fraud can ever be left to algorithms alone. Maybe, human interference should be mandatory.",/post/86667,2020-11-14T11:42:50.681Z,2020-11-14T11:42:50.681Z,86667,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7940 26891,v1.0,,"This raises the question if decisions by government about fraud can ever be left to algorithms alone. Maybe, human interference should be mandatory.",/post/86667,2020-11-14T11:40:54.162Z,2020-11-14T11:40:54.162Z,86667,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3763 26890,v1.0,,"The State argued that SyRI was necessary for preventing and combating fraud in the interest of economic welfare. The Court agreed that this is an important interest of society. However, the State failed to demonstrated that SyRI was a proportionate means to reach this goal.",/post/86665,2020-11-14T11:40:09.843Z,2020-11-14T11:40:09.843Z,86665,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7955 26889,v1.0,,"The State argued that SyRI was necessary for preventing and combating fraud in the interest of economic welfare. The Court agreed that this is an important interest of society. However, the State failed to demonstrated that SyRI was a proportionate means to reach this goal.",/post/86665,2020-11-14T11:40:09.698Z,2020-11-14T11:40:09.698Z,86665,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7799 26888,v1.0,,"The State argued that SyRI was necessary for preventing and combating fraud in the interest of economic welfare. The Court agreed that this is an important interest of society. However, the State failed to demonstrated that SyRI was a proportionate means to reach this goal.",/post/86665,2020-11-14T11:40:09.690Z,2020-11-24T17:21:35.251Z,86665,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,6264 26887,v1.0,,"I guess it depends on the data and on the indicators used. To make good predictions you need reliable data and strong indicators. And that is a big problem if you use data from government databases, because that data is often not reliable. Garbage in = garbage out.",/post/86663,2020-11-14T11:38:40.394Z,2020-11-14T11:38:40.394Z,86663,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7940 26886,v1.0,,"I guess it depends on the data and on the indicators used. To make good predictions you need reliable data and strong indicators. And that is a big problem if you use data from government databases, because that data is often not reliable. Garbage in = garbage out.",/post/86663,2020-11-14T11:38:40.382Z,2020-11-14T11:38:40.382Z,86663,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4497 26885,v1.0,,"I guess it depends on the data and on the indicators used. To make good predictions you need reliable data and strong indicators. And that is a big problem if you use data from government databases, because that data is often not reliable. Garbage in = garbage out.",/post/86663,2020-11-14T11:38:40.371Z,2020-11-14T11:38:40.371Z,86663,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7799 26884,v1.0,,"The SyRI legislation infringed privacy rights in several ways. First, there was no clear description of goals and data categories. Also, the Dutch State did not comply with its duty of transparancy.",/post/86662,2020-11-14T11:36:57.947Z,2020-11-14T11:36:57.947Z,86662,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,966 26883,v1.0,,"The SyRI legislation infringed privacy rights in several ways. First, there was no clear description of goals and data categories. Also, the Dutch State did not comply with its duty of transparancy.",/post/86662,2020-11-14T11:36:57.906Z,2020-11-14T11:36:57.906Z,86662,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3610 26882,v1.0,,"First, there was no clear description of goals and data categories.",/post/86662,2020-11-14T11:36:44.916Z,2020-11-14T11:36:44.916Z,86662,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7955 26881,v1.0,,"First, there was no clear description of goals and data categories.",/post/86662,2020-11-14T11:36:44.913Z,2020-11-14T11:36:44.913Z,86662,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7472 26879,v1.0,,"Also, the Dutch State did not comply with its duty of transparancy.",/post/86662,2020-11-14T11:33:21.577Z,2020-11-14T11:33:21.577Z,86662,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7799 26878,v1.0,,"Also, the Dutch State did not comply with its duty of transparancy.",/post/86662,2020-11-14T11:33:21.576Z,2020-11-14T11:33:21.576Z,86662,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7516 26877,v1.0,,"There were several challenges. First, it took a lot of effort for the plaintiffs (the privacy organizations) to unite and form a coalition. Fortunately, the Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) provided financial support.",/post/86659,2020-11-14T11:32:20.867Z,2020-11-16T17:14:26.663Z,86659,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7682 26876,v1.0,,"There were several challenges. First, it took a lot of effort for the plaintiffs (the privacy organizations) to unite and form a coalition. Fortunately, the Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) provided financial support.",/post/86659,2020-11-14T11:32:20.864Z,2020-11-14T11:32:20.864Z,86659,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4429 26875,v1.0,,"There were several challenges. First, it took a lot of effort for the plaintiffs (the privacy organizations) to unite and form a coalition. Fortunately, the Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) provided financial support.",/post/86659,2020-11-14T11:32:20.762Z,2020-11-14T11:32:20.762Z,86659,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7535 26874,v1.0,,"There were several challenges. First, it took a lot of effort for the plaintiffs (the privacy organizations) to unite and form a coalition. Fortunately, the Digital Freedom Fund (DFF) provided financial support.",/post/86659,2020-11-14T11:32:20.745Z,2020-11-14T11:32:20.745Z,86659,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3610 26873,v1.0,,"Before going to trial, we attempted to gain access to the algorithm and the ‘indicators’ that were used by the government via a Freedom of Information Request (‘FOIA’). This took a lot of time, mainly because the State didn’t comply with legal deadlines and, in the end, provided little relevant information",/post/86659,2020-11-14T11:30:11.178Z,2020-11-14T11:30:11.178Z,86659,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4326 26872,v1.0,,"Before going to trial, we attempted to gain access to the algorithm and the ‘indicators’ that were used by the government via a Freedom of Information Request (‘FOIA’). This took a lot of time, mainly because the State didn’t comply with legal deadlines and, in the end, provided little relevant information",/post/86659,2020-11-14T11:30:10.753Z,2020-11-14T11:30:10.753Z,86659,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7535 26871,v1.0,,"Within government, there seems to be a widespread belief that societal problems can be solved through data analysis. Before we went to court, the coalition that started the case initiated talks with the ministry of Social Security. The people we talked to didn't seem to understand the privacy and other human rights issues. In the past few years, following a number of scandals, public opinion and general awareness have shifted, but I think there is still a strong undercurrent of 'law and order' arguments. After the SyRI judgment, members of parliament seem to be more aware of the legal problems. So, bringing cases like this might actually help :slight_smile:",/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:29:17.818Z,2020-11-14T11:29:17.818Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7799 26870,v1.0,,"So, bringing cases like this might actually help :slight_smile:",/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:28:35.468Z,2020-11-14T11:28:35.468Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7960 26869,v1.0,,"So, bringing cases like this might actually help :slight_smile:",/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:28:35.283Z,2020-11-14T11:28:35.283Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7535 26868,v1.0,,"In the past few years, following a number of scandals, public opinion and general awareness have shifted, but I think there is still a strong undercurrent of 'law and order' arguments. After the SyRI judgment, members of parliament seem to be more aware of the legal problems",/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:27:49.190Z,2020-11-14T11:27:49.190Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7959 26867,v1.0,,"In the past few years, following a number of scandals, public opinion and general awareness have shifted, but I think there is still a strong undercurrent of 'law and order' arguments. After the SyRI judgment, members of parliament seem to be more aware of the legal problems",/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:27:49.128Z,2020-11-14T11:27:49.128Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3778 26866,v1.0,,"Within government, there seems to be a widespread belief that societal problems can be solved through data analysis.",/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:26:25.694Z,2020-11-14T11:26:25.694Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,1662 26865,v1.0,,The people we talked to didn't seem to understand the privacy and other human rights issues.,/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:25:55.166Z,2020-11-14T11:25:55.166Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3610 26864,v1.0,,The people we talked to didn't seem to understand the privacy and other human rights issues.,/post/86657,2020-11-14T11:25:55.076Z,2020-11-14T11:25:55.076Z,86657,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,966 26863,v1.0,,"The software used by Uber has similarities with SyRI but is much more intrusive because of the amount of data and the possible consequences for drivers. On behalf of the drivers, I have filed two requests. The first request regards Uber’s duty of transparency. The main goal is to empower the drivers by giving them access to their data. This allows them – among other things – to united and build collective bargaining power. In doing so, the drivers are supported by the Platform Info Exchange. The second request concerns the practice of dismissing drivers automatically for suspicion of fraud. The drivers claim that Uber infringes upon their right not to be subject to automated decisions, unless specific conditions are met. Uber Cancel Save Annotate",/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:25:17.840Z,2020-11-14T11:25:17.840Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,6395 26862,v1.0,,"The second request concerns the practice of dismissing drivers automatically for suspicion of fraud. The drivers claim that Uber infringes upon their right not to be subject to automated decisions, unless specific conditions are met.",/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:25:11.859Z,2020-11-14T11:25:11.859Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7958 26861,v1.0,,"The first request regards Uber’s duty of transparency. The main goal is to empower the drivers by giving them access to their data. This allows them – among other things – to united and build collective bargaining power. In doing so, the drivers are supported by the Platform Info Exchange.",/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:22:22.843Z,2020-11-14T11:22:22.843Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7516 26860,v1.0,,"The first request regards Uber’s duty of transparency. The main goal is to empower the drivers by giving them access to their data. This allows them – among other things – to united and build collective bargaining power. In doing so, the drivers are supported by the Platform Info Exchange.",/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:22:22.683Z,2020-11-14T11:22:22.683Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4027 26859,v1.0,,"The main goal is to empower the drivers by giving them access to their data. This allows them – among other things – to united and build collective bargaining power. In doing so, the drivers are supported by the Platform Info Exchange.",/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:21:25.445Z,2020-11-14T11:21:25.445Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4881 26858,v1.0,,"The main goal is to empower the drivers by giving them access to their data. This allows them – among other things – to united and build collective bargaining power. In doing so, the drivers are supported by the Platform Info Exchange.",/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:21:25.437Z,2020-12-12T17:37:33.923Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,8022 26857,v1.0,,"The main goal is to empower the drivers by giving them access to their data. This allows them – among other things – to united and build collective bargaining power. In doing so, the drivers are supported by the Platform Info Exchange.",/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:21:25.408Z,2020-11-14T11:21:25.408Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4594 26856,v1.0,,The software used by Uber has similarities with SyRI but is much more intrusive because of the amount of data and the possible consequences for drivers.,/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:20:36.134Z,2020-11-14T11:20:36.134Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3814 26855,v1.0,,The software used by Uber has similarities with SyRI but is much more intrusive because of the amount of data and the possible consequences for drivers.,/post/86653,2020-11-14T11:20:36.129Z,2020-11-14T11:20:36.129Z,86653,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3610 26854,v1.0,,"Yes, that is exactly the 'echo-chamber'-effect I was referring to. Chosing citizend randomly would solve that problem, but I guess that would not fit in the governments agenda.",/post/86652,2020-11-14T11:19:48.146Z,2020-11-14T11:19:48.146Z,86652,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7956 26853,v1.0,,"Chosing citizend randomly would solve that problem, but I guess that would not fit in the governments agenda.",/post/86652,2020-11-14T11:19:37.830Z,2020-11-14T11:19:37.830Z,86652,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7957 26852,v1.0,,We don't know that. The court actually asked the State to clarify how the decision about what neighbourhoods to target is made but - in my opinion - the State failed to provide a clear explanation.,/post/86652,2020-11-14T11:19:23.202Z,2020-11-14T11:19:23.202Z,86652,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3611 26851,v1.0,,We don't know that. The court actually asked the State to clarify how the decision about what neighbourhoods to target is made but - in my opinion - the State failed to provide a clear explanation.,/post/86652,2020-11-14T11:19:23.175Z,2020-11-14T11:19:23.175Z,86652,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4542 26850,v1.0,,We don't know that. The court actually asked the State to clarify how the decision about what neighbourhoods to target is made but - in my opinion - the State failed to provide a clear explanation.,/post/86652,2020-11-14T11:19:23.157Z,2020-11-14T11:19:23.157Z,86652,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,729 26849,v1.0,,"I’m thinking about standards for how to prevent bias and discrimination, how to assess the impact of algorithms and how to explain the outcomes. Such standards might be assessed and improved within the public domain",/post/86650,2020-11-14T11:18:49.946Z,2020-11-14T11:18:49.946Z,86650,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3715 26848,v1.0,,"I’m thinking about standards for how to prevent bias and discrimination, how to assess the impact of algorithms and how to explain the outcomes. Such standards might be assessed and improved within the public domain",/post/86650,2020-11-14T11:18:49.929Z,2020-11-14T11:18:49.929Z,86650,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3611 26847,v1.0,,"I’m thinking about standards for how to prevent bias and discrimination, how to assess the impact of algorithms and how to explain the outcomes. Such standards might be assessed and improved within the public domain",/post/86650,2020-11-14T11:18:49.780Z,2020-11-14T11:18:49.780Z,86650,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4781 26846,v1.0,,"However, certain aspects of algorithmic decision might be addressed in a way that resembles the ‘open source approach’. I’m thinking about standards for how to prevent bias and discrimination, how to assess the impact of algorithms and how to explain the outcomes. Such standards might be assessed and improved within the public domain. There are many different societal contexts and use cases that would have to be addressed, for instance financial sector, automotive, health care, et.",/post/86650,2020-11-14T11:17:38.335Z,2020-11-14T11:17:38.335Z,86650,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,1257 26845,v1.0,,Was this what worried the courts? Solution: unleash SyRI on randomly chosen citizens.,/post/86649,2020-11-14T11:17:23.628Z,2020-11-14T11:17:23.628Z,86649,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,4,7957 26844,v1.0,,"I can imagine the following mechanism for unfairly affecting the groups you mention: if you look for irregularities, you tend to find them (with some probability). According to some observers, the American police searches mostly black young men, which results in black young men accounting for a disproportionately high number of positive searches (and also negative ones). Was this what worried the courts? Solution: unleash SyRI on randomly chosen citizens.",/post/86649,2020-11-14T11:17:00.214Z,2020-11-14T11:17:00.214Z,86649,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,4,7956 26843,v1.0,,"Hi John, actually I’m quite sure that the government will try to make adjustments to carry on with similar projects. After the judgment was given, the Dutch State decided not to appeal it. At first, my clients were very surprised. However, shortly after that, the government introduced a new legislative proposal that provides a general framework for SyRI like systems. We call it ‘Super SyRI’. Under the new law, risk profiling technologies can be introduced in several domains. The law only provides a general framework. Specific requirements will be set in by ministerial decree, which by itself is problematic from a constitutional perspective. 'the rush to deploy' Cancel Save Annotate",/post/86647,2020-11-14T11:12:27.400Z,2020-11-14T11:12:27.400Z,86647,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7472 26842,v1.0,,"The Court’s decision to end the use of SyRI was primarily based on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The use of SyRI was insufficiently transparent and verifiable. Also, it violated a number of privacy principles, such as ‘purpose limitation’ and data minimization. Therefore, the use of SyRI cannot always be considered proportionate and necessary. rights → human rights transparency privacy data protection → GDPR justifying purpose Cancel Save Annotate",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:10:51.365Z,2020-11-14T11:10:51.365Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7955 26841,v1.0,,"The Court’s decision to end the use of SyRI was primarily based on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The use of SyRI was insufficiently transparent and verifiable. Also, it violated a number of privacy principles, such as ‘purpose limitation’ and data minimization. Therefore, the use of SyRI cannot always be considered proportionate and necessary. rights → human rights transparency privacy data protection → GDPR justifying purpose Cancel Save Annotate",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:10:51.312Z,2020-11-14T11:10:51.312Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3785 26840,v1.0,,"The Court’s decision to end the use of SyRI was primarily based on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The use of SyRI was insufficiently transparent and verifiable. Also, it violated a number of privacy principles, such as ‘purpose limitation’ and data minimization. Therefore, the use of SyRI cannot always be considered proportionate and necessary. rights → human rights transparency privacy data protection → GDPR justifying purpose Cancel Save Annotate",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:10:51.301Z,2020-11-14T11:10:51.301Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7516 26839,v1.0,,"The Court’s decision to end the use of SyRI was primarily based on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The use of SyRI was insufficiently transparent and verifiable. Also, it violated a number of privacy principles, such as ‘purpose limitation’ and data minimization. Therefore, the use of SyRI cannot always be considered proportionate and necessary. rights → human rights transparency privacy data protection → GDPR justifying purpose Cancel Save Annotate",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:10:51.292Z,2020-11-14T11:10:51.292Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,966 26838,v1.0,,"The Court’s decision to end the use of SyRI was primarily based on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The use of SyRI was insufficiently transparent and verifiable. Also, it violated a number of privacy principles, such as ‘purpose limitation’ and data minimization. Therefore, the use of SyRI cannot always be considered proportionate and necessary. rights → human rights transparency privacy data protection → GDPR justifying purpose Cancel Save Annotate",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:10:51.285Z,2020-11-14T11:10:51.285Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3610 26837,v1.0,,"Therefore, the profiling that took place in SyRI mostly affected groups with a lower socio-economic status and or minority / immigration background.",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:09:43.987Z,2020-11-14T11:09:43.987Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7954 26835,v1.0,,"The SyRI system was used in ‘SyRI-projects’. These projects were targeted at specific neighborhoods that were considered ‘problem districts’. Therefore, the profiling that took place in SyRI mostly affected groups with a lower socio-economic status and or minority / immigration background. The court also mentions the ‘Echo-chamber’ effect: irregularities in the targeted areas might reinforce a negative image of its occupants. This might lead to stereotyping.",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:08:16.629Z,2020-11-14T11:08:16.629Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4781 26834,v1.0,,"The SyRI system was used in ‘SyRI-projects’. These projects were targeted at specific neighborhoods that were considered ‘problem districts’. Therefore, the profiling that took place in SyRI mostly affected groups with a lower socio-economic status and or minority / immigration background. The court also mentions the ‘Echo-chamber’ effect: irregularities in the targeted areas might reinforce a negative image of its occupants. This might lead to stereotyping.",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:08:16.619Z,2020-11-14T11:08:16.619Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4542 26833,v1.0,,"The SyRI system was used in ‘SyRI-projects’. These projects were targeted at specific neighborhoods that were considered ‘problem districts’. Therefore, the profiling that took place in SyRI mostly affected groups with a lower socio-economic status and or minority / immigration background. The court also mentions the ‘Echo-chamber’ effect: irregularities in the targeted areas might reinforce a negative image of its occupants. This might lead to stereotyping.",/post/86645,2020-11-14T11:08:16.534Z,2020-11-14T11:08:16.534Z,86645,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,729 26832,v1.0,,"Your current case is on behalf of Uber drivers who were fired by algorithm decision making that also significantly identifies the reason as ""fraud"" which triggers deeper problems for the drivers.Uber is famously bad to its drivers, but what is the outcome you hope to achieve with this case? Are you looking to prevent all machine-generated judgements against individuals? Or is your focus on ensuring fair due process for people who are the recipients of such judgements?",/post/86487,2020-11-14T11:07:35.751Z,2020-11-14T11:07:35.751Z,86487,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,3751 26831,v1.0,,"Your current case is on behalf of Uber drivers who were fired by algorithm decision making that also significantly identifies the reason as ""fraud"" which triggers deeper problems for the drivers.Uber is famously bad to its drivers, but what is the outcome you hope to achieve with this case? Are you looking to prevent all machine-generated judgements against individuals? Or is your focus on ensuring fair due process for people who are the recipients of such judgements?",/post/86487,2020-11-14T11:07:35.739Z,2020-11-14T11:07:35.739Z,86487,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,6395 26830,v1.0,,The reverse also applies: the human user of such a self-learning system does not understand why the system concludes that there is a link. An administrative organ that partially bases its actions on such a system is unable to properly justify its actions and to properly substantiate its decisions.”,/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:07:10.410Z,2020-11-14T11:07:10.410Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,3611 26829,v1.0,,The reverse also applies: the human user of such a self-learning system does not understand why the system concludes that there is a link. An administrative organ that partially bases its actions on such a system is unable to properly justify its actions and to properly substantiate its decisions.”,/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:07:10.392Z,2020-11-14T11:07:10.392Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,3763 26828,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping. ""The term “self-learning” is confusing and misleading: an algorithm does not know and understand reality. There are predictive algorithms which are fairly accurate in predicting the outcome of a court case. However, they do not do so on the basis of the substantive merits of the case. They can therefore not substantiate their predictions in a legally sound manner, while that is required for all legal proceedings for each individual case. (…)",/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:06:39.789Z,2020-11-14T11:06:39.789Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,4497 26827,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping.",/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:04:21.275Z,2020-11-14T11:04:21.275Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,7434 26826,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping.",/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:04:02.646Z,2020-11-14T11:04:02.646Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,7940 26825,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping.",/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:04:02.620Z,2020-11-14T11:36:07.493Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,7434 26824,v1.0,,"I found this part of the Judgement to be fascinating. It seems to me to be saying that profiling is pretty accurate, but we aren't sure why since it isn't based on substantive merits. Thus there are no admissible reasons that justify it. So, it's bad to profile people, but it works pretty well. But just because you can doesn't mean you should. This is a fundamental dynamic. It seems like you almost should need a warrant to do it, like wiretapping.",/post/86484,2020-11-14T11:04:02.305Z,2020-11-14T11:04:02.305Z,86484,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,729 26822,v1.0,,"It appears that the mere act of using algorithms per se is not the main issue, unless they discriminate, profile unfairly, do not disclose, get permission or otherwise violate the European Convention on Human Rights and/or the GDPR. Algorithms are used to determine someone’s credit worthiness and algorithms get used in crime fighting, and other purposes.Do you think the government will try to make some adjustments to comply with article 8 and the GDPR and then try to carry on with the program? It seems on reading the ruling that the Court is open to it. (“The court shares the position of the State that those new technological possibilities to prevent and combat fraud should be used.”)",/post/86480,2020-11-14T10:58:40.670Z,2020-11-14T10:58:40.670Z,86480,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,3785 26821,v1.0,,"It appears that the mere act of using algorithms per se is not the main issue, unless they discriminate, profile unfairly, do not disclose, get permission or otherwise violate the European Convention on Human Rights and/or the GDPR. Algorithms are used to determine someone’s credit worthiness and algorithms get used in crime fighting, and other purposes.Do you think the government will try to make some adjustments to comply with article 8 and the GDPR and then try to carry on with the program? It seems on reading the ruling that the Court is open to it. (“The court shares the position of the State that those new technological possibilities to prevent and combat fraud should be used.”)",/post/86480,2020-11-14T10:58:40.623Z,2020-11-14T10:58:40.623Z,86480,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,2915,729 26820,v1.0,,"To release the input variables and the code that generates the AI. It is, after all, deterministic. This does not have to be the same thing as releasing private data if the data is anonymized and scrambled. By doing so, anyone with the computing power required could test the bias of the AI by feeding it test data",/post/86472,2020-11-14T10:58:02.412Z,2020-11-14T10:58:02.412Z,86472,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,4022,7555 26819,v1.0,,"To release the input variables and the code that generates the AI. It is, after all, deterministic. This does not have to be the same thing as releasing private data if the data is anonymized and scrambled. By doing so, anyone with the computing power required could test the bias of the AI by feeding it test data",/post/86472,2020-11-14T10:58:02.006Z,2020-11-14T10:58:02.006Z,86472,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,4022,7516 26818,v1.0,,"In 2014, the Dutch government introduced a legislation approving the use of a risk scoring algorithm to detect welfare fraud. This system, called System Risk Indication (SyRI), pools together data from various government agencies to calculate the likelihood of committing welfare or tax fraud. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights has described governments’ use of similar systems as “digital welfare states” and condemned them for their lack of transparency and oversight, and discriminatory impacts. In the case of SyRI, we discovered that the system used neighbourhood data to profile against migrant and poor communities.With a coalition of privacy organisations, we challenged SyRI on grounds of privacy and equality violations. Earlier this year, the Dutch court found SyRI to be unlawful and ordered its immediate halt. You can read more here and here.This case sets a strong legal precedents for future cases. Unfortunately, the Dutch government recently introduced a new legislation with even more intrusive use of personal data for automated decision-making system–the fight continues!",/post/86417,2020-11-14T10:57:00.281Z,2020-11-14T10:57:00.281Z,86417,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,3814 26817,v1.0,,"In 2014, the Dutch government introduced a legislation approving the use of a risk scoring algorithm to detect welfare fraud. This system, called System Risk Indication (SyRI), pools together data from various government agencies to calculate the likelihood of committing welfare or tax fraud. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights has described governments’ use of similar systems as “digital welfare states” and condemned them for their lack of transparency and oversight, and discriminatory impacts. In the case of SyRI, we discovered that the system used neighbourhood data to profile against migrant and poor communities.",/post/86417,2020-11-14T10:56:45.641Z,2020-11-14T10:56:45.641Z,86417,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,5028 26816,v1.0,,"In 2014, the Dutch government introduced a legislation approving the use of a risk scoring algorithm to detect welfare fraud. This system, called System Risk Indication (SyRI), pools together data from various government agencies to calculate the likelihood of committing welfare or tax fraud. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights has described governments’ use of similar systems as “digital welfare states” and condemned them for their lack of transparency and oversight, and discriminatory impacts. In the case of SyRI, we discovered that the system used neighbourhood data to profile against migrant and poor communities.",/post/86417,2020-11-14T10:56:25.385Z,2020-11-14T10:56:25.385Z,86417,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,7516 26815,v1.0,,"In 2014, the Dutch government introduced a legislation approving the use of a risk scoring algorithm to detect welfare fraud. This system, called System Risk Indication (SyRI), pools together data from various government agencies to calculate the likelihood of committing welfare or tax fraud. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights has described governments’ use of similar systems as “digital welfare states” and condemned them for their lack of transparency and oversight, and discriminatory impacts. In the case of SyRI, we discovered that the system used neighbourhood data to profile against migrant and poor communities.",/post/86417,2020-11-14T10:56:02.507Z,2020-11-14T10:56:02.507Z,86417,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,729 26814,v1.0,,"In 2014, the Dutch government introduced a legislation approving the use of a risk scoring algorithm to detect welfare fraud. This system, called System Risk Indication (SyRI), pools together data from various government agencies to calculate the likelihood of committing welfare or tax fraud. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights has described governments’ use of similar systems as “digital welfare states” and condemned them for their lack of transparency and oversight, and discriminatory impacts. In the case of SyRI, we discovered that the system used neighbourhood data to profile against migrant and poor communities.",/post/86417,2020-11-14T10:56:02.165Z,2020-11-14T10:56:02.165Z,86417,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14766,6899,4542 26810,v1.0,,"And since most user interactions are also communicated to the server, the developers can observe users’ behavior and tweak the design to get better results. With this feedback loop in place, the industry can now optimize software so that they capture and manipulate user behavior in a way that is aligned with business interests.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:30:04.412Z,2020-11-09T12:30:04.412Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7766 26809,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.This subtle shift has completely changed how software is produced and how the software industry functions. As a result, the political economy of these companies has transformed, turning them into very different kinds of investment objects.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:28:43.758Z,2020-11-09T12:28:43.758Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 26807,v1.0,,"In Berlin, I started working with feminist computer scientists. During my study, I focused on security and privacy. That work led me to meet people like Andreas Pfitzmann, a cryptographer who had moved into the field of privacy enhancing technology. They were coming up with new theories of security. For example, they argued that the objective of a computer scientist is not to secure the system, but to build systems that secure the interests of the different actors who are using and are affected by that system. And that really appealed to me.I became interested in the question related to the different factors of stakeholders to a system and how they have different security interests. That’s what we should be enabling and not protecting systems for their own sake. That’s how I got into privacy technologies. This was also politically very interesting. A lot of security comes from the military domain. Businesses employ security as a way to secure the assets of the company. So, by realizing we should be securing different stakeholders, we were able to start acting on security and privacy in a very different way.Privacy was often in juxtaposition to security: it was about protecting the users from the service providers themselves. You would see the user needs instead of “assets” as the driving force of your designs. That is how I got to the general question in my research: is there another computer science possible? Let’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:24:46.329Z,2020-11-09T12:24:46.329Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7590 26806,v1.0,,"Privacy was often in juxtaposition to security: it was about protecting the users from the service providers themselves. You would see the user needs instead of “assets” as the driving force of your designs. That is how I got to the general question in my research: is there another computer science possible? Let’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:24:21.068Z,2020-11-09T12:24:21.068Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4850 26805,v1.0,,"Privacy was often in juxtaposition to security: it was about protecting the users from the service providers themselves. You would see the user needs instead of “assets” as the driving force of your designs. That is how I got to the general question in my research: is there another computer science possible? Let’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:24:21.067Z,2020-11-09T12:24:21.067Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3610 26804,v1.0,,"Privacy was often in juxtaposition to security: it was about protecting the users from the service providers themselves. You would see the user needs instead of “assets” as the driving force of your designs. That is how I got to the general question in my research: is there another computer science possible? Let’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:24:21.058Z,2020-11-09T12:24:21.058Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4502 26803,v1.0,,"Privacy was often in juxtaposition to security: it was about protecting the users from the service providers themselves. You would see the user needs instead of “assets” as the driving force of your designs. That is how I got to the general question in my research: is there another computer science possible? Let’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:24:21.056Z,2020-11-09T12:24:21.056Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3619 26802,v1.0,,"Privacy was often in juxtaposition to security: it was about protecting the users from the service providers themselves. You would see the user needs instead of “assets” as the driving force of your designs. That is how I got to the general question in my research: is there another computer science possible? Let’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:24:21.011Z,2020-11-09T12:24:21.011Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 26801,v1.0,,This was also politically very interesting. A lot of security comes from the military domain. Businesses employ security as a way to secure the assets of the company.,/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:22:54.291Z,2020-11-09T12:22:54.291Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 26800,v1.0,,"In Berlin, I started working with feminist computer scientists. During my study, I focused on security and privacy. That work led me to meet people like Andreas Pfitzmann, a cryptographer who had moved into the field of privacy enhancing technology. They were coming up with new theories of security. For example, they argued that the objective of a computer scientist is not to secure the system, but to build systems that secure the interests of the different actors who are using and are affected by that system. And that really appealed to me.I became interested in the question related to the different factors of stakeholders to a system and how they have different security interests. That’s what we should be enabling and not protecting systems for their own sake. That’s how I got into privacy technologies. This was also politically very interesting. A lot of security comes from the military domain. Businesses employ security as a way to secure the assets of the company. So, by realizing we should be securing different stakeholders, we were able to start acting on security and privacy in a very different way.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:22:41.035Z,2020-11-09T12:22:41.035Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4874 26797,v1.0,,"Prisoner’s Dilemma’s Problems The prisoner’s dilemma, a commonly used example of a game used in game theory, was subject to much research at the RAND Corporation, a US military think-tank. In the prisoner’s dilemma, two prisoners can snitch on each other with punishments distributed in such a way that if any or two players snitch they are worse off. The objective was to demonstrate that “rational beings” might prefer not to cooperate even if it is not in their self-interest. One of the main researchers involved in developing theories around this game was John Nash. The legend goes that he and his colleagues asked secretaries at the RAND Corporation to play the game. But there was a glitch: the secretaries would cooperate instead of choosing for themselves. So, Nash simply dismissed them, calling them unfit subjects of the game. It was the same game, the Prisoner’s Dilemma that was later used to rationalize that it would be better if the US would strike first.The story around Prisoner’s Dilemma is good example of how the model makes assumptions about humans being selfish and always after maximum gain, an assumption that percolates through economics, social choice theory etc.The game, used as a model of the world and our behavior in it has a lot of appeal. It is a simple model— with lots of assumptions folded into a very simple model. Once you have such models running, you can start making a lot of statements about the world. You can then build on top of these models, build systems that manage life at scale. But with that, you also expose a lot of people to the potential violence that comes from these assumptions.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:13:58.000Z,2020-11-09T12:13:58.000Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7952 26796,v1.0,,"The story around Prisoner’s Dilemma is good example of how the model makes assumptions about humans being selfish and always after maximum gain, an assumption that percolates through economics, social choice theory etc.The game, used as a model of the world and our behavior in it has a lot of appeal. It is a simple model— with lots of assumptions folded into a very simple model. Once you have such models running, you can start making a lot of statements about the world. You can then build on top of these models, build systems that manage life at scale. But with that, you also expose a lot of people to the potential violence that comes from these assumptions.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:12:22.293Z,2020-11-09T12:12:22.293Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7951 26795,v1.0,,"The story around Prisoner’s Dilemma is good example of how the model makes assumptions about humans being selfish and always after maximum gain, an assumption that percolates through economics, social choice theory etc.The game, used as a model of the world and our behavior in it has a lot of appeal. It is a simple model— with lots of assumptions folded into a very simple model. Once you have such models running, you can start making a lot of statements about the world. You can then build on top of these models, build systems that manage life at scale. But with that, you also expose a lot of people to the potential violence that comes from these assumptions.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:12:22.252Z,2020-11-09T12:12:22.252Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7950 26794,v1.0,,"Prisoner’s Dilemma’s Problems The prisoner’s dilemma, a commonly used example of a game used in game theory, was subject to much research at the RAND Corporation, a US military think-tank. In the prisoner’s dilemma, two prisoners can snitch on each other with punishments distributed in such a way that if any or two players snitch they are worse off. The objective was to demonstrate that “rational beings” might prefer not to cooperate even if it is not in their self-interest. One of the main researchers involved in developing theories around this game was John Nash. The legend goes that he and his colleagues asked secretaries at the RAND Corporation to play the game. But there was a glitch: the secretaries would cooperate instead of choosing for themselves. So, Nash simply dismissed them, calling them unfit subjects of the game. It was the same game, the Prisoner’s Dilemma that was later used to rationalize that it would be better if the US would strike first.The story around Prisoner’s Dilemma is good example of how the model makes assumptions about humans being selfish and always after maximum gain, an assumption that percolates through economics, social choice theory etc.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:10:32.621Z,2020-11-09T12:10:32.621Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4875 26793,v1.0,,"Prisoner’s Dilemma’s Problems The prisoner’s dilemma, a commonly used example of a game used in game theory, was subject to much research at the RAND Corporation, a US military think-tank. In the prisoner’s dilemma, two prisoners can snitch on each other with punishments distributed in such a way that if any or two players snitch they are worse off. The objective was to demonstrate that “rational beings” might prefer not to cooperate even if it is not in their self-interest. One of the main researchers involved in developing theories around this game was John Nash. The legend goes that he and his colleagues asked secretaries at the RAND Corporation to play the game. But there was a glitch: the secretaries would cooperate instead of choosing for themselves. So, Nash simply dismissed them, calling them unfit subjects of the game. It was the same game, the Prisoner’s Dilemma that was later used to rationalize that it would be better if the US would strike first.The story around Prisoner’s Dilemma is good example of how the model makes assumptions about humans being selfish and always after maximum gain, an assumption that percolates through economics, social choice theory etc.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:10:14.261Z,2020-11-09T12:10:14.261Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 26792,v1.0,,"I came to understand better the many ways in which mathematics is not neutral. People believe numbers are neutral, or that mathematical concepts or abstractions don’t have political relevance. However, every time you use a mathematical language, let’s say to model the world, you have to make some assumptions. The numbers may make it seem as if things expressed in formal languages are neutral, but in fact — we see again and again — that this is not the case.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:07:06.814Z,2020-11-09T12:07:06.814Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7894 26791,v1.0,,"As a kid, I was quite impressed by communism vis-a-vis how Turkey was doing at the same time. We were there because my father was appointed the Turkish military attaché. Turkey was and kind of still is an ally of the US. This had consequences for our life in Bulgaria, and in a sense, the Cold War really colored our lives. Growing up in the cold war and, much later, going to the US and seeing the US framing of the same war forced me to try to grasp what the nuclear arms race was about and how we got there? My field of study helped me understand it better.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:05:41.108Z,2020-11-09T12:05:41.108Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7949 26789,v1.0,,"My undergrad was in international relations and mathematics. In my final report before graduating I looked at the way in which game theory was used during the Cold War. John von Neumann, among other things a famous computer scientist, actually believed that it would be rational for the US to do a nuclear strike first, i.e., he believed in first-strike. He bolstered his argument using mathematics, specifically, game theory, in order to rationalize and deem “objective” a very devastating political position. As a young person interested in international relations and at home with mathematics, I was very intrigued by the use of mathematics that I, at the time, also thought was absolutely neutral and objective in the pursuit of devastating imperial politics.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:03:23.922Z,2020-11-09T12:03:23.922Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7894 26788,v1.0,,"I’ve been working with a feminist artist collective, called ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined They invite participants to imagine protocols of care, alternative futures, differences etc. that are layered on top of the protocols that drive current day services, that could allow our collectivities to exist in the extractive socio-technical world that we currently live in. The collaboration with Constant and other groups is an important part of my work: I work with these different communities as a way to think about and develop methodologies for a different computer science, a different technology, or a different life together with technology. This work builds on previous engagements regarding migration, gender and anti-racism in Europe, and digital rights in Turkey.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:01:04.334Z,2020-11-09T12:01:04.334Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,394 26787,v1.0,,"I’ve been working with a feminist artist collective, called ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined They invite participants to imagine protocols of care, alternative futures, differences etc. that are layered on top of the protocols that drive current day services, that could allow our collectivities to exist in the extractive socio-technical world that we currently live in. The collaboration with Constant and other groups is an important part of my work: I work with these different communities as a way to think about and develop methodologies for a different computer science, a different technology, or a different life together with technology. This work builds on previous engagements regarding migration, gender and anti-racism in Europe, and digital rights in Turkey.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:01:04.333Z,2020-11-09T12:01:04.333Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3619 26786,v1.0,,"I’ve been working with a feminist artist collective, called ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined They invite participants to imagine protocols of care, alternative futures, differences etc. that are layered on top of the protocols that drive current day services, that could allow our collectivities to exist in the extractive socio-technical world that we currently live in. The collaboration with Constant and other groups is an important part of my work: I work with these different communities as a way to think about and develop methodologies for a different computer science, a different technology, or a different life together with technology. This work builds on previous engagements regarding migration, gender and anti-racism in Europe, and digital rights in Turkey.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:01:04.332Z,2020-11-09T12:01:04.332Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,978 26785,v1.0,,"I’ve been working with a feminist artist collective, called ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined They invite participants to imagine protocols of care, alternative futures, differences etc. that are layered on top of the protocols that drive current day services, that could allow our collectivities to exist in the extractive socio-technical world that we currently live in. The collaboration with Constant and other groups is an important part of my work: I work with these different communities as a way to think about and develop methodologies for a different computer science, a different technology, or a different life together with technology. This work builds on previous engagements regarding migration, gender and anti-racism in Europe, and digital rights in Turkey.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T12:01:04.296Z,2020-11-09T12:01:04.296Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7685 26784,v1.0,,"I’ve started working on online services, studying them also as a way to show the ways in which software industries have changed. In my current work, I’m trying to conceptualize how software is developed today, what kind of political economy software companies are functioning in, and how that affects the kind of systems they develop. I then tie this work to what this means for computer science and how we can do computer science differently.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T11:58:15.828Z,2020-11-09T11:58:15.828Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6236 26783,v1.0,,"The many strands of research I do are driven by the question “how can we do computer science differently?” The path towards it has, on the one hand, been by working on privacy enhancing technologies: if information and communication technologies come with associated risks and harms— for example, they enable a certain kind of surveillance — how can we use the same technology to protect people from the surveillance, or how can we design that technology differently. This kind of research requires, a very interdisciplinary approach, looking at both conceptions of privacy and surveillance, and also looking at what communities need.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T11:57:27.248Z,2020-11-09T11:57:27.248Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7592 26782,v1.0,,"The many strands of research I do are driven by the question “how can we do computer science differently?” The path towards it has, on the one hand, been by working on privacy enhancing technologies: if information and communication technologies come with associated risks and harms— for example, they enable a certain kind of surveillance — how can we use the same technology to protect people from the surveillance, or how can we design that technology differently. This kind of research requires, a very interdisciplinary approach, looking at both conceptions of privacy and surveillance, and also looking at what communities need.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T11:57:27.237Z,2020-11-09T11:57:27.237Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3954 26781,v1.0,,"The many strands of research I do are driven by the question “how can we do computer science differently?” The path towards it has, on the one hand, been by working on privacy enhancing technologies: if information and communication technologies come with associated risks and harms— for example, they enable a certain kind of surveillance — how can we use the same technology to protect people from the surveillance, or how can we design that technology differently. This kind of research requires, a very interdisciplinary approach, looking at both conceptions of privacy and surveillance, and also looking at what communities need.",/post/64014,2020-11-09T11:57:27.236Z,2020-11-09T11:57:27.236Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3619 26780,v1.0,,"I call it the Bedroom-to-Broadcast theory - we do well up to a certain scale, but lack the tools to properly navigate a landscape where you can start out a very private conversation that is suddenly getting the attention of millions of people.. And also do not really know how to have an open conversation with a few strangers but not open ourselves up to attacks by thousands.So, yes, scaling back to human scale is useful and important, but I think the allure of potentially speaking to thousands is a factor we should not ignore. 'privacy as space' Cancel Save Annotate",/post/82461,2020-11-09T11:52:22.859Z,2020-11-09T11:52:31.021Z,82461,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 26779,v1.0,,"I've been asked about how Darcy would monetize the moderation.This is a service that instance owners can subscribe to. They'd be billed a monthly fee based on how many users they have. As a result, Darcy moderators would react to reports coming from this instance.The challenge here is that we have different instances federating with each other. So we have instances that are full of adults, some that are aimed at kids, some that don't want any outside interference, some are Darcy subscribers, others aren't.The end result is that while anyone can try to federate with Darcy subscribing instances, instances that don't effectively self-regulate according to a global minimum standard will be cut off from the Darcy side of the federation.",/post/55420,2020-11-09T11:52:22.856Z,2020-11-09T11:52:31.015Z,55420,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 26778,v1.0,,"How much of these UI quirks are needed to encourage people to interact with each other, and when should we stop.Image a dinner party, where the host gently prompts conversation and then gets gracefully out of the way once this happens, versus another host that constantly brings up party games and keeps nudging everyone to talk up.",/post/54356,2020-11-09T11:52:22.851Z,2020-11-09T11:52:31.009Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 26777,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2020-11-09T11:52:22.847Z,2020-11-09T11:52:31.002Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 26776,v1.0,,"What we set out to do is to give people an idea of what kind of space they are talking in, and give them tools to cope when a conversation is suddenly exposed to a more public space than initially intended.",/post/54126,2020-11-09T11:52:22.842Z,2020-11-09T11:52:30.996Z,54126,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 26775,v1.0,,"exactly the same road can be made much less dangerous if everyone agrees to drive on the right side. I have so far inhabited mostly mainstream social networks, but assuming no privacy and thus exercising self-censorship. I assume I am in the digital equivalent of a crowded restaurant: people will normally ignore me, but they can easily eavesdrop, and if I start acting crazy I will attract attention. For example, I don't swear online.",/post/54139,2020-11-09T11:52:22.838Z,2020-11-09T11:52:30.990Z,54139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,7157 26774,v1.0,,"It is tricky though, because of the examples we set: with remote work, and myself being possibly mildly addicted to the internet, we tend to spend a lot of time on screens, and he sees that.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:50:41.727Z,2020-11-09T11:50:51.823Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7897 26773,v1.0,,"Also, make sure your kids can go outside to play And this is when I really miss living in a small village surrounded by hills, woods, and the Tuscan countryside... Outside we both are much more peaceful, and easy access to nature really makes me want to stay outside as much as possible. Yerevan doesn't fit that bill I'm afraid.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:49:45.557Z,2020-11-09T11:49:56.349Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7616 26772,v1.0,,My daughter would be dead center. Luckily for them the kids have outdoor space so they can run around some. Being in an apartment must be tough.,/post/86129,2020-11-09T11:49:45.554Z,2020-11-09T11:49:56.341Z,86129,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,7616 26771,v1.0,,"Also, make sure your kids can go outside to play And this is when I really miss living in a small village surrounded by hills, woods, and the Tuscan countryside... Outside we both are much more peaceful, and easy access to nature really makes me want to stay outside as much as possible. Yerevan doesn't fit that bill I'm afraid.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:46:07.005Z,2020-11-09T11:46:07.005Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7944 26770,v1.0,,"During the lockdown i was questioning myself of a possible paradigm to analyse the smart working condition while parenting. I converted a whole room to a kind of Montessori lab with paper, glue, fabric, wood sticks, leaves, etc.. for my daughter and put some limits to smartwork shift in order to combine the two situations. Hope this schema helps the discussion with this little game.. Where would you set yourself and your child according to different age and kind of work?",/post/86044,2020-11-09T11:45:46.151Z,2020-11-09T11:45:46.151Z,86044,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,3310,7638 26769,v1.0,,"During the lockdown i was questioning myself of a possible paradigm to analyse the smart working condition while parenting. I converted a whole room to a kind of Montessori lab with paper, glue, fabric, wood sticks, leaves, etc.. for my daughter and put some limits to smartwork shift in order to combine the two situations. Hope this schema helps the discussion with this little game.. Where would you set yourself and your child according to different age and kind of work?",/post/86044,2020-11-09T11:45:46.140Z,2020-11-09T11:45:46.140Z,86044,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,3310,6178 26768,v1.0,,"During the lockdown i was questioning myself of a possible paradigm to analyse the smart working condition while parenting. I converted a whole room to a kind of Montessori lab with paper, glue, fabric, wood sticks, leaves, etc.. for my daughter and put some limits to smartwork shift in order to combine the two situations. Hope this schema helps the discussion with this little game.. Where would you set yourself and your child according to different age and kind of work?",/post/86044,2020-11-09T11:45:46.092Z,2020-11-09T11:45:46.092Z,86044,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,3310,7901 26767,v1.0,,My daughter would be dead center. Luckily for them the kids have outdoor space so they can run around some. Being in an apartment must be tough.,/post/86129,2020-11-09T11:45:17.250Z,2020-11-09T11:45:17.250Z,86129,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,7944 26766,v1.0,,"The question was: Do employers have now a different view of combining parenting and working? We were discussing if the exposure to the ""parenting side"" of an employee made companies (managers, HR etc) gain a deeper understanding of the struggles and therefore adopt a more parent-friendly approach.",/post/85984,2020-11-09T11:44:04.354Z,2020-11-09T11:44:04.354Z,85984,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,6355,5326 26765,v1.0,,"The question was: Do employers have now a different view of combining parenting and working? We were discussing if the exposure to the ""parenting side"" of an employee made companies (managers, HR etc) gain a deeper understanding of the struggles and therefore adopt a more parent-friendly approach.",/post/85984,2020-11-09T11:43:51.650Z,2020-11-09T11:43:51.650Z,85984,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,6355,7638 26764,v1.0,,"The question was: Do employers have now a different view of combining parenting and working? We were discussing if the exposure to the ""parenting side"" of an employee made companies (managers, HR etc) gain a deeper understanding of the struggles and therefore adopt a more parent-friendly approach.",/post/85984,2020-11-09T11:43:51.593Z,2020-11-09T11:43:51.593Z,85984,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,6355,7901 26763,v1.0,,"I have seen toddlers go into an iPhone, select the photo app, then scroll through the photos by correctly swiping - before they could even talk.",/post/85911,2020-11-09T11:42:55.486Z,2020-11-09T11:42:55.486Z,85911,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,7943 26762,v1.0,,"I have seen toddlers go into an iPhone, select the photo app, then scroll through the photos by correctly swiping - before they could even talk.",/post/85911,2020-11-09T11:42:55.431Z,2020-11-09T11:42:55.431Z,85911,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,7896 26761,v1.0,,"It is tricky though, because of the examples we set: with remote work, and myself being possibly mildly addicted to the internet, we tend to spend a lot of time on screens, and he sees that.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:42:33.737Z,2020-11-09T11:42:33.737Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7943 26760,v1.0,,"That's really a worry for me too.. especially because she does not understand what we do but only that we are looking at a screen (Just thinking of things like setting a timer while I'm cooking or adding something to a calendar).I try to think of it in a similar way to other aspects of life, that it's more important to model a behavior (whether it's how much tech to use, or what kind of food we eat, or how we treat others around us) than to police (seemingly arbitrary) ""rules"".",/post/85908,2020-11-09T11:42:23.896Z,2020-11-09T11:42:23.896Z,85908,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,7943 26759,v1.0,,"That's really a worry for me too.. especially because she does not understand what we do but only that we are looking at a screen (Just thinking of things like setting a timer while I'm cooking or adding something to a calendar).I try to think of it in a similar way to other aspects of life, that it's more important to model a behavior (whether it's how much tech to use, or what kind of food we eat, or how we treat others around us) than to police (seemingly arbitrary) ""rules"".",/post/85908,2020-11-09T11:42:23.859Z,2020-11-09T11:42:23.859Z,85908,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,5326 26758,v1.0,,"That's really a worry for me too.. especially because she does not understand what we do but only that we are looking at a screen (Just thinking of things like setting a timer while I'm cooking or adding something to a calendar).I try to think of it in a similar way to other aspects of life, that it's more important to model a behavior (whether it's how much tech to use, or what kind of food we eat, or how we treat others around us) than to police (seemingly arbitrary) ""rules"".",/post/85908,2020-11-09T11:42:23.843Z,2020-11-09T11:42:23.843Z,85908,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,7941 26757,v1.0,,"It is tricky though, because of the examples we set: with remote work, and myself being possibly mildly addicted to the internet, we tend to spend a lot of time on screens, and he sees that.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:39:49.979Z,2020-11-09T11:39:49.979Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7942 26756,v1.0,,"It is tricky though, because of the examples we set: with remote work, and myself being possibly mildly addicted to the internet, we tend to spend a lot of time on screens, and he sees that.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:39:49.977Z,2020-11-09T11:39:49.977Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7941 26755,v1.0,,"It is tricky though, because of the examples we set: with remote work, and myself being possibly mildly addicted to the internet, we tend to spend a lot of time on screens, and he sees that.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:39:49.902Z,2020-11-09T11:39:49.902Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,5326 26754,v1.0,,"Handheld devices are a big no for me. It very seldom happens, and it's never me giving it to him because I'd rather he does anything else but that. Our 2.5yo is allowed 30 minutes of cartoons, on the big TV, and even that stops if he stands too near the screen. I think being a luddite is, in this case, the right thing for small kids.We are lucky that he is very active and stops caring about videos after a while anyway, and that he likes puzzles a lot so that's a better alternative for self-entertainment.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:37:12.119Z,2020-11-09T11:37:12.119Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7898 26753,v1.0,,"Handheld devices are a big no for me. It very seldom happens, and it's never me giving it to him because I'd rather he does anything else but that. Our 2.5yo is allowed 30 minutes of cartoons, on the big TV, and even that stops if he stands too near the screen. I think being a luddite is, in this case, the right thing for small kids.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:35:41.635Z,2020-11-09T11:35:41.635Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7897 26752,v1.0,,"I think being a luddite is, in this case, the right thing for small kids.",/post/85866,2020-11-09T11:35:34.534Z,2020-11-09T11:35:34.534Z,85866,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7896 26750,v1.0,,"The challenge to us (and this is beyond journalism) is how to change this culture of accounting and management. Our challengers are human resource offices that essentially live by framing candidates and employees in cells construed by titles and certificates, financial and accounting offices that are tasked with maximising short term returns and producing histories of efficiency (as opposed to effectiveness), and technologists/solutionists who have built entire consultancy/entrepreneurial careers on just satisfying those counterparts, conflating their rhetorics, and lobbying for all this. It's a scary inertia.",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:25:36.133Z,2020-11-09T11:25:36.133Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7939 26749,v1.0,,"The challenge to us (and this is beyond journalism) is how to change this culture of accounting and management. Our challengers are human resource offices that essentially live by framing candidates and employees in cells construed by titles and certificates, financial and accounting offices that are tasked with maximising short term returns and producing histories of efficiency (as opposed to effectiveness), and technologists/solutionists who have built entire consultancy/entrepreneurial careers on just satisfying those counterparts, conflating their rhetorics, and lobbying for all this. It's a scary inertia.",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:25:36.045Z,2020-11-09T11:25:36.045Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7280 26747,v1.0,,"The challenge to us (and this is beyond journalism) is how to change this culture of accounting and management. Our challengers are human resource offices that essentially live by framing candidates and employees in cells construed by titles and certificates, financial and accounting offices that are tasked with maximising short term returns and producing histories of efficiency (as opposed to effectiveness), and technologists/solutionists who have built entire consultancy/entrepreneurial careers on just satisfying those counterparts, conflating their rhetorics, and lobbying for all this. It's a scary inertia.",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:18:33.890Z,2020-11-09T11:18:33.890Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7313 26746,v1.0,,"Some economists have started: William H. Janeway is attacking the supremacy of efficiency, pushing effectiveness again in the limelight; Mariana Mazzucato is attacking the entire language of value, pushing back the tsunami of finance that keeps hold of our economies since the 1970s... But we can work to speed some things up, and one would be proposing an alternative frame for accounting, where emphasis of what is measured is put on effectiveness and value creation... Automatization will still find a place, righteously so (for the reason we each mentioned above), but it would not get coopted to satisfy those toxic logics... at least where the frame will be adopted :angel:",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:18:13.767Z,2020-11-09T11:18:13.767Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7783 26745,v1.0,,"Now the truth, rather well known to most investors and board members, is that the above amortisation projections are fictional, since they rarely account realistically for maintenance and upgrades (one has to remain competitive, in rhetorics at least), and the real costs of technology are rather much higher than approved... However, they offer the opportunity of playing with finance, via the residuals and margins discourse, and most important of all, to cut on the liability represented by personnel transforming it into an externality...",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:16:03.388Z,2020-11-09T11:16:03.388Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,4334 26744,v1.0,,"Now the truth, rather well known to most investors and board members, is that the above amortisation projections are fictional, since they rarely account realistically for maintenance and upgrades (one has to remain competitive, in rhetorics at least), and the real costs of technology are rather much higher than approved... However, they offer the opportunity of playing with finance, via the residuals and margins discourse, and most important of all, to cut on the liability represented by personnel transforming it into an externality...",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:16:03.106Z,2020-11-09T11:16:03.106Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,4523 26743,v1.0,,"On the other hand, personnel is a ""liability"" whose costs are prolonged life-long, unless said personnel can be demoted to ""venial"" functions (as it happens e.g. with AI adoption, when the human task is limited to data curation) and consequently kept outside of the structure and only paid per task execution, or fraction of cycle...",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:15:35.312Z,2020-11-09T11:15:35.312Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,4523 26742,v1.0,,"You raise an important point... the way boards think about investments... ...It is common use to account for the purchase of a machine by modelling the amortisation of the investment over the next few cycles of activity, and if the operation is well done they can later account for residual values... in practice, this is an exercise of projections: they expect to absorb the costs of purchase undercutting the margins of a number of operational cycles, and then expect the future cycles to be purely margin producing, as far as that component is concerned...",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:12:23.895Z,2020-11-09T11:12:23.895Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7938 26741,v1.0,,"You raise an important point... the way boards think about investments... ...It is common use to account for the purchase of a machine by modelling the amortisation of the investment over the next few cycles of activity, and if the operation is well done they can later account for residual values... in practice, this is an exercise of projections: they expect to absorb the costs of purchase undercutting the margins of a number of operational cycles, and then expect the future cycles to be purely margin producing, as far as that component is concerned...",/post/54776,2020-11-09T11:12:23.827Z,2020-11-09T11:12:23.827Z,54776,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,4334 26740,v1.0,,This is the lis,/post/55953,2020-11-03T17:30:13.944Z,2020-11-03T17:30:13.944Z,55953,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10273,4096,7934 26739,v1.0,,This is the lis,/post/55953,2020-11-03T17:30:13.935Z,2020-11-03T17:30:13.935Z,55953,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10273,4096,7935 26736,v1.0,,"I think what's of key benefit and importance here is the possibility to use some of the new tools to help support one's arguments - especially as some of the misinformation gets incredibly sophisticated, and things have to be dealt with at incredible speed.",/post/54761,2020-11-03T17:26:41.103Z,2020-11-03T17:26:41.103Z,54761,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,5295 26733,v1.0,,"If I understand you right, you are proposing that new tools to produce narratives, just like new artistic forms, can contribute to awaken journalism, and public alike, from the spell they fallen prey to... That certainly I would agree with... they can be a force to be reckoned with... :+1: Even art, though, has often become a tool of propaganda, and technology is just an accelerator to make certain things quicker and allow us to make more, sometimes qualitatively more allowing us to invent new forms... but still technology is just that, an accelerator trapped in the social context it is born from and used into...",/post/54764,2020-11-03T15:47:47.723Z,2020-11-03T15:47:47.723Z,54764,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,4264 26732,v1.0,,"If I understand you right, you are proposing that new tools to produce narratives, just like new artistic forms, can contribute to awaken journalism, and public alike, from the spell they fallen prey to... That certainly I would agree with... they can be a force to be reckoned with... :+1: Even art, though, has often become a tool of propaganda, and technology is just an accelerator to make certain things quicker and allow us to make more, sometimes qualitatively more allowing us to invent new forms... but still technology is just that, an accelerator trapped in the social context it is born from and used into...",/post/54764,2020-11-03T15:47:47.649Z,2020-11-03T15:47:47.649Z,54764,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,1662 26731,v1.0,,"So I guess I am completely onboard with you about the provocation factor, and the value of working on that family of tools and approaches :slightsmile: ... but I am somewhat cold (and I might have misunderstood here, and you are cold about it too, I apologise in advance I don't mean to label an opinion on you I am just venting my own understanding of this interaction :sweatsmile: ) concerning the idea of championing that family of tools and approaches as part of the solution... to me they are provoking agents, just that :angel: . We still have to push for journalism to have again skin in the game, and devote time and resources to value creation in the form of investigation, and we have to rethink a lot of our interactions to accomodate uncertainty and healthy critical skepticism... :slight_smile:",/post/54764,2020-11-03T15:47:14.335Z,2020-11-03T15:47:14.335Z,54764,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7283 26730,v1.0,,"So I guess I am completely onboard with you about the provocation factor, and the value of working on that family of tools and approaches :slightsmile: ... but I am somewhat cold (and I might have misunderstood here, and you are cold about it too, I apologise in advance I don't mean to label an opinion on you I am just venting my own understanding of this interaction :sweatsmile: ) concerning the idea of championing that family of tools and approaches as part of the solution... to me they are provoking agents, just that :angel: . We still have to push for journalism to have again skin in the game, and devote time and resources to value creation in the form of investigation, and we have to rethink a lot of our interactions to accomodate uncertainty and healthy critical skepticism... :slight_smile:",/post/54764,2020-11-03T15:47:14.293Z,2020-11-03T15:47:14.293Z,54764,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,3622 26729,v1.0,,"So I guess I am completely onboard with you about the provocation factor, and the value of working on that family of tools and approaches :slightsmile: ... but I am somewhat cold (and I might have misunderstood here, and you are cold about it too, I apologise in advance I don't mean to label an opinion on you I am just venting my own understanding of this interaction :sweatsmile: ) concerning the idea of championing that family of tools and approaches as part of the solution... to me they are provoking agents, just that :angel: . We still have to push for journalism to have again skin in the game, and devote time and resources to value creation in the form of investigation, and we have to rethink a lot of our interactions to accomodate uncertainty and healthy critical skepticism... :slight_smile:",/post/54764,2020-11-03T15:47:14.285Z,2020-11-03T15:47:14.285Z,54764,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,1662 26728,v1.0,,"Are we alone in the fight against misinformation and fake news? Are there tools out there that can help journalists or should we be rather scared of artificial intelligence in the media? Although it seems robots will not conquer our newsrooms in the near future and we will not have an algorithmic army fighting online trolls, it does not mean AI tools are risk-free options. We checked the pros and cons of automated fact checkers. Do they work? Even if they do, can be entirely sure that journalism has the largest responsibility in the war on misinformation?Artificial Intelligence (AI) - flies airplanes, drives cars, writes news and forecasts the weather. Decides on life and death. Most inventions throughout history provoked controversy - but not many of them had been as widely debated as artificial intelligence. There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions. At the same time, it is a tool to create better societies, a brighter future, and meaningful jobs. And in the context of journalism, AI can be an ally of both the reader and the author - we invite you to learn about the available tools and their applications.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:44:38.059Z,2020-11-03T15:44:38.059Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26727,v1.0,,"Are we alone in the fight against misinformation and fake news? Are there tools out there that can help journalists or should we be rather scared of artificial intelligence in the media? Although it seems robots will not conquer our newsrooms in the near future and we will not have an algorithmic army fighting online trolls, it does not mean AI tools are risk-free options. We checked the pros and cons of automated fact checkers. Do they work? Even if they do, can be entirely sure that journalism has the largest responsibility in the war on misinformation?Artificial Intelligence (AI) - flies airplanes, drives cars, writes news and forecasts the weather. Decides on life and death. Most inventions throughout history provoked controversy - but not many of them had been as widely debated as artificial intelligence. There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions. At the same time, it is a tool to create better societies, a brighter future, and meaningful jobs. And in the context of journalism, AI can be an ally of both the reader and the author - we invite you to learn about the available tools and their applications.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:44:38.046Z,2020-11-03T15:44:38.046Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1662 26726,v1.0,,"Are we alone in the fight against misinformation and fake news? Are there tools out there that can help journalists or should we be rather scared of artificial intelligence in the media? Although it seems robots will not conquer our newsrooms in the near future and we will not have an algorithmic army fighting online trolls, it does not mean AI tools are risk-free options. We checked the pros and cons of automated fact checkers. Do they work? Even if they do, can be entirely sure that journalism has the largest responsibility in the war on misinformation?Artificial Intelligence (AI) - flies airplanes, drives cars, writes news and forecasts the weather. Decides on life and death. Most inventions throughout history provoked controversy - but not many of them had been as widely debated as artificial intelligence. There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions. At the same time, it is a tool to create better societies, a brighter future, and meaningful jobs. And in the context of journalism, AI can be an ally of both the reader and the author - we invite you to learn about the available tools and their applications.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:44:38.030Z,2020-11-03T15:44:38.030Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3622 26725,v1.0,,"Are we alone in the fight against misinformation and fake news? Are there tools out there that can help journalists or should we be rather scared of artificial intelligence in the media? Although it seems robots will not conquer our newsrooms in the near future and we will not have an algorithmic army fighting online trolls, it does not mean AI tools are risk-free options. We checked the pros and cons of automated fact checkers. Do they work? Even if they do, can be entirely sure that journalism has the largest responsibility in the war on misinformation?Artificial Intelligence (AI) - flies airplanes, drives cars, writes news and forecasts the weather. Decides on life and death. Most inventions throughout history provoked controversy - but not many of them had been as widely debated as artificial intelligence. There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions. At the same time, it is a tool to create better societies, a brighter future, and meaningful jobs. And in the context of journalism, AI can be an ally of both the reader and the author - we invite you to learn about the available tools and their applications.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:44:37.983Z,2020-11-03T15:44:37.983Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7591 26724,v1.0,,"Are we alone in the fight against misinformation and fake news? Are there tools out there that can help journalists or should we be rather scared of artificial intelligence in the media? Although it seems robots will not conquer our newsrooms in the near future and we will not have an algorithmic army fighting online trolls, it does not mean AI tools are risk-free options. We checked the pros and cons of automated fact checkers. Do they work? Even if they do, can be entirely sure that journalism has the largest responsibility in the war on misinformation?Artificial Intelligence (AI) - flies airplanes, drives cars, writes news and forecasts the weather. Decides on life and death. Most inventions throughout history provoked controversy - but not many of them had been as widely debated as artificial intelligence. There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions. At the same time, it is a tool to create better societies, a brighter future, and meaningful jobs. And in the context of journalism, AI can be an ally of both the reader and the author - we invite you to learn about the available tools and their applications.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:44:37.956Z,2020-11-03T15:44:37.956Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1042 26723,v1.0,,"I think what's of key benefit and importance here is the possibility to use some of the new tools to help support one's arguments - especially as some of the misinformation gets incredibly sophisticated, and things have to be dealt with at incredible speed. One of my favorite artistic groups - Forensic Architecture - uses a somewhat similar combination of multidisciplinary expertise and sophisticated tools to produce counterarguments against those in Power - may it be EU, or Israel, or the palm oil industry.",/post/54761,2020-11-03T15:43:50.305Z,2020-11-03T15:43:50.305Z,54761,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3622 26722,v1.0,,"I think what's of key benefit and importance here is the possibility to use some of the new tools to help support one's arguments - especially as some of the misinformation gets incredibly sophisticated, and things have to be dealt with at incredible speed. One of my favorite artistic groups - Forensic Architecture - uses a somewhat similar combination of multidisciplinary expertise and sophisticated tools to produce counterarguments against those in Power - may it be EU, or Israel, or the palm oil industry.",/post/54761,2020-11-03T15:43:50.292Z,2020-11-03T15:43:50.292Z,54761,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1662 26720,v1.0,,"Scientific bloggers (who are not living in the walled garden of professions) are already competing on quality of analysis, and often doing a much better job than ""journalists""... a few of them transition with success to more traditional editorial endeavours, like book publishing... so it is achievable with a bit of effort :slight_smile: and people refusing to analyse their own profession are a bit like those men replying the accounts of feminists are exaggerated, because they have never directly witnessed this or that...",/post/54759,2020-11-03T15:42:42.195Z,2020-11-03T15:42:42.195Z,54759,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7933 26719,v1.0,,"Scientific bloggers (who are not living in the walled garden of professions) are already competing on quality of analysis, and often doing a much better job than ""journalists""... a few of them transition with success to more traditional editorial endeavours, like book publishing... so it is achievable with a bit of effort :slight_smile: and people refusing to analyse their own profession are a bit like those men replying the accounts of feminists are exaggerated, because they have never directly witnessed this or that...",/post/54759,2020-11-03T15:42:42.166Z,2020-11-03T15:42:42.166Z,54759,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,1042 26718,v1.0,,"I have somewhat of a tooth with journalists that repel the responsibilities of their role... It has been investigative journalism ( ) that has brought everyone to think of the activity as a 4th estate, and which justified a number of protections for the category, including the excess of creating protected professions out of it (e.g. in Italy) as if one needed to be professionalized to exercise the the category seems very keen to rush for clickbait strategies, first reporting rather than deep reporting, and overall journalism as a form of marketing, which is a paid ally of this or that power/mission...No doubt education is part of the solution, and I have never heard anyone claiming otherwise... but journalists should live up to their roles, or be ready for expiration :angel:",/post/54759,2020-11-03T15:41:41.819Z,2020-11-03T15:41:41.819Z,54759,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,1042 26717,v1.0,,"I have somewhat of a tooth with journalists that repel the responsibilities of their role... It has been investigative journalism ( ) that has brought everyone to think of the activity as a 4th estate, and which justified a number of protections for the category, including the excess of creating protected professions out of it (e.g. in Italy) as if one needed to be professionalized to exercise the the category seems very keen to rush for clickbait strategies, first reporting rather than deep reporting, and overall journalism as a form of marketing, which is a paid ally of this or that power/mission...No doubt education is part of the solution, and I have never heard anyone claiming otherwise... but journalists should live up to their roles, or be ready for expiration :angel:",/post/54759,2020-11-03T15:41:41.816Z,2020-11-03T15:41:41.816Z,54759,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,440 26716,v1.0,,"I have somewhat of a tooth with journalists that repel the responsibilities of their role... It has been investigative journalism ( ) that has brought everyone to think of the activity as a 4th estate, and which justified a number of protections for the category, including the excess of creating protected professions out of it (e.g. in Italy) as if one needed to be professionalized to exercise the the category seems very keen to rush for clickbait strategies, first reporting rather than deep reporting, and overall journalism as a form of marketing, which is a paid ally of this or that power/mission...No doubt education is part of the solution, and I have never heard anyone claiming otherwise... but journalists should live up to their roles, or be ready for expiration :angel:",/post/54759,2020-11-03T15:41:21.406Z,2020-11-03T15:41:21.406Z,54759,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,7933 26715,v1.0,,"Artificial Intelligence (AI) - flies airplanes, drives cars, writes news and forecasts the weather. Decides on life and death. Most inventions throughout history provoked controversy - but not many of them had been as widely debated as artificial intelligence. There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:38:42.507Z,2020-11-03T15:38:42.507Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7591 26714,v1.0,,"Therefore, it seems that humans are not entirely alone in the fake news war. Technology has already developed useful tools for facilitating the journalists’ work, such as fact-checkers, and the industry does not stop progressing. However, these options still require human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse. So journalists are here to stay. But they must stay alter and show how our values of democracy, transparency, and freedom of speech are being preserved in this super dynamic, technologically enhanced environment.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:38:10.810Z,2020-11-03T15:38:10.810Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26713,v1.0,,"Therefore, it seems that humans are not entirely alone in the fake news war. Technology has already developed useful tools for facilitating the journalists’ work, such as fact-checkers, and the industry does not stop progressing. However, these options still require human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse. So journalists are here to stay. But they must stay alter and show how our values of democracy, transparency, and freedom of speech are being preserved in this super dynamic, technologically enhanced environment.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:38:10.783Z,2020-11-03T15:38:10.783Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3751 26712,v1.0,,"Therefore, it seems that humans are not entirely alone in the fake news war. Technology has already developed useful tools for facilitating the journalists’ work, such as fact-checkers, and the industry does not stop progressing. However, these options still require human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse. So journalists are here to stay. But they must stay alter and show how our values of democracy, transparency, and freedom of speech are being preserved in this super dynamic, technologically enhanced environment.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:38:10.779Z,2020-11-03T15:38:10.779Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4264 26711,v1.0,,"Therefore, it seems that humans are not entirely alone in the fake news war. Technology has already developed useful tools for facilitating the journalists’ work, such as fact-checkers, and the industry does not stop progressing. However, these options still require human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse. So journalists are here to stay. But they must stay alter and show how our values of democracy, transparency, and freedom of speech are being preserved in this super dynamic, technologically enhanced environment.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:38:10.766Z,2020-11-03T15:38:10.766Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1042 26710,v1.0,,"This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:37:24.274Z,2020-11-03T15:37:24.274Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7746 26709,v1.0,,"If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:37:02.149Z,2020-11-03T15:37:02.149Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,18 26708,v1.0,,"This applies to the use of AI in fighting misinformation. As Wilfried Runde of Deutsche Welle said, “ publishers must be open about the AI tools that they are using in their work”. If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback. This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:36:41.171Z,2020-11-03T15:39:14.823Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7516 26707,v1.0,,"This applies to the use of AI in fighting misinformation. As Wilfried Runde of Deutsche Welle said, “ publishers must be open about the AI tools that they are using in their work”. If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback. This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:36:41.073Z,2020-11-03T15:36:41.073Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3750 26706,v1.0,,"This applies to the use of AI in fighting misinformation. As Wilfried Runde of Deutsche Welle said, “ publishers must be open about the AI tools that they are using in their work”. If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback. This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:36:41.060Z,2020-11-03T15:36:41.060Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26705,v1.0,,"This applies to the use of AI in fighting misinformation. As Wilfried Runde of Deutsche Welle said, “ publishers must be open about the AI tools that they are using in their work”. If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback. This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:36:41.059Z,2020-11-03T15:36:41.059Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3751 26704,v1.0,,"This applies to the use of AI in fighting misinformation. As Wilfried Runde of Deutsche Welle said, “ publishers must be open about the AI tools that they are using in their work”. If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback. This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:36:41.048Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.174Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7516 26703,v1.0,,"This applies to the use of AI in fighting misinformation. As Wilfried Runde of Deutsche Welle said, “ publishers must be open about the AI tools that they are using in their work”. If a media outlet is using AI for editing, data analysis, preparing material, etc., they must be transparent about their tools and encourage the public to participate in giving feedback. This would benefit both the media and the society - by showing how technology helps us create reliable content, spot the misinformation, and reestablish trust, crucial to democratic societies. But also explaining why AI cannot replace human judgment or ethics, or the need for personal contact in acquiring sources and first-hand information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:36:40.970Z,2020-11-03T15:36:40.970Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1042 26702,v1.0,,"Though, the responsibility lies not only on journalists. “ People always assume that science journalists are experts in fake news and know how to change them. But that's not true,” said Mićo Tatalović, “Nature” news editor and Chair of the Board of the Association of British Science Writers. “I don't believe in the idea of media manipulating people. We are here to report, not to change peoples mind,” he responded about the ways science journalism can fight fake news. “ There is already too much manipulation outside. It should be the role of education and teachers. They are the expertise you need, not journalists.” Therefore, the knowledge must be passed to teachers as well.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:35:48.947Z,2020-11-03T15:35:48.947Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7923 26701,v1.0,,"Though, the responsibility lies not only on journalists. “ People always assume that science journalists are experts in fake news and know how to change them. But that's not true,” said Mićo Tatalović, “Nature” news editor and Chair of the Board of the Association of British Science Writers. “I don't believe in the idea of media manipulating people. We are here to report, not to change peoples mind,” he responded about the ways science journalism can fight fake news. “ There is already too much manipulation outside. It should be the role of education and teachers. They are the expertise you need, not journalists.” Therefore, the knowledge must be passed to teachers as well.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:35:48.869Z,2020-11-03T15:35:48.869Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3711 26700,v1.0,,"Though, the responsibility lies not only on journalists. “ People always assume that science journalists are experts in fake news and know how to change them. But that's not true,” said Mićo Tatalović, “Nature” news editor and Chair of the Board of the Association of British Science Writers. “I don't believe in the idea of media manipulating people. We are here to report, not to change peoples mind,” he responded about the ways science journalism can fight fake news. “ There is already too much manipulation outside. It should be the role of education and teachers. They are the expertise you need, not journalists.” Therefore, the knowledge must be passed to teachers as well.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:35:48.855Z,2020-11-03T15:35:48.855Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1042 26699,v1.0,,"After Russia illegally annexed Crimea and started a war with Ukraine in 2014, Ukrainian media professionals spotted how the society was manipulated with misinformation for many years. Their first response was to start debunking the myths, but the long-term strategy required educating young people. Media professionals started a project where school children could learn to discern non-objective information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:35:08.537Z,2020-11-03T15:35:08.537Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3750 26698,v1.0,,"Solutions? EducationSo, can we overcome misinformation, or is it here to stay permanently? People working with hybrid threats and information warfare stress the role of education and raising awareness in overcoming this threat.After Russia illegally annexed Crimea and started a war with Ukraine in 2014, Ukrainian media professionals spotted how the society was manipulated with misinformation for many years. Their first response was to start debunking the myths, but the long-term strategy required educating young people. Media professionals started a project where school children could learn to discern non-objective information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:34:57.083Z,2020-11-03T15:34:57.083Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7923 26697,v1.0,,"Solutions? EducationSo, can we overcome misinformation, or is it here to stay permanently? People working with hybrid threats and information warfare stress the role of education and raising awareness in overcoming this threat.After Russia illegally annexed Crimea and started a war with Ukraine in 2014, Ukrainian media professionals spotted how the society was manipulated with misinformation for many years. Their first response was to start debunking the myths, but the long-term strategy required educating young people. Media professionals started a project where school children could learn to discern non-objective information.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:34:57.068Z,2020-11-03T15:34:57.068Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4489 26696,v1.0,,"Finally, Chequeado is a fact-checking nonprofit based in Buenos Aires. In its current version, the program monitors presidential speeches and about 30 media outlets across Argentina to find claims to check. Another planned feature matches statements against previous fact-checks, and against official statistics, in order to automatically generate a draft for a human fact-checker to review. The platform will be shared with other fact-checking organizations in South America, and with news organizations interested in political fact-checking, but at the moment it is available only in Spanish.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:34:31.276Z,2020-11-03T15:34:31.276Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26695,v1.0,,"Finally, Chequeado is a fact-checking nonprofit based in Buenos Aires. In its current version, the program monitors presidential speeches and about 30 media outlets across Argentina to find claims to check. Another planned feature matches statements against previous fact-checks, and against official statistics, in order to automatically generate a draft for a human fact-checker to review. The platform will be shared with other fact-checking organizations in South America, and with news organizations interested in political fact-checking, but at the moment it is available only in Spanish.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:34:31.248Z,2020-11-03T15:34:31.248Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3763 26694,v1.0,,"Yes, better tools should help. Funnily, however, we actually just resubmitted some old Hackuarium work, that was open throughout the data acquisition etc, for peer review - thinking we might make a bit more impact.",/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:33:27.586Z,2020-11-03T15:33:27.586Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,4447 26693,v1.0,,"Wilfried Runde stressed the importance of the journalist’s judgment in the process - “ the result will always be left with the journalist in the newsroom.” This applies to Truly Media, a tool developed three years ago by Deutsche Welle and the Athens Technology Center in Greece. The technology is based on open-source engines, such as TinEye, which reverse-searches images. It is used for example by Amnesty International in their investigations, or in the European Parliament to verify scientific material. Its main purpose is to verify the authenticity of user-created content - but the final decision lies with the person who interprets these findings.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:33:19.789Z,2020-11-03T15:33:19.789Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26692,v1.0,,"Wilfried Runde stressed the importance of the journalist’s judgment in the process - “ the result will always be left with the journalist in the newsroom.” This applies to Truly Media, a tool developed three years ago by Deutsche Welle and the Athens Technology Center in Greece. The technology is based on open-source engines, such as TinEye, which reverse-searches images. It is used for example by Amnesty International in their investigations, or in the European Parliament to verify scientific material. Its main purpose is to verify the authenticity of user-created content - but the final decision lies with the person who interprets these findings.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T15:33:19.607Z,2020-11-03T15:33:19.607Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3751 26691,v1.0,,"Yes, better tools should help. Funnily, however, we actually just resubmitted some old Hackuarium work, that was open throughout the data acquisition etc, for peer review - thinking we might make a bit more impact.",/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:33:08.035Z,2020-11-03T15:33:08.035Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,12 26690,v1.0,,"Yes, better tools should help. Funnily, however, we actually just resubmitted some old Hackuarium work, that was open throughout the data acquisition etc, for peer review - thinking we might make a bit more impact.",/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:33:08.021Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.423Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,1534 26688,v1.0,,"Sadly, all sets of information are somehow mainly piling up as google drive documents, spreadsheets and more. I also use Evernote for experimental protocols (these get linked in drive docs too). Friends are working on ways to have apps that take in data live (for instance beach litter survey info) and make it easier to access and manipulate, ultimately for publication...",/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:32:14.718Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.273Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,1534 26687,v1.0,,"Sadly, all sets of information are somehow mainly piling up as google drive documents, spreadsheets and more. I also use Evernote for experimental protocols (these get linked in drive docs too). Friends are working on ways to have apps that take in data live (for instance beach litter survey info) and make it easier to access and manipulate, ultimately for publication...",/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:32:14.698Z,2020-11-03T15:32:14.698Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,3619 26686,v1.0,,"Sadly, all sets of information are somehow mainly piling up as google drive documents, spreadsheets and more. I also use Evernote for experimental protocols (these get linked in drive docs too). Friends are working on ways to have apps that take in data live (for instance beach litter survey info) and make it easier to access and manipulate, ultimately for publication...",/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:32:14.660Z,2020-11-03T15:32:14.660Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,1264 26685,v1.0,,"Sadly, all sets of information are somehow mainly piling up as google drive documents, spreadsheets and more. I also use Evernote for experimental protocols (these get linked in drive docs too). Friends are working on ways to have apps that take in data live (for instance beach litter survey info) and make it easier to access and manipulate, ultimately for publication...",/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:32:14.401Z,2020-11-03T15:32:14.401Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,12 26684,v1.0,,the Hackuarium work for the #coronadetective project so far is mainly open sci documentation and discussion in the JOGL slack (esp the working group nucleic acid amplification). The AGiR! work for open sourcing DNA damage detection is a mix between the domain things and experiments at Hackuarium.,/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:31:07.599Z,2020-11-03T15:31:07.599Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,1920 26682,v1.0,,the Hackuarium work for the #coronadetective project so far is mainly open sci documentation and discussion in the JOGL slack (esp the working group nucleic acid amplification). The AGiR! work for open sourcing DNA damage detection is a mix between the domain things and experiments at Hackuarium.,/post/78063,2020-11-03T15:31:07.339Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.278Z,78063,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,1534 26681,v1.0,,"I hope the open science collaborative work nowadays is all about correct information, but one still never knows (even many open access 'pre-prints' around covid-19 things are poorly disguised marketing efforts- people putting out patents are trying to sell their kits...). I",/post/77700,2020-11-03T15:30:10.092Z,2020-11-03T15:30:10.092Z,77700,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,1920 26680,v1.0,,It's quite a problem - pre-prints have been increasingly valuable but it's usually impossible to see the work or access any data to run the experiments. Could better tools improve the publication of open science?,/post/77721,2020-11-03T15:28:52.607Z,2020-11-03T15:28:52.607Z,77721,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,1257 26678,v1.0,,It's quite a problem - pre-prints have been increasingly valuable but it's usually impossible to see the work or access any data to run the experiments. Could better tools improve the publication of open science?,/post/77721,2020-11-03T15:28:52.577Z,2020-11-03T15:28:52.577Z,77721,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,4447 26679,v1.0,,It's quite a problem - pre-prints have been increasingly valuable but it's usually impossible to see the work or access any data to run the experiments. Could better tools improve the publication of open science?,/post/77721,2020-11-03T15:28:52.577Z,2020-11-03T15:28:52.577Z,77721,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,12 26677,v1.0,,It's quite a problem - pre-prints have been increasingly valuable but it's usually impossible to see the work or access any data to run the experiments. Could better tools improve the publication of open science?,/post/77721,2020-11-03T15:28:52.546Z,2020-11-03T15:28:52.546Z,77721,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,3619 26676,v1.0,,"I hope the open science collaborative work nowadays is all about correct information, but one still never knows (even many open access 'pre-prints' around covid-19 things are poorly disguised marketing efforts- people putting out patents are trying to sell their kits...).",/post/77700,2020-11-03T15:27:46.119Z,2020-11-03T15:27:46.119Z,77700,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,7068 26675,v1.0,,"I hope the open science collaborative work nowadays is all about correct information, but one still never knows (even many open access 'pre-prints' around covid-19 things are poorly disguised marketing efforts- people putting out patents are trying to sell their kits...).",/post/77700,2020-11-03T15:27:46.107Z,2020-11-03T15:27:46.107Z,77700,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,5470 26674,v1.0,,"I hope the open science collaborative work nowadays is all about correct information, but one still never knows (even many open access 'pre-prints' around covid-19 things are poorly disguised marketing efforts- people putting out patents are trying to sell their kits...).",/post/77700,2020-11-03T15:27:45.826Z,2020-11-03T15:27:45.826Z,77700,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,3704,1539 26673,v1.0,,"Disinformation: information that is false and initially disseminated with the intention to do harm to an individual, group, or organization. Its effectiveness depends as much on an actor’s capacity to create as much as an audience’s receptivity.",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:26:24.354Z,2020-11-03T15:26:24.354Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,7068 26672,v1.0,,"Disinformation: information that is false and initially disseminated with the intention to do harm to an individual, group, or organization. Its effectiveness depends as much on an actor’s capacity to create as much as an audience’s receptivity.",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:26:24.200Z,2020-11-03T15:26:24.200Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,3762 26671,v1.0,,"Misinformation: information that is false, but created or shared with no intent to do harm to any particular individual, group, or organization.",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:26:13.099Z,2020-11-03T15:26:13.099Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,3750 26670,v1.0,,"Misinformation: information that is false, but created or shared with no intent to do harm to any particular individual, group, or organization.",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:26:12.963Z,2020-11-03T15:26:12.963Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,7068 26669,v1.0,,Are there communities where mis/dis/malinformation is less prevalent and can we use those as models to build a better internet?,/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:25:49.362Z,2020-11-03T15:25:49.362Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,7068 26668,v1.0,,Are there communities where mis/dis/malinformation is less prevalent and can we use those as models to build a better internet?,/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:25:49.057Z,2020-11-03T15:25:49.057Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,1264 26667,v1.0,,Are there communities where mis/dis/malinformation is less prevalent and can we use those as models to build a better internet?,/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:25:48.953Z,2020-11-03T15:25:48.953Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,978 26666,v1.0,,Are there communities where mis/dis/malinformation is less prevalent and can we use those as models to build a better internet?,/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:25:48.825Z,2020-11-03T15:25:48.825Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,7313 26665,v1.0,,"Malinformation: information has basis in reality, but shared with the intention to manipulate and incite.",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:25:01.819Z,2020-11-16T13:47:45.627Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,3762 26664,v1.0,,"I wrote a more philosophical response in my blog, but I was struck by the difficulty in giving a name to this troublesome phenomenon. Can we combat something we cannot even name? Is it even possible to curb it given social media's current incentive structure (I suggest it's not). Mike Kujawski's categories seem tidy, but may not be effective in practice:",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:24:16.709Z,2020-11-03T15:24:16.709Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,7068 26663,v1.0,,"I wrote a more philosophical response in my blog, but I was struck by the difficulty in giving a name to this troublesome phenomenon. Can we combat something we cannot even name? Is it even possible to curb it given social media's current incentive structure (I suggest it's not). Mike Kujawski's categories seem tidy, but may not be effective in practice:",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:24:16.595Z,2020-11-03T15:24:16.595Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,7313 26661,v1.0,,"by Gabrielle Lim, Researcher at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center. She presented Disinformation Strategies and Tactics at the Internet Freedom Festival’s Community Knowledge Share.",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:23:34.442Z,2020-11-03T15:23:34.442Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,3762 26660,v1.0,,"by Gabrielle Lim, Researcher at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center. She presented Disinformation Strategies and Tactics at the Internet Freedom Festival’s Community Knowledge Share.",/post/77689,2020-11-03T15:23:34.330Z,2020-11-03T15:23:34.330Z,77689,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13702,6400,3711 26659,v1.0,,"The result should hopefully be a true global civic space, where people can reach out to humans everywhere, but also have the local communities. Darcy will complement but not supersede collaboration tools like Loomio.",/post/54126,2020-11-03T14:55:00.741Z,2020-11-03T14:55:00.741Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1264 26658,v1.0,,"The result should hopefully be a true global civic space, where people can reach out to humans everywhere, but also have the local communities. Darcy will complement but not supersede collaboration tools like Loomio.",/post/54126,2020-11-03T14:55:00.686Z,2020-11-03T14:55:00.686Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5056 26657,v1.0,,"The result should hopefully be a true global civic space, where people can reach out to humans everywhere, but also have the local communities. Darcy will complement but not supersede collaboration tools like Loomio.",/post/54126,2020-11-03T14:55:00.659Z,2020-11-03T14:55:00.659Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7677 26656,v1.0,,"The result should hopefully be a true global civic space, where people can reach out to humans everywhere, but also have the local communities. Darcy will complement but not supersede collaboration tools like Loomio.",/post/54126,2020-11-03T14:55:00.657Z,2020-11-03T14:55:00.657Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3621 26655,v1.0,,"The result should hopefully be a true global civic space, where people can reach out to humans everywhere, but also have the local communities. Darcy will complement but not supersede collaboration tools like Loomio.",/post/54126,2020-11-03T14:55:00.522Z,2020-11-03T14:55:00.522Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,394 26654,v1.0,,Social Media encompasses a range of different communication and community models. I call that the bedroom-to-broadcast scale.,/post/54126,2020-11-03T14:51:13.033Z,2020-11-03T14:51:13.033Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,350 26653,v1.0,,"A lot of the time, I find myself choosing the tech because of some single angle that is the most important one for the particular case. For The Borderland, we use Loomio because we make quite a few decisions in large groups and their features for that are second to none.",/post/54106,2020-11-03T14:49:33.023Z,2020-11-03T14:49:33.023Z,54106,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4022,1662 26652,v1.0,,"I also saw the nym-wars (when Google forced everyone to use their real name, driving away a lot of people), the rise of spambots, online harassment, intransparent moderation policies, and so on.",/post/54081,2020-11-03T14:42:34.328Z,2020-11-03T14:42:34.328Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5263 26651,v1.0,,"Over this, I got to know a number of good and interesting people, and would still say that my life was generally richer.",/post/54081,2020-11-03T14:42:09.691Z,2020-11-03T14:42:09.691Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5056 26650,v1.0,,"Over this, I got to know a number of good and interesting people, and would still say that my life was generally richer.",/post/54081,2020-11-03T14:42:09.561Z,2020-11-03T14:42:09.561Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,394 26649,v1.0,,"Hi, I'm Christian Buggedei, and I was one of the last remaining Google+ users. I joined when I still believed in Googles ""Don't be Evil"" motto. For years, I used it as my primary method for social communications. I shared pictures, thoughts, had intense debates about copyright, democracy, and changing economies with authors, publishers, end users, and activists alike, and used it as a resource for my hobbies.",/post/54081,2020-11-03T14:41:06.660Z,2020-11-03T14:41:06.660Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,18 26648,v1.0,,"Hi, I'm Christian Buggedei, and I was one of the last remaining Google+ users. I joined when I still believed in Googles ""Don't be Evil"" motto. For years, I used it as my primary method for social communications. I shared pictures, thoughts, had intense debates about copyright, democracy, and changing economies with authors, publishers, end users, and activists alike, and used it as a resource for my hobbies.",/post/54081,2020-11-03T14:41:06.362Z,2020-11-03T14:52:20.649Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7394 26647,v1.0,,"Hi, I'm Christian Buggedei, and I was one of the last remaining Google+ users. I joined when I still believed in Googles ""Don't be Evil"" motto. For years, I used it as my primary method for social communications. I shared pictures, thoughts, had intense debates about copyright, democracy, and changing economies with authors, publishers, end users, and activists alike, and used it as a resource for my hobbies.",/post/54081,2020-11-03T14:41:06.033Z,2020-11-03T14:41:06.033Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3822 26646,v1.0,,"AI has also promising results in newsroom practice. “ The New York Times uses “Perspective” a Google tool, one of the best for comment moderation” - mentioned Stefan Hall, World Economic Forum. He also highlighted the benefits of the MTI-based Portico to reduce toxicity in an online environment, as well as Twitter’s own strategy to try and address disinformation, particularly bots and trolls. “ I think the Google’s “Perspective” is probably the most likely to be available in other countries.” - pointed out Hall. - “They have a human editor involved so there is always someone who makes the ultimate decision. However, many companies are looking into that.”",/post/54755,2020-11-03T14:13:49.571Z,2020-11-03T14:13:49.571Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3716 26645,v1.0,,"Twitter’s own strategy to try and address disinformation, particularly bots and trolls.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T14:13:37.762Z,2020-11-03T14:13:37.762Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7781 26644,v1.0,,"Similar results came out of Brooke Borel’s (the author of The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking) research, during which she used ClaimBuster against her own manual work. Although ClaimBuster found almost the same amount of fake information and did it faster than her, it missed some important information which was only partially true and could be defined as misinformation. She cited the example of a sentence about climate change, a topic both political and scientific, which contained a subtle judgment: minimizing the impact of human activity on global warming. The ClaimBuster was not able to point out the doubtful tone of the article.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T14:12:59.662Z,2020-11-03T14:12:59.662Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3751 26643,v1.0,,"Similar results came out of Brooke Borel’s (the author of The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking) research, during which she used ClaimBuster against her own manual work. Although ClaimBuster found almost the same amount of fake information and did it faster than her, it missed some important information which was only partially true and could be defined as misinformation. She cited the example of a sentence about climate change, a topic both political and scientific, which contained a subtle judgment: minimizing the impact of human activity on global warming. The ClaimBuster was not able to point out the doubtful tone of the article.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T14:12:59.628Z,2020-11-03T14:12:59.628Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3716 26642,v1.0,,"Similar results came out of Brooke Borel’s (the author of The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking) research, during which she used ClaimBuster against her own manual work. Although ClaimBuster found almost the same amount of fake information and did it faster than her, it missed some important information which was only partially true and could be defined as misinformation. She cited the example of a sentence about climate change, a topic both political and scientific, which contained a subtle judgment: minimizing the impact of human activity on global warming. The ClaimBuster was not able to point out the doubtful tone of the article.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T14:12:59.617Z,2020-11-03T14:12:59.617Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26641,v1.0,,"Similar results came out of Brooke Borel’s (the author of The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking) research, during which she used ClaimBuster against her own manual work. Although ClaimBuster found almost the same amount of fake information and did it faster than her, it missed some important information which was only partially true and could be defined as misinformation. She cited the example of a sentence about climate change, a topic both political and scientific, which contained a subtle judgment: minimizing the impact of human activity on global warming. The ClaimBuster was not able to point out the doubtful tone of the article.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T14:12:28.810Z,2020-11-03T14:12:28.810Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7925 26640,v1.0,,Have a great time shaping the next generation internet citizens.,/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:54:23.141Z,2020-11-03T13:54:23.141Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,978 26639,v1.0,,"Collaborate on how to reach out to teachers with this message as one important group to win. Have a great time shaping the next generation internet citizens.",/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:54:02.262Z,2020-11-03T13:54:02.262Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4980 26638,v1.0,,"Collaborate on how to reach out to teachers with this message as one important group to win. Have a great time shaping the next generation internet citizens.",/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:54:02.242Z,2020-11-03T13:54:02.242Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7676 26637,v1.0,,"Collaborate on how to reach out to teachers with this message as one important group to win. Have a great time shaping the next generation internet citizens.",/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:54:02.031Z,2020-11-03T13:54:02.031Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 26635,v1.0,,"Collaborate on how to reach out to teachers with this message as one important group to win. Have a great time shaping the next generation internet citizens.",/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:54:01.807Z,2020-11-03T13:54:01.807Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,394 26634,v1.0,,Learn about the corner stones of Free and Open Source and how those are equally fundamental to learning anything in a digital world.,/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:52:36.296Z,2020-11-03T13:52:36.296Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1557 26633,v1.0,,Learn about the corner stones of Free and Open Source and how those are equally fundamental to learning anything in a digital world.,/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:52:36.284Z,2020-11-03T13:52:36.284Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 26632,v1.0,,Learn about the corner stones of Free and Open Source and how those are equally fundamental to learning anything in a digital world.,/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:52:36.283Z,2020-11-03T13:52:36.283Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7676 26631,v1.0,,Learn about the corner stones of Free and Open Source and how those are equally fundamental to learning anything in a digital world.,/post/59269,2020-11-03T13:52:35.998Z,2020-11-03T13:52:35.998Z,59269,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,766 26630,v1.0,,I will try to follow up on this with a second workshop in Stockholm where enthusiasts could meet and try to develop a 'for-teachers' fundamentals of open source.,/post/57798,2020-11-03T13:50:45.787Z,2020-11-03T13:50:45.787Z,57798,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 26629,v1.0,,I will try to follow up on this with a second workshop in Stockholm where enthusiasts could meet and try to develop a 'for-teachers' fundamentals of open source.,/post/57798,2020-11-03T13:50:45.371Z,2020-11-03T13:50:45.371Z,57798,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7676 26628,v1.0,,I will try to follow up on this with a second workshop in Stockholm where enthusiasts could meet and try to develop a 'for-teachers' fundamentals of open source.,/post/57798,2020-11-03T13:50:45.215Z,2020-11-03T13:50:45.215Z,57798,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4980 26627,v1.0,,"I think the Human part in this context is what can have something to do with community, belonging, a sense of meaning and purpose in contrast to proprietary software that you can't be a part of in the same way.",/post/54254,2020-11-03T13:48:12.028Z,2020-11-03T13:48:12.028Z,54254,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7352 26626,v1.0,,FOSS with the idea of empowering the user (such as school kids) to read the source code of school systems and learn which opens up for building new intellectual capital and other capitals.,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:47:15.571Z,2020-11-03T13:47:15.571Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,3622 26625,v1.0,,FOSS with the idea of empowering the user (such as school kids) to read the source code of school systems and learn which opens up for building new intellectual capital and other capitals.,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:44:39.139Z,2020-11-03T13:44:39.139Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7676 26624,v1.0,,FOSS with the idea of empowering the user (such as school kids) to read the source code of school systems and learn which opens up for building new intellectual capital and other capitals.,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:44:39.026Z,2020-11-03T13:44:39.026Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7823 26623,v1.0,,the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:42:35.733Z,2020-11-03T13:42:35.733Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7687 26622,v1.0,,the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:42:35.708Z,2020-11-03T13:42:35.708Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7676 26621,v1.0,,the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:42:35.698Z,2020-11-03T13:42:35.698Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1376 26620,v1.0,,the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:42:35.691Z,2020-11-03T13:42:35.691Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,766 26619,v1.0,,the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:42:35.669Z,2020-11-03T13:42:35.669Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7660 26618,v1.0,,the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:42:35.667Z,2020-11-03T13:42:35.667Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1257 26617,v1.0,,the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:42:35.538Z,2020-11-03T13:42:35.538Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,4019 26614,v1.0,, and did an interesting study on this comparing proprietary with FOSS in public sector municipality school. The conclusion was something like: it costed the same financially and the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2020-11-03T13:34:15.256Z,2020-11-03T13:34:15.256Z,54231,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,6073 26613,v1.0,,"FOSS is about knowledge, freedom, trust/transparency, empowering and maybe a little community.",/post/54245,2020-11-03T13:32:25.584Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.268Z,54245,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1534 26612,v1.0,,"FOSS is about knowledge, freedom, trust/transparency, empowering and maybe a little community.",/post/54245,2020-11-03T13:32:25.581Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.233Z,54245,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7516 26611,v1.0,,"FOSS is about knowledge, freedom, trust/transparency, empowering and maybe a little community.",/post/54245,2020-11-03T13:32:25.545Z,2020-11-03T13:32:25.545Z,54245,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,782 26610,v1.0,,"FOSS is about knowledge, freedom, trust/transparency, empowering and maybe a little community.",/post/54245,2020-11-03T13:32:25.470Z,2020-11-03T13:32:25.470Z,54245,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,5056 26609,v1.0,,I know at least one non-techsavvy person who would be interested in that but I'm also wondering if there could be a crowd and if/how the prototype can be developed for kids/youth to learn more about hardware & devices.,/post/54228,2020-11-03T13:31:37.216Z,2020-11-03T13:31:37.216Z,54228,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7676 26608,v1.0,,I know at least one non-techsavvy person who would be interested in that but I'm also wondering if there could be a crowd and if/how the prototype can be developed for kids/youth to learn more about hardware & devices.,/post/54228,2020-11-03T13:31:37.171Z,2020-11-03T13:31:37.171Z,54228,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,927 26607,v1.0,,I know at least one non-techsavvy person who would be interested in that but I'm also wondering if there could be a crowd and if/how the prototype can be developed for kids/youth to learn more about hardware & devices.,/post/54228,2020-11-03T13:31:37.080Z,2020-11-03T13:31:37.080Z,54228,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,4285 26606,v1.0,,I'm considering hosting a prototype open workshop to flash Android phones with for folks who wish to get rid of Google's and OEM vendor bloatware.,/post/54228,2020-11-03T13:30:48.694Z,2020-11-03T13:30:48.694Z,54228,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7686 26605,v1.0,,I'm considering hosting a prototype open workshop to flash Android phones with for folks who wish to get rid of Google's and OEM vendor bloatware.,/post/54228,2020-11-03T13:30:48.425Z,2020-11-03T13:30:48.425Z,54228,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,4447 26604,v1.0,,I'm considering hosting a prototype open workshop to flash Android phones with for folks who wish to get rid of Google's and OEM vendor bloatware.,/post/54228,2020-11-03T13:27:12.504Z,2020-11-03T13:27:12.504Z,54228,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,7928 26603,v1.0,,"Where do we go for good, love, meaning and all the other existential question that always have made us humans?",/post/53931,2020-11-03T13:24:59.804Z,2020-11-03T13:24:59.804Z,53931,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7927 26602,v1.0,,Where do we invest our common resources to the benefit for whom?,/post/53931,2020-11-03T13:24:32.525Z,2020-11-03T13:24:32.525Z,53931,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,2963 26601,v1.0,,What causes real harm and suffering?,/post/53931,2020-11-03T13:24:00.084Z,2020-11-03T13:24:00.084Z,53931,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3954 26600,v1.0,,Where do we invest our common resources to the benefit for whom?,/post/53931,2020-11-03T13:23:42.841Z,2020-11-03T13:23:42.841Z,53931,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4334 26599,v1.0,,Where do we invest our common resources to the benefit for whom?,/post/53931,2020-11-03T13:23:42.823Z,2020-11-03T13:23:42.823Z,53931,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4848 26598,v1.0,,think that you in a broad sense need to question which parts of internet you choose to act within. This also boils down to society level.,/post/53931,2020-11-03T13:23:06.340Z,2020-11-03T13:23:06.340Z,53931,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4850 26597,v1.0,,think that you in a broad sense need to question which parts of internet you choose to act within. This also boils down to society level.,/post/53931,2020-11-03T13:23:06.298Z,2020-11-03T13:23:06.298Z,53931,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4848 26596,v1.0,,"""My dream is to have an internet where everything is truly allowed. And it should be easy to choose where to be, if you disagree with something, don't go there.""",/post/53875,2020-11-03T13:21:51.375Z,2020-11-03T13:21:51.375Z,53875,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,978 26595,v1.0,,"""My dream is to have an internet where everything is truly allowed. And it should be easy to choose where to be, if you disagree with something, don't go there.""",/post/53875,2020-11-03T13:21:51.364Z,2020-11-03T13:21:51.364Z,53875,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,1257 26594,v1.0,,"""My dream is to have an internet where everything is truly allowed. And it should be easy to choose where to be, if you disagree with something, don't go there.""",/post/53875,2020-11-03T13:21:51.283Z,2020-12-14T17:55:49.944Z,53875,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,6947 26593,v1.0,,"""My dream is to have an internet where everything is truly allowed. And it should be easy to choose where to be, if you disagree with something, don't go there.""",/post/53875,2020-11-03T13:21:51.124Z,2020-11-03T13:21:51.124Z,53875,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,4881 26592,v1.0,,"Its popularly called ""copyleft"", but its really just a hack of the existing anglosaxian copyright. As curiosa on this is that it was not until this year that the chines law recognized open source licenses as valid at all under Chinese law which tells a story about the current copyright legislation and its reach.",/post/53542,2020-11-03T13:18:31.400Z,2020-11-03T13:18:31.400Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3581 26591,v1.0,,"Its popularly called ""copyleft"", but its really just a hack of the existing anglosaxian copyright. As curiosa on this is that it was not until this year that the chines law recognized open source licenses as valid at all under Chinese law which tells a story about the current copyright legislation and its reach.",/post/53542,2020-11-03T13:18:31.310Z,2020-11-03T13:18:31.310Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7083 26590,v1.0,,The hypothesis is that teachers simply don't know enough of how free and open source really is central to knowledge itself. I believe we need to educate teachers and leaders in schools/academia in this area. That is how we change the game for the benefit of future generations of internet citizens.,/post/53347,2020-11-03T13:16:41.341Z,2020-11-03T13:16:41.341Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4623 26589,v1.0,,Free and Open Source Software has nothing to do with cost. Its about what principles the software operates under,/post/53542,2020-11-03T13:15:40.432Z,2020-11-03T13:15:40.432Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4875 26588,v1.0,,"Open Source (for humans) - in my opinion - is not about saving anyones money. Its about maintaining a culture of transparency, collaboration, empowerment and freedom.",/post/53542,2020-11-03T13:13:08.573Z,2020-11-03T13:13:08.573Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 26587,v1.0,,Don't free/open source programs run into trouble a lot of the time because the person(s) who created it often move on to other projects and don't support them as they need to migrate to upgraded operating systems and hardware requirements?,/post/53476,2020-11-03T12:49:42.381Z,2020-11-03T12:49:42.381Z,53476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,7926 26586,v1.0,,"At the moment, these fact checkers are half-automated. The databases used in these algorithms have displayed multiple examples of stereotypes and biases, and they are not capable of the judgment and sensitivity to the context, necessary to reliably establish the veracity of the material. "" I'm a bit skeptical about AI and fact-checking. Sometimes misinformation is not fake, it's a tone, something very subtle” admitted Guido Romeo, Data journalist at FACTA, “ I have never seen a machine to grasp it""",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:47:57.619Z,2020-11-03T12:47:57.619Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3751 26585,v1.0,,"At the moment, these fact checkers are half-automated. The databases used in these algorithms have displayed multiple examples of stereotypes and biases, and they are not capable of the judgment and sensitivity to the context, necessary to reliably establish the veracity of the material. "" I'm a bit skeptical about AI and fact-checking. Sometimes misinformation is not fake, it's a tone, something very subtle” admitted Guido Romeo, Data journalist at FACTA, “ I have never seen a machine to grasp it""",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:47:57.567Z,2020-11-03T12:47:57.567Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26584,v1.0,,"The databases used in these algorithms have displayed multiple examples of stereotypes and biases, and they are not capable of the judgment and sensitivity to the context, necessary to reliably establish the veracity of the material. "" I'm a bit skeptical about AI and fact-checking. Sometimes misinformation is not fake, it's a tone, something very subtle” admitted Guido Romeo, Data journalist at FACTA, “ I have never seen a machine to grasp it""",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:47:35.166Z,2020-11-03T12:47:35.166Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7925 26583,v1.0,,"The databases used in these algorithms have displayed multiple examples of stereotypes and biases, and they are not capable of the judgment and sensitivity to the context, necessary to reliably establish the veracity of the material.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:47:12.959Z,2020-11-03T12:47:12.959Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4875 26582,v1.0,,"The databases used in these algorithms have displayed multiple examples of stereotypes and biases, and they are not capable of the judgment and sensitivity to the context, necessary to reliably establish the veracity of the material.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:47:12.912Z,2020-11-03T12:47:12.912Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,6222 26581,v1.0,,"Fact checking tools use rich databases of verified, high-quality and wide-ranging information. The algorithm is also fed with examples of debunked stories and results of the work of human fact-checkers. According to Lucas Graves from Reuters Institute Oxford the development focuses on three aims: spotting false or questionable claims circulating in the media; verifying or facilitating verification of claims or stories and delivering corrections instantaneously, across different media, to audiences exposed to misinformation.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:44:33.673Z,2020-11-03T12:44:33.673Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7924 26580,v1.0,,"Fact checking tools use rich databases of verified, high-quality and wide-ranging information. The algorithm is also fed with examples of debunked stories and results of the work of human fact-checkers. According to Lucas Graves from Reuters Institute Oxford the development focuses on three aims: spotting false or questionable claims circulating in the media; verifying or facilitating verification of claims or stories and delivering corrections instantaneously, across different media, to audiences exposed to misinformation.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:44:33.477Z,2020-11-03T12:44:33.477Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3751 26579,v1.0,,"Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions. At the same time, it is a tool to create better societies, a brighter future, and meaningful jobs. And in the context of journalism, AI can be an ally of both the reader and the author - we invite you to learn about the available tools and their applications.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:41:51.066Z,2020-11-03T12:41:51.066Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1042 26578,v1.0,,"Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions. At the same time, it is a tool to create better societies, a brighter future, and meaningful jobs. And in the context of journalism, AI can be an ally of both the reader and the author - we invite you to learn about the available tools and their applications.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:41:28.486Z,2020-11-03T12:41:28.486Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4264 26577,v1.0,,"Artificial Intelligence (AI) - flies airplanes, drives cars, writes news and forecasts the weather. Decides on life and death. Most inventions throughout history provoked controversy - but not many of them had been as widely debated as artificial intelligence. There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:40:36.941Z,2020-11-03T12:40:36.941Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7068 26576,v1.0,,"In order to overcome misinformation, both journalists and teachers have a responsibility to educate the public on how to spot false narratives and stop them from spreading.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:38:30.323Z,2020-11-03T12:38:30.323Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7923 26575,v1.0,,"One of the fields, where AI technologies can be used in newsrooms, is tackling misinformation. However, fact-checking tools still require human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse. In order to overcome misinformation, both journalists and teachers have a responsibility to educate the public on how to spot false narratives and stop them from spreading.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:36:23.919Z,2020-11-03T12:36:23.919Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3716 26574,v1.0,,"In order to overcome misinformation, both journalists and teachers have a responsibility to educate the public on how to spot false narratives and stop them from spreading.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:36:17.546Z,2020-11-03T12:36:17.546Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4489 26573,v1.0,,"In order to overcome misinformation, both journalists and teachers have a responsibility to educate the public on how to spot false narratives and stop them from spreading.",/post/54755,2020-11-03T12:36:17.527Z,2020-11-03T12:36:17.527Z,54755,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1042 26572,v1.0,,Don't free/open source programs run into trouble a lot of the time because the person(s) who created it often move on to other projects and don't support them as they need to migrate to upgraded operating systems and hardware requirements?,/post/53476,2020-11-03T12:12:56.009Z,2020-11-03T12:12:56.009Z,53476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,7660 26571,v1.0,,Don't free/open source programs run into trouble a lot of the time because the person(s) who created it often move on to other projects and don't support them as they need to migrate to upgraded operating systems and hardware requirements?,/post/53476,2020-11-03T12:12:07.080Z,2020-11-03T12:12:07.080Z,53476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,1257 26570,v1.0,,you are still free (under the four freedoms of foss) to USE the software as you please.,/post/53542,2020-11-03T12:00:43.187Z,2020-11-03T12:00:43.187Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4881 26569,v1.0,,"a culture of transparency, collaboration, empowerment and freedom.",/post/53542,2020-11-03T12:00:09.685Z,2020-11-03T12:00:09.685Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,394 26568,v1.0,,"a culture of transparency, collaboration, empowerment and freedom.",/post/53542,2020-11-03T12:00:09.566Z,2020-11-03T12:00:09.566Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,782 26567,v1.0,,"a culture of transparency, collaboration, empowerment and freedom.",/post/53542,2020-11-03T12:00:09.455Z,2020-11-03T12:00:09.455Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7685 26566,v1.0,,"a culture of transparency, collaboration, empowerment and freedom.",/post/53542,2020-11-03T11:59:24.814Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.228Z,53542,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7516 26565,v1.0,,"I call it the Bedroom-to-Broadcast theory - we do well up to a certain scale, but lack the tools to properly navigate a landscape where you can start out a very private conversation that is suddenly getting the attention of millions of people.. And also do not really know how to have an open conversation with a few strangers but not open ourselves up to attacks by thousands.So, yes, scaling back to human scale is useful and important, but I think the allure of potentially speaking to thousands is a factor we should not ignore. 'privacy as space' Cancel Save Annotate",/post/82461,2020-11-02T21:27:22.081Z,2020-11-02T21:27:22.081Z,82461,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7763 26564,v1.0,,"So, yes, scaling back to human scale is useful and important, but I think the allure of potentially speaking to thousands is a factor we should not ignore.",/post/82461,2020-11-02T21:27:00.993Z,2020-11-02T21:27:00.993Z,82461,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7785 26563,v1.0,,"So, yes, scaling back to human scale is useful and important, but I think the allure of potentially speaking to thousands is a factor we should not ignore.",/post/82461,2020-11-02T21:27:00.969Z,2020-11-02T21:27:00.969Z,82461,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1487 26562,v1.0,,"So, yes, scaling back to human scale is useful and important, but I think the allure of potentially speaking to thousands is a factor we should not ignore.",/post/82461,2020-11-02T21:27:00.961Z,2020-11-02T21:27:00.961Z,82461,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,350 26560,v1.0,,"call it the Bedroom-to-Broadcast theory - we do well up to a certain scale, but lack the tools to properly navigate a landscape where you can start out a very private conversation that is suddenly getting the attention of millions of people.. And also do not really know how to have an open conversation with a few strangers but not open ourselves up to attacks by thousands.",/post/82461,2020-11-02T21:25:25.376Z,2020-11-02T21:25:25.376Z,82461,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1487 26559,v1.0,,"call it the Bedroom-to-Broadcast theory - we do well up to a certain scale, but lack the tools to properly navigate a landscape where you can start out a very private conversation that is suddenly getting the attention of millions of people.. And also do not really know how to have an open conversation with a few strangers but not open ourselves up to attacks by thousands.",/post/82461,2020-11-02T21:25:25.348Z,2020-11-02T21:25:25.348Z,82461,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7785 26558,v1.0,,"When put in those terms, it reminds me of the Emacs community. A small group of powerful people are very resistant to change. It makes onboarding new users or contributors very difficult.",/post/82438,2020-11-02T21:12:31.113Z,2020-11-02T21:12:31.113Z,82438,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,6400,7922 26557,v1.0,,"I think Wikipedia is a rather interesting example - and not necessarily a purely positive one. But first - those 40 million is the number of total accounts. Actually actively editing users are more around 126.000, so significantly less. (And actually on par with Mastodon or Diaspora).Now, why is Wikipedia an interesting example? For one because of the discrepancy of who edits and who consumes it. There are over 800 million different devices accessing it each month, but only126k editing and maintaining it. Active Editors are actually about 40.000 only.Now, why is it that only a fraction of a percent are actually maintaining it?I suspect several reasons: * editing is hard and unrewarding * the existing community makes it hard for new people to join, putting up layers of bureaucracy (this is especially true for the German Wikipedia, but I've talked to a Wikipedian from Hong Kong and they confirmed the same issue) * Generally there is a discrepancy between consuming and maintainingThe other interesting thing is that Wikipedia has, as you pointed out, effectively killed traditional encyclopedias. And I am not too sure how much of a good thing this is. It does self-govern itself quite effectively in that it is stable. But it is also frighteningly good at resisting any kind of change. Which is good if you see it as ""protecting against outside influence"", but very bad if viewed as ""maintaining the status quo of those in power"".But regardless of that - I do not think that Wikipedia is a fitting example of ""this is large and still working"", because in terms of people actively working on it, it is not particularly large. In fact, it has obviously managed to not grow over a certain active user threshold, and it does in fact not work as a large scale community.",/post/82430,2020-11-02T21:12:14.696Z,2020-11-02T21:12:14.696Z,82430,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4585 26556,v1.0,,"But regardless of that - I do not think that Wikipedia is a fitting example of ""this is large and still working"", because in terms of people actively working on it, it is not particularly large. In fact, it has obviously managed to not grow over a certain active user threshold, and it does in fact not work as a large scale community.",/post/82430,2020-11-02T21:12:03.609Z,2020-11-02T21:12:03.609Z,82430,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7785 26555,v1.0,,"But regardless of that - I do not think that Wikipedia is a fitting example of ""this is large and still working"", because in terms of people actively working on it, it is not particularly large. In fact, it has obviously managed to not grow over a certain active user threshold, and it does in fact not work as a large scale community.",/post/82430,2020-11-02T21:12:03.485Z,2020-11-02T21:12:03.485Z,82430,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 26554,v1.0,,"I suspect several reasons: * editing is hard and unrewarding * the existing community makes it hard for new people to join, putting up layers of bureaucracy (this is especially true for the German Wikipedia, but I've talked to a Wikipedian from Hong Kong and they confirmed the same issue) * Generally there is a discrepancy between consuming and maintaining",/post/82430,2020-11-02T21:11:09.714Z,2020-11-02T21:11:09.714Z,82430,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7922 26553,v1.0,,"I suspect several reasons: * editing is hard and unrewarding * the existing community makes it hard for new people to join, putting up layers of bureaucracy (this is especially true for the German Wikipedia, but I've talked to a Wikipedian from Hong Kong and they confirmed the same issue) * Generally there is a discrepancy between consuming and maintaining",/post/82430,2020-11-02T21:11:09.595Z,2020-11-02T21:11:09.595Z,82430,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 26552,v1.0,,"English Wikipedia is a platform of 40 million users. When taken with all Wikipedia entities, the platform essentially has a monopoly of encyclopedic knowledge worldwide. It is the defacto source of ""truth"" on the internet.",/post/82428,2020-11-02T21:10:01.776Z,2020-11-02T21:10:01.776Z,82428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,6400,1167 26551,v1.0,,"English Wikipedia is a platform of 40 million users. When taken with all Wikipedia entities, the platform essentially has a monopoly of encyclopedic knowledge worldwide. It is the defacto source of ""truth"" on the internet.",/post/82428,2020-11-02T21:10:00.701Z,2020-11-02T21:10:00.701Z,82428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,6400,4585 26550,v1.0,,"I've been thinking lately about these open source communities, and how Wikipedia has demonstrably re-enforced real-world inequalities: Open Open Source Communities. Whether it be 2 billion people (Facebook), 40 million people (English Wikipedia), or 4.5 million people (Wikidata): community management does not work well at that scale.",/post/82428,2020-11-02T21:09:38.441Z,2020-11-02T21:09:38.441Z,82428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,6400,3775 26549,v1.0,,"I've been thinking lately about these open source communities, and how Wikipedia has demonstrably re-enforced real-world inequalities: Open Open Source Communities. Whether it be 2 billion people (Facebook), 40 million people (English Wikipedia), or 4.5 million people (Wikidata): community management does not work well at that scale.",/post/82428,2020-11-02T21:09:38.439Z,2020-11-02T21:09:38.439Z,82428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,6400,4585 26548,v1.0,,"I've been thinking lately about these open source communities, and how Wikipedia has demonstrably re-enforced real-world inequalities: Open Open Source Communities. Whether it be 2 billion people (Facebook), 40 million people (English Wikipedia), or 4.5 million people (Wikidata): community management does not work well at that scale.",/post/82428,2020-11-02T21:09:38.434Z,2020-11-02T21:09:38.434Z,82428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,6400,3638 26547,v1.0,,"I've been thinking lately about these open source communities, and how Wikipedia has demonstrably re-enforced real-world inequalities: Open Open Source Communities. Whether it be 2 billion people (Facebook), 40 million people (English Wikipedia), or 4.5 million people (Wikidata): community management does not work well at that scale.",/post/82428,2020-11-02T21:09:38.358Z,2020-11-02T21:09:38.358Z,82428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,6400,1487 26536,v1.0,,"Yes, I can see value in teaching about FOSS principles (I'm no great expert here, though I could help work out how to teach them -- I can also see value (perhaps even more) in teaching with examples of FOSS projects, illustrating the principles through them.",/post/53416,2020-11-02T14:52:47.862Z,2020-11-02T14:52:47.862Z,53416,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,4875 26535,v1.0,,"Yes, I can see value in teaching about FOSS principles (I'm no great expert here, though I could help work out how to teach them -- I can also see value (perhaps even more) in teaching with examples of FOSS projects, illustrating the principles through them.",/post/53416,2020-11-02T14:51:11.800Z,2020-11-02T14:51:11.800Z,53416,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,7676 26534,v1.0,,"Yes, I can see value in teaching about FOSS principles (I'm no great expert here, though I could help work out how to teach them -- I can also see value (perhaps even more) in teaching with examples of FOSS projects, illustrating the principles through them.",/post/53416,2020-11-02T14:48:59.948Z,2020-11-02T14:48:59.948Z,53416,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,766 26533,v1.0,,The hypothesis is that teachers simply don't know enough of how free and open source really is central to knowledge itself. I believe we need to educate teachers and leaders in schools/academia in this area. That is how we change the game for the benefit of future generations of internet citizens.,/post/53347,2020-11-02T14:46:21.631Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.252Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1534 26532,v1.0,,The hypothesis is that teachers simply don't know enough of how free and open source really is central to knowledge itself. I believe we need to educate teachers and leaders in schools/academia in this area. That is how we change the game for the benefit of future generations of internet citizens.,/post/53347,2020-11-02T14:46:21.560Z,2020-11-02T14:46:21.560Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3711 26531,v1.0,,The hypothesis is that teachers simply don't know enough of how free and open source really is central to knowledge itself. I believe we need to educate teachers and leaders in schools/academia in this area. That is how we change the game for the benefit of future generations of internet citizens.,/post/53347,2020-11-02T14:46:21.336Z,2020-11-02T14:46:21.336Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,5177 26530,v1.0,,"I have run into many real world situations where people don't know the basics (even the Golden Rule) - but when I consider telling them the score I realize that if they don't know by now I'm certainly not going to be able to clue them in! My experience as admin of a large forum for 18 years was that Leadership (admin and mods and top helpers and posters) set those rules and 98% or more of the users followed along once they realized it was all good (no negatives involved). Attention is a funny thing. Many people cannot discern negative attention from positive and from most everything in-between. When billions are online reacting to this....well, it causes the problems we see today. IMHO. A ""moses"" in this case is a metaphor for a new take on the Golden Rule.",/post/58887,2020-11-02T13:18:45.683Z,2020-11-02T13:18:45.683Z,58887,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,7676 26529,v1.0,,"My experience as admin of a large forum for 18 years was that Leadership (admin and mods and top helpers and posters) set those rules and 98% or more of the users followed along once they realized it was all good (no negatives involved). Attention is a funny thing. Many people cannot discern negative attention from positive and from most everything in-between. When billions are online reacting to this....well, it causes the problems we see today. IMHO. A ""moses"" in this case is a metaphor for a new take on the Golden Rule.",/post/58887,2020-11-02T13:18:03.596Z,2020-11-02T13:18:03.596Z,58887,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3775 26528,v1.0,,"Well, that's understandable - but it also reflects on how having proper food labeling and caloric content in eateries and other such information can help people know what is best for their own health and the health of society in general.",/post/58887,2020-11-02T13:17:29.767Z,2020-11-02T13:17:29.767Z,58887,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,7334 26527,v1.0,,"The ""here today gone tomorrow"" fad is also interesting as it speaks against most of the real excitement we felt in terms of forever knowledge. Now it's a quick jolt of attention and that goes away quickly also.",/post/58421,2020-11-02T13:15:09.323Z,2020-11-02T13:15:09.323Z,58421,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3771 26526,v1.0,,This really came into focus with devices and social media because obviously people were not going to write massive amounts of content on Phones or even early tablets.,/post/58421,2020-11-02T13:14:08.181Z,2020-11-02T13:14:08.181Z,58421,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3845 26525,v1.0,,"Just thinking out loud here - but billboards are allowed on highways...however, if advertisers put one every 50 meters and they were all moving and colorful to grab your attention, laws and regulation would be passed or the industry asked to regulate itself so that the purpose of the highway remained sound. This may be part of the solution in some places - make the internet ""the highway"" and tell publishers over a certain size that they have to choose....X amounts of ads per page or % of page with ads, etc. But ads are not the only problem - it's the fight for eyeballs which has resulted in so many entire web sites being created for nothing except drawing people in. That part is up to the search engines. It may just happen that duck duck or another SE gets there first - and there is nothing to say that people will not gravitate to the ad-free or limited ad (or limited ""content farm"" results) search engine.",/post/58170,2020-11-02T13:13:33.614Z,2020-11-02T13:13:33.614Z,58170,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3771 26524,v1.0,,"It’s a real trade off with the Internet of old and the Internet of today. Back in those days I hungered for the better graphics and audio and throughput that I knew was coming. But back then there was a kind of maybe tacit understanding or agreement that the commercialization of everything should not be such a runaway train. Maybe that was just left over from the days not too many years before when you couldn’t do anything commercial on the Internet and you had to sign pledges on paper certifying that you would be non-commercial. But I also remember when I worked for a big media company that the notion of that kind of restraint to the advertising-heavy establishment that employed me, seemed kind of absurd because why would you restrain yourself from going after the most money you can make? Edit Delete No Commentmonetisation Edit Delete No Commentadvertising Edit Delete No Commentmonetisation Edit Delete No CommentInternet history trade-off Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58405,2020-11-02T13:12:43.636Z,2020-11-02T13:12:43.636Z,58405,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5891 26523,v1.0,,"It’s a real trade off with the Internet of old and the Internet of today. Back in those days I hungered for the better graphics and audio and throughput that I knew was coming. But back then there was a kind of maybe tacit understanding or agreement that the commercialization of everything should not be such a runaway train. Maybe that was just left over from the days not too many years before when you couldn’t do anything commercial on the Internet and you had to sign pledges on paper certifying that you would be non-commercial. But I also remember when I worked for a big media company that the notion of that kind of restraint to the advertising-heavy establishment that employed me, seemed kind of absurd because why would you restrain yourself from going after the most money you can make? Edit Delete No Commentmonetisation Edit Delete No Commentadvertising Edit Delete No Commentmonetisation Internet history Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58405,2020-11-02T13:12:34.441Z,2020-11-02T21:30:33.727Z,58405,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,7287 26522,v1.0,,"At one time it was somewhat of a silly complaint about advertising on the web - since the ad-supported model was what the market (people) desired. However, as with most things, this went way too far...some ""news"" pages now actually have 100's of ads on them (CNN, for example). Hundreds! The targeting worked better when it was done in a subtle or general fashion. Now, it's so blatantly obvious and hides the good stuff...that it would seem to lose some of the effect (perhaps I am looking a bit in to the future here). I can almost start to say that the web was more useful in 1998 than it is today...when google results are now page after page of ""content farms"" or ""SEO"" stuff designed to have the sizzle (results that look good in a list) but no steak once you get to the site. One would think a smart company like Google would see this - and perhaps they do, but they have pressure to keep the bucks flowing. I should mention that I attended in-person google seminars when I was a publisher and they showed us ""heat maps"" of pages, which is where we should put ads. But, even then, I think google TOS allowed no more than two or three ads per page. Just thinking out loud here - but billboards are allowed on highways...however, if advertisers put one every 50 meters and they were all moving and colorful to grab your attention, laws and regulation would be passed or the industry asked to regulate itself so that the purpose of the highway remained sound. This may be part of the solution in some places - make the internet ""the highway"" and tell publishers over a certain size that they have to choose....X amounts of ads per page or % of page with ads, etc",/post/58170,2020-11-02T13:11:36.080Z,2020-11-02T21:30:44.194Z,58170,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,7287 26521,v1.0,,"At one time it was somewhat of a silly complaint about advertising on the web - since the ad-supported model was what the market (people) desired. However, as with most things, this went way too far...some ""news"" pages now actually have 100's of ads on them (CNN, for example). Hundreds! The targeting worked better when it was done in a subtle or general fashion. Now, it's so blatantly obvious and hides the good stuff...that it would seem to lose some of the effect (perhaps I am looking a bit in to the future here). I can almost start to say that the web was more useful in 1998 than it is today...when google results are now page after page of ""content farms"" or ""SEO"" stuff designed to have the sizzle (results that look good in a list) but no steak once you get to the site. One would think a smart company like Google would see this - and perhaps they do, but they have pressure to keep the bucks flowing. I should mention that I attended in-person google seminars when I was a publisher and they showed us ""heat maps"" of pages, which is where we should put ads. But, even then, I think google TOS allowed no more than two or three ads per page. Just thinking out loud here - but billboards are allowed on highways...however, if advertisers put one every 50 meters and they were all moving and colorful to grab your attention, laws and regulation would be passed or the industry asked to regulate itself so that the purpose of the highway remained sound. This may be part of the solution in some places - make the internet ""the highway"" and tell publishers over a certain size that they have to choose....X amounts of ads per page or % of page with ads, etc",/post/58170,2020-11-02T13:11:35.933Z,2020-11-02T13:11:35.933Z,58170,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3821 26520,v1.0,,"At one time it was somewhat of a silly complaint about advertising on the web - since the ad-supported model was what the market (people) desired. However, as with most things, this went way too far...some ""news"" pages now actually have 100's of ads on them (CNN, for example). Hundreds! The targeting worked better when it was done in a subtle or general fashion. Now, it's so blatantly obvious and hides the good stuff...that it would seem to lose some of the effect (perhaps I am looking a bit in to the future here). I can almost start to say that the web was more useful in 1998 than it is today...when google results are now page after page of ""content farms"" or ""SEO"" stuff designed to have the sizzle (results that look good in a list) but no steak once you get to the site. One would think a smart company like Google would see this - and perhaps they do, but they have pressure to keep the bucks flowing. I should mention that I attended in-person google seminars when I was a publisher and they showed us ""heat maps"" of pages, which is where we should put ads. But, even then, I think google TOS allowed no more than two or three ads per page. Just thinking out loud here - but billboards are allowed on highways...however, if advertisers put one every 50 meters and they were all moving and colorful to grab your attention, laws and regulation would be passed or the industry asked to regulate itself so that the purpose of the highway remained sound. This may be part of the solution in some places - make the internet ""the highway"" and tell publishers over a certain size that they have to choose....X amounts of ads per page or % of page with ads, etc",/post/58170,2020-11-02T13:11:35.932Z,2020-11-02T13:11:35.932Z,58170,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,4274 26519,v1.0,,Right now I’m reading “Chaos Monkeys” by Antonio Martinez. It’s a pretty fascinating Silicon Valley tale with a lot of focus on his time at Facebook a few years ago. He points out that FB didn’t start raking in the truly huge money until they started following people around the web to figure out their real interests. Just confining it to likes friends groups and all the “inside Facebook” activity didn’t produce the kind of targeting that brought the higher ad rates.,/post/58074,2020-11-02T12:50:45.313Z,2020-11-02T21:30:55.363Z,58074,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3638 26518,v1.0,,Right now I’m reading “Chaos Monkeys” by Antonio Martinez. It’s a pretty fascinating Silicon Valley tale with a lot of focus on his time at Facebook a few years ago. He points out that FB didn’t start raking in the truly huge money until they started following people around the web to figure out their real interests. Just confining it to likes friends groups and all the “inside Facebook” activity didn’t produce the kind of targeting that brought the higher ad rates.,/post/58074,2020-11-02T12:50:45.075Z,2020-11-02T12:50:45.075Z,58074,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,4274 26517,v1.0,,Right now I’m reading “Chaos Monkeys” by Antonio Martinez. It’s a pretty fascinating Silicon Valley tale with a lot of focus on his time at Facebook a few years ago. He points out that FB didn’t start raking in the truly huge money until they started following people around the web to figure out their real interests. Just confining it to likes friends groups and all the “inside Facebook” activity didn’t produce the kind of targeting that brought the higher ad rates.,/post/58074,2020-11-02T12:50:45.069Z,2020-11-02T12:50:45.069Z,58074,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5327 26516,v1.0,,"I'm not sure how can we make an advertising ecosystem that gives people what they want, but treats data with confidentiality and use it only in purposes that the consumer who gave them that data allowed them to use it.",/post/58068,2020-11-02T12:49:44.515Z,2020-11-02T12:49:44.515Z,58068,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3821 26515,v1.0,,"I'm not sure how can we make an advertising ecosystem that gives people what they want, but treats data with confidentiality and use it only in purposes that the consumer who gave them that data allowed them to use it.",/post/58068,2020-11-02T12:49:34.959Z,2020-11-02T12:49:34.959Z,58068,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3814 26514,v1.0,,"For the zuck hearing, yeah, if they will create a law based on their questions, it will be quite bad. For lobbying, well, in EU Parliament that was also (and still is) a big issue with GDPR which was watered down by influences from big tech (and if you ask me, big tech wins big with GDPR in place). I'm not sure how can we make an advertising ecosystem that gives people what they want, but treats data with confidentiality and use it only in purposes that the consumer who gave them that data allowed them to use it.",/post/58068,2020-11-02T12:49:24.249Z,2020-11-02T12:49:24.249Z,58068,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,7083 26513,v1.0,,In the United States monopoly has for the past many decades been defined as being a monopolistic practice only if it raises prices on consumers. That is not the problem that we’re looking at here and at least in this country there is no policy at this point for dealing with the data issue.,/post/58064,2020-11-02T12:48:28.911Z,2020-11-02T12:48:28.911Z,58064,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,1167 26512,v1.0,,"issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2020-11-02T12:48:02.473Z,2020-11-02T12:48:02.473Z,58060,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,7072 26511,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent,",/post/58060,2020-11-02T12:47:32.699Z,2020-11-02T12:47:32.699Z,58060,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,1943 26510,v1.0,,"The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2020-11-02T12:42:59.100Z,2020-11-02T12:42:59.100Z,58040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5295 26509,v1.0,,"The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2020-11-02T12:42:59.079Z,2020-11-02T12:42:59.079Z,58040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4274 26508,v1.0,,"The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2020-11-02T12:42:59.075Z,2020-11-02T12:42:59.075Z,58040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5327 26507,v1.0,,"The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2020-11-02T12:42:59.047Z,2020-11-02T12:42:59.047Z,58040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3821 26506,v1.0,,"The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2020-11-02T12:42:59.044Z,2020-11-02T12:42:59.044Z,58040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1487 26505,v1.0,,"I'm really enthusiast about your project, great efforts, however as it was probably mentioned before, why not join an existing solution like Fediverse/Mastodon, because when you reinvent the roll, you do it on your own, and you add to the hundreds and thousands of little projects that exists and that lack of users.",/post/58038,2020-11-02T12:40:38.328Z,2020-11-02T12:40:38.328Z,58038,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4357,7805 26504,v1.0,,"I am in Free and Open Source Software since quite a while. I believe I'd have great fun preparing and doing a workshop, but would need proper financial compensation atm.",/post/53354,2020-11-01T16:35:45.879Z,2020-11-01T16:35:45.879Z,53354,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4861,1257 26503,v1.0,,"I am in Free and Open Source Software since quite a while. I believe I'd have great fun preparing and doing a workshop, but would need proper financial compensation atm.",/post/53354,2020-11-01T16:35:45.780Z,2020-11-01T16:35:45.780Z,53354,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4861,7300 26502,v1.0,,"I am in Free and Open Source Software since quite a while. I believe I'd have great fun preparing and doing a workshop, but would need proper financial compensation atm.",/post/53354,2020-11-01T16:35:45.577Z,2020-11-01T16:35:45.577Z,53354,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4861,7686 26500,v1.0,,"Sounds like a really good idea. I know a little, and have some particular idea around FOSS user community. Yes, let's put something together to benefit as many as we can!",/post/53352,2020-11-01T16:35:09.560Z,2020-11-01T16:35:09.560Z,53352,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,1257 26499,v1.0,,"Sounds like a really good idea. I know a little, and have some particular idea around FOSS user community. Yes, let's put something together to benefit as many as we can!",/post/53352,2020-11-01T16:35:09.548Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.247Z,53352,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,1534 26498,v1.0,,"Sounds like a really good idea. I know a little, and have some particular idea around FOSS user community. Yes, let's put something together to benefit as many as we can!",/post/53352,2020-11-01T16:35:09.390Z,2020-11-01T16:35:09.390Z,53352,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,7686 26497,v1.0,,"Sounds like a really good idea. I know a little, and have some particular idea around FOSS user community. Yes, let's put something together to benefit as many as we can!",/post/53352,2020-11-01T16:35:09.223Z,2020-11-01T16:35:09.223Z,53352,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,7241 26496,v1.0,,This workshop aims to help to bring together actors in the educational systems with those from the core free and open source landscape. YOU are invited! Together we'll try to find ways to influence the educational system towards open source values. We stage the workshop to learn from joint experiences and develop concrete ways to reach the education system.,/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:32:37.251Z,2020-11-01T16:32:37.251Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7686 26495,v1.0,,This workshop aims to help to bring together actors in the educational systems with those from the core free and open source landscape. YOU are invited! Together we'll try to find ways to influence the educational system towards open source values. We stage the workshop to learn from joint experiences and develop concrete ways to reach the education system.,/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:32:37.075Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.256Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1534 26494,v1.0,,The hypothesis is that teachers simply don't know enough of how free and open source really is central to knowledge itself. I believe we need to educate teachers and leaders in schools/academia in this area. That is how we change the game for the benefit of future generations of internet citizens.,/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:31:12.583Z,2021-01-22T14:42:51.266Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4980 26491,v1.0,,"Free and open source values, such as transparency, collaboration, freedom and empowerment - are already cornerstones in our educational systems. So why don't we apply them when it comes to teaching computers?",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:27:41.427Z,2020-11-01T16:27:41.427Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 26490,v1.0,,"Free and open source values, such as transparency, collaboration, freedom and empowerment - are already cornerstones in our educational systems. So why don't we apply them when it comes to teaching computers?",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:27:41.407Z,2020-11-01T16:27:41.407Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3619 26489,v1.0,,"Free and open source values, such as transparency, collaboration, freedom and empowerment - are already cornerstones in our educational systems. So why don't we apply them when it comes to teaching computers?",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:27:41.293Z,2020-11-01T16:27:41.293Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,782 26488,v1.0,,"Free and open source values, such as transparency, collaboration, freedom and empowerment - are already cornerstones in our educational systems. So why don't we apply them when it comes to teaching computers?",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:27:41.145Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.222Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7516 26487,v1.0,,"What happens to knowledge in our future digital world if proprietary world views on computers, internet and programming are left unchallenged?",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:26:07.410Z,2021-04-29T11:38:56.182Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,5997 26486,v1.0,,"What happens to knowledge in our future digital world if proprietary world views on computers, internet and programming are left unchallenged?",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:26:07.258Z,2020-11-01T16:26:07.258Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4850 26485,v1.0,,"What happens to knowledge in our future digital world if proprietary world views on computers, internet and programming are left unchallenged?",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:24:30.897Z,2020-11-01T16:24:30.897Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,978 26484,v1.0,,"As coming generations enter the educational system, they are now introduced to tools, thoughts and concepts derived from the digital world. Today, most of them are proprietary - opposite to free and open source.",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:23:41.081Z,2020-11-01T16:23:41.081Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1376 26483,v1.0,,"As coming generations enter the educational system, they are now introduced to tools, thoughts and concepts derived from the digital world. Today, most of them are proprietary - opposite to free and open source.",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:23:40.957Z,2020-11-01T16:23:40.957Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7676 26482,v1.0,,"As coming generations enter the educational system, they are now introduced to tools, thoughts and concepts derived from the digital world. Today, most of them are proprietary - opposite to free and open source.",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:17:27.036Z,2020-11-01T16:17:27.036Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,766 26480,v1.0,,"Internet, computers and programming is introduced from birth in our children's lives. The current generation is the first, that never will have experienced a world without internet",/post/53347,2020-11-01T16:15:45.470Z,2020-11-01T16:15:45.470Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3798 26472,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2020-10-30T15:33:21.096Z,2020-10-30T15:33:21.096Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4509 26469,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2020-10-30T14:27:25.339Z,2020-11-16T13:54:07.605Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4275 26468,v1.0,,"Our kid is on 75% of the calls I have when she's home - at some point she just comes in, closed door or not (it doesn't lock).In some way, I'm glad to see people's reaction to it. It's a little bit like looking at how people treat the waiter or staff to understand whether this is a person I'd like to be working with.Of course there's also times I need to keep her out, e.g. when I'm giving a presentation or when I need to be super focused because I'm moderating. In those cases I actually block the door with something heavy.. :)",/post/85493,2020-10-27T11:02:01.662Z,2020-10-27T11:02:01.662Z,85493,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,6126 26467,v1.0,,"Our kid is on 75% of the calls I have when she's home - at some point she just comes in, closed door or not (it doesn't lock).In some way, I'm glad to see people's reaction to it. It's a little bit like looking at how people treat the waiter or staff to understand whether this is a person I'd like to be working with.Of course there's also times I need to keep her out, e.g. when I'm giving a presentation or when I need to be super focused because I'm moderating. In those cases I actually block the door with something heavy.. :)",/post/85493,2020-10-27T11:02:01.320Z,2020-10-27T11:02:01.320Z,85493,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,6164 26466,v1.0,,"Our kid is on 75% of the calls I have when she's home - at some point she just comes in, closed door or not (it doesn't lock).In some way, I'm glad to see people's reaction to it. It's a little bit like looking at how people treat the waiter or staff to understand whether this is a person I'd like to be working with.Of course there's also times I need to keep her out, e.g. when I'm giving a presentation or when I need to be super focused because I'm moderating. In those cases I actually block the door with something heavy.. :)",/post/85493,2020-10-27T11:02:01.217Z,2020-10-27T11:02:01.217Z,85493,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,307 26465,v1.0,,"Our kid is on 75% of the calls I have when she's home - at some point she just comes in, closed door or not (it doesn't lock).In some way, I'm glad to see people's reaction to it. It's a little bit like looking at how people treat the waiter or staff to understand whether this is a person I'd like to be working with.Of course there's also times I need to keep her out, e.g. when I'm giving a presentation or when I need to be super focused because I'm moderating. In those cases I actually block the door with something heavy.. :)",/post/85493,2020-10-27T11:02:01.145Z,2020-10-27T11:02:01.145Z,85493,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,730 26464,v1.0,,Examples for how to set and communicate boundaries,/post/85490,2020-10-27T11:00:37.540Z,2020-10-27T11:00:37.540Z,85490,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,4934,6164 26463,v1.0,,The positive shift of it becoming more acceptable to have a visible familylive as a professional,/post/85490,2020-10-27T11:00:16.939Z,2020-10-27T11:00:16.939Z,85490,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,4934,4704 26462,v1.0,,The positive shift of it becoming more acceptable to have a visible familylive as a professional,/post/85490,2020-10-27T11:00:16.866Z,2020-10-27T11:00:16.866Z,85490,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,4934,1401 26461,v1.0,,the potential bad effects of this blurred work/life space and time on children.,/post/85440,2020-10-27T10:59:39.033Z,2020-10-27T10:59:39.033Z,85440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,7901 26460,v1.0,,"I was on an important video call earlier, and they all burst in, and I gave the casual ""wave"" out, but they kept talking, so I gave a stronger wave, followed by a glare, then a mute and a ""GET OUT!!"".When I spoke to them after they were like ""but we needed to tell you... Cato didn't have a chocolate this morning"".",/post/85489,2020-10-27T10:59:13.257Z,2020-10-27T10:59:13.257Z,85489,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,6825,7901 26459,v1.0,,"I was on an important video call earlier, and they all burst in, and I gave the casual ""wave"" out, but they kept talking, so I gave a stronger wave, followed by a glare, then a mute and a ""GET OUT!!"".When I spoke to them after they were like ""but we needed to tell you... Cato didn't have a chocolate this morning"".",/post/85489,2020-10-27T10:59:13.176Z,2020-10-27T10:59:13.176Z,85489,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,6825,6126 26458,v1.0,,"I was on an important video call earlier, and they all burst in, and I gave the casual ""wave"" out, but they kept talking, so I gave a stronger wave, followed by a glare, then a mute and a ""GET OUT!!"".When I spoke to them after they were like ""but we needed to tell you... Cato didn't have a chocolate this morning"".",/post/85489,2020-10-27T10:59:13.154Z,2020-10-27T10:59:13.154Z,85489,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,6825,307 26457,v1.0,,"I was on an important video call earlier, and they all burst in, and I gave the casual ""wave"" out, but they kept talking, so I gave a stronger wave, followed by a glare, then a mute and a ""GET OUT!!"".When I spoke to them after they were like ""but we needed to tell you... Cato didn't have a chocolate this morning"".",/post/85489,2020-10-27T10:59:13.090Z,2020-10-27T10:59:13.090Z,85489,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,6825,730 26456,v1.0,,"When one cannot safely rely on kindergarten, not even on relatives without putting them somewhat at risk, what else is left for parents besides taking turns (if they are lucky to still be together) and ...well, working less?",/post/85440,2020-10-27T10:57:38.638Z,2020-10-27T10:57:38.638Z,85440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,6186 26455,v1.0,,"When one cannot safely rely on kindergarten, not even on relatives without putting them somewhat at risk, what else is left for parents besides taking turns (if they are lucky to still be together) and ...well, working less?",/post/85440,2020-10-27T10:57:38.625Z,2020-10-27T10:57:38.625Z,85440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,5326 26454,v1.0,,"When one cannot safely rely on kindergarten, not even on relatives without putting them somewhat at risk, what else is left for parents besides taking turns (if they are lucky to still be together) and ...well, working less?",/post/85440,2020-10-27T10:57:38.607Z,2020-10-27T10:57:38.607Z,85440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,307 26453,v1.0,,"When one cannot safely rely on kindergarten, not even on relatives without putting them somewhat at risk, what else is left for parents besides taking turns (if they are lucky to still be together) and ...well, working less?",/post/85440,2020-10-27T10:57:38.561Z,2020-10-27T10:57:38.561Z,85440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,4019 26452,v1.0,,"When one cannot safely rely on kindergarten, not even on relatives without putting them somewhat at risk, what else is left for parents besides taking turns (if they are lucky to still be together) and ...well, working less?",/post/85440,2020-10-27T10:57:38.553Z,2020-10-27T10:57:38.553Z,85440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,1877,1401 26451,v1.0,,"We are a couple of freelancers, during lockdown we split our days, so to have one of us available for our daughter (2 years old). We could afford to work half a day each, and also business was really slow during lockdown. It was really exhausting but we were able to never leave our daughter in front of a screen.",/post/85431,2020-10-27T10:56:08.082Z,2020-10-27T11:05:57.535Z,85431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,60,307 26450,v1.0,,"We are a couple of freelancers, during lockdown we split our days, so to have one of us available for our daughter (2 years old). We could afford to work half a day each, and also business was really slow during lockdown. It was really exhausting but we were able to never leave our daughter in front of a screen.",/post/85431,2020-10-27T10:56:08.061Z,2020-10-27T11:06:14.256Z,85431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,60,5152 26449,v1.0,,"We are a couple of freelancers, during lockdown we split our days, so to have one of us available for our daughter (2 years old). We could afford to work half a day each, and also business was really slow during lockdown. It was really exhausting but we were able to never leave our daughter in front of a screen.",/post/85431,2020-10-27T10:56:07.982Z,2020-10-27T10:56:07.982Z,85431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,60,7895 26448,v1.0,,"We are a couple of freelancers, during lockdown we split our days, so to have one of us available for our daughter (2 years old). We could afford to work half a day each, and also business was really slow during lockdown. It was really exhausting but we were able to never leave our daughter in front of a screen.",/post/85431,2020-10-27T10:56:07.923Z,2020-10-27T10:56:07.923Z,85431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,60,5152 26447,v1.0,,"We are a couple of freelancers, during lockdown we split our days, so to have one of us available for our daughter (2 years old). We could afford to work half a day each, and also business was really slow during lockdown. It was really exhausting but we were able to never leave our daughter in front of a screen.",/post/85431,2020-10-27T10:56:07.886Z,2020-10-27T10:56:07.886Z,85431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,60,7896 26446,v1.0,,"We are a couple of freelancers, during lockdown we split our days, so to have one of us available for our daughter (2 years old). We could afford to work half a day each, and also business was really slow during lockdown. It was really exhausting but we were able to never leave our daughter in front of a screen.",/post/85431,2020-10-27T10:56:07.869Z,2020-10-27T10:56:07.869Z,85431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,60,6186 26445,v1.0,,"We are a couple of freelancers, during lockdown we split our days, so to have one of us available for our daughter (2 years old). We could afford to work half a day each, and also business was really slow during lockdown. It was really exhausting but we were able to never leave our daughter in front of a screen.",/post/85431,2020-10-27T10:56:07.868Z,2020-10-27T10:56:07.868Z,85431,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,60,307 26444,v1.0,,"f you have a kid at home and you work from home, how much time do you need to spend helping him, her or them occupy themselves in mutually satisfying ways and what technology do you use (try to) to accomplish it?My daughter is in this situation. She works for a climate change org and was already largely working from home. She has 2 kids. Like almost all kids these days they use Zoom for school and get Zoom fatigue after just a couple of hours max.",/post/84485,2020-10-27T10:55:20.371Z,2020-10-27T10:55:20.371Z,84485,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,5326 26443,v1.0,,"Has the pandemic caused you to quickly adopt new technology to keep your child occupied and happy while you are trying to work, or did you already have a strong technology-based home environment for your child already?I ask because my daughter did have to adopt a bunch of tech for her kids who like so many other kids can't spend all day in Zoom classrooms and my daughter, who already was working at home 3 days a week, has a high pressure job that requires her total attention when she is working. She bought Apple watches for her kids (age 8 and 7) and a now iMac for the family room. Good tools to have regardless, but big expense that had to happen quickly. Her kids are very physically active. One especially is not so bookish. But with school and playing outside with other kids so curtailed, he had not developed any quiet or study habit patterns outside of the routines developed by his school. Home time now dominates the day and he was frankly unprepared.",/post/85116,2020-10-27T10:55:06.628Z,2020-10-27T10:55:06.628Z,85116,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,5326 26442,v1.0,,"I think the amount of technology to it really depends on the age of the child. Speaking personally, our daughter is 2 years old, so she needs a lot of attention, it's almost impossible to leave her alone except for the odd 5-10 minutes she's entertaining herself. So during this pandemic when child care was closed, really only one person in the household can get meaningful work done. We made up for it by working around her schedule (early early morning and late nights), but it is challenging to say the least.Technology can help keep her occupied, and letting her watch videos on the ipad is something she loves and regularly asks for, but everytime I do it, I feel like a failed parent. If she was older, I think this feeling would not be so strong, but as she is still a toddler, we try to keep her away from screens as much as is possible.",/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:54:55.255Z,2020-10-27T10:54:55.255Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,5326 26441,v1.0,,I'd be very curious to hear how others with children in this age range use technology around their children. Am I perhaps too much of a luddite when I try to strictly limit screentime? Are there other solutions we have not thought about?,/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:54:27.088Z,2020-10-27T10:54:27.088Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,7897 26440,v1.0,,I'd be very curious to hear how others with children in this age range use technology around their children. Am I perhaps too much of a luddite when I try to strictly limit screentime? Are there other solutions we have not thought about?,/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:54:13.603Z,2020-10-27T10:54:13.603Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,7898 26439,v1.0,,"Has the pandemic caused you to quickly adopt new technology to keep your child occupied and happy while you are trying to work, or did you already have a strong technology-based home environment for your child already?I ask because my daughter did have to adopt a bunch of tech for her kids who like so many other kids can't spend all day in Zoom classrooms and my daughter, who already was working at home 3 days a week, has a high pressure job that requires her total attention when she is working. She bought Apple watches for her kids (age 8 and 7) and a now iMac for the family room. Good tools to have regardless, but big expense that had to happen quickly. Her kids are very physically active. One especially is not so bookish. But with school and playing outside with other kids so curtailed, he had not developed any quiet or study habit patterns outside of the routines developed by his school. Home time now dominates the day and he was frankly unprepared.",/post/85116,2020-10-27T10:53:17.081Z,2020-10-27T10:53:17.081Z,85116,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,7734 26438,v1.0,,"Has the pandemic caused you to quickly adopt new technology to keep your child occupied and happy while you are trying to work, or did you already have a strong technology-based home environment for your child already?I ask because my daughter did have to adopt a bunch of tech for her kids who like so many other kids can't spend all day in Zoom classrooms and my daughter, who already was working at home 3 days a week, has a high pressure job that requires her total attention when she is working. She bought Apple watches for her kids (age 8 and 7) and a now iMac for the family room. Good tools to have regardless, but big expense that had to happen quickly. Her kids are very physically active. One especially is not so bookish. But with school and playing outside with other kids so curtailed, he had not developed any quiet or study habit patterns outside of the routines developed by his school. Home time now dominates the day and he was frankly unprepared.",/post/85116,2020-10-27T10:53:17.048Z,2020-10-27T10:53:17.048Z,85116,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,766 26437,v1.0,,"Has the pandemic caused you to quickly adopt new technology to keep your child occupied and happy while you are trying to work, or did you already have a strong technology-based home environment for your child already?I ask because my daughter did have to adopt a bunch of tech for her kids who like so many other kids can't spend all day in Zoom classrooms and my daughter, who already was working at home 3 days a week, has a high pressure job that requires her total attention when she is working. She bought Apple watches for her kids (age 8 and 7) and a now iMac for the family room. Good tools to have regardless, but big expense that had to happen quickly. Her kids are very physically active. One especially is not so bookish. But with school and playing outside with other kids so curtailed, he had not developed any quiet or study habit patterns outside of the routines developed by his school. Home time now dominates the day and he was frankly unprepared.",/post/85116,2020-10-27T10:53:17.043Z,2020-10-27T10:53:17.043Z,85116,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,307 26436,v1.0,,"Has the pandemic caused you to quickly adopt new technology to keep your child occupied and happy while you are trying to work, or did you already have a strong technology-based home environment for your child already?I ask because my daughter did have to adopt a bunch of tech for her kids who like so many other kids can't spend all day in Zoom classrooms and my daughter, who already was working at home 3 days a week, has a high pressure job that requires her total attention when she is working. She bought Apple watches for her kids (age 8 and 7) and a now iMac for the family room. Good tools to have regardless, but big expense that had to happen quickly. Her kids are very physically active. One especially is not so bookish. But with school and playing outside with other kids so curtailed, he had not developed any quiet or study habit patterns outside of the routines developed by his school. Home time now dominates the day and he was frankly unprepared.",/post/85116,2020-10-27T10:53:17.013Z,2020-10-27T10:53:17.013Z,85116,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,5325 26435,v1.0,,"Her kids are very physically active. One especially is not so bookish. But with school and playing outside with other kids so curtailed, he had not developed any quiet or study habit patterns outside of the routines developed by his school. Home time now dominates the day and he was frankly unprepared.",/post/85116,2020-10-27T10:52:52.004Z,2020-10-27T10:52:52.004Z,85116,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,7898 26434,v1.0,,"if you have a kid at home and you work from home, how much time do you need to spend helping him, her or them occupy themselves in mutually satisfying ways and what technology do you use (try to) to accomplish it? I think the amount of technology to it really depends on the age of the child. Speaking personally, our daughter is 2 years old, so she needs a lot of attention, it's almost impossible to leave her alone except for the odd 5-10 minutes she's entertaining herself. So during this pandemic when child care was closed, really only one person in the household can get meaningful work done. We made up for it by working around her schedule (early early morning and late nights), but it is challenging to say the least.Technology can help keep her occupied, and letting her watch videos on the ipad is something she loves and regularly asks for, but everytime I do it, I feel like a failed parent. If she was older, I think this feeling would not be so strong, but as she is still a toddler, we try to keep her away from screens as much as is possible.",/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:52:21.668Z,2020-10-27T10:52:21.668Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,7897 26433,v1.0,,"if you have a kid at home and you work from home, how much time do you need to spend helping him, her or them occupy themselves in mutually satisfying ways and what technology do you use (try to) to accomplish it? I think the amount of technology to it really depends on the age of the child. Speaking personally, our daughter is 2 years old, so she needs a lot of attention, it's almost impossible to leave her alone except for the odd 5-10 minutes she's entertaining herself. So during this pandemic when child care was closed, really only one person in the household can get meaningful work done. We made up for it by working around her schedule (early early morning and late nights), but it is challenging to say the least.Technology can help keep her occupied, and letting her watch videos on the ipad is something she loves and regularly asks for, but everytime I do it, I feel like a failed parent. If she was older, I think this feeling would not be so strong, but as she is still a toddler, we try to keep her away from screens as much as is possible.",/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:52:21.654Z,2020-10-27T10:52:21.654Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,7896 26432,v1.0,,"Technology can help keep her occupied, and letting her watch videos on the ipad is something she loves and regularly asks for, but everytime I do it, I feel like a failed parent. If she was older, I think this feeling would not be so strong, but as she is still a toddler, we try to keep her away from screens as much as is possible.",/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:50:54.527Z,2020-10-27T10:50:54.527Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,7895 26431,v1.0,,"Technology can help keep her occupied, and letting her watch videos on the ipad is something she loves and regularly asks for, but everytime I do it, I feel like a failed parent. If she was older, I think this feeling would not be so strong, but as she is still a toddler, we try to keep her away from screens as much as is possible.",/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:50:54.347Z,2020-10-27T10:50:54.347Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,307 26430,v1.0,,"if you have a kid at home and you work from home, how much time do you need to spend helping him, her or them occupy themselves in mutually satisfying ways and what technology do you use (try to) to accomplish it? I think the amount of technology to it really depends on the age of the child. Speaking personally, our daughter is 2 years old, so she needs a lot of attention, it's almost impossible to leave her alone except for the odd 5-10 minutes she's entertaining herself. So during this pandemic when child care was closed, really only one person in the household can get meaningful work done. We made up for it by working around her schedule (early early morning and late nights), but it is challenging to say the least.",/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:50:05.986Z,2020-10-27T10:50:05.986Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,6186 26429,v1.0,,"if you have a kid at home and you work from home, how much time do you need to spend helping him, her or them occupy themselves in mutually satisfying ways and what technology do you use (try to) to accomplish it? I think the amount of technology to it really depends on the age of the child. Speaking personally, our daughter is 2 years old, so she needs a lot of attention, it's almost impossible to leave her alone except for the odd 5-10 minutes she's entertaining herself. So during this pandemic when child care was closed, really only one person in the household can get meaningful work done. We made up for it by working around her schedule (early early morning and late nights), but it is challenging to say the least.",/post/85401,2020-10-27T10:50:05.823Z,2020-10-27T10:50:05.823Z,85401,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,428,307 26428,v1.0,,"if you have a kid at home and you work from home, how much time do you need to spend helping him, her or them occupy themselves in mutually satisfying ways and what technology do you use (try to) to accomplish it?My daughter is in this situation. She works for a climate change org and was already largely working from home. She has 2 kids. Like almost all kids these days they use Zoom for school and get Zoom fatigue after just a couple of hours max.",/post/84485,2020-10-27T10:49:07.157Z,2020-10-27T10:49:07.157Z,84485,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,307 26427,v1.0,,"Has the pandemic caused you to quickly adopt new technology to keep your child occupied and happy while you are trying to work, or did you already have a strong technology-based home environment for your child already?I ask because my daughter did have to adopt a bunch of tech for her kids who like so many other kids can't spend all day in Zoom classrooms and my daughter, who already was working at home 3 days a week, has a high pressure job that requires her total attention when she is working. She bought Apple watches for her kids (age 8 and 7) and a now iMac for the family room. Good tools to have regardless, but big expense that had to happen quickly.",/post/85116,2020-10-27T10:48:56.731Z,2020-10-27T10:48:56.731Z,85116,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,1371 26424,v1.0,,My daughter is in this situation. She works for a climate change org and was already largely working from home. She has 2 kids. Like almost all kids these days they use Zoom for school and get Zoom fatigue after just a couple of hours max.,/post/84485,2020-10-27T10:47:02.801Z,2020-10-27T10:47:02.801Z,84485,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14530,2915,7734 26421,v1.0,,"Unless I missed something that's about all there is. Even Grant based media uses ads these days (public radio, podcasts), although they are not in-your-face and tracking types.",/post/58827,2020-10-27T10:39:05.513Z,2020-10-27T10:39:05.513Z,58827,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7762 26420,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-10-27T10:38:17.726Z,2020-10-27T10:38:17.726Z,53701,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7762 26418,v1.0,,"We needed to be very practical, in terms of particularly investing, to make sure that our business was sustainable. In order for the technology aspect of business itself to make sense, we had to keep our investments shorter on that side. If we had more skill in our coworking spaces, so if we have planned to open other coworking locations, we will probably have invested also more in technology.",/post/80267,2020-10-27T10:34:49.213Z,2020-10-27T10:34:49.213Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7762 26415,v1.0,,"it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-10-27T10:32:43.298Z,2020-10-27T10:32:43.298Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7762 26414,v1.0,,"And, that’s why in other hands, we’ll be taking cautious measures, in terms of, we haven’t invested in, I don’t know, a lot of separations, and all kinds of accompaniments that people are trying to sell now, with the coworking space, because we don’t really know how long the situation is going to take.",/post/80267,2020-10-27T10:32:17.754Z,2020-10-27T10:32:17.754Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7762 26413,v1.0,,"If we invest a lot of money that is going to be trashed, that’s even worse.",/post/80267,2020-10-27T10:31:37.806Z,2020-10-27T10:31:37.806Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7762 26412,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-10-27T10:30:54.964Z,2020-10-27T10:30:54.964Z,73238,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7762 26411,v1.0,,"If you have already other people wanting to do this with you @xaver, these decisions about density and use of the space should come easier because they depend on what people want and their access to resources.",/post/73230,2020-10-27T10:30:20.601Z,2020-10-27T10:30:20.601Z,73230,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7762 26410,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-10-27T10:29:58.391Z,2020-10-27T10:29:58.391Z,73230,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7762 26409,v1.0,,"Hi @xaver, I am normally one of the regulars office people at The Reef and lived there for 3 years myself. Like Alberto says, wanting to set it up is probably the first decision to make :slight_smile:",/post/73013,2020-10-27T10:29:30.403Z,2020-10-27T10:29:30.403Z,73013,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7762 26408,v1.0,,"Micropayment Services The really good thing was that a user can determine for themselves how much worth their media consumption overall is and distribute the funds to any provider, big and small. This make an approach inclusive to many different types of contributions and potential income to smaller bloggers too. A student might just be able to pay 5 bucks, a CEO 200 and so forth. However approaches like Flattr didn't work because the service required to find an audience that values journalism enough to sign up for such a new service. From a UX perspective practically unusable as it required users to manually press a button for each article they want to pay. Big decision paralysis and frankly too much effort.",/post/55190,2020-10-27T10:27:34.252Z,2020-10-27T10:27:34.252Z,55190,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7762 26407,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants.""",/post/55206,2020-10-27T10:25:54.676Z,2020-10-27T10:25:54.676Z,55206,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7762 26406,v1.0,,"Here are links to two interesting and worthwhile articles about Twitter. One concerns their rather conflicted CEO, Jack Dorsey and the other about how Twitter has effectively banned tweets about ISIS but allows white supremacists to do their thing more freely. In the Dorsey piece, he seems to be unable to get any real grip on what they should and should not allow, as if the whole thing ran away from him and his group long ago. Which in a sense it has, especially because its chief loyalty is to keeping its stock price up. In the other, it seems that the company would rather ban some Muslims unfairly so they can get rid of ISIS, but not run the risk of banning high-profile conservative (in the USA meaning Republicans) officials.",/post/52944,2020-10-27T10:24:27.745Z,2020-10-27T10:24:27.745Z,52944,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7762 26130,v1.0,,"One theme that kind of emerged through that work of the years, which also include included web literacy, and being part of the kind of learn to code movement was this idea of before the first falling at the Physical Web.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:38:47.196Z,2020-10-19T14:38:47.196Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7676 26129,v1.0,,"One theme that kind of emerged through that work of the years, which also include included web literacy, and being part of the kind of learn to code movement was this idea of before the first falling at the Physical Web.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:38:47.098Z,2020-10-19T14:38:47.098Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7823 26128,v1.0,,"hese projects started off with what's called the Mozilla Festival. And the idea was, let's bring together these different, primarily open players in the open space. So we had people from open hardware, open science, open education. And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields. So that's where you build your rainbow coalition, so to speak.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:37:24.916Z,2020-10-19T14:37:24.916Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7681 26127,v1.0,,"hese projects started off with what's called the Mozilla Festival. And the idea was, let's bring together these different, primarily open players in the open space. So we had people from open hardware, open science, open education. And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields. So that's where you build your rainbow coalition, so to speak.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:37:24.884Z,2020-10-19T14:37:24.884Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7822 26126,v1.0,,"hese projects started off with what's called the Mozilla Festival. And the idea was, let's bring together these different, primarily open players in the open space. So we had people from open hardware, open science, open education. And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields. So that's where you build your rainbow coalition, so to speak.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:37:24.794Z,2020-10-19T14:37:24.794Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,978 26125,v1.0,,"hese projects started off with what's called the Mozilla Festival. And the idea was, let's bring together these different, primarily open players in the open space. So we had people from open hardware, open science, open education. And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields. So that's where you build your rainbow coalition, so to speak.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:37:24.772Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.237Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1534 26124,v1.0,,"hese projects started off with what's called the Mozilla Festival. And the idea was, let's bring together these different, primarily open players in the open space. So we had people from open hardware, open science, open education. And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields. So that's where you build your rainbow coalition, so to speak.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:37:24.740Z,2020-10-19T14:37:24.740Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,394 26123,v1.0,,"hese projects started off with what's called the Mozilla Festival. And the idea was, let's bring together these different, primarily open players in the open space. So we had people from open hardware, open science, open education. And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields. So that's where you build your rainbow coalition, so to speak.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:37:24.597Z,2020-10-19T14:37:24.597Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7686 26122,v1.0,,"Carbon dioxide emissions from computer equipment (as well as the energy consumption of computer equipment!) comes up every now and then. Even with vastly more energy-efficient equipment, the sheer amount of equipment being deployed means energy consumption necessarily goes up. Artificial intelligence also is not helping - it does not require a lot of math and computer science to realize most of A.I. is matrix multiplications (a famously energy consuming computational problem!).",/post/67864,2020-10-19T14:33:08.287Z,2020-10-19T14:33:08.287Z,67864,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,2346,7821 26120,v1.0,,"Carbon dioxide emissions from computer equipment (as well as the energy consumption of computer equipment!) comes up every now and then. Even with vastly more energy-efficient equipment, the sheer amount of equipment being deployed means energy consumption necessarily goes up. Artificial intelligence also is not helping - it does not require a lot of math and computer science to realize most of A.I. is matrix multiplications (a famously energy consuming computational problem!).",/post/67864,2020-10-19T14:33:08.246Z,2020-10-19T14:33:08.246Z,67864,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,2346,4609 26118,v1.0,,"Carbon dioxide emissions from computer equipment (as well as the energy consumption of computer equipment!) comes up every now and then. Even with vastly more energy-efficient equipment, the sheer amount of equipment being deployed means energy consumption necessarily goes up. Artificial intelligence also is not helping - it does not require a lot of math and computer science to realize most of A.I. is matrix multiplications (a famously energy consuming computational problem!).",/post/67864,2020-10-19T14:33:08.150Z,2020-10-19T14:33:08.150Z,67864,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,2346,927 26117,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:29:46.751Z,2020-10-19T14:29:46.751Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7820 26116,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:29:46.688Z,2020-10-30T15:02:59.109Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,3596 26115,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:29:46.686Z,2020-11-16T13:52:37.893Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4587 26114,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:29:46.669Z,2020-10-19T14:29:46.669Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7676 26113,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:29:46.663Z,2020-10-19T14:29:46.663Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4594 26111,v1.0,,"So pools of users able to put together their demands, their needs, their permissions, and through more collective bargaining, able to negotiate.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:25:29.885Z,2020-10-19T14:25:29.885Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,18 26110,v1.0,,"In general I think we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:25:07.177Z,2020-10-19T14:25:07.177Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4594 26109,v1.0,,"In general I think we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:24:45.825Z,2020-10-19T14:24:45.825Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1934 26107,v1.0,,"In general I think we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:23:41.379Z,2020-10-30T15:18:26.095Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,3596 26106,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:21:57.174Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.211Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7516 26105,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:21:57.131Z,2020-10-23T18:25:16.925Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7762 26104,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.",/post/67775,2020-10-19T14:21:56.895Z,2020-10-19T14:21:56.895Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7590 26103,v1.0,,"I love the idea of a privatized draw bridge, with the angry local farmers and merchants and whatnot standing outside in the muddy street, shaking their fists at the medieval private public partnership draw bridge... privatisation non-technological solution Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59694,2020-10-19T11:54:12.436Z,2020-10-19T11:54:12.436Z,59694,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7815 26102,v1.0,,"I love the idea of a privatized draw bridge, with the angry local farmers and merchants and whatnot standing outside in the muddy street, shaking their fists at the medieval private public partnership draw bridge... privatisation non-technological solution Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59694,2020-10-19T11:54:12.427Z,2020-10-19T11:54:12.427Z,59694,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,4814 26101,v1.0,,"The point being that a critical function was outsourced to a private business and to save money no immediate fallback was set up, such as you would see in a backup generator that automatically kicks on when the power goes down (hospitals and even our little rural radio station studio has that). So, does a big civic plan budget include fallbacks for when such outages inevitably occur? They had better..",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:53:16.081Z,2020-10-19T11:53:16.081Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7815 26100,v1.0,,"The point being that a critical function was outsourced to a private business and to save money no immediate fallback was set up, such as you would see in a backup generator that automatically kicks on when the power goes down (hospitals and even our little rural radio station studio has that). So, does a big civic plan budget include fallbacks for when such outages inevitably occur? They had better..",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:53:16.017Z,2020-10-19T11:53:16.017Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7603 26099,v1.0,,"The point being that a critical function was outsourced to a private business and to save money no immediate fallback was set up, such as you would see in a backup generator that automatically kicks on when the power goes down (hospitals and even our little rural radio station studio has that). So, does a big civic plan budget include fallbacks for when such outages inevitably occur? They had better..",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:53:16.003Z,2020-10-19T11:53:16.003Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,4814 26098,v1.0,,"The point being that a critical function was outsourced to a private business and to save money no immediate fallback was set up, such as you would see in a backup generator that automatically kicks on when the power goes down (hospitals and even our little rural radio station studio has that). So, does a big civic plan budget include fallbacks for when such outages inevitably occur? They had better..",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:53:15.998Z,2020-10-19T11:53:15.998Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,6125 26097,v1.0,,"The point being that a critical function was outsourced to a private business and to save money no immediate fallback was set up, such as you would see in a backup generator that automatically kicks on when the power goes down (hospitals and even our little rural radio station studio has that). So, does a big civic plan budget include fallbacks for when such outages inevitably occur? They had better..",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:53:15.994Z,2020-10-19T11:53:15.994Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7795 26096,v1.0,,"And then there are the perhaps easier to identify situations where there is not a fallback. Like this morning where I am, the network that hooks up the spread-out office of the local commuter train (where my wife works) is via a respected regional ISP. But something crashed and the admin computers won't talk to the other buildings or the outside world. Ok, that happens a lot. But it looks like they use that same ISP for their smart card ticketing system on the trains and thus nobody can pay since the trains don't issue paper tickets and don't take cash. In this case the train doors open anyway. But the could just as well not open.",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:52:20.366Z,2020-10-19T11:52:20.366Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7601 26095,v1.0,,"And then there are the perhaps easier to identify situations where there is not a fallback. Like this morning where I am, the network that hooks up the spread-out office of the local commuter train (where my wife works) is via a respected regional ISP. But something crashed and the admin computers won't talk to the other buildings or the outside world. Ok, that happens a lot. But it looks like they use that same ISP for their smart card ticketing system on the trains and thus nobody can pay since the trains don't issue paper tickets and don't take cash. In this case the train doors open anyway. But the could just as well not open.",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:52:20.361Z,2020-10-19T11:52:20.361Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7784 26094,v1.0,,"And then there are the perhaps easier to identify situations where there is not a fallback. Like this morning where I am, the network that hooks up the spread-out office of the local commuter train (where my wife works) is via a respected regional ISP. But something crashed and the admin computers won't talk to the other buildings or the outside world. Ok, that happens a lot. But it looks like they use that same ISP for their smart card ticketing system on the trains and thus nobody can pay since the trains don't issue paper tickets and don't take cash. In this case the train doors open anyway. But the could just as well not open.",/post/59656,2020-10-19T11:52:20.233Z,2020-10-19T11:52:20.233Z,59656,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,805 26093,v1.0,,"Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:51:37.614Z,2020-10-19T11:51:37.614Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7814 26092,v1.0,,"Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:51:37.451Z,2020-10-19T11:51:37.451Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,6125 26091,v1.0,,"Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:51:37.413Z,2020-10-19T11:51:37.413Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7601 26090,v1.0,,"Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:51:37.413Z,2020-10-19T11:51:37.413Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7813 26089,v1.0,,"Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:51:37.323Z,2020-10-19T11:51:37.323Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7799 26088,v1.0,,"Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:51:37.283Z,2020-10-19T11:51:37.283Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1446 26087,v1.0,,"I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits? smart cities surveillance surveillance → CCTV deterrence being critical social good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:50:12.066Z,2020-10-19T11:50:12.066Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7812 26086,v1.0,,"I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits? smart cities surveillance surveillance → CCTV deterrence being critical social good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:50:11.997Z,2020-10-19T11:50:11.997Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7241 26085,v1.0,,"I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits? smart cities surveillance surveillance → CCTV deterrence being critical social good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:50:11.978Z,2020-10-19T11:50:11.978Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7283 26084,v1.0,,"I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits? smart cities surveillance surveillance → CCTV deterrence being critical social good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:50:11.975Z,2020-10-19T11:50:11.975Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,4831 26083,v1.0,,"I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits? smart cities surveillance surveillance → CCTV deterrence being critical social good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:50:11.888Z,2020-10-19T11:50:11.888Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,5364 26082,v1.0,,"I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits? smart cities surveillance surveillance → CCTV deterrence being critical social good Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:50:11.856Z,2020-10-19T11:50:11.856Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1645 26081,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentradio Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentolder technologies Edit Delete No Commenttechnology breakdown Edit Delete No Commentgenerator Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentpower outage Edit Delete No Commentbasic infrastructures Edit Delete No Commentsmart cities Edit Delete No Commentfree-standing technology Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No CommentDisaster Preparedness natural disaster Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:49:28.848Z,2020-10-19T11:49:28.848Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1188 26080,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentcoordinating efforts Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentdecentralisation Edit Delete No Commentmaking decisions Edit Delete No Commentcentral authority Edit Delete No Commentdelayed response Edit Delete No Commentgovernment failure Edit Delete No CommentDisaster Preparedness natural disaster Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:49:12.162Z,2020-10-19T11:49:12.162Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,1188 26079,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:48:57.002Z,2020-10-19T11:48:57.002Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7811 26078,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:48:56.889Z,2020-10-19T11:48:56.889Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1188 26077,v1.0,,"What we have here in California are huge fires. The lack of fallback/resilience measures here are causing people to rethink much of their core lives.Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits?",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:48:45.372Z,2020-10-19T11:48:45.372Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1188 26076,v1.0,,"What we have here in California are huge fires. The lack of fallback/resilience measures here are causing people to rethink much of their core lives.Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits?",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:48:45.368Z,2020-10-19T11:48:45.368Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,775 26075,v1.0,,"What we have here in California are huge fires. The lack of fallback/resilience measures here are causing people to rethink much of their core lives.Also, tsunamis. We have a siren warning system on this north coast of California, and it did go off back when the earthquake hit that destroyed Fukushima. But a tsunami often is not like a movie portrays it. Rather, it is like a fast and very high tidal surge. It came into the harbor in a nearby town here and rather quietly lifted a bunch of fishing and cruising boats off of their pier moorings and set them adrift. Just tore the ropes right off the docks. And it came later than the sirens suggested, so for a long time it looked like the sirens gave a false alarm. People went back to their activities and then, whoops, this pier is getting lifted. The only fallback for something like that was to get the hell out of there and stay out for longer than you thought you should.I know this is some digression from the main thrust of Peter's inquiry. But when I think of a lot of Smart City stuff, I think of cameras all over the place. When they break down, I will probably hope there isn't a fallback mechanism. Unless there is some greater public good to all those cameras. In London, it's security. But do they really deter? I'm sure the argument is that they do deter. They didn't stop the subway getting blown up in the previous decade. But now there are exponentially more cameras in London. Do they prevent crime? Do those cameras have other social benefits?",/post/59490,2020-10-19T11:48:45.366Z,2020-10-19T11:48:45.366Z,59490,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,442 26074,v1.0,,"The ham net gave us the real news faster and better than any media. Had we waited, I'm not sure we could have launched an effort that was more ad hoc and less institutional that what followed. Edit Delete No Commentspeed community-based care Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:48:12.120Z,2020-10-19T11:48:12.120Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,377 26073,v1.0,,"the firsts phase of any disaster is chaos. there's nothing but act based on immediately obvious information. And nothing works (mobile phones, landline phones, electricity all go down.)",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:48:03.054Z,2020-10-19T11:48:03.054Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,1539 26072,v1.0,,"the firsts phase of any disaster is chaos. there's nothing but act based on immediately obvious information. And nothing works (mobile phones, landline phones, electricity all go down.)",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:48:03.035Z,2020-10-19T11:48:03.035Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7298 26071,v1.0,,"the firsts phase of any disaster is chaos. there's nothing but act based on immediately obvious information. And nothing works (mobile phones, landline phones, electricity all go down.)",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:48:02.869Z,2020-10-19T11:48:02.869Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,1607 26070,v1.0,,"Had we waited, I'm not sure we could have launched an effort that was more ad hoc and less institutional that what followed.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:39.573Z,2020-10-19T11:47:39.573Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1607 26069,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.988Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.988Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7802 26068,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.987Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.987Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,442 26067,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.965Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.965Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7798 26066,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.925Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.925Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7806 26065,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.909Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.909Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,5479 26064,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.897Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.897Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,2296 26063,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.894Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.894Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7805 26062,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.845Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.845Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7298 26061,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.833Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.833Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1539 26060,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.798Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.798Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1294 26059,v1.0,,"In the 70s there was a huge earthquake in Guatemala. Ham operators brought the first detailed reports and organized the first relief effort. I was living in Tennessee at the time and our local ham guys heard the call. One of our carpenters got himself down there right away and convinced the Canadian government relief org to get us the materials if we could supply the crew. We sent down a team of carpenters and they built houses, schools and community centers in the most destroyed mountain regions. And we brought running water to some villages that had never had it. Those building still stand.",/post/59487,2020-10-19T11:47:22.702Z,2020-10-19T11:47:22.702Z,59487,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,775 26058,v1.0,,"It used to be you had to take a technical exam, and for shortwave learn morse code. I think the tech exam is still in place (but not sure), but generally morse requirements have been abolished. radio exam morse code Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59484,2020-10-19T11:46:05.200Z,2020-10-19T11:46:05.200Z,59484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7810 26057,v1.0,,"It used to be you had to take a technical exam, and for shortwave learn morse code. I think the tech exam is still in place (but not sure), but generally morse requirements have been abolished. radio exam morse code Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59484,2020-10-19T11:46:04.919Z,2020-10-19T11:46:04.919Z,59484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7809 26056,v1.0,,"It used to be you had to take a technical exam, and for shortwave learn morse code. I think the tech exam is still in place (but not sure), but generally morse requirements have been abolished. radio exam morse code Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59484,2020-10-19T11:46:04.243Z,2020-10-19T11:46:04.243Z,59484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7786 26055,v1.0,,"That in contrast was what was so extremely shocking to me with what I saw from the official response after Katrina in the US in 2005, where those individual assistance initiatives were actively hindered / forbidden, and people had to wait for official help that took days and days to appear. That was handled like a law enforcement operation first (hunting 'looters') rather than an emergency aid situation. government failure police violence Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:45:29.966Z,2020-10-19T11:45:29.966Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7799 26054,v1.0,,"That in contrast was what was so extremely shocking to me with what I saw from the official response after Katrina in the US in 2005, where those individual assistance initiatives were actively hindered / forbidden, and people had to wait for official help that took days and days to appear. That was handled like a law enforcement operation first (hunting 'looters') rather than an emergency aid situation. government failure police violence Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:45:29.956Z,2020-10-19T11:45:29.956Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7808 26053,v1.0,,"Over the days a new sort of order and routine emerged, built from those individual and community solidarity based starts. These were not replaced or countermanded by the official response, but taken as a base for further actions by the official response. So are a cities response systems geared towards recognising and leveraging community responses?",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:45:11.882Z,2020-10-19T11:45:11.882Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7807 26052,v1.0,,"Over the days a new sort of order and routine emerged, built from those individual and community solidarity based starts. These were not replaced or countermanded by the official response, but taken as a base for further actions by the official response. So are a cities response systems geared towards recognising and leveraging community responses?",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:45:11.843Z,2020-10-19T11:45:11.843Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7806 26051,v1.0,,"Over the days a new sort of order and routine emerged, built from those individual and community solidarity based starts. These were not replaced or countermanded by the official response, but taken as a base for further actions by the official response. So are a cities response systems geared towards recognising and leveraging community responses?",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:45:11.739Z,2020-10-19T11:45:11.739Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7805 26050,v1.0,,"Over the days a new sort of order and routine emerged, built from those individual and community solidarity based starts. These were not replaced or countermanded by the official response, but taken as a base for further actions by the official response. So are a cities response systems geared towards recognising and leveraging community responses?",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:45:11.538Z,2020-10-19T11:45:11.538Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,377 26049,v1.0,,"Then, after some hours, local radio became more important with providing info on the situation, advice from local government etc. This led to more organised action. Sports facilities opened up where you could bring bedding materials, red cross stepped in etc.",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:44:25.038Z,2020-10-19T11:44:25.038Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7798 26048,v1.0,,"Then, after some hours, local radio became more important with providing info on the situation, advice from local government etc. This led to more organised action. Sports facilities opened up where you could bring bedding materials, red cross stepped in etc.",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:44:25.021Z,2020-10-19T11:44:25.021Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,5479 26047,v1.0,,"When regional radio announced the location of some medical triage points, we went out into the street where confused and dazed people were coming out of the center of the disaster zone, and guided them towards the nearest triage point / nest for the wounded.",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:43:50.404Z,2020-10-19T11:43:50.404Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,5477 26046,v1.0,,fire brigades from as far as 100km simply started driving towards the scene when they saw the smoke rising and didn't wait for central alerts being sent.,/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:43:40.552Z,2020-10-19T11:43:40.552Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,1294 26045,v1.0,,fire brigades from as far as 100km simply started driving towards the scene when they saw the smoke rising and didn't wait for central alerts being sent.,/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:43:26.819Z,2020-10-19T11:43:26.819Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,775 26044,v1.0,,fire brigades from as far as 100km simply started driving towards the scene when they saw the smoke rising and didn't wait for central alerts being sent.,/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:43:20.704Z,2020-10-19T11:43:20.704Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7804 26043,v1.0,,"people put on a warning vest, and starting directing traffic at the crossing at the end of their street, to ensure emergency traffic came through.",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:43:14.844Z,2020-10-19T11:43:14.844Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,1765 26042,v1.0,,individual agency was key at the start:,/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:43:05.406Z,2020-10-19T11:43:05.406Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7803 26040,v1.0,,individual agency was key at the start:,/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:42:54.446Z,2020-10-19T11:42:54.446Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7802 26039,v1.0,,"having lived through a large scale calamity in my home town 19 yrs ago (some 200 homes fully destroyed, a multiple of that damaged, 1000 injured, 23 dead), here's what stood out to me in terms of resilience:",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:42:34.473Z,2020-10-19T11:42:34.473Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7785 26038,v1.0,,"having lived through a large scale calamity in my home town 19 yrs ago (some 200 homes fully destroyed, a multiple of that damaged, 1000 injured, 23 dead), here's what stood out to me in terms of resilience:",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:42:34.439Z,2020-10-19T11:42:34.439Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,1446 26037,v1.0,,"the firsts phase of any disaster is chaos. there's nothing but act based on immediately obvious information. And nothing works (mobile phones, landline phones, electricity all go down.)",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:42:23.518Z,2020-10-19T11:42:23.518Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7801 26036,v1.0,,"the firsts phase of any disaster is chaos. there's nothing but act based on immediately obvious information. And nothing works (mobile phones, landline phones, electricity all go down.)",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:42:23.369Z,2020-10-19T11:42:23.369Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,775 26035,v1.0,,"the firsts phase of any disaster is chaos. there's nothing but act based on immediately obvious information. And nothing works (mobile phones, landline phones, electricity all go down.)",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:42:23.324Z,2020-10-19T11:42:23.324Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7784 26034,v1.0,,"the firsts phase of any disaster is chaos. there's nothing but act based on immediately obvious information. And nothing works (mobile phones, landline phones, electricity all go down.)",/post/59480,2020-10-19T11:42:23.282Z,2020-10-19T11:42:23.282Z,59480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,442 26033,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentbreakdown Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentradio Edit Delete No Commentolder technologies Edit Delete No Commentgenerator Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentpower outage Edit Delete No Commentbasic infrastructures Edit Delete No Commentfree-standing technology Edit Delete No Commentsmart cities Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Disaster Preparedness Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:38:48.300Z,2020-10-19T11:38:48.300Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,725 26032,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. Edit Delete No Commentbreakdown Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentwar Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentcities Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentsharing knowledge Edit Delete No Commentskill sharing Edit Delete No Commentdependencies Edit Delete No Commentfree-standing technology Edit Delete No Commentbasic infrastructures Disaster Preparedness Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:38:40.617Z,2020-10-19T11:38:40.617Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,725 26031,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentgovernment failure Edit Delete No Commentdelayed response Edit Delete No Commentmaking decisions Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentdecentralisation Edit Delete No Commentcoordinating efforts Edit Delete No Commentcentral authority Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Disaster Preparedness Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:38:30.474Z,2020-10-19T11:38:30.474Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,725 26030,v1.0,,"Spot on. The big grids do go down sometimes, and when they do, suddenly these taken-for-granted old technologies become lifelines. older technologies system failure failsafes crisis free-standing technology technology breakdown power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59476,2020-10-19T11:38:16.537Z,2020-10-19T11:38:16.537Z,59476,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7784 26029,v1.0,,"Spot on. The big grids do go down sometimes, and when they do, suddenly these taken-for-granted old technologies become lifelines. older technologies system failure failsafes crisis free-standing technology technology breakdown power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59476,2020-10-19T11:38:16.535Z,2020-10-19T11:38:16.535Z,59476,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7791 26028,v1.0,,"Spot on. The big grids do go down sometimes, and when they do, suddenly these taken-for-granted old technologies become lifelines. older technologies system failure failsafes crisis free-standing technology technology breakdown power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59476,2020-10-19T11:38:16.533Z,2020-10-19T11:38:16.533Z,59476,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7795 26027,v1.0,,"Spot on. The big grids do go down sometimes, and when they do, suddenly these taken-for-granted old technologies become lifelines. older technologies system failure failsafes crisis free-standing technology technology breakdown power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59476,2020-10-19T11:38:16.529Z,2020-10-19T11:38:16.529Z,59476,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7788 26026,v1.0,,"Spot on. The big grids do go down sometimes, and when they do, suddenly these taken-for-granted old technologies become lifelines. older technologies system failure failsafes crisis free-standing technology technology breakdown power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59476,2020-10-19T11:38:16.467Z,2020-10-19T11:38:16.467Z,59476,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,442 26025,v1.0,,"Spot on. The big grids do go down sometimes, and when they do, suddenly these taken-for-granted old technologies become lifelines. older technologies system failure failsafes crisis free-standing technology technology breakdown power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59476,2020-10-19T11:38:16.429Z,2020-10-19T11:38:16.429Z,59476,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7601 26024,v1.0,,"Spot on. The big grids do go down sometimes, and when they do, suddenly these taken-for-granted old technologies become lifelines. older technologies system failure failsafes crisis free-standing technology technology breakdown power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59476,2020-10-19T11:38:16.396Z,2020-10-19T11:38:16.396Z,59476,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,805 26023,v1.0,,"similarly this is why I am keeping my ham radio license current. In times of chaos, both at smaller scale, like a single incident, and larger scale like hurricanes, ham radio operators are likely to be able to run their transceivers. They keep their batteries charged, and can operate even when atmospheric circumstances don't favour other modes of radio broadcasting. I don't normally use my call sign, but do have equipment at home ready to go if needs be. crisis radio older technologies disaster preparedness minimising risk free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59475,2020-10-19T11:37:42.759Z,2020-10-19T11:37:42.759Z,59475,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7795 26022,v1.0,,"similarly this is why I am keeping my ham radio license current. In times of chaos, both at smaller scale, like a single incident, and larger scale like hurricanes, ham radio operators are likely to be able to run their transceivers. They keep their batteries charged, and can operate even when atmospheric circumstances don't favour other modes of radio broadcasting. I don't normally use my call sign, but do have equipment at home ready to go if needs be. crisis radio older technologies disaster preparedness minimising risk free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59475,2020-10-19T11:37:42.720Z,2020-10-19T11:37:42.720Z,59475,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7629 26021,v1.0,,"similarly this is why I am keeping my ham radio license current. In times of chaos, both at smaller scale, like a single incident, and larger scale like hurricanes, ham radio operators are likely to be able to run their transceivers. They keep their batteries charged, and can operate even when atmospheric circumstances don't favour other modes of radio broadcasting. I don't normally use my call sign, but do have equipment at home ready to go if needs be. crisis radio older technologies disaster preparedness minimising risk free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59475,2020-10-19T11:37:42.701Z,2020-10-19T11:37:42.701Z,59475,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,725 26020,v1.0,,"similarly this is why I am keeping my ham radio license current. In times of chaos, both at smaller scale, like a single incident, and larger scale like hurricanes, ham radio operators are likely to be able to run their transceivers. They keep their batteries charged, and can operate even when atmospheric circumstances don't favour other modes of radio broadcasting. I don't normally use my call sign, but do have equipment at home ready to go if needs be. crisis radio older technologies disaster preparedness minimising risk free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59475,2020-10-19T11:37:42.690Z,2020-10-19T11:37:42.690Z,59475,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,442 26019,v1.0,,"similarly this is why I am keeping my ham radio license current. In times of chaos, both at smaller scale, like a single incident, and larger scale like hurricanes, ham radio operators are likely to be able to run their transceivers. They keep their batteries charged, and can operate even when atmospheric circumstances don't favour other modes of radio broadcasting. I don't normally use my call sign, but do have equipment at home ready to go if needs be. crisis radio older technologies disaster preparedness minimising risk free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59475,2020-10-19T11:37:42.622Z,2020-10-19T11:37:42.622Z,59475,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7786 26018,v1.0,,"similarly this is why I am keeping my ham radio license current. In times of chaos, both at smaller scale, like a single incident, and larger scale like hurricanes, ham radio operators are likely to be able to run their transceivers. They keep their batteries charged, and can operate even when atmospheric circumstances don't favour other modes of radio broadcasting. I don't normally use my call sign, but do have equipment at home ready to go if needs be. crisis radio older technologies disaster preparedness minimising risk free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59475,2020-10-19T11:37:42.620Z,2020-10-19T11:37:42.620Z,59475,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,206,7788 26017,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.878Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.878Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7800 26016,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.843Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.843Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,5479 26015,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.802Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.802Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7601 26014,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.793Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.793Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7799 26013,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.756Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.756Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7682 26012,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.749Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.749Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7798 26011,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.735Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.735Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,4299 26010,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.704Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.704Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,3659 26009,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.680Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.680Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7762 26008,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.640Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.640Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,775 26007,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.625Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.625Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,805 26006,v1.0,,"yes you could see the consequences of not having effectively organised centralised /gov that can respond to this during the 2004 Tsunami crisis] in which Swedes suffered some of the the worst casualties. The Swedish government took a full four days to respond, finally sending planes outfitted with doctors and medical supplies to care for injured citizens. This screw up was a trauma on the citizenry at large because we are a small country - everyone knows/knew someone who had been there. There were Italian emergency personnel on the ground within 72hrs if memory doesn't fail me. @alberto can tell you about the Italian setup but in Stockholm we watched with incredulity as different ministers bounced around the responsibility for making decisions about how to respond. Sweden at the time did not have a central authority with responsibility for coordination of disaster management, or a clear chain of command for making those decisions. I would have thought it would have fallen under defence but @lakomaa knows more about the institutional architectures than I do. institutional response system failure crisis emergency response government failure delayed response making decisions centralisation decentralisation coordinating efforts central authority failsafes Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59254,2020-10-19T11:36:51.616Z,2020-10-19T11:36:51.616Z,59254,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,442 26005,v1.0,,"A traffic example where I live is when traffic lights break for some reason, they are made with a backup system that causes them to then just flash red, which means the intersection reverts to how it works with a stop sign - everyone takes turns, vehicle to your right has the right-of-way. traffic failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59257,2020-10-19T11:34:33.752Z,2020-10-19T11:34:33.752Z,59257,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1765 26004,v1.0,,"A traffic example where I live is when traffic lights break for some reason, they are made with a backup system that causes them to then just flash red, which means the intersection reverts to how it works with a stop sign - everyone takes turns, vehicle to your right has the right-of-way. traffic failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59257,2020-10-19T11:34:33.692Z,2020-10-19T11:34:33.692Z,59257,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7784 26003,v1.0,,"A traffic example where I live is when traffic lights break for some reason, they are made with a backup system that causes them to then just flash red, which means the intersection reverts to how it works with a stop sign - everyone takes turns, vehicle to your right has the right-of-way. traffic failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59257,2020-10-19T11:34:33.681Z,2020-10-19T11:34:33.681Z,59257,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7601 26002,v1.0,,"A traffic example where I live is when traffic lights break for some reason, they are made with a backup system that causes them to then just flash red, which means the intersection reverts to how it works with a stop sign - everyone takes turns, vehicle to your right has the right-of-way. traffic failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59257,2020-10-19T11:34:33.656Z,2020-10-19T11:34:33.656Z,59257,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,805 26001,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentbreakdown Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentradio Edit Delete No Commentolder technologies Edit Delete No Commentgenerator Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentpower outage Edit Delete No Commentbasic infrastructures Edit Delete No Commentfree-standing technology Edit Delete No Commentsmart cities institutional response Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:33:59.061Z,2020-10-19T11:33:59.061Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,5479 26000,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:33:52.314Z,2020-10-19T11:33:52.314Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,5479 25999,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:33:52.290Z,2020-10-19T11:33:52.290Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,775 25998,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:33:36.821Z,2020-10-19T11:33:36.821Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,4831 25997,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentbreakdown Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentradio Edit Delete No Commentolder technologies Edit Delete No Commentgenerator Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentpower outage Edit Delete No Commentbasic infrastructures Edit Delete No Commentfree-standing technology smart cities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:33:30.385Z,2020-10-19T11:33:30.385Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,4831 25996,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:08.064Z,2020-10-19T11:33:08.064Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7334 25995,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:08.029Z,2020-10-19T11:33:08.029Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7784 25994,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:08.014Z,2020-10-19T11:33:08.014Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7601 25993,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:07.998Z,2020-10-19T11:33:07.998Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7797 25992,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:07.978Z,2020-10-19T11:33:07.978Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7796 25991,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:07.939Z,2020-10-19T11:33:07.939Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,1446 25990,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:07.930Z,2020-10-19T11:33:07.930Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,805 25989,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! Edit Delete No Commenttraining Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Edit Delete No Commentfunctional sovereignty Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response informed choices civic education holistic model smart cities resilience failsafes system failure breakdown Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:33:07.899Z,2020-10-19T11:33:07.899Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,4831 25988,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! institutional response training centralisation functional sovereignty Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:29:51.791Z,2020-10-19T11:29:51.791Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,5479 25987,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! institutional response training centralisation functional sovereignty Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:29:51.769Z,2020-10-19T11:29:51.769Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,5393 25986,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! institutional response training centralisation functional sovereignty Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:29:51.763Z,2020-10-19T11:29:51.763Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,4608 25985,v1.0,,"So that would be both well-functioning centralized/gov structures and an informed/capable citizenry, right? That sounds like it would be the only ""holistic"" model to work, yeah. Thanks for sharing this! institutional response training centralisation functional sovereignty Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59253,2020-10-19T11:29:51.758Z,2020-10-19T11:29:51.758Z,59253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,3659 25984,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentbreakdown Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentradio Edit Delete No Commentolder technologies Edit Delete No Commentgenerator Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentpower outage Edit Delete No Commentbasic infrastructures free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:28:56.974Z,2020-10-19T11:28:56.974Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7795 25983,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.555Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.555Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7794 25982,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.488Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.488Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,5479 25981,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.486Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.486Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7795 25980,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.445Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.445Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7793 25979,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.374Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.374Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7792 25978,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.278Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.278Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,1557 25977,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.273Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.232Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,1534 25976,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.257Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.257Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,4608 25975,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.210Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.210Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,1446 25974,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.201Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.201Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,311 25973,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.193Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.193Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7785 25972,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.167Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.167Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,775 25971,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.127Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.127Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,7784 25970,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.090Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.090Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,442 25969,v1.0,,"Urgh, yeah I have experienced first hand how quickly basic infrastructures e.g food delivery break down when you have war eg. In the end what makes cities resilient is if people are good are organising, you have emergency response mechanisms in place in government institutions that have money and training (e.g defence) and you have people with deep skills/knowledge to come up with creative solutions using tech that is self-standing i.e not dependent on complex tech and economic infrastructure. basic infrastructures breakdown system failure crisis large-scale emergency response war resilience cities institutional response training sharing knowledge skill sharing dependencies free-standing technology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59243,2020-10-19T11:28:51.090Z,2020-10-19T11:28:51.090Z,59243,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,8,805 25968,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentbreakdown Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentradio Edit Delete No Commentolder technologies Edit Delete No Commentgenerator Edit Delete No Commentcrisis Edit Delete No Commentpower outage basic infrastructures Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:27:06.083Z,2020-10-19T11:27:06.083Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7792 25967,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) Edit Delete No Commentemergency response Edit Delete No Commentlarge-scale Edit Delete No Commentbreakdown Edit Delete No Commentsystem failure Edit Delete No Commentresilience Edit Delete No Commentfailsafes Edit Delete No Commentradio Edit Delete No Commentolder technologies Edit Delete No Commentgenerator Edit Delete No Commentcrisis power outage Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:26:51.380Z,2020-10-19T11:26:51.380Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7791 25966,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:26:44.581Z,2020-10-19T11:26:44.581Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7791 25965,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:26:44.525Z,2020-10-19T11:26:44.525Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7789 25964,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:26:44.505Z,2020-10-19T11:26:44.505Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7790 25963,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:26:44.352Z,2020-10-19T11:26:44.352Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7784 25961,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:26:44.309Z,2020-10-19T11:26:44.309Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,805 25962,v1.0,,"What about those cities that have those barrier columns that go up in parts of the inner city so you can't drive there? If the power goes out and they all stay down, what do they do, bring in a bunch of traffic cops?",/post/59228,2020-10-19T11:26:44.309Z,2020-10-19T11:26:44.309Z,59228,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,311 25960,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.654Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.654Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7788 25959,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.653Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.653Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7787 25958,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.586Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.586Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7786 25957,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.536Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.536Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7785 25956,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.532Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.532Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,442 25955,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.490Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.490Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7601 25954,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.449Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.449Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,1446 25953,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.435Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.435Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,7784 25952,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.424Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.424Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,805 25951,v1.0,,"Probably not that related, since it deals with airwaves, but one thing that comes to mind first off for me since I was in the radio business for some years, is how, in large-scale emergency situations such as hurricane Sandy in 2012 when the whole mobile phone grid crashed in the northeast United States and much of the electric grid went down. Then, one had to turn on a radio to find out what was going on. It was a fallback because radio transmitters all have backup generators, and you can get a radio signal with a battery operated unit or even one that is hand-cranked. (This is the main reason why the federal government funds public radio.) crisis emergency response large-scale breakdown system failure resilience failsafes radio older technologies generator Cancel Save Annotate",/post/59227,2020-10-19T11:25:48.394Z,2020-10-19T11:25:48.394Z,59227,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,2915,775 25950,v1.0,,"""Are there safeguards in place to prevent things from getting worse than before if something doesn’t work as planned? Unintended consequences are unavoidable in complex systems. But there are ways to mitigate risks, and to make sure that the fallback for a failed systems are not worse then the original status. If any project would be better while working perfectly but worse while failing, then that deserves some extra thought. If it works better for some groups but not for others, that’s usually a red flag, too.""",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:24:43.965Z,2020-10-19T11:24:43.965Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7601 25949,v1.0,,"""Are there safeguards in place to prevent things from getting worse than before if something doesn’t work as planned? Unintended consequences are unavoidable in complex systems. But there are ways to mitigate risks, and to make sure that the fallback for a failed systems are not worse then the original status. If any project would be better while working perfectly but worse while failing, then that deserves some extra thought. If it works better for some groups but not for others, that’s usually a red flag, too.""",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:24:43.917Z,2020-10-19T11:24:43.917Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,5335 25948,v1.0,,"""Are there safeguards in place to prevent things from getting worse than before if something doesn’t work as planned? Unintended consequences are unavoidable in complex systems. But there are ways to mitigate risks, and to make sure that the fallback for a failed systems are not worse then the original status. If any project would be better while working perfectly but worse while failing, then that deserves some extra thought. If it works better for some groups but not for others, that’s usually a red flag, too.""",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:24:43.896Z,2020-10-19T11:24:43.896Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,3939 25947,v1.0,,"""Are there safeguards in place to prevent things from getting worse than before if something doesn’t work as planned? Unintended consequences are unavoidable in complex systems. But there are ways to mitigate risks, and to make sure that the fallback for a failed systems are not worse then the original status. If any project would be better while working perfectly but worse while failing, then that deserves some extra thought. If it works better for some groups but not for others, that’s usually a red flag, too.""",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:24:43.845Z,2020-10-19T11:24:43.845Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,4041 25946,v1.0,,"Specifically, I'm interested in ways to mitigate negative consequences of failing systems in the smart city, and ways to structurally increase resilience. Here's the section from the post linked above:",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:24:13.125Z,2020-10-19T11:24:13.125Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7629 25945,v1.0,,"Specifically, I'm interested in ways to mitigate negative consequences of failing systems in the smart city, and ways to structurally increase resilience. Here's the section from the post linked above:",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:24:13.094Z,2020-10-19T11:24:13.094Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,805 25944,v1.0,,"All too often, smart city project aim to increase efficiency and/or to lower costs for administrations. Which is totally fine - until it isn't. For example, if a system is super efficient as long as it works flawlessly, but breaks down spectacularly when it does encounter any hiccups.",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:37.824Z,2020-10-19T11:23:37.824Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7784 25943,v1.0,,"All too often, smart city project aim to increase efficiency and/or to lower costs for administrations. Which is totally fine - until it isn't. For example, if a system is super efficient as long as it works flawlessly, but breaks down spectacularly when it does encounter any hiccups.",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:20.583Z,2020-10-19T11:23:20.583Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,6073 25942,v1.0,,"All too often, smart city project aim to increase efficiency and/or to lower costs for administrations. Which is totally fine - until it isn't. For example, if a system is super efficient as long as it works flawlessly, but breaks down spectacularly when it does encounter any hiccups.",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:20.556Z,2020-10-19T11:23:20.556Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,427 25941,v1.0,,"I've been thinking a lot recently about how to make connected (""smart"") cities more resilient, rather than just more efficient (see this blog post for a little bit of background if you're interested, but it's not required for this discussion).",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:10.755Z,2020-10-19T11:23:10.755Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7783 25940,v1.0,,"I've been thinking a lot recently about how to make connected (""smart"") cities more resilient, rather than just more efficient (see this blog post for a little bit of background if you're interested, but it's not required for this discussion).",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:10.694Z,2020-10-19T11:23:10.694Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,7679 25939,v1.0,,"I've been thinking a lot recently about how to make connected (""smart"") cities more resilient, rather than just more efficient (see this blog post for a little bit of background if you're interested, but it's not required for this discussion).",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:10.683Z,2020-10-19T11:23:10.683Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,4831 25938,v1.0,,"I've been thinking a lot recently about how to make connected (""smart"") cities more resilient, rather than just more efficient (see this blog post for a little bit of background if you're interested, but it's not required for this discussion).",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:10.664Z,2020-10-19T11:23:10.664Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,768 25937,v1.0,,"I've been thinking a lot recently about how to make connected (""smart"") cities more resilient, rather than just more efficient (see this blog post for a little bit of background if you're interested, but it's not required for this discussion).",/post/59192,2020-10-19T11:23:10.565Z,2020-10-19T11:23:10.565Z,59192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10755,5092,1446 25936,v1.0,,"So it depends on consistent and widespread tagging? It's either that or machine learning I guess. Edit Delete No Commentartificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning Edit Delete No Commenttagging human oversight Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72372,2020-10-19T11:20:41.198Z,2020-10-19T11:20:41.198Z,72372,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2915,3763 25935,v1.0,,"Both. Machine learning can suggest tags and connections. But there will be a human-in-the-loop for the foreseeable future. tagging artificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning human oversight Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72607,2020-10-19T11:20:32.099Z,2020-10-19T11:20:32.099Z,72607,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7779 25934,v1.0,,"Both. Machine learning can suggest tags and connections. But there will be a human-in-the-loop for the foreseeable future. tagging artificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning human oversight Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72607,2020-10-19T11:20:32.080Z,2020-10-19T11:20:32.080Z,72607,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3763 25933,v1.0,,"Both. Machine learning can suggest tags and connections. But there will be a human-in-the-loop for the foreseeable future. tagging artificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning human oversight Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72607,2020-10-19T11:20:32.057Z,2020-10-19T11:20:32.057Z,72607,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1104 25932,v1.0,,"So it depends on consistent and widespread tagging? It's either that or machine learning I guess. tagging artificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72372,2020-10-19T11:20:16.432Z,2020-10-19T11:20:16.432Z,72372,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2915,7779 25931,v1.0,,"So it depends on consistent and widespread tagging? It's either that or machine learning I guess. tagging artificial intelligence (AI) → machine learning Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72372,2020-10-19T11:20:16.405Z,2020-10-19T11:20:16.405Z,72372,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2915,1104 25930,v1.0,,"The project utilizes Bridgit ‘s mapping capability to catalyze a Massive Online Research Collaboration on COVID19. Massive Online Research Collaborations HELP researchers connect and interact with other researchers on any webpage WITHOUT any coordination EVEN IF they don't know each other or speak the same language WITH a self-generating interactive knowledge map. AI will monitor the knowledge map and send alerts about emerging threats, false news, and misinformation.",/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:19:18.514Z,2020-10-19T11:19:18.514Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4054 25929,v1.0,,"The project utilizes Bridgit ‘s mapping capability to catalyze a Massive Online Research Collaboration on COVID19. Massive Online Research Collaborations HELP researchers connect and interact with other researchers on any webpage WITHOUT any coordination EVEN IF they don't know each other or speak the same language WITH a self-generating interactive knowledge map. AI will monitor the knowledge map and send alerts about emerging threats, false news, and misinformation.",/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:19:18.503Z,2020-10-19T11:19:18.503Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7782 25928,v1.0,,"The project utilizes Bridgit ‘s mapping capability to catalyze a Massive Online Research Collaboration on COVID19. Massive Online Research Collaborations HELP researchers connect and interact with other researchers on any webpage WITHOUT any coordination EVEN IF they don't know each other or speak the same language WITH a self-generating interactive knowledge map. AI will monitor the knowledge map and send alerts about emerging threats, false news, and misinformation.",/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:19:18.500Z,2020-10-19T11:19:18.500Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3750 25927,v1.0,,"The project utilizes Bridgit ‘s mapping capability to catalyze a Massive Online Research Collaboration on COVID19. Massive Online Research Collaborations HELP researchers connect and interact with other researchers on any webpage WITHOUT any coordination EVEN IF they don't know each other or speak the same language WITH a self-generating interactive knowledge map. AI will monitor the knowledge map and send alerts about emerging threats, false news, and misinformation.",/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:19:18.388Z,2020-10-19T11:20:55.343Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1104 25926,v1.0,,"The project utilizes Bridgit ‘s mapping capability to catalyze a Massive Online Research Collaboration on COVID19. Massive Online Research Collaborations HELP researchers connect and interact with other researchers on any webpage WITHOUT any coordination EVEN IF they don't know each other or speak the same language WITH a self-generating interactive knowledge map. AI will monitor the knowledge map and send alerts about emerging threats, false news, and misinformation.",/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:19:18.314Z,2020-10-19T11:19:18.314Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7780 25925,v1.0,,"The project utilizes Bridgit ‘s mapping capability to catalyze a Massive Online Research Collaboration on COVID19. Massive Online Research Collaborations HELP researchers connect and interact with other researchers on any webpage WITHOUT any coordination EVEN IF they don't know each other or speak the same language WITH a self-generating interactive knowledge map. AI will monitor the knowledge map and send alerts about emerging threats, false news, and misinformation.",/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:19:18.285Z,2021-04-29T09:43:13.991Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,2287 25924,v1.0,,The COVID19 Mapping project aims to crowdmap the online information ecology for the COVID19 virus including second and third order effects of the virus.,/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:18:22.272Z,2020-10-19T11:18:22.272Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7774 25923,v1.0,,The COVID19 Mapping project aims to crowdmap the online information ecology for the COVID19 virus including second and third order effects of the virus.,/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:18:22.158Z,2020-10-19T11:18:22.158Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1114 25922,v1.0,,We are starting a mapping project for COVID19.,/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:18:12.947Z,2020-10-19T11:18:12.947Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7773 25921,v1.0,,We are starting a mapping project for COVID19.,/post/71603,2020-10-19T11:18:12.935Z,2020-10-19T11:18:12.935Z,71603,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,5156 25920,v1.0,,"Without integrity, there is no value to a knowledge map.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:51.417Z,2020-10-19T11:17:51.417Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7773 25919,v1.0,,"Hello @daveed, maybe have a look at worlbrain and how they connect knowledge: knowledge maps Cancel Save Annotate",/post/67991,2020-10-19T11:17:43.310Z,2020-10-19T11:17:43.310Z,67991,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,4934,7773 25918,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:32.615Z,2020-10-19T11:17:32.615Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7298 25917,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.388Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.388Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7679 25916,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.377Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.377Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4629 25915,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.355Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.355Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1257 25914,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.343Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.343Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7781 25913,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.290Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.290Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4274 25912,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.268Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.268Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7770 25911,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.258Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.258Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3748 25910,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.257Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.257Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3695 25909,v1.0,,"For this to create real value wrt collective intelligence, we need to ensure the following: 1) All bridges have integrity, meaning that the relationship between the two content snippets are correct. We envision a validation process for this, whereby three approved validators have to agree that the relationship is correct. 2) The system does not get filled up with fake accounts and bots.",/post/67370,2020-10-19T11:17:26.164Z,2020-10-19T11:17:26.164Z,67370,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7283 25908,v1.0,,"This looks really interesting. I submitted to the alpha. I definitely do think that this needs to be made open, at least eventually. This would help to make it grow larger and also stop any one platform from controlling this information. open source control monopoly prevention Cancel Save Annotate",/post/67290,2020-10-19T11:15:56.630Z,2020-10-19T11:15:56.630Z,67290,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,6098,1257 25907,v1.0,,"This looks really interesting. I submitted to the alpha. I definitely do think that this needs to be made open, at least eventually. This would help to make it grow larger and also stop any one platform from controlling this information. open source control monopoly prevention Cancel Save Annotate",/post/67290,2020-10-19T11:15:56.560Z,2020-10-19T11:15:56.560Z,67290,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,6098,1349 25906,v1.0,,"This looks really interesting. I submitted to the alpha. I definitely do think that this needs to be made open, at least eventually. This would help to make it grow larger and also stop any one platform from controlling this information. open source control monopoly prevention Cancel Save Annotate",/post/67290,2020-10-19T11:15:56.558Z,2020-10-19T11:15:56.558Z,67290,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,6098,1167 25905,v1.0,,"This looks really interesting. I submitted to the alpha. I definitely do think that this needs to be made open, at least eventually. This would help to make it grow larger and also stop any one platform from controlling this information. open source control monopoly prevention Cancel Save Annotate",/post/67290,2020-10-19T11:15:56.554Z,2020-10-19T11:15:56.554Z,67290,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,6098,407 25904,v1.0,,"Interesting concepts. But, as far as I can see, a centralized proprietary platform. Quite the opposite of distributed and free software or open source. So, good luck, but not for me. Edit Delete No Commentproprietary Edit Delete No Commentbeing critical Edit Delete No Commentcentralisation Cancel Save open source Annotate",/post/66747,2020-10-19T11:15:39.662Z,2020-10-19T11:15:39.662Z,66747,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2407,1257 25903,v1.0,,"@fjanss, your assumptions about what we are creating are incorrect. We are NOT building a centralized platform. While it is true that we have not built in the DLT aspect of our system yet, we will launch with a DLT in place. (We are 10 months out from the planned launch and plan to remain fluid as to the specific implementation until Q2.) Also, we will have open source aspects to our project. We will not open source aspects of the system that could enable one of the Internet Platforms to put us out of business before we get started. Good luck being critical responding open source centralisation business model decentralisation monetisation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66946,2020-10-19T11:15:30.795Z,2020-10-19T11:15:30.795Z,66946,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,5327 25902,v1.0,,"@fjanss, your assumptions about what we are creating are incorrect. We are NOT building a centralized platform. While it is true that we have not built in the DLT aspect of our system yet, we will launch with a DLT in place. (We are 10 months out from the planned launch and plan to remain fluid as to the specific implementation until Q2.) Also, we will have open source aspects to our project. We will not open source aspects of the system that could enable one of the Internet Platforms to put us out of business before we get started. Good luck being critical responding open source centralisation business model decentralisation monetisation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66946,2020-10-19T11:15:30.776Z,2020-10-19T11:15:30.776Z,66946,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7283 25901,v1.0,,"@fjanss, your assumptions about what we are creating are incorrect. We are NOT building a centralized platform. While it is true that we have not built in the DLT aspect of our system yet, we will launch with a DLT in place. (We are 10 months out from the planned launch and plan to remain fluid as to the specific implementation until Q2.) Also, we will have open source aspects to our project. We will not open source aspects of the system that could enable one of the Internet Platforms to put us out of business before we get started. Good luck being critical responding open source centralisation business model decentralisation monetisation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66946,2020-10-19T11:15:30.766Z,2020-10-19T11:15:30.766Z,66946,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4274 25900,v1.0,,"@fjanss, your assumptions about what we are creating are incorrect. We are NOT building a centralized platform. While it is true that we have not built in the DLT aspect of our system yet, we will launch with a DLT in place. (We are 10 months out from the planned launch and plan to remain fluid as to the specific implementation until Q2.) Also, we will have open source aspects to our project. We will not open source aspects of the system that could enable one of the Internet Platforms to put us out of business before we get started. Good luck being critical responding open source centralisation business model decentralisation monetisation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66946,2020-10-19T11:15:30.766Z,2020-10-19T11:15:30.766Z,66946,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4299 25899,v1.0,,"@fjanss, your assumptions about what we are creating are incorrect. We are NOT building a centralized platform. While it is true that we have not built in the DLT aspect of our system yet, we will launch with a DLT in place. (We are 10 months out from the planned launch and plan to remain fluid as to the specific implementation until Q2.) Also, we will have open source aspects to our project. We will not open source aspects of the system that could enable one of the Internet Platforms to put us out of business before we get started. Good luck being critical responding open source centralisation business model decentralisation monetisation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66946,2020-10-19T11:15:30.739Z,2020-10-19T11:15:30.739Z,66946,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3659 25898,v1.0,,"@fjanss, your assumptions about what we are creating are incorrect. We are NOT building a centralized platform. While it is true that we have not built in the DLT aspect of our system yet, we will launch with a DLT in place. (We are 10 months out from the planned launch and plan to remain fluid as to the specific implementation until Q2.) Also, we will have open source aspects to our project. We will not open source aspects of the system that could enable one of the Internet Platforms to put us out of business before we get started. Good luck being critical responding open source centralisation business model decentralisation monetisation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66946,2020-10-19T11:15:30.718Z,2020-10-19T11:15:30.718Z,66946,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1257 25896,v1.0,,"Interesting concepts. But, as far as I can see, a centralized proprietary platform. Quite the opposite of distributed and free software or open source. So, good luck, but not for me. centralisation proprietary being critical Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66747,2020-10-19T11:13:58.759Z,2020-10-19T11:13:58.759Z,66747,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2407,3659 25895,v1.0,,"Interesting concepts. But, as far as I can see, a centralized proprietary platform. Quite the opposite of distributed and free software or open source. So, good luck, but not for me. centralisation proprietary being critical Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66747,2020-10-19T11:13:58.752Z,2020-10-19T11:13:58.752Z,66747,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2407,7283 25894,v1.0,,"Interesting concepts. But, as far as I can see, a centralized proprietary platform. Quite the opposite of distributed and free software or open source. So, good luck, but not for me. centralisation proprietary being critical Cancel Save Annotate",/post/66747,2020-10-19T11:13:58.646Z,2020-10-19T11:13:58.646Z,66747,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,2407,1376 25893,v1.0,,Our platform supports a new category - Massive Online Research Collaborations - that enable researchers to build knowledge together without coordination as well as Bridgit Apps which enable organizations to expose their information and application functionality wherever relevant on the web.,/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:13:30.215Z,2020-10-19T11:13:30.215Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7780 25892,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:15.076Z,2020-10-19T11:08:15.076Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7779 25891,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:15.021Z,2020-10-19T11:08:15.021Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7778 25890,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.955Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.955Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3775 25889,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.938Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.938Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7317 25888,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.916Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.916Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7777 25887,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.897Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.897Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3695 25886,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.872Z,2020-10-19T11:21:21.670Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1104 25885,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.844Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.844Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7595 25884,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.805Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.805Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4275 25883,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.799Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.799Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7776 25882,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.796Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.796Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3685 25881,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.768Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.768Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1662 25880,v1.0,,"Our browser overlay enables researchers to control, validate, organize & monetize their data. Advanced tagging enables the #OverWeb, a Trust Layer over the webpage. The #OverWeb is a Secure Social Ecosystem that generates valuable semantic, intent, & sentiment data. We use AI to assist in creating/validating content and neutralizing bad actors.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:08:14.678Z,2020-10-19T11:08:14.678Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3765 25879,v1.0,,Our beachhead is emerging ideas. The problem is many groundbreaking ideas experience an uphill battle which delays their impact for years if not decades. Our platform enables stakeholders to build knowledge maps & shared context for issues that matter; seeing ideas in context makes them more understandable and actionable.,/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:06:29.234Z,2020-10-19T11:06:29.234Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,5368 25878,v1.0,,"We believe that if we want a democratic future, we must move towards an economy that is based on supporting rather than capturing attention.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:06:05.152Z,2020-10-19T11:06:05.152Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7775 25877,v1.0,,"We believe that if we want a democratic future, we must move towards an economy that is based on supporting rather than capturing attention.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:52.159Z,2020-10-19T11:05:52.159Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3771 25876,v1.0,,Bridgit is a crowd-mapped Google Earth for online information. Bridgit users build online knowledge maps of ideas & the relationships between them. Thus providing shared context for collaboration and communication without coordination.,/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:41.733Z,2020-10-19T11:05:41.733Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7774 25875,v1.0,,Bridgit is a crowd-mapped Google Earth for online information. Bridgit users build online knowledge maps of ideas & the relationships between them. Thus providing shared context for collaboration and communication without coordination.,/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:41.660Z,2020-10-19T11:05:41.660Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7773 25874,v1.0,,Bridgit is a crowd-mapped Google Earth for online information. Bridgit users build online knowledge maps of ideas & the relationships between them. Thus providing shared context for collaboration and communication without coordination.,/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:41.544Z,2020-10-19T11:05:41.544Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1114 25873,v1.0,,"As a long-time Internet researcher, I have had no system for making sure the information I find online is readily available when I or someone else needs it. I've dreamed of a system that reveals previous research related to one's focus of attention. Imagine, down every rabbit hole, nuggets of insight and innovation.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:03.286Z,2020-10-19T11:05:03.286Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7677 25872,v1.0,,"As a long-time Internet researcher, I have had no system for making sure the information I find online is readily available when I or someone else needs it. I've dreamed of a system that reveals previous research related to one's focus of attention. Imagine, down every rabbit hole, nuggets of insight and innovation.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:03.261Z,2020-10-19T11:05:03.261Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1264 25871,v1.0,,"As a long-time Internet researcher, I have had no system for making sure the information I find online is readily available when I or someone else needs it. I've dreamed of a system that reveals previous research related to one's focus of attention. Imagine, down every rabbit hole, nuggets of insight and innovation.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:03.230Z,2020-10-19T11:05:03.230Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1539 25870,v1.0,,"As a long-time Internet researcher, I have had no system for making sure the information I find online is readily available when I or someone else needs it. I've dreamed of a system that reveals previous research related to one's focus of attention. Imagine, down every rabbit hole, nuggets of insight and innovation.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:05:03.126Z,2020-10-19T11:05:03.126Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3736 25869,v1.0,,We make the entire web into a collaborative research platform.,/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:04:28.506Z,2020-10-19T11:04:28.506Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4054 25868,v1.0,,We make the entire web into a collaborative research platform.,/post/66708,2020-10-19T11:04:28.401Z,2021-04-29T09:43:13.985Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,2287 25867,v1.0,,"worked on decentralization in early 2000s focusing on energy, food, and water and on building local economies. Now my focus is decentralizing knowledge & building collective intelligence with my startup Bridgit.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:49:32.711Z,2020-10-19T10:49:32.711Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7772 25866,v1.0,,"worked on decentralization in early 2000s focusing on energy, food, and water and on building local economies. Now my focus is decentralizing knowledge & building collective intelligence with my startup Bridgit.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:49:32.610Z,2020-10-19T10:49:32.610Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,4299 25865,v1.0,,"worked on decentralization in early 2000s focusing on energy, food, and water and on building local economies. Now my focus is decentralizing knowledge & building collective intelligence with my startup Bridgit.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:49:32.607Z,2020-10-19T10:49:32.607Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7771 25864,v1.0,,"worked on decentralization in early 2000s focusing on energy, food, and water and on building local economies. Now my focus is decentralizing knowledge & building collective intelligence with my startup Bridgit.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:49:32.582Z,2020-10-19T10:49:32.582Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,6226 25863,v1.0,,"worked on decentralization in early 2000s focusing on energy, food, and water and on building local economies. Now my focus is decentralizing knowledge & building collective intelligence with my startup Bridgit.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:49:32.558Z,2020-10-19T10:50:01.986Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,3843 25862,v1.0,,"worked on decentralization in early 2000s focusing on energy, food, and water and on building local economies. Now my focus is decentralizing knowledge & building collective intelligence with my startup Bridgit.",/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:49:32.457Z,2020-10-19T10:49:32.457Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,1092 25861,v1.0,,my work focuses on collective wisdom and altering systems of consciousness for positive impact,/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:48:40.688Z,2020-10-19T10:48:40.688Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7770 25860,v1.0,,my work focuses on collective wisdom and altering systems of consciousness for positive impact,/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:48:40.579Z,2020-10-19T10:48:40.579Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,7769 25859,v1.0,,my work focuses on collective wisdom and altering systems of consciousness for positive impact,/post/66708,2020-10-19T10:48:40.551Z,2020-10-19T10:48:40.551Z,66708,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12084,5647,6327 25858,v1.0,,"As a first stab starting from the bottom up I would say that I want to have my tool perform 3 primary functions for me (when I focus on the issue driven networks, which most of the time take the lead for me personally): 1. Exploration (find out more about my environment and how I can manipulate it to my ends) 2. Monitoring (optimize for cost/benefit of attention, i.e. I don't want to miss important but rapid developments in my environment, nor do I want to miss tectonic shifts - both of this with a optimal signal to noise ratio) 3. Getting shit done (the interface needs to support curation, 3rd party curation, curation of the curation. It needs to strike the right balance of staying abreast of work amplification technologies for cognitive, possibly manual, and particularly communication type work - from Gutenberg over PGP, to audio, video conf, dropbox, to onshape CAD, to snapchat, etc.)",/post/55436,2020-10-14T17:51:13.563Z,2020-10-14T17:51:13.563Z,55436,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2551,4004 25857,v1.0,,"As a first stab starting from the bottom up I would say that I want to have my tool perform 3 primary functions for me (when I focus on the issue driven networks, which most of the time take the lead for me personally): 1. Exploration (find out more about my environment and how I can manipulate it to my ends) 2. Monitoring (optimize for cost/benefit of attention, i.e. I don't want to miss important but rapid developments in my environment, nor do I want to miss tectonic shifts - both of this with a optimal signal to noise ratio) 3. Getting shit done (the interface needs to support curation, 3rd party curation, curation of the curation. It needs to strike the right balance of staying abreast of work amplification technologies for cognitive, possibly manual, and particularly communication type work - from Gutenberg over PGP, to audio, video conf, dropbox, to onshape CAD, to snapchat, etc.)",/post/55436,2020-10-14T17:51:13.562Z,2020-10-14T17:51:13.562Z,55436,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2551,3619 25856,v1.0,,"My hypothesis is that digital social networks are tools for specific ends. These are generally different between to network operators and the network clients. Aligning them (where you want this) will require a close look at incentives, rights, and funding. Transparency is IMO a very critical issue. Second, clients have different goal sets in different circumstances.",/post/55436,2020-10-14T17:50:37.729Z,2020-10-14T17:50:37.729Z,55436,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2551,4004 25855,v1.0,,"My hypothesis is that digital social networks are tools for specific ends. These are generally different between to network operators and the network clients. Aligning them (where you want this) will require a close look at incentives, rights, and funding. Transparency is IMO a very critical issue. Second, clients have different goal sets in different circumstances.",/post/55436,2020-10-14T17:50:37.625Z,2020-10-14T17:50:37.625Z,55436,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2551,4274 25818,v1.0,,"I've been asked about how Darcy would monetize the moderation.This is a service that instance owners can subscribe to. They'd be billed a monthly fee based on how many users they have. As a result, Darcy moderators would react to reports coming from this instance.The challenge here is that we have different instances federating with each other. So we have instances that are full of adults, some that are aimed at kids, some that don't want any outside interference, some are Darcy subscribers, others aren't.The end result is that while anyone can try to federate with Darcy subscribing instances, instances that don't effectively self-regulate according to a global minimum standard will be cut off from the Darcy side of the federation.",/post/55420,2020-10-14T17:48:28.197Z,2020-10-14T17:48:28.197Z,55420,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7763 25817,v1.0,,"I've been asked about how Darcy would monetize the moderation.This is a service that instance owners can subscribe to. They'd be billed a monthly fee based on how many users they have. As a result, Darcy moderators would react to reports coming from this instance.The challenge here is that we have different instances federating with each other. So we have instances that are full of adults, some that are aimed at kids, some that don't want any outside interference, some are Darcy subscribers, others aren't.The end result is that while anyone can try to federate with Darcy subscribing instances, instances that don't effectively self-regulate according to a global minimum standard will be cut off from the Darcy side of the federation.",/post/55420,2020-10-14T17:48:28.185Z,2020-10-14T17:48:28.185Z,55420,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3621 25816,v1.0,,"I've been asked about how Darcy would monetize the moderation.This is a service that instance owners can subscribe to. They'd be billed a monthly fee based on how many users they have. As a result, Darcy moderators would react to reports coming from this instance.The challenge here is that we have different instances federating with each other. So we have instances that are full of adults, some that are aimed at kids, some that don't want any outside interference, some are Darcy subscribers, others aren't.The end result is that while anyone can try to federate with Darcy subscribing instances, instances that don't effectively self-regulate according to a global minimum standard will be cut off from the Darcy side of the federation.",/post/55420,2020-10-14T17:48:28.137Z,2020-10-14T17:48:28.137Z,55420,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3803 25815,v1.0,,"I think those of us who dislike many aspects of it...but still attend, are there for a simple reason. The same reason one may go to London or's where the people are. It's not set up as a discussion or information or curation medium, although for many it functions as one. Putting it another way, they don't really know what they are doing in terms of a long term plan...because, if they did, they wouldn't have kept building on top of a platform not designed for change. They are always behind the 8-ball as opposed to in front of it, as evidenced by their attempts to now gain some control (moderation) of things",/post/55114,2020-10-14T17:47:03.814Z,2020-10-14T17:47:03.814Z,55114,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3638 25814,v1.0,,"I think those of us who dislike many aspects of it...but still attend, are there for a simple reason. The same reason one may go to London or's where the people are. It's not set up as a discussion or information or curation medium, although for many it functions as one. Putting it another way, they don't really know what they are doing in terms of a long term plan...because, if they did, they wouldn't have kept building on top of a platform not designed for change. They are always behind the 8-ball as opposed to in front of it, as evidenced by their attempts to now gain some control (moderation) of things",/post/55114,2020-10-14T17:47:03.782Z,2020-10-14T17:47:03.782Z,55114,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,4274 25813,v1.0,,"I think those of us who dislike many aspects of it...but still attend, are there for a simple reason. The same reason one may go to London or's where the people are. It's not set up as a discussion or information or curation medium, although for many it functions as one. Putting it another way, they don't really know what they are doing in terms of a long term plan...because, if they did, they wouldn't have kept building on top of a platform not designed for change. They are always behind the 8-ball as opposed to in front of it, as evidenced by their attempts to now gain some control (moderation) of things",/post/55114,2020-10-14T17:47:03.673Z,2020-10-14T17:47:03.673Z,55114,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3855 25812,v1.0,,"I think those of us who dislike many aspects of it...but still attend, are there for a simple reason. The same reason one may go to London or's where the people are.",/post/55114,2020-10-14T17:46:20.853Z,2020-10-14T17:46:20.853Z,55114,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3809 25811,v1.0,,"I think those of us who dislike many aspects of it...but still attend, are there for a simple reason. The same reason one may go to London or's where the people are.",/post/55114,2020-10-14T17:46:20.831Z,2020-10-14T17:46:20.831Z,55114,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,394 25810,v1.0,,I think the real idea is you should be able to decide how you want it rather than them deciding for you.,/post/54362,2020-10-14T17:43:59.579Z,2020-10-14T17:43:59.579Z,54362,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3637 25809,v1.0,,I think the real idea is you should be able to decide how you want it rather than them deciding for you.,/post/54362,2020-10-14T17:43:59.552Z,2020-10-14T17:43:59.552Z,54362,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,4275 25808,v1.0,,I think the real idea is you should be able to decide how you want it rather than them deciding for you.,/post/54362,2020-10-14T17:43:59.405Z,2020-10-14T17:43:59.405Z,54362,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,4881 25807,v1.0,,"But a platform could come with sane and helpful presets, and as one cannot make all functions and buttons equally available, the decisions of which functions and settings are front and center has quite a few ramifications.",/post/54586,2020-10-14T17:43:34.546Z,2020-10-14T17:43:34.546Z,54586,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4875 25806,v1.0,,"But a platform could come with sane and helpful presets, and as one cannot make all functions and buttons equally available, the decisions of which functions and settings are front and center has quite a few ramifications.",/post/54586,2020-10-14T17:43:34.505Z,2020-10-14T17:43:34.505Z,54586,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4728 25805,v1.0,,"But a platform could come with sane and helpful presets, and as one cannot make all functions and buttons equally available, the decisions of which functions and settings are front and center has quite a few ramifications.",/post/54586,2020-10-14T17:43:34.493Z,2020-10-14T17:43:34.493Z,54586,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3637 25804,v1.0,,"But a platform could come with sane and helpful presets, and as one cannot make all functions and buttons equally available, the decisions of which functions and settings are front and center has quite a few ramifications.",/post/54586,2020-10-14T17:43:34.462Z,2020-10-14T17:43:34.462Z,54586,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7325 25803,v1.0,,"How much of these UI quirks are needed to encourage people to interact with each other, and when should we stop.Image a dinner party, where the host gently prompts conversation and then gets gracefully out of the way once this happens, versus another host that constantly brings up party games and keeps nudging everyone to talk up.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:45.895Z,2020-10-14T17:42:45.895Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7763 25802,v1.0,,"How much of these UI quirks are needed to encourage people to interact with each other, and when should we stop.Image a dinner party, where the host gently prompts conversation and then gets gracefully out of the way once this happens, versus another host that constantly brings up party games and keeps nudging everyone to talk up.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:45.889Z,2020-10-14T17:42:45.889Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4728 25801,v1.0,,"How much of these UI quirks are needed to encourage people to interact with each other, and when should we stop.Image a dinner party, where the host gently prompts conversation and then gets gracefully out of the way once this happens, versus another host that constantly brings up party games and keeps nudging everyone to talk up.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:45.780Z,2020-10-14T17:42:45.780Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7766 25800,v1.0,,"How much of these UI quirks are needed to encourage people to interact with each other, and when should we stop.Image a dinner party, where the host gently prompts conversation and then gets gracefully out of the way once this happens, versus another host that constantly brings up party games and keeps nudging everyone to talk up.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:45.762Z,2020-10-14T17:42:45.762Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3637 25799,v1.0,,"How much of these UI quirks are needed to encourage people to interact with each other, and when should we stop.Image a dinner party, where the host gently prompts conversation and then gets gracefully out of the way once this happens, versus another host that constantly brings up party games and keeps nudging everyone to talk up.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:45.747Z,2020-10-14T17:42:45.747Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3809 25798,v1.0,,"How much of these UI quirks are needed to encourage people to interact with each other, and when should we stop.Image a dinner party, where the host gently prompts conversation and then gets gracefully out of the way once this happens, versus another host that constantly brings up party games and keeps nudging everyone to talk up.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:45.736Z,2020-10-14T17:42:45.736Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,6527 25797,v1.0,,"a lot of those UI ""quirks"" on Facebook are done with purpose - they encourage reloading the stream and foster FOMO (fear of missing out). It is good if your business model needs those interactions in order to sell more ads. It's bad for humans though, generally.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:02.866Z,2020-10-14T17:42:02.866Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4728 25796,v1.0,,"a lot of those UI ""quirks"" on Facebook are done with purpose - they encourage reloading the stream and foster FOMO (fear of missing out). It is good if your business model needs those interactions in order to sell more ads. It's bad for humans though, generally.",/post/54356,2020-10-14T17:42:02.641Z,2020-10-14T17:42:02.641Z,54356,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3821 25795,v1.0,,"OpenBook has a few good things going, but their ""have an app first"" approach doesn't quite do things for me. It makes access cumbersome to people like me who don't use the phone for primary access. Also, it limits the content to small bites of text plus pictures - or rather: Pictures with small bites of text. Which isn't quite what I am looking for in social media.",/post/54317,2020-10-14T17:39:25.440Z,2020-10-14T17:39:25.440Z,54317,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4004 25794,v1.0,,"OpenBook has a few good things going, but their ""have an app first"" approach doesn't quite do things for me. It makes access cumbersome to people like me who don't use the phone for primary access. Also, it limits the content to small bites of text plus pictures - or rather: Pictures with small bites of text. Which isn't quite what I am looking for in social media.",/post/54317,2020-10-14T17:39:25.439Z,2020-10-14T17:39:25.439Z,54317,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3635 25793,v1.0,,"but their ""have an app first"" approach doesn't quite do things for me. It makes access cumbersome to people like me who don't use the phone for primary access.",/post/54317,2020-10-14T17:39:12.209Z,2020-10-14T17:39:12.209Z,54317,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5889 25792,v1.0,,"Regarding social media I think it's important to ask, since everyone becomes sort of a publishing platform, if the press ethics should apply to each user? Such as in Sweden where each public database or newspaper needs a ""responsible publisher"" which is responsible and can be reported to the police for its publications - I'm not sure the level of thinking and responsibility is educated and raised enough for social media? Maybe the legislation is way too obsolete for today but it historically created an etiquette which could work online as a ""netiquette"" without filtering speech.",/post/54274,2020-10-14T17:38:11.418Z,2020-10-14T17:38:11.418Z,54274,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4897,3715 25791,v1.0,,"Regarding social media I think it's important to ask, since everyone becomes sort of a publishing platform, if the press ethics should apply to each user? Such as in Sweden where each public database or newspaper needs a ""responsible publisher"" which is responsible and can be reported to the police for its publications - I'm not sure the level of thinking and responsibility is educated and raised enough for social media? Maybe the legislation is way too obsolete for today but it historically created an etiquette which could work online as a ""netiquette"" without filtering speech.",/post/54274,2020-10-14T17:38:11.411Z,2020-10-14T17:38:11.411Z,54274,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4897,3619 25790,v1.0,,"Regarding social media I think it's important to ask, since everyone becomes sort of a publishing platform, if the press ethics should apply to each user? Such as in Sweden where each public database or newspaper needs a ""responsible publisher"" which is responsible and can be reported to the police for its publications - I'm not sure the level of thinking and responsibility is educated and raised enough for social media? Maybe the legislation is way too obsolete for today but it historically created an etiquette which could work online as a ""netiquette"" without filtering speech.",/post/54274,2020-10-14T17:36:57.518Z,2020-10-14T17:36:57.518Z,54274,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4897,905 25789,v1.0,,"Regarding social media I think it's important to ask, since everyone becomes sort of a publishing platform, if the press ethics should apply to each user? Such as in Sweden where each public database or newspaper needs a ""responsible publisher"" which is responsible and can be reported to the police for its publications - I'm not sure the level of thinking and responsibility is educated and raised enough for social media? Maybe the legislation is way too obsolete for today but it historically created an etiquette which could work online as a ""netiquette"" without filtering speech.",/post/54274,2020-10-14T17:36:57.427Z,2020-10-14T17:36:57.427Z,54274,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4897,1042 25788,v1.0,,"Regarding social media I think it's important to ask, since everyone becomes sort of a publishing platform, if the press ethics should apply to each user? Such as in Sweden where each public database or newspaper needs a ""responsible publisher"" which is responsible and can be reported to the police for its publications - I'm not sure the level of thinking and responsibility is educated and raised enough for social media? Maybe the legislation is way too obsolete for today but it historically created an etiquette which could work online as a ""netiquette"" without filtering speech.",/post/54274,2020-10-14T17:36:57.411Z,2020-10-14T17:36:57.411Z,54274,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4897,4004 25787,v1.0,,"Darcy is supposed to become a human-centric, decentralized, privacy-friendly but open, safe, open source online civic space. It's a long and rocky road, but I think it'll be worth it.Click and Drag to Annotate We can't solve all the problems, but some are doable.",/post/54081,2020-10-14T17:35:07.360Z,2020-10-14T17:35:07.360Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3621 25786,v1.0,,"What we set out to do is to give people an idea of what kind of space they are talking in, and give them tools to cope when a conversation is suddenly exposed to a more public space than initially intended. On top of that, we make every effort to include an as diverse as possible range of people and their different threat models. If you have a stalker, you need to lock down your online presence in a different way than if you are an LGTBQ* person living in an oppressive regime.",/post/54126,2020-10-14T17:34:55.517Z,2020-10-14T17:34:55.517Z,54126,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3621 25785,v1.0,,"Code isn't the solution, so we'll be throwing people at the problems. Well, people and policies, and a bit of code. The UX will be optimized so that users understand what they're about to do or post We will add in self-help features, so that people who get mobbed online can mute, report, block, lock down, and have other functions that enable them to get safe Darcy will offer moderation as a service. So if you run a Darcy instance (the whole thing will be decentralized), you can subscribe to that service instead of relying on volunteers. We offer this, because doing so properly is not easy and needs training and support. The other thing is that platforms that rely on algorithmic feeds are much more susceptible to things like dogpiling for example. We set up the interaction models in a way that will hopefully at least not excarbate conflict as some of the current platforms do.",/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:34:42.661Z,2020-10-14T17:34:42.661Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3621 25784,v1.0,,"especially with open source projects it is often enough added as an afterthought. (Which is not meant to diss open source.) Edit Delete No Commentuser experience (UX) Edit Delete No Commentuser experience (UX) open source Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:34:20.028Z,2020-10-14T17:34:20.028Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1257 25783,v1.0,,"Good UX guides them, informs the newbies about the presets and their reasoning, and so on. Imagine you see someone else post racist hate speech. Depending on which options and how visible these are, you might just put that person on an ""ignore"" list and move on. Or you actively block the racist. Or maybe report the content to moderators, but leave the person unblocked, because doing both requires too much effort through the interface.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:33:59.730Z,2020-10-14T17:33:59.730Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7766 25782,v1.0,,"Imagine you see someone else post racist hate speech. Depending on which options and how visible these are, you might just put that person on an ""ignore"" list and move on. Or you actively block the racist. Or maybe report the content to moderators, but leave the person unblocked, because doing both requires too much effort through the interface.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:33:50.481Z,2020-10-14T17:33:50.481Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7070 25781,v1.0,,"Imagine you see someone else post racist hate speech. Depending on which options and how visible these are, you might just put that person on an ""ignore"" list and move on. Or you actively block the racist. Or maybe report the content to moderators, but leave the person unblocked, because doing both requires too much effort through the interface.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:33:50.468Z,2020-10-14T17:33:50.468Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 25780,v1.0,,"Imagine you see someone else post racist hate speech. Depending on which options and how visible these are, you might just put that person on an ""ignore"" list and move on. Or you actively block the racist. Or maybe report the content to moderators, but leave the person unblocked, because doing both requires too much effort through the interface.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:33:50.363Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.199Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5805 25779,v1.0,,"Imagine you see someone else post racist hate speech. Depending on which options and how visible these are, you might just put that person on an ""ignore"" list and move on. Or you actively block the racist. Or maybe report the content to moderators, but leave the person unblocked, because doing both requires too much effort through the interface.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:33:50.324Z,2020-10-14T17:33:50.324Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3622 25778,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:29:38.157Z,2020-10-14T17:29:38.157Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,6527 25777,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:29:38.157Z,2020-10-14T17:29:38.157Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7763 25776,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:29:38.144Z,2020-10-14T17:29:38.144Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7766 25775,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:29:38.131Z,2020-10-14T17:29:38.131Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3637 25774,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:29:38.112Z,2020-10-14T17:29:38.112Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 25773,v1.0,,"Computers and the Internet are complex systems, and not everyone needs to nor wants to understand all the intricacies of them. Sure, we could format our reports and letters via LaTeX, but frankly, any word processing software that wraps the functionality into a few easy to understand buttons does the trick too for most of us.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:28:20.358Z,2020-10-14T17:28:20.358Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7767 25772,v1.0,,"Computers and the Internet are complex systems, and not everyone needs to nor wants to understand all the intricacies of them. Sure, we could format our reports and letters via LaTeX, but frankly, any word processing software that wraps the functionality into a few easy to understand buttons does the trick too for most of us.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:28:20.241Z,2020-10-14T17:28:20.241Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7676 25771,v1.0,,"Computers and the Internet are complex systems, and not everyone needs to nor wants to understand all the intricacies of them. Sure, we could format our reports and letters via LaTeX, but frankly, any word processing software that wraps the functionality into a few easy to understand buttons does the trick too for most of us.",/post/54153,2020-10-14T17:28:20.194Z,2020-10-14T17:28:20.194Z,54153,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7766 25770,v1.0,,"An important question is what we mean by ""letting people know"". For example, Edgeryders has a well thought-through netiquette page. It was re-written several times, and ultimately decided upon by @johncoate, the world's first-ever online community manager (at The Well, pre-Internet). It is accessible through a menu printed on top of every page. Have we let people know? How many people here are aware of that page? Not many, I'd wager. In Edgeryders, this is not a big problem, because we model humans online as thinking adults. They own their words. They have a responsibility to be aware of what is considered excellent/good/acceptable/unacceptable behavior. The netiquette page is just there as a reference. We don't care if people have read it or not, they are still held to the same standards.",/post/54143,2020-10-14T17:27:05.613Z,2020-10-14T17:27:05.613Z,54143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,7766 25769,v1.0,,"It seems to me that the Ix/Ux tradition, for example, was developed in a commercial context. Commercial companies model humans online rather as desire machines (thinking adults are tricky customers) and aim to gratify them. Though designers have amazing useful skills, I tend to be weary of the culture that spawned them.",/post/54143,2020-10-14T17:26:22.678Z,2020-10-14T17:26:22.678Z,54143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,4274 25768,v1.0,,"It seems to me that the Ix/Ux tradition, for example, was developed in a commercial context. Commercial companies model humans online rather as desire machines (thinking adults are tricky customers) and aim to gratify them. Though designers have amazing useful skills, I tend to be weary of the culture that spawned them. Paradoxically, this has come to influence my aesthetics: the abrasive, no-nonsense look of the Mother### website inspires trust in me, whereas I instinctively mistrust anything too sleek.",/post/54143,2020-10-14T17:26:07.445Z,2020-10-14T17:26:07.445Z,54143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,5895 25767,v1.0,,"It seems to me that the Ix/Ux tradition, for example, was developed in a commercial context. Commercial companies model humans online rather as desire machines (thinking adults are tricky customers) and aim to gratify them. Though designers have amazing useful skills, I tend to be weary of the culture that spawned them. Paradoxically, this has come to influence my aesthetics: the abrasive, no-nonsense look of the Mother### website inspires trust in me, whereas I instinctively mistrust anything too sleek.",/post/54143,2020-10-14T17:26:07.429Z,2020-10-14T17:26:07.429Z,54143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,1778 25766,v1.0,,The UX will be optimized so that users understand what they're about to do or post,/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:22:26.828Z,2020-10-14T17:22:26.828Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7766 25765,v1.0,,"I think that a good civic space lets people know, through the UX, what to expect and how to behave in order to get the most out of it.",/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:22:14.010Z,2020-10-14T17:22:14.010Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7766 25764,v1.0,,"The UX will be optimized so that users understand what they're about to do or post We will add in self-help features, so that people who get mobbed online can mute, report, block, lock down, and have other functions that enable them to get safe Darcy will offer moderation as a service. So if you run a Darcy instance (the whole thing will be decentralized), you can subscribe to that service instead of relying on volunteers. We offer this, because doing so properly is not easy and needs training and support. The other thing is that platforms that rely on algorithmic feeds are much more susceptible to things like dogpiling for example. We set up the interaction models in a way that will hopefully at least not excarbate conflict as some of the current platforms do.",/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:21:25.050Z,2020-10-14T17:21:25.050Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7592 25763,v1.0,,The other thing is that platforms that rely on algorithmic feeds are much more susceptible to things like dogpiling for example. We set up the interaction models in a way that will hopefully at least not excarbate conflict as some of the current platforms do.,/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:20:52.393Z,2020-10-14T17:20:52.393Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7765 25762,v1.0,,The other thing is that platforms that rely on algorithmic feeds are much more susceptible to things like dogpiling for example. We set up the interaction models in a way that will hopefully at least not excarbate conflict as some of the current platforms do.,/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:20:52.300Z,2020-10-14T17:20:52.300Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4728 25761,v1.0,,The other thing is that platforms that rely on algorithmic feeds are much more susceptible to things like dogpiling for example. We set up the interaction models in a way that will hopefully at least not excarbate conflict as some of the current platforms do.,/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:20:52.142Z,2020-10-14T17:20:52.142Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,6527 25760,v1.0,,"Darcy will offer moderation as a service. So if you run a Darcy instance (the whole thing will be decentralized), you can subscribe to that service instead of relying on volunteers. We offer this, because doing so properly is not easy and needs training and support.",/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:18:25.327Z,2020-10-14T17:18:25.327Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3803 25759,v1.0,,"Darcy will offer moderation as a service. So if you run a Darcy instance (the whole thing will be decentralized), you can subscribe to that service instead of relying on volunteers. We offer this, because doing so properly is not easy and needs training and support.",/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:18:25.321Z,2020-10-14T17:18:25.321Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4608 25758,v1.0,,"We will add in self-help features, so that people who get mobbed online can mute, report, block, lock down, and have other functions that enable them to get safe",/post/54141,2020-10-14T17:17:44.426Z,2020-10-14T17:17:44.426Z,54141,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3622 25757,v1.0,,"I have so far inhabited mostly mainstream social networks, but assuming no privacy and thus exercising self-censorship. I assume I am in the digital equivalent of a crowded restaurant: people will normally ignore me, but they can easily eavesdrop, and if I start acting crazy I will attract attention. For example, I don't swear online.",/post/54139,2020-10-14T17:16:59.745Z,2020-10-14T17:16:59.745Z,54139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,7764 25755,v1.0,,"exactly the same road can be made much less dangerous if everyone agrees to drive on the right side. I have so far inhabited mostly mainstream social networks, but assuming no privacy and thus exercising self-censorship. I assume I am in the digital equivalent of a crowded restaurant: people will normally ignore me, but they can easily eavesdrop, and if I start acting crazy I will attract attention. For example, I don't swear online.",/post/54139,2020-10-14T17:15:45.757Z,2020-10-14T17:15:45.757Z,54139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,7763 25754,v1.0,,"What we set out to do is to give people an idea of what kind of space they are talking in, and give them tools to cope when a conversation is suddenly exposed to a more public space than initially intended.",/post/54126,2020-10-14T17:14:46.113Z,2020-10-14T17:14:46.113Z,54126,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7763 25753,v1.0,,Moderation and policy guidelines that are supposed to make a nice and kid-friendly TV broadcast cannot apply to that sort-of-but-not-quite-private conversation at the pub.,/post/54126,2020-10-14T17:13:09.891Z,2020-10-14T17:13:09.891Z,54126,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 25752,v1.0,,"I share your passion for better platforms, though my thinking is often geared towards how it can help people collaborate and make decisions together, as well as share their lives and thoughts.",/post/54106,2020-10-14T17:11:52.878Z,2020-10-14T17:11:52.878Z,54106,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4022,3809 25751,v1.0,,"I share your passion for better platforms, though my thinking is often geared towards how it can help people collaborate and make decisions together, as well as share their lives and thoughts.",/post/54106,2020-10-14T17:11:52.849Z,2020-10-14T17:11:52.849Z,54106,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4022,1534 25750,v1.0,,"I share your passion for better platforms, though my thinking is often geared towards how it can help people collaborate and make decisions together, as well as share their lives and thoughts.",/post/54106,2020-10-14T17:11:52.846Z,2021-04-30T09:09:11.444Z,54106,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4022,7937 25749,v1.0,,"I share your passion for better platforms, though my thinking is often geared towards how it can help people collaborate and make decisions together, as well as share their lives and thoughts.",/post/54106,2020-10-14T17:09:37.976Z,2020-10-14T17:09:37.976Z,54106,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4022,7762 25748,v1.0,,"So, I've now gathered a merry band of misfits to create something better. Darcy is supposed to become a human-centric, decentralized, privacy-friendly but open, safe, open source online civic space. It's a long and rocky road, but I think it'll be worth it.",/post/54081,2020-10-14T17:08:22.836Z,2020-10-14T17:08:22.836Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4004 25747,v1.0,,"So, I've now gathered a merry band of misfits to create something better. Darcy is supposed to become a human-centric, decentralized, privacy-friendly but open, safe, open source online civic space. It's a long and rocky road, but I think it'll be worth it.",/post/54081,2020-10-14T17:08:05.374Z,2020-10-14T17:08:05.374Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1257 25746,v1.0,,"So, I've now gathered a merry band of misfits to create something better. Darcy is supposed to become a human-centric, decentralized, privacy-friendly but open, safe, open source online civic space. It's a long and rocky road, but I think it'll be worth it.",/post/54081,2020-10-14T17:08:05.359Z,2020-10-14T17:08:05.359Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3610 25745,v1.0,,"So, I've now gathered a merry band of misfits to create something better. Darcy is supposed to become a human-centric, decentralized, privacy-friendly but open, safe, open source online civic space. It's a long and rocky road, but I think it'll be worth it.",/post/54081,2020-10-14T17:08:05.342Z,2020-10-14T17:08:05.342Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,968 25744,v1.0,,"A: Biggest change: no customers for an unknown period (during lockdown / lift up and the next lock down), change in ‘what an office is for’, change in perceptions of potential customers (inc employers) of where/how/when people can work",/post/80882,2020-10-14T16:56:22.452Z,2020-10-14T16:56:22.452Z,80882,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,5326 25743,v1.0,,"A: Biggest change: no customers for an unknown period (during lockdown / lift up and the next lock down), change in ‘what an office is for’, change in perceptions of potential customers (inc employers) of where/how/when people can work",/post/80882,2020-10-14T16:56:22.451Z,2020-10-14T16:56:22.451Z,80882,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,5470 25742,v1.0,,"A: Biggest change: no customers for an unknown period (during lockdown / lift up and the next lock down), change in ‘what an office is for’, change in perceptions of potential customers (inc employers) of where/how/when people can work",/post/80882,2020-10-14T16:56:22.440Z,2020-10-14T16:56:22.440Z,80882,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,6134 25741,v1.0,,"A: Biggest change: no customers for an unknown period (during lockdown / lift up and the next lock down), change in ‘what an office is for’, change in perceptions of potential customers (inc employers) of where/how/when people can work",/post/80882,2020-10-14T16:56:22.293Z,2020-10-14T16:56:22.293Z,80882,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,5877 25740,v1.0,,"Biggest challenge: as a small business with fixed overheads, it is ‘staying alive’ financially until the market has returned / has enough confidence to come ‘back out of their burrows / homes’ - and can choose additional places to work from - both in the next 6-12 months and longer term.",/post/80882,2020-10-14T16:55:38.169Z,2020-10-14T16:55:38.169Z,80882,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,4893 25739,v1.0,,"Biggest challenge: as a small business with fixed overheads, it is ‘staying alive’ financially until the market has returned / has enough confidence to come ‘back out of their burrows / homes’ - and can choose additional places to work from - both in the next 6-12 months and longer term.",/post/80882,2020-10-14T16:55:38.051Z,2020-10-14T16:55:38.051Z,80882,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,6134 25738,v1.0,,"Biggest challenge: as a small business with fixed overheads, it is ‘staying alive’ financially until the market has returned / has enough confidence to come ‘back out of their burrows / homes’ - and can choose additional places to work from - both in the next 6-12 months and longer term.",/post/80882,2020-10-14T16:55:38.050Z,2020-10-14T16:55:38.050Z,80882,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,7687 25737,v1.0,,"I first became interested in the opportunities of co-working when I was conducting ethnographic research in a UK makerspace, which was also (informally at first) used as a hot-desk/co-working space. Subsequently - and in a different (small) UK city - two co-working spaces have opened. One is relatively established (about three years); the other was just starting to open when covid struck. Having become interested in the role of co-working spaces for small cities and towns (compared with bigger global north cities), I joined a four-country research team to put together a proposal to explore the role of rural co-working spaces. Unfortunately we didn't get the grant, but I shared details of this event with the UK portion of the project team, so some of them may join today! My interest really is about the resourcing of co-working spaces with different kinds of capital, and what kinds of capital (financial, as well as social/cultural) are needed to effectively sustain such communities.",/post/80847,2020-10-14T16:54:39.417Z,2020-10-14T16:54:39.417Z,80847,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6,7687 25736,v1.0,,"I first became interested in the opportunities of co-working when I was conducting ethnographic research in a UK makerspace, which was also (informally at first) used as a hot-desk/co-working space. Subsequently - and in a different (small) UK city - two co-working spaces have opened. One is relatively established (about three years); the other was just starting to open when covid struck. Having become interested in the role of co-working spaces for small cities and towns (compared with bigger global north cities), I joined a four-country research team to put together a proposal to explore the role of rural co-working spaces. Unfortunately we didn't get the grant, but I shared details of this event with the UK portion of the project team, so some of them may join today! My interest really is about the resourcing of co-working spaces with different kinds of capital, and what kinds of capital (financial, as well as social/cultural) are needed to effectively sustain such communities.",/post/80847,2020-10-14T16:54:39.390Z,2020-10-14T16:54:39.390Z,80847,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6,2287 25735,v1.0,,"I first became interested in the opportunities of co-working when I was conducting ethnographic research in a UK makerspace, which was also (informally at first) used as a hot-desk/co-working space. Subsequently - and in a different (small) UK city - two co-working spaces have opened. One is relatively established (about three years); the other was just starting to open when covid struck. Having become interested in the role of co-working spaces for small cities and towns (compared with bigger global north cities), I joined a four-country research team to put together a proposal to explore the role of rural co-working spaces. Unfortunately we didn't get the grant, but I shared details of this event with the UK portion of the project team, so some of them may join today! My interest really is about the resourcing of co-working spaces with different kinds of capital, and what kinds of capital (financial, as well as social/cultural) are needed to effectively sustain such communities.",/post/80847,2020-10-14T16:54:39.376Z,2020-10-14T16:54:39.376Z,80847,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6,1480 25734,v1.0,,"I first became interested in the opportunities of co-working when I was conducting ethnographic research in a UK makerspace, which was also (informally at first) used as a hot-desk/co-working space. Subsequently - and in a different (small) UK city - two co-working spaces have opened. One is relatively established (about three years); the other was just starting to open when covid struck. Having become interested in the role of co-working spaces for small cities and towns (compared with bigger global north cities), I joined a four-country research team to put together a proposal to explore the role of rural co-working spaces. Unfortunately we didn't get the grant, but I shared details of this event with the UK portion of the project team, so some of them may join today! My interest really is about the resourcing of co-working spaces with different kinds of capital, and what kinds of capital (financial, as well as social/cultural) are needed to effectively sustain such communities.",/post/80847,2020-10-14T16:54:39.362Z,2020-10-14T16:54:39.362Z,80847,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6,4274 25733,v1.0,,"Ever since my first experience in a coworking space, I knew that this is what I needed when I worked. I need to be surrounded by people most of the time to be my most productive and happy. Fortunately I am not alone and definitely agree that there is an incredible opportunity for the coworking industry right now with the number of people working from home.",/post/80820,2020-10-14T16:52:54.085Z,2020-10-14T16:52:54.085Z,80820,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6555,5323 25732,v1.0,,"Ever since my first experience in a coworking space, I knew that this is what I needed when I worked. I need to be surrounded by people most of the time to be my most productive and happy. Fortunately I am not alone and definitely agree that there is an incredible opportunity for the coworking industry right now with the number of people working from home.",/post/80820,2020-10-14T16:52:54.076Z,2020-10-14T16:52:54.076Z,80820,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6555,2287 25731,v1.0,,"Ever since my first experience in a coworking space, I knew that this is what I needed when I worked. I need to be surrounded by people most of the time to be my most productive and happy. Fortunately I am not alone and definitely agree that there is an incredible opportunity for the coworking industry right now with the number of people working from home.",/post/80820,2020-10-14T16:52:54.071Z,2020-10-14T16:52:54.071Z,80820,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6555,5326 25730,v1.0,,"Ever since my first experience in a coworking space, I knew that this is what I needed when I worked. I need to be surrounded by people most of the time to be my most productive and happy. Fortunately I am not alone and definitely agree that there is an incredible opportunity for the coworking industry right now with the number of people working from home.",/post/80820,2020-10-14T16:52:54.062Z,2020-10-14T16:52:54.062Z,80820,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6555,5056 25729,v1.0,,"Ever since my first experience in a coworking space, I knew that this is what I needed when I worked. I need to be surrounded by people most of the time to be my most productive and happy. Fortunately I am not alone and definitely agree that there is an incredible opportunity for the coworking industry right now with the number of people working from home.",/post/80820,2020-10-14T16:52:54.042Z,2020-10-14T16:52:54.042Z,80820,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6555,1401 25728,v1.0,,"Ever since my first experience in a coworking space, I knew that this is what I needed when I worked. I need to be surrounded by people most of the time to be my most productive and happy. Fortunately I am not alone and definitely agree that there is an incredible opportunity for the coworking industry right now with the number of people working from home.",/post/80820,2020-10-14T16:52:54.007Z,2020-10-14T16:52:54.007Z,80820,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6555,1263 25727,v1.0,,We are also finding that startups are very cautious to spend money on workspace when they can do it at home.,/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:51:29.940Z,2020-10-14T16:51:29.940Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,6131 25726,v1.0,,We are also finding that startups are very cautious to spend money on workspace when they can do it at home.,/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:51:29.901Z,2020-10-14T16:51:29.901Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,5326 25725,v1.0,,We are also finding that startups are very cautious to spend money on workspace when they can do it at home.,/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:51:29.890Z,2020-10-14T16:51:29.890Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,1616 25724,v1.0,,We are also finding that startups are very cautious to spend money on workspace when they can do it at home.,/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:50:59.672Z,2020-10-14T16:50:59.672Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,4334 25723,v1.0,,"We were consistently at 50% capacity when Covid19 hit. Once that hit all our members retreated home & we shut down. Slowly our members are returning this month and we have some new members trying it out. But like everyone its a hard time as we all have to start again and re-invent ourselves. But we are trying really hard to get our name out to our contacts, locals and many companies that are allowing staff to work remotely, whether part time or full time. So we are collaborating with many others to ""build our network"" and taking it day by day.",/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:50:43.248Z,2020-10-14T16:50:43.248Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,5877 25722,v1.0,,"We were consistently at 50% capacity when Covid19 hit. Once that hit all our members retreated home & we shut down. Slowly our members are returning this month and we have some new members trying it out. But like everyone its a hard time as we all have to start again and re-invent ourselves. But we are trying really hard to get our name out to our contacts, locals and many companies that are allowing staff to work remotely, whether part time or full time. So we are collaborating with many others to ""build our network"" and taking it day by day.",/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:50:43.247Z,2020-10-14T16:50:43.247Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,5156 25721,v1.0,,"We were consistently at 50% capacity when Covid19 hit. Once that hit all our members retreated home & we shut down. Slowly our members are returning this month and we have some new members trying it out. But like everyone its a hard time as we all have to start again and re-invent ourselves. But we are trying really hard to get our name out to our contacts, locals and many companies that are allowing staff to work remotely, whether part time or full time. So we are collaborating with many others to ""build our network"" and taking it day by day.",/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:50:43.061Z,2020-10-14T16:50:43.061Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,6134 25720,v1.0,,"But we are trying really hard to get our name out to our contacts, locals and many companies that are allowing staff to work remotely, whether part time or full time. So we are collaborating with many others to ""build our network"" and taking it day by day.",/post/80744,2020-10-14T16:49:33.348Z,2020-10-14T16:49:33.348Z,80744,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6554,394 25719,v1.0,,I am curious to know whether there is a role for emotional intelligence in the continued growth of these communities? I live just outside London and coworking facilities have been sprouting up around me. The ones that seem to be successful and 'add value' to the growth of the community are those where participants understand and practice the skill and the owners or facilitators of that space encourage EI behaviours.,/post/80701,2020-10-14T16:48:54.039Z,2020-10-14T16:48:54.039Z,80701,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6551,1533 25718,v1.0,,I am curious to know whether there is a role for emotional intelligence in the continued growth of these communities? I live just outside London and coworking facilities have been sprouting up around me. The ones that seem to be successful and 'add value' to the growth of the community are those where participants understand and practice the skill and the owners or facilitators of that space encourage EI behaviours.,/post/80701,2020-10-14T16:48:54.027Z,2020-10-14T16:48:54.027Z,80701,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6551,358 25514,v1.0,,"So there's a whole, for me, openness is starting to become a much broader, you know, includes many things are, you know, transparency and how that device is made. What that device interacts with, in addition to the licensing of a name, it's like codes. And I think that those practices help to build trust.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:35:26.007Z,2020-10-05T14:35:26.007Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7313 25513,v1.0,,"So there's a whole, for me, openness is starting to become a much broader, you know, includes many things are, you know, transparency and how that device is made. What that device interacts with, in addition to the licensing of a name, it's like codes. And I think that those practices help to build trust.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:35:25.985Z,2020-10-05T14:35:25.985Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7083 25512,v1.0,,"So there's a whole, for me, openness is starting to become a much broader, you know, includes many things are, you know, transparency and how that device is made. What that device interacts with, in addition to the licensing of a name, it's like codes. And I think that those practices help to build trust.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:35:25.967Z,2020-10-05T14:35:25.967Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1079 25511,v1.0,,"So there's a whole, for me, openness is starting to become a much broader, you know, includes many things are, you know, transparency and how that device is made. What that device interacts with, in addition to the licensing of a name, it's like codes. And I think that those practices help to build trust.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:35:25.931Z,2020-10-30T15:31:51.656Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7516 25510,v1.0,,"So there's a whole, for me, openness is starting to become a much broader, you know, includes many things are, you know, transparency and how that device is made. What that device interacts with, in addition to the licensing of a name, it's like codes. And I think that those practices help to build trust.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:35:25.910Z,2020-10-05T14:36:19.006Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7746 25508,v1.0,,"I've been working on the last few years is the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:31:09.415Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.205Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7516 25505,v1.0,,"I've been working on the last few years is the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:29:56.461Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.945Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1028 25503,v1.0,,"So there's a whole group of people, Camille included, who are talking about misinformation, and how do you combat the rise of misinformation online?",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:27:54.881Z,2020-10-05T14:27:54.881Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,3716 25502,v1.0,,"So we have other social media platforms who really benefit from benefit from outrage and benefit from content that gets, quote, engagement. But it's actually creating a kind of polarized atmosphere online, and people are retreating and participating less, or just participating in their smaller groups and just talking about the average.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:24:21.926Z,2020-10-30T14:28:52.547Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1363 25501,v1.0,,"So we have other social media platforms who really benefit from benefit from outrage and benefit from content that gets, quote, engagement. But it's actually creating a kind of polarized atmosphere online, and people are retreating and participating less, or just participating in their smaller groups and just talking about the average.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:23:33.634Z,2020-10-05T14:23:33.634Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4509 25499,v1.0,,"So we have other social media platforms who really benefit from benefit from outrage and benefit from content that gets, quote, engagement. But it's actually creating a kind of polarized atmosphere online, and people are retreating and participating less, or just participating in their smaller groups and just talking about the average.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:17:47.625Z,2020-10-05T14:17:47.625Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4004 25498,v1.0,,"So we have other social media platforms who really benefit from benefit from outrage and benefit from content that gets, quote, engagement. But it's actually creating a kind of polarized atmosphere online, and people are retreating and participating less, or just participating in their smaller groups and just talking about the average.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:17:27.794Z,2020-10-05T14:17:27.794Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,3912 25497,v1.0,,"And we're also seeing the rise of behaviors online, hate speech and other kinds of violence aggravating actions that have kind of put people into retreat, or help to polarize people.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:16:54.887Z,2020-10-05T14:16:54.887Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,6212 25496,v1.0,,"And we're also seeing the rise of behaviors online, hate speech and other kinds of violence aggravating actions that have kind of put people into retreat, or help to polarize people.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:16:54.865Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.194Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,5805 25495,v1.0,,"There is very little governance from the user side, and how those platforms might change or respond to people's needs.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:16:10.220Z,2020-10-05T14:16:10.220Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4275 25494,v1.0,,"There is very little governance from the user side, and how those platforms might change or respond to people's needs.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:16:10.114Z,2020-10-05T14:16:10.114Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,5263 25492,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:14:06.180Z,2020-10-05T14:14:06.180Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,3816 25491,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:13:40.681Z,2020-10-30T14:28:52.553Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1363 25490,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:12:58.530Z,2020-10-05T14:12:58.530Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,3659 25489,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:12:58.448Z,2020-10-30T15:32:50.167Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1321 25488,v1.0,,"I think one of the challenges we see today is that participation is more complicated than it was, let's say, in the earlier days of the internet, we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:12:18.704Z,2020-10-05T14:12:18.704Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,407 25487,v1.0,,"I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started. And I remember telling everybody I knew like my university professors, ""there's this amazing website that lets you edit all these these different articles. And it's all the world's knowledge and all the world's languages."" And I just thought that was the most ambitious and coolest thing on the internet. And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of Wikimania in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons for a few years, started to work at the Mozilla Foundation. So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:10:06.222Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.227Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1534 25486,v1.0,,"I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started. And I remember telling everybody I knew like my university professors, ""there's this amazing website that lets you edit all these these different articles. And it's all the world's knowledge and all the world's languages."" And I just thought that was the most ambitious and coolest thing on the internet. And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of Wikimania in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons for a few years, started to work at the Mozilla Foundation. So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:10:06.078Z,2020-10-05T14:10:06.078Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7660 25485,v1.0,,"I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started. And I remember telling everybody I knew like my university professors, ""there's this amazing website that lets you edit all these these different articles. And it's all the world's knowledge and all the world's languages."" And I just thought that was the most ambitious and coolest thing on the internet. And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of Wikimania in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons for a few years, started to work at the Mozilla Foundation. So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:07:29.096Z,2020-10-05T14:07:29.096Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,7739 25483,v1.0,,"I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started. And I remember telling everybody I knew like my university professors, ""there's this amazing website that lets you edit all these these different articles. And it's all the world's knowledge and all the world's languages."" And I just thought that was the most ambitious and coolest thing on the internet. And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of Wikimania in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons for a few years, started to work at the Mozilla Foundation. So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:07:06.727Z,2020-10-05T14:07:06.727Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1257 25482,v1.0,,"I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started. And I remember telling everybody I knew like my university professors, ""there's this amazing website that lets you edit all these these different articles. And it's all the world's knowledge and all the world's languages."" And I just thought that was the most ambitious and coolest thing on the internet. And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of Wikimania in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons for a few years, started to work at the Mozilla Foundation. So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:05:33.191Z,2020-10-05T14:05:33.191Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,4671 25481,v1.0,,"I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started. And I remember telling everybody I knew like my university professors, ""there's this amazing website that lets you edit all these these different articles. And it's all the world's knowledge and all the world's languages."" And I just thought that was the most ambitious and coolest thing on the internet. And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of Wikimania in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons for a few years, started to work at the Mozilla Foundation. So the idea of, you know, open, participatory, global, ambitious digital projects has always been the big job for me.",/post/67775,2020-10-05T14:05:15.202Z,2020-10-30T15:07:10.509Z,67775,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,12217,5292,1263 25480,v1.0,,"So we're able to connect them in with people that they may want to go mountain biking with, or skiing with",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:44:24.577Z,2020-10-02T15:44:24.577Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7736 25479,v1.0,,"They may meet other parents that have children in schools, and so they begin building that web and that fabric when they start working at Co-Work Tahoe, and they become very vibrant members of our local South Lake Tahoe community, which is greatly needed.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:43:57.397Z,2020-10-02T15:43:57.397Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,307 25478,v1.0,,"There's still a lot of anxiety and apprehension. Being a tourist community, we are seeing an influx of people, and frankly that does concern me quite a bit as we're hoping that we don't see a surge in cases, particularly serious ones.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:43:19.729Z,2020-10-02T15:43:19.729Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5876 25477,v1.0,,"There's still a lot of anxiety and apprehension. Being a tourist community, we are seeing an influx of people, and frankly that does concern me quite a bit as we're hoping that we don't see a surge in cases, particularly serious ones.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:43:19.707Z,2020-10-02T15:43:19.707Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7735 25476,v1.0,,"Co-Work Tahoe was founded in order to allow professionals to work from Lake Tahoe. It's a small mountain town, a ski community and summer vacation spot, but there is a serious need for the economy to be more diverse in order to not be so susceptible to the swings of tourism.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:42:32.937Z,2020-10-02T15:42:32.937Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7735 25475,v1.0,,"If you want to match directly with freelancer specific software - I have some contacts, like:",/post/83425,2020-10-02T15:39:20.035Z,2020-10-02T15:39:20.035Z,83425,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6442,5152 25474,v1.0,,"If you want to match directly with freelancer specific software - I have some contacts, like:",/post/83425,2020-10-02T15:39:19.803Z,2020-10-02T15:39:19.803Z,83425,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6442,1662 25473,v1.0,,"The relationship building is going to take longer than it would before because we're not doing any events. We used to host member's lunches or breakfasts fairly frequently, and we aren't doing those types of things. But we'll spend even more time than we did before making sure that new members feel comfortable and welcome in the space and in the community.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:38:08.977Z,2020-10-02T15:38:08.977Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7686 25472,v1.0,,"The relationship building is going to take longer than it would before because we're not doing any events. We used to host member's lunches or breakfasts fairly frequently, and we aren't doing those types of things. But we'll spend even more time than we did before making sure that new members feel comfortable and welcome in the space and in the community.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:38:08.944Z,2020-10-02T15:38:08.944Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,358 25471,v1.0,,But we'll spend even more time than we did before making sure that new members feel comfortable and welcome in the space and in the community.,/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:37:45.353Z,2020-10-02T15:37:45.353Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6135 25470,v1.0,,"business model is in providing flexibility. The most interesting development since reopening is we are seeing an influx of new full-time residents to Lake Tahoe. They are actually relocating their families, now that they can work remote, to somewhere with a better quality of life.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:35:54.191Z,2020-10-02T15:35:54.191Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,4019 25469,v1.0,,"We still have quite a few people that are still working from home, or maybe coming in part-time. But again, one of the key things that we did in designing this space and this business model is in providing flexibility. The most interesting development since reopening is we are seeing an influx of new full-time residents to Lake Tahoe. They are actually relocating their families, now that they can work remote, to somewhere with a better quality of life.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:35:29.198Z,2020-10-02T15:35:29.198Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5326 25468,v1.0,,"We still have quite a few people that are still working from home, or maybe coming in part-time. But again, one of the key things that we did in designing this space and this business model is in providing flexibility. The most interesting development since reopening is we are seeing an influx of new full-time residents to Lake Tahoe. They are actually relocating their families, now that they can work remote, to somewhere with a better quality of life.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:35:29.196Z,2020-10-02T15:35:29.196Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,4274 25467,v1.0,,"We still have quite a few people that are still working from home, or maybe coming in part-time. But again, one of the key things that we did in designing this space and this business model is in providing flexibility. The most interesting development since reopening is we are seeing an influx of new full-time residents to Lake Tahoe. They are actually relocating their families, now that they can work remote, to somewhere with a better quality of life.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:35:29.169Z,2020-10-02T15:35:29.169Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,407 25466,v1.0,,"The most interesting development since reopening is we are seeing an influx of new full-time residents to Lake Tahoe. They are actually relocating their families, now that they can work remote, to somewhere with a better quality of life.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:32:18.717Z,2020-10-02T15:32:18.717Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,1401 25465,v1.0,,"At the beginning of June, we cut back on about 50% of our open desks. We double checked all of our ventilation systems. We have a lot of windows, we have high ceilings, there's really good airflow throughout all of our systems. A majority of our space is small private offices, and so because of the way that our building was designed to flow people around the building as it was, we've actually been able to feel really good about inviting people back to the space, because they are primarily in private spaces or very, very spread out if they are in the open desk space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:31:33.308Z,2020-10-02T15:31:33.308Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5877 25464,v1.0,,"At the beginning of June, we cut back on about 50% of our open desks. We double checked all of our ventilation systems. We have a lot of windows, we have high ceilings, there's really good airflow throughout all of our systems. A majority of our space is small private offices, and so because of the way that our building was designed to flow people around the building as it was, we've actually been able to feel really good about inviting people back to the space, because they are primarily in private spaces or very, very spread out if they are in the open desk space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:31:33.285Z,2020-10-02T15:31:33.285Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6113 25463,v1.0,,"At the beginning of June, we cut back on about 50% of our open desks. We double checked all of our ventilation systems. We have a lot of windows, we have high ceilings, there's really good airflow throughout all of our systems. A majority of our space is small private offices, and so because of the way that our building was designed to flow people around the building as it was, we've actually been able to feel really good about inviting people back to the space, because they are primarily in private spaces or very, very spread out if they are in the open desk space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:31:33.279Z,2020-10-02T15:31:33.279Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,4019 25462,v1.0,,"At the beginning of June, we cut back on about 50% of our open desks. We double checked all of our ventilation systems. We have a lot of windows, we have high ceilings, there's really good airflow throughout all of our systems. A majority of our space is small private offices, and so because of the way that our building was designed to flow people around the building as it was, we've actually been able to feel really good about inviting people back to the space, because they are primarily in private spaces or very, very spread out if they are in the open desk space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:31:33.103Z,2020-10-02T15:31:33.103Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6112 25461,v1.0,,"But again, being a locked co-working space with a highly professional clientele, we've been able to mitigate a lot of the risks. Even before the governor of California mandated face masks in public and in businesses, we already had that implemented as one of our reopening guidelines.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:30:38.447Z,2020-10-02T15:30:38.447Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7629 25460,v1.0,,"In the weeks immediately following the shutdown orders, we did jump on and try to make sure that all of our members were participating on Slack, or on our social media channel, and we started hosting a number of Zoom virtual meetings to check in with people and see how they were doing. But after the first few weeks it became pretty clear that most of our members actually weren't asking for more of those coffee breaks or happy hours. I think people got Zoomed-out really quickly, and we didn't want to add to that. The way that we were able to support our community was actually by backing off, and so I think that was actually really interesting to see.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:29:04.526Z,2020-10-02T15:29:04.526Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7686 25459,v1.0,,"In the weeks immediately following the shutdown orders, we did jump on and try to make sure that all of our members were participating on Slack, or on our social media channel, and we started hosting a number of Zoom virtual meetings to check in with people and see how they were doing. But after the first few weeks it became pretty clear that most of our members actually weren't asking for more of those coffee breaks or happy hours. I think people got Zoomed-out really quickly, and we didn't want to add to that. The way that we were able to support our community was actually by backing off, and so I think that was actually really interesting to see.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:28:34.091Z,2020-10-02T15:28:34.091Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7734 25458,v1.0,,"In the weeks immediately following the shutdown orders, we did jump on and try to make sure that all of our members were participating on Slack, or on our social media channel, and we started hosting a number of Zoom virtual meetings to check in with people and see how they were doing. But after the first few weeks it became pretty clear that most of our members actually weren't asking for more of those coffee breaks or happy hours. I think people got Zoomed-out really quickly, and we didn't want to add to that. The way that we were able to support our community was actually by backing off, and so I think that was actually really interesting to see.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:28:34.067Z,2020-10-02T15:28:34.067Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7733 25457,v1.0,,"In the weeks immediately following the shutdown orders, we did jump on and try to make sure that all of our members were participating on Slack, or on our social media channel, and we started hosting a number of Zoom virtual meetings to check in with people and see how they were doing. But after the first few weeks it became pretty clear that most of our members actually weren't asking for more of those coffee breaks or happy hours. I think people got Zoomed-out really quickly, and we didn't want to add to that. The way that we were able to support our community was actually by backing off, and so I think that was actually really interesting to see.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:28:33.981Z,2020-10-02T15:28:33.981Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5475 25456,v1.0,,"In the weeks immediately following the shutdown orders, we did jump on and try to make sure that all of our members were participating on Slack, or on our social media channel, and we started hosting a number of Zoom virtual meetings to check in with people and see how they were doing. But after the first few weeks it became pretty clear that most of our members actually weren't asking for more of those coffee breaks or happy hours. I think people got Zoomed-out really quickly, and we didn't want to add to that. The way that we were able to support our community was actually by backing off, and so I think that was actually really interesting to see.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:28:33.867Z,2020-10-02T15:28:33.867Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,3809 25455,v1.0,,"We largely closed our physical space during lockdown. There are a small handful of companies that work from our space that are essential, and we have one PPE supplier, and so it was critical for them to be able to continue operations. We made sure that the space was still accessible for them, and that it was safe and cleaned frequently.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:26:27.335Z,2020-10-02T15:26:27.335Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6120 25454,v1.0,,"We largely closed our physical space during lockdown. There are a small handful of companies that work from our space that are essential, and we have one PPE supplier, and so it was critical for them to be able to continue operations. We made sure that the space was still accessible for them, and that it was safe and cleaned frequently.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:26:27.333Z,2020-10-02T15:26:27.333Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5475 25453,v1.0,,"We have very robust firewalls and protective systems in place, and the ability to set up individual networks if people need them. We have the most robust broadband and wifi signal you can get in town, which when you get snowstorms that can drop 10 feet of snow on you, is pretty important.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:25:38.361Z,2020-10-02T15:25:38.361Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6114 25452,v1.0,,"We have very robust firewalls and protective systems in place, and the ability to set up individual networks if people need them. We have the most robust broadband and wifi signal you can get in town, which when you get snowstorms that can drop 10 feet of snow on you, is pretty important.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:25:38.177Z,2020-10-02T15:25:38.177Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,4416 25451,v1.0,,"One of the great things about co-working is that you can facilitate these connections in a way, professionally, that is different from a traditional corporate structure working on a corporate campus. And t's great to see how people become inspired by one another professionally by learning about each others different fields and contracts of work. I think that helps to create this emergent community that focuses on the entire person, not just their work persona.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:25:11.299Z,2020-10-02T15:25:11.299Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7631 25450,v1.0,,"One of the great things about co-working is that you can facilitate these connections in a way, professionally, that is different from a traditional corporate structure working on a corporate campus. And t's great to see how people become inspired by one another professionally by learning about each others different fields and contracts of work. I think that helps to create this emergent community that focuses on the entire person, not just their work persona.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:25:11.243Z,2020-10-02T15:25:11.243Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,2287 25449,v1.0,,"One of the great things about co-working is that you can facilitate these connections in a way, professionally, that is different from a traditional corporate structure working on a corporate campus. And t's great to see how people become inspired by one another professionally by learning about each others different fields and contracts of work. I think that helps to create this emergent community that focuses on the entire person, not just their work persona.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:25:11.230Z,2020-10-02T15:25:11.230Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,394 25448,v1.0,,"One of the great things about co-working is that you can facilitate these connections in a way, professionally, that is different from a traditional corporate structure working on a corporate campus. And t's great to see how people become inspired by one another professionally by learning about each others different fields and contracts of work. I think that helps to create this emergent community that focuses on the entire person, not just their work persona.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:25:11.209Z,2020-10-02T15:25:11.209Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5056 25447,v1.0,,"One of the issues we've seen with the community is that people tend to be transient, but if they can get those really great human connections in their workplace, then we can actually retain them much longer. So we're able to connect them in with people that they may want to go mountain biking with, or skiing with, but also with non-profits they may want to get involved with and support. They may meet other parents that have children in schools, and so they begin building that web and that fabric when they start working at Co-Work Tahoe, and they become very vibrant members of our local South Lake Tahoe community, which is greatly needed.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:24:01.787Z,2020-10-02T15:24:01.787Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,358 25446,v1.0,,"One of the issues we've seen with the community is that people tend to be transient, but if they can get those really great human connections in their workplace, then we can actually retain them much longer. So we're able to connect them in with people that they may want to go mountain biking with, or skiing with, but also with non-profits they may want to get involved with and support. They may meet other parents that have children in schools, and so they begin building that web and that fabric when they start working at Co-Work Tahoe, and they become very vibrant members of our local South Lake Tahoe community, which is greatly needed.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:24:01.591Z,2020-10-02T15:24:01.591Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,2287 25445,v1.0,,"So we're able to connect them in with people that they may want to go mountain biking with, or skiing with, but also with non-profits they may want to get involved with and support. They may meet other parents that have children in schools, and so they begin building that web and that fabric when they start working at Co-Work Tahoe, and they become very vibrant members of our local South Lake Tahoe community, which is greatly needed.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:22:55.395Z,2020-10-02T15:22:55.395Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,394 25444,v1.0,,"Pre-pandemic numbers, we were looking at a community of about 150 professionals across a really broad and diverse range of industries. Anything from, the software developer, the typical freelancer that you think of so frequently with co-working, to non-profits, environmental consultants, architects, CPAs, our journalists.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:22:19.258Z,2020-10-02T15:22:19.258Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5152 25443,v1.0,,"Co-Work Tahoe was founded in order to allow professionals to work from Lake Tahoe. It's a small mountain town, a ski community and summer vacation spot, but there is a serious need for the economy to be more diverse in order to not be so susceptible to the swings of tourism. And we are seeing that pretty significantly right now during this current pandemic. Six years ago we set out to create a really vibrant space that would allow for that type of community to develop in the Tahoe region. We renovated the building in a district that the local jurisdiction was also trying to revitalize, and so we have brought a lot of great energy and people that spend money at lunches and the local shops.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:22:04.717Z,2020-10-02T15:22:04.717Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,3131 25442,v1.0,,"Co-Work Tahoe was founded in order to allow professionals to work from Lake Tahoe. It's a small mountain town, a ski community and summer vacation spot, but there is a serious need for the economy to be more diverse in order to not be so susceptible to the swings of tourism. And we are seeing that pretty significantly right now during this current pandemic. Six years ago we set out to create a really vibrant space that would allow for that type of community to develop in the Tahoe region. We renovated the building in a district that the local jurisdiction was also trying to revitalize, and so we have brought a lot of great energy and people that spend money at lunches and the local shops.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:22:04.512Z,2020-10-02T15:22:04.512Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,2287 25441,v1.0,,"Co-Work Tahoe was founded in order to allow professionals to work from Lake Tahoe. It's a small mountain town, a ski community and summer vacation spot, but there is a serious need for the economy to be more diverse in order to not be so susceptible to the swings of tourism. And we are seeing that pretty significantly right now during this current pandemic. Six years ago we set out to create a really vibrant space that would allow for that type of community to develop in the Tahoe region. We renovated the building in a district that the local jurisdiction was also trying to revitalize, and so we have brought a lot of great energy and people that spend money at lunches and the local shops.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:22:03.974Z,2020-10-02T15:22:03.974Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5056 25440,v1.0,,"Co-Work Tahoe was founded in order to allow professionals to work from Lake Tahoe. It's a small mountain town, a ski community and summer vacation spot, but there is a serious need for the economy to be more diverse in order to not be so susceptible to the swings of tourism. And we are seeing that pretty significantly right now during this current pandemic. Six years ago we set out to create a really vibrant space that would allow for that type of community to develop in the Tahoe region. We renovated the building in a district that the local jurisdiction was also trying to revitalize, and so we have brought a lot of great energy and people that spend money at lunches and the local shops.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:22:03.819Z,2020-10-02T15:22:03.819Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,358 25439,v1.0,,"We renovated the building in a district that the local jurisdiction was also trying to revitalize, and so we have brought a lot of great energy and people that spend money at lunches and the local shops.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:20:31.772Z,2020-10-02T15:20:31.772Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6178 25438,v1.0,,"Everybody's wearing face coverings in common spaces and the adoption has been 100%. We have hand sanitizer stations, we've got additional cleaning protocols, and all of our kitchen stuff is now spread way out so there's not the normal clustering around the coffee machine that we used to have.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:19:18.153Z,2020-10-02T15:19:18.153Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6120 25437,v1.0,,"Everybody's wearing face coverings in common spaces and the adoption has been 100%. We have hand sanitizer stations, we've got additional cleaning protocols, and all of our kitchen stuff is now spread way out so there's not the normal clustering around the coffee machine that we used to have.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:19:18.112Z,2020-10-02T15:19:18.112Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6134 25436,v1.0,,"Everybody's wearing face coverings in common spaces and the adoption has been 100%. We have hand sanitizer stations, we've got additional cleaning protocols, and all of our kitchen stuff is now spread way out so there's not the normal clustering around the coffee machine that we used to have.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:19:18.110Z,2020-10-02T15:19:18.110Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6121 25435,v1.0,,"We run our entire space off of the Jellyswitch mobile app. One of the things that we require right now as part of our new opening guidelines is we're being very strict on using the access control system, so we know how many people have walked in the door each day and I can see who's using the spacing, as well as reserving meeting rooms. We have a protocol where we are leaving a passing period in between meeting rooms to allow for cleaning and for ventilation, and an announcement feature that sends push notifications out to all members, which has been useful in terms of updating everybody on safety policies and procedures around mask wearing. It's been good to see tools like Jellyswitch are being used to even further support not only the safety aspects but the human needs of the space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:18:53.821Z,2020-10-02T15:18:53.821Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7732 25434,v1.0,,"We run our entire space off of the Jellyswitch mobile app. One of the things that we require right now as part of our new opening guidelines is we're being very strict on using the access control system, so we know how many people have walked in the door each day and I can see who's using the spacing, as well as reserving meeting rooms. We have a protocol where we are leaving a passing period in between meeting rooms to allow for cleaning and for ventilation, and an announcement feature that sends push notifications out to all members, which has been useful in terms of updating everybody on safety policies and procedures around mask wearing. It's been good to see tools like Jellyswitch are being used to even further support not only the safety aspects but the human needs of the space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:18:53.652Z,2020-10-02T15:18:53.652Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6112 25433,v1.0,,"We run our entire space off of the Jellyswitch mobile app. One of the things that we require right now as part of our new opening guidelines is we're being very strict on using the access control system, so we know how many people have walked in the door each day and I can see who's using the spacing, as well as reserving meeting rooms. We have a protocol where we are leaving a passing period in between meeting rooms to allow for cleaning and for ventilation, and an announcement feature that sends push notifications out to all members, which has been useful in terms of updating everybody on safety policies and procedures around mask wearing. It's been good to see tools like Jellyswitch are being used to even further support not only the safety aspects but the human needs of the space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:18:53.649Z,2020-10-02T15:18:53.649Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6139 25432,v1.0,,"We run our entire space off of the Jellyswitch mobile app. One of the things that we require right now as part of our new opening guidelines is we're being very strict on using the access control system, so we know how many people have walked in the door each day and I can see who's using the spacing, as well as reserving meeting rooms. We have a protocol where we are leaving a passing period in between meeting rooms to allow for cleaning and for ventilation, and an announcement feature that sends push notifications out to all members, which has been useful in terms of updating everybody on safety policies and procedures around mask wearing. It's been good to see tools like Jellyswitch are being used to even further support not only the safety aspects but the human needs of the space.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:18:53.633Z,2020-10-02T15:18:53.633Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,2287 25431,v1.0,,We have a protocol where we are leaving a passing period in between meeting rooms to allow for cleaning and for ventilation,/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:18:21.281Z,2020-10-02T15:18:21.281Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6121 25430,v1.0,,"One of the things that we require right now as part of our new opening guidelines is we're being very strict on using the access control system, so we know how many people have walked in the door each day and I can see who's using the spacing, as well as reserving meeting rooms.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:18:10.938Z,2020-10-02T15:18:10.938Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6132 25429,v1.0,,"I've also for the past several years been working on a digital technology project called Jellyswitch, that is a mobile app solution to help manage co-working spaces that's being used at Co-Work Tahoe as well as a few other places.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:41.944Z,2020-10-02T15:17:41.944Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7732 25428,v1.0,,"I've also for the past several years been working on a digital technology project called Jellyswitch, that is a mobile app solution to help manage co-working spaces that's being used at Co-Work Tahoe as well as a few other places.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:41.737Z,2020-10-02T15:17:41.737Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,2287 25427,v1.0,,"I've also for the past several years been working on a digital technology project called Jellyswitch, that is a mobile app solution to help manage co-working spaces that's being used at Co-Work Tahoe as well as a few other places.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:41.736Z,2020-10-02T15:17:41.736Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5889 25426,v1.0,,"I've also for the past several years been working on a digital technology project called Jellyswitch, that is a mobile app solution to help manage co-working spaces that's being used at Co-Work Tahoe as well as a few other places.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:41.645Z,2020-10-02T15:17:41.645Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,6139 25425,v1.0,,"I think remote work is the way of the future. I think people want the flexibility, and I am looking forward to more people being able to choose a lifestyle that's true to what they need personally, and it's not driven by where they have to be to work.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:04.014Z,2020-10-02T15:17:04.014Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7616 25424,v1.0,,"I think remote work is the way of the future. I think people want the flexibility, and I am looking forward to more people being able to choose a lifestyle that's true to what they need personally, and it's not driven by where they have to be to work.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:03.953Z,2020-10-02T15:17:03.953Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,978 25423,v1.0,,"I think remote work is the way of the future. I think people want the flexibility, and I am looking forward to more people being able to choose a lifestyle that's true to what they need personally, and it's not driven by where they have to be to work.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:03.953Z,2020-10-02T15:17:03.953Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,80 25422,v1.0,,"I think remote work is the way of the future. I think people want the flexibility, and I am looking forward to more people being able to choose a lifestyle that's true to what they need personally, and it's not driven by where they have to be to work.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:17:03.794Z,2020-10-02T15:17:03.794Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5326 25421,v1.0,,"This pandemic has really accelerated the timeline on remote work, as many, many companies have had to quickly adopt work-from-home policies and stick with them for a pretty significant part of their workforce. The thing that I worry about the most is with all of the technological advances, is that if you lose the human interaction that we're so used to both personally and professionally then the remote work experiment will fail.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:15:53.174Z,2020-10-02T15:15:53.174Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,7144 25420,v1.0,,"This pandemic has really accelerated the timeline on remote work, as many, many companies have had to quickly adopt work-from-home policies and stick with them for a pretty significant part of their workforce. The thing that I worry about the most is with all of the technological advances, is that if you lose the human interaction that we're so used to both personally and professionally then the remote work experiment will fail.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:15:53.149Z,2020-10-02T15:15:53.149Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,1662 25419,v1.0,,"This pandemic has really accelerated the timeline on remote work, as many, many companies have had to quickly adopt work-from-home policies and stick with them for a pretty significant part of their workforce. The thing that I worry about the most is with all of the technological advances, is that if you lose the human interaction that we're so used to both personally and professionally then the remote work experiment will fail.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:15:53.058Z,2020-10-02T15:15:53.058Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5295 25418,v1.0,,"This pandemic has really accelerated the timeline on remote work, as many, many companies have had to quickly adopt work-from-home policies and stick with them for a pretty significant part of their workforce. The thing that I worry about the most is with all of the technological advances, is that if you lose the human interaction that we're so used to both personally and professionally then the remote work experiment will fail.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:15:53.055Z,2020-10-02T15:15:53.055Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,5326 25417,v1.0,,"This pandemic has really accelerated the timeline on remote work, as many, many companies have had to quickly adopt work-from-home policies and stick with them for a pretty significant part of their workforce. The thing that I worry about the most is with all of the technological advances, is that if you lose the human interaction that we're so used to both personally and professionally then the remote work experiment will fail.",/post/80043,2020-10-02T15:15:53.032Z,2020-10-02T15:15:53.032Z,80043,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14035,6514,4019 25223,v1.0,,"As I mentioned above, I am generally against pay walls, as I think information should be freely available to all. But, I do think for a Local newspaper in a local language, if the fee is affordable even for those with minimum wage, this could be an interesting model.",/post/53386,2020-09-28T13:19:59.395Z,2020-09-28T13:19:59.395Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7614 25172,v1.0,,"The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around?",/post/64014,2020-09-27T17:49:16.849Z,2020-09-27T17:49:16.849Z,64014,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7280 25170,v1.0,,"The push for AI is basically marketing for a financial boost for creating a computational infrastructure based on optimization systems that govern all aspects of life. Do we want this infrastructure? How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around?",/post/64014,2020-09-27T17:49:16.719Z,2020-10-19T11:09:53.149Z,64014,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7591 25169,v1.0,,"Mr. Putin, on Feb. 20, ordered the launch of Russian 5G networks in a tone evoking optimism rather than doom. “We need to look forward,” he said, according to Tass, the Russian news agency. “The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems.”",/post/54393,2020-09-27T17:45:05.258Z,2020-09-27T17:45:05.258Z,54393,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4022,7702 25168,v1.0,,"Mr. Putin, on Feb. 20, ordered the launch of Russian 5G networks in a tone evoking optimism rather than doom. “We need to look forward,” he said, according to Tass, the Russian news agency. “The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems.”",/post/54393,2020-09-27T17:45:04.283Z,2020-09-27T17:45:04.283Z,54393,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4022,7282 25167,v1.0,,"If Hans is in your network and connects to Lars who is a neo-nazi connected to a group of other neo-nazis, you might actually be acting as a server for information that you would really rather not propagate. This is not a hypothetical case. There are already known instances of the Norwegian alt-right using Scuttlebutt as their preferred means of communication.",/post/53772,2020-09-27T17:40:16.703Z,2020-09-27T17:40:16.703Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,7701 25166,v1.0,,"If Hans is in your network and connects to Lars who is a neo-nazi connected to a group of other neo-nazis, you might actually be acting as a server for information that you would really rather not propagate. This is not a hypothetical case. There are already known instances of the Norwegian alt-right using Scuttlebutt as their preferred means of communication.",/post/53772,2020-09-27T17:40:16.507Z,2020-09-27T17:40:16.507Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,3676 25165,v1.0,,"If Hans is in your network and connects to Lars who is a neo-nazi connected to a group of other neo-nazis, you might actually be acting as a server for information that you would really rather not propagate. This is not a hypothetical case. There are already known instances of the Norwegian alt-right using Scuttlebutt as their preferred means of communication.",/post/53772,2020-09-27T17:40:16.345Z,2020-09-27T17:40:16.345Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,3686 25164,v1.0,,decentralized messaging apps (but what about hate speech/pedophiles/terrorism),/post/59948,2020-09-27T17:36:38.792Z,2020-09-27T17:36:38.792Z,59948,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,5494 25163,v1.0,,"What do you search, find and offer on the Edgeryders-stewarded Internet of Humans/NGI community?",/post/56914,2020-09-27T17:31:24.267Z,2020-09-27T17:31:24.267Z,56914,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,4934,4834 25162,v1.0,,energy grids but I do know about the power of collaboration in large scale endeavors; would you indulge me for a sec and help me and others here understand which the most relevant communities are that you'd need to work with in order to make progress on this?,/post/53310,2020-09-27T17:24:13.549Z,2020-09-27T17:24:13.549Z,53310,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5092,2963 25161,v1.0,,energy grids but I do know about the power of collaboration in large scale endeavors; would you indulge me for a sec and help me and others here understand which the most relevant communities are that you'd need to work with in order to make progress on this?,/post/53310,2020-09-27T17:23:54.130Z,2020-09-27T17:23:54.130Z,53310,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5092,7681 25160,v1.0,,. I'm thinking about designing the communication protocols to start with and aiming in the long term to get an ecosystem of different hardware and user facing apps to adopt those protocols.,/post/52672,2020-09-27T17:23:12.176Z,2020-09-27T17:23:12.176Z,52672,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,7660 25159,v1.0,,phloem will help control the transfer and storage of energy.,/post/52586,2020-09-27T17:22:35.779Z,2020-09-27T17:22:35.779Z,52586,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4333 25158,v1.0,,"more decentralised, with more people capable of producing and storing energy we need a decentralised way of managing it.",/post/52586,2020-09-27T17:22:08.065Z,2020-09-27T17:22:08.065Z,52586,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4298 25157,v1.0,,"Building a protocol and hardware that form a decentralised system that is secure, user friendly and can interact well with the grid is tall order.",/post/52586,2020-09-27T17:21:42.349Z,2020-09-27T17:21:42.349Z,52586,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,5098 25156,v1.0,,"Building a protocol and hardware that form a decentralised system that is secure, user friendly and can interact well with the grid is tall order.",/post/52586,2020-09-27T17:21:21.363Z,2020-09-27T17:21:21.363Z,52586,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,927 25136,v1.0,,"in the Scuttlebutt community. And @zaunders and @kristofer who work on Holochain and other project. @Engstrom_PP who is thinking about how to make activists into collaborative swarms, and @Peer who thinks about swarm intelligence. And of course, @juneholley and her network weavers.",/post/53947,2020-09-27T17:16:17.813Z,2020-09-27T17:16:17.813Z,53947,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,7681 25135,v1.0,,"in the Scuttlebutt community. And @zaunders and @kristofer who work on Holochain and other project. @Engstrom_PP who is thinking about how to make activists into collaborative swarms, and @Peer who thinks about swarm intelligence. And of course, @juneholley and her network weavers.",/post/53947,2020-09-27T17:16:06.354Z,2020-09-27T17:16:06.354Z,53947,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3601 25123,v1.0,,brilliant flexible workspace + community through our central Edinburgh location. We've also incubated 100 new social change projects through our incubation programme.,/post/80440,2020-09-27T17:11:29.291Z,2020-09-27T17:11:29.291Z,80440,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,2322 25113,v1.0,,"""When social-media servers aren’t controlled by a small number of massive public companies, the incentive to exploit users diminishes. The homegrown, community-oriented feel of the IndieWeb is superior to the vibe of anxious narcissism that’s degrading existing services. And, in a sense, decentralization also helps solve the problem of content moderation. One reason Mark Zuckerberg has called for the establishment of a third-party moderation organization is, presumably, that he’s realized how difficult it is to come up with a single set of guidelines capable of satisfying over a billion users; the IndieWeb would allow many different standards to emerge, trusting users to gravitate toward the ones that work for them.",/post/53694,2020-09-27T17:08:47.545Z,2020-09-27T17:08:47.545Z,53694,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,2915,3768 25111,v1.0,,"The Internet may work better when it’s spread out, as originally designed.""",/post/53694,2020-09-27T17:08:37.088Z,2020-09-27T17:08:37.088Z,53694,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,2915,978 25105,v1.0,,"I'm worried about people coming to rely on their homepage for most of their discovery, so I don't want to have a single one. Google Chrome's (or is it Opera's) concept of ""top sites"" provides one way for multiple sites to share that prime realestate in the form of links.",/post/53598,2020-09-27T17:06:53.364Z,2020-09-27T17:06:53.364Z,53598,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3767 25104,v1.0,,"Web Feeds I really don't like the alternatives to this early Web technology. I don't want people to waste their time reloading specific websites, and nor do I want that to be solved by having all updates routed through a centralized service. That would just defeat any decentralization the Web has left!",/post/53598,2020-09-27T17:06:42.358Z,2020-09-27T17:06:42.358Z,53598,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3768 25103,v1.0,,"Web Feeds I really don't like the alternatives to this early Web technology. I don't want people to waste their time reloading specific websites, and nor do I want that to be solved by having all updates routed through a centralized service. That would just defeat any decentralization the Web has left!",/post/53598,2020-09-27T17:06:42.196Z,2020-09-27T17:06:42.196Z,53598,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3767 25098,v1.0,,"I'm worried about people coming to rely on their homepage for most of their discovery, so I don't want to have a single one. Google Chrome's (or is it Opera's) concept of ""top sites"" provides one way for multiple sites to share that prime realestate in the form of links.",/post/53598,2020-09-27T17:05:52.811Z,2020-09-27T17:05:52.811Z,53598,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3822 25097,v1.0,,"I'm worried about people coming to rely on their homepage for most of their discovery, so I don't want to have a single one. Google Chrome's (or is it Opera's) concept of ""top sites"" provides one way for multiple sites to share that prime realestate in the form of links.",/post/53598,2020-09-27T17:05:52.789Z,2020-09-27T17:05:52.789Z,53598,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,4841 25096,v1.0,,"I'm worried about people coming to rely on their homepage for most of their discovery, so I don't want to have a single one. Google Chrome's (or is it Opera's) concept of ""top sites"" provides one way for multiple sites to share that prime realestate in the form of links.",/post/53598,2020-09-27T17:05:52.787Z,2020-09-27T17:05:52.787Z,53598,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,5316 25095,v1.0,,"I'm worried about people coming to rely on their homepage for most of their discovery, so I don't want to have a single one. Google Chrome's (or is it Opera's) concept of ""top sites"" provides one way for multiple sites to share that prime realestate in the form of links.",/post/53598,2020-09-27T17:05:52.653Z,2020-09-27T17:05:52.653Z,53598,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,4538 25078,v1.0,,My entry to Holochain came from a long quest of trying to figure out why we (in the corporate mindset I had been trained) spend so much time on things that do not make peoples (and the planets) life better which to me is a lot of what I hear in your critique @mattiasx.,/post/52772,2020-09-27T16:56:48.298Z,2020-09-27T16:56:48.298Z,52772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3619 25077,v1.0,,My entry to Holochain came from a long quest of trying to figure out why we (in the corporate mindset I had been trained) spend so much time on things that do not make peoples (and the planets) life better which to me is a lot of what I hear in your critique @mattiasx.,/post/52772,2020-09-27T16:56:47.481Z,2020-09-27T16:56:47.481Z,52772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3601 25076,v1.0,,My entry to Holochain came from a long quest of trying to figure out why we (in the corporate mindset I had been trained) spend so much time on things that do not make peoples (and the planets) life better which to me is a lot of what I hear in your critique @mattiasx.,/post/52772,2020-09-27T16:56:47.207Z,2020-09-27T16:56:47.207Z,52772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1264 25075,v1.0,,Built for performance - no global state and no middle men means no maximum number of transactions. (same as for any of the old open protocols - what is the maximum number of transactions per minute for http or smtp world wide?),/post/52761,2020-09-27T16:55:29.991Z,2020-09-27T16:55:29.991Z,52761,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,3601 25074,v1.0,,Built for performance - no global state and no middle men means no maximum number of transactions. (same as for any of the old open protocols - what is the maximum number of transactions per minute for http or smtp world wide?),/post/52761,2020-09-27T16:54:49.612Z,2020-09-27T16:54:49.612Z,52761,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,1264 25073,v1.0,,"Considering that the much of Internet infrastructure is built on free software and open source technologies, it makes me wonder ""What if we would organize the infrastructure development of the Internet in a similar manner?",/post/52655,2020-09-27T16:53:28.113Z,2020-09-27T16:53:28.113Z,52655,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1257 25072,v1.0,,"Considering that the much of Internet infrastructure is built on free software and open source technologies, it makes me wonder ""What if we would organize the infrastructure development of the Internet in a similar manner?",/post/52655,2020-09-27T16:53:28.027Z,2020-09-27T16:53:28.027Z,52655,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7660 25071,v1.0,,"Considering that the much of Internet infrastructure is built on free software and open source technologies, it makes me wonder ""What if we would organize the infrastructure development of the Internet in a similar manner?",/post/52655,2020-09-27T16:53:27.833Z,2020-09-27T16:53:27.833Z,52655,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3619 25070,v1.0,,At the current point it seems to me that a few strong players seem to build and run the entire infrastructure apart from servers and websites run by a larger variety of operators.,/post/52778,2020-09-27T16:52:13.766Z,2020-09-27T16:52:13.766Z,52778,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7681 25069,v1.0,,At the current point it seems to me that a few strong players seem to build and run the entire infrastructure apart from servers and websites run by a larger variety of operators.,/post/52778,2020-09-27T16:51:30.648Z,2020-09-27T16:51:30.648Z,52778,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7592 25036,v1.0,,"I'm sure you've considered it already, but just in case: I think another really interesting use case for this is just local communities, even within well-connected areas. A fully localized mesh could be built up as a hub for all kinds of creativity that has a distinctly local flavor in a way that often the internet isn't optimized for (even though of course localized communities exist there, too).",/post/53308,2020-09-26T15:40:05.353Z,2020-09-26T15:40:05.353Z,53308,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5092,1092 25035,v1.0,,"I'm sure you've considered it already, but just in case: I think another really interesting use case for this is just local communities, even within well-connected areas. A fully localized mesh could be built up as a hub for all kinds of creativity that has a distinctly local flavor in a way that often the internet isn't optimized for (even though of course localized communities exist there, too).",/post/53308,2020-09-26T15:40:05.171Z,2020-09-26T15:40:05.171Z,53308,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5092,394 25034,v1.0,,With the structure above as a basic foundation of how the https protocol works it is practically impossible to organize for private data where the individual has ownership of the utilization of the data itself since the user can’t control who has access to the data or how the data is stored.,/post/54199,2020-09-26T15:28:45.982Z,2020-09-26T15:28:45.982Z,54199,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5144,7330 25033,v1.0,,With the structure above as a basic foundation of how the https protocol works it is practically impossible to organize for private data where the individual has ownership of the utilization of the data itself since the user can’t control who has access to the data or how the data is stored.,/post/54199,2020-09-26T15:28:21.187Z,2020-09-26T15:28:21.187Z,54199,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5144,1273 25032,v1.0,,"The movement of Distributed / Decentralized webs are all centered around re-organizing this foundational infrastructure, and more, such as in the case of Mesh networks which goes even further and looks at the hardware infrastructure of the internet.",/post/54163,2020-09-26T15:27:32.659Z,2020-09-26T15:27:32.659Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,7592 25031,v1.0,,"The movement of Distributed / Decentralized webs are all centered around re-organizing this foundational infrastructure, and more, such as in the case of Mesh networks which goes even further and looks at the hardware infrastructure of the internet.",/post/54163,2020-09-26T15:27:04.391Z,2020-09-26T15:27:04.391Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,927 25030,v1.0,,"The movement of Distributed / Decentralized webs are all centered around re-organizing this foundational infrastructure, and more, such as in the case of Mesh networks which goes even further and looks at the hardware infrastructure of the internet.",/post/54163,2020-09-26T15:26:36.483Z,2020-09-26T15:26:36.483Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3768 25029,v1.0,,"The infrastructure of the default web is 1) Centralized, as seen in this image 2) Inherently distributes the ownership of data away from the users 3) Relies on middlemen to deliver the data itself which sees all meta-data",/post/54163,2020-09-26T15:26:01.829Z,2020-09-26T15:26:01.829Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,1273 25028,v1.0,,"The infrastructure of the default web is 1) Centralized, as seen in this image 2) Inherently distributes the ownership of data away from the users 3) Relies on middlemen to deliver the data itself which sees all meta-data",/post/54163,2020-09-26T15:25:47.232Z,2020-09-26T15:25:47.232Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3659 25026,v1.0,,"GDPR did initially serve it's purpose of ensuring that European data stayed within Europe, but it had simultaneously opened up a new market for American companies to make money by charging the companies who used their services (such as GDrive) for ensuring that their data would be stored in the companies European servers.",/post/54113,2020-09-26T15:23:46.569Z,2020-09-26T15:23:46.569Z,54113,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3785 25025,v1.0,,"To me an Internet of Humans has to be part of a sustainable future, and if it isn't then it has no validity. Because nothing does if it can't show that it is helping rather than hurting. I see it as that stark at this point in history. And I don't see anything making a difference that isn't seriously radical. As in, no chance unless all armed conflict ceases immediately and all resources and efforts shift to solving the earth's carrying capacity (and what are the odds of that).",/post/53948,2020-09-25T21:34:01.513Z,2020-09-25T21:34:01.513Z,53948,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,968 25024,v1.0,,"To me an Internet of Humans has to be part of a sustainable future, and if it isn't then it has no validity. Because nothing does if it can't show that it is helping rather than hurting. I see it as that stark at this point in history. And I don't see anything making a difference that isn't seriously radical. As in, no chance unless all armed conflict ceases immediately and all resources and efforts shift to solving the earth's carrying capacity (and what are the odds of that).",/post/53948,2020-09-25T21:34:01.405Z,2020-09-25T21:34:01.405Z,53948,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,978 25023,v1.0,,"To me an Internet of Humans has to be part of a sustainable future, and if it isn't then it has no validity. Because nothing does if it can't show that it is helping rather than hurting. I see it as that stark at this point in history. And I don't see anything making a difference that isn't seriously radical. As in, no chance unless all armed conflict ceases immediately and all resources and efforts shift to solving the earth's carrying capacity (and what are the odds of that).",/post/53948,2020-09-25T21:34:01.307Z,2020-09-25T21:34:01.307Z,53948,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,7646 25019,v1.0,,"I have the impression that a lot of the innovation really worth doing tends to destroy GDP, not increase it, and in general to be bad for capitalism (not to put too fine a point on it). Environmental innovation is not the only type of innovation where I see this, but it is where this effect seems strongest. I write this under the influence of the Deep Adaptation paper, where Bendell essentially says that sustainability is over. We are now in the age of adaptation, and the three directions of work for adaptation are resilience, relinquishment and restoration. Relinquishment is particularly important: maybe the most impactful environmental innovation is going to come from giving up stuff (private cars, commercial aviation, most meat).",/post/59368,2020-09-25T21:27:15.986Z,2020-09-25T21:27:15.986Z,59368,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,4822 25018,v1.0,,"I have the impression that a lot of the innovation really worth doing tends to destroy GDP, not increase it, and in general to be bad for capitalism (not to put too fine a point on it). Environmental innovation is not the only type of innovation where I see this, but it is where this effect seems strongest. I write this under the influence of the Deep Adaptation paper, where Bendell essentially says that sustainability is over. We are now in the age of adaptation, and the three directions of work for adaptation are resilience, relinquishment and restoration. Relinquishment is particularly important: maybe the most impactful environmental innovation is going to come from giving up stuff (private cars, commercial aviation, most meat).",/post/59368,2020-09-25T21:27:15.982Z,2020-09-25T21:27:15.982Z,59368,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,7646 25017,v1.0,,"I have the impression that a lot of the innovation really worth doing tends to destroy GDP, not increase it, and in general to be bad for capitalism (not to put too fine a point on it). Environmental innovation is not the only type of innovation where I see this, but it is where this effect seems strongest. I write this under the influence of the Deep Adaptation paper, where Bendell essentially says that sustainability is over. We are now in the age of adaptation, and the three directions of work for adaptation are resilience, relinquishment and restoration. Relinquishment is particularly important: maybe the most impactful environmental innovation is going to come from giving up stuff (private cars, commercial aviation, most meat).",/post/59368,2020-09-25T21:27:15.782Z,2020-09-25T21:27:15.782Z,59368,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,4019 25016,v1.0,,"I have the impression that a lot of the innovation really worth doing tends to destroy GDP, not increase it, and in general to be bad for capitalism (not to put too fine a point on it). Environmental innovation is not the only type of innovation where I see this, but it is where this effect seems strongest. I write this under the influence of the Deep Adaptation paper, where Bendell essentially says that sustainability is over. We are now in the age of adaptation, and the three directions of work for adaptation are resilience, relinquishment and restoration. Relinquishment is particularly important: maybe the most impactful environmental innovation is going to come from giving up stuff (private cars, commercial aviation, most meat).",/post/59368,2020-09-25T21:27:15.371Z,2020-09-25T21:27:15.371Z,59368,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,4662 25015,v1.0,,"In my experience, that once you pull at one aspect of this what you might refer to as deep green* , it's hard not to end up in a situation where you basically end up at a conclusion like Michelle Thorne's post, it's capitalism, stupid.At that point, it's harder to make specific recommendations without us needing huge sweeping political changes.* I assume would be some kind of more systemic way of talking about sustainability, beyond plastic straws and the like",/post/55704,2020-09-25T21:25:03.985Z,2020-09-25T21:25:03.985Z,55704,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7646 25014,v1.0,,"In my experience, that once you pull at one aspect of this what you might refer to as deep green* , it's hard not to end up in a situation where you basically end up at a conclusion like Michelle Thorne's post, it's capitalism, stupid.At that point, it's harder to make specific recommendations without us needing huge sweeping political changes.* I assume would be some kind of more systemic way of talking about sustainability, beyond plastic straws and the like",/post/55704,2020-09-25T21:25:03.964Z,2020-09-25T21:25:03.964Z,55704,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,5368 25013,v1.0,,"In my experience, that once you pull at one aspect of this what you might refer to as deep green* , it's hard not to end up in a situation where you basically end up at a conclusion like Michelle Thorne's post, it's capitalism, stupid.At that point, it's harder to make specific recommendations without us needing huge sweeping political changes.* I assume would be some kind of more systemic way of talking about sustainability, beyond plastic straws and the like",/post/55704,2020-09-25T21:25:03.963Z,2020-09-25T21:25:03.963Z,55704,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7688 25012,v1.0,,"In my experience, that once you pull at one aspect of this what you might refer to as deep green* , it's hard not to end up in a situation where you basically end up at a conclusion like Michelle Thorne's post, it's capitalism, stupid.At that point, it's harder to make specific recommendations without us needing huge sweeping political changes.* I assume would be some kind of more systemic way of talking about sustainability, beyond plastic straws and the like",/post/55704,2020-09-25T21:25:03.952Z,2020-09-25T21:25:03.952Z,55704,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,4822 25011,v1.0,,"We needed to be very practical, in terms of particularly investing, to make sure that our business was sustainable. In order for the technology aspect of business itself to make sense, we had to keep our investments shorter on that side. If we had more skill in our coworking spaces, so if we have planned to open other coworking locations, we will probably have invested also more in technology.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T21:22:04.088Z,2020-09-25T21:22:04.088Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7688 25010,v1.0,,"We needed to be very practical, in terms of particularly investing, to make sure that our business was sustainable. In order for the technology aspect of business itself to make sense, we had to keep our investments shorter on that side. If we had more skill in our coworking spaces, so if we have planned to open other coworking locations, we will probably have invested also more in technology.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T21:22:03.109Z,2020-09-25T21:22:03.109Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,4334 25009,v1.0,,"So, we as operators, particularly those who run small spaces like mine, that are hard to make profitable, or even sustainable, need to really be cautious about it, because otherwise … we’re already losing money, because our spaces are empty. If we invest a lot of money that is going to be trashed, that’s even worse.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T21:20:55.330Z,2020-09-25T21:20:55.330Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7687 25008,v1.0,,"Co-livers have 24/7 access control via an app. This is crucial to our sustainability and more importantly, empowers co-livers to take ownership of the space. Work environments aren’t just people in a space together, they are about interacting and generating positive synergies with coworkers. As more companies become remote-friendly, it’s important that community remains a priority.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T21:20:02.259Z,2020-09-25T21:20:02.259Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7687 25007,v1.0,,"Co-livers have 24/7 access control via an app. This is crucial to our sustainability and more importantly, empowers co-livers to take ownership of the space. Work environments aren’t just people in a space together, they are about interacting and generating positive synergies with coworkers. As more companies become remote-friendly, it’s important that community remains a priority.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T21:14:56.417Z,2020-09-25T21:14:56.417Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7291 25006,v1.0,,"Co-livers have 24/7 access control via an app. This is crucial to our sustainability and more importantly, empowers co-livers to take ownership of the space. Work environments aren’t just people in a space together, they are about interacting and generating positive synergies with coworkers. As more companies become remote-friendly, it’s important that community remains a priority.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T21:14:56.407Z,2020-09-25T21:14:56.407Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6132 25005,v1.0,,that is exactly the thing I am always looking for in my online communications - that moment when I find something or connect to people I otherwise would not have known that I was missing.,/post/57071,2020-09-25T18:07:03.840Z,2020-09-25T18:07:03.840Z,57071,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,5144,394 25004,v1.0,,"What makes Edgeryders work for me is being plugged into an open ended, eclectic scene of people from different backgrounds and places in their lives right now. Humans are much better at pointing one another in the right direction through dialogue than trying to find the kind of things I need on a well structured website or formal education process. If I don't know what it's called, or even that I need it, or if the word for it doesn't exist, how can I find it? Through people who connect me to people and knowledge.",/post/57490,2020-09-25T18:06:01.311Z,2020-09-25T18:06:01.311Z,57490,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,8,6527 25003,v1.0,,"What makes Edgeryders work for me is being plugged into an open ended, eclectic scene of people from different backgrounds and places in their lives right now. Humans are much better at pointing one another in the right direction through dialogue than trying to find the kind of things I need on a well structured website or formal education process. If I don't know what it's called, or even that I need it, or if the word for it doesn't exist, how can I find it? Through people who connect me to people and knowledge.",/post/57490,2020-09-25T18:05:49.440Z,2020-09-25T18:05:49.440Z,57490,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,8,2963 25002,v1.0,,"What makes Edgeryders work for me is being plugged into an open ended, eclectic scene of people from different backgrounds and places in their lives right now. Humans are much better at pointing one another in the right direction through dialogue than trying to find the kind of things I need on a well structured website or formal education process. If I don't know what it's called, or even that I need it, or if the word for it doesn't exist, how can I find it? Through people who connect me to people and knowledge.",/post/57490,2020-09-25T18:05:37.891Z,2020-09-25T18:05:37.891Z,57490,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,8,394 24997,v1.0,,"of organizations and individuals from different sectors of society who are willing to collaborate and take a more holistic approach, a systems thinking approach on building a Internet infrastructure",/post/52655,2020-09-25T17:44:58.314Z,2020-09-25T17:44:58.314Z,52655,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3619 24993,v1.0,,"ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined",/post/64014,2020-09-25T17:36:14.450Z,2020-09-25T17:36:14.450Z,64014,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3619 24992,v1.0,,"ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined",/post/64014,2020-09-25T17:36:14.300Z,2020-09-25T17:36:14.300Z,64014,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7660 24991,v1.0,,"ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined",/post/64014,2020-09-25T17:35:56.905Z,2020-09-25T17:35:56.905Z,64014,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7685 24990,v1.0,,how to educate kids and youngsters who have not been reached by existing educational initiatives around coding and software/hardware.,/post/53806,2020-09-25T17:25:52.228Z,2020-09-25T17:25:52.228Z,53806,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,2065 24986,v1.0,,"We would lead an introductory session to: + bring people into a present, grateful, connected and creative space. + confront collapse and what it means for tech projects. + to present and discuss (both intellectually and through activities) a series of guiding 'deep green' principles related to biomimicry / bio-harmony (Examples of these principles are: centralised vs distributed vs decentralisation, holarchy, coevolution, circular resource loops, subsidiarity, meta-stability, dividuation / integration, agent centric).",/post/55432,2020-09-25T17:09:40.498Z,2020-10-30T15:46:08.186Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7681 24985,v1.0,,"We would lead an introductory session to: + bring people into a present, grateful, connected and creative space. + confront collapse and what it means for tech projects. + to present and discuss (both intellectually and through activities) a series of guiding 'deep green' principles related to biomimicry / bio-harmony (Examples of these principles are: centralised vs distributed vs decentralisation, holarchy, coevolution, circular resource loops, subsidiarity, meta-stability, dividuation / integration, agent centric).",/post/55432,2020-09-25T17:09:33.971Z,2020-09-25T17:09:33.971Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7683 24984,v1.0,,"Going in this direction, I would love to share what I have been doing in this 'crisis'. Could we set up the webinar in that direction? and also talk about activities that are going on in the covid community?",/post/75463,2020-09-25T16:59:19.115Z,2020-09-25T16:59:19.115Z,75463,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5528,442 24983,v1.0,,"Michel Bauwens has been 'mapping' and supporting people to get together around covid initiatives, also a solidarity movement in Portugal has grown incredible and Stela can also speak about it.",/post/75314,2020-09-25T16:58:28.274Z,2020-09-25T16:58:28.274Z,75314,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5528,394 24982,v1.0,,"We need everyone’s inputs into what is going on, what initiatives people are already working on - and how we can support efforts to cope with the COVID29 crisis.",/post/74016,2020-09-25T16:57:22.436Z,2020-09-25T16:57:22.436Z,74016,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,7682 24981,v1.0,,"2. Maps that connect projects - I agree with Liliana that vaping between projects is very important. They give us view into what projects are working on which is essential if we want to collaborate, coordinate, and reduce duplication of effort.",/post/74044,2020-09-25T16:57:05.147Z,2020-09-25T16:57:05.147Z,74044,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,7682 24980,v1.0,,"With regards to connection, I think of mapping as having several types or levels: 1. Maps that connect people - this use case is satisfied to a certain extent by platforms with a social components like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Edgeryders even if you are not able to view the map. Some other platforms like Now What?!",/post/74044,2020-09-25T16:55:42.697Z,2020-09-25T16:55:42.697Z,74044,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,394 24979,v1.0,,"With regards to connection, I think of mapping as having several types or levels: 1. Maps that connect people - this use case is satisfied to a certain extent by platforms with a social components like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Edgeryders even if you are not able to view the map. Some other platforms like Now What?!",/post/74044,2020-09-25T16:55:42.453Z,2020-09-25T16:55:42.453Z,74044,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,6527 24978,v1.0,,"We need everyone’s inputs into what is going on, what initiatives people are already working on - and how we can support efforts to cope with the COVID29 crisis.",/post/74016,2020-09-25T16:53:23.365Z,2020-09-25T16:53:23.365Z,74016,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,2963 24977,v1.0,,"We need everyone’s inputs into what is going on, what initiatives people are already working on - and how we can support efforts to cope with the COVID29 crisis.",/post/74016,2020-09-25T16:52:49.304Z,2020-09-25T16:52:49.304Z,74016,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,394 24976,v1.0,,Liliana added that she also sees many local efforts not being properly connected and that she sees the main need in some type of mapping for projects.,/post/74016,2020-09-25T16:51:56.644Z,2020-09-25T16:51:56.644Z,74016,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,1092 24973,v1.0,,"video conferencing rooms are needed, they actually are needed, and they need to be larger. So, that’s a huge challenge for a coworking space, because they have to allocate a lot of space, and it’s not going to be used the whole time, just temporarily, for this. And if there’s several people wanting to have a video call at the same time, then it’s a big issue. There’s no easy solution for it.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T16:33:25.363Z,2020-09-25T16:33:25.363Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7679 24972,v1.0,,"We needed to be very practical, in terms of particularly investing, to make sure that our business was sustainable. In order for the technology aspect of business itself to make sense, we had to keep our investments shorter on that side. If we had more skill in our coworking spaces, so if we have planned to open other coworking locations, we will probably have invested also more in technology.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T16:33:25.361Z,2020-09-25T16:33:25.361Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7679 24971,v1.0,,"People that I've spoken to have felt this kind of dissonance between amazing internet future that, for example, that me and all these open movement people have been advocating for, and the hard reality of the climate crisis, but I think there's a way to actually address that dissonance head on and not be paralyzed in action, but actually to do something about it.",/post/61040,2020-09-25T16:30:40.904Z,2020-09-25T16:30:40.904Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4536 24970,v1.0,,"People that I've spoken to have felt this kind of dissonance between amazing internet future that, for example, that me and all these open movement people have been advocating for, and the hard reality of the climate crisis, but I think there's a way to actually address that dissonance head on and not be paralyzed in action, but actually to do something about it.",/post/61040,2020-09-25T16:30:40.829Z,2020-09-25T16:30:40.829Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1257 24969,v1.0,,"we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme.On one hand, that's frustrating. On the other, I'm not sure how we can expect anything different. There is absolutely no formal education on this subject for children or adults in the United States. Congress has been passing digital privacy legislation for over a half century and it seems largely ineffective",/post/79552,2020-09-25T16:29:28.619Z,2020-09-25T16:29:28.619Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7678 24967,v1.0,,"In terms of COVID-19 we are still evaluating how the situation evolves, and to see what the new normal is going to be like. Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money.",/post/80267,2020-09-25T16:25:03.643Z,2020-09-25T16:25:03.643Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1371 24966,v1.0,,"I'm interested too in the vein of ""we can't stop it so how do we steer it"" and I wonder what the options are to address the issues. Some ideas for consideration: Create standards and influence design of smart cities to protect/enhance humanity (very hard) Educate people about these technologies and how to interact with them or possibly avoid them Sabotage the technologies eg blocking the sensors (dangerous, expensive) Explore the benefits of living in cities and look for ways to introduce these benefits to local more distributed communities so that living in cities isn't the only perceived option Personally I like the idea of (4) as it's a move away from centralisation, I think we need to decentralise physically as well as digitally. But realistically it feels to me that education and campaigning are feasible initial steps and that might lead towards (1) where standards, policies and controls have been design specifically for humanity.",/post/54285,2020-09-25T16:22:35.897Z,2020-09-25T16:22:35.897Z,54285,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,5158,7535 24965,v1.0,,"I'm interested too in the vein of ""we can't stop it so how do we steer it"" and I wonder what the options are to address the issues. Some ideas for consideration: Create standards and influence design of smart cities to protect/enhance humanity (very hard) Educate people about these technologies and how to interact with them or possibly avoid them Sabotage the technologies eg blocking the sensors (dangerous, expensive) Explore the benefits of living in cities and look for ways to introduce these benefits to local more distributed communities so that living in cities isn't the only perceived option Personally I like the idea of (4) as it's a move away from centralisation, I think we need to decentralise physically as well as digitally. But realistically it feels to me that education and campaigning are feasible initial steps and that might lead towards (1) where standards, policies and controls have been design specifically for humanity.",/post/54285,2020-09-25T16:22:35.887Z,2020-09-25T16:22:35.887Z,54285,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,5158,4831 24964,v1.0,,"I'm interested too in the vein of ""we can't stop it so how do we steer it"" and I wonder what the options are to address the issues. Some ideas for consideration: Create standards and influence design of smart cities to protect/enhance humanity (very hard) Educate people about these technologies and how to interact with them or possibly avoid them Sabotage the technologies eg blocking the sensors (dangerous, expensive) Explore the benefits of living in cities and look for ways to introduce these benefits to local more distributed communities so that living in cities isn't the only perceived option Personally I like the idea of (4) as it's a move away from centralisation, I think we need to decentralise physically as well as digitally. But realistically it feels to me that education and campaigning are feasible initial steps and that might lead towards (1) where standards, policies and controls have been design specifically for humanity.",/post/54285,2020-09-25T16:21:28.971Z,2020-09-25T16:21:28.971Z,54285,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,5158,968 24962,v1.0,,Explore the benefits of living in cities and look for ways to introduce these benefits to local more distributed communities so that living in cities isn't the only perceived option,/post/54285,2020-09-25T16:20:09.759Z,2020-09-25T16:20:09.759Z,54285,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,5158,1092 24961,v1.0,,Educate people about these technologies and how to interact with them or possibly avoid them,/post/54285,2020-09-25T16:19:51.217Z,2020-09-25T16:19:51.217Z,54285,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,5158,7676 24960,v1.0,,"we need to increase tech literacy about the systems in place: if we (individuals, governments, policymakers) don't know how the black boxes work, how do we know that what they promise us is actually what results they give us. How can we question outcomes if we aren't informed about the manner in which the systems arrive at conclusions?",/post/65005,2020-09-25T16:17:08.887Z,2020-09-25T16:17:08.887Z,65005,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,1856,7676 24959,v1.0,,"we need to increase tech literacy about the systems in place: if we (individuals, governments, policymakers) don't know how the black boxes work, how do we know that what they promise us is actually what results they give us. How can we question outcomes if we aren't informed about the manner in which the systems arrive at conclusions?",/post/65005,2020-09-25T16:17:08.833Z,2020-09-25T16:17:08.833Z,65005,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,1856,7306 24958,v1.0,,"we need to increase tech literacy about the systems in place: if we (individuals, governments, policymakers) don't know how the black boxes work, how do we know that what they promise us is actually what results they give us. How can we question outcomes if we aren't informed about the manner in which the systems arrive at conclusions?",/post/65005,2020-09-25T16:17:08.815Z,2020-09-25T16:17:08.815Z,65005,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,1856,3611 24957,v1.0,,"Since computers and programming gets introduced very early in children's lives today - planting FOSS values is of critical importance in how the next generation of internet citizens reflect on software and its use/implementation. Today, they get pumped even in school, with the message from a proprietary world view: ""copyright"", ""limited use"", ""eula:s"", ""trademark"", ""Intellectual property"", ""patents"", ""digtal right managements"", ""activation codes"", ""geo blocking"", etc. etc. etc. These are the things taught in schools today.We, as in IOH, need to work out a means to foster a generation that desire something else and it needs to start with a narrative that can be understood by teachers, students and people not experts in computer science.",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:14:05.296Z,2020-09-25T16:14:05.296Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7677 24956,v1.0,,"Since computers and programming gets introduced very early in children's lives today - planting FOSS values is of critical importance in how the next generation of internet citizens reflect on software and its use/implementation. Today, they get pumped even in school, with the message from a proprietary world view: ""copyright"", ""limited use"", ""eula:s"", ""trademark"", ""Intellectual property"", ""patents"", ""digtal right managements"", ""activation codes"", ""geo blocking"", etc. etc. etc. These are the things taught in schools today.We, as in IOH, need to work out a means to foster a generation that desire something else and it needs to start with a narrative that can be understood by teachers, students and people not experts in computer science.",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:14:05.191Z,2020-09-25T16:14:05.191Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4285 24955,v1.0,,"Since computers and programming gets introduced very early in children's lives today - planting FOSS values is of critical importance in how the next generation of internet citizens reflect on software and its use/implementation. Today, they get pumped even in school, with the message from a proprietary world view: ""copyright"", ""limited use"", ""eula:s"", ""trademark"", ""Intellectual property"", ""patents"", ""digtal right managements"", ""activation codes"", ""geo blocking"", etc. etc. etc. These are the things taught in schools today.We, as in IOH, need to work out a means to foster a generation that desire something else and it needs to start with a narrative that can be understood by teachers, students and people not experts in computer science.",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:14:05.161Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.222Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1534 24954,v1.0,,"Since computers and programming gets introduced very early in children's lives today - planting FOSS values is of critical importance in how the next generation of internet citizens reflect on software and its use/implementation. Today, they get pumped even in school, with the message from a proprietary world view: ""copyright"", ""limited use"", ""eula:s"", ""trademark"", ""Intellectual property"", ""patents"", ""digtal right managements"", ""activation codes"", ""geo blocking"", etc. etc. etc. These are the things taught in schools today.We, as in IOH, need to work out a means to foster a generation that desire something else and it needs to start with a narrative that can be understood by teachers, students and people not experts in computer science.",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:14:05.105Z,2020-09-25T16:14:05.105Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 24953,v1.0,,"Come together some experts, discuss and produce some material on: ""How do we explain and educate in the four freedoms of FOSS to teachers and students""? Then, a plan on how we run this education through our community in a good and way such as they too can teach others?",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:13:02.132Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.217Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1534 24952,v1.0,,"Come together some experts, discuss and produce some material on: ""How do we explain and educate in the four freedoms of FOSS to teachers and students""? Then, a plan on how we run this education through our community in a good and way such as they too can teach others?",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:13:02.129Z,2020-09-25T16:13:02.129Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 24951,v1.0,,"Then, a plan on how we run this education through our community in a good and way such as they too can teach others?",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:12:49.454Z,2020-09-25T16:12:49.454Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4608 24949,v1.0,,"We, as in IOH, need to work out a means to foster a generation that desire something else and it needs to start with a narrative that can be understood by teachers, students and people not experts in computer science.",/post/53414,2020-09-25T16:11:53.010Z,2020-09-25T16:11:53.010Z,53414,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3619 24948,v1.0,,"One theme that kind of emerged through that work of the years, which also include included web literacy, and being part of the kind of learn to code movement was this idea of before the first falling at the Physical Web.",/post/61040,2020-09-25T16:07:21.631Z,2020-09-25T16:07:21.631Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7676 24947,v1.0,,"In the last month many have also gotten glimpses in each others ""private spaces"" via video calls in which pets, children and all kinds of persona quirks where revealed. At the same time we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies.",/post/80309,2020-09-25T15:37:37.575Z,2020-09-25T15:37:37.575Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,7590 24946,v1.0,,"There will be increased interest however individual experiences will determine how successful it is both for the individual and for employers. Security for example is still an area that will require further work- challenges such as Data Security, security of the premises and property within it, personal security for those using such facilities (Cyber and personal). Much of my current focus is trying to establish if there is any successful examples of where this community based co-working model has worked and how can that be transcribed to what is happening in my Municipality.",/post/80422,2020-09-25T15:35:15.440Z,2020-09-25T15:35:15.440Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,7590 24945,v1.0,,"Within the first day of its launch, the App was downloaded close to 1m times, however many remain sceptical about what this means for their data privacy and how these technologies might feed in to further surveillance. According to a recent poll, around 42% of those surveyed, feel comfortable using the App, as opposed to 39% who said they wouldn’t and 19% who either did not own a smart phone or felt they needed more information.",/post/79137,2020-09-25T15:34:06.708Z,2020-09-25T15:34:06.708Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,7676 24944,v1.0,,"Your informal survey is pretty interesting. On your first group, I've found even when I try and educate friends and family who trust me on this issue, they still don't feel like they have enough information. It seems like it's not a one-shot fix. The education problem is broad; the app is a symptom.",/post/79552,2020-09-25T15:29:22.181Z,2020-09-25T15:29:22.181Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7676 24943,v1.0,,"Your informal survey is pretty interesting. On your first group, I've found even when I try and educate friends and family who trust me on this issue, they still don't feel like they have enough information. It seems like it's not a one-shot fix. The education problem is broad; the app is a symptom.",/post/79552,2020-09-25T15:29:22.165Z,2020-09-25T15:29:22.165Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3611 24942,v1.0,,"Users have been assured that their data privacy will not be compromised and that contact data will not be saved centrally (though this was the original plan), but will instead be stored on the smartphones themselves. According to its developers, the App also does not log users’ location, but uses Bluetooth to allow users to share information. Users are also guaranteed anonymity while using the app, whereby each device is allocated an identification number, which is then visible to all other app users when in the same vicinity. During a span of two weeks, all user IDs are stored in your app, and, if one of those users tests positive during that two week span, your App alerts you. After two weeks, the data is erased.",/post/79137,2020-09-25T14:57:41.993Z,2020-09-25T14:57:41.993Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,4542 24941,v1.0,,"Holochain. It is an engine for building decentralized, scaleable, secure apps that are focused on helping society organize in groups for social, political or economic aims. It is a functioning viable alternative to the growing information capitalism with its all invasive surveillance strategy that dominates the internet today.",/post/52757,2020-09-25T14:56:47.724Z,2020-09-25T14:56:47.724Z,52757,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4962,4299 24940,v1.0,,"Holochain. It is an engine for building decentralized, scaleable, secure apps that are focused on helping society organize in groups for social, political or economic aims. It is a functioning viable alternative to the growing information capitalism with its all invasive surveillance strategy that dominates the internet today.",/post/52757,2020-09-25T14:56:47.682Z,2020-09-25T14:56:47.682Z,52757,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4962,7592 24939,v1.0,,"Holochain. It is an engine for building decentralized, scaleable, secure apps that are focused on helping society organize in groups for social, political or economic aims. It is a functioning viable alternative to the growing information capitalism with its all invasive surveillance strategy that dominates the internet today.",/post/52757,2020-09-25T14:56:47.669Z,2020-09-25T14:56:47.669Z,52757,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4962,3601 24938,v1.0,,"To bring in some of the ongoing conversations in around the block, as I understand them:One perspective on how to address this is to try to integrate smart contracts, distributed data models and IoT technology to keep the sensor data contextual, rather than have it flow into huge datasets controlled by companies or governments. Many groups around the world are experimenting with this. In many ways, I don't see many other ways forward. Sensors connected to networks will be everywhere in just a few years, that is pretty much inevitable at this point. Benefits are too huge for governments and companies to ignore. What needs to happen is that a ""human-centric"" model that keeps your data in the context where it belongs, and secured by smart contracts and cryptography, becomes good enough and open enough that it just makes sense for companies and governments to use it.",/post/54224,2020-09-25T14:53:19.797Z,2020-09-25T14:53:19.797Z,54224,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,5368 24937,v1.0,,"To bring in some of the ongoing conversations in around the block, as I understand them:One perspective on how to address this is to try to integrate smart contracts, distributed data models and IoT technology to keep the sensor data contextual, rather than have it flow into huge datasets controlled by companies or governments. Many groups around the world are experimenting with this. In many ways, I don't see many other ways forward. Sensors connected to networks will be everywhere in just a few years, that is pretty much inevitable at this point. Benefits are too huge for governments and companies to ignore. What needs to happen is that a ""human-centric"" model that keeps your data in the context where it belongs, and secured by smart contracts and cryptography, becomes good enough and open enough that it just makes sense for companies and governments to use it.",/post/54224,2020-09-25T14:53:19.729Z,2020-09-25T14:53:19.729Z,54224,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,3814 24936,v1.0,,"To bring in some of the ongoing conversations in around the block, as I understand them:One perspective on how to address this is to try to integrate smart contracts, distributed data models and IoT technology to keep the sensor data contextual, rather than have it flow into huge datasets controlled by companies or governments. Many groups around the world are experimenting with this. In many ways, I don't see many other ways forward. Sensors connected to networks will be everywhere in just a few years, that is pretty much inevitable at this point. Benefits are too huge for governments and companies to ignore. What needs to happen is that a ""human-centric"" model that keeps your data in the context where it belongs, and secured by smart contracts and cryptography, becomes good enough and open enough that it just makes sense for companies and governments to use it.",/post/54224,2020-09-25T14:53:19.714Z,2020-09-25T14:53:19.714Z,54224,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,905 24935,v1.0,,"Making such sensory data available to anyone who wants it, and making it irreversibly linked to contracts that only allow its use in limited contexts, is one approach to reap the benefits while doing some damage control to avoid complete dystopia. In broad terms, every time data is 'emitted' by a sensor, that data would be coupled to a contract in a distributed ledger (like a blockchain), available to everyone. Decoding the data can only be done by negotiating the contract to gain access to a key with which to decrypt it. data → personal data Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54224,2020-09-25T14:51:40.087Z,2020-09-25T14:51:40.087Z,54224,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,3814 24934,v1.0,,"On one hand, that's frustrating. On the other, I'm not sure how we can expect anything different. There is absolutely no formal education on this subject for children or adults in the United States. Congress has been passing digital privacy legislation for over a half century and it seems largely ineffective.",/post/79552,2020-09-25T14:49:54.915Z,2020-09-25T14:49:54.915Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7676 24933,v1.0,,"The digital allowed me to explore opportunities that would not have been available otherwise, and it made my life borderless when it came to the places I could work in, the organisational cultures to learn from, the people to have as colleagues and befriend.",/post/81214,2020-09-25T09:13:01.823Z,2020-09-25T09:13:01.823Z,81214,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,3,7675 24932,v1.0,,"The digital allowed me to explore opportunities that would not have been available otherwise, and it made my life borderless when it came to the places I could work in, the organisational cultures to learn from, the people to have as colleagues and befriend.",/post/81214,2020-09-25T09:13:01.798Z,2020-09-25T18:10:27.919Z,81214,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,3,394 24931,v1.0,,"The digital allowed me to explore opportunities that would not have been available otherwise, and it made my life borderless when it came to the places I could work in, the organisational cultures to learn from, the people to have as colleagues and befriend.",/post/81214,2020-09-25T09:13:01.769Z,2020-09-25T09:13:01.769Z,81214,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,3,3935 24930,v1.0,,"The digital allowed me to explore opportunities that would not have been available otherwise, and it made my life borderless when it came to the places I could work in, the organisational cultures to learn from, the people to have as colleagues and befriend.",/post/81214,2020-09-25T09:13:01.753Z,2020-09-25T09:13:01.753Z,81214,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,3,1263 24929,v1.0,,"The digital allowed me to explore opportunities that would not have been available otherwise, and it made my life borderless when it came to the places I could work in, the organisational cultures to learn from, the people to have as colleagues and befriend.",/post/81214,2020-09-25T09:13:01.751Z,2020-09-25T09:13:01.751Z,81214,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,3,394 24928,v1.0,,"The digital allowed me to explore opportunities that would not have been available otherwise, and it made my life borderless when it came to the places I could work in, the organisational cultures to learn from, the people to have as colleagues and befriend.",/post/81214,2020-09-25T09:13:01.686Z,2020-10-23T09:26:50.939Z,81214,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,3,12 24927,v1.0,,I’ve been an online worker my entire professional life.,/post/81214,2020-09-25T09:12:00.044Z,2020-09-25T09:12:00.044Z,81214,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,3,5326 24926,v1.0,,"I want the freedom to switch between on-the-job activities and other activities at a moment's notice, and use that a lot. For mental wellbeing, I need the space to think, to follow ideas and inspirations during the day, to take two hours off and research about a new cool invention that popped up in my mind. The idea that an employer would force me into an office building and then force me to deal with on-the-job things for eight hours straight is horror to me, and a reason why I never took up such a job and instead became self-employed.",/post/83716,2020-09-25T09:10:23.263Z,2020-09-25T09:10:23.263Z,83716,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,5,5701 24925,v1.0,,"I want the freedom to switch between on-the-job activities and other activities at a moment's notice, and use that a lot. For mental wellbeing, I need the space to think, to follow ideas and inspirations during the day, to take two hours off and research about a new cool invention that popped up in my mind. The idea that an employer would force me into an office building and then force me to deal with on-the-job things for eight hours straight is horror to me, and a reason why I never took up such a job and instead became self-employed.",/post/83716,2020-09-25T09:10:23.028Z,2020-09-25T09:10:23.028Z,83716,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,5,5152 24924,v1.0,,"That is surprising, as I have the the opposite in my own remote work philosophy, and am quite sure I'll not change that aspect. It's called ""full work-life integration"" in my mind, and really means that: I have no concept of ""after hours"" or ""weekend"" since I started self-employment in 2008, but I do have concepts of freedoms and flexibility that I use to mix work and non-work in my days. I usually mix in too much work, but to me that's a separate issue from ""is it advisable to mix"".",/post/83716,2020-09-25T09:09:42.074Z,2020-09-25T09:09:42.074Z,83716,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,5,7674 24923,v1.0,,"That is surprising, as I have the the opposite in my own remote work philosophy, and am quite sure I'll not change that aspect. It's called ""full work-life integration"" in my mind, and really means that: I have no concept of ""after hours"" or ""weekend"" since I started self-employment in 2008, but I do have concepts of freedoms and flexibility that I use to mix work and non-work in my days. I usually mix in too much work, but to me that's a separate issue from ""is it advisable to mix"".",/post/83716,2020-09-25T09:09:41.967Z,2020-09-25T09:09:41.967Z,83716,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,5,7638 24922,v1.0,,"That is surprising, as I have the the opposite in my own remote work philosophy, and am quite sure I'll not change that aspect. It's called ""full work-life integration"" in my mind, and really means that: I have no concept of ""after hours"" or ""weekend"" since I started self-employment in 2008, but I do have concepts of freedoms and flexibility that I use to mix work and non-work in my days. I usually mix in too much work, but to me that's a separate issue from ""is it advisable to mix"".",/post/83716,2020-09-25T09:09:41.924Z,2020-09-25T09:09:41.924Z,83716,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14192,5,5326 24921,v1.0,,"One of the rationales for not being able to delete your posts is that in a world where data is distributed, is that it just isn't possible to guarantee that your posts don't live on. Today, anything embarrassing is impossible to get rid of from the internet if you are famous, but the only reason this is not true for all of us is that it's simply too expensive to save every piece of information I see online.",/post/54104,2020-09-24T15:06:11.948Z,2020-09-24T15:06:11.948Z,54104,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,1371 24920,v1.0,,"Some of the foundational questions to ask yourself is: - Should this mark provide a base-line, or be more aspirational? (One establishes a minimum standard, the other a ""gold"" standard, which means one applies to potentially everything while the other applies to a small subset.) - Do we build this around information provided by the vendor/manufacturer or do we verify information independently? (One is easy but could be abused, the other is more robust but more costly.)",/post/55486,2020-09-24T14:39:29.747Z,2020-09-24T14:39:29.747Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7673 24919,v1.0,,"there isn't currently a canonical ""green"" trustmark for things like electronics. It seems like Fairphone's approach of making their phones' components transparent is about the limit of what has been possible. Why? The sourcing is incredibly complex.",/post/55486,2020-09-24T14:39:29.745Z,2020-09-24T14:39:29.745Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7673 24918,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2020-09-24T14:39:29.743Z,2020-09-24T14:39:29.743Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,7673 24917,v1.0,,green trustmarks,/post/56079,2020-09-24T14:39:29.740Z,2020-09-24T14:39:29.740Z,56079,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,3,7673 24916,v1.0,,"Some of the foundational questions to ask yourself is: - Should this mark provide a base-line, or be more aspirational? (One establishes a minimum standard, the other a ""gold"" standard, which means one applies to potentially everything while the other applies to a small subset.) - Do we build this around information provided by the vendor/manufacturer or do we verify information independently? (One is easy but could be abused, the other is more robust but more costly.)",/post/55486,2020-09-24T14:39:26.707Z,2020-09-24T14:41:42.080Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7646 24915,v1.0,,"there isn't currently a canonical ""green"" trustmark for things like electronics. It seems like Fairphone's approach of making their phones' components transparent is about the limit of what has been possible. Why? The sourcing is incredibly complex.",/post/55486,2020-09-24T14:39:26.704Z,2020-09-24T14:41:42.075Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7646 24914,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2020-09-24T14:39:26.702Z,2020-09-24T14:41:42.070Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,7646 24913,v1.0,,green trustmarks,/post/56079,2020-09-24T14:39:26.698Z,2020-09-24T14:41:42.063Z,56079,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,3,7646 24912,v1.0,,"Currently I don't know which scenario is the easiest to approach, so I have to think about all three. I'm a little burned out from my previous project and current job stress, so it might well take me a while build networks or skills.",/post/53582,2020-09-24T14:24:16.696Z,2020-09-24T14:24:16.696Z,53582,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,5279 24911,v1.0,,"If you don’t want to read the rest of this section then it will serve you just refer to the previous mentioning of the american definition--or lack thereof-- of freedom and to wonder to yourself ""Is it a good idea to write policy and build infrastructure based off some ill defined and simple sentences that, owing to their lack of definition, mean at once so much and so little.""",/post/53998,2020-09-24T14:10:21.996Z,2020-09-24T14:10:47.670Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,7325 24910,v1.0,,"""The internet should be everywhere because it promotes freedom.""",/post/53998,2020-09-24T14:10:21.994Z,2020-09-24T14:10:47.662Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,7325 24909,v1.0,,"Is the internet good? We can address that quickly, it is not. That doesn't mean the internet is ""bad."" We're just asking the wrong question. The internet is a technology. Technology builds tools.",/post/53998,2020-09-24T14:10:21.991Z,2020-09-24T14:10:47.656Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,7325 24908,v1.0,,"The public itself, and thus the legislators they elect, so far do not view a person’s personal data as being a commodity that has assignable value. So it is all regarded as a free service. After seeing what a lousy job the senators did in questioning Zuckerberg at his hearings not long ago I’m not real confident that some of those old guys are going to understand it well enough to write workable law.Add to that truly massive lobbying campaigns by big tech and I really don’t expect any movement on this side of the Atlantic.",/post/58064,2020-09-24T14:02:45.102Z,2020-09-24T14:02:58.177Z,58064,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3814 24907,v1.0,,"The public itself, and thus the legislators they elect, so far do not view a person’s personal data as being a commodity that has assignable value. So it is all regarded as a free service. After seeing what a lousy job the senators did in questioning Zuckerberg at his hearings not long ago I’m not real confident that some of those old guys are going to understand it well enough to write workable law.Add to that truly massive lobbying campaigns by big tech and I really don’t expect any movement on this side of the Atlantic.",/post/58064,2020-09-24T14:02:42.871Z,2020-09-24T14:03:08.773Z,58064,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5327 24906,v1.0,,The third is to explore building institution like entities with the concepts of data utilities and the work of Neil Lawrence and Sylvie Delacroix who propose data trusts as a bottom-up mechanism whereby data-,/post/54369,2020-09-24T14:00:36.115Z,2020-09-24T14:00:43.101Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,905 24905,v1.0,,data trusts as a bottom-up mechanism whereby data-subjects choose to pool their data within the legal framework of the Trust.,/post/54210,2020-09-24T14:00:36.113Z,2020-09-24T14:00:43.097Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,905 24904,v1.0,,The third is to explore building institution like entities with the concepts of data utilities and the work of Neil Lawrence and Sylvie Delacroix who propose data trusts as a bottom-up mechanism whereby data-subjects choose to pool their data within the legal framework of the Trust.,/post/54210,2020-09-24T14:00:36.110Z,2020-09-24T14:00:43.091Z,54210,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,905 24895,v1.0,,"Unless I missed something that's about all there is. Even Grant based media uses ads these days (public radio, podcasts), although they are not in-your-face and tracking types.",/post/58827,2020-09-24T13:50:17.045Z,2020-09-24T13:50:25.116Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,5891 24894,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-09-24T13:50:17.042Z,2020-09-24T13:50:25.108Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,5891 24880,v1.0,,"In a situation where you have your own battery they only need to know your demand for grid energy (and predicted demand), not your entire energy usage. This could hide some demand and preserve privacy a bit more, so they can't necessarily tell when you are home based on your energy usage, etc.",/post/61595,2020-09-24T12:49:15.094Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.287Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,3843 24879,v1.0,,"A friend of mine, permanently DDoS his meter to prevent the energy company from getting in-vivo updates on his energy use.",/post/61438,2020-09-24T12:49:15.092Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.280Z,61438,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5209,3843 24878,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2020-09-24T12:49:15.089Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.272Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,3843 24877,v1.0,,"The work that the Green Web Foundation has been doing seems highly relevant, Chris Adams is the person I'd recommend chatting to, he's been doing work with them. That covers the energy angle of digital services.",/post/55472,2020-09-24T12:49:15.087Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.267Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3843 24876,v1.0,,this article from the MIT Press (thanks @natalia_skoczylas) about a recent University of Massachusetts study . It exposes what might be considered a kind of dirty secret about the Net and the power it consumes.,/post/54716,2020-09-24T12:49:15.085Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.263Z,54716,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3843 24875,v1.0,,"worldwide, the carbon footprint of streaming is bigger than it ever was for physical media, and growing.",/post/53833,2020-09-24T12:49:15.083Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.258Z,53833,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3843 24874,v1.0,,"Here is a Rolling Stone story about the estimated carbon footprint from all the streaming, with some comparison to how much impact that creates compared to the amount of plastic used to make vinyl records and CDs.The amount of that plastic has gone way down (from 61 million kilograms in the 2000s to about 8 million kilograms as of 2016), but at the same time the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere that can be fairly attributed to the amount of power required to serve all that streaming is huge and dwarfs that amount of plastic:"" the amount of GHGs (greenhouse gases) generated by the energy needed to transmit music for streaming is estimated to be between 200 and 350 million kilograms."" The story also cliams, "" Data centers are reportedly responsible for about two percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, a carbon footprint nearly equal to the airline industry.""",/post/53833,2020-09-24T12:49:15.081Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.253Z,53833,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3843 24873,v1.0,,"Chris Adams, currently a fellow at Prototype Fund at the Greenweb Foundation, has been doing a lot of work around energy consumption of web services and especially around mapping which providers in that space use renewable energies",/post/53357,2020-09-24T12:49:15.079Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.246Z,53357,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,5092,3843 24872,v1.0,,"Power consumption - I think is a pretty interesting concept for a potential scenario, that we as humans, like farming, could do and rely on natural systems and let them (e.g. solarpower) enable when things work, and when they don't, for connection and availability from source, mainly to slow the pace down into something what we can handle.",/post/54275,2020-09-24T12:49:15.076Z,2020-10-19T10:50:25.240Z,54275,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4897,3843 24871,v1.0,,COAT lab (@William_COACT) has opened a call for an incubator residency for green tech solutions in the early stages,/post/61805,2020-09-24T12:40:58.446Z,2020-09-24T12:40:58.446Z,61805,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4934,7660 24870,v1.0,,COAT lab (@William_COACT) has opened a call for an incubator residency for green tech solutions in the early stages,/post/61805,2020-09-24T12:40:58.427Z,2020-09-24T12:44:51.285Z,61805,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4934,3980 24869,v1.0,,COAT lab (@William_COACT) has opened a call for an incubator residency for green tech solutions in the early stages,/post/61805,2020-09-24T12:40:58.178Z,2020-09-24T14:32:56.600Z,61805,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4934,7646 24868,v1.0,,Memex and Storex be useful for those wanting to work together for more sustainable tech?,/post/55429,2020-09-24T12:31:41.104Z,2020-09-24T12:31:41.104Z,55429,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4022,7660 24867,v1.0,,"I'm really interested in how to combat the climate emergency. For people in the tech sector, I can recommend joining the Climate Act Tech group, which is sharing a lot of great tips and immediate actions.",/post/58004,2020-09-24T12:27:50.497Z,2020-09-24T12:27:50.497Z,58004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,5292,7660 24866,v1.0,,"I'm really interested in how to combat the climate emergency. For people in the tech sector, I can recommend joining the Climate Act Tech group, which is sharing a lot of great tips and immediate actions.",/post/58004,2020-09-24T12:27:10.612Z,2020-09-24T12:27:10.612Z,58004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,5292,442 24865,v1.0,,"Welcome. And that sounds great. With an emphasis on deep. The greenness or lack of it in tech is hidden from most of us. Or maybe we just don't look closely enough, or know where to look to find out.",/post/55455,2020-09-24T12:26:19.736Z,2020-09-24T12:26:19.736Z,55455,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,2915,7644 24864,v1.0,,We could then move on to a series of more specific sessions about the applications of these principles to specific areas of tech and organisation design. The outcome might be a collectively created based report on deep green tech.,/post/55432,2020-09-24T12:25:33.411Z,2020-09-24T12:25:33.411Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7644 24863,v1.0,,"a series of guiding 'deep green' principles related to biomimicry / bio-harmony (Examples of these principles are: centralised vs distributed vs decentralisation, holarchy, coevolution, circular resource loops, subsidiarity, meta-stability, dividuation / integration, agent centric).",/post/55432,2020-09-24T12:24:16.052Z,2020-09-24T12:24:16.052Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7644 24862,v1.0,,"a series of guiding 'deep green' principles related to biomimicry / bio-harmony (Examples of these principles are: centralised vs distributed vs decentralisation, holarchy, coevolution, circular resource loops, subsidiarity, meta-stability, dividuation / integration, agent centric).",/post/55432,2020-09-24T12:24:15.881Z,2020-09-24T12:24:15.881Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,3715 24861,v1.0,,"We would lead an introductory session to: + bring people into a present, grateful, connected and creative space. + confront collapse and what it means for tech projects. + to present and discuss (both intellectually and through activities) a series of guiding 'deep green' principles related to biomimicry / bio-harmony (Examples of these principles are: centralised vs distributed vs decentralisation, holarchy, coevolution, circular resource loops, subsidiarity, meta-stability, dividuation / integration, agent centric).",/post/55432,2020-09-24T12:23:44.049Z,2020-09-25T18:09:40.084Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,394 24860,v1.0,,"We'd explore both the teams/organisations creating the tech as well as the tech itself, investigating the question: How can a startup structure and the technology it produces be deep green, ecologically sustainable and regenerative?",/post/55432,2020-09-24T12:22:51.463Z,2020-09-24T14:32:56.605Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7646 24859,v1.0,,"We'd explore both the teams/organisations creating the tech as well as the tech itself, investigating the question: How can a startup structure and the technology it produces be deep green, ecologically sustainable and regenerative?",/post/55432,2020-09-24T12:22:50.554Z,2020-09-24T12:22:50.554Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7644 24858,v1.0,,"In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2020-09-24T11:35:56.455Z,2020-09-24T11:36:03.015Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7657 24857,v1.0,,Impact Tech,/post/59213,2020-09-24T11:35:56.453Z,2020-09-24T11:36:03.009Z,59213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,8,7657 24856,v1.0,,"And the thing is, it's very illustrative of, of the tech industry in the tech scene over the last 10 years, from kind of utopian activists, as soon as we can, like, digitize and everything will be better, automatically to have, okay, there's actually there's complications once it hits a certain scale, and more people come in and all that stuff, and the dynamics change, and now we need to remedy some of the potential problems, too. Oh, now we really need to dig in and, and see if we are contributing to a problem because it's such a dominant force of power.",/post/61040,2020-09-24T11:35:56.451Z,2020-09-24T11:36:03.003Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7657 24852,v1.0,,I propose to re-frame the Smart City discourse away from a technology focus and towards a focus on societal impact,/post/53307,2020-09-24T11:35:56.442Z,2020-09-24T11:36:02.981Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7657 24851,v1.0,,"In short, it turns out that the morality of the internet, like the morality of any technology is nothing but the sum of a tool and the instant of its implementation. Even this is determined only by the particular window from which we saw a particular hand fire a particular gun at a particular being for an unknown but certainly very particular reason. In a word, it's difficult. And that is all we need to know for now.",/post/53998,2020-09-24T11:34:44.145Z,2020-09-24T11:34:44.145Z,53998,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,7657 24850,v1.0,,"In short, it turns out that the morality of the internet, like the morality of any technology is nothing but the sum of a tool and the instant of its implementation. Even this is determined only by the particular window from which we saw a particular hand fire a particular gun at a particular being for an unknown but certainly very particular reason. In a word, it's difficult. And that is all we need to know for now.",/post/53998,2020-09-24T11:34:44.054Z,2020-09-24T11:34:44.054Z,53998,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,7472 24849,v1.0,,"In short, it turns out that the morality of the internet, like the morality of any technology is nothing but the sum of a tool and the instant of its implementation. Even this is determined only by the particular window from which we saw a particular hand fire a particular gun at a particular being for an unknown but certainly very particular reason. In a word, it's difficult. And that is all we need to know for now.",/post/53998,2020-09-24T11:34:44.048Z,2020-09-24T11:34:44.048Z,53998,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4264 24848,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Edit Delete No Commenthuman-centric Edit Delete No CommentSmart City Edit Delete No Commentagency Edit Delete No Commentcontrol Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Edit Delete No Commentprivacy Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-09-24T11:27:05.762Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.962Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4881 24847,v1.0,,"I think it's really true that if you can't delete your data, it's not yours.",/post/54267,2020-09-24T11:27:05.760Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.957Z,54267,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4897,4881 24846,v1.0,,"If you can’t delete your posts, do you really own your data? ”",/post/54104,2020-09-24T11:27:05.757Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.953Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,4881 24845,v1.0,,"But then, no, you definitely do not own your data if you cannot delete them.",/post/54075,2020-09-24T11:27:05.755Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.948Z,54075,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4,4881 24844,v1.0,,"where also the psychological aspect of who owns your data,",/post/53914,2020-09-24T11:27:05.753Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.944Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,4881 24843,v1.0,,"GDPR did initially serve it's purpose of ensuring that European data stayed within Europe, but it had simultaneously opened up a new market for American companies to make money by charging the companies who used their services (such as GDrive) for ensuring that their data would be stored in the companies European servers.",/post/54113,2020-09-24T11:27:05.750Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.939Z,54113,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,4881 24842,v1.0,,"if executed in a proper manner is disputable, or if it's even possible to take action in a positive form when the infrastructure itself directly contradicts personal ownership of data.",/post/54163,2020-09-24T11:27:05.748Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.935Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,4881 24841,v1.0,,"And if we draw this quote to its logical conclusion: If you can never delete any of the content you release online, does this mean that you no longer own it? Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54104,2020-09-24T11:27:05.745Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.930Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,4881 24840,v1.0,,". Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-09-24T11:27:05.743Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.924Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,4881 24839,v1.0,,with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.,/post/54271,2020-09-24T11:27:05.741Z,2020-09-24T11:27:33.919Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,4881 24838,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Edit Delete No Commenthuman-centric Edit Delete No CommentSmart City Edit Delete No Commentagency Edit Delete No Commentcontrol Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Edit Delete No Commentprivacy Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-09-24T11:27:02.263Z,2020-09-24T11:27:18.327Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,407 24833,v1.0,,"GDPR did initially serve it's purpose of ensuring that European data stayed within Europe, but it had simultaneously opened up a new market for American companies to make money by charging the companies who used their services (such as GDrive) for ensuring that their data would be stored in the companies European servers.",/post/54113,2020-09-24T11:27:02.253Z,2020-09-24T11:27:18.288Z,54113,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,407 24832,v1.0,,"if executed in a proper manner is disputable, or if it's even possible to take action in a positive form when the infrastructure itself directly contradicts personal ownership of data.",/post/54163,2020-09-24T11:27:02.251Z,2020-09-24T11:27:18.269Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,407 24830,v1.0,,". Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-09-24T11:27:02.246Z,2020-09-24T11:27:18.254Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,407 24828,v1.0,,"Users are also guaranteed anonymity while using the app, whereby each device is allocated an identification number, which is then visible to all other app users when in the same vicinity",/post/79137,2020-09-24T11:23:17.757Z,2020-09-24T11:23:24.509Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 24827,v1.0,,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on,/post/79139,2020-09-24T11:23:17.755Z,2020-09-24T11:23:24.503Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,3610 24826,v1.0,,the App also does not log users’ location,/post/79137,2020-09-24T11:23:17.752Z,2020-09-24T11:23:24.496Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 24825,v1.0,,"Users are also guaranteed anonymity while using the app, whereby each device is allocated an identification number, which is then visible to all other app users when in the same vicinity",/post/79137,2020-09-24T11:23:15.480Z,2020-09-24T11:23:39.108Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3814 24824,v1.0,,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on,/post/79139,2020-09-24T11:23:15.477Z,2020-09-24T11:23:39.103Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,3814 24823,v1.0,,the App also does not log users’ location,/post/79137,2020-09-24T11:23:15.474Z,2020-09-24T11:23:39.097Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3814 24821,v1.0,,"What does this have to do with ads? Everything, because they need to do what they can to bring in as many eyeballs as possible, while maintaining some public impression of social responsibility. Dorsey looks like he might crack. Zuckerberg though seems to have no such qualms.",/post/52944,2020-09-24T11:19:01.192Z,2020-09-24T11:19:09.091Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7650 24816,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme.,/post/79552,2020-09-24T11:18:00.862Z,2020-09-24T11:18:26.254Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7650 24812,v1.0,,"John von Neumann, among other things a famous computer scientist, actually believed that it would be rational for the US to do a nuclear strike first, i.e., he believed in first-strike. He bolstered his argument using mathematics, specifically, game theory, in order to rationalize and deem “objective” a very devastating political position. As a young person interested in international relations and at home with mathematics, I was very intrigued by the use of mathematics that I, at the time, also thought was absolutely neutral and objective in the pursuit of devastating imperial politics.",/post/64014,2020-09-24T11:08:57.815Z,2020-11-25T11:38:36.356Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7990 24801,v1.0,,"nteresting thread. I had not thought that much about the energy required to push out all those ads. And in general yes there seems to be a common belief that storage bandwidth and throughput are a commodity limited only by current iterations of technology with no consideration of what gets consumed just to bring it to us. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54654,2020-09-23T17:34:41.239Z,2020-09-24T13:48:32.112Z,54654,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,6073 24800,v1.0,,greater energy cost,/post/54435,2020-09-23T17:34:41.237Z,2020-09-24T13:48:32.107Z,54435,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5158,6073 24799,v1.0,,But the amount of planet-warming electricity needed to power the Net could require as much as a fifth of all power generated. Already it is billions of kilowatt hours a year.,/post/53158,2020-09-23T17:34:41.235Z,2020-09-24T13:48:32.102Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,6073 24798,v1.0,,I believe there are some data bases for finding out environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2020-09-23T17:34:41.232Z,2020-09-24T13:48:32.096Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,6073 24797,v1.0,,"nteresting thread. I had not thought that much about the energy required to push out all those ads. And in general yes there seems to be a common belief that storage bandwidth and throughput are a commodity limited only by current iterations of technology with no consideration of what gets consumed just to bring it to us. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54654,2020-09-23T17:33:07.043Z,2020-09-23T17:33:07.043Z,54654,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,7646 24796,v1.0,,greater energy cost,/post/54435,2020-09-23T17:33:07.041Z,2020-09-23T17:33:07.041Z,54435,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5158,7646 24795,v1.0,,But the amount of planet-warming electricity needed to power the Net could require as much as a fifth of all power generated. Already it is billions of kilowatt hours a year.,/post/53158,2020-09-23T17:33:07.038Z,2020-09-23T17:33:07.038Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7646 24794,v1.0,,I believe there are some data bases for finding out environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2020-09-23T17:33:07.035Z,2020-09-23T17:33:07.035Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7646 24793,v1.0,,"I think I'd ask what the scope of the problem you're trying to explore is - I'll speak about IoT here, as I think web's a slightly different story, and this is already a pretty long response.",/post/55704,2020-09-23T17:25:13.544Z,2020-09-24T14:32:56.595Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7646 24792,v1.0,,"I think I'd ask what the scope of the problem you're trying to explore is - I'll speak about IoT here, as I think web's a slightly different story, and this is already a pretty long response.",/post/55704,2020-09-23T17:25:12.947Z,2020-09-23T17:25:12.947Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7644 24791,v1.0,,"Let's start by trying to define ""deep green"". Do you mean ""deep"" it as it is referred to in relation to ""deep tech""?",/post/55429,2020-09-23T17:20:26.891Z,2020-09-23T17:20:26.891Z,55429,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4022,7644 24790,v1.0,,For example- how would you/not approach the work of developing a deep green trustmark for digital tech? What would you not try/avoid doing? Who or what would you bring into that conversation?How would you mobilize people in tech to contribute or adopt using it?,/post/55428,2020-09-23T17:19:20.390Z,2020-09-23T17:19:20.390Z,55428,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,3980 24789,v1.0,,For example- how would you/not approach the work of developing a deep green trustmark for digital tech? What would you not try/avoid doing? Who or what would you bring into that conversation?How would you mobilize people in tech to contribute or adopt using it?,/post/55428,2020-09-23T17:18:30.692Z,2020-09-23T17:18:30.692Z,55428,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,3619 24787,v1.0,,For example- how would you/not approach the work of developing a deep green trustmark for digital tech? What would you not try/avoid doing? Who or what would you bring into that conversation?How would you mobilize people in tech to contribute or adopt using it?,/post/55428,2020-09-23T17:17:27.188Z,2020-09-23T17:17:27.188Z,55428,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,7083 24786,v1.0,,The aim would be to get a deeper understanding of what it means for tech products and organisations to be deep green and ecologically sustainable.,/post/55432,2020-09-23T17:04:12.230Z,2020-09-24T14:32:56.588Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7646 24784,v1.0,,"people, time and space. then y'all might build trust and learn space and power sharing i guess trust shared space power dynamics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/82030,2020-09-23T16:34:58.189Z,2020-09-23T16:34:58.189Z,82030,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,5252,1778 24783,v1.0,,"people, time and space. then y'all might build trust and learn space and power sharing i guess trust shared space power dynamics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/82030,2020-09-23T16:34:58.131Z,2020-09-23T16:34:58.131Z,82030,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,5252,4841 24782,v1.0,,"people, time and space. then y'all might build trust and learn space and power sharing i guess trust shared space power dynamics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/82030,2020-09-23T16:34:58.110Z,2020-09-23T16:34:58.110Z,82030,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,5252,1532 24781,v1.0,,"A pandemic brings new challenges and chances to co-living. @nachorodriguez, what have been the experiences regarding that in your community? adapting to new circumstances co-living COVID-19 Cancel Save Annotate",/post/80718,2020-09-23T16:34:43.760Z,2020-09-23T16:34:43.760Z,80718,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4934,4019 24780,v1.0,,"A pandemic brings new challenges and chances to co-living. @nachorodriguez, what have been the experiences regarding that in your community? adapting to new circumstances co-living COVID-19 Cancel Save Annotate",/post/80718,2020-09-23T16:34:43.676Z,2020-09-23T16:34:43.676Z,80718,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4934,5156 24779,v1.0,,"A pandemic brings new challenges and chances to co-living. @nachorodriguez, what have been the experiences regarding that in your community? adapting to new circumstances co-living COVID-19 Cancel Save Annotate",/post/80718,2020-09-23T16:34:43.667Z,2020-09-23T16:34:43.667Z,80718,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4934,3201 24778,v1.0,,"I agree. There is so much to be learned by extended experiments. I have been now been experimenting for almost eight years, in two different locations. And now, yes, I feel ready to settle. experimentation learning by doing Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75979,2020-09-23T16:34:25.130Z,2020-09-23T16:34:25.130Z,75979,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7622 24777,v1.0,,"I agree. There is so much to be learned by extended experiments. I have been now been experimenting for almost eight years, in two different locations. And now, yes, I feel ready to settle. experimentation learning by doing Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75979,2020-09-23T16:34:25.123Z,2020-09-23T16:34:25.123Z,75979,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4525 24776,v1.0,,"Personally, I am more than interested in extending the ""experiment"" until we can make it a more permanent move, so fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: experimentation Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75960,2020-09-23T16:34:14.232Z,2020-09-23T16:34:14.232Z,75960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,4525 24775,v1.0,,"There is a 100km commute, each way, which will probably be needed once a week, but the potential is still good. Maybe one day the old train line will be reactivated? :man_shrugging:",/post/75960,2020-09-23T16:34:10.033Z,2020-09-23T16:34:10.033Z,75960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,6009 24774,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:57.969Z,2020-09-23T16:33:57.969Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,4019 24773,v1.0,,"As for ""relocation"", so far we've seen a few plots of land, only a couple seemed suitable for me. The architect we talked about said we'd realistically be able to begin construction only next year, so whatever the case, we need patience (I was hoping for this winter already). The micro-climate of this valley is definitely something else compared to Yerevan, but the abundance of water should make up for it :slight_smile:",/post/75960,2020-09-23T16:33:47.480Z,2020-09-23T16:33:47.480Z,75960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,7102 24772,v1.0,,"As for ""relocation"", so far we've seen a few plots of land, only a couple seemed suitable for me. The architect we talked about said we'd realistically be able to begin construction only next year, so whatever the case, we need patience (I was hoping for this winter already). The micro-climate of this valley is definitely something else compared to Yerevan, but the abundance of water should make up for it :slight_smile:",/post/75960,2020-09-23T16:33:47.477Z,2020-09-23T16:33:47.477Z,75960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,4019 24771,v1.0,,"As for ""relocation"", so far we've seen a few plots of land, only a couple seemed suitable for me. The architect we talked about said we'd realistically be able to begin construction only next year, so whatever the case, we need patience (I was hoping for this winter already). The micro-climate of this valley is definitely something else compared to Yerevan, but the abundance of water should make up for it :slight_smile:",/post/75960,2020-09-23T16:33:47.469Z,2020-09-23T16:33:47.469Z,75960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,7592 24770,v1.0,,"As for ""relocation"", so far we've seen a few plots of land, only a couple seemed suitable for me. The architect we talked about said we'd realistically be able to begin construction only next year, so whatever the case, we need patience (I was hoping for this winter already). The micro-climate of this valley is definitely something else compared to Yerevan, but the abundance of water should make up for it :slight_smile:",/post/75960,2020-09-23T16:33:47.465Z,2020-09-23T16:33:47.465Z,75960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,1273 24769,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:14.018Z,2020-09-23T16:33:14.018Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,7592 24768,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:14.016Z,2020-09-23T16:33:14.016Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,3201 24767,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.992Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.992Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,1532 24766,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.919Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.919Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,7606 24765,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.909Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.909Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,2944 24764,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.902Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.902Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,1446 24763,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.885Z,2020-10-19T10:50:01.973Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,3843 24762,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.882Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.882Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,80 24761,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.879Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.879Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,2799 24760,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.762Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.762Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,2287 24759,v1.0,,"A little update: we are currently trying this! The government gave 24h for people to relocate, we took advantage and very quickly swapped our city flat for another rented space in a town that has potential for what we were discussing before (rural co-living with some resilience when it come to food and energy). Friends were already first movers in a sense, only they were making their own home here, not focusing on the communal aspect; so now we can explore the possibility to expand on that with them, by being physically on site while still working remotely. Ideally we'll need to attract more families/people for it to work, but for now we can get a better ""pitch"" together - as you sort of suggested - by going through the concrete steps of creating our home first. There are plenty of logistical hurdles, but it was an experiment very much worth making.",/post/74588,2020-09-23T16:33:13.760Z,2020-09-23T16:33:13.760Z,74588,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1877,5326 24758,v1.0,,"i think the whole concept is a slightly morphed realization of exiting community living social frameworks like Tolstoyan movement (except that yours has no connection with any form of religion - i perhaps see what you mean by cult here may be). living arrangements → communal living invoking the past Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:31:57.814Z,2020-09-23T16:31:57.814Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7643 24757,v1.0,,"i think the whole concept is a slightly morphed realization of exiting community living social frameworks like Tolstoyan movement (except that yours has no connection with any form of religion - i perhaps see what you mean by cult here may be). living arrangements → communal living invoking the past Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:31:57.677Z,2020-09-23T16:31:57.677Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7367 24756,v1.0,,So in a way yes - for some people it might me a 'must-have' but others 'could-have' requirement.,/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:31:10.804Z,2020-09-23T16:31:10.804Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7616 24755,v1.0,,So in a way yes - for some people it might me a 'must-have' but others 'could-have' requirement.,/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:31:10.712Z,2020-09-23T16:31:10.712Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,5020 24754,v1.0,,So in a way yes - for some people it might me a 'must-have' but others 'could-have' requirement.,/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:31:10.694Z,2020-09-23T16:31:10.694Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,1818 24753,v1.0,,"Its a perception issue as well, if someone feels that ""i am being forced"" in becoming friends , it is counter productive. Meaning technically if each house-mate has their own inner circle that satisfies their emotional and peripheral needs , no one cares who you are living with - as long as they dont touch/ move their cheese :smiley:",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:30:55.133Z,2020-09-23T16:30:55.133Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,963 24752,v1.0,,"Emotional bonding is not the point. It can emerge, but also not. The Reef is a platform on which, then, people build all kinds of personal relationships. The point is living together. If you make personal involvement a requirement, in my experience things become a bit cultish for my taste. Edit Delete No Commentambient sociality Edit Delete No Commentsocial engagement Edit Delete No Commentdoing things informally Edit Delete No Commentcommunity building Edit Delete No Commentautonomy letting things happen organically Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:30:45.083Z,2020-09-23T16:30:45.083Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7642 24751,v1.0,,"Its a perception issue as well, if someone feels that ""i am being forced"" in becoming friends , it is counter productive. Meaning technically if each house-mate has their own inner circle that satisfies their emotional and peripheral needs , no one cares who you are living with - as long as they dont touch/ move their cheese :smiley:",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:30:39.344Z,2020-09-23T16:30:39.344Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7642 24750,v1.0,,"Its a perception issue as well, if someone feels that ""i am being forced"" in becoming friends , it is counter productive. Meaning technically if each house-mate has their own inner circle that satisfies their emotional and peripheral needs , no one cares who you are living with - as long as they dont touch/ move their cheese :smiley:",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:30:39.264Z,2020-09-23T16:30:39.264Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,6138 24749,v1.0,,"Emotional bonding is not the point. It can emerge, but also not. The Reef is a platform on which, then, people build all kinds of personal relationships. The point is living together. If you make personal involvement a requirement, in my experience things become a bit cultish for my taste. Edit Delete No Commentambient sociality Edit Delete No Commentsocial engagement Edit Delete No Commentdoing things informally Edit Delete No Commentcommunity building Cancel Save autonomy Annotate",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:30:06.177Z,2020-09-23T16:30:06.177Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,80 24748,v1.0,,"Dont know what you mean by cultish but we all are part of our own secret and non-secret cults, that is not the issue. The issue is about our own comfort zones , spaces and insecurities.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:59.511Z,2020-09-23T16:29:59.511Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7598 24747,v1.0,,"Dont know what you mean by cultish but we all are part of our own secret and non-secret cults, that is not the issue. The issue is about our own comfort zones , spaces and insecurities.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:59.499Z,2020-09-23T16:29:59.499Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,3610 24746,v1.0,,"Dont know what you mean by cultish but we all are part of our own secret and non-secret cults, that is not the issue. The issue is about our own comfort zones , spaces and insecurities.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:59.409Z,2020-09-23T16:29:59.409Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,1532 24745,v1.0,,"yes it may or may not emerge, true. But to live together in harmony you need to have certain level of genuine empathy - and this empathy is the basis of such emotional bond and more of respect towards each other.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:38.073Z,2020-09-23T16:29:38.073Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7641 24744,v1.0,,"yes it may or may not emerge, true. But to live together in harmony you need to have certain level of genuine empathy - and this empathy is the basis of such emotional bond and more of respect towards each other.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:37.987Z,2020-09-23T16:29:37.987Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,5799 24743,v1.0,,"yes it may or may not emerge, true. But to live together in harmony you need to have certain level of genuine empathy - and this empathy is the basis of such emotional bond and more of respect towards each other.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:37.958Z,2020-09-23T16:29:37.958Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,4761 24742,v1.0,,"yes it may or may not emerge, true. But to live together in harmony you need to have certain level of genuine empathy - and this empathy is the basis of such emotional bond and more of respect towards each other.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:37.944Z,2020-09-23T16:29:37.944Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,358 24741,v1.0,,"yes it may or may not emerge, true. But to live together in harmony you need to have certain level of genuine empathy - and this empathy is the basis of such emotional bond and more of respect towards each other.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:37.869Z,2020-09-23T16:29:37.869Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,3201 24740,v1.0,,"yes it may or may not emerge, true. But to live together in harmony you need to have certain level of genuine empathy - and this empathy is the basis of such emotional bond and more of respect towards each other.",/post/74015,2020-09-23T16:29:37.844Z,2020-09-23T16:29:37.844Z,74015,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,1452 24739,v1.0,,"We needed to be very practical, in terms of particularly investing, to make sure that our business was sustainable. In order for the technology aspect of business itself to make sense, we had to keep our investments shorter on that side. If we had more skill in our coworking spaces, so if we have planned to open other coworking locations, we will probably have invested also more in technology.",/post/80267,2020-09-23T16:29:06.268Z,2020-09-23T16:29:06.268Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6131 24738,v1.0,,"Emotional bonding is not the point. It can emerge, but also not. The Reef is a platform on which, then, people build all kinds of personal relationships. The point is living together. If you make personal involvement a requirement, in my experience things become a bit cultish for my taste. community building ambient sociality social engagement doing things informally Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:28:45.207Z,2020-09-23T16:28:45.207Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6138 24737,v1.0,,"Emotional bonding is not the point. It can emerge, but also not. The Reef is a platform on which, then, people build all kinds of personal relationships. The point is living together. If you make personal involvement a requirement, in my experience things become a bit cultish for my taste. community building ambient sociality social engagement doing things informally Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:28:45.185Z,2020-09-23T16:28:45.185Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,358 24736,v1.0,,"Emotional bonding is not the point. It can emerge, but also not. The Reef is a platform on which, then, people build all kinds of personal relationships. The point is living together. If you make personal involvement a requirement, in my experience things become a bit cultish for my taste. community building ambient sociality social engagement doing things informally Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:28:45.114Z,2020-09-23T16:28:45.114Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5187 24735,v1.0,,"Emotional bonding is not the point. It can emerge, but also not. The Reef is a platform on which, then, people build all kinds of personal relationships. The point is living together. If you make personal involvement a requirement, in my experience things become a bit cultish for my taste. community building ambient sociality social engagement doing things informally Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:28:45.109Z,2020-09-23T16:28:45.109Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5481 24734,v1.0,,"I absolutely agree that diversity is key. Age, but also lifestyle (9-to-5 jobs vs. work from home), gender etc.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:52.673Z,2020-09-23T16:27:52.673Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2287 24733,v1.0,,"I absolutely agree that diversity is key. Age, but also lifestyle (9-to-5 jobs vs. work from home), gender etc.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:52.661Z,2020-09-23T16:27:52.661Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1532 24732,v1.0,,"I absolutely agree that diversity is key. Age, but also lifestyle (9-to-5 jobs vs. work from home), gender etc.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:52.650Z,2020-09-23T16:27:52.650Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3201 24731,v1.0,,"I absolutely agree that diversity is key. Age, but also lifestyle (9-to-5 jobs vs. work from home), gender etc.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:52.559Z,2020-09-23T16:27:52.559Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1533 24730,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:37.205Z,2020-09-23T16:27:37.205Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7640 24729,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:37.088Z,2020-09-24T14:19:33.812Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3798 24728,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:37.083Z,2020-09-23T16:27:37.083Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1533 24727,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:37.079Z,2020-09-23T16:27:37.079Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7616 24726,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:37.074Z,2020-09-23T16:27:37.074Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1532 24725,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:36.990Z,2020-09-23T16:27:36.990Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5020 24724,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:36.987Z,2020-09-23T16:27:36.987Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7632 24723,v1.0,,"Currently: Female in her 50s, born and raised in Belgium. Temporary resident, only quarantining here. Male in his 30s, born and raised in India. Female in her late 20s, born and raised in Brussels by Chinese parents. Me: male in his 50s, born and raised in Italy.",/post/73999,2020-09-23T16:27:36.963Z,2020-09-23T16:27:36.963Z,73999,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,732 24722,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.503Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.503Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7639 24721,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.424Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.424Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,3201 24720,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.420Z,2020-10-09T11:59:53.461Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,6077 24719,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.415Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.415Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,1778 24718,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.399Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.399Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7638 24717,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.368Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.368Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7637 24716,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.333Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.333Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,5098 24715,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.329Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.329Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7595 24714,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.296Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.296Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,1483 24713,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.295Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.295Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,730 24712,v1.0,,"'alberto' i assume who posted this , seems to be an inhabitant in the 'Reef's' residential space as well as a 'worker' in the 'Reef's' commercial space (?) - is it possible that none of the 'inhabitants' are also 'workers' at the ""the Reef"" (?) - i think that will disrupt the model / prototype. i have seen several cases in past in the UK where they had such similar set ups, but because there was no clear space modularity (from a security / safety stand point) , so there were burglaries and residents had tough conversations with the workers",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:26:46.170Z,2020-09-23T16:26:46.170Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,2287 24711,v1.0,,"s to open new co-living locations and coworking locations in rural areas within the Canary Islands. I think that will provide a very good experience for those who visit us.We’ve been mostly focused in a rural are here in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. But right now, because of all of this, and because we see that this is a trend, and more and more people are asking for it, we’re also looking forward to develop our network into those areas where more workers are wanting to be.",/post/80267,2020-09-23T16:26:43.083Z,2020-09-23T16:26:51.984Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6212 24710,v1.0,,"We’ve been mostly focused in a rural are here in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. But right now, because of all of this, and because we see that this is a trend, and more and more people are asking for it, we’re also looking forward to develop our network into those areas where more workers are wanting to be.",/post/80267,2020-09-23T16:26:43.081Z,2020-09-23T16:26:51.978Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6212 24709,v1.0,,There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking that can facilitate the balance between working outside the main business premises but can provide the social interaction that humans require.,/post/80422,2020-09-23T16:26:43.079Z,2020-09-23T16:26:51.972Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6212 24708,v1.0,,"will experience many of the same problems with generating demand, usage as well as the challenges facing the volunteers managing these facilities",/post/80422,2020-09-23T16:26:43.076Z,2020-09-23T16:26:51.967Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6212 24707,v1.0,,"Also i wonder what is the age spectrum of the inhabitants - i personally feel when majority of inhabitants at such a space are in their early-twenties to early thirties (like 22 to 32) - this model might become wobbly (i think such idealistic commerco-residential space needs level headed mature individuals both as inhabitants as well as workers). So its not just about the willingness to start (as advised to 'Xavier') but also finding the right people willing to stay / work at such place.",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:25:23.132Z,2020-09-24T14:19:33.819Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,3798 24706,v1.0,,"Also i wonder what is the age spectrum of the inhabitants - i personally feel when majority of inhabitants at such a space are in their early-twenties to early thirties (like 22 to 32) - this model might become wobbly (i think such idealistic commerco-residential space needs level headed mature individuals both as inhabitants as well as workers). So its not just about the willingness to start (as advised to 'Xavier') but also finding the right people willing to stay / work at such place.",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:25:23.037Z,2020-09-23T16:25:23.037Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7634 24705,v1.0,,"Also i wonder what is the age spectrum of the inhabitants - i personally feel when majority of inhabitants at such a space are in their early-twenties to early thirties (like 22 to 32) - this model might become wobbly (i think such idealistic commerco-residential space needs level headed mature individuals both as inhabitants as well as workers). So its not just about the willingness to start (as advised to 'Xavier') but also finding the right people willing to stay / work at such place.",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:25:23.009Z,2020-09-23T16:25:23.009Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,358 24704,v1.0,,"Also i wonder what is the age spectrum of the inhabitants - i personally feel when majority of inhabitants at such a space are in their early-twenties to early thirties (like 22 to 32) - this model might become wobbly (i think such idealistic commerco-residential space needs level headed mature individuals both as inhabitants as well as workers). So its not just about the willingness to start (as advised to 'Xavier') but also finding the right people willing to stay / work at such place.",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:25:22.943Z,2020-09-23T16:25:22.943Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,5699 24703,v1.0,,"Also i wonder what is the age spectrum of the inhabitants - i personally feel when majority of inhabitants at such a space are in their early-twenties to early thirties (like 22 to 32) - this model might become wobbly (i think such idealistic commerco-residential space needs level headed mature individuals both as inhabitants as well as workers). So its not just about the willingness to start (as advised to 'Xavier') but also finding the right people willing to stay / work at such place.",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:25:22.928Z,2020-09-23T16:25:22.928Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,390 24702,v1.0,,"i am also curious about the ethnic diversity about this prototype and their behaviors. i assume everyone is Europe-born- bred(??). I wonder how having a non- European changes the interaction or rather creates either a shock or surprise within such a finite eco-system . cultural diversity ethnic diversity complexity destabilising balance Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:38.202Z,2020-09-23T16:24:38.202Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7633 24701,v1.0,,"i am also curious about the ethnic diversity about this prototype and their behaviors. i assume everyone is Europe-born- bred(??). I wonder how having a non- European changes the interaction or rather creates either a shock or surprise within such a finite eco-system . cultural diversity ethnic diversity complexity destabilising balance Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:38.127Z,2020-09-23T16:24:38.127Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7632 24700,v1.0,,"i am also curious about the ethnic diversity about this prototype and their behaviors. i assume everyone is Europe-born- bred(??). I wonder how having a non- European changes the interaction or rather creates either a shock or surprise within such a finite eco-system . cultural diversity ethnic diversity complexity destabilising balance Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:38.120Z,2020-09-23T16:24:38.120Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,4761 24699,v1.0,,"i am also curious about the ethnic diversity about this prototype and their behaviors. i assume everyone is Europe-born- bred(??). I wonder how having a non- European changes the interaction or rather creates either a shock or surprise within such a finite eco-system . cultural diversity ethnic diversity complexity destabilising balance Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:38.103Z,2020-09-23T16:24:38.103Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,732 24698,v1.0,,"i am also curious about the ethnic diversity about this prototype and their behaviors. i assume everyone is Europe-born- bred(??). I wonder how having a non- European changes the interaction or rather creates either a shock or surprise within such a finite eco-system . cultural diversity ethnic diversity complexity destabilising balance Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:38.032Z,2020-09-23T16:24:38.032Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,4041 24697,v1.0,,"I wonder - if people staying in the Reef really have an emotional bond with each other or not. Do they have any sense of belonging-ness towards each other. I suppose everyone of you might say - ""Yes I like my co-sharing flat-mates"". But is their willingness to spend time together or its more of a once or twice a week formality",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:03.550Z,2020-09-23T16:24:03.550Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,1533 24696,v1.0,,"I wonder - if people staying in the Reef really have an emotional bond with each other or not. Do they have any sense of belonging-ness towards each other. I suppose everyone of you might say - ""Yes I like my co-sharing flat-mates"". But is their willingness to spend time together or its more of a once or twice a week formality",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:03.508Z,2020-09-23T16:24:03.508Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7631 24695,v1.0,,"I wonder - if people staying in the Reef really have an emotional bond with each other or not. Do they have any sense of belonging-ness towards each other. I suppose everyone of you might say - ""Yes I like my co-sharing flat-mates"". But is their willingness to spend time together or its more of a once or twice a week formality",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:03.437Z,2020-09-23T16:24:03.437Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,1532 24694,v1.0,,"I wonder - if people staying in the Reef really have an emotional bond with each other or not. Do they have any sense of belonging-ness towards each other. I suppose everyone of you might say - ""Yes I like my co-sharing flat-mates"". But is their willingness to spend time together or its more of a once or twice a week formality",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:02.952Z,2020-09-23T16:24:02.952Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,6137 24693,v1.0,,"I wonder - if people staying in the Reef really have an emotional bond with each other or not. Do they have any sense of belonging-ness towards each other. I suppose everyone of you might say - ""Yes I like my co-sharing flat-mates"". But is their willingness to spend time together or its more of a once or twice a week formality",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:02.694Z,2020-09-23T16:24:02.694Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,358 24692,v1.0,,"I wonder - if people staying in the Reef really have an emotional bond with each other or not. Do they have any sense of belonging-ness towards each other. I suppose everyone of you might say - ""Yes I like my co-sharing flat-mates"". But is their willingness to spend time together or its more of a once or twice a week formality",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:02.516Z,2020-09-23T16:24:02.516Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,3809 24691,v1.0,,"I wonder - if people staying in the Reef really have an emotional bond with each other or not. Do they have any sense of belonging-ness towards each other. I suppose everyone of you might say - ""Yes I like my co-sharing flat-mates"". But is their willingness to spend time together or its more of a once or twice a week formality",/post/73990,2020-09-23T16:24:02.270Z,2020-09-23T16:24:02.270Z,73990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6406,7352 24690,v1.0,,"Each of us is seeing from zero to one person outside the house. These extra people are informed that their behavior could potentially put all of us at risk. The consensus is that zero risk is impossible to achieve, so we settle for vigilance and risk minimization. Edit Delete No Commenthealth risk Edit Delete No Commentminimising risk co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:22:50.599Z,2020-09-23T16:22:50.599Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3201 24689,v1.0,,"Each of us is seeing from zero to one person outside the house. These extra people are informed that their behavior could potentially put all of us at risk. The consensus is that zero risk is impossible to achieve, so we settle for vigilance and risk minimization. Edit Delete No Commenthealth risk Edit Delete No Commentminimising risk co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:22:50.507Z,2020-09-23T16:22:50.507Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2287 24688,v1.0,,"Each of us is seeing from zero to one person outside the house. These extra people are informed that their behavior could potentially put all of us at risk. The consensus is that zero risk is impossible to achieve, so we settle for vigilance and risk minimization. minimising risk health risk Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:45.297Z,2020-09-23T16:20:45.297Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7629 24687,v1.0,,"Each of us is seeing from zero to one person outside the house. These extra people are informed that their behavior could potentially put all of us at risk. The consensus is that zero risk is impossible to achieve, so we settle for vigilance and risk minimization. minimising risk health risk Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:45.116Z,2020-09-23T16:20:45.116Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3702 24686,v1.0,,Do you guys talk to each other and explicitly ask ?,/post/73602,2020-09-23T16:20:27.032Z,2020-09-23T16:20:27.032Z,73602,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6397,350 24685,v1.0,,"Yes, we had an explicit discussion about who was seeing whom, and what precautions were being taken.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:19.867Z,2020-09-23T16:20:19.867Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1262 24684,v1.0,,"Yes, we had an explicit discussion about who was seeing whom, and what precautions were being taken.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:19.856Z,2020-09-23T16:20:19.856Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,350 24683,v1.0,,"We don't. We follow WHO guidelines. Unfortunately the Belgian government is not following the bit about testing so much, so we cannot get tested.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:09.725Z,2020-09-23T16:20:09.725Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7627 24682,v1.0,,"We don't. We follow WHO guidelines. Unfortunately the Belgian government is not following the bit about testing so much, so we cannot get tested.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:09.717Z,2020-09-23T16:20:55.418Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7630 24681,v1.0,,"We don't. We follow WHO guidelines. Unfortunately the Belgian government is not following the bit about testing so much, so we cannot get tested.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:09.653Z,2020-09-23T16:20:09.653Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,905 24680,v1.0,,"We don't. We follow WHO guidelines. Unfortunately the Belgian government is not following the bit about testing so much, so we cannot get tested.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:09.609Z,2020-09-23T16:20:09.609Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5156 24679,v1.0,,"We don't. We follow WHO guidelines. Unfortunately the Belgian government is not following the bit about testing so much, so we cannot get tested.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:09.589Z,2020-09-23T16:20:09.589Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7624 24678,v1.0,,"We don't. We follow WHO guidelines. Unfortunately the Belgian government is not following the bit about testing so much, so we cannot get tested.",/post/73921,2020-09-23T16:20:09.573Z,2020-09-23T16:20:09.573Z,73921,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7559 24677,v1.0,,"It seems that this works fine for online spaces: at the moment online spaces (especially online meeting spaces) are used for various purpose: business meetings, hanging out with friends, meditation ... to name just a few.",/post/73651,2020-09-23T16:19:28.810Z,2020-09-23T16:19:28.810Z,73651,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,6178 24676,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:19:17.180Z,2020-09-23T16:19:17.180Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7625 24675,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:19:17.172Z,2020-09-23T16:19:17.172Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6178 24674,v1.0,,"All we need to do is to transform this behavior into analog space :slight_smile: paradigm shift behaviour change Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73651,2020-09-23T16:18:49.660Z,2020-09-23T16:18:49.660Z,73651,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7626 24673,v1.0,,"All we need to do is to transform this behavior into analog space :slight_smile: paradigm shift behaviour change Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73651,2020-09-23T16:18:49.578Z,2020-09-23T16:18:49.578Z,73651,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,4704 24672,v1.0,,"It seems that this works fine for online spaces: at the moment online spaces (especially online meeting spaces) are used for various purpose: business meetings, hanging out with friends, meditation ... to name just a few.",/post/73651,2020-09-23T16:18:21.293Z,2020-09-23T16:18:21.293Z,73651,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7625 24671,v1.0,,"It seems that this works fine for online spaces: at the moment online spaces (especially online meeting spaces) are used for various purpose: business meetings, hanging out with friends, meditation ... to name just a few.",/post/73651,2020-09-23T16:18:21.123Z,2020-09-23T16:18:21.123Z,73651,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,1532 24670,v1.0,,"It seems that this works fine for online spaces: at the moment online spaces (especially online meeting spaces) are used for various purpose: business meetings, hanging out with friends, meditation ... to name just a few.",/post/73651,2020-09-23T16:18:21.058Z,2020-09-23T16:18:21.058Z,73651,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,5491 24669,v1.0,,"Also do you all guys maintain the rules of social distancing? like among yourself? or with others? i assume none of you are now going out and meeting friends , but only for essentials like groceries.",/post/73602,2020-09-23T16:17:48.695Z,2020-09-23T16:17:48.695Z,73602,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6397,7624 24668,v1.0,,"Also do you all guys maintain the rules of social distancing? like among yourself? or with others? i assume none of you are now going out and meeting friends , but only for essentials like groceries.",/post/73602,2020-09-23T16:17:48.602Z,2020-09-23T16:17:48.602Z,73602,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6397,6113 24667,v1.0,,how do you know the person is infected especially given the fact that some of you are already carrying it but are not showing symptoms.,/post/73602,2020-09-23T16:17:28.911Z,2020-09-23T16:17:28.911Z,73602,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6397,5156 24666,v1.0,,how do you know the person is infected especially given the fact that some of you are already carrying it but are not showing symptoms.,/post/73602,2020-09-23T16:17:28.847Z,2020-09-23T16:17:28.847Z,73602,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6397,5470 24665,v1.0,,how do you know the person is infected especially given the fact that some of you are already carrying it but are not showing symptoms.,/post/73602,2020-09-23T16:17:28.822Z,2020-09-23T16:17:28.822Z,73602,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,6397,1262 24664,v1.0,,"Someone who lives in a similar situation is @felix.wolfsteller who lives at Ecovillage Sieben Linden in Germany. I wonder how that community is coping. The housing there is apartment style with a lot of common areas. co-living environmental sustainability Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73436,2020-09-23T16:16:36.662Z,2020-09-23T16:16:36.662Z,73436,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,2915,3201 24663,v1.0,,"Someone who lives in a similar situation is @felix.wolfsteller who lives at Ecovillage Sieben Linden in Germany. I wonder how that community is coping. The housing there is apartment style with a lot of common areas. co-living environmental sustainability Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73436,2020-09-23T16:16:36.573Z,2020-09-24T14:33:12.968Z,73436,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,2915,7646 24662,v1.0,,"@xaver, FIY we have something called the Reef Alliance. It is only a commitment to stay in touch and share relevant information. You join the alliance by signing a memorandum of understanding. We have three signatories (Edgeryders, Haus Blivande in Stockholm, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Civica in Bologna). Two more, one in Romania and one in Sicily, are likely to sign in the next week or so. If you decide you want to go into this and maintain an open knowledge attitude, maybe you could consider it. You do not need an incorporation or anything, I do not see why you could not sign it as an individual. In case let me know, I'll send you the document so you can look at it. Signing happens digitally, we subscribe to a service for that. networking community building connecting people openness digitisation → digital signature co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73339,2020-09-23T16:15:03.783Z,2020-09-23T16:15:03.783Z,73339,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4336 24661,v1.0,,"@xaver, FIY we have something called the Reef Alliance. It is only a commitment to stay in touch and share relevant information. You join the alliance by signing a memorandum of understanding. We have three signatories (Edgeryders, Haus Blivande in Stockholm, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Civica in Bologna). Two more, one in Romania and one in Sicily, are likely to sign in the next week or so. If you decide you want to go into this and maintain an open knowledge attitude, maybe you could consider it. You do not need an incorporation or anything, I do not see why you could not sign it as an individual. In case let me know, I'll send you the document so you can look at it. Signing happens digitally, we subscribe to a service for that. networking community building connecting people openness digitisation → digital signature co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73339,2020-09-23T16:15:03.772Z,2020-09-25T18:10:27.914Z,73339,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,394 24660,v1.0,,"@xaver, FIY we have something called the Reef Alliance. It is only a commitment to stay in touch and share relevant information. You join the alliance by signing a memorandum of understanding. We have three signatories (Edgeryders, Haus Blivande in Stockholm, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Civica in Bologna). Two more, one in Romania and one in Sicily, are likely to sign in the next week or so. If you decide you want to go into this and maintain an open knowledge attitude, maybe you could consider it. You do not need an incorporation or anything, I do not see why you could not sign it as an individual. In case let me know, I'll send you the document so you can look at it. Signing happens digitally, we subscribe to a service for that. networking community building connecting people openness digitisation → digital signature co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73339,2020-09-23T16:15:03.771Z,2020-09-23T16:15:03.771Z,73339,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3201 24659,v1.0,,"@xaver, FIY we have something called the Reef Alliance. It is only a commitment to stay in touch and share relevant information. You join the alliance by signing a memorandum of understanding. We have three signatories (Edgeryders, Haus Blivande in Stockholm, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Civica in Bologna). Two more, one in Romania and one in Sicily, are likely to sign in the next week or so. If you decide you want to go into this and maintain an open knowledge attitude, maybe you could consider it. You do not need an incorporation or anything, I do not see why you could not sign it as an individual. In case let me know, I'll send you the document so you can look at it. Signing happens digitally, we subscribe to a service for that. networking community building connecting people openness digitisation → digital signature co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73339,2020-09-23T16:15:03.767Z,2020-09-23T16:15:03.767Z,73339,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2287 24658,v1.0,,"@xaver, FIY we have something called the Reef Alliance. It is only a commitment to stay in touch and share relevant information. You join the alliance by signing a memorandum of understanding. We have three signatories (Edgeryders, Haus Blivande in Stockholm, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Civica in Bologna). Two more, one in Romania and one in Sicily, are likely to sign in the next week or so. If you decide you want to go into this and maintain an open knowledge attitude, maybe you could consider it. You do not need an incorporation or anything, I do not see why you could not sign it as an individual. In case let me know, I'll send you the document so you can look at it. Signing happens digitally, we subscribe to a service for that. networking community building connecting people openness digitisation → digital signature co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73339,2020-09-23T16:15:03.718Z,2020-09-23T16:15:03.718Z,73339,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1262 24657,v1.0,,"@xaver, FIY we have something called the Reef Alliance. It is only a commitment to stay in touch and share relevant information. You join the alliance by signing a memorandum of understanding. We have three signatories (Edgeryders, Haus Blivande in Stockholm, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Civica in Bologna). Two more, one in Romania and one in Sicily, are likely to sign in the next week or so. If you decide you want to go into this and maintain an open knowledge attitude, maybe you could consider it. You do not need an incorporation or anything, I do not see why you could not sign it as an individual. In case let me know, I'll send you the document so you can look at it. Signing happens digitally, we subscribe to a service for that. networking community building connecting people openness digitisation → digital signature co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73339,2020-09-23T16:15:03.639Z,2020-09-23T16:15:03.639Z,73339,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,394 24656,v1.0,,"@xaver, FIY we have something called the Reef Alliance. It is only a commitment to stay in touch and share relevant information. You join the alliance by signing a memorandum of understanding. We have three signatories (Edgeryders, Haus Blivande in Stockholm, Fondazione per l'Innovazione Civica in Bologna). Two more, one in Romania and one in Sicily, are likely to sign in the next week or so. If you decide you want to go into this and maintain an open knowledge attitude, maybe you could consider it. You do not need an incorporation or anything, I do not see why you could not sign it as an individual. In case let me know, I'll send you the document so you can look at it. Signing happens digitally, we subscribe to a service for that. networking community building connecting people openness digitisation → digital signature co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73339,2020-09-23T16:15:03.638Z,2020-09-23T16:15:03.638Z,73339,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,358 24655,v1.0,,"Since cohousing and coliving rely on a healthy community this is the way to go: provide space and invite people to join who are willing to contribute to a fun, open, connected experience. And: let it grow.",/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:14:07.902Z,2020-09-23T16:14:07.902Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7592 24654,v1.0,,"Since cohousing and coliving rely on a healthy community this is the way to go: provide space and invite people to join who are willing to contribute to a fun, open, connected experience. And: let it grow.",/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:14:07.874Z,2020-09-23T16:14:07.874Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,3201 24653,v1.0,,"Since cohousing and coliving rely on a healthy community this is the way to go: provide space and invite people to join who are willing to contribute to a fun, open, connected experience. And: let it grow.",/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:14:07.855Z,2020-09-23T16:14:07.855Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,2963 24652,v1.0,,"Since cohousing and coliving rely on a healthy community this is the way to go: provide space and invite people to join who are willing to contribute to a fun, open, connected experience. And: let it grow.",/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:14:07.830Z,2020-09-23T16:14:07.830Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,1262 24651,v1.0,,"Since cohousing and coliving rely on a healthy community this is the way to go: provide space and invite people to join who are willing to contribute to a fun, open, connected experience. And: let it grow.",/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:14:07.826Z,2020-09-23T16:14:07.826Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,2287 24650,v1.0,,"I found this in some of the projects I am involved in: Community is formed by the members by their desires, behavior and actions. There is no big plan needed but some basic ingredients like space, shared values, openness and respect.",/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:13:32.600Z,2020-09-23T16:13:32.600Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,5056 24649,v1.0,,"I found this in some of the projects I am involved in: Community is formed by the members by their desires, behavior and actions. There is no big plan needed but some basic ingredients like space, shared values, openness and respect.",/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:13:32.583Z,2020-09-23T16:13:32.583Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,1533 24648,v1.0,,Yes this makes sense. Follow your heart and learn while you go. This is a good way to grow community and build trust and engagement.,/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:13:18.593Z,2020-09-23T16:13:18.593Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7623 24647,v1.0,,Yes this makes sense. Follow your heart and learn while you go. This is a good way to grow community and build trust and engagement.,/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:13:18.516Z,2020-09-23T16:13:18.516Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7622 24646,v1.0,,Yes this makes sense. Follow your heart and learn while you go. This is a good way to grow community and build trust and engagement.,/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:13:18.482Z,2020-09-23T16:13:18.482Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,1778 24645,v1.0,,Yes this makes sense. Follow your heart and learn while you go. This is a good way to grow community and build trust and engagement.,/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:13:18.479Z,2020-09-23T16:13:18.479Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,4061 24644,v1.0,,Yes this makes sense. Follow your heart and learn while you go. This is a good way to grow community and build trust and engagement.,/post/73301,2020-09-23T16:13:18.464Z,2020-09-23T16:13:18.464Z,73301,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,358 24643,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.989Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.989Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7621 24641,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.967Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.967Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1380 24640,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.956Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.956Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7592 24639,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.914Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.914Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,358 24638,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.878Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.878Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2287 24637,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.864Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.864Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3201 24636,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.863Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.863Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7620 24635,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.840Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.840Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7618 24634,v1.0,,"Well, at the small scale of the prototype that was not necessary. What was needed was a first mover: ""I am going to do this, no matter what"". This gives the second mover some certainties: ""the opportunity is there, I do not have to make it, but only to decide if I want to move in"". The prototype happened because Nadia and I decided to make it, back in 2012. The group happened later, coalescing around the space.",/post/73238,2020-09-23T16:12:38.838Z,2020-09-23T16:12:38.838Z,73238,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1067 24633,v1.0,,"Today, the discourse around Smart Cities is largely dominated by the vendors of smart city tech: The debate is using their language, the framing of possible solutions matches their products. There isn’t anything malign going on, either - but the arguments are one-sided and myopic: They are selling technical “solutions” to complex societal challenges. This can never work, and is problematic in a myriad of ways.",/post/53307,2020-09-23T16:12:03.430Z,2020-09-23T16:12:03.430Z,53307,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1662 24632,v1.0,,"Today, the discourse around Smart Cities is largely dominated by the vendors of smart city tech: The debate is using their language, the framing of possible solutions matches their products. There isn’t anything malign going on, either - but the arguments are one-sided and myopic: They are selling technical “solutions” to complex societal challenges. This can never work, and is problematic in a myriad of ways.",/post/53307,2020-09-23T16:12:03.425Z,2020-09-23T16:12:03.425Z,53307,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5368 24630,v1.0,,"If you have already other people wanting to do this with you @xaver, these decisions about density and use of the space should come easier because they depend on what people want and their access to resources. decision-making organising space access resource provision sharing resources Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:11:38.952Z,2020-09-23T16:11:38.952Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,2963 24629,v1.0,,"If you have already other people wanting to do this with you @xaver, these decisions about density and use of the space should come easier because they depend on what people want and their access to resources. decision-making organising space access resource provision sharing resources Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:11:38.940Z,2020-09-23T16:11:38.940Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,4372 24628,v1.0,,"If you have already other people wanting to do this with you @xaver, these decisions about density and use of the space should come easier because they depend on what people want and their access to resources. decision-making organising space access resource provision sharing resources Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:11:38.871Z,2020-10-23T09:26:50.933Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,12 24627,v1.0,,"If you have already other people wanting to do this with you @xaver, these decisions about density and use of the space should come easier because they depend on what people want and their access to resources. decision-making organising space access resource provision sharing resources Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:11:38.856Z,2020-09-23T16:11:38.856Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7595 24626,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:11:10.294Z,2020-09-23T16:11:10.294Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,2287 24625,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:11:10.245Z,2020-09-23T16:11:10.245Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7592 24624,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:11:10.215Z,2020-09-23T16:11:10.215Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,358 24623,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:10:53.877Z,2020-09-23T16:10:53.877Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7620 24622,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? getting started identifying needs conditions of possibility Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:10:44.734Z,2020-09-23T16:10:44.734Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7620 24621,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? getting started identifying needs conditions of possibility Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:10:44.734Z,2020-09-23T16:10:44.734Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7618 24620,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? getting started identifying needs conditions of possibility Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:10:44.644Z,2020-09-23T16:10:44.644Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7619 24619,v1.0,,"What are the necessary conditions to create a Reef - besides „wanting to set it up“? :-) getting started identifying needs conditions of possibility Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:10:32.478Z,2020-09-23T16:10:32.478Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7620 24618,v1.0,,"What are the necessary conditions to create a Reef - besides „wanting to set it up“? :-) getting started identifying needs conditions of possibility Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:10:32.410Z,2020-09-23T16:10:32.410Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7618 24617,v1.0,,"What are the necessary conditions to create a Reef - besides „wanting to set it up“? :-) getting started identifying needs conditions of possibility Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:10:32.389Z,2020-09-23T16:10:32.389Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7619 24616,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:10:17.232Z,2020-09-23T16:10:17.232Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7619 24615,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:10:17.200Z,2020-09-23T16:10:17.200Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7618 24614,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:10:17.096Z,2020-09-23T16:10:17.096Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,1533 24612,v1.0,,"@Alessandro and I had a similar conversation about setting something like this in Armenia - and he was telling me that it really depends on having a connected group of people, or that's an important need to act on. It seems that it would be an encouragement when you're not the only one looking in that direction, and it feels more like starting together with others something.",/post/73230,2020-09-23T16:10:17.010Z,2020-09-23T16:10:17.010Z,73230,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,3201 24611,v1.0,,"Not sure what you mean. Look for a suitable building. Look for people and businesses who agree with the idea, and are willing to pay into it. Then, take responsibility for the building and the fledgling community within it.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:09:24.431Z,2020-09-23T16:09:24.431Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4027 24610,v1.0,,"We also care about the climate, and dream of offering some space to a university lab that would experiment with green innovation within the space itself.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:52.166Z,2020-09-24T14:33:12.963Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7646 24609,v1.0,,"We also care about the climate, and dream of offering some space to a university lab that would experiment with green innovation within the space itself.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:52.071Z,2020-09-23T16:08:52.071Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4525 24608,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:18.137Z,2020-09-23T16:08:18.137Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7616 24607,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:18.054Z,2020-09-23T16:08:18.054Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2287 24606,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:18.042Z,2020-09-23T16:08:18.042Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1533 24605,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:18.038Z,2020-09-23T16:08:18.038Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,358 24604,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:17.948Z,2020-09-23T16:08:17.948Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2017 24603,v1.0,,"The idea of people and small businesses sharing a space, and doing it optimally, by which I mean looking for ways that the same square meter can do double or triple duty. For example, we can do movie nights in the office after office hours. If you do it right, you can choose your business housemates so that they fit your values and preferred lifestyle. A repair café? A yoga studio?",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:08:17.943Z,2020-09-23T16:08:17.943Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1818 24602,v1.0,,"We use the extra square meters for unusual, nice-to-have activities, especially in lockdown. For example, we now use one of the landings as a mini-workout space",/post/72915,2020-09-23T16:07:25.084Z,2020-09-23T16:07:25.084Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1532 24601,v1.0,,"Hello @xaver, welcome! In our case, step one was for was a small group of people who agreed to live together as a choice rather than out of necessity. That was in 2012. Step two was change the concept slightly to ""people and small businesses agreeing to live together"". That was in 2017.",/post/73004,2020-09-23T16:07:11.285Z,2020-09-23T16:07:11.285Z,73004,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1532 24600,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:07:05.029Z,2020-09-23T16:07:05.029Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,1532 24599,v1.0,,"At the moment I live in a house in Switzerland wehre we share space like garden, bicycle garage, laundry room, a van and so on. Beyond that I share an office space with other coworkers and I try to create an „open space“ in the Langhuus for various socio-cultural activities (Bar, bicycle workshop, ateliers, ...) together with people living in our village.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:06:57.541Z,2020-09-23T16:06:57.541Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,1532 24598,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.180Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.180Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5481 24597,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.152Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.152Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1532 24596,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.116Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.116Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6122 24595,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.106Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.106Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3201 24594,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.099Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.099Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3610 24593,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.097Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.097Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1395 24592,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.077Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.077Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,80 24591,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.063Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.063Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,358 24590,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:49.009Z,2020-09-23T16:06:49.009Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7595 24589,v1.0,,"I learned the importance of the space in fostering the kind of social interaction you want. At The Reef, we insist on one single living room and kitchen (for 3-6 adults), because otherwise we would almost never see each other, and no sense of familiarity would develop. If we were 20, we would probably have 2 or 3. On the other hand, it is important to have comfortable private spaces where people can be alone. Private bathrooms would be ideal, but they are had to get in Brussels if you rent.",/post/73206,2020-09-23T16:06:48.992Z,2020-09-23T16:06:48.992Z,73206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3809 24588,v1.0,,"At the moment I live in a house in Switzerland wehre we share space like garden, bicycle garage, laundry room, a van and so on. Beyond that I share an office space with other coworkers and I try to create an „open space“ in the Langhuus for various socio-cultural activities (Bar, bicycle workshop, ateliers, ...) together with people living in our village.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:32.784Z,2020-09-23T16:05:32.784Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,3809 24587,v1.0,,"At the moment I live in a house in Switzerland wehre we share space like garden, bicycle garage, laundry room, a van and so on. Beyond that I share an office space with other coworkers and I try to create an „open space“ in the Langhuus for various socio-cultural activities (Bar, bicycle workshop, ateliers, ...) together with people living in our village.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:32.783Z,2020-09-23T16:05:32.783Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,2963 24586,v1.0,,After seeing what a lousy job the senators did in questioning Zuckerberg at his hearings not long ago I’m not real confident that some of those old guys are going to understand it well enough to write workable law.Add to that truly massive lobbying campaigns by big tech and I really don’t expect any movement on this side of the Atlantic.,/post/58064,2020-09-23T16:05:12.633Z,2020-09-23T16:05:12.633Z,58064,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,6110 24585,v1.0,,After seeing what a lousy job the senators did in questioning Zuckerberg at his hearings not long ago I’m not real confident that some of those old guys are going to understand it well enough to write workable law.Add to that truly massive lobbying campaigns by big tech and I really don’t expect any movement on this side of the Atlantic.,/post/58064,2020-09-23T16:05:12.561Z,2020-09-23T16:05:12.561Z,58064,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,1321 24584,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.941Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.941Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,3201 24583,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.924Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.924Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,358 24582,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.883Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.883Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,6122 24581,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.867Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.867Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,3610 24580,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.865Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.865Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,4761 24579,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.857Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.857Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,1395 24578,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.843Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.843Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,2287 24577,v1.0,,"All these parts and activities could fit into an even more densely connected cohousing, coliving, coworking structure. I am wondering about the right balance between shared space for community activities and private space for individual retreat.",/post/73185,2020-09-23T16:05:11.842Z,2020-09-23T16:05:11.842Z,73185,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,80 24576,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? sharing information asking questions asking for help co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:04:21.486Z,2020-09-23T16:04:21.486Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,1539 24575,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? sharing information asking questions asking for help co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:04:21.482Z,2020-09-23T16:04:21.482Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,3201 24574,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? sharing information asking questions asking for help co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:04:21.479Z,2020-09-23T16:04:21.479Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,2287 24573,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? sharing information asking questions asking for help co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:04:21.475Z,2020-09-23T16:04:21.475Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7615 24572,v1.0,,"I like the concept. What does it take to create a Reef near where I live? sharing information asking questions asking for help co-living co-working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72990,2020-09-23T16:04:21.386Z,2020-09-23T16:04:21.386Z,72990,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,1520,7311 24569,v1.0,,"cc @Val.Muresan for the moneyquote on 'instant neighborhood office' as a resilience measure and inspiration for any community spaces :P resilience co-working community building building alternatives Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:24.722Z,2020-09-23T16:03:24.722Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,1446 24568,v1.0,,"cc @Val.Muresan for the moneyquote on 'instant neighborhood office' as a resilience measure and inspiration for any community spaces :P resilience co-working community building building alternatives Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:24.693Z,2020-09-23T16:03:24.693Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7592 24567,v1.0,,"cc @Val.Muresan for the moneyquote on 'instant neighborhood office' as a resilience measure and inspiration for any community spaces :P resilience co-working community building building alternatives Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:24.656Z,2020-09-23T16:03:24.656Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,358 24566,v1.0,,"cc @Val.Muresan for the moneyquote on 'instant neighborhood office' as a resilience measure and inspiration for any community spaces :P resilience co-working community building building alternatives Cancel Save Annotate",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:24.645Z,2020-09-23T16:03:24.645Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,2287 24565,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:07.030Z,2020-09-23T16:03:07.030Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7614 24564,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:07.003Z,2020-09-23T16:03:07.003Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,5701 24563,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:06.999Z,2020-09-23T16:03:06.999Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,3201 24562,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:06.974Z,2020-09-23T16:03:06.974Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7601 24561,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:06.972Z,2020-09-23T16:03:06.972Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,2944 24560,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:06.971Z,2020-09-23T16:03:06.971Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,7613 24559,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:06.867Z,2020-09-23T16:03:06.867Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,1483 24558,v1.0,,"Where are you based? Are you still in Switzerland as you profile says? It would be useful to look at the potential market for the Reef there - how people relate to co-housing and if there is affordable property. The end game would be to own collectively a building, which is where we are looking in the near future, because of the need for increased safety nets nowadays, and also practically: to be able to reconvert closets and sinks, and especially build on top of existing rented setup, you'd need more freedom.",/post/73013,2020-09-23T16:03:06.863Z,2020-09-23T16:03:06.863Z,73013,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,3,1273 24557,v1.0,,"On the other hand, the facts that you report – FAANG stock soaring as the economy nosedives, Bezos's transcendent wealth – are true.",/post/76836,2020-09-23T16:00:26.686Z,2020-09-23T16:00:26.686Z,76836,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,6756 24555,v1.0,,"Edgeryders pays rent in The Reef. It gets an office for its Brussels-based employees; and that allows us, who live there, to live more cheaply and sustainably, and have extra space at nights and over weekends. Plus, it allows us an extra degree of freedom, since there is a fully equipped office at home. My housemates used it only rarely until two weeks ago, but when the lockdown came it was there.",/post/73004,2020-09-23T15:53:37.004Z,2020-09-23T15:53:37.004Z,73004,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5326 24554,v1.0,,"Hello @xaver, welcome! In our case, step one was for was a small group of people who agreed to live together as a choice rather than out of necessity. That was in 2012. Step two was change the concept slightly to ""people and small businesses agreeing to live together"". That was in 2017.",/post/73004,2020-09-23T15:52:52.707Z,2020-09-23T15:52:52.707Z,73004,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3201 24553,v1.0,,"Hello @xaver, welcome! In our case, step one was for was a small group of people who agreed to live together as a choice rather than out of necessity. That was in 2012. Step two was change the concept slightly to ""people and small businesses agreeing to live together"". That was in 2017.",/post/73004,2020-09-23T15:52:52.692Z,2020-09-23T15:52:52.692Z,73004,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2287 24552,v1.0,,"Generally, we need to recognize that there are different scopes of communication, different spaces with different needs and constraints. As soon as an internet space is open in the sense of ""everyone can register and participate"", you are essentially dealing with the potential global public.",/post/57929,2020-09-23T15:41:54.683Z,2020-09-23T15:42:16.166Z,57929,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3610 24551,v1.0,,"I have so far inhabited mostly mainstream social networks, but assuming no privacy and thus exercising self-censorship. I assume I am in the digital equivalent of a crowded restaurant: people will normally ignore me, but they can easily eavesdrop, and if I start acting crazy I will attract attention. For example, I don't swear online.",/post/54139,2020-09-23T15:41:54.680Z,2020-09-23T15:42:16.161Z,54139,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,3610 24549,v1.0,,"Generally, we need to recognize that there are different scopes of communication, different spaces with different needs and constraints. As soon as an internet space is open in the sense of ""everyone can register and participate"", you are essentially dealing with the potential global public.",/post/57929,2020-09-23T15:41:53.036Z,2020-09-23T15:42:04.094Z,57929,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4004 24548,v1.0,,"I have so far inhabited mostly mainstream social networks, but assuming no privacy and thus exercising self-censorship. I assume I am in the digital equivalent of a crowded restaurant: people will normally ignore me, but they can easily eavesdrop, and if I start acting crazy I will attract attention. For example, I don't swear online.",/post/54139,2020-09-23T15:41:53.034Z,2020-09-23T15:42:04.011Z,54139,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,4004 24547,v1.0,,"Social Media encompasses a range of different communication and community models. I call that the bedroom-to-broadcast scale.The problem is that most if not all social media platforms treat all these spaces basically the same, giving us the same toolsets. And that doesn't work. Moderation and policy guidelines that are supposed to make a nice and kid-friendly TV broadcast cannot apply to that sort-of-but-not-quite-private conversation at the pub.",/post/54126,2020-09-23T15:41:53.032Z,2020-09-23T15:42:03.774Z,54126,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4004 24546,v1.0,,"But, as long as the full Reef lies still in the future, I can't think of a better place to be locked in than this. This is remarkable, because we certainly did not design it with a pandemic in mind! In my book, this shows that the Reef's concept is robust to unknown unknowns. I look forward to seeing it bloom to its full potential in the coming years. happiness imagining the future Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:41:43.765Z,2020-09-23T15:41:43.765Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7017 24545,v1.0,,"But, as long as the full Reef lies still in the future, I can't think of a better place to be locked in than this. This is remarkable, because we certainly did not design it with a pandemic in mind! In my book, this shows that the Reef's concept is robust to unknown unknowns. I look forward to seeing it bloom to its full potential in the coming years. happiness imagining the future Cancel Save Annotate",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:41:43.731Z,2020-09-23T15:41:43.731Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,978 24544,v1.0,,"The prototype Reef is just this: a prototype. If this were the full Reef, we would be twenty instead of four. We would have more skills, manpower, facilities. We would probably be making masks for the whole neighborhood. Hell, we would be making electricity. We would be handing out spare laptops to families in need of extra devices for the kids' remote learning. And so on.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:41:16.908Z,2020-09-23T15:41:16.908Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7610 24543,v1.0,,"The prototype Reef is just this: a prototype. If this were the full Reef, we would be twenty instead of four. We would have more skills, manpower, facilities. We would probably be making masks for the whole neighborhood. Hell, we would be making electricity. We would be handing out spare laptops to families in need of extra devices for the kids' remote learning. And so on.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:41:16.740Z,2020-09-23T15:41:16.740Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5477 24542,v1.0,,"And, even with only four people, we have a bit of social structure. We are four individuals; two of us are a couple, and they spend more time with each other than with the rest of us. And then there is the collective, everyone together, for activities like planning the groceries or the cleaning. With 15-30 people, I expect to observe a richer structure, much like that you would find in a band of hunters-gatherers.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:40:55.240Z,2020-09-23T15:40:55.240Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7609 24541,v1.0,,"And, even with only four people, we have a bit of social structure. We are four individuals; two of us are a couple, and they spend more time with each other than with the rest of us. And then there is the collective, everyone together, for activities like planning the groceries or the cleaning. With 15-30 people, I expect to observe a richer structure, much like that you would find in a band of hunters-gatherers.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:40:55.182Z,2020-09-23T15:40:55.182Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7607 24540,v1.0,,"And, even with only four people, we have a bit of social structure. We are four individuals; two of us are a couple, and they spend more time with each other than with the rest of us. And then there is the collective, everyone together, for activities like planning the groceries or the cleaning. With 15-30 people, I expect to observe a richer structure, much like that you would find in a band of hunters-gatherers.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:40:55.048Z,2020-09-23T15:40:55.048Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6212 24539,v1.0,,"And, even with only four people, we have a bit of social structure. We are four individuals; two of us are a couple, and they spend more time with each other than with the rest of us. And then there is the collective, everyone together, for activities like planning the groceries or the cleaning. With 15-30 people, I expect to observe a richer structure, much like that you would find in a band of hunters-gatherers.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:40:55.045Z,2020-09-23T15:40:55.045Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7608 24538,v1.0,,"And, even with only four people, we have a bit of social structure. We are four individuals; two of us are a couple, and they spend more time with each other than with the rest of us. And then there is the collective, everyone together, for activities like planning the groceries or the cleaning. With 15-30 people, I expect to observe a richer structure, much like that you would find in a band of hunters-gatherers.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:40:54.973Z,2020-09-23T15:40:54.973Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4041 24537,v1.0,,"And, even with only four people, we have a bit of social structure. We are four individuals; two of us are a couple, and they spend more time with each other than with the rest of us. And then there is the collective, everyone together, for activities like planning the groceries or the cleaning. With 15-30 people, I expect to observe a richer structure, much like that you would find in a band of hunters-gatherers.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:40:54.864Z,2020-09-23T15:40:54.864Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4027 24536,v1.0,,"Even in lockdown, the microcosm of The Reef offers some sociality. We have small or long chat over the dining table. We play board games. Last Friday we ordered in some Thai food. It beats living alone in a studio apartment.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:34:12.669Z,2020-09-23T15:34:12.669Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7592 24535,v1.0,,"Even in lockdown, the microcosm of The Reef offers some sociality. We have small or long chat over the dining table. We play board games. Last Friday we ordered in some Thai food. It beats living alone in a studio apartment.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:34:12.655Z,2020-09-23T15:34:12.655Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,3809 24534,v1.0,,"Even in lockdown, the microcosm of The Reef offers some sociality. We have small or long chat over the dining table. We play board games. Last Friday we ordered in some Thai food. It beats living alone in a studio apartment.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:34:12.629Z,2020-09-23T15:34:12.629Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,358 24533,v1.0,,"Even in lockdown, the microcosm of The Reef offers some sociality. We have small or long chat over the dining table. We play board games. Last Friday we ordered in some Thai food. It beats living alone in a studio apartment.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:34:12.554Z,2020-09-23T15:34:12.554Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4259 24532,v1.0,,"Even in lockdown, the microcosm of The Reef offers some sociality. We have small or long chat over the dining table. We play board games. Last Friday we ordered in some Thai food. It beats living alone in a studio apartment.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:34:12.543Z,2020-09-23T15:34:12.543Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,881 24531,v1.0,,"And this is nothing. A former housemate had reclaimed our largest closet to use as a sort of biohacking lab, where he grew all sorts of mushrooms and yeasts. I expect even more creativity as we go.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:33:42.633Z,2020-09-23T15:33:42.633Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7606 24530,v1.0,,"And this is nothing. A former housemate had reclaimed our largest closet to use as a sort of biohacking lab, where he grew all sorts of mushrooms and yeasts. I expect even more creativity as we go.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:33:42.574Z,2020-09-23T15:33:42.574Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,100 24529,v1.0,,"And this is nothing. A former housemate had reclaimed our largest closet to use as a sort of biohacking lab, where he grew all sorts of mushrooms and yeasts. I expect even more creativity as we go.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:33:42.498Z,2020-09-23T15:33:42.498Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,852 24528,v1.0,,he sink of the second kitchen is now the basis for producing DIY hand sanitizer.,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:32:43.388Z,2020-09-23T15:32:43.388Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2944 24527,v1.0,,producing,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:32:25.040Z,2020-09-23T15:32:25.040Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2944 24526,v1.0,,workout,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:32:02.535Z,2020-09-23T15:32:02.535Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7605 24525,v1.0,,space,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:31:41.508Z,2020-09-23T15:31:41.508Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5041 24524,v1.0,,families,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:31:31.636Z,2021-04-29T09:43:28.756Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,4986 24523,v1.0,,families,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:31:31.601Z,2020-09-23T15:31:31.601Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,759 24522,v1.0,,families,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:31:31.522Z,2020-09-23T15:31:31.522Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2017 24521,v1.0,,"We even have a sketch of a plan for if one of us gets infected. The infected person's room immediately becomes a ""hot room"". We will vacate the floor, and leave it at the disposal of the infected person (only two rooms per floor, so only one room to vacate). This way, the infected person will have a bit of breathing space, and his or her own bathroom. One of us will have to sleep in the living room or the office (we have couches and an inflatable mattrass), which sucks but beats the alternatives.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:29:45.101Z,2020-09-23T15:29:45.101Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7603 24520,v1.0,,"Each of our two lofts is a fully independent unit. We have eliminated some duplication: for example, as I wrote above, one of the two living-kitchen spaces has become the office. But the redundancy is still there, and can be deployed as needed. Last week, for example, we had a brief scare when we found some water on the kitchen floor. We determined it was coming from the dishwasher. During lockdown, it could be problematic to get a plumber to come over and fix it. But guess what: in the office we have a second dishwasher – in fact we have two full kitchens, two full bathrooms and two toilets. It takes a lot of trouble to take us down. Redundant systems for the win!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:29:20.392Z,2020-09-23T15:29:20.392Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7602 24519,v1.0,,"Each of our two lofts is a fully independent unit. We have eliminated some duplication: for example, as I wrote above, one of the two living-kitchen spaces has become the office. But the redundancy is still there, and can be deployed as needed. Last week, for example, we had a brief scare when we found some water on the kitchen floor. We determined it was coming from the dishwasher. During lockdown, it could be problematic to get a plumber to come over and fix it. But guess what: in the office we have a second dishwasher – in fact we have two full kitchens, two full bathrooms and two toilets. It takes a lot of trouble to take us down. Redundant systems for the win!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:29:20.379Z,2020-09-23T15:29:20.379Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7601 24518,v1.0,,"Each of our two lofts is a fully independent unit. We have eliminated some duplication: for example, as I wrote above, one of the two living-kitchen spaces has become the office. But the redundancy is still there, and can be deployed as needed. Last week, for example, we had a brief scare when we found some water on the kitchen floor. We determined it was coming from the dishwasher. During lockdown, it could be problematic to get a plumber to come over and fix it. But guess what: in the office we have a second dishwasher – in fact we have two full kitchens, two full bathrooms and two toilets. It takes a lot of trouble to take us down. Redundant systems for the win!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:29:20.302Z,2020-09-23T15:29:20.302Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2963 24517,v1.0,,"Each of our two lofts is a fully independent unit. We have eliminated some duplication: for example, as I wrote above, one of the two living-kitchen spaces has become the office. But the redundancy is still there, and can be deployed as needed. Last week, for example, we had a brief scare when we found some water on the kitchen floor. We determined it was coming from the dishwasher. During lockdown, it could be problematic to get a plumber to come over and fix it. But guess what: in the office we have a second dishwasher – in fact we have two full kitchens, two full bathrooms and two toilets. It takes a lot of trouble to take us down. Redundant systems for the win!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:29:20.220Z,2020-09-23T15:29:20.220Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6178 24516,v1.0,,"Each of our two lofts is a fully independent unit. We have eliminated some duplication: for example, as I wrote above, one of the two living-kitchen spaces has become the office. But the redundancy is still there, and can be deployed as needed. Last week, for example, we had a brief scare when we found some water on the kitchen floor. We determined it was coming from the dishwasher. During lockdown, it could be problematic to get a plumber to come over and fix it. But guess what: in the office we have a second dishwasher – in fact we have two full kitchens, two full bathrooms and two toilets. It takes a lot of trouble to take us down. Redundant systems for the win!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:29:20.201Z,2020-09-23T15:29:20.201Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1446 24515,v1.0,,"As I write this, four people use the office of the Reef every day. One works in the IT department of a bookshops chain. Another is a developer for a mobile phone company. Yet another works in a logistics company. And finally, I work for Edgeryders. We work side by side, chat over lunch breaks, and generally do everything you do in any office. It works great, there are no problems that I can see.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:28:32.277Z,2020-09-23T15:28:32.277Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5020 24514,v1.0,,"This is especially nice, because it realizes our vision of the ""neighborhood co-working space"". Many people appreciate going to the office, where they can socialize with colleagues and work from a space that is physically and mentally separated from the home and the family. But there is no reason to dive into traffic: you can get the same things in a remote work-ready facility five minutes walking from your door. No more commuting!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:28:21.574Z,2020-09-23T15:28:21.574Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6009 24513,v1.0,,"e get a proper professional space, clean and minimalistic, with fast Internet, a decent printer, a whiteboard, projectors, external screens and so on.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:28:03.007Z,2020-09-23T15:28:03.007Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7102 24512,v1.0,,"We reconverted to office one of the living room + kitchen open spaces. Edgeryders rents it as its Brussels office. So, in a normal weekday 2-5 of my colleagues work from here, though I am the only one that also lives in the compound. During lockdown, my colleagues work from home, so I have offered the office to my housemates. No working from the couch for us!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:27:54.348Z,2020-09-23T15:27:54.348Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7600 24511,v1.0,,"We reconverted to office one of the living room + kitchen open spaces. Edgeryders rents it as its Brussels office. So, in a normal weekday 2-5 of my colleagues work from here, though I am the only one that also lives in the compound. During lockdown, my colleagues work from home, so I have offered the office to my housemates. No working from the couch for us!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:27:54.312Z,2020-09-23T15:27:54.312Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5481 24510,v1.0,,"We reconverted to office one of the living room + kitchen open spaces. Edgeryders rents it as its Brussels office. So, in a normal weekday 2-5 of my colleagues work from here, though I am the only one that also lives in the compound. During lockdown, my colleagues work from home, so I have offered the office to my housemates. No working from the couch for us!",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:27:54.223Z,2020-09-23T15:27:54.223Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5056 24509,v1.0,,"The courtyard is a great resource when the weather is sunny. It gets direct sunlight for most of the year, and its high surrounding walls create a sense of quiet and concentration, a little like an oasis.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:26:50.299Z,2020-09-23T15:26:50.299Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7599 24508,v1.0,,"The courtyard is a great resource when the weather is sunny. It gets direct sunlight for most of the year, and its high surrounding walls create a sense of quiet and concentration, a little like an oasis.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:26:50.272Z,2020-09-23T15:26:50.272Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7598 24507,v1.0,,"The courtyard is a great resource when the weather is sunny. It gets direct sunlight for most of the year, and its high surrounding walls create a sense of quiet and concentration, a little like an oasis.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:26:50.190Z,2020-09-23T15:26:50.190Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7597 24506,v1.0,,"The courtyard is a great resource when the weather is sunny. It gets direct sunlight for most of the year, and its high surrounding walls create a sense of quiet and concentration, a little like an oasis.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:26:50.157Z,2020-09-23T15:26:50.157Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2122 24505,v1.0,,"The courtyard is a great resource when the weather is sunny. It gets direct sunlight for most of the year, and its high surrounding walls create a sense of quiet and concentration, a little like an oasis.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:26:50.146Z,2020-09-23T15:26:50.146Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1189 24504,v1.0,,"Once inside the Reef proper, the dweller gets a nice sense of peace and protection.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:25:45.926Z,2020-09-23T15:25:45.926Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1483 24503,v1.0,,"Once inside the Reef proper, the dweller gets a nice sense of peace and protection.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:25:45.857Z,2020-09-23T15:25:45.857Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6122 24502,v1.0,,lofts,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:25:22.970Z,2020-09-23T15:25:22.970Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7596 24501,v1.0,,"he Reef prototype consists of two self-standing lofts, facing each other across a courtyard, plus various bits and pieces. The compound squats in what used to be a factory complex. Access to the street is through a long and narrow private hallway. During the lockdown phase, the hallway is a natural ""hot zone"". Deliveries arrive here, where we can disinfect them or simply leave them for a few days, until out-of-host viral DNA breaks down. We also keep masks, rubber gloves and hand sanitizer here for when we go out.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:24:35.190Z,2020-09-23T15:24:35.190Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6112 24500,v1.0,,"he Reef prototype consists of two self-standing lofts, facing each other across a courtyard, plus various bits and pieces. The compound squats in what used to be a factory complex. Access to the street is through a long and narrow private hallway. During the lockdown phase, the hallway is a natural ""hot zone"". Deliveries arrive here, where we can disinfect them or simply leave them for a few days, until out-of-host viral DNA breaks down. We also keep masks, rubber gloves and hand sanitizer here for when we go out.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:24:35.179Z,2020-09-23T15:24:35.179Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7595 24499,v1.0,,complex,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:24:16.375Z,2020-09-23T15:24:16.375Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,7595 24498,v1.0,,complex,/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:24:16.297Z,2020-09-23T15:24:16.297Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6112 24497,v1.0,,"But not exactly like everyone else. My life is a little different, because my home is different. I live in The Reef, the prototype of a new kind of lived space. Its inhabitants are humans and small businesses. They share a roof to live in harmony with each other, their neighborhood, and the planet. What we have now is only a prototype, four bedrooms instead of the 15-30 we envision. But still, the pandemic is putting it through an unexpected test. What can we learn from it? How does one live in a co-housing space during a pandemic?",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:23:31.564Z,2020-09-23T15:23:31.564Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,2287 24496,v1.0,,"But not exactly like everyone else. My life is a little different, because my home is different. I live in The Reef, the prototype of a new kind of lived space. Its inhabitants are humans and small businesses. They share a roof to live in harmony with each other, their neighborhood, and the planet. What we have now is only a prototype, four bedrooms instead of the 15-30 we envision. But still, the pandemic is putting it through an unexpected test. What can we learn from it? How does one live in a co-housing space during a pandemic?",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:23:31.555Z,2020-09-23T15:23:31.555Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,1380 24495,v1.0,,"I live in Brussels, a city currently in lockdown as it struggles with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Like everyone else, I engage in social distancing, and stay at home a lot.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:22:51.016Z,2020-09-23T15:22:51.016Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6113 24494,v1.0,,"I live in Brussels, a city currently in lockdown as it struggles with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Like everyone else, I engage in social distancing, and stay at home a lot.",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:22:51.013Z,2020-09-23T15:22:51.013Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,5326 24493,v1.0,,"With cleaning services locked down, there are enough people living at The Reef to keep it clean and reasonably tidy",/post/72915,2020-09-23T15:22:25.462Z,2020-09-23T15:22:25.462Z,72915,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13023,4,6121 24487,v1.0,,"Academics tend to talk about this phenomenon in terms of ""domestication theory"" which holds that people integrate (and subvert) technologies into their lives on their terms, rather than just wholesale taking or using them as given by their designers.",/post/61486,2020-09-23T15:04:41.640Z,2020-09-27T18:00:55.350Z,61486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5209,7660 24479,v1.0,,"And the thing is, it's very illustrative of, of the tech industry in the tech scene over the last 10 years, from kind of utopian activists, as soon as we can, like, digitize and everything will be better, automatically to have, okay, there's actually there's complications once it hits a certain scale, and more people come in and all that stuff, and the dynamics change, and now we need to remedy some of the potential problems, too. Oh, now we really need to dig in and, and see if we are contributing to a problem because it's such a dominant force of power.",/post/61040,2020-09-23T14:24:41.250Z,2020-09-23T14:24:41.250Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7472 24478,v1.0,,"And the thing is, it's very illustrative of, of the tech industry in the tech scene over the last 10 years, from kind of utopian activists, as soon as we can, like, digitize and everything will be better, automatically to have, okay, there's actually there's complications once it hits a certain scale, and more people come in and all that stuff, and the dynamics change, and now we need to remedy some of the potential problems, too. Oh, now we really need to dig in and, and see if we are contributing to a problem because it's such a dominant force of power.",/post/61040,2020-09-23T14:24:41.248Z,2020-09-23T14:24:41.248Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4848 24477,v1.0,,"And the thing is, it's very illustrative of, of the tech industry in the tech scene over the last 10 years, from kind of utopian activists, as soon as we can, like, digitize and everything will be better, automatically to have, okay, there's actually there's complications once it hits a certain scale, and more people come in and all that stuff, and the dynamics change, and now we need to remedy some of the potential problems, too. Oh, now we really need to dig in and, and see if we are contributing to a problem because it's such a dominant force of power.",/post/61040,2020-09-23T14:24:41.227Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.868Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3939 24476,v1.0,,"And the thing is, it's very illustrative of, of the tech industry in the tech scene over the last 10 years, from kind of utopian activists, as soon as we can, like, digitize and everything will be better, automatically to have, okay, there's actually there's complications once it hits a certain scale, and more people come in and all that stuff, and the dynamics change, and now we need to remedy some of the potential problems, too. Oh, now we really need to dig in and, and see if we are contributing to a problem because it's such a dominant force of power.",/post/61040,2020-09-23T14:24:41.181Z,2020-09-23T14:24:41.181Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4773 24475,v1.0,,"I sighed and looked around for alternatives. I even made a spreadsheet to check the featuresets of the various commercial and open source offerings. And found them all lacking in one way or the other: Some are pretty but miss out on important features, some can do it all but have an actively hostile user interface, some look neat but then come unmoderated or have no safeguards against harassment, and so on. And I don't even want to go into the mess that is every ad-driven business model (I worked in the online advertising space for three years, trust me, it IS a mess.)",/post/54081,2020-09-23T14:22:33.127Z,2020-09-23T14:22:33.127Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4004 24474,v1.0,,"Some are pretty but miss out on important features, some can do it all but have an actively hostile user interface, some look neat but then come unmoderated or have no safeguards against harassment, and so on.",/post/54081,2020-09-23T14:22:24.557Z,2020-09-23T14:22:24.557Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3637 24473,v1.0,,"And I don't even want to go into the mess that is every ad-driven business model (I worked in the online advertising space for three years, trust me, it IS a mess.)",/post/54081,2020-09-23T14:21:49.707Z,2020-09-23T14:21:49.707Z,54081,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3821 24469,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful,/post/76830,2020-09-23T14:18:10.067Z,2020-09-23T14:18:10.067Z,76830,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5358 24468,v1.0,,"how do you think this is going to affect your job? Are you hopeful about game versions that can and will be played online, and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?",/post/73854,2020-09-23T13:37:27.057Z,2020-09-23T15:13:45.962Z,73854,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,3809 24467,v1.0,,"Oh wow, this is really extensive, thanks so much @RobvanKranenburg! I need to wrap my head around this a little bit more - but the overall idea is: we can't ""stop"" it, but it has to be done on our terms (super simplified of course).",/post/54280,2020-09-23T13:03:18.559Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.559Z,54280,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,7591 24464,v1.0,,"Regarding IVA and AI, it's getting started a little. IVA has not been so focused on IT-related issues. Attempts have been made and now we hope we have started again with ""digitization for increased competitiveness"".",/post/65866,2020-09-23T13:03:18.393Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.393Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7591 24461,v1.0,,We are going to look at the main technologies being developed in the Next Generation Internet debate and explore how AI and Internet Infrastructure impact on indicators of equality and justice.,/post/56473,2020-09-23T13:03:18.365Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.365Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,7591 24460,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2020-09-23T13:03:18.356Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.356Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7591 24459,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2020-09-23T13:03:18.346Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.346Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7591 24458,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2020-09-23T13:03:18.339Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.339Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7591 24457,v1.0,,"The Anatomy of AI, is such a great touchstone for when we think about IoT. Often we talk about IoT, we just see a smart light bulb, or we often just see an object, you know, some sort of traffic light or something. But it's really the new vast network of stuff before, during and after that device where things get really interesting.",/post/61040,2020-09-23T13:03:18.333Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.333Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7591 24456,v1.0,,"Anatomy of AI, which is a collaboration between",/post/61040,2020-09-23T13:03:18.324Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.324Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7591 24449,v1.0,,on A,/post/54210,2020-09-23T13:03:18.237Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.237Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,7591 24448,v1.0,,"There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?",/post/54755,2020-09-23T13:03:18.231Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.231Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7591 24447,v1.0,,"None of this invalidates what you have to say. All I'm saying is this: let's all be very wary of technological determinism. Just because the tech enables something, it does not mean this something will happen",/post/52979,2020-09-23T13:03:18.220Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.220Z,52979,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,7591 24440,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2020-09-23T13:03:18.166Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.166Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,7591 24437,v1.0,,"In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2020-09-23T13:03:18.151Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.151Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7591 24436,v1.0,,What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space?,/post/53307,2020-09-23T13:03:18.148Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.148Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7591 24430,v1.0,,"Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions.",/post/54755,2020-09-23T13:03:18.119Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.119Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,7591 24428,v1.0,,Some mobile health applications like Grace Health and Lilly are using both what they are calling AI,/post/54679,2020-09-23T13:03:18.112Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.112Z,54679,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,8,7591 24426,v1.0,,"So instead the industry took a risk by developing specialized chips. There are two main types of such chips: AI and blockchain. That's the only reason why AI became a hype and we're talking about it: it is pushed on us, because industry needed a new profitable outlet for investments, and high levels of capital investment are backing AI already. ""If we are not buying it, it's going to go down. If we are not buying it, we are going to go down."" We are still in the process of making that choice if we (also: the Commission) want to invest money into AI.",/post/65148,2020-09-23T13:03:18.105Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.105Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,7591 24425,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2020-09-23T13:03:18.101Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.101Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,7591 24409,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2020-09-23T13:03:18.012Z,2020-09-23T13:03:18.012Z,75832,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,7591 24291,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because Yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/61040,2020-09-21T14:49:31.745Z,2020-09-21T14:49:31.745Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3611 24287,v1.0,,"But even these things are not ""smart"" for everybody. They encode my values, and those of my tribe. And these are great, but in any healthy city there must be people who steer by other stars, who care about different things.",/post/53322,2020-09-21T14:21:33.757Z,2020-09-21T14:21:33.757Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,7562 24286,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because Yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/61040,2020-09-21T14:21:33.755Z,2020-09-21T14:21:33.755Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7562 24285,v1.0,,"in general, we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining. So pools of users able to put together their demands, their needs, their permissions, and through more collective bargaining, able to negotiate.",/post/61040,2020-09-21T14:21:33.752Z,2020-09-21T14:21:33.752Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7562 24284,v1.0,,"We are right in time, but we have to fight the cynical ""what's in it for me""-individualism",/post/52747,2020-09-21T14:21:33.749Z,2020-09-21T14:21:33.749Z,52747,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4831,7562 24282,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-09-21T14:09:49.489Z,2020-09-21T14:09:49.489Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7561 24281,v1.0,,"the bite of the GDPR is that it creates digital rights; puts the liability for infringing those rights on the entities that collect data; and then steps aside and lets the courts do their job. The GDPR has inherently more bite for large corps than for small ones, because class actions are much more of a real risk for them.",/post/54121,2020-09-21T14:09:49.486Z,2020-09-21T14:09:49.486Z,54121,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,7561 24280,v1.0,,we just submitted a workshop proposal for Nov 28 to edgeryders which involves bringing a few ppl from the network into a local sust architecture design process f (and driven by) a commons-oriented coop.,/post/59597,2020-09-21T14:08:05.281Z,2020-09-21T14:08:05.281Z,59597,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4892,7560 24268,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution",/post/79137,2020-09-21T14:04:39.665Z,2020-09-21T14:04:39.665Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,7559 24267,v1.0,,"German government introduced the Corona Warn App, designed to identify and quickly “break chains of infection”",/post/79137,2020-09-21T14:04:39.661Z,2020-09-21T14:04:39.661Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,7559 24265,v1.0,,"By moderating and navigating the various (and often conflicting) interests through democratic means - in other words: introducing transparency, accountability and democratic oversight.",/post/53341,2020-09-21T13:47:26.575Z,2020-09-21T13:47:34.145Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5025 24165,v1.0,,"ne of the less discussed ""features"" of mass communication and the internet is that we each, individually, are not wired to process the amount of information we receive. Why would we be? There is nothing even close in history where so much conflicting information is pounded into our brains. E",/post/61815,2020-09-17T14:15:58.947Z,2020-09-17T14:16:06.355Z,61815,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,5188,3771 24163,v1.0,,"I think there worldbrain is really on point, as I think information overload is a real issue, as well as quality information.",/post/54066,2020-09-17T14:15:58.943Z,2020-09-17T14:16:06.343Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3771 24162,v1.0,,information overload,/post/52655,2020-09-17T14:15:58.941Z,2020-09-17T14:16:06.336Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3771 24161,v1.0,,"And as now basically everyone can crank out content (watch me doing it right now, right here!), the competition for attention is getting even fiercer! Book authors not only compete with all the other media for attention, but they also compete with fanfiction, hobby authors, the giant backlog of already published books available for free on Project Gutenberg, and so on...",/post/54131,2020-09-17T14:15:58.939Z,2020-09-17T14:16:06.330Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,3771 24160,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2020-09-17T14:15:58.937Z,2020-09-17T14:16:06.320Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,3771 24158,v1.0,,But with your concerns on information overload,/post/53600,2020-09-17T14:15:58.933Z,2020-09-17T14:16:06.305Z,53600,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5108,3771 24149,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns?",/post/53307,2020-09-17T14:06:47.031Z,2020-09-17T14:06:53.360Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4781 24148,v1.0,,"But there is also a second goal of being able to talk about the trade-offs we make when doing so, so we can avoid the unintended consequences of how we might work.",/post/61010,2020-09-17T14:06:47.027Z,2020-09-17T14:06:53.355Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4781 24147,v1.0,,What can we use to explore the impacts of service design to highlight unintended consequences and risks early?,/post/61010,2020-09-17T14:06:47.025Z,2020-09-17T14:06:53.349Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4781 24146,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns?",/post/53307,2020-09-17T14:06:47.023Z,2020-09-17T14:06:53.341Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4781 24145,v1.0,,How do we avoid the unintended consequences in a world of binding legal carbon reduction targets?,/post/61010,2020-09-17T14:06:47.020Z,2020-09-17T14:06:53.334Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4781 24144,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns?",/post/53307,2020-09-17T14:06:45.069Z,2020-09-17T14:07:05.536Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5471 24143,v1.0,,"But there is also a second goal of being able to talk about the trade-offs we make when doing so, so we can avoid the unintended consequences of how we might work.",/post/61010,2020-09-17T14:06:45.067Z,2020-09-17T14:07:05.527Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,5471 24142,v1.0,,What can we use to explore the impacts of service design to highlight unintended consequences and risks early?,/post/61010,2020-09-17T14:06:45.065Z,2020-09-17T14:07:05.519Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,5471 24141,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns?",/post/53307,2020-09-17T14:06:45.063Z,2020-09-17T14:07:05.511Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5471 24140,v1.0,,How do we avoid the unintended consequences in a world of binding legal carbon reduction targets?,/post/61010,2020-09-17T14:06:45.060Z,2020-09-17T14:07:05.502Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,5471 24139,v1.0,,"The obvious big winner of the COVID-19 crisis so far has been Big Tech. Where most sectors of the economy have seen demand collapse, many large tech companies are reporting record profits, and have been able to use this momentum to further consolidate market share.",/post/76784,2020-09-17T14:03:51.125Z,2020-09-17T14:03:51.125Z,76784,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,1167 24138,v1.0,,I agree that especially all of the blockchain stuff I have seen is super unaccessible for anyone non-technical.,/post/52791,2020-09-17T13:54:18.150Z,2020-09-17T13:54:18.150Z,52791,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3674 24130,v1.0,,"There are quite a few P2P protocols or Delay Tolerant Networking systems available, but not very many that would be easy to adopt.",/post/52938,2020-09-17T13:50:19.838Z,2020-09-17T13:51:15.002Z,52938,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5061,7472 24129,v1.0,,It gets easy to create a sensation of chaos.,/post/52655,2020-09-17T13:50:19.836Z,2020-09-17T13:51:14.995Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7472 24128,v1.0,,"The consequences can mostly be loosely drawn as humans and scientific research can't really keep up with the silo-based, non-coordinated nature and speed of development, making it harder to connect the dots between source of change and consequences.",/post/52655,2020-09-17T13:50:19.834Z,2020-09-17T13:51:14.989Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7472 24127,v1.0,,It might work with the off-the-shelf solutions but the implementation of those - they depend a lot on the process in which they are implemented right? Are they convincing enough as governance systems in comparison to existing systems? How have they been convincing societies and communities so far?,/post/54251,2020-09-17T13:50:19.831Z,2020-09-17T13:51:14.980Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7472 24126,v1.0,,"We need off the shelf frameworks, templates and software that make it easy to adopt commons-based governance for projects. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54033,2020-09-17T13:50:19.829Z,2020-09-17T13:51:14.972Z,54033,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5139,7472 24125,v1.0,,"it's a challenge to hide away all the tech complexity from the end user, but without that there will be no mainstream adoption.",/post/52784,2020-09-17T13:50:19.826Z,2020-09-17T13:51:14.963Z,52784,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5,7472 24124,v1.0,,I agree that especially all of the blockchain stuff I have seen is super unaccessible for anyone non-technical.,/post/52791,2020-09-17T13:50:19.819Z,2020-09-17T13:51:14.953Z,52791,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,7472 24121,v1.0,,technologies often get abused - Facebook is a great example. I wonder what standards and controls would be considered at the conception of Facebook if they knew what they know now.,/post/54285,2020-09-17T13:33:51.922Z,2020-09-17T13:33:51.922Z,54285,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,5158,3638 24112,v1.0,,"hey invite participants to imagine protocols of care, alternative futures, differences etc. that are layered on top of the protocols that drive current day services, that could allow our collectivities to exist in the extractive socio-technical world that we currently live in.",/post/64014,2020-09-14T15:14:59.147Z,2020-09-14T15:15:34.423Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,5225 24111,v1.0,,"got active again on the platform because of the IOH project,",/post/56935,2020-09-14T15:12:43.015Z,2020-12-14T17:55:49.938Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,6947 24110,v1.0,,What a deep green movement for the Internet of Humans would look like and which questions we should be asking to start figuring this out together.,/post/55428,2020-09-14T15:12:43.012Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.939Z,55428,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,1028 24105,v1.0,,"This evening was able to bring it very significant and important questions for my own practice that is very relevant to the co-creation, participation and community management that I do daily. As such the process does reflect on the contents of what was discussed; how can we bring about a greater sense of co design of citizens in the new technologies that seem to emerge quite distinct from other human needs and longings? Cancel Save Annotate",/post/65088,2020-09-14T15:03:21.484Z,2020-09-14T15:03:33.768Z,65088,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,4868,4867 24104,v1.0,,"So I am living, being very embodied in this ‘process’ as there is real tension (for a while) a very important participatory design process lesson: ‘design’ the format and design unraveling the format while taking into account the opposition against that and make this realization part of the process for all.",/post/65088,2020-09-14T15:03:21.481Z,2020-09-14T15:03:33.763Z,65088,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,4868,4867 24103,v1.0,,"It there any chance that you or another member have ever worked with the maritime sector? Ports and / or shipping? Our EarthOS unit is working with EIT Climate-KIC on different projects and one of that is the ""Deep Demonstration of net-zero emissions, resilient maritime hubs"". We are organising a workshop in Valencia in December: maybe some of you want to share some experience with us? :)",/post/59372,2020-09-14T15:00:17.650Z,2020-09-14T15:00:31.077Z,59372,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5201,4308 24102,v1.0,,"When asked about the ""rules of the coliving"" we normally say : ""respect the rest of the colivers and the shared space the same way you expect to be respected""",/post/80561,2020-09-14T14:54:13.901Z,2020-09-24T11:47:08.734Z,80561,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3809 24101,v1.0,,"I agree that the Golden Rule is best - if everyone can stick to it!Some people are neater in the habits than others. In a workplace this often shows up anytime you open the office refrigerator...a combination of neat little packages next to containers that have not been opened in weeks. And some people are fastidious in their office and sloppy at home. I knew a guy who was a prominent futurist. He wore perfectly tailored suits, drove a nice car and his office was neat as a pin. His apartment though was a total wreck.So when people live together, this dynamic can assume a larger role. Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up.But in a setting where the golden rule is respected, then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone. And if the neat person didn't get resentful and be too much of a 'nanny' then things can remain harmonious.",/post/80580,2020-09-14T14:54:13.898Z,2020-09-24T11:47:08.728Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,3809 24096,v1.0,,"If it becomes as cheap for me to save every image I see forever, if it becomes as easy for people with camera-glasses to cache every moment of everything they see locally, can any data ever truly be deleted?",/post/54104,2020-09-14T13:38:44.272Z,2020-09-14T13:39:04.077Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,4822 24094,v1.0,,"The ""winner take all"" mentality that governs the internet as well as the whole capitalist world is a core part of the problem.",/post/52803,2020-09-14T13:38:44.268Z,2020-09-14T13:39:04.056Z,52803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,4822 24092,v1.0,,but the only reason this is not true for all of us is that it's simply too expensive to save every piece of information I see online.,/post/54104,2020-09-14T13:38:44.263Z,2020-09-14T13:39:04.037Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,4822 24091,v1.0,,"Also, we are doing a Coronavirus hackathon this weekend and welcome any that want to join the Covid19 InfoImmunity team. Email me at Edit Delete Covid19 InfoImmunity projectWorld Health Organization Edit Delete No CommentCovid19 InfoImmunity project: Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74449,2020-09-14T13:34:29.626Z,2020-09-14T13:38:26.078Z,74449,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,3750 24090,v1.0,,"As a next step in the work done in the World Health Organization’s Infodemic Management consultation, the Covid19 InfoImmunity project is organizing the first design challenge to respond to the Infodemic. The Covid19 Infodemic Design Challenge is a five-day, entirely online collaborative design challenge from Thursday May 7th to Monday May 11th.",/post/74449,2020-09-14T13:34:29.623Z,2020-09-14T13:38:26.073Z,74449,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,3750 24089,v1.0,,"Also, we are doing a Coronavirus hackathon this weekend and welcome any that want to join the Covid19 InfoImmunity team. Email me at Edit Delete Covid19 InfoImmunity projectWorld Health Organization Edit Delete No CommentCovid19 InfoImmunity project: Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74449,2020-09-14T13:34:22.190Z,2020-09-14T13:34:40.480Z,74449,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,5156 24088,v1.0,,"As a next step in the work done in the World Health Organization’s Infodemic Management consultation, the Covid19 InfoImmunity project is organizing the first design challenge to respond to the Infodemic. The Covid19 Infodemic Design Challenge is a five-day, entirely online collaborative design challenge from Thursday May 7th to Monday May 11th.",/post/74449,2020-09-14T13:34:22.187Z,2020-09-14T13:34:40.474Z,74449,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,5156 24087,v1.0,,"I am very happy to hear that and I think yes we can explore what a cold zone looks like and what a set up be in cities of cold zones and hot spots is exactly what we can do in NGI. Also ""To me as a society I would like to see us figure out how to consciously advance it."" I fully agree with that, that is also what NGI is there for. It can not be just tech push or shareholder value, it has got to mean something. I am always convinced that if a hack is needed it is at system level, building a next normal, building attractors for different drivers, and that is what I see happening. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54668,2020-09-14T13:32:58.967Z,2020-09-14T13:33:19.832Z,54668,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,6114 24086,v1.0,,I agree that there will be no turning back from these technologies. I like the concept of the cold zone you articulated in another topic. I think such spaces designated like that would be very useful and quite civilized really.,/post/54661,2020-09-14T13:32:58.965Z,2020-09-14T13:33:19.827Z,54661,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,2915,6114 24085,v1.0,,"I am preparing salons on hot spots but also on cold spots (one with Brussel based",/post/54369,2020-09-14T13:32:58.963Z,2020-09-14T13:33:19.822Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,6114 24084,v1.0,,We propose grey zones (current 3G/4G) hot spots (dedicated 5G zones) and cold spots.,/post/54369,2020-09-14T13:32:58.961Z,2020-09-14T13:33:19.816Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,6114 24083,v1.0,,You and others are very welcome to join that cold spot (no 'connectivity/wireless') workshop.,/post/54369,2020-09-14T13:32:58.958Z,2020-09-14T13:33:19.810Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,6114 24082,v1.0,,I think another problem with events and campaigns like this is that their punctual nature allows it for people to turn off light for an hour on one day or to like something on Facebook to feel a bit better and a bit as if they are helping to solve the problem. Of course generating awareness is important but as mentioned in more long lasting ways and without easy options to satisfy the uneasiness the shared knowledge generates via a a light or like button.,/post/54770,2020-09-14T13:31:59.576Z,2020-09-14T13:32:20.360Z,54770,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,4934,4417 24081,v1.0,,"I had Mosaic! It was the first graphic web browser, before it we would use text-based ones. It later became Mozilla, that then was changed into the name of the org that made it. I am typing this on the remote descendant of Mosaic. :smile:",/post/65877,2020-09-14T13:27:32.629Z,2020-09-14T13:27:51.754Z,65877,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,3765 24080,v1.0,,"... which still cuts, unlike Netscape itself. :smiley:",/post/65969,2020-09-14T13:27:32.626Z,2020-09-14T13:27:51.749Z,65969,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,3765 24079,v1.0,,"Netscape, correct!",/post/65967,2020-09-14T13:27:32.621Z,2020-09-14T13:27:51.744Z,65967,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,3765 24078,v1.0,,"Mosaic was recoded and improved to become Netscape. AOL bought Netscape and later gave away the source code. That became Mozilla, named in homage to the Netscape mascot. Edit Delete No CommentNetscape Edit Delete No CommentMozilla Edit Delete No CommentAOL Edit Delete No CommentMosaic Cancel Save Annotate",/post/65965,2020-09-14T13:27:32.619Z,2020-09-14T13:27:51.739Z,65965,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,3765 24077,v1.0,,Somewhere I have a Netscape pocket knife tool..,/post/65968,2020-09-14T13:27:32.617Z,2020-09-14T13:27:51.734Z,65968,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,3765 24071,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-09-14T13:15:52.042Z,2020-09-14T13:16:02.724Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,7144 24070,v1.0,,There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking that can facilitate the balance between working outside the main business premises but can provide the social interaction that humans require.,/post/80422,2020-09-14T13:15:52.040Z,2020-09-14T13:16:02.674Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,7144 24069,v1.0,,"he third tool that has been also for us a lifesaver, which we didn’t have at the beginning, was obviously a tool to outmake the invoicing.So that, in order to reduce the amount of administrative tasks, and time spent on that, a tool that can generate after monthly, the invoices, and send them, and make the payments easy for our customers. That has been also an important part of the tools that we have used.",/post/80267,2020-09-14T13:15:52.038Z,2020-09-14T13:16:01.951Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7144 24068,v1.0,,"Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are.",/post/80267,2020-09-14T13:15:52.036Z,2020-09-14T13:16:01.134Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7144 24067,v1.0,,"So basically, what we did in the space was, we canceled the helpdesks. So, we separated the helpdesk, and made only permanent desks available, so that every coworker only gets to use their desk. And, there’s no sharing of desks.",/post/80267,2020-09-14T13:15:52.034Z,2020-09-14T13:16:01.117Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7144 24066,v1.0,,"Also, we implemented regulations to make sure that the minimum distance was respected within the space.",/post/80267,2020-09-14T13:15:52.032Z,2020-09-14T13:16:01.097Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7144 24065,v1.0,,"no sharing of desks, minimum distance respected, and more demand for private offices",/post/80267,2020-09-14T13:15:52.028Z,2020-09-14T13:16:01.077Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7144 24060,v1.0,,"One of the biggest saefty issues in terms of privacy is also human errors, some of those issues are eliminated with peer-to-peer solutions. Passwords are eliminated.",/post/52837,2020-09-13T15:31:10.898Z,2020-09-13T15:31:10.898Z,52837,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,3610 24059,v1.0,,"One of the biggest saefty issues in terms of privacy is also human errors, some of those issues are eliminated with peer-to-peer solutions. Passwords are eliminated.",/post/52837,2020-09-13T15:30:57.275Z,2021-01-23T01:46:25.386Z,52837,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,7590 24058,v1.0,,"One of the biggest saefty issues in terms of privacy is also human errors, some of those issues are eliminated with peer-to-peer solutions. Passwords are eliminated.",/post/52837,2020-09-13T15:30:36.924Z,2020-09-14T13:55:20.984Z,52837,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1294 24057,v1.0,,"Second the recommendation to cooperate with the Good Electronics Network. We have been a member for years, useful exchange, focus on sharing campaign info and policy processes, less so on co-developing local formats / strategies; occupational health / right to know has been a key issue from the start, as has supply chain transparency (here a 2018 survey of tools).",/post/55680,2020-09-13T15:05:39.883Z,2020-09-24T14:33:45.828Z,55680,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4892,7646 24056,v1.0,,"In terms of reducing environmental harms in the supply chain, we would recommend getting involved in Good Electronics network, which has long-term experience networking grassroots activists on the ground. Electronics Watch has done a great job of extending these concerns into actionable, public sector procurement.",/post/55675,2020-09-13T15:05:39.880Z,2020-09-24T14:33:45.823Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,7646 24055,v1.0,,we just submitted a workshop proposal for Nov 28 to edgeryders which involves bringing a few ppl from the network into a local sust architecture design process f (and driven by) a commons-oriented coop. I,/post/59597,2020-09-13T14:39:14.388Z,2020-09-13T14:43:02.550Z,59597,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4892,3991 24054,v1.0,,we just submitted a workshop proposal for Nov 28 to edgeryders which involves bringing a few ppl from the network into a local sust architecture design process f (and driven by) a commons-oriented coop. I,/post/59597,2020-09-13T14:39:10.472Z,2020-09-13T14:39:10.472Z,59597,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4892,7503 24048,v1.0,,"In 2008, inequality was not a major topic, everyone believed that we should leave everything to the market: inequality would fix itself. We even had a lot of opposition to the Cohesion Policy — the European Cohesion Policy which addresses the problem of abandoned areas — but we still pushed forward. The different in the approach was that we didn’t just give money to people, we tried to empower people. This is what I did as an administrator, but then I felt I wanted to go to the other side of the bench and try to do that with the civic organizations. So, my methodology hasn't changed, but I changed the side of where I'm working.",/post/64179,2020-09-11T15:01:09.840Z,2020-09-11T15:01:16.324Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3939 24047,v1.0,,Then there's of course the materials angle for those products that have a hardware component (everything IoT for example).,/post/55472,2020-09-11T14:58:47.760Z,2020-09-11T14:58:53.363Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,1121 24046,v1.0,,I believe there are some data bases for finding out environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2020-09-11T14:58:47.758Z,2020-09-11T14:58:53.358Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,1121 24045,v1.0,,Then there's of course the materials angle for those products that have a hardware component (everything IoT for example).,/post/55472,2020-09-11T14:58:46.468Z,2020-09-11T14:59:01.981Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,6232 24044,v1.0,,I believe there are some data bases for finding out environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2020-09-11T14:58:46.466Z,2020-09-11T14:59:01.972Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,6232 24043,v1.0,,"Worth also remembering that EU-driven voluntary initiatives like Ecolabel that have had extremely limited traction. For example, the Ecolabel for laptops has existed for years, but very few (if any?) manufacturers have ever risen to the challenge.",/post/55675,2020-09-11T14:57:55.963Z,2020-09-11T14:58:03.555Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,1934 24042,v1.0,,", I've since came across some tools like MET (material, energy toxicity) Matrixes - see the grid in that deck, that at least let you start enumerating some of these costs for industrially designed products, and give some data to inform tradeoffs you might make, and EcoCost, with some nice apps and openly licenced data you can work with.",/post/55704,2020-09-11T14:56:54.024Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.931Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,5891 24041,v1.0,,", I've since came across some tools like MET (material, energy toxicity) Matrixes - see the grid in that deck, that at least let you start enumerating some of these costs for industrially designed products, and give some data to inform tradeoffs you might make, and EcoCost, with some nice apps and openly licenced data you can work with.",/post/55704,2020-09-11T14:56:50.428Z,2020-09-11T14:57:09.949Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,6073 24040,v1.0,,"Making such sensory data available to anyone who wants it, and making it irreversibly linked to contracts that only allow its use in limited contexts, is one approach to reap the benefits while doing some damage control to avoid complete dystopia.",/post/54224,2020-09-11T14:55:42.494Z,2020-09-11T14:55:48.979Z,54224,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,905 24039,v1.0,,"your data in the context where it belongs,",/post/54224,2020-09-11T14:55:42.492Z,2020-09-11T14:55:48.974Z,54224,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,905 24038,v1.0,,"One perspective on how to address this is to try to integrate smart contracts, distributed data models and IoT technology to keep the sensor data contextual, rather than have it flow into huge datasets controlled by companies or governments.",/post/54224,2020-09-11T14:55:42.490Z,2020-09-11T14:55:48.970Z,54224,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,905 24037,v1.0,,"I have a similar sense regarding a lack of enforcement. Antitrust is an easy example. As I understand the analysis, Congress empirically no longer enforces this as it once did. The law does not cover the practices of powerful tech companies as it is written. But it does not prevent Congress from writing new laws. Barlow’s Declaration of Independence is a double-edged sword. Governments are not welcome here, but a corporation with over a billion users have a different kind of power - one that even the US Congress seems shy to engage directly. I’m curious about the political science research here. Is the lack of action unique in the context of Standard Oil and AT&T? If so, have legislators changed because of money, a different international landscape, or a technological shift? Or is it more of the same - and AT&T overdue breakup and reemergence just and example of how it has always been?",/post/80150,2020-09-11T14:55:42.488Z,2020-09-11T14:55:48.964Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,905 24036,v1.0,,"Yeah, while there is a perception that the private sector can be modified by the public sector through law and regulation, once something is in the government's hands, where is the oversight?",/post/79867,2020-09-11T14:55:42.486Z,2020-09-11T14:55:48.959Z,79867,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,905 24035,v1.0,,"Yeah, while there is a perception that the private sector can be modified by the public sector through law and regulation, once something is in the government's hands, where is the oversight? What I find in the US is a vastly diminished willingness of government to provide that oversight and self-correct. Maybe European governments do better on that front. It's the oversight, the accountability, that is key.",/post/79867,2020-09-11T14:55:42.483Z,2020-09-11T14:55:48.954Z,79867,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,905 24033,v1.0,,", there isn't currently a canonical ""green"" trustmark for things like electronics. It seems like Fairphone's approach of making their phones' components transparent is about the limit of what has been possible. Why? The sourcing is incredibly complex.",/post/55486,2020-09-11T14:43:23.234Z,2020-09-11T14:43:28.182Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,1121 24032,v1.0,,", there isn't currently a canonical ""green"" trustmark for things like electronics. It seems like Fairphone's approach of making their phones' components transparent is about the limit of what has been possible. Why? The sourcing is incredibly complex.",/post/55486,2020-09-11T14:43:21.837Z,2020-09-11T14:43:37.094Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,6236 24031,v1.0,,decentralized peer-to-peer applications,/post/53772,2020-09-11T14:41:08.995Z,2020-09-11T14:41:14.728Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,1294 24030,v1.0,,"For example, an app might give three or four functionalities to their users, they will then continuously improve on those functionalities. It might be a feature or it might be a button, or it could be the ability to make a call. And they constantly refine that feature based on the feedback they get from how the user uses the service.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:42.117Z,2020-09-11T14:38:48.473Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 24029,v1.0,,"As users we notice the difference in many ways. When you’re using an app, it doesn’t function when you’re offline, because most of the code is somewhere else. Since a release now means releasing to a server and not to a packaged box, the developers have the ability to constantly update and incrementally develop the software. And since most user interactions are also communicated to the server, the developers can observe users’ behavior and tweak the design to get better results. With this feedback loop in place, the industry can now optimize software so that they capture and manipulate user behavior in a way that is aligned with business interests.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:42.114Z,2020-09-11T14:38:48.469Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 24028,v1.0,,"The last five years I have been trying to understand how the shift has enabled different kinds of software engineering processes, in which developers don’t close themselves up for two years and come back with some software, but you can incrementally and continuously develop software as a service.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:42.112Z,2020-09-11T14:38:48.464Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 24027,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:42.110Z,2020-09-11T14:38:48.459Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 24026,v1.0,,"For example, an app might give three or four functionalities to their users, they will then continuously improve on those functionalities. It might be a feature or it might be a button, or it could be the ability to make a call. And they constantly refine that feature based on the feedback they get from how the user uses the service.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:40.216Z,2020-09-11T14:38:56.712Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4676 24025,v1.0,,"As users we notice the difference in many ways. When you’re using an app, it doesn’t function when you’re offline, because most of the code is somewhere else. Since a release now means releasing to a server and not to a packaged box, the developers have the ability to constantly update and incrementally develop the software. And since most user interactions are also communicated to the server, the developers can observe users’ behavior and tweak the design to get better results. With this feedback loop in place, the industry can now optimize software so that they capture and manipulate user behavior in a way that is aligned with business interests.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:40.214Z,2020-09-11T14:38:56.706Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4676 24024,v1.0,,"The last five years I have been trying to understand how the shift has enabled different kinds of software engineering processes, in which developers don’t close themselves up for two years and come back with some software, but you can incrementally and continuously develop software as a service.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:40.211Z,2020-09-11T14:38:56.701Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4676 24023,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:40.208Z,2020-09-11T14:38:56.695Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4676 24022,v1.0,,"For example, an app might give three or four functionalities to their users, they will then continuously improve on those functionalities. It might be a feature or it might be a button, or it could be the ability to make a call. And they constantly refine that feature based on the feedback they get from how the user uses the service.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:34.657Z,2020-09-11T14:39:08.329Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 24021,v1.0,,"As users we notice the difference in many ways. When you’re using an app, it doesn’t function when you’re offline, because most of the code is somewhere else. Since a release now means releasing to a server and not to a packaged box, the developers have the ability to constantly update and incrementally develop the software. And since most user interactions are also communicated to the server, the developers can observe users’ behavior and tweak the design to get better results. With this feedback loop in place, the industry can now optimize software so that they capture and manipulate user behavior in a way that is aligned with business interests.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:34.655Z,2020-09-11T14:39:08.324Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 24020,v1.0,,"The last five years I have been trying to understand how the shift has enabled different kinds of software engineering processes, in which developers don’t close themselves up for two years and come back with some software, but you can incrementally and continuously develop software as a service.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:34.653Z,2020-09-11T14:39:08.318Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 24019,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.",/post/64014,2020-09-11T14:38:34.651Z,2020-09-11T14:39:08.312Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 24018,v1.0,,Prediction of the climate. What are the changes we can make that have the most impact in avoiding more damage to the climate.,/post/54182,2020-09-11T14:32:38.685Z,2020-09-11T14:32:47.209Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,318 24017,v1.0,,Measuring climate and greenhouse gases - we will be able to better control our emissions if we know where they are happening and be able to make better predictions if we know what is happening in the climate today.,/post/54182,2020-09-11T14:32:38.681Z,2020-09-11T14:32:47.204Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,318 24016,v1.0,,Prediction of the climate. What are the changes we can make that have the most impact in avoiding more damage to the climate.,/post/54182,2020-09-11T14:32:23.194Z,2020-09-11T14:32:34.432Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,4497 24015,v1.0,,Measuring climate and greenhouse gases - we will be able to better control our emissions if we know where they are happening and be able to make better predictions if we know what is happening in the climate today.,/post/54182,2020-09-11T14:32:23.192Z,2020-09-11T14:32:34.427Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,4497 24002,v1.0,,"When did the internet or its development make you angry, scared or worried?",/post/65866,2020-09-11T14:26:16.749Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.576Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,3619 24001,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2020-09-11T14:26:16.747Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.572Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,3619 24000,v1.0,,hopeful or happy about the internet or its future?,/post/65866,2020-09-11T14:26:16.745Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.567Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,3619 23997,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2020-09-11T14:26:16.738Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.555Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,3619 23994,v1.0,,How can we move beyond a one-size-fits all approach to new internet technologies in public administration?,/post/64379,2020-09-11T14:26:16.732Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.542Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,3619 23993,v1.0,,"WAS HILFT GEGEN DIE ZERSTÖRUNG FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT? Wählen zum Beispiel, aber das allein reicht noch nicht. Informieren auch, aber wieder, das allein auch nicht, also was für Projekte helfen oder könnten helfen? Und wer macht sie oder will sie machen?",/post/53749,2020-09-11T14:26:16.730Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.538Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3619 23988,v1.0,,"*Und da die CDU die hier so massive kritisiert wird auch schon mal gerne als ""Rentnerpartei"" beschrieben wird, und zwar weil viele ihrer Positionen und ihr auftreten gerade der älteren und Rentnergeneration zu dienen scheinen (in wie fern auch das der fall ist sei dahingestellt) und diese ihre Kernwählerschaft ist, während die Renten der Zukunft zunehmend unsicher wurden unter der Regierung einer Partei die einst mit dem Slogan ""Die Rente ist sicher"" in den Wahlkampf zog ist empfehle ich diese Geschichte hier als inspirations Lektüre:",/post/53751,2020-09-11T14:26:16.718Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.514Z,53751,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3619 23987,v1.0,,"There will be increased interest however individual experiences will determine how successful it is both for the individual and for employers. Security for example is still an area that will require further work- challenges such as Data Security, security of the premises and property within it, personal security for those using such facilities (Cyber and personal). Much of my current focus is trying to establish if there is any successful examples of where this community based co-working model has worked and how can that be transcribed to what is happening in my Municipality.",/post/80422,2020-09-11T14:26:16.715Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.507Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,3619 23982,v1.0,,"It's absolutely within reach, especially if we organize to build that future beyond Big Tech. Looking forward and hoping to",/post/77013,2020-09-11T14:26:16.705Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.482Z,77013,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4897,3619 23981,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-09-11T14:26:16.703Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.477Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3619 23980,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-09-11T14:26:16.701Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.472Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,3619 23979,v1.0,,and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?,/post/73854,2020-09-11T14:26:16.699Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.467Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,3619 23978,v1.0,,I hope that we find a vaccine soon.,/post/73853,2020-09-11T14:26:16.696Z,2020-09-11T14:26:25.462Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,3619 23959,v1.0,,I have no faith that social media companies that make most of their money tracking you and subtly funneling you into where they want you to go in order to maximize revenue are ever going to allow enough user control to “un break” it.,/post/59260,2020-09-11T14:20:24.607Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.435Z,59260,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5327 23958,v1.0,,"And FB has to operate at a scale beyond what many of us can probably even imagine. So naturally whatever they do, good or bad, is going to look big to anyone who looks. And Amazon does the same thing with Alexa.But there is a bit of a story here though for the reason you point out: they don't disclose.The ""break things"" ethos unfortunately allows a lot of room to justify unethical behavior. And this is exactly why they get so much scrutiny. The company leadership misrepresents what they do, even, in the case of Zuckerberg testifying to Congress, while under oath. Those sharks will never leave his tail after that.",/post/57960,2020-09-11T14:20:24.605Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.430Z,57960,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5327 23957,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent, issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2020-09-11T14:20:24.603Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.423Z,58060,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,5327 23956,v1.0,,I have no faith that social media companies that make most of their money tracking you and subtly funneling you into where they want you to go in order to maximize revenue are ever going to allow enough user control to “un break” it.,/post/59260,2020-09-11T14:20:23.378Z,2020-09-11T14:20:39.514Z,59260,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3816 23955,v1.0,,"And FB has to operate at a scale beyond what many of us can probably even imagine. So naturally whatever they do, good or bad, is going to look big to anyone who looks. And Amazon does the same thing with Alexa.But there is a bit of a story here though for the reason you point out: they don't disclose.The ""break things"" ethos unfortunately allows a lot of room to justify unethical behavior. And this is exactly why they get so much scrutiny. The company leadership misrepresents what they do, even, in the case of Zuckerberg testifying to Congress, while under oath. Those sharks will never leave his tail after that.",/post/57960,2020-09-11T14:20:23.376Z,2020-09-11T14:20:39.508Z,57960,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3816 23954,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent, issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2020-09-11T14:20:23.374Z,2020-09-11T14:20:39.502Z,58060,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3816 23953,v1.0,,I have no faith that social media companies that make most of their money tracking you and subtly funneling you into where they want you to go in order to maximize revenue are ever going to allow enough user control to “un break” it.,/post/59260,2020-09-11T14:20:21.749Z,2020-09-11T14:20:52.033Z,59260,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,1934 23952,v1.0,,"And FB has to operate at a scale beyond what many of us can probably even imagine. So naturally whatever they do, good or bad, is going to look big to anyone who looks. And Amazon does the same thing with Alexa.But there is a bit of a story here though for the reason you point out: they don't disclose.The ""break things"" ethos unfortunately allows a lot of room to justify unethical behavior. And this is exactly why they get so much scrutiny. The company leadership misrepresents what they do, even, in the case of Zuckerberg testifying to Congress, while under oath. Those sharks will never leave his tail after that.",/post/57960,2020-09-11T14:20:21.747Z,2020-09-11T14:20:52.027Z,57960,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,1934 23951,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent, issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2020-09-11T14:20:21.744Z,2020-09-11T14:20:52.020Z,58060,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,1934 23950,v1.0,,"This ties into the core issue of all kinds of flat-structure tools/platforms used for private communication, that they can easily be used for hiding shady information as well, something one inevitably has to take a stance on.",/post/54112,2020-09-11T14:18:32.827Z,2020-09-11T14:18:51.010Z,54112,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3750 23949,v1.0,,"the spread of conspiracy theories online is more worrying. WhatsApp conspiracy theories leading to murder in India, the “Pizzagate” conspiracy, and Q-Anon supporters believing all of Trump’s enemies will be arrested and executed for being murderous child-eating pedophiles.",/post/56556,2020-09-11T14:18:32.825Z,2020-09-11T14:18:51.005Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,3750 23948,v1.0,,"Warrants are similar to the concepts of blacklists, as actors one actor deems another malicious in some way a warrant is issued which includes the piece of malicious data signed by the actor that sent it (could be multiple different ways with multiple corresponding warrants). As warrants circulate, the app logic states how to resolve them. Banning? Flagging? Starting a process? All that is also meant to be dependable on the reputations and prior histories of the actors issuing warrents as well as those on the receiving end.",/post/53776,2020-09-11T14:18:32.823Z,2020-09-11T14:18:51.001Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,3750 23947,v1.0,,"paying more attention to whom I am propagating. The all or nothing block is also a little rough (I know it needs to be rough since it's trailblazing!). It feels a little unhuman to be fully accepting and propagative of signal or not at all receptive to anything a person is trying to communicate, I hope the future can hold more ambiguity.",/post/53776,2020-09-11T14:18:32.821Z,2020-09-11T14:18:50.996Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,3750 23946,v1.0,,"If Hans is in your network and connects to Lars who is a neo-nazi connected to a group of other neo-nazis, you might actually be acting as a server for information that you would really rather not propagate. This is not a hypothetical case. There are already known instances of the Norwegian alt-right using Scuttlebutt as their preferred means of communication.",/post/53772,2020-09-11T14:18:32.818Z,2020-09-11T14:18:50.991Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,3750 23945,v1.0,,"This ties into the core issue of all kinds of flat-structure tools/platforms used for private communication, that they can easily be used for hiding shady information as well, something one inevitably has to take a stance on.",/post/54112,2020-09-11T14:18:30.809Z,2020-09-11T14:18:38.343Z,54112,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,1483 23944,v1.0,,"the spread of conspiracy theories online is more worrying. WhatsApp conspiracy theories leading to murder in India, the “Pizzagate” conspiracy, and Q-Anon supporters believing all of Trump’s enemies will be arrested and executed for being murderous child-eating pedophiles.",/post/56556,2020-09-11T14:18:30.806Z,2020-09-11T14:18:38.338Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,1483 23943,v1.0,,"Warrants are similar to the concepts of blacklists, as actors one actor deems another malicious in some way a warrant is issued which includes the piece of malicious data signed by the actor that sent it (could be multiple different ways with multiple corresponding warrants). As warrants circulate, the app logic states how to resolve them. Banning? Flagging? Starting a process? All that is also meant to be dependable on the reputations and prior histories of the actors issuing warrents as well as those on the receiving end.",/post/53776,2020-09-11T14:18:30.804Z,2020-09-11T14:18:38.333Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,1483 23942,v1.0,,"paying more attention to whom I am propagating. The all or nothing block is also a little rough (I know it needs to be rough since it's trailblazing!). It feels a little unhuman to be fully accepting and propagative of signal or not at all receptive to anything a person is trying to communicate, I hope the future can hold more ambiguity.",/post/53776,2020-09-11T14:18:30.802Z,2020-09-11T14:18:38.328Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,1483 23941,v1.0,,"If Hans is in your network and connects to Lars who is a neo-nazi connected to a group of other neo-nazis, you might actually be acting as a server for information that you would really rather not propagate. This is not a hypothetical case. There are already known instances of the Norwegian alt-right using Scuttlebutt as their preferred means of communication.",/post/53772,2020-09-11T14:18:30.799Z,2020-09-11T14:18:38.321Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,1483 23940,v1.0,,"This ties into the core issue of all kinds of flat-structure tools/platforms used for private communication, that they can easily be used for hiding shady information as well, something one inevitably has to take a stance on.",/post/54112,2020-09-11T14:18:27.892Z,2020-09-11T14:19:19.970Z,54112,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3775 23939,v1.0,,"the spread of conspiracy theories online is more worrying. WhatsApp conspiracy theories leading to murder in India, the “Pizzagate” conspiracy, and Q-Anon supporters believing all of Trump’s enemies will be arrested and executed for being murderous child-eating pedophiles.",/post/56556,2020-09-11T14:18:27.890Z,2020-09-11T14:19:19.965Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,3775 23938,v1.0,,"Warrants are similar to the concepts of blacklists, as actors one actor deems another malicious in some way a warrant is issued which includes the piece of malicious data signed by the actor that sent it (could be multiple different ways with multiple corresponding warrants). As warrants circulate, the app logic states how to resolve them. Banning? Flagging? Starting a process? All that is also meant to be dependable on the reputations and prior histories of the actors issuing warrents as well as those on the receiving end.",/post/53776,2020-09-11T14:18:27.888Z,2020-09-11T14:19:19.961Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,3775 23937,v1.0,,"paying more attention to whom I am propagating. The all or nothing block is also a little rough (I know it needs to be rough since it's trailblazing!). It feels a little unhuman to be fully accepting and propagative of signal or not at all receptive to anything a person is trying to communicate, I hope the future can hold more ambiguity.",/post/53776,2020-09-11T14:18:27.886Z,2020-09-11T14:19:19.956Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,3775 23936,v1.0,,"If Hans is in your network and connects to Lars who is a neo-nazi connected to a group of other neo-nazis, you might actually be acting as a server for information that you would really rather not propagate. This is not a hypothetical case. There are already known instances of the Norwegian alt-right using Scuttlebutt as their preferred means of communication.",/post/53772,2020-09-11T14:18:27.883Z,2020-09-11T14:19:19.951Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,3775 23934,v1.0,,"I've been looking around at my end and came across @cassie's mapping of some people doing different things in what is called ""responsible tech"" - I think it is an interesting approach and could be something we could build on to make sense of this: Background and call for input: The actual map they produced:",/post/55854,2020-09-11T14:12:28.283Z,2020-09-11T14:12:35.325Z,55854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,1934 23933,v1.0,,"Oh wow, this is really extensive, thanks so much @RobvanKranenburg! I need to wrap my head around this a little bit more - but the overall idea is: we can't ""stop"" it, but it has to be done on our terms (super simplified of course).",/post/54280,2020-09-11T14:11:47.980Z,2020-09-11T14:11:55.588Z,54280,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,7076 23932,v1.0,,"None of this invalidates what you have to say. All I'm saying is this: let's all be very wary of technological determinism. Just because the tech enables something, it does not mean this something will happen",/post/52979,2020-09-11T14:11:47.977Z,2020-09-11T14:11:55.582Z,52979,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,7076 23922,v1.0,,"It's absolutely within reach, especially if we organize to build that future beyond Big Tech. Looking forward and hoping to!",/post/77013,2020-09-11T11:43:56.439Z,2020-09-11T11:44:28.382Z,77013,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4897,978 23919,v1.0,,"It's absolutely within reach, especially if we organize to build that future beyond Big Tech. Looking forward and hoping to!",/post/77013,2020-09-11T11:43:53.863Z,2020-09-11T11:44:41.155Z,77013,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4897,1257 23918,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful. This,/post/76830,2020-09-11T11:43:53.861Z,2020-09-11T11:44:41.149Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,1257 23917,v1.0,,Later on I also say that I hope this might just give us the impetus to more permanently transition to open source alternatives etc.,/post/76830,2020-09-11T11:43:53.859Z,2020-09-11T11:44:41.142Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,1257 23916,v1.0,,"Anyway, I'm curious if some of the open tech solutions you guys are workign on (like carpentry based) go as far as looking at green building construction from the bottom up - including foundation, walls, energy grids and so on. Some of us in Brussels are looking for a large residential building to transform it into a carbon free one (The Reef). Part is technical solutions, and another aspect of greening are lifestyle tweaks (growing your own food).",/post/59333,2020-09-11T11:42:30.781Z,2020-09-11T11:42:38.230Z,59333,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,3,1662 23913,v1.0,,"I remember I once put together an idea collection / design outline for a ""village grid"" system for Nepal. Not exactly your usecase of things connected to the national grid, as I don't believe in anything beyond local P2P grids. It's rather something ""very self-manageable"" for a remote village setting, using SELV technology and a kind of household-level ""energy router"". W",/post/52640,2020-09-11T11:20:11.830Z,2020-09-11T11:20:11.830Z,52640,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5,4300 23912,v1.0,,"I remember I once put together an idea collection / design outline for a ""village grid"" system for Nepal. Not exactly your usecase of things connected to the national grid, as I don't believe in anything beyond local P2P grids. It's rather something ""very self-manageable"" for a remote village setting, using SELV technology and a kind of household-level ""energy router"". W",/post/52640,2020-09-11T11:20:11.829Z,2020-09-11T11:20:11.829Z,52640,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5,4298 23911,v1.0,,Peer-validation is basically an infrastructure to ensure that peers do not publish things to the app (the shared DHT) that break the rules that the users of the app have agreed on,/post/53776,2020-09-11T11:14:54.756Z,2020-09-11T11:15:04.420Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,1294 23909,v1.0,,"But there has been criticism as well, and a key one centers around a process that has seemingly little overlap with China’s drive to build a surveillance state: the rise of “surveillance capitalism.”",/post/54203,2020-09-11T11:12:53.857Z,2020-09-11T11:13:03.247Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4822 23908,v1.0,,"Google’s projects in Toronto and New York, for example, have seen the installation of advertising technology on sidewalks, alongside free internet access kiosks. In other words, the logic of ad-supported platforms – free services in exchange for data – is literally being transferred onto the sidewalk. As David A. Banks puts it in a recent column for Real Life Magazine, “With the surveillance technologies built into their Toronto and Hudson Yards projects, Google does to these buildings what they made billions doing to the internet: monitoring advertising opportunities.”",/post/54203,2020-09-11T11:12:53.855Z,2020-09-11T11:13:03.242Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4822 23907,v1.0,,"Harvard’s Shoshana Zuboff, who coined the term, sees smart cities as a way for tech companies to expand the logic of surveillance capitalism – the endless accumulation of data to predict and modify human behavior for the benefit of advertisers – into the city.",/post/54203,2020-09-11T11:12:53.853Z,2020-09-11T11:13:03.237Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4822 23905,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2020-09-11T11:12:53.848Z,2020-09-11T11:13:03.225Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4822 23904,v1.0,,"In the U.S., for example, one could imagine ICE using smart city tech to track migrants in border zones.",/post/54203,2020-09-11T11:12:05.810Z,2020-09-11T11:13:34.964Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,1645 23903,v1.0,,") Privacy / National Infrastructure Security - We are seeing a rise of cyber security attacks, specifically cyber security attacks which are targeting national and corporate infrastrucutre - taking communities and entire nations offline.",/post/52837,2020-09-11T11:11:40.930Z,2020-09-11T11:11:48.870Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,5098 23898,v1.0,,"Good UX guides them, informs the newbies about the presets and their reasoning, and so on.",/post/54153,2020-09-11T11:08:03.840Z,2020-09-11T11:08:09.886Z,54153,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5895 23897,v1.0,,UX will be optimized so that users understand what they're about to do or post,/post/54141,2020-09-11T11:08:03.782Z,2020-09-11T11:08:09.872Z,54141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5895 23894,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2020-09-11T11:05:05.785Z,2020-09-11T11:05:14.388Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,6236 23892,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2020-09-11T11:04:56.622Z,2020-09-11T11:05:01.517Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,4479 23890,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2020-09-11T11:04:55.170Z,2020-09-11T11:06:04.779Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,4334 23888,v1.0,,"But ads are not the only problem - it's the fight for eyeballs which has resulted in so many entire web sites being created for nothing except drawing people in. That part is up to the search engines. It may just happen that duck duck or another SE gets there first - and there is nothing to say that people will not gravitate to the ad-free or limited ad (or limited ""content farm"" results) search engine.",/post/58170,2020-09-11T11:01:02.872Z,2020-09-11T15:00:16.832Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3767 23887,v1.0,,"Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, is behind China’s firewall. To gain entry, international Uyghur activists have to use Chinese phones.",/post/59948,2020-09-11T10:57:45.597Z,2020-09-11T10:57:52.610Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,5098 23884,v1.0,,There is a unit at TU Berlin focussed on “sustainable digitalisation” - their contributions would be useful,/post/61010,2020-09-11T10:50:52.369Z,2020-09-24T14:33:45.818Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,7646 23883,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because Yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for",/post/61040,2020-09-11T10:05:09.801Z,2020-09-18T08:45:44.700Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4027 23882,v1.0,,What do digital services in a world of net-zero look like ?,/post/61010,2020-09-11T10:02:58.087Z,2020-09-11T10:50:18.974Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4773 23881,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-11T10:02:58.084Z,2020-09-11T10:50:18.968Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,4773 23879,v1.0,,only W3C and IETF working on technical collaboration and standardization,/post/52655,2020-09-11T10:00:06.995Z,2020-09-11T10:00:18.751Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,905 23878,v1.0,,"It there any chance that you or another member have ever worked with the maritime sector? Ports and / or shipping? Our EarthOS unit is working with EIT Climate-KIC on different projects and one of that is the ""Deep Demonstration of net-zero emissions, resilient maritime hubs"". We are organising a workshop in Valencia in December: maybe some of you want to share some experience with us? :)",/post/59372,2020-09-10T17:14:45.902Z,2020-09-10T17:14:45.902Z,59372,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5201,7443 23877,v1.0,,"I have a question, and my apologies if it sounds a bit thorny. I have the impression that a lot of the innovation really worth doing tends to destroy GDP, not increase it, and in general to be bad for capitalism (not to put too fine a point on it). Environmental innovation is not the only type of innovation where I see this, but it is where this effect seems strongest.",/post/59368,2020-09-10T17:14:45.897Z,2020-09-10T17:14:45.897Z,59368,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,7443 23876,v1.0,,"building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2020-09-10T17:09:18.053Z,2020-09-24T14:33:45.811Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7646 23875,v1.0,,"I'll try sharing my experiences when trying to get some understanding of climate change and environmental sustainability into the open IoTMark, which became the BetterIoT work that Alex Deschamps-Sonsino has sunk a colossal amount of work into).",/post/55704,2020-09-10T17:09:18.051Z,2020-09-24T14:33:45.804Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7646 23873,v1.0,,"In terms of reducing environmental harms in the supply chain, we would recommend getting involved in Good Electronics network, which has long-term experience networking grassroots activists on the ground. Electronics Watch has done a great job of extending these concerns into actionable, public sector procurement.",/post/55675,2020-09-10T17:07:08.737Z,2020-09-10T17:10:10.465Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,3963 23856,v1.0,,"Control of electricity consumption. This is part of the promise of IoT and the thing I am interested in phloem. It is hard to turn off items remotely or monitor their use, wasting energy. It could also help with avoiding energy companies spinning up fossil fuel power stations based on projected demand if they could get projected usage from households.",/post/54182,2020-09-09T17:38:49.685Z,2020-09-09T17:38:49.685Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,7437 23854,v1.0,,"So you started from the free culture was your gateway drug and open source that led you to Creative Commons, where you helped open up licenses and copyright, to give creators more power, rather than the copyright regime?",/post/61040,2020-09-08T12:38:31.644Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.488Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1257 23853,v1.0,,And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source.,/post/61040,2020-09-08T12:38:31.642Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.483Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1257 23849,v1.0,,"Anyway, sorry for ranting, but the efforts for open-source ""organizing the work with these common challenges as a society"" are very much front and center in the Holochain/Metacurrency community as far as I can tell.",/post/52772,2020-09-08T12:38:31.632Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.465Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1257 23848,v1.0,,so that it operates in a more open and cooperative way?,/post/52674,2020-09-08T12:38:31.630Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.460Z,52674,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,1257 23847,v1.0,,"FOSS is about knowledge, freedom, trust/transparency, empowering and maybe a little community.",/post/54245,2020-09-08T12:38:31.628Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.454Z,54245,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 23846,v1.0,,learn which opens up for building new intellectual capital and other capitals.,/post/54231,2020-09-08T12:38:31.626Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.450Z,54231,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1257 23845,v1.0,,how to educate kids and youngsters who have not been reached by existing educational initiatives around coding and software/hardware.,/post/53806,2020-09-08T12:38:31.623Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.446Z,53806,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1257 23844,v1.0,,"Providing space at Blivande for seminars, hackathons etc.",/post/53415,2020-09-08T12:38:31.621Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.441Z,53415,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4022,1257 23841,v1.0,,I seek a few people that would like to arrange a joint workshop in teaching our community fundamentals in Free & Open Source,/post/53347,2020-09-08T12:38:31.614Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.428Z,53347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 23840,v1.0,,I'm considering hosting a prototype open workshop,/post/54228,2020-09-08T12:38:31.612Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.423Z,54228,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1257 23839,v1.0,,I'm going to Borderlands and will be able to host a Open Source workshop to initiate this work.,/post/56599,2020-09-08T12:38:31.609Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.419Z,56599,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 23837,v1.0,,open source physical infrastructure,/post/52674,2020-09-08T12:38:31.604Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.410Z,52674,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,1257 23836,v1.0,,"the development of the infrastructures in a free software and open-source manner, without a Benevolent Dictator for Life.",/post/52655,2020-09-08T12:38:31.602Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.405Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1257 23835,v1.0,,you are still free (under the four freedoms of foss) to USE the software as you please.,/post/53542,2020-09-08T12:38:31.600Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.401Z,53542,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 23834,v1.0,,Its about what principles the software operates under.,/post/53542,2020-09-08T12:38:31.598Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.396Z,53542,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 23833,v1.0,,"a culture of transparency, collaboration, empowerment and freedom.",/post/53542,2020-09-08T12:38:31.596Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.392Z,53542,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 23831,v1.0,,about FOSS principles,/post/53416,2020-09-08T12:38:31.592Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.382Z,53416,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,200,1257 23825,v1.0,,". Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-09-08T12:38:31.579Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.354Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,1257 23824,v1.0,,nonprofit and other small organizations who are not well funded and go for open source software to save money,/post/53538,2020-09-08T12:38:31.577Z,2020-09-08T12:38:42.349Z,53538,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,1257 23816,v1.0,,"Anyway, sorry for ranting, but the efforts for open-source ""organizing the work with these common challenges as a society"" are very much front and center in the Holochain/Metacurrency community as far as I can tell.",/post/52772,2020-09-08T12:38:03.955Z,2020-09-25T17:46:43.217Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,7686 23811,v1.0,,"Providing space at Blivande for seminars, hackathons etc.",/post/53415,2020-09-08T12:38:03.830Z,2020-09-25T17:31:32.276Z,53415,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4022,7686 23806,v1.0,,I'm going to Borderlands and will be able to host a Open Source workshop to initiate this work.,/post/56599,2020-09-08T12:38:03.628Z,2020-09-25T17:27:51.576Z,56599,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7686 23794,v1.0,,"I think the Human part in this context is what can have something to do with community, belonging, a sense of meaning and purpose in contrast to proprietary software that you can't be a part of in the same way.",/post/54254,2020-09-08T12:38:03.362Z,2020-09-25T17:27:25.243Z,54254,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,358 23792,v1.0,,". Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-09-08T12:38:03.289Z,2020-09-25T17:33:03.309Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,394 23791,v1.0,,nonprofit and other small organizations who are not well funded and go for open source software to save money,/post/53538,2020-09-08T12:38:03.275Z,2020-09-25T17:29:29.348Z,53538,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,7681 23787,v1.0,,And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source.,/post/61040,2020-09-08T12:37:57.891Z,2020-09-08T12:38:25.917Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5701 23775,v1.0,,I seek a few people that would like to arrange a joint workshop in teaching our community fundamentals in Free & Open Source,/post/53347,2020-09-08T12:37:57.865Z,2020-09-08T12:38:25.861Z,53347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,5701 23754,v1.0,,"building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2020-09-08T12:26:02.200Z,2020-09-08T12:26:10.972Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,1028 23748,v1.0,,"In waterfall methods, you start with the requirements from the clients, once you have those, you go to your developer team and start turning those requirements into a specification and a design of a machine to be developed. This whole process was slow, like one or two years, and after that you would emerge and pass what you developed back to the client.",/post/64014,2020-09-08T12:19:24.645Z,2020-09-08T12:19:34.080Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 23747,v1.0,,"Until the end of the 90s, it was very typical that software came in a box, which included floppy disks or CD ROMs that contained a copy of the software that you could install on your personal computer. This box was the product of a very specific way to produce software as a product using “waterfall methodologies”.",/post/64014,2020-09-08T12:19:24.642Z,2020-09-08T12:19:34.075Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 23746,v1.0,,"In waterfall methods, you start with the requirements from the clients, once you have those, you go to your developer team and start turning those requirements into a specification and a design of a machine to be developed. This whole process was slow, like one or two years, and after that you would emerge and pass what you developed back to the client.",/post/64014,2020-09-08T12:19:23.296Z,2020-09-08T12:19:44.094Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6236 23743,v1.0,,"Until the end of the 90s, it was very typical that software came in a box, which included floppy disks or CD ROMs that contained a copy of the software that you could install on your personal computer. This box was the product of a very specific way to produce software as a product using “waterfall methodologies”.",/post/64014,2020-09-08T12:19:21.983Z,2020-09-08T12:20:11.311Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 23740,v1.0,,"urther, if the internet's use in expanding so called freedoms is questionable, then it's ability to diminish them is concrete fact. Dictatorships can use and have used the internet for reliably identifying and locating political dissidents en masse, selectively censoring public discourse in real time, creating swarms of trolls that intimidate voices and obfuscate fact, and a very long list of other both evil and rather ingenious tools built from this technology.",/post/53998,2020-09-08T12:15:42.385Z,2020-09-08T12:15:57.334Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5025 23739,v1.0,,"Rather than say ""look how good the internet is as a tool for freedom"" we begin to ask ""how useful was the internet as a tool in these movements?"" and then to the better question ""was the internet as useful to the protestors(freedom) as it was to the government's(fascism)?"" T",/post/53998,2020-09-08T12:15:42.382Z,2020-09-08T12:15:57.329Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5025 23738,v1.0,,"The internet is just as useful for anti-democratic regimes and generally ""anti-freedom"" dictators as it is for those groups americans selectively deem ""freedom fighters"". In some cases much more so.",/post/53998,2020-09-08T12:15:42.379Z,2020-09-08T12:15:57.325Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5025 23737,v1.0,,"The things the Internet builds are good."" Again, no they aren't. It follows from essentially the same reason as above. A tool is not good. A tool is good for certain tasks.",/post/53998,2020-09-08T12:15:42.376Z,2020-09-08T12:15:57.320Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5025 23736,v1.0,,"Is the internet good? We can address that quickly, it is not. That doesn't mean the internet is ""bad."" We're just asking the wrong question. The internet is a technology. Technology builds tools.",/post/53998,2020-09-08T12:15:42.372Z,2020-09-08T12:15:57.315Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5025 23729,v1.0,,nd how do we protect the users and their environments?,/post/64014,2020-09-08T12:07:25.404Z,2020-09-08T12:07:34.278Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,5498 23727,v1.0,,I have good insight into protocols and hardware and also a strong belief in user centred design.,/post/52586,2020-09-08T12:07:25.393Z,2020-09-08T12:07:34.266Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,5498 23724,v1.0,,"it's the server admins who pay for the moderation, not the users. And the fee is calculated by how many active users are on the instance, not how much work they generate.",/post/55508,2020-09-08T12:00:07.642Z,2020-09-08T12:00:16.667Z,55508,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 23723,v1.0,,"It's not so different....the users pay for their streaming services (internet service, netflix, etc.) and the money funnels up to the content creators and curators.",/post/55497,2020-09-08T12:00:07.638Z,2020-09-08T12:00:16.659Z,55497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3775 23722,v1.0,,subject moderation instances that was fully monetized - i.e. that of the AOL Chat Rooms in the early 1990's.,/post/55497,2020-09-08T12:00:07.632Z,2020-09-08T12:00:16.650Z,55497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3775 23720,v1.0,,"I think one main point is that a model has to be built on something which is already proven somewhere (human interaction has not really changed). What people will pay for is likely the same as always, as well as what they will not. Also, how they will act if they pay for something (ownership) comes into play, as do regional and national differences.",/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:58:58.801Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.413Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,5327 23719,v1.0,,"I think one main point is that a model has to be built on something which is already proven somewhere (human interaction has not really changed). What people will pay for is likely the same as always, as well as what they will not. Also, how they will act if they pay for something (ownership) comes into play, as do regional and national differences.",/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:58:45.275Z,2020-09-08T11:58:45.275Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,4274 23718,v1.0,,"I think one main point is that a model has to be built on something which is already proven somewhere (human interaction has not really changed). What people will pay for is likely the same as always, as well as what they will not. Also, how they will act if they pay for something (ownership) comes into play, as do regional and national differences.",/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:58:45.202Z,2020-09-08T11:58:45.202Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3775 23717,v1.0,,the mods were all volunteers but since we made some $$ from ads and sponsorships I paid them in later years with stipends and bonuses.,/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:57:13.919Z,2020-09-08T11:57:13.919Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,5874 23716,v1.0,,the mods were all volunteers but since we made some $$ from ads and sponsorships I paid them in later years with stipends and bonuses.,/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:57:13.864Z,2020-09-08T11:57:13.864Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,7285 23715,v1.0,,the mods were all volunteers but since we made some $$ from ads and sponsorships I paid them in later years with stipends and bonuses.,/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:57:13.838Z,2020-09-08T11:57:13.838Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3775 23714,v1.0,,"first subject moderation instances that was fully monetized - i.e. that of the AOL Chat Rooms in the early 1990's.We had a friend who was 14 years old and he was mod of the ""teen forum"" - he made 30K per year from doing so! AOL actually paid for him to come down to the VA. HQ for a sit down with other mods and admins. Of course, that ended soon enough when AOL couldn't charge 10 cents a minute for access to their digital world.",/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:56:31.440Z,2020-09-08T11:56:31.440Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3775 23713,v1.0,,"first subject moderation instances that was fully monetized - i.e. that of the AOL Chat Rooms in the early 1990's.We had a friend who was 14 years old and he was mod of the ""teen forum"" - he made 30K per year from doing so! AOL actually paid for him to come down to the VA. HQ for a sit down with other mods and admins. Of course, that ended soon enough when AOL couldn't charge 10 cents a minute for access to their digital world.",/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:56:19.280Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.407Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,5327 23712,v1.0,,"first subject moderation instances that was fully monetized - i.e. that of the AOL Chat Rooms in the early 1990's.We had a friend who was 14 years old and he was mod of the ""teen forum"" - he made 30K per year from doing so! AOL actually paid for him to come down to the VA. HQ for a sit down with other mods and admins. Of course, that ended soon enough when AOL couldn't charge 10 cents a minute for access to their digital world.",/post/55497,2020-09-08T11:56:08.933Z,2020-09-08T11:56:08.933Z,55497,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,4632 23708,v1.0,,and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?,/post/73854,2020-09-08T11:50:20.148Z,2020-09-08T12:21:15.820Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,881 23707,v1.0,,"But then, you are not a game designer only. You are an urban game designer.",/post/73854,2020-09-08T11:50:20.146Z,2020-09-08T12:21:15.815Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,881 23706,v1.0,,"I'm a game designer and in this moment I'm teaching/ managing a Game Lab ( for 75% of my time, and coordinating a branch of a project called Trust in Play ( - the European School of Urban Game Design. On the side I have other design-based activity to keep me busy.",/post/73853,2020-09-08T11:50:20.144Z,2020-09-08T12:21:15.809Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,881 23705,v1.0,,"And they took an Amazon Alexa. And they said, let's do a truly exploded view. So in design, you have this thing called exploded me, which usually just shows you the physical parts that go into device. But we said with connected devices, the story is much bigger than just the small material parts that go into it. So created the most amazing map, it's four meters by four meters, which was exhibited at the V and A Museum in London and has toured around Europe and beyond. And it's shows you the lifecycle of an Amazon Alexa from the mining and the smelting and the production of the components to then when it's actually running all of the data centers and content moderation advertising to the end of life, recycling, and others and otherwise discarding of the device and what is the true cost of Amazon Alexa; what really goes into it.",/post/61040,2020-09-08T11:47:48.411Z,2020-09-08T11:48:02.521Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5498 23704,v1.0,,"And they took an Amazon Alexa. And they said, let's do a truly exploded view. So in design, you have this thing called exploded me, which usually just shows you the physical parts that go into device. But we said with connected devices, the story is much bigger than just the small material parts that go into it. So created the most amazing map, it's four meters by four meters, which was exhibited at the V and A Museum in London and has toured around Europe and beyond. And it's shows you the lifecycle of an Amazon Alexa from the mining and the smelting and the production of the components to then when it's actually running all of the data centers and content moderation advertising to the end of life, recycling, and others and otherwise discarding of the device and what is the true cost of Amazon Alexa; what really goes into it.",/post/61040,2020-09-08T11:47:17.239Z,2020-09-08T11:47:26.285Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4691 23702,v1.0,,"And they took an Amazon Alexa. And they said, let's do a truly exploded view. So in design, you have this thing called exploded me, which usually just shows you the physical parts that go into device. But we said with connected devices, the story is much bigger than just the small material parts that go into it. So created the most amazing map, it's four meters by four meters, which was exhibited at the V and A Museum in London and has toured around Europe and beyond. And it's shows you the lifecycle of an Amazon Alexa from the mining and the smelting and the production of the components to then when it's actually running all of the data centers and content moderation advertising to the end of life, recycling, and others and otherwise discarding of the device and what is the true cost of Amazon Alexa; what really goes into it.",/post/61040,2020-09-08T11:47:08.125Z,2020-09-08T11:47:39.240Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,6236 23699,v1.0,,"FB just got dropped from an investment list of ""socially responsible companies""...... Remember, FB didn't really come into being to become what it became! It reminds me of Windows - a hairball which billions was constantly thrown at to morph into what it needed to be to stay relevant.",/post/55114,2020-09-08T11:44:13.083Z,2020-09-08T11:44:13.083Z,55114,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,7281 23697,v1.0,,"FB just got dropped from an investment list of ""socially responsible companies""...... Remember, FB didn't really come into being to become what it became! It reminds me of Windows - a hairball which billions was constantly thrown at to morph into what it needed to be to stay relevant.",/post/55114,2020-09-08T11:44:02.000Z,2020-09-08T11:44:02.000Z,55114,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3638 23696,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns? How can we design a city to be resilient and worth living in, instead of just a little more efficient?",/post/53307,2020-09-08T11:41:55.893Z,2020-09-08T11:42:19.984Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 23695,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-09-08T11:37:50.429Z,2020-09-08T11:38:01.920Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,6113 23694,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-09-08T11:37:37.314Z,2020-09-08T11:37:44.498Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5156 23693,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-09-08T11:36:50.207Z,2021-04-20T11:31:19.959Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,828 23679,v1.0,,"The Anatomy of AI, is such a great touchstone for when we think about IoT. Often we talk about IoT, we just see a smart light bulb, or we often just see an object, you know, some sort of traffic light or something. But it's really the new vast network of stuff before, during and after that device where things get really interesting.",/post/61040,2020-09-08T10:19:07.196Z,2020-09-25T17:15:56.814Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7685 23677,v1.0,,"The Anatomy of AI, is such a great touchstone for when we think about IoT. Often we talk about IoT, we just see a smart light bulb, or we often just see an object, you know, some sort of traffic light or something. But it's really the new vast network of stuff before, during and after that device where things get really interesting.",/post/61040,2020-09-08T10:19:05.369Z,2020-09-08T12:21:52.362Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1028 23676,v1.0,,"Anatomy of AI, which is a collaboration between",/post/61040,2020-09-08T10:19:05.364Z,2020-09-08T12:21:52.355Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1028 23666,v1.0,,"a big chunk of these unknowing Americans are locked into their own bubbles, some of which are watching Fox News, which if you have not seen it makes RT seems almost objective, and many who just stay with what the social media algorithms tell them, along with whoever they hang out with.",/post/56607,2020-09-08T09:59:41.328Z,2020-09-08T10:03:52.993Z,56607,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3758 23665,v1.0,,platforms that rely on algorithmic feeds are much more susceptible to things like dogpiling for example.,/post/54141,2020-09-08T09:59:41.320Z,2020-09-08T10:03:52.985Z,54141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3758 23664,v1.0,,"It’s striking how fast Lenihan’s article took flight in right-wing media, and the news of Twitter’s action, in turn, was immediately picked up by many of the same news sources. RT ran with the headline “Twitter bans researcher who exposed journalist ties to Antifa.”",/post/54540,2020-09-07T14:38:11.561Z,2020-09-14T15:01:11.814Z,54540,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,1856,7282 23662,v1.0,,What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space?,/post/53307,2020-09-07T14:23:01.197Z,2020-09-07T14:23:33.692Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4479 23660,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-09-07T14:18:57.780Z,2020-09-07T14:19:07.480Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4867 23659,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-09-07T14:17:01.382Z,2020-09-07T14:17:14.390Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4867 23658,v1.0,,"The challenge here is that we have different instances federating with each other. So we have instances that are full of adults, some that are aimed at kids, some that don't want any outside interference, some are Darcy subscribers, others aren't.",/post/55420,2020-09-07T14:13:26.940Z,2020-09-07T14:13:34.313Z,55420,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3610 23657,v1.0,,"What we set out to do is to give people an idea of what kind of space they are talking in, and give them tools to cope when a conversation is suddenly exposed to a more public space than initially intended. On top of that, we make every effort to include an as diverse as possible range of people and their different threat models. If you have a stalker, you need to lock down your online presence in a different way than if you are an LGTBQ* person living in an oppressive regime.",/post/54126,2020-09-07T14:13:26.938Z,2020-09-07T14:13:34.307Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3610 23656,v1.0,,"The problem is that most if not all social media platforms treat all these spaces basically the same, giving us the same toolsets. And that doesn't work. Moderation and policy guidelines that are supposed to make a nice and kid-friendly TV broadcast cannot apply to that sort-of-but-not-quite-private conversation at the pub.",/post/54126,2020-09-07T14:13:26.935Z,2020-09-07T14:13:34.301Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3610 23655,v1.0,,"Surrounded by nature, living in a self-sufficient existence, we believe that this is the ideal setting to inspire our participants to break the boundaries of environmental tech solutions.",/post/59274,2020-09-07T14:07:04.382Z,2020-09-07T14:07:04.382Z,59274,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,730 23636,v1.0,,"@Engstrom_PP who is thinking about how to make activists into collaborative swarms, and @Peer who thinks about swarm intelligence. And of course, @juneholley and her network weavers.",/post/53947,2020-09-07T14:02:05.381Z,2020-09-07T14:02:13.323Z,53947,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,4299 23635,v1.0,,"How about a vote. If a group make a major decision, then later someone decides to delete all their data, losing their vote makes the decision unclear - to me, it is clear that you do not own your vote data, you give it to the group.",/post/54110,2020-09-07T14:01:09.034Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.493Z,54110,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5147,905 23633,v1.0,,"We need off the shelf frameworks, templates and software that make it easy to adopt commons-based governance for projects. [/quote]",/post/54251,2020-09-07T14:01:09.029Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.482Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,905 23632,v1.0,,projects,/post/54033,2020-09-07T14:01:09.027Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.475Z,54033,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5139,905 23631,v1.0,,"We could hope that this would lead to more self-steering, self-directed and self-informed groups, but I guess time will tell if that actually comes to fruition.",/post/53296,2020-09-07T14:01:09.025Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.467Z,53296,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,905 23630,v1.0,,However in regards to your question I am picturing the current physical infrastructure being governed in a different way socially.,/post/52778,2020-09-07T14:01:09.022Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.461Z,52778,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,905 23629,v1.0,,common challenges as a society,/post/52655,2020-09-07T14:01:09.020Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.455Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,905 23628,v1.0,,"of organizations and individuals from different sectors of society who are willing to collaborate and take a more holistic approach, a systems thinking approach",/post/52655,2020-09-07T14:01:09.018Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.449Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,905 23627,v1.0,,"gathering companies, government, civil society and have open and collaborative processes in order to include a multitude of perspectives of this complex issue and overcome the challenges causing devastating consequences for societies, organizations and humans.",/post/52655,2020-09-07T14:01:09.015Z,2020-09-07T14:01:16.442Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,905 23626,v1.0,,"How about a vote. If a group make a major decision, then later someone decides to delete all their data, losing their vote makes the decision unclear - to me, it is clear that you do not own your vote data, you give it to the group.",/post/54110,2020-09-07T14:00:40.013Z,2020-09-07T14:00:50.145Z,54110,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5147,4260 23624,v1.0,,"We need off the shelf frameworks, templates and software that make it easy to adopt commons-based governance for projects. [/quote]",/post/54251,2020-09-07T14:00:40.009Z,2020-09-07T14:00:50.135Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4260 23623,v1.0,,projects,/post/54033,2020-09-07T14:00:40.007Z,2020-09-07T14:00:50.130Z,54033,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5139,4260 23622,v1.0,,"We could hope that this would lead to more self-steering, self-directed and self-informed groups, but I guess time will tell if that actually comes to fruition.",/post/53296,2020-09-07T14:00:40.005Z,2020-09-07T14:00:50.125Z,53296,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,4260 23621,v1.0,,However in regards to your question I am picturing the current physical infrastructure being governed in a different way socially.,/post/52778,2020-09-07T14:00:40.003Z,2020-09-07T14:00:50.120Z,52778,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4260 23620,v1.0,,common challenges as a society,/post/52655,2020-09-07T14:00:40.001Z,2020-09-07T14:00:50.115Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4260 23618,v1.0,,"gathering companies, government, civil society and have open and collaborative processes in order to include a multitude of perspectives of this complex issue and overcome the challenges causing devastating consequences for societies, organizations and humans.",/post/52655,2020-09-07T14:00:39.996Z,2020-09-07T14:00:50.103Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4260 23617,v1.0,,"3. Maps that connect concepts (offline) - these are commonly called mind maps. A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information and can be siloed to the individual or worked on in a group. These types of maps are helpful for understanding concepts and ideas. 4. Maps that connect ideas, information, and context (online) - This does not really exist except as far as I know in the alpha. We call it a ""Collective Knowledge map"" but would be more accurate to say that it is an interactive, self generating collective online knowledge map. The beautiful thing about this notion is that for the first time it actually enables us to think and learn together online. We think of the possibility of planetary cognition - participants create bridges between two content snippets with a relationship thus externalizing the relationships in their mind as reflected by connections between ideas they find online. The map being collective means that all participants use the same map; individuals can specify privacy for what they post (e.g., private, a specific group, public). Th",/post/74044,2020-09-07T13:58:38.351Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.200Z,74044,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,1534 23616,v1.0,,"3. Maps that connect concepts (offline) - these are commonly called mind maps. A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information and can be siloed to the individual or worked on in a group. These types of maps are helpful for understanding concepts and ideas. 4. Maps that connect ideas, information, and context (online) - This does not really exist except as far as I know in the alpha. We call it a ""Collective Knowledge map"" but would be more accurate to say that it is an interactive, self generating collective online knowledge map. The beautiful thing about this notion is that for the first time it actually enables us to think and learn together online. We think of the possibility of planetary cognition - participants create bridges between two content snippets with a relationship thus externalizing the relationships in their mind as reflected by connections between ideas they find online. The map being collective means that all participants use the same map; individuals can specify privacy for what they post (e.g., private, a specific group, public).",/post/74044,2020-09-07T13:57:37.506Z,2020-09-07T13:57:37.506Z,74044,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,7381 23615,v1.0,,"2. Maps that connect projects - I agree with Liliana that vaping between projects is very important. They give us view into what projects are working on which is essential if we want to collaborate, coordinate, and reduce duplication of effort.",/post/74044,2020-09-07T13:57:10.622Z,2020-09-25T16:56:12.953Z,74044,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,7681 23609,v1.0,,educate our community,/post/53347,2020-09-07T13:53:36.357Z,2020-09-07T13:53:47.169Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4608 23608,v1.0,,I'm considering hosting a prototype open workshop to flash Android phones with for folks who wish to get rid of Google's and OEM vendor bloatware,/post/54228,2020-09-07T13:53:36.354Z,2020-09-07T13:53:47.164Z,54228,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,4608 23607,v1.0,,"Environmental innovation is not the only type of innovation where I see this, but it is where this effect seems strongest. I write this under the influence of the Deep Adaptation paper, where Bendell essentially says that sustainability is over.",/post/59368,2020-09-07T13:49:24.499Z,2020-09-07T13:49:24.499Z,59368,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,3963 23606,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity, as I understand it (which isn't a lot) is largely based around being part of a ""crew.""",/post/59409,2020-09-07T13:47:01.028Z,2020-09-07T13:47:09.344Z,59409,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,2915,1448 23605,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity is not only a step for a healthier earth and person, it's a necessary step of rebellion.",/post/59347,2020-09-07T13:47:01.026Z,2020-09-07T13:47:09.339Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,1448 23604,v1.0,,"My conclusion is that Microsolidarity is not only a great way to go about reshaping and rebuilding the world, it is a means to avoid the dystopia which inevitably comes with mass-manipulation.",/post/59347,2020-09-07T13:47:01.024Z,2020-09-07T13:47:09.334Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,1448 23603,v1.0,,I had found that there was a need that Microsolidarity could fill: lonliness.,/post/59347,2020-09-07T13:47:01.021Z,2020-09-07T13:47:09.329Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,1448 23602,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity be a cure of loneliness, the satisfaction to a deep human need, a desirable solution?",/post/59347,2020-09-07T13:47:01.018Z,2020-09-07T13:47:09.322Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,1448 23601,v1.0,,Microsolidarity is a necessary step to hinder mass-manipulation in contemporary society.,/post/59347,2020-09-07T13:47:01.015Z,2020-09-07T13:47:09.317Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,1448 23600,v1.0,,"And thanks to the maintenance of the European Commission to prioritize these kinds of training networks, which seems to be a unique thing in the world that they say we need to get universities and in the industry together to think and to move forward to these new kinds of trainings.",/post/61040,2020-09-07T13:37:29.556Z,2020-09-25T18:10:27.907Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,394 23559,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-09-03T15:36:38.622Z,2020-09-03T15:36:51.023Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5177 23527,v1.0,,"'mental revival sessions', well said! There is talking, and there is hanging out. And no virtual room will replace the hanging out unless you probably have years of accommodating. But definitely less so if that's the only place you work or meet people. I think it's because you cannot meet others in real life that the virtual shows its limitations.",/post/74965,2020-09-03T15:23:39.429Z,2020-09-03T15:23:45.949Z,74965,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5177 23526,v1.0,,"However, changing the scene, as Amelia mentions, is something I sorely miss. I was blessed (in the social dimension of it definitely) with bouncing each week between two workplaces I have at the University, which makes my usual rhythm relatively dynamic. I personally consider the high number of colleagues I meet to be the actual win.",/post/74960,2020-09-03T15:23:39.427Z,2020-09-03T15:23:45.944Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5177 23525,v1.0,,"Exactly -- this is what is sorely missing. There's also no moving somewhere else for a change of pace, a different kind of inspiration, to find another angle. I have always strongly felt that space shapes the way we can think and feel (it's partially what my dissertation is on) so it's hard to be stuck in the same place. It means we have to find imaginative ways of being elsewhere, changing the scene! Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74495,2020-09-03T15:23:39.425Z,2020-09-03T15:23:45.938Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5177 23524,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-09-03T15:23:39.423Z,2020-09-03T15:23:45.933Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5177 23523,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-09-03T15:23:39.420Z,2020-09-03T15:23:45.928Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5177 23486,v1.0,,"Where on internet should we put our children who cant separate good from bad, truth from lies?",/post/53931,2020-09-03T10:55:13.849Z,2021-04-30T09:09:11.440Z,53931,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,7937 23485,v1.0,,"Regarding kids, I am generally opposed to ""nanny state"" laws that assume parental duties that are in my opinion best left to the parents. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53941,2020-09-03T10:55:13.846Z,2021-04-30T09:09:11.436Z,53941,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,7937 23484,v1.0,,"Where on internet should we put our children who cant separate good from bad, truth from lies?",/post/53931,2020-09-03T10:54:36.987Z,2020-09-03T10:55:22.628Z,53931,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,4285 23483,v1.0,,"Regarding kids, I am generally opposed to ""nanny state"" laws that assume parental duties that are in my opinion best left to the parents. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53941,2020-09-03T10:54:36.984Z,2020-09-03T10:55:22.623Z,53941,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,4285 23479,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Edit Delete No Commenthuman-centric Edit Delete No CommentSmart City Edit Delete No Commentagency Edit Delete No Commentcontrol Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Edit Delete No Commentprivacy Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-09-03T10:50:48.537Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.724Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4275 23478,v1.0,,"I think it's really true that if you can't delete your data, it's not yours.",/post/54267,2020-09-03T10:50:48.534Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.719Z,54267,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4897,4275 23477,v1.0,,"If you can’t delete your posts, do you really own your data? ”",/post/54104,2020-09-03T10:50:48.531Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.714Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,4275 23476,v1.0,,"But then, no, you definitely do not own your data if you cannot delete them.",/post/54075,2020-09-03T10:50:48.528Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.708Z,54075,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4,4275 23475,v1.0,,"where also the psychological aspect of who owns your data,",/post/53914,2020-09-03T10:50:48.525Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.702Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,4275 23474,v1.0,,"GDPR did initially serve it's purpose of ensuring that European data stayed within Europe, but it had simultaneously opened up a new market for American companies to make money by charging the companies who used their services (such as GDrive) for ensuring that their data would be stored in the companies European servers.",/post/54113,2020-09-03T10:50:48.523Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.697Z,54113,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,4275 23473,v1.0,,"if executed in a proper manner is disputable, or if it's even possible to take action in a positive form when the infrastructure itself directly contradicts personal ownership of data.",/post/54163,2020-09-03T10:50:48.521Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.691Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,4275 23472,v1.0,,"And if we draw this quote to its logical conclusion: If you can never delete any of the content you release online, does this mean that you no longer own it? Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54104,2020-09-03T10:50:48.519Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.686Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,4275 23471,v1.0,,". Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-09-03T10:50:48.516Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.681Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,4275 23470,v1.0,,with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.,/post/54271,2020-09-03T10:50:48.513Z,2020-09-03T10:50:57.675Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,4275 23469,v1.0,,Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:35:29.533Z,2020-09-03T10:35:29.533Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,1257 23468,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.990Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.990Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7343 23467,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.919Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.919Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7241 23466,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.909Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.909Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,4583 23465,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.850Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.850Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,5882 23464,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.844Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.844Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,5890 23463,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.824Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.824Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,3814 23462,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.810Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.810Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,3816 23461,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.807Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.807Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7341 23460,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.712Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.712Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,3822 23459,v1.0,,"""Mozilla is no longer fighting for market share of its browser: it is fighting for the future of the web,"" writes the Guardian, citing Mozilla Project co-founder Mitchell Baker: Baker's pitch is that only Mozilla is motivated, first and foremost, to make using the web a pleasurable experience. Google's main priority is to funnel user data into the enormous advertising engine that accounts for most of its revenue. Apple's motivation is to ensure that customers continue to buy a new iPhone every couple of years and don't switch to Android....""",/post/64448,2020-09-03T10:35:14.695Z,2020-09-03T10:35:14.695Z,64448,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,1257 23458,v1.0,,"""Dont leave the future of internet in the hands of the proprietary software"" =)",/post/63116,2020-09-03T10:34:11.285Z,2020-09-03T10:34:11.285Z,63116,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7319 23457,v1.0,,"""Dont leave the future of internet in the hands of the proprietary software"" =)",/post/63116,2020-09-03T10:34:11.272Z,2020-09-11T14:37:46.412Z,63116,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,4503 23456,v1.0,,"""Dont leave the future of internet in the hands of the proprietary software"" =)",/post/63116,2020-09-03T10:34:11.261Z,2020-09-03T10:34:11.261Z,63116,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,1257 23455,v1.0,,"It's hard to imagine coming up with anything new after so many millions have thought about this for so long. There are only X number of ways to create income from media..and that is what is being discussed when it comes down to it. Edit Delete No Commentdead end predicting the future Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:29.898Z,2020-09-03T10:33:29.898Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,5471 23454,v1.0,,"It's hard to imagine coming up with anything new after so many millions have thought about this for so long. There are only X number of ways to create income from media..and that is what is being discussed when it comes down to it. dead end Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:21.460Z,2020-09-03T10:33:21.460Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7342 23453,v1.0,,"Micro payments, which were the hot subject a decade or two ago, really never took off - but that is a subscription model in any case.",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:08.875Z,2020-09-03T10:33:08.875Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7323 23452,v1.0,,"Unless I missed something that's about all there is. Even Grant based media uses ads these days (public radio, podcasts), although they are not in-your-face and tracking types.",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:00.645Z,2020-09-03T10:33:00.645Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7313 23451,v1.0,,"Unless I missed something that's about all there is. Even Grant based media uses ads these days (public radio, podcasts), although they are not in-your-face and tracking types.",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:00.643Z,2020-09-24T13:51:45.039Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,6073 23450,v1.0,,"Unless I missed something that's about all there is. Even Grant based media uses ads these days (public radio, podcasts), although they are not in-your-face and tracking types.",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:00.641Z,2020-09-03T10:33:00.641Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7068 23449,v1.0,,"Unless I missed something that's about all there is. Even Grant based media uses ads these days (public radio, podcasts), although they are not in-your-face and tracking types.",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:00.636Z,2020-09-03T10:33:00.636Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,3821 23447,v1.0,,"Unless I missed something that's about all there is. Even Grant based media uses ads these days (public radio, podcasts), although they are not in-your-face and tracking types.",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:33:00.534Z,2020-09-03T10:33:00.534Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,4258 23446,v1.0,,"There are many decades of experience in media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.) which I think got creative enough to know the basic score. Ads Subscriptions Grants (public TV, Radio, etc.) Plain ole do-gooders (hard to do on scale)",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:32:31.595Z,2020-09-03T10:32:31.595Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7277 23445,v1.0,,"There are many decades of experience in media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.) which I think got creative enough to know the basic score. Ads Subscriptions Grants (public TV, Radio, etc.) Plain ole do-gooders (hard to do on scale)",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:32:31.595Z,2020-09-03T10:32:31.595Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7300 23444,v1.0,,"There are many decades of experience in media (newspapers, radio, TV, etc.) which I think got creative enough to know the basic score. Ads Subscriptions Grants (public TV, Radio, etc.) Plain ole do-gooders (hard to do on scale)",/post/58827,2020-09-03T10:32:31.493Z,2020-09-03T10:32:31.493Z,58827,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7241 23443,v1.0,,"ugh. several years ago when I talked with internet startups I advised them to move away from ad-based revenue models, as everyone would soon be using ad-blockers - but I see I was wrong: big tech is more than happy to revert it back to ad-based. Can we not come up with something more creative to make money but to shove products into our faces we don't really need? ad-blocking business model startup big tech advertising Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58802,2020-09-03T10:32:04.025Z,2020-09-03T10:32:04.025Z,58802,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,3816 23442,v1.0,,"ugh. several years ago when I talked with internet startups I advised them to move away from ad-based revenue models, as everyone would soon be using ad-blockers - but I see I was wrong: big tech is more than happy to revert it back to ad-based. Can we not come up with something more creative to make money but to shove products into our faces we don't really need? ad-blocking business model startup big tech advertising Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58802,2020-09-03T10:32:04.023Z,2020-09-03T10:32:04.023Z,58802,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7340 23441,v1.0,,"ugh. several years ago when I talked with internet startups I advised them to move away from ad-based revenue models, as everyone would soon be using ad-blockers - but I see I was wrong: big tech is more than happy to revert it back to ad-based. Can we not come up with something more creative to make money but to shove products into our faces we don't really need? ad-blocking business model startup big tech advertising Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58802,2020-09-03T10:32:03.994Z,2020-09-03T10:32:03.994Z,58802,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4274 23440,v1.0,,"ugh. several years ago when I talked with internet startups I advised them to move away from ad-based revenue models, as everyone would soon be using ad-blockers - but I see I was wrong: big tech is more than happy to revert it back to ad-based. Can we not come up with something more creative to make money but to shove products into our faces we don't really need? ad-blocking business model startup big tech advertising Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58802,2020-09-03T10:32:03.973Z,2020-09-03T10:32:03.973Z,58802,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,1616 23439,v1.0,,"ugh. several years ago when I talked with internet startups I advised them to move away from ad-based revenue models, as everyone would soon be using ad-blockers - but I see I was wrong: big tech is more than happy to revert it back to ad-based. Can we not come up with something more creative to make money but to shove products into our faces we don't really need? ad-blocking business model startup big tech advertising Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58802,2020-09-03T10:32:03.962Z,2020-09-03T10:32:03.962Z,58802,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,3821 23438,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.301Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.301Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7341 23437,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.279Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.279Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7329 23436,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.252Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.252Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7340 23435,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.215Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.215Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,4583 23434,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.201Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.201Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,3822 23433,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.200Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.200Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,1349 23432,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.096Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.096Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,3821 23431,v1.0,,Google moves towards implmenting a plugin/extension API to prevent ad-blockers to be effective in Chrome.Mozilla seems to fight back.,/post/58801,2020-09-03T10:31:28.081Z,2020-09-03T10:31:28.081Z,58801,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,730 23430,v1.0,,"Obfuscating to mess with ads? disruption advertising hacks Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55780,2020-09-03T10:30:32.064Z,2020-09-23T12:26:51.595Z,55780,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7590 23429,v1.0,,"Obfuscating to mess with ads? disruption advertising hacks Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55780,2020-09-03T10:30:32.056Z,2020-09-03T10:30:32.056Z,55780,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,730 23428,v1.0,,"Obfuscating to mess with ads? disruption advertising hacks Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55780,2020-09-03T10:30:31.976Z,2020-09-03T10:30:31.976Z,55780,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,3821 23427,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" Edit Delete No Commenttrade-off Edit Delete No Commentusefulness Edit Delete No Commentbusiness model Edit Delete No Commentprivacy Edit Delete No Comment""return on data"" Edit Delete No Commentdigital services Edit Delete No Commentattributing value Edit Delete No Commentinformation quality Edit Delete No Commentdecision-making Edit Delete No Commentcontextualisation Edit Delete No Commentinformed choices Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Cancel Save return on investment (ROI) Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:30:16.076Z,2020-09-03T10:30:16.076Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7339 23426,v1.0,,"Just as a note - I ran a large web site/forum for 18 years and then another mid-sized for five and I never used any visitor data for anything....although I must admit to having shown some adsense ads on the larger site. Truth is, they never paid very well. I happened to find the ad model worked for me - due to lower overhead (just me, part time) and also due to ""direct to client"" ads. Since there was no such thing as an ad network at the time, I contacted manufacturers of said products (high efficiency wood/pellet stoves, etc.) and had them pay yearly fees from $800 to 10K+ for being featured on the site. I never packed any pages with ads so received zero complaints over two decades. The site was profitable (although I never started or ran it for money!) from the first year until I sold it.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:30:10.679Z,2020-09-03T10:30:10.679Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7339 23425,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Edit Delete No Commentprivacy Edit Delete No Commenthuman rights Edit Delete No Commentfree markets Edit Delete No Commentlegality Edit Delete No Commentethics Edit Delete No Commentdata protection return on investment (ROI) Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:30:01.740Z,2020-09-03T10:30:01.740Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,7339 23424,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.785Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.785Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7339 23423,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.759Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.759Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7334 23422,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.735Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.735Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,966 23421,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.699Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.699Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7280 23420,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.681Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.681Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7325 23419,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.672Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.672Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7298 23418,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.581Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.581Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,4420 23417,v1.0,,"Interesting that you read it that way. Rights are both enjoyed and exercised, both of which may well include the generation of value (independent newspapers are a case in point, having a business model and maintaining an infrastructure for freedom of expression / public discourse does not mean rights are monetized). Whether the idea of a return means monetization depends on the values, and there is more than one logic of markets. For people to have a better sense of how (commercial / non-commercial) value is generated with data they provide makes sense to me (also because it resonates with my own interests in whiteboxing tech); and while this particular author begins with customers (of social media platforms, for example) rather than citizens (or non-citizens, for that matter) more broadly, the wide scope - see refs to the debate on whether data is capital or labor - suggests that we are still relatively early in that process of coming to terms with how data operates in processes of value creation... human rights freedom of information free speech financial incentives return on investment (ROI) attributing value information quality informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55292,2020-09-03T10:29:49.551Z,2020-09-03T10:29:49.551Z,55292,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,4326 23416,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). data protection personal data privacy human rights free markets legality ethics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:28:43.981Z,2020-09-03T10:28:43.981Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,3685 23415,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). data protection personal data privacy human rights free markets legality ethics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:28:43.976Z,2020-09-03T10:28:43.976Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,4282 23414,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). data protection personal data privacy human rights free markets legality ethics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:28:43.968Z,2020-09-03T10:28:43.968Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,4437 23413,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). data protection personal data privacy human rights free markets legality ethics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:28:43.952Z,2020-09-03T10:28:43.952Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,1074 23412,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). data protection personal data privacy human rights free markets legality ethics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:28:43.939Z,2020-09-03T10:28:43.939Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,966 23411,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). data protection personal data privacy human rights free markets legality ethics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:28:43.859Z,2020-09-03T10:28:43.859Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,3610 23410,v1.0,,"I am no legal scholar, but this may be because data protection is assimilated to privacy, a human right. Human rights doctrine ringfences away from market logic some aspects of human life. For example, there is certainly a return on child labor (ROCB) – just ask 19th century mine owners. There is also a return on selling yourself away as a slave (ROSYAAS) – and indeed this move was the last recourse of debt-ridden farmer in many societies, including ancient Babylonia. But modern lawmakers conclude that such practices are degrading and should be outlawed, not monetized. Maybe the regulators mentioned in the paper have a similar mindset about consumer privacy (I prefer to talk of ""individual"" privacy). data protection personal data privacy human rights free markets legality ethics Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55251,2020-09-03T10:28:43.858Z,2020-09-03T10:28:43.858Z,55251,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,3814 23409,v1.0,,"Anyway, just some short stories to show that ad-supported situations can work....seems less so as time goes by, tho. Edit Delete No Commentnuancing the debate defining terminology Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:27:49.762Z,2020-09-03T10:27:49.762Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7068 23408,v1.0,,"Anyway, just some short stories to show that ad-supported situations can work....seems less so as time goes by, tho. nuancing the debate Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:27:42.304Z,2020-09-03T10:27:42.304Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7313 23407,v1.0,,Top down change in those cases could come from ad networks by their limiting of allowable number of ads on each page. But they have little impetus to do so.,/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:27:36.841Z,2020-09-03T10:27:36.841Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7338 23406,v1.0,,Top down change in those cases could come from ad networks by their limiting of allowable number of ads on each page. But they have little impetus to do so.,/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:27:36.746Z,2020-09-17T14:11:18.950Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,3821 23405,v1.0,,Top down change in those cases could come from ad networks by their limiting of allowable number of ads on each page. But they have little impetus to do so.,/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:27:36.661Z,2020-09-03T10:27:36.661Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7280 23404,v1.0,,Top down change in those cases could come from ad networks by their limiting of allowable number of ads on each page. But they have little impetus to do so.,/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:27:36.660Z,2020-09-03T10:27:36.660Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7241 23403,v1.0,,"What amazes me is these well known sites (CNN, etc.) that literally have 100 ads or more (mostly clickbait stuff at the bottom). That is pure desperation as the return per ad has to be incredibly low.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:26:51.596Z,2020-09-03T10:26:51.596Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,3756 23402,v1.0,,"I will note this. The Affiliate model was one of diminishing returns while the ""direct client"" ad model was not. This is due to the obvious...once a site can make money with Affiliates, 100 sites (or more) will eventually pop up with little or no content but designed just to slice off a piece of that pie. Income from that site was cut in 1/2 three years in a row. It doesn't take math skills to see that this is not a sustainable model. Still, if the topic had still interested me I would have kept the site even with just ""beer money"" income.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:26:33.482Z,2020-09-03T10:26:33.482Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7337 23401,v1.0,,"I will note this. The Affiliate model was one of diminishing returns while the ""direct client"" ad model was not. This is due to the obvious...once a site can make money with Affiliates, 100 sites (or more) will eventually pop up with little or no content but designed just to slice off a piece of that pie. Income from that site was cut in 1/2 three years in a row. It doesn't take math skills to see that this is not a sustainable model. Still, if the topic had still interested me I would have kept the site even with just ""beer money"" income.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:26:33.478Z,2020-09-03T10:26:33.478Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7336 23400,v1.0,,"The second site was also educational on robotic tech and cameras. Once again I used ads, but in this case they were affiliate. It turned out there were very few vendors of such products, so the readers were going to buy ""Brand Y"" almost no matter what...but if they bought it after reading my ""free"" information, I got a cut of it. That did very well also...although again, not intended to make money.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:26:11.643Z,2020-09-03T10:26:11.643Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7335 23399,v1.0,,"Just as a note - I ran a large web site/forum for 18 years and then another mid-sized for five and I never used any visitor data for anything....although I must admit to having shown some adsense ads on the larger site. Truth is, they never paid very well. I happened to find the ad model worked for me - due to lower overhead (just me, part time) and also due to ""direct to client"" ads. Since there was no such thing as an ad network at the time, I contacted manufacturers of said products (high efficiency wood/pellet stoves, etc.) and had them pay yearly fees from $800 to 10K+ for being featured on the site. I never packed any pages with ads so received zero complaints over two decades. The site was profitable (although I never started or ran it for money!) from the first year until I sold it.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:25:58.812Z,2020-09-03T10:25:58.812Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,7280 23398,v1.0,,"Just as a note - I ran a large web site/forum for 18 years and then another mid-sized for five and I never used any visitor data for anything....although I must admit to having shown some adsense ads on the larger site. Truth is, they never paid very well. I happened to find the ad model worked for me - due to lower overhead (just me, part time) and also due to ""direct to client"" ads. Since there was no such thing as an ad network at the time, I contacted manufacturers of said products (high efficiency wood/pellet stoves, etc.) and had them pay yearly fees from $800 to 10K+ for being featured on the site. I never packed any pages with ads so received zero complaints over two decades. The site was profitable (although I never started or ran it for money!) from the first year until I sold it.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:25:58.780Z,2020-09-03T10:25:58.780Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,3821 23397,v1.0,,"Just as a note - I ran a large web site/forum for 18 years and then another mid-sized for five and I never used any visitor data for anything....although I must admit to having shown some adsense ads on the larger site. Truth is, they never paid very well. I happened to find the ad model worked for me - due to lower overhead (just me, part time) and also due to ""direct to client"" ads. Since there was no such thing as an ad network at the time, I contacted manufacturers of said products (high efficiency wood/pellet stoves, etc.) and had them pay yearly fees from $800 to 10K+ for being featured on the site. I never packed any pages with ads so received zero complaints over two decades. The site was profitable (although I never started or ran it for money!) from the first year until I sold it.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:25:58.773Z,2020-09-03T10:25:58.773Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,3814 23396,v1.0,,"Just as a note - I ran a large web site/forum for 18 years and then another mid-sized for five and I never used any visitor data for anything....although I must admit to having shown some adsense ads on the larger site. Truth is, they never paid very well. I happened to find the ad model worked for me - due to lower overhead (just me, part time) and also due to ""direct to client"" ads. Since there was no such thing as an ad network at the time, I contacted manufacturers of said products (high efficiency wood/pellet stoves, etc.) and had them pay yearly fees from $800 to 10K+ for being featured on the site. I never packed any pages with ads so received zero complaints over two decades. The site was profitable (although I never started or ran it for money!) from the first year until I sold it.",/post/55221,2020-09-03T10:25:58.764Z,2020-09-03T10:25:58.764Z,55221,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5188,4274 23395,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.478Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.478Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7334 23394,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.474Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.474Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7333 23393,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.435Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.435Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,3814 23392,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.413Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.413Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,5368 23391,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.375Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.375Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7298 23389,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.290Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.290Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7325 23388,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.268Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.268Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,4773 23387,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.267Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.267Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,3610 23386,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.220Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.220Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,4274 23385,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.187Z,2020-09-03T10:25:04.187Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,7332 23384,v1.0,,"""Consumers routinely supply personal data to technology companies in exchange for services. Yet, the relationship between the utility (U) consumers gain and the data (D) they supply — “return on data” (ROD) — remains largely unexplored. Expressed as a ratio, ROD = U / D. While lawmakers strongly advocate protecting consumer privacy, they tend to overlook ROD. Are the benefits of the services enjoyed by consumers, such as social networking and predictive search, commensurate with the value of the data extracted from them? How can consumers compare competing data-for-services deals? Currently, the legal frameworks regulating these transactions, including privacy law, aim primarily to protect personal data. They treat data protection as a standalone issue, distinct from the benefits which consumers receive. This article suggests that privacy concerns should not be viewed in isolation, but as part of ROD. Just as companies can quantify return on investment (ROI) to optimize investment decisions, consumers should be able to assess ROD in order to better spend and invest personal data. Making data-for-services transactions more transparent will enable consumers to evaluate the merits of these deals, negotiate their terms and make more informed decisions. Pivoting from the privacy paradigm to ROD will both incentivize data-driven service providers to offer consumers higher ROD, as well as create opportunities for new market entrants."" personal data trade-off usefulness business model privacy ""return on data"" digital services attributing value information quality decision-making contextualisation informed choices Cancel Save Annotate",/post/55206,2020-09-03T10:25:04.170Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.908Z,55206,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4892,5891 23383,v1.0,,"One of those could be a plugin that detects the the subjectively most useful content based on interaction data and automatically distributes the funds a user has allocated for their media consumption. This would IMO view solve the UX issues associated with current approaches to micropayments. Brave has also been going into that direction and it seems to work pretty well. They still combine it with ads though, which is an OK step in-between but hopefully ads will not play such a big role anymore or the market has adjusted to only wanting to r",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:22:52.940Z,2020-09-03T10:22:52.940Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7332 23382,v1.0,,"One of those could be a plugin that detects the the subjectively most useful content based on interaction data and automatically distributes the funds a user has allocated for their media consumption. This would IMO view solve the UX issues associated with current approaches to micropayments. Brave has also been going into that direction and it seems to work pretty well. They still combine it with ads though, which is an OK step in-between but hopefully ads will not play such a big role anymore or the market has adjusted to only wanting to r",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:22:52.932Z,2020-09-03T10:22:52.932Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7331 23381,v1.0,,"data is stored locally of course and no data will ever be sent anywhere without user consent. Soon we will provide an API on which developers and entrepreneurs could build new tools with that data.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:22:14.702Z,2020-09-03T10:22:14.702Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7330 23380,v1.0,,"data is stored locally of course and no data will ever be sent anywhere without user consent. Soon we will provide an API on which developers and entrepreneurs could build new tools with that data.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:22:14.689Z,2020-09-03T10:22:14.689Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7329 23379,v1.0,,"data is stored locally of course and no data will ever be sent anywhere without user consent. Soon we will provide an API on which developers and entrepreneurs could build new tools with that data.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:22:14.575Z,2020-09-03T10:22:14.575Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,1943 23378,v1.0,,"data is stored locally of course and no data will ever be sent anywhere without user consent. Soon we will provide an API on which developers and entrepreneurs could build new tools with that data.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:22:14.572Z,2020-09-03T10:22:14.572Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7328 23377,v1.0,,"Memex, an open source tool to search your web history, annotate and collaborate with peers when doing web research. So you can search for websites, papers and social posts you've seen with the vague memories you have.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:21:45.194Z,2020-09-03T10:21:45.194Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7327 23376,v1.0,,"Memex, an open source tool to search your web history, annotate and collaborate with peers when doing web research. So you can search for websites, papers and social posts you've seen with the vague memories you have.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:21:45.058Z,2020-09-03T10:21:45.058Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,3866 23375,v1.0,,"Memex, an open source tool to search your web history, annotate and collaborate with peers when doing web research. So you can search for websites, papers and social posts you've seen with the vague memories you have.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:21:45.044Z,2020-09-03T10:21:45.044Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,3814 23374,v1.0,,"Memex, an open source tool to search your web history, annotate and collaborate with peers when doing web research. So you can search for websites, papers and social posts you've seen with the vague memories you have.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:21:45.022Z,2020-09-03T10:21:45.022Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,1257 23372,v1.0,,"For doing so it would require having extensive data that can help to determine the usefulness/quality of content people see, and such a solution needs to be baked into another value proposition. It can't be a standalone service like Flattr.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:21:05.911Z,2020-09-03T10:21:05.911Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7325 23371,v1.0,,"For doing so it would require having extensive data that can help to determine the usefulness/quality of content people see, and such a solution needs to be baked into another value proposition. It can't be a standalone service like Flattr.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:21:05.900Z,2020-09-03T10:21:05.900Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,4875 23370,v1.0,,"For doing so it would require having extensive data that can help to determine the usefulness/quality of content people see, and such a solution needs to be baked into another value proposition. It can't be a standalone service like Flattr.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:21:05.810Z,2020-09-03T10:21:05.810Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7298 23369,v1.0,,"Other great examples of not relying on any ad-related income in journalism are the Dutch The Correspondent (tho they did F# up after fundraising in the US and not basing themselves there, but that's a different story), and the Slovakian Dennik N y by using a complex analytical and automated system, they target their readers to become members. They built this system by themselves, and it's open-sourced. The cheapest membership is a one-month membership deal. The software helps them to target the right readers: analytics tell them that someone reading it on an iphone is 5 times more likely to buy a 3 month membership deal than someone on android - so they show a different deal to those than to android users. How it works: their long form reads are behind a paywall, but not fully. Readers can read several paragraphs, more than with others, before they hit the paywall. All members can get a shareable link and share the articles they want on social, giving their friends a one-time free pass to read the full story. They also publish one paragraph news stories without a paywall, often linked directly to other news sources. And they have a paper version, which they see as advertisement for their online platform.",/post/53349,2020-09-03T10:09:42.184Z,2020-09-03T10:09:42.184Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7325 23368,v1.0,,"There are a few organizations looking into how to increase engagement in journalism, and they are worth checking out (because an engaged member, will support you - either through donations or word of mouth):",/post/53386,2020-09-03T10:08:53.400Z,2020-09-03T10:08:53.400Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7325 23367,v1.0,,"and blendle is actually struggling in NL right now, although I do think the idea in essence is really nice. I have paid for dutch articles that were behind a subscription pay wall otherwise, but other stories they offered I could find for free online. Edit Delete No Commentnews Edit Delete No Commentfunding issues Edit Delete No Commentpaywall Edit Delete No Commentjournalism attributing value Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53407,2020-09-03T10:08:39.907Z,2020-09-03T10:08:39.907Z,53407,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7325 23366,v1.0,,"I think there are a few more distinctions we need to make to make this into a valuable discussion. Because what about sponsored content? An article in The Atlantic that is openly labelled as advertising and clearly written for Microsoft, but still a pleasure to read. A video by The Big Story sponsored by the National Tourist Agency of country X - the video is still interesting, I know it is advertising.",/post/53701,2020-09-03T10:08:18.861Z,2020-09-03T10:08:18.861Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7325 23365,v1.0,,"Right now, the solution seems to be to make the content as tantalizing, attention-grabbing and as a result even controversial as possible, while at the same time attaching the ideal price tag of ""free"" to it.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T10:08:05.526Z,2020-09-03T10:08:05.526Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7325 23364,v1.0,,"Micropayment Services The really good thing was that a user can determine for themselves how much worth their media consumption overall is and distribute the funds to any provider, big and small. This make an approach inclusive to many different types of contributions and potential income to smaller bloggers too. A student might just be able to pay 5 bucks, a CEO 200 and so forth. However approaches like Flattr didn't work because the service required to find an audience that values journalism enough to sign up for such a new service. From a UX perspective practically unusable as it required users to manually press a button for each article they want to pay. Big decision paralysis and frankly too much effort.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:07:40.186Z,2020-09-03T10:07:40.186Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7325 23363,v1.0,,"Micropayment Services The really good thing was that a user can determine for themselves how much worth their media consumption overall is and distribute the funds to any provider, big and small. This make an approach inclusive to many different types of contributions and potential income to smaller bloggers too. A student might just be able to pay 5 bucks, a CEO 200 and so forth. However approaches like Flattr didn't work because the service required to find an audience that values journalism enough to sign up for such a new service. From a UX perspective practically unusable as it required users to manually press a button for each article they want to pay. Big decision paralysis and frankly too much effort.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:07:40.060Z,2020-09-03T10:07:40.060Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,1042 23362,v1.0,,"Micropayment Services The really good thing was that a user can determine for themselves how much worth their media consumption overall is and distribute the funds to any provider, big and small. This make an approach inclusive to many different types of contributions and potential income to smaller bloggers too. A student might just be able to pay 5 bucks, a CEO 200 and so forth. However approaches like Flattr didn't work because the service required to find an audience that values journalism enough to sign up for such a new service. From a UX perspective practically unusable as it required users to manually press a button for each article they want to pay. Big decision paralysis and frankly too much effort.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:07:20.786Z,2020-09-03T10:07:20.786Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7324 23361,v1.0,,"Micropayment Services The really good thing was that a user can determine for themselves how much worth their media consumption overall is and distribute the funds to any provider, big and small. This make an approach inclusive to many different types of contributions and potential income to smaller bloggers too. A student might just be able to pay 5 bucks, a CEO 200 and so forth. However approaches like Flattr didn't work because the service required to find an audience that values journalism enough to sign up for such a new service. From a UX perspective practically unusable as it required users to manually press a button for each article they want to pay. Big decision paralysis and frankly too much effort.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:06:19.484Z,2020-09-03T10:06:19.484Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7323 23360,v1.0,,"Micropayment Services The really good thing was that a user can determine for themselves how much worth their media consumption overall is and distribute the funds to any provider, big and small. This make an approach inclusive to many different types of contributions and potential income to smaller bloggers too. A student might just be able to pay 5 bucks, a CEO 200 and so forth. However approaches like Flattr didn't work because the service required to find an audience that values journalism enough to sign up for such a new service. From a UX perspective practically unusable as it required users to manually press a button for each article they want to pay. Big decision paralysis and frankly too much effort.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:06:19.385Z,2020-09-03T10:06:19.385Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,4275 23358,v1.0,,"Micropayment Services The really good thing was that a user can determine for themselves how much worth their media consumption overall is and distribute the funds to any provider, big and small. This make an approach inclusive to many different types of contributions and potential income to smaller bloggers too. A student might just be able to pay 5 bucks, a CEO 200 and so forth. However approaches like Flattr didn't work because the service required to find an audience that values journalism enough to sign up for such a new service. From a UX perspective practically unusable as it required users to manually press a button for each article they want to pay. Big decision paralysis and frankly too much effort.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:06:19.285Z,2020-09-03T10:06:19.285Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,18 23357,v1.0,,"Subscription models They are a good start and it helped to validate that people are willing to pay for quality content. What makes the subscription model good is that it frees content providers from the necessity of optimising for clicks, but may be able to focus on producing quality content again. However they effectively create a 2 tier consumer society where some people just won't have access to this information. In my view it working somewhat against the purpose of journalism: to inform people. From a user perspective they are also horrible. Most readers are not reading content from just one provider, so buying a subscription from every of their sources is a decision making overkill and frankly too time consuming. Paid news aggregators only ease that problem, they don't solve it. What about all those little websites that are not big household names like the nytimes? How are they going to be funded if they are not included in something like Apple News or Blendl?",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:04:22.422Z,2020-09-03T10:04:22.422Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7277 23356,v1.0,,"Subscription models They are a good start and it helped to validate that people are willing to pay for quality content. What makes the subscription model good is that it frees content providers from the necessity of optimising for clicks, but may be able to focus on producing quality content again. However they effectively create a 2 tier consumer society where some people just won't have access to this information. In my view it working somewhat against the purpose of journalism: to inform people. From a user perspective they are also horrible. Most readers are not reading content from just one provider, so buying a subscription from every of their sources is a decision making overkill and frankly too time consuming. Paid news aggregators only ease that problem, they don't solve it. What about all those little websites that are not big household names like the nytimes? How are they going to be funded if they are not included in something like Apple News or Blendl?",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:04:22.421Z,2020-09-03T10:04:22.421Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,4893 23355,v1.0,,"Subscription models They are a good start and it helped to validate that people are willing to pay for quality content. What makes the subscription model good is that it frees content providers from the necessity of optimising for clicks, but may be able to focus on producing quality content again. However they effectively create a 2 tier consumer society where some people just won't have access to this information. In my view it working somewhat against the purpose of journalism: to inform people. From a user perspective they are also horrible. Most readers are not reading content from just one provider, so buying a subscription from every of their sources is a decision making overkill and frankly too time consuming. Paid news aggregators only ease that problem, they don't solve it. What about all those little websites that are not big household names like the nytimes? How are they going to be funded if they are not included in something like Apple News or Blendl?",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:04:22.398Z,2020-09-03T10:04:22.398Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7300 23354,v1.0,,"Subscription models They are a good start and it helped to validate that people are willing to pay for quality content. What makes the subscription model good is that it frees content providers from the necessity of optimising for clicks, but may be able to focus on producing quality content again. However they effectively create a 2 tier consumer society where some people just won't have access to this information. In my view it working somewhat against the purpose of journalism: to inform people. From a user perspective they are also horrible. Most readers are not reading content from just one provider, so buying a subscription from every of their sources is a decision making overkill and frankly too time consuming. Paid news aggregators only ease that problem, they don't solve it. What about all those little websites that are not big household names like the nytimes? How are they going to be funded if they are not included in something like Apple News or Blendl?",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:04:22.330Z,2020-09-03T10:04:22.330Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7315 23353,v1.0,,"Subscription models They are a good start and it helped to validate that people are willing to pay for quality content. What makes the subscription model good is that it frees content providers from the necessity of optimising for clicks, but may be able to focus on producing quality content again. However they effectively create a 2 tier consumer society where some people just won't have access to this information. In my view it working somewhat against the purpose of journalism: to inform people. From a user perspective they are also horrible. Most readers are not reading content from just one provider, so buying a subscription from every of their sources is a decision making overkill and frankly too time consuming. Paid news aggregators only ease that problem, they don't solve it. What about all those little websites that are not big household names like the nytimes? How are they going to be funded if they are not included in something like Apple News or Blendl?",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:04:22.325Z,2020-09-03T10:04:22.325Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,5890 23352,v1.0,,"Subscription models They are a good start and it helped to validate that people are willing to pay for quality content. What makes the subscription model good is that it frees content providers from the necessity of optimising for clicks, but may be able to focus on producing quality content again. However they effectively create a 2 tier consumer society where some people just won't have access to this information. In my view it working somewhat against the purpose of journalism: to inform people. From a user perspective they are also horrible. Most readers are not reading content from just one provider, so buying a subscription from every of their sources is a decision making overkill and frankly too time consuming. Paid news aggregators only ease that problem, they don't solve it. What about all those little websites that are not big household names like the nytimes? How are they going to be funded if they are not included in something like Apple News or Blendl?",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:04:22.320Z,2020-10-23T09:26:50.926Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,12 23351,v1.0,,"Subscription models They are a good start and it helped to validate that people are willing to pay for quality content. What makes the subscription model good is that it frees content providers from the necessity of optimising for clicks, but may be able to focus on producing quality content again. However they effectively create a 2 tier consumer society where some people just won't have access to this information. In my view it working somewhat against the purpose of journalism: to inform people. From a user perspective they are also horrible. Most readers are not reading content from just one provider, so buying a subscription from every of their sources is a decision making overkill and frankly too time consuming. Paid news aggregators only ease that problem, they don't solve it. What about all those little websites that are not big household names like the nytimes? How are they going to be funded if they are not included in something like Apple News or Blendl?",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:04:22.279Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.852Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,3939 23350,v1.0,,"They put an incentive on quantity of content and shallow clicks, they drive the spread of emotional (mis)information instead of wisdom and useful information. However we need to be aware that ads will always be around as they are a tool for the market to optimise distribution by making consumers aware of products and services. The question is if that stays the main income source of online outlets. The good thing is that ads bring in money that neither the publisher, nor the consumer has to pay for.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:03:46.771Z,2020-09-03T10:03:46.771Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,3750 23349,v1.0,,"They put an incentive on quantity of content and shallow clicks, they drive the spread of emotional (mis)information instead of wisdom and useful information. However we need to be aware that ads will always be around as they are a tool for the market to optimise distribution by making consumers aware of products and services. The question is if that stays the main income source of online outlets. The good thing is that ads bring in money that neither the publisher, nor the consumer has to pay for.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:03:46.724Z,2020-09-03T10:03:46.724Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,5163 23348,v1.0,,"They put an incentive on quantity of content and shallow clicks, they drive the spread of emotional (mis)information instead of wisdom and useful information. However we need to be aware that ads will always be around as they are a tool for the market to optimise distribution by making consumers aware of products and services. The question is if that stays the main income source of online outlets. The good thing is that ads bring in money that neither the publisher, nor the consumer has to pay for.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:03:46.694Z,2020-09-03T10:03:46.694Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7298 23347,v1.0,,"They put an incentive on quantity of content and shallow clicks, they drive the spread of emotional (mis)information instead of wisdom and useful information. However we need to be aware that ads will always be around as they are a tool for the market to optimise distribution by making consumers aware of products and services. The question is if that stays the main income source of online outlets. The good thing is that ads bring in money that neither the publisher, nor the consumer has to pay for.",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:03:46.685Z,2020-09-03T10:03:46.685Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7294 23346,v1.0,,IMO all existing approaches don't work for their own reasons. What they share is that they are coming from an old thinking where we translate how print worked into the digital age.,/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:03:00.526Z,2020-09-03T10:03:00.526Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7322 23345,v1.0,,IMO all existing approaches don't work for their own reasons. What they share is that they are coming from an old thinking where we translate how print worked into the digital age.,/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:03:00.443Z,2020-09-03T10:03:00.443Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,7321 23344,v1.0,,"I have been thinking for a couple of year about a way that the ad business, and revenue models for content production and curation needs to change. (And actively working in a direction that it will change)",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:02:38.108Z,2020-09-03T10:02:38.108Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,4274 23343,v1.0,,"I have been thinking for a couple of year about a way that the ad business, and revenue models for content production and curation needs to change. (And actively working in a direction that it will change)",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:02:38.048Z,2020-09-03T10:02:38.048Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,4704 23342,v1.0,,"I have been thinking for a couple of year about a way that the ad business, and revenue models for content production and curation needs to change. (And actively working in a direction that it will change)",/post/55190,2020-09-03T10:02:37.930Z,2020-09-03T10:02:37.930Z,55190,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5191,3821 23341,v1.0,,"Maybe we could start with a scheduled community call on the topic? Who would be interested in participating? @JollyOrc and @erik_lonroth, could that work for you as a first / second step? @inge would you be up for joining as well? Cancel Save community call Annotate",/post/54772,2020-09-03T10:00:21.677Z,2020-09-03T10:00:21.677Z,54772,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4934,7186 23340,v1.0,,"I'm planing a visit to Blivande in Stockholm in late june to meet and discuss 'Building communities' with @hugi and a few friends from my local community (a small town). Its an oportunity to at least meet if you are in Stockholm. meeting offline Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54220,2020-09-03T10:00:11.106Z,2020-09-03T10:00:11.106Z,54220,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7320 23339,v1.0,,"it is at once amazing and terrifying what amount of money and resources got shifted around thanks to Internet ads. I daresay that some good came out of it too, but overall, we should abandon that model now :) advertising business model social evil paradigm shift Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54198,2020-09-03T09:59:48.024Z,2020-09-03T09:59:48.024Z,54198,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,4704 23338,v1.0,,"it is at once amazing and terrifying what amount of money and resources got shifted around thanks to Internet ads. I daresay that some good came out of it too, but overall, we should abandon that model now :) advertising business model social evil paradigm shift Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54198,2020-09-03T09:59:47.991Z,2020-09-03T09:59:47.991Z,54198,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,3821 23337,v1.0,,"it is at once amazing and terrifying what amount of money and resources got shifted around thanks to Internet ads. I daresay that some good came out of it too, but overall, we should abandon that model now :) advertising business model social evil paradigm shift Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54198,2020-09-03T09:59:47.932Z,2020-09-03T09:59:47.932Z,54198,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7319 23336,v1.0,,"it is at once amazing and terrifying what amount of money and resources got shifted around thanks to Internet ads. I daresay that some good came out of it too, but overall, we should abandon that model now :) advertising business model social evil paradigm shift Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54198,2020-09-03T09:59:47.919Z,2020-09-03T09:59:47.919Z,54198,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,4274 23335,v1.0,,"Here, an extremely good example on how we are forced fed with ads by means that we as humanity are incapable of protecting ourself from.",/post/54194,2020-09-03T09:59:28.802Z,2020-09-03T09:59:28.802Z,54194,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,3821 23334,v1.0,,"Here, an extremely good example on how we are forced fed with ads by means that we as humanity are incapable of protecting ourself from.",/post/54194,2020-09-03T09:59:28.738Z,2020-09-03T09:59:28.738Z,54194,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,7319 23333,v1.0,,"Here, an extremely good example on how we are forced fed with ads by means that we as humanity are incapable of protecting ourself from.",/post/54194,2020-09-03T09:59:28.710Z,2020-09-03T09:59:28.710Z,54194,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5025,4274 23332,v1.0,,"Long story short: Ad-financing content is the worst! Really, it's the original sin of the internet, and we should push it away as far as possible. Edit Delete No Commentbusiness model Edit Delete No Commentadvertising social evil Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:59:08.001Z,2020-09-03T09:59:08.001Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7319 23331,v1.0,,"The latter means that we finance through ads, and the former means that the content choices err on the side of flashy and/or controversial. And the ad-financing then reinforces the second choice, because more attention means more ad-money too!",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:58:48.477Z,2020-09-03T09:58:48.477Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,3821 23330,v1.0,,"The latter means that we finance through ads, and the former means that the content choices err on the side of flashy and/or controversial. And the ad-financing then reinforces the second choice, because more attention means more ad-money too!",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:58:48.470Z,2020-09-03T09:58:48.470Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,4274 23329,v1.0,,"Right now, the solution seems to be to make the content as tantalizing, attention-grabbing and as a result even controversial as possible, while at the same time attaching the ideal price tag of ""free"" to it.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:58:38.396Z,2020-09-03T09:58:38.396Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7318 23328,v1.0,,"So even if you create top-notch content, entertainment, education or information, you need to get it out to people to see it. And then, yes, make money from it in some way too. And on both of these fronts, the competition is fierce.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:58:27.140Z,2020-09-03T09:58:27.140Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7300 23327,v1.0,,"And as now basically everyone can crank out content (watch me doing it right now, right here!), the competition for attention is getting even fiercer! Book authors not only compete with all the other media for attention, but they also compete with fanfiction, hobby authors, the giant backlog of already published books available for free on Project Gutenberg, and so on...",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:58:19.831Z,2020-09-03T09:58:19.831Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7317 23326,v1.0,,"And as now basically everyone can crank out content (watch me doing it right now, right here!), the competition for attention is getting even fiercer! Book authors not only compete with all the other media for attention, but they also compete with fanfiction, hobby authors, the giant backlog of already published books available for free on Project Gutenberg, and so on...",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:58:19.715Z,2020-09-03T09:58:19.715Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,3594 23325,v1.0,,"Alas, that is a lot of work, and the result is a lot of work to consume too - you have to read in-depth articles to fully grok a given topic, and given our increasingly complex world, things are only getting more complicated, not less.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:57:05.924Z,2020-09-03T09:57:05.924Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7316 23324,v1.0,,"Alas, that is a lot of work, and the result is a lot of work to consume too - you have to read in-depth articles to fully grok a given topic, and given our increasingly complex world, things are only getting more complicated, not less.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:57:05.830Z,2020-09-03T09:57:05.830Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,4061 23323,v1.0,,"The other side of the problem is time. We can only spend so much time per day consuming media. And while the global audience is pretty big, the ""media consumption per day"" is a finite resource. And journalism competes with music, games, movies, tv shows, books, theater, individual conversations & gossip, lack of time because people need to have three jobs, and so on.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:56:41.081Z,2020-09-03T09:56:41.081Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7315 23322,v1.0,,"The other side of the problem is time. We can only spend so much time per day consuming media. And while the global audience is pretty big, the ""media consumption per day"" is a finite resource. And journalism competes with music, games, movies, tv shows, books, theater, individual conversations & gossip, lack of time because people need to have three jobs, and so on.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:56:40.904Z,2020-09-03T09:56:40.904Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,5358 23321,v1.0,,"The other side of the problem is time. We can only spend so much time per day consuming media. And while the global audience is pretty big, the ""media consumption per day"" is a finite resource. And journalism competes with music, games, movies, tv shows, books, theater, individual conversations & gossip, lack of time because people need to have three jobs, and so on.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:56:40.902Z,2020-09-03T09:56:40.902Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,3771 23320,v1.0,,"Alas, that is a lot of work, and the result is a lot of work to consume too - you have to read in-depth articles to fully grok a given topic, and given our increasingly complex world, things are only getting more complicated, not less.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:56:27.660Z,2020-09-03T09:56:27.660Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7293 23319,v1.0,,"Alas, that is a lot of work, and the result is a lot of work to consume too - you have to read in-depth articles to fully grok a given topic, and given our increasingly complex world, things are only getting more complicated, not less.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:56:27.568Z,2020-09-03T09:56:27.568Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,6212 23318,v1.0,,"Alas, that is a lot of work, and the result is a lot of work to consume too - you have to read in-depth articles to fully grok a given topic, and given our increasingly complex world, things are only getting more complicated, not less.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:56:27.563Z,2020-09-03T09:56:27.563Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7295 23317,v1.0,,"Alas, that is a lot of work, and the result is a lot of work to consume too - you have to read in-depth articles to fully grok a given topic, and given our increasingly complex world, things are only getting more complicated, not less.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:56:27.556Z,2020-09-03T09:56:27.556Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,4041 23316,v1.0,,"To be a bit polemic here: I don't think we need more news. News is what got it into the current mess. What we need is journalism, in the sense of researching, explaining, categorizing, reminding, and so on.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:55:49.461Z,2020-09-03T09:55:49.461Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,1042 23315,v1.0,,"To be a bit polemic here: I don't think we need more news. News is what got it into the current mess. What we need is journalism, in the sense of researching, explaining, categorizing, reminding, and so on.",/post/54131,2020-09-03T09:55:49.428Z,2020-09-03T09:55:49.428Z,54131,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5144,7298 23314,v1.0,,Perhaps there's an important distinction between two different advertising economies on the Internet:,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:53:16.025Z,2020-09-03T09:53:56.920Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7068 23313,v1.0,,Perhaps there's an important distinction between two different advertising economies on the Internet:,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:53:08.401Z,2020-09-03T09:53:08.401Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7313 23312,v1.0,,But perhaps even that is flawed. Because then there may be ways to manipulate it in such a way that we hardly know what's sponsored and what's not.,/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:52.115Z,2020-09-03T09:52:52.115Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4005 23311,v1.0,,"I think there are a few more distinctions we need to make to make this into a valuable discussion. Because what about sponsored content? An article in The Atlantic that is openly labelled as advertising and clearly written for Microsoft, but still a pleasure to read. A video by The Big Story sponsored by the National Tourist Agency of country X - the video is still interesting, I know it is advertising.",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:45.558Z,2020-09-03T09:52:45.558Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7314 23310,v1.0,,"I think there are a few more distinctions we need to make to make this into a valuable discussion. Because what about sponsored content? An article in The Atlantic that is openly labelled as advertising and clearly written for Microsoft, but still a pleasure to read. A video by The Big Story sponsored by the National Tourist Agency of country X - the video is still interesting, I know it is advertising.",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:45.430Z,2020-09-03T09:52:45.430Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7313 23309,v1.0,,"I think there are a few more distinctions we need to make to make this into a valuable discussion. Because what about sponsored content? An article in The Atlantic that is openly labelled as advertising and clearly written for Microsoft, but still a pleasure to read. A video by The Big Story sponsored by the National Tourist Agency of country X - the video is still interesting, I know it is advertising.",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:25.093Z,2020-09-03T09:52:25.093Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7284 23308,v1.0,,"I think there are a few more distinctions we need to make to make this into a valuable discussion. Because what about sponsored content? An article in The Atlantic that is openly labelled as advertising and clearly written for Microsoft, but still a pleasure to read. A video by The Big Story sponsored by the National Tourist Agency of country X - the video is still interesting, I know it is advertising.",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:25.077Z,2020-09-03T09:53:56.912Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7068 23307,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:10.180Z,2020-09-24T13:51:45.032Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,6073 23306,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:10.089Z,2020-09-03T09:52:10.089Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7311 23305,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:10.047Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.923Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,5891 23304,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:10.031Z,2020-09-03T09:52:10.031Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,3821 23303,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:10.029Z,2020-09-03T09:52:10.029Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,3610 23301,v1.0,,"Do we look at advertising as a whole that's a problem (as @matthias pointed out) - driving consumption. Or are there forms of advertising that could be more acceptable. Is the kind of products that are advertised (consumption focussed), or is the messaging (big data based decisions violating privacy)?",/post/53701,2020-09-03T09:52:09.889Z,2020-09-03T09:52:09.889Z,53701,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4282 23300,v1.0,,"""At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall. Read more than 10 or so and you’ll get a pitch for the Quartz Membership, which runs $100 a year or $15 a month. (The membership program launched six months ago, but was originally framed as giving paying users access to more content; Quartz’s traditional articles had remained free to all.)"" Quartz business model funding issues shifting model paywall subscription subscrip Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53478,2020-09-03T09:50:54.198Z,2020-09-03T09:50:54.198Z,53478,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7310 23299,v1.0,,"""At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall. Read more than 10 or so and you’ll get a pitch for the Quartz Membership, which runs $100 a year or $15 a month. (The membership program launched six months ago, but was originally framed as giving paying users access to more content; Quartz’s traditional articles had remained free to all.)"" Quartz business model funding issues shifting model paywall subscription subscrip Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53478,2020-09-03T09:50:54.148Z,2020-09-03T09:50:54.148Z,53478,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7309 23298,v1.0,,"""At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall. Read more than 10 or so and you’ll get a pitch for the Quartz Membership, which runs $100 a year or $15 a month. (The membership program launched six months ago, but was originally framed as giving paying users access to more content; Quartz’s traditional articles had remained free to all.)"" Quartz business model funding issues shifting model paywall subscription subscrip Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53478,2020-09-03T09:50:54.145Z,2020-09-03T09:50:54.145Z,53478,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7308 23297,v1.0,,"""At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall. Read more than 10 or so and you’ll get a pitch for the Quartz Membership, which runs $100 a year or $15 a month. (The membership program launched six months ago, but was originally framed as giving paying users access to more content; Quartz’s traditional articles had remained free to all.)"" Quartz business model funding issues shifting model paywall subscription subscrip Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53478,2020-09-03T09:50:54.065Z,2020-09-03T09:50:54.065Z,53478,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7299 23296,v1.0,,"""At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall. Read more than 10 or so and you’ll get a pitch for the Quartz Membership, which runs $100 a year or $15 a month. (The membership program launched six months ago, but was originally framed as giving paying users access to more content; Quartz’s traditional articles had remained free to all.)"" Quartz business model funding issues shifting model paywall subscription subscrip Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53478,2020-09-03T09:50:54.056Z,2020-09-03T09:50:54.056Z,53478,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7277 23295,v1.0,,"""At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall. Read more than 10 or so and you’ll get a pitch for the Quartz Membership, which runs $100 a year or $15 a month. (The membership program launched six months ago, but was originally framed as giving paying users access to more content; Quartz’s traditional articles had remained free to all.)"" Quartz business model funding issues shifting model paywall subscription subscrip Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53478,2020-09-03T09:50:53.937Z,2020-09-03T09:50:53.937Z,53478,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7300 23294,v1.0,,"""At its debut nearly seven years ago, Quartz’s model was to be everywhere — not behind a paywall, not locked inside a mobile app, ready to build an audience through social sharing. But times change — and audiences change. In a move that got little attention last week, the much-lauded global business news site announced that for the first time it would be putting all its articles behind a metered paywall. Read more than 10 or so and you’ll get a pitch for the Quartz Membership, which runs $100 a year or $15 a month. (The membership program launched six months ago, but was originally framed as giving paying users access to more content; Quartz’s traditional articles had remained free to all.)"" Quartz business model funding issues shifting model paywall subscription subscrip Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53478,2020-09-03T09:50:53.922Z,2020-09-03T09:50:53.922Z,53478,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4274 23293,v1.0,,"and blendle is actually struggling in NL right now, although I do think the idea in essence is really nice. I have paid for dutch articles that were behind a subscription pay wall otherwise, but other stories they offered I could find for free online. funding issues paywall news journalism Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53407,2020-09-03T09:50:15.769Z,2020-09-03T09:50:15.769Z,53407,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7300 23292,v1.0,,"and blendle is actually struggling in NL right now, although I do think the idea in essence is really nice. I have paid for dutch articles that were behind a subscription pay wall otherwise, but other stories they offered I could find for free online. funding issues paywall news journalism Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53407,2020-09-03T09:50:15.730Z,2020-09-03T09:50:15.730Z,53407,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,1042 23291,v1.0,,"and blendle is actually struggling in NL right now, although I do think the idea in essence is really nice. I have paid for dutch articles that were behind a subscription pay wall otherwise, but other stories they offered I could find for free online. funding issues paywall news journalism Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53407,2020-09-03T09:50:15.670Z,2020-09-03T09:50:15.670Z,53407,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7299 23290,v1.0,,"and blendle is actually struggling in NL right now, although I do think the idea in essence is really nice. I have paid for dutch articles that were behind a subscription pay wall otherwise, but other stories they offered I could find for free online. funding issues paywall news journalism Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53407,2020-09-03T09:50:15.669Z,2020-09-03T09:50:15.669Z,53407,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7282 23289,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. Edit Delete No Commentdivestment Edit Delete No Commentbig tech Edit Delete No Commentadvertising Edit Delete No Commentuser as product Edit Delete No CommentPeer-2-Peer (P2P) systems Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Edit Delete No Commentopt-out Edit Delete No Commentleaving platforms Edit Delete No Commentuser control Cancel Save non-commercial Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:49:44.859Z,2020-09-03T09:49:44.859Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7307 23288,v1.0,,"Several people here, myself included, have been longing for a non-commercial generalist social network-type platform. After trying several things that did not do it for me (Diaspora, Ello etc.), I am now cautiously optimistic about something called Scuttlebutt aka SSB – 10 months in and I am still using it. Several people here use it. @zelf has made a passionate case for SSB + mesh networks on this post. non-commercial Scuttlebutt mesh network Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53404,2020-09-03T09:49:35.975Z,2020-09-03T09:49:35.975Z,53404,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,7307 23287,v1.0,,"Several people here, myself included, have been longing for a non-commercial generalist social network-type platform. After trying several things that did not do it for me (Diaspora, Ello etc.), I am now cautiously optimistic about something called Scuttlebutt aka SSB – 10 months in and I am still using it. Several people here use it. @zelf has made a passionate case for SSB + mesh networks on this post. non-commercial Scuttlebutt mesh network Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53404,2020-09-03T09:49:35.798Z,2020-09-03T09:49:35.798Z,53404,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4,3676 23285,v1.0,,"We need an alternative model for case 1 so that content like journalism continues to be produced for the public benefit. Case 2 could (and perhaps should) be replaced by a system that doesn't have revenue generation/profit maximization as an objective. Edit Delete No Commentpublic education Edit Delete No Commentsocial good freedom of information Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:49:16.909Z,2020-09-03T09:49:16.909Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,4326 23284,v1.0,,"We need an alternative model for case 1 so that content like journalism continues to be produced for the public benefit. Case 2 could (and perhaps should) be replaced by a system that doesn't have revenue generation/profit maximization as an objective. social good public education Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:49:10.138Z,2020-09-03T09:49:10.138Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,4489 23283,v1.0,,"We need an alternative model for case 1 so that content like journalism continues to be produced for the public benefit. Case 2 could (and perhaps should) be replaced by a system that doesn't have revenue generation/profit maximization as an objective. social good public education Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:49:10.126Z,2020-09-03T09:49:10.126Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7241 23282,v1.0,,"The system where ads generate revenue by being interpolated amongst things like photos you share with your friends and family - This is content that people generate without an expectation that they will make revenue from it, but in fact the platforms are generating a great deal of revenue.",/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:48:58.638Z,2020-09-03T09:48:58.638Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,5327 23281,v1.0,,The system where ads provide revenue that supports content (like journalism) that consumers used to pay for directly,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:48:44.762Z,2020-09-03T09:48:44.762Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7306 23280,v1.0,,The system where ads provide revenue that supports content (like journalism) that consumers used to pay for directly,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:48:44.652Z,2020-09-03T09:48:44.652Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,1042 23279,v1.0,,The system where ads provide revenue that supports content (like journalism) that consumers used to pay for directly,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:48:44.629Z,2020-09-03T09:48:44.629Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7305 23278,v1.0,,The system where ads provide revenue that supports content (like journalism) that consumers used to pay for directly,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:48:44.616Z,2020-09-03T09:48:44.616Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,3814 23277,v1.0,,The system where ads provide revenue that supports content (like journalism) that consumers used to pay for directly,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:48:44.614Z,2020-09-03T09:48:44.614Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,4274 23276,v1.0,,Perhaps there's an important distinction between two different advertising economies on the Internet:,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:47:31.071Z,2020-09-03T09:47:31.071Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7284 23275,v1.0,,Perhaps there's an important distinction between two different advertising economies on the Internet:,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:47:31.055Z,2020-09-03T09:47:31.055Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,4274 23274,v1.0,,Perhaps there's an important distinction between two different advertising economies on the Internet:,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:47:31.035Z,2020-09-03T09:47:31.035Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7304 23273,v1.0,,Perhaps there's an important distinction between two different advertising economies on the Internet:,/post/53400,2020-09-03T09:47:30.947Z,2020-09-03T09:47:30.947Z,53400,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,3821 23272,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.862Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.862Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7303 23271,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.838Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.838Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7302 23270,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.807Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.807Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,4275 23269,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.735Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.735Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7276 23268,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.735Z,2020-09-11T14:40:56.982Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,1294 23267,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.734Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.734Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,3814 23266,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.688Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.688Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,3821 23265,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.686Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.686Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,7301 23264,v1.0,,"A big step forward is moving social presence from commercial platforms that harvest data (in order to target ads) to platforms (personal domains, decentralized and p2p social networks) that users control. The ad economy feeds on the firehose of personal data. Take that away, and business models built on microtargeting become less practical. user control divestment big tech advertising user as product Peer-2-Peer (P2P) systems personal data opt-out leaving platforms Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53398,2020-09-03T09:47:08.603Z,2020-09-03T09:47:08.603Z,53398,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5104,3816 23263,v1.0,,"There are a few organizations looking into how to increase engagement in journalism, and they are worth checking out (because an engaged member, will support you - either through donations or word of mouth):",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:45:31.907Z,2020-09-03T09:45:31.907Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4061 23262,v1.0,,"There are a few organizations looking into how to increase engagement in journalism, and they are worth checking out (because an engaged member, will support you - either through donations or word of mouth):",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:45:31.895Z,2020-09-03T09:45:31.895Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,2296 23261,v1.0,,"It's not the model we're interested in with Coda Story. We started out with a fundraiser a few years ago, and are now funded by members, donations, and international donor organizations. But we're trying to figure out how we can rely more on non-pay wall membership, and that's quite ""a puzzle"".",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:45:17.658Z,2020-09-03T09:45:17.658Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7300 23260,v1.0,,"It's not the model we're interested in with Coda Story. We started out with a fundraiser a few years ago, and are now funded by members, donations, and international donor organizations. But we're trying to figure out how we can rely more on non-pay wall membership, and that's quite ""a puzzle"".",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:45:17.632Z,2020-09-03T09:45:17.632Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,2065 23259,v1.0,,"It's not the model we're interested in with Coda Story. We started out with a fundraiser a few years ago, and are now funded by members, donations, and international donor organizations. But we're trying to figure out how we can rely more on non-pay wall membership, and that's quite ""a puzzle"".",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:45:17.570Z,2020-09-03T09:45:17.570Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,2973 23258,v1.0,,"As I mentioned above, I am generally against pay walls, as I think information should be freely available to all. But, I do think for a Local newspaper in a local language, if the fee is affordable even for those with minimum wage, this could be an interesting model.",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:44:59.743Z,2020-09-03T09:44:59.743Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4326 23257,v1.0,,"As I mentioned above, I am generally against pay walls, as I think information should be freely available to all. But, I do think for a Local newspaper in a local language, if the fee is affordable even for those with minimum wage, this could be an interesting model.",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:44:59.650Z,2020-09-03T09:44:59.650Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4274 23256,v1.0,,"they actually work together on back end stuff with The Correspondent, but difference is that The Correspondent has nothing behind a paywall.",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:44:42.257Z,2020-09-03T09:44:42.257Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7299 23255,v1.0,,"they actually work together on back end stuff with The Correspondent, but difference is that The Correspondent has nothing behind a paywall.",/post/53386,2020-09-03T09:44:42.228Z,2020-09-03T09:44:42.228Z,53386,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,1042 23254,v1.0,,"Maybe it starts with re-assessing the use value (and dangers) of constant ""news"":",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:44:21.854Z,2020-09-03T09:44:21.854Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,1042 23253,v1.0,,"How it works: their long form reads are behind a paywall, but not fully. Readers can read several paragraphs, more than with others, before they hit the paywall. All members can get a shareable link and share the articles they want on social, giving their friends a one-time free pass to read the full story. They also publish one paragraph news stories without a paywall, often linked directly to other news sources. And they have a paper version, which they see as advertisement for their online platform.",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:44:14.997Z,2020-09-03T09:44:14.997Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7299 23252,v1.0,,"How it works: their long form reads are behind a paywall, but not fully. Readers can read several paragraphs, more than with others, before they hit the paywall. All members can get a shareable link and share the articles they want on social, giving their friends a one-time free pass to read the full story. They also publish one paragraph news stories without a paywall, often linked directly to other news sources. And they have a paper version, which they see as advertisement for their online platform.",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:44:14.912Z,2020-09-03T09:44:14.912Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7282 23251,v1.0,,"How it works: their long form reads are behind a paywall, but not fully. Readers can read several paragraphs, more than with others, before they hit the paywall. All members can get a shareable link and share the articles they want on social, giving their friends a one-time free pass to read the full story. They also publish one paragraph news stories without a paywall, often linked directly to other news sources. And they have a paper version, which they see as advertisement for their online platform.",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:44:14.787Z,2020-09-03T09:44:14.787Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,1042 23250,v1.0,,"They built this system by themselves, and it's open-sourced. The cheapest membership is a one-month membership deal. The software helps them to target the right readers: analytics tell them that someone reading it on an iphone is 5 times more likely to buy a 3 month membership deal than someone on android - so they show a different deal to those than to android users",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:43:36.723Z,2020-09-03T09:43:36.723Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7277 23249,v1.0,,"They built this system by themselves, and it's open-sourced. The cheapest membership is a one-month membership deal. The software helps them to target the right readers: analytics tell them that someone reading it on an iphone is 5 times more likely to buy a 3 month membership deal than someone on android - so they show a different deal to those than to android users",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:43:36.702Z,2020-09-03T09:43:36.702Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,1257 23248,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:43:09.916Z,2020-09-03T09:43:09.916Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7298 23247,v1.0,,"A great initiative, in my opinion is - read here why it's CEO Vivian Schiller (the former head of National Public Radio and of news and journalism partnerships at Twitter) tries to innovate journalism by re-examining the quality of public information and raise public trust in evidence-based reporting through blockchain: (it's still a bit unclear to me how civil works exactly, but.....). She'll be talking at ZEG Tbilisi Storytelling Festival in Tbilisi June 20-22 (there are still tickets if you want an excuse to visit Tbilisi ;) )",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:42:56.997Z,2020-09-03T09:42:56.997Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7298 23246,v1.0,,"great discussion and great topic: the never-ending question of how to fund news in an ethical way ;). And yes, I work with! Thanks for the kind compliments! But we're still trying to figure it out, as most of the news organizations are - at every journo conference there's several panels on ""how to not be paid by ads"" ;).",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:42:48.544Z,2020-09-03T09:42:48.544Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4282 23245,v1.0,,"great discussion and great topic: the never-ending question of how to fund news in an ethical way ;). And yes, I work with! Thanks for the kind compliments! But we're still trying to figure it out, as most of the news organizations are - at every journo conference there's several panels on ""how to not be paid by ads"" ;).",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:42:48.543Z,2020-09-03T09:42:48.543Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,4274 23244,v1.0,,"great discussion and great topic: the never-ending question of how to fund news in an ethical way ;). And yes, I work with! Thanks for the kind compliments! But we're still trying to figure it out, as most of the news organizations are - at every journo conference there's several panels on ""how to not be paid by ads"" ;).",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:42:48.524Z,2020-09-03T09:42:48.524Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,3821 23243,v1.0,,"great discussion and great topic: the never-ending question of how to fund news in an ethical way ;). And yes, I work with! Thanks for the kind compliments! But we're still trying to figure it out, as most of the news organizations are - at every journo conference there's several panels on ""how to not be paid by ads"" ;).",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:42:48.457Z,2020-09-03T09:42:48.457Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,7282 23242,v1.0,,"great discussion and great topic: the never-ending question of how to fund news in an ethical way ;). And yes, I work with! Thanks for the kind compliments! But we're still trying to figure it out, as most of the news organizations are - at every journo conference there's several panels on ""how to not be paid by ads"" ;).",/post/53349,2020-09-03T09:42:48.433Z,2020-09-03T09:42:48.433Z,53349,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,1856,2065 23241,v1.0,,"And a lot of valuable material is already out there and just waits to be collected and presented properly in a digital library of open source works. That would probably be my starting point. For reference, doing just that but for a different topic took me around 50-60 hours for 509 e-books (so far). digital library e-books online learning Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:59.508Z,2020-09-03T09:41:59.508Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7297 23240,v1.0,,"And a lot of valuable material is already out there and just waits to be collected and presented properly in a digital library of open source works. That would probably be my starting point. For reference, doing just that but for a different topic took me around 50-60 hours for 509 e-books (so far). digital library e-books online learning Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:59.445Z,2020-09-03T09:41:59.445Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7296 23239,v1.0,,"And a lot of valuable material is already out there and just waits to be collected and presented properly in a digital library of open source works. That would probably be my starting point. For reference, doing just that but for a different topic took me around 50-60 hours for 509 e-books (so far). digital library e-books online learning Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:59.428Z,2020-09-03T09:41:59.428Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,5325 23238,v1.0,,"So my vision for an open source ""news"" economy would rather be that: a library of this in-depth content for active citizens. It would then recommend some of its content as suitable for each major event in society. Funding via Patreon (or better, its open source alternative LiberaPay) could be possible, but I'm not sure. It's not something that too many people are really enthusiastic about so that they would spend money on it. But I might be wrong, and it would certainly be an important contribution to society.",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:43.414Z,2020-09-03T09:41:43.414Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7296 23237,v1.0,,"So my vision for an open source ""news"" economy would rather be that: a library of this in-depth content for active citizens. It would then recommend some of its content as suitable for each major event in society. Funding via Patreon (or better, its open source alternative LiberaPay) could be possible, but I'm not sure. It's not something that too many people are really enthusiastic about so that they would spend money on it. But I might be wrong, and it would certainly be an important contribution to society.",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:43.350Z,2020-09-03T09:41:43.350Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,1257 23236,v1.0,,"So my vision for an open source ""news"" economy would rather be that: a library of this in-depth content for active citizens. It would then recommend some of its content as suitable for each major event in society. Funding via Patreon (or better, its open source alternative LiberaPay) could be possible, but I'm not sure. It's not something that too many people are really enthusiastic about so that they would spend money on it. But I might be wrong, and it would certainly be an important contribution to society.",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:43.346Z,2020-09-03T09:41:43.346Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7241 23235,v1.0,,"So my vision for an open source ""news"" economy would rather be that: a library of this in-depth content for active citizens. It would then recommend some of its content as suitable for each major event in society. Funding via Patreon (or better, its open source alternative LiberaPay) could be possible, but I'm not sure. It's not something that too many people are really enthusiastic about so that they would spend money on it. But I might be wrong, and it would certainly be an important contribution to society.",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:43.306Z,2020-09-03T09:41:43.306Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,18 23234,v1.0,,"So my vision for an open source ""news"" economy would rather be that: a library of this in-depth content for active citizens. It would then recommend some of its content as suitable for each major event in society. Funding via Patreon (or better, its open source alternative LiberaPay) could be possible, but I'm not sure. It's not something that too many people are really enthusiastic about so that they would spend money on it. But I might be wrong, and it would certainly be an important contribution to society.",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:43.299Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.194Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,1534 23233,v1.0,,"So my vision for an open source ""news"" economy would rather be that: a library of this in-depth content for active citizens. It would then recommend some of its content as suitable for each major event in society. Funding via Patreon (or better, its open source alternative LiberaPay) could be possible, but I'm not sure. It's not something that too many people are really enthusiastic about so that they would spend money on it. But I might be wrong, and it would certainly be an important contribution to society.",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:41:43.206Z,2020-09-03T09:41:43.206Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,1078 23232,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:40:53.167Z,2020-09-03T09:40:53.167Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7295 23231,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:40:53.143Z,2020-09-03T09:40:53.143Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7294 23230,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:40:53.109Z,2020-09-03T09:40:53.109Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7293 23229,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:40:53.018Z,2021-01-11T17:17:18.465Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,1104 23228,v1.0,,"For being able to understand and influence (!) current affairs, awareness of every detail is not necessary at all and takes away the time one could spend on actual understanding: reading long-form articles, books about history, philosophy, sociology and so on. And books on actually influencing things … dangerous link ahead:",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:40:53.007Z,2020-09-03T09:40:53.007Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,3594 23227,v1.0,,"Maybe it starts with re-assessing the use value (and dangers) of constant ""news"":",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:39:34.684Z,2020-09-03T09:39:34.684Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7292 23226,v1.0,,"Maybe it starts with re-assessing the use value (and dangers) of constant ""news"":",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:39:34.608Z,2020-09-03T09:39:34.608Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7282 23225,v1.0,,"Maybe it starts with re-assessing the use value (and dangers) of constant ""news"":",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:39:34.599Z,2020-09-03T09:39:34.599Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7291 23224,v1.0,,"Maybe it starts with re-assessing the use value (and dangers) of constant ""news"":",/post/53253,2020-09-03T09:39:34.488Z,2020-09-03T09:39:34.488Z,53253,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,1467 23223,v1.0,,"So I think realistically the key to this is working to increase public awareness and if there is to be regulation, it should be in the area of, ""do you know what you are trading off when you use these services and can you control it?"" raising awareness public concern regulation advertising business model ""free"" Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53021,2020-09-03T09:37:27.511Z,2020-09-03T09:37:27.511Z,53021,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23222,v1.0,,"So I think realistically the key to this is working to increase public awareness and if there is to be regulation, it should be in the area of, ""do you know what you are trading off when you use these services and can you control it?"" raising awareness public concern regulation advertising business model ""free"" Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53021,2020-09-03T09:37:27.497Z,2020-09-03T09:37:27.497Z,53021,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4274 23221,v1.0,,"So I think realistically the key to this is working to increase public awareness and if there is to be regulation, it should be in the area of, ""do you know what you are trading off when you use these services and can you control it?"" raising awareness public concern regulation advertising business model ""free"" Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53021,2020-09-03T09:37:27.473Z,2020-09-03T09:37:27.473Z,53021,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3821 23220,v1.0,,"So I think realistically the key to this is working to increase public awareness and if there is to be regulation, it should be in the area of, ""do you know what you are trading off when you use these services and can you control it?"" raising awareness public concern regulation advertising business model ""free"" Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53021,2020-09-03T09:37:27.459Z,2020-09-03T09:37:27.459Z,53021,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7083 23219,v1.0,,"So I think realistically the key to this is working to increase public awareness and if there is to be regulation, it should be in the area of, ""do you know what you are trading off when you use these services and can you control it?"" raising awareness public concern regulation advertising business model ""free"" Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53021,2020-09-03T09:37:27.456Z,2020-09-03T09:37:27.456Z,53021,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3708 23218,v1.0,,"So I think realistically the key to this is working to increase public awareness and if there is to be regulation, it should be in the area of, ""do you know what you are trading off when you use these services and can you control it?"" raising awareness public concern regulation advertising business model ""free"" Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53021,2020-09-03T09:37:27.349Z,2021-04-20T11:31:19.953Z,53021,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,828 23217,v1.0,,"At that same meeting, one of the groups at the Media Lab demonstrated the first iterations of collaborative filtering. The idea was simply ""if you like these things and someone else also likes them, then other things they like could be of interest to you and vice-versa."" Bezos saw immediately the possibilities of this and Amazon was the first large scale practitioner of what is now a huge core component of today's commercial internet.",/post/52986,2020-09-03T09:36:54.764Z,2020-09-03T09:36:54.764Z,52986,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7290 23216,v1.0,,"At that same meeting, one of the groups at the Media Lab demonstrated the first iterations of collaborative filtering. The idea was simply ""if you like these things and someone else also likes them, then other things they like could be of interest to you and vice-versa."" Bezos saw immediately the possibilities of this and Amazon was the first large scale practitioner of what is now a huge core component of today's commercial internet.",/post/52986,2020-09-03T09:36:54.668Z,2020-09-14T13:43:28.354Z,52986,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4286 23215,v1.0,,"At that same meeting, one of the groups at the Media Lab demonstrated the first iterations of collaborative filtering. The idea was simply ""if you like these things and someone else also likes them, then other things they like could be of interest to you and vice-versa."" Bezos saw immediately the possibilities of this and Amazon was the first large scale practitioner of what is now a huge core component of today's commercial internet.",/post/52986,2020-09-03T09:36:54.642Z,2020-09-03T09:36:54.642Z,52986,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3912 23214,v1.0,,"At that same meeting, one of the groups at the Media Lab demonstrated the first iterations of collaborative filtering. The idea was simply ""if you like these things and someone else also likes them, then other things they like could be of interest to you and vice-versa."" Bezos saw immediately the possibilities of this and Amazon was the first large scale practitioner of what is now a huge core component of today's commercial internet.",/post/52986,2020-09-03T09:36:54.545Z,2020-09-03T09:36:54.545Z,52986,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3821 23213,v1.0,,"At that same meeting, one of the groups at the Media Lab demonstrated the first iterations of collaborative filtering. The idea was simply ""if you like these things and someone else also likes them, then other things they like could be of interest to you and vice-versa."" Bezos saw immediately the possibilities of this and Amazon was the first large scale practitioner of what is now a huge core component of today's commercial internet.",/post/52986,2020-09-03T09:36:54.544Z,2020-09-03T09:36:54.544Z,52986,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23212,v1.0,,"This is summarized by the (a bit easy) statement: If its free, you yourself are the product. Edit Delete No Comment""free"" Edit Delete No Commentuser as product Edit Delete No Commentcost-free Edit Delete No Commentcatch advertising Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52963,2020-09-03T09:36:18.125Z,2020-09-03T09:36:18.125Z,52963,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,3821 23211,v1.0,,"And, given Metcalf's Law, that says the network grows more powerful as each node connects to it, the Net's winner-take-all model pushed everything toward the reality we have today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:36:06.765Z,2020-09-03T09:36:06.765Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7289 23210,v1.0,,"And, given Metcalf's Law, that says the network grows more powerful as each node connects to it, the Net's winner-take-all model pushed everything toward the reality we have today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:36:06.650Z,2020-09-03T09:36:06.650Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3821 23209,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:35:48.991Z,2020-09-11T11:13:11.468Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,1645 23208,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:35:48.973Z,2020-09-03T09:35:48.973Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7288 23207,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:35:48.964Z,2020-09-03T09:35:48.964Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3816 23206,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:35:48.960Z,2020-09-03T09:35:48.960Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4274 23205,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:35:48.954Z,2020-09-03T09:35:48.954Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3767 23204,v1.0,,"Then in 2000/2001 came the dot-com bust period and the now-huge search companies had gone public and saw their stock price dropping. they had to do something or they were going to go bankrupt by losing their investors. Google realized that they were sitting on huge amounts of personal information that they could use for better ad targeting. And they had enough money to hire the best programmers. And so began the age of ""surveillance capitalism"" which is where we are today.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:35:48.858Z,2020-09-03T09:35:48.858Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3814 23203,v1.0,,"Then Yahoo! began. This was the first game-changer. They had so much traffic that they could sell ads in bulk for very low per-impression prices. This forced everyone else to get more ""creative"" if they wanted to sell an ad.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:34:51.373Z,2020-09-03T09:34:51.373Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4704 23202,v1.0,,"The reasons were not that different than they are now in the sense that connectivity got direct payment. Back then it not only cost money to connect, but it was kind of a hassle for the average user to even get onto the WWW.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:34:39.775Z,2020-09-14T13:33:50.757Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,6114 23201,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:34:05.888Z,2020-09-03T09:34:05.888Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3816 23200,v1.0,,"I admit to at least some complicity in this whole process because in early 1994 I co-founded the first news website,, and we didn't make anyone pay for it. This was before Yahoo, Google, Amazon or any of the big web content providers. Everything was experimental.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:54.734Z,2020-09-24T13:52:13.507Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23199,v1.0,,"I admit to at least some complicity in this whole process because in early 1994 I co-founded the first news website,, and we didn't make anyone pay for it. This was before Yahoo, Google, Amazon or any of the big web content providers. Everything was experimental.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:54.734Z,2020-09-11T11:23:21.990Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3816 23198,v1.0,,"I admit to at least some complicity in this whole process because in early 1994 I co-founded the first news website,, and we didn't make anyone pay for it. This was before Yahoo, Google, Amazon or any of the big web content providers. Everything was experimental.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:54.713Z,2020-09-03T09:33:54.713Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3816 23197,v1.0,,"I admit to at least some complicity in this whole process because in early 1994 I co-founded the first news website,, and we didn't make anyone pay for it. This was before Yahoo, Google, Amazon or any of the big web content providers. Everything was experimental.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:54.697Z,2020-09-03T09:33:54.697Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7287 23196,v1.0,,"I admit to at least some complicity in this whole process because in early 1994 I co-founded the first news website,, and we didn't make anyone pay for it. This was before Yahoo, Google, Amazon or any of the big web content providers. Everything was experimental.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:54.668Z,2020-09-03T09:33:54.668Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7286 23195,v1.0,,"Unless it is a hobby or pro bono/charity, at some point people have to be paid for their work.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:14.387Z,2020-09-03T09:33:14.387Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7285 23194,v1.0,,"Unless it is a hobby or pro bono/charity, at some point people have to be paid for their work.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:14.297Z,2020-09-03T09:33:14.297Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4962 23193,v1.0,,"Unless it is a hobby or pro bono/charity, at some point people have to be paid for their work.",/post/52985,2020-09-03T09:33:14.295Z,2020-09-03T09:33:14.295Z,52985,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23192,v1.0,,"Yes, the statement is too easy in its generalization, but its a good discussion-opener (like: why is that service for free?). Of course there are a lot of gifts, and these should be really honored and valued as gifts. overgeneralisation being critical ""free"" catch Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52971,2020-09-03T09:32:42.858Z,2020-09-03T09:32:42.858Z,52971,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7284 23191,v1.0,,"Yes, the statement is too easy in its generalization, but its a good discussion-opener (like: why is that service for free?). Of course there are a lot of gifts, and these should be really honored and valued as gifts. overgeneralisation being critical ""free"" catch Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52971,2020-09-03T09:32:42.786Z,2020-09-03T09:32:42.786Z,52971,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7278 23190,v1.0,,"Yes, the statement is too easy in its generalization, but its a good discussion-opener (like: why is that service for free?). Of course there are a lot of gifts, and these should be really honored and valued as gifts. overgeneralisation being critical ""free"" catch Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52971,2020-09-03T09:32:42.740Z,2020-09-03T09:32:42.740Z,52971,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7283 23189,v1.0,,"Yes, the statement is too easy in its generalization, but its a good discussion-opener (like: why is that service for free?). Of course there are a lot of gifts, and these should be really honored and valued as gifts. overgeneralisation being critical ""free"" catch Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52971,2020-09-03T09:32:42.656Z,2020-09-03T09:32:42.656Z,52971,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7279 23188,v1.0,,"Funny enough, that does not apply to open source software (at least not in general). I wonder how we could have an opens source news economy … Open Source business model news Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52969,2020-09-03T09:32:19.918Z,2020-09-03T09:32:19.918Z,52969,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,7282 23187,v1.0,,"Funny enough, that does not apply to open source software (at least not in general). I wonder how we could have an opens source news economy … Open Source business model news Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52969,2020-09-03T09:32:19.874Z,2020-09-03T09:32:19.874Z,52969,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,1257 23186,v1.0,,"Funny enough, that does not apply to open source software (at least not in general). I wonder how we could have an opens source news economy … Open Source business model news Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52969,2020-09-03T09:32:19.790Z,2020-09-03T09:32:19.790Z,52969,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,5,4274 23185,v1.0,,"This is summarized by the (a bit easy) statement: If its free, you yourself are the product. Edit Delete No Comment""free"" Edit Delete No Commentuser as product Edit Delete No Commentcost-free catch Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52963,2020-09-03T09:31:54.255Z,2020-09-03T09:31:54.255Z,52963,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7278 23184,v1.0,,"This is summarized by the (a bit easy) statement: If its free, you yourself are the product. cost-free ""free"" user as product Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52963,2020-09-03T09:31:48.929Z,2020-09-24T13:52:13.502Z,52963,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7279 23183,v1.0,,"This is summarized by the (a bit easy) statement: If its free, you yourself are the product. cost-free ""free"" user as product Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52963,2020-09-03T09:31:48.929Z,2020-09-03T09:31:48.929Z,52963,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7276 23182,v1.0,,"This is summarized by the (a bit easy) statement: If its free, you yourself are the product. cost-free ""free"" user as product Cancel Save Annotate",/post/52963,2020-09-03T09:31:48.831Z,2020-09-03T09:31:48.831Z,52963,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,4861,7279 23181,v1.0,,"What does this have to do with ads? Everything, because they need to do what they can to bring in as many eyeballs as possible, while maintaining some public impression of social responsibility. Dorsey looks like he might crack. Zuckerberg though seems to have no such qualms.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:29.357Z,2020-09-03T09:31:29.357Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7281 23180,v1.0,,"What does this have to do with ads? Everything, because they need to do what they can to bring in as many eyeballs as possible, while maintaining some public impression of social responsibility. Dorsey looks like he might crack. Zuckerberg though seems to have no such qualms.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:29.355Z,2020-09-03T09:31:29.355Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4282 23179,v1.0,,"What does this have to do with ads? Everything, because they need to do what they can to bring in as many eyeballs as possible, while maintaining some public impression of social responsibility. Dorsey looks like he might crack. Zuckerberg though seems to have no such qualms.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:29.352Z,2020-09-03T09:31:29.352Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3821 23178,v1.0,,"Here are links to two interesting and worthwhile articles about Twitter. One concerns their rather conflicted CEO, Jack Dorsey and the other about how Twitter has effectively banned tweets about ISIS but allows white supremacists to do their thing more freely. In the Dorsey piece, he seems to be unable to get any real grip on what they should and should not allow, as if the whole thing ran away from him and his group long ago. Which in a sense it has, especially because its chief loyalty is to keeping its stock price up. In the other, it seems that the company would rather ban some Muslims unfairly so they can get rid of ISIS, but not run the risk of banning high-profile conservative (in the USA meaning Republicans) officials.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:14.421Z,2020-09-03T09:31:14.421Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7280 23177,v1.0,,"Here are links to two interesting and worthwhile articles about Twitter. One concerns their rather conflicted CEO, Jack Dorsey and the other about how Twitter has effectively banned tweets about ISIS but allows white supremacists to do their thing more freely. In the Dorsey piece, he seems to be unable to get any real grip on what they should and should not allow, as if the whole thing ran away from him and his group long ago. Which in a sense it has, especially because its chief loyalty is to keeping its stock price up. In the other, it seems that the company would rather ban some Muslims unfairly so they can get rid of ISIS, but not run the risk of banning high-profile conservative (in the USA meaning Republicans) officials.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:14.331Z,2020-09-03T09:31:14.331Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4274 23176,v1.0,,"Here are links to two interesting and worthwhile articles about Twitter. One concerns their rather conflicted CEO, Jack Dorsey and the other about how Twitter has effectively banned tweets about ISIS but allows white supremacists to do their thing more freely. In the Dorsey piece, he seems to be unable to get any real grip on what they should and should not allow, as if the whole thing ran away from him and his group long ago. Which in a sense it has, especially because its chief loyalty is to keeping its stock price up. In the other, it seems that the company would rather ban some Muslims unfairly so they can get rid of ISIS, but not run the risk of banning high-profile conservative (in the USA meaning Republicans) officials.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:14.305Z,2020-09-03T09:31:14.305Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,1786 23175,v1.0,,"Here are links to two interesting and worthwhile articles about Twitter. One concerns their rather conflicted CEO, Jack Dorsey and the other about how Twitter has effectively banned tweets about ISIS but allows white supremacists to do their thing more freely. In the Dorsey piece, he seems to be unable to get any real grip on what they should and should not allow, as if the whole thing ran away from him and his group long ago. Which in a sense it has, especially because its chief loyalty is to keeping its stock price up. In the other, it seems that the company would rather ban some Muslims unfairly so they can get rid of ISIS, but not run the risk of banning high-profile conservative (in the USA meaning Republicans) officials.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:14.289Z,2020-09-03T09:31:14.289Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3775 23174,v1.0,,"Here are links to two interesting and worthwhile articles about Twitter. One concerns their rather conflicted CEO, Jack Dorsey and the other about how Twitter has effectively banned tweets about ISIS but allows white supremacists to do their thing more freely. In the Dorsey piece, he seems to be unable to get any real grip on what they should and should not allow, as if the whole thing ran away from him and his group long ago. Which in a sense it has, especially because its chief loyalty is to keeping its stock price up. In the other, it seems that the company would rather ban some Muslims unfairly so they can get rid of ISIS, but not run the risk of banning high-profile conservative (in the USA meaning Republicans) officials.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:14.233Z,2020-09-03T09:31:14.233Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7083 23172,v1.0,,"Here are links to two interesting and worthwhile articles about Twitter. One concerns their rather conflicted CEO, Jack Dorsey and the other about how Twitter has effectively banned tweets about ISIS but allows white supremacists to do their thing more freely. In the Dorsey piece, he seems to be unable to get any real grip on what they should and should not allow, as if the whole thing ran away from him and his group long ago. Which in a sense it has, especially because its chief loyalty is to keeping its stock price up. In the other, it seems that the company would rather ban some Muslims unfairly so they can get rid of ISIS, but not run the risk of banning high-profile conservative (in the USA meaning Republicans) officials.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:31:14.197Z,2020-09-03T09:31:14.197Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4420 23171,v1.0,,"One avenue, which the EU seems more interested in than the USA, is regulation. Because in fact there is not much of it going on.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:30:33.515Z,2020-09-03T09:30:33.515Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3519 23170,v1.0,,"One avenue, which the EU seems more interested in than the USA, is regulation. Because in fact there is not much of it going on.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:30:33.507Z,2020-09-03T09:30:33.507Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7083 23169,v1.0,,"One avenue, which the EU seems more interested in than the USA, is regulation. Because in fact there is not much of it going on.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:30:33.484Z,2020-09-03T09:30:33.484Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,430 23168,v1.0,,"One avenue, which the EU seems more interested in than the USA, is regulation. Because in fact there is not much of it going on.",/post/52944,2020-09-03T09:30:33.395Z,2020-09-03T09:30:33.395Z,52944,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4439 23167,v1.0,,all of these so-called free services.,/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:30:08.175Z,2020-09-03T09:30:08.175Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23166,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:30:01.889Z,2020-09-03T09:30:01.889Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23165,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:30:01.445Z,2020-09-03T09:30:01.445Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7278 23164,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:52.230Z,2020-09-03T09:29:52.230Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7278 23163,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:52.205Z,2020-09-03T09:29:52.205Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3638 23162,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:52.165Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.902Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,5891 23161,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:52.121Z,2020-09-03T09:29:52.121Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4274 23160,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:52.121Z,2020-09-03T09:29:52.121Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,1786 23159,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:52.120Z,2020-09-03T09:29:52.120Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3822 23158,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:52.096Z,2020-09-03T09:29:52.096Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7276 23157,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:51.993Z,2020-09-24T13:52:13.488Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23156,v1.0,,"I would much prefer for Facebook to be a subscription service where I pay them directly and they in turn treat me like I am the customer. That is almost certainly not going to happen because they make much more money with their current model. Same with Twitter, Google and all of these so-called free services.",/post/52943,2020-09-03T09:29:51.981Z,2020-09-03T09:29:51.981Z,52943,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7277 23155,v1.0,,Any meaningful discussion about a human-centered internet has to deal with this fact and come up with a different model.,/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:16.729Z,2020-09-03T09:29:16.729Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,4274 23154,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:09.342Z,2020-09-03T09:29:09.342Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7277 23153,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:09.311Z,2020-09-03T09:29:09.311Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7276 23152,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:09.194Z,2020-09-24T13:52:13.496Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7279 23151,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:09.129Z,2020-09-03T09:29:09.129Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,7083 23150,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:09.120Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.896Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,5891 23149,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:08.988Z,2020-09-03T09:29:08.988Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,3821 23148,v1.0,,"We all use it the services, or are affected by them in some way. The basic economic bargain we accept is that we pay directly for connectivity and get the content without paying because we allow them to profile us to sell more targeted ads. There is some regulation, and in China and a few other countries the government controls everything, some news services now charge for their content in a subscription, some people just use free wifi and some people don't use Google or social media. But those are exceptions. The basic model is pay for connectivity and get the content ""free.""",/post/52942,2020-09-03T09:29:08.882Z,2020-09-14T13:33:50.751Z,52942,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9821,2915,6114 22750,v1.0,,"Mostly the feeling of alignment after meeting some of the Edgeryders, then participating in your festival in Brussels. Great experience.",/post/61984,2020-09-01T09:54:52.029Z,2020-09-01T09:55:00.247Z,61984,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,3206,394 22749,v1.0,,"Like many others, I have been using edgeryders/edgeryding to make new professional contacts,",/post/57490,2020-09-01T09:54:52.027Z,2020-09-01T09:55:00.242Z,57490,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,8,394 22645,v1.0,,"we’re looking into improve the access control in the co-livings, as the current doors that we have at the co-livings are mechanical, they are not electrical. And, it’s a bit tricky to automate access with those, and make sure that it doesn’t become a recurring problem, in terms of maintenance.",/post/80267,2020-09-01T09:15:30.415Z,2020-09-01T09:15:40.235Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3610 22644,v1.0,,"In order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones",/post/80267,2020-09-01T09:15:30.413Z,2020-09-01T09:15:40.230Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3610 22643,v1.0,,"to have the facility on with an app, to be able to grant or cancel access to anyone in our community, to access the coworking space. Also, since we are not there as members all the time, or as managers, the visualization of what’s happening in the space, so we have a couple of webcams on each floor, so that we can make sure that everything is okay, and there is no issues.",/post/80267,2020-09-01T09:15:30.411Z,2020-09-01T09:15:40.225Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3610 22642,v1.0,,"in terms of technology, what I would emphasize, what has been super important and a lifesaver, it’s the access control.",/post/80267,2020-09-01T09:15:30.409Z,2020-09-01T09:15:40.220Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3610 22599,v1.0,,decentralized messaging apps (but what about hate speech/pedophiles/terrorism),/post/59948,2020-09-01T09:06:19.963Z,2020-09-01T09:06:25.769Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,3610 22598,v1.0,,"We are so decentralized that, in a very real sense, there is no all-encompassing ""we"", just many partially overlapping groups of people following specific issues or working together on specific projects. :smiley:",/post/57110,2020-09-01T09:06:19.961Z,2020-09-01T09:06:25.764Z,57110,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,4,3610 22597,v1.0,,"Building a protocol and hardware that form a decentralised system that is secure, user friendly and can interact well with the grid is tall order.",/post/52586,2020-09-01T09:06:19.959Z,2020-09-01T09:06:25.759Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,3610 22596,v1.0,,"more decentralised, with more people capable of producing and storing energy we need a decentralised way of managing it.",/post/52586,2020-09-01T09:06:19.957Z,2020-09-01T09:06:25.754Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,3610 22595,v1.0,,"The Internet may work better when it’s spread out, as originally designed.""",/post/53694,2020-09-01T09:06:19.954Z,2020-09-01T09:06:25.749Z,53694,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,2915,3610 22594,v1.0,,"I would assume decentralized structures are more gravitated towards collaboration by deafult, but will meet more challenges as well, compared to centralized structures.",/post/54066,2020-09-01T09:06:19.952Z,2020-09-01T09:06:25.744Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3610 22593,v1.0,d,"Finding a successful working model for these hubs that lack the central management structure that you've been able to provide in the Canary Islands will be challenging. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/80386,2020-09-01T09:06:19.950Z,2020-09-01T09:06:25.738Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,3610 22576,v1.0,,"Regarding healthcare and welfare, a couple of years ago we worked on OpenCare, which identified quite a few interesting tech-based social innovations by communities in Europe:",/post/65874,2020-09-01T08:52:57.739Z,2020-09-01T08:53:05.859Z,65874,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,2584 22569,v1.0,,"UX can make or break how people interact with each other as a community, and especially with open source projects it is often enough added as an afterthought.",/post/54153,2020-09-01T08:50:29.505Z,2020-09-01T08:50:36.628Z,54153,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5895 22568,v1.0,,"Social Media encompasses a range of different communication and community models. I call that the bedroom-to-broadcast scale.The problem is that most if not all social media platforms treat all these spaces basically the same, giving us the same toolsets. And that doesn't work. Moderation and policy guidelines that are supposed to make a nice and kid-friendly TV broadcast cannot apply to that sort-of-but-not-quite-private conversation at the pub.",/post/54126,2020-09-01T08:44:02.173Z,2020-09-01T08:44:02.173Z,54126,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 22562,v1.0,,"The work that the Green Web Foundation has been doing seems highly relevant, Chris Adams is the person I'd recommend chatting to, he's been doing work with them. That covers the energy angle of digital services.",/post/55472,2020-09-01T08:38:09.102Z,2020-09-01T08:38:09.102Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7155 22561,v1.0,,this article from the MIT Press (thanks @natalia_skoczylas) about a recent University of Massachusetts study . It exposes what might be considered a kind of dirty secret about the Net and the power it consumes.,/post/54716,2020-09-01T08:38:09.100Z,2020-09-01T08:38:09.100Z,54716,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7155 22560,v1.0,,"worldwide, the carbon footprint of streaming is bigger than it ever was for physical media, and growing.",/post/53833,2020-09-01T08:38:09.097Z,2020-09-01T08:38:09.097Z,53833,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7155 22559,v1.0,,"Here is a Rolling Stone story about the estimated carbon footprint from all the streaming, with some comparison to how much impact that creates compared to the amount of plastic used to make vinyl records and CDs.The amount of that plastic has gone way down (from 61 million kilograms in the 2000s to about 8 million kilograms as of 2016), but at the same time the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere that can be fairly attributed to the amount of power required to serve all that streaming is huge and dwarfs that amount of plastic:"" the amount of GHGs (greenhouse gases) generated by the energy needed to transmit music for streaming is estimated to be between 200 and 350 million kilograms."" The story also cliams, "" Data centers are reportedly responsible for about two percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, a carbon footprint nearly equal to the airline industry.""",/post/53833,2020-09-01T08:38:09.095Z,2020-09-01T08:38:09.095Z,53833,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,7155 22558,v1.0,,"Chris Adams, currently a fellow at Prototype Fund at the Greenweb Foundation, has been doing a lot of work around energy consumption of web services and especially around mapping which providers in that space use renewable energies",/post/53357,2020-09-01T08:38:09.093Z,2020-09-01T08:38:09.093Z,53357,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,5092,7155 22557,v1.0,,"Power consumption - I think is a pretty interesting concept for a potential scenario, that we as humans, like farming, could do and rely on natural systems and let them (e.g. solarpower) enable when things work, and when they don't, for connection and availability from source, mainly to slow the pace down into something what we can handle.",/post/54275,2020-09-01T08:38:09.091Z,2020-09-01T08:38:09.091Z,54275,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4897,7155 22544,v1.0,,"It’s a real trade off with the Internet of old and the Internet of today. Back in those days I hungered for the better graphics and audio and throughput that I knew was coming. But back then there was a kind of maybe tacit understanding or agreement that the commercialization of everything should not be such a runaway train. Maybe that was just left over from the days not too many years before when you couldn’t do anything commercial on the Internet and you had to sign pledges on paper certifying that you would be non-commercial. But I also remember when I worked for a big media company that the notion of that kind of restraint to the advertising-heavy establishment that employed me, seemed kind of absurd because why would you restrain yourself from going after the most money you can make? commercialisation profiting advertising Internet Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58405,2020-09-01T08:33:45.802Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.395Z,58405,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5327 22543,v1.0,,"It’s a real trade off with the Internet of old and the Internet of today. Back in those days I hungered for the better graphics and audio and throughput that I knew was coming. But back then there was a kind of maybe tacit understanding or agreement that the commercialization of everything should not be such a runaway train. Maybe that was just left over from the days not too many years before when you couldn’t do anything commercial on the Internet and you had to sign pledges on paper certifying that you would be non-commercial. But I also remember when I worked for a big media company that the notion of that kind of restraint to the advertising-heavy establishment that employed me, seemed kind of absurd because why would you restrain yourself from going after the most money you can make? commercialisation profiting advertising Internet Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58405,2020-09-01T08:33:45.789Z,2020-09-01T08:33:45.789Z,58405,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3821 22541,v1.0,,"It’s a real trade off with the Internet of old and the Internet of today. Back in those days I hungered for the better graphics and audio and throughput that I knew was coming. But back then there was a kind of maybe tacit understanding or agreement that the commercialization of everything should not be such a runaway train. Maybe that was just left over from the days not too many years before when you couldn’t do anything commercial on the Internet and you had to sign pledges on paper certifying that you would be non-commercial. But I also remember when I worked for a big media company that the notion of that kind of restraint to the advertising-heavy establishment that employed me, seemed kind of absurd because why would you restrain yourself from going after the most money you can make? commercialisation profiting advertising Internet Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58405,2020-09-01T08:33:45.725Z,2020-09-01T08:33:45.725Z,58405,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5327 22539,v1.0,,"Looking ahead, How are 5G, the Internet of Things, driverless cars, zero lag time for videos and all the other inevitable developments going to help?",/post/53157,2020-09-01T08:28:21.497Z,2020-09-03T15:32:43.693Z,53157,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,4349 22538,v1.0,,'d love to use my technical skills towards improving sustainability.,/post/58325,2020-09-01T08:27:49.224Z,2020-09-01T08:27:57.360Z,58325,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10604,5303,4417 22537,v1.0,,I think another problem with events and campaigns like this is that their punctual nature allows it for people to turn off light for an hour on one day or to like something on Facebook to feel a bit better and a bit as if they are helping to solve the problem. Of course generating awareness is important but as mentioned in more long lasting ways and without easy options to satisfy the uneasiness the shared knowledge generates via a a light or like button.,/post/54770,2020-09-01T08:27:49.222Z,2020-09-01T08:27:57.355Z,54770,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,4934,4417 22536,v1.0,,"So how could the internet be better used for campaigns like these? If we were to run such a campaign how could we make it more effective? Is there continued direct action that the internet can foster, enhance, and make easier?",/post/54562,2020-09-01T08:27:49.218Z,2020-09-01T08:27:57.348Z,54562,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,5158,4417 22529,v1.0,,"Even from a purely technological perspective, it's not needed. What we'd need is data efficiency when we use the existing infrastructure. In the last 20 years, nobody cared about data efficiency in networks",/post/54514,2020-09-01T08:21:52.074Z,2020-09-11T11:07:56.782Z,54514,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,1264 22526,v1.0,,", I think google TOS allowed no more than two or three ads per page. Just thinking out loud here - but billboards are allowed on highways...however, if advertisers put one every 50 meters and they were all moving and colorful to grab your attention, laws and regulation would be passed or the industry asked to regulate itself so that the purpose of the highway remained sound.",/post/58170,2020-08-31T19:10:05.770Z,2020-08-31T19:10:14.174Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3821 22525,v1.0,,we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies.,/post/80309,2020-08-31T19:02:34.820Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.896Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,5889 22524,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (even Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has not issued any critiques thus far)",/post/79137,2020-08-31T19:02:34.817Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.891Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 22523,v1.0,,"What is the Corona-Warn App? As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus. On Tuesday, the German government introduced the Corona Warn App, designed to identify and quickly “break chains of infection”",/post/79137,2020-08-31T19:02:34.815Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.877Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 22522,v1.0,,"the App also does not log users’ location, but uses Bluetooth to allow users to share information. Users are also guaranteed anonymity while using the app, whereby each device is allocated an identification number, which is then visible to all other app users when in the same vicinity. During a span of two weeks, all user IDs are stored in your app, and, if one of those users tests positive during that two week span, your App alerts you.",/post/79137,2020-08-31T19:02:34.813Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.872Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 22521,v1.0,,"Technically, the solution adopted is centralized, unlike in Germany and Italy, with Sciensano, the public health institute, acting as the center. Legally, we appear to be on very shaky grounds. Because:",/post/79172,2020-08-31T19:02:34.811Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.867Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5889 22520,v1.0,,"The App – which cost 20m Euro to develop and will require 3m Euro a month to operate – has an open source program code, meaning it can theoretically be copied and updated by other countries. The German government hopes that other European countries will follow suit and that a system will quickly be built that works across Europe",/post/79137,2020-08-31T19:02:34.809Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.863Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 22519,v1.0,,"I cannot fully trust Immuni because I cannot fully trust anything. That makes me feel a mild irritation, an itch that I cannot scratch. There is really no way out. No hiding from Sauron's Eye. So, I might as well download the app... but my motivation is low, I would be serving even more data on a silver platter (and willingly, ticking the ""I accept the T&C"" box) to a system I cannot believe in. I will still do it... but I need to see a large and immediate gain. Which is now – as per our conversation – not clear is there.",/post/79140,2020-08-31T19:02:34.807Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.858Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5889 22518,v1.0,,"Frank Robben, a high-achiever computer scientist and civil servant, is accused of standing at the intersection of multiple conflicts of interest around health data. He (by request of the government) is the material author of the bill framing Belgium's COVID app, as well as the creator of of the ISC itself. Additionally, he occupies a position in the Belgian Data Protection Authority, and this is allegedly illegal, because appointees to the DPA are not supposed to occupy public office.",/post/79172,2020-08-31T19:02:34.805Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.853Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5889 22517,v1.0,,"The App, which is being marketed as a voluntary download, alerts users when and for how long they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.",/post/79137,2020-08-31T19:02:34.802Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.848Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 22516,v1.0,,"(1) I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on . (2) I downloaded the App and noticed that it is easy to switch it on/off. (3) I plan to use the App in circumstances when I have to trade off 'close distance to many unknown persons' against '(1)' (4) Condition '(3)' will be met seldom considering my current place of living & style of life.Hence, the App is like my bicycle helmet. It is to use when meaningful - neither in bed nor at a dinner table; may be in public transport.",/post/79139,2020-08-31T19:02:34.800Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.843Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5889 22515,v1.0,,"""Fitness app wants access to my information? No problem. Government Corona app? I better read and research carefully, one never knows...""",/post/79143,2020-08-31T19:02:34.798Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.838Z,79143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4934,5889 22514,v1.0,,"Belgian version: as I write, there's a bit of an uproar against the Belgian COVID tracking app.",/post/79172,2020-08-31T19:02:34.796Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.833Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5889 22513,v1.0,,"The agency authorized to push the data onto the central repository, the Information Security Committee, is in a legal gray zone: it was instituted by Parliament in 2018, against the advice of the European Commission and the Belgian Council of State. This advice argued that the ISC is not GDPR-compliant. A recent inquiry by the magazine Wilfried also claims that parliament's procedures, and the constitution itself, were violated in instituting it",/post/79172,2020-08-31T19:02:34.794Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.828Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5889 22512,v1.0,,"On your first group, I've found even when I try and educate friends and family who trust me on this issue, they still don't feel like they have enough information. It seems like it's not a one-shot fix. The education problem is broad; the app is a symptom. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/79552,2020-08-31T19:02:34.792Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.823Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,5889 22511,v1.0,,so the scepticism around Covid apps might seem odd.,/post/79710,2020-08-31T19:02:34.790Z,2020-08-31T19:02:40.818Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 22507,v1.0,,"In the coworking sector there is some nervousness about costs, about losing that personal touch, with putting in access technology.",/post/80267,2020-08-31T18:46:22.355Z,2020-08-31T18:46:22.355Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7144 22506,v1.0,,so perhaps it's all just a matter of hanging in there till the new normal settles in?,/post/80315,2020-08-31T18:37:42.517Z,2020-08-31T18:37:49.747Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,5156 22505,v1.0,,"We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be. But, eventually the things are going to go back to a new normal, that is similar to the old normal.",/post/80267,2020-08-31T18:37:42.514Z,2020-08-31T18:37:49.741Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 22500,v1.0,,"The Matrix is already here, everywhere. Our job is to find the pressure points of agency and make it work for all of us, meaning we find a way (and wade are finding it) to not have a subset of people and machines looking at all the data but open it up in such a way that e v e r y o n e is able to see all the data realtime, thus brokering new notions of mediation, and conflict management and that is where all skills and expertise can found in anarchist literature,",/post/54286,2020-08-31T18:17:28.817Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.083Z,54286,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4881 22499,v1.0,,"Seizing and scheming towards this opportunity to make sense, to have fully analyzed and grasped a situation – such as the recent individual agency in open source content-networks-software and hardware – will not lead to major organizational, political, and design breakthroughs, if we are not able to fully grasp the trajectory from thing as gathering places for spaces and discussion, from ‘matters of concern’:",/post/54226,2020-08-31T18:17:28.815Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.075Z,54226,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4881 22498,v1.0,,This is why I think it is necessary to have good user controls in social media for it to work in ways that we here think it should work. (Assuming we are more or less aligned.),/post/59261,2020-08-31T18:17:28.812Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.069Z,59261,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,4881 22497,v1.0,,"Webfeeds allow a client application to load updates from all registered websites and merge them clientside into a single list, fully under the users control. Getting away from the AI-curated timelines of Facebook, et al.",/post/53598,2020-08-31T18:17:28.810Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.065Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,4881 22496,v1.0,,as a basic foundation of how the https protocol works it is practically impossible to organize for private data where the individual has ownership of the utilization of the data itself since the user can't control who has access to the data or how the data is stored.,/post/54163,2020-08-31T18:17:28.808Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.060Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,4881 22495,v1.0,,"It's not quite there yet, but if we get this right, it'll be a nice middle ground where everyone stays in control of their data, but we will still have sort of centralized app & service providers.",/post/54199,2020-08-31T18:17:28.806Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.056Z,54199,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5144,4881 22494,v1.0,,"Hosting info for others definitely comes at a cost, both for the host and the guest, considering ""there's no free lunch"". I'm quite interested in Solid, as it feels like a ""middle-way"" from the mainstream Internet as we know it but with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.",/post/54271,2020-08-31T18:17:28.804Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.051Z,54271,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,4881 22491,v1.0,,the real idea is you should be able to decide how you want it rather than them deciding for you.,/post/54362,2020-08-31T18:17:28.797Z,2020-08-31T18:17:37.036Z,54362,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,4881 22489,v1.0,,"ntil the end of the 90s, it was very typical that software came in a box, which included floppy disks or CD ROMs that contained a copy of the software that you could install on your personal computer. This box was the product of a very specific way to produce software as a product using “waterfall methodologies”. In waterfall methods, you start with the requirements from the clients, once you have those, you go to your developer team and start turning those requirements into a specification and a design of a machine to be developed. This whole process was slow, like one or two years, and after that you would emerge and pass what you developed back to the client. You would test it with the client to see if it worked. And, ideally it all worked and you were done.Or, for example with Microsoft, every two to three years a new release of the operating system would be offered. They would go through a similar cycle for each version, and come back in 2-3 years with a new version of the operating system, or other software like Microsoft Office. Once it was ready, you would release the code and put it on a disk to get sold. Once code was released, changes were difficult, so that release date was a big moment and the end of a production cycle. Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.This subtle shift has completely changed how software is produced and how the software industry functions. As a result, the political economy of these companies has transformed, turning them into very different kinds of investment objects.",/post/64014,2020-08-31T18:09:19.018Z,2020-08-31T18:09:19.018Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 22488,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.",/post/64014,2020-08-31T18:07:05.533Z,2020-08-31T18:07:05.533Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3765 22487,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.This subtle shift has completely changed how software is produced and how the software industry functions. As a result, the political economy of these companies has transformed, turning them into very different kinds of investment objects.The last five years I have been trying to understand how the shift has enabled different kinds of software engineering processes, in which developers don’t close themselves up for two years and come back with some software, but you can incrementally and continuously develop software as a service.",/post/64014,2020-08-31T18:06:56.482Z,2020-08-31T18:06:56.482Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4676 22486,v1.0,,"be easier for us if we just went all the way into the Google world, with all their well-crafted products, but that puts us in their grip too much. So we use open source products when we can",/post/53950,2020-08-31T18:00:53.706Z,2020-08-31T18:00:53.706Z,53950,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,410 22485,v1.0,,"be easier for us if we just went all the way into the Google world, with all their well-crafted products, but that puts us in their grip too much. So we use open source products when we can.",/post/53950,2020-08-31T18:00:45.823Z,2020-09-11T14:07:21.357Z,53950,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,1167 22484,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.Peter 6:03",/post/61040,2020-08-31T17:44:08.440Z,2020-09-14T14:57:08.225Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7334 22483,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.Peter 6:03",/post/61040,2020-08-31T17:44:08.437Z,2020-08-31T17:44:08.437Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3610 22482,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.Peter 6:03",/post/61040,2020-08-31T17:44:08.431Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.199Z,61040,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7516 22481,v1.0,,"We have not worked in the maritime sector but given the large carbon footprint, I very much hope that we can see some open source solutions come through COACT Lab to tackle the port and shipping sectors. EarthOS unit looks great. We would love to join the workshop in Valencia and can make a strong case for open source solutions to generate conversations... perhaps? Look forward to learn more about your work.",/post/59399,2020-08-31T17:41:07.492Z,2020-08-31T17:41:07.492Z,59399,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,1257 22086,v1.0,,"The current crisis in European countries is driven by the paradox that we have the technology to create equality, but instead it is producing an unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands. This must be addressed by putting political pressure on the issues.",/post/64379,2020-08-27T15:36:17.507Z,2020-08-27T15:36:17.507Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,7101 22084,v1.0,,"Working out these metrics, an analytical framework for assessing what’s desirable in a Smart City, is the key to unlocking a real, meaningful debate.",/post/53307,2020-08-27T15:24:47.376Z,2020-08-27T15:24:55.144Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 22083,v1.0,,I propose to re-frame the Smart City discourse away from a technology focus and towards a focus on societal impact,/post/53307,2020-08-27T15:24:47.374Z,2020-08-27T15:24:55.140Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 22082,v1.0,,here,/post/74020,2020-08-27T15:20:54.503Z,2020-08-27T15:21:18.759Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5325 22080,v1.0,,"Mozilla, who really focus on these more societal implications of technology. So I think that's a really amazing that they even have this kind of like structure. So it's going to be a three year PhD program that actually the there's five PhD students who are at this moment moving to Dundee, Scotland to start next week.",/post/61040,2020-08-27T15:17:06.727Z,2020-08-27T15:17:44.313Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5462 22079,v1.0,,"So I'm sure when you're studying law, you would very, very few project would actually encourage you to do anything like make a trust, like a prototype, just mark that actually tries to put some of your law practice into something more tangible. And I I'm a firm believer that we learn through making and even though I'm not a skilled maker, I think that this is a an amazing process to try to turn ideas into something tangible, something that's testable, something that lives in another mode.",/post/61040,2020-08-27T15:17:06.724Z,2020-08-27T15:17:44.308Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5462 22078,v1.0,,"was recently reflecting with a friend of mine that when in college, I studied critical social thought. And we did a lot of thinking and writing, but very little making. And if I could recreate my degree I would have critical social and critical making as my double major. Because I think you're right, I think actually the, let's say the makers, I think we're seeing this in the computer science departments and the design departments, engineering departments of all kinds are getting a lot more ethics curriculum and support to think about the ethical components of their work.",/post/61040,2020-08-27T15:17:06.721Z,2020-08-27T15:17:44.304Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5462 22077,v1.0,,"So working with Jon: he's teaching next generation product designers. So we had a whole thing around education, from undergraduate to graduate. And now we have a PhD program funded by the U looking at responsible IoT, I think this idea of what are we doing in the higher education space to train people going into the field that will have these kinds of considerations, as well as people who are in the field who are making kind of daily decisions, and then also all sorts of kind of user advocates.",/post/61040,2020-08-27T15:17:06.719Z,2020-08-27T15:17:44.299Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5462 22073,v1.0,,gender-based violence,/post/61746,2020-08-27T15:08:42.518Z,2020-08-27T15:08:49.378Z,61746,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,885 22071,v1.0,,gender-based violence,/post/61746,2020-08-27T15:08:20.365Z,2020-08-27T15:08:29.587Z,61746,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11193,5479,1823 22069,v1.0,,"The current crisis in European countries is driven by the paradox that we have the technology to create equality, but instead it is producing an unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands. This must be addressed by putting political pressure on the issues.",/post/64379,2020-08-27T14:58:33.074Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.820Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,3939 22056,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (even Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has not issued any critiques thus far)",/post/79137,2020-08-25T17:19:37.188Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.933Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 22055,v1.0,,we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies,/post/80309,2020-08-25T17:19:37.186Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.923Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,3610 22054,v1.0,,"On the other, I'm not sure how we can expect anything different. There is absolutely no formal education on this subject for children or adults in the United States. Congress has been passing digital privacy legislation for over a half century and it seems largely ineffective.",/post/79552,2020-08-25T17:19:37.184Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.915Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3610 22053,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme.,/post/79552,2020-08-25T17:19:37.182Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.907Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3610 22052,v1.0,,"he occupies a position in the Belgian Data Protection Authority, and this is allegedly illegal",/post/79172,2020-08-25T17:19:37.180Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.900Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,3610 22051,v1.0,,"Within the first day of its launch, the App was downloaded close to 1m times, however many remain sceptical about what this means for their data privacy and how these technologies might feed in to further surveillance. According to a recent poll, around 42% of those surveyed, feel comfortable using the App, as opposed to 39% who said they wouldn’t and 19% who either did not own a smart phone or felt they needed more information.",/post/79137,2020-08-25T17:19:37.178Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.890Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 22050,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (",/post/79137,2020-08-25T17:19:37.176Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.879Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 22049,v1.0,,"How can Germany feasibly guarantee users’ data privacy, hem further surveillance and effectively contain the spread of the virus?",/post/79137,2020-08-25T17:19:37.174Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.870Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 22048,v1.0,,"Users have been assured that their data privacy will not be compromised and that contact data will not be saved centrally (though this was the original plan), but will instead be stored on the smartphones themselves.",/post/79137,2020-08-25T17:19:37.171Z,2020-08-25T17:20:36.861Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 22047,v1.0,,Facebook got fined 5 billion dollars by the US Govt last month. The EU is about to announce its findings on FB's alleged violations of the GDPR regarding sharing WhatsApp data with FB without user consent..,/post/57964,2020-08-25T16:29:54.822Z,2020-08-25T16:29:54.822Z,57964,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,7083 22046,v1.0,,"I don't think so. The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2020-08-25T16:29:54.820Z,2020-08-25T16:29:54.820Z,58040,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7083 22044,v1.0,,I do think denying access to market is the only way to enforce monopolistic behavior. But does breaking up big tech companies solve the problem? So for example you would break Instagram and WhatsApp away from Facebook?,/post/57978,2020-08-25T16:29:54.816Z,2020-08-25T16:29:54.816Z,57978,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,7083 22043,v1.0,,city halls in Europe deploying Jitsi servers so that schools can host online lessons.,/post/76784,2020-08-25T16:29:54.813Z,2020-08-25T16:29:54.813Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7083 22042,v1.0,,A world with great digital tools that are not owned and wielded by Big Tech is absolutely within reach.,/post/76784,2020-08-25T16:29:54.809Z,2020-08-25T16:29:54.809Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7083 22038,v1.0,,"Another thought that I had last days is the curiosity of gender in community building and construction of networks. If one looks to society, this is generally something where females take the lead, keeping connections in support networks, arranging and managing the social sphere. Would a collaboration, community build by non-cis-male engineers look differently? If so, how?",/post/54066,2020-08-25T11:09:45.653Z,2020-09-25T18:10:27.889Z,54066,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,394 22037,v1.0,,"Another thought that I had last days is the curiosity of gender in community building and construction of networks. If one looks to society, this is generally something where females take the lead, keeping connections in support networks, arranging and managing the social sphere. Would a collaboration, community build by non-cis-male engineers look differently? If so, how?",/post/54066,2020-08-25T11:09:14.200Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.897Z,54066,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,358 22036,v1.0,,"Another thought that I had last days is the curiosity of gender in community building and construction of networks. If one looks to society, this is generally something where females take the lead, keeping connections in support networks, arranging and managing the social sphere. Would a collaboration, community build by non-cis-male engineers look differently? If so, how?",/post/54066,2020-08-25T11:08:49.164Z,2020-09-08T11:35:58.222Z,54066,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,4676 22035,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme.,/post/79552,2020-08-25T10:59:58.367Z,2020-08-25T10:59:58.367Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6172 22034,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme.,/post/79552,2020-08-25T10:59:28.766Z,2020-08-25T10:59:28.766Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3814 22033,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme.,/post/79552,2020-08-25T10:59:28.766Z,2020-08-25T10:59:28.766Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3855 22032,v1.0,,". Of course, many of us don't think twice about giving apps/social media our personal information, so the scepticism around Covid apps might seem odd",/post/79710,2020-08-25T10:58:53.137Z,2020-08-25T10:58:53.137Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3814 22031,v1.0,,"At first this seemed high considering the amount of work already done by Google/Apple, but I remembered that the German government must also put together the infrastructure that temporarily houses all the matching data (between those infected and those who they contacted).",/post/79552,2020-08-25T10:52:43.221Z,2020-08-25T10:52:43.221Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6172 22030,v1.0,,The third is to explore building institution like entities with the concepts of data utilities and the work of Neil Lawrence and Sylvie Delacroix who propose data trusts as a bottom-up mechanism whereby data-subjects choose to pool their data within the legal framework of the Trust.,/post/54210,2020-08-25T10:35:22.999Z,2020-08-25T10:35:22.999Z,54210,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,4341 21967,v1.0,,"Hosting info for others definitely comes at a cost, both for the host and the guest, considering ""there's no free lunch"". I'm quite interested in Solid, as it feels like a ""middle-way"" from the mainstream Internet as we know it but with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data. Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-08-24T16:33:52.220Z,2020-08-24T16:33:52.220Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,4570 21966,v1.0,,". Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-08-24T16:27:41.740Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.231Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,1257 21965,v1.0,,". Also with the possibility to doing it in an association, co-op or a company they own or are a member of.",/post/54271,2020-08-24T16:27:41.736Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.469Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,3814 21964,v1.0,,"Hosting info for others definitely comes at a cost, both for the host and the guest, considering ""there's no free lunch"". I'm quite interested in Solid, as it feels like a ""middle-way"" from the mainstream Internet as we know it but with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.",/post/54271,2020-08-24T16:27:18.023Z,2020-08-24T16:27:18.023Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,7073 21963,v1.0,,"Hosting info for others definitely comes at a cost, both for the host and the guest, considering ""there's no free lunch"". I'm quite interested in Solid, as it feels like a ""middle-way"" from the mainstream Internet as we know it but with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.",/post/54271,2020-08-24T16:27:17.340Z,2020-08-24T16:27:17.340Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,3814 21962,v1.0,,"Hosting info for others definitely comes at a cost, both for the host and the guest, considering ""there's no free lunch"". I'm quite interested in Solid, as it feels like a ""middle-way"" from the mainstream Internet as we know it but with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.",/post/54271,2020-08-24T16:27:17.336Z,2020-08-24T16:27:17.336Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,1029 21961,v1.0,,"I think that is why Tim Berners-Lee is doing the Solid thing now. It's not quite there yet, but if we get this right, it'll be a nice middle ground where everyone stays in control of their data, but we will still have sort of centralized app & service providers.",/post/54199,2020-08-24T16:26:03.218Z,2020-08-24T16:26:03.218Z,54199,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5144,3814 21960,v1.0,,with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.,/post/54271,2020-08-24T16:24:56.321Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.462Z,54271,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,3814 21959,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2020-08-24T16:22:22.159Z,2020-08-24T16:22:22.159Z,58068,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,7072 21958,v1.0,,My guesstimate is that >95% of the data transferred does not mean anything.,/post/54514,2020-08-24T16:15:14.970Z,2020-09-01T09:00:49.858Z,54514,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,7072 21957,v1.0,,"For most of these applications, data transfer efficiency can be infinite by just keeping all the data on the user's devices.",/post/54687,2020-08-24T16:14:53.909Z,2020-09-01T09:00:49.849Z,54687,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,7072 21956,v1.0,,"Some mobile health applications like Grace Health and Lilly are using both what they are calling AI, and data efficiency (at least in the sense of the data costs for the user), as part of their business models",/post/54679,2020-08-24T16:13:11.098Z,2020-08-24T16:13:11.098Z,54679,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,8,5889 21955,v1.0,,"Some mobile health applications like Grace Health and Lilly are using both what they are calling AI, and data efficiency (at least in the sense of the data costs for the user), as part of their business models",/post/54679,2020-08-24T16:13:11.095Z,2020-11-27T10:24:44.133Z,54679,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,8,3702 21954,v1.0,,"Some mobile health applications like Grace Health and Lilly are using both what they are calling AI, and data efficiency (at least in the sense of the data costs for the user), as part of their business models",/post/54679,2020-08-24T16:12:14.330Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.698Z,54679,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,8,4274 21953,v1.0,,Some mobile health applications like Grace Health and Lilly are using both what they are calling AI,/post/54679,2020-08-24T16:11:51.946Z,2020-08-24T16:11:51.946Z,54679,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,8,4479 21951,v1.0,,It links together the Scuttlebutt discussion on what technology users and problems it makes sense to focus on,/post/54679,2020-08-24T16:11:06.844Z,2020-08-24T16:11:06.844Z,54679,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,8,3676 21950,v1.0,,"The GDPR principles state that you should not collect personal data, unless you need them to provide the service that you are out to provide.",/post/55290,2020-08-24T16:08:43.383Z,2020-08-24T16:08:43.383Z,55290,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4,3814 21949,v1.0,,"Efficiency is always defined in relationship to some goal: effort per unit of goal achieved. If your goal is revenue, collecting data (even data that you do not necessarily need to provide your core service) may be efficient if you can resell them. It goes back to value theory, since the concept of value encodes societal goals.",/post/55290,2020-08-24T16:08:19.107Z,2020-08-24T16:08:19.107Z,55290,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4,4875 21947,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future",/post/76852,2020-08-24T15:59:20.093Z,2020-09-11T14:07:21.353Z,76852,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,1167 21946,v1.0,,"I have found that blocking does indeed hinder most forms of data sharing which I would like to avoid. The one case i have witnessed a lot of discussion around is the same as with facebook/instagram of the ""annoying uncle/aunt syndrome"", in which one has a social obligation to not block the individual yet would rather not see the unfiltered spouting on their feed. Facebook/instagram has solved this by simply opening up for ""opting out"" of seeing their content in your feed. This would be simple to implement on the application layer of SSB for example.",/post/54112,2020-08-24T15:57:58.500Z,2020-08-24T15:57:58.500Z,54112,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,7070 21657,v1.0,,I believe there are some data bases for finding out environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2020-08-21T09:22:58.460Z,2020-08-21T09:22:58.460Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3843 21656,v1.0,,I believe there are some data bases for finding out environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2020-08-21T09:22:46.755Z,2020-09-11T14:59:12.847Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,6073 21655,v1.0,,I believe there are some data bases for finding out environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2020-08-21T09:22:46.753Z,2020-08-21T09:22:46.753Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,1121 21654,v1.0,,I think this breaks reasonably new ground to really justify some deep research: How can we mitigate the lack of transparency and still get to meaningful insights into how green a product is? What are best practices to make things more green? What are strategies to allow for this type of mark to evolve as things get more transparent over time?,/post/55486,2020-08-21T09:21:17.480Z,2020-09-24T13:54:26.951Z,55486,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7555 21652,v1.0,,"for example with Microsoft, every two to three years a new release of the operating system would be offered. They would go through a similar cycle for each version, and come back in 2-3 years with a new version of the operating system, or other software like Microsoft Office. Once it was ready, you would release the code and put it on a disk to get sold. Once code was released, changes were difficult, so that release date was a big moment and the end of a production cycle.",/post/64014,2020-08-21T09:17:02.548Z,2020-08-21T09:17:02.548Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4665 21651,v1.0,,"for example with Microsoft, every two to three years a new release of the operating system would be offered. They would go through a similar cycle for each version, and come back in 2-3 years with a new version of the operating system, or other software like Microsoft Office. Once it was ready, you would release the code and put it on a disk to get sold. Once code was released, changes were difficult, so that release date was a big moment and the end of a production cycle.",/post/64014,2020-08-21T09:16:54.739Z,2020-08-21T09:16:54.739Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6236 21650,v1.0,,"for example with Microsoft, every two to three years a new release of the operating system would be offered. They would go through a similar cycle for each version, and come back in 2-3 years with a new version of the operating system, or other software like Microsoft Office. Once it was ready, you would release the code and put it on a disk to get sold. Once code was released, changes were difficult, so that release date was a big moment and the end of a production cycle.",/post/64014,2020-08-21T09:16:37.695Z,2020-08-21T09:16:37.695Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,6235 21649,v1.0,,"Waze and other optimization systems do not “know” things, but sense the world and give information to users in order to co-create new geographies and behaviors for the extraction of value. They maximize the extraction of value by externalizing costs onto others, like non-users and their roads and cities.",/post/64014,2020-08-21T08:58:57.814Z,2020-08-31T17:52:00.304Z,64014,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4509 21648,v1.0,,"We'd explore both the teams/organisations creating the tech as well as the tech itself, investigating the question: How can a startup structure and the technology it produces be deep green, ecologically sustainable and regenerative?",/post/55432,2020-08-19T09:48:06.326Z,2020-09-14T13:20:11.218Z,55432,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,4274 21647,v1.0,,"We'd explore both the teams/organisations creating the tech as well as the tech itself, investigating the question: How can a startup structure and the technology it produces be deep green, ecologically sustainable and regenerative?",/post/55432,2020-08-19T09:47:33.785Z,2020-08-31T17:47:29.163Z,55432,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,1616 21646,v1.0,,"Worth also remembering that EU-driven voluntary initiatives like Ecolabel that have had extremely limited traction. For example, the Ecolabel for laptops has existed for years, but very few (if any?) manufacturers have ever risen to the challenge.",/post/55675,2020-08-19T09:43:36.860Z,2020-08-19T09:43:36.860Z,55675,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,6232 21645,v1.0,,"Worth also remembering that EU-driven voluntary initiatives like Ecolabel that have had extremely limited traction. For example, the Ecolabel for laptops has existed for years, but very few (if any?) manufacturers have ever risen to the challenge.",/post/55675,2020-08-19T09:43:14.669Z,2020-08-19T09:43:14.669Z,55675,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,1934 21643,v1.0,,"I have the impression that a lot of the innovation really worth doing tends to destroy GDP, not increase it, and in general to be bad for capitalism (not to put too fine a point on it).",/post/59368,2020-08-19T09:33:50.417Z,2020-09-14T14:57:21.057Z,59368,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,7443 21642,v1.0,,"I have the impression that a lot of the innovation really worth doing tends to destroy GDP, not increase it, and in general to be bad for capitalism (not to put too fine a point on it).",/post/59368,2020-08-19T09:33:50.417Z,2020-08-19T09:33:50.417Z,59368,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,4822 21641,v1.0,,I understand the deep fear that is almost metaphysical.. but how do you think this is going to affect your job?,/post/73854,2020-08-19T09:19:30.616Z,2020-08-19T09:19:30.616Z,73854,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,6136 21639,v1.0,,c experiment that we submitted and we would like to resubmit in collaboration with Edgeryders,/post/81686,2020-08-18T14:02:08.479Z,2020-08-18T14:02:08.479Z,81686,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,1284 21638,v1.0,,would like to explore with the Edgeryders team to participate in one,/post/80434,2020-08-18T14:01:41.079Z,2020-08-18T14:01:41.079Z,80434,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,1284 21637,v1.0,,Afro-food sector.,/post/79132,2020-08-18T14:01:07.033Z,2020-08-18T14:01:07.033Z,79132,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,6231 21636,v1.0,,ocabularies for 'meat' in the covid context.,/post/79132,2020-08-18T13:59:28.189Z,2020-08-18T13:59:28.189Z,79132,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,6229 21634,v1.0,,e covid context.,/post/79132,2020-08-18T13:57:30.853Z,2020-08-18T13:57:30.853Z,79132,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,5156 21632,v1.0,,vocabularies for 'meat' in the covid context.,/post/79132,2020-08-18T13:56:54.305Z,2020-08-18T13:56:54.305Z,79132,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,852 21631,v1.0,,"since budget is limited, i",/post/79132,2020-08-18T13:56:44.831Z,2020-08-18T13:56:44.831Z,79132,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,2065 21630,v1.0,,"o, essentials (agriculture) o",/post/77586,2020-08-18T13:55:52.887Z,2020-08-18T13:55:52.887Z,77586,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,3,32 21629,v1.0,,of food supply businesses?,/post/77586,2020-08-18T13:55:39.580Z,2020-08-18T13:55:39.580Z,77586,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,3,2899 21628,v1.0,,"Which kind of food are you referring to, essentials (agriculture) or other kinds of food supply businesses?",/post/77586,2020-08-18T13:55:29.144Z,2020-08-18T13:55:29.144Z,77586,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,3,852 21627,v1.0,,Brussels out of the food conversation).,/post/77479,2020-08-18T13:55:12.160Z,2020-08-18T13:55:12.160Z,77479,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,8,852 21626,v1.0,,Online Ethnography,/post/77479,2020-08-18T13:53:28.468Z,2020-08-18T13:53:28.468Z,77479,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,8,6228 21625,v1.0,,Massive Open Online Ethnography and Semantic Social Network Analysis,/post/77479,2020-08-18T13:53:21.146Z,2020-08-18T13:53:21.146Z,77479,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,8,6227 21624,v1.0,,s. Doable with 30k?,/post/77465,2020-08-18T13:52:47.411Z,2020-08-18T13:52:47.411Z,77465,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,2065 21623,v1.0,,Check if Edgeryders wants to partner on this.,/post/77465,2020-08-18T13:52:41.582Z,2020-08-18T13:52:41.582Z,77465,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,1284 21622,v1.0,,partner to solve some supply chain challenges in the food sector.,/post/77465,2020-08-18T13:52:31.654Z,2020-08-18T13:52:31.654Z,77465,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,6225 21621,v1.0,,partner to solve some supply chain challenges in the food sector.,/post/77465,2020-08-18T13:52:31.643Z,2020-08-18T13:52:31.643Z,77465,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,6226 21620,v1.0,,partner to solve some supply chain challenges in the food sector.,/post/77465,2020-08-18T13:52:31.546Z,2020-08-18T13:52:31.546Z,77465,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13669,5528,2899 21619,v1.0,,"It’s striking how fast Lenihan’s article took flight in right-wing media, and the news of Twitter’s action, in turn, was immediately picked up by many of the same news sources. RT ran with the headline “Twitter bans researcher who exposed journalist ties to Antifa.”",/post/54540,2020-08-18T13:38:37.432Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.938Z,54540,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,1856,828 21618,v1.0,,That guy Arthur Firstenberg spent time up here on the north coast of California doing the same thing scaring everyone about cell towers and wi-fi. He got a lot of people freaked out about it so bad the parents made the high school dismantle the school wifi network. But that guy is generally considered a real BS artist who lives in his car and goes from place to place scaring everyone who will listen.,/post/54476,2020-08-18T13:38:37.430Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.933Z,54476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,828 21617,v1.0,,"I find it hard to believe that the 5G scare will block European developments, but if it's true that there is a coordinate information warfare effort, that's something to take note of if things start heating up.",/post/54393,2020-08-18T13:38:37.427Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.927Z,54393,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4022,828 21410,v1.0,,Since the lockdown over here we have also started an organisation for spaces in the south-west to share ideas and provide support.,/post/80668,2020-07-29T13:57:07.643Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.848Z,80668,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6550,358 21409,v1.0,,Since the lockdown over here we have also started an organisation for spaces in the south-west to share ideas and provide suppor,/post/80668,2020-07-29T13:56:58.663Z,2020-07-29T13:56:58.663Z,80668,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6550,1534 21408,v1.0,,I find what you have done with Co-Living very interesting and something that could be implemented here in Ireland which is only now really looking at doing it.,/post/80668,2020-07-29T13:56:47.963Z,2020-07-29T13:56:47.963Z,80668,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6550,6168 21407,v1.0,,I find what you have done with Co-Living very interesting and something that could be implemented here in Ireland which is only now really looking at doing it.,/post/80668,2020-07-29T13:56:42.867Z,2020-07-29T13:56:42.867Z,80668,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6550,3201 21406,v1.0,,You have shown that being a smaller space is no limitation to growth and evolution,/post/80668,2020-07-29T13:56:32.584Z,2020-07-29T13:56:32.584Z,80668,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6550,4893 21405,v1.0,,"Unable to use our premises due to lockdowns (now over), but a steady trickle of new business, as a result of people wanting to escape the confines of more congested cities (mostly Europe) and have the Mediterranean lifestyle - work and vacation blend.",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:56:14.048Z,2020-07-29T13:56:14.048Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,6189 21404,v1.0,,"Unable to use our premises due to lockdowns (now over), but a steady trickle of new business, as a result of people wanting to escape the confines of more congested cities (mostly Europe) and have the Mediterranean lifestyle - work and vacation blend.",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:56:05.859Z,2020-07-29T13:56:05.859Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,5877 21403,v1.0,,"Unable to use our premises due to lockdowns (now over), but a steady trickle of new business, as a result of people wanting to escape the confines of more congested cities (mostly Europe) and have the Mediterranean lifestyle - work and vacation blend.",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:55:53.626Z,2020-07-29T13:55:53.626Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,2287 21402,v1.0,,"but a steady trickle of new business, as a result of people wanting to escape the confines of more congested cities (mostly Europe) and have the Mediterranean lifestyle - work and vacation blend.",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:55:40.179Z,2020-07-29T13:55:40.179Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,1263 21401,v1.0,,Unable to use our premises due to lockdowns (now over),/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:55:27.506Z,2020-07-29T13:55:27.506Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,5475 21400,v1.0,,"I have been a remote worker for years, and after moving from my hometown (Canberra, Australia) to another city (Split, Croatia) set up a coworking space and continue to provide services to remote workers living or visiting Croatia.",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:54:25.320Z,2020-07-29T13:54:25.320Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,6189 21399,v1.0,,"a remote worker for years, and after moving from my hometown (Canberra, Australia) to another city (Split, Croatia) set up a coworking space and continue to provide services to remote workers living or visiting Croatia.",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:54:15.499Z,2020-07-29T13:54:15.499Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,6112 21398,v1.0,,"have been a remote worker for years, and after moving from my hometown (Canberra, Australia) to another city (Split, Croatia) set up a coworking space and continue to provide services to remote workers living or visiting Croatia.",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:53:56.074Z,2020-07-29T13:53:56.074Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,2287 21397,v1.0,,"have been a remote worker for years, and after moving from my hometown (Canberra, Australia) to another city (Split, Croatia) set up a coworking space and continue to provide services to remote workers living or visiting Croatia",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:53:49.241Z,2020-07-29T13:53:49.241Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,5326 21396,v1.0,,"co-working in the public and private sector: I am a longtime supporter of the concept",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:50:38.614Z,2020-07-29T13:50:38.614Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,2287 21395,v1.0,,"co-working in the public and private sector: I am a longtime supporter of the concep",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:50:33.212Z,2020-07-29T13:50:33.212Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,6090 21394,v1.0,,"co-working in the public and private sector: I am a longtime supporter of the concep",/post/80658,2020-07-29T13:50:26.981Z,2020-09-24T13:37:55.836Z,80658,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6549,6090 21393,v1.0,,"I agree that having people know how to coexist whether that is in a coliving or coworking senario is the key aspect when creating a community and a shares space. Now more than ever people need to respect one another and be aware of sustainability. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/80651,2020-07-29T13:50:01.851Z,2020-07-29T13:50:01.851Z,80651,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6548,2287 21392,v1.0,,I agree that having people know how to coexist whether that is in a coliving or coworking senario is the key aspect when creating a community and a shares space. Now more than ever people need to respect one another and be aware of sustainability.,/post/80651,2020-07-29T13:49:55.276Z,2020-07-29T13:49:55.276Z,80651,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6548,3201 21390,v1.0,,a shares space,/post/80651,2020-07-29T13:49:34.640Z,2020-07-29T13:49:34.640Z,80651,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6548,6112 21389,v1.0,,a shares space,/post/80651,2020-07-29T13:49:28.419Z,2020-07-29T13:49:28.419Z,80651,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6548,1534 21388,v1.0,,creating a community,/post/80651,2020-07-29T13:49:21.392Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.863Z,80651,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6548,358 21387,v1.0,,"In a workplace this often shows up anytime you open the office refrigerator...a combination of neat little packages next to containers that have not been opened in weeks. And some people are fastidious in their office and sloppy at home. I knew a guy who was a prominent futurist. He wore perfectly tailored suits, drove a nice car and his office was neat as a pin. His apartment though was a total wreck.So when people live together, this dynamic can assume a larger role. Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up.But in a setting where the golden rule is respected, then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone. And if the neat person didn't get resentful and be too much of a 'nanny' then things can remain harmonious",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:48:33.629Z,2020-09-24T11:47:08.722Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,3809 21386,v1.0,,"When asked about the ""rules of the coliving"" we normally say : ""respect the rest of the colivers and the shared space the same way you expect to be respected""",/post/80561,2020-07-29T13:48:18.534Z,2020-09-14T14:54:31.875Z,80561,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6164 21385,v1.0,,"I agree that the Golden Rule is best - if everyone can stick to it!Some people are neater in the habits than others. In a workplace this often shows up anytime you open the office refrigerator...a combination of neat little packages next to containers that have not been opened in weeks. And some people are fastidious in their office and sloppy at home. I knew a guy who was a prominent futurist. He wore perfectly tailored suits, drove a nice car and his office was neat as a pin. His apartment though was a total wreck.So when people live together, this dynamic can assume a larger role. Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up.But in a setting where the golden rule is respected, then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone. And if the neat person didn't get resentful and be too much of a 'nanny' then things can remain harmonious.",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:47:46.237Z,2020-09-14T14:54:31.869Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6164 21384,v1.0,,"So when people live together, this dynamic can assume a larger role. Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up.But in a setting where the golden rule is respected, then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone. And if the neat person didn't get resentful and be too much of a 'nanny' then things can remain harmonious.",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:47:13.592Z,2020-07-29T13:47:13.592Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,3201 21382,v1.0,,"Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up.",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:46:53.748Z,2020-07-29T13:46:53.748Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,1534 21381,v1.0,,then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone. And if the neat person didn't get resentful and be too much of a 'nanny' then things can remain harmonious.,/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:46:40.047Z,2020-07-29T13:46:40.047Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6112 21380,v1.0,,then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone. And if the neat person didn't get resentful and be too much of a 'nanny' then things can remain harmonious.,/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:46:34.042Z,2020-07-29T13:46:34.042Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,1534 21378,v1.0,,"Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up.",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:45:51.844Z,2020-07-29T13:45:51.844Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6186 21377,v1.0,,then the sloppy person would consider that for not much effort the neater person would be more happy and the overall vibe would be better for everyone,/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:45:43.159Z,2020-07-29T13:45:43.159Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6121 21375,v1.0,,Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess.,/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:44:43.585Z,2020-07-29T13:44:43.585Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6121 21374,v1.0,,"Often in group living the 'neater' people wind up doing more housework because they can't abide the mess. And if someone is bothered by that and it goes unsaid, resentment can build up",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:44:33.357Z,2020-09-01T09:12:06.870Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6121 21373,v1.0,,"In a workplace this often shows up anytime you open the office refrigerator...a combination of neat little packages next to containers that have not been opened in weeks. And some people are fastidious in their office and sloppy at home. I knew a guy who was a prominent futurist. He wore perfectly tailored suits, drove a nice car and his office was neat as a pin. His apartment though was a total wreck.",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:43:32.888Z,2020-09-01T09:12:06.878Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6121 21372,v1.0,,"In a workplace this often shows up anytime you open the office refrigerator...a combination of neat little packages next to containers that have not been opened in weeks. And some people are fastidious in their office and sloppy at home. I knew a guy who was a prominent futurist. He wore perfectly tailored suits, drove a nice car and his office was neat as a pin. His apartment though was a total wreck.",/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:42:12.231Z,2020-07-29T13:42:12.231Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,1534 21364,v1.0,,His apartment though was a total wreck.,/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:40:11.728Z,2020-07-29T13:40:11.728Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6122 21363,v1.0,,In a workplace this often shows up anytime you open the office refrigerator...a combination of neat little packages next to containers that have not been opened in weeks.,/post/80580,2020-07-29T13:39:39.348Z,2020-08-31T19:23:41.948Z,80580,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6112 21362,v1.0,,"The best technique is to minimize the rules and allow the colivers to build their own coexistence. When asked about the ""rules of the coliving"" we normally say : ""respect the rest of the colivers and the shared space the same way you expect to be respected""",/post/80561,2020-07-29T13:38:59.266Z,2020-07-29T13:38:59.266Z,80561,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 21361,v1.0,,he best technique is to minimize the rules,/post/80561,2020-07-29T13:38:08.919Z,2020-07-29T13:38:08.919Z,80561,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,905 21360,v1.0,,"respect the rest of the colivers and the shared space the same way you expect to be respected""",/post/80561,2020-07-29T13:37:58.525Z,2020-07-29T13:37:58.525Z,80561,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1534 21359,v1.0,,allow the colivers to build their own coexistence,/post/80561,2020-07-29T13:37:45.995Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.841Z,80561,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,358 21354,v1.0,,"One is the unMonastery - a secular alternative for living and working together modelled on the Benedictine monastic orders. We prototyped it in Matera, Italy. Another is the prototype of a new program we built for/with the World Bank yielded some interesting results in which it could be interesting to explore potential for strategic partnerships with coworking spaces - the report will be out soon so i cannot say much about it yet, but if someone reminds me maybe Ill talk about it during our event. The third is the experiment @alberto @noemi and @matthias have been running in Brussels",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:47:44.799Z,2020-07-27T10:47:44.799Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,2287 21353,v1.0,,"One is the unMonastery - a secular alternative for living and working together modelled on the Benedictine monastic orders. We prototyped it in Matera, Italy. Another is the prototype of a new program we built for/with the World Bank yielded some interesting results in which it could be interesting to explore potential for strategic partnerships with coworking spaces - the report will be out soon so i cannot say much about it yet, but if someone reminds me maybe Ill talk about it during our event. The third is the experiment @alberto @noemi and @matthias have been running in Brussels",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:47:37.156Z,2020-07-27T10:47:37.156Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,4525 21352,v1.0,,The third is the experiment @alberto @noemi and @matthias have been running in Brussels,/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:47:29.615Z,2020-07-27T10:47:29.615Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,2590 21351,v1.0,,Another is the prototype of a new program we built for/with the World Bank yielded some interesting results in which it could be interesting to explore potential for strategic partnerships with coworking spaces,/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:46:18.625Z,2020-07-27T10:46:18.625Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,6180 21350,v1.0,,"One is the unMonastery - a secular alternative for living and working together modelled on the Benedictine monastic orders. We prototyped it in Matera, Italy.",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:43:44.011Z,2020-07-27T10:43:44.011Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,6179 21349,v1.0,,"One is the unMonastery - a secular alternative for living and working together modelled on the Benedictine monastic orders. We prototyped it in Matera, Italy.",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:43:37.769Z,2020-07-27T10:43:37.769Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,2606 21348,v1.0,,"I came on board with a fabulous coworking spaces their centre manager/business development manager in February. We are based in a unique setting of an old convent, and have renovated the building to a high specification but kept the historical aesthetics of the building. We have a coworking space, as well as a health and fitness centre and building for community groups to have a home too.",/post/80475,2020-07-27T10:42:02.502Z,2020-07-27T10:42:02.502Z,80475,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6540,6112 21347,v1.0,,"I came on board with a fabulous coworking spaces their centre manager/business development manager in February. We are based in a unique setting of an old convent, and have renovated the building to a high specification but kept the historical aesthetics of the building. We have a coworking space, as well as a health and fitness centre and building for community groups to have a home too. I am interested in the coliving coworking idea, as we still have more scope for renovation which includes all of the old dormatory rooms and kitchen in the building, and as we are situated at the foot of the Slieve Bloom mountain range and in the centre of Ireland we are at an ideal location for remote workers to work, and travel around the country.",/post/80475,2020-07-27T10:41:55.345Z,2020-07-27T10:41:55.345Z,80475,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6540,6178 21346,v1.0,,"I am interested in the coliving coworking idea, as we still have more scope for renovation which includes all of the old dormatory rooms and kitchen in the building, and as we are situated at the foot of the Slieve Bloom mountain range and in the centre of Ireland we are at an ideal location for remote workers to work, and travel around the country.",/post/80475,2020-07-27T10:41:44.639Z,2020-07-27T10:41:44.639Z,80475,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6540,3201 21345,v1.0,,"I came on board with a fabulous coworking spaces their centre manager/business development manager in February. We are based in a unique setting of an old convent, and have renovated the building to a high specification but kept the historical aesthetics of the building. We have a coworking space, as well as a health and fitness centre and building for community groups to have a home too. I am interested in the coliving coworking idea, as we still have more scope for renovation which includes all of the old dormatory rooms and kitchen in the building, and as we are situated at the foot of the Slieve Bloom mountain range and in the centre of Ireland we are at an ideal location for remote workers to work, and travel around the country.",/post/80475,2020-07-27T10:41:37.655Z,2020-07-27T10:41:37.655Z,80475,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6540,2287 21344,v1.0,,"I came on board with a fabulous coworking spaces their centre manager/business development manager in February. We are based in a unique setting of an old convent, and have renovated the building to a high specification but kept the historical aesthetics of the building. We have a coworking space, as well as a health and fitness centre and building for community groups to have a home too. I am interested in the coliving coworking idea, as we still have more scope for renovation which includes all of the old dormatory rooms and kitchen in the building, and as we are situated at the foot of the Slieve Bloom mountain range and in the centre of Ireland we are at an ideal location for remote workers to work, and travel around the country.",/post/80475,2020-07-27T10:41:29.513Z,2020-07-27T10:41:29.513Z,80475,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6540,6168 21342,v1.0,,as well as a health and fitness centre and building for community groups to have a home too,/post/80475,2020-07-27T10:39:43.752Z,2020-11-24T17:21:35.263Z,80475,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6540,6264 21341,v1.0,,"the hundreds of people we've worked with around the world over the past 6 years, all trying to make coworking happen in their communities. Our www.CoworkingAccelerator.Network provides a range of e-tools, consultancy services and connects an international community of practitioners. We help accelerate great coworking practices, support & develop founders and their growing teams. We do this to increase the impact that we know great coworking hubs provide in their local community, as part of an ecosystem that helps people get stuff done and looks after their wellbeing in the process.",/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:39:05.369Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.833Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,358 21340,v1.0,,"he hundreds of people we've worked with around the world over the past 6 years, all trying to make coworking happen in their communities. Our www.CoworkingAccelerator.Network provides a range of e-tools, consultancy services and connects an international community of practitioners. We help accelerate great coworking practices, support & develop founders and their growing teams. We do this to increase the impact that we know great coworking hubs provide in their local community, as part of an ecosystem that helps people get stuff done and looks after their wellbeing in the process.",/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:38:59.343Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.476Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,5056 21339,v1.0,,"the hundreds of people we've worked with around the world over the past 6 years, all trying to make coworking happen in their communities. Our www.CoworkingAccelerator.Network provides a range of e-tools, consultancy services and connects an international community of practitioners. We help accelerate great coworking practices, support & develop founders and their growing teams. We do this to increase the impact that we know great coworking hubs provide in their local community, as part of an ecosystem that helps people get stuff done and looks after their wellbeing in the process.",/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:38:47.891Z,2020-07-27T10:38:47.891Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,2287 21338,v1.0,,"the hundreds of people we've worked with around the world over the past 6 years, all trying to make coworking happen in their communities. Our www.CoworkingAccelerator.Network provides a range of e-tools, consultancy services and connects an international community of practitioners. We help accelerate great coworking practices, support & develop founders and their growing teams. We do this to increase the impact that we know great coworking hubs provide in their local community, as part of an ecosystem that helps people get stuff done and looks after their wellbeing in the process.",/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:38:05.900Z,2020-07-27T10:38:05.900Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,5295 21337,v1.0,,"Our www.CoworkingAccelerator.Network provides a range of e-tools, consultancy services and connects an international community of practitioners. We help accelerate great coworking practices, support & develop founders and their growing teams. We do this to increase the impact that we know great coworking hubs provide in their local community, as part of an ecosystem that helps people get stuff done and looks after their wellbeing in the process.",/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:37:56.876Z,2020-09-11T11:02:45.589Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,2322 21335,v1.0,,Over the past 15 years we've worked with thousands of people helping them access brilliant flexible workspace + community through our central Edinburgh location. We've also incubated 100 new social change projects through our incubation programme.,/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:35:20.891Z,2020-07-27T10:35:20.891Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,2287 21334,v1.0,,Over the past 15 years we've worked with thousands of people helping them access brilliant flexible workspace + community through our central Edinburgh location. We've also incubated 100 new social change projects through our incubation programme.,/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:35:16.121Z,2020-07-27T10:35:16.121Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,6174 21333,v1.0,,brilliant flexible workspace + community through our central Edinburgh location. We've also incubated 100 new social change projects through our incubation programme.,/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:35:11.292Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.463Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,5056 21332,v1.0,,brilliant flexible workspace + community through our central Edinburgh location. We've also incubated 100 new social change projects through our incubation programme.,/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:35:05.221Z,2020-07-27T10:35:05.221Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,6112 21330,v1.0,,We've also incubated 100 new social change projects through our incubation programme.,/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:33:11.174Z,2020-07-27T10:33:11.174Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,4662 21329,v1.0,,"The Melting Pot, Scotland's Centre for Social Innovation - back in 2005. This is one of Europes first coworking hubs - for the market of social innovators - long before there was a discussion about 'is it co-working or coworking?'!",/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:31:55.010Z,2020-07-27T10:31:55.010Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,6174 21328,v1.0,,This is one of Europes first coworking hubs - for the market of social innovators - long before there was a discussion about 'is it co-working or coworking?,/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:31:48.065Z,2020-07-27T10:31:48.065Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,2287 21327,v1.0,,This is one of Europes first coworking hubs - for the market of social innovators - long before there was a discussion about 'is it co-working or coworking,/post/80440,2020-07-27T10:30:41.680Z,2020-07-27T10:30:41.680Z,80440,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6535,4662 21326,v1.0,,It was more of a concept of a shared office. And we weren’t aware that that was happening five years ago already in our hometown. And that’s when we first decided to fully focus our coworking space into digital remote workers. An,/post/80267,2020-07-27T10:30:11.154Z,2020-07-27T10:30:11.154Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1534 21325,v1.0,,"Perhaps good to mention: one of the things we discovered while trying to co-design a larger Reef is that while a shared office is useful in the house, work cannot be the common denominator for those living in the house - people looking into co-living are concerned about the trust relationships, the in group bounds first and foremost, with the shared office being just a function of the house, but not the centerpiece.",/post/80315,2020-07-27T10:29:54.755Z,2020-07-27T10:29:54.755Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,1534 21324,v1.0,,One of the aims of this event is to connect people within the sector so learnings can be shared.,/post/80428,2020-07-27T10:29:35.949Z,2020-07-27T10:29:35.949Z,80428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6442,1534 21323,v1.0,,One of the aims of this event is to connect people within the sector so learnings can be shared.,/post/80428,2020-07-27T10:28:22.933Z,2020-09-01T09:09:32.926Z,80428,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6442,1539 21321,v1.0,,"I work in local government, in previous roles I would have worked with local Enterprise Centres that were specifically developed to support small business entrepreneurship and development. Most recently I am working on a government programme that will see over 300 small community based locations for the public to get access to the internet. Many of these will seek to develop co-working spaces for their local communities to avoid having to commute. I’m helping with up to 12 locations in my municipality. I have also been asked to help look at other community hub developments that do not have the same government backing, but will experience many of the same problems with generating demand, usage as well as the challenges facing the volunteers managing these facilities. My job is to help them to be successful. How has the Covid19 crisis impacted your work processes? There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking that can facilitate the balance between working outside the main business premises but can provide the social interaction that humans require. Where do you see the potential for technologies to improve co-working? technology is critical- from the tools to enable coworking to take place with people working for a variety of employers or for themselves through to the security, booking, location management of people using the co working spaces. For COVID19 control we need to be able to have accurate records of who is using co-working spaces to enable tracking and tracing of the virus to be carried out. What do you think will/have to be the key changes/future developments in the co-working sector in future? There will be increased interest however individual experiences will determine how successful it is both for the individual and for employers. Security for example is still an area that will require further work- challenges such as Data Security, security of the premises and property within it, personal security for those using such facilities (Cyber and personal). Much of my current focus is trying to establish if there is any successful examples of where this community based co-working model has worked and how can that be transcribed to what is happening in my Municipality.",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:27:07.576Z,2020-07-27T10:27:07.576Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6168 21320,v1.0,,"I think that we’re going to see two phases from now on. We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be. But, eventually the things are going to go back to a new normal, that is similar to the old normal.",/post/80267,2020-07-27T10:26:50.896Z,2020-08-31T18:32:14.007Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,978 21319,v1.0,,"There will be increased interest however individual experiences will determine how successful it is both for the individual and for employers. Security for example is still an area that will require further work- challenges such as Data Security, security of the premises and property within it, personal security for those using such facilities (Cyber and personal). Much of my current focus is trying to establish if there is any successful examples of where this community based co-working model has worked and how can that be transcribed to what is happening in my Municipality.",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:26:33.743Z,2020-08-31T18:32:14.002Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,978 21318,v1.0,,"There will be increased interest however individual experiences will determine how successful it is both for the individual and for employers. Security for example is still an area that will require further work- challenges such as Data Security, security of the premises and property within it, personal security for those using such facilities (Cyber and personal). Much of my current focus is trying to establish if there is any successful examples of where this community based co-working model has worked and how can that be transcribed to what is happening in my Municipality",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:25:40.631Z,2020-07-27T10:25:40.631Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,2287 21316,v1.0,,trying to establish if there is any successful examples of where this community based co-working model,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:24:03.241Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.469Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,5056 21313,v1.0,,"technology is critical- from the tools to enable coworking to take place with people working for a variety of employers or for themselves through to the security, booking, location management of people using the co working spaces. For COVID19 control we need to be able to have accurate records of who is using co-working spaces to enable tracking and tracing of the virus to be carried out.",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:22:58.059Z,2020-07-27T10:22:58.059Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,2287 21312,v1.0,,"technology is critical- from the tools to enable coworking to take place with people working for a variety of employers or for themselves through to the security, booking, location management of people using the co working spaces.",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:22:52.511Z,2020-07-27T10:22:52.511Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6139 21311,v1.0,,For COVID19 control we need to be able to have accurate records of who is using co-working spaces to enable tracking and tracing of the virus to be carried out.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:22:23.691Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.431Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,5156 21310,v1.0,,control we need to be able to have accurate records of who is using co-working spaces to enable tracking and tracing of the virus to be carried out.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:21:31.710Z,2020-07-27T10:21:31.710Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6172 21309,v1.0,,control we need to be able to have accurate records of who is using co-working spaces to enable tracking and tracing of the virus to be carried out.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:20:54.384Z,2020-09-11T11:13:34.959Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,1645 21308,v1.0,,"technology is critical- from the tools to enable coworking to take place with people working for a variety of employers or for themselves through to the security, booking, location management of people using the co working spaces",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:20:26.935Z,2020-07-27T10:20:26.935Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,1662 21307,v1.0,,"security, booking, location management of people using the co working spaces",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:20:17.574Z,2020-09-11T15:02:07.142Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6139 21306,v1.0,,There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking that can facilitate the balance between working outside the main business premises but can provide the social interaction that humans require.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:20:01.073Z,2020-07-27T10:20:01.073Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6112 21305,v1.0,,There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking that can facilitate the balance between working outside the main business premises but can provide the social interaction that humans require.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:19:55.084Z,2020-07-27T10:19:55.084Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,2287 21304,v1.0,,There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking that can facilitate the balance between working outside the main business premises but can provide the social interaction that humans require.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:19:45.144Z,2020-07-27T10:19:45.144Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6113 21303,v1.0,,There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:19:24.369Z,2020-07-27T10:19:24.369Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,5326 21302,v1.0,,There has been a step increase in demand/interest in remote working and coworking that can facilitate the balance between working outside the main business premises but can provide the social interaction that humans require.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:19:15.580Z,2020-07-27T10:19:15.580Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6160 21301,v1.0,,"I work in local government, in previous roles I would have worked with local Enterprise Centres that were specifically developed to support small business entrepreneurship and development.",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:17:21.899Z,2020-07-27T10:17:21.899Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,4893 21300,v1.0,,"I work in local government, in previous roles I would have worked with local Enterprise Centres that were specifically developed to support small business entrepreneurship and development. Most recently I am working on a government programme that will see over 300 small community based locations for the public to get access to the internet. Many of these will seek to develop co-working spaces for their local communities to avoid having to commute. I’m helping with up to 12 locations in my municipality. I have also been asked to help look at other community hub developments that do not have the same government backing, but will experience many of the same problems with generating demand, usage as well as the challenges facing the volunteers managing these facilities.",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:16:58.024Z,2020-07-27T10:16:58.024Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,2287 21299,v1.0,,"I work in local government, in previous roles I would have worked with local Enterprise Centres that were specifically developed to support small business entrepreneurship and development.",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:16:45.353Z,2020-09-24T13:37:55.815Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6090 21297,v1.0,,"will experience many of the same problems with generating demand, usage as well as the challenges facing the volunteers managing these facilities",/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:16:28.230Z,2020-07-27T10:16:28.230Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6160 21296,v1.0,,Most recently I am working on a government programme that will see over 300 small community based locations for the public to get access to the internet. Many of these will seek to develop co-working spaces for their local communities to avoid having to commute.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:16:12.774Z,2020-09-24T13:37:55.821Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6090 21295,v1.0,,"Instead of commuting there appears to be interest in co-working closer to home, however wither adequate numbers will want or be able to do this remains to be seen.",/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:15:53.058Z,2020-07-27T10:15:53.058Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6169 21294,v1.0,,Most recently I am working on a government programme that will see over 300 small community based locations for the public to get access to the internet. Many of these will seek to develop co-working spaces for their local communities to avoid having to commute.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:14:46.252Z,2020-07-27T10:14:46.252Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6169 21293,v1.0,,Many of these will seek to develop co-working spaces for their local communities to avoid having to commute.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:14:39.646Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.889Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,5326 21292,v1.0,,Most recently I am working on a government programme that will see over 300 small community based locations for the public to get access to the internet.,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:14:31.002Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.826Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,358 21291,v1.0,,Most recently I am working on a government programme that will see over 300 small community based locations for the public to get access to the internet,/post/80422,2020-07-27T10:14:23.694Z,2020-07-27T10:14:23.694Z,80422,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6114 21290,v1.0,,"Instead of commuting there appears to be interest in co-working closer to home, however wither adequate numbers will want or be able to do this remains to be seen.",/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:13:54.940Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.883Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,5326 21289,v1.0,,"I think that co-working is at a cross roads where some businesses and people are forced to look at remote working as a necessary evil because of COVID 19. Instead of commuting there appears to be interest in co-working closer to home, however wither adequate numbers will want or be able to do this remains to be seen. There are several initiatives taking place in Ireland that could see the rapid development of a wide range of co-working location within rural community settings both government backed and through investment from the communities themselves. Finding a successful working model for these hubs that lack the central management structure that you've been able to provide in the Canary Islands will be challenging.",/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:13:35.802Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.426Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,5156 21288,v1.0,,"I think that co-working is at a cross roads where some businesses and people are forced to look at remote working as a necessary evil because of COVID 19. Instead of commuting there appears to be interest in co-working closer to home, however wither adequate numbers will want or be able to do this remains to be seen. There are several initiatives taking place in Ireland that could see the rapid development of a wide range of co-working location within rural community settings both government backed and through investment from the communities themselves. Finding a successful working model for these hubs that lack the central management structure that you've been able to provide in the Canary Islands will be challenging.",/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:13:29.882Z,2020-07-27T10:13:29.882Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,2287 21287,v1.0,,There are several initiatives taking place in Ireland that could see the rapid development of a wide range of co-working location within rural community settings both government backed and through investment from the communities themselves. Finding a successful working model for these hubs that lack the central management structure that you've been able to provide in the Canary Islands will be challenging.,/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:11:56.682Z,2020-07-27T10:11:56.682Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6168 21286,v1.0,,Finding a successful working model for these hubs that lack the central management structure that you've been able to provide in the Canary Islands will be challenging.,/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:11:50.155Z,2020-07-27T10:11:50.155Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6116 21285,v1.0,d,"Finding a successful working model for these hubs that lack the central management structure that you've been able to provide in the Canary Islands will be challenging. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:10:52.737Z,2020-07-27T10:10:52.737Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,4299 21284,v1.0,,rapid development of a wide range of co-working location within rural community settings both government backed and through investment from the communities themselves.,/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:10:35.597Z,2020-07-27T10:10:35.597Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,6090 21283,v1.0,,rapid development of a wide range of co-working location within rural community settings both government backed and through investment from the communities themselves.,/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:10:27.309Z,2020-07-27T10:10:27.309Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,1480 21282,v1.0,,where some businesses and people are forced to look at remote working as a necessary evil because of COVID 19.,/post/80386,2020-07-27T10:10:03.070Z,2020-07-27T10:10:03.070Z,80386,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6530,5326 21281,v1.0,,"With working and living mingled, have you had conflicts that involved the whole group that needed to be worked through? Do you have techniques for dealing with conflict? Or has it not been much of an issue?",/post/80377,2020-07-27T10:08:15.020Z,2020-07-27T10:08:15.020Z,80377,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,3201 21280,v1.0,,"With working and living mingled, have you had conflicts that involved the whole group that needed to be worked through? Do you have techniques for dealing with conflict? Or has it not been much of an issue?",/post/80377,2020-07-27T10:08:09.744Z,2020-07-27T10:08:09.744Z,80377,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,2287 21279,v1.0,,"With working and living mingled, have you had conflicts that involved the whole group that needed to be worked through? Do you have techniques for dealing with conflict? Or has it not been much of an issue?",/post/80377,2020-07-27T10:08:05.349Z,2020-07-27T10:08:05.349Z,80377,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,2915,6164 21278,v1.0,,"virtual coworking methodology and tools started out as a spin off of another project. But we started out online from the beginning with the founders living in different parts of the world, and only now are starting to establish roots in some places as a collective (even though the individuals ourselves are rooted in Stockholm, Tunis, Brussels, California, and somewheres in Germany",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:06:19.822Z,2020-07-27T10:06:19.822Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,6167 21277,v1.0,,"virtual coworking methodology and tools started out as a spin off of another project. But we started out online from the beginning with the founders living in different parts of the world, and only now are starting to establish roots in some places as a collective (even though the individuals ourselves are rooted in Stockholm, Tunis, Brussels, California, and somewheres in Germany",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:05:46.030Z,2020-07-27T10:05:46.030Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,6166 21276,v1.0,,"virtual coworking methodology and tools started out as a spin off of another project. But we started out online from the beginning with the founders living in different parts of the world, and only now are starting to establish roots in some places as a collective (even though the individuals ourselves are rooted in Stockholm, Tunis, Brussels, California, and somewheres in Germany",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:05:29.741Z,2020-07-27T10:05:29.741Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,3535 21275,v1.0,,"virtual coworking methodology and tools started out as a spin off of another project. But we started out online from the beginning with the founders living in different parts of the world, and only now are starting to establish roots in some places as a collective (even though the individuals ourselves are rooted in Stockholm, Tunis, Brussels, California, and somewheres in German",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:05:24.096Z,2020-07-27T10:05:24.096Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,6165 21274,v1.0,,"virtual coworking methodology and tools started out as a spin off of another project. But we started out online from the beginning with the founders living in different parts of the world, and only now are starting to establish roots in some places as a collective (even though the individuals ourselves are rooted in Stockholm, Tunis, Brussels, California, and somewheres in German",/post/80268,2020-07-27T10:05:15.440Z,2020-07-27T10:05:15.440Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,2590 21273,v1.0,,"I'm happy to share more about our space in Brussels - now turned into an office for the people living there, not just for the Edgeryders co-workers. Perhaps good to mention: one of the things we discovered while trying to co-design a larger Reef is that while a shared office is useful in the house, work cannot be the common denominator for those living in the house - people looking into co-living are concerned about the trust relationships, the in group bounds first and foremost, with the shared office being just a function of the house, but not the centerpiece.",/post/80315,2020-07-27T10:04:33.439Z,2020-07-27T10:04:33.439Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,2590 21272,v1.0,,"work cannot be the common denominator for those living in the house - people looking into co-living are concerned about the trust relationships, the in group bounds first and foremost, with the shared office being just a function of the house, but not the centerpiece.",/post/80315,2020-07-27T10:04:24.737Z,2020-07-27T10:04:24.737Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,3201 21271,v1.0,,"work cannot be the common denominator for those living in the house - people looking into co-living are concerned about the trust relationships, the in group bounds first and foremost, with the shared office being just a function of the house, but not the centerpiece.",/post/80315,2020-07-27T10:04:20.201Z,2020-07-27T10:04:20.201Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,2287 21270,v1.0,,"work cannot be the common denominator for those living in the house - people looking into co-living are concerned about the trust relationships, the in group bounds first and foremost, with the shared office being just a function of the house, but not the centerpiece.",/post/80315,2020-07-27T10:03:56.960Z,2020-07-27T10:03:56.960Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,6112 21269,v1.0,,people looking into co-living are concerned about the trust relationships,/post/80315,2020-07-27T10:03:49.687Z,2020-07-27T10:03:49.687Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,1778 21268,v1.0,,"I would be very curious about how you balance between ""personal"" and ""professional"" or if your perception of those concepts has changed after years of experience not only with coworking, but also co-living spaces.",/post/80309,2020-07-27T10:02:57.393Z,2020-07-27T10:02:57.393Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,3201 21267,v1.0,,"I would be very curious about how you balance between ""personal"" and ""professional"" or if your perception of those concepts has changed after years of experience not only with coworking, but also co-living spaces.",/post/80309,2020-07-27T10:02:53.066Z,2020-07-27T10:02:53.066Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,2287 21266,v1.0,,"I would be very curious about how you balance between ""personal"" and ""professional"" or if your perception of those concepts has changed after years of experience not only with coworking, but also co-living spaces",/post/80309,2020-07-27T10:01:54.649Z,2020-07-27T10:01:54.649Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,6164 21265,v1.0,,"I ask because we are experimenting our own model for a new kind of living and working space made for a happier, healthier, greener and more social lifestyle. Here we are thinking not so much about digital nomads, but people anchored in the local community (with families etc). We have been experimenting models for we can support new income generation for people during times of instability due to e.g financial crisis/ climate change. One option we have been testing for ourselves is having the core revenue generator for coworking spaces in the buildings be specific businesses like how you started.",/post/80268,2020-07-27T09:52:23.260Z,2020-07-27T09:52:23.260Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,4525 21264,v1.0,,"Here we are thinking not so much about digital nomads, but people anchored in the local community (with families etc). We have been experimenting models for we can support new income generation for people during times of instability due to e.g financial crisis/ climate change",/post/80268,2020-07-27T09:14:51.213Z,2020-07-27T09:14:51.213Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,3975 21263,v1.0,,"Here we are thinking not so much about digital nomads, but people anchored in the local community (with families etc).",/post/80268,2020-07-27T09:14:23.174Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.432Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,5056 21262,v1.0,,"the cowork space is nowadays empty and therefore losing money, but also that the shift is towards other in-house company offices closing down and those employees coming to use your space - so perhaps it's all just a matter of hanging in there till the new normal settles in?",/post/80315,2020-07-26T09:49:14.402Z,2020-07-26T09:49:14.402Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,2287 21261,v1.0,,"the cowork space is nowadays empty and therefore losing money, but also that the shift is towards other in-house company offices closing down and those employees coming to use your space - so perhaps it's all just a matter of hanging in there till the new normal settles in?",/post/80315,2020-07-26T09:49:09.477Z,2020-07-26T09:49:09.477Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,6112 21260,v1.0,,so perhaps it's all just a matter of hanging in there till the new normal settles in?,/post/80315,2020-07-26T09:49:01.553Z,2020-07-26T09:49:01.553Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,6134 21259,v1.0,,the cowork space is nowadays empty and therefore losing money,/post/80315,2020-07-26T09:48:46.433Z,2020-07-26T09:48:46.433Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,6073 21256,v1.0,,"That means that your community is probably quite stable - what is the average time for the membership of a coworker? I can imagine that with a high turnover, this wouldn't be possible. Then again, if the co-workers are the same people also sharing a house together, then the relationships are probably deeper and the whole system benefits from more trust and loyalty",/post/80315,2020-07-26T09:46:35.601Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.445Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,5056 21255,v1.0,,"if the co-workers are the same people also sharing a house together, then the relationships are probably deeper and the whole system benefits from more trust and loyalty",/post/80315,2020-07-26T09:46:04.091Z,2020-07-26T09:46:04.091Z,80315,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,3,1778 21254,v1.0,,"In the last month many have also gotten glimpses in each others ""private spaces"" via video calls in which pets, children and all kinds of persona quirks where revealed. At the same time we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies",/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:45:43.603Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.416Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,5156 21253,v1.0,,"In the last month many have also gotten glimpses in each others ""private spaces"" via video calls in which pets, children and all kinds of persona quirks where revealed. At the same time we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies.",/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:45:36.852Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.878Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,5326 21252,v1.0,,"In the last month many have also gotten glimpses in each others ""private spaces"" via video calls in which pets, children and all kinds of persona quirks where revealed. At the same time we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies",/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:45:31.441Z,2020-07-26T09:45:31.441Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,5326 21251,v1.0,,"In the last month many have also gotten glimpses in each others ""private spaces"" via video calls in which pets, children and all kinds of persona quirks where revealed. At the same time we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies",/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:45:26.511Z,2020-07-26T09:45:26.511Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,6126 21250,v1.0,,"many have also gotten glimpses in each others ""private spaces"" via video calls in which pets, children and all kinds of persona quirks where revealed. At the same time we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies.",/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:45:04.284Z,2020-07-26T09:45:04.284Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,6122 21249,v1.0,,we have to have discussion on data privacy and security in the face of issues with the programs we have had to use or corona apps launched by governments as well as privat companies.,/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:44:33.458Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.732Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,6172 21247,v1.0,,You also mentioned that quite often new members are just onboarded by existing members who are around and as such take an ownership and certain amount of pride in the community they are voluntarily welcoming new people to.,/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:43:24.340Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.458Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,5056 21246,v1.0,,ou also mentioned that quite often new members are just onboarded by existing members who are around and as such take an ownership and certain amount of pride in the community they are voluntarily welcoming new people to.,/post/80309,2020-07-26T09:43:16.811Z,2020-07-26T09:43:16.811Z,80309,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,4934,6135 21244,v1.0,,"virtual coworking methodology and tools started out as a spin off of another project. But we started out online from the beginning with the founders living in different parts of the world, and only now are starting to establish roots in some places as a collective",/post/80268,2020-07-26T09:40:39.519Z,2020-07-26T09:40:39.519Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,5326 21242,v1.0,,"virtual coworking methodology and tools started out as a spin off of another project. But we started out online from the beginning with the founders living in different parts of the world, and only now are starting to establish roots in some places as a collective",/post/80268,2020-07-26T09:40:25.071Z,2020-07-26T09:40:25.071Z,80268,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,8,2287 21241,v1.0,,"to defend the interest of the private sector in coworking. It’s very common in many cities, in many regions in Europe, that there is a lot of coworking spaces financed by the public sector. Sometimes with conditions that compete against the private sector.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:39:41.271Z,2020-07-26T09:39:41.271Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21240,v1.0,,"we created the Association of Coworking Spaces of the Canary Islands almost four years ago to ballad together, in order to make sure that the public sector was aligned, and that they were doing fair competition with the private sector. But also, it was an interesting way to connect, exchange, find different synergies between the different spaces that were spread out throughout the seven islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:39:34.688Z,2020-07-26T09:39:34.688Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21239,v1.0,,"It was reactivated because of Covid. There are a lot of new operators in the Canary Islands. Right now, we have about 70 spaces in total, spread out through different islands. And the interest around the association was really high, as everybody understood that this was a very important time to stick together, to exchange information, and try to create positive synergies together. And that’s what we’ve been up to in the last weeks.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:39:28.034Z,2020-07-26T09:39:28.034Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21238,v1.0,,"It was reactivated because of Covid. There are a lot of new operators in the Canary Islands. Right now, we have about 70 spaces in total, spread out through different islands. And the interest around the association was really high, as everybody understood that this was a very important time to stick together, to exchange information, and try to create positive synergies together. And that’s what we’ve been up to in the last weeks.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:38:59.670Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.442Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 21237,v1.0,,"It was reactivated because of Covid. There are a lot of new operators in the Canary Islands. Right now, we have about 70 spaces in total, spread out through different islands. And the interest around the association was really high, as everybody understood that this was a very important time to stick together, to exchange information, and try to create positive synergies together. And that’s what we’ve been up to in the last weeks.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:38:38.862Z,2020-07-26T09:38:38.862Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21236,v1.0,,"Right now, we have about 70 spaces in total, spread out through different islands. And the interest around the association was really high,",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:38:27.796Z,2020-07-26T09:38:27.796Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5358 21235,v1.0,,"It was reactivated because of Covid. There are a lot of new operators in the Canary Islands. Right now, we have about 70 spaces in total, spread out through different islands. And the interest around the association was really high, as everybody understood that this was a very important time to stick together, to exchange information, and try to create positive synergies together. And that’s what we’ve been up to in the last weeks.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:38:11.530Z,2020-07-26T09:38:11.530Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6116 21234,v1.0,,"everybody understood that this was a very important time to stick together, to exchange information, and try to create positive synergies together. And that’s what we’ve been up to in the last weeks.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:37:42.382Z,2020-07-26T09:37:42.382Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1539 21233,v1.0,,"everybody understood that this was a very important time to stick together, to exchange information, and try to create positive synergies together. And that’s what we’ve been up to in the last weeks.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:37:25.499Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.858Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,358 21232,v1.0,,"we created the Association of Coworking Spaces of the Canary Islands almost four years ago to ballad together, in order to make sure that the public sector was aligned, and that they were doing fair competition with the private sector. But also, it was an interesting way to connect, exchange, find different synergies between the different spaces that were spread out throughout the seven islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:37:02.182Z,2020-07-26T09:37:02.182Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21231,v1.0,,"we created the Association of Coworking Spaces of the Canary Islands almost four years ago to ballad together, in order to make sure that the public sector was aligned, and that they were doing fair competition with the private sector. But also, it was an interesting way to connect, exchange, find different synergies between the different spaces that were spread out throughout the seven islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:36:56.240Z,2020-07-26T09:36:56.240Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6116 21230,v1.0,,"Association of Coworking Spaces of the Canary Islands almost four years ago to ballad together, in order to make sure that the public sector was aligned, and that they were doing fair competition with the private sector. But also, it was an interesting way to connect, exchange, find different synergies between the different spaces that were spread out throughout the seven islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:36:48.908Z,2020-09-24T13:37:55.831Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6090 21229,v1.0,,"Association of Coworking Spaces of the Canary Islands almost four years ago to ballad together, in order to make sure that the public sector was aligned, and that they were doing fair competition with the private sector. But also, it was an interesting way to connect, exchange, find different synergies between the different spaces that were spread out throughout the seven islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:36:42.894Z,2020-07-26T09:36:42.894Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6090 21228,v1.0,,"it was an interesting way to connect, exchange, find different synergies between the different spaces that were spread out throughout the seven islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:36:32.967Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.853Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,358 21227,v1.0,,"to defend the interest of the private sector in coworking. It’s very common in many cities, in many regions in Europe, that there is a lot of coworking spaces financed by the public sector. Sometimes with conditions that compete against the private sector.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:35:05.819Z,2020-07-26T09:35:05.819Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5358 21226,v1.0,,"to defend the interest of the private sector in coworking. It’s very common in many cities, in many regions in Europe, that there is a lot of coworking spaces financed by the public sector. Sometimes with conditions that compete against the private sector.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:34:59.230Z,2020-07-26T09:34:59.230Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21225,v1.0,,"to defend the interest of the private sector in coworking. It’s very common in many cities, in many regions in Europe, that there is a lot of coworking spaces financed by the public sector. Sometimes with conditions that compete against the private sector.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:33:59.755Z,2020-07-26T09:33:59.755Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6090 21224,v1.0,,"It’s very common in many cities, in many regions in Europe, that there is a lot of coworking spaces financed by the public sector.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:33:51.384Z,2020-09-24T13:37:55.826Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6090 21223,v1.0,,And there’s going to be a lot of new opportunities for operators,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:32:39.069Z,2020-07-26T09:32:39.069Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1263 21222,v1.0,,"this whole transition that we’ve lived through over the last three months, where we have seen remote work evolve five or 10 years in three months’ time, I think, it’s certainly going to make a positive impact on the flexible workspace. And there’s going to be a lot of new opportunities for operators",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:32:31.585Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.437Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 21221,v1.0,,"where we have seen remote work evolve five or 10 years in three months’ time, I think, it’s certainly going to make a positive impact on the flexible workspace.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:32:24.856Z,2020-07-26T09:32:24.856Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21220,v1.0,,"where we have seen remote work evolve five or 10 years in three months’ time, I think, it’s certainly going to make a positive impact on the flexible workspace.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:32:19.268Z,2020-07-26T09:32:19.268Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21219,v1.0,,"where we have seen remote work evolve five or 10 years in three months’ time, I think, it’s certainly going to make a positive impact on the flexible workspace",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:32:14.315Z,2020-07-26T09:32:14.315Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 21218,v1.0,,"I am very positive about the future of flexible work spaces, because of their connection with remote work, basically. We see more and more companies worldwide becoming remote-friendly, or even remote-first. And, all that workforce, it’s going to look to relocate, or to stop going to the office, and probably start using their closest coworking space, if they don’t want to work at home.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:31:40.576Z,2020-07-26T09:31:40.576Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21217,v1.0,,"flexible work spaces, because of their connection with remote work, basically. We see more and more companies worldwide becoming remote-friendly, or even remote-first. And, all that workforce, it’s going to look to relocate, or to stop going to the office, and probably start using their closest coworking space, if they don’t want to work at home.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:31:33.927Z,2020-07-26T09:31:33.927Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21216,v1.0,,"because of their connection with remote work, basically. We see more and more companies worldwide becoming remote-friendly, or even remote-first. And, all that workforce, it’s going to look to relocate, or to stop going to the office, and probably start using their closest coworking space, if they don’t want to work at home.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:31:27.220Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.895Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 21215,v1.0,,"because of their connection with remote work, basically. We see more and more companies worldwide becoming remote-friendly, or even remote-first. And, all that workforce, it’s going to look to relocate, or to stop going to the office, and probably start using their closest coworking space, if they don’t want to work at home",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:31:21.791Z,2020-07-26T09:31:21.791Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 21214,v1.0,,"Rural co-livings they already exist in many places, and I think that they play a very important role, and they add a lot of value. But, on certain regions, where there’s already a community of remote workers that don’t want to work at home the whole time, and they would prefer to go somewhere close in their rural area, where they can be with other remote workers.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:31:07.158Z,2020-07-26T09:31:07.158Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 21213,v1.0,,"Rural co-livings they already exist in many places, and I think that they play a very important role, and they add a lot of value. But, on certain regions, where there’s already a community of remote workers that don’t want to work at home the whole time, and they would prefer to go somewhere close in their rural area, where they can be with other remote workers.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:31:02.054Z,2020-07-26T09:31:02.054Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1480 21212,v1.0,,"there’s already a community of remote workers that don’t want to work at home the whole time, and they would prefer to go somewhere close in their rural area, where they can be with other remote workers.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:30:55.240Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.481Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5056 21211,v1.0,,"there’s already a community of remote workers that don’t want to work at home the whole time, and they would prefer to go somewhere close in their rural area, where they can be with other remote workers.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:30:49.072Z,2020-07-26T09:30:49.072Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 21210,v1.0,,"more and more people are asking for it, we’re also looking forward to develop our network into those areas where more workers are wanting to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:30:12.164Z,2020-07-26T09:30:12.164Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21209,v1.0,,"to open new co-living locations and coworking locations in rural areas within the Canary Islands. I think that will provide a very good experience for those who visit us.We’ve been mostly focused in a rural are here in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. But right now, because of all of this, and because we see that this is a trend, and more and more people are asking for it, we’re also looking forward to develop our network into those areas where more workers are wanting to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:30:03.158Z,2020-07-26T09:30:03.158Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21208,v1.0,,"s to open new co-living locations and coworking locations in rural areas within the Canary Islands. I think that will provide a very good experience for those who visit us.We’ve been mostly focused in a rural are here in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. But right now, because of all of this, and because we see that this is a trend, and more and more people are asking for it, we’re also looking forward to develop our network into those areas where more workers are wanting to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:29:52.872Z,2020-07-26T09:29:52.872Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6160 21207,v1.0,,"We’ve been mostly focused in a rural are here in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. But right now, because of all of this, and because we see that this is a trend, and more and more people are asking for it, we’re also looking forward to develop our network into those areas where more workers are wanting to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:29:12.979Z,2020-07-26T09:29:12.979Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6160 21206,v1.0,,"We’ve been mostly focused in a rural are here in Las Palmas De Gran Canaria. But right now, because of all of this, and because we see that this is a trend, and more and more people are asking for it, we’re also looking forward to develop our network into those areas where more workers are wanting to be",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:29:07.847Z,2020-07-26T09:29:07.847Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1480 21205,v1.0,,to open new co-living locations and coworking locations in rural areas within the Canary Islands. I think that will provide a very good experience for those who visit us.,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:28:50.824Z,2020-07-26T09:28:50.824Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1480 21204,v1.0,,to open new co-living locations and coworking locations in rural areas within the Canary Islands. I think that will provide a very good experience for those who visit us.,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:28:41.343Z,2020-07-26T09:28:41.343Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 21203,v1.0,,to open new co-living locations and coworking locations in rural areas within the Canary Islands. I think that will provide a very good experience for those who visit us,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:28:37.138Z,2020-07-26T09:28:37.138Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21202,v1.0,,to open new co-living locations and coworking locations in rural areas within the Canary Islands. I think that will provide a very good experience for those who visit us,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:28:31.966Z,2020-07-26T09:28:31.966Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6116 21201,v1.0,,"But also, to interact, and to generate positive synergies with other coworkers. And I see that this is even going to become more important, particularly because of COVID. I think that more and more communities are going to have to suffer from loneliness, and they are going to need that community aspect. So they’re going to look for it, and they’re going to be part of a community. And I think that flexible and coworking spaces have a lot to say. And for that, they definitely should be a priority to, not just provide a service, but also care a lot about the community",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:28:14.357Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.452Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5056 21200,v1.0,,"But also, to interact, and to generate positive synergies with other coworkers. And I see that this is even going to become more important, particularly because of COVID. I think that more and more communities are going to have to suffer from loneliness, and they are going to need that community aspect. So they’re going to look for it, and they’re going to be part of a community. And I think that flexible and coworking spaces have a lot to say. And for that, they definitely should be a priority to, not just provide a service, but also care a lot about the community",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:28:07.942Z,2020-07-26T09:28:07.942Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21199,v1.0,,"to interact, and to generate positive synergies with other coworkers.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:27:57.702Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.820Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,358 21198,v1.0,,"particularly because of COVID. I think that more and more communities are going to have to suffer from loneliness,",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:27:07.655Z,2020-07-26T09:27:07.655Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,4001 21197,v1.0,,"particularly because of COVID. I think that more and more communities are going to have to suffer from loneliness, and they are going to need that community aspect. So they’re going to look for it, and they’re going to be part of a community.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:26:26.196Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.421Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 21194,v1.0,,"why customers join our coworking space is, because they want a work environment. Work environments is also connected to community, because if you don’t have more people, you don’t have a work environment, you just have an empty office.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:25:36.495Z,2020-07-26T09:25:36.495Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21193,v1.0,,"why customers join our coworking space is, because they want a work environment. Work environments is also connected to community, because if you don’t have more people, you don’t have a work environment, you just have an empty office.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:25:23.618Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.439Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5056 21192,v1.0,,"why customers join our coworking space is, because they want a work environment. Work environments is also connected to community, because if you don’t have more people, you don’t have a work environment, you just have an empty office",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:25:13.303Z,2020-07-26T09:25:13.303Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21190,v1.0,,"I think that’s always going to bring challenges, but also opportunities to the flexible space. Also, connected to COVID, more and more new office spaces being started in rural areas where people decide to move to, but they also want to also go to a space where they can gather with other workers in their regions.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:24:50.646Z,2020-07-26T09:24:50.646Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21189,v1.0,,"I think that’s always going to bring challenges, but also opportunities to the flexible space. Also, connected to COVID, more and more new office spaces being started in rural areas where people decide to move to, but they also want to also go to a space where they can gather with other workers in their regions.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:24:37.763Z,2020-07-26T09:24:37.763Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21188,v1.0,,"connected to COVID, more and more new office spaces being started in rural areas where people decide to move to, but they also want to also go to a space where they can gather with other workers in their regions",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:23:47.747Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.410Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 21187,v1.0,,"connected to COVID, more and more new office spaces being started in rural areas where people decide to move to, but they also want to also go to a space where they can gather with other workers in their regions",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:23:41.649Z,2020-07-26T09:23:41.649Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1480 21186,v1.0,,"One of the general thoughts that I could share connected to technology is, I believe that 5G, so wireless connectivity, will certainly change some of the needs for coworking spaces. Up until now, were a solution for remote workers that couldn’t find good connectivity anywhere else. And I think that 5G could actually make that happen. In fact, we’ll also probably allow people to work in from areas that it is impossible to work at the moment, like rural environments, et cetera, and with very, very good capacities and capabilities, as if you were connected in an office space.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:23:29.011Z,2020-07-26T09:23:29.011Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1662 21185,v1.0,,"One of the general thoughts that I could share connected to technology is, I believe that 5G, so wireless connectivity, will certainly change some of the needs for coworking spaces. Up until now, were a solution for remote workers that couldn’t find good connectivity anywhere else. And I think that 5G could actually make that happen. In fact, we’ll also probably allow people to work in from areas that it is impossible to work at the moment, like rural environments, et cetera, and with very, very good capacities and capabilities, as if you were connected in an office space.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:23:22.766Z,2020-07-26T09:23:22.766Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21184,v1.0,,"5G, so wireless connectivity, will certainly change some of the needs for coworking spaces. Up until now, were a solution for remote workers that couldn’t find good connectivity anywhere else. And I think that 5G could actually make that happen. In fact, we’ll also probably allow people to work in from areas that it is impossible to work at the moment, like rural environments, et cetera, and with very, very good capacities and capabilities, as if you were connected in an office space.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:23:13.396Z,2020-07-26T09:23:13.396Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6114 21183,v1.0,,"5G, so wireless connectivity, will certainly change some of the needs for coworking spaces. Up until now, were a solution for remote workers that couldn’t find good connectivity anywhere else. And I think that 5G could actually make that happen. In fact, we’ll also probably allow people to work in from areas that it is impossible to work at the moment, like rural environments, et cetera, and with very, very good capacities and capabilities, as if you were connected in an office space.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:22:54.925Z,2020-08-18T13:36:58.875Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3700 21182,v1.0,,"probably allow people to work in from areas that it is impossible to work at the moment, like rural environments, et cetera, and with very, very good capacities and capabilities, as if you were connected in an office space.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:22:47.806Z,2020-07-26T09:22:47.806Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21181,v1.0,,"probably allow people to work in from areas that it is impossible to work at the moment, like rural environments, et cetera, and with very, very good capacities and capabilities, as if you were connected in an office space",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:22:41.893Z,2020-07-26T09:22:41.893Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1480 21180,v1.0,,"we’re looking into implementing the CRM, and we’re also looking into the tools to automate our bookings a step further, so we make them available online. And also, we’re looking into improve the access control in the co-livings, as the current doors that we have at the co-livings are mechanical, they are not electrical. And, it’s a bit tricky to automate access with those, and make sure that it doesn’t become a recurring problem, in terms of maintenance.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:20:59.038Z,2020-08-25T13:03:26.184Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3751 21179,v1.0,,"we’re looking into implementing the CRM, and we’re also looking into the tools to automate our bookings a step further, so we make them available online. And also, we’re looking into improve the access control in the co-livings, as the current doors that we have at the co-livings are mechanical, they are not electrical. And, it’s a bit tricky to automate access with those, and make sure that it doesn’t become a recurring problem, in terms of maintenance.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:20:46.480Z,2020-09-11T15:02:07.130Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21178,v1.0,,"we’re looking into implementing the CRM, and we’re also looking into the tools to automate our bookings a step further, so we make them available online. And also, we’re looking into improve the access control in the co-livings, as the current doors that we have at the co-livings are mechanical, they are not electrical. And, it’s a bit tricky to automate access with those, and make sure that it doesn’t become a recurring problem, in terms of maintenance.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:19:53.272Z,2020-09-01T09:16:46.591Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21177,v1.0,,"we’re looking into improve the access control in the co-livings, as the current doors that we have at the co-livings are mechanical, they are not electrical. And, it’s a bit tricky to automate access with those, and make sure that it doesn’t become a recurring problem, in terms of maintenance.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:19:15.165Z,2020-07-26T09:19:15.165Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 21176,v1.0,,"we’re looking into improve the access control in the co-livings, as the current doors that we have at the co-livings are mechanical, they are not electrical. And, it’s a bit tricky to automate access with those, and make sure that it doesn’t become a recurring problem, in terms of maintenance.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:19:09.378Z,2020-07-26T09:19:09.378Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6132 21173,v1.0,,"So that, in order to reduce the amount of administrative tasks, and time spent on that, a tool that can generate after monthly, the invoices, and send them, and make the payments easy for our customers. That has been also an important part of the tools that we have used.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:17:23.120Z,2020-09-11T15:02:07.135Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21172,v1.0,,we are thinking about just implementing tools connected to sales and marketing.,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:16:56.900Z,2020-07-26T09:16:56.900Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5965 21171,v1.0,,we are thinking about just implementing tools connected to sales and marketing.,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:16:51.602Z,2020-07-26T09:16:51.602Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1485 21170,v1.0,,"he third tool that has been also for us a lifesaver, which we didn’t have at the beginning, was obviously a tool to outmake the invoicing.So that, in order to reduce the amount of administrative tasks, and time spent on that, a tool that can generate after monthly, the invoices, and send them, and make the payments easy for our customers. That has been also an important part of the tools that we have used.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:14:37.939Z,2020-07-26T09:14:37.939Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6113 21169,v1.0,,"the third tool that has been also for us a lifesaver, which we didn’t have at the beginning, was obviously a tool to outmake the invoicing.So that, in order to reduce the amount of administrative tasks, and time spent on that, a tool that can generate after monthly, the invoices, and send them, and make the payments easy for our customers. That has been also an important part of the tools that we have used.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:13:54.817Z,2020-07-26T09:13:54.817Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6156 21168,v1.0,,"the third tool that has been also for us a lifesaver, which we didn’t have at the beginning, was obviously a tool to outmake the invoicing.So that, in order to reduce the amount of administrative tasks, and time spent on that, a tool that can generate after monthly, the invoices, and send them, and make the payments easy for our customers. That has been also an important part of the tools that we have used.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:13:49.323Z,2020-07-26T09:13:49.323Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1662 21167,v1.0,,"in order to reduce the amount of administrative tasks, and time spent on that, a tool that can generate after monthly, the invoices, and send them, and make the payments easy for our customers. That has been also an important part of the tools that we have used",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:13:37.875Z,2020-07-26T09:13:37.875Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5323 21165,v1.0,,"And that not only solves us a lot of problems, and makes us work less, but it makes them be part of it, and feel part of it. And it works very well.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:12:38.198Z,2020-07-26T09:12:38.198Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6155 21164,v1.0,,"in order to reduce the amount of administrative tasks,",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:12:30.981Z,2020-07-26T09:12:30.981Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6155 21163,v1.0,,"We implement the same strategy in the co-living space. And at the end, our way of thinking about this is that we implement the infrastructure. We implement the site services. But, we empower our co-livers, our coworkers to take ownership of this space, as if they were part of it. And that not only solves us a lot of problems, and makes us work less, but it makes them be part of it, and feel part of it. And it works very well.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:12:01.252Z,2020-07-26T09:12:01.252Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 21162,v1.0,,"We implement the same strategy in the co-living space. And at the end, our way of thinking about this is that we implement the infrastructure. We implement the site services. But, we empower our co-livers, our coworkers to take ownership of this space, as if they were part of it. And that not only solves us a lot of problems, and makes us work less, but it makes them be part of it, and feel part of it. And it works very well.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:11:48.101Z,2020-07-26T09:11:48.101Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21160,v1.0,,We implement the same strategy,/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:11:25.064Z,2020-07-26T09:11:25.064Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6138 21159,v1.0,,"we empower our co-livers, our coworkers to take ownership of this space, as if they were part of it. And that not only solves us a lot of problems, and makes us work less, but it makes them be part of it, and feel part of it. And it works very well.",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:10:38.617Z,2020-07-26T09:10:38.617Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,782 21158,v1.0,,"we empower our co-livers, our coworkers to take ownership of this space, as if they were part of it. And that not only solves us a lot of problems, and makes us work less, but it makes them be part of it, and feel part of it. And it works very well",/post/80267,2020-07-26T09:09:53.663Z,2020-07-26T09:09:53.663Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6136 21035,v1.0,,"We know that everyone working in the coworking space is taking a risk, unless they wear one of those dry suits. They’re going to take a risk, no matter what you do. So, it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:39:41.938Z,2020-07-25T12:39:41.938Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21034,v1.0,,"e have to see how things evolve. And, eventually, as I’ve discussed with other coworking managers, I think that we’re going to see two phases from now on. We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be. But, eventually the things are going to go back to a new normal, that is similar to the old normal.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:39:20.764Z,2020-07-25T12:39:20.764Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21033,v1.0,,"Normally, new coworkers normally request appointments, in order to be shown the space etc. But sometimes people already using the coworking space take the role of the managers, and actually they are the ones, if somebody comes up without notice, and just knocks on our door, they are the ones who take care of it. it’s better, because it doesn’t have to be always the same person.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:39:02.614Z,2020-07-25T12:39:02.614Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21032,v1.0,,"So, to have the facility on with an app, to be able to grant or cancel access to anyone in our community, to access the coworking space. Also, since we are not there as members all the time, or as managers, the visualization of what’s happening in the space, so we have a couple of webcams on each floor, so that we can make sure that everything is okay, and there is no issues.In order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones. We don’t have a member of the team presentially there, or during even office hours. Sometimes I’m there, sometimes one of my colleagues is there, but sometimes there’s nobody there.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:38:45.067Z,2020-07-25T12:38:45.067Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21031,v1.0,,"it’s our responsibility as managers, to detect who are those people that don’t mind, and actually enjoy doing this. And just engaging in an informal conversation with them, and be like, “Hey, would you mind doing this if there was the case?” And normally, the answer is always yes. And it works really well",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:38:09.894Z,2020-07-25T12:38:09.894Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21030,v1.0,,"it’s our responsibility as managers, to detect who are those people that don’t mind, and actually enjoy doing this. And just engaging in an informal conversation with them, and be like, “Hey, would you mind doing this if there was the case?” And normally, the answer is always yes. And it works really well",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:37:58.499Z,2020-07-25T12:37:58.499Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21029,v1.0,,"In order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones. We don’t have a member of the team presentially there, or during even office hours. Sometimes I’m there, sometimes one of my colleagues is there, but sometimes there’s nobody there.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:36:55.336Z,2020-07-25T12:36:55.336Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6139 21028,v1.0,,"it’s our responsibility as managers, to detect who are those people that don’t mind, and actually enjoy doing this. And just engaging in an informal conversation with them, and be like, “Hey, would you mind doing this if there was the case?” And normally, the answer is always yes. And it works really well",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:36:10.807Z,2020-07-25T12:36:10.807Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6138 21027,v1.0,,"In the coworking sector there is some nervousness about costs, about losing that personal touch, with putting in access technology. But in our case the opposite happened. Because when we took away the artificial host, some of the more stronger community members came forward, and became the host. Normally, new coworkers normally request appointments, in order to be shown the space etc. But sometimes people already using the coworking space take the role of the managers, and actually they are the ones, if somebody comes up without notice, and just knocks on our door, they are the ones who take care of it. it’s better, because it doesn’t have to be always the same person. Otherwise, it becomes a job. Right? Imagine that that particular person is busy at that time, on a video call. If she feels that she has to leave the video call to attend the person, then it doesn’t work. If there’s someone else around, and knows the dynamic … and funny enough, particularly with the new ones, see another coworker that they know that he’s not part of the team, he’s just another coworker, doing it, then they’re like, “This is cool. I want to do it too.”",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:35:47.264Z,2020-07-25T12:35:47.264Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21026,v1.0,,"If there’s someone else around, and knows the dynamic … and funny enough, particularly with the new ones, see another coworker that they know that he’s not part of the team, he’s just another coworker, doing it, then they’re like, “This is cool. I want to do it too.”",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:35:34.943Z,2020-07-25T12:35:34.943Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6138 21025,v1.0,,"But in our case the opposite happened. Because when we took away the artificial host, some of the more stronger community members came forward, and became the host. Normally, new coworkers normally request appointments, in order to be shown the space etc. But sometimes people already using the coworking space take the role of the managers, and actually they are the ones, if somebody comes up without notice, and just knocks on our door, they are the ones who take care of it. it’s better, because it doesn’t have to be always the same person.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:34:38.687Z,2020-07-25T12:34:38.687Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6138 21024,v1.0,,"Otherwise, it becomes a job. Right? Imagine that that particular person is busy at that time, on a video call. If she feels that she has to leave the video call to attend the person, then it doesn’t work.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:33:51.362Z,2020-07-25T12:33:51.362Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6137 21023,v1.0,,"Otherwise, it becomes a job. Right? Imagine that that particular person is busy at that time, on a video call. If she feels that she has to leave the video call to attend the person, then it doesn’t work.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:33:41.410Z,2020-07-25T12:33:41.410Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6136 21021,v1.0,,"But sometimes people already using the coworking space take the role of the managers, and actually they are the ones, if somebody comes up without notice, and just knocks on our door, they are the ones who take care of it. it’s better, because it doesn’t have to be always the same person.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:32:25.980Z,2020-07-25T12:32:25.980Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1067 21020,v1.0,,"Normally, new coworkers normally request appointments, in order to be shown the space etc. But sometimes people already using the coworking space take the role of the managers, and actually they are the ones, if somebody comes up without notice, and just knocks on our door, they are the ones who take care of it. it’s better, because it doesn’t have to be always the same person. Otherwise, it becomes a job. Right? Imagine that that particular person is busy at that time, on a video call. If she feels that she has to leave the video call to attend the person, then it doesn’t work. If there’s someone else around, and knows the dynamic … and funny enough, particularly with the new ones, see another coworker that they know that he’s not part of the team, he’s just another coworker, doing it, then they’re like, “This is cool. I want to do it too.”",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:32:05.040Z,2020-07-25T12:32:05.040Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6135 21019,v1.0,,"But in our case the opposite happened. Because when we took away the artificial host, some of the more stronger community members came forward, and became the host.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:28:39.753Z,2020-07-25T12:28:39.753Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1067 21018,v1.0,,"We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be. But, eventually the things are going to go back to a new normal, that is similar to the old normal.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:28:10.279Z,2020-07-25T12:28:10.279Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6134 21017,v1.0,,"In the coworking sector there is some nervousness about costs, about losing that personal touch, with putting in access technology.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:25:35.179Z,2020-07-25T12:25:35.179Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6131 21015,v1.0,,"In the coworking sector there is some nervousness about costs, about losing that personal touch, with putting in access technology.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:25:20.673Z,2020-07-25T12:25:20.673Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6073 21014,v1.0,,"about losing that personal touch, with putting in access technology",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:25:08.123Z,2020-07-25T12:25:08.123Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1662 21011,v1.0,,"In order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:22:51.656Z,2020-07-25T12:22:51.656Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5889 21010,v1.0,,"In order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:22:45.492Z,2020-07-25T12:22:45.492Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5894 21009,v1.0,,"In order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:22:33.140Z,2020-07-25T12:22:33.140Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 21008,v1.0,,"n order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:22:26.164Z,2020-07-25T12:22:26.164Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 21007,v1.0,,"In order for our coworking space to be sustainable again business-wise, our coworking space is self-managed, meaning that every coworker has 24/7 access through an app that they can have on their phones",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:22:18.238Z,2020-07-25T12:22:18.238Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6132 21006,v1.0,,"to have the facility on with an app, to be able to grant or cancel access to anyone in our community, to access the coworking space. Also, since we are not there as members all the time, or as managers, the visualization of what’s happening in the space, so we have a couple of webcams on each floor, so that we can make sure that everything is okay, and there is no issues.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:21:45.750Z,2020-07-25T12:21:45.750Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5889 21005,v1.0,,"to have the facility on with an app, to be able to grant or cancel access to anyone in our community, to access the coworking space. Also, since we are not there as members all the time, or as managers, the visualization of what’s happening in the space, so we have a couple of webcams on each floor, so that we can make sure that everything is okay, and there is no issues.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:21:40.589Z,2020-07-25T12:21:40.589Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6132 21004,v1.0,,"since we are not there as members all the time, or as managers, the visualization of what’s happening in the space, so we have a couple of webcams on each floor, so that we can make sure that everything is okay, and there is no issues.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:20:40.217Z,2020-07-25T12:20:40.217Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5364 21003,v1.0,,"since we are not there as members all the time, or as managers, the visualization of what’s happening in the space, so we have a couple of webcams on each floor, so that we can make sure that everything is okay, and there is no issues",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:14:56.501Z,2020-09-11T11:28:14.483Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1645 21002,v1.0,,"in terms of technology, what I would emphasize, what has been super important and a lifesaver, it’s the access control.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:14:09.675Z,2020-07-25T12:14:09.675Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5889 21001,v1.0,,"in terms of technology, what I would emphasize, what has been super important and a lifesaver, it’s the access control.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:12:05.286Z,2020-07-25T12:12:05.286Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6132 21000,v1.0,,"in terms of technology, what I would emphasize, what has been super important and a lifesaver, it’s the access control",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:11:49.622Z,2020-07-25T12:11:49.622Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1662 20999,v1.0,,"And, that’s why in other hands, we’ll be taking cautious measures, in terms of, we haven’t invested in, I don’t know, a lot of separations, and all kinds of accompaniments that people are trying to sell now, with the coworking space, because we don’t really know how long the situation is going to take.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T12:00:05.465Z,2020-07-25T12:00:48.880Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6131 20998,v1.0,,"we as operators, particularly those who run small spaces like mine, that are hard to make profitable, or even sustainable, need to really be cautious about it, because otherwise … we’re already losing money, because our spaces are empty. If we invest a lot of money that is going to be trashed, that’s even worse.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:59:45.486Z,2020-07-25T12:00:42.347Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6131 20996,v1.0,,"If we invest a lot of money that is going to be trashed, that’s even worse.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:59:11.753Z,2020-08-26T08:31:38.107Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,4334 20995,v1.0,,"we as operators, particularly those who run small spaces like mine, that are hard to make profitable, or even sustainable, need to really be cautious about it, because otherwise … we’re already losing money, because our spaces are empty.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:58:59.017Z,2020-07-25T11:58:59.017Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20994,v1.0,,"we as operators, particularly those who run small spaces like mine, that are hard to make profitable, or even sustainable, need to really be cautious about it, because otherwise … we’re already losing money, because our spaces are empty. If we invest a lot of money that is going to be trashed, that’s even worse.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:57:49.022Z,2020-07-25T11:57:49.022Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6073 20993,v1.0,,"We know that everyone working in the coworking space is taking a risk, unless they wear one of those dry suits. They’re going to take a risk, no matter what you do. So, it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:57:19.842Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.405Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 20992,v1.0,,"We know that everyone working in the coworking space is taking a risk, unless they wear one of those dry suits. They’re going to take a risk, no matter what you do. So, it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:57:13.933Z,2020-07-25T11:57:13.933Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1467 20991,v1.0,,"it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:56:49.591Z,2020-07-25T11:56:49.591Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5259 20990,v1.0,,"it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:56:35.260Z,2020-08-26T08:31:38.117Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,4334 20989,v1.0,,"it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:56:26.295Z,2020-07-25T11:56:26.295Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6121 20988,v1.0,,"it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:56:20.491Z,2020-07-25T11:56:20.491Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20987,v1.0,,"it doesn’t make sense for a coworking space manager to invest on daily cleaning, or twice a day, or every hour, or … I don’t know how many different cleaning ratios I’ve read about … or all kinds of different tools. Those investments might go into the trash after the vaccine is developed",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:56:13.268Z,2020-07-25T11:56:13.268Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20985,v1.0,,"We know that everyone working in the coworking space is taking a risk, unless they wear one of those dry suits.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:54:26.951Z,2020-08-31T19:10:42.141Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6120 20984,v1.0,,"we’ll be taking cautious measures, in terms of, we haven’t invested in, I don’t know, a lot of separations, and all kinds of accompaniments that people are trying to sell now, with the coworking space, because we don’t really know how long the situation is going to take.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:52:16.837Z,2020-07-25T11:52:16.837Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5470 20983,v1.0,,"we’ll be taking cautious measures, in terms of, we haven’t invested in, I don’t know, a lot of separations, and all kinds of accompaniments that people are trying to sell now, with the coworking space, because we don’t really know how long the situation is going to take.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:52:07.481Z,2020-08-26T08:31:38.112Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,4334 20982,v1.0,,"We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:51:34.889Z,2020-07-25T11:51:34.889Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5470 20981,v1.0,,"And, that’s why in other hands, we’ll be taking cautious measures, in terms of, we haven’t invested in, I don’t know, a lot of separations, and all kinds of accompaniments that people are trying to sell now, with the coworking space, because we don’t really know how long the situation is going to take",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:49:36.527Z,2020-07-25T11:49:36.527Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20980,v1.0,,"And, that’s why in other hands, we’ll be taking cautious measures, in terms of, we haven’t invested in, I don’t know, a lot of separations, and all kinds of accompaniments that people are trying to sell now, with the coworking space, because we don’t really know how long the situation is going to take.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:49:25.920Z,2020-07-25T11:49:25.920Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20979,v1.0,,"We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:47:59.195Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.394Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 20978,v1.0,,"We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:47:19.099Z,2020-07-25T11:47:19.099Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5259 20977,v1.0,,"We’re going to see the pre-vaccine phase, which is the most difficult one, and we’re going to see the post-vaccine stage, which you never know when that’s going to be.",/post/80267,2020-07-25T11:47:12.303Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.184Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7083 20956,v1.0,,"video conferencing rooms are needed, they actually are needed, and they need to be larger. So, that’s a huge challenge for a coworking space, because they have to allocate a lot of space, and it’s not going to be used the whole time, just temporarily, for this. And if there’s several people wanting to have a video call at the same time, then it’s a big issue. There’s no easy solution for it.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:11:24.539Z,2020-07-23T09:11:24.539Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20955,v1.0,,"video conferencing rooms are needed, they actually are needed, and they need to be larger. So, that’s a huge challenge for a coworking space, because they have to allocate a lot of space, and it’s not going to be used the whole time, just temporarily, for this. And if there’s several people wanting to have a video call at the same time, then it’s a big issue. There’s no easy solution for it.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:09:32.324Z,2020-07-23T09:09:32.324Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6126 20954,v1.0,,"video conferencing rooms are needed, they actually are needed, and they need to be larger. So, that’s a huge challenge for a coworking space, because they have to allocate a lot of space, and it’s not going to be used the whole time, just temporarily, for this. And if there’s several people wanting to have a video call at the same time, then it’s a big issue. There’s no easy solution for it.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:09:21.519Z,2020-07-23T09:09:21.519Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6125 20953,v1.0,,"So, as most of them decided to stay home, we also decided that it didn’t make sense to have the workspace available.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:08:46.982Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.859Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20952,v1.0,,"The first measures that we have implemented are not connected to technology. So basically, what we did in the space was, we canceled the helpdesks. So, we separated the helpdesk, and made only permanent desks available, so that every coworker only gets to use their desk. And, there’s no sharing of desks. Also, we implemented regulations to make sure that the minimum distance was respected within the space. Obviously made available all kinds of products for disinfection of hands, we have a face mask available in the workspace, if anyone wants to pick one up, because they missed their own. Obviously increased the cleaning.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:08:35.560Z,2020-07-23T09:08:35.560Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20951,v1.0,,"What I see more demand, is to have private offices. Because of the current situation, a lot of businesses that have decided to leave their office space, want to replicate what they had in their office in a coworking, or in a flexible space. Therefore, request private areas, so that they can bring in their teams, and have their own office space. And also, because of obviously, security reasons, and health reasons connected to COVID. For example one of the things that I’ve seen being questioned, are actually the phone booths. With COVID, nobody wants to go inside in a phone booth. They feel that, everywhere you touch, you’re going to be infected. There is certainly a challenge around it.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:08:28.131Z,2020-07-23T09:08:28.131Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20950,v1.0,,"We needed to be very practical, in terms of particularly investing, to make sure that our business was sustainable. In order for the technology aspect of business itself to make sense, we had to keep our investments shorter on that side. If we had more skill in our coworking spaces, so if we have planned to open other coworking locations, we will probably have invested also more in technology.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:08:06.097Z,2020-07-23T09:08:06.097Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6125 20949,v1.0,,"Obviously made available all kinds of products for disinfection of hands, we have a face mask available in the workspace, if anyone wants to pick one up, because they missed their own. Obviously increased the cleaning.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:06:04.401Z,2020-07-23T09:06:04.401Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5876 20948,v1.0,,"Obviously made available all kinds of products for disinfection of hands, we have a face mask available in the workspace, if anyone wants to pick one up, because they missed their own. Obviously increased the cleaning.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:05:58.717Z,2020-07-23T09:05:58.717Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,828 20946,v1.0,,"What I see more demand, is to have private offices. Because of the current situation, a lot of businesses that have decided to leave their office space, want to replicate what they had in their office in a coworking, or in a flexible space. Therefore, request private areas, so that they can bring in their teams, and have their own office space. And also, because of obviously, security reasons, and health reasons connected to COVID. For example one of the things that I’ve seen being questioned, are actually the phone booths. With COVID, nobody wants to go inside in a phone booth. They feel that, everywhere you touch, you’re going to be infected. There is certainly a challenge around it.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:05:25.684Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.376Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 20945,v1.0,,"What I see more demand, is to have private offices. Because of the current situation, a lot of businesses that have decided to leave their office space, want to replicate what they had in their office in a coworking, or in a flexible space. Therefore, request private areas, so that they can bring in their teams, and have their own office space. And also, because of obviously, security reasons, and health reasons connected to COVID.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:05:19.940Z,2020-07-23T09:05:19.940Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6122 20943,v1.0,,"For example one of the things that I’ve seen being questioned, are actually the phone booths. With COVID, nobody wants to go inside in a phone booth. They feel that, everywhere you touch, you’re going to be infected. There is certainly a challenge around it.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T09:00:47.623Z,2020-07-23T09:00:47.623Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5876 20942,v1.0,,"For example one of the things that I’ve seen being questioned, are actually the phone booths. With COVID, nobody wants to go inside in a phone booth. They feel that, everywhere you touch, you’re going to be infected. There is certainly a challenge around it.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:59:05.557Z,2020-07-23T08:59:05.557Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,828 20940,v1.0,,"Because of the current situation, a lot of businesses that have decided to leave their office space, want to replicate what they had in their office in a coworking, or in a flexible space. Therefore, request private areas, so that they can bring in their teams, and have their own office space. And also, because of obviously, security reasons, and health reasons connected to COVID.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:57:31.643Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.382Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 20939,v1.0,,"Because of the current situation, a lot of businesses that have decided to leave their office space, want to replicate what they had in their office in a coworking, or in a flexible space. Therefore, request private areas, so that they can bring in their teams, and have their own office space. And also, because of obviously, security reasons, and health reasons connected to COVID.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:57:24.200Z,2020-07-23T08:57:24.200Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20938,v1.0,,"basically, what we did in the space was, we canceled the helpdesks. So, we separated the helpdesk, and made only permanent desks available, so that every coworker only gets to use their desk. And, there’s no sharing of desks.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:57:00.115Z,2020-07-23T08:57:00.115Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6122 20936,v1.0,,"Because of the current situation, a lot of businesses that have decided to leave their office space, want to replicate what they had in their office in a coworking, or in a flexible space.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:53:32.533Z,2020-07-23T08:53:32.533Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2895 20935,v1.0,,"So basically, what we did in the space was, we canceled the helpdesks. So, we separated the helpdesk, and made only permanent desks available, so that every coworker only gets to use their desk. And, there’s no sharing of desks. Also, we implemented regulations to make sure that the minimum distance was respected within the space. Obviously made available all kinds of products for disinfection of hands, we have a face mask available in the workspace, if anyone wants to pick one up, because they missed their own. Obviously increased the cleaning.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:53:08.006Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.370Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 20934,v1.0,,"So basically, what we did in the space was, we canceled the helpdesks. So, we separated the helpdesk, and made only permanent desks available, so that every coworker only gets to use their desk. And, there’s no sharing of desks.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:52:58.958Z,2020-07-23T08:52:58.958Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20933,v1.0,,"So basically, what we did in the space was, we canceled the helpdesks. So, we separated the helpdesk, and made only permanent desks available, so that every coworker only gets to use their desk. And, there’s no sharing of desks.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:52:46.046Z,2020-07-23T08:52:46.046Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6113 20932,v1.0,,Obviously increased the cleaning.,/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:52:20.374Z,2020-07-23T08:52:20.374Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6121 20931,v1.0,,"Obviously made available all kinds of products for disinfection of hands, we have a face mask available in the workspace, if anyone wants to pick one up, because they missed their own",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:49:46.818Z,2020-07-23T08:49:46.818Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6120 20930,v1.0,,"Also, we implemented regulations to make sure that the minimum distance was respected within the space.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:49:15.763Z,2020-07-23T08:49:15.763Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6113 20929,v1.0,,"Our coworking location is very small, we can only host a maximum of 30 people at once. We always kept it simple in many ways, although found over time, some interesting tech solutions that solved some of our pains.In terms of COVID-19 we are still evaluating how the situation evolves, and to see what the new normal is going to be like. Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are.So far during this period for us Technology has not helped much more than before because most of the time our coworking space was closed. So, that has been the case for us. And, we will have to see, because we are still evaluating the different measures that need to be implemented, obviously still under a very small rate of usage, in terms of occupancy in the coworking space. So, we’ll have to see how things evolve, and we’ll have to analyze it, if there’s anything else that we should implement, in order to comply with the new regulations under the new situation.During the first period, the first two months, we had to close down the workspace. There was just too much misinformation. The rules weren’t clear, and most of coworkers have the ability to work remotely. So, they don’t need to go to the workspace. They go to the workspace, because they like the atmosphere and the resource that we make available. But they can always work from home.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:48:09.580Z,2020-09-14T13:12:12.764Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5877 20928,v1.0,,"Our coworking location is very small, we can only host a maximum of 30 people at once. We always kept it simple in many ways, although found over time, some interesting tech solutions that solved some of our pains.In terms of COVID-19 we are still evaluating how the situation evolves, and to see what the new normal is going to be like. Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are.So far during this period for us Technology has not helped much more than before because most of the time our coworking space was closed. So, that has been the case for us. And, we will have to see, because we are still evaluating the different measures that need to be implemented, obviously still under a very small rate of usage, in terms of occupancy in the coworking space. So, we’ll have to see how things evolve, and we’ll have to analyze it, if there’s anything else that we should implement, in order to comply with the new regulations under the new situation.During the first period, the first two months, we had to close down the workspace. There was just too much misinformation. The rules weren’t clear, and most of coworkers have the ability to work remotely. So, they don’t need to go to the workspace. They go to the workspace, because they like the atmosphere and the resource that we make available. But they can always work from home.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:46:24.394Z,2020-07-23T08:46:24.394Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1662 20927,v1.0,,"And, we have just recently, two weeks ago, made it available again to current coworkers, and since last week to new coworkers.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:44:46.288Z,2020-07-23T08:44:46.288Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5877 20926,v1.0,,"During the first period, the first two months, we had to close down the workspace.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:44:31.267Z,2020-07-23T08:44:31.267Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20925,v1.0,,"During the first period, the first two months, we had to close down the workspace.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:44:20.649Z,2020-07-23T08:44:20.649Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20923,v1.0,,"During the first period, the first two months, we had to close down the workspace.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:44:07.799Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.195Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7083 20922,v1.0,,"most of coworkers have the ability to work remotely. So, they don’t need to go to the workspace. They go to the workspace, because they like the atmosphere and the resource that we make available. But they can always work from home.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:43:58.458Z,2020-07-23T08:43:58.458Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20921,v1.0,,"There was just too much misinformation. The rules weren’t clear, and most of coworkers have the ability to work remotely. So, they don’t need to go to the workspace. They go to the workspace, because they like the atmosphere and the resource that we make available. But they can always work from home.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:43:49.958Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.872Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20920,v1.0,,"There was just too much misinformation. The rules weren’t clear, and most of coworkers have the ability to work remotely. So, they don’t need to go to the workspace",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:43:39.684Z,2020-07-23T08:43:39.684Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20919,v1.0,,"There was just too much misinformation. The rules weren’t clear,",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:42:53.233Z,2020-09-14T14:59:07.582Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3750 20918,v1.0,,"So far during this period for us Technology has not helped much more than before because most of the time our coworking space was closed. So, that has been the case for us. And, we will have to see, because we are still evaluating the different measures that need to be implemented, obviously still under a very small rate of usage, in terms of occupancy in the coworking space. So, we’ll have to see how things evolve, and we’ll have to analyze it, if there’s anything else that we should implement, in order to comply with the new regulations under the new situation.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:42:37.863Z,2020-07-23T08:42:37.863Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20917,v1.0,,"So far during this period for us Technology has not helped much more than before because most of the time our coworking space was closed. So, that has been the case for us. And, we will have to see, because we are still evaluating the different measures that need to be implemented, obviously still under a very small rate of usage, in terms of occupancy in the coworking space. So, we’ll have to see how things evolve, and we’ll have to analyze it, if there’s anything else that we should implement, in order to comply with the new regulations under the new situation.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:42:25.400Z,2020-07-23T08:42:25.400Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5475 20916,v1.0,,"So far during this period for us Technology has not helped much more than before because most of the time our coworking space was closed. So, that has been the case for us. And, we will have to see, because we are still evaluating the different measures that need to be implemented, obviously still under a very small rate of usage, in terms of occupancy in the coworking space. So, we’ll have to see how things evolve, and we’ll have to analyze it, if there’s anything else that we should implement, in order to comply with the new regulations under the new situation.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:42:19.491Z,2020-07-23T08:42:19.491Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20915,v1.0,,"So far during this period for us Technology has not helped much more than before because most of the time our coworking space was closed. So, that has been the case for us. And, we will have to see, because we are still evaluating the different measures that need to be implemented, obviously still under a very small rate of usage, in terms of occupancy in the coworking space. So, we’ll have to see how things evolve, and we’ll have to analyze it, if there’s anything else that we should implement, in order to comply with the new regulations under the new situation",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:42:10.233Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.400Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 20914,v1.0,,"n terms of COVID-19 we are still evaluating how the situation evolves, and to see what the new normal is going to be like. Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:42:01.961Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.190Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,7083 20912,v1.0,,"In terms of COVID-19 we are still evaluating how the situation evolves, and to see what the new normal is going to be like. Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:39:17.910Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.389Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5156 20911,v1.0,,"Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:39:08.465Z,2020-07-23T08:39:08.465Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6113 20910,v1.0,,"Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:39:01.135Z,2020-07-23T08:39:01.135Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5475 20909,v1.0,,"Just look back, and think, how many changes and new regulations have we had over the last three months. If we had implemented, or done things for each of them, we’d be first, crazy, and second, I’d spend a lot of money. For a lot of this, it’s not only for working spaces, it made more sense just to close, and wait until there is some sort of near-reality that they can understand, and know what the new rules are",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:38:51.276Z,2020-07-23T08:38:51.276Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20907,v1.0,,"Our coworking location is very small, we can only host a maximum of 30 people at once. We always kept it simple in many ways, although found over time, some interesting tech solutions that solved some of our pains",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:37:36.819Z,2020-07-23T08:37:36.819Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20902,v1.0,,"I know that many other coworkers that have seen a lot of very, very interesting tools, that could be interesting if we had a larger scale, so if we had larger coworking, or even provided more services.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:34:26.469Z,2020-07-23T08:34:26.469Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20901,v1.0,,"I have an engineering background I’m always interested in technology. So, that’s why I’ve always been, somehow, interested in the whole field.",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:34:07.387Z,2020-07-23T08:34:07.387Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,4676 20900,v1.0,,Our family-owned business is for efficient tech solutions for hospitals,/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:31:17.708Z,2020-07-23T08:31:17.708Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3599 20899,v1.0,,"The idea for the spin off from our family business was to implement open source solutions for companies, replicating what we have done and implemented in our own company",/post/80267,2020-07-23T08:30:11.370Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.382Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1257 20897,v1.0,,", even if we encourage them, sometimes you come to the coworking space to connect and meet with the rest of the local community, and other coworkers from other co-living locations, they actually prefer to stay at The Roof, and work from there, enjoying the outdoors. So, sometimes it’s hard to make them leave the house.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:31:04.999Z,2020-07-22T15:31:04.999Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20896,v1.0,,"even if we encourage them, sometimes you come to the coworking space to connect and meet with the rest of the local community, and other coworkers from other co-living locations, they actually prefer to stay at The Roof, and work from there, enjoying the outdoors. So, sometimes it’s hard to make them leave the house.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:30:55.561Z,2020-07-22T15:30:55.561Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20895,v1.0,,"even if we encourage them, sometimes you come to the coworking space to connect and meet with the rest of the local community, and other coworkers from other co-living locations, they actually prefer to stay at The Roof, and work from there, enjoying the outdoors. So, sometimes it’s hard to make them leave the house",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:30:46.789Z,2020-07-22T15:30:46.789Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20893,v1.0,,"So, the problem that we actually have at The Roof, that’s what we call it, is that co-livers don’t ever leave The Roof.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:29:40.602Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.852Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20892,v1.0,,"One of our co-living locations, it’s a very interesting architecture. It’s a 300 square meter penthouse, with seven bedrooms, a very large, almost 600 square meters of rooftop terrace overlooking the ocean. So, the problem that we actually have at The Roof, that’s what we call it, is that co-livers don’t ever leave The Roof",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:29:01.314Z,2020-07-22T15:29:01.314Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20891,v1.0,,"And again, we are really focused on hosting remote workers. And therefore, trying to solve all their pains, in order to make sure that we can facilitate as much, their [softlanding 00:15:38] in the city, to maintain their productivity as much as possible, and also allow them to engage with an interesting like-minded community of professionals, so that they also feel like home while they are working remotely from Gran Canaria.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:28:41.435Z,2020-07-22T15:28:41.435Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6116 20890,v1.0,,"And again, we are really focused on hosting remote workers. And therefore, trying to solve all their pains, in order to make sure that we can facilitate as much, their [softlanding 00:15:38] in the city, to maintain their productivity as much as possible, and also allow them to engage with an interesting like-minded community of professionals, so that they also feel like home while they are working remotely from Gran Canaria.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:28:29.890Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.893Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,358 20889,v1.0,,"And again, we are really focused on hosting remote workers. And therefore, trying to solve all their pains, in order to make sure that we can facilitate as much, their [softlanding 00:15:38] in the city, to maintain their productivity as much as possible",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:25:22.133Z,2020-07-22T15:25:22.133Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5323 20888,v1.0,,"I don’t think that we are really special. We are just really focused on the value proposition that our city, our destination offers",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:25:03.578Z,2020-07-22T15:25:03.578Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6116 20887,v1.0,,"I’m Nacho Rodriguez, founder of Coworking and Co-living Canary Islands. It’s a network of coworking space and co-living spaces, hosting both local and international entrepreneurs, who work remotely from Gran Canary in the Canary Islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T15:24:22.227Z,2020-07-22T15:24:22.227Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6116 20886,v1.0,,"And again, we are really focused on hosting remote workers. And therefore, trying to solve all their pains, in order to make sure that we can facilitate as much, their [softlanding 00:15:38] in the city, to maintain their productivity as much as possible, and also allow them to engage with an interesting like-minded community of professionals, so that they also feel like home while they are working remotely from Gran Canaria.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:12:44.179Z,2020-07-22T14:12:44.179Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20885,v1.0,,"in not only maintaining the original coworking space, but actually opening up three co-living locations, connected to the coworking spaces",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:11:26.621Z,2020-07-22T14:11:26.621Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20884,v1.0,,"in not only maintaining the original coworking space, but actually opening up three co-living locations, connected to the coworking spaces",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:11:20.074Z,2020-07-22T14:11:20.074Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20883,v1.0,,"But all our co-livings also have a workspace in-house. So, our co-livers are free to work from home, or actually walk over to the coworking space if they want.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:10:40.347Z,2020-07-22T14:10:40.347Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20882,v1.0,,"But all our co-livings also have a workspace in-house. So, our co-livers are free to work from home, or actually walk over to the coworking space if they want",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:10:31.510Z,2020-08-31T19:21:51.866Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20881,v1.0,,but the co-living actually made the business even more interesting. And that’s why we actually decided to invest more resources into opening more co-livings.,/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:09:54.167Z,2020-07-22T14:09:54.167Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20880,v1.0,,"A small coworking space, as you know, it’s sometimes hard to make sustainable. Ours was already sustainable",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:09:42.681Z,2020-07-22T14:09:42.681Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20878,v1.0,,"When we started, we didn’t know too much about the whole coworking industry. It was more of a concept of a shared office. And we weren’t aware that that was happening five years ago already in our hometown. And that’s when we first decided to fully focus our coworking space into digital remote workers.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:09:09.178Z,2020-07-22T14:09:09.178Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20877,v1.0,,"When we started, we didn’t know too much about the whole coworking industry. It was more of a concept of a shared office. And we weren’t aware that that was happening five years ago already in our hometown. And that’s when we first decided to fully focus our coworking space into digital remote workers.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:08:51.716Z,2020-07-22T14:08:51.716Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20876,v1.0,,"And as this evolved, the second problem that we encountered was, that they needed flexible accommodation, which basically wasn’t being offered in our home city. And that’s how we started our first co-living, almost three years ago.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:08:45.749Z,2020-07-22T14:08:45.749Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20875,v1.0,,And we weren’t aware that that was happening five years ago already in our hometown. And that’s when we first decided to fully focus our coworking space into digital remote workers,/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:08:33.999Z,2020-07-22T14:08:33.999Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20874,v1.0,,"We started our coworking space out of our own needs. We had a spin-off project that needed to be relocated and we had a property available. We decided to prepare that property for ourselves, but as it was large enough to host other companies, other entrepreneurs, we decided to make it available.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:08:02.321Z,2020-07-22T14:08:02.321Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20873,v1.0,,"We started our coworking space out of our own needs. We had a spin-off project that needed to be relocated and we had a property available. We decided to prepare that property for ourselves, but as it was large enough to host other companies, other entrepreneurs, we decided to make it available",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:07:51.170Z,2020-07-22T14:07:51.170Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20872,v1.0,,"More generally, 5G will open opportunities to work in rural areas where connectivity currently is a challenge.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:04:04.725Z,2020-07-22T14:04:04.725Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,1480 20870,v1.0,,"More generally, 5G will open opportunities to work in rural areas where connectivity currently is a challenge.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:02:20.015Z,2020-08-18T13:36:58.869Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3700 20869,v1.0,,"More generally, 5G will open opportunities to work in rural areas where connectivity currently is a challenge.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T14:01:36.524Z,2020-07-22T14:01:36.524Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6114 20867,v1.0,,"no sharing of desks, minimum distance respected, and more demand for private offices",/post/80267,2020-07-22T09:04:36.613Z,2020-07-22T09:04:36.613Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6113 20866,v1.0,,"no sharing of desks, minimum distance respected, and more demand for private offices",/post/80267,2020-07-22T09:02:39.231Z,2020-07-22T09:02:39.231Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20864,v1.0,,"Co-livers have 24/7 access control via an app. This is crucial to our sustainability and more importantly, empowers co-livers to take ownership of the space",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:59:18.966Z,2020-07-22T08:59:18.966Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20863,v1.0,,"Work environments aren’t just people in a space together, they are about interacting and generating positive synergies with coworkers.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:58:53.425Z,2020-07-22T08:58:53.425Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,6112 20862,v1.0,,"Work environments aren’t just people in a space together, they are about interacting and generating positive synergies with coworkers.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:58:46.700Z,2020-07-22T08:58:46.700Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20861,v1.0,,"As more companies become remote-friendly, it’s important that community remains a priority.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:57:04.903Z,2020-08-26T08:15:21.814Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,358 20860,v1.0,,"It can be hard to make a small coworking space sustainable, but the business became more interesting when we evolved, in response to demand from freelancers from all over the world, to establish three co-living spaces.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:55:39.890Z,2020-07-22T08:55:39.890Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20859,v1.0,,"I’m Nacho Rodriguez, founder of Coworking and Co-living Canary Islands. It’s a network of coworking space and co-living spaces, hosting both local and international entrepreneurs, who work remotely from Gran Canary in the Canary Islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:54:03.569Z,2020-07-22T08:54:03.569Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,3201 20858,v1.0,,"It can be hard to make a small coworking space sustainable, but the business became more interesting when we evolved, in response to demand from freelancers from all over the world, to establish three co-living spaces.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:53:23.049Z,2020-09-01T14:08:03.829Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5152 20856,v1.0,,"I’m Nacho Rodriguez, founder of Coworking and Co-living Canary Islands. It’s a network of coworking space and co-living spaces, hosting both local and international entrepreneurs, who work remotely from Gran Canary in the Canary Islands.",/post/80267,2020-07-22T08:51:50.781Z,2020-07-22T08:51:50.781Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,5326 20854,v1.0,,"I’m Nacho Rodriguez, founder of Coworking and Co-living Canary Islands. It’s a network of coworking space and co-living spaces, hosting both local and international entrepreneurs, who work remotely from Gran Canary in the Canary Islands",/post/80267,2020-07-21T10:32:25.511Z,2020-07-21T10:32:25.511Z,80267,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,14066,6512,2287 20853,v1.0,,"Of course, many of us don't think twice about giving apps/social media our personal information, so the scepticism around Covid apps might seem odd. I wonder if our perceptions of personal agency play a role here? Isn't there a relevant difference between individually deciding to download, say, a fitness app and our government asking us to download an app they designed? When I took my small survey sample, a decisive distinguishing factor between those willing to use the app and those unwilling was their trust in the government: the friends and family members that were using the app explicitly cited their trust in the German government. Those sceptical or unwilling, similarly talked about distrust or wariness around how data was actually going to be used.",/post/79710,2020-07-21T09:54:56.466Z,2020-07-21T09:54:56.466Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,1645 20852,v1.0,,"Notice how this lack of trust – both the one originating in America and the Five Eyes and the homegrown Belgian one – has nothing to do with COVID. It comes from a generalized loss of trust in the robustness of institutions, a vague but pervasive idea that we are screwed, and will always be screwed, and anything new that comes around will just lead to more ways for us to get screwed. It's sad, really.",/post/79172,2020-07-21T09:54:21.462Z,2020-07-21T09:54:21.462Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,1645 20851,v1.0,,"""Fitness app wants access to my information? No problem. Government Corona app? I better read and research carefully, one never knows...""",/post/79143,2020-07-21T09:54:00.804Z,2020-07-21T09:54:00.804Z,79143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4934,1645 20850,v1.0,,"Everything looks good on the surface, but we now know there is a depth of backdoors, shadowy deals and gigadatabases watched over by three-letter agencies (and their private sector partners).",/post/79140,2020-07-21T09:53:48.897Z,2020-07-21T09:53:48.897Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,1645 20849,v1.0,,"How can Germany feasibly guarantee users’ data privacy, hem further surveillance and effectively contain the spread of the virus? The App",/post/79137,2020-07-21T09:53:09.766Z,2020-07-21T09:53:09.766Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,1645 20848,v1.0,,"And, since the 80s, there have been more lobbyists in DC than legislators. All that influence makes trust busting way harder than it already was.",/post/80245,2020-07-21T09:44:26.335Z,2020-07-21T09:44:26.335Z,80245,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,6110 20847,v1.0,,As for how they deal with tech - always going to be hard because they rely on their staff to use it and understand it. And again those lobbyists...sometimes it is they who write the legislation.,/post/80245,2020-07-21T09:44:14.499Z,2020-07-21T09:44:14.499Z,80245,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,6110 20846,v1.0,,"I think toppling a monopoly must be one of the harder tasks for a government. I remember when the AT&T decision came down wondering who would be next..and of course nobody was next. I think since then large corporations have much more political power than they even had back then, esp since the Citizens United decision that allows them to make unlimited donations to elected officials for their reelection campaigns. And, since the 80s, there have been more lobbyists in DC than legislators. All that influence makes trust busting way harder than it already was. Until a whole new group gets into Congress who are devoted to anti-monopolistic practices, I don't see anything meaningful happening in this area.",/post/80245,2020-07-21T09:42:33.603Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.179Z,80245,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,7083 20845,v1.0,,"I think toppling a monopoly must be one of the harder tasks for a government. I remember when the AT&T decision came down wondering who would be next..and of course nobody was next. I think since then large corporations have much more political power than they even had back then, esp since the Citizens United decision that allows them to make unlimited donations to elected officials for their reelection campaigns. And, since the 80s, there have been more lobbyists in DC than legislators. All that influence makes trust busting way harder than it already was. Until a whole new group gets into Congress who are devoted to anti-monopolistic practices, I don't see anything meaningful happening in this area.",/post/80245,2020-07-21T09:42:25.905Z,2020-07-21T09:42:25.905Z,80245,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,6092 20844,v1.0,,All that influence makes trust busting way harder than it already was,/post/80245,2020-07-21T09:42:15.105Z,2020-07-21T09:42:15.105Z,80245,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,1778 20843,v1.0,,"since the 80s, there have been more lobbyists in DC than legislators.",/post/80245,2020-07-21T09:42:05.105Z,2020-07-21T09:42:05.105Z,80245,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,6090 20842,v1.0,,"I remember when the AT&T decision came down wondering who would be next..and of course nobody was next. I think since then large corporations have much more political power than they even had back then, esp since the Citizens United decision that allows them to make unlimited donations to elected officials for their reelection campaigns",/post/80245,2020-07-21T09:34:12.869Z,2020-07-21T09:34:12.869Z,80245,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,6090 20841,v1.0,,"What is the Corona-Warn App? As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus. On Tuesday, the German government introduced the Corona Warn App, designed to identify and quickly “break chains of infection”",/post/79137,2020-07-21T09:33:32.227Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.722Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20840,v1.0,,"The App, which is being marketed as a voluntary download, alerts users when and for how long they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-21T09:33:11.376Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.692Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20839,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (even Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has not issued any critiques thus far)",/post/79137,2020-07-21T09:32:45.689Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.727Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20838,v1.0,,"the App also does not log users’ location, but uses Bluetooth to allow users to share information. Users are also guaranteed anonymity while using the app, whereby each device is allocated an identification number, which is then visible to all other app users when in the same vicinity. During a span of two weeks, all user IDs are stored in your app, and, if one of those users tests positive during that two week span, your App alerts you.",/post/79137,2020-07-21T09:32:21.845Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.717Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20837,v1.0,,"The App – which cost 20m Euro to develop and will require 3m Euro a month to operate – has an open source program code, meaning it can theoretically be copied and updated by other countries. The German government hopes that other European countries will follow suit and that a system will quickly be built that works across Europe",/post/79137,2020-07-21T09:31:57.820Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.707Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20836,v1.0,,"(1) I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on . (2) I downloaded the App and noticed that it is easy to switch it on/off. (3) I plan to use the App in circumstances when I have to trade off 'close distance to many unknown persons' against '(1)' (4) Condition '(3)' will be met seldom considering my current place of living & style of life.Hence, the App is like my bicycle helmet. It is to use when meaningful - neither in bed nor at a dinner table; may be in public transport.",/post/79139,2020-07-21T09:31:36.934Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.686Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,6172 20834,v1.0,,"I cannot fully trust Immuni because I cannot fully trust anything. That makes me feel a mild irritation, an itch that I cannot scratch. There is really no way out. No hiding from Sauron's Eye. So, I might as well download the app... but my motivation is low, I would be serving even more data on a silver platter (and willingly, ticking the ""I accept the T&C"" box) to a system I cannot believe in. I will still do it... but I need to see a large and immediate gain. Which is now – as per our conversation – not clear is there.",/post/79140,2020-07-21T09:30:08.665Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.702Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6172 20833,v1.0,,"""Fitness app wants access to my information? No problem. Government Corona app? I better read and research carefully, one never knows...""",/post/79143,2020-07-21T09:29:52.942Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.680Z,79143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4934,6172 20832,v1.0,,": ""Fitness app wants access to my information? No problem. Government Corona app? I better read and research carefully, one never knows...",/post/79143,2020-07-21T09:29:45.289Z,2020-07-21T09:29:45.289Z,79143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4934,5889 20831,v1.0,,"Technically, the solution adopted is centralized, unlike in Germany and Italy, with Sciensano, the public health institute, acting as the center. Legally, we appear to be on very shaky grounds. Because:",/post/79172,2020-07-21T09:26:07.794Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.712Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6172 20830,v1.0,,"Belgian version: as I write, there's a bit of an uproar against the Belgian COVID tracking app.",/post/79172,2020-07-21T09:25:55.958Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.674Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6172 20829,v1.0,,"Frank Robben, a high-achiever computer scientist and civil servant, is accused of standing at the intersection of multiple conflicts of interest around health data. He (by request of the government) is the material author of the bill framing Belgium's COVID app, as well as the creator of of the ISC itself. Additionally, he occupies a position in the Belgian Data Protection Authority, and this is allegedly illegal, because appointees to the DPA are not supposed to occupy public office.",/post/79172,2020-07-21T09:25:44.699Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.697Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6172 20828,v1.0,,"The agency authorized to push the data onto the central repository, the Information Security Committee, is in a legal gray zone: it was instituted by Parliament in 2018, against the advice of the European Commission and the Belgian Council of State. This advice argued that the ISC is not GDPR-compliant. A recent inquiry by the magazine Wilfried also claims that parliament's procedures, and the constitution itself, were violated in instituting it",/post/79172,2020-07-21T09:25:06.577Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.669Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6172 20827,v1.0,,"On your first group, I've found even when I try and educate friends and family who trust me on this issue, they still don't feel like they have enough information. It seems like it's not a one-shot fix. The education problem is broad; the app is a symptom. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/79552,2020-07-21T09:24:32.666Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.664Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6172 20766,v1.0,,Antitrust is an easy example.,/post/80150,2020-07-14T11:31:42.046Z,2020-07-14T11:31:42.046Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6092 20765,v1.0,,"Congress empirically no longer enforces this as it once did. The law does not cover the practices of powerful tech companies as it is written. But it does not prevent Congress from writing new laws. Barlow’s Declaration of Independence is a double-edged sword. Governments are not welcome here, but a corporation with over a billion users have a different kind of power - one that even the US Congress seems shy to engage directly.",/post/80150,2020-07-14T11:30:48.564Z,2020-07-14T11:30:48.564Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6091 20764,v1.0,,"I have a similar sense regarding a lack of enforcement. Antitrust is an easy example. As I understand the analysis, Congress empirically no longer enforces this as it once did.",/post/80150,2020-07-14T11:30:33.659Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.174Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7083 20763,v1.0,,"Is the lack of action unique in the context of Standard Oil and AT&T? If so, have legislators changed because of money, a different international landscape, or a technological shift? Or is it more of the same - and AT&T overdue breakup and reemergence just and example of how it has always been?",/post/80150,2020-07-14T11:29:57.949Z,2020-07-14T11:29:57.949Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6090 20761,v1.0,,"Is the lack of action unique in the context of Standard Oil and AT&T? If so, have legislators changed because of money, a different international landscape, or a technological shift? Or is it more of the same - and AT&T overdue breakup and reemergence just and example of how it has always been?",/post/80150,2020-07-14T11:29:32.380Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.169Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7083 20760,v1.0,,"Barlow’s Declaration of Independence is a double-edged sword. Governments are not welcome here, but a corporation with over a billion users have a different kind of power - one that even the US Congress seems shy to engage directly.",/post/80150,2020-07-14T11:29:09.746Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.163Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7083 20759,v1.0,,"while there is a perception that the private sector can be modified by the public sector through law and regulation, once something is in the government's hands, where is the oversight?",/post/79867,2020-07-14T11:28:14.603Z,2020-07-14T11:28:14.603Z,79867,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,6090 20758,v1.0,,The law does not cover the practices of powerful tech companies as it is written. But it does not prevent Congress from writing new laws.,/post/80150,2020-07-14T11:27:43.251Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.158Z,80150,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,7083 20755,v1.0,,What I find in the US is a vastly diminished willingness of government to provide that oversight and self-correct.,/post/79867,2020-07-14T11:26:50.279Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.153Z,79867,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,7083 20754,v1.0,,"Yeah, while there is a perception that the private sector can be modified by the public sector through law and regulation,",/post/79867,2020-07-14T11:25:14.305Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.147Z,79867,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,2915,7083 20752,v1.0,,"The thread title asks why more people aren't more skeptical - but I wonder how this observation squares with our ""post-truth"" society and erosion of institutional trust",/post/79806,2020-07-14T11:23:34.907Z,2020-07-14T11:23:34.907Z,79806,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6077 20751,v1.0,,"The thread title asks why more people aren't more skeptical - but I wonder how this observation squares with our ""post-truth"" society and erosion of institutional trust.",/post/79806,2020-07-14T11:23:28.485Z,2020-07-14T11:23:28.485Z,79806,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,1778 20750,v1.0,,"The thread title asks why more people aren't more skeptical - but I wonder how this observation squares with our ""post-truth"" society and erosion of institutional trust.",/post/79806,2020-07-14T11:23:21.811Z,2020-09-14T13:15:11.839Z,79806,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,5470 20749,v1.0,,"Those sceptical or unwilling, similarly talked about distrust or wariness around how data was actually going to be used.",/post/79710,2020-07-14T11:23:03.131Z,2020-09-14T13:15:11.833Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5470 20748,v1.0,,History has shown the countless failures of all forms of governance so skepticism is healthy.,/post/79806,2020-07-14T11:22:54.651Z,2020-09-14T13:15:11.827Z,79806,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,5470 20747,v1.0,,Governments can legitimize detention and violence. They must always be held to the highest standard. History has shown the countless failures of all forms of governance so skepticism is healthy.,/post/79806,2020-07-14T11:22:47.772Z,2020-07-14T11:22:47.772Z,79806,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6077 20746,v1.0,,"The feeling of pulling software based on your choice vs. the feeling of software being pushed upon you. The pull/push metaphor doesn't completely align, but I think it captures the salient difference.",/post/79806,2020-07-14T11:22:36.560Z,2020-09-14T15:03:56.245Z,79806,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,4881 20743,v1.0,,"I wonder if our perceptions of personal agency play a role here? Isn't there a relevant difference between individually deciding to download, say, a fitness app and our government asking us to download an app they designed?",/post/79710,2020-07-14T11:19:52.357Z,2020-09-14T15:03:56.239Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,4881 20742,v1.0,,"Those sceptical or unwilling, similarly talked about distrust or wariness around how data was actually going to be used. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/79710,2020-07-14T11:19:08.030Z,2020-07-14T11:19:08.030Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6077 20741,v1.0,,"When I took my small survey sample, a decisive distinguishing factor between those willing to use the app and those unwilling was their trust in the government: the friends and family members that were using the app explicitly cited their trust in the German government.",/post/79710,2020-07-14T11:19:02.211Z,2020-07-14T11:19:02.211Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,1778 20740,v1.0,,so the scepticism around Covid apps might seem odd,/post/79710,2020-07-14T11:09:18.912Z,2020-08-25T10:42:43.877Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20739,v1.0,,so the scepticism around Covid apps might seem odd.,/post/79710,2020-07-14T11:09:11.044Z,2020-07-14T11:09:11.044Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20738,v1.0,,so the scepticism around Covid apps might seem odd.,/post/79710,2020-07-14T11:09:06.155Z,2020-08-31T19:02:53.659Z,79710,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20734,v1.0,,"On your first group, I've found even when I try and educate friends and family who trust me on this issue, they still don't feel like they have enough information. It seems like it's not a one-shot fix. The education problem is broad; the app is a symptom.",/post/79552,2020-07-14T11:06:28.507Z,2020-07-14T11:06:28.507Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,5889 20729,v1.0,,Congress has been passing digital privacy legislation for over a half century and it seems largely ineffective.,/post/79552,2020-07-14T11:01:57.602Z,2020-09-14T13:10:05.387Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3599 20727,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks,/post/79552,2020-07-14T11:00:47.548Z,2020-07-14T11:00:47.548Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,5891 20726,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme.,/post/79552,2020-07-14T11:00:32.406Z,2020-09-25T15:38:46.793Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3814 20725,v1.0,,we can see the cognitive dissonance between those who do not trust the app but feel comfortable sharing deeply personal information on social media networks. I'm sure there are even those who do not trust this app but have volunteered their genetic information to 23andme,/post/79552,2020-07-14T11:00:18.379Z,2020-07-14T11:00:18.379Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6077 20724,v1.0,,"At first this seemed high considering the amount of work already done by Google/Apple, but I remembered that the German government must also put together the infrastructure that temporarily houses all the matching data (between those infected and those who they contacted).",/post/79552,2020-07-14T10:59:47.576Z,2020-07-14T10:59:47.576Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,6073 20723,v1.0,,At first this seemed high considering the amount of work already done by Google/Apple,/post/79552,2020-07-14T10:59:39.399Z,2020-07-14T10:59:39.399Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,3822 20722,v1.0,,At first this seemed high considering the amount of work already done by Google/Apple,/post/79552,2020-07-14T10:59:33.725Z,2020-07-14T10:59:33.725Z,79552,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,6400,5882 20720,v1.0,,"Belgian version: as I write, there's a bit of an uproar against the Belgian COVID tracking app. Technically, the solution adopted is centralized, unlike in Germany and Italy, with Sciensano, the public health institute, acting as the center. Legally, we appear to be on very shaky grounds. Because: The agency authorized to push the data onto the central repository, the Information Security Committee, is in a legal gray zone: it was instituted by Parliament in 2018, against the advice of the European Commission and the Belgian Council of State. This advice argued that the ISC is not GDPR-compliant. A recent inquiry by the magazine Wilfried also claims that parliament's procedures, and the constitution itself, were violated in instituting it. Frank Robben, a high-achiever computer scientist and civil servant, is accused of standing at the intersection of multiple conflicts of interest around health data. He (by request of the government) is the material author of the bill framing Belgium's COVID app, as well as the creator of of the ISC itself. Additionally, he occupies a position in the Belgian Data Protection Authority, and this is allegedly illegal, because appointees to the DPA are not supposed to occupy public office.",/post/79172,2020-07-14T10:57:05.506Z,2020-07-14T10:57:05.506Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5889 20719,v1.0,,"Belgian version: as I write, there's a bit of an uproar against the Belgian COVID tracking app. Technically, the solution adopted is centralized, unlike in Germany and Italy, with Sciensano, the public health institute, acting as the center. Legally, we appear to be on very shaky grounds. Because: The agency authorized to push the data onto the central repository, the Information Security Committee, is in a legal gray zone: it was instituted by Parliament in 2018, against the advice of the European Commission and the Belgian Council of State. This advice argued that the ISC is not GDPR-compliant. A recent inquiry by the magazine Wilfried also claims that parliament's procedures, and the constitution itself, were violated in instituting it. Frank Robben, a high-achiever computer scientist and civil servant, is accused of standing at the intersection of multiple conflicts of interest around health data. He (by request of the government) is the material author of the bill framing Belgium's COVID app, as well as the creator of of the ISC itself. Additionally, he occupies a position in the Belgian Data Protection Authority, and this is allegedly illegal, because appointees to the DPA are not supposed to occupy public office.",/post/79172,2020-07-14T10:56:48.869Z,2020-07-14T10:56:48.869Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6081 20718,v1.0,,"Notice how this lack of trust – both the one originating in America and the Five Eyes and the homegrown Belgian one – has nothing to do with COVID. It comes from a generalized loss of trust in the robustness of institutions, a vague but pervasive idea that we are screwed, and will always be screwed, and anything new that comes around will just lead to more ways for us to get screwed. It's sad, really.",/post/79172,2020-07-14T10:56:40.867Z,2020-07-14T10:56:40.867Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6077 20717,v1.0,,"Frank Robben, a high-achiever computer scientist and civil servant, is accused of standing at the intersection of multiple conflicts of interest around health data. He (by request of the government) is the material author of the bill framing Belgium's COVID app, as well as the creator of of the ISC itself. Additionally, he occupies a position in the Belgian Data Protection Authority, and this is allegedly illegal, because appointees to the DPA are not supposed to occupy public office.",/post/79172,2020-07-14T10:53:52.435Z,2020-07-14T10:53:52.435Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6080 20714,v1.0,,"The agency authorized to push the data onto the central repository, the Information Security Committee, is in a legal gray zone: it was instituted by Parliament in 2018, against the advice of the European Commission and the Belgian Council of State. This advice argued that the ISC is not GDPR-compliant. A recent inquiry by the magazine Wilfried also claims that parliament's procedures, and the constitution itself, were violated in instituting it.",/post/79172,2020-07-14T10:51:05.899Z,2020-07-14T10:51:05.899Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,3785 20713,v1.0,,"The agency authorized to push the data onto the central repository, the Information Security Committee, is in a legal gray zone: it was instituted by Parliament in 2018, against the advice of the European Commission and the Belgian Council of State.",/post/79172,2020-07-14T10:50:59.497Z,2020-09-14T14:43:39.828Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,3659 20712,v1.0,,"Belgian version: as I write, there's a bit of an uproar against the Belgian COVID tracking app. Technically, the solution adopted is centralized, unlike in Germany and Italy, with Sciensano, the public health institute, acting as the center.",/post/79172,2020-07-14T10:49:18.710Z,2020-09-14T14:43:39.823Z,79172,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,3659 20710,v1.0,,"I cannot fully trust Immuni because I cannot fully trust anything. That makes me feel a mild irritation, an itch that I cannot scratch. There is really no way out. No hiding from Sauron's Eye. So, I might as well download the app... but my motivation is low, I would be serving even more data on a silver platter (and willingly, ticking the ""I accept the T&C"" box) to a system I cannot believe in. I will still do it... but I need to see a large and immediate gain. Which is now – as per our conversation – not clear is there.",/post/79140,2020-07-14T10:43:41.567Z,2020-07-14T10:43:41.567Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5889 20709,v1.0,,"I cannot fully trust Immuni because I cannot fully trust anything. That makes me feel a mild irritation, an itch that I cannot scratch. There is really no way out. No hiding from Sauron's Eye. So, I might as well download the app... but my motivation is low, I would be serving even more data on a silver platter (and willingly, ticking the ""I accept the T&C"" box) to a system I cannot believe in",/post/79140,2020-07-14T10:43:19.309Z,2020-07-14T10:43:19.309Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,6077 20708,v1.0,,"I cannot fully trust Immuni because I cannot fully trust anything. That makes me feel a mild irritation, an itch that I cannot scratch. There is really no way out. No hiding from Sauron's Eye. So, I might as well download the app... but my motivation is low, I would be serving even more data on a silver platter (and willingly, ticking the ""I accept the T&C"" box) to a system I cannot believe in.",/post/79140,2020-07-14T10:43:08.474Z,2020-09-14T13:15:11.815Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5470 20707,v1.0,,"my motivation is low, I would be serving even more data on a silver platter (and willingly, ticking the ""I accept the T&C"" box) to a system I cannot believe in. I will still do it... but I need to see a large and immediate gain. Which is now – as per our conversation – not clear is there.",/post/79140,2020-07-14T10:42:53.733Z,2020-07-14T10:42:53.733Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5891 20706,v1.0,,"""Fitness app wants access to my information? No problem. Government Corona app? I better read and research carefully, one never knows...""",/post/79143,2020-07-14T10:40:13.583Z,2020-07-14T10:40:13.583Z,79143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4934,6077 20705,v1.0,,"""Fitness app wants access to my information? No problem. Government Corona app? I better read and research carefully, one never knows...""",/post/79143,2020-07-14T10:40:08.377Z,2020-07-14T10:40:08.377Z,79143,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4934,1778 20702,v1.0,,"Yes, that is also my impression of the more IT-literate folks. Italy has its own version, called Immuni. It uses the same Bluetooth-based Google-Apple approach and protocol as the German one. After some complaints, the developer released the source code.",/post/79140,2020-07-14T10:33:24.903Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.377Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,1257 20701,v1.0,,"Yes, that is also my impression of the more IT-literate folks. Italy has its own version, called Immuni. It uses the same Bluetooth-based Google-Apple approach and protocol as the German one",/post/79140,2020-07-14T10:33:05.266Z,2020-07-14T10:33:05.266Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,5888 20699,v1.0,,"I talked to a handful of family members and friends about their views of the App (most around the age of 30). Their reactions split across two main groups: Most (group 1) felt that they did not have enough information about the App, its aims and functions and its implications for data security, and are sceptical of downloading it. Many said, they will ‘wait and see’ how useful and secure the App is before they consider downloading it. The second, much smaller group was optimistic about the App; several had already downloaded it, others were strongly considering it. Many in this group cited their trust in the government and that, since the data is not stored centrally, they felt comfortable using it. This group also believes the App is the best way to contain the spread of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:29:23.062Z,2020-07-14T10:29:23.062Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5895 20698,v1.0,,"The second, much smaller group was optimistic about the App; several had already downloaded it, others were strongly considering it. Many in this group cited their trust in the government and that, since the data is not stored centrally, they felt comfortable using it. This group also believes the App is the best way to contain the spread of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:29:06.623Z,2020-07-14T10:29:06.623Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,1778 20697,v1.0,,"Many said, they will ‘wait and see’ how useful and secure the App is before they consider downloading it.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:28:49.044Z,2020-09-14T13:15:11.821Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5470 20696,v1.0,,"Most (group 1) felt that they did not have enough information about the App, its aims and functions and its implications for data security, and are sceptical of downloading it.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:28:26.619Z,2020-09-14T13:15:11.809Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5470 20695,v1.0,,"According to a recent poll, around 42% of those surveyed, feel comfortable using the App, as opposed to 39% who said they wouldn’t and 19% who either did not own a smart phone or felt they needed more information.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:27:30.129Z,2020-07-14T10:27:30.129Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5894 20693,v1.0,,"ccording to a recent poll, around 42% of those surveyed, feel comfortable using the App, as opposed to 39% who said they wouldn’t and 19% who either did not own a smart phone or felt they needed more information.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:26:56.442Z,2020-07-14T10:26:56.442Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5891 20692,v1.0,,"According to a recent poll, around 42% of those surveyed, feel comfortable using the App, as opposed to 39% who said they wouldn’t and 19% who either did not own a smart phone or felt they needed more information.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:26:36.544Z,2020-07-14T10:26:36.544Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5874 20691,v1.0,,"Within the first day of its launch, the App was downloaded close to 1m times, however many remain sceptical about what this means for their data privacy and how these technologies might feed in to further surveillance.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:26:20.031Z,2020-07-14T10:26:20.031Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5874 20690,v1.0,,"Within the first day of its launch, the App was downloaded close to 1m times, however many remain sceptical about what this means for their data privacy and how these technologies might feed in to further surveillance.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:25:41.544Z,2020-09-14T13:10:28.601Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,4781 20689,v1.0,,"Within the first day of its launch, the App was downloaded close to 1m times, however many remain sceptical about what this means for their data privacy and how these technologies might feed in to further surveillance.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:25:23.247Z,2020-07-14T10:25:23.247Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5891 20687,v1.0,,The German government hopes that other European countries will follow suit and that a system will quickly be built that works across Europe.,/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:23:58.168Z,2020-07-14T10:23:58.168Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,1487 20686,v1.0,,"The App – which cost 20m Euro to develop and will require 3m Euro a month to operate – has an open source program code, meaning it can theoretically be copied and updated by other countries.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:22:39.543Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.371Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,1257 20685,v1.0,,"The App – which cost 20m Euro to develop and will require 3m Euro a month to operate – has an open source program code, meaning it can theoretically be copied and updated by other countries.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:21:55.836Z,2020-07-14T10:21:55.836Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6073 20684,v1.0,,"The App – which cost 20m Euro to develop and will require 3m Euro a month to operate – has an open source program code, meaning it can theoretically be copied and updated by other countries.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:21:50.407Z,2020-07-14T10:21:50.407Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20683,v1.0,,"Users are notified anonymously, meaning they don’t find out who the infected individual is, but they are informed about their personal risk level of infection and are urged to seek testing.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:20:40.372Z,2020-07-14T10:20:40.372Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5535 20682,v1.0,,"n the German case, the effectiveness of the App also depends on users uploading their test results to the app: if a person tests positive for the virus, they receive a unique QR code which they then have to scan into their smartphone/the App. Only then can other users, who have been in contact with that person, be notified. Users are notified anonymously, meaning they don’t find out who the infected individual is, but they are informed about their personal risk level of infection and are urged to seek testing.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:20:33.140Z,2020-08-25T10:42:43.872Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20681,v1.0,,"In the German case, the effectiveness of the App also depends on users uploading their test results to the app: if a person tests positive for the virus, they receive a unique QR code which they then have to scan into their smartphone/the App. Only then can other users, who have been in contact with that person, be notified.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:20:16.313Z,2020-07-14T10:20:16.313Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5890 20680,v1.0,,"In the German case, the effectiveness of the App also depends on users uploading their test results to the app: if a person tests positive for the virus, they receive a unique QR code which they then have to scan into their smartphone/the App. Only then can other users, who have been in contact with that person, be notified.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:19:53.591Z,2020-07-14T10:19:53.591Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5898 20679,v1.0,,"In the German case, the effectiveness of the App also depends on users uploading their test results to the app: if a person tests positive for the virus, they receive a unique QR code which they then have to scan into their smartphone/the App. Only then can other users, who have been in contact with that person, be notified.",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:19:46.490Z,2020-09-14T13:10:05.375Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3599 20676,v1.0,,"It seems that the effectiveness of this App is largely based upon the people using it. According to virologists at the University of Oxford, such Apps are only effective if around 60% of the population uses them",/post/79137,2020-07-14T10:17:23.239Z,2020-07-14T10:17:23.239Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20300,v1.0,,"After two weeks, the data is erased.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:55:29.206Z,2020-07-09T11:55:29.206Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20299,v1.0,,"After two weeks, the data is erased",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:55:22.382Z,2020-08-25T10:42:43.867Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20298,v1.0,,"During a span of two weeks, all user IDs are stored in your app, and, if one of those users tests positive during that two week span, your App alerts you.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:54:56.504Z,2020-09-14T12:52:24.749Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5156 20297,v1.0,,"During a span of two weeks, all user IDs are stored in your app, and, if one of those users tests positive during that two week span, your App alerts you.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:54:37.631Z,2020-08-31T19:02:08.663Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20296,v1.0,,"During a span of two weeks, all user IDs are stored in your app, and, if one of those users tests positive during that two week span, your App alerts you.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:54:16.724Z,2020-07-09T11:54:16.724Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5898 20295,v1.0,,"During a span of two weeks, all user IDs are stored in your app, and, if one of those users tests positive during that two week span, your App alerts you",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:54:07.622Z,2020-07-09T11:54:07.622Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20294,v1.0,,"whereby each device is allocated an identification number, which is then visible to all other app users when in the same vicinity",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:51:54.803Z,2020-07-09T11:51:54.803Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5898 20293,v1.0,,"Users are also guaranteed anonymity while using the app,",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:51:37.709Z,2020-07-09T11:51:37.709Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5535 20292,v1.0,,"Users are also guaranteed anonymity while using the app, whereby each device is allocated an identification number, which is then visible to all other app users when in the same vicinity",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:50:50.066Z,2020-09-24T11:25:43.111Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20291,v1.0,,"the App also does not log users’ location, but uses Bluetooth to allow users to share information.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:50:03.983Z,2020-08-25T10:42:43.857Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20290,v1.0,,"the App also does not log users’ location, but uses Bluetooth to allow users to share information.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:49:56.482Z,2020-07-09T11:49:56.482Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20289,v1.0,,but uses Bluetooth to allow users to share information,/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:49:50.776Z,2020-07-09T11:49:50.776Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5888 20288,v1.0,,the App also does not log users’ location,/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:49:43.184Z,2020-09-24T11:25:43.099Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20287,v1.0,,"Users have been assured that their data privacy will not be compromised and that contact data will not be saved centrally (though this was the original plan), but will instead be stored on the smartphones themselves.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:43:45.892Z,2020-08-25T10:42:43.862Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20285,v1.0,,"Users have been assured that their data privacy will not be compromised and that contact data will not be saved centrally (though this was the original plan), but will instead be stored on the smartphones themselves.",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:42:43.382Z,2020-07-09T11:42:43.382Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5895 20284,v1.0,,"Users have been assured that their data privacy will not be compromised and that contact data will not be saved centrally (though this was the original plan), but will instead be stored on the smartphones themselves",/post/79137,2020-07-09T11:42:22.668Z,2020-07-09T11:42:22.668Z,79137,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5894 20282,v1.0,,"Hence, the App is like my bicycle helmet. It is to use when meaningful - neither in bed nor at a dinner table; may be in public transport.",/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:27:57.282Z,2020-07-09T11:27:57.282Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5890 20281,v1.0,,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on,/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:25:35.434Z,2020-07-09T11:25:35.434Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5891 20280,v1.0,,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on,/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:25:12.336Z,2020-09-24T11:25:43.106Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,6172 20279,v1.0,,"Hence, the App is like my bicycle helmet. It is to use when meaningful - neither in bed nor at a dinner table; may be in public transport.",/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:15:41.611Z,2020-07-09T11:15:41.611Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5889 20278,v1.0,,I downloaded the App and noticed that it is easy to switch it on/off.,/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:15:24.165Z,2020-07-09T11:15:24.165Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5890 20277,v1.0,,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on,/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:15:08.317Z,2020-07-09T11:15:08.317Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,4542 20276,v1.0,,"I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on . (2) I downloaded the App and noticed that it is easy to switch it on/off. (3) I plan to use the App in circumstances when I have to trade off 'close distance to many unknown persons' against '(1)' (4) Condition '(3)' will be met seldom considering my current place of living & style of life.",/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:14:43.316Z,2020-07-09T11:14:43.316Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5889 20275,v1.0,,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on .,/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:13:59.562Z,2020-07-09T11:13:59.562Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5888 20274,v1.0,negative feelings towards an object,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on,/post/79139,2020-07-09T11:13:29.551Z,2020-07-09T11:13:29.551Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5826 20273,v1.0,,"Everything looks good on the surface, but we now know there is a depth of backdoors, shadowy deals and gigadatabases watched over by three-letter agencies (and their private sector partners).",/post/79140,2020-07-09T10:51:40.436Z,2020-07-09T10:51:40.436Z,79140,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4,1778 20271,v1.0,,I plan to use the App in circumstances when I have to trade off 'close distance to many unknown persons' against '(1)',/post/79139,2020-07-09T10:47:43.062Z,2020-07-09T11:24:54.487Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,5891 20270,v1.0,,I dislike the App because I do not run around with an open Bluetooth connection and location services switched on,/post/79139,2020-07-09T10:46:22.402Z,2020-08-25T17:19:09.344Z,79139,5479,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,4683,3610 20266,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:26:35.349Z,2020-08-31T18:29:46.543Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3610 20264,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:25:53.116Z,2020-07-07T15:25:53.116Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5883 20263,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:25:11.764Z,2020-07-07T15:25:11.764Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3822 20262,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution (",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:24:51.384Z,2020-07-07T15:24:51.384Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5882 20261,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:24:35.390Z,2020-07-07T15:24:35.390Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5871 20260,v1.0,,"The App – developed by the German government in collaboration with Apple, Google (using their “privacy-focused” technology) and Deutsche Telekom AG (Germany’s largest telecommunication company) – has received quite a lot of praise for its seemingly data-friendly solution",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:24:26.606Z,2020-08-31T18:44:05.001Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20258,v1.0,,"How can Germany feasibly guarantee users’ data privacy, hem further surveillance and effectively contain the spread of the virus?",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:23:41.353Z,2020-07-07T15:23:41.353Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5866 20255,v1.0,,"Germany’s App. I am from and currently live in Berlin, where many restrictions have already been lifted and where the summer months have brought more and more people out to public parks, restaurants and bars.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:22:21.726Z,2020-09-11T11:32:50.160Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5877 20254,v1.0,,"Germany’s App. I am from and currently live in Berlin, where many restrictions have already been lifted and where the summer months have brought more and more people out to public parks, restaurants and bars.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:22:02.444Z,2020-07-07T15:22:02.444Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5197 20253,v1.0,,"Germany’s App. I am from and currently live in Berlin, where many restrictions have already been lifted and where the summer months have brought more and more people out to public parks, restaurants and bars.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:21:37.878Z,2020-07-07T15:21:37.878Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5877 20252,v1.0,,"Germany’s App. I am from and currently live in Berlin, where many restrictions have already been lifted and where the summer months have brought more and more people out to public parks, restaurants and bars.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:21:20.640Z,2020-07-07T15:21:20.640Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,2323 20251,v1.0,,"Germany’s App. I am from and currently live in Berlin, where many restrictions have already been lifted and where the summer months have brought more and more people out to public parks, restaurants and bars.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:21:08.798Z,2020-07-07T15:21:08.798Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3535 20250,v1.0,,"Germany’s App. I am from and currently live in Berlin, where many restrictions have already been lifted and where the summer months have brought more and more people out to public parks, restaurants and bars.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:21:03.555Z,2020-08-31T18:44:04.991Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20249,v1.0,,"The App, which is being marketed as a voluntary download, alerts users when and for how long they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:18:26.163Z,2020-08-31T18:44:05.006Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20248,v1.0,,"The App, which is being marketed as a voluntary download, alerts users when and for how long they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:18:10.610Z,2020-07-07T15:18:10.610Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5876 20247,v1.0,,"The App, which is being marketed as a voluntary download, alerts users when and for how long they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:17:44.737Z,2020-08-31T19:02:08.669Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20246,v1.0,,"The App, which is being marketed as a voluntary download, alerts users when and for how long they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:17:26.788Z,2020-07-07T15:17:26.788Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5874 20245,v1.0,,"The App, which is being marketed as a voluntary download, alerts users when and for how long they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:17:17.936Z,2020-08-24T17:23:11.363Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20244,v1.0,,What is the Corona-Warn App?,/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:17:04.302Z,2020-08-24T17:23:11.357Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5889 20243,v1.0,,"German government introduced the Corona Warn App, designed to identify and quickly “break chains of infection”",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:16:45.852Z,2020-08-31T18:46:59.169Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5876 20242,v1.0,,"German government introduced the Corona Warn App, designed to identify and quickly “break chains of infection”",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:16:30.296Z,2020-07-07T15:16:30.296Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3722 20241,v1.0,,"German government introduced the Corona Warn App, designed to identify and quickly “break chains of infection”",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:16:16.408Z,2020-07-07T15:16:16.408Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5871 20240,v1.0,,"German government introduced the Corona Warn App, designed to identify and quickly “break chains of infection”",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:16:06.518Z,2020-08-31T18:44:04.996Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 20239,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:15:44.053Z,2020-09-14T13:29:44.118Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6131 20238,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:15:11.665Z,2020-07-07T15:15:11.665Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5869 20237,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:14:44.461Z,2020-09-14T14:53:42.566Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5877 20236,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:14:32.337Z,2020-09-18T08:45:20.421Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5877 20235,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:14:17.998Z,2020-07-07T15:14:17.998Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5866 20234,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:13:49.928Z,2020-07-07T15:13:49.928Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,4761 20233,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:13:13.068Z,2020-08-31T18:44:13.535Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5156 20232,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:12:47.125Z,2020-07-07T15:12:47.125Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,5475 20231,v1.0,,"As Germany’s lockdowns and restriction measures quickly ease amidst the slowing spread of the novel corona virus, the government has been hard pressed to balance a careful reopening with measures to ensure the containment of the virus.",/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:10:04.938Z,2020-07-07T15:10:04.938Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3535 20230,v1.0,,What is the Corona-Warn App?,/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:09:16.693Z,2020-07-07T15:09:16.693Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,3535 20229,v1.0,,What is the Corona-Warn App?,/post/79137,2020-07-07T15:08:58.400Z,2020-08-31T18:44:04.986Z,79137,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13906,5059,6172 19686,v1.0,,"thanks @noemi:) yes, we are definitely interested in challenges of learning in general, critical learning and when adapted to corona times, coping with e-learning! Im working on a draft call for a session on precarity and dissent in higher education and the challenges of endangered knowledge workers. I think there are many intersecting points. Dissent also means critical thought, undoing the system and learning and there lies the challenges you so well mention in your thread here. Lets continue the conversation here as well as the session prep page Edit Delete No Commente-learning Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentrethinking institutions Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75769,2020-06-04T16:14:15.875Z,2020-09-30T18:00:20.551Z,75769,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3816,3939 19685,v1.0,,"thanks @noemi:) yes, we are definitely interested in challenges of learning in general, critical learning and when adapted to corona times, coping with e-learning! Im working on a draft call for a session on precarity and dissent in higher education and the challenges of endangered knowledge workers. I think there are many intersecting points. Dissent also means critical thought, undoing the system and learning and there lies the challenges you so well mention in your thread here. Lets continue the conversation here as well as the session prep page Edit Delete No Commente-learning Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75769,2020-06-04T16:14:06.196Z,2020-06-04T16:14:06.196Z,75769,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3816,5487 19684,v1.0,,"thanks @noemi:) yes, we are definitely interested in challenges of learning in general, critical learning and when adapted to corona times, coping with e-learning! Im working on a draft call for a session on precarity and dissent in higher education and the challenges of endangered knowledge workers. I think there are many intersecting points. Dissent also means critical thought, undoing the system and learning and there lies the challenges you so well mention in your thread here. Lets continue the conversation here as well as the session prep page Edit Delete No Commente-learning Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75769,2020-06-04T16:12:42.284Z,2020-06-04T16:12:42.284Z,75769,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3816,5462 19683,v1.0,,"thanks @noemi:) yes, we are definitely interested in challenges of learning in general, critical learning and when adapted to corona times, coping with e-learning! Im working on a draft call for a session on precarity and dissent in higher education and the challenges of endangered knowledge workers. I think there are many intersecting points. Dissent also means critical thought, undoing the system and learning and there lies the challenges you so well mention in your thread here. Lets continue the conversation here as well as the session prep page Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75769,2020-06-04T16:12:36.447Z,2021-02-21T20:55:28.626Z,75769,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3816,5325 19682,v1.0,,"reminds me a bit of that focus app @bilal mentioned a while back during that workshop in Beirut. Keifelhal ya habib? :) Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75644,2020-06-04T16:11:59.467Z,2020-08-17T15:19:19.515Z,75644,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,8,849 19681,v1.0,,"A co-working app! Wow, the tone of that site is very capitalist though..",/post/75638,2020-06-04T16:11:40.911Z,2020-06-04T16:11:40.911Z,75638,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,4822 19680,v1.0,,"A co-working app! Wow, the tone of that site is very capitalist though..",/post/75638,2020-06-04T16:11:36.793Z,2021-04-29T09:43:13.967Z,75638,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,2287 19679,v1.0,,"'reach a flow state on-demand', as if flow is something you can buy your way into :-)",/post/75638,2020-06-04T16:11:23.221Z,2020-06-04T16:11:23.221Z,75638,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,849 19678,v1.0,,"Love that ""shut up and write"" angle. Did you know in the established remote community there are already some sites/apps that help to foster that concentration and encourage virtual work mates (keeping each other to their goals) such as Edit Delete No Commentonline applications Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Edit Delete No Commentremote working Edit Delete No Commentfocus Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75592,2020-06-04T16:11:12.232Z,2021-04-29T09:43:13.958Z,75592,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,6442,2287 19677,v1.0,,"Love that ""shut up and write"" angle. Did you know in the established remote community there are already some sites/apps that help to foster that concentration and encourage virtual work mates (keeping each other to their goals) such as Edit Delete No Commentonline applications Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Edit Delete No Commentremote working Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75592,2020-06-04T16:10:46.679Z,2020-08-17T15:19:19.509Z,75592,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,6442,849 19676,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom. This concern about using Zoom proved to be a good one, given recent news stories about privacy issues with the platform.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T16:10:20.325Z,2020-06-04T16:10:20.325Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5495 19675,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom. This concern about using Zoom proved to be a good one, given recent news stories about privacy issues with the platform.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T16:10:15.296Z,2020-09-14T14:37:43.975Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5326 19674,v1.0,,"Barcelona went into a strict lockdown, closing schools and universities, and the sudden shift has been a challenge of course - especially because I teach communication and public speaking in this class. It's different on Zoom, but then there's also similarities - a good pitch is a good pitch, whatever the ""medium"".",/post/74333,2020-06-04T16:10:05.066Z,2020-09-14T14:37:43.971Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5326 19673,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Edit Delete No Commentteaching Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Edit Delete No Commentemotional distress Edit Delete No Commentunexpected circumstances Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Edit Delete No Commentstudents Edit Delete No Commentexceptional regulations Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T16:09:54.547Z,2020-09-14T14:37:43.966Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,5326 19672,v1.0,,"I have! One of my friends and I do this all the time -- she has a Jitsi feed open at set intervals, and you can just 'drop in' whenever you want to hang out and work together. Quick chat and hello, then down to work. It helps to keep you accountable for a while and get those co-study vibes.",/post/74495,2020-06-04T16:09:38.408Z,2020-09-14T14:37:43.961Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5326 19671,v1.0,,Friends of mine are reaching out because they are swamped with too many calls and the medium is much more tiring for them than real life. Others are hosting Bdays virtually (@mrchrisadams and other friends!). So lucky you that you can meet your colleagues!,/post/74965,2020-06-04T16:09:21.138Z,2020-09-14T14:37:43.956Z,74965,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5326 19670,v1.0,,"Good point, not that long ago I had a single week in which I reached some 22 hours of work-oriented online meetings. But it seems that people began to realize that such an overuse is undermining the actual substance of interaction which is happening through virtual media and eased up a bit. Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Edit Delete No Commentoverwork Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75100,2020-06-04T16:09:11.901Z,2020-09-14T14:37:43.951Z,75100,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5326 19669,v1.0,,"Love that ""shut up and write"" angle. Did you know in the established remote community there are already some sites/apps that help to foster that concentration and encourage virtual work mates (keeping each other to their goals) such as Edit Delete No Commentonline applications Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75592,2020-06-04T16:08:51.670Z,2020-09-14T14:37:43.946Z,75592,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,6442,5326 19668,v1.0,,"Love that ""shut up and write"" angle. Did you know in the established remote community there are already some sites/apps that help to foster that concentration and encourage virtual work mates (keeping each other to their goals) such as Edit Delete No Commentonline applications Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75592,2020-06-04T16:08:46.539Z,2020-06-04T16:08:46.539Z,75592,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,6442,5463 19667,v1.0,,"Love that ""shut up and write"" angle. Did you know in the established remote community there are already some sites/apps that help to foster that concentration and encourage virtual work mates (keeping each other to their goals) such as Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75592,2020-06-04T16:08:30.846Z,2020-06-04T16:08:30.846Z,75592,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,6442,5494 19666,v1.0,,"Good point, not that long ago I had a single week in which I reached some 22 hours of work-oriented online meetings. But it seems that people began to realize that such an overuse is undermining the actual substance of interaction which is happening through virtual media and eased up a bit. Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Edit Delete No Commentoverwork Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75100,2020-06-04T16:08:03.197Z,2020-06-04T16:08:03.197Z,75100,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5492 19665,v1.0,,"Good point, not that long ago I had a single week in which I reached some 22 hours of work-oriented online meetings. But it seems that people began to realize that such an overuse is undermining the actual substance of interaction which is happening through virtual media and eased up a bit. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75100,2020-06-04T16:07:57.347Z,2020-06-04T16:07:57.347Z,75100,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5493 19664,v1.0,,"Good point, not that long ago I had a single week in which I reached some 22 hours of work-oriented online meetings. But it seems that people began to realize that such an overuse is undermining the actual substance of interaction which is happening through virtual media and eased up a bit. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75100,2020-06-04T16:07:53.029Z,2020-06-04T16:07:53.029Z,75100,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5463 19663,v1.0,,Friends of mine are reaching out because they are swamped with too many calls and the medium is much more tiring for them than real life. Others are hosting Bdays virtually (@mrchrisadams and other friends!). So lucky you that you can meet your colleagues!,/post/74965,2020-06-04T16:07:28.715Z,2020-06-04T16:07:28.715Z,74965,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5492 19662,v1.0,,Friends of mine are reaching out because they are swamped with too many calls and the medium is much more tiring for them than real life. Others are hosting Bdays virtually (@mrchrisadams and other friends!). So lucky you that you can meet your colleagues!,/post/74965,2020-06-04T16:07:12.951Z,2020-06-04T16:07:12.951Z,74965,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5491 19661,v1.0,,"'mental revival sessions', well said! There is talking, and there is hanging out. And no virtual room will replace the hanging out unless you probably have years of accommodating. But definitely less so if that's the only place you work or meet people. I think it's because you cannot meet others in real life that the virtual shows its limitations.",/post/74965,2020-06-04T16:06:40.811Z,2020-06-04T16:06:40.811Z,74965,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5463 19660,v1.0,,"'mental revival sessions', well said! There is talking, and there is hanging out. And no virtual room will replace the hanging out unless you probably have years of accommodating. But definitely less so if that's the only place you work or meet people. I think it's because you cannot meet others in real life that the virtual shows its limitations.",/post/74965,2020-06-04T16:06:32.462Z,2020-09-03T15:24:15.717Z,74965,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,1395 19659,v1.0,,"'mental revival sessions', well said! There is talking, and there is hanging out. And no virtual room will replace the hanging out unless you probably have years of accommodating. But definitely less so if that's the only place you work or meet people. I think it's because you cannot meet others in real life that the virtual shows its limitations.",/post/74965,2020-06-04T16:06:21.874Z,2020-06-04T16:06:21.874Z,74965,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,2122 19658,v1.0,,"Generally, we do not know when the Universities will allow students or public back in, but I hope we will keep these weekly mental revival sessions. Nevertheless, it is a privilege to have basically private premises which can serve such a purpose. The other institute I am teaching at holds weekly meetings of 30-60 people online to make up for the lack of verbal contact, but no one has come up with a ""Shut Up and Write"" online sessions yet, though the institute operates a ""silent room"" under normal circumstances. I am just not sure if the simple joy of talking would not override the first principle of the above-mentioned concept:) Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:05:56.850Z,2020-06-04T16:05:56.850Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5491 19657,v1.0,,"Generally, we do not know when the Universities will allow students or public back in, but I hope we will keep these weekly mental revival sessions. Nevertheless, it is a privilege to have basically private premises which can serve such a purpose. The other institute I am teaching at holds weekly meetings of 30-60 people online to make up for the lack of verbal contact, but no one has come up with a ""Shut Up and Write"" online sessions yet, though the institute operates a ""silent room"" under normal circumstances. I am just not sure if the simple joy of talking would not override the first principle of the above-mentioned concept:) Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:05:50.259Z,2020-06-04T16:05:50.259Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,2122 19656,v1.0,,"Generally, we do not know when the Universities will allow students or public back in, but I hope we will keep these weekly mental revival sessions. Nevertheless, it is a privilege to have basically private premises which can serve such a purpose. The other institute I am teaching at holds weekly meetings of 30-60 people online to make up for the lack of verbal contact, but no one has come up with a ""Shut Up and Write"" online sessions yet, though the institute operates a ""silent room"" under normal circumstances. I am just not sure if the simple joy of talking would not override the first principle of the above-mentioned concept:) Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:05:24.057Z,2020-06-04T16:05:24.057Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5463 19655,v1.0,,"So we just decided this Tuesday to meet up in three people in our study room/lab and make plans for the rest of the semester/quarantine, taking advantage of the relaxed measures. As the room is big enough, we could keep some safe distance, have a coffee and talk in person. And no one seemed eager to be the first to leave, we actually stood by the door for additional 15 mins.",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:05:13.777Z,2020-06-04T16:05:13.777Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,963 19654,v1.0,,"So we just decided this Tuesday to meet up in three people in our study room/lab and make plans for the rest of the semester/quarantine, taking advantage of the relaxed measures. As the room is big enough, we could keep some safe distance, have a coffee and talk in person. And no one seemed eager to be the first to leave, we actually stood by the door for additional 15 mins.",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:05:08.471Z,2020-06-04T16:05:08.471Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5187 19653,v1.0,,"Hey everyone, here in Prague it seems Universities will be under lockdown until summer, but at least since recently, members of the faculty can meet in the offices now, in limited numbers. The Czech government decided for quite a strict regime, which funnily enough, has been ruled to be implemented in an illegal manner just today by a court decision (on occasions, the rules were changing multiple times a day):",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:04:36.903Z,2020-06-04T16:04:36.903Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5479 19652,v1.0,,"Hey everyone, here in Prague it seems Universities will be under lockdown until summer, but at least since recently, members of the faculty can meet in the offices now, in limited numbers. The Czech government decided for quite a strict regime, which funnily enough, has been ruled to be implemented in an illegal manner just today by a court decision (on occasions, the rules were changing multiple times a day):",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:03:05.424Z,2020-06-04T16:03:05.424Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5475 19651,v1.0,,"Hey everyone, here in Prague it seems Universities will be under lockdown until summer, but at least since recently, members of the faculty can meet in the offices now, in limited numbers. The Czech government decided for quite a strict regime, which funnily enough, has been ruled to be implemented in an illegal manner just today by a court decision (on occasions, the rules were changing multiple times a day):",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:02:59.205Z,2020-06-04T16:02:59.205Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5156 19650,v1.0,,"Hey everyone, here in Prague it seems Universities will be under lockdown until summer, but at least since recently, members of the faculty can meet in the offices now, in limited numbers. The Czech government decided for quite a strict regime, which funnily enough, has been ruled to be implemented in an illegal manner just today by a court decision (on occasions, the rules were changing multiple times a day):",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:02:55.163Z,2020-06-04T16:02:55.163Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,5462 19649,v1.0,,"Exactly -- this is what is sorely missing. There's also no moving somewhere else for a change of pace, a different kind of inspiration, to find another angle. I have always strongly felt that space shapes the way we can think and feel (it's partially what my dissertation is on) so it's hard to be stuck in the same place. It means we have to find imaginative ways of being elsewhere, changing the scene! Edit Delete No Commentloss of physical spaces Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74495,2020-06-04T16:02:46.102Z,2020-06-04T16:02:46.102Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,2870 19648,v1.0,,"However, changing the scene, as Amelia mentions, is something I sorely miss. I was blessed (in the social dimension of it definitely) with bouncing each week between two workplaces I have at the University, which makes my usual rhythm relatively dynamic. I personally consider the high number of colleagues I meet to be the actual win.",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:02:39.827Z,2020-06-04T16:02:39.827Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,2870 19647,v1.0,,"However, changing the scene, as Amelia mentions, is something I sorely miss. I was blessed (in the social dimension of it definitely) with bouncing each week between two workplaces I have at the University, which makes my usual rhythm relatively dynamic. I personally consider the high number of colleagues I meet to be the actual win.",/post/74960,2020-06-04T16:02:01.033Z,2020-09-03T15:24:15.710Z,74960,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,4779,1395 19646,v1.0,,"Exactly -- this is what is sorely missing. There's also no moving somewhere else for a change of pace, a different kind of inspiration, to find another angle. I have always strongly felt that space shapes the way we can think and feel (it's partially what my dissertation is on) so it's hard to be stuck in the same place. It means we have to find imaginative ways of being elsewhere, changing the scene! Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74495,2020-06-04T16:01:49.371Z,2020-09-03T15:24:15.704Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,1395 19645,v1.0,,"I have! One of my friends and I do this all the time -- she has a Jitsi feed open at set intervals, and you can just 'drop in' whenever you want to hang out and work together. Quick chat and hello, then down to work. It helps to keep you accountable for a while and get those co-study vibes.",/post/74495,2020-06-04T16:01:42.633Z,2020-06-04T16:01:42.633Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5187 19644,v1.0,,"I have! One of my friends and I do this all the time -- she has a Jitsi feed open at set intervals, and you can just 'drop in' whenever you want to hang out and work together. Quick chat and hello, then down to work. It helps to keep you accountable for a while and get those co-study vibes.",/post/74495,2020-06-04T16:01:38.295Z,2020-06-04T16:01:38.295Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5481 19643,v1.0,,"I have! One of my friends and I do this all the time -- she has a Jitsi feed open at set intervals, and you can just 'drop in' whenever you want to hang out and work together. Quick chat and hello, then down to work. It helps to keep you accountable for a while and get those co-study vibes.",/post/74495,2020-06-04T16:01:34.336Z,2020-06-04T16:01:34.336Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5463 19642,v1.0,,"I have! One of my friends and I do this all the time -- she has a Jitsi feed open at set intervals, and you can just 'drop in' whenever you want to hang out and work together. Quick chat and hello, then down to work. It helps to keep you accountable for a while and get those co-study vibes.",/post/74495,2020-06-04T16:01:29.845Z,2020-10-23T11:33:39.025Z,74495,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,3062 19641,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T16:00:48.146Z,2020-06-04T16:00:48.146Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5490 19640,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Edit Delete No Commentteaching Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Edit Delete No Commentemotional distress Edit Delete No Commentunexpected circumstances Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Edit Delete No Commentstudents Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T16:00:28.502Z,2020-06-04T16:01:01.433Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,5490 19639,v1.0,,"I think it'll be interesting to see what this means for the institutions. How soon do we think universities will open again, and what about those about to graduate high school? And if they do open before there's a vaccine, how will the ""daily routines"" need to change? I think me may see a need for a lot of exceptional regulations, and who knows, it may lead to some rethinking of the university institution? Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentgraduates Edit Delete No Commentrethinking institutions Edit Delete No Commentroutine change Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74484,2020-06-04T16:00:06.330Z,2020-06-04T16:01:11.709Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5490 19638,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:59:44.376Z,2020-06-04T15:59:44.376Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5156 19637,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:59:36.379Z,2020-06-04T15:59:36.379Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5156 19636,v1.0,,"I think it'll be interesting to see what this means for the institutions. How soon do we think universities will open again, and what about those about to graduate high school? And if they do open before there's a vaccine, how will the ""daily routines"" need to change? I think me may see a need for a lot of exceptional regulations, and who knows, it may lead to some rethinking of the university institution? Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentgraduates Edit Delete No Commentrethinking institutions Edit Delete No Commentroutine change Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74484,2020-06-04T15:59:26.494Z,2020-06-04T15:59:26.494Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5156 19635,v1.0,,"I think it'll be interesting to see what this means for the institutions. How soon do we think universities will open again, and what about those about to graduate high school? And if they do open before there's a vaccine, how will the ""daily routines"" need to change? I think me may see a need for a lot of exceptional regulations, and who knows, it may lead to some rethinking of the university institution? Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentgraduates Edit Delete No Commentrethinking institutions Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74484,2020-06-04T15:59:22.139Z,2020-06-04T15:59:22.139Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5488 19634,v1.0,,"I think it'll be interesting to see what this means for the institutions. How soon do we think universities will open again, and what about those about to graduate high school? And if they do open before there's a vaccine, how will the ""daily routines"" need to change? I think me may see a need for a lot of exceptional regulations, and who knows, it may lead to some rethinking of the university institution? Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentgraduates Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74484,2020-06-04T15:59:03.812Z,2020-06-04T15:59:03.812Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5487 19633,v1.0,,"I think it'll be interesting to see what this means for the institutions. How soon do we think universities will open again, and what about those about to graduate high school? And if they do open before there's a vaccine, how will the ""daily routines"" need to change? I think me may see a need for a lot of exceptional regulations, and who knows, it may lead to some rethinking of the university institution? Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74484,2020-06-04T15:58:58.170Z,2020-06-04T15:58:58.170Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5486 19632,v1.0,,"I think it'll be interesting to see what this means for the institutions. How soon do we think universities will open again, and what about those about to graduate high school? And if they do open before there's a vaccine, how will the ""daily routines"" need to change? I think me may see a need for a lot of exceptional regulations, and who knows, it may lead to some rethinking of the university institution? Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74484,2020-06-04T15:58:51.970Z,2020-06-04T15:58:51.970Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5462 19631,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:58:44.510Z,2020-06-04T15:58:44.510Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5462 19630,v1.0,,daily,/post/74484,2020-06-04T15:58:35.481Z,2020-06-04T15:58:35.481Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5462 19629,v1.0,,"I think it'll be interesting to see what this means for the institutions. How soon do we think universities will open again, and what about those about to graduate high school? And if they do open before there's a vaccine, how will the ""daily routines"" need to change? I think me may see a need for a lot of exceptional regulations, and who knows, it may lead to some rethinking of the university institution? Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74484,2020-06-04T15:58:30.976Z,2020-06-04T15:58:30.976Z,74484,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5479 19628,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:58:17.341Z,2020-09-03T15:24:15.698Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,1395 19627,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:58:10.561Z,2020-09-03T15:24:15.692Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,1395 19626,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:58:04.960Z,2020-06-04T15:58:04.960Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5463 19625,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:57:57.620Z,2020-10-23T11:33:39.019Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,3062 19624,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:57:38.322Z,2020-06-04T15:57:38.322Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5483 19623,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:57:34.082Z,2020-06-04T15:57:34.082Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5187 19622,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:57:20.265Z,2020-06-04T15:57:20.265Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5482 19621,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:57:11.959Z,2020-06-04T15:57:11.959Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,1636 19620,v1.0,,"This is very interesting! Have you attended one, does it work? I can only imagine - especially for those living alone - how much of a difference it makes to be connected to anything resembling social life. As students, I remember some of us could only study in the atmosphere you mention - which was to be found in the library: it was just enough quiet and just enough buzzy to make you committed to a certain focus and not procrastinate or feel lost.",/post/74480,2020-06-04T15:56:59.922Z,2020-06-04T15:56:59.922Z,74480,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,963 19619,v1.0,,"The main challenge with eLearning is going to be to enable students to continue to complete assessments. Many staff have experienced the mental impact of having to move to new and unfamiliar ways of working. When we asked about how students are doing, @seh_notts said:",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:56:39.318Z,2020-06-04T15:56:39.318Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,1636 19618,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:56:30.736Z,2020-06-04T15:56:30.736Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,1636 19617,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Edit Delete No Commentteaching Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Edit Delete No Commentemotional distress Edit Delete No Commentunexpected circumstances Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Edit Delete No Commentuniversities Edit Delete No Commentshift to online Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:56:18.264Z,2020-06-04T15:56:18.264Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,1636 19616,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online. And it's interesting that you bring up mental health, @noemi, because I think what we found more than anything in Open Care is that having a strong sense of community massively helps with mental health issues. I just read the book Happy City, and the author finds the same thing --- ambient community feeling keeps us happy -- the people we chat to when we go get our morning coffee and all the people we recognise as we go about our daily lives. These points of contact are really important for the students as well -- it's not the formal learning that they're missing the most, it's all the ambient touchpoints that they no longer have. Space makes a huge difference -- being at the university brings a sense of scholarly-ness that makes diving into writing easier. These ambient effects are hard to replicate digitally. But people are trying! With things like digital study groups (we call them ""Shut Up and Write"" sessions, where you leave the webcam on and quietly study with others) and sites that create ambient sounds of coffeeshops and libraries.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:56:05.620Z,2020-06-04T15:56:05.620Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,1636 19615,v1.0,,"Space makes a huge difference -- being at the university brings a sense of scholarly-ness that makes diving into writing easier. These ambient effects are hard to replicate digitally. But people are trying! With things like digital study groups (we call them ""Shut Up and Write"" sessions, where you leave the webcam on and quietly study with others) and sites that create ambient sounds of coffeeshops and libraries. Edit Delete No Commentstudy groups Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:55:23.382Z,2020-06-04T15:55:23.382Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5482 19614,v1.0,,"Space makes a huge difference -- being at the university brings a sense of scholarly-ness that makes diving into writing easier. These ambient effects are hard to replicate digitally. But people are trying! With things like digital study groups (we call them ""Shut Up and Write"" sessions, where you leave the webcam on and quietly study with others) and sites that create ambient sounds of coffeeshops and libraries. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:55:11.183Z,2020-06-04T15:55:11.183Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,3062 19613,v1.0,,"And it's interesting that you bring up mental health, @noemi, because I think what we found more than anything in Open Care is that having a strong sense of community massively helps with mental health issues. I just read the book Happy City, and the author finds the same thing --- ambient community feeling keeps us happy -- the people we chat to when we go get our morning coffee and all the people we recognise as we go about our daily lives. These points of contact are really important for the students as well -- it's not the formal learning that they're missing the most, it's all the ambient touchpoints that they no longer have.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:54:44.460Z,2020-06-04T15:54:44.460Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5481 19612,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:54:19.073Z,2020-06-04T15:54:19.073Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5187 19611,v1.0,,"And it's interesting that you bring up mental health, @noemi, because I think what we found more than anything in Open Care is that having a strong sense of community massively helps with mental health issues. I just read the book Happy City, and the author finds the same thing --- ambient community feeling keeps us happy -- the people we chat to when we go get our morning coffee and all the people we recognise as we go about our daily lives. These points of contact are really important for the students as well -- it's not the formal learning that they're missing the most, it's all the ambient touchpoints that they no longer have.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:54:01.631Z,2020-06-04T15:54:01.631Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,2122 19610,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:53:28.941Z,2020-06-04T15:53:28.941Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5056 19609,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:53:24.022Z,2020-06-04T15:53:24.022Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5463 19608,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Edit Delete No Commentteaching Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Edit Delete No Commentemotional distress Edit Delete No Commentunexpected circumstances Edit Delete No Commentinstitutional response Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:53:13.852Z,2020-06-04T15:53:13.852Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,5463 19607,v1.0,,"From my experience, this is very true. We have also moved all of our university classes online. What the students are missing more than anything is the social atmosphere of the university -- I hear them saying they miss their cohort (these are Masters students), working on class projects and papers together (even just being in the same space, not even collaborating), taking breaks from study together. So much of learning is in the in-between, when formal lectures aren't happening. That stuff is hard to replicate online.",/post/74474,2020-06-04T15:53:07.471Z,2020-06-04T15:53:07.471Z,74474,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3323,5462 19606,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:53:00.733Z,2020-06-04T15:53:00.733Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,5462 19605,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:50:31.289Z,2020-06-04T15:50:31.289Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5480 19604,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Edit Delete No Commentteaching Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Edit Delete No Commentemotional distress Edit Delete No Commentunexpected circumstances Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:46:09.982Z,2020-06-04T15:46:09.982Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,5479 19603,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Edit Delete No Commentteaching Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Edit Delete No Commentemotional distress Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:45:50.335Z,2020-06-04T15:45:50.335Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,5478 19602,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:45:35.337Z,2020-08-17T15:27:26.293Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,4034 19601,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Edit Delete No Commentteaching Edit Delete No CommentCovid-19 Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:45:27.143Z,2020-08-17T15:27:26.276Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,4034 19600,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:45:16.911Z,2020-06-04T15:45:16.911Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,5156 19599,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Edit Delete No Commentunequal opportunities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:45:12.015Z,2020-09-11T11:35:06.848Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,4980 19598,v1.0,,"Thank you @hires - I did read your post, as I didn't think it was too long ;). Yes, we are all in such a strange situation and I am concerned that we don't lose sight of the potential impact this can have on our students and teachers. Many have found themselves in places and situations in which they never expected to be at this time in their career (eg having to go back home to live with families, shared resources etc). This affects some more than others and we must not assume that carrying on studying and teaching is possible in all circumstances. Most Higher Education institutions in the UK have responded by introducing exceptional regulations for assessment and the subsequent progression and degree classification results which arise from this. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74382,2020-06-04T15:45:03.082Z,2020-09-30T18:00:20.546Z,74382,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,2303,3939 19597,v1.0,,"Moving online is easy compared to helping others deal with a crisis. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:44:44.609Z,2020-06-04T15:44:44.609Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5477 19596,v1.0,,"Barcelona went into a strict lockdown, closing schools and universities, and the sudden shift has been a challenge of course - especially because I teach communication and public speaking in this class. It's different on Zoom, but then there's also similarities - a good pitch is a good pitch, whatever the ""medium"".",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:42:17.777Z,2020-06-04T15:42:17.777Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5476 19595,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:41:24.560Z,2020-08-26T08:25:58.627Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5799 19594,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:39:30.615Z,2020-09-03T14:04:37.457Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,912 19593,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:39:26.093Z,2020-06-04T15:39:26.093Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,465 19592,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:39:20.760Z,2020-06-04T15:39:20.760Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,442 19591,v1.0,,"However, I think the biggest impact isn't just moving online, it's that we're doing all of this in a crisis. I have death and grief in my family and close friends' families - and we can't even go to any funerals. We are helping students deal with events that we have never lived through ourselves, and I have been asked a few times now on my opinion on quite personal issues. Normally, I would try not to stick to my area of expertise, but I think these times call for human approaches, so I tried to provide a viewpoint or lens that might clarify the situation and choices they faced.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:39:13.288Z,2020-06-04T15:39:13.288Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5463 19590,v1.0,,"Barcelona went into a strict lockdown, closing schools and universities, and the sudden shift has been a challenge of course - especially because I teach communication and public speaking in this class. It's different on Zoom, but then there's also similarities - a good pitch is a good pitch, whatever the ""medium"".",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:38:54.041Z,2020-06-04T15:38:54.041Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5475 19589,v1.0,,"Barcelona went into a strict lockdown, closing schools and universities, and the sudden shift has been a challenge of course - especially because I teach communication and public speaking in this class. It's different on Zoom, but then there's also similarities - a good pitch is a good pitch, whatever the ""medium"".",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:38:45.803Z,2020-06-04T15:38:45.803Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5156 19588,v1.0,,"I am teaching at a private business school in Barcelona, in a course that is very untraditional for the institution - however, they trust the coordinator and the team of instructors, so we have a lot of freedom. I only teach a few days a month, so I'm not deep into what happens at the university itself - there's been a bit of miscommunication around admin things, but nothing too disruptive. I get a fully licensed Zoom, with all features, which is enough for me as a teacher.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:38:02.510Z,2020-06-04T15:38:02.510Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,3398 19587,v1.0,,"I am teaching at a private business school in Barcelona, in a course that is very untraditional for the institution - however, they trust the coordinator and the team of instructors, so we have a lot of freedom. I only teach a few days a month, so I'm not deep into what happens at the university itself - there's been a bit of miscommunication around admin things, but nothing too disruptive. I get a fully licensed Zoom, with all features, which is enough for me as a teacher.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:37:41.517Z,2020-06-04T15:37:41.517Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,1778 19586,v1.0,,"I am teaching at a private business school in Barcelona, in a course that is very untraditional for the institution - however, they trust the coordinator and the team of instructors, so we have a lot of freedom. I only teach a few days a month, so I'm not deep into what happens at the university itself - there's been a bit of miscommunication around admin things, but nothing too disruptive. I get a fully licensed Zoom, with all features, which is enough for me as a teacher.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:37:36.375Z,2020-06-04T15:37:36.375Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,5464 19585,v1.0,,"I am teaching at a private business school in Barcelona, in a course that is very untraditional for the institution - however, they trust the coordinator and the team of instructors, so we have a lot of freedom. I only teach a few days a month, so I'm not deep into what happens at the university itself - there's been a bit of miscommunication around admin things, but nothing too disruptive. I get a fully licensed Zoom, with all features, which is enough for me as a teacher.",/post/74333,2020-06-04T15:37:25.164Z,2020-09-11T11:35:06.842Z,74333,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,428,4980 19584,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:35:25.912Z,2021-02-26T12:26:49.406Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,7725 19583,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:35:15.552Z,2020-09-30T18:00:20.541Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,3939 19581,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:34:51.853Z,2020-06-04T15:34:51.853Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5472 19580,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:34:21.343Z,2020-06-04T15:34:21.343Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,1834 19579,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:32:51.595Z,2020-06-04T15:34:03.139Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5471 19578,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:32:43.773Z,2020-06-04T15:32:43.773Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5469 19577,v1.0,,"The main challenge with eLearning is going to be to enable students to continue to complete assessments. Many staff have experienced the mental impact of having to move to new and unfamiliar ways of working. When we asked about how students are doing, @seh_notts said: I think the mental impact on students is huge and is not always fully appreciated by Higher Education Institutions. In the UK there is a real epidemic of anxiety and mental health issues among youngsters [in general]. Is this similar in other countries?",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:32:03.051Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.489Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,54 19576,v1.0,,"The main challenge with eLearning is going to be to enable students to continue to complete assessments. Many staff have experienced the mental impact of having to move to new and unfamiliar ways of working. When we asked about how students are doing, @seh_notts said: I think the mental impact on students is huge and is not always fully appreciated by Higher Education Institutions. In the UK there is a real epidemic of anxiety and mental health issues among youngsters [in general]. Is this similar in other countries?",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:31:57.487Z,2020-06-04T15:31:57.487Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,2122 19575,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:30:45.506Z,2020-06-04T15:30:45.506Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5468 19574,v1.0,,"At the start of this crisis teachers had been on strike in the UK nationwide for two weeks before. The crisis refocused everything, because many Higher Education Institutions have made recent financial announcements to lay people off (‘furlough’ them), if their roles were not considered essential at this time. Some disciplines (eg Arts and Humanities) feel more vulnerable in these circumstances. Furloughed staff are able to claim 80% of their wages from the Government but it is unclear how long this might be for or what the future might hold for all staff in the sector.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:30:33.762Z,2020-06-04T15:30:33.762Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5467 19573,v1.0,,"e-learning shift, and working as an educator online?",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:28:56.311Z,2021-02-21T20:55:28.620Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5325 19572,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom. This concern about using Zoom proved to be a good one, given recent news stories about privacy issues with the platform.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:28:22.392Z,2020-06-04T15:28:22.392Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5466 19571,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom. This concern about using Zoom proved to be a good one, given recent news stories about privacy issues with the platform.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:28:14.573Z,2020-06-04T15:28:14.573Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5465 19570,v1.0,,"is concern about using Zoom proved to be a good one, given recent news stories about privacy issues with the platform.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:27:58.892Z,2020-06-04T15:27:58.892Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5464 19569,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom.",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:27:44.187Z,2020-06-04T15:27:44.187Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5463 19568,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom. Th",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:27:30.164Z,2020-06-04T15:27:30.164Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,5462 19567,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom. T",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:27:25.196Z,2020-09-11T11:35:06.838Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,4980 19566,v1.0,,"Our team had to decide how we were going to respond immediately. Each Faculty came up with a teaching continuity plan, how they would continue, which platforms would be supported. Zoom was not used much. Lots of universities in the UK are Microsoft customers so a decision was made to use Microsoft Teams, as access is restricted only to the campus users so it is more private than Zoom",/post/74305,2020-06-04T15:26:45.507Z,2020-06-04T15:26:45.507Z,74305,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13206,3,766 19498,v1.0,,"In other words, even if you don't buy the argument that ""the data barons are giving us robust tools we need"", most people and governments do.",/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:23:17.212Z,2020-08-24T17:24:43.153Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19497,v1.0,,"In other words, even if you don't buy the argument that ""the data barons are giving us robust tools we need"", most people and governments do.",/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:23:00.764Z,2020-05-31T16:23:00.764Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5398 19496,v1.0,,"n other words, even if you don't buy the argument that ""the data barons are giving us robust tools we need"", most people and governments do.",/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:22:50.862Z,2020-05-31T16:22:50.862Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5316 19494,v1.0,,"the facts that you report – FAANG stock soaring as the economy nosedives, Bezos's transcendent wealth – are true.",/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:20:27.994Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.759Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3939 19493,v1.0,,"the facts that you report – FAANG stock soaring as the economy nosedives, Bezos's transcendent wealth – are true.",/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:20:16.132Z,2020-05-31T16:20:16.132Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,1342 19492,v1.0,,"the facts that you report – FAANG stock soaring as the economy nosedives, Bezos's transcendent wealth – are true.",/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:20:00.873Z,2020-05-31T16:20:00.873Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5397 19491,v1.0,,"the facts that you report – FAANG stock soaring as the economy nosedives, Bezos's transcendent wealth – are true.",/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:19:47.493Z,2020-05-31T16:19:47.493Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5396 19490,v1.0,,Edgeryders has been trying to go stackless since forever.,/post/76836,2020-05-31T16:08:45.551Z,2020-05-31T16:08:45.551Z,76836,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5395 19489,v1.0,,"About Big Tech becoming the de facto infrastructure we cannot get out of- which then creates a narrative that they are somehow more capable/better able at meeting our needs, which allows them to further strengthen their positions, etc.etc. Edit Delete No CommentBig Tech Edit Delete No Commentcontrol Edit Delete No Commentinfrastructure Edit Delete No Commentdictating narratives Cancel Save Annotate",/post/76832,2020-05-31T16:07:37.144Z,2020-05-31T16:07:37.144Z,76832,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5393 19488,v1.0,,"About Big Tech becoming the de facto infrastructure we cannot get out of- which then creates a narrative that they are somehow more capable/better able at meeting our needs, which allows them to further strengthen their positions, etc.etc. Edit Delete No Commentinfrastructure Cancel Save Annotate",/post/76832,2020-05-31T16:07:19.878Z,2020-05-31T16:30:55.404Z,76832,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5398 19486,v1.0,,"About Big Tech becoming the de facto infrastructure we cannot get out of- which then creates a narrative that they are somehow more capable/better able at meeting our needs, which allows them to further strengthen their positions, etc.etc.",/post/76832,2020-05-31T16:06:28.073Z,2020-05-31T16:06:28.073Z,76832,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,407 19485,v1.0,,"About Big Tech becoming the de facto infrastructure we cannot get out of- which then creates a narrative that they are somehow more capable/better able at meeting our needs, which allows them to further strengthen their positions, etc.etc.",/post/76832,2020-05-31T16:06:17.497Z,2020-08-24T17:24:43.148Z,76832,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3816 19484,v1.0,,"""functional sovereignty"",",/post/76832,2020-05-31T16:06:05.145Z,2020-05-31T16:06:05.145Z,76832,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5393 19483,v1.0,,"Where most sectors of the economy have seen demand collapse, many large tech companies are reporting record profits, and have been able to use this momentum to further consolidate market share.",/post/76784,2020-05-31T16:01:45.669Z,2020-08-27T15:00:13.471Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,4841 19482,v1.0,,The obvious big winner of the COVID-19 crisis so far has been Big Tech.,/post/76784,2020-05-31T16:01:19.510Z,2020-05-31T16:01:19.510Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,442 19481,v1.0,,The obvious big winner of the COVID-19 crisis so far has been Big Tech.,/post/76784,2020-05-31T16:01:10.194Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.351Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5156 19480,v1.0,,"that the pandemic, as it ravaged so many human lives and endeavors, has strengthened large tech companies.",/post/76784,2020-05-31T16:00:24.098Z,2020-05-31T16:00:24.098Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,1342 19479,v1.0,,"that the pandemic, as it ravaged so many human lives and endeavors, has strengthened large tech companies.",/post/76784,2020-05-31T15:53:25.998Z,2020-08-27T15:00:35.014Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3939 19478,v1.0,,It is about how the virus is used as an argument to accumulate more data and power for the businesses.,/post/77614,2020-05-28T14:07:44.980Z,2020-09-17T14:04:27.975Z,77614,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4934,4274 19477,v1.0,,It is about how the virus is used as an argument to accumulate more data and power for the businesses.,/post/77614,2020-05-28T14:07:26.443Z,2020-05-28T14:07:26.443Z,77614,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4934,5327 19476,v1.0,,It is about how the virus is used as an argument to accumulate more data and power for the businesses.,/post/77614,2020-05-28T14:06:50.249Z,2020-08-27T14:35:29.770Z,77614,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4934,5156 19474,v1.0,,"It's absolutely within reach, especially if we organize to build that future beyond Big Tech. Looking forward and hoping to!",/post/77013,2020-05-28T13:59:11.478Z,2020-09-11T11:45:01.864Z,77013,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4897,3816 19473,v1.0,,"It's absolutely within reach, especially if we organize to build that future beyond Big Tech. Looking forward and hoping to",/post/77013,2020-05-28T13:59:00.659Z,2020-08-31T18:32:13.991Z,77013,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4897,978 19472,v1.0,,Strong right-wing control that keeps todays hierarchies intact emboldens the tech leaders too.,/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:58:40.955Z,2020-05-28T13:58:40.955Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3816 19471,v1.0,,Strong right-wing control that keeps todays hierarchies intact emboldens the tech leaders too.,/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:58:29.053Z,2020-05-28T13:58:29.053Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,407 19470,v1.0,,Strong right-wing control that keeps todays hierarchies intact emboldens the tech leaders too.,/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:58:21.765Z,2020-09-07T14:37:57.486Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3694 19469,v1.0,,"right-wing groups funded by the likes of the Koch brothers, are moving forward with plans to take advantage of the pandemic to lock down more changes that favor their position. T",/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:57:40.639Z,2020-05-28T13:57:40.639Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5327 19468,v1.0,,"right-wing groups funded by the likes of the Koch brothers, are moving forward with plans to take advantage of the pandemic to lock down more changes that favor their position.",/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:57:30.628Z,2020-08-31T18:44:45.253Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5156 19467,v1.0,,"right-wing groups funded by the likes of the Koch brothers, are moving forward with plans to take advantage of the pandemic to lock down more changes that favor their position.",/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:57:23.433Z,2020-09-07T14:37:57.480Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3694 19466,v1.0,,how Big Tech and Big Money (crucial components of neoliberalism) view the opportunities of the pandemic.,/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:44:42.686Z,2020-08-31T18:44:45.248Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5156 19465,v1.0,,how Big Tech and Big Money (crucial components of neoliberalism) view the opportunities of the pandemic.,/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:44:29.248Z,2020-05-28T13:44:29.248Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,1263 19463,v1.0,,how Big Tech and Big Money (crucial components of neoliberalism) view the opportunities of the pandemic.,/post/77004,2020-05-28T13:44:03.884Z,2020-08-24T17:24:43.141Z,77004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3816 19461,v1.0,,"Into this comes the pandemic. Whereas that vision for the urgent need to adopt mass surveillance tech was pitched as a national security issue, suddenly there is this pivot toward using these same tech companies and their technologies as benevolent bringers of our survival needs.",/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:36:33.114Z,2020-05-28T13:36:33.114Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,1391 19460,v1.0,,"Into this comes the pandemic. Whereas that vision for the urgent need to adopt mass surveillance tech was pitched as a national security issue, suddenly there is this pivot toward using these same tech companies and their technologies as benevolent bringers of our survival needs.",/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:36:19.202Z,2020-05-28T13:36:19.202Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5361 19459,v1.0,,"Into this comes the pandemic. Whereas that vision for the urgent need to adopt mass surveillance tech was pitched as a national security issue, suddenly there is this pivot toward using these same tech companies and their technologies as benevolent bringers of our survival needs.",/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:36:03.844Z,2020-08-31T18:44:45.258Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5156 19458,v1.0,,And we know that some services that require high info tech can be deployed in ways that protect privacy.,/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:35:10.182Z,2020-05-28T13:35:10.182Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5365 19457,v1.0,,And we know that some services that require high info tech can be deployed in ways that protect privacy.,/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:34:28.346Z,2020-08-31T18:29:17.327Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3610 19456,v1.0,,And we know that some services that require high info tech can be deployed in ways that protect privacy.,/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:34:11.852Z,2020-05-28T14:12:51.936Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,4456 19455,v1.0,,"Smart Services will be brought to us via outfits like Sidewalk Labs which almost wired up the Toronto waterfront as a Smart City area, but the city dropped it over privacy questions from the public along with not enough apparent public benefit.",/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:33:41.284Z,2021-04-20T11:31:19.844Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,828 19454,v1.0,,"Smart Services will be brought to us via outfits like Sidewalk Labs which almost wired up the Toronto waterfront as a Smart City area, but the city dropped it over privacy questions from the public along with not enough apparent public benefit.",/post/76852,2020-05-28T13:33:22.612Z,2020-08-25T17:19:09.339Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3610 19403,v1.0,,"Smart Services will be brought to us via outfits like Sidewalk Labs which almost wired up the Toronto waterfront as a Smart City area,",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:05:55.617Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.841Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,4831 19401,v1.0,,"Smart Services will be brought to us via outfits like Sidewalk Labs which almost wired up the Toronto waterfront as a Smart City area,",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:05:39.650Z,2020-09-14T13:45:50.626Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,4810 19399,v1.0,,"Smart Services will be brought to us via outfits like Sidewalk Labs which almost wired up the Toronto waterfront as a Smart City area,",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:05:25.850Z,2020-05-27T15:05:25.850Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5365 19398,v1.0,,"He calls mass surveillance a ""killer app for deep learning"" and touts the virtues of a city ""carpeted with cameras.""",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:04:50.842Z,2020-05-27T15:04:50.842Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5364 19397,v1.0,,"He calls mass surveillance a ""killer app for deep learning"" and touts the virtues of a city ""carpeted with cameras.""",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:04:26.140Z,2020-09-14T13:26:25.117Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5889 19394,v1.0,,"He calls mass surveillance a ""killer app for deep learning"" and touts the virtues of a city ""carpeted with cameras.""",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:04:15.387Z,2021-01-11T17:17:18.459Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,1104 19391,v1.0,,"He calls mass surveillance a ""killer app for deep learning"" and touts the virtues of a city ""carpeted with cameras.""",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:03:45.834Z,2020-05-27T15:03:45.834Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5361 19388,v1.0,,the need for China-level surveillance in order to compete with China.,/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:02:48.819Z,2020-05-27T15:02:48.819Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5359 19387,v1.0,,the need for China-level surveillance in order to compete with China.,/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:02:42.869Z,2020-05-27T15:02:42.869Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5358 19386,v1.0,,the need for China-level surveillance in order to compete with China.,/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:02:35.000Z,2020-05-27T15:02:35.000Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5357 19385,v1.0,,the need for China-level surveillance in order to compete with China.,/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:02:28.580Z,2020-05-27T15:04:01.813Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5361 19384,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:02:11.310Z,2020-08-31T18:32:13.986Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,978 19382,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:01:53.495Z,2020-05-27T15:01:53.495Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,407 19381,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:01:20.782Z,2020-09-11T14:07:21.348Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,1167 19380,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:01:01.874Z,2020-05-27T15:01:01.874Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3816 19379,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:00:48.570Z,2020-05-27T15:00:48.570Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3638 19377,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:00:37.838Z,2020-05-27T15:00:37.838Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,5354 19376,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:00:21.689Z,2020-05-27T15:00:21.689Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,4665 19374,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:00:10.348Z,2020-05-27T15:00:10.348Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,4892 19373,v1.0,,"Google boss Eric Schmidt in advocating for his former company and their peers like Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle and Facebook, to essentially take over the information infrastructure for pretty much everything in life in the future.",/post/76852,2020-05-27T15:00:05.466Z,2020-05-27T15:00:05.466Z,76852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,2915,3822 19365,v1.0,,the current crisis has revealed and accelerated a growing divide,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:54:03.931Z,2020-05-27T14:54:03.931Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5295 19364,v1.0,,the current crisis has revealed and accelerated a growing divide (,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:53:51.715Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.749Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3939 19363,v1.0,,the current crisis has revealed and accelerated a growing divide,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:53:41.377Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.744Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3939 19362,v1.0,,the current crisis has revealed and accelerated a growing divide,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:53:30.005Z,2020-05-27T14:53:30.005Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,442 19361,v1.0,,"Regarding working from home: Of course working from home was possible before- the point was more that it is a privilege to work in a jobs that can be done remotely- most particularly lower-paid jobs don't allow for this (i.e. manual work, many segments of the service economy, etc.). Jobs that can be made meaningfully made to done remotely disproportionately require university degrees, etc.",/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:53:05.545Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.739Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3939 19360,v1.0,,"Regarding working from home: Of course working from home was possible before- the point was more that it is a privilege to work in a jobs that can be done remotely- most particularly lower-paid jobs don't allow for this (i.e. manual work, many segments of the service economy, etc.). Jobs that can be made meaningfully made to done remotely disproportionately require university degrees, etc.",/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:52:57.296Z,2020-05-27T14:52:57.296Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,766 19359,v1.0,,"Regarding working from home: Of course working from home was possible before- the point was more that it is a privilege to work in a jobs that can be done remotely- most particularly lower-paid jobs don't allow for this (i.e. manual work, many segments of the service economy, etc.). Jobs that can be made meaningfully made to done remotely disproportionately require university degrees, etc.",/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:52:48.583Z,2020-05-27T14:52:48.583Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5349 19357,v1.0,,"This is not against remote work, it is against remote work becoming a driver of growing inequality.",/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:52:16.731Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.733Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3939 19356,v1.0,,"This is not against remote work, it is against remote work becoming a driver of growing inequality",/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:52:07.673Z,2020-05-27T14:52:07.673Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5326 19354,v1.0,,"Regarding working from home: Of course working from home was possible before- the point was more that it is a privilege to work in a jobs that can be done remotely- most particularly lower-paid jobs don't allow for this (i.e. manual work, many segments of the service economy, etc.).",/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:50:59.515Z,2020-05-27T14:50:59.515Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5251 19353,v1.0,,"Regarding working from home: Of course working from home was possible before- the point was more that it is a privilege to work in a jobs that can be done remotely- most particularly lower-paid jobs don't allow for this (i.e. manual work, many segments of the service economy, etc.).",/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:50:49.575Z,2020-05-27T14:50:49.575Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5326 19352,v1.0,,Later on I also say that I hope this might just give us the impetus to more permanently transition to open source alternatives etc.,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:50:21.582Z,2020-09-11T11:45:01.853Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3816 19351,v1.0,,Later on I also say that I hope this might just give us the impetus to more permanently transition to open source alternatives etc.,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:50:12.404Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.364Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,1257 19350,v1.0,,Later on I also say that I hope this might just give us the impetus to more permanently transition to open source alternatives etc.,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:50:04.513Z,2020-09-14T15:02:04.123Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,7394 19347,v1.0,,"With more of us reliant on technology for our daily lives than ever before, we have become more willing to turn a blind eye to the excesses and ethical shortcomings of these companies and their business models.",/post/76784,2020-05-27T14:48:57.536Z,2020-05-27T14:48:57.536Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19345,v1.0,,"With more of us reliant on technology for our daily lives than ever before, we have become more willing to turn a blind eye to the excesses and ethical shortcomings of these companies and their business models",/post/76784,2020-05-27T14:48:30.060Z,2020-05-27T14:48:30.060Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5347 19341,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful.,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:47:18.233Z,2020-05-27T14:47:18.233Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5324 19340,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful. This,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:47:04.766Z,2020-09-11T11:45:01.859Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3816 19339,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful.,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:46:07.153Z,2020-05-27T14:46:07.153Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3816 19338,v1.0,,The problem is that alternatives like Jitsi can now not (yet) meaningfully compete because of the underlying conditions that have made the Big Tech so powerful.,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:45:58.497Z,2020-09-30T18:00:20.535Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3939 19337,v1.0,,they've now so entrenched their power that they are better able to uphold the kinds of infrastructures that we now rely on-,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:45:12.970Z,2020-05-27T14:45:12.970Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5327 19336,v1.0,,they've now so entrenched their power that they are better able to uphold the kinds of infrastructures that we now rely on-,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:45:00.048Z,2020-05-27T14:45:00.048Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,5316 19335,v1.0,,they've now so entrenched their power that they are better able to uphold the kinds of infrastructures that we now rely on,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:44:43.259Z,2020-09-11T14:45:51.377Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,1167 19334,v1.0,,they've now so entrenched their power that they are better able to uphold the kinds of infrastructures that we now rely on,/post/76830,2020-05-27T14:44:32.756Z,2020-05-27T14:44:32.756Z,76830,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4869,3816 19332,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. With Mediawiki to replace version control with an edit history (developed 2002) + any chat (which hark back to IRC, developed 1988) you could do 95% of what people do today with MS Teams",/post/76784,2020-05-27T14:43:24.247Z,2020-05-27T14:43:24.247Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19330,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. With Mediawiki to replace version control with an edit history (developed 2002) + any chat (which hark back to IRC, developed 1988) you could do 95% of what people do today with MS Teams",/post/76784,2020-05-27T14:43:06.897Z,2020-09-11T11:23:21.984Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19328,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. [/",/post/76811,2020-05-27T14:42:48.271Z,2020-09-11T11:23:21.978Z,76811,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4934,3816 19326,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s.",/post/76811,2020-05-27T14:42:37.914Z,2020-05-27T14:42:37.914Z,76811,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4934,5326 19313,v1.0,,"Before starting my current research project on the ethics and politics of artificial intelligence and machine learning, I was thinking about decision-making and justice more broadly: about the rights that people have when democratic constituencies make decisions together, particularly when different people bear various levels of risk of being affected by those decisions.",/post/75832,2020-05-27T14:33:33.327Z,2020-08-27T15:02:46.376Z,75832,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4434 19301,v1.0,,"Annette’s current work explores the ethics and politics of algorithmic decision-making, machine learning and artificial intelligence.",/post/75832,2020-05-27T14:25:42.930Z,2020-05-27T14:25:42.930Z,75832,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13438,5059,4282 19300,v1.0,,city halls in Europe deploying Jitsi servers so that schools can host online lessons.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:02:49.038Z,2020-05-26T15:02:49.038Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,4489 19299,v1.0,,city halls in Europe deploying Jitsi servers so that schools can host online lessons.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:02:40.334Z,2020-05-26T15:02:40.334Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5325 19298,v1.0,,city halls in Europe deploying Jitsi servers so that schools can host online lessons.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:02:24.859Z,2020-05-26T15:02:24.859Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5324 19297,v1.0,,city halls in Europe deploying Jitsi servers so that schools can host online lessons.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:02:18.882Z,2020-08-25T16:32:19.720Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19296,v1.0,,A world with great digital tools that are not owned and wielded by Big Tech is absolutely within reach.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:01:56.575Z,2020-08-25T16:32:19.713Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19295,v1.0,,"You could even argue that many bells and whistles reduce productivity: the rise of Zoom and the like make meetings easier to have online, and meetings tend to be a drag on the productivity of many people. Don't take my word for it, ask Scott Adams.",/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:00:58.246Z,2020-05-26T15:00:58.246Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5323 19294,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. With Mediawiki to replace version control with an edit history (developed 2002) + any chat (which hark back to IRC, developed 1988) you could do 95% of what people do today with MS Teams",/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:00:19.882Z,2020-05-26T15:00:19.882Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5322 19293,v1.0,,"Remote office work could be done (and was done, by a lot of people) in the 1990s. With Mediawiki to replace version control with an edit history (developed 2002) + any chat (which hark back to IRC, developed 1988) you could do 95% of what people do today with MS Teams",/post/76784,2020-05-26T15:00:10.049Z,2020-05-26T15:00:10.049Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5321 19292,v1.0,,"the privileged new class of remote workers can only be sustained because we have access to solid, well-functioning digital tools courtesy of the data barons of the new Gilded Age.",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:58:28.541Z,2020-05-26T14:58:28.541Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19291,v1.0,,"the privileged new class of remote workers can only be sustained because we have access to solid, well-functioning digital tools courtesy of the data barons of the new Gilded Age.",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:57:54.753Z,2020-09-07T13:48:07.760Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5326 19290,v1.0,,"the privileged new class of remote workers can only be sustained because we have access to solid, well-functioning digital tools courtesy of the data barons of the new Gilded Age.",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:57:32.274Z,2020-05-26T14:57:32.274Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5251 19289,v1.0,,"the privileged new class of remote workers can only be sustained because we have access to solid, well-functioning digital tools courtesy of the data barons of the new Gilded Age.",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:57:22.642Z,2020-05-26T15:03:37.745Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5326 19288,v1.0,,It is not just their sizable battle chests that leaves Big Tech so well positioned in this current crisis.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:56:36.566Z,2020-05-26T14:56:36.566Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,442 19287,v1.0,,It is not just their sizable battle chests that leaves Big Tech so well positioned in this current crisis.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:56:11.436Z,2020-05-26T15:06:57.810Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5327 19286,v1.0,,It is not just their sizable battle chests that leaves Big Tech so well positioned in this current crisis.,/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:55:59.439Z,2020-05-26T14:55:59.439Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19285,v1.0,,"But will it turn out to be a temporary respite for the internet giants, or are we witnessing a more permanent concentration of power over yet more aspects of our society and economy?",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:48:38.229Z,2020-05-26T14:48:38.229Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19284,v1.0,,"But will it turn out to be a temporary respite for the internet giants, or are we witnessing a more permanent concentration of power over yet more aspects of our society and economy?",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:48:29.647Z,2020-09-11T14:45:51.372Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,1167 19283,v1.0,,"With more of us reliant on technology for our daily lives than ever before,",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:46:55.102Z,2020-05-26T14:46:55.102Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,1663 19282,v1.0,,"With more of us reliant on technology for our daily lives than ever before,",/post/76784,2020-05-26T14:46:35.904Z,2020-05-26T14:46:35.904Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5316 19281,v1.0,,"that the pandemic, as it ravaged so many human lives and endeavors, has strengthened large tech companies.",/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:47:59.185Z,2020-05-26T15:26:59.078Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5327 19280,v1.0,,"many large tech companies are reporting record profits, and have been able to use this momentum to further consolidate market share.",/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:44:43.116Z,2020-09-17T14:03:08.005Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19279,v1.0,,"many large tech companies are reporting record profits, and have been able to use this momentum to further consolidate market share.",/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:44:24.746Z,2020-08-19T09:07:28.154Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5327 19278,v1.0,,"many large tech companies are reporting record profits, and have been able to use this momentum to further consolidate market share.",/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:44:13.107Z,2020-05-25T15:44:13.107Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19276,v1.0,,"Where most sectors of the economy have seen demand collapse,",/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:43:47.390Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.338Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5156 19275,v1.0,,The obvious big winner of the COVID-19 crisis so far has been Big Tech.,/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:37:59.366Z,2020-05-26T15:27:09.612Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5327 19274,v1.0,,The obvious big winner of the COVID-19 crisis so far has been Big Tech.,/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:37:44.511Z,2020-05-25T15:37:44.511Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19273,v1.0,,The obvious big winner of the COVID-19 crisis so far has been Big Tech.,/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:37:35.089Z,2020-08-27T14:34:50.345Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5156 19271,v1.0,,"that the pandemic, as it ravaged so many human lives and endeavors, has strengthened large tech companies.",/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:36:27.323Z,2020-05-25T15:36:27.323Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,3816 19269,v1.0,,"that the pandemic, as it ravaged so many human lives and endeavors, has strengthened large tech companies.",/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:35:39.827Z,2020-08-31T18:44:45.243Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5156 19268,v1.0,,how SARS-COV-2 is affecting the evolution of the Internet.,/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:35:13.465Z,2020-09-26T15:43:45.045Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,7660 19267,v1.0,,how SARS-COV-2 is affecting the evolution of the Internet.,/post/76784,2020-05-25T15:34:46.327Z,2020-05-25T15:34:46.327Z,76784,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13564,4,5309 19246,v1.0,,"whatever you were doing or not doing before this crisis to diminish anxiety around certain things - now you can only do more of those, no?",/post/74169,2020-05-19T15:21:11.422Z,2020-08-31T18:44:45.239Z,74169,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,5156 19245,v1.0,,"whatever you were doing or not doing before this crisis to diminish anxiety around certain things - now you can only do more of those, no?",/post/74169,2020-05-19T15:21:02.414Z,2020-05-19T15:55:02.049Z,74169,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,1499 19244,v1.0,,"whatever you were doing or not doing before this crisis to diminish anxiety around certain things - now you can only do more of those, no?",/post/74169,2020-05-19T15:20:44.777Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.451Z,74169,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,54 19240,v1.0,,"this scenario is just accelerating things, accentuating crisis that were there before and pushing for changes that were in the air before",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:19:32.548Z,2020-08-31T18:44:45.233Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5156 19239,v1.0,,"this scenario is just accelerating things, accentuating crisis that were there before and pushing for changes that were in the air before,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:19:25.056Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.441Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,54 19238,v1.0,,"this scenario is just accelerating things, accentuating crisis that were there before and pushing for changes that were in the air before",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:19:19.300Z,2020-05-19T15:49:33.907Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5295 19236,v1.0,,"I was worried about my body (which I think is a mirror for other deepest worry about self-care) and I am evaluating and experimenting and re-balancing my relationship,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:18:29.151Z,2020-05-19T15:18:29.151Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,1499 19235,v1.0,,"I was worried about my body (which I think is a mirror for other deepest worry about self-care) and I am evaluating and experimenting and re-balancing my relationship,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:18:19.928Z,2020-11-27T10:24:44.111Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,3702 19233,v1.0,,"I was worried about my body (which I think is a mirror for other deepest worry about self-care) and I am evaluating and experimenting and re-balancing my relationship,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:17:56.430Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.446Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,54 19232,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:12:49.025Z,2020-08-31T18:32:13.980Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,978 19231,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:12:37.820Z,2020-09-11T13:31:04.058Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5263 19229,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:12:14.021Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.461Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,54 19228,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:12:08.719Z,2020-09-24T14:11:52.736Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,3939 19227,v1.0,,"those worries were mine also before the virus hit, if I think deeply, I was worried about a society with less and less human interaction and prejudice,",/post/74162,2020-05-19T15:11:58.620Z,2020-09-08T11:38:14.359Z,74162,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,4001 19226,v1.0,,"perhaps it's good to make each other available for listening and advice, in private rooms.",/post/74141,2020-05-19T15:02:19.432Z,2020-09-23T15:13:45.951Z,74141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,3809 19224,v1.0,,"perhaps it's good to make each other available for listening and advice, in private rooms.",/post/74141,2020-05-19T15:01:40.935Z,2020-05-19T15:01:40.935Z,74141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,5281 19223,v1.0,,"perhaps it's good to make each other available for listening and advice, in private rooms.",/post/74141,2020-05-19T15:01:32.974Z,2020-09-24T14:49:42.520Z,74141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,5281 19220,v1.0,,since there are all the ingredients for fast burnout :smile:,/post/74020,2020-05-19T15:00:13.917Z,2020-09-01T09:13:54.979Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,1652 19218,v1.0,,since there are all the ingredients for fast burnout :smile:,/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:59:51.657Z,2020-05-19T14:59:51.657Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5279 19215,v1.0,,"Personally I prefer to take a lateral step (not back, but on the side), and maybe focus on writing, building physical stuff, orienting myself to community engagement and take a pause from the design ""urge"",",/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:58:54.740Z,2020-05-19T14:58:54.740Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,1866 19213,v1.0,,"Personally I prefer to take a lateral step (not back, but on the side), and maybe focus on writing, building physical stuff, orienting myself to community engagement and take a pause from the design ""urge"",",/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:58:20.996Z,2020-05-19T15:42:04.784Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,1652 19212,v1.0,,here,/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:57:32.499Z,2020-05-19T14:57:32.499Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,1380 19211,v1.0,,here,/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:57:19.774Z,2020-08-27T14:54:27.270Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,1284 19205,v1.0,,here.,/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:55:27.211Z,2020-05-19T14:55:27.211Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5271 19200,v1.0,,here,/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:52:50.761Z,2020-09-08T12:20:46.503Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,881 19199,v1.0,,here,/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:52:43.765Z,2020-08-27T15:21:02.880Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,881 19198,v1.0,,"here ,",/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:52:03.727Z,2020-09-08T12:20:46.499Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,881 19197,v1.0,,"here ,",/post/74020,2020-05-19T14:49:35.110Z,2020-05-19T14:49:35.110Z,74020,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5267 19190,v1.0,,"But then, you are not a game designer only. You are an urban game designer.",/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:47:31.373Z,2020-09-08T11:50:40.170Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,5498 19189,v1.0,,and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?,/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:37:04.007Z,2020-05-19T14:46:50.655Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,5263 19188,v1.0,,and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?,/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:36:53.645Z,2020-08-31T18:32:13.974Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,978 19187,v1.0,,and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?,/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:36:37.316Z,2020-09-08T11:50:40.179Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,5498 19186,v1.0,,and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?,/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:36:25.592Z,2020-09-14T14:57:21.043Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,7443 19185,v1.0,,and the opportunities for innovation in designing for a near future with less sociality as we know it?,/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:36:16.709Z,2020-09-11T13:18:33.161Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,4536 19184,v1.0,,"Are you hopeful about game versions that can and will be played online,",/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:35:59.639Z,2020-09-08T12:20:46.492Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,881 19183,v1.0,,"Are you hopeful about game versions that can and will be played online,",/post/73854,2020-05-19T14:35:51.498Z,2020-09-11T13:18:33.155Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,4536 19177,v1.0,,I understand the deep fear that is almost metaphysical.. but how do you think this is going to affect your job?,/post/73854,2020-05-16T12:10:08.449Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.435Z,73854,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,3,54 19174,v1.0,,"I don't know my neighbours, literally I don't know (and never cared) about who is living next door. I think this is something that I'm going to fix soon, but is only because of this extreme situation.",/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:09:12.237Z,2020-09-24T11:31:40.835Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,3809 19171,v1.0,,I hope that we find a vaccine soon.,/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:02:28.769Z,2020-05-16T12:02:28.769Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5259 19170,v1.0,,I hope that we find a vaccine soon.,/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:02:17.188Z,2020-08-31T18:32:13.968Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,978 19169,v1.0,,I hope that we find a vaccine soon.,/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:02:11.300Z,2020-09-11T13:18:33.166Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,4536 19167,v1.0,,I'm worried of a new reality in which physical human interaction will be discouraged.,/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:01:34.767Z,2020-09-14T14:35:05.932Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,7144 19165,v1.0,,I'm worried for my relationship.,/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:00:58.997Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.472Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,54 19164,v1.0,,". I'm worried for my health (and my weight).",/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:00:49.799Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.477Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,54 19163,v1.0,,I'm worried for my health (and my weight).,/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:00:35.474Z,2020-11-27T10:24:44.118Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,3702 19162,v1.0,,I'm worried for my health (and my weight).,/post/73853,2020-05-16T12:00:27.521Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.466Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,54 19160,v1.0,,I'm worried of a new reality in which physical human interaction will be discouraged.,/post/73853,2020-05-16T11:59:48.400Z,2020-09-07T14:32:57.023Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,4019 19159,v1.0,,I'm worried of a new reality in which physical human interaction will be discouraged.,/post/73853,2020-05-16T11:59:41.466Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.456Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,54 19158,v1.0,,we switched our activities online (this by the way is the first time in 10 years that I have a steady income so I fell really privileged).,/post/73853,2020-05-16T11:59:24.341Z,2020-05-16T11:59:24.341Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5251 19154,v1.0,,"I'm a game designer and in this moment I'm teaching/ managing a Game Lab ( for 75% of my time, and coordinating a branch of a project called Trust in Play ( - the European School of Urban Game Design. On the side I have other design-based activity to keep me busy.",/post/73853,2020-05-16T11:58:00.000Z,2020-05-16T11:58:00.000Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5248 19152,v1.0,,"I'm a game designer and in this moment I'm teaching/ managing a Game Lab ( for 75% of my time, and coordinating a branch of a project called Trust in Play ( - the European School of Urban Game Design. On the side I have other design-based activity to keep me busy.",/post/73853,2020-05-16T11:57:27.580Z,2020-05-16T11:57:27.580Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5246 19150,v1.0,,"I'm a game designer and in this moment I'm teaching/ managing a Game Lab ( for 75% of my time, and coordinating a branch of a project called Trust in Play ( - the European School of Urban Game Design. On the side I have other design-based activity to keep me busy.",/post/73853,2020-05-16T11:56:56.657Z,2020-09-11T11:35:06.832Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,4980 19149,v1.0,,"I'm a game designer and in this moment I'm teaching/ managing a Game Lab ( for 75% of my time, and coordinating a branch of a project called Trust in Play ( - the European School of Urban Game Design. On the side I have other design-based activity to keep me busy.",/post/73853,2020-05-16T11:56:46.857Z,2020-09-08T11:50:40.163Z,73853,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13158,347,5498 19076,v1.0,,"Michel Bauwens has been 'mapping' and supporting people to get together around covid initiatives, also a solidarity movement in Portugal has grown incredible and Stela can also speak about it.",/post/75314,2020-05-13T16:04:35.296Z,2020-08-27T14:35:08.338Z,75314,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5528,5156 19075,v1.0,,"Michel Bauwens has been 'mapping' and supporting people to get together around covid initiatives, also a solidarity movement in Portugal has grown incredible and Stela can also speak about it",/post/75314,2020-05-13T16:04:26.829Z,2020-10-19T11:18:34.205Z,75314,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5528,1114 19074,v1.0,,"Going in this direction, I would love to share what I have been doing in this 'crisis'. Could we set up the webinar in that direction? and also talk about activities that are going on in the covid community?",/post/75463,2020-05-13T16:04:05.678Z,2020-09-01T09:07:22.578Z,75463,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5528,1848 19073,v1.0,,"Going in this direction, I would love to share what I have been doing in this 'crisis'. Could we set up the webinar in that direction? and also talk about activities that are going on in the covid community?",/post/75463,2020-05-13T16:03:42.553Z,2020-08-31T18:44:24.186Z,75463,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5528,5156 19071,v1.0,,We had to pause all public Edgeryders calls for the moment to sort out an alternative option to Zoom and ensure the reliability and security of that tool. We are doing this due to recent reports about Zoom’s data breaches in security and innappropriate behavior as well as due to a recent direct experience of a “zoombomb” attack at one of our community calls.,/post/75180,2020-05-13T16:03:20.826Z,2020-05-13T16:03:20.826Z,75180,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,5208 19070,v1.0,,"The map being collective means that all participants use the same map; individuals can specify privacy for what they post (e.g., private, a specific group, public).",/post/74044,2020-05-13T16:03:01.877Z,2020-10-19T11:18:34.200Z,74044,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,1114 19069,v1.0,,". The map being collective means that all participants use the same map; individuals can specify privacy for what they post (e.g., private, a specific group, public).",/post/74044,2020-05-13T16:02:55.706Z,2020-05-13T16:02:55.706Z,74044,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,3610 19068,v1.0,,Would love to have you present an expert session on collective intelligence in the covid and post-civid contexts for the Infodemic Design Challenge.,/post/75194,2020-05-13T16:02:17.478Z,2020-08-31T18:44:24.180Z,75194,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,5156 19067,v1.0,,Would love to have you present an expert session on collective intelligence in the covid and post-civid contexts for the Infodemic Design Challenge.,/post/75194,2020-05-13T16:02:11.543Z,2020-09-14T13:38:26.068Z,75194,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,3750 19066,v1.0,,"The presentation would be a one hour. The audience will be people and teams participating the challenge, who are building solutions to the Infodemic. T",/post/75489,2020-05-13T16:01:44.681Z,2020-09-14T13:38:26.063Z,75489,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,3750 19065,v1.0,,"Also help with recruiting judges and other experts to speak on misinformation, sense making, and other topics germane to responding to the Infodemic. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75194,2020-05-13T16:01:27.061Z,2020-09-14T13:38:26.057Z,75194,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,3750 19064,v1.0,,"Also help with recruiting judges and other experts to speak on misinformation, sense making, and other topics germane to responding to the Infodemic. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75194,2020-05-13T16:01:21.168Z,2020-05-13T16:01:21.168Z,75194,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,3750 19063,v1.0,,these are commonly called mind maps. A mind map,/post/74044,2020-05-13T16:00:59.723Z,2020-09-14T14:59:47.362Z,74044,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,7381 19062,v1.0,,"Weekly Covid2019 Community response Call; Every Monday 17:00 CEST While we are forced to keep a physical distance to each other we want to come together regularly to discuss our and your challenges, plans and responses. As the Edgeryders team, we want to find ways to help our community and beyond to get through this crisis. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/75180,2020-05-13T16:00:34.238Z,2020-08-31T18:44:24.175Z,75180,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,5156 19061,v1.0,,"Also, we are doing a Coronavirus hackathon this weekend and welcome any that want to join the Covid19 InfoImmunity team. Email me at Edit Delete Covid19 InfoImmunity projectWorld Health Organization Edit Delete No CommentCovid19 InfoImmunity project: Cancel Save Annotate",/post/74449,2020-05-13T15:59:49.529Z,2020-09-14T13:35:22.540Z,74449,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,4005 19060,v1.0,,"As a next step in the work done in the World Health Organization’s Infodemic Management consultation, the Covid19 InfoImmunity project is organizing the first design challenge to respond to the Infodemic. The Covid19 Infodemic Design Challenge is a five-day, entirely online collaborative design challenge from Thursday May 7th to Monday May 11th.",/post/74449,2020-05-13T15:59:41.725Z,2020-09-14T13:35:22.534Z,74449,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,4005 19059,v1.0,Covid19 InfoImmunity project,"As a next step in the work done in the World Health Organization’s Infodemic Management consultation, the Covid19 InfoImmunity project is organizing the first design challenge to respond to the Infodemic. The Covid19 Infodemic Design Challenge is a five-day, entirely online collaborative design challenge from Thursday May 7th to Monday May 11th.",/post/74449,2020-05-13T15:59:19.830Z,2020-05-13T15:59:35.897Z,74449,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,5204 19057,v1.0,,"2. Maps that connect projects - I agree with Liliana that vaping between projects is very important. They give us view into what projects are working on which is essential if we want to collaborate, coordinate, and reduce duplication of effort. The ""project map"" helps us find aligned projects, but they may not provide sufficient still requires us a ""cold"" call or email to the people involved, which may or may not be on the map. To make project maps most useful, the profile could include things like the specifics of what is being worked on (background, methods, hypothesis), what is needed, what is offered, and how they would like to collaborate with other projects or how to get involved. 3. Maps that connect concepts (offline) - these are commonly called mind maps. A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information and can be siloed to the individual or worked on in a group. These types of maps are helpful for understanding concepts and ideas. 4. Maps that connect ideas, information, and context (online) - This does not really exist except as far as I know in the alpha.",/post/74044,2020-05-13T15:58:13.930Z,2020-10-19T11:18:34.195Z,74044,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,1114 19056,v1.0,,rstand pathways of trust,/post/74044,2020-05-13T15:57:50.580Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.853Z,74044,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,1778 19055,v1.0,,platforms,/post/74044,2020-05-13T15:57:37.658Z,2020-10-19T11:18:34.187Z,74044,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,5647,1114 19053,v1.0,,"We need everyone’s inputs into what is going on, what initiatives people are already working on - and how we can support efforts to cope with the COVID29 crisis.",/post/74016,2020-05-13T15:57:21.129Z,2020-08-31T18:44:24.169Z,74016,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,5156 19052,v1.0,,Liliana added that she also sees many local efforts not being properly connected and that she sees the main need in some type of mapping for projects.,/post/74016,2020-05-13T15:56:51.733Z,2020-10-19T11:18:34.182Z,74016,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,1114 19051,v1.0,,Liliana added that she also sees many local efforts not being properly connected and that she sees the main need in some type of mapping for projects.,/post/74016,2020-05-13T15:56:44.892Z,2020-09-25T16:51:23.756Z,74016,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,7681 19050,v1.0,,We can set up such a minisite around topics like for a recurring webinar,/post/74016,2020-05-13T15:56:15.605Z,2020-09-01T09:07:22.572Z,74016,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,1848 19049,v1.0,,“Connection”: Connecting people and projects to empower the creators to realise their projects and avoid the waste of resources. This also includes help with finding and applying to funding or creating crowdfunding campaigns.,/post/74016,2020-05-13T15:55:25.036Z,2020-09-25T16:49:35.594Z,74016,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,394 19048,v1.0,,"Making one call for mapmakers. Align mapping initiatives before we double the learning and efforts in mapping as well. Ask and answer: Who is doing mapping attempts? How are they doing it? What is working well - what is not working well?",/post/74016,2020-05-13T15:52:45.185Z,2020-10-19T11:18:34.176Z,74016,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,1114 19047,v1.0,,"Create meaningful webinars/conversation rounds to address points 1-3. ABOUT The Webinars: Here people can propose webinars: Webinar & Community Call Schedule: Proposals/Wishlist",/post/74016,2020-05-13T15:52:29.228Z,2020-09-01T09:07:22.565Z,74016,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13171,4934,1848 18925,v1.0,6 points that need to be met for future event relevant for ethno team ,"Section 1. Setting up the event in future 1. Identify a topic for the event based upon the ethnographic analysis done so far. Ask: what topics are the community most interested in? Which would be most useful/generative to do a deep dive into? 2. Have at least a month to plan the call, invite a diverse range of participants (including the most active community members on platform on this topic), and put informed consent procedures in place. 3. Use the SSNA/codes/ethnography to pull out questions to ask participants during the call. (Research team can be present and ask questions as well as moderators). 4. Record the call and transcribe the recording. 5. Post the transcription and code the transcription. 6. Generate an SSNA based upon it (we need to brainstorm ways to have the Social part of the SSNA visualised in this, but at worst it’s a visualisation of the main themes of the conversation. At best, we separate each contribution into a different comment to see what concepts most frequently co-occur together).",/post/74525,2020-04-28T08:18:24.095Z,2020-04-28T08:18:24.095Z,74525,4934,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,13248,3323,5132 18655,v1.0,,"By moderating and navigating the various (and often conflicting) interests through democratic means - in other words: introducing transparency, accountability and democratic oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:40:22.893Z,2021-05-14T05:00:27.564Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1321 18654,v1.0,,"Currently, smart city projects are often ushered in through the back door of public procurement in processes so obscure and opaque as to be essentially free from meaningful oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:39:31.218Z,2020-03-16T22:39:31.218Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5035 18653,v1.0,,"This is the same region where they use facial recognition to track everyone. For those folks, ""1984"" has been in place for some time now.",/post/56087,2020-03-16T22:20:59.152Z,2020-09-21T14:08:07.254Z,56087,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,7559 18652,v1.0,,"This is the same region where they use facial recognition to track everyone. For those folks, ""1984"" has been in place for some time now.",/post/56087,2020-03-16T22:20:50.895Z,2020-09-14T14:34:31.323Z,56087,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4412 18651,v1.0,,"Here is a case where ""smart"" means ""the state controls everything"" including your phone should you choose to visit..AKA the Internet of Inhumanity:",/post/56087,2020-03-16T22:20:39.783Z,2020-09-21T14:08:07.248Z,56087,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,7559 18650,v1.0,,"Here is a case where ""smart"" means ""the state controls everything"" including your phone should you choose to visit..AKA the Internet of Inhumanity",/post/56087,2020-03-16T22:20:32.593Z,2020-03-16T22:20:32.593Z,56087,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4831 18649,v1.0,,"I brought up health effects because in an embedded video in another topic it was admitted by an industry person that although deployment is planned and being carried out initially there have been no studies. It could be that it is all fine, and I for one hope it is.",/post/53342,2020-03-16T22:19:43.863Z,2020-03-16T22:19:43.863Z,53342,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,5032 18648,v1.0,,"I brought up health effects because in an embedded video in another topic it was admitted by an industry person that although deployment is planned and being carried out initially there have been no studies. It could be that it is all fine, and I for one hope it is.",/post/53342,2020-03-16T22:19:29.770Z,2020-08-31T17:41:49.656Z,53342,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,1467 18646,v1.0,,"brought up health effects because in an embedded video in another topic it was admitted by an industry person that although deployment is planned and being carried out initially there have been no studies. It could be that it is all fine, and I for one hope it is",/post/53342,2020-03-16T22:19:08.877Z,2020-03-16T22:19:08.877Z,53342,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4831 18645,v1.0,,"Currently, smart city projects are often ushered in through the back door of public procurement in processes so obscure and opaque as to be essentially free from meaningful oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:16:15.199Z,2020-03-16T22:16:15.199Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4614 18644,v1.0,,"Currently, smart city projects are often ushered in through the back door of public procurement in processes so obscure and opaque as to be essentially free from meaningful oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:15:52.230Z,2020-03-16T22:15:52.230Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5031 18642,v1.0,,"Currently, smart city projects are often ushered in through the back door of public procurement in processes so obscure and opaque as to be essentially free from meaningful oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:15:23.455Z,2020-09-24T13:54:26.972Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7555 18641,v1.0,,"Currently, smart city projects are often ushered in through the back door of public procurement in processes so obscure and opaque as to be essentially free from meaningful oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:15:06.932Z,2020-03-16T22:15:06.932Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5028 18640,v1.0,,"Currently, smart city projects are often ushered in through the back door of public procurement in processes so obscure and opaque as to be essentially free from meaningful oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:14:58.836Z,2020-03-16T22:38:43.024Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18639,v1.0,,"By moderating and navigating the various (and often conflicting) interests through democratic means - in other words: introducing transparency, accountability and democratic oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:14:20.838Z,2020-09-21T13:47:42.646Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7555 18638,v1.0,,"By moderating and navigating the various (and often conflicting) interests through democratic means - in other words: introducing transparency, accountability and democratic oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:13:56.237Z,2020-08-24T17:22:33.269Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1934 18637,v1.0,,"By moderating and navigating the various (and often conflicting) interests through democratic means - in other words: introducing transparency, accountability and democratic oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:13:36.236Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.301Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7516 18636,v1.0,,"By moderating and navigating the various (and often conflicting) interests through democratic means - in other words: introducing transparency, accountability and democratic oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:13:22.731Z,2020-03-16T22:40:12.926Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18635,v1.0,,"By moderating and navigating the various (and often conflicting) interests through democratic means - in other words: introducing transparency, accountability and democratic oversight.",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:13:10.177Z,2020-03-16T22:13:10.177Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5025 18634,v1.0,,"You and @alberto are both raising excellent points. I think the only way to approach this is to start at the very foundational level, which is to organize this part of our lives exactly like all the other big societal areas:",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:12:25.898Z,2020-09-07T14:10:35.546Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,3715 18633,v1.0,,"You and @alberto are both raising excellent points. I think the only way to approach this is to start at the very foundational level, which is to organize this part of our lives exactly like all the other big societal areas:",/post/53341,2020-03-16T22:12:04.687Z,2020-03-16T22:12:04.687Z,53341,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18632,v1.0,,"Cities are ambiguous, because their social engine is diversity. Diversity fuels exchange, personal growth and prosperity, but also conflict and uneasiness.",/post/53322,2020-03-16T22:10:23.403Z,2020-03-16T22:10:23.403Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4861 18631,v1.0,,"Cities are ambiguous, because their social engine is diversity. Diversity fuels exchange, personal growth and prosperity, but also conflict and uneasiness.",/post/53322,2020-03-16T22:10:02.947Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.923Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,3939 18630,v1.0,,"Cities are ambiguous, because their social engine is diversity. Diversity fuels exchange, personal growth and prosperity, but also conflict and uneasiness.",/post/53322,2020-03-16T22:09:28.269Z,2020-08-31T17:36:52.372Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,732 18629,v1.0,,"Cities are ambiguous, because their social engine is diversity. Diversity fuels exchange, personal growth and prosperity, but also conflict and uneasiness.",/post/53322,2020-03-16T22:09:11.071Z,2020-09-24T14:17:23.207Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,7671 18628,v1.0,,"But even these things are not ""smart"" for everybody. They encode my values, and those of my tribe. And these are great, but in any healthy city there must be people who steer by other stars, who care about different things.",/post/53322,2020-03-16T22:08:07.923Z,2020-09-14T15:09:40.750Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,3596 18627,v1.0,,"But even these things are not ""smart"" for everybody. They encode my values, and those of my tribe. And these are great, but in any healthy city there must be people who steer by other stars, who care about different things.",/post/53322,2020-03-16T22:07:53.435Z,2020-03-16T22:07:53.435Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,5020 18626,v1.0,,"But even these things are not ""smart"" for everybody. They encode my values, and those of my tribe. And these are great, but in any healthy city there must be people who steer by other stars, who care about different things.",/post/53322,2020-03-16T22:07:45.397Z,2020-03-16T22:07:45.397Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4875 18622,v1.0,,One thing is common for all of them: Working on projects which make sense and which lead to better humanity.,/post/61984,2020-03-02T19:01:19.052Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.532Z,61984,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,3206,5056 18605,v1.0,,"I am very happy to hear that and I think yes we can explore what a cold zone looks like and what a set up be in cities of cold zones and hot spots is exactly what we can do in NGI. Also ""To me as a society I would like to see us figure out how to consciously advance it."" I fully agree with that, that is also what NGI is there for. It can not be just tech push or shareholder value, it has got to mean something. I am always convinced that if a hack is needed it is at system level, building a next normal, building attractors for different drivers, and that is what I see happening. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54668,2020-02-23T18:17:01.587Z,2020-02-23T18:17:01.587Z,54668,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,5010 18604,v1.0,,I agree that there will be no turning back from these technologies. I like the concept of the cold zone you articulated in another topic. I think such spaces designated like that would be very useful and quite civilized really.,/post/54661,2020-02-23T18:16:47.768Z,2020-02-23T18:16:47.768Z,54661,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,2915,5010 18603,v1.0,,"""Educate people about these technologies and how to interact with them or possibly avoid them""",/post/54369,2020-02-23T18:14:43.221Z,2020-08-27T15:19:52.950Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,766 18602,v1.0,,The third is to explore building institution like entities with the concepts of data utilities and the work of Neil Lawrence and Sylvie Delacroix who propose data trusts as a bottom-up mechanism whereby data-,/post/54369,2020-02-23T18:14:30.388Z,2020-02-23T18:14:30.388Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4341 18601,v1.0,,"""How can we ensure not making the same mistakes as with the (failed) smart city (applications), but co-c",/post/54369,2020-02-23T18:07:37.457Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.933Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4831 18600,v1.0,,You and others are very welcome to join that cold spot (no 'connectivity/wireless') workshop.,/post/54369,2020-02-23T18:07:23.411Z,2020-08-25T16:59:39.158Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,5010 18599,v1.0,,"I am preparing salons on hot spots but also on cold spots (one with Brussel based",/post/54369,2020-02-23T18:07:13.964Z,2020-02-23T18:07:13.964Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,5010 18598,v1.0,,We propose grey zones (current 3G/4G) hot spots (dedicated 5G zones) and cold spots.,/post/54369,2020-02-23T18:07:02.172Z,2020-02-23T18:07:02.172Z,54369,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,5010 18597,v1.0,,"system Thinking • Systems that fix end costs as a percentage on top of publicly available production, transportation and disposal costs. • Systems that communicate the break down of energy costs of pro- duction, transport and breakdown of the product. • Systems that automatically generate a fixed, public discussion u r lfor each item.",/post/54310,2020-02-23T14:34:58.247Z,2020-02-23T14:34:58.247Z,54310,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,3593 18596,v1.0,,"Hi Tom, are you in London next Wednesday? Want to join us at UCL? Check and drop me a mail at rob at Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54290,2020-02-23T14:26:33.298Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.932Z,54290,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,1028 18595,v1.0,,"The Matrix is already here, everywhere. Our job is to find the pressure points of agency and make it work for all of us, meaning we find a way (and wade are finding it) to not have a subset of people and machines looking at all the data but open it up in such a way that e v e r y o n e is able to see all the data realtime, thus brokering new notions of mediation, and conflict management and that is where all skills and expertise can found in anarchist literature,",/post/54286,2020-02-23T14:26:15.514Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.128Z,54286,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,5895 18594,v1.0,,"The Matrix is already here, everywhere. Our job is to find the pressure points of agency and make it work for all of us, meaning we find a way (and wade are finding it) to not have a subset of people and machines looking at all the data but open it up in such a way that e v e r y o n e is able to see all the data realtime, thus brokering new notions of mediation, and conflict management and that is where all skills and expertise can found in anarchist literature,",/post/54286,2020-02-23T14:26:07.631Z,2020-02-23T14:26:07.631Z,54286,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4815 18593,v1.0,,"So, Inge, you see, that without taking control the drivers of the digital transitions our societies can not survive. I live in a simple street. I would like to keep living three and be abler to take a train and have a coffee in a bar. That is all. Again, hard to understand if you are of a different sensibility that I have no other interest in this then general interest. The selfish aspect lies in the fact that this stable society enables me to work and live as I want, quiet and simple.",/post/54286,2020-02-23T14:23:44.915Z,2020-02-23T14:23:44.915Z,54286,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4275 18592,v1.0,,"Ofcourse if I had a button I would stop all of this technology now, I would push it. But for now this text I still think it is valid. That means the logical trajectory now if we do not act is 500 smart cities aka military zones and Mad Max in between. I do not want to live in neither.",/post/54286,2020-02-23T14:23:32.367Z,2020-02-23T14:23:32.367Z,54286,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4275 18588,v1.0,,"would be on the side of the Matrix, where in fact to us the potential for emancipation and a better balance between centralization and decentralization was on par with seeing animals, humans, machines and the planet itself as a caring and sustaining ecosystem.",/post/54286,2020-02-23T14:13:26.732Z,2020-02-23T14:13:26.732Z,54286,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4815 18583,v1.0,,"The one thing I wonder then, is what about authoritarian regimes? The technology will be anywhere, and as mentioned above in the piece on Uyghurs, the surveillance tech used is devastating (some even call it a genocide). Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54280,2020-02-23T13:57:16.662Z,2020-02-23T13:57:16.662Z,54280,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4414 18582,v1.0,,"Oh wow, this is really extensive, thanks so much @RobvanKranenburg! I need to wrap my head around this a little bit more - but the overall idea is: we can't ""stop"" it, but it has to be done on our terms (super simplified of course).",/post/54280,2020-02-23T13:57:06.245Z,2020-09-11T14:12:06.331Z,54280,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4479 18581,v1.0,,"Seizing and scheming towards this opportunity to make sense, to have fully analyzed and grasped a situation – such as the recent individual agency in open source content-networks-software and hardware – will not lead to major organizational, political, and design breakthroughs, if we are not able to fully grasp the trajectory from thing as gathering places for spaces and discussion, from ‘matters of concern’:",/post/54226,2020-02-23T13:45:20.977Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.121Z,54226,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,5895 18580,v1.0,,"but we are working for the best and most inclusive zone of connectivity for everybody, every person and as we pay taxes in Europe, that for us is Europe.",/post/54225,2020-02-23T13:42:09.309Z,2020-02-23T13:42:09.309Z,54225,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,5003 18579,v1.0,,"but we are working for the best and most inclusive zone of connectivity for everybody, every person and as we pay taxes in Europe, that for us is Europe.",/post/54225,2020-02-23T13:41:58.795Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.065Z,54225,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,3425 18578,v1.0,,ices (including blockchain).,/post/54225,2020-02-23T13:39:10.199Z,2020-08-25T16:45:55.706Z,54225,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,3674 18577,v1.0,,(especially 5G,/post/54225,2020-02-23T13:39:00.860Z,2020-08-18T13:36:58.899Z,54225,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,3700 18352,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Edit Delete No Commenthuman-centric Edit Delete No CommentSmart City Edit Delete No Commentagency Edit Delete No Commentcontrol Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Edit Delete No Commentprivacy Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:09:03.057Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.517Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,3814 18351,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Edit Delete No Commenthuman-centric Edit Delete No CommentSmart City Edit Delete No Commentagency Edit Delete No Commentcontrol Edit Delete No Commentpersonal data Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:08:48.066Z,2020-08-25T17:19:09.358Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,3610 18350,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Edit Delete No Commentagency Edit Delete No Commentcontrol Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:08:35.610Z,2020-01-31T21:08:35.610Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,3814 18349,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Edit Delete No Commentagency Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:08:01.292Z,2020-08-26T08:21:36.218Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,407 18348,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:07:47.878Z,2020-01-31T21:07:47.878Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4881 18347,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace.",/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:07:34.762Z,2020-01-31T21:07:34.762Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4831 18346,v1.0,,"And a human centered city would allow users to have pretty sophisticated awareness and control over the date gathered about them. I know that in public places one has greatly reduced expectations of privacy, but the data still goes someplace.",/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:07:24.330Z,2020-09-08T12:09:37.540Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,968 18342,v1.0,,Does human centered also include studying and adjusting for health effects? So far it seems that it has hardly been studied. And all I hear is the inevitability of it.,/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:03:57.650Z,2020-09-08T12:09:37.534Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,968 18341,v1.0,,Does human centered also include studying and adjusting for health effects? So far it seems that it has hardly been studied. And all I hear is the inevitability of it.,/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:03:48.851Z,2020-01-31T21:03:48.851Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4831 18340,v1.0,,Smart cities to me imply that there will be a tight grid of 5G or stronger transmitters densely packed in cities.,/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:03:19.015Z,2020-08-18T13:36:58.881Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,3700 18339,v1.0,,Smart cities to me imply that there will be a tight grid of 5G or stronger transmitters densely packed in cities.,/post/53324,2020-01-31T21:03:00.787Z,2020-01-31T21:03:00.787Z,53324,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,2915,4831 18338,v1.0,,"If you de-emphasize them, you can go quite some way towards ""smart"". I used to talk of ""Type 1-"" and ""Type 2 smart cities"".",/post/53322,2020-01-31T21:00:05.110Z,2020-08-26T08:23:47.818Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,7068 18337,v1.0,,"For now, in both cases, the values have been those of vendors and business.",/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:57:51.416Z,2020-01-31T20:57:51.416Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4874 18336,v1.0,,"For now, in both cases, the values have been those of vendors and business.",/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:57:11.581Z,2020-01-31T20:57:11.581Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4834 18335,v1.0,,"For now, in both cases, the values have been those of vendors and business.",/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:57:02.900Z,2020-01-31T20:57:02.900Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4831 18334,v1.0,,Building the smart city is not conceptually far from building the Next Generation Internet: it demands technical choices that encode values.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:56:19.781Z,2020-08-31T18:33:12.469Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4875 18333,v1.0,,Building the smart city is not conceptually far from building the Next Generation Internet: it demands technical choices that encode values.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:56:09.742Z,2020-01-31T20:56:09.742Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4875 18332,v1.0,,Building the smart city is not conceptually far from building the Next Generation Internet: it demands technical choices that encode values.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:55:59.081Z,2020-09-11T11:46:53.889Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4875 18331,v1.0,,Building the smart city is not conceptually far from building the Next Generation Internet: it demands technical choices that encode values.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:55:49.339Z,2020-01-31T20:55:49.339Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4834 18330,v1.0,,Building the smart city is not conceptually far from building the Next Generation Internet: it demands technical choices that encode values.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:55:39.826Z,2020-01-31T20:55:39.826Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4831 18329,v1.0,,the suites of solutions that make up the smart city encode values and power relationships.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:55:15.440Z,2020-08-27T14:59:18.994Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4841 18328,v1.0,,the suites of solutions that make up the smart city encode values and power relationships.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:34:45.910Z,2020-01-31T20:34:45.910Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4875 18327,v1.0,,the suites of solutions that make up the smart city encode values and power relationships.,/post/53322,2020-01-31T20:34:34.462Z,2020-01-31T20:34:34.462Z,53322,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,4,4831 18326,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:14:47.992Z,2020-08-24T17:22:33.264Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1934 18325,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:14:36.907Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.296Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,7516 18324,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:14:21.850Z,2020-01-31T00:14:21.850Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4867 18323,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:14:00.097Z,2020-01-31T00:14:00.097Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4874 18322,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:13:41.937Z,2020-01-31T00:13:41.937Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,3664 18321,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:13:30.843Z,2020-08-26T08:31:36.848Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,966 18320,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:13:05.431Z,2020-01-31T00:13:05.431Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4872 18319,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:12:40.216Z,2020-09-08T12:09:37.529Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,968 18318,v1.0,,"At this point, I’m convinced we need to build all Smart City policies around citizens/digital/human rights first, and with a strong priority on participatory processes, transparency, and accountability.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:12:32.296Z,2020-09-07T14:19:39.152Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1321 18317,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:11:29.009Z,2020-09-11T14:36:22.101Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4614 18316,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:11:13.667Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.399Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,782 18315,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:11:04.366Z,2020-09-11T11:32:14.132Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4867 18314,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:10:56.689Z,2020-01-31T00:10:56.689Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4868 18313,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:10:40.278Z,2020-01-31T00:10:40.278Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4867 18312,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:10:26.446Z,2020-09-07T14:19:18.143Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1321 18311,v1.0,,"It’s the basis on which policy makers, using participatory processes and involving all stakeholder groups, get empowered to start drafting meaningful Smart City policies and procurement guidelines. It’s an important building block in allowing us to move society forward, one city at a time.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:10:17.883Z,2020-01-31T00:10:17.883Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18310,v1.0,,"Working out these metrics, an analytical framework for assessing what’s desirable in a Smart City, is the key to unlocking a real, meaningful debate.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:05:09.995Z,2020-09-07T14:35:36.062Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4497 18309,v1.0,,"Working out these metrics, an analytical framework for assessing what’s desirable in a Smart City, is the key to unlocking a real, meaningful debate.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:04:51.779Z,2020-01-31T00:04:51.779Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4847 18308,v1.0,,"Working out these metrics, an analytical framework for assessing what’s desirable in a Smart City, is the key to unlocking a real, meaningful debate.",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:04:42.425Z,2020-01-31T00:04:42.425Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18307,v1.0,,"How can we put people first and make sure that their cities, their public spaces and agoras work for all of them and not just for the companies that sell some of the infrastructure?",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:03:40.638Z,2020-09-03T16:01:17.247Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1395 18306,v1.0,,"How can we put people first and make sure that their cities, their public spaces and agoras work for all of them and not just for the companies that sell some of the infrastructure?",/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:03:30.564Z,2020-09-08T12:09:37.523Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,968 18304,v1.0,,What are better urban metrics in cities increasingly governed or shaped by algorithms?,/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:02:44.710Z,2020-08-26T08:31:42.721Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1264 18303,v1.0,,What are better urban metrics in cities increasingly governed or shaped by algorithms?,/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:02:24.229Z,2020-08-18T13:41:57.095Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,3758 18302,v1.0,,What are better urban metrics in cities increasingly governed or shaped by algorithms?,/post/53307,2020-01-31T00:02:08.106Z,2020-01-31T00:02:08.106Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4861 18301,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns? How can we design a city to be resilient and worth living in, instead of just a little more efficient?",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:48:30.851Z,2020-01-29T18:48:30.851Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18300,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns? How can we design a city to be resilient and worth living in, instead of just a little more efficient?",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:48:24.247Z,2020-01-29T18:48:24.247Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4850 18299,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns? How can we design a city to be resilient and worth living in, instead of just a little more efficient?",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:47:51.430Z,2020-09-08T11:42:28.873Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5498 18296,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns?",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:47:08.276Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.952Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5891 18295,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid? What are the intended vs unintended potential consequences, and what are the known unknowns?",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:46:57.255Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.888Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,5891 18292,v1.0,,"What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space? What are the desirable consequences, what are the damages we need to avoid?",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:45:46.407Z,2020-09-07T14:35:36.056Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4497 18290,v1.0,,What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space?,/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:44:07.360Z,2020-09-07T14:23:48.432Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4056 18289,v1.0,,What are the potential impacts we can have when introducing a data layer and machine decision making into public space?,/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:43:55.020Z,2020-09-07T14:35:36.050Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4497 18288,v1.0,,and ask a different set of questions than the tech vendors’ solutions are trying to answer - like the following:,/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:29:43.881Z,2020-01-29T18:29:43.881Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4850 18286,v1.0,,I propose to re-frame the Smart City discourse away from a technology focus and towards a focus on societal impact,/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:12:34.471Z,2020-01-29T18:12:34.471Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4848 18285,v1.0,,I propose to re-frame the Smart City discourse away from a technology focus and towards a focus on societal impact,/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:12:22.471Z,2020-01-29T18:12:22.471Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4847 18283,v1.0,,"Today, the discourse around Smart Cities is largely dominated by the vendors of smart city tech: The debate is using their language, the framing of possible solutions matches their products.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:10:49.756Z,2020-01-29T18:10:49.756Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18282,v1.0,,"In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:10:22.544Z,2020-01-29T18:10:22.544Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18281,v1.0,,"In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:10:09.260Z,2020-09-11T14:06:42.501Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4848 18280,v1.0,,"In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:09:56.433Z,2020-09-11T11:29:03.343Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1395 18279,v1.0,,"In other words, where machine decision making (artificial intelligence, machine learning; take your pick) starts impacting and shaping our public space, every single citizen is impacted by technological systems that are largely black boxes.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T18:09:40.172Z,2020-09-07T14:23:48.439Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4056 18278,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:41:34.596Z,2020-10-23T09:26:50.981Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,12 18277,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:41:27.227Z,2020-08-26T08:21:36.213Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,407 18276,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:41:13.283Z,2020-01-29T17:41:13.283Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4841 18274,v1.0,,"The more cities are being connected and thus turned into Smart Cities, the more our society faces complex issues around power dynamics, control, and access.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:40:46.340Z,2020-01-29T17:40:46.340Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18273,v1.0,,"While the term ""Smart City"" itself is a little vague and ill-defined, smart cities are where the digital and the physical world meet, and where algorithms actively impact our daily lives.",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:40:12.647Z,2020-01-29T17:40:12.647Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18272,v1.0,,"As co-founder of the ThingsCon community ( that advocates for a responsible and human-centric approach to Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities have become an important focal point for my work:",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:39:48.656Z,2020-01-29T17:39:48.656Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4831 18271,v1.0,,"As co-founder of the ThingsCon community ( that advocates for a responsible and human-centric approach to Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities have become an important focal point for my work:",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:39:39.503Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.912Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,1028 18270,v1.0,,"As co-founder of the ThingsCon community ( that advocates for a responsible and human-centric approach to Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities have become an important focal point for my work:",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:39:33.020Z,2020-09-08T12:09:37.516Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,968 18269,v1.0,,"As co-founder of the ThingsCon community ( that advocates for a responsible and human-centric approach to Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities have become an important focal point for my work",/post/53307,2020-01-29T17:39:18.438Z,2020-08-26T08:31:50.988Z,53307,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9878,5092,4713 18228,v1.0,,Me and friends confronted that as a situation 20 to 15 years ago and have been painstakingly working towards creating building blocks for the best possible b lance between centralization and decentralization.,/post/54225,2020-01-28T17:23:46.065Z,2020-08-25T16:52:29.822Z,54225,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,3659 18227,v1.0,,"In broad terms, every time data is 'emitted' by a sensor, that data would be coupled to a contract in a distributed ledger (like a blockchain), available to everyone. Decoding the data can only be done by negotiating the contract to gain access to a key with which to decrypt it.",/post/54224,2020-01-28T17:22:56.337Z,2020-01-28T17:22:56.337Z,54224,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,3674 18226,v1.0,,"Making such sensory data available to anyone who wants it, and making it irreversibly linked to contracts that only allow its use in limited contexts, is one approach to reap the benefits while doing some damage control to avoid complete dystopia.",/post/54224,2020-01-28T17:20:54.973Z,2020-01-28T17:20:54.973Z,54224,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,4817 18223,v1.0,,"Sensors connected to networks will be everywhere in just a few years, that is pretty much inevitable at this point. Benefits are too huge for governments and companies to ignore. What needs to happen is that a ""human-centric"" model",/post/54224,2020-01-28T17:06:31.096Z,2020-09-08T12:09:15.260Z,54224,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,968 18222,v1.0,,"ensors connected to networks will be everywhere in just a few years, that is pretty much inevitable at this point. Benefits are too huge for governments and companies to ignore. What needs to happen is that a ""human-centric"" model",/post/54224,2020-01-28T17:05:38.286Z,2020-01-28T17:05:38.286Z,54224,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4022,4817 18220,v1.0,,"OK, there is a Matrix plan. It is un-hackable. It is like air. Should we go off the grid? Or do we have our own agency?”",/post/54222,2020-01-28T17:03:06.199Z,2020-01-28T17:03:06.199Z,54222,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,4868,4815 18219,v1.0,,"well, unfortunate in the sense that we don't have salons (yet?!) on IoT by Rob ;) Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54217,2020-01-28T17:02:21.819Z,2021-04-06T15:37:38.002Z,54217,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,1028 18217,v1.0,,as in how can IoT and Smart Cities work towards helping people without massively invading their privacy?,/post/54213,2020-01-28T17:00:16.208Z,2020-01-28T17:00:16.208Z,54213,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,3610 18216,v1.0,,as in how can IoT and Smart Cities work towards helping people without massively invading their privacy?,/post/54213,2020-01-28T17:00:08.589Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.928Z,54213,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4831 18215,v1.0,,"But another more immediate threat, the privatization of public space for profit,",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:59:47.208Z,2020-01-28T16:59:47.208Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4814 18214,v1.0,,"as in Google’s Sidewalk Labs project, is already happening.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:58:12.399Z,2020-01-28T16:58:23.968Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4810 18213,v1.0,,"In the U.S., for example, one could imagine ICE using smart city tech to track migrants in border zones.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:53:35.213Z,2020-01-28T16:53:35.213Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4812 18212,v1.0,,"In the U.S., for example, one could imagine ICE using smart city tech to track migrants in border zones.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:53:28.335Z,2020-09-11T11:12:20.470Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,1150 18211,v1.0,,"Google’s projects in Toronto and New York, for example, have seen the installation of advertising technology on sidewalks, alongside free internet access kiosks. In other words, the logic of ad-supported platforms – free services in exchange for data – is literally being transferred onto the sidewalk. As David A. Banks puts it in a recent column for Real Life Magazine, “With the surveillance technologies built into their Toronto and Hudson Yards projects, Google does to these buildings what they made billions doing to the internet: monitoring advertising opportunities.”",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:52:14.794Z,2020-01-28T16:52:14.794Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4810 18210,v1.0,,"Google’s projects in Toronto and New York, for example, have seen the installation of advertising technology on sidewalks, alongside free internet access kiosks. In other words, the logic of ad-supported platforms – free services in exchange for data – is literally being transferred onto the sidewalk. As David A. Banks puts it in a recent column for Real Life Magazine, “With the surveillance technologies built into their Toronto and Hudson Yards projects, Google does to these buildings what they made billions doing to the internet: monitoring advertising opportunities.”",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:51:55.028Z,2020-09-11T11:13:11.486Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,1645 18209,v1.0,,"Harvard’s Shoshana Zuboff, who coined the term, sees smart cities as a way for tech companies to expand the logic of surveillance capitalism – the endless accumulation of data to predict and modify human behavior for the benefit of advertisers – into the city.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:51:16.843Z,2020-09-11T11:13:11.480Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,1645 18208,v1.0,,"Harvard’s Shoshana Zuboff, who coined the term, sees smart cities as a way for tech companies to expand the logic of surveillance capitalism – the endless accumulation of data to predict and modify human behavior for the benefit of advertisers – into the city.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:51:08.155Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.906Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4831 18207,v1.0,,"But there has been criticism as well, and a key one centers around a process that has seemingly little overlap with China’s drive to build a surveillance state: the rise of “surveillance capitalism.”",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:50:47.912Z,2020-09-11T11:13:11.491Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,1645 18206,v1.0,,"But there has been criticism as well, and a key one centers around a process that has seemingly little overlap with China’s drive to build a surveillance state: the rise of “surveillance capitalism.”",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:50:37.958Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.922Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4831 18205,v1.0,,but China’s government has been using this technology for human rights violations.,/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:48:39.137Z,2020-09-07T14:38:48.218Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,966 18204,v1.0,,"It’s a story about the dark side of a seemingly well-intentioned urban planning paradigm. Smart cities are supposed to be the bright future of high-density living, but China’s government has been using this technology for human rights violations.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:45:57.700Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.917Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4831 18203,v1.0,,"This week, we published a story from Nafeez Ahmed about the American and other foreign companies that helped build China’s “smart cities.” Those smart cities have become a feature of Xinjiang’s police state that now persecutes Uyghurs.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:45:47.474Z,2020-09-18T08:44:51.887Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,1645 18202,v1.0,,"This week, we published a story from Nafeez Ahmed about the American and other foreign companies that helped build China’s “smart cities.” Those smart cities have become a feature of Xinjiang’s police state that now persecutes Uyghurs.",/post/54203,2020-01-28T16:45:28.658Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.911Z,54203,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10031,1856,4831 18178,v1.0,,What can we use to explore the impacts of service design to highlight unintended consequences and risks early?,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:18:55.664Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.939Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,5891 18177,v1.0,,What can we use to explore the impacts of service design to highlight unintended consequences and risks early?,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:18:42.307Z,2020-08-21T09:04:54.498Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18176,v1.0,,design,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:18:33.785Z,2020-08-21T09:04:54.492Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18175,v1.0,,How do we avoid the unintended consequences in a world of binding legal carbon reduction targets?,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:17:24.818Z,2020-01-24T03:17:24.818Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4784 18174,v1.0,,How do we avoid the unintended consequences in a world of binding legal carbon reduction targets?,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:17:04.997Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.872Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,5891 18173,v1.0,,What do digital services in a world of net-zero look like ?,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:16:28.309Z,2020-01-24T03:16:28.309Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4789 18172,v1.0,,"Engine Room,",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:15:33.788Z,2020-01-24T03:15:33.788Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4788 18171,v1.0,,Groups like Tactical tech,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:15:25.604Z,2020-01-24T03:15:25.604Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4787 18170,v1.0,,There is a unit at TU Berlin focussed on “sustainable digitalisation” - their contributions would be useful,/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:14:59.853Z,2020-09-11T10:51:37.057Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4773 18169,v1.0,,"Policy design and experience, particularly for delivering carbon reductions in government services",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:08:17.740Z,2020-01-24T03:08:17.740Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4784 18167,v1.0,,"Service design skills, particularly working in public sector in Europe, and private sector",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:06:46.964Z,2020-08-21T09:04:54.481Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18166,v1.0,,"1. A greater understanding where we need to describe and create patterns, so we have the words to talk about service design in the context of carbon reductions.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:04:39.078Z,2020-01-24T03:04:39.078Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4784 18165,v1.0,,"1. A greater understanding where we need to describe and create patterns, so we have the words to talk about service design in the context of carbon reductions.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:04:10.543Z,2020-08-21T09:04:54.509Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18164,v1.0,,"It's a less successful example of design for the neighbour of a person hosting an apartment, or less visible people, like the cleaners and other workers who are also part of the supply chain.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:01:34.114Z,2020-01-24T03:01:34.114Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,3727 18163,v1.0,,"It's a less successful example of design for the neighbour of a person hosting an apartment, or less visible people, like the cleaners and other workers who are also part of the supply chain.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:01:25.053Z,2020-01-24T03:01:25.053Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4783 18162,v1.0,,"For example, Airbnb is a great example of user-centred design for the end user.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T03:01:16.464Z,2020-01-24T03:01:16.464Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4783 18161,v1.0,,"Also, while user-centred design is increasingly common, we have few tools for designing for people who are not the primary users of services, a key consideration when designing for the wider environment.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T02:58:50.901Z,2020-01-24T02:58:50.901Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,3727 18160,v1.0,,"But if there are few tools to support discussion of the environmental or social impacts the way a MEP matrix might, discourse and experience reports are even rarer.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T02:57:22.349Z,2020-01-24T02:57:22.349Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4781 18159,v1.0,,"It's designed to help guide a systematic review of the impacts of a making a product, in each use-phase of it's existence, and can be used for a very quick life cycle analysis/assessment.",/post/61010,2020-01-24T02:55:01.549Z,2020-09-11T10:01:45.171Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,6236 18158,v1.0,,"Materials, Energy, People Matrix",/post/61010,2020-01-24T02:49:16.763Z,2020-01-24T02:49:16.763Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4781 18157,v1.0,,"But there is also a second goal of being able to talk about the trade-offs we make when doing so, so we can avoid the unintended consequences of how we might work.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:38:26.114Z,2020-09-23T15:42:58.946Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,5891 18156,v1.0,,"a vocabulary to talk about service design, so we can talk about reducing carbon emissions in how we work, so we have names for patterns the same way when we talk about channel shifting, we know it entails.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:33:31.441Z,2020-01-23T04:33:31.441Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4609 18155,v1.0,,"vocabulary to talk about service design, so we can talk about reducing carbon emissions in how we work, so we have names for patterns the same way when we talk about channel shifting, we know it entails.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:33:20.428Z,2020-08-21T09:04:54.503Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18154,v1.0,,"If by law you are compelling to reduce emissions, and you know that expenditure in a given sector emits a set about of emissions for every 10k of spend, you have implicit budgets already set.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:29:55.146Z,2020-08-21T08:35:53.841Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,6073 18153,v1.0,,"Right now, the the scale of the reductions needed are so huge, and because we already have a bias towards what we can already measure, it's not hard to imagine people using metrics like the cost per transaction to set the parameters service designers have to work within.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:23:52.792Z,2020-08-21T08:35:53.834Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,6073 18152,v1.0,,"And an environment where we have constrained resources, it's easy to imagine us ending up with needing to radically redesign services to fit these constraints.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:21:41.503Z,2020-09-08T11:42:52.282Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18151,v1.0,,"If we listen to the science, and follow the trends of carbon reductions being written into law, like we saw with the UK, and Denmark, and New York this year, we have a significant changes ahead of us in how we deliver services, as we won't have the resources available to us that we used to.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:21:26.005Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.568Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4349 18150,v1.0,,"If we listen to the science, and follow the trends of carbon reductions being written into law, like we saw with the UK, and Denmark, and New York this year, we have a significant changes ahead of us in how we deliver services, as we won't have the resources available to us that we used to.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:21:18.425Z,2020-09-17T13:30:58.883Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18149,v1.0,,"But in 2019, and a world where our climate imposes far reaching changes to how we live, we'll also likely far reaching changes to how services are delivered to people, with new consequences we're not used to dealing with.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:20:57.519Z,2020-01-23T04:20:57.519Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4770 18148,v1.0,,"Great strides have been made, in making services more legible to end users, but also deliver the required outcomes more effectively, often costing less to do so.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:20:09.636Z,2020-01-23T04:20:09.636Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18147,v1.0,,"Great strides have been made, in making services more legible to end users, but also deliver the required outcomes more effectively, often costing less to do so.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:19:55.295Z,2020-08-21T08:36:36.888Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,6073 18146,v1.0,,Most of government is mostly service design most of the time.,/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:17:45.194Z,2020-01-23T04:17:45.194Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4774 18145,v1.0,,What do digital services in a world of net-zero look like ?,/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:17:05.642Z,2020-08-26T13:57:09.350Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4789 18144,v1.0,,What do digital services in a world of net-zero look like ?,/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:16:58.636Z,2020-01-23T04:16:58.636Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4773 18143,v1.0,,"in world of net-zero,",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:16:09.325Z,2020-08-26T13:57:09.342Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4789 18139,v1.0,,"Our climate is changing, kids are striking for the future every Friday, and put simply, our house is on fire.",/post/61010,2020-01-23T04:15:06.528Z,2020-01-23T04:15:06.528Z,61010,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11070,4604,4770 17937,v1.0,,"Regarding IVA and AI, it's getting started a little. IVA has not been so focused on IT-related issues. Attempts have been made and now we hope we have started again with ""digitization for increased competitiveness"".",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:31:43.741Z,2019-12-22T15:31:43.741Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4479 17936,v1.0,,"Regarding IVA and AI, it's getting started a little. IVA has not been so focused on IT-related issues. Attempts have been made and now we hope we have started again with ""digitization for increased competitiveness"".",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:31:36.059Z,2019-12-22T15:31:36.059Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4670 17935,v1.0,,"Just received a text message from someone named Vanessa who had a mysterious URL. Wanted to meet… you don't get that every day, but you hear about people who don't understand that something is bad. So they click on the URL. You see the closest circle of relatives and friends. It is a pity that there are people who do not have scruples but try to exploit people in that way.",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:30:29.387Z,2020-09-03T10:57:21.856Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7092 17934,v1.0,,"When did the internet or its development make you angry, scared or worried?",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:29:53.553Z,2020-11-07T20:07:33.669Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,5639 17933,v1.0,,"When did the internet or its development make you angry, scared or worried?",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:29:46.459Z,2021-04-20T11:31:43.483Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,54 17932,v1.0,,"When did the internet or its development make you angry, scared or worried?",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:29:28.019Z,2019-12-22T15:29:34.401Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4538 17931,v1.0,,"When did the internet or its development make you angry, scared or worried?",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:29:19.210Z,2020-08-31T18:31:16.525Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,978 17929,v1.0,,"Then came business executives from Microsoft and IBM that could only agree. That was surprising, that is not usually how it sounds. Possibly something will also happen in politics.",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:28:30.006Z,2020-08-26T08:31:36.965Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4296 17928,v1.0,,"Then came business executives from Microsoft and IBM that could only agree. That was surprising, that is not usually how it sounds. Possibly something will also happen in politics.",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:28:24.144Z,2019-12-22T15:28:24.144Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4665 17927,v1.0,,"That discussion feels just right. Just listened to a politician. It has to be done just like that, he said. Hopeful, to hear politicians say that.",/post/65866,2019-12-22T15:28:01.395Z,2019-12-22T15:28:01.395Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4536 17925,v1.0,,"Regarding healthcare and welfare, a couple of years ago we worked on OpenCare, which identified quite a few interesting tech-based social innovations by communities in Europe:",/post/65874,2019-12-22T15:27:14.032Z,2020-08-26T08:31:42.170Z,65874,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,2584 17924,v1.0,,"Regarding healthcare and welfare, a couple of years ago we worked on OpenCare, which identified quite a few interesting tech-based social innovations by communities in Europe:",/post/65874,2019-12-22T15:26:52.369Z,2020-09-01T08:53:24.365Z,65874,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,3425 17923,v1.0,,"Regarding healthcare and welfare, a couple of years ago we worked on OpenCare, which identified quite a few interesting tech-based social innovations by communities in Europe:",/post/65874,2019-12-22T15:26:35.025Z,2019-12-22T15:26:35.025Z,65874,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4662 17922,v1.0,,"Regarding healthcare and welfare, a couple of years ago we worked on OpenCare, which identified quite a few interesting tech-based social innovations by communities in Europe:",/post/65874,2019-12-22T15:26:27.406Z,2020-09-11T14:05:16.608Z,65874,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,1663 17921,v1.0,,"Regarding healthcare and welfare, a couple of years ago we worked on OpenCare, which identified quite a few interesting tech-based social innovations by communities in Europe:",/post/65874,2019-12-22T15:26:09.850Z,2020-08-26T08:31:35.917Z,65874,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,5106 17920,v1.0,,"Regarding healthcare and welfare, a couple of years ago we worked on OpenCare, which identified quite a few interesting tech-based social innovations by communities in Europe:",/post/65874,2019-12-22T15:26:00.590Z,2020-11-24T17:21:35.279Z,65874,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,6264 17919,v1.0,,"I had Mosaic! It was the first graphic web browser, before it we would use text-based ones. It later became Mozilla, that then was changed into the name of the org that made it. I am typing this on the remote descendant of Mosaic. :smile: Edit Delete No CommentMosaic Edit Delete No Commentbrowsers of the past Cancel Save Annotate",/post/65877,2019-12-22T15:25:29.875Z,2020-08-26T08:31:40.864Z,65877,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,4583 17918,v1.0,,"I had Mosaic! It was the first graphic web browser, before it we would use text-based ones. It later became Mozilla, that then was changed into the name of the org that made it. I am typing this on the remote descendant of Mosaic. :smile:",/post/65877,2019-12-22T15:25:17.927Z,2020-09-14T13:28:07.616Z,65877,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,7287 17917,v1.0,,"I had Mosaic! It was the first graphic web browser, before it we would use text-based ones. It later became Mozilla, that then was changed into the name of the org that made it. I am typing this on the remote descendant of Mosaic. :smile:",/post/65877,2019-12-22T15:25:06.157Z,2019-12-22T15:25:06.157Z,65877,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,4611 17916,v1.0,,"So instead the industry took a risk by developing specialized chips. There are two main types of such chips: AI and blockchain. That's the only reason why AI became a hype and we're talking about it: it is pushed on us, because industry needed a new profitable outlet for investments, and high levels of capital investment are backing AI already. ""If we are not buying it, it's going to go down. If we are not buying it, we are going to go down."" We are still in the process of making that choice if we (also: the Commission) want to invest money into AI.",/post/65148,2019-12-20T15:53:56.216Z,2020-08-18T13:42:22.603Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,4479 17914,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2019-12-20T15:53:38.773Z,2020-08-18T13:42:22.599Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,4479 17913,v1.0,,"The economics behind AI. There's an interesting study of ""the cost of developing a universal chips after the end of Moore's law"". It means that now that we're at the end of Moore's law, the money sunk into developing faster chips is unlikely to come back.",/post/65148,2019-12-20T15:53:28.701Z,2020-09-11T11:06:41.257Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,1121 17911,v1.0,,"That's purely a social problem, not a technological one. Adding one more technology cannot make it much worse … nukes are already around, so what technology could offer significantly worse potential outcomes? So to deal with it, you don't have to make legislation for AI, but against capitalism.",/post/65148,2019-12-20T15:46:58.063Z,2020-08-25T16:35:47.227Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,7083 17910,v1.0,,"That's purely a social problem, not a technological one. Adding one more technology cannot make it much worse … nukes are already around, so what technology could offer significantly worse potential outcomes? So to deal with it, you don't have to make legislation for AI, but against capitalism.",/post/65148,2019-12-20T15:46:50.243Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.881Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,4822 17909,v1.0,,"What is human? If an actor (any party / organization) says they are human centric, they often do not even define what ""human centric"" means in their case. For example, ""human"" in ""European human centric Internet"" is left undefined. This generates conflict potential, as it stays so general.",/post/65148,2019-12-20T15:39:03.250Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.459Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,968 17908,v1.0,,"Value-based software architecture. Scuttlebutt deprioritized making their software available for multiple devices based on their values of ""this being software that is made for people who only have one device"". That's a major architectural decision, which might not be possible to adjust later without rewriting the whole software. So they really poured their values into their software. In comparison, politics is not yet good at getting its values implemented into technological developments. So we need a better process that implements our values into our technology. It's about a process strong in accountability.",/post/65148,2019-12-20T15:37:37.341Z,2020-08-31T18:04:31.284Z,65148,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,5,4875 17907,v1.0,,"This evening was able to bring it very significant and important questions for my own practice that is very relevant to the co-creation, participation and community management that I do daily. As such the process does reflect on the contents of what was discussed; how can we bring about a greater sense of co design of citizens in the new technologies that seem to emerge quite distinct from other human needs and longings? Cancel Save Annotate",/post/65088,2019-12-20T15:33:36.638Z,2020-09-14T15:03:42.647Z,65088,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,4868,5498 17906,v1.0,,"So I am living, being very embodied in this ‘process’ as there is real tension (for a while) a very important participatory design process lesson: ‘design’ the format and design unraveling the format while taking into account the opposition against that and make this realization part of the process for all.",/post/65088,2019-12-20T15:33:30.875Z,2020-09-14T15:03:42.641Z,65088,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11694,4868,5498 17895,v1.0,,"UK Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation is also carrying out a review of positive and negative effects of automated decision-making, first interim results just out I think.",/post/60624,2019-12-20T15:10:34.660Z,2019-12-20T15:10:34.660Z,60624,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,5204,4652 17876,v1.0,,"Hopefully, we can provide some material to the European Parliament and European Commision that will shape the governance of and investment in a Next Generation Internet that sets the conditions for improved social justice and equality.",/post/56473,2019-12-20T14:57:53.457Z,2019-12-20T14:57:53.457Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,4642 17875,v1.0,,"Hopefully, we can provide some material to the European Parliament and European Commision that will shape the governance of and investment in a Next Generation Internet that sets the conditions for improved social justice and equality.",/post/56473,2019-12-20T14:57:45.079Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.107Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,4436 17874,v1.0,,We are going to look at the main technologies being developed in the Next Generation Internet debate and explore how AI and Internet Infrastructure impact on indicators of equality and justice,/post/56473,2019-12-20T14:57:32.907Z,2020-08-27T15:02:46.403Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,4434 17873,v1.0,,We are going to look at the main technologies being developed in the Next Generation Internet debate and explore how AI and Internet Infrastructure impact on indicators of equality and justice.,/post/56473,2019-12-20T14:57:25.118Z,2020-08-18T13:42:22.578Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,4479 17872,v1.0,,This evening event convenes policy makers and academics and technologists to look in more depth at the issue of how equality and justice are encoded in technological choices.,/post/56473,2019-12-20T14:56:54.709Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.911Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,3939 17871,v1.0,,"The Forum on inequalities and diversity – a coalition between civil society organizations and researchers headed by Fabrizio Barca, former Minister of Treasury in Italy - recently released a report called 15 proposals for justice.",/post/56473,2019-12-20T14:56:19.444Z,2020-08-26T08:26:34.874Z,56473,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10326,8,4430 17867,v1.0,,"I think for the EU to really be invested in a thought leader around what the internet could be and helping to create this kind of alternative vision for it that are dominated by the prevailing centralized service capitalism models. I think, you know, that hasn't made me more public, public good perspective. I think there's something I really am hopeful for and to help lead. So that's exciting. And one of the reasons I was excited to participate in this project.",/post/61040,2019-12-14T10:45:05.176Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.155Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4439 17866,v1.0,,"And now, also putting the climate high on the high on the priority list.",/post/61040,2019-12-14T10:45:05.100Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.561Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4349 17865,v1.0,,"I mean, just think about this project being in the context of the European Union. In much of my work over the years, I've really seen the European Union be this kind of beacon of hope, from be it from a regulatory perspective, be it from an agenda setting perspective be addressed from like a celebration of multiculturalism will do lingual ism.",/post/61040,2019-12-14T10:45:05.020Z,2020-08-25T16:35:47.221Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7083 17864,v1.0,,"mean, just think about this project being in the context of the European Union. In much of my work over the years, I've really seen the European Union be this kind of beacon of hope, from be it from a regulatory perspective, be it from an agenda setting perspective be addressed from like a celebration of multiculturalism will do lingual ism",/post/61040,2019-12-14T10:45:04.932Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.149Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4439 17863,v1.0,,"nd the thing is, it's very illustrative of, of the tech industry in the tech scene over the last 10 years, from kind of utopian activists, as soon as we can, like, digitize and everything will be better, automatically to have, okay, there's actually there's complications once it hits a certain scale, and more people come in and all that stuff, and the dynamics change, and now we need to remedy some of the potential problems, too. Oh, now we really need to dig in and, and see if we are contributing to a problem because it's such a dominant force of power.",/post/61040,2019-12-14T10:43:39.622Z,2020-08-25T16:29:33.498Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3816 17861,v1.0,,"That's really interesting that you've hinted at this, but it's, I think, a really, really important reminder that oftentimes, if you want to put people first, it means that you need to work throughout all the conditions so that people just come first. So in this case you need data and design practices to put people in the center, you need to make sure that there's a planetary perspective in order to, for the people to have a chance to be front and center.",/post/61040,2019-12-14T10:41:30.791Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.454Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,968 17859,v1.0,,"hard reality of the climate crisis, but I think there's a way to actually address that dissonance head on and not be paralyzed in action, but actually to do something about it.",/post/61040,2019-12-14T10:37:36.591Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.555Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4349 17857,v1.0,,I was on SVT's Report tomorrow when I returned from Japan in 2000.,/post/65866,2019-12-13T16:03:16.863Z,2019-12-13T16:03:16.863Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4634 17856,v1.0,,SVT is the Swedish public service television.,/post/65879,2019-12-13T16:03:04.926Z,2019-12-13T16:03:04.926Z,65879,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4634 17855,v1.0,,"... which still cuts, unlike Netscape itself. :smiley:",/post/65969,2019-12-13T16:02:50.204Z,2020-09-14T13:28:07.611Z,65969,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,7287 17854,v1.0,,Somewhere I have a Netscape pocket knife tool..,/post/65968,2019-12-13T16:02:40.333Z,2020-09-14T13:28:07.594Z,65968,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,7287 17853,v1.0,,"Netscape, correct!",/post/65967,2019-12-13T16:02:31.774Z,2020-09-14T13:28:07.606Z,65967,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,7287 17852,v1.0,,"Mosaic was recoded and improved to become Netscape. AOL bought Netscape and later gave away the source code. That became Mozilla, named in homage to the Netscape mascot. Edit Delete No CommentNetscape Edit Delete No CommentMozilla Edit Delete No CommentAOL Edit Delete No CommentMosaic Cancel Save Annotate",/post/65965,2019-12-13T16:02:18.802Z,2020-09-14T13:28:07.601Z,65965,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,7287 17851,v1.0,,"... which still cuts, unlike Netscape itself. :smiley:",/post/65969,2019-12-13T16:01:45.106Z,2019-12-13T16:01:45.106Z,65969,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,4630 17850,v1.0,,Somewhere I have a Netscape pocket knife tool..,/post/65968,2019-12-13T16:01:34.855Z,2019-12-13T16:01:34.855Z,65968,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,4630 17849,v1.0,,Netscape,/post/65967,2019-12-13T16:01:24.514Z,2019-12-13T16:01:24.514Z,65967,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4,4630 17848,v1.0,,"Mosaic was recoded and improved to become Netscape. AOL bought Netscape and later gave away the source code. That became Mozilla, named in homage to the Netscape mascot. Edit Delete No CommentAOL Cancel Save Annotate",/post/65965,2019-12-13T16:01:11.241Z,2019-12-13T16:01:11.241Z,65965,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,4611 17847,v1.0,,"Mosaic was recoded and improved to become Netscape. AOL bought Netscape and later gave away the source code. That became Mozilla, named in homage to the Netscape mascot. Edit Delete No CommentNetscape Edit Delete No CommentMozilla Cancel Save Annotate",/post/65965,2019-12-13T16:01:01.899Z,2019-12-13T16:01:01.899Z,65965,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,4632 17846,v1.0,,"Mosaic was recoded and improved to become Netscape. AOL bought Netscape and later gave away the source code. That became Mozilla, named in homage to the Netscape mascot.",/post/65965,2019-12-13T16:00:54.148Z,2020-08-26T08:31:40.859Z,65965,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,4583 17845,v1.0,,"Mosaic was recoded and improved to become Netscape. AOL bought Netscape and later gave away the source code. That became Mozilla, named in homage to the Netscape mascot.",/post/65965,2019-12-13T16:00:46.697Z,2019-12-13T16:00:46.697Z,65965,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,2915,4630 17844,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:56:36.207Z,2020-08-31T18:31:16.501Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,978 17843,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:56:03.232Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.281Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,7516 17842,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:55:46.718Z,2019-12-13T15:55:46.718Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,3685 17841,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:54:36.855Z,2019-12-13T15:54:36.855Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4479 17840,v1.0,,"The discussion last year and a lot today about our integrity and the data, that is certainly needed for AI and it to work, but it must be made available for that benefit while being protected so that you feel secure in not being exploited.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:54:22.529Z,2019-12-13T15:54:22.529Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4629 17839,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:53:19.258Z,2019-12-13T15:53:19.258Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4620 17838,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:53:00.646Z,2019-12-13T15:53:00.646Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4479 17837,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:52:32.227Z,2020-08-26T08:26:34.023Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,828 17836,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:52:20.793Z,2020-08-31T18:31:16.521Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,978 17835,v1.0,,"I'm always both hopeful and scared. Mostly hopeful. Am very fascinated about the future, and enjoy watching movies and reading books. Now it's about Ai and where to go. 20 years ago it was about the web and what opportunities it could bring. There we are now.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:52:08.084Z,2019-12-13T15:52:08.084Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4536 17834,v1.0,,hopeful or happy about the internet or its future?,/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:51:53.890Z,2020-08-31T18:31:16.516Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,978 17833,v1.0,,hopeful or happy about the internet or its future?,/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:51:39.240Z,2019-12-13T15:51:39.240Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4536 17832,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:39:51.721Z,2020-09-24T13:37:55.842Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,6090 17831,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:39:37.241Z,2019-12-13T15:39:37.241Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4479 17830,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:38:52.142Z,2019-12-13T15:39:15.097Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4626 17829,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:38:16.580Z,2020-09-14T15:05:44.676Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,1321 17828,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:38:03.943Z,2019-12-13T15:38:03.943Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4623 17827,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:37:10.782Z,2020-11-24T17:21:35.268Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,6264 17826,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:36:27.666Z,2020-09-11T10:51:48.790Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4773 17825,v1.0,,"We at IVA are launching new projects that are about digitization for welfare. Have listened to the tracks with the public sector and AI. get to know the people, hear problem descriptions and where there are gaps in the discussion. Our recommendations are often policy-making.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:36:04.794Z,2019-12-13T15:36:04.794Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4616 17824,v1.0,,"Was in Japan and monitored the IT and technology area for Sweden's technical attaché. Worked on public procurement. Ended up on Sweden's radio and was acting chief of IT architecture. I'm now at the Royal Academy of Sciences, responsible for impact projects for the development of society. There have been several threads, but IT-related from when the internet got started in its modern form. This is the third year in a row I'm here. Good opportunity to listen to people and see where the development is going.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:34:49.373Z,2019-12-13T15:34:49.373Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4619 17823,v1.0,,"There have been several threads, but IT-related from when the internet got started in its modern form. This is the third year in a row I'm here. Good opportunity to listen to people and see where the development is going.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:34:33.931Z,2019-12-13T15:34:33.931Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4620 17822,v1.0,,"I've been working with the internet, really, from when it started. Saw Clinton and Bildt when they sent emails in 1993. Mosaic, which the browser was called.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:34:15.776Z,2019-12-13T15:34:15.776Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4620 17821,v1.0,,"I've been working with the internet, really, from when it started.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:33:48.466Z,2019-12-13T15:33:48.466Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4619 17820,v1.0,,responsible for impact projects for the development of society.,/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:25:39.099Z,2019-12-13T15:25:39.099Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4618 17818,v1.0,,"'m now at the Royal Academy of Sciences, responsible for impact projects for the development of society.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:25:09.295Z,2019-12-13T15:25:09.295Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4616 17817,v1.0,,Ended up on Sweden's radio and was acting chief of IT architecture.,/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:24:47.538Z,2019-12-13T15:24:47.538Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4615 17816,v1.0,,Worked on public procurement.,/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:24:32.427Z,2019-12-13T15:24:32.427Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4614 17815,v1.0,,monitored the IT and technology area for Sweden's technical attaché.,/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:24:18.338Z,2020-09-08T10:39:27.050Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,5215 17813,v1.0,,"Mosaic, which the browser was called.",/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:21:07.287Z,2019-12-13T15:21:07.287Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4611 17812,v1.0,,why are you on the Internet Days?,/post/65866,2019-12-13T15:20:36.868Z,2019-12-13T15:20:36.868Z,65866,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11932,4022,4474 17811,v1.0,,But now I'm increasingly seeing it has to also include the climate and kind of moving up or probably down the stack really deeper into the base layers.,/post/61040,2019-12-13T15:15:46.298Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.550Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4349 17810,v1.0,,"Within Mozilla, we started a small group of people who are pushing for more climate activism within the organization, which you can expect to hear more from soon. And just being more involved and also learning.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T15:13:49.800Z,2019-12-13T15:13:49.800Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4583 17809,v1.0,,"Within Mozilla, we started a small group of people who are pushing for more climate activism within the organization, which you can expect to hear more from soon. And just being more involved and also learning.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T15:13:49.431Z,2019-12-13T15:13:49.431Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4417 17808,v1.0,,"tech sector, we've never shied away from imagining different futures and innovating. So it's actually a place where I think the internet both is a heavy contributor to emissions, as well as it can be an amazing tool to reduce its own as well as used to mobilize and organize for climate action.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:09:31.888Z,2019-12-13T12:09:31.888Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4610 17807,v1.0,,"The stat that really set me back was learning that the internet contributes 2% of the world's global carbon emissions, which basically puts it on par with the airline industry. I think for a long time, we've lived in some sort of digital denial that the internet is physical, in that sense, in the sense that it requires environmental resources and adds to pollution.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:09:13.282Z,2019-12-13T12:09:13.282Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4609 17805,v1.0,,"Mozilla, who really focus on these more societal implications of technology. So I think that's a really amazing that they even have this kind of like structure. So it's going to be a three year PhD program that actually the there's five PhD students who are at this moment moving to Dundee, Scotland to start next week.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:08:25.279Z,2019-12-13T12:08:25.279Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4602 17804,v1.0,,"Mozilla, who really focus on these more societal implications of technology. So I think that's a really amazing that they even have this kind of like structure. So it's going to be a three year PhD program that actually the there's five PhD students who are at this moment moving to Dundee, Scotland to start next week.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:08:16.536Z,2019-12-13T12:08:16.536Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4583 17803,v1.0,,"And thanks to the maintenance of the European Commission to prioritize these kinds of training networks, which seems to be a unique thing in the world that they say we need to get universities and in the industry together to think and to move forward to these new kinds of trainings.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:08:04.691Z,2019-12-13T12:08:04.691Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4608 17802,v1.0,,"And thanks to the maintenance of the European Commission to prioritize these kinds of training networks, which seems to be a unique thing in the world that they say we need to get universities and in the industry together to think and to move forward to these new kinds of trainings.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:06:34.461Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.102Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4436 17801,v1.0,,is that company financed? And so I think some of the big innovations of the coming decade will actually be around reforming our economic models.,/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:06:03.529Z,2020-08-19T09:50:23.392Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4274 17800,v1.0,,"And so I'm actually finding more people, who you don't have to convince them that these are things to work on. It's more that was more how oftentimes, you'll find that people are people who work in the tech sector are coming up against the business of the company is the thing that is at odds, it may be not their product manager or their design team, everyone's on board.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:05:30.660Z,2020-08-19T09:50:23.386Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4274 17799,v1.0,,"So I think this is anecdotally and then also in the sector, more people want to have ethical decisions in what they build. And so I'm actually finding more people, who you don't have to convince them that these are things to work on. It's more that was more how oftentimes, you'll find that people are people who work in the tech sector are coming up against the business of the company is the thing that is at odds, it may be not their product manager or their design team, everyone's on board.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:05:03.935Z,2019-12-13T12:05:03.935Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4282 17797,v1.0,,"think we're seeing this in the computer science departments and the design departments, engineering departments of all kinds are getting a lot more ethics curriculum and support to think about the ethical components of their work.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:03:24.043Z,2019-12-13T12:03:24.043Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4282 17796,v1.0,,"But I find in general, many people have a smartphone, most smartphones have some sort of voice assistant running on them. I think a smartphone is one of people's first IoT devices in this way.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:01:29.253Z,2020-08-26T08:31:37.939Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1028 17795,v1.0,,"But I find in general, many people have a smartphone, most smartphones have some sort of voice assistant running on them. I think a smartphone is one of people's first IoT devices in this way.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:01:19.616Z,2020-09-14T15:25:52.258Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5894 17794,v1.0,,"So I'm sure when you're studying law, you would very, very few project would actually encourage you to do anything like make a trust, like a prototype, just mark that actually tries to put some of your law practice into something more tangible. And I I'm a firm believer that we learn through making and even though I'm not a skilled maker, I think that this is a an amazing process to try to turn ideas into something tangible, something that's testable, something that lives in another mode.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:00:45.203Z,2019-12-13T12:00:45.203Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4602 17793,v1.0,,"So I'm sure when you're studying law, you would very, very few project would actually encourage you to do anything like make a trust, like a prototype, just mark that actually tries to put some of your law practice into something more tangible. And I I'm a firm believer that we learn through making and even though I'm not a skilled maker, I think that this is a an amazing process to try to turn ideas into something tangible, something that's testable, something that lives in another mode.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T12:00:35.437Z,2020-08-26T08:31:44.990Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,2423 17792,v1.0,,"was recently reflecting with a friend of mine that when in college, I studied critical social thought. And we did a lot of thinking and writing, but very little making. And if I could recreate my degree I would have critical social and critical making as my double major. Because I think you're right, I think actually the, let's say the makers, I think we're seeing this in the computer science departments and the design departments, engineering departments of all kinds are getting a lot more ethics curriculum and support to think about the ethical components of their work.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:59:37.508Z,2019-12-13T11:59:37.508Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4602 17791,v1.0,,"So working with Jon: he's teaching next generation product designers. So we had a whole thing around education, from undergraduate to graduate. And now we have a PhD program funded by the U looking at responsible IoT, I think this idea of what are we doing in the higher education space to train people going into the field that will have these kinds of considerations, as well as people who are in the field who are making kind of daily decisions, and then also all sorts of kind of user advocates.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:55:52.445Z,2020-08-26T08:31:37.934Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1028 17790,v1.0,,"So working with Jon: he's teaching next generation product designers. So we had a whole thing around education, from undergraduate to graduate. And now we have a PhD program funded by the U looking at responsible IoT, I think this idea of what are we doing in the higher education space to train people going into the field that will have these kinds of considerations, as well as people who are in the field who are making kind of daily decisions, and then also all sorts of kind of user advocates.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:55:41.499Z,2019-12-13T11:55:41.499Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4602 17789,v1.0,,"How do we make them more understandable? How do we make decisions that lead to these products being more responsible, or the people making them be more responsible?",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:53:39.267Z,2020-09-18T08:45:44.731Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4027 17787,v1.0,,"Amazon Alexa, it's sold incredibly cheaply. I mean, compact, like it's very inexpensive device. But some of the main things it's doing is it's becoming a much more direct portal for people to order things from Amazon. But probably more importantly, it's become a whole voice snippet, like gathering system, which is powering Amazon's Alexa, that is probably the true value of having your Alexa in everyone's home.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:51:35.854Z,2020-08-23T16:18:04.167Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4691 17786,v1.0,,"The Anatomy of AI, is such a great touchstone for when we think about IoT. Often we talk about IoT, we just see a smart light bulb, or we often just see an object, you know, some sort of traffic light or something. But it's really the new vast network of stuff before, during and after that device where things get really interesting.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:50:55.872Z,2020-08-26T08:31:37.927Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1028 17785,v1.0,,"The Anatomy of AI, is such a great touchstone for when we think about IoT. Often we talk about IoT, we just see a smart light bulb, or we often just see an object, you know, some sort of traffic light or something. But it's really the new vast network of stuff before, during and after that device where things get really interesting.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:50:45.729Z,2020-09-08T10:22:01.941Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4479 17784,v1.0,,"Anatomy of AI, which is a collaboration between",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:50:34.679Z,2020-09-08T10:22:01.731Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4479 17782,v1.0,,"And they took an Amazon Alexa. And they said, let's do a truly exploded view. So in design, you have this thing called exploded me, which usually just shows you the physical parts that go into device. But we said with connected devices, the story is much bigger than just the small material parts that go into it. So created the most amazing map, it's four meters by four meters, which was exhibited at the V and A Museum in London and has toured around Europe and beyond. And it's shows you the lifecycle of an Amazon Alexa from the mining and the smelting and the production of the components to then when it's actually running all of the data centers and content moderation advertising to the end of life, recycling, and others and otherwise discarding of the device and what is the true cost of Amazon Alexa; what really goes into it.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:50:05.680Z,2020-08-23T16:18:04.099Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4691 17780,v1.0,,"And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:48:41.684Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.276Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7516 17779,v1.0,,"And we had Wikipedia there, you know, we had a collection of project open video, there was a smattering of these open efforts around the world. And we thought let's bring them together. And here's a look at also learn from all these different movements that we're applying openness to other fields.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:48:34.472Z,2019-12-13T11:48:34.472Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4585 17778,v1.0,,"And he had the ambition to take the Mozilla Foundation, which was pretty strongly just focused on Firefox, the browser, and maybe a little bit the web as a platform, and said, like, we need to be fueling a movement for the help of the internet.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:48:00.621Z,2019-12-13T11:48:00.621Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4583 17777,v1.0,,"So you started from the free culture was your gateway drug and open source that led you to Creative Commons, where you helped open up licenses and copyright, to give creators more power, rather than the copyright regime?",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:47:30.726Z,2020-08-25T17:15:48.823Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3581 17776,v1.0,,"So you started from the free culture was your gateway drug and open source that led you to Creative Commons, where you helped open up licenses and copyright, to give creators more power, rather than the copyright regime?",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:47:18.820Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.613Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1257 17775,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because Yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:47:04.332Z,2020-09-14T15:09:51.056Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3596 17774,v1.0,,"And so I think that for me, that's a kind of a new area worthy of more exploration and others that some people may be sitting in this network are looking at things like digital cooperatives. And I think that that's going to be a really interesting place. Because Yeah, I think, only putting the burden on the individual to have to understand all these different policies, all the different permissions, all the different technical capabilities. And do this in like the seconds of free time they have between their otherwise strapped lives is unfair, and not a society I want to advocate for",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:46:48.457Z,2020-09-11T10:06:07.288Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4773 17773,v1.0,,"in general, we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining. So pools of users able to put together their demands, their needs, their permissions, and through more collective bargaining, able to negotiate.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:40:46.018Z,2019-12-13T11:40:46.018Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4594 17772,v1.0,,"in general, we put too much pressure on the individual to have to protect themselves and all sorts of areas of our lives, technology, internet, it's just one of them. I do think there are responsibilities of governments and corporations. And I think we're seeing the rise of, thanks to digital tools, some sort of collective agency and collective bargaining. So pools of users able to put together their demands, their needs, their permissions, and through more collective bargaining, able to negotiate.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:40:34.721Z,2020-09-14T15:09:51.050Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3596 17771,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:32:36.269Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.933Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1778 17770,v1.0,,"Because when you can see that an audit that information you can better understand is this a service or product that I'm willing to trust. And I think part of what that openness is about is around disclosing what happens with your data, what partners that company is in contact with or, partnering with, what their IT security update policies are, these are all things that help you make an informed decision whether you will trust this device with your data, and therefore, consider it a privacy worth preserving.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:32:28.746Z,2020-09-24T13:54:26.967Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7555 17769,v1.0,,"So there's a whole, for me, openness is starting to become a much broader, you know, includes many things are, you know, transparency and how that device is made.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:31:52.395Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.264Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7516 17768,v1.0,,"So there's a whole, for me, openness is starting to become a much broader, you know, includes many things are, you know, transparency and how that device is made.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:31:44.087Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.259Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7516 17767,v1.0,,"The IoT projects, I think, get it right or on the right path are ones that are open in their designs and their code and in their explanation of their business model and around like, how how the thing works, and also how did this thing comes to be in terms of supply chain, and in terms of the materials and things that go into it, as well as the third parties that work with it.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:31:26.677Z,2020-08-26T08:31:37.921Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1028 17766,v1.0,,"The IoT projects, I think, get it right or on the right path are ones that are open in their designs and their code and in their explanation of their business model and around like, how how the thing works, and also how did this thing comes to be in terms of supply chain, and in terms of the materials and things that go into it, as well as the third parties that work with it.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:31:14.500Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.270Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,7516 17765,v1.0,,"s the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:30:30.602Z,2019-12-13T11:30:30.602Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3610 17764,v1.0,,"s the Internet of Things, and how to make it more responsible, more open, more private, and also include these ideas of participation and co-creation, because the Internet of Things has typically been a lot of black box appliances, without a lot of in a real agency to change them.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:30:18.302Z,2020-08-26T08:31:37.916Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1028 17763,v1.0,,"So there's a whole group of people, Camille included, who are talking about misinformation, and how do you combat the rise of misinformation online? People talking about how do we talk about hate speech and radicalized speech online.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:29:49.026Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.226Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5805 17762,v1.0,,"So there's a whole group of people, Camille included, who are talking about misinformation, and how do you combat the rise of misinformation online? People talking about how do we talk about hate speech and radicalized speech online.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:29:39.830Z,2019-12-13T11:29:39.830Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3750 17761,v1.0,,"ut it's actually creating a kind of polarized atmosphere online, and people are retreating and participating less, or just participating in their smaller groups and just talking about the average.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:27:41.827Z,2019-12-13T11:27:41.827Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4004 17760,v1.0,,"But it's actually creating a kind of polarized atmosphere online, and people are retreating and participating less, or just participating in their smaller groups and just talking about the average.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:27:33.406Z,2020-09-14T15:04:42.853Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3912 17759,v1.0,,"And we're also seeing the rise of behaviors online, hate speech and other kinds of violence aggravating actions that have kind of put people into retreat, or help to polarize people. S",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:22:44.310Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.221Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,5805 17758,v1.0,,"we've seen the rise of these big centralized platforms, which use their corporate policies to control how you participate.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:19:02.244Z,2020-08-25T16:29:33.492Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,3816 17756,v1.0,,"And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:15:59.173Z,2019-12-13T11:15:59.173Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4587 17755,v1.0,,"And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source. After going to the first week of in Frankfurt, Germany, I learned about Creative Commons, where I later worked. And after being at Creative Commons",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:15:49.742Z,2020-09-03T09:54:48.486Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1257 17754,v1.0,,And so that was kind of my window into free culture and open source.,/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:15:37.297Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.604Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,1257 17753,v1.0,,And I was actually a very passionate early Wikipedia when the project was just getting started,/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:15:26.984Z,2019-12-13T11:15:26.984Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4585 17751,v1.0,,"Mozilla Foundation. We're behind the browser Firefox. And for the last few years, we've been working on internet health.",/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:14:34.364Z,2019-12-13T11:14:34.364Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4583 17750,v1.0,,Mozilla Foundation. We're behind the browser Firefox.,/post/61040,2019-12-13T11:14:22.075Z,2019-12-13T11:14:22.075Z,61040,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11080,2915,4582 17749,v1.0,,"How can we resist it, engage it, and ensure it serves people and their environment, and not the other way around?",/post/64014,2019-11-30T19:10:48.596Z,2020-09-10T17:10:10.473Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3963 17743,v1.0,,"Companies like Waze do not officially join the infrastructure planning. They offer services to citizens that use that infrastructure, going through the backdoor, de facto redefining the social welfare function of those infrastructures. These services are putting into practice a new definition of what it means to use roads optimally. In the process, they are no longer optimizing the infrastructure for everyone, but doing so their users and their bottom line.",/post/64014,2019-11-30T18:59:44.495Z,2019-11-30T18:59:44.495Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4520 17729,v1.0,,"the cloud is a promise of the software industry to investors, that they can get a lot of people onto the cloud. They should invest in it. In fact, cloud services are fast growing investment objects.",/post/64014,2019-11-30T18:44:41.749Z,2019-11-30T18:44:41.749Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 17728,v1.0,,"Some argue services lead to centralization and concentration of computing power, which is optimized to serve all these different services. That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us.",/post/64014,2019-11-30T18:44:27.888Z,2020-08-25T16:52:29.812Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3659 17727,v1.0,,"ome argue services lead to centralization and concentration of computing power, which is optimized to serve all these different services. That’s why we now have Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud, or even the great pivot of Microsoft from being a software company to a cloud company. So, we could say that service architectures pool the clouds to us.",/post/64014,2019-11-30T18:43:11.389Z,2019-11-30T18:43:11.389Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 17726,v1.0,,which is that Cloud services are a natural progression from the move from shrink-wrapped software in a box to services as we have them now.,/post/64014,2019-11-30T18:42:26.719Z,2020-08-31T18:03:46.688Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 17725,v1.0,,hich is that Cloud services are a natural progression from the move from shrink-wrapped software in a box to services as we have them now.,/post/64014,2019-11-30T18:42:05.204Z,2019-11-30T18:42:05.204Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 17649,v1.0,,"We have an initial list to say, optimization systems typically: favor optimal users, don’t care about non-users, don’t care about their environmental impact, externalize the costs of errors and experiments, etc.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:57:10.301Z,2020-09-11T11:07:56.830Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 17648,v1.0,,"We have an initial list to say, optimization systems typically: favor optimal users, don’t care about non-users, don’t care about their environmental impact, externalize the costs of errors and experiments, etc.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:57:01.457Z,2019-11-29T11:57:01.457Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4523 17645,v1.0,,"Waze and other optimization systems do not “know” things, but sense the world and give information to users in order to co-create new geographies and behaviors for the extraction of value. They maximize the extraction of value by externalizing costs onto others, like non-users and their roads and cities.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:53:16.487Z,2019-11-29T11:53:16.487Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4520 17643,v1.0,,"In services like Waze, the app is the product of layers and layers of managerial and mathematical forms of optimization. And, at the same time, the app helps optimize asocial selfish driver behavior while congesting surface roads, increasing congestion overall, causing extra traffic expenses for municipalities that now have to deal with hundreds of cars using small roads, increasing accidents, etc.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:53:01.173Z,2020-09-11T11:07:56.821Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 17638,v1.0,,"The Hidden Truth of Google Maps And Other Apps Many of us use Google Maps, or Google-owned Waze, which allows you to beat traffic. If you’re on the freeway, and there’s a traffic jam, Waze can recommend an alternate route. Waze then will say “Okay, get off the freeway, I’ll push you through the surface roads, so that you can get from A to B faster.”",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:50:38.331Z,2019-11-29T11:50:38.331Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4520 17637,v1.0,,And how do we protect the users and their environments?,/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:50:24.724Z,2019-11-29T11:50:24.724Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3727 17636,v1.0,,nd how do we protect the users and their environments?,/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:50:07.323Z,2020-09-08T12:07:55.277Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,968 17635,v1.0,,"So, my collaborators like Martha Poon, Carmela Troncoso, Bekah Overdorf, Joris van Hoboken and others have been asking: if the systems are no longer about information, collection, and knowledge — which comes with associated problems of surveillance — but these systems are about optimization, what are their associated problems?",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:49:56.743Z,2020-08-26T08:31:50.105Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1645 17634,v1.0,,"So, my collaborators like Martha Poon, Carmela Troncoso, Bekah Overdorf, Joris van Hoboken and others have been asking: if the systems are no longer about information, collection, and knowledge — which comes with associated problems of surveillance — but these systems are about optimization, what are their associated problems?",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:49:50.981Z,2020-09-11T11:07:56.808Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 17633,v1.0,,"And this is how I started to understand that we are no longer looking at information and communication technologies, but we’re looking at optimization systems. These are systems that are optimizing features depending on user behavior, and optimizing that behavior based on the interest of the company for the extraction of value.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:49:37.755Z,2020-08-31T17:52:00.359Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4509 17632,v1.0,,"And this is how I started to understand that we are no longer looking at information and communication technologies, but we’re looking at optimization systems. These are systems that are optimizing features depending on user behavior, and optimizing that behavior based on the interest of the company for the extraction of value.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:49:27.271Z,2020-09-11T11:07:56.803Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 17631,v1.0,,"Service providers can improve the software using this feedback, and in the process also optimize users behavior towards a certain direction. You can orient the users towards the interests of the company.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:48:38.030Z,2019-11-29T11:48:38.030Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4274 17630,v1.0,,"Service providers can improve the software using this feedback, and in the process also optimize users behavior towards a certain direction. You can orient the users towards the interests of the company.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:47:56.062Z,2020-09-11T11:07:56.798Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 17629,v1.0,,"For example, an app might give three or four functionalities to their users, they will then continuously improve on those functionalities. It might be a feature or it might be a button, or it could be the ability to make a call. And they constantly refine that feature based on the feedback they get from how the user uses the service.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:47:40.824Z,2020-09-11T14:39:31.205Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 17628,v1.0,,"As users we notice the difference in many ways. When you’re using an app, it doesn’t function when you’re offline, because most of the code is somewhere else. Since a release now means releasing to a server and not to a packaged box, the developers have the ability to constantly update and incrementally develop the software. And since most user interactions are also communicated to the server, the developers can observe users’ behavior and tweak the design to get better results. With this feedback loop in place, the industry can now optimize software so that they capture and manipulate user behavior in a way that is aligned with business interests.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:47:19.315Z,2020-09-11T14:39:31.200Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 17627,v1.0,,"As users we notice the difference in many ways. When you’re using an app, it doesn’t function when you’re offline, because most of the code is somewhere else. Since a release now means releasing to a server and not to a packaged box, the developers have the ability to constantly update and incrementally develop the software. And since most user interactions are also communicated to the server, the developers can observe users’ behavior and tweak the design to get better results. With this feedback loop in place, the industry can now optimize software so that they capture and manipulate user behavior in a way that is aligned with business interests.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:47:06.781Z,2020-09-11T11:07:56.793Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1264 17626,v1.0,,"The last five years I have been trying to understand how the shift has enabled different kinds of software engineering processes, in which developers don’t close themselves up for two years and come back with some software, but you can incrementally and continuously develop software as a service.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:46:29.338Z,2020-09-11T14:39:31.196Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 17625,v1.0,,"This subtle shift has completely changed how software is produced and how the software industry functions. As a result, the political economy of these companies has transformed, turning them into very different kinds of investment objects.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:46:03.883Z,2020-08-21T08:41:18.838Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4334 17623,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:45:34.711Z,2019-11-29T11:45:34.711Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 17622,v1.0,,"Today, we do not buy boxes, but open up a browser window to access most software. We access Facebook, Google search or Google Docs, and a host of other “services” instead of installing them on our computers. With services the code is on a server. The user connects to the server to get the functionality. This is what happens with a web browser.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:45:28.148Z,2020-09-11T14:39:31.191Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4570 17619,v1.0,,"Until the end of the 90s, it was very typical that software came in a box, which included floppy disks or CD ROMs that contained a copy of the software that you could install on your personal computer. This box was the product of a very specific way to produce software as a product using “waterfall methodologies”",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:44:30.871Z,2019-11-29T11:44:30.871Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 17618,v1.0,,"Let’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:25:18.392Z,2020-09-08T12:07:55.272Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,968 17617,v1.0,,"et’s say a computer science that doesn’t assume that our job as computer scientists is to secure assets of companies or governments, but one that secures and protects the needs of users and their environments.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:25:03.233Z,2019-11-29T11:25:03.233Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4502 17616,v1.0,,"That’s how I got into privacy technologies. This was also politically very interesting. A lot of security comes from the military domain. Businesses employ security as a way to secure the assets of the company. So, by realizing we should be securing different stakeholders, we were able to start acting on security and privacy in a very different way.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:24:41.645Z,2019-11-29T11:24:41.645Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3610 17614,v1.0,,"For example, they argued that the objective of a computer scientist is not to secure the system, but to build systems that secure the interests of the different actors who are using and are affected by that system. And that really appealed to me.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:23:52.741Z,2019-11-29T11:23:52.741Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4502 17612,v1.0,,"In Berlin, I started working with feminist computer scientists. During my study, I focused on security and privacy. That work led me to meet people like Andreas Pfitzmann, a cryptographer who had moved into the field of privacy enhancing technology.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:23:22.311Z,2019-11-29T11:23:22.311Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4512 17611,v1.0,,"In Berlin, I started working with feminist computer scientists. During my study, I focused on security and privacy. That work led me to meet people like Andreas Pfitzmann, a cryptographer who had moved into the field of privacy enhancing technology.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:23:16.354Z,2019-11-29T11:23:16.354Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4502 17610,v1.0,,"People believe numbers are neutral, or that mathematical concepts or abstractions don’t have political relevance. However, every time you use a mathematical language, let’s say to model the world, you have to make some assumptions. The numbers may make it seem as if things expressed in formal languages are neutral, but in fact — we see again and again — that this is not the case.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:22:00.693Z,2020-11-25T11:38:36.369Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7990 17609,v1.0,,"Later in my life, when I became interested and involved in the feminist critique of computing and mathematics, I came to understand better the many ways in which mathematics is not neutral.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:21:45.660Z,2020-11-25T11:38:36.363Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,7990 17608,v1.0,,"Later in my life, when I became interested and involved in the feminist critique of computing and mathematics, I came to understand better the many ways in which mathematics is not neutral.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:21:38.674Z,2019-11-29T11:21:38.674Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4512 17604,v1.0,,"hey invite participants to imagine protocols of care, alternative futures, differences etc. that are layered on top of the protocols that drive current day services, that could allow our collectivities to exist in the extractive socio-technical world that we currently live in.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:19:28.753Z,2020-09-14T15:15:41.296Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4303 17603,v1.0,,"ConstantVZW. They do a number of project and organize different events around free software, artistic practice and collective digital practices. For example, they are currently having a work session on “collective conditions”, which focuses on thinking about how to deal with the way in which collectivity and technology is imagined",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:19:07.710Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.244Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,1257 17598,v1.0,,"to show the ways in which software industries have changed. In my current work, I’m trying to conceptualize how software is developed today, what kind of political economy software companies are functioning in, a",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:17:46.132Z,2019-11-29T11:17:46.132Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4503 17597,v1.0,,"The many strands of research I do are driven by the question “how can we do computer science differently?” The path towards it has, on the one hand, been by working on privacy enhancing technologies: if information and communication technologies come with associated risks and harms— for example, they enable a certain kind of surveillance — how can we use the same technology to protect people from the surveillance, or how can we design that technology differently. This kind of research requires, a very interdisciplinary approach, looking at both conceptions of privacy and surveillance, and also looking at what communities need.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:16:47.073Z,2019-11-29T11:16:47.073Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,3610 17596,v1.0,,"The many strands of research I do are driven by the question “how can we do computer science differently?” The path towards it has, on the one hand, been by working on privacy enhancing technologies: if information and communication technologies come with associated risks and harms— for example, they enable a certain kind of surveillance — how can we use the same technology to protect people from the surveillance, or how can we design that technology differently. This kind of research requires, a very interdisciplinary approach, looking at both conceptions of privacy and surveillance, and also looking at what communities need.",/post/64014,2019-11-29T11:16:18.960Z,2019-11-29T11:16:18.960Z,64014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11514,5657,4502 17558,v1.0,,"The forum is an alliance of eight organization of civic society and about a hundred researchers, coming together to design proposals. We put together 15 proposal after a year and a half work on social justice. Ten of these focus on the impact of technology, three on labor, and one is bequeathed with the generation transfers.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:44:57.616Z,2019-11-27T20:44:57.616Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4470 17555,v1.0,,"The forum is an alliance of eight organization of civic society and about a hundred researchers, coming together to design proposals. We put together 15 proposal after a year and a half work on social justice. Ten of these focus on the impact of technology, three on labor, and one is bequeathed with the generation transfers.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:43:47.997Z,2020-09-14T15:05:44.670Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,1321 17554,v1.0,,"The forum is an alliance of eight organization of civic society and about a hundred researchers, coming together to design proposals. We put together 15 proposal after a year and a half work on social justice. Ten of these focus on the impact of technology, three on labor, and one is bequeathed with the generation transfers.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:42:45.637Z,2019-11-27T20:42:45.637Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4429 17553,v1.0,,"The forum is an alliance of eight organization of civic society and about a hundred researchers, coming together to design proposals. We put together 15 proposal after a year and a half work on social justice. Ten of these focus on the impact of technology, three on labor, and one is bequeathed with the generation transfers.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:42:33.709Z,2021-01-11T17:22:25.452Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,394 17551,v1.0,,"The forum is an alliance of eight organization of civic society and about a hundred researchers, coming together to design proposals. We put together 15 proposal after a year and a half work on social justice. Ten of these focus on the impact of technology, three on labor, and one is bequeathed with the generation transfers.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:42:03.444Z,2020-09-14T14:36:36.520Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4430 17549,v1.0,,"I feel that it's about time that we do something about it before we end up with an authoritarian regime. And the way to do it, is by working together with the working class, with civic organizations. We need to put political pressure on the issues, and try to influence technology.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:41:15.809Z,2019-11-27T20:41:15.809Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4429 17548,v1.0,,"I feel that it's about time that we do something about it before we end up with an authoritarian regime. And the way to do it, is by working together with the working class, with civic organizations. We need to put political pressure on the issues, and try to influence technology.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:41:04.761Z,2019-11-27T20:41:04.761Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4461 17544,v1.0,,"I feel that it's about time that we do something about it before we end up with an authoritarian regime. And the way to do it, is by working together with the working class, with civic organizations. We need to put political pressure on the issues, and try to influence technology.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:40:07.493Z,2019-11-27T20:40:07.493Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4463 17543,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:34:42.282Z,2020-08-26T08:31:47.130Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,2799 17542,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:34:29.036Z,2019-11-27T20:34:29.036Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4461 17539,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:33:32.642Z,2020-09-17T14:11:49.185Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3939 17537,v1.0,,"This is a paradox, because we have an information technology that in theory could be improved in equality, and in fact, is producing an enormous unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:32:53.517Z,2019-11-27T20:32:53.517Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4456 17535,v1.0,,"This is a paradox, because we have an information technology that in theory could be improved in equality, and in fact, is producing an enormous unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:32:20.261Z,2019-11-27T20:32:20.261Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4422 17532,v1.0,,"The reason for the authoritarian dynamic are inequalities, social injustice. It’s not only economic inequality, it is access to services, and it is resentment for not being recognized: people in rural areas, the working class, they don’t feel recognized.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:30:10.855Z,2019-11-27T20:30:10.855Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4452 17530,v1.0,,"Crisis in the Western Hemisphere All of the Western countries are going through an enormous crisis at the moment. People are angry, they resentment , there’s a so-called authoritarian dynamic.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:29:39.536Z,2019-11-27T20:29:39.536Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4452 17524,v1.0,,"Italy doesn’t have a very good public administration to be quite frank, a very poor one. And for people like me, who wanted to change the world, it’s been quite difficult. So, in 1968, me and my friends joined the research center of the Bank of Italy because we thought it was a place where we could drive change.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T20:10:38.937Z,2019-11-27T20:10:38.937Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4447 17519,v1.0,,"The different in the approach was that we didn’t just give money to people, we tried to empower people. This is what I did as an administrator, but then I felt I wanted to go to the other side of the bench and try to do that with the civic organizations. So, my methodology hasn't changed, but I changed the side of where I'm working.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:55:49.501Z,2019-11-27T19:55:49.501Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4429 17517,v1.0,,"The different in the approach was that we didn’t just give money to people, we tried to empower people. This is what I did as an administrator,",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:49:01.027Z,2020-09-11T11:35:16.508Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,7079 17516,v1.0,,"The different in the approach was that we didn’t just give money to people, we tried to empower people. This is what I did as an administrator,",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:48:44.585Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.386Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,782 17513,v1.0,,We even had a lot of opposition to the Cohesion Policy — the European Cohesion Policy which addresses the problem of abandoned areas — but we still pushed forward.,/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:47:20.270Z,2019-11-27T19:47:20.270Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4439 17512,v1.0,,We even had a lot of opposition to the Cohesion Policy — the European Cohesion Policy which addresses the problem of abandoned areas — but we still pushed forward.,/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:47:08.697Z,2020-09-14T15:07:06.203Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,5497 17511,v1.0,,"In 2008, inequality was not a major topic, everyone believed that we should leave everything to the market: inequality would fix itself.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:46:31.581Z,2019-11-27T19:46:31.581Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4437 17510,v1.0,,"In 2008, inequality was not a major topic, everyone believed that we should leave everything to the market: inequality would fix itself.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:45:53.100Z,2020-09-24T14:17:36.895Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,3939 17509,v1.0,,"I worked on the topic of inequalities and justice for quite a long time. It was quite clear to me that inequality is rising while working as an administrator. When I work with the committee to European Commissioner Danuta Maria Hübner, when Poland joined. She was an amazing person to work with.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:44:59.739Z,2019-11-27T19:44:59.739Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4436 17506,v1.0,,I worked on the topic of inequalities and justice for quite a long time.,/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:43:26.135Z,2019-11-27T19:43:26.135Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4434 17503,v1.0,,"I became a minister during the governmental crisis 2012, but I resigned from public administration and moved to working with the civic organization called the Forum for Inequality and Diversity.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:41:54.556Z,2020-09-14T14:36:36.513Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4430 17502,v1.0,,"I became a minister during the governmental crisis 2012, but I resigned from public administration and moved to working with the civic organization called the Forum for Inequality and Diversity.",/post/64179,2019-11-27T19:41:36.613Z,2019-11-27T19:41:36.613Z,64179,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11545,1856,4429 17501,v1.0,,Fabrizio Barca previously worked at the EU and now with a civic organisation called the Forum for Inequality and Diversity.,/post/64379,2019-11-23T01:46:09.974Z,2019-11-23T01:46:09.974Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,4429 17500,v1.0,,abrizio Barca previously worked at the EU and now with a civic organisation called the Forum for Inequality and Diversity.,/post/64379,2019-11-23T01:45:54.486Z,2019-11-23T01:53:09.049Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,4430 17499,v1.0,,How can we move beyond a one-size-fits all approach to new internet technologies in public administration?,/post/64379,2019-11-23T01:43:21.549Z,2020-09-11T11:35:16.502Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,7079 17498,v1.0,,How can we move beyond a one-size-fits all approach to new internet technologies in public administration?,/post/64379,2019-11-23T01:43:05.717Z,2020-09-01T08:27:37.409Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,978 17497,v1.0,,"The current crisis in European countries is driven by the paradox that we have the technology to create equality, but instead it is producing an unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands. This must be addressed by putting political pressure on the issues.",/post/64379,2019-11-22T20:40:25.915Z,2020-08-26T08:31:50.885Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,1663 17496,v1.0,,"The current crisis in European countries is driven by the paradox that we have the technology to create equality, but instead it is producing an unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands. This must be addressed by putting political pressure on the issues.",/post/64379,2019-11-22T20:37:12.279Z,2020-10-23T09:26:50.951Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,12 17495,v1.0,,"The current crisis in European countries is driven by the paradox that we have the technology to create equality, but instead it is producing an unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands. This must be addressed by putting political pressure on the issues.",/post/64379,2019-11-22T20:36:46.282Z,2020-08-27T14:58:53.580Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,4841 17494,v1.0,,"crisis in European countries is driven by the paradox that we have the technology to create equality, but instead it is producing an unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands. This must be addressed by putting political pressure on the issues.",/post/64379,2019-11-22T20:36:19.830Z,2019-11-22T20:36:19.830Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,4423 17493,v1.0,,"crisis in European countries is driven by the paradox that we have the technology to create equality, but instead it is producing an unprecedented concentration of knowledge and power in very few hands. This must be addressed by putting political pressure on the issues.",/post/64379,2019-11-22T20:35:53.551Z,2019-11-22T20:35:53.551Z,64379,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11590,8,4422 17492,v1.0,,It's as if our openness is being used against us since this very openness usually means big tech is controlled by large Corporations and Governments..,/post/61815,2019-11-20T19:00:04.249Z,2020-08-25T16:29:33.482Z,61815,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,5188,3816 17491,v1.0,,"ne of the less discussed ""features"" of mass communication and the internet is that we each, individually, are not wired to process the amount of information we receive. Why would we be? There is nothing even close in history where so much conflicting information is pounded into our brains. E",/post/61815,2019-11-20T18:59:04.579Z,2019-11-20T18:59:04.579Z,61815,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,5188,3594 17490,v1.0,,His Foundation gives heavily to evolving journalism and keeping it vital.,/post/64093,2019-11-20T18:57:36.937Z,2020-09-01T09:22:08.725Z,64093,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,2915,1042 17489,v1.0,,"It has long been a conundrum as to how ""community standards"" apply when local and universal are joined.",/post/64093,2019-11-20T18:57:10.474Z,2020-09-11T14:30:37.305Z,64093,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,2915,3631 17488,v1.0,,"While many in the West may be surprised at the idea of of censored internet - just the same, we have to deal with mass shooters and their manifestos and their ""free speech"" circulating much further and easier.",/post/61815,2019-11-20T18:55:53.005Z,2019-11-20T18:55:53.005Z,61815,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,5188,4420 17487,v1.0,,"While many in the West may be surprised at the idea of of censored internet - just the same, we have to deal with mass shooters and their manifestos and their ""free speech"" circulating much further and easier.",/post/61815,2019-11-20T18:55:35.485Z,2019-11-20T18:55:35.485Z,61815,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,5188,4276 17486,v1.0,,"As as example, the OP "" developing smart cities ([but what about authoritarian regimes?]"" -",/post/61815,2019-11-20T18:55:12.391Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.901Z,61815,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,5188,4831 17485,v1.0,,"Ha, that's my colleagues piece, which was republished by Wired with Coda Story's permission :) great you read it there Cancel Save Annotate",/post/60097,2019-11-20T18:54:49.453Z,2019-11-20T18:54:49.453Z,60097,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4328 17484,v1.0,,"TikTok - obviously - wasn't made to share human rights violations, but for some it has become the only tool to let the world know what's happening.",/post/59948,2019-11-20T18:54:38.430Z,2020-08-26T08:31:36.793Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,966 17483,v1.0,,"TikTok - obviously - wasn't made to share human rights violations, but for some it has become the only tool to let the world know what's happening.",/post/59948,2019-11-20T18:54:30.130Z,2019-11-20T18:54:30.130Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4413 17482,v1.0,,"Location-based TikTok search results are cleaned up by moderators. But still, videos make it through, and are downloaded by the activists and then reshared on other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, so they don't disappear.",/post/59948,2019-11-20T18:54:16.590Z,2019-11-20T18:54:16.590Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4417 17481,v1.0,,"Location-based TikTok search results are cleaned up by moderators. But still, videos make it through, and are downloaded by the activists and then reshared on other social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, so they don't disappear.",/post/59948,2019-11-20T18:54:06.832Z,2020-09-11T14:50:15.006Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4004 17480,v1.0,,"the Uyghur activists “game” the app’s algorithm,",/post/59948,2019-11-20T18:52:44.516Z,2020-08-25T12:48:42.189Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,3758 17479,v1.0,,"ikTok, the Uyghur activists “game” the app’s algorithm, w",/post/59948,2019-11-20T18:50:55.275Z,2020-09-08T12:21:15.825Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,881 17478,v1.0,,"TikTok, the Uyghur activists “game” the app’s algorithm,",/post/59948,2019-11-20T18:50:45.111Z,2019-11-20T18:50:45.111Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4417 17477,v1.0,,"Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, is behind China’s firewall. To gain entry, international Uyghur activists have to use Chinese phones.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:56:24.917Z,2019-11-18T14:56:24.917Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4416 17476,v1.0,,"Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, is behind China’s firewall. To gain entry, international Uyghur activists have to use Chinese phones.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:56:17.236Z,2019-11-18T14:56:17.236Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4413 17475,v1.0,,"Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, is behind China’s firewall. To gain entry, international Uyghur activists have to use Chinese phones.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:56:08.233Z,2019-11-18T14:56:08.233Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4415 17474,v1.0,,hat’s why international Uyghur activists are digging deep into TikTok & similar apps,/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:55:49.016Z,2019-11-18T14:55:49.016Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4414 17473,v1.0,,That’s why international Uyghur activists are digging deep into TikTok & similar apps.,/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:55:41.117Z,2019-11-18T14:55:41.117Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4413 17472,v1.0,,". With reports of a million Uyghurs in detention, plus censorship, surveillance and a blackout on outside communication, it’s hard to know what’s happening. But some TikTok users have started using the app to share visual clues about life under Xinjiang surveillance.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:52:31.583Z,2019-11-18T14:52:31.583Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4414 17471,v1.0,,"With reports of a million Uyghurs in detention, plus censorship, surveillance and a blackout on outside communication, it’s hard to know what’s happening. But some TikTok users have started using the app to share visual clues about life under Xinjiang surveillance.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:52:23.857Z,2020-08-26T08:31:36.807Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,966 17470,v1.0,,"With reports of a million Uyghurs in detention, plus censorship, surveillance and a blackout on outside communication, it’s hard to know what’s happening. But some TikTok users have started using the app to share visual clues about life under Xinjiang surveillance.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:52:15.284Z,2019-11-18T14:52:15.284Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4413 17469,v1.0,,talked with Uyghurs in exile who scout the Chinese TikTok for clues about what is happening in Xinjiang.,/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:51:59.781Z,2019-11-18T14:51:59.781Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4413 17468,v1.0,,talked with Uyghurs in exile who scout the Chinese TikTok for clues about what is happening in Xinjiang.,/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:51:52.106Z,2019-11-18T14:51:52.106Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4414 17467,v1.0,,"TikTok that doesn't only show ""Snappy, Short, Cut to pop music"" videos.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:51:39.231Z,2019-11-18T14:51:39.231Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4276 17466,v1.0,,"TikTok that doesn't only show ""Snappy, Short, Cut to pop music"" videos.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:51:32.633Z,2019-11-18T14:51:32.633Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4413 17464,v1.0,,"or how ""good-intended research"" on facial recognition is being used by bad actors - and what should done about it.",/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:50:49.795Z,2019-11-18T14:50:49.795Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4412 17463,v1.0,,decentralized messaging apps (but what about hate speech/pedophiles/terrorism),/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:50:35.933Z,2019-11-18T14:50:35.933Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4299 17462,v1.0,,developing smart cities (but what about authoritarian regimes?),/post/59948,2019-11-18T14:49:18.433Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.895Z,59948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10882,1856,4831 17375,v1.0,,experience with scuttelbug,/post/61645,2019-10-18T14:38:28.877Z,2019-10-18T14:38:28.877Z,61645,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4934,3676 17374,v1.0,,on A,/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:24:03.196Z,2020-08-18T13:42:22.573Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,4479 17373,v1.0,,is successful anticipatory regulation:,/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:23:58.708Z,2020-08-25T16:35:47.214Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,7083 17372,v1.0,,collective intelligence,/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:23:00.190Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.418Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,1534 17371,v1.0,,"(body/health,",/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:22:51.070Z,2020-11-27T10:24:44.140Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,3702 17369,v1.0,,data trusts as a bottom-up mechanism whereby data-subjects choose to pool their data within the legal framework of the Trust.,/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:22:06.401Z,2019-10-18T14:22:06.401Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,4341 17367,v1.0,,"trust can be tokenized but only within a situation of already established trust between people, meaning there has to be a social understanding before it can be technically articulated, can we talk about communities and everyday life.",/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:21:32.081Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.926Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,1778 17366,v1.0,,"Currently eIDas is the digital signature for persons, GS1 is providing product codes (‘passports’) for goods and is mapping and numbering everyday activities.",/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:21:16.251Z,2019-10-18T14:21:16.251Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,4336 17365,v1.0,,"In earlier workshops of NGI Forward WP3 the realization was made that in these 5G environments all entities (whether persons, goods, objects or situations) will be given federated",/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:20:51.521Z,2020-09-14T14:36:08.701Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,905 17364,v1.0,,"In earlier workshops of NGI Forward WP3 the realization was made that in these 5G environments all entities (whether persons, goods, objects or situations) will be given federated",/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:20:35.986Z,2020-08-18T13:36:58.893Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,3700 17362,v1.0,,"This has the important bonus it no longer matters who hosts the data and which platforms it runs, as the liability, accountability, procurement, GDPR",/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:20:09.574Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.247Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,3785 17361,v1.0,,"This has the important bonus it no longer matters who hosts the data and which platforms it runs, as the liability, accountability, procurement, GDPR",/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:20:04.914Z,2019-10-18T14:20:04.914Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,4336 17360,v1.0,,In this workshop we want to investigate the procedure of embedding these ideas and requirements in a Digital Signature for the Infrastructure.,/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:19:51.140Z,2019-10-18T14:19:51.140Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,4336 17359,v1.0,,How can we ensure not making the same mistakes as with the (failed) smart city (applications),/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:19:35.365Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.890Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,4831 17358,v1.0,,Join me in Aarhus at IoT Week.,/post/54210,2019-10-18T14:19:19.095Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.979Z,54210,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10033,4868,1028 17357,v1.0,,"It both situations (and a long time from now, barring government regulation), you could imagine smart meters only sending their daily usage on a per house basis and the energy companies getting combined usage data from substations.",/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:13:59.347Z,2019-10-17T19:13:59.347Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4317 17356,v1.0,,"It both situations (and a long time from now, barring government regulation), you could imagine smart meters only sending their daily usage on a per house basis and the energy companies getting combined usage data from substations.",/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:13:52.184Z,2020-08-25T10:29:52.533Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,3814 17355,v1.0,,It would need significant investment and interest from lots of different parties and lack of engagement from the people I expected to be most interested was pretty discouraging overall.,/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:10:43.075Z,2019-10-17T19:10:43.075Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4334 17354,v1.0,,"In a situation where you have your own battery they only need to know your demand for grid energy (and predicted demand), not your entire energy usage. This could hide some demand and preserve privacy a bit more, so they can't necessarily tell when you are home based on your energy usage, etc.",/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:09:11.374Z,2020-09-09T18:01:20.031Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,7155 17353,v1.0,,"In a situation where you have your own battery they only need to know your demand for grid energy (and predicted demand), not your entire energy usage. This could hide some demand and preserve privacy a bit more, so they can't necessarily tell when you are home based on your energy usage, etc.",/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:09:03.538Z,2019-10-17T19:09:03.538Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,3610 17352,v1.0,,"My idea for phloem is partially based on secure scuttle butt, where your various computers could follow your smart meter and store the data long term.",/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:08:41.144Z,2019-10-17T19:08:41.144Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4317 17351,v1.0,,"My idea for phloem is partially based on secure scuttle butt, where your various computers could follow your smart meter and store the data long term.",/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:08:32.802Z,2019-10-17T19:08:32.802Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,3676 17350,v1.0,,My idea for Phloem is that the data would be owned and controlled by the user ideally.,/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:07:39.688Z,2019-10-17T19:07:39.688Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4333 17349,v1.0,,My idea for Phloem is that the data would be owned and controlled by the user ideally,/post/61595,2019-10-17T19:07:29.315Z,2020-08-26T08:21:36.186Z,61595,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,407 17348,v1.0,,"a fairly high degree of mutual trust (""community""). Cancel Save Annotate",/post/57110,2019-10-17T19:00:00.299Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.526Z,57110,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,4,5056 17347,v1.0,,"got active again on the platform because of the IOH project,",/post/56935,2019-10-17T18:58:28.050Z,2020-09-14T15:12:58.467Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,968 17346,v1.0,,"Let's use collective intelligence to bring communication to the next level and help even more amazing people to understand and find us :) Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56914,2019-10-17T18:57:52.149Z,2021-04-29T09:55:45.413Z,56914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,4934,1534 17345,v1.0,,"So, I joined Edgeryders a while ago, to become active in a project related to the country I live in (Futurespotters in Georgia).",/post/56935,2019-10-17T18:57:37.241Z,2019-10-17T18:57:37.241Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,4329 17344,v1.0,,I do with Coda Story.,/post/56935,2019-10-17T18:57:17.148Z,2019-10-17T18:57:17.148Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,4328 17340,v1.0,,"interesting people and discussions on topics that matter to me (freedom of information, participatory decision-making, privacy - beyond our own western world)",/post/56935,2019-10-17T18:56:36.082Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.520Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,5056 17339,v1.0,,an inspiring community who is looking to find solutions for a better world,/post/56935,2019-10-17T18:56:27.691Z,2020-09-14T13:24:21.315Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,4470 17338,v1.0,,an inspiring community who is looking to find solutions for a better world,/post/56935,2019-10-17T18:56:21.382Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.513Z,56935,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,1856,5056 17337,v1.0,,on and with internet and iot technologies,/post/56944,2019-10-17T18:56:09.278Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.974Z,56944,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,4868,1028 17336,v1.0,,am really into IoT and stuff related to it!,/post/57023,2019-10-17T18:55:58.383Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.969Z,57023,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,5248,1028 17335,v1.0,,"I want, no, need to make a deep dive into the social side of online communications, how it changes human interactions, how we can embrace technology for positive social change.",/post/57025,2019-10-17T18:55:42.775Z,2020-09-14T13:24:21.310Z,57025,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,5144,4470 17333,v1.0,,that is exactly the thing I am always looking for in my online communications - that moment when I find something or connect to people I otherwise would not have known that I was missing.,/post/57071,2019-10-17T18:55:06.547Z,2020-09-25T18:06:49.649Z,57071,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,5144,6527 17332,v1.0,,"that is exactly the thing I am always looking for in my online communications - that moment when I find something or connect to people I otherwise would not have known that I was missing. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/57071,2019-10-17T18:55:01.280Z,2019-10-17T18:55:01.280Z,57071,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,5144,4322 17331,v1.0,,"We are so decentralized that, in a very real sense, there is no all-encompassing ""we"", just many partially overlapping groups of people following specific issues or working together on specific projects. :smiley:",/post/57110,2019-10-17T18:54:34.217Z,2019-10-17T18:54:34.217Z,57110,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,4,4299 17328,v1.0,,I felt like we really needed some peer-to-peer way to nurture personal and professional development.,/post/57490,2019-10-17T18:53:34.649Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.506Z,57490,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,8,5056 17327,v1.0,,I felt like we really needed some peer-to-peer way to nurture personal and professional development.,/post/57490,2019-10-17T18:53:21.477Z,2020-09-11T14:40:57.048Z,57490,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,8,1294 17326,v1.0,,"What makes Edgeryders work for me is being plugged into an open ended, eclectic scene of people from different backgrounds and places in their lives right now. Humans are much better at pointing one another in the right direction through dialogue than trying to find the kind of things I need on a well structured website or formal education process. If I don't know what it's called, or even that I need it, or if the word for it doesn't exist, how can I find it? Through people who connect me to people and knowledge.",/post/57490,2019-10-17T18:51:20.270Z,2019-10-17T18:51:20.270Z,57490,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10385,8,4322 17322,v1.0,,But I don't think there are microgrids here.,/post/61520,2019-10-17T12:31:40.454Z,2019-10-17T12:31:40.454Z,61520,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,2915,4302 17321,v1.0,,"Turns out, they are half right. Airplanes leave chemtrails of CO2 that make the climate hotter … :worried: Cancel Save Annotate",/post/61483,2019-10-16T09:59:17.614Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.544Z,61483,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5,4349 17319,v1.0,,he controversy about smart meters was not so much privacy but the radiation waves it puts out when it 'phones home' which they do on and off all day.,/post/61441,2019-10-16T09:55:44.462Z,2019-10-16T09:55:44.462Z,61441,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,2915,4317 17318,v1.0,,the controversy about smart meters was not so much privacy but the radiation waves it puts out when it 'phones home' which they do on and off all day.,/post/61441,2019-10-16T09:55:34.613Z,2020-11-12T22:43:40.514Z,61441,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,2915,5106 17317,v1.0,,his meter to prevent the energy company from getting in-vivo updates on his energy use. Because does not see why this is necessary given the fact that the by-hand measuring system also works.,/post/61438,2019-10-16T09:53:45.227Z,2019-10-16T09:53:45.227Z,61438,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5209,4317 17316,v1.0,,"A friend of mine, permanently DDoS his meter to prevent the energy company from getting in-vivo updates on his energy use.",/post/61438,2019-10-16T09:53:33.897Z,2019-10-16T09:53:33.897Z,61438,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5209,3610 17315,v1.0,,"A friend of mine, permanently DDoS his meter to prevent the energy company from getting in-vivo updates on his energy use.",/post/61438,2019-10-16T09:53:27.371Z,2020-09-09T18:01:20.024Z,61438,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5209,7155 17314,v1.0,,I was however wondering how people feel about the privacy concerns inherent to smart-meters.,/post/61438,2019-10-16T09:53:07.461Z,2019-10-16T09:53:07.461Z,61438,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5209,4317 17313,v1.0,,I was however wondering how people feel about the privacy concerns inherent to smart-meters.,/post/61438,2019-10-16T09:52:54.633Z,2019-10-16T09:52:54.633Z,61438,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5209,3610 17312,v1.0,,These ways are hard to monetise and so hard to build a company around.,/post/54108,2019-10-16T09:49:53.855Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.477Z,54108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,5327 17311,v1.0,,These ways are hard to monetise and so hard to build a company around.,/post/54108,2019-10-16T09:49:47.218Z,2019-10-16T09:49:47.218Z,54108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4300 17310,v1.0,,"You also may want to share your energy on a mutual credit basis rather than selling it, so it may not suit you.",/post/54108,2019-10-16T09:49:30.824Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.472Z,54108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,5327 17309,v1.0,,"You also may want to share your energy on a mutual credit basis rather than selling it, so it may not suit you.",/post/54108,2019-10-16T09:49:23.000Z,2019-10-16T09:49:23.000Z,54108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4300 17308,v1.0,,"Energy companies have some protocols for communicating with smart meters,",/post/54108,2019-10-16T09:49:02.183Z,2020-09-14T13:51:18.908Z,54108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4317 17307,v1.0,,Energy companies have some protocols for communicating with smart meters,/post/54108,2019-10-16T09:48:49.097Z,2019-10-16T09:48:49.097Z,54108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4300 17305,v1.0,,"Grid attached solar/battery/e-vehicle setups: You would need to talk to grid management companies (e.g. National Grid PLC in the uk) and the governmental regulators.",/post/53582,2019-10-16T09:47:44.439Z,2020-08-31T19:09:57.922Z,53582,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,7083 17304,v1.0,,"Grid attached solar/battery/e-vehicle setups: You would need to talk to grid management companies (e.g. National Grid PLC in the uk) and the governmental regulators.",/post/53582,2019-10-16T09:47:35.853Z,2019-10-16T09:47:35.853Z,53582,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4300 17303,v1.0,,"On earth, micro-grid scenarios with equipment from multiple different people: You would want to talk to NGOs/ and other orgs that set up away from current infrastructure and need something to manage demand/flow.",/post/53582,2019-10-16T09:47:17.407Z,2020-09-14T14:59:34.074Z,53582,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4302 17302,v1.0,,"n earth, micro-grid scenarios with equipment from multiple different people: You would want to talk to NGOs/ and other orgs that set up away from current infrastructure and need something to manage demand/flow.",/post/53582,2019-10-16T09:47:09.707Z,2020-09-01T14:07:42.729Z,53582,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,1207 17298,v1.0,,energy grids but I do know about the power of collaboration in large scale endeavors; would you indulge me for a sec and help me and others here understand which the most relevant communities are that you'd need to work with in order to make progress on this?,/post/53310,2019-10-16T09:43:51.850Z,2019-10-16T09:43:51.850Z,53310,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5092,4300 17297,v1.0,,Yes if it's about people feeding back into the grid. Not if it's about demand planning and all locally produced electricity is consumed locally or via direct connections to neighboring houses.,/post/52673,2019-10-16T09:43:03.981Z,2019-10-16T09:43:03.981Z,52673,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5,4300 17296,v1.0,,"household-level ""energy router"".",/post/52640,2019-10-16T09:41:50.505Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.963Z,52640,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5,1028 17294,v1.0,,"Grid attatched would require buy in from national grid operators and governments, which might be harder to get.",/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:40:31.215Z,2019-10-16T09:40:31.215Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4300 17293,v1.0,,"Grid attatched would require buy in from national grid operators and governments, which might be harder to get.",/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:40:10.963Z,2020-08-31T19:09:57.917Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,7083 17292,v1.0,,The larger scale that entails would also make the equipment a lot cheaper and the software more robust for all concerned.,/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:39:37.980Z,2019-10-16T09:39:37.980Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4306 17291,v1.0,,The larger scale that entails would also make the equipment a lot cheaper and the software more robust for all concerned.,/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:39:26.080Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.465Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,5327 17290,v1.0,,Lots of people will be living on the grid for a while and having predictable/coordinated loads could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a lot.,/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:38:02.327Z,2019-10-16T09:38:02.327Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4308 17289,v1.0,,Lots of people will be living on the grid for a while and having predictable/coordinated loads could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a lot.,/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:37:49.008Z,2019-10-16T09:37:49.008Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4300 17288,v1.0,,I'm thinking about designing the communication protocols to start with and aiming in the long term to get an ecosystem of different hardware and user facing apps to adopt those protocols.,/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:37:32.280Z,2020-09-14T15:15:23.791Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4303 17287,v1.0,,I'm thinking about designing the communication protocols to start with and aiming in the long term to get an ecosystem of different hardware and user facing apps to adopt those protocols.,/post/52672,2019-10-16T09:37:22.273Z,2019-10-16T09:37:22.273Z,52672,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4306 17285,v1.0,,as I don't believe in anything beyond local P2P grids,/post/52640,2019-10-16T09:36:21.109Z,2020-09-11T14:40:57.026Z,52640,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,5,1294 17284,v1.0,,I have good insight into protocols and hardware and also a strong belief in user centred design.,/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:35:11.706Z,2020-09-14T15:15:23.798Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4303 17283,v1.0,,I have good insight into protocols and hardware and also a strong belief in user centred design.,/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:35:04.636Z,2020-09-08T12:07:55.266Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,968 17282,v1.0,,Ideally I would use the most suitable protocol to build some prototypes to do user testing with.,/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:34:47.225Z,2019-10-16T09:34:47.225Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4303 17281,v1.0,,Ideally I would use the most suitable protocol to build some prototypes to do user testing with.,/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:34:40.209Z,2019-10-16T09:34:40.209Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4298 17280,v1.0,,microgrids,/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:34:20.114Z,2019-10-16T09:34:20.114Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4302 17279,v1.0,,"Building a protocol and hardware that form a decentralised system that is secure, user friendly and can interact well with the grid is tall order.",/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:34:03.797Z,2019-10-16T09:34:03.797Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4299 17278,v1.0,,"Building a protocol and hardware that form a decentralised system that is secure, user friendly and can interact well with the grid is tall order",/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:33:53.486Z,2020-09-14T15:14:54.214Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4303 17277,v1.0,,"more decentralised, with more people capable of producing and storing energy we need a decentralised way of managing it.",/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:33:35.074Z,2019-10-16T09:33:35.074Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4300 17276,v1.0,,"more decentralised, with more people capable of producing and storing energy we need a decentralised way of managing it.",/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:33:26.671Z,2019-10-16T09:33:26.671Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4299 17275,v1.0,,phloem will help control the transfer and storage of energy,/post/52586,2019-10-16T09:31:49.555Z,2019-10-16T09:31:49.555Z,52586,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9731,4384,4298 17274,v1.0,,"(So-called ""smart cities""",/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:46:54.468Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.919Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,1028 17273,v1.0,,"heavily originated in the early IBM thinking in that space,",/post/61108,2019-10-11T11:46:36.133Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.885Z,61108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4831 17272,v1.0,,heavily originated in the early IBM thinking in that space,/post/61108,2019-10-11T11:46:29.100Z,2019-10-11T11:46:29.100Z,61108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4296 17271,v1.0,,"In the broader sense of the word, which I very much prefer (let's reclaim and transform that term!) it could be anything that adds connectivity in public space/urban infrastructure, including bottom-up or decentralized approaches. Edit Delete No CommentSmart cities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/61108,2019-10-11T11:43:09.948Z,2020-09-14T13:33:50.762Z,61108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,6114 17270,v1.0,,"In the broader sense of the word, which I very much prefer (let's reclaim and transform that term!) it could be anything that adds connectivity in public space/urban infrastructure, including bottom-up or decentralized approaches. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/61108,2019-10-11T11:43:03.493Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.879Z,61108,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4831 17269,v1.0,,"How similar or dissimilar are smart city plans from each other? are they similar enough that the moniker 'smart city' should suffice in informing us as to what that truly means? Or is there a lot of variance and thus every city needs its own unique analysis? Edit Delete No CommentSmart cities Cancel Save Annotate",/post/60936,2019-10-11T11:41:47.542Z,2020-09-14T15:04:32.307Z,60936,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,2915,4831 17268,v1.0,,"How similar or dissimilar are smart city plans from each other? are they similar enough that the moniker 'smart city' should suffice in informing us as to what that truly means? Or is there a lot of variance and thus every city needs its own unique analysis? Cancel Save Annotate",/post/60936,2019-10-11T11:41:41.980Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.873Z,60936,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,2915,4831 17267,v1.0,,"We propose that every smart city project needs to be aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, human rights, and the simplified TAPS framework (Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Security). Furthermore, any smart city project must be carbon-neutral, or at the very least have a carbon footprint an order of magnitude smaller than the existing systems it replaces or augments.",/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:41:08.628Z,2020-08-26T08:31:36.798Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,966 17266,v1.0,,"We propose that every smart city project needs to be aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, human rights, and the simplified TAPS framework (Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Security). Furthermore, any smart city project must be carbon-neutral, or at the very least have a carbon footprint an order of magnitude smaller than the existing systems it replaces or augments.",/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:41:03.335Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.868Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4831 17265,v1.0,,"As we see a move towards connecting the urban space around the globe, so-called “smart cities” projects proliferate. While often problematic from concept to implementation, there is an opportunity to use this momentum to make our urban infrastructures work for everyone, including the planet.",/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:40:56.256Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.538Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4349 17264,v1.0,,"As we see a move towards connecting the urban space around the globe, so-called “smart cities” projects proliferate. While often problematic from concept to implementation, there is an opportunity to use this momentum to make our urban infrastructures work for everyone, including the planet.",/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:40:49.394Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.861Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4831 17263,v1.0,,Towards Carbon-Neutral Smart Cities,/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:40:23.942Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.854Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4831 17262,v1.0,,Towards Carbon-Neutral Smart Cities,/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:40:17.887Z,2019-10-11T11:40:17.887Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4293 17261,v1.0,,"As part of the event ""Service Design in an Climate Emergency"" that will take place in Berlin on 28 Nov during the Edgeryders festival hosted by @mrchrisadams and Kathryn Hing, I'm planning to contribute a brief input on smart cities and their potential roles in fighting climate change - or vice versa, on the role that the fight against climate change should have on smart city planning and governance.",/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:39:55.975Z,2020-08-27T15:23:15.848Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4831 17260,v1.0,,"As part of the event ""Service Design in an Climate Emergency"" that will take place in Berlin on 28 Nov during the Edgeryders festival hosted by @mrchrisadams and Kathryn Hing, I'm planning to contribute a brief input on smart cities and their potential roles in fighting climate change - or vice versa, on the role that the fight against climate change should have on smart city planning and governance.",/post/60803,2019-10-11T11:39:47.852Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.533Z,60803,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,11041,5092,4349 17253,v1.0,,Anyway I don’t see how at this point the giant companies can be controlled other than to enforce ways that allow authentic competition.,/post/56634,2019-10-10T13:59:44.301Z,2020-08-19T09:56:56.360Z,56634,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,5358 17252,v1.0,,"User control is not just a policy issue. And not just a privacy or bubble issue. Or a UI issue. It is all of them. Facebook would say, “but you do have user control. You control who your friends are, many privacy settings, what groups you want to join and so much else.”",/post/56634,2019-10-10T13:59:29.847Z,2020-08-26T08:26:33.567Z,56634,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3638 17251,v1.0,,"User control is not just a policy issue. And not just a privacy or bubble issue. Or a UI issue. It is all of them. Facebook would say, “but you do have user control. You control who your friends are, many privacy settings, what groups you want to join and so much else.”",/post/56634,2019-10-10T13:59:22.260Z,2019-10-10T13:59:22.260Z,56634,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4275 17244,v1.0,,(1) People who spend more time on the platforms have a greater impact on recommendation systems. (2) The content they engage with will get more views/likes. (3) Content creators will notice and create more of it. (4) People will spend even more time on that content.,/post/56597,2019-10-10T13:57:51.933Z,2019-10-10T13:57:51.933Z,56597,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3771 17242,v1.0,,"The model didn’t take into account how the recommendation system influences the kind of content that's created. In the real world, AI, content creators, and users heavily influence one another. Because AI aims to maximize engagement, hyper-engaged users are seen as “models to be reproduced.” AI algorithms will then favor the content of such users.",/post/56597,2019-10-10T13:57:21.616Z,2019-10-10T13:57:21.616Z,56597,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3776 17241,v1.0,,"e impact of recommender systems, such as those used by YouTube and other platforms. They concluded that “feedback loops in recommendation systems can give rise to ‘echo chambers’ and ‘filter bubbles,’ which can narrow a user’s content exposure and ultimately shift their worldview.”",/post/56597,2019-10-10T13:57:05.116Z,2020-09-14T13:43:28.359Z,56597,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4286 17240,v1.0,,"impact of recommender systems, such as those used by YouTube and other platforms. They concluded that “feedback loops in recommendation systems can give rise to ‘echo chambers’ and ‘filter bubbles,’ which can narrow a user’s content exposure and ultimately shift their worldview.”",/post/56597,2019-10-10T13:56:53.519Z,2019-10-10T13:56:53.519Z,56597,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4286 17239,v1.0,,"impact of recommender systems, such as those used by YouTube and other platforms. They concluded that “feedback loops in recommendation systems can give rise to ‘echo chambers’ and ‘filter bubbles,’ which can narrow a user’s content exposure and ultimately shift their worldview.”",/post/56597,2019-10-10T13:56:44.173Z,2019-10-10T13:56:44.173Z,56597,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3776 17238,v1.0,,Since they are publicly traded they can’t let their stock price go down as if they were part of some socially responsible portfolio.,/post/56593,2019-10-10T13:56:26.991Z,2019-10-10T13:56:26.991Z,56593,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4274 17237,v1.0,,I need to find the reference but I read recently that controversy and polarization raise ad revenue more than the happy kitty photos and the cuddly babies.,/post/56593,2019-10-10T13:56:17.350Z,2020-08-19T09:26:18.478Z,56593,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3821 17236,v1.0,,I need to find the reference but I read recently that controversy and polarization raise ad revenue more than the happy kitty photos and the cuddly babies.,/post/56593,2019-10-10T13:56:09.499Z,2020-09-14T15:04:42.847Z,56593,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3912 17235,v1.0,,". We’ll do the right thing for your kids but we’ll keep on manipulating you. Still, it shows that they respond to some pressure. Which has been quite heavy lately given how shameless they have been in exploiting kids.",/post/56592,2019-10-10T13:55:53.103Z,2019-10-10T13:55:53.103Z,56592,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4005 17234,v1.0,,"We’ll do the right thing for your kids but we’ll keep on manipulating you. Still, it shows that they respond to some pressure. Which has been quite heavy lately given how shameless they have been in exploiting kids. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56592,2019-10-10T13:55:23.793Z,2019-10-10T13:55:23.793Z,56592,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4285 17232,v1.0,,That article about YouTube playing nice for kids,/post/56592,2019-10-10T13:55:06.989Z,2019-10-10T13:55:06.989Z,56592,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4283 17231,v1.0,,"But main take away is second part of the podcast in which they explain how it is possible that fringe voices became so big, and how they're only now realizing how they've helped radicalize people.",/post/56587,2019-10-10T13:54:56.046Z,2019-10-10T13:54:56.046Z,56587,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,4284 17230,v1.0,,"But main take away is second part of the podcast in which they explain how it is possible that fringe voices became so big, and how they're only now realizing how they've helped radicalize people.",/post/56587,2019-10-10T13:54:50.022Z,2019-10-10T13:54:50.022Z,56587,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,4283 17229,v1.0,,how Steve Crowder violated Youtube's hate speech rules,/post/56587,2019-10-10T13:54:39.834Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.215Z,56587,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,5805 17228,v1.0,,how Steve Crowder violated Youtube's hate speech rules,/post/56587,2019-10-10T13:54:33.796Z,2019-10-10T13:54:33.796Z,56587,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,1856,4283 17224,v1.0,,"And maybe I want to see the unvarnished full view of what people are saying. I am an adult, why would I not be allowed to see it? or maybe I don't want to see it. Then let me decide.",/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:54:03.417Z,2019-10-10T13:54:03.417Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4275 17222,v1.0,,"In porn, there are ""community standards"" that put a lid on it some places, but we're talking about planetary services.",/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:53:37.559Z,2020-09-11T14:30:37.310Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3631 17221,v1.0,,"In porn, there are ""community standards"" that put a lid on it some places, but we're talking about planetary services.",/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:53:28.431Z,2019-10-10T13:53:28.431Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4278 17220,v1.0,,"I personally abhor hate speech, but I don't see how it can be fairly defined or enforced.",/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:53:21.230Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.209Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,5805 17219,v1.0,,I want user control. I do not want them acting as censors when it suits them and then in other cases claiming it isn't their responsibility.,/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:53:09.022Z,2019-10-10T13:53:09.022Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4276 17218,v1.0,,I want user control. I do not want them acting as censors when it suits them and then in other cases claiming it isn't their responsibility.,/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:52:55.952Z,2019-10-10T13:52:55.952Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4275 17217,v1.0,,If it stayed as a controlled boil they would prefer that since they can sell more ads that way. But it does boil over and then they think they have to start censoring some of the bile they in fact encourage as a business model.,/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:52:45.360Z,2019-10-10T13:52:45.360Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4274 17216,v1.0,,f it stayed as a controlled boil they would prefer that since they can sell more ads that way. But it does boil over and then they think they have to start censoring some of the bile they in fact encourage as a business model.,/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:52:37.508Z,2020-08-19T09:26:18.484Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,3821 17215,v1.0,,"A big part of the problem, as i understand it, is the way that Facebook and Twitter set up their feeds to stoke controversy and polarization.",/post/56578,2019-10-10T13:52:24.318Z,2020-09-14T13:22:32.746Z,56578,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10342,2915,4004 17212,v1.0,,In other news to @matthias the mp3 school is still in the works and slowly evolving.,/post/55151,2019-10-09T10:28:33.831Z,2019-10-09T10:28:33.831Z,55151,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,2551,4271 17211,v1.0,,"How do you picture a commons brought together more closely through networking, which is what I think you are calling for. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54051,2019-10-09T10:28:06.977Z,2019-10-09T10:28:06.977Z,54051,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,2915,4260 17210,v1.0,,on using the Pirate Box project a,/post/54013,2019-10-09T10:27:51.712Z,2019-10-09T10:27:51.712Z,54013,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4270 17208,v1.0,,"There are already alternate forms of access that turn these assumptions on their head. Imagine an internet that is outdoors and entirely communal. Imagine an internet which emphasises public life and community, the opposite of the isolated, indoor, private interfaces via which we currently interact. You do not have to simply imagine. All around us there are important hints, not utopias, but glimpses at other possibilities.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:27:00.033Z,2020-10-23T09:26:50.904Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,12 17207,v1.0,,"The interfaces via which we utilize the internet are absolutely exclusionary. It is important the we remember it does not have to be this way just because it currently is this way. Further, as we build the internet to be everywhere, if we accept that the physical objects and built interfaces via which we utilize the internet are isolated and emphasise an exclusion then everywhere we access it we are physically isolating ourselves. We are emphasizing an exclusion.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:26:38.144Z,2019-10-09T10:26:38.144Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4259 17206,v1.0,,(3)Because we built the interfaces of the internet to emphasis a physical isolation.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:26:17.671Z,2019-10-09T10:26:17.671Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4259 17204,v1.0,,(2) patriarchal systems in our culture that paint all protagonists as men.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:26:03.986Z,2019-10-09T10:26:03.986Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4268 17203,v1.0,,(1) systems of white supremacy in our culture that paint all protagonists as white.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:25:57.166Z,2020-09-14T13:46:51.297Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,1925 17201,v1.0,,Often in our western imaganings we view time spent on the internet as anti-social. The image comes to mind of a pale man in a dark room illuminated only by the blue glow of his computer. I imagine all of us have seen this picture or can at least imagine it all too easily. But if we are to question it I believe we would find three pivots.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:24:17.450Z,2019-10-09T10:24:17.450Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4259 17199,v1.0,,"Further, if the internet's use in expanding so called freedoms is questionable, then it's ability to diminish them is concrete fact. Dictatorships can use and have used the internet for reliably identifying and locating political dissidents en masse, selectively censoring public discourse in real time, creating swarms of trolls that intimidate voices and obfuscate fact, and a very long list of other both evil and rather ingenious tools built from this technology.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:18:17.941Z,2020-08-26T08:33:13.797Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5701 17198,v1.0,,"urther, if the internet's use in expanding so called freedoms is questionable, then it's ability to diminish them is concrete fact. Dictatorships can use and have used the internet for reliably identifying and locating political dissidents en masse, selectively censoring public discourse in real time, creating swarms of trolls that intimidate voices and obfuscate fact, and a very long list of other both evil and rather ingenious tools built from this technology.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:18:12.085Z,2020-09-08T11:08:15.154Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4264 17197,v1.0,,"Rather than say ""look how good the internet is as a tool for freedom"" we begin to ask ""how useful was the internet as a tool in these movements?"" and then to the better question ""was the internet as useful to the protestors(freedom) as it was to the government's(fascism)?"" T",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:17:50.916Z,2020-09-08T11:08:15.149Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4264 17196,v1.0,,"The internet is just as useful for anti-democratic regimes and generally ""anti-freedom"" dictators as it is for those groups americans selectively deem ""freedom fighters"". In some cases much more so.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:16:51.194Z,2020-09-08T11:08:15.142Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4264 17195,v1.0,,"If you don’t want to read the rest of this section then it will serve you just refer to the previous mentioning of the american definition--or lack thereof-- of freedom and to wonder to yourself ""Is it a good idea to write policy and build infrastructure based off some ill defined and simple sentences that, owing to their lack of definition, mean at once so much and so little.""",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:16:19.112Z,2020-08-26T08:33:13.791Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5701 17193,v1.0,,"""The internet should be everywhere because it promotes freedom.""",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:15:54.091Z,2020-08-26T08:33:13.786Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5701 17191,v1.0,,"The things the Internet builds are good."" Again, no they aren't. It follows from essentially the same reason as above. A tool is not good. A tool is good for certain tasks.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:15:16.125Z,2020-09-08T11:08:15.134Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4264 17190,v1.0,,"Is the internet good? We can address that quickly, it is not. That doesn't mean the internet is ""bad."" We're just asking the wrong question. The internet is a technology. Technology builds tools.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:14:47.213Z,2019-10-09T10:14:47.213Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4264 17188,v1.0,,"This stems from the also very american sense that conflates objects with freedom and freedom with democracy. It works like this, In america freedom has no real definition but it is unanimously agreed upon that whatever it is is good and that everyone should have it everywhere.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:14:13.381Z,2020-08-26T08:33:13.779Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,5701 17187,v1.0,,"With that in mind, why on earth should wifi be ubiquitous? The prevailing colonial western logic establishes the following basic premise: Because it is good and when something is good it should be everywhere all the time.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:13:58.142Z,2019-10-09T10:13:58.142Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4261 17186,v1.0,,"With that in mind, why on earth should wifi be ubiquitous? The prevailing colonial western logic establishes the following basic premise: Because it is good and when something is good it should be everywhere all the time.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:13:49.030Z,2019-10-09T10:13:49.030Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4258 17185,v1.0,,"There is a prevailing sense that the internet, like water, should have an infrastructure that allows for simple and uninterrupted, ubiquitous, access. At its base this sentiment is a noble one. Like water and education the internet should be accessible by every human on the planet, and this access should be easily had. However, the more one looks the more one finds flaws in, or at the very least other ways of approaching, the concept that the access should be everywhere all the time.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:13:31.537Z,2019-10-09T10:13:31.537Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4258 17184,v1.0,,Isolated and ubiquitous internets are just a choice.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:13:11.446Z,2019-10-09T10:13:11.446Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4258 17183,v1.0,,Isolated and ubiquitous internets are just a choice.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:13:01.654Z,2019-10-09T10:13:01.654Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4259 17182,v1.0,,There have been documented cases of entire families using a single facebook profile.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:12:37.386Z,2019-10-09T10:12:37.386Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4260 17181,v1.0,,"Still, this is only a shift of one factor, out of isolation and into the communal. Once online the computer is still built for isolated use, the log in still for one person. What we are given here is not a resolution but a hint at the possible.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:12:10.800Z,2019-10-09T10:12:10.800Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4259 17180,v1.0,,"Still, this is only a shift of one factor, out of isolation and into the communal. Once online the computer is still built for isolated use, the log in still for one person. What we are given here is not a resolution but a hint at the possible.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:12:00.857Z,2019-10-09T10:12:00.857Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4260 17179,v1.0,,It is fair to wonder if even this small shift would allow for certain forms we take for granted in our ubiquitous and isolated internet.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:11:52.946Z,2019-10-09T10:11:52.946Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4259 17178,v1.0,,It is fair to wonder if even this small shift would allow for certain forms we take for granted in our ubiquitous and isolated internet.,/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:11:42.872Z,2019-10-09T10:11:42.872Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4258 17177,v1.0,,"Even this small shift of place, from ubiquity to locality subverts an assumption we all make about about the most important interface of the modern world..",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:11:20.521Z,2019-10-09T10:11:20.521Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4258 17176,v1.0,,"Even this small shift of place, from ubiquity to locality subverts an assumption we all make about about the most important interface of the modern world..",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:11:00.316Z,2020-09-14T15:04:32.300Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4831 17174,v1.0,,"You wake up in cuba, have your morning coffee, and you need to send an email. There is no wifi in your house. You take your computer and walk to the nearest park. There a young man is standing on the corner offering small green cards. On them is a wifi name and the password to access it.",/post/53998,2019-10-09T10:10:11.039Z,2019-10-09T10:10:11.039Z,53998,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10007,5135,4255 17128,v1.0,,"So yeah, building his social biases into the code",/post/54352,2019-10-05T09:07:50.930Z,2020-08-24T17:24:21.322Z,54352,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,6222 17127,v1.0,,"@JuliaV I just came across the political initiative crowdvoice that is all about gathering data from eyewitness collectively. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54204,2019-10-05T09:06:25.209Z,2019-10-05T09:06:25.209Z,54204,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5138,4228 16737,v1.0,,"We are now in the age of adaptation, and the three directions of work for adaptation are resilience, relinquishment and restoration. Relinquishment is particularly important: maybe the most impactful environmental innovation is going to come from giving up stuff (private cars, commercial aviation, most meat).",/post/59368,2019-09-29T23:42:51.311Z,2019-09-29T23:42:51.311Z,59368,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,4019 16736,v1.0,,"I write this under the influence of the Deep Adaptation paper, where Bendell essentially says that sustainability is over. We are now in the age of adaptation, and the three directions of work for adaptation are resilience, relinquishment and restoration. Relinquishment is particularly important: maybe the most impactful environmental innovation is going to come from giving up stuff (private cars, commercial aviation, most meat).",/post/59368,2019-09-29T23:42:30.974Z,2020-09-18T08:46:07.689Z,59368,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4,4847 16731,v1.0,,"The ambitious ones focus on climate change or for example collaborative worldbuilding, so far I'll just scout around.",/post/58325,2019-09-29T14:51:44.856Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.525Z,58325,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10604,5303,4349 16730,v1.0,,My bachelor thesis focused on indoor air pollution,/post/58325,2019-09-29T14:51:31.848Z,2020-09-14T13:41:45.399Z,58325,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10604,5303,3391 16729,v1.0,,"I also really love the idea, it was high time for me to part with google anyway. Thanks for this. Edit Delete No CommentGoogle Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56452,2019-09-29T14:39:06.962Z,2019-09-29T14:39:06.962Z,56452,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10316,137,3767 16728,v1.0,,"I also really love the idea, it was high time for me to part with google anyway. Thanks for this. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/56452,2019-09-29T14:38:55.591Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.567Z,56452,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10316,137,3822 16727,v1.0,,Notwithstanding the carbon footprint of the Internet itself..,/post/56426,2019-09-29T14:37:41.992Z,2020-08-27T15:04:29.773Z,56426,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10316,3,3727 16724,v1.0,,Notwithstanding the carbon footprint of the Internet itself..,/post/56426,2019-09-29T14:36:26.996Z,2019-09-29T14:36:26.996Z,56426,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10316,3,4013 16721,v1.0,,"There is a search engine that, apparently, plants one tree every 45 searches launched. A friend who I respect a lot says he has been using it for two years, and it's quite OK (though not as good as You-Know-What). Anyone has any experience of using it?",/post/56363,2019-09-29T14:35:47.585Z,2019-09-29T14:35:47.585Z,56363,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10316,4,3767 16720,v1.0,,I think another problem with events and campaigns like this is that their punctual nature allows it for people to turn off light for an hour on one day or to like something on Facebook to feel a bit better and a bit as if they are helping to solve the problem. Of course generating awareness is important but as mentioned in more long lasting ways and without easy options to satisfy the uneasiness the shared knowledge generates via a a light or like button.,/post/54770,2019-09-29T14:10:37.416Z,2020-09-14T13:32:29.850Z,54770,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,4934,3756 16718,v1.0,,Maybe it’s just a marketing issue or maybe it’s that emphasis on just a “day” seems to miss the point but we are yet to see effective use of the internet to drive systemic change.,/post/54770,2019-09-29T14:10:11.344Z,2020-09-03T15:28:17.146Z,54770,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,4934,5110 16717,v1.0,,"In fairness, it is a difficult call to make. So many important issues competing for our attention... it's hard to stay focused. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54685,2019-09-29T14:09:51.762Z,2019-09-29T14:09:51.762Z,54685,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,4,3771 16716,v1.0,,"So how could the internet be better used for campaigns like these? If we were to run such a campaign how could we make it more effective? Is there continued direct action that the internet can foster, enhance, and make easier?",/post/54562,2019-09-29T14:09:40.781Z,2019-09-29T14:09:40.781Z,54562,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,5158,4008 16714,v1.0,,"Maybe it's just a marketing issue or maybe it's that emphasis on just a ""day"" seems to miss the point but we are yet to see effective use of the internet to drive systemic change.",/post/54562,2019-09-29T14:06:48.941Z,2020-09-03T15:28:17.141Z,54562,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,5158,5110 16713,v1.0,,"This year's topic is air pollution,",/post/54562,2019-09-29T14:06:23.977Z,2020-09-14T13:41:45.393Z,54562,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,5158,3391 16712,v1.0,,I thought folks might be interested in this,/post/54562,2019-09-29T14:06:14.907Z,2019-09-29T14:06:14.907Z,54562,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10075,5158,4008 16711,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity, as I understand it (which isn't a lot) is largely based around being part of a ""crew.""",/post/59409,2019-09-29T13:44:36.871Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.499Z,59409,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,2915,5056 16710,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity, as I understand it (which isn't a lot) is largely based around being part of a ""crew.""",/post/59409,2019-09-29T13:44:29.773Z,2019-09-29T13:44:29.773Z,59409,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,2915,4000 16709,v1.0,,We did a fairly large research project exploring this in the context of provision of health and social care support where both state and market are failing.,/post/59350,2019-09-29T13:44:09.141Z,2020-11-12T22:43:40.507Z,59350,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,8,5106 16708,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity is not only a step for a healthier earth and person, it's a necessary step of rebellion.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:43:52.877Z,2020-11-12T22:43:40.479Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,5106 16707,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity is not only a step for a healthier earth and person, it's a necessary step of rebellion.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:43:46.120Z,2019-09-29T13:43:46.120Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4000 16706,v1.0,,"My conclusion is that Microsolidarity is not only a great way to go about reshaping and rebuilding the world, it is a means to avoid the dystopia which inevitably comes with mass-manipulation.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:43:36.092Z,2020-09-14T14:58:29.517Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4005 16705,v1.0,,"My conclusion is that Microsolidarity is not only a great way to go about reshaping and rebuilding the world, it is a means to avoid the dystopia which inevitably comes with mass-manipulation.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:43:27.038Z,2019-09-29T13:43:27.038Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4000 16704,v1.0,,"The breeding ground for mass-manipulation is close to reaching its final form, setting the tone and delivering messages with disguised messengers.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:43:03.543Z,2019-09-29T13:43:03.543Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,3940 16703,v1.0,,"The breeding ground for mass-manipulation is close to reaching its final form, setting the tone and delivering messages with disguised messengers.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:42:55.779Z,2019-09-29T13:42:55.779Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4005 16702,v1.0,,I had found that there was a need that Microsolidarity could fill: lonliness.,/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:42:31.075Z,2019-09-29T13:42:31.075Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4001 16701,v1.0,,I had found that there was a need that Microsolidarity could fill: lonliness.,/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:42:21.642Z,2019-09-29T13:42:21.642Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4000 16700,v1.0,,"The identites of the communities, ranging from Twitter to Reddit, from Instagram to Tumbler, were rarely through connections to any individual people but to the masse of agreed jargon and inside-jokes, meta-memes, gifs or trends.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:42:09.867Z,2019-09-29T13:42:09.867Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4004 16699,v1.0,,"The identites of the communities, ranging from Twitter to Reddit, from Instagram to Tumbler, were rarely through connections to any individual people but to the masse of agreed jargon and inside-jokes, meta-memes, gifs or trends.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:41:49.814Z,2020-09-03T15:37:27.493Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,5056 16698,v1.0,,"I look at the internet and see a substitution, a band-aid to the loneliness. Corporations feeding endorphines and a sense of belonging to the infected wounds of isolation.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:40:23.605Z,2019-09-29T13:40:23.605Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4001 16697,v1.0,,"I look at the internet and see a substitution, a band-aid to the loneliness. Corporations feeding endorphines and a sense of belonging to the infected wounds of isolation.",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:40:12.762Z,2020-08-27T15:04:15.237Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,3940 16696,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity be a cure of loneliness, the satisfaction to a deep human need, a desirable solution?",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:39:55.625Z,2019-09-29T13:39:55.625Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4001 16695,v1.0,,"Microsolidarity be a cure of loneliness, the satisfaction to a deep human need, a desirable solution?",/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:39:44.065Z,2019-09-29T13:39:44.065Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4000 16694,v1.0,,Microsolidarity is a necessary step to hinder mass-manipulation in contemporary society.,/post/59347,2019-09-29T13:39:17.811Z,2019-09-29T13:39:17.811Z,59347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10787,5040,4000 16692,v1.0,,we just submitted a workshop proposal for Nov 28 to edgeryders which involves bringing a few ppl from the network into a local sust architecture design process f (and driven by) a commons-oriented coop.,/post/59597,2019-09-28T21:11:35.199Z,2020-09-07T13:35:08.696Z,59597,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,4892,1092 16689,v1.0,,"It there any chance that you or another member have ever worked with the maritime sector? Ports and / or shipping? Our EarthOS unit is working with EIT Climate-KIC on different projects and one of that is the ""Deep Demonstration of net-zero emissions, resilient maritime hubs"". We are organising a workshop in Valencia in December: maybe some of you want to share some experience with us? :)",/post/59372,2019-09-28T20:19:12.027Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.589Z,59372,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5201,1446 16688,v1.0,,"It there any chance that you or another member have ever worked with the maritime sector? Ports and / or shipping? Our EarthOS unit is working with EIT Climate-KIC on different projects and one of that is the ""Deep Demonstration of net-zero emissions, resilient maritime hubs"". We are organising a workshop in Valencia in December: maybe some of you want to share some experience with us? :)",/post/59372,2019-09-28T20:18:41.699Z,2020-09-14T15:00:39.422Z,59372,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5201,4789 16687,v1.0,,"It there any chance that you or another member have ever worked with the maritime sector? Ports and / or shipping? Our EarthOS unit is working with EIT Climate-KIC on different projects and one of that is the ""Deep Demonstration of net-zero emissions, resilient maritime hubs"". We are organising a workshop in Valencia in December: maybe some of you want to share some experience with us? :)",/post/59372,2019-09-28T20:18:16.240Z,2020-09-10T17:15:52.310Z,59372,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5201,3963 16685,v1.0,,"We have not worked in the maritime sector but given the large carbon footprint, I very much hope that we can see some open source solutions come through COACT Lab to tackle the port and shipping sectors.",/post/59399,2019-09-28T20:16:49.036Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.996Z,59399,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,4013 16684,v1.0,,"We have not worked in the maritime sector but given the large carbon footprint, I very much hope that we can see some open source solutions come through COACT Lab to tackle the port and shipping sectors.",/post/59399,2019-09-28T20:16:32.615Z,2020-08-31T17:46:00.739Z,59399,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,6232 16680,v1.0,,"Interestingly, the Valldaura campus where COACT Lab is based has a IAAC masters programs looking at ecological building and they just built a tiny eco home on the campus.",/post/59344,2019-09-28T18:22:23.117Z,2019-09-28T18:22:23.117Z,59344,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3977 16679,v1.0,,"Interestingly, the Valldaura campus where COACT Lab is based has a IAAC masters programs looking at ecological building and they just built a tiny eco home on the campus.",/post/59344,2019-09-28T18:22:14.034Z,2019-09-28T18:22:14.034Z,59344,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3991 16677,v1.0,,We definitely have plans to look at green building solutions and would be great to discuss this further. These are definitely the kind of solutions we would like to welcome people to Valldaura to develop.,/post/59344,2019-09-28T18:20:45.197Z,2019-09-28T18:20:45.197Z,59344,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3991 16676,v1.0,,We have just welcomed our first resident inventor up to COACT Lab in the Valldaura campus. He will be developing a micro hydro turbine. As well as holding a solar water heating workshop.,/post/59344,2019-09-28T18:20:21.239Z,2020-09-09T17:23:46.731Z,59344,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3991 16675,v1.0,,We have just welcomed our first resident inventor up to COACT Lab in the Valldaura campus. He will be developing a micro hydro turbine. As well as holding a solar water heating workshop.,/post/59344,2019-09-28T18:18:14.610Z,2019-09-28T18:18:14.610Z,59344,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3989 16674,v1.0,,We have just welcomed our first resident inventor up to COACT Lab in the Valldaura campus. He will be developing a micro hydro turbine. As well as holding a solar water heating workshop.,/post/59344,2019-09-28T18:18:05.338Z,2019-09-28T18:18:05.338Z,59344,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3988 16673,v1.0,,We have just welcomed our first resident inventor up to COACT Lab in the Valldaura campus. He will be developing a micro hydro turbine. As well as holding a solar water heating workshop.,/post/59344,2019-09-28T18:17:49.286Z,2020-09-14T15:14:46.442Z,59344,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,7443 16671,v1.0,,"Anyway, I'm curious if some of the open tech solutions you guys are workign on (like carpentry based) go as far as looking at green building construction from the bottom up - including foundation, walls, energy grids and so on. Some of us in Brussels are looking for a large residential building to transform it into a carbon free one (The Reef). Part is technical solutions, and another aspect of greening are lifestyle tweaks (growing your own food).",/post/59333,2019-09-28T18:15:46.275Z,2019-09-28T18:15:46.275Z,59333,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,3,3986 16669,v1.0,,"Anyway, I'm curious if some of the open tech solutions you guys are workign on (like carpentry based) go as far as looking at green building construction from the bottom up - including foundation, walls, energy grids and so on. Some of us in Brussels are looking for a large residential building to transform it into a carbon free one (The Reef). Part is technical solutions, and another aspect of greening are lifestyle tweaks (growing your own food).",/post/59333,2019-09-28T18:15:16.589Z,2019-09-28T18:20:57.898Z,59333,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,3,3991 16668,v1.0,,"Anyway, I'm curious if some of the open tech solutions you guys are workign on (like carpentry based) go as far as looking at green building construction from the bottom up - including foundation, walls, energy grids and so on. Some of us in Brussels are looking for a large residential building to transform it into a carbon free one (The Reef). Part is technical solutions, and another aspect of greening are lifestyle tweaks (growing your own food).",/post/59333,2019-09-28T18:14:53.680Z,2020-09-11T11:42:47.937Z,59333,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,3,1257 16667,v1.0,,"Surrounded by nature, living in a self-sufficient existence, we believe that this is the ideal setting to inspire our participants to break the boundaries of environmental tech solutions.",/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:13:56.750Z,2019-09-28T18:13:56.750Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3980 16665,v1.0,,"This will be done over short term residences as well as 3-6 month rigorous incubator programs, where experts will come to the campus to inform and coach the participants in various fields as they build their tech.",/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:12:45.235Z,2020-09-14T14:57:21.070Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,7443 16663,v1.0,,"This will be done over short term residences as well as 3-6 month rigorous incubator programs, where experts will come to the campus to inform and coach the participants in various fields as they build their tech.",/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:12:26.725Z,2020-09-11T11:02:33.443Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,2322 16662,v1.0,,"COACT Lab is an incubator, where inventors, designers and technologists with environmental tech ideas can disconnect from their daily pressures to focus on creating scalable and usable solutions.",/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:12:06.650Z,2020-09-11T11:02:33.435Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,2322 16659,v1.0,,"COACT Lab is an incubator, where inventors, designers and technologists with environmental tech ideas can disconnect from their daily pressures to focus on creating scalable and usable solutions.",/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:10:17.484Z,2019-09-28T18:10:17.484Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3980 16658,v1.0,,I am the co-founder of COACT Lab an open-source environmental tech incubator based in the green hills outside of Barcelona.,/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:09:49.865Z,2019-09-28T18:10:06.684Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3980 16657,v1.0,,I am the co-founder of COACT Lab an open-source environmental tech incubator based in the green hills outside of Barcelona.,/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:09:31.346Z,2020-09-11T11:02:33.427Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,2322 16656,v1.0,,"COACT Lab is an incubator, where inventors, designers and technologists with environmental tech ideas can disconnect from their daily pressures to focus on creating scalable and usable solutions.",/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:09:15.914Z,2019-09-28T18:09:15.914Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3977 16655,v1.0,,I am the co-founder of COACT Lab an open-source environmental tech incubator based in the green hills outside of Barcelona.,/post/59274,2019-09-28T18:08:46.778Z,2019-09-28T18:08:46.778Z,59274,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10774,5359,3977 16654,v1.0,,"The aim would be to get a deeper understanding of what it means for tech products and organisations to be deep green and ecologically sustainable. We'd explore both the teams/organisations creating the tech as well as the tech itself, investigating the question: How can a startup structure and the technology it produces be deep green, ecologically sustainable and regenerative? We would invite a group of technologists and social entrepreneurs to feed into the discussion.",/post/55432,2019-09-28T17:57:25.593Z,2020-08-26T08:23:47.847Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7068 16653,v1.0,,We could then move on to a series of more specific sessions about the applications of these principles to specific areas of tech and organisation design. The outcome might be a collectively created based report on deep green tech.,/post/55432,2019-09-28T17:56:33.746Z,2020-09-24T14:32:56.619Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7646 16651,v1.0,,We could then move on to a series of more specific sessions about the applications of these principles to specific areas of tech and organisation design. The outcome might be a collectively created based report on deep green tech.,/post/55432,2019-09-28T17:56:05.989Z,2020-09-18T08:45:44.724Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,4027 16650,v1.0,,"Welcome. And that sounds great. With an emphasis on deep. The greenness or lack of it in tech is hidden from most of us. Or maybe we just don't look closely enough, or know where to look to find out.",/post/55455,2019-09-28T17:55:35.921Z,2020-08-26T08:23:47.841Z,55455,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,2915,7068 16648,v1.0,,"I also recommend Chris Adams' amazing work threading these various discourses and tools. His recent talk, When Software is Heating the World, is a particularly good recap of the climate crisis and what the tech sector can and should do.",/post/58004,2019-09-28T17:49:19.654Z,2020-09-18T08:45:44.707Z,58004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,5292,4027 16647,v1.0,,"I also recommend Chris Adams' amazing work threading these various discourses and tools. His recent talk, When Software is Heating the World, is a particularly good recap of the climate crisis and what the tech sector can and should do. Edit Delete No Commentclimate change Edit Delete No Commentprevention Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58004,2019-09-28T17:48:58.447Z,2019-09-28T17:48:58.447Z,58004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,5292,3975 16646,v1.0,,"I'm really interested in how to combat the climate emergency. For people in the tech sector, I can recommend joining the Climate Act Tech group, which is sharing a lot of great tips and immediate actions.",/post/58004,2019-09-28T17:37:18.512Z,2020-08-26T08:31:44.571Z,58004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,5292,1349 16645,v1.0,,"'m really interested in how to combat the climate emergency. For people in the tech sector, I can recommend joining the Climate Act Tech group, which is sharing a lot of great tips and immediate actions.",/post/58004,2019-09-28T17:37:06.626Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.520Z,58004,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,5292,4349 16643,v1.0,,"This feels a bit depressing, but I'd try asking why we still only keep referring to Fairphone as one of the only small company success stories in electronics - after 6 or 7 years. We desparately need more examples like them, but I struggle to see many.",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:22:36.981Z,2020-08-31T17:42:42.607Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,4893 16642,v1.0,,"This feels a bit depressing, but I'd try asking why we still only keep referring to Fairphone as one of the only small company success stories in electronics - after 6 or 7 years. We desparately need more examples like them, but I struggle to see many.",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:22:28.967Z,2019-09-27T20:22:28.967Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3972 16641,v1.0,,", I've since came across some tools like MET (material, energy toxicity) Matrixes - see the grid in that deck, that at least let you start enumerating some of these costs for industrially designed products, and give some data to inform tradeoffs you might make, and EcoCost, with some nice apps and openly licenced data you can work with.",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:19:49.616Z,2020-09-11T14:57:35.033Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,6232 16640,v1.0,,"I've since came across some tools like MET (material, energy toxicity) Matrixes - see the grid in that deck, that at least let you start enumerating some of these costs for industrially designed products, and give some data to inform tradeoffs you might make, and EcoCost, with some nice apps and openly licenced data you can work with.",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:19:28.882Z,2020-08-21T08:39:56.814Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,6073 16639,v1.0,,"I've since came across some tools like MET (material, energy toxicity) Matrixes - see the grid in that deck, that at least let you start enumerating some of these costs for industrially designed products, and give some data to inform tradeoffs you might make, and EcoCost, with some nice apps and openly licenced data you can work with.",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:18:41.669Z,2019-09-27T20:18:41.669Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3970 16638,v1.0,,"I've since came across some tools like MET (material, energy toxicity) Matrixes - see the grid in that deck, that at least let you start enumerating some of these costs for industrially designed products, and give some data to inform tradeoffs you might make, and EcoCost, with some nice apps and openly licenced data you can work with.",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:18:30.858Z,2019-09-27T20:18:30.858Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3968 16637,v1.0,,EcoCosts,/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:15:34.253Z,2020-09-08T11:08:51.015Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3970 16636,v1.0,,MET Matrixes,/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:15:26.122Z,2019-09-27T20:15:26.122Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3968 16635,v1.0,,"building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:13:01.262Z,2021-05-14T05:18:07.353Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,979 16634,v1.0,,"building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:12:20.278Z,2020-08-21T08:39:56.807Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,6073 16633,v1.0,,"building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:10:32.099Z,2019-09-27T20:10:32.099Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3963 16632,v1.0,,"building IoT products in a environmentally responsible way, could be commercially viable in the current context because we are so used to shifting many of the costs of related to a service/product outside an organisation,",/post/55704,2019-09-27T20:10:17.188Z,2020-09-14T14:57:21.064Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7443 16631,v1.0,,"I'll try sharing my experiences when trying to get some understanding of climate change and environmental sustainability into the open IoTMark, which became the BetterIoT work that Alex Deschamps-Sonsino has sunk a colossal amount of work into).",/post/55704,2019-09-27T19:56:22.598Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.515Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,4349 16630,v1.0,,"I'll try sharing my experiences when trying to get some understanding of climate change and environmental sustainability into the open IoTMark, which became the BetterIoT work that Alex Deschamps-Sonsino has sunk a colossal amount of work into).",/post/55704,2019-09-27T19:56:13.854Z,2019-09-27T19:56:13.854Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3963 16629,v1.0,,"I'll try sharing my experiences when trying to get some understanding of climate change and environmental sustainability into the open IoTMark, which became the BetterIoT work that Alex Deschamps-Sonsino has sunk a colossal amount of work into).",/post/55704,2019-09-27T19:55:52.424Z,2019-09-27T19:55:52.424Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3962 16628,v1.0,,IoTMArk,/post/55704,2019-09-27T19:40:27.268Z,2019-09-27T19:40:27.268Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,3962 16623,v1.0,,"I think I'd ask what the scope of the problem you're trying to explore is - I'll speak about IoT here, as I think web's a slightly different story, and this is already a pretty long response.In my experience, that once you pull at one aspect of this what you might refer to as deep green* , it's hard not to end up in a situation where you basically end up at a conclusion like Michelle Thorne's post, it's capitalism, stupid.At that point, it's harder to make specific recommendations without us needing huge sweeping political changes.",/post/55704,2019-09-25T19:37:25.376Z,2020-08-26T08:23:47.836Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,7068 16621,v1.0,,"I think I'd ask what the scope of the problem you're trying to explore is - I'll speak about IoT here, as I think web's a slightly different story, and this is already a pretty long response.In my experience, that once you pull at one aspect of this what you might refer to as deep green* , it's hard not to end up in a situation where you basically end up at a conclusion like Michelle Thorne's post, it's capitalism, stupid.At that point, it's harder to make specific recommendations without us needing huge sweeping political changes.",/post/55704,2019-09-25T19:36:49.775Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.957Z,55704,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4604,1028 16620,v1.0,,"Limited links to free software networks, something I never quite understood - the convergence of open data / hardware / software is sth Edgeryders could push for to promote a holistic concept of openness.",/post/55680,2019-09-25T19:34:50.160Z,2020-08-26T08:31:42.217Z,55680,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4892,1250 16619,v1.0,,"Second the recommendation to cooperate with the Good Electronics Network. We have been a member for years, useful exchange, focus on sharing campaign info and policy processes, less so on co-developing local formats / strategies; occupational health / right to know has been a key issue from the start, as has supply chain transparency (here a 2018 survey of tools).",/post/55680,2019-09-25T19:33:55.880Z,2020-08-31T17:46:42.393Z,55680,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4892,6225 16618,v1.0,,"Second the recommendation to cooperate with the Good Electronics Network. We have been a member for years, useful exchange, focus on sharing campaign info and policy processes, less so on co-developing local formats / strategies; occupational health / right to know has been a key issue from the start, as has supply chain transparency (here a 2018 survey of tools).",/post/55680,2019-09-25T19:33:15.578Z,2020-08-26T08:31:48.314Z,55680,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4892,1539 16617,v1.0,,"Second the recommendation to cooperate with the Good Electronics Network. We have been a member for years, useful exchange, focus on sharing campaign info and policy processes, less so on co-developing local formats / strategies; occupational health / right to know has been a key issue from the start, as has supply chain transparency (here a 2018 survey of tools).",/post/55680,2019-09-25T19:32:47.153Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.254Z,55680,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4892,7516 16616,v1.0,,"Second the recommendation to cooperate with the Good Electronics Network. We have been a member for years, useful exchange, focus on sharing campaign info and policy processes, less so on co-developing local formats / strategies; occupational health / right to know has been a key issue from the start, as has supply chain transparency (here a 2018 survey of tools).",/post/55680,2019-09-25T19:32:32.647Z,2019-09-25T19:32:32.647Z,55680,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4892,3958 16615,v1.0,,"In terms of reducing environmental harms in the supply chain, we would recommend getting involved in Good Electronics network, which has long-term experience networking grassroots activists on the ground. Electronics Watch has done a great job of extending these concerns into actionable, public sector procurement.",/post/55675,2019-09-25T18:22:02.876Z,2019-09-25T18:22:02.876Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,3958 16614,v1.0,,"In terms of reducing environmental harms in the supply chain, we would recommend getting involved in Good Electronics network, which has long-term experience networking grassroots activists on the ground. Electronics Watch has done a great job of extending these concerns into actionable, public sector procurement.",/post/55675,2019-09-25T18:21:46.360Z,2019-09-25T18:21:46.360Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,3957 16613,v1.0,,"In terms of reducing environmental harms in the supply chain, we would recommend getting involved in Good Electronics network, which has long-term experience networking grassroots activists on the ground. Electronics Watch has done a great job of extending these concerns into actionable, public sector procurement.",/post/55675,2019-09-25T18:21:32.978Z,2020-09-11T11:29:24.580Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,4614 16612,v1.0,,"In terms of reducing environmental harms in the supply chain, we would recommend getting involved in Good Electronics network, which has long-term experience networking grassroots activists on the ground. Electronics Watch has done a great job of extending these concerns into actionable, public sector procurement.",/post/55675,2019-09-25T18:21:04.723Z,2020-08-31T17:46:42.387Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,6225 16611,v1.0,,"In terms of reducing environmental harms in the supply chain, we would recommend getting involved in Good Electronics network, which has long-term experience networking grassroots activists on the ground. Electronics Watch has done a great job of extending these concerns into actionable, public sector procurement.",/post/55675,2019-09-25T18:20:56.015Z,2019-09-25T18:20:56.015Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,3954 16610,v1.0,,"Worth also remembering that EU-driven voluntary initiatives like Ecolabel that have had extremely limited traction. For example, the Ecolabel for laptops has existed for years, but very few (if any?) manufacturers have ever risen to the challenge.",/post/55675,2019-09-25T18:19:40.243Z,2020-09-11T14:58:11.701Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,6232 16609,v1.0,,"Worth also remembering that EU-driven voluntary initiatives like Ecolabel that have had extremely limited traction. For example, the Ecolabel for laptops has existed for years, but very few (if any?) manufacturers have ever risen to the challenge.",/post/55675,2019-09-25T18:18:42.152Z,2019-09-25T18:18:42.152Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,3952 16608,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2019-09-25T18:15:46.601Z,2020-09-09T18:01:20.016Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,7155 16606,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2019-09-25T18:15:22.480Z,2020-08-31T17:46:00.589Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,6232 16605,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2019-09-25T18:15:08.026Z,2019-09-25T18:15:08.026Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,3948 16604,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2019-09-25T18:14:49.005Z,2019-09-25T18:14:49.005Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,3947 16603,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2019-09-25T18:14:42.673Z,2019-09-25T18:14:42.673Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,3946 16602,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2019-09-25T18:14:34.730Z,2020-08-26T08:31:39.704Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,1121 16600,v1.0,,"Let's start by trying to define ""deep green"". Do you mean ""deep"" it as it is referred to in relation to ""deep tech""?",/post/55429,2019-09-25T18:13:05.087Z,2020-08-26T08:23:47.830Z,55429,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4022,7068 16599,v1.0,,"I agree about defining 'deep' - and given the situation we collectively find ourselves in, I think that definition should be as inclusive as @pbihr suggests: materials, sources, processes, recyclability, shipping, packaging, energy use - all of the above and whatever else goes along with it.",/post/55506,2019-09-25T18:12:02.050Z,2020-08-26T08:23:47.824Z,55506,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,2915,7068 16598,v1.0,,I think this breaks reasonably new ground to really justify some deep research: How can we mitigate the lack of transparency and still get to meaningful insights into how green a product is? What are best practices to make things more green? What are strategies to allow for this type of mark to evolve as things get more transparent over time?,/post/55486,2019-09-25T18:02:44.079Z,2020-09-10T17:01:07.170Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3980 16596,v1.0,,I think this breaks reasonably new ground to really justify some deep research: How can we mitigate the lack of transparency and still get to meaningful insights into how green a product is? What are best practices to make things more green? What are strategies to allow for this type of mark to evolve as things get more transparent over time?,/post/55486,2019-09-25T18:02:06.396Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.250Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7516 16594,v1.0,,environmental impact both on the materials side (Dr. Isabel Ordonez mentioned something along those lines at a recent ThingsCon Salon) as well as on the energy side of digital products (The Green Web Foundation and Chris Adams to the rescue!).,/post/55486,2019-09-25T17:56:49.791Z,2020-08-27T15:04:48.322Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3727 16593,v1.0,,about the psychological effects of how and what people say on social networks and why.,/post/54066,2019-09-25T14:56:37.969Z,2019-09-25T14:56:37.969Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3940 16592,v1.0,,"There are a number of initiatives towards ""repairability scores"" for electronics, some EU, some scoping at a national level (including hints from Defra here in the UK) and some private sector-driven voluntary approaches. Additionally TCO are looking to expand their criteria to include a full lifecycle approach.",/post/55675,2019-09-18T13:19:57.717Z,2019-09-18T13:19:57.717Z,55675,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,1844,3938 16591,v1.0,,"Some of the foundational questions to ask yourself is: - Should this mark provide a base-line, or be more aspirational? (One establishes a minimum standard, the other a ""gold"" standard, which means one applies to potentially everything while the other applies to a small subset.) - Do we build this around information provided by the vendor/manufacturer or do we verify information independently? (One is easy but could be abused, the other is more robust but more costly.)",/post/55486,2019-09-18T13:18:41.564Z,2019-09-18T13:18:41.564Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3842 16590,v1.0,,The Restart Project are doing amazing work around prolonging the life cycle of electronics through repair.,/post/55472,2019-09-18T12:52:23.263Z,2020-09-08T11:22:36.758Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,6236 16477,v1.0,,", there isn't currently a canonical ""green"" trustmark for things like electronics. It seems like Fairphone's approach of making their phones' components transparent is about the limit of what has been possible. Why? The sourcing is incredibly complex.",/post/55486,2019-09-15T20:12:43.866Z,2020-09-24T14:32:56.610Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,7646 16476,v1.0,,"there isn't currently a canonical ""green"" trustmark for things like electronics. It seems like Fairphone's approach of making their phones' components transparent is about the limit of what has been possible. Why? The sourcing is incredibly complex.",/post/55486,2019-09-15T20:12:16.219Z,2019-09-15T20:12:16.219Z,55486,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3842 16475,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2019-09-15T20:11:03.174Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.951Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,1028 16474,v1.0,,Got suggests for how not to approach thinking about trustmarks on general/ a starting set of questions we could depart from based on your experience with the trustable iot one you are developing?,/post/55476,2019-09-15T20:10:52.229Z,2019-09-15T20:10:52.229Z,55476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,3842 16473,v1.0,,The Restart Project are doing amazing work around prolonging the life cycle of electronics through repair.,/post/55472,2019-09-15T20:09:32.764Z,2019-09-15T20:09:32.764Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3870 16472,v1.0,,Then there's of course the materials angle for those products that have a hardware component (everything IoT for example).,/post/55472,2019-09-15T20:02:45.370Z,2020-09-11T14:59:12.852Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,6073 16471,v1.0,,Then there's of course the materials angle for those products that have a hardware component (everything IoT for example).,/post/55472,2019-09-15T20:02:27.154Z,2021-04-06T15:37:37.893Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,1028 16469,v1.0,,"he work that the Green Web Foundation has been doing seems highly relevant, Chris Adams is the person I'd recommend chatting to, he's been doing work with them. That covers the energy angle of digital services.",/post/55472,2019-09-15T19:54:00.217Z,2019-09-15T19:54:00.217Z,55472,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,5092,3867 16468,v1.0,,Memex and Storex be useful for those wanting to work together for more sustainable tech?,/post/55429,2019-09-15T19:44:15.633Z,2019-09-15T19:44:15.633Z,55429,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4022,3866 16467,v1.0,,Memex and Storex be useful for those wanting to work together for more sustainable tech?,/post/55429,2019-09-15T19:44:06.465Z,2019-09-15T19:44:06.465Z,55429,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4022,3865 16466,v1.0,,Memex and Storex be useful for those wanting to work together for more sustainable tech?,/post/55429,2019-09-15T19:43:45.054Z,2020-09-24T14:32:56.614Z,55429,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,4022,7646 16458,v1.0,,What a deep green movement for the Internet of Humans would look like and which questions we should be asking to start figuring this out together.,/post/55428,2019-09-15T19:31:41.972Z,2020-09-14T15:12:58.462Z,55428,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,968 16457,v1.0,,What a deep green movement for the Internet of Humans would look like and which questions we should be asking to start figuring this out together.,/post/55428,2019-09-15T19:31:12.451Z,2020-09-23T17:15:25.398Z,55428,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10190,8,7644 16456,v1.0,,This is why I think it is necessary to have good user controls in social media for it to work in ways that we here think it should work. (Assuming we are more or less aligned.),/post/59261,2019-09-15T19:21:19.617Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.116Z,59261,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5895 16455,v1.0,,This is why I think it is necessary to have good user controls in social media for it to work in ways that we here think it should work. (Assuming we are more or less aligned.),/post/59261,2019-09-15T19:20:36.581Z,2020-08-31T18:16:04.531Z,59261,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,4275 16453,v1.0,,I have no faith that social media companies that make most of their money tracking you and subtly funneling you into where they want you to go in order to maximize revenue are ever going to allow enough user control to “un break” it.,/post/59260,2019-09-15T19:14:00.373Z,2020-09-11T14:21:04.293Z,59260,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3821 16450,v1.0,,Impact Tech,/post/59213,2019-09-15T16:43:49.948Z,2020-09-11T14:06:42.495Z,59213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,8,4848 16449,v1.0,,"The GDPR principles state that you should not collect personal data, unless you need them to provide the service that you are out to provide.",/post/55290,2019-09-08T17:25:10.159Z,2019-09-08T17:25:10.159Z,55290,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4,3685 16448,v1.0,,"The GDPR principles state that you should not collect personal data, unless you need them to provide the service that you are out to provide.",/post/55290,2019-09-08T17:24:45.707Z,2019-09-08T17:24:45.707Z,55290,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4,3785 16447,v1.0,,"Efficiency is always defined in relationship to some goal: effort per unit of goal achieved. If your goal is revenue, collecting data (even data that you do not necessarily need to provide your core service) may be efficient if you can resell them. It goes back to value theory, since the concept of value encodes societal goals.",/post/55290,2019-09-08T17:24:28.892Z,2020-08-24T16:07:33.633Z,55290,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4,3599 16445,v1.0,,"For most of these applications, data transfer efficiency can be infinite by just keeping all the data on the user's devices. That is a super rare model of doing things now, though, as they all want that ""new gold"" on their own servers.",/post/54687,2019-09-08T17:23:54.912Z,2020-08-31T18:53:07.771Z,54687,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,5889 16441,v1.0,,Interesting thread. I had not thought that much about the energy required to push out all those ads. And in general yes there seems to be a common belief that storage bandwidth and throughput are a commodity limited only by current iterations of technology with no consideration of what gets consumed just to bring it to us.,/post/54654,2019-09-08T17:18:45.568Z,2019-09-08T17:18:45.568Z,54654,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3821 16440,v1.0,,"nteresting thread. I had not thought that much about the energy required to push out all those ads. And in general yes there seems to be a common belief that storage bandwidth and throughput are a commodity limited only by current iterations of technology with no consideration of what gets consumed just to bring it to us. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54654,2019-09-08T17:18:30.799Z,2019-09-08T17:18:30.799Z,54654,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3843 16438,v1.0,,"It’s striking how fast Lenihan’s article took flight in right-wing media, and the news of Twitter’s action, in turn, was immediately picked up by many of the same news sources. RT ran with the headline “Twitter bans researcher who exposed journalist ties to Antifa.”",/post/54540,2019-09-08T17:11:31.181Z,2020-09-07T14:38:21.227Z,54540,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,1856,3694 16437,v1.0,,"It’s striking how fast Lenihan’s article took flight in right-wing media, and the news of Twitter’s action, in turn, was immediately picked up by many of the same news sources. RT ran with the headline “Twitter bans researcher who exposed journalist ties to Antifa.”",/post/54540,2019-09-08T17:11:18.522Z,2020-09-14T14:59:07.614Z,54540,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,1856,3750 16436,v1.0,,"It’s striking how fast Lenihan’s article took flight in right-wing media, and the news of Twitter’s action, in turn, was immediately picked up by many of the same news sources. RT ran with the headline “Twitter bans researcher who exposed journalist ties to Antifa.”",/post/54540,2019-09-08T17:11:09.500Z,2020-08-18T13:39:22.272Z,54540,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,1856,3700 16435,v1.0,,"and that's the whole thing with disinformation, unfortunately a lot of people do believe RT - and they can't phantom you still believe ""mainstream media,"" a sheeple who hasn't dared to take the red pill yet. :(",/post/54540,2019-09-08T17:10:45.084Z,2019-09-08T17:10:45.084Z,54540,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,1856,3716 16432,v1.0,,"What 5G will enable is even more data bloat, and because bloated rather than size-optimized data is ""convenient"" on the developer side, that's what we'll get.",/post/54514,2019-09-08T17:02:48.874Z,2019-09-08T17:02:48.874Z,54514,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5,3700 16430,v1.0,,"In the US they got FOX to spread the conspiracy already and when that happens - according to research by Harvard, it will be part of the conservative right narrative in no time.",/post/54394,2019-09-08T17:01:17.260Z,2020-09-14T14:59:07.608Z,54394,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,1856,3750 16428,v1.0,,"You know, I completely agree on a human level. But is there a lot we can do about it? Probably not. It will come, because there is a lot of money to be made from pushing more bits through the air. So then it becomes a race to the top/bottom (depending on your perspective) as with all technologies, and the answer becomes - because if we don’t have it, but China/Russia/Nigeria/Brazil do, Europe will lag behind economically. Is it a satisfying answer? Not really. But at least in this case, this particular technological race doesn't seem like it will have hugely detrimental environmental effects.",/post/54445,2019-09-08T16:36:50.678Z,2020-09-11T11:40:00.472Z,54445,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4022,5358 16427,v1.0,,"You know, I completely agree on a human level. But is there a lot we can do about it? Probably not. It will come, because there is a lot of money to be made from pushing more bits through the air. So then it becomes a race to the top/bottom (depending on your perspective) as with all technologies, and the answer becomes - because if we don’t have it, but China/Russia/Nigeria/Brazil do, Europe will lag behind economically. Is it a satisfying answer? Not really. But at least in this case, this particular technological race doesn't seem like it will have hugely detrimental environmental effects.",/post/54445,2019-09-08T16:36:40.510Z,2019-09-08T16:36:40.510Z,54445,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4022,3700 16426,v1.0,,"price tag,",/post/54435,2019-09-08T16:30:35.594Z,2020-08-21T08:39:22.509Z,54435,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5158,6073 16425,v1.0,,proliferation of yet more devices,/post/54435,2019-09-08T16:30:19.643Z,2019-09-08T16:30:19.643Z,54435,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5158,3845 16423,v1.0,,greater energy cost,/post/54435,2019-09-08T16:29:19.363Z,2019-09-08T16:29:19.363Z,54435,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5158,3843 16422,v1.0,,"Why do we need 5G? From what I can tell it purely supports vertical scaling, bigger and better - more data, faster. But that will come at a greater energy cost, price tag, and support proliferation of yet more devices and needless consumption. Is this benefiting humanity?",/post/54435,2019-09-08T16:28:55.784Z,2019-09-08T16:28:55.784Z,54435,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,5158,3700 16421,v1.0,,green trustmarks,/post/56079,2019-09-08T16:25:11.094Z,2019-09-08T16:25:11.094Z,56079,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,3,3842 16416,v1.0,,"We'd explore both the teams/organisations creating the tech as well as the tech itself, investigating the question: How can a startup structure and the technology it produces be deep green, ecologically sustainable and regenerative?",/post/55432,2019-09-08T15:53:54.196Z,2020-09-24T14:51:06.121Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7646 16415,v1.0,,"We'd explore both the teams/organisations creating the tech as well as the tech itself, investigating the question: How can a startup structure and the technology it produces be deep green, ecologically sustainable and regenerativ",/post/55432,2019-09-08T15:53:44.342Z,2019-09-08T15:53:44.342Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,3839 16409,v1.0,,'deep green tech'.,/post/55432,2019-09-08T15:50:07.774Z,2020-09-23T17:03:29.518Z,55432,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10191,4622,7644 16406,v1.0,,That guy Arthur Firstenberg spent time up here on the north coast of California doing the same thing scaring everyone about cell towers and wi-fi. He got a lot of people freaked out about it so bad the parents made the high school dismantle the school wifi network. But that guy is generally considered a real BS artist who lives in his car and goes from place to place scaring everyone who will listen.,/post/54476,2019-09-02T18:47:19.539Z,2020-09-14T14:59:07.602Z,54476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3750 16405,v1.0,,That guy Arthur Firstenberg spent time up here on the north coast of California doing the same thing scaring everyone about cell towers and wi-fi. He got a lot of people freaked out about it so bad the parents made the high school dismantle the school wifi network. But that guy is generally considered a real BS artist who lives in his car and goes from place to place scaring everyone who will listen.,/post/54476,2019-09-02T18:47:10.577Z,2020-08-18T13:39:22.266Z,54476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3700 16404,v1.0,,"I don't know why anyone buys something they see on RT. It's propaganda. The story says, ""Virtually all the data contradict the dire alarms."" That is true because the dire alarms are too dire for what is really known about the tech. Nobody knows.",/post/54476,2019-09-02T18:46:44.407Z,2020-09-14T14:59:07.596Z,54476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3750 16403,v1.0,,"Also one of the people mentioned who was the ""expert"" on one of those RT alarmist shows, "" On Feb. 7, a segment claimed that “5G Tech is ‘Crime under International Law.’” Its featured expert was Arthur Firstenberg, who once charged that a neighbor’s wireless gear had hurt his health. He sued for $1.43 million in damages but lost after pressing his claim for five years.""",/post/54476,2019-09-02T18:45:58.015Z,2020-09-14T14:59:07.575Z,54476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3750 16402,v1.0,,"Also one of the people mentioned who was the ""expert"" on one of those RT alarmist shows, "" On Feb. 7, a segment claimed that “5G Tech is ‘Crime under International Law.’” Its featured expert was Arthur Firstenberg, who once charged that a neighbor’s wireless gear had hurt his health. He sued for $1.43 million in damages but lost after pressing his claim for five years.""",/post/54476,2019-09-02T18:45:46.610Z,2019-09-02T18:45:46.610Z,54476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3834 16401,v1.0,,"I don't know why anyone buys something they see on RT. It's propaganda. The story says, ""Virtually all the data contradict the dire alarms."" That is true because the dire alarms are too dire for what is really known about the tech. Nobody knows.",/post/54476,2019-09-02T18:44:52.384Z,2019-09-02T18:44:52.384Z,54476,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3834 16400,v1.0,,"As for 5G, what I don't want is what we have now: tech companies with a stake in the outcome telling us everything is fine and safe (I lived through the 50s where that was what the nuclear industries did), a government that will not step up to its role in protecting the public by making an objective determination (usually because the lobbies are too strong and donate too much money) and a bunch of noise from the troll factories spreading FUD all over.",/post/55321,2019-09-02T18:44:06.910Z,2019-09-02T18:44:06.910Z,55321,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3700 16399,v1.0,,"As for 5G, what I don't want is what we have now: tech companies with a stake in the outcome telling us everything is fine and safe (I lived through the 50s where that was what the nuclear industries did), a government that will not step up to its role in protecting the public by making an objective determination (usually because the lobbies are too strong and donate too much money) and a bunch of noise from the troll factories spreading FUD all over.",/post/55321,2019-09-02T18:43:59.471Z,2020-09-14T15:18:07.453Z,55321,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3748 16398,v1.0,,"The scare comes when you assign specific health effects to something when there is no evidence linking them. So, yeah, 5 G is too new for any of that. But it is also being rolled out as a world-wide inevitability - which it is - with no studies and no plans for studies (from industry apparently - why should they, nobody is forcing them to do it) when in fact it is known that cellular frequencies and some high frequencies used in certain ways and in proximity in certain strengths, can have measurable effects. So it is possible and to say otherwise or suggest otherwise is, in my view, irresponsible. But on the other side of it, assigning this or that bad health effect discredits just about anyone who even questions the safety of the technology. Because we have to be able to question it without coming off as an uninformed luddite. .",/post/54475,2019-09-02T18:40:16.167Z,2019-09-02T18:40:16.167Z,54475,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3702 16397,v1.0,,"The scare comes when you assign specific health effects to something when there is no evidence linking them. So, yeah, 5 G is too new for any of that. But it is also being rolled out as a world-wide inevitability - which it is - with no studies and no plans for studies (from industry apparently - why should they, nobody is forcing them to do it) when in fact it is known that cellular frequencies and some high frequencies used in certain ways and in proximity in certain strengths, can have measurable effects. So it is possible and to say otherwise or suggest otherwise is, in my view, irresponsible. But on the other side of it, assigning this or that bad health effect discredits just about anyone who even questions the safety of the technology. Because we have to be able to question it without coming off as an uninformed luddite. .",/post/54475,2019-09-02T18:40:04.253Z,2019-09-02T18:40:04.253Z,54475,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,2915,3700 16396,v1.0,,"I find it hard to believe that the 5G scare will block European developments, but if it's true that there is a coordinate information warfare effort, that's something to take note of if things start heating up.",/post/54393,2019-09-02T18:37:34.500Z,2020-08-18T13:39:22.257Z,54393,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4022,3700 16393,v1.0,,"Mr. Putin, on Feb. 20, ordered the launch of Russian 5G networks in a tone evoking optimism rather than doom. “We need to look forward,” he said, according to Tass, the Russian news agency. “The challenge for the upcoming years is to organize universal access to high-speed internet, to start operation of the fifth-generation communication systems.”",/post/54393,2019-09-02T18:34:59.960Z,2019-09-02T18:34:59.960Z,54393,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10059,4022,3700 16392,v1.0,,The problem is that we do not have a valid intuition for the carbon footprint of most modern activities or products. How could we work towards the development of such awareness and intuition?,/post/53937,2019-09-02T18:14:00.626Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.991Z,53937,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4934,4013 16391,v1.0,,"worldwide, the carbon footprint of streaming is bigger than it ever was for physical media, and growing.",/post/53833,2019-09-02T18:13:37.280Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.976Z,53833,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,4013 16390,v1.0,,"The amount of that plastic has gone way down (from 61 million kilograms in the 2000s to about 8 million kilograms as of 2016), but at the same time the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere that can be fairly attributed to the amount of power required to serve all that streaming is huge and dwarfs that amount of plastic:"" the amount of GHGs (greenhouse gases) generated by the energy needed to transmit music for streaming is estimated to be between 200 and 350 million kilograms."" The story also cliams, "" Data centers are reportedly responsible for about two percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, a carbon footprint nearly equal to the airline industry.""",/post/53833,2019-09-02T18:13:17.556Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.987Z,53833,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,4013 16389,v1.0,,"Here is a Rolling Stone story about the estimated carbon footprint from all the streaming, with some comparison to how much impact that creates compared to the amount of plastic used to make vinyl records and CDs.",/post/53833,2019-09-02T18:12:11.368Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.981Z,53833,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,4013 16388,v1.0,,I live in a part of northern California where there is a lot of opposition to too much deployment of wireless technology. For 7 years I ran the local talk radio station and there were many programs about these dangers. And 5G had not even showed up yet.,/post/53256,2019-09-02T18:06:48.409Z,2019-09-02T18:06:48.409Z,53256,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3700 16387,v1.0,,live in a part of northern California where there is a lot of opposition to too much deployment of wireless technology. For 7 years I ran the local talk radio station and there were many programs about these dangers. And 5G had not even showed up yet.,/post/53256,2019-09-02T18:06:41.151Z,2020-09-11T11:34:08.702Z,53256,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,5497 16386,v1.0,,"We hear about how AI, Internet of Things, robotics, real time remote operations are great and of course inevitable. But it all will run on 5G or something even more dense. It isn't like nuclear radiation - but you still don't want a lot of it going on right next to you.",/post/53256,2019-09-02T18:05:52.750Z,2019-09-02T18:05:52.750Z,53256,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3702 16385,v1.0,,"Here you can see they actually spent billions to develop and install the technology and they spent 0 Euros to actually study the effects on health...thats insane. When I manufacture a product in China and import to EU everything is checked for safety/health concerns, even type of plastic/paint etc and nobody is checking this...unbeliavable.",/post/53252,2019-09-02T18:05:18.251Z,2020-08-25T16:36:14.457Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,7083 16384,v1.0,,"If it's so bad for them to just go on the tower and work up there for a short period of time, I cannot see how it will be fine for health to have it on 24/7. And yes, apparently they need to have towers every 60-100 meters.",/post/53252,2019-09-02T18:03:06.618Z,2019-09-02T18:03:06.618Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3702 16383,v1.0,,"Absolutely, let's address the impact on health. 5G requires a big buildout in towers, especially with such dense demand augmented with all that IoT action. We're swimming in radio waves. How much is too much? I know that there are a lot of alarmists out there on this subject, but I also know that there were several years when I wore my cell phone in my front jeans pocket and after some time I could feel that phone-sized rectangle in my leg even when the phone wasn't there. And we know that it isn't safe to live under high voltage electric lines. What about 5G?",/post/53215,2019-09-02T18:02:38.758Z,2019-09-02T18:02:38.758Z,53215,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3702 16382,v1.0,,"How come you don't address the impact on health? I am not even looking at all the data available already which is, to put it mildly, very worrying. I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2019-09-02T17:58:35.232Z,2019-09-02T17:58:35.232Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3702 16378,v1.0,,"But ads are not the only problem - it's the fight for eyeballs which has resulted in so many entire web sites being created for nothing except drawing people in. That part is up to the search engines. It may just happen that duck duck or another SE gets there first - and there is nothing to say that people will not gravitate to the ad-free or limited ad (or limited ""content farm"" results) search engine.",/post/58170,2019-09-01T19:41:58.117Z,2020-09-11T11:01:15.665Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3767 16376,v1.0,,", I think google TOS allowed no more than two or three ads per page. Just thinking out loud here - but billboards are allowed on highways...however, if advertisers put one every 50 meters and they were all moving and colorful to grab your attention, laws and regulation would be passed or the industry asked to regulate itself so that the purpose of the highway remained sound.",/post/58170,2019-09-01T19:37:38.001Z,2020-08-31T19:10:21.980Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,7083 16375,v1.0,,"I think google TOS allowed no more than two or three ads per page. Just thinking out loud here - but billboards are allowed on highways...however, if advertisers put one every 50 meters and they were all moving and colorful to grab your attention, laws and regulation would be passed or the industry asked to regulate itself so that the purpose of the highway remained sound.",/post/58170,2019-09-01T19:36:37.762Z,2019-09-01T19:36:37.762Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3821 16373,v1.0,,"when google results are now page after page of ""content farms"" or ""SEO"" stuff designed to have the sizzle (results that look good in a list) but no steak once you get to the site. One would think a smart company like Google would see this - and perhaps they do, but they have pressure to keep the bucks flowing.",/post/58170,2019-09-01T19:33:48.816Z,2019-09-01T19:33:48.816Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3822 16372,v1.0,,"At one time it was somewhat of a silly complaint about advertising on the web - since the ad-supported model was what the market (people) desired. However, as with most things, this went way too far...some ""news"" pages now actually have 100's of ads on them (CNN, for example). Hundreds! The targeting worked better when it was done in a subtle or general fashion. Now, it's so blatantly obvious and hides the good stuff...that it would seem to lose some of the effect (perhaps I am looking a bit in to the future here).",/post/58170,2019-09-01T19:26:11.329Z,2019-09-01T19:26:11.329Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,3821 16371,v1.0,,"At one time it was somewhat of a silly complaint about advertising on the web - since the ad-supported model was what the market (people) desired. However, as with most things, this went way too far...some ""news"" pages now actually have 100's of ads on them (CNN, for example). Hundreds! The targeting worked better when it was done in a subtle or general fashion. Now, it's so blatantly obvious and hides the good stuff...that it would seem to lose some of the effect (perhaps I am looking a bit in to the future here).",/post/58170,2019-09-01T19:25:55.432Z,2020-09-11T14:31:20.497Z,58170,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,4556 16370,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent, issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2019-09-01T19:24:36.534Z,2020-08-31T18:16:45.515Z,58060,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,1943 16369,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent, issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2019-09-01T19:24:27.048Z,2019-09-01T19:24:27.048Z,58060,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3638 16368,v1.0,,"I don't think so. The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"". Edit Delete No Commentbreaking up big tech Edit Delete No Commentbig tech Cancel Save Annotate",/post/58040,2019-09-01T19:24:05.519Z,2019-09-01T19:24:05.519Z,58040,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3638 16367,v1.0,,"And FB has to operate at a scale beyond what many of us can probably even imagine. So naturally whatever they do, good or bad, is going to look big to anyone who looks. And Amazon does the same thing with Alexa.But there is a bit of a story here though for the reason you point out: they don't disclose.The ""break things"" ethos unfortunately allows a lot of room to justify unethical behavior. And this is exactly why they get so much scrutiny. The company leadership misrepresents what they do, even, in the case of Zuckerberg testifying to Congress, while under oath. Those sharks will never leave his tail after that.",/post/57960,2019-09-01T19:23:42.402Z,2019-09-01T19:23:42.402Z,57960,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3638 16366,v1.0,,Facebook got fined 5 billion dollars by the US Govt last month. The EU is about to announce its findings on FB's alleged violations of the GDPR regarding sharing WhatsApp data with FB without user consent..,/post/57964,2019-09-01T19:23:04.541Z,2019-09-01T19:23:04.541Z,57964,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3638 16365,v1.0,,Facebook got fined 5 billion dollars by the US Govt last month. The EU is about to announce its findings on FB's alleged violations of the GDPR regarding sharing WhatsApp data with FB without user consent..,/post/57964,2019-09-01T19:22:57.134Z,2020-08-25T16:32:19.759Z,57964,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3816 16364,v1.0,,I do think denying access to market is the only way to enforce monopolistic behavior. But does breaking up big tech companies solve the problem? So for example you would break Instagram and WhatsApp away from Facebook?,/post/57978,2019-09-01T19:22:23.493Z,2019-09-01T19:22:23.493Z,57978,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3638 16363,v1.0,,I do think denying access to market is the only way to enforce monopolistic behavior. But does breaking up big tech companies solve the problem? So for example you would break Instagram and WhatsApp away from Facebook?,/post/57978,2019-09-01T19:22:11.683Z,2020-08-25T16:32:19.726Z,57978,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3816 16360,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2019-09-01T19:18:55.911Z,2020-08-24T16:23:04.105Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,7072 16359,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2019-09-01T19:18:40.799Z,2019-09-01T19:18:40.799Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3816 16358,v1.0,,"Yeah, I was just connecting the issue of data handling from Facebook and big tech with companies that store that data (and most of people never heard of them, but they have loads of data on people).",/post/58068,2019-09-01T19:18:29.912Z,2019-09-01T19:18:29.912Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3638 16357,v1.0,,"For the zuck hearing, yeah, if they will create a law based on their questions, it will be quite bad. For lobbying, well, in EU Parliament that was also (and still is) a big issue with GDPR which was watered down by influences from big tech (and if you ask me, big tech wins big with GDPR in place). I'm not sure how can we make an advertising ecosystem that gives people what they want, but treats data with confidentiality and use it only in purposes that the consumer who gave them that data allowed them to use it.",/post/58068,2019-09-01T19:15:54.715Z,2020-08-31T18:16:45.509Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,1943 16356,v1.0,,"I'm not sure how can we make an advertising ecosystem that gives people what they want, but treats data with confidentiality and use it only in purposes that the consumer who gave them that data allowed them to use it.",/post/58068,2019-09-01T19:15:24.390Z,2020-09-24T14:00:05.534Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3610 16355,v1.0,,"For lobbying, well, in EU Parliament that was also (and still is) a big issue with GDPR which was watered down by influences from big tech (and if you ask me, big tech wins big with GDPR in place). I'm not sure how can we make an advertising ecosystem that gives people what they want, but treats data with confidentiality and use it only in purposes that the consumer who gave them that data allowed them to use it.",/post/58068,2019-09-01T19:14:40.027Z,2019-09-01T19:14:40.027Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3816 16353,v1.0,,"The public itself, and thus the legislators they elect, so far do not view a person’s personal data as being a commodity that has assignable value. So it is all regarded as a free service. After seeing what a lousy job the senators did in questioning Zuckerberg at his hearings not long ago I’m not real confident that some of those old guys are going to understand it well enough to write workable law.Add to that truly massive lobbying campaigns by big tech and I really don’t expect any movement on this side of the Atlantic.",/post/58064,2019-09-01T19:07:31.172Z,2020-09-24T14:03:20.851Z,58064,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,905 16352,v1.0,,"The public itself, and thus the legislators they elect, so far do not view a person’s personal data as being a commodity that has assignable value. So it is all regarded as a free service.",/post/58064,2019-09-01T19:07:06.544Z,2019-09-01T19:07:06.544Z,58064,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3814 16351,v1.0,,"I don't think so. The problem isn't that this is all owned by Facebook these days, but that the underlying business model is ""grow big, get sold, earn money through ads"".",/post/58040,2019-09-01T19:05:51.533Z,2020-08-25T16:32:19.740Z,58040,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3816 16349,v1.0,,"But what the reporting should always do is to tell people that checking these recordings is more or less mandatory to make the service better or even possible in the first place, and that people should know that whenever something translates voice to text in an online device, there should be the expectation that someone will eventually listen in to more or less anonymized tidbits of your voice.",/post/57945,2019-09-01T19:03:45.362Z,2019-09-01T19:03:45.362Z,57945,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3812 16348,v1.0,,"I am actually a bit angry over how these things are reported. If there is any online, server based voice recognition service at the scale of millions of end users, of course there are going to be humans who check on samples to see if the product works as intended. And of course the bit that says so is hidden in the ToS somewhere, because if you put it front and center, no one is going to use it.",/post/57945,2019-09-01T19:03:35.675Z,2019-09-01T19:03:35.675Z,57945,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3812 16347,v1.0,,"But what the reporting should always do is to tell people that checking these recordings is more or less mandatory to make the service better or even possible in the first place, and that people should know that whenever something translates voice to text in an online device, there should be the expectation that someone will eventually listen in to more or less anonymized tidbits of your voice.",/post/57945,2019-09-01T19:02:58.084Z,2019-09-01T19:02:58.084Z,57945,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3811 16346,v1.0,,"Also: Yes, it feels creepy, but in the end, the actual consequences of this privacy invasion are close to zero - the people who hear the recordings usually aren't in a position to do anything with them.",/post/57945,2019-09-01T19:02:36.156Z,2019-09-01T19:02:36.156Z,57945,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3811 16345,v1.0,,"I am actually a bit angry over how these things are reported. If there is any online, server based voice recognition service at the scale of millions of end users, of course there are going to be humans who check on samples to see if the product works as intended. And of course the bit that says so is hidden in the ToS somewhere, because if you put it front and center, no one is going to use it.",/post/57945,2019-09-01T19:02:21.779Z,2019-09-01T19:02:21.779Z,57945,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3811 16344,v1.0,,"All it needs is a well-worded link in a high-traffic place directing new people to any given space to fill it up with a new audience - which might be friendly or hostile, come with its own agenda, might have an interest and understanding of the place, or just wants to complain... Any new social platform should keep this possibility in mind.",/post/57929,2019-09-01T19:00:51.361Z,2020-09-11T11:22:34.938Z,57929,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4019 16343,v1.0,,"All it needs is a well-worded link in a high-traffic place directing new people to any given space to fill it up with a new audience - which might be friendly or hostile, come with its own agenda, might have an interest and understanding of the place, or just wants to complain... Any new social platform should keep this possibility in mind.",/post/57929,2019-09-01T19:00:29.955Z,2019-09-01T19:00:29.955Z,57929,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3809 16342,v1.0,,"yes, that works - up to a point. Because sometimes people actively want to get into a conversation with people that are completely unknown to them, but only connected through a shared interest in something. Think striking up a conversation with a stranger in a bar, or while standing in queue somewhere.",/post/57929,2019-09-01T18:50:14.567Z,2019-09-01T18:51:32.351Z,57929,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3809 16341,v1.0,,"Generally, we need to recognize that there are different scopes of communication, different spaces with different needs and constraints. As soon as an internet space is open in the sense of ""everyone can register and participate"", you are essentially dealing with the potential global public.",/post/57929,2019-09-01T18:49:57.326Z,2020-09-01T08:46:58.084Z,57929,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,7157 16340,v1.0,,"Generally, we need to recognize that there are different scopes of communication, different spaces with different needs and constraints. As soon as an internet space is open in the sense of ""everyone can register and participate"", you are essentially dealing with the potential global public.",/post/57929,2019-09-01T18:49:45.674Z,2019-09-01T18:51:45.963Z,57929,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3809 16338,v1.0,,"""(...) it’s about the fundamental mechanics of the protocol and then a lot is just based on putting the filtering and abuse prevention in the clients.(...) For example, if you can’t see people more than two steps from you, then the incentive for them to be unpleasant or harassing diminishes a lot, and if there’s an assymetry between the two sides too, that can help. It depends on the physics basically, how far can your voice carry""",/post/57793,2019-09-01T18:44:34.659Z,2020-09-14T13:25:22.078Z,57793,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5092,4004 16335,v1.0,,"moderators are chronically underpaid, though if they are doing moderation for profitable businesses they tend to do better. And a lot of moderating is part-time work, with not a great hourly rate, so it attracts stay-at-home mothers, people still living with their parents and others who don't or can't work full time.",/post/55512,2019-09-01T18:38:12.060Z,2020-09-11T14:22:19.502Z,55512,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3775 16334,v1.0,,"We at Darcy strongly believe in paying the moderators, and paying them well. This is serious work, that needs serious training and also serious support. We've all read the reports out of Cognizant and similar outfits. Don't be like that!",/post/55508,2019-09-01T18:37:55.122Z,2020-09-11T14:22:19.498Z,55508,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 16331,v1.0,,Everyone is entitled to their political opinions of course. The real-life absurdity here is really funny in any case. It illustrates a stark difference between the generations regarding technology use and communication culture.,/post/54101,2019-09-01T17:46:15.169Z,2020-08-26T08:31:50.879Z,54101,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,5,1663 16329,v1.0,,Everyone is entitled to their political opinions of course. The real-life absurdity here is really funny in any case. It illustrates a stark difference between the generations regarding technology use and communication culture.,/post/54101,2019-09-01T17:45:39.629Z,2019-09-01T17:45:39.629Z,54101,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,5,3798 16328,v1.0,,"""asymmetric electoral campaign fighting"" (German: ""asymmetrische Wahlkampfführung""). In German, the expression has the same strong connotation to asymmetric warfare and terrorism as in English. And the invitation for that meeting came in by fax.",/post/54101,2019-09-01T17:45:17.435Z,2019-09-01T17:45:17.435Z,54101,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,5,3797 16327,v1.0,,"WAS HILFT GEGEN DIE ZERSTÖRUNG FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT? Wählen zum Beispiel, aber das allein reicht noch nicht. Informieren auch, aber wieder, das allein auch nicht, also was für Projekte helfen oder könnten helfen? Und wer macht sie oder will sie machen?",/post/53749,2019-09-01T17:28:03.546Z,2020-08-31T18:35:48.157Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,978 16326,v1.0,,"*Und da die CDU die hier so massive kritisiert wird auch schon mal gerne als ""Rentnerpartei"" beschrieben wird, und zwar weil viele ihrer Positionen und ihr auftreten gerade der älteren und Rentnergeneration zu dienen scheinen (in wie fern auch das der fall ist sei dahingestellt) und diese ihre Kernwählerschaft ist, während die Renten der Zukunft zunehmend unsicher wurden unter der Regierung einer Partei die einst mit dem Slogan ""Die Rente ist sicher"" in den Wahlkampf zog ist empfehle ich diese Geschichte hier als inspirations Lektüre:",/post/53751,2019-09-01T17:27:24.430Z,2019-09-01T17:27:24.430Z,53751,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3795 16325,v1.0,,"*Und da die CDU die hier so massive kritisiert wird auch schon mal gerne als ""Rentnerpartei"" beschrieben wird, und zwar weil viele ihrer Positionen und ihr auftreten gerade der älteren und Rentnergeneration zu dienen scheinen (in wie fern auch das der fall ist sei dahingestellt) und diese ihre Kernwählerschaft ist, während die Renten der Zukunft zunehmend unsicher wurden unter der Regierung einer Partei die einst mit dem Slogan ""Die Rente ist sicher"" in den Wahlkampf zog ist empfehle ich diese Geschichte hier als inspirations Lektüre:",/post/53751,2019-09-01T17:26:56.574Z,2020-08-31T18:32:14.013Z,53751,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,978 16324,v1.0,,"Mehr als 3,3 Mio mal wurde das ""Die Zerstörung der CDU"" Video von Youtuber Rezo bereits angeschaut und Petitionen es im öffentlich rechtlichen Rundfunk abzuspielen wurden bereits gestartet. Vor allem junge Menschen reagieren mit Dankbarkeit und Interesse auf das Video und teilen es mit Freunden und Familienmitgliedern um Diskussionen zu starten und Informationen zu verbreiten und der Aufruf zur EU-Wahl am Ende ist fraglos relevant.",/post/53749,2019-09-01T17:26:12.331Z,2019-09-01T17:26:12.331Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3793 16323,v1.0,,und teilen es mit Freunden und Familienmitgliedern um Diskussionen zu starten und Informationen zu verbreiten und der Aufruf zur EU-Wahl am Ende ist fraglos relevant.,/post/53749,2019-09-01T17:25:48.230Z,2020-09-01T09:09:52.053Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,1539 16322,v1.0,,"Und da die CDU die hier so massive kritisiert wird auch schon mal gerne als ""Rentnerpartei"" beschrieben wird, und zwar weil viele ihrer Positionen und ihr auftreten gerade der älteren und Rentnergeneration zu dienen scheinen (in wie fern auch das der fall ist sei dahingestellt) und diese ihre Kernwählerschaft ist, während die Renten der Zukunft zunehmend unsicher wurden unter der Regierung einer Partei die einst mit dem Slogan ""Die Rente ist sicher"" in den Wahlkampf zog ist empfehle ich diese Geschichte hier als inspirations Lektüre:",/post/53751,2019-09-01T17:24:17.256Z,2020-09-14T15:28:11.687Z,53751,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3787 16321,v1.0,,"Und da die CDU die hier so massive kritisiert wird auch schon mal gerne als ""Rentnerpartei"" beschrieben wird, und zwar weil viele ihrer Positionen und ihr auftreten gerade der älteren und Rentnergeneration zu dienen scheinen (in wie fern auch das der fall ist sei dahingestellt) und diese ihre Kernwählerschaft ist, während die Renten der Zukunft zunehmend unsicher wurden unter der Regierung einer Partei die einst mit dem Slogan ""Die Rente ist sicher"" in den Wahlkampf zog ist empfehle ich diese Geschichte hier als inspirations Lektüre:",/post/53751,2019-09-01T17:23:14.314Z,2019-09-01T17:23:14.314Z,53751,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3790 16320,v1.0,,"""Die Zerstörung der CDU"" Video",/post/53749,2019-09-01T17:20:35.140Z,2019-09-01T17:20:35.140Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3789 16319,v1.0,,Vor allem junge Menschen reagieren mit Dankbarkeit und Interesse auf das Video und teilen es mit Freunden und Familienmitgliedern um Diskussionen zu starten und Informationen zu verbreiten und der Aufruf zur EU-Wahl am Ende ist fraglos relevant.,/post/53749,2019-09-01T17:18:35.578Z,2020-09-03T10:59:56.286Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,1539 16318,v1.0,,Vor allem junge Menschen reagieren mit Dankbarkeit und Interesse auf das Video und teilen es mit Freunden und Familienmitgliedern um Diskussionen zu starten und Informationen zu verbreiten und der Aufruf zur EU-Wahl am Ende ist fraglos relevant.,/post/53749,2019-09-01T17:18:20.849Z,2019-09-01T17:18:20.849Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3787 16317,v1.0,,"""Die Zerstörung der CDU""",/post/53749,2019-09-01T17:17:07.457Z,2019-09-01T17:21:32.071Z,53749,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9950,4934,3790 16316,v1.0,,"For lobbying, well, in EU Parliament that was also (and still is) a big issue with GDPR which was watered down by influences from big tech (and if you ask me, big tech wins big with GDPR in place).",/post/58068,2019-08-22T08:32:44.588Z,2019-08-22T08:32:44.588Z,58068,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3785 16315,v1.0,,In the United States monopoly has for the past many decades been defined as being a monopolistic practice only if it raises prices on consumers. That is not the problem that we’re looking at here and at least in this country there is no policy at this point for dealing with the data issue.,/post/58064,2019-08-22T08:17:47.176Z,2020-09-14T15:05:54.431Z,58064,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,1321 16313,v1.0,,"Issue is that not only Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp et al are responsible for violating consent, issue is often the ad-tech ecosystem which is compromised from companies that most people never heard from such as Appnexus, IndexExchange and others that have loads of data obtained from users and its almost impossible to get to them.",/post/58060,2019-08-22T07:51:05.320Z,2020-09-11T14:21:04.279Z,58060,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4986,3821 16312,v1.0,,"We will however expand things a bit, to include better moderation interfaces, combining the moderation of several instances, sharing of blocklists between instances, and so on.",/post/58039,2019-08-22T07:50:15.237Z,2020-09-11T14:24:27.020Z,58039,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 16311,v1.0,,"Darcy will be open source, to give back to everyone else too.",/post/58039,2019-08-22T07:49:51.072Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.439Z,58039,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1257 16310,v1.0,,"I dream of antitrust policy based on access to market: ""if you don't break your company up, we will no longer allow you to operate on our 500 million rich people market"". The EU is almost there, with pretty strong decisions imposed on non-European companies by commissioners like Monti and Vestager.",/post/57975,2019-08-22T07:48:20.557Z,2020-08-28T09:03:07.369Z,57975,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,6092 16308,v1.0,,"And FB has to operate at a scale beyond what many of us can probably even imagine. So naturally whatever they do, good or bad, is going to look big to anyone who looks. And Amazon does the same thing with Alexa.But there is a bit of a story here though for the reason you point out: they don't disclose.The ""break things"" ethos unfortunately allows a lot of room to justify unethical behavior. And this is exactly why they get so much scrutiny. The company leadership misrepresents what they do, even, in the case of Zuckerberg testifying to Congress, while under oath. Those sharks will never leave his tail after that.",/post/57960,2019-08-22T07:47:12.352Z,2020-09-11T14:21:04.287Z,57960,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3821 16307,v1.0,,"Yes, I acknowledge that there are variants in global law - what is allowed in Germany might not be allowed in China and vice versa. But there are baselines that are universally acknowledged. Right now, we focus on what is accepted and baseline in Europe and will worry about China later...",/post/57728,2019-08-22T07:39:35.437Z,2019-08-22T07:39:35.437Z,57728,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3778 16304,v1.0,,"I guess what I am trying to say is ""social media is broken, let's be better!"". But even that would be naive, since technological affordances definitely influence social outcomes (though they do not determine them).",/post/54143,2019-08-22T07:37:30.313Z,2020-09-14T13:22:47.563Z,54143,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,4004 16303,v1.0,,"The problem is that most if not all social media platforms treat all these spaces basically the same, giving us the same toolsets.",/post/54126,2019-08-22T07:37:08.203Z,2020-09-14T13:22:47.546Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4004 16301,v1.0,,"I've been working on something very similar with novelty creation rather than classification in recommendation algorithms. I've been calling them Bubble Breaker Algorithms. I've got a working prototype and paper ready, perhaps this could be useful to you?",/post/54014,2019-08-16T07:55:21.913Z,2019-08-16T07:55:21.913Z,54014,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5135,3776 16300,v1.0,,"The Internet may work better when it’s spread out, as originally designed.""",/post/53694,2019-08-16T07:54:46.955Z,2020-08-28T13:32:13.623Z,53694,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,2915,4299 16299,v1.0,,"One reason Mark Zuckerberg has called for the establishment of a third-party moderation organization is, presumably, that he’s realized how difficult it is to come up with a single set of guidelines capable of satisfying over a billion users; the IndieWeb would allow many different standards to emerge, trusting users to gravitate toward the ones that work for them.",/post/53694,2019-08-16T07:54:24.946Z,2019-08-16T07:54:24.946Z,53694,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,2915,3775 16298,v1.0,,"And, in a sense, decentralization also helps solve the problem of content moderation.",/post/53694,2019-08-16T07:54:09.725Z,2020-09-14T13:30:30.965Z,53694,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,2915,4299 16297,v1.0,,"""When social-media servers aren’t controlled by a small number of massive public companies, the incentive to exploit users diminishes. The homegrown, community-oriented feel of the IndieWeb is superior to the vibe of anxious narcissism that’s degrading existing services.",/post/53694,2019-08-16T07:53:47.068Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.448Z,53694,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,2915,968 16296,v1.0,,"We are often lacking funding, marketting, and sometimes UI design skills, but it's getting better and I think that just goes to show how deeply we value it. Edit Delete No CommentPublic funding Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53641,2019-08-16T07:53:16.358Z,2020-08-31T18:17:06.672Z,53641,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3637 16295,v1.0,,"We are often lacking funding, marketting, and sometimes UI design skills, but it's getting better and I think that just goes to show how deeply we value it.",/post/53641,2019-08-16T07:52:45.437Z,2020-09-11T11:31:43.874Z,53641,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,2065 16294,v1.0,,"There is a large, diverse, investment-ready portfolio of technologies, companies and NGOs, standards and principles (like ethical design itself) and, most importantly, people. If the EU were to put some of its considerable firepower behind them, we might actually get somewhere in a relatively short time!",/post/53631,2019-08-16T07:51:52.815Z,2020-09-11T11:31:43.865Z,53631,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,4,2065 16293,v1.0,,"The more I hang around the hacker community, the more I think that most of what Europe needs to build a human-centric Internet is already out there.",/post/53631,2019-08-16T07:51:41.552Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.441Z,53631,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,4,968 16292,v1.0,,Climate change is the other main issue I care about.,/post/53599,2019-08-16T07:51:08.295Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.509Z,53599,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,4349 16291,v1.0,,"I really value software freedom and privacy, and hope to do my small part in bringing it further forward.",/post/53599,2019-08-16T07:49:41.095Z,2019-08-16T07:49:41.095Z,53599,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3610 16290,v1.0,,"I mentioned above that I think it's a huge problem that browsers make it significantly easier to use the ""default search engine"" than any others. To address this I plan to make it trivial to register multiple search engines and search accross all of them simultaneously, possibly filtered by some tags.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:49:14.897Z,2020-08-31T18:17:06.667Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3637 16289,v1.0,,"Furthermore since your friends and family are your best sources of links, and to aid people in helping others to discover the pages they've found useful/enjoyable I plan provide tools to share subsets of your bookmarks.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:48:23.934Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.436Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,968 16288,v1.0,,From a privacy and network efficiency perspective this is a big usability fail.,/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:47:53.559Z,2020-08-31T18:17:06.661Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3637 16287,v1.0,,The common wisdom I see is that people don't use bookmark managers and instead find it easier to search for it again from Google.,/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:47:28.207Z,2019-08-16T07:47:28.207Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3767 16286,v1.0,,We need something more decentralized we can trust.,/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:46:56.688Z,2019-08-16T07:46:56.688Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3768 16285,v1.0,,We need something more decentralized we can trust.,/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:46:36.475Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.913Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,1778 16284,v1.0,,"To Be Done Personalized Suggestions We currently go to sites like YouTube when you want to idle away our time, but those sites do not necessarily have our best interests at heart when building their AIs. At the very least they want to keep us on their site.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:42:20.431Z,2019-08-16T07:42:20.431Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3771 16283,v1.0,,"Like other browsers Odysseus will open non-HTML and -HTTP links in other apps already installed on your computer, and it sends webfeeds to native apps as well for subscription. This is vital because without that central servers delivering code, native apps have more freedom to be peer-to-peer.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:42:00.807Z,2020-09-11T14:40:57.021Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,1294 16282,v1.0,,"Webfeeds allow a client application to load updates from all registered websites and merge them clientside into a single list, fully under the users control. Getting away from the AI-curated timelines of Facebook, et al.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:41:01.236Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.111Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,5895 16278,v1.0,,"If the browser asks users to select a single search engine or a single homepage (or use the default), people will come to use that webservice for everything. And those services will try to address every use case rather than shine at particular ones.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:38:41.052Z,2019-08-16T07:38:41.052Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3767 16277,v1.0,,"If the browser asks users to select a single search engine or a single homepage (or use the default), people will come to use that webservice for everything. And those services will try to address every use case rather than shine at particular ones.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:38:27.451Z,2019-08-16T07:38:27.451Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3765 16276,v1.0,,"I have long been fascinated by how to solve this, and have currently come to the conclusion that part of the blame lands on longstanding browser UI design.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:38:17.205Z,2020-08-31T18:17:06.655Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3637 16275,v1.0,,"I have long been fascinated by how to solve this, and have currently come to the conclusion that part of the blame lands on longstanding browser UI design.",/post/53598,2019-08-16T07:36:35.454Z,2019-08-16T07:36:35.454Z,53598,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9920,5108,3765 16272,v1.0,,"He also highlighted the benefits of the MTI-based Portico to reduce toxicity in an online environment,",/post/54755,2019-08-16T02:57:51.908Z,2020-09-11T14:52:54.550Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,1483 16271,v1.0,,"Twitter’s own strategy to try and address disinformation, particularly bots and trolls.",/post/54755,2019-08-16T02:56:49.854Z,2019-08-16T02:56:49.854Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3762 16270,v1.0,,"AI has also promising results in newsroom practice. “ The New York Times uses “Perspective” a Google tool, one of the best for comment moderation”",/post/54755,2019-08-16T02:56:08.284Z,2020-09-14T13:37:03.540Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3775 16262,v1.0,," the category seems very keen to rush for clickbait strategies, first reporting rather than deep reporting, and overall journalism as a form of marketing, which is a paid ally of this or that power/mission...",/post/54759,2019-08-16T00:19:38.085Z,2019-08-16T00:19:38.085Z,54759,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,854,3756 16261,v1.0,,"carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse.",/post/54755,2019-08-16T00:18:40.752Z,2020-08-24T17:24:21.313Z,54755,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,6222 16260,v1.0,,"Technology has already developed useful tools for facilitating the journalists’ work, such as fact-checkers, and the industry does not stop progressing. However, these options still require human supervision",/post/54755,2019-08-16T00:17:20.959Z,2020-08-26T08:35:38.037Z,54755,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3763 16259,v1.0,,"It should be the role of education and teachers. They are the expertise you need, not journalists.” Therefore, the knowledge must be passed to teachers as well.",/post/54755,2019-08-16T00:16:47.065Z,2020-08-27T15:19:40.102Z,54755,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4489 16255,v1.0,,"They have developed Tech & Check Alerts, which helps journalists spot questionable claims in the local news - and sends a list of them in a daily newsletter. Their other new project, FactStream, offers live fact-checking of major political events via a mobile app.",/post/54755,2019-08-16T00:15:09.337Z,2020-09-11T14:27:59.524Z,54755,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,440 16253,v1.0,,"They have a human editor involved so there is always someone who makes the ultimate decision. However, many companies are looking into that.”",/post/54755,2019-08-16T00:12:32.062Z,2019-08-16T02:57:02.859Z,54755,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3763 16246,v1.0,,"equire human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse.",/post/54755,2019-08-16T00:02:29.209Z,2019-08-16T00:02:29.209Z,54755,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3671 16245,v1.0,,"require human supervision and they seem to carry the risk of biases, mistakes and the possibility of human misuse.",/post/54755,2019-08-16T00:02:19.117Z,2020-08-26T08:35:38.031Z,54755,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,3763 16244,v1.0,,"No question he was trying for a kind of social engineering. And pretty extreme. He didn't trust authority but he also didn't really trust the people, since you couldn't edit what you said once you said it.",/post/54352,2019-08-09T12:57:28.521Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.908Z,54352,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,1778 16243,v1.0,,"But individuals benefit from being able to respawn with a clean-ish slate, and not having to walk around with the albatross of their past mistakes hanging from their necks, like Coleridge's old mariner. There's no solution, only management.",/post/54347,2019-08-09T12:57:16.942Z,2019-08-09T12:57:16.942Z,54347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4,3736 16242,v1.0,,"In a conversation, the community has a right to a trusted log: who said what when. But individual humans have a right to oblivion, and starting all over again. Furthermore, communities benefit from a trusted log, because it promotes prosocial behavior.",/post/54347,2019-08-09T12:57:08.667Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.902Z,54347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4,1778 16241,v1.0,,This seems to be one of those contradictions that you can never solve by throwing code at.,/post/54347,2019-08-09T12:56:50.075Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.322Z,54347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4,1662 16240,v1.0,,"But that word ""own"" meant that some of the members wanted to be able to remove a comment if they did not want it there. So, having a lot of hackers in the community, one of the better programmers figured out how to allow someone to remove their own comments. Not the sysop - only the poster could do it. And it wasn't invisible",/post/54332,2019-08-09T12:56:19.300Z,2019-08-09T12:56:19.300Z,54332,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,3736 16238,v1.0,,"But he used the word ""own."" Now the guy who wrote the software The WELL ran on (and still does in one form), was so anti-authority that he made it impossible for even someone with root privileges to edit someone else's words, or even remove them. Even the poster could not remove or edit them later. This was a real anti-Big Brother stance, and quite admirable I think.",/post/54332,2019-08-09T12:55:53.660Z,2019-08-09T12:55:53.660Z,54332,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,3745 16236,v1.0,,"I think it's really true that if you can't delete your data, it's not yours.",/post/54267,2019-08-09T12:53:19.736Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.511Z,54267,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4897,3814 16235,v1.0,,"For Open data collection, I really think you are on to something. It's quite political as many authorities often release datasets which are not so interesting even though global warming and climate change are imminent huge challenges. There's also often a lack of sensitive datasets around economic spending which could cause a lot of debacle.",/post/54267,2019-08-09T12:53:02.535Z,2020-08-26T08:31:42.212Z,54267,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4897,1250 16234,v1.0,,"That depends on the kind of discussion and the context of the group I'd say. Your ""major decision"" example is a good one, in such cases, the vote should be kept, because people need to be able to see how something important was decided. If it is really important, it might even be prudent to say ""no, this needs to be in the public record forever, with that persons name attached to it!"" In those cases, it is imperative though, that everyone who is called to that vote knows this beforehand.",/post/54135,2019-08-09T12:52:17.301Z,2019-08-09T12:52:17.301Z,54135,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5144,3736 16232,v1.0,,"If you can’t delete your posts, do you really own your data? ”",/post/54104,2019-08-09T12:51:23.101Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.506Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3814 16231,v1.0,,"And if we draw this quote to its logical conclusion: If you can never delete any of the content you release online, does this mean that you no longer own it? Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54104,2019-08-09T12:51:08.462Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.475Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3814 16230,v1.0,,"If it becomes as cheap for me to save every image I see forever, if it becomes as easy for people with camera-glasses to cache every moment of everything they see locally, can any data ever truly be deleted?",/post/54104,2019-08-09T12:50:43.717Z,2019-08-09T12:50:43.717Z,54104,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3736 16227,v1.0,,"This is not a great use-case of SSB. In the future it might be, but at at this point only private massages are encrypted, and there are better protocols (like signal) if that is what you care most about. Most posts on SSB are actually completely unprotected, and viewable from the www-internet through nodes that are sharing their feeds online. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54102,2019-08-09T12:48:55.656Z,2019-08-09T12:48:55.656Z,54102,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3604 16226,v1.0,,"This is not a great use-case of SSB. In the future it might be, but at at this point only private massages are encrypted, and there are better protocols (like signal) if that is what you care most about.",/post/54102,2019-08-09T12:48:48.020Z,2019-08-09T12:48:48.020Z,54102,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3743 16225,v1.0,,"I can certainly see the value of SSB for activists planning. People also use Signal for that. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54085,2019-08-09T12:48:27.211Z,2019-08-09T12:48:27.211Z,54085,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,3743 16224,v1.0,,"But then, no, you definitely do not own your data if you cannot delete them.",/post/54075,2019-08-09T12:45:08.037Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.500Z,54075,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4,3814 16222,v1.0,,"I am fascinated by the trade-offs that Rusty mentions (I experience them myself, I have used SSB for almost one year now). Since posting is permanent, you are discouraged from posting in anger. My client (Patchwork) wants you before each post, and asks for confirmation. This generates friendly, ""sober"" thoughtful responses. People go out of their way to get closure of anything resembling conflict",/post/54075,2019-08-09T12:43:57.997Z,2020-08-27T14:53:20.407Z,54075,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4,3631 16220,v1.0,,"Another thought that I had last days is the curiosity of gender in community building and construction of networks. If one looks to society, this is generally something where females take the lead, keeping connections in support networks, arranging and managing the social sphere. Would a collaboration, community build by non-cis-male engineers look differently? If so, how?",/post/54066,2019-08-09T12:41:43.958Z,2020-09-14T12:55:41.761Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,1395 16219,v1.0,,"Another thought that I had last days is the curiosity of gender in community building and construction of networks. If one looks to society, this is generally something where females take the lead, keeping connections in support networks, arranging and managing the social sphere. Would a collaboration, community build by non-cis-male engineers look differently? If so, how?",/post/54066,2019-08-09T12:41:25.223Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.290Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,885 16218,v1.0,,"I think there worldbrain is really on point, as I think information overload is a real issue, as well as quality information.",/post/54066,2019-08-09T12:41:17.499Z,2019-08-09T12:41:17.499Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3594 16216,v1.0,,"I was more thinking about the psychological effects of how and what people say on social networks and why. In this sense I was actually more referring to dialogue than collaboration. I think concerns about data is getting more and more mainstream, leading to some degree of self censorship, though I would argue hate speech is the main issue we face. Anyway these concerns are also alive on the fringes in decentralized networks, for instance, a small example regarding scuttlebutt:""Another problematic issue is that you cannot delete posts. Once your posts appear on others' computers, they no longer have a singular home where they can be accessed & destroyed. Once you send out those posts, they now have multiple homes. I understand that the protocol's very structure makes deletion difficult. I do. Many developers argue that SSB is the place for ""sober"" commentary, that the permanence gives folks pause for posting. I don't know: we've collectively witnessed at least 4 decades of online bad behavior. Also, folks say stupid shit all the time. Should they be held accountable forever? What if they wish to leave Scuttlebutt? What if they're being targeted by malicious actors? What if they just wish to reduce their digital shadows? If you can't delete your posts, do you really own your data?"" Source:",/post/54066,2019-08-09T12:39:24.226Z,2019-08-09T12:39:24.226Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3736 16215,v1.0,,"I would assume decentralized structures are more gravitated towards collaboration by deafult, but will meet more challenges as well, compared to centralized structures.",/post/54066,2019-08-09T12:38:38.815Z,2020-08-28T13:32:13.616Z,54066,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,4299 16213,v1.0,,So we use open source products when we can.,/post/53950,2019-08-09T12:36:11.475Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.434Z,53950,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,1257 16210,v1.0,,"Regarding climate change and its companion disaster, mass extinction, I increasingly see everything through that lens, especially politics, policy, technology, energy, etc etc - all of the above. And of course I live in the USA where the country is led by a climate change denier.",/post/53948,2019-08-09T12:31:15.312Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.502Z,53948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,4349 16209,v1.0,,"Dan invented a low cost radiation monitor that is used quite a bit on monitoring here on the west coast of California and his company, International Medcom, supplies many if not most of the radiation detectors Safecast uses. Dan and I go way a commune we both lived on in the 70s.",/post/53948,2019-08-09T12:31:01.053Z,2020-09-03T15:35:49.699Z,53948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,7367 16208,v1.0,,"The Coral Project, a US-based open source toolkit for journalists,",/post/53948,2019-08-09T12:29:57.643Z,2020-09-03T09:54:48.480Z,53948,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,2915,1257 16207,v1.0,,who work on Holochain and other project,/post/53947,2019-08-09T12:29:35.469Z,2019-08-09T12:29:35.469Z,53947,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3601 16205,v1.0,,n the Scuttlebutt community.,/post/53947,2019-08-09T12:28:28.632Z,2019-08-09T12:28:28.632Z,53947,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3676 16204,v1.0,,"They are building it in collaboration with Amazon Frontlines and Alianza Ceibo in the Ecuadorian Amazon. What makes is very unique is that it is built on top of decentralized technologies, making it very difficult for companies and governments to take down subversive datastores. And they definitely work in regions where that could be a real threat.",/post/53947,2019-08-09T12:28:14.036Z,2019-08-09T12:28:14.036Z,53947,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3727 16203,v1.0,,We both attended the Data Terra Nemo conference.,/post/53947,2019-08-09T12:27:47.863Z,2020-08-25T10:30:06.228Z,53947,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,4022,3656 16202,v1.0,,"where also the psychological aspect of who owns your data,",/post/53914,2019-08-09T12:27:22.094Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.495Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3814 16201,v1.0,,"With the rise of the climate change, collecting data, especially around environmental issues, will become increasingly subversive, and will need to be both transparent and protected in safe structures. I would like to look at a few open journalistic investigations as well if going into this direction.",/post/53914,2019-08-09T12:27:02.465Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.494Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,4349 16200,v1.0,,"organisation maps open data connected to the environment and (radioactivity, airquality) and was founded as a reaction to the lack of information on radiation after the Fukushima disaster.",/post/53914,2019-08-09T12:26:48.123Z,2019-08-09T12:26:48.123Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3727 16199,v1.0,,"Open data collection What data is collected, and what is deliberately not collected, is a very political topic. I am interested to talk to initiatives that have been collecting open data collaboratively, such as safecast, who maintains the largest open data set of background radiation measurements ever collected.",/post/53914,2019-08-09T12:24:42.991Z,2020-08-26T08:31:42.206Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,1250 16198,v1.0,,How energy efficient are they,/post/53914,2019-08-09T12:18:03.549Z,2019-08-09T12:18:03.549Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,3725 16197,v1.0,,"Technical challanges How does collaboration look like in a distributed peer to peer network?",/post/53914,2019-08-09T12:17:54.242Z,2020-09-11T14:40:57.017Z,53914,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9977,5115,1294 16191,v1.0,,"There is still no clear definition of what AI is and what does it do, but its existence opens up many questions. Legal, technical and above all moral and ethical. What are its limits? Achievements? And - perhaps most importantly - who, and how, controls it?",/post/54755,2019-08-09T07:18:30.105Z,2020-08-23T17:03:49.946Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4479 16190,v1.0,,"Manipulations that AI allow have potentially devastating effects on society: fake news, fake reviews, fake videos evoking fake emotions.",/post/54755,2019-08-09T07:10:56.674Z,2020-08-23T16:47:59.471Z,54755,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10108,137,4479 16187,v1.0,,Like how can you make the distinction between good and bad if every human being has another perception of these values?,/post/57726,2019-08-09T06:56:34.460Z,2019-08-09T06:56:34.460Z,57726,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5280,3715 16186,v1.0,,"On the top-down level, that is the standard that is enforced. On the bottom-up level, every community and local group can define their own standards, as long as they don't violate the law. And end users will be empowered to curate their own experience, tailored to their needs and values.",/post/57728,2019-08-09T06:55:40.914Z,2019-08-09T06:56:21.363Z,57728,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3715 16185,v1.0,,"a big chunk of these unknowing Americans are locked into their own bubbles, some of which are watching Fox News, which if you have not seen it makes RT seems almost objective, and many who just stay with what the social media algorithms tell them, along with whoever they hang out with.",/post/56607,2019-08-07T10:18:44.277Z,2020-09-08T10:05:25.664Z,56607,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,1467 16184,v1.0,,"The annual survey of 1,266 adults compiled in May and June failed to note that it is actually 97 percent of climate scientists that concur that human-caused global warming is happening.",/post/56607,2019-08-07T10:17:52.387Z,2019-08-07T10:17:52.387Z,56607,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3708 16183,v1.0,,"According to the report published last week by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, only 13 percent of Americans were able to correctly identify that more than 90 percent of all climate scientists have concluded that climate change is real.",/post/56607,2019-08-07T10:17:26.875Z,2019-08-07T10:17:26.875Z,56607,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3708 16182,v1.0,,"Nearly 90 percent of Americans are unaware that there is a consensus within the scientific community that human-caused climate change is real and threatens the planet, a new report says.",/post/56607,2019-08-07T10:16:47.841Z,2019-08-07T10:16:47.841Z,56607,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3708 16180,v1.0,,"In another topic here we are discussing 'bloat' on the 'Net and how inefficiencies create large amounts of data throughput that adds to the carbon footprint of the planet and increases the energy costs for the 'Net overall. It's been said that the Internet today consumes as much energy as the airline industry. So if we, out of conscience, decide to stop all this flying and instead do a lot more video conferencing, then aer we part of the problem or the solution?",/post/54716,2019-08-07T10:15:24.609Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.971Z,54716,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,4013 16179,v1.0,,"Human centric Internet to me might not be sustainable if I consider what the natural capital can handle. If all humans are to use the Internet, what are the absolute necessary need that humanity and natural resources can handle?",/post/54275,2019-08-07T10:14:36.675Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.430Z,54275,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4897,968 16178,v1.0,,"G - I'm curious if this is just increasing consumption of already yearly depleted natural resources or having any positive effects for tackling climate change - at all. More data, more transfer, more consumption - everything will drive a big increase of infrastructure needs and hundreds of millions of devices which will ""need"" to be thrown away and replaced due to their design for planned obsolesence.",/post/54275,2019-08-07T10:11:42.184Z,2019-08-07T10:11:42.184Z,54275,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4897,3700 16176,v1.0,,"Control of electricity consumption. This is part of the promise of IoT and the thing I am interested in phloem. It is hard to turn off items remotely or monitor their use, wasting energy. It could also help with avoiding energy companies spinning up fossil fuel power stations based on projected demand if they could get projected usage from households.",/post/54182,2019-08-07T10:10:14.568Z,2020-10-30T15:21:51.563Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,3843 16175,v1.0,,finding out how scientists need to share and verify models and whether the internet fills those needs is a question for those in those professions.,/post/54182,2019-08-07T10:05:55.662Z,2019-08-07T10:05:55.662Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,3711 16174,v1.0,,Prediction of the climate. What are the changes we can make that have the most impact in avoiding more damage to the climate.,/post/54182,2019-08-07T10:05:34.844Z,2020-09-11T14:33:16.073Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,4733 16173,v1.0,,We need to be able to transmit the data we collect around.,/post/54182,2019-08-07T10:04:49.296Z,2021-05-14T04:42:13.019Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,8534 16172,v1.0,,Measuring climate and greenhouse gases - we will be able to better control our emissions if we know where they are happening and be able to make better predictions if we know what is happening in the climate today.,/post/54182,2019-08-07T10:04:30.765Z,2020-09-11T14:33:16.067Z,54182,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4384,4733 16171,v1.0,,The problem is that we do not have a valid intuition for the carbon footprint of most modern activities or products. How could we work towards the development of such awareness and intuition?,/post/53937,2019-08-07T09:37:29.967Z,2019-08-07T09:37:29.967Z,53937,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,4934,3708 16168,v1.0,,"That's when the world's oceans will be empty of fish, predicts an international team of ecologists and economists. The cause: the disappearance of species due to overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, and climate change.",/post/53482,2019-08-07T09:32:34.533Z,2019-08-07T09:32:34.533Z,53482,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3701 16167,v1.0,,human-centric values of the core developers,/post/53772,2019-08-07T09:30:42.507Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.425Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,968 16166,v1.0,,"what is a human-centered internet going to do to help this? Spreading awareness, sure, but past that..?",/post/53482,2019-08-07T09:28:15.876Z,2020-09-01T08:36:54.419Z,53482,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,968 16162,v1.0,,"We hear about how AI, Internet of Things, robotics, real time remote operations are great and of course inevitable. But it all will run on 5G or something even more dense. It isn't like nuclear radiation - but you still don't want a lot of it going on right next to you.",/post/53256,2019-08-07T09:23:31.193Z,2019-09-02T18:05:30.889Z,53256,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3700 16161,v1.0,,"Here you can see they actually spent billions to develop and install the technology and they spent 0 Euros to actually study the effects on health...thats insane. When I manufacture a product in China and import to EU everything is checked for safety/health concerns, even type of plastic/paint etc and nobody is checking this...unbeliavable.",/post/53252,2019-08-07T09:13:49.557Z,2019-09-02T18:05:09.197Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3700 16160,v1.0,,"If it's so bad for them to just go on the tower and work up there for a short period of time, I cannot see how it will be fine for health to have it on 24/7. And yes, apparently they need to have towers every 60-100 meters.",/post/53252,2019-08-07T09:13:14.433Z,2019-09-02T18:02:56.949Z,53252,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3700 16159,v1.0,,"let's address the impact on health. 5G requires a big buildout in towers, especially with such dense demand augmented with all that IoT action. We're swimming in radio waves. How much is too much?",/post/53215,2019-08-07T09:12:15.037Z,2019-09-02T18:02:17.047Z,53215,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3700 16158,v1.0,,"I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one? / I have a friend who does the 5G implementation in Germany already now, they are laying out the infrastructure everywhere so obviously nobody will stop it. He says that technicians going up the 5G towers actually have a device which warns them when they have to come down urgently. The effects on those guys are incredibly generates a field 100 times stronger than 4G. So what's the point of me avoiding to use microwave if soon I will live in one?",/post/53213,2019-08-07T09:11:21.794Z,2019-09-02T17:58:19.436Z,53213,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,3206,3700 16156,v1.0,,"So, yes we want a human-centered internet that respects and empowers us, but what if it is a net contributor to this die-off and climate change in general?",/post/53158,2019-08-07T09:08:02.834Z,2019-08-07T09:08:02.834Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3701 16155,v1.0,,"5G is clearly inevitable. What is going to stop it or even slow it down? Does the EU have a plan for that? 5G requires large increases in physical infrastructure. And it will create huge consumer conveniences, which will no doubt make it quite popular. Certainly along with all the home appliances ""phoning home"" with your data, remote medical procedures will become much more common, saving lives.",/post/53158,2019-08-07T09:06:30.962Z,2020-08-18T13:36:58.887Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3700 16154,v1.0,,But the amount of planet-warming electricity needed to power the Net could require as much as a fifth of all power generated. Already it is billions of kilowatt hours a year.,/post/53158,2019-08-07T09:06:01.400Z,2020-09-11T14:45:42.018Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3843 16153,v1.0,,"Films like the incredible Our Planet stream on Netflix, which can jar people out of complacency.",/post/53158,2019-08-07T09:01:12.302Z,2020-09-07T14:11:38.447Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,3136 16152,v1.0,,It connects creative people with solutions to a larger audience than they might otherwise have.,/post/53158,2019-08-07T08:49:08.531Z,2020-09-03T16:10:13.423Z,53158,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9856,2915,394 16150,v1.0,,"For mutual credit currency situations, validation in apps will ensure you stay within your credit limits and not allow you to go further positive or negative than your calculated limit is (that could be based on other things like prior transactions or integrated activity from other app spaces).",/post/53834,2019-08-07T04:02:12.571Z,2019-08-07T04:02:12.571Z,53834,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,3695 16149,v1.0,,"But I don't see how it can provide cover against Norwegian nazis using my laptop as a communication device, or help me keep control of data I share on SSB. Anyone has any ideas?",/post/53895,2019-08-07T04:01:31.011Z,2019-08-07T04:01:31.011Z,53895,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3685 16148,v1.0,,"Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of the GDPR. It was designed to limit the power of large centralized corps, and I am already seeing beneficial effects in this sense.",/post/53895,2019-08-07T04:01:12.866Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.242Z,53895,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3785 16147,v1.0,,"Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of the GDPR. It was designed to limit the power of large centralized corps, and I am already seeing beneficial effects in this sense. But I don't see how it can provide cover against Norwegian nazis using my laptop as a communication device, or help me keep control of data I share on SSB. Anyone has any ideas?",/post/53895,2019-08-07T04:00:47.059Z,2019-08-07T04:00:47.059Z,53895,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3694 16146,v1.0,,"My right of having my data deleted from SSB is unenforceable, because the data are sitting on people's hard drives.",/post/53895,2019-08-07T03:59:33.337Z,2020-08-31T17:41:49.666Z,53895,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,1467 16145,v1.0,,"But with SSB, this model glitches. In fact, there is no SSB. My right of having my data deleted from SSB is unenforceable, because the data are sitting on people's hard drives. These people do not even know they have my data on their hard drive! Most of them, like me, will also have an automated backup procedure.",/post/53895,2019-08-07T03:59:10.594Z,2019-08-07T03:59:10.594Z,53895,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3685 16144,v1.0,,European Union's General Data Protection Regulation was definitely not written with SSB in mind. The GDPR seems to have been written with centralization in mind.,/post/53895,2019-08-07T03:58:24.012Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.236Z,53895,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3785 16143,v1.0,,"For example, if you treat data, you should have a data protection officer. This is someone who stands watch on the data; she is in charge of enforcing the user's rights, like having their data deleted and knowing what uses are being made of said data.",/post/53895,2019-08-07T03:57:51.847Z,2019-08-07T03:57:51.847Z,53895,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3685 16142,v1.0,,"On the other hand, speaking of hops and the spread of data, comparing the amount of privacy (in the sense of who has access to your data) SSB is by far more private than current internet standards and platforms.",/post/54112,2019-08-07T03:56:48.277Z,2020-08-25T17:19:09.349Z,54112,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3610 16140,v1.0,,"simply opening up for ""opting out"" of seeing their content in your feed. This would be simple to implement on the application layer of SSB for example.",/post/54112,2019-08-07T03:56:03.955Z,2020-09-11T11:17:11.449Z,54112,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,7302 16139,v1.0,,scuttlebutt,/post/54112,2019-08-07T03:55:19.682Z,2020-08-26T08:31:47.440Z,54112,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3676 16138,v1.0,,With the structure above as a basic foundation of how the https protocol works it is practically impossible to organize for private data where the individual has ownership of the utilization of the data itself since the user can’t control who has access to the data or how the data is stored.,/post/54199,2019-08-07T03:54:50.088Z,2019-08-07T03:54:50.088Z,54199,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5144,3685 16137,v1.0,,"After three years of work and after being banned multiple times by both App Stores, Gab finally has dozens of mobile apps for our users to choose from. Recently we moved to an open source and decentralized version of Gab that makes your Gab account compatible with a variety of different apps.",/post/56541,2019-08-07T03:53:57.248Z,2019-08-07T03:53:57.248Z,56541,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,3686 16136,v1.0,,"Dylan Roof, who murdered nine people, said that after hearing about Trayvon Martin's death he decided to Google him, finding an abundance of links to “black on white crime.” Radicalization in today’s world, often starts with a simple question online.",/post/56556,2019-08-07T03:53:01.649Z,2019-08-07T03:53:01.649Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,3688 16135,v1.0,,"the spread of conspiracy theories online is more worrying. WhatsApp conspiracy theories leading to murder in India, the “Pizzagate” conspiracy, and Q-Anon supporters believing all of Trump’s enemies will be arrested and executed for being murderous child-eating pedophiles.",/post/56556,2019-08-07T03:52:31.025Z,2019-08-07T03:52:31.025Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,3688 16133,v1.0,,Dylan Roof,/post/56556,2019-08-07T03:51:26.097Z,2019-08-07T03:51:26.097Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,3686 16132,v1.0,,"America is a country without hate speech laws, one built on the premise that it’s not the government’s job to decide what types of speech should be prohibited. In the internet era, that sort of governance is largely left up to the private companies responsible for the technology powering all our digital communications. As spectacular incidents of hate-based violence draw headlines and the web is flooded with extremist content, there’s been an increasing public pressure for companies to take that responsibility more seriously.",/post/56556,2019-08-07T03:51:12.074Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.188Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,5805 16131,v1.0,,"should we (as society, community) do something about hate speech online.",/post/56556,2019-08-07T03:50:14.430Z,2020-10-23T09:49:28.203Z,56556,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,5805 16130,v1.0,,I wonder if they know they're being used by alt-right and if there's something they can do against it.,/post/56541,2019-08-07T03:49:35.813Z,2019-08-07T03:49:35.813Z,56541,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,1856,3686 16129,v1.0,,"I soon learned that in fact online bulletin boards and, yes, communities had already been going on with real sophistication in the world of hard-core survivalists and white supremacists. And when I dug deeper, I saw that in fact they were out in front of us on using the technologies. Did the makers of the software know about it? Did Ward Christensen, inventor of the first reliable downloading utility, Xmodem, know his work was being used by the KKK?",/post/56550,2019-08-07T03:49:09.811Z,2019-08-07T03:49:09.811Z,56550,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,2915,3686 16128,v1.0,,"What is keeping entities accessing your ""pod"" or ""data wallet"" or whatever saving a copy of your data, and then cross-referencing it with whatever else?",/post/54852,2019-08-07T03:47:24.446Z,2019-08-07T03:47:24.446Z,54852,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3685 16124,v1.0,,Peer-validation is basically an infrastructure to ensure that peers do not publish things to the app (the shared DHT) that break the rules that the users of the app have agreed on,/post/53776,2019-08-07T03:38:54.788Z,2020-09-11T11:16:27.939Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,5895 16123,v1.0,,Also attempting to create circles of trust is something I've been thinking a fair bit about in this space too.,/post/53776,2019-08-07T03:38:03.999Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.897Z,53776,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4635,1778 16122,v1.0,,Blindly hosting information for others comes at a cost,/post/53772,2019-08-07T03:33:34.787Z,2020-08-31T17:41:49.651Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,1467 16121,v1.0,,open source protocols,/post/53772,2019-08-07T03:07:11.354Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.429Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,1257 16120,v1.0,,decentralized peer-to-peer applications,/post/53772,2019-08-07T03:05:19.236Z,2020-09-11T14:41:21.917Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4022,4299 16117,v1.0,,"Of course, local Hoplr and local SSB could be socially great, if everyone used it. But not everyone will adopt them until they are socially great, so we are stuck. The pubs solution makes SSB viable for me, but it would not be possible without ""the Internet"".",/post/53575,2019-08-05T08:37:35.406Z,2020-09-11T11:07:11.649Z,53575,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,1487 16116,v1.0,,"Rather, I was pointing out to a social network problem: a local social network will only work if enough local people use it for it not to be an empty space. Until we went together to the matchmaking event in Stockholm, I had never had the pleasure to fire up Patchwork and see SSB users on my local network. People were taking screenshots, which means it does not happen often to others, either.",/post/53575,2019-08-05T08:36:56.456Z,2020-09-11T11:07:11.642Z,53575,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,1487 16115,v1.0,,"Rather, I was pointing out to a social network problem: a local social network will only work if enough local people use it for it not to be an empty space. Until we went together to the matchmaking event in Stockholm, I had never had the pleasure to fire up Patchwork and see SSB users on my local network. People were taking screenshots, which means it does not happen often to others, either.",/post/53575,2019-08-05T08:36:42.753Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.317Z,53575,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,1662 16114,v1.0,,"Also from a resilience perspective, preparatory for the inevitable crash of the centralized communication structure which is the internet in its current form.",/post/53493,2019-08-05T08:36:22.464Z,2020-09-23T15:30:47.409Z,53493,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1446 16113,v1.0,,"That said, the notion of more resilient networking is a tempting one, even outside of purely military use - say in conflict/post-conflict or disaster settings (war zones, earthquakes, etc.), or even just in very remote locations where local file sharing can be really useful among (concurrent or time-shifted) visitors.",/post/53308,2019-08-05T08:35:38.709Z,2020-09-23T15:30:47.403Z,53308,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5092,1446 16112,v1.0,,"I'm sure you've considered it already, but just in case: I think another really interesting use case for this is just local communities, even within well-connected areas. A fully localized mesh could be built up as a hub for all kinds of creativity that has a distinctly local flavor in a way that often the internet isn't optimized for (even though of course localized communities exist there, too).",/post/53308,2019-08-05T08:29:50.656Z,2021-01-11T17:27:36.676Z,53308,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5092,125 16111,v1.0,,"I'm sure you've considered it already, but just in case: I think another really interesting use case for this is just local communities, even within well-connected areas. A fully localized mesh could be built up as a hub for all kinds of creativity that has a distinctly local flavor in a way that often the internet isn't optimized for (even though of course localized communities exist there, too).",/post/53308,2019-08-05T08:28:51.386Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.347Z,53308,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5092,782 16110,v1.0,,"None of this invalidates what you have to say. All I'm saying is this: let's all be very wary of technological determinism. Just because the tech enables something, it does not mean this something will happen",/post/52979,2019-08-05T08:25:19.367Z,2020-09-11T14:12:06.325Z,52979,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,4479 16109,v1.0,,"So, technologically, the features you identify in your post ensue.But what happens socially? Not much, it turns out. Maybe New Zealand is different that way, but If I go to a Brussels Café the chances of someone else running SSB from the same café are close to zero. So, nothing is enabled for me. To use SSB, i need to use the hack of pubs:",/post/52979,2019-08-05T08:24:54.599Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.313Z,52979,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,1662 16108,v1.0,,"When Scuttlebutt is running, it looks to see if there are any other Scuttlebutt accounts on the local network, that is to say, the coffee shop wi-fi.",/post/52979,2019-08-05T08:23:48.235Z,2019-08-05T08:23:48.235Z,52979,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4,3676 16106,v1.0,,"There are quite a few P2P protocols or Delay Tolerant Networking systems available, but not very many that would be easy to adopt.",/post/52938,2019-08-05T08:22:15.415Z,2019-08-05T08:22:15.415Z,52938,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5061,3611 16102,v1.0,,"Yeah, reg. blockchain I feel similarly and tend to stay away from the hype.",/post/52901,2019-08-05T08:18:35.317Z,2019-08-05T08:18:35.317Z,52901,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,3674 16101,v1.0,,"Noawadys, a lot of projects take the blockchain hype (and I assumed 95% of it will be gone/given up within the next few years), where it is very difficult to access the real value and basis of these projects - at least for me. Doing stuff ""blockchain"" seems to often comes with ""having a supershiny overpromising webpage"" (have to rant a bit here).",/post/52858,2019-08-05T08:15:41.191Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.308Z,52858,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4861,1662 16100,v1.0,,"Noawadys, a lot of projects take the blockchain hype (and I assumed 95% of it will be gone/given up within the next few years), where it is very difficult to access the real value and basis of these projects - at least for me. Doing stuff ""blockchain"" seems to often comes with ""having a supershiny overpromising webpage"" (have to rant a bit here).",/post/52858,2019-08-05T08:15:27.389Z,2019-08-05T08:15:27.389Z,52858,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,4861,3674 16098,v1.0,,Also with cases when there is highly fragile infrastructure which from a cyber security perspective can be taken offline entirely by a small team of 5 qualified hackers.,/post/52837,2019-08-05T08:14:45.440Z,2020-09-23T12:26:51.607Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,7590 16097,v1.0,,On one hand our communication infrastructure is not as durable as we would like to think. Both seen through examples as in Northern Sweden as infrastructure can be down and out for longer time periods when there is snow for example.,/post/52837,2019-08-05T08:09:11.342Z,2020-09-23T15:30:47.398Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1446 16095,v1.0,,Passwords are eliminated. User IDs and device are tied to each other. A hacker would actually have to have physical access to someones device or gain their private keys rather than password accounts which is more easily cracked.,/post/52837,2019-08-05T08:05:02.851Z,2019-08-05T08:05:02.851Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,3671 16094,v1.0,,"One of the biggest saefty issues in terms of privacy is also human errors, some of those issues are eliminated with peer-to-peer solutions.",/post/52837,2019-08-05T08:04:42.455Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.304Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1662 16093,v1.0,,"One of the biggest saefty issues in terms of privacy is also human errors, some of those issues are eliminated with peer-to-peer solutions.",/post/52837,2019-08-05T08:03:16.131Z,2019-08-05T08:03:16.131Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,3671 16092,v1.0,,If companies use and communicate via meshnets and peer-to-peer it is safer and not as easy to hijack.,/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:59:40.256Z,2020-08-26T08:31:50.093Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1645 16090,v1.0,,"If mesh networks and peer-to-peer protocols are implemented, especially in combination with each other, it would be a much more durable communciation infrastructure for society.",/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:58:36.544Z,2020-09-23T15:30:47.391Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1446 16089,v1.0,,espionage is happening via cyber platforms.,/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:58:22.077Z,2020-08-26T08:31:50.123Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1645 16088,v1.0,,"Privacy / National Infrastructure Security - We are seeing a rise of cyber security attacks, specifically cyber security attacks which are targeting national and corporate infrastrucutre - taking communities and entire nations offline. Mesh networks in combination with peer-to-peer protocols could be a solution for a lot of privacy issues that we are currently seeing in contemporary society.",/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:58:05.107Z,2019-08-05T07:58:05.107Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,3610 16087,v1.0,,") Privacy / National Infrastructure Security - We are seeing a rise of cyber security attacks, specifically cyber security attacks which are targeting national and corporate infrastrucutre - taking communities and entire nations offline.",/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:57:57.894Z,2020-09-23T12:26:51.602Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,7590 16085,v1.0,,such as the facebook scandal,/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:53:57.630Z,2019-08-05T07:53:57.630Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,3614 16084,v1.0,,"As the data is stored locally there's a much smaller risk in terms of third party infringement, be that in the form of a data leak such as the facebook scandal",/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:51:42.681Z,2020-09-03T10:48:52.406Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,7330 16082,v1.0,,"is when you take mesh networks in combination with peer-to-peer protocols,",/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:50:50.071Z,2020-09-11T14:40:57.011Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,1294 16081,v1.0,,"Usually they are a way for communities to share WIFI connectivity with each other and in many cases these mesh networks are run by communities as a means of free Internet connection within an area, or at least cheaper Internet connection within an area.",/post/52837,2019-08-05T07:50:17.664Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.341Z,52837,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9802,5040,782 16078,v1.0,,"Inherently I don't think GDPR suits it's purpose of ensuring the data privacy for it's ""citizens"" as it's an issue rooted in the infrastructure of the default-web rather than how the already faulty system is implemented.",/post/54113,2019-07-31T10:55:23.064Z,2019-07-31T10:55:23.064Z,54113,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3617 16077,v1.0,,"Inherently I don't think GDPR suits it's purpose of ensuring the data privacy for it's ""citizens"" as it's an issue rooted in the infrastructure of the default-web rather than how the already faulty system is implemented.",/post/54113,2019-07-31T10:55:08.487Z,2020-09-26T15:22:45.685Z,54113,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3785 16076,v1.0,,"GDPR did initially serve it's purpose of ensuring that European data stayed within Europe, but it had simultaneously opened up a new market for American companies to make money by charging the companies who used their services (such as GDrive) for ensuring that their data would be stored in the companies European servers.",/post/54113,2019-07-31T10:54:35.684Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.489Z,54113,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3814 16075,v1.0,,"the bite of the GDPR is that it creates digital rights; puts the liability for infringing those rights on the entities that collect data; and then steps aside and lets the courts do their job. The GDPR has inherently more bite for large corps than for small ones, because class actions are much more of a real risk for them.",/post/54121,2019-07-31T10:53:34.250Z,2019-07-31T10:53:34.250Z,54121,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4,3664 16074,v1.0,,setting a precedent for the future and targeting the big companies. In reality though it makes it difficult for smaller companies to continue their work as they are reliant on the bigger companies which in turn can profit from this reliance with the rules of GDPR as a backing.,/post/54163,2019-07-31T10:51:52.227Z,2020-08-31T17:42:57.864Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,4893 16073,v1.0,,"if executed in a proper manner is disputable, or if it's even possible to take action in a positive form when the infrastructure itself directly contradicts personal ownership of data.",/post/54163,2019-07-31T10:51:10.741Z,2020-09-24T11:27:43.482Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3814 16072,v1.0,,"The infrastructure of the default web is 1) Centralized, as seen in this image 2) Inherently distributes the ownership of data away from the users 3) Relies on middlemen to deliver the data itself which sees all meta-data",/post/54163,2019-07-31T10:49:55.312Z,2020-09-26T15:25:10.813Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3685 16071,v1.0,,"The infrastructure of the default web is 1) Centralized",/post/54163,2019-07-31T10:49:35.917Z,2019-07-31T10:49:35.917Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,3659 16069,v1.0,,as a basic foundation of how the https protocol works it is practically impossible to organize for private data where the individual has ownership of the utilization of the data itself since the user can't control who has access to the data or how the data is stored.,/post/54163,2019-07-31T10:44:58.408Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.107Z,54163,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5040,5895 16068,v1.0,,"t's not quite there yet, but if we get this right, it'll be a nice middle ground where everyone stays in control of their data, but we will still have sort of centralized app & service providers",/post/54199,2019-07-31T10:41:24.303Z,2019-07-31T10:41:24.303Z,54199,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5144,3659 16067,v1.0,,"It's not quite there yet, but if we get this right, it'll be a nice middle ground where everyone stays in control of their data, but we will still have sort of centralized app & service providers.",/post/54199,2019-07-31T10:41:10.696Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.102Z,54199,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,5144,5895 16066,v1.0,,"Hosting info for others definitely comes at a cost, both for the host and the guest, considering ""there's no free lunch"". I'm quite interested in Solid, as it feels like a ""middle-way"" from the mainstream Internet as we know it but with the capacity to give users more power and give them control over their data - especially if self-hosting data.",/post/54271,2019-07-31T10:38:15.862Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.098Z,54271,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9953,4897,5895 16064,v1.0,,,/post/53772,2019-07-31T10:33:06.699Z,2020-09-03T09:54:32.421Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::ImageAnnotation,rect,pixel,"{""x"":203,""width"":792,""y"":356,""height"":248}",,,,,,9953,4022,1257 16062,v1.0,,,/post/53772,2019-07-31T10:28:38.927Z,2019-07-31T10:28:38.927Z,53772,5059,AnnotatorStore::ImageAnnotation,rect,pixel,"{""x"":126,""width"":895,""y"":21,""height"":596}",,,,,,9953,4022,3656 16061,v1.0,,"There is one caveat though: In order to keep the safety promise, federation might be cut with instances that don't manage to self-moderate with the same (transparent and not too onerous) standards. This is especially important for instances that are aimed at minors for example.",/post/56142,2019-07-31T10:14:05.954Z,2019-07-31T10:14:05.954Z,56142,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3655 16060,v1.0,,"we are aiming to use ActivityPub, so Darcy instances will be able to federate with all instances that use the same protocol.",/post/56142,2019-07-31T10:13:54.662Z,2019-07-31T10:13:54.662Z,56142,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3655 16059,v1.0,,Fediverse,/post/56140,2019-07-31T10:10:15.803Z,2019-07-31T10:10:15.803Z,56140,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,3811,3655 16058,v1.0,,"moderators are chronically underpaid, though if they are doing moderation for profitable businesses they tend to do better. And a lot of moderating is part-time work, with not a great hourly rate, so it attracts stay-at-home mothers, people still living with their parents and others who don't or can't work full time.",/post/55512,2019-07-31T10:08:06.767Z,2019-09-01T18:38:26.959Z,55512,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3803 16057,v1.0,,"We at Darcy strongly believe in paying the moderators, and paying them well. This is serious work, that needs serious training and also serious support. We've all read the reports out of Cognizant and similar outfits. Don't be like that!",/post/55508,2019-07-31T10:06:09.916Z,2019-09-01T18:42:41.598Z,55508,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3803 16056,v1.0,,"it's the server admins who pay for the moderation, not the users. And the fee is calculated by how many active users are on the instance, not how much work they generate.",/post/55508,2019-07-31T10:05:22.430Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.460Z,55508,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5327 16055,v1.0,,a tiny tax on internet service which could be used for certain types of social media (akin to community TV and Radio which they already DO fund) would be ideal.,/post/55497,2019-07-31T10:04:27.331Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.443Z,55497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,5327 16054,v1.0,,"It's not so different....the users pay for their streaming services (internet service, netflix, etc.) and the money funnels up to the content creators and curators.",/post/55497,2019-07-31T10:03:43.303Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.455Z,55497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,5327 16053,v1.0,,"One can only imagine if FB allowed people to pay $10 a month to start a ""more special group""....that many of those people would feel they were Kings and Queens of their little domain. As it stands many seem to feel this way just because they started a ""page"". This is, in fact, one of the largest problems of Social Media.",/post/55497,2019-07-31T10:00:31.054Z,2020-08-26T08:31:42.860Z,55497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,1273 16050,v1.0,,subject moderation instances that was fully monetized - i.e. that of the AOL Chat Rooms in the early 1990's.,/post/55497,2019-07-29T16:34:55.894Z,2020-09-24T13:29:08.450Z,55497,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5188,5327 16040,v1.0,,"The challenge here is that we have different instances federating with each other. So we have instances that are full of adults, some that are aimed at kids, some that don't want any outside interference, some are Darcy subscribers, others aren't.",/post/55420,2019-07-29T16:22:03.942Z,2019-07-29T16:22:03.942Z,55420,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3622 16039,v1.0,,"This is a service that instance owners can subscribe to. They'd be billed a monthly fee based on how many users they have. As a result, Darcy moderators would react to reports coming from this instance.",/post/55420,2019-07-29T16:21:26.242Z,2020-09-11T14:24:27.014Z,55420,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3775 16029,v1.0,,"It is good if your business model needs those interactions in order to sell more ads. It's bad for humans though, generally.",/post/54356,2019-07-29T15:08:27.676Z,2020-09-17T14:04:27.982Z,54356,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,4274 16028,v1.0,,"a lot of those UI ""quirks"" on Facebook are done with purpose - they encourage reloading the stream and foster FOMO (fear of missing out). It is good if your business model needs those interactions in order to sell more ads. It's bad for humans though, generally.",/post/54356,2019-07-29T15:07:46.343Z,2019-07-29T15:07:46.343Z,54356,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3637 16027,v1.0,,"using the back button to see something you just looked at and oops, you are let off on the side of some road in another part of town so to speak. Or an inability to just ""dial down"" seeing a friend's comments rather than having to shut them off completely if you are tired of seeing the same rants too often.",/post/54340,2019-07-29T15:07:10.485Z,2019-07-29T15:07:10.485Z,54340,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3637 16026,v1.0,,"using the back button to see something you just looked at and oops, you are let off on the side of some road in another part of town so to speak. Or an inability to just ""dial down"" seeing a friend's comments rather than having to shut them off completely if you are tired of seeing the same rants too often.",/post/54340,2019-07-29T15:05:54.350Z,2019-07-29T15:05:54.350Z,54340,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3638 16025,v1.0,,"using the back button to see something you just looked at and oops, you are let off on the side of some road in another part of town so to speak. Or an inability to just ""dial down"" seeing a friend's comments rather than having to shut them off completely if you are tired of seeing the same rants too often.",/post/54340,2019-07-29T15:05:35.670Z,2020-09-11T14:51:31.812Z,54340,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,5895 16024,v1.0,,"There is a lot that Facebook gets right with their UI. Pleasant looking, good uploading tools, decent screen organization, easy scrolling interface",/post/54340,2019-07-29T15:04:25.446Z,2019-07-29T15:04:25.446Z,54340,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3638 16023,v1.0,,"There is a lot that Facebook gets right with their UI. Pleasant looking, good uploading tools, decent screen organization, easy scrolling interface",/post/54340,2019-07-29T15:04:12.120Z,2019-07-29T15:04:12.120Z,54340,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,2915,3637 16020,v1.0,,"If the platform caters to just one type of audience, and centers around a specific interest or topic, that informs the audience directly on how to behave. And people can lurk before participating, so they follow the existing examples.",/post/54153,2019-07-29T14:58:43.633Z,2019-07-29T14:58:43.633Z,54153,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3631 16018,v1.0,,"Imagine you see someone else post racist hate speech. Depending on which options and how visible these are, you might just put that person on an ""ignore"" list and move on. Or you actively block the racist. Or maybe report the content to moderators, but leave the person unblocked,",/post/54153,2019-07-29T14:55:59.111Z,2019-07-29T14:55:59.111Z,54153,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3626 16017,v1.0,,"UX can make or break how people interact with each other as a community, and especially with open source projects it is often enough added as an afterthought",/post/54153,2019-07-29T14:55:19.460Z,2020-09-14T15:21:17.123Z,54153,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5895 16016,v1.0,,"Good UX guides them, informs the newbies about the presets and their reasoning, and so on.",/post/54153,2019-07-29T14:54:57.555Z,2020-09-11T11:08:19.929Z,54153,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1264 16015,v1.0,,"I sighed and looked around for alternatives. I even made a spreadsheet to check the featuresets of the various commercial and open source offerings. And found them all lacking in one way or the other: Some are pretty but miss out on important features, some can do it all but have an actively hostile user interface, some look neat but then come unmoderated or have no safeguards against harassment, and so on. And I don't even want to go into the mess that is every ad-driven business model (I worked in the online advertising space for three years, trust me, it IS a mess.)",/post/54081,2019-07-29T14:47:05.829Z,2019-07-29T14:47:05.829Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3619 16014,v1.0,,"Online platforms that allow people to communicate within a wide range of models (1:1, 1:many, many:many, private, open, open to friends-of-friends, and so on) need to give users feedback and information on the fly so they know which mode and setting is active, and if it is appropriate.",/post/54153,2019-07-29T14:14:32.370Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.094Z,54153,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5895 16013,v1.0,,"It seems to me that the Ix/Ux tradition, for example, was developed in a commercial context. Commercial companies model humans online rather as desire machines (thinking adults are tricky customers) and aim to gratify them. Though designers have amazing useful skills, I tend to be weary of the culture that spawned them.",/post/54143,2019-07-29T14:13:13.918Z,2020-09-14T15:21:17.118Z,54143,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,5895 16011,v1.0,,"I have so far inhabited mostly mainstream social networks, but assuming no privacy and thus exercising self-censorship. I assume I am in the digital equivalent of a crowded restaurant: people will normally ignore me, but they can easily eavesdrop, and if I start acting crazy I will attract attention. For example, I don't swear online.",/post/54139,2019-07-29T14:08:25.779Z,2019-07-29T14:08:25.779Z,54139,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,3631 16010,v1.0,,"In Edgeryders, this is not a big problem, because we model humans online as thinking adults. They own their words. They have a responsibility to be aware of what is considered excellent/good/acceptable/unacceptable behavior. The netiquette page is just there as a reference. We don't care if people have read it or not, they are still held to the same standards.",/post/54143,2019-07-29T14:08:03.626Z,2019-07-29T14:08:03.626Z,54143,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,3631 16009,v1.0,,"In Edgeryders, this is not a big problem, because we model humans online as thinking adults. They own their words. They have a responsibility to be aware of what is considered excellent/good/acceptable/unacceptable behavior. The netiquette page is just there as a reference. We don't care if people have read it or not, they are still held to the same standards.",/post/54143,2019-07-29T14:07:44.497Z,2020-08-31T18:18:37.089Z,54143,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,5895 16008,v1.0,,"An important question is what we mean by ""letting people know"". For example, Edgeryders has a well thought-through netiquette page.",/post/54143,2019-07-29T14:07:12.884Z,2019-07-29T14:07:12.884Z,54143,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,3631 16007,v1.0,,"An important question is what we mean by ""letting people know"". For example, Edgeryders has a well thought-through netiquette page.",/post/54143,2019-07-29T14:06:52.219Z,2020-11-03T15:39:44.195Z,54143,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,7516 16006,v1.0,,"I think that a good civic space lets people know, through the UX, what to expect and how to behave in order to get the most out of it.",/post/54141,2019-07-29T14:05:14.969Z,2020-09-14T15:21:17.112Z,54141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,5895 16003,v1.0,,"self-help features, so that people who get mobbed online can mute, report, block, lock down, and have other functions that enable them to get safe",/post/54141,2019-07-29T14:02:00.837Z,2019-07-29T14:02:00.837Z,54141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3617 16002,v1.0,,"self-help features, so that people who get mobbed online can mute, report, block, lock down, and have other functions that enable them to get safe",/post/54141,2019-07-29T14:01:45.992Z,2019-07-29T14:01:45.992Z,54141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3626 16001,v1.0,,UX will be optimized so that users understand what they're about to do or post,/post/54141,2019-07-29T14:01:04.840Z,2020-09-11T11:08:19.924Z,54141,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,1264 16000,v1.0,,"I have so far inhabited mostly mainstream social networks, but assuming no privacy and thus exercising self-censorship. I assume I am in the digital equivalent of a crowded restaurant: people will normally ignore me, but they can easily eavesdrop, and if I start acting crazy I will attract attention. For example, I don't swear online.",/post/54139,2019-07-29T13:59:58.031Z,2020-09-14T13:25:04.489Z,54139,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4,7157 15998,v1.0,,"On top of that, we make every effort to include an as diverse as possible range of people and their different threat models. If you have a stalker, you need to lock down your online presence in a different way than if you are an LGTBQ* person living in an oppressive regime.",/post/54126,2019-07-29T12:46:01.916Z,2019-07-29T12:46:01.916Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3617 15997,v1.0,,"What we set out to do is to give people an idea of what kind of space they are talking in, and give them tools to cope when a conversation is suddenly exposed to a more public space than initially intended. On top of that, we make every effort to include an as diverse as possible range of people and their different threat models. If you have a stalker, you need to lock down your online presence in a different way than if you are an LGTBQ* person living in an oppressive regime.",/post/54126,2019-07-29T12:45:33.639Z,2019-07-29T12:45:33.639Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3622 15996,v1.0,,"The problem is that most if not all social media platforms treat all these spaces basically the same, giving us the same toolsets. And that doesn't work. Moderation and policy guidelines that are supposed to make a nice and kid-friendly TV broadcast cannot apply to that sort-of-but-not-quite-private conversation at the pub.",/post/54126,2019-07-29T12:44:54.022Z,2019-07-29T12:44:54.022Z,54126,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3622 15995,v1.0,,Darcy,/post/54081,2019-07-29T12:43:54.280Z,2019-07-29T12:43:54.280Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3621 15994,v1.0,,"A lot of the time, I find myself choosing the tech because of some single angle that is the most important one for the particular case. For The Borderland, we use Loomio because we make quite a few decisions in large groups and their features for that are second to none.",/post/54106,2019-07-29T12:40:18.614Z,2020-09-11T14:24:39.028Z,54106,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4022,5495 15993,v1.0,,"better platforms, though my thinking is often geared towards how it can help people collaborate and make decisions together, as well as share their lives and thoughts.",/post/54106,2019-07-29T12:38:04.721Z,2019-07-29T12:38:04.721Z,54106,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,4022,3619 15992,v1.0,,"So, I've now gathered a merry band of misfits to create something better. Darcy is supposed to become a human-centric, decentralized, privacy-friendly but open, safe, open source online civic space. It's a long and rocky road, but I think it'll be worth it.",/post/54081,2019-07-29T12:30:41.010Z,2019-07-29T12:30:41.010Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3619 15990,v1.0,,"I also saw the nym-wars (when Google forced everyone to use their real name, driving away a lot of people), the rise of spambots, online harassment, intransparent moderation policies, and so on.",/post/54081,2019-07-29T12:27:19.736Z,2019-07-29T12:28:52.109Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3617 15989,v1.0,,"primary method for social communications. I shared pictures, thoughts, had intense debates about copyright, democracy, and changing economies with authors, publishers, end users, and activists alike, and used it as a resource for my hobbies.",/post/54081,2019-07-29T12:23:23.452Z,2020-09-23T15:13:45.969Z,54081,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,10017,5144,3809 15988,v1.0,,Cambridge Analytica's data peddling,/post/54305,2019-07-29T08:55:15.030Z,2019-07-29T08:55:15.030Z,54305,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5119,3614 15987,v1.0,,has strong compelling arguments for investors and politicians interested in growth and maintaining current mainstream policies connected to measurements like GDP.,/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:54:46.992Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.866Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4822 15986,v1.0,,"Similar to the underlying capitalistic mentality shaping solutions through their development as brought up by John,",/post/52864,2019-07-29T08:53:49.992Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.861Z,52864,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4934,4822 15985,v1.0,,"Agent-centrism also allows for these applications not only to bridge between each other, but to many other systems where you allow the application to act on your behalf.",/post/52772,2019-07-29T08:53:13.009Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.336Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,782 15984,v1.0,,It gets easy to create a sensation of chaos.,/post/52655,2019-07-29T08:52:38.680Z,2019-07-29T08:52:38.680Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3611 15983,v1.0,,"The consequences can mostly be loosely drawn as humans and scientific research can't really keep up with the silo-based, non-coordinated nature and speed of development, making it harder to connect the dots between source of change and consequences.",/post/52655,2019-07-29T08:52:21.275Z,2019-07-29T08:52:21.275Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3611 15982,v1.0,,Cambridge Analytica scandal with Facebook and how similar events have happened.,/post/52655,2019-07-29T08:51:59.912Z,2019-07-29T08:51:59.912Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3614 15980,v1.0,,"t the same time the educated middle-class is more busy than ever with work days consisting of 8-11 hour workdays (including about 2 hour commute for some), taking care of kids, having Netflix competing with its main competitor being a biological need called Sleep and hours of ""sousveillance""",/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:49:00.667Z,2020-08-26T08:00:54.856Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,4822 15979,v1.0,,"In a way, everyone there issues their own currency and we solve the problem of ""but how does everyone get what they want"" with an algorithm for multi-party bartering that we made.",/post/52784,2019-07-29T08:45:05.223Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.330Z,52784,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5,782 15977,v1.0,,"human and respectful of human integrity in the way it allows for you storing your data until you decide you want to share something with someone,",/post/52772,2019-07-29T08:43:23.578Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.325Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,782 15972,v1.0,,It might work with the off-the-shelf solutions but the implementation of those - they depend a lot on the process in which they are implemented right? Are they convincing enough as governance systems in comparison to existing systems? How have they been convincing societies and communities so far?,/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:29:26.515Z,2019-07-29T08:29:26.515Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3611 15970,v1.0,,"I'm not sure it's ""winner takes all"", I'm thinking it is more like everyone takes everything? Regardless of ideology, it seems that responsibility to consider and act for the wholeness of the system is abscent.",/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:28:52.034Z,2019-07-29T08:28:52.034Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3593 15969,v1.0,,"I'm thinking my post is more perspectives and merely asking: what if we would try things differently as a society, based on what we are learning from the current state of affairs? And I'm trying to not jump to the solutions be it technical or social ones. :slightlysmilingface:",/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:28:33.181Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.299Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1662 15968,v1.0,,"Holochain is a technical solution trying to replace the Internet, dependant and within this technical and social infrastructure that the solution wants to replace?",/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:28:08.827Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.294Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1662 15967,v1.0,,"This is simply because it requires to build new (electric) superior cars/vehicles (for few individuals), infrastructure, support and maintenance systems as well as autonomy systems which is more attractive than the more financially cost-heavy investments of big transit system which are less flexible, more capital intensive and has less revenue per person (one car/person vs one train or hyperloop/many people)",/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:27:51.398Z,2019-07-29T08:27:51.398Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3599 15966,v1.0,,Regarding the driverelss car-narrative I believe big reason to the belief in this is that it has strong compelling arguments for investors and politicians interested in growth and maintaining current mainstream policies connected to measurements like GDP.,/post/54251,2019-07-29T08:27:28.097Z,2019-07-29T08:27:28.097Z,54251,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3598 15965,v1.0,,The reason we could not use any public ledger protocol for PayCoupons' coupons was however that our coupon exchange algorithm (network bartering) could not be implemented in a privacy-protecting way with any current blockchain technology.,/post/53929,2019-07-29T08:26:26.632Z,2019-07-29T08:26:26.632Z,53929,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5,3610 15963,v1.0,,"We need off the shelf frameworks, templates and software that make it easy to adopt commons-based governance for projects. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/54033,2019-07-29T08:26:04.023Z,2019-07-29T08:26:04.023Z,54033,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5139,3611 15962,v1.0,,"But as a short reply, yes, one of the reasons why Holochain has focused so much energy on creating peer-validating functions and temper-proofing local chains of entries is that it sets the stage for super simple implementation of currency.",/post/53503,2019-07-29T08:13:43.480Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.885Z,53503,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1778 15961,v1.0,,But with your concerns on information overload,/post/53600,2019-07-29T08:13:34.164Z,2019-07-29T08:13:34.164Z,53600,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5108,3594 15960,v1.0,,As for currencies and Holochain that is a bit of a rabbit hole. This whole thing grew out of the meta-currency project and there is some pretty deep and heady material on what Holochain is trying to enable in this space.,/post/53503,2019-07-29T08:12:42.791Z,2019-07-29T08:12:42.791Z,53503,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3605 15958,v1.0,,"applications between networks, there is a possibility for an approach to network building that promotes smaller, evolvable applications that are run by a bunch of people that want to coordinate activities.",/post/53296,2019-07-29T08:11:28.689Z,2020-09-11T14:40:56.969Z,53296,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1294 15957,v1.0,,"Is there really a need for global scale applications? The one network? If not, what is the appropriate scale of a network?",/post/53296,2019-07-29T08:11:12.172Z,2020-09-11T11:07:11.636Z,53296,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1487 15956,v1.0,,I think that there is a possibility of not needing to scale as much with self-hosting. Especially if we can bridge all of the different applications through the person using them. If it is as easy to create an application (or at least instance of an application) for three people as it is for 10 000 people then how large a scale would we need?,/post/53296,2019-07-29T08:10:50.742Z,2020-09-11T11:07:11.629Z,53296,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1487 15955,v1.0,,"Many solutions, if not all, change their character when scaled up. How do you think would it impact the Holochain and Pay-coupons models you are discussing here if they would be used by large and not fully self-informed communities?",/post/52864,2019-07-29T08:10:27.242Z,2020-09-11T11:07:11.622Z,52864,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4934,1487 15951,v1.0,,"Transactions on distributed ledgers are public and pseudonymous, and would show the ""zero-sum mutual credit exchange transactions"" that we calculate for our users. With that information and a few user accounts taking part in the transactions (de-anonymizing a few trade partners which is still ok) one can then apply network analysis techniques and de-anonymize everyone's identity.",/post/52792,2019-07-29T08:08:19.013Z,2019-07-29T08:08:19.013Z,52792,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5,3610 15950,v1.0,,"it's a challenge to hide away all the tech complexity from the end user, but without that there will be no mainstream adoption.",/post/52784,2019-07-29T08:07:33.955Z,2019-07-29T08:07:33.955Z,52784,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5,3611 15949,v1.0,,I agree that especially all of the blockchain stuff I have seen is super unaccessible for anyone non-technical.,/post/52791,2019-07-29T08:07:16.195Z,2019-07-29T08:07:16.195Z,52791,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3611 15948,v1.0,,it is fully peer-to-peer,/post/52791,2019-07-29T08:05:43.273Z,2020-09-11T14:40:57.006Z,52791,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1294 15947,v1.0,,I'd love to hear what the privacy-protection needs that you have are?,/post/52791,2019-07-29T08:05:12.770Z,2019-07-29T08:05:12.770Z,52791,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3610 15946,v1.0,,"I remember we looked into Holochain, Bancor, Stellar etc. but so far, there is just no distributed ledger technology that could run PayCoupons in a privacy-protecting way",/post/52791,2019-07-29T08:05:06.922Z,2019-07-29T08:05:06.922Z,52791,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3610 15945,v1.0,,"I remember we looked into Holochain, Bancor, Stellar etc. but so far, there is just no distributed ledger technology that could run PayCoupons in a privacy-protecting way.",/post/52784,2019-07-29T08:03:42.224Z,2020-09-11T11:43:19.457Z,52784,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5,3605 15944,v1.0,,So what we did to support economic exchange in PayCoupons is to switch from money to mutual credit notes.,/post/52784,2019-07-29T08:03:23.891Z,2019-07-29T08:03:23.891Z,52784,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,5,3605 15941,v1.0,,"An open source physical infrastructure would be interesting, @zelf got interviewed about that. I think that would be interesting for redundancy and a resilient solution better than the idea of a ""backup"" if the mainstream infrastructure goes down.",/post/52778,2019-07-29T07:55:55.907Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.545Z,52778,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1257 15939,v1.0,,"Anyway, sorry for ranting, but the efforts for open-source ""organizing the work with these common challenges as a society"" are very much front and center in the Holochain/Metacurrency community as far as I can tell.",/post/52772,2019-07-29T07:55:09.155Z,2019-07-29T07:55:09.155Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3601 15938,v1.0,,well as enabling as few as two people to start using a new app together with no involvement of things like servers.,/post/52772,2019-07-29T07:54:45.966Z,2020-09-11T14:40:56.998Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1294 15937,v1.0,,Sure enough Holochain is not THE framework for EVERYTHING.,/post/52772,2019-07-29T07:54:27.541Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.290Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,1662 15936,v1.0,,", but because the driving force behind the project is fully set on transcending the scarce reality of the monetary environment.",/post/52772,2019-07-29T07:54:10.063Z,2019-07-29T07:54:10.063Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,3605 15935,v1.0,,do not make peoples (and the planets) life better,/post/52772,2019-07-29T07:53:23.109Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.480Z,52772,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4635,4349 15934,v1.0,,No need to maintain global state means.. resilience - your subnet gets disconnected from the internet and your application keeps running,/post/52761,2019-07-29T07:52:47.819Z,2020-09-11T14:40:56.992Z,52761,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,1294 15933,v1.0,,Single sign on and verified identities while retaining anonymity and data ownership - facilitates trust between parties,/post/52761,2019-07-29T07:52:25.795Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.285Z,52761,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,1662 15932,v1.0,,acilitates trust between parties,/post/52761,2019-07-29T07:52:17.608Z,2020-08-26T08:31:51.891Z,52761,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,1778 15931,v1.0,,Distributed hash tables without the performance bottlenecks of cryptocurrencies,/post/52761,2019-07-29T07:50:24.090Z,2019-07-29T07:50:24.090Z,52761,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,3605 15930,v1.0,,Fully encrypted if needed,/post/52761,2019-07-29T07:48:42.073Z,2019-07-29T07:48:42.073Z,52761,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,3604 15929,v1.0,,P2P application platform - no middle men,/post/52761,2019-07-29T07:47:58.644Z,2020-09-11T14:40:56.987Z,52761,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4685,1294 15925,v1.0,,"building decentralized, scaleable,",/post/52757,2019-07-29T07:44:45.436Z,2020-09-11T14:40:56.975Z,52757,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4962,1294 15924,v1.0,,"than big transit systems, which are not efficient and are always subsidized.",/post/52751,2019-07-29T07:41:23.864Z,2019-07-29T07:41:23.864Z,52751,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,3599 15923,v1.0,,have read a pretty compelling argument for why a lot of dedicated driverless cars are more efficient,/post/52751,2019-07-29T06:37:03.431Z,2019-07-29T06:37:03.431Z,52751,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,3598 15922,v1.0,,One of my burning questions is how the internet and information technology is going to help turn it around.,/post/52751,2019-07-29T06:30:14.635Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.280Z,52751,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,1662 15921,v1.0,,at the planet's overall health,/post/52751,2019-07-29T06:29:54.180Z,2020-09-03T15:32:58.474Z,52751,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,4349 15920,v1.0,,"We are right in time, but we have to fight the cynical ""what's in it for me""-individualism",/post/52747,2019-07-29T06:29:41.460Z,2019-07-29T06:29:41.460Z,52747,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4831,3596 15918,v1.0,,so that it operates in a more open and cooperative way?,/post/52674,2019-07-29T06:28:55.724Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.514Z,52674,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,2915,1257 15916,v1.0,,many technological solutions to all of it. Technological solutions solve technological challenges.,/post/52655,2019-07-26T07:38:20.800Z,2020-09-11T14:13:12.275Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,1662 15914,v1.0,,information overload,/post/52655,2019-07-26T07:35:26.753Z,2019-07-26T07:35:26.753Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3594 15913,v1.0,,systems thinking approach on building a Internet infrastructure,/post/52655,2019-07-26T07:33:53.930Z,2019-07-26T07:33:53.930Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,3593 15912,v1.0,,"of organizations and individuals from different sectors of society who are willing to collaborate and take a more holistic approach, a systems thinking approach",/post/52655,2019-07-26T07:29:43.666Z,2020-09-25T17:43:52.365Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,394 15910,v1.0,,"gathering companies, government, civil society and have open and collaborative processes in order to include a multitude of perspectives of this complex issue and overcome the challenges causing devastating consequences for societies, organizations and humans.",/post/52655,2019-07-26T07:21:40.507Z,2020-09-25T17:51:13.375Z,52655,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9766,4897,7685 15902,v1.0,,I seek a few people that would like to arrange a joint workshop in teaching our community fundamentals in Free & Open Source,/post/53347,2019-07-23T11:31:23.594Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.428Z,53347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 15900,v1.0,,I dont care much for the economy personally.,/post/54245,2019-07-23T11:30:30.172Z,2020-10-19T11:14:56.001Z,54245,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 15899,v1.0,,I agree FOSS in itself has nothing to do with money.,/post/54254,2019-07-23T11:30:18.159Z,2020-10-19T11:14:55.996Z,54254,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1257 15896,v1.0,,"I think the Human part in this context is what can have something to do with community, belonging, a sense of meaning and purpose in contrast to proprietary software that you can't be a part of in the same way.",/post/54254,2019-07-23T11:29:07.114Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.257Z,54254,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1257 15893,v1.0,,There is no such thing as a free lunch. FOSS has nothing to do with money.,/post/54245,2019-07-23T11:28:24.059Z,2020-10-19T11:14:55.991Z,54245,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 15891,v1.0,,FOSS with the idea of empowering the user (such as school kids) to read the source code of school systems,/post/54231,2019-07-23T11:27:48.460Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.319Z,54231,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,782 15890,v1.0,,t costed the same financially and the migration to FOSS costed time as people had to relearn things they knew well from the proprietary world (similar to Münich's migration to FOSS).,/post/54231,2019-07-23T11:27:33.832Z,2020-10-19T11:14:55.986Z,54231,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,1257 15889,v1.0,,I'm considering hosting a prototype open workshop to flash Android phones with for folks who wish to get rid of Google's and OEM vendor bloatware,/post/54228,2019-07-23T11:26:53.335Z,2020-09-07T13:53:58.885Z,54228,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,4897,766 15888,v1.0,,Force feeding of Ads. NO means to escspe,/post/54193,2019-07-23T11:23:28.960Z,2020-08-19T09:26:18.471Z,54193,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3821 15887,v1.0,,"Regarding kids, I am generally opposed to ""nanny state"" laws that assume parental duties that are in my opinion best left to the parents. Cancel Save Annotate",/post/53941,2019-07-23T11:14:01.121Z,2020-09-03T10:54:49.828Z,53941,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,1483 15886,v1.0,,"Where on internet should we put our children who cant separate good from bad, truth from lies?",/post/53931,2019-07-23T11:13:02.418Z,2020-09-03T10:54:49.835Z,53931,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1483 15883,v1.0,,chines law recognized open source licenses as valid at all under Chinese law which tells a story about the current copyright legislation and its reach.,/post/53542,2019-07-23T11:08:59.832Z,2019-07-23T11:08:59.832Z,53542,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3581 15882,v1.0,,"""copyleft"",",/post/53542,2019-07-23T11:08:38.816Z,2020-09-11T14:45:00.598Z,53542,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1079 15881,v1.0,,"those principles are ""hacked"" into western copyright law by utilizing a license scheme that guarantee the four freedoms for anyone and mandates that this freedom is passed forward.",/post/53542,2019-07-23T11:01:55.856Z,2019-07-23T11:01:55.856Z,53542,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,3581 15880,v1.0,,Its about what principles the software operates under.,/post/53542,2019-07-23T11:01:41.495Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.340Z,53542,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,1257 15871,v1.0,,nonprofit and other small organizations who are not well funded and go for open source software to save money,/post/53538,2019-07-23T10:57:43.730Z,2020-09-23T14:06:40.221Z,53538,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,2915,1257 15852,v1.0,,tool to empower,/post/53347,2019-07-23T10:24:47.452Z,2020-08-26T08:26:32.308Z,53347,5209,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,782 15851,v1.0,,educate our community,/post/53347,2019-07-18T14:30:52.700Z,2020-09-07T13:53:58.891Z,53347,5059,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,pixel,,,,,,,9881,5025,766 13329,v1.0,,"Breathing Games ( promotes respiratory health by encouraging each citizen to take care of their health. We create educational and therapeutic games, devices to measure the breathe, and distributed data systems to inform public health practices, and policies. We create a commons – collectively managed resources that are freely accessible and can be used and enriched by everyone – by spurring collaboration between people affected, caregivers, and passionate professionals to build on the collective intelligence. The games produced participatorily are meant to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with respiratory problems – by educating, transforming therapy into games, and promoting healthy habits. They can be reused and adapted by everyone to address local problems and needs, as long as the free/libre and open-source licences are maintained. We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use. This material shall enable everyone, in all countries, to get indicators about his health (lung capacity tests), and shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver. Key to the success of this initiative is the socio-economic, non-exclusive model we developed, as well as the platform we use to log contributions and make the collective effort visible. We use agile development methodologies and allow members to self-organise, so that we build on the collective intelligence and transform ideas into sustainable, scalable products and services. The participatory, inclusive approach enables us to build research-backed games that also are attractive and fun to play with. Interdisciplinarity helps us gain a multifaceted, holistic vision of healthcare and fosters collaboration between different parties, beyond institutions and countries. Breathing Games is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and of the Open Source Initiative. Discover more about us at",/post/735,2018-06-10T20:42:40.604Z,2020-08-26T08:24:51.716Z,735,3791,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,485 13314,v1.0,,"Breathing Games ( promotes respiratory health by encouraging each citizen to take care of their health. We create educational and therapeutic games, devices to measure the breathe, and distributed data systems to inform public health practices, and policies. We create a commons – collectively managed resources that are freely accessible and can be used and enriched by everyone – by spurring collaboration between people affected, caregivers, and passionate professionals to build on the collective intelligence. The games produced participatorily are meant to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with respiratory problems – by educating, transforming therapy into games, and promoting healthy habits. They can be reused and adapted by everyone to address local problems and needs, as long as the free/libre and open-source licences are maintained. We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use. This material shall enable everyone, in all countries, to get indicators about his health (lung capacity tests), and shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver. Key to the success of this initiative is the socio-economic, non-exclusive model we developed, as well as the platform we use to log contributions and make the collective effort visible. We use agile development methodologies and allow members to self-organise, so that we build on the collective intelligence and transform ideas into sustainable, scalable products and services. The participatory, inclusive approach enables us to build research-backed games that also are attractive and fun to play with. Interdisciplinarity helps us gain a multifaceted, holistic vision of healthcare and fosters collaboration between different parties, beyond institutions and countries. Breathing Games is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and of the Open Source Initiative. Discover more about us at",/post/735,2018-06-10T20:28:39.627Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.001Z,735,3791,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,881 13313,v1.0,,"Breathing Games ( promotes respiratory health by encouraging each citizen to take care of their health. We create educational and therapeutic games, devices to measure the breathe, and distributed data systems to inform public health practices, and policies. We create a commons – collectively managed resources that are freely accessible and can be used and enriched by everyone – by spurring collaboration between people affected, caregivers, and passionate professionals to build on the collective intelligence. The games produced participatorily are meant to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with respiratory problems – by educating, transforming therapy into games, and promoting healthy habits. They can be reused and adapted by everyone to address local problems and needs, as long as the free/libre and open-source licences are maintained. We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use. This material shall enable everyone, in all countries, to get indicators about his health (lung capacity tests), and shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver. Key to the success of this initiative is the socio-economic, non-exclusive model we developed, as well as the platform we use to log contributions and make the collective effort visible. We use agile development methodologies and allow members to self-organise, so that we build on the collective intelligence and transform ideas into sustainable, scalable products and services. The participatory, inclusive approach enables us to build research-backed games that also are attractive and fun to play with. Interdisciplinarity helps us gain a multifaceted, holistic vision of healthcare and fosters collaboration between different parties, beyond institutions and countries. Breathing Games is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and of the Open Source Initiative. Discover more about us at",/post/735,2018-06-10T20:28:04.761Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.048Z,735,3791,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,882 13157,v1.0,,"Breathing Games ( promotes respiratory health by encouraging each citizen to take care of their health. We create educational and therapeutic games, devices to measure the breathe, and distributed data systems to inform public health practices, and policies. We create a commons – collectively managed resources that are freely accessible and can be used and enriched by everyone – by spurring collaboration between people affected, caregivers, and passionate professionals to build on the collective intelligence. The games produced participatorily are meant to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with respiratory problems – by educating, transforming therapy into games, and promoting healthy habits. They can be reused and adapted by everyone to address local problems and needs, as long as the free/libre and open-source licences are maintained. We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use. This material shall enable everyone, in all countries, to get indicators about his health (lung capacity tests), and shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver. Key to the success of this initiative is the socio-economic, non-exclusive model we developed, as well as the platform we use to log contributions and make the collective effort visible. We use agile development methodologies and allow members to self-organise, so that we build on the collective intelligence and transform ideas into sustainable, scalable products and services. The participatory, inclusive approach enables us to build research-backed games that also are attractive and fun to play with. Interdisciplinarity helps us gain a multifaceted, holistic vision of healthcare and fosters collaboration between different parties, beyond institutions and countries. Breathing Games is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and of the Open Source Initiative. Discover more about us at",/post/735,2018-05-01T09:15:59.817Z,2020-08-26T08:31:05.042Z,735,3791,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,882 13156,v1.0,,"Breathing Games ( promotes respiratory health by encouraging each citizen to take care of their health. We create educational and therapeutic games, devices to measure the breathe, and distributed data systems to inform public health practices, and policies. We create a commons – collectively managed resources that are freely accessible and can be used and enriched by everyone – by spurring collaboration between people affected, caregivers, and passionate professionals to build on the collective intelligence. The games produced participatorily are meant to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with respiratory problems – by educating, transforming therapy into games, and promoting healthy habits. They can be reused and adapted by everyone to address local problems and needs, as long as the free/libre and open-source licences are maintained. We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use. This material shall enable everyone, in all countries, to get indicators about his health (lung capacity tests), and shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver. Key to the success of this initiative is the socio-economic, non-exclusive model we developed, as well as the platform we use to log contributions and make the collective effort visible. We use agile development methodologies and allow members to self-organise, so that we build on the collective intelligence and transform ideas into sustainable, scalable products and services. The participatory, inclusive approach enables us to build research-backed games that also are attractive and fun to play with. Interdisciplinarity helps us gain a multifaceted, holistic vision of healthcare and fosters collaboration between different parties, beyond institutions and countries. Breathing Games is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and of the Open Source Initiative. Discover more about us at",/post/735,2018-05-01T09:15:21.420Z,2020-08-26T08:31:04.996Z,735,3791,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,881 13141,v1.0,,"Breathing Games ( promotes respiratory health by encouraging each citizen to take care of their health. We create educational and therapeutic games, devices to measure the breathe, and distributed data systems to inform public health practices, and policies. We create a commons – collectively managed resources that are freely accessible and can be used and enriched by everyone – by spurring collaboration between people affected, caregivers, and passionate professionals to build on the collective intelligence. The games produced participatorily are meant to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with respiratory problems – by educating, transforming therapy into games, and promoting healthy habits. They can be reused and adapted by everyone to address local problems and needs, as long as the free/libre and open-source licences are maintained. We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use. This material shall enable everyone, in all countries, to get indicators about his health (lung capacity tests), and shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver. Key to the success of this initiative is the socio-economic, non-exclusive model we developed, as well as the platform we use to log contributions and make the collective effort visible. We use agile development methodologies and allow members to self-organise, so that we build on the collective intelligence and transform ideas into sustainable, scalable products and services. The participatory, inclusive approach enables us to build research-backed games that also are attractive and fun to play with. Interdisciplinarity helps us gain a multifaceted, holistic vision of healthcare and fosters collaboration between different parties, beyond institutions and countries. Breathing Games is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and of the Open Source Initiative. Discover more about us at",/post/735,2018-05-01T08:47:45.465Z,2020-08-26T08:24:51.697Z,735,3791,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,485 13013,v1.0,,"Breathing Games ( promotes respiratory health by encouraging each citizen to take care of their health. We create educational and therapeutic games, devices to measure the breathe, and distributed data systems to inform public health practices, and policies. We create a commons – collectively managed resources that are freely accessible and can be used and enriched by everyone – by spurring collaboration between people affected, caregivers, and passionate professionals to build on the collective intelligence. The games produced participatorily are meant to improve the quality and life expectancy of people with respiratory problems – by educating, transforming therapy into games, and promoting healthy habits. They can be reused and adapted by everyone to address local problems and needs, as long as the free/libre and open-source licences are maintained. We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use. This material shall enable everyone, in all countries, to get indicators about his health (lung capacity tests), and shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver. Key to the success of this initiative is the socio-economic, non-exclusive model we developed, as well as the platform we use to log contributions and make the collective effort visible. We use agile development methodologies and allow members to self-organise, so that we build on the collective intelligence and transform ideas into sustainable, scalable products and services. The participatory, inclusive approach enables us to build research-backed games that also are attractive and fun to play with. Interdisciplinarity helps us gain a multifaceted, holistic vision of healthcare and fosters collaboration between different parties, beyond institutions and countries. Breathing Games is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and of the Open Source Initiative. Discover more about us at",/post/735,2017-11-30T00:39:56.993Z,2020-08-26T08:31:46.713Z,735,3791,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1453 10133,v1.0,,"What if working together for the good of all was the most common business model? Discover A new Economy, starring seven initiatives including Sensorica and ours. Thanks @Positive-Voice for your comment.",/post/29074,2017-01-22T22:25:15.000Z,2017-01-22T22:25:15.000Z,29074,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1453 6355,v1.0,,"We are working on the outcomes to be shown, for example visualizing the evolution of lung capacity, effects of doing therapy or not, etc.",/post/26038,2017-01-22T22:25:02.000Z,2017-01-22T22:25:02.000Z,26038,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,462 10132,v1.0,,"@Michel we started with CF and asthma but the idea is that projects emerge in different places. As a patient said, its a doctor's thing to separate diseases... but usually, asthma, allergies, etc are mixed. And yes it will include also games about good breathing and hopefully, people not affected with diseases can also become more aware about their health and invest in prevention. ^^",/post/26038,2017-01-22T22:24:56.000Z,2017-01-22T22:24:56.000Z,26038,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1453 10131,v1.0,,"Nice work @breathinggame, It's really a good revolution therapy treatment for lungs and chest weakness . I'm sure that is not only those who have chest disease but also those who are in good condition. It's really needs to tell that it's a personal device. Is not necessary to tell that kids are curious and they can bring trouble sometime. Is there any level for  any step of lungs illness?  And is that need any assistance to check the evolution of the patient?",/post/24000,2017-01-22T22:24:40.000Z,2017-01-22T22:24:40.000Z,24000,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3340,1453 9137,v1.0,,"Another thing is to move from proprietary to free softwares, for example from Google docs to a wiki, or from Unity game engine to another one. So they are lots of interesing challenges at different levels.",/post/19731,2017-01-22T22:24:14.000Z,2017-01-22T22:24:14.000Z,19731,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1257 9017,v1.0,,"Many learnings were also about setting the collaboratife framework, platform, etc. We are writing a few articles about that, that should be released in the next month. The initiative mostly advances during events as our community is always small, but we start to have funding and are going to redistribute them, with the aim to mobilize contributors on the long run. One big challenge is also that our non-exclusive model is not easily understood by authorities, so it takes a lot of time to explain it, and many fundings are not available as most competitions support profit-driven organizations. So we are thinking about creating a specific structure to be able to access these resources. Another thing is to move from proprietary to free softwares, for example from Google docs to a wiki, or from Unity game engine to another one. So they are lots of interesing challenges at different levels.",/post/19731,2017-01-22T22:24:00.000Z,2017-01-22T22:24:00.000Z,19731,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1230 9218,v1.0,,"Many learnings were also about setting the collaboratife framework, platform, etc. We are writing a few articles about that, that should be released in the next month. The initiative mostly advances during events as our community is always small, but we start to have funding and are going to redistribute them, with the aim to mobilize contributors on the long run. One big challenge is also that our non-exclusive model is not easily understood by authorities, so it takes a lot of time to explain it, and many fundings are not available as most competitions support profit-driven organizations. So we are thinking about creating a specific structure to be able to access these resources. Another thing is to move from proprietary to free softwares, for example from Google docs to a wiki, or from Unity game engine to another one. So they are lots of interesing challenges at different levels.",/post/19731,2017-01-22T22:23:49.000Z,2017-01-22T22:23:49.000Z,19731,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1269 10883,v1.0,,"Regarding tests, we did a prestudy with ten children in a hospital, to see their interest, and that was positive. We are preparing two studies with focus groups to test the games that have been improved.",/post/19731,2017-01-22T22:23:20.000Z,2017-01-22T22:23:20.000Z,19731,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1672 7566,v1.0,,"Hi @Noemi and @Alberto. Thanks for your feedbacks. In 2014, we started with the positive expiratory pressure therapy for CF children. It was in fact not the best move as the exercice takes about 30 minutes daily, which would require a lot of resources to have interesting games, plus the fact that the exercice is quite strict, so challenging to make it interesting. We then thought about other, more free gameplays, which we have to develop. We are now working on mini-games for asthma, that are about triggers and how to take the medicine. We want to reuse the work done for CF to build short games for aerosoltherapy. Regarding tests, we did a prestudy with ten children in a hospital, to see their interest, and that was positive. We are preparing two studies with focus groups to test the games that have been improved. Many learnings were also about setting the collaboratife framework, platform, etc. We are writing a few articles about that, that should be released in the next month. The initiative mostly advances during events as our community is always small, but we start to have funding and are going to redistribute them, with the aim to mobilize contributors on the long run. One big challenge is also that our non-exclusive model is not easily understood by authorities, so it takes a lot of time to explain it, and many fundings are not available as most competitions support profit-driven organizations. So we are thinking about creating a specific structure to be able to access these resources. Another thing is to move from proprietary to free softwares, for example from Google docs to a wiki, or from Unity game engine to another one. So they are lots of interesing challenges at different levels. We invite you to subscribe to our YouTube, where we are going to release 15 interviews of what participants learned during the last gamejam. In the next months, we intend to do gamejams in Montreal, Geneva, and possibly Paris and Lima if you d'like to join there or remotely!",/post/19731,2017-01-22T22:23:06.000Z,2017-01-22T22:23:06.000Z,19731,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,881 10130,v1.0,,"Hi @Noemi and @Alberto. Thanks for your feedbacks. In 2014, we started with the positive expiratory pressure therapy for CF children. It was in fact not the best move as the exercice takes about 30 minutes daily, which would require a lot of resources to have interesting games, plus the fact that the exercice is quite strict, so challenging to make it interesting. We then thought about other, more free gameplays, which we have to develop. We are now working on mini-games for asthma, that are about triggers and how to take the medicine. We want to reuse the work done for CF to build short games for aerosoltherapy. Regarding tests, we did a prestudy with ten children in a hospital, to see their interest, and that was positive. We are preparing two studies with focus groups to test the games that have been improved. Many learnings were also about setting the collaboratife framework, platform, etc. We are writing a few articles about that, that should be released in the next month. The initiative mostly advances during events as our community is always small, but we start to have funding and are going to redistribute them, with the aim to mobilize contributors on the long run. One big challenge is also that our non-exclusive model is not easily understood by authorities, so it takes a lot of time to explain it, and many fundings are not available as most competitions support profit-driven organizations. So we are thinking about creating a specific structure to be able to access these resources. Another thing is to move from proprietary to free softwares, for example from Google docs to a wiki, or from Unity game engine to another one. So they are lots of interesing challenges at different levels. We invite you to subscribe to our YouTube, where we are going to release 15 interviews of what participants learned during the last gamejam. In the next months, we intend to do gamejams in Montreal, Geneva, and possibly Paris and Lima if you d'like to join there or remotely!",/post/19731,2017-01-22T22:23:00.000Z,2017-01-22T22:23:00.000Z,19731,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1453 9291,v1.0,,"On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver.",/post/735,2017-01-22T22:22:18.000Z,2017-01-22T22:22:18.000Z,735,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1283 9166,v1.0,,We also develop open-source hardware such as flowmeter for domesic use,/post/735,2017-01-22T22:22:11.000Z,2017-01-22T22:22:11.000Z,735,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1259 5714,v1.0,,"decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS). On top of that we have been building a community of people to further develop and distribute the games. We successfully organized gamejams about cystic fibrosis and asthma in Switzerland and in Canada, and plan other events on breathing health and chronic respiratory diseases in the next months. The audience is huge: 1 out of 5 people in the world suffer from chronic respiratory diseases, and half of them do not follow the therapy as agreed with their caregiver.",/post/735,2017-01-22T22:22:00.000Z,2017-01-22T22:22:00.000Z,735,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,361 6343,v1.0,,"nd shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS).",/post/735,2017-01-22T22:21:38.000Z,2017-01-22T22:21:38.000Z,735,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,459 9077,v1.0,,"d shall also provide decentralized, anonimyzed data to advance public health research (blockchain/IPFS).",/post/735,2017-01-22T22:21:33.000Z,2017-01-22T22:21:33.000Z,735,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,702,3400,1251 6210,v1.0,,"I do not think anymore we (i.e. ""society"") can ""solve"" the crisis in health and social care, like a mathematician would be tempted to do. Nor do I think we can ""optmise"" for it – this is how an economist would go about it. But I do think we can make a move towards higher grounds in the fitness landscape; and moves is what designers do.",/post/29361,2016-07-23T14:41:53.000Z,2016-07-23T14:41:53.000Z,29361,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,442 8614,v1.0,,"I do not think anymore we (i.e. ""society"") can ""solve"" the crisis in health and social care, like a mathematician would be tempted to do. Nor do I think we can ""optmise"" for it – this is how an economist would go about it. But I do think we can make a move towards higher grounds in the fitness landscape; and moves is what designers do.",/post/29361,2016-07-23T14:41:45.000Z,2016-07-23T14:41:45.000Z,29361,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1143 6446,v1.0,,I am seeing design as the main discipline from which to cast our aspirational high-impact publication.,/post/29361,2016-07-23T14:41:37.000Z,2016-07-23T14:41:37.000Z,29361,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,485 8613,v1.0,,"OpenCare studies community-driven care services. This means ""activities of giving care to people that need it, and that are open to anyone's participation"" (Ezio's A1). For example: the Helliniko Community Clinic. Our attention is on how these things come into being. This means we are focusing on the design choices of their protagonists and to the emergent social dynamics driving them (Ezio's B2). For example, we consider how the design move of not incorporating enabled the Helliniko Community Clinic to work like it does. This is all set against an institutional backdrop. Example: liability for doctors in Greece is attached to the doctors themselves, whereas in Sweden it is attached to the hospitals. This is all a bit too abstract to prompt an online conversation, so we start by looking at community driven care activities in three domains: social/health care to refugees; suicide prevention; and treatment of dementia (more).",/post/29361,2016-07-23T14:41:22.000Z,2016-07-23T14:41:22.000Z,29361,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1143 9115,v1.0,,"Our attention is on how these things come into being. This means we are focusing on the design choices of their protagonists and to the emergent social dynamics driving them (Ezio's B2). For example, we consider how the design move of not incorporating enabled the Helliniko Community Clinic to work like it does. This is all set against an institutional backdrop. Example: liability for doctors in Greece is attached to the doctors themselves, whereas in Sweden it is attached to the hospitals.",/post/29361,2016-07-23T14:40:55.000Z,2016-07-23T14:40:55.000Z,29361,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1256 6445,v1.0,,"Our attention is on how these things come into being. This means we are focusing on the design choices of their protagonists and to the emergent social dynamics driving them (Ezio's B2). For example, we consider how the design move of not incorporating enabled the Helliniko Community Clinic to work like it does. This is all set against an institutional backdrop. Example: liability for doctors in Greece is attached to the doctors themselves, whereas in Sweden it is attached to the hospitals.",/post/29361,2016-07-23T14:40:50.000Z,2016-07-23T14:40:50.000Z,29361,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,485 5782,v1.0,,"OpenCare studies community-driven care services. This means ""activities of giving care to people that need it, and that are open to anyone's participation"" (Ezio's A1). For example: the Helliniko Community Clinic.",/post/29361,2016-07-23T14:40:39.000Z,2016-07-23T14:40:39.000Z,29361,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,377 7000,v1.0,,"Can having an option to spread the care over more people nudge more people to engage in caring activities? And if so, under which conditions  does this happen or not (which are the critical factors)?",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:40:14.000Z,2016-07-23T14:40:14.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,731 6003,v1.0,,"How can we use design to reconcile this need for the individual to be free to choose their level of engagement in care, with the need for the care recipient to feel continuity, local anchoring and coherence design these factors into existing or new initiatives?",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:40:11.000Z,2016-07-23T14:40:11.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,406 5851,v1.0,,"How can we use design to reconcile this need for the individual to be free to choose their level of engagement in care, with the need for the care recipient to feel continuity, local anchoring and coherence design these factors into existing or new initiatives?",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:40:04.000Z,2016-07-23T14:40:04.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,378 6390,v1.0,,"But what does this term community actually mean in a contemporary, urban situation? Ezio's work at Central Saint Martins has been exploring this. His students have been looking at weaving together people and places in situations where connections are fleeting and ephemeral (not like in villages where you are stuck with one another in the same place for better or worse). Noemi, Alberto and myself have been working with related things with Edgeryders, creating a sense of place and community that remains even though the relationships which make it (who is there, who interacts with whom, what people connect over etc) are constantly changing. John, before us with other settings and constellations of people. It seems Ezio and I have arrived at the same intuition and this is where his interest in Opencare lies:",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:39:55.000Z,2016-07-23T14:39:55.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,472 6389,v1.0,,"But what does this term community actually mean in a contemporary, urban situation",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:39:42.000Z,2016-07-23T14:39:42.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,472 9924,v1.0,,"But what does this term community actually mean in a contemporary, urban situation?",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:39:29.000Z,2016-07-23T14:39:29.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1445 9562,v1.0,,"During yesterday's conversation Ezio and I reflected on how Europe had reacted to the Paris attacks. How a small number of individuals could shut down two countries for a two days. Similarly it is remarkable that in the world's wealthiest continent, a relatively small number of refugees can destabilise the entire system. Can this  be tied to people's sense of being vulnerable, even with nice jobs etc? Can it be there is a sense of lack of social protection because of not being firmly anchored in caring communities?",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:39:20.000Z,2016-07-23T14:39:20.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1345 9561,v1.0,,"Can this  be tied to people's sense of being vulnerable, even with nice jobs etc? Can it be there is a sense of lack of social protection because of not being firmly anchored in caring communities?",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:39:10.000Z,2016-07-23T14:39:10.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1345 9923,v1.0,,"Can this  be tied to people's sense of being vulnerable, even with nice jobs etc? Can it be there is a sense of lack of social protection because of not being firmly anchored in caring communities?",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:38:54.000Z,2016-07-23T14:38:54.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1445 8612,v1.0,,"Less so the collaborative, participatory nature of our research project. Which for me is given. The very fact that we are having this conversation like this, in the open, with all the difficulties of comprehension that it involves mean that we are already doing this. Seen from here, the conversation we are really trying to have is one of research curation, where to direct our gaze and why. As well as the filter through which we look at it.",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:38:40.000Z,2016-07-23T14:38:40.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1143 9114,v1.0,,"Less so the collaborative, participatory nature of our research project. Which for me is given. The very fact that we are having this conversation like this, in the open, with all the difficulties of comprehension that it involves mean that we are already doing this. Seen from here, the conversation we are really trying to have is one of research curation, where to direct our gaze and why. As well as the filter through which we look at it.",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:38:36.000Z,2016-07-23T14:38:36.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1256 5999,v1.0,,"For me the openness has to do with more porous interface between what is inside a cateogry or institution or practice, a place..etc and what is outside. And what happens in those situations where there is a fuzzy, or een decomposing boundary between them. Professional caregivers, vs others. Between insiders and outsiders of a community. Between users and builders of technologies.",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:38:20.000Z,2016-07-23T14:38:20.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,404 8908,v1.0,,"For me the openness has to do with more porous interface between what is inside a cateogry or institution or practice, a place..etc and what is outside. And what happens in those situations where there is a fuzzy, or een decomposing boundary between them. Professional caregivers, vs others. Between insiders and outsiders of a community. Between users and builders of technologies.",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:38:11.000Z,2016-07-23T14:38:11.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1195 9113,v1.0,,"For me the openness has to do with more porous interface between what is inside a cateogry or institution or practice, a place..etc and what is outside. And what happens in those situations where there is a fuzzy, or een decomposing boundary between them. Professional caregivers, vs others. Between insiders and outsiders of a community. Between users and builders of technologies.",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:38:01.000Z,2016-07-23T14:38:01.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1256 9064,v1.0,,"or me the openness has to do with more porous interface between what is inside a cateogry or institution or practice, a place..etc and what is outside. And what happens in those situations where there is a fuzzy, or een decomposing boundary between them. Professional caregivers, vs others. Between insiders and outsiders of a community. Between users and builders of technologies.",/post/28213,2016-07-23T14:37:56.000Z,2016-07-23T14:37:56.000Z,28213,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1249 9112,v1.0,,I strongly agree with @Alberto,/post/27399,2016-07-23T14:37:31.000Z,2016-07-23T14:37:31.000Z,27399,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,1003,1256 9063,v1.0,,I strongly agree with @Alberto,/post/27399,2016-07-23T14:37:26.000Z,2016-07-23T14:37:26.000Z,27399,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,1003,1249 9062,v1.0,,"we conjecture that without open processes (B2) there can be no open care (A1), but the reverse is not true. You can use open, participatory processes to design closed systems and artifacts. I guess the implication is to study closely the B2 side of things, and how openness in the process results (or not) in A1-type open care.",/post/27192,2016-07-23T14:36:58.000Z,2016-07-23T14:36:58.000Z,27192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1249 9111,v1.0,,"we conjecture that without open processes (B2) there can be no open care (A1), but the reverse is not true. You can use open, participatory processes to design closed systems and artifacts. I guess the implication is to study closely the B2 side of things, and how openness in the process results (or not) in A1-type open care.",/post/27192,2016-07-23T14:36:43.000Z,2016-07-23T14:36:43.000Z,27192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1256 6999,v1.0,,"Thanks @Ezio_Manzini. I did look up the Canadian case (Tyze). From what I see, it's aimed at professional home care providers (hospitals etc.). In practice, if you are a company or public hospital providing home care to someone, you are only a part of the patient's network of support. Other parts include family and possibly friends. There seems to be the idea that many decisions about treatments etc will not be made by the person in need of care (""client"" in the company website's language), but by others. Perhaps the ""client"" is very old and doctors and professional caregivers relate to her children. So, make a social network centered on the ""client"" and bring down the coordination costs of care. Their USP is here:",/post/27192,2016-07-23T14:36:18.000Z,2016-07-23T14:36:18.000Z,27192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,731 8492,v1.0,,"it's aimed at professional home care providers (hospitals etc.). In practice, if you are a company or public hospital providing home care to someone, you are only a part of the patient's network of support. Other parts include family and possibly friends. There seems to be the idea that many decisions about treatments etc will not be made by the person in need of care (""client"" in the company website's language), but by others. Perhaps the ""client"" is very old and doctors and professional caregivers relate to her children. So, make a social network centered on the ""client"" and bring down the coordination costs of care.",/post/27192,2016-07-23T14:36:02.000Z,2016-07-23T14:36:02.000Z,27192,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1127 6998,v1.0,,"Therefore, if as Nadia also says, a care strategy could be the one of “spreading the burden of care over more people”, the first problem that appears is that their different bits of care activity have to be perceived, and by all means, be, from the point of view of who in that moment is the care receiver, as deliveres with continuity: the different care giver must appear as one continuous entity operating in proximity.",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:34:55.000Z,2016-07-23T14:34:55.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 6002,v1.0,,"Therefore, if as Nadia also says, a care strategy could be the one of “spreading the burden of care over more people”, the first problem that appears is that their different bits of care activity have to be perceived, and by all means, be, from the point of view of who in that moment is the care receiver, as deliveres with continuity: the different care giver must appear as one continuous entity operating in proximity.",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:34:51.000Z,2016-07-23T14:34:51.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,406 9678,v1.0,,"Writing that I want to underline, is that care (by the points of view of who, in a given moment, need care), requires proximity and continuity. These proximity and continuity is, in a my opinion, a major difference with other, mainly information-based activities (that often can work also without them).",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:34:40.000Z,2016-07-23T14:34:40.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1382 6001,v1.0,,"Writing that I want to underline, is that care (by the points of view of who, in a given moment, need care), requires proximity and continuity. These proximity and continuity is, in a my opinion, a major difference with other, mainly information-based activities (that often can work also without them).",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:34:35.000Z,2016-07-23T14:34:35.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,406 9677,v1.0,,"“The practical/organizational side of care is particularly important because care is not only exchanging information and knowledge. Care asks also for proximity and action: doing something for each other, taking time and being committed.”",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:34:25.000Z,2016-07-23T14:34:25.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1382 6997,v1.0,,"Regarding Nadia’s first post, I agree with her when she proposes to : “Having this option of spreading the burden of care over more people might be one way to nudge more people to engage in caring activities” this is only the strategy I proposed in my post. Maybe there are other strategies, but this one appers to me particularly interesting and potentially generative.",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:34:11.000Z,2016-07-23T14:34:11.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 9110,v1.0,,"The premise is that for what regards the the structure to be given to the OpenCare (the project). I will accept and respect what Alberto, and if I have well understood Costantino too, propose. That is, in Alberto’s words: “We study people who do A1. They will be the backbone of the OpenCare (the project) community. We (the research team) ourselves focus on B2, and hope to learn ways that we can get more A1 stuff out there by showing people how to set their process right. This is why, though A1 is the object of our study, in practice we spend much of our time on B2.” I cannot say that the meaning and the practical implications of this statement are crystal clear for me. But in a research it has to be like that. And I am curious.",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:34:00.000Z,2016-07-23T14:34:00.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1256 8611,v1.0,,"The premise is that for what regards the the structure to be given to the OpenCare (the project). I will accept and respect what Alberto, and if I have well understood Costantino too, propose. That is, in Alberto’s words: “We study people who do A1. They will be the backbone of the OpenCare (the project) community. We (the research team) ourselves focus on B2, and hope to learn ways that we can get more A1 stuff out there by showing people how to set their process right. This is why, though A1 is the object of our study, in practice we spend much of our time on B2.” I cannot say that the meaning and the practical implications of this statement are crystal clear for me. But in a research it has to be like that. And I am curious.",/post/26600,2016-07-23T14:33:54.000Z,2016-07-23T14:33:54.000Z,26600,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1143 5117,v1.0,,"It could be that they are currently in a care-related situation themselves (as caregiver/reciever)... ...or someone who is not directly affected but cares, and wants to support their efforts in navigating the situation. It could also just be someone who is professionally engaged and wants to know how they can make a meaningful contribution.",/post/22568,2016-07-23T14:33:27.000Z,2016-07-23T14:33:27.000Z,22568,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,149 5116,v1.0,,It could be that they are currently in a care-related situation themselves (as caregiver/reciever)...,/post/22568,2016-07-23T14:33:15.000Z,2016-07-23T14:33:15.000Z,22568,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,149 11410,v1.0,,"Case 2: Negotiating changing roles and needs (emotional and practical) of family members as parents slip into dementia. needs, capacities, and constraints where elderly family members are slipping into dementia Case 3: Helping refugees deal with emotional /psychological/ social challenges during the ""waiting"" phases in the asylum seeking process",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:32:27.000Z,2016-07-23T14:32:27.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1834 8680,v1.0,,"Case 3: Helping refugees deal with emotional /psychological/ social challenges during the ""waiting"" phases in the asylum seeking process",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:32:13.000Z,2016-07-23T14:32:13.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1150 10753,v1.0,,Case 1: Preventing suicides in the hacker community.,/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:32:08.000Z,2016-07-23T14:32:08.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1638 8907,v1.0,,"Case 2: Negotiating changing roles and needs (emotional and practical) of family members as parents slip into dementia. needs, capacities, and constraints where elderly family members are slipping into dementia",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:32:03.000Z,2016-07-23T14:32:03.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1195 6418,v1.0,,"Case 2: Negotiating changing roles and needs (emotional and practical) of family members as parents slip into dementia. needs, capacities, and constraints where elderly family members are slipping into dementia",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:31:56.000Z,2016-07-23T14:31:56.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,478 8853,v1.0,,Having this option of spreading the burden of care over more people might be one way to nudge more people to engage in caring activities. This is certainly the case for me: the fear of getting entangled in relationships that I cannot get out of is a big obstacle.,/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:31:07.000Z,2016-07-23T14:31:07.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1174 7397,v1.0,,Having this option of spreading the burden of care over more people might be one way to nudge more people to engage in caring activities. This is certainly the case for me: the fear of getting entangled in relationships that I cannot get out of is a big obstacle.,/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:31:05.000Z,2016-07-23T14:31:05.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,828 6996,v1.0,,"Someone mentioned one coping mechanism being to require the person asking for help to spread the burden by reaching out to more people in their caring network. I mention it because I think this is something we could look into: how a network can help the individual nodes both identify signs of trouble, collude to preventing them from happening, as well as identify and respond to calls for help. Having this option of spreading the burden of care over more people might be one way to nudge more people to engage in caring activities. This is certainly the case for me: the fear of getting entangled in relationships that I cannot get out of is a big obstacle.",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:30:53.000Z,2016-07-23T14:30:53.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,731 4955,v1.0,,"there are a lot of difficulties involved in setting the context for care. How to communicate and negotiate around the different needs, capacities, permission/willingness to get involved and constraints of both caregivers and care recipients. In part because the boundaries between the roles are fluid, especially in trying to deal with psycho-social distress involved. From a conversation that took place after LOTE5 someone mentioned ""learned helplessness"" and how to cope with this as a caregiver.",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:29:58.000Z,2016-07-23T14:29:58.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,126 5115,v1.0,,"there are a lot of difficulties involved in setting the context for care. How to communicate and negotiate around the different needs, capacities, permission/willingness to get involved and constraints of both caregivers and care recipients. In part because the boundaries between the roles are fluid, especially in trying to deal with psycho-social distress involved. From a conversation that took place after LOTE5 someone mentioned ""learned helplessness"" and how to cope with this as a caregiver.",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:29:48.000Z,2016-07-23T14:29:48.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,149 5998,v1.0,,"ow to communicate and negotiate around the different needs, capacities, permission/willingness to get involved and constraints of both caregivers and care recipients. In part because the boundaries between the roles are fluid, especially in trying to deal with psycho-social distress involved. From a conversation that took place after LOTE5 someone mentioned ""learned helplessness"" and how to cope with this as a caregiver.",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:29:35.000Z,2016-07-23T14:29:35.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,404 5997,v1.0,,there are a lot of difficulties involved in setting the context for care.,/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:29:05.000Z,2016-07-23T14:29:05.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,404 10663,v1.0,,"During LOTE5 some of us had a parallel discussion around narratives of care. We started with small listening triads where participants shared personal experiences around care. Then we had a larger free-wheeling conversation where more people got involved, including Erik.",/post/20091,2016-07-23T14:28:45.000Z,2016-07-23T14:28:45.000Z,20091,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,8,1625 9109,v1.0,,"We think that we need to talk about the design and implementation of B2 care ""artefacts"", for example regarding: - material / immaterial - simple / complex  - low impact / high impact - low growth rate / high growth rate",/post/14352,2016-07-23T14:28:19.000Z,2016-07-23T14:28:19.000Z,14352,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,1003,1256 9061,v1.0,,In our activities we experienced that an open system of activation happens especially when people are empowered with knowledge and problem-solving solutions (even complex) and are able to build bottom-up services thanks to the process of co-design and collaboration.,/post/14352,2016-07-23T14:27:10.000Z,2016-07-23T14:27:10.000Z,14352,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,1003,1249 9108,v1.0,,In our activities we experienced that an open system of activation happens especially when people are empowered with knowledge and problem-solving solutions (even complex) and are able to build bottom-up services thanks to the process of co-design and collaboration.,/post/14352,2016-07-23T14:27:05.000Z,2016-07-23T14:27:05.000Z,14352,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,1003,1256 6395,v1.0,,"We agreee with your approach of framing the debate in the intersection between concepts even if we are not so sure to feel comfortable with the subdivision you do in page 1.  We think in fact that it's possible to achieve part of what you describe in A1 through tools and processes you describe in B2.",/post/14352,2016-07-23T14:26:58.000Z,2016-07-23T14:26:58.000Z,14352,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,1003,473 9107,v1.0,,"Conclusion. We study people who do A1. They will be the backbone of the OpenCare (the project) community. We (the research team) ourselves focus on B2, and hope to learn ways that we can get more A1 stuff out there by showing people how to set their process right. This is why, though A1 is the object of our study, in practice we spend much of our time on B2.",/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:26:34.000Z,2016-07-23T14:26:34.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1256 9060,v1.0,,"Conclusion. We study people who do A1. They will be the backbone of the OpenCare (the project) community. We (the research team) ourselves focus on B2, and hope to learn ways that we can get more A1 stuff out there by showing people how to set their process right. This is why, though A1 is the object of our study, in practice we spend much of our time on B2.",/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:26:31.000Z,2016-07-23T14:26:31.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1249 9125,v1.0,,"This is very clear in the hacking diabetes story. John Costik wrote code. If he had not open sourced it, the story would have ended there. But he did, so the next guy in the story, James Wedding, could reuse it and enrich the system. But now Wedding's own code inherited Costik's license, so it was open too, and so on. You can do that kind of stuff with proprietary knowledge and top-down permission structures, but you need moneyed organisations. I predict community-driven solutions will depend heavily on openness.",/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:25:59.000Z,2016-07-23T14:25:59.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1257 9106,v1.0,,Community-driven care solutions correlate with open collaboration and open knowledge management practices.,/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:25:17.000Z,2016-07-23T14:25:17.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1256 9059,v1.0,,Community-driven care solutions correlate with open collaboration and open knowledge management practices.,/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:24:54.000Z,2016-07-23T14:24:54.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1249 8610,v1.0,,"But, OpenCare (the project) is not open care (the activity). We are running a research project. What we research is B2: we reverse engineer how those spontaneous solutions came about. We do it by formulating hypotheses as to what kind of processes the opencarers out there used to invent and deploy their solutions. One hypothesis – that is, at the same time, an enabling condition for our own research activities is what I am going to call the openness hypothesis:",/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:24:45.000Z,2016-07-23T14:24:45.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1143 9058,v1.0,,"A1 is what the people out there are trying to do: rigging together DIY solutions to care problems. Where do I leave my children when I go to work, if state-provided daycare centers in Italy do not have capacity (Italy: the slots in daycare centers are 3% of the children of that age)? How do I keep on eye on the glucose in the bloodstream of my diabetic loved ones? Etc.",/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:23:31.000Z,2016-07-23T14:23:31.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,1249 7732,v1.0,,"A1 is what the people out there are trying to do: rigging together DIY solutions to care problems. Where do I leave my children when I go to work, if state-provided daycare centers in Italy do not have capacity (Italy: the slots in daycare centers are 3% of the children of that age)? How do I keep on eye on the glucose in the bloodstream of my diabetic loved ones? Etc.",/post/7041,2016-07-23T14:23:20.000Z,2016-07-23T14:23:20.000Z,7041,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,4,924 6444,v1.0,,"To consider the whole socio-technical ecosystem, and to improve it in order to give all of them and a multiplicity of similar ones the possibility to emerge and flourish.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:22:53.000Z,2016-07-23T14:22:53.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,485 6995,v1.0,,"Considering these very diverse examples, we can observe that they present three fundamental common characters: (1) some care activities are delivered by non professional actors; (2) the overall care burden is shared between different subjects; (3) specialized interventions are asked only when they are really needed.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:22:41.000Z,2016-07-23T14:22:41.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 10346,v1.0,,"Circles of care: groups of citizen sharing a same problem (as: diabetes, allergies, obesity, … or simply the old age) who mutually support each other, with the supervision of a team of doctors and nurses (a well-known example is the Circle in UK: ).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:22:13.000Z,2016-07-23T14:22:13.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1526 6994,v1.0,,"Network of care: coordinated networks of family members, friends and neighbors, who share and coordinate their efforts to care for a person with serious problems (a well-known example is Tyze in Canada )",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:21:31.000Z,2016-07-23T14:21:31.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 8077,v1.0,,"Intergenerational cooperation: organizations that supports the encounter of young and elderly people mainly around the theme of collaborative living (a well-known example is Prendi a casa uno studente (Take a student at home), in Italy: )",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:21:22.000Z,2016-07-23T14:21:22.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1024 6443,v1.0,,"The open care viability is based on the existence of a whole stream of social (and socio-technical) innovation that is already moving in a similar direction. In fact, in the complexity of contemporary society we can find several promising cases (some of them are still social prototypes, someone else is already arrived to more mature stage). For instance:",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:21:03.000Z,2016-07-23T14:21:03.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,485 10248,v1.0,,"The open care viability is based on the existence of a whole stream of social (and socio-technical) innovation that is already moving in a similar direction. In fact, in the complexity of contemporary society we can find several promising cases (some of them are still social prototypes, someone else is already arrived to more mature stage). For instance:",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:20:56.000Z,2016-07-23T14:20:56.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1493 6442,v1.0,,"Given the previous social preconditions, the open care potentialities are made real thanks to the existence of a technological and organizational system capable to catalyze diffuse resources, coordinate them and give their action the needed continuity. More precisely, this enabling system should: match different demands with different offers (in terms of competence) give different care actions coherence and continuity (by the point of view of the care receiver) promote and support both relational and the highly effective ones (i.e. the most specialized, professional interventions). be organically part of a larger systems: the ecosystem of interactions that represents what today we can refer to as a local community.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:20:43.000Z,2016-07-23T14:20:43.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,485 10247,v1.0,,"Given the previous social preconditions, the open care potentialities are made real thanks to the existence of a technological and organizational system capable to catalyze diffuse resources, coordinate them and give their action the needed continuity. More precisely, this enabling system should: match different demands with different offers (in terms of competence) give different care actions coherence and continuity (by the point of view of the care receiver) promote and support both relational and the highly effective ones (i.e. the most specialized, professional interventions). be organically part of a larger systems: the ecosystem of interactions that represents what today we can refer to as a local community.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:20:34.000Z,2016-07-23T14:20:34.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1493 5114,v1.0,,"The existence of a large number of other actors (relatives, friends, neighbors) willing to care for someone, even tough they have practical limits (in terms of time and resource availability) to the possibility of doing it. The existence of dedicated and specialized actors capable to intervene when their competence are (really) needed.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:20:16.000Z,2016-07-23T14:20:16.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,149 8491,v1.0,,The existence of dedicated and specialized actors capable to intervene when their competence are (really) needed.,/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:20:12.000Z,2016-07-23T14:20:12.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1127 5113,v1.0,,The existence of dedicated and specialized actors capable to intervene when their competence are (really) needed.,/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:20:05.000Z,2016-07-23T14:20:05.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,149 6993,v1.0,,"The existence of a large number of other actors (relatives, friends, neighbors) willing to care for someone, even tough they have practical limits (in terms of time and resource availability) to the possibility of doing it.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:19:59.000Z,2016-07-23T14:19:59.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 5781,v1.0,,"The existence of a large number of other actors (relatives, friends, neighbors) willing to care for someone, even tough they have practical limits (in terms of time and resource availability) to the possibility of doing it.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:19:54.000Z,2016-07-23T14:19:54.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,377 6992,v1.0,,"Vision. Open care is an ecosystem of care-related interactions, characterized by being distributed among a large number of individuals, groups and institutions, with different competence, responsibility and commitment:  from the highly specialized actors and institutions, to family members, friends and neighbors with no specific knowledge and limited time availability.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:19:41.000Z,2016-07-23T14:19:41.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 10092,v1.0,,"Hypothesis. If the close (social or institutional) organizations of the past cannot cope with the dimension and complexity of the present demand of care, they must be opened. That is: the care activities must be divided in smaller/lighter tasks, and allocated to a large number of actors, each one giving what he/she is capable/willing to give.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:19:34.000Z,2016-07-23T14:19:34.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1451 6991,v1.0,,"Hypothesis. If the close (social or institutional) organizations of the past cannot cope with the dimension and complexity of the present demand of care, they must be opened. That is: the care activities must be divided in smaller/lighter tasks, and allocated to a large number of actors, each one giving what he/she is capable/willing to give.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:19:19.000Z,2016-07-23T14:19:19.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 7226,v1.0,,"Hypothesis. If the close (social or institutional) organizations of the past cannot cope with the dimension and complexity of the present demand of care, they must be opened. That is: the care activities must be divided in smaller/lighter tasks, and allocated to a large number of actors, each one giving what he/she is capable/willing to give.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:19:13.000Z,2016-07-23T14:19:13.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,783 7225,v1.0,,"In other words, thanks to an appropriate socio-technical innovation, it should become possible to cultivate and harvest the limited individual caring resources of broader groups of subjects. That is, to catalyze and coordinate existing but not used care resources could be the key to overcome the care crisis of contemporary societies.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:19:06.000Z,2016-07-23T14:19:06.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,783 7224,v1.0,,"Nevertheless, several examples tell us that there still are several people who could and would dedicate some time/energy/attention to well defined caring activities - if and when an appropriate enabling system would permit them to do it in a easy and flexible way. This limited but diffuse caring availability is the potential resource that the socio-technical innovation should be capable to transform in an effective resource.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:18:57.000Z,2016-07-23T14:18:57.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,783 10091,v1.0,,"Nevertheless, several examples tell us that there still are several people who could and would dedicate some time/energy/attention to well defined caring activities - if and when an appropriate enabling system would permit them to do it in a easy and flexible way. This limited but diffuse caring availability is the potential resource that the socio-technical innovation should be capable to transform in an effective resource.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:18:47.000Z,2016-07-23T14:18:47.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1451 6990,v1.0,,"Mainstream and contra trends. We have said that, in principle, everybody, depending on his/her time and expertise, could give some forms of care. But we can observe that today, in the contemporary societies, this care potential, clashes with the dominant culture and practice: a cultural attitude that, in the name of individual freedom and convenience, tends to assume a careless approach to everything and everyone (the throwaway society extended from things to human relationships). And: a mainstream practice of living that makes difficult to introduce care activities in the daily life (due to work constrains, to the evolution of families and to their being scattered in different places). Therefore, given the present structures of family and work, few people can commit to offering care, especially if this requires continuity, high responsibility and duration in time.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:18:23.000Z,2016-07-23T14:18:23.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,731 9778,v1.0,,"Mainstream and contra trends. We have said that, in principle, everybody, depending on his/her time and expertise, could give some forms of care. But we can observe that today, in the contemporary societies, this care potential, clashes with the dominant culture and practice: a cultural attitude that, in the name of individual freedom and convenience, tends to assume a careless approach to everything and everyone (the throwaway society extended from things to human relationships). And: a mainstream practice of living that makes difficult to introduce care activities in the daily life (due to work constrains, to the evolution of families and to their being scattered in different places). Therefore, given the present structures of family and work, few people can commit to offering care, especially if this requires continuity, high responsibility and duration in time.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:17:59.000Z,2016-07-23T14:17:59.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1409 8852,v1.0,,"Mainstream and contra trends. We have said that, in principle, everybody, depending on his/her time and expertise, could give some forms of care. But we can observe that today, in the contemporary societies, this care potential, clashes with the dominant culture and practice: a cultural attitude that, in the name of individual freedom and convenience, tends to assume a careless approach to everything and everyone (the throwaway society extended from things to human relationships). And: a mainstream practice of living that makes difficult to introduce care activities in the daily life (due to work constrains, to the evolution of families and to their being scattered in different places). Therefore, given the present structures of family and work, few people can commit to offering care, especially if this requires continuity, high responsibility and duration in time.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:17:42.000Z,2016-07-23T14:17:42.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1174 5850,v1.0,,"Mainstream and contra trends. We have said that, in principle, everybody, depending on his/her time and expertise, could give some forms of care. But we can observe that today, in the contemporary societies, this care potential, clashes with the dominant culture and practice: a cultural attitude that, in the name of individual freedom and convenience, tends to assume a careless approach to everything and everyone (the throwaway society extended from things to human relationships). And: a mainstream practice of living that makes difficult to introduce care activities in the daily life (due to work constrains, to the evolution of families and to their being scattered in different places). Therefore, given the present structures of family and work, few people can commit to offering care, especially if this requires continuity, high responsibility and duration in time.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:17:21.000Z,2016-07-23T14:17:21.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,378 8168,v1.0,,"Mainstream and contra trends. We have said that, in principle, everybody, depending on his/her time and expertise, could give some forms of care. But we can observe that today, in the contemporary societies, this care potential, clashes with the dominant culture and practice: a cultural attitude that, in the name of individual freedom and convenience, tends to assume a careless approach to everything and everyone (the throwaway society extended from things to human relationships). And: a mainstream practice of living that makes difficult to introduce care activities in the daily life (due to work constrains, to the evolution of families and to their being scattered in different places). Therefore, given the present structures of family and work, few people can commit to offering care, especially if this requires continuity, high responsibility and duration in time.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:17:14.000Z,2016-07-23T14:17:14.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1047 6259,v1.0,,"Mainstream and contra trends. We have said that, in principle, everybody, depending on his/her time and expertise, could give some forms of care. But we can observe that today, in the contemporary societies, this care potential, clashes with the dominant culture and practice: a cultural attitude that, in the name of individual freedom and convenience, tends to assume a careless approach to everything and everyone (the throwaway society extended from things to human relationships). And: a mainstream practice of living that makes difficult to introduce care activities in the daily life (due to work constrains, to the evolution of families and to their being scattered in different places). Therefore, given the present structures of family and work, few people can commit to offering care, especially if this requires continuity, high responsibility and duration in time",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:17:05.000Z,2016-07-23T14:17:05.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,447 10090,v1.0,,"We know that, for different reasons, all of them are in difficulty to cope with the growing care demand. Therefore, the issue is to reshape the system in order to permit to some new potential resources to emerge and become effective resources.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:16:30.000Z,2016-07-23T14:16:30.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1451 10916,v1.0,,Third sector and charity organizations (based on both professional and non professional actors),/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:16:20.000Z,2016-07-23T14:16:20.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1683 5780,v1.0,,"Traditional care communities (as families, village communities, urban neighborhoods).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:16:12.000Z,2016-07-23T14:16:12.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,377 7371,v1.0,,"Traditional care communities (as families, village communities, urban neighborhoods).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:16:05.000Z,2016-07-23T14:16:05.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,824 8490,v1.0,,Institutional care givers (based on professional actors),/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:15:57.000Z,2016-07-23T14:15:57.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1127 10089,v1.0,,"Care resources. In principle, everybody can care for someone else. He/she can do it in different forms (depending on his/her expertise and time availability), but all of them require attention. In turn, given that attention is a limited resource (each person has a limit in his/hers capability to give attention), this is true also for his/her capability to care. In other word, care (both the expert and non-expert one) is a diffuse but limited resource.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:15:39.000Z,2016-07-23T14:15:39.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1451 7952,v1.0,,"It comes that, to imagine a new care system, we should, first of all, recognize all the potential care givers, considering them as resources: effective care resource (when they are already active) and potential care resources (when they could be activated if some conditions would be given)",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:05:08.000Z,2016-07-23T14:05:08.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,982 5112,v1.0,,"It comes that, to imagine a new care system, we should, first of all, recognize all the potential care givers, considering them as resources: effective care resource (when they are already active) and potential care resources (when they could be activated if some conditions would be given)",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:05:04.000Z,2016-07-23T14:05:04.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,149 9255,v1.0,,"Different care actions should be attentively analyzed and mapped using this kind of parameters. Nevertheless, intuitively, we can already say that different care activities could be delivered by different actors in different modalities.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:04:55.000Z,2016-07-23T14:04:55.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1278 9254,v1.0,,"Time: duration, frequency, flexibility, … Space: virtual, hybrid, only physical, … Competences: normal everyday life socialization, specific diffuse knowledge, specialized expert knowledge, … Responsibility: very low; low, high, very high.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:04:49.000Z,2016-07-23T14:04:49.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1278 8609,v1.0,,"In general terms, these differences are characterized by a set of main parameters, as:  Time: duration, frequency, flexibility, … Space: virtual, hybrid, only physical, … Competences: normal everyday life socialization, specific diffuse knowledge, specialized expert knowledge, … Responsibility: very low; low, high, very high.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:04:37.000Z,2016-07-23T14:04:37.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1143 7019,v1.0,,"Care activities. Care activities are quite diverse: they can be performed by whoever could be willing to do it (as to make the shopping for somebody who is momentary sick); they can require a lot of time, attention and assumption of responsibility (as to take care of the daily life necessities of somebody seriously ill); they can require timely actions by highly specialized experts (as surgery interventions in very specific moments). And so on.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:04:28.000Z,2016-07-23T14:04:28.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,733 5067,v1.0,,"The practical/organizational side of care is particularly important because care is not only exchanging information and knowledge. Care asks also for proximity and action: doing something for each other, taking time and being committed.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:04:01.000Z,2016-07-23T14:04:01.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,146 9676,v1.0,,"are asks also for proximity and action: doing something for each other, taking time and being committed.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:03:31.000Z,2016-07-23T14:03:31.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1382 5849,v1.0,,"n fact, in the present fluid, hyper individualized societies, families, village communities and urban neighborhoods are weakening (if not totally disappearing) and individuals, given their life structure, have less and less practical possibilities to take care of others (even when, in principle, they would do it).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:02:15.000Z,2016-07-23T14:02:15.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,378 10559,v1.0,,"In fact, in the present fluid, hyper individualized societies, families, village communities and urban neighborhoods are weakening (if not totally disappearing) and individuals, given their life structure, have less and less practical possibilities to take care of others (even when, in principle, they would do it).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:02:08.000Z,2016-07-23T14:02:08.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1577 10558,v1.0,,"The gap between the growing demand and the shrinking offer of care is the basis of the present care crisis: a lack of care that is not only practical (the caring system do not succeed in coping with the care demand), but also psychological (the sense of loneliness deriving by the lack of sense of care throughout the whole society).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:01:58.000Z,2016-07-23T14:01:58.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1577 10088,v1.0,,"The gap between the growing demand and the shrinking offer of care is the basis of the present care crisis: a lack of care that is not only practical (the caring system do not succeed in coping with the care demand), but also psychological (the sense of loneliness deriving by the lack of sense of care throughout the whole society).  To overcome this crisis a brand new care systems has to be imagined and enhanced. To move in this direction, a first step is to better understand caring activities, considering their nature and diversity.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:01:37.000Z,2016-07-23T14:01:37.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1451 6209,v1.0,,"The gap between the growing demand and the shrinking offer of care is the basis of the present care crisis: a lack of care that is not only practical (the caring system do not succeed in coping with the care demand), but also psychological (the sense of loneliness deriving by the lack of sense of care throughout the whole society).  To overcome this crisis a brand new care systems has to be imagined and enhanced. To move in this direction, a first step is to better understand caring activities, considering their nature and diversity.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:01:29.000Z,2016-07-23T14:01:29.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,442 10087,v1.0,,"In turn, care institutions, which were supposed to substitute the traditional community’s and individual’s care, have less and less economic resources (and often political will) to do it.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:01:20.000Z,2016-07-23T14:01:20.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1451 10086,v1.0,,"Today, for several reasons, the demand of care is growing and becoming more complex, while both the traditional and the modern offer of care are less and less capable to cope with it. In fact, in the present fluid, hyper individualized societies, families, village communities and urban neighborhoods are weakening (if not totally disappearing) and individuals, given their life structure, have less and less practical possibilities to take care of others (even when, in principle, they would do it).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:01:06.000Z,2016-07-23T14:01:06.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1451 5779,v1.0,,"Since the beginning of human history, care has been exchanged (given and received) inside homogeneous, durable and relatively closed groups of individuals: families, clans, village communities, urban neighborhoods ... In the past century, in parallel to that, care has been delivered also by dedicated institutions: hospital, kindergartens, elderly residences...",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:00:50.000Z,2016-07-23T14:00:50.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,377 7370,v1.0,,"Since the beginning of human history, care has been exchanged (given and received) inside homogeneous, durable and relatively closed groups of individuals: families, clans, village communities, urban neighborhoods ... In the past century, in parallel to that, care has been delivered also by dedicated institutions: hospital, kindergartens, elderly residences...",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:00:44.000Z,2016-07-23T14:00:44.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,824 7817,v1.0,,"Since the beginning of human history, care has been exchanged (given and received) inside homogeneous, durable and relatively closed groups of individuals: families, clans, village communities, urban neighborhoods ... In the past century, in parallel to that, care has been delivered also by dedicated institutions: hospital, kindergartens, elderly residences...",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:00:40.000Z,2021-05-14T04:22:15.976Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,7949 8608,v1.0,,"For what I have understood until now the general motivation for the research (see the Open Care research introduction) seems to mainly refer to A1, where the consortium profiles and experiences are mostly linked to the B2.  In my view, at this stage of the Open Care research we should take a clear decision: do we want to deal with A1, with B2 or with both, A1+B2. If the choice is for A1+B2, we should clearly define when, where and how we will discuss of A1 and when, where and how of B2.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:00:25.000Z,2016-07-23T14:00:25.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1143 9057,v1.0,,"A1 Open care refers to the final result. That is, it refers to the characteristics of the care system we intend to create: a care system where different actors (experts and non experts) are in condition to play a relevant role.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T14:00:09.000Z,2016-07-23T14:00:09.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1249 9105,v1.0,,"A.  Open referred to the care system: a system is open when different actors have the possibility to play a role. This can happen when the whole activity package is opened and divided into parts with the possibility, for these different parts, to be distributed among different actors.   B. Open referred to the information flow: a system is open when the information on which it is based are open. This can happen when these information are totally visible, accessible and transferable to other systems. Open Care",/post/5397,2016-07-23T13:59:57.000Z,2016-07-23T13:59:57.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1256 9104,v1.0,,"B2 Open care refers to the design/production process. That is, it refers to the characteristics of a co-design and co-production process: the process leading to the realization of the products and services on which an aimed care system is based.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T13:59:40.000Z,2016-07-23T13:59:40.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1256 6394,v1.0,,"A.  Open referred to the care system: a system is open when different actors have the possibility to play a role. This can happen when the whole activity package is opened and divided into parts with the possibility, for these different parts, to be distributed among different actors.   B. Open referred to the information flow: a system is open when the information on which it is based are open. This can happen when these information are totally visible, accessible and transferable to other systems.",/post/5397,2016-07-23T13:58:54.000Z,2016-07-23T13:58:54.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,473 5066,v1.0,,"Care referred to a special kind of human interaction: someone (the care giver) gives attention to, and takes action for, someone else (the care receiver).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T13:58:23.000Z,2016-07-23T13:58:23.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,146 9056,v1.0,,"Care referred to a set of artifacts: the products and services of the system which, in a given time and place, enables the care activities (i.e. the care interaction of the point 1).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T13:58:10.000Z,2016-07-23T13:58:10.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,1249 5111,v1.0,,"Care referred to a special kind of human interaction: someone (the care giver) gives attention to, and takes action for, someone else (the care receiver).",/post/5397,2016-07-23T13:57:47.000Z,2016-07-23T13:57:47.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,149 6393,v1.0,,Premise,/post/5397,2016-07-23T13:57:30.000Z,2016-07-23T13:57:30.000Z,5397,3323,AnnotatorStore::TextAnnotation,,,,,,,,,5364,3045,473