,,,,,,Human Subjects,,,Non-Human,,,,,Alignment with Research Data Lifecyle (Source: http://www.data-archive.ac.uk/create-manage/life-cycle),,,,,, RefID,First Author,Year of Pubication,Article Title,Journal Name,Conference Name ,Study Design 01,Study Design 02,Study Design 03,Study Design 01,Study Design 02,Study Design 03,Methodology,Study Period,Creating Data,Processing Data,Analyzing Data,Preserving Data,Giving Access to Data,Re-Using Data,Notes Akers & Green 2014,Akers,2014,Towards a symbiotic relationship between academic libraries and disciplinary data repositories: a Dryad and University of Michigan case study,International Journal of Digital Curation,,,,,Case study,Cross-sectional,,Quantitative,2013,,,,Yes,Yes,, Akers 2012,Akers,2012,Differences among faculty ranks in views on research data management,IASSIST Quarterly,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Fall 2012,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Akers 2013,Akers,2013,Disciplinary differences in faculty research data management practices and perspectives,International Journal of Digital Curation,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Fall 2012,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Akers 2014,Akers,2014,Building Support for Research Data Management:Biographies of Eight Research Universities,The International Journal of Digital Curation,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Oct 2012 - Dec 2013,,,,Yes,,, Aleixandre-Benavent 2014,Aleixandre-Benavent,2014,"Public availability of published research data in substance abuse journals",International Journal of Drug Policy,,,,,Cross-sectional ,,,Quantitative,July 2013 - Sept 2013,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Allard 2012,Allard,2012,"Environmental Researchers' Data Practices: An Exploratory Study in Turkey",,"Book Chapter: (E-science and information management, Volume 317 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Science)",Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Summer 2010,,,,Yes,Yes,, Allen 2011,Allen,2011,Qualitative thematic analysis of consent forms used in cancer genome sequencing ,BMC Medical Ethics,,,,,Content analysis,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,,Yes,, AlsheikhAli 2011,Alsheikh-Ali,2011,Public availability of published research data in high-impact journals,PLoS One,,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,July - August 2010,,,,,Yes,, Alvaro 2011,Alvaro,2011,E-Science Librarianship: Field Undefined,Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship,,,,,Content Analysis,,,Quantitative,11-May,,,,,,, Amorim 2015,Amorim,2015,"Engaging researchers in data management with LabTablet, an electronic laboratory notebook",,"International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technologies 2015",Case study ,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,,Yes,,, Amorim 2015b,Amorim,2015,"A Comparative Study of Platforms for Research Data Management: Interoperability, Metadata Capabilities and Integration Potential",,"Book: New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies,",,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,NR,,,,Yes,Yes,, Amos 2010,Amos,2010,"Rsquared: researching the researchers. A study into how the researchers at the University of New South Wales use and share research data",,"International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries, 31st Annual Conference",Focus groups,,,Case study,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Anagnostou 2015,Anagnostou,2015,When data sharing gets close to 100%: what human paleogenetics can teach the open science movement,PLoS One,,Cross sectional (survey),,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,,,,,,Yes,, Anderson 2007,Anderson ,2007,"Issues in Biomedical Research Data Management and Analysis: Needs and Barriers",Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",Interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,Spring/Summer 2005,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,, Antell 2014,Antell,2014,"Dealing with Data: Science Librarians? Participation in Data Management at Association of Research Libraries Institutions",College & Research Libraries,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,12-Sep,Yes,,,Yes,,, Arguillas 2015,Arguillas,2015,Reviewing research data platform capabilities at Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research (CISER),,A Digital Curation Centre Case Study,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,2015,,,,Yes,Yes,, Averkamp 2012,Averkamp,2012,Report on the University Libraries? Data Management Needs Survey,,Grey Literature,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"June 26, 2012-September 18, 2012",Yes,,,Yes,,, Aydinoglu 2014,Aydinoglu,2014,"Data Management in Astrobiology: Challenges and Opportunities for an Interdisciplinary Community",Astrobiology,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Apr 2013 - July 2013,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Bamkin 2014,Bamkin,2014,"Report of Findings from Focus Group and Online Questionnaire: The opinions of potential users of a policy databank service Report of Findings from Focus Group and Online Questionnaire: The opinions of potential users of a policy databank service Report of Findings from Focus Group and Online Questionnaire: The opinions of potential users of a policy databank service",,Grey Literature: JORD Project,Focus Group,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,Mixed Methods,July-Dec 2012 (from JORD website),,,,,Yes,, Bardyn 2012,Bardyn,2012,"Translational Researchers? Perceptions of Data Management Practices and Data Curation Needs: Findings from a Focus Group in an Academic Health Sciences Library",Journal of Web Librarianship,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,10-Jun,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,, Belter 2014,Belter ,2014,"Measuring the Value of Research Data: A Citation Analysis of Oceanographic Data Sets",PLoS One,,,,,Bibliometric analysis,,,Quantitative,"Mar 2013, Jan 2014 (two separate times)",,,,,Yes,, Berlinicke 2012,Berlinicke,2012,High-content screening data management for drug discovery in a small-to-medium-size laboratory: results of a collaborative pilot study focused on user expectations as indicators of effectiveness,Journal of Laboratory Automation,,,,,Case study,,,Quantitative,Not specified,,Yes,,,,, Beskow 2008,Beskow,2008,"Informed Consent for Biorepositories: Assessing Prospective Participants? Understanding and Opinions","Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention",,interviews,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,Mixed Methods,May - Oct 2007,Yes,,,,Yes,, Beskow 2010,Beskow,2012,Simplifying informed consent for biorepositories: Stakeholder perspectives ,Genetics In Medicine,,Content analysis,,,,,,Quantitative,Oct 2008 - Mar 2009,Yes,,,,Yes,, Bigagli 2014,Bigagli,2014,Policy RECommendations for Open access to research Data in Europe,,Grey Literature: report,Cross-sectional (survey),Case studies,interviews,,,,Mixed Methods,2013 & 2014 (different timings for different parts of research),Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Bishoff 2015,Bishoff,2015,Approaches to data sharing: an analysis of NSF data management plans from a large research university,Journal of Librarianship & Scholarly Communication,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,Mid-June to July 2014. DMPs were from NSF research funded from Jan 2011 to June 2014.,Yes,,,,Yes,, Blumenthal 1996,Blumenthal,1996,Participation of life-science faculty in research relationships with industry,New England Journal of Medicine,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Oct 1994 - Apr 1995,,,,,Yes,, Blumenthal 1997,Blumenthal,1997,"Withholding Research Results in Academic Life Science",JAMA,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Oct 1994 - Apr 1995,,,,,Yes,, Blumenthal 1997b,Blumenthal,1997,Academic-industry research relationships in genetics: a field apart,Nature genetics,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,, Blumenthal 2006,Blumenthal,2006,"Data Withholding in Genetics and the Other Life Sciences: Prevalences and Predictors",Academic Medicine,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,March 2000 - July 2000,,,,,Yes,, Bohemier 2011 (+ Companion) ,Bohemier,2011,A Content Analysis of Institutional Data Policies,,JCDL'11 : proceedings of the 2011 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries,,,,Content analysis,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,"Companion article = Qin J, Solinger C. Institutional policies on science research data: a pilot analysis. Proceedings of the 2011 iConference. 2011;761-762." Borgman 2012 (+ Companion) ,Borgman,2012,"Who?s Got the Data? Interdependencies in Science and Technology Collaborations",Computer Supported Cooperative Work,,Interviews,Participant observation,,,,,Qualitative,2006 - 2009,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,Yes,"Companion article = Borgman CL, Darch PT, Sands AE, Wallis JC, Traweek S. The ups and downs of knowledge infrastructures in science: Implications for data management. Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2014 IEEE/ACM Joint Conference. 2014; 257-266. " Borgman 2015,Borgman,2015,"Knowledge infrastructures in science: data, diversity, and digital libraries",International Journal on Digital Libraries ,,Interviews,Participant observation,,Content analysis,,,Mixed Methods,2006 - 2014,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Bracke 2011,Bracke,2011,"Emerging Data Curation Roles for Librarians: A Case Study of Agricultural Data",Journal of Agricultural & Food Information,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,2009,,,,,,, Bradbury 2010,Bradbury,2010,"Survey of eResearch practices and skills at QUT, Australia",,"Proceedings of 31st Annual IATUL Conference : The Evolving World of e-Science: Impact and Implications for Science and Technology Libraries",Cross sectional (survey),Focus groups,,,,,Mixed Methods,Sept 2009 - Oct 2009,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Bradic-Martinovic 2014,Bradi?-Martinovi?,2014,"Researchers? Interest in Data Service in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia",IASSIST Quarterly,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,June 2012 - July 2012,,,,Yes,Yes,, Brandt 2014,Brandt,2014,"Data curation profiles as a means to explore managing, sharing, disseminating or preserving digital outcomes",International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media,,Interviews,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,11-Aug,,,,Yes,,, Bresnahan 2013,Bresnahan,2013,"Assessing scholarly communication and research data training needs",Reference Services Review,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Summer 2012,,,,,,, Brewerton 2015,Brewerton ,2015,Research data management: A case study,Ariadne,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Feb 2014 - April 2015,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Briney 2015,Briney,2015,"Do You Have an Institutional Data Policy? A Review of the Current Landscape of Library Data Services and Institutional Data Policies",Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication,,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,"June 2014 - July 2014, Aug 2014 - Nov 2014",,,,Yes,Yes,, Brooking 2009,Brooking,2009,"Comparing METS and OAI-ORE for Encapsulating Scientific Data Products: A Protein Crystallography Case Study",,2009 Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,,,,, Broom 2009,Broom,2009,"Qualitative Researchers? Understandings of Their Practice and the Implications for Data Archiving and Sharing",Sociology,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,Sept -2008 - Sept 2009,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Bruin 2005,Bruin,2005,Building and managing the eMinerals clusters: a case study in grid-enabled cluster operation,Computing in Science & Engineering,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Budroni 2014,Budroni,2014,"LIBER Case Study: Factors for Enabling Sharing and Reuse of Research Data ? Library and Archive Services at the University of Vienna",,Grey Literature: LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries),,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Bull 2015,Bull,2015,"Views of Ethical Best Practices in Sharing Individual-Level Data From Medical and Public Health Research: A Systematic Scoping Review","Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics",,,,,Scoping review,,,Quantitative,"Original search June 2013, repeated Dec 9 2013 and June 27 2014 to update findings",,,,,Yes,, Burge 2012,Burge,2012,"Biocurators and Biocuration: surveying the 21st century challenges",Database,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Buys 2015,Buys,2015,"Data Management Practices Across an Institution: Survey and Report",Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,"January 15, 2014 and February 17, 2014",Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,, Caetano 2014,Caetano,2014,Forgotten treasures: the fate of data in animal behaviour studies,Animal Behaviour,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,2013,,,,Yes,Yes,, Campbell 2002,Campbell,2002,"Data Withholding in Academic Genetics Evidence From a National Survey",JAMA,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Mar 2000 - July 2000,,,,,Yes,, Campbell 2003,Campbell,2003,Data-sharing and data-withholding in genetics and the life sciences: results of a national survey of technology transfer officers,"Journal of Health Care Law & Policy",,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Sept 2001 - Nov 2001,,,,,Yes,, Campbell 2015,Campbell,2015,"Finding our way: On the sharing and reuse of animal telemetry data in Australasia",Science of the Total Environment,,,,,Bibliometric analysis,Case study,,Quantitative,Papers published between 2000-2012,,,,Yes,,, Capocasa 2016,Capocasa,2016,"Samples and data accessibility in research biobanks: an explorative survey",PeerJ,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Apr 2014 - May 2014,,,,,Yes,Yes, Carlson 2011,Carlson,2011,"Determining Data Information Literacy Needs: A Study of Students and Research Faculty",portal: Libraries and the Academy,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,summer/early fall 2008 ,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Carlson 2013,Carlson,2013,"Data Management and Sharing from the Perspective of Graduate Students: An Examination of the Culture and Practice at the Water Quality Field Station",portal: Libraries and the Academy,,Interviews,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,summer 2011,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Castro 2013,Castro,2013,"Designing an Application Profile Using Qualified Dublin Core: A Case Study with Fracture Mechanics Datasets",,Proc. Int?l Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2013,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,,,,, Castro 2015,Castro,2015,"Ontologies for Research Data Description: A Design Process Applied to Vehicle Simulation ",,"9th Research Conference, MTSR 2015, Manchester, UK, September 9-11, 2015, Proceedings",,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,NR,,Yes,,,,, Chad 2014,Chad,2014,"The research cycle and research data management (RDM): innovating approaches at the University of Westminster",Insights,,Interviews,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,2013,,,,,,, Chao 2012 (+ Companion),Chao,2012,Exploring the Rhythms of Scientific Data Use,,"iConference 2012, February 7-10 2012, Toronto, ON, Canada",Interviews,,,Content analysis,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,"Companion article = Chao TC. Methods metadata: curating scientific research data for reuse. Doctoral dissertation. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015." Charbonneau 2015,Charbonneau,2012,The State of Data Guidance in Journal Policies: A CaseStudy in Oncology,International Journal of Digital Curation,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,14-Jun,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Cheah 2015,Cheah,2015,"Perceived Benefits, Harms, and Views About How to Share Data Responsibly: A Qualitative Study of Experiences With and Attitudes Toward Data Sharing Among Research Staff and Community Representatives in Thailand","Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics",,Interviews,Focus groups,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,, Cheikhi 2013,Cheikhi,2013,"PROMISE and ISBSG Software Engineering Data Repositories: A Survey",,"2013 Joint Conference of the 23nd International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) and the Eighth International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (Mensura)",,,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,Yes, Chen 2013,Chen,2013,Approaches to Building Metadata for Data Curation,,Proc. Int?l Conf. on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications 2013,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,,,, Choudhury 2008,Choudhury,2008,Case study in data curation at Johns Hopkins University,Library Trends,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Colledge 2014,Colledge,2014,"Sample and data sharing barriers in biobanking: consent, committees, and compromises",Annals of Diagnostic Pathology,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,,Yes,, Collins 2013,Collins,2013,"Publishing priorities of biomedical research funders",BMJ Open,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Spring 2013,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Conklin 2013,Conklin,2013,Identifying Liaison Opportunities through Content Analysis: Academic Library Trends in the Ecological Society of America's Conference Program,Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship,,,,,Content analysis,,,Qualitative,2012 (conference),,,,,,, Conner 2013,Conner,2013,"HydroServer Lite as an open source solution for archiving and sharing environmental data for independent university labs",Ecological Informatics,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Cooper 2008,Cooper,2008,Sharing data and results with study participants: report on a survey of cultural anthropologists,Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Jan 2007 - Feb 2007,,,,,Yes,, Corrall 2013,Corrall,2013,Bibliometrics and Research Data Management Services: Emerging Trends in Library Support for Research ,Library Trends,,"Cross-sectional (survey) COMPANION TO ANNEKENNAN 2014 ",,,,,,Quantitative,Feb 2012 - Mar 2012,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Cox 2012,Cox,2012,Upskilling Liaison Librarians for Research Data Management,Ariadne,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Cox 2014,Cox,2013,Research Data Management and Libraries: Current Activities and Future Priorities,Journal of Librarianship and Information Science,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Mixed Methods,12 November 2012 to 12 December 2012 ,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,, Cox 2016,Cox,2016,"Moving a brick building: UK libraries coping with research data management as a ?wicked? problem","Journal of Librarianship and Information Science",,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,March - June 2013,,,,,,, Cragin 2010,Cragin,2010,"Data sharing, small science and institutional repositories",Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,Yes, Creamer 2012,Creamer,2012,An assessment of needed competencies to promote the data curation and data management librarianship of health sciences and science and technology librarians in New England,Journal of eScience Librarianship,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Spring 2011,,,,,,, Cugler 2013,Cugler,2013,A Geographical Approach for Metadata Quality Imporvement in biological Observation,,2013 IEEE 9th International Conference on e-Science ,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,Yes,,,,, Daniels 2012,Daniels,2012,Managing Fixity and Fluidity in Data Repositories ,,"Association for Computing Machinery, iConference 2012, February 7-10, 2012, Toronto, ON, Canada. ",Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,Yes,,Yes,,, Darch 2015,Darch ,2015,What lies beneath?: Knowledge infrastructures in the subseafloor biosphere and beyond ,International Journal on Digital Libraries,,Interviews,,,Ethnography,Case Study,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Dearborn 2014,Dearborn,2014,"The Purdue University Research Repository HUBzero customization for dataset publication and digital preservation",OCLC Systems & Services ,,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,Yes,,, Delasalle 2013,Delasalle,2013,Research data management at the University of Warwick: recent steps towards a joined-up approach at a UK university,LIBREAS. Library Ideas,,Interviews,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,12-Dec,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, denBesten 2009,denBesten,2009,Life Science Research and Drug Discovery at the Turn of the 21st Century: The Experience of SwissBioGrid,Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration ,,Interviews,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,Yes,Yes,Yes,,, Denison 2012,Denison,2012,Academic and Ethical Challenges in Participatory Models of Community Research,"Information, Communication & Society ",,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Denny 2015,Denny,2015,Developing Ethical Practices for Public Health Research Data Sharing in South Africa: The Views and Experiences From a Diverse Sample of Research Stakeholders,Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics,,Interviews,Focus groups,,,,,Qualitative,May and September 2014,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Diekema 2014,Diekema,2014,"The NSF/NIH Effect: Surveying the Effect of Data Management Requirements on Faculty, Sponsored Programs, and Institutional Repositories ",The Journal of Academic Librarianship ,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,June 2012 - January 2013,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Diekmann 2012,Diekmann,2012,"Data Practices of Agricultural Scientists: Results from an Exploratory Study",Journal of Agricultural & Food Information,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,December 2008 - March 2009,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,, Dietrich 2012,Dietrich,2012,De-Mystifying the Data Management Requirements of Research Funders ,Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship ,,,,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,Quantitative,Not reported,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Drew 2013,Drew,2013,Lost branches on the tree of life,PLoS Biology,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Ducloy 2006,Ducloy,2006,"Metadata towards an e-research cyberinfrastructure The case of French PhD theses",," 2006 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Colima (Mexico), 03-06 October 2006",,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Edwards 2011,Edwards,2011,Attitudes toward Genetic Research Review: Results from a Survey of Human Genetics Researchers ,Public Health Genomics ,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Einbinder 2001,Einbinder,2001,Case Study: A Data Warehouse for an Academic Medical Center ,Journal of Healthcare Information Management,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,Case Study,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Embi 2013,Embi,2013,Knowledge Management and Informatics Considerations for Comparative Effectiveness Research: A case-driven exploration,Clinical Informatics,,Interviews,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,,,,, Enke 2012,Enke,2012,The user's view on biodiversity data sharing ? Investigating facts of acceptance and requirements to realize a sustainable use of research data ? ,Ecological Informatics ,,Interviews,Cross-sectional (Survey),,,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Eschenfelder 2014,Eschenfelder,2014,Managing the Data Commons: Controlled Sharing of Scholarly Data ,Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology ,,Interviews,Cross-sectional (Survey),,Content Analysis,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Faniel 2010,Faniel,2010,Reusing Scientific Data: How Earthquake Engineering Researchers Assess the Reusability of Colleagues? Data ,Computer Supported Cooperative Work ,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,,Yes, Faniel 2013,Faniel,2013,The Challenges of Digging Data: A Study of Context in Archaeological Data Reuse ,,"JCDL '13 Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries Pages 295-304 ",Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,September 2011- April 2012,,,,,,Yes, Fear 2012,Fear,2012,Provenance and credibility in scientific data repositories `,Archives of Science,,Interviews,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,Mixed Methods,June 2010 and August 2010. ,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Fecher 2015,Fecher,2015,What Drives Academic Data Sharing? ,PLOS ONE,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,Systematic Review,,,Mixed Methods,"December 1st 2001- Novemeber 15th 2013 [Systematic review] November - December 2013 [Web survey]",Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Federer 2013,Federer,2013,The librarian as research informationist: a case study,Journal of the Medical Library association,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,2011-2012,,,,,,, Fielding 2008 ,Fielding,2008,Grid Computing and Qualitative Social Science,Social Science Computer Review,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",Interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,Survey: 2003; Interviews: 2004-2005,,,,Yes,Yes,, Finn 2014,Finn,2014,Legal and ethical issues in open access and data dissemination and preservation,,"Grey Literature: RECODE Project (www.recodeproject.edu) , Seveth Framework Programme for Sciences in Society ",Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,February 2013 - February 2015,,,,Yes,Yes,, Flechais 2009,Flechais,2009,"Stakeholder involvement, motivation, responsibility, communication: How to design usable security in e-Science ",International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Frank 2015,Frank,2015,"Destruction/reconstruction: preservation of archaeological and zoological research data",Archival Science,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,2011-2012,Yes,,,Yes,,Yes, Fry 2009,Fry,2009,Open science in e-science: contingency or policy?,Journal of Documentation,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,18-21 September 2006,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Garritano 2009,Garritano,2009,A Subject Librarian's Guide to Collaborating on e?Science Projects ,Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship ,,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Goldenberg 2015,Goldenberg,2015,IRB practices and policies regarding the secondary research use of biospecimens ,BMC Medical Ethics,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,June and August 2012,,,,,Yes,Yes, Goldman 2015,Goldman,2015,Assessment of Data Management Services at New England Region Resource Libraries,Journal of eScience Librarianship,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Grace 2015,Grace,2015,"Using EPrints to Build a Research Data Repository for UEL",,"Grey Literature: Part of a series of case studies - A Digital Curation Centre Case Study",Case study,,,,,,Qualitative,12-Jan,,,,,Yes,, Green 2015,Green,2015,Beyond the Scanned Image: A Needs Assessment of Scholarly Users of Digital Collections ,College and Research Libraries,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",Interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,"January-August 2012 [Interviews] October 2011-February 2012 [Survey]",,,,Yes,,, Grubb 2011,Grubb,2011,On the Lack of Consensus over the Meaning of Openness: An Empirical Study ,PLOS One,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,,,,,Yes,Yes, Guy 2013,Guy,2013,RDM Training for Librarians,,"Grey Literature: Part of a series of case studies - A Digital Curation Centre Case Study",Case study,,,,,,Qualitative,2011? 2013,,,,,,, Haendel 2012,Haendel,2012,Dealing with Data: A Case Study on Information and Data Management Literacy,PLoS Biology,,Case Study,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Hall 2013,Hall,2013,Environmental Studies Faculty Attitudes Towards Sharing of Research Data,,JCDL '13˙Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,Yes, Hanauer 2014,Hanauer,2014,What Is Asked in Clinical Data Request Forms? A Multi-site Thematic Analysis of Forms Towards Better Data Access Support ,,AMIA Annu Symp Proc.˙2014,,,,Content Analysis,,,Qualitative,n/a,,,,,Yes,Yes, Harris-Pierce 2012,Harris-Pierce,2012,Is data curation education at library and information science schools in North America adequate?,New Library World ,,,,,Content analysis,,,Qualitative,March 24- April 19 2012,,,,Yes,,, Hens 2010,Hens,2010,The use of diagnostic collections of DNA for research: Interviews at the eight Belgian centers for human genetics ,European Journal of Medical Genetics ,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,January 2009- July 2009,Yes,,,,,Yes, Henty 2008,Henty,2008,"Investigating Data Management Practices in Australian Universities",,Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories July 2008 (Report),"Cross-sectional (survey) ",Focus Groups,,,,,Mixed Methods,2007,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Hernandez 2012,Hernandez,2012,Advanced Technologies and Data Management Practices in Environmental Science: Lessons from Academia ,BioScience,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,June-August 2011,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Herold 2015,Herold,2015,"Data Sharing Among Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources Scientists: An Analysis of Selected Publications",Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication,,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,July 2014-Sept 2014,,,,Yes,Yes,, Higman 2015,Higman,2015,Research data management and openness: The role of data sharing in developing institutional policies and practices,Program: electronic library and information systems,,Interviews,,,Content Analysis,,,Qualitative,19 June and 15 August 2014 ,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Hinnant 2012,Hinnant,2012,Data Curation in Scientific Teams: An Exploratory Study of Condensed Matter Physics at a National Science Lab ,,iConference 2012 ,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,June 2011- August 2011,Yes,,,,Yes,, Hiom 2015,Hiom,2015,Research data management at the University of Bristol: Charting a course from project to service,Program: electronic library and information systems ,,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,,,, Hou 2014,Hou,2014,Profiling Open Digital Repositories in the Atmospheric and Climate Sciences: An Initial Survey ,,"77th ASIS&T Annual Meeting, October 31- November 4, 2014, Seattle, WA, USA",,,,Content Analysis,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Hruby 2013,Hruby,2013,A centralized research data repository enhances retrospective outcomes research capacity: a case report ,J Am Med Inform Assoc ,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,"pre-repository period: 2005?8 post-repository period: 2009?11",,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Huang 2012,Huang,2012,Prioritization of Data Quality Dimensions and Skills Requirements in Genome Annotation Work ,Journal of the American Soc iety for Information Science and Technology,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,Yes,,,,, Huang 2012b,Huang,2012,"Willing or unwilling to share primary biodiversity data: results and implications of an international survey",Conservation Letters,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,July 2011-Sept 2011,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Huang 2015,Huang,2015,"Genomics data curation roles, skills and perception of data quality ",Library & Information Science Research ,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,Yes,,,, Ioannidis 2009,Ioannidis,2009,Repeatability of published microarray gene expression analyses,Nature Genetics,,,,,Replication Study,,,Quantitative,2005-2006 (years that articles of study were published),,,,,,Yes, Ishida 2014,Ishida,2014,"The New England Collaborative Data Management Curriculum Pilot at the University of Manitoba: A Canadian Experience",Journal of eScience Librarianship,,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,14-Jun,,,,,,, Jetten 2014,Jetten,2014,"LIBER Case Study: Research Data Management at Radboud University",,Grey Literature: Report from Association of European Research Libraries,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,13-Nov,,,,,,, Johnston 2010,Johnston,2010,User-needs assessment of the research cyberinfrastructure for the 21st century ,,31st Annual IATUL Conference,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Mixed Methods,"March 24th-April 8th, 2009 ",,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Johnston 2014,Johnston,2014,Data Management Skills Needed by Structural Engineering Students: Case Study at the University of Minnesota ,J. Prof. Issues Eng. Educ. Pract. ,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,"March 13th, 2012, and April 20th, 2012 ",Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Jones 2013,Jones,2013,Bringing it all together: a case study on the improvement of Research Data Management at Monash University,,"Grey Literature: Part of a series of case studies - A Digital Curation Centre Case Study",Case study,,,,,,Qualitative,2006-2013,,,,,,, Kansa 2014,Kansa,2014,Publishing and Pushing: Mixing Models forCommunicating Research Data in Archaeology,International Journal of Digital Curation,,Case Study,,,,,,Qualitative,October 2012-April 2013,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Karasti 2006,Karasti,2006,Enriching the Notion of Data Curation in E-Science: Data Managing and Information Infrastructuring in the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network ,Computer Supported Cooperative Work ,,Enthnographic Study,,,,,,Qualitative,1980 - 2006,,,,Yes,Yes,, Kennan 2012,Kennan,2012,Wild Data: Collaborative E-Research and University Libraries ,Australian Academic & Research Libraries ,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,, Kennan 2014,Kennan,2014,?Making space? in practice and education: research support services in academic libraries ,Library Management,,Cross-sectional (survey),Content analysis,,,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,,,,,,, Kerby 2015,Kerby,2015,Research Data Practices in Veterinary Medicine: A Case Study,Journal of eScience Librarianship,,,,,Bibliometric Analysis,,,Quantitative,2013,,,,,Yes,Yes, Kervin 2012,Kervin,2012,Macro and Micro Pressures in Data Sharing ,,"IEEE IRI 2012, August 8-10, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA",Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Kervin 2013,Kervin,2013,Common Errors in Ecological Data Sharing,Journal of eScience Librarianship,,,,,Content Analysis,,,Qualitative,August 2005-May 2012,,,,,,Yes, Killeen 2012,Killeen,2012,Integration of modern data management practice with scientific workflows ,,2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,, Kim 2015,Kim ,2015,"Social scientists? data sharing behaviors: Investigating the roles ofindividual motivations, institutional pressures, and data repositories",International Journal of Information Management,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,November 2012 - February 2013,,,,,Yes,Yes, Kim 2011,Kim,2011,Education for eScience Professionals: Integrating Data Curation and Cyberinfrastructure,International Journal of Digital Curation,,Interviews ,Focus Groups,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Kim 2012,Kim,2012,Institutional and Individual Influences on Scientists? Data Sharing Practices,Journal of Computational Science Education,,Interviews ,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Kim 2016,Kim ,2016,"Norms of data sharing in biological sciences: The roles of metadata, data repository, and journal and funding requirements ",Journal of Information Science,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,November 2012 - February 2013,,,,,Yes,Yes, Kim 2016b,Kim ,2016,"Institutional and Individual Factors Affecting Scientists? Data-Sharing Behaviors: A Multilevel Analysis",Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,November 2012 - February 2013,,,,,Yes,Yes, Kirlew 2011,Kirlew,2011,Life Science Data Repositories in the Publications of Scientists and Librarians,Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship,,,,,Bibliographic analysis,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Knight 2012,Knight,2012,A Digital Curate?s Egg: A Risk Management Approach to Enhancing Data Management Practices,Journal of Web Librarianship,,Case study,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,,, Knight 2015,Knight,2015,Building a research data management service for the London school of hygiene & tropical medicine,"Program: electronic library and information systems",,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,Case Study,,,Mixed Methods,November 2012-December 2014,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Kowalczyk 2011,Kowlczyk,2011,Towards a Model of the e-Science Data Environment,,ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL),Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative ,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Kratz 2015,Kratz,2015,"Researcher Perspectives on Publication and Peer Review of Data",PLoS One,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,January - February 2014,Yes,,,,Yes,Yes, Kruse 2014,Kruse,2014,"Research libraries? new role in research data management, current trends and visions in Denmark",Libre Quarterly,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,2013,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Kuchinke 2010,Kuchinke,2010,"Heterogeneity prevails: the state of clinical trial data management in Europe - results of a survey of ECRIN centres",Trials ,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,March 2007-January 2009,,Yes,,,,, Kutay 2014,Kutay,2014,"Advancing Digital Repository Services for Faculty Primary Research Assets: An Exploratory Study",The Journal of Academic Librarianship,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,12-Dec,,,,Yes,Yes,, Lage 2011,Lage,2011,"Receptivity to Library Involvement in Scientific Data Curation: A Case Study at the University of Colorado Boulder",portal: Libraries and the Academy,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative ,Not reported,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Laney 2015,Laney,2015,"Filling the gaps: sensor network use and data-sharing practices in ecological research",Frontiers In Ecology,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,August 2013-July 2013,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Lemke 2010,Lemke,2010,Public and Biobank Participant Attitudes toward Genetic Research Participation and Data Sharing,Public Health Genomics,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,8-May,Yes,,,,Yes,, Lemke 2011,Lemke,2011,Broad Data Sharing in Genetic Research: Views of Institutional Review Board Professionals,IRB: Ethics & Human Research,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,April 2009-June 2009,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Longstaff 2015,Longstaff,2015,"Sharing with More Caring: Coordinating and Improving the Ethical Governance of Data and Biomaterials Obtained from Children",PLoS One,,,,,Content Analysis,,,Qualitative,July 2012 - October 2014,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Lucas 2009,Lucas ,2009,The Quality of Monitoring Data in Civil Engineering Works,,"Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Quality, ICIQ 2009, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany, November 7-8 2009",Interviews,Delphi study,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Luo 2010,Luo,2010,Institutional infrastructure to support translational reserch,,2010 Sixth IEEE International Conference on e-Science,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,2008 - 2009,,,,Yes,Yes,, Luzi 2013,Luzi,2013,Data sharing in environmental sciences: A survey of CNR researchers,,"Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature National Research Council, Rome, Italy 29-30 November 2012","Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,June-Sept 2012,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Lyon 2010,Lyon,2010,"Disciplinary Approaches to Sharing, Curation, Reuse and Preservation",,Grey Literature: JISC Final report (not journal),Case study (some case studies included interviews),,,,,,Qualitative,Jan 2007- March 2009,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Magee 2014,Magee,2014,The Dawn of Open Access to Phylogenetic Data,PLOS One,,,,,Meta Analysis,,,Quantitative,August and September 2013,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Manhas 2015,Manhas,2015,"Parent Perspectives on Privacy and Governance for a Pediatric Repository of Non-Biological, Research Data",Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics,,Interviews,Focus Groups,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Manhas 2016,Manhas,2016,"Parental perspectives on consent for participation in large-scale, non-biologicaldata repositories ","Life Sciences, Society and Policy",,Interviews,Focus Groups: Group Interviews ,,,,,Qualitative,2008 - unclear,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Manion 2009,Manion,2009,"Security and privacy requirements for a multi-institutional cancer research data grid: an interview-based study",BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making,,Interviews,,,,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported,,,,,Yes,Yes, Marcial 2010,Marcial,2010,Scientific Data Repositories on theWeb: An Initial Survey,Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,,,,,"Cross-sectional ",,,Quantitative,Fall 2007-2009,,,,Yes,Yes,, Marcus 2007,Marcus,2007,"Understanding Research Behaviors, Information Resources, and Service Needs of Scientists and Graduate Students: A Study by the University of Minnesota Libraries",,Grey Literature: Published by University of Minnesota Libraries,Interviews,Focus Groups,,,,,Qualitative,October 2006 - May 2007,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Marshall 2013,Marshall,2013,"Organizing, Contextualizing, and Storing Legacy Research Data: A Case Study of Data Management for Librarians",Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Martinez-Uribe 2007,Martinez-Uribe,2007,Digital Repository Services for Managing Research Data: What Do Oxford Researchers Need?,IASSIST Quarterly,,Interviews,Workshop,,,,,Qualitative,May-June (year not stated),Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Massey 2009,Massey,2009,A Current Landscape of Provincial Perinatal Data Collection in Canada,Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Canada,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Mattern 2015,Mattern,2015,Using Participatory Design and Visual Narrative Inquiry to Investigate Researchers? Data Challenges and Recommendations for Library Research Data Services,Program electronic library and information systems,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,December 2014-January 2015,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Mayernik 2016,Mayernik,2016,Research Data and Metadata Curation as Institutional Issues,Journal of the Association for Informatio Science and Technology,,"Case study: Interviews, ethnography, content analysis",,,,,,Qualitative,2007-2013,Yes,Yes,,Yes,,, McDonald 2012,McDonald,2012,"An Approach for the Creation of Accessible and Shared Datasets",,"6th International Conference, UCAmI 2012, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, December 3-5, 2012 - Ubiquitous Proceedings - Volume 7656 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computing and Ambient Intelligence",Usability study,,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,,, McGuire 2008,McGuire,2008,"DNA data sharing: research participants? perspectives",Genetics in Medicine,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,March 2005-Sept 2006,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, McGuire 2011 (+ Companion),McGuire,2011,To share or not to share: A randomized trial of consent for data sharing in genome research ,Genetics in Medicine,,RCT - Single Blinded ,,,,,,Quantitative,January 2008-August 2010,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,"Companion article = Burstein MD, Robinson JO, Hilsenbeck SG, McGuire AL, Lau CC. Pediatric data sharing in genomic research: attitudes and preferences of partents. Pediatrics. 2014;133(4):690-697." McGuire 2012,McGuire,2012,Perspectives On Human Microbiome Research Ethics,Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Recruitment occurred during 2009?2010.,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, McKay 2010,McKay,2010,"Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit: An Institutional Case Study Demonstrating Why Data Digital Libraries Are Not the Whole Answer to E-Research",,"12th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries, ICADL 2010, Gold Coast, Australia, June 21-25, 2010, Proceedings - The Role of Digital Libraries in a Time of Global Change- Volume 6102 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes, McLure 2014,McLure,2014,"Data Curation: A Study of Researcher Practices and Needs",portal: Libraries and the Academy,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,February - April 2012,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Mello 2005,Mello,2005,"Academic Medical Centers? Standards for Clinical-Trial Agreements with Industry",New England Journal of Medicine,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,4-Mar,,,,,Yes,Yes, Menzies 2010,Menzies,2010,New Evidence on the Interoperability of Information Systems within UK Universities,,"14th European Conference, ECDL 2010, Glasgow, UK, September 6-10, 2010. Proceedings - Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries - Volume 6273 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Cross-sectional (survey) ",Case Study,,,,,Mixed Methods,mid-2009 - unclear,,,,Yes,Yes,, Milia 2012,Milia,2012,"Mine, Yours, Ours? Sharing Data on Human Genetic Variation",PLoS One,,,,,Cross sectional,,,Quantitative,Jan 1 2008- Dec 31 2011,,,,,Yes,Yes, Mills 2015,Mills,2015,"Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies",Trends in Ecology & Evolution,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Milner 2009,Milner,2009,A UK Research Data Service (UKRDS): the way forward for research data management?,Serials,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,March 2008-December 2008,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Minifie 2011,Minifie,2011,"Responsible Conduct of Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Faculty and Student Perceptions","Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research",,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Spring 2004-Fall 2004,,,,Yes,Yes,, Mischo 2014,Mischo,2014,An Analysis of Data Management Plans in University of Illinois National Science Foundation Grant Proposals,Journal of eScience Librarianship,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative, July 2011 - November 2013,Yes,,,,,, Mohr 2015,Mohr,2015,When Data Is a Dirty Word: A Survey to Understand Data Management Needs Across Diverse Research Disciplines,Bulletin of the Association for Science and Technology,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,Sept 2013-Feb2015,,,,,,, Mooney 2012,Mooney,2012,"The Anatomy of a Data Citation: Discovery, Reuse,and Credit",Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,,Yes, Murillo 2014,Murillo,2014,DATA AT RISK INITIATIVE: EXAMINING AND FACILITATING THE SCIENTIFIC PROCESS IN RELATION TO ENDANGERED DATA,Data Science Journal,,Focus groups,,,,,,Qualitative,Spring of 2012,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Murphy 2012,Murphy,2012,"Current State of Information Technologies for the Clinical Research Enterprise across Academic Medical Centers",Current State of Clinical Research Informatics,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,2011,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Nicholson 2011,Nicholson,2011,Data sharing: academic libraries and the scholarly enterprise,Portal:Libraries and the Academy,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,, Noor 2006,Noor,2006,Data Sharing: How Much Doesn?t Get Submitted to GenBank?,PLoS Biology,,,,,Cross sectional,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,Yes,,Yes,, Noorman 2014,Noorman,2014,Institutional evaluation and support for open access data Policy ,,Grey Literature: Published in/as part of: RECommendations for Open access to research Data in Europe RECODE,Interviews,Case study,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Oleksik 2012,Oleksik,2012,Beyond Data Sharing: Artifact Ecology of a Collaborative Nanophotonics Research Centre,,"CSCW (ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work) 2012",Ethnographic study,Interviews,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Oliver 2012,Oliver,2012,Balancing the Risks and Benefits of Genomic Data Sharing: Genome Research Participants? Perspectives ,Public Health Genomics,,RCT,Interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,January 2008 - December 2009,,,,,Yes,, Oushy 2015,Oushy,2015,"To Share or Not to Share? A Survey of Biomedical Researchers in the U.S. Southwest, an Ethnically Diverse Region",PLoS One,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,December 2011 - March 2012,,,,Yes,Yes,, Parsons 2013,Parsons,2013,"Research Data Management Survey",,JISC Report,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,"July 5, 2012 - Sept. 14, 2012",Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Pearce 2010,Pearce,2010,"A Study of Technology Adoption By Reseachers ","Information, Communication & Society",,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,November 2007 - December 2007,,,,Yes,,, Pejova 2014,Pejova,2014,Survey of Enhanced Publications in the Czech Republic,,Fifteenth International Conference on Grey Literature ,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,September 11 2013-October 7 2013,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Pepe 2010,Pepe,2010,From Artifacts to Aggregations: Modeling Scientific Life Cycles on the Semantic Web,Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST),,,,,case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,,,,, Pepe 2014,Pepe,2014,"How Do Astronomers Share Data? Reliability and Persistence of Datasets Linked in AAS Publications and a Qualitative Study of Data Practices among US Astronomers",PLoS ONE,,Interviews,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,Bibliometric analysis,,,Mixed Methods,Fall 2011,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Peters 2011,Peters,2011,Assessing the Academic Library?s Role inCampus-Wide Research Data Management: A First Step at the University of Houston,Science & Technology Libraries,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Pham-Kanter ,Pham-Kanter,2014,"Codifying Collegiality: Recent Developments in Data Sharing Policy in the Life Sciences",PLoS One,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,2013,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Pinfield 2014,Pinfield,2014,"Research Data Management and Libraries: Relationships, Activities, Drivers and Influences",PLoS One,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,March - June 2013,,,,,,, Piwowar & Chapman 2010,Piwowar,2010,Public sharing of research datasets: A pilot study of associations,Journal of Informetrics,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,Not reported ,,,,,Yes,, Piwowar 2007,Piwowar,2007,"Sharing Detailed Research Data Is Associated with Increased Citation Rate",PLoS One,,,,,Bibliometric analysis ,,,Quantitative,January 2004-December 2005,,,,,Yes,Yes, Piwowar 2008,Piwowar,2008,A Review of Journal Policies for Sharing Research Data,,"Proceedings ELPUB 2008 Conference on Electronic Publishing - Toronto, Canada - June 2008",,,,Bibliometric study,,,Quantitative,NR,,,,,Yes,Yes, Piwowar 2010,Piwowar,2010,"Who shares? Who doesn?t? Bibliometric factors associated with open archiving of biomedical datasets",,"ASIST 2010, October 22?27, 2010, Pittsburgh, PA, USA",,,,Bibliometric study,,,Quantitative,2001-2009,,,,Yes,Yes,, Piwowar 2011,Piwowar,2011,Who Shares? Who Doesn?t? Factors Associated with Openly Archiving Raw Research Data,PLoS One,,,,,Bibliometric analysis ,,,Quantitative,2000-2009,,,,,Yes,Yes, Piwowar 2013,Piwowar,2013,"Data reuse and the open data citation advantage",PeerJ,,,,,Bibliometric analysis ,,,Quantitative,2000-2009,,,,,Yes,Yes, Polydoratou 2006,Polydoratou,2006,Use and Linkage of Source and Output Repositories and the Expectations of the Chemistry Research Community About Their Use,,International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries 2006,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",Interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,Survey: 13 March - 21 April 2016,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Pope 2015,Pope ,2014,Not the time or the place: the missing spatio-temporal link in publicly available genetic data,Molecular Ecology,,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,2009 to 2013,,,,,Yes,Yes, Procter 2013,Proctor,2013,Fostering the human infrastructure of e-research,"Information, Communication & Society",,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Prost 2015,Prost,2015,"Hidden Treasures: Opening Data in PhD Dissertations in Social Sciences and Humanities",Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication,,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,November 2014 - January 2015,,,,Yes,Yes,, Pryor 2007 (+ Companion),Pryor,2007,"Project StORe: making the connections for research",OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives,,Cross sectional (survey),Interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,"Cross-sectional (survey) Feb-July 2006 Interviews: Not reported",,,,Yes,Yes,,Companion article = Pryor G. Beyond publication - a passage through Project StOREe. Proceedings ELPUB2007 Conference on Electronic Publishing. 2007;107-116. Qin 2010,Qin,2010,"The Central Role of Metadata in a Science Data Literacy Course",Journal of Library Metadata,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,2007-2009,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Raju 2013,Raju,2013,Research support through the lens of transformation in academic libraries with reference to the case of Stellenbosch University Libraries ,South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Rans 2013,Rans,2013,Planning for the future: developing and preserving information resources in the Arts and Humanities,,Grey Literature: Digital Curation Centre,Case study,,,,,,Qualitative,NR,Yes,,,,,, Rathi 2012 (+ Companion),Rathi,2012,"Sharing of clinical trial data among trialists: a cross sectional survey",British Medical Journal,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,July-September 2012,,,,,Yes,Yes,"Companion article = Rathi VK, Strait KM, Gross CP, Hrynaszkiewicz I, Joffe S, Krumbholz HM, Dzara K, Ross J. Predictors of clinical trial data sharing: exploratory analysis of a cross-sectional survey. Trials. 2014;15:384." Ray 2011,Ray,2011,"Effect of ethnicity, gender and drug use history on achieving high rates of affirmative informed consent for genetics research: impact of sharing with a national repository",J Med Ethics,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative, 26 July 2000 and 25 May 2007,,,,,Yes,, Read 2015,Read,2015,Starting the data conversation: informing data services at an academic health sciences library,Journal of the Medical Library Association,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,NR,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Reidpath 2001,Reidpath,2001,Data Sharing In Medical Research: An Empirical Investigation,Bioethics,,Cross sectional (survey),Content analysis,,,,,Mixed Methods,4 months in 1998,,,,,Yes,Yes, Richardson 2012,Richardson,2012,Library research support in Queensland : a survey,Australian Academic & Research Libraries,,,,,Cross sectional (survey),,,Quantitative,First quarter 2012,,,,,,, Rimkus 2014,Rimkus,2014,Digital Preservation File Format Policies of ARL Member Libraries: An Analysis,,Grey Literature: D-Lib Magazine,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,October 2012 - June 2013,,,,Yes,,, Roos 2014,Roos,2014,"Developing Research Data Management Training and Support at Helsinki University Library",,grey literature,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,not stated,,,,,,, Rostami 2009,Rostami,2009,"What can we learn from a decade of database audits? The Duke Clinical Research Institute experience, 1997?2006",Clinical Trials,,Observational study,,,,,,Quantitative,1997-2006,,,,,,, Rousidis 2014,Rousidis,2014,"Data Quality Issues and Content Analysis for Research Data Repositories: The Case of Dryad",,Grey Literature: Let's Put Data to Use: Digital Scholarship for the Next Generation ,,,,Content Analysis,,,Quantitative,14-Jan,,,,Yes,Yes,, Samuel 2015,Samuel,2015,Analyzing Data Management Plans: Where Librarians Can Make a Difference,,ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,January-June 2014,Yes,,,,,, Sands 2014,Sands,2014,We?re Working On It: Transferring the Sloan Digital SkySurvey from Laboratory to Library,International Journal of Digital Curation,,Interviews,Ethnographic observations,,,,,Qualitative,2011-2013,,Yes,,Yes,,, Savage 2009,Savage,2009,"Empirical Study of Data Sharing by Authors Publishing in PLoS Journals",PLoS One,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,, Sayogo 2011,Sayogo,2011,"Exploring the Determinants of Publication of Scientific Data in Open Data Initiative",,ICEGOV '11 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,October 2009 - July 2010,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Sayogo 2013,Sayogo,2013,"Exploring the determinants of scientific data sharing: Understanding the motivation to publish research data",Government Information Quarterly,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"October 07, 2009 to July, 2010",,,,,Yes,, Scaramozzino 2012,Scaramozzino,2012,A Study of Faculty Data Curation Behaviors and Attitudes at a Teaching-Centered University,College and research libraries,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"April 2-22, 2010 ",,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Schmidt 2014,Schmidt,2014,Piloting Research Data Support at the University of Goettingen,,Grey Literature: LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries),,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Schmidt 2016,Schmidt,2016,Open Data in Global Environmental Research: The Belmont Forum's Open Data Survey,PLoS One,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,16 September - 12 November 2014,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Schumacher 2015,Schumacher,2015,Intellectual Capital at Risk: Data Management Practicesand Data Loss by Faculty Members at Five AmericanUniversities,International Journal of Digital Curation,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,2012 and 2013,,,,Yes,,, Schwartz 2010,Schwartz,2010,"Data Repositories for Medical Education Research: Issues and Recommendations",Medical Education Research,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Shen 2015 (+ Companion) ,Shen,2015,Research Data Sharing and Reuse Practices of Academic Faculty Researchers: A Study of the Virgina Tech Data Landscape,International Journal of Digitial Curation,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Mixed Methods,14-Nov,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes,Companion article = Shen Y. Strategic planning or a data-driven shared-access research enterprise: Virginia Tech research data assessment and landscape study. College and Research Libraries. 2016;77(4):500-519. Si 2015 ,Si,2015,"Investigation and analysis of research data services in university libraries",The Electronic Library,,,,,Cross-sectional,Case study(s),,Quantitative,"March 10 to 26, 2012",,,,Yes,Yes,, Silva 2006,Silva,2006,"Evaluating a digital library self-archiving service: The BDBComp user case study",Information Processing and Management,,Case Study,,,,,,Qualitative,,,Yes,,Yes,,, Simons 2013,Simons,2013,Growing Institutional Support for Data Citation,,Grey Literature: D-Lib Magazine,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,2012 - May 2013,,,,Yes,,, Simukovic 2014,Simukovic,2014,Developing Research Data Management Services at Humboldt University Berlin,,Grey Literature: LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries),,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,,Yes,,,,,, Snadjr 2010,Snadjr,2010,Data curation in avian ecology: a case study from both the scientist?s and librarian?s view,,"International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries, 31st Annual Conference",Case study,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Soehner 2010 (+ Companion) ,Soehner,2010,e-Science and data support services: a survey of ARL members,,"International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries, 31st Annual Conference",Cross sectional (survey),interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,August-November 2009,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,,"Companion article = Soehner C, Steeves C, Ward J. e-Science and data support services: a study of ARL member institutions. August 2010. Available at: http://www.arl.org/storage/documents/publications/escience-report-2010.pdf. Accessed January 5, 2017." Stamatolos 2016,Stamatoplos,2016,Analyzing the Data Management Environment in a Master's-level Institution,The Journal of Academic Librarianship,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,mid-September - mid-November 2014,Yes,,,,,, Stanton 2011,Stanton,2011,"Education for eScience Professionals: Job Analysis, Curriculum Guidance, and ProgramConsiderations",Journal of Education for Library and Information Science,,Focus Groups,Interviews,Ethnographic study,,,,Qualitative,not reported,,,,,,, Steinhart 2012,Steinhart,2012,Prepared to Plan? A snapshot of researcher readiness to address data management planning requirements,Joural of eScience Librarianship,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"December 20, 2010 through January 31, 2011",Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Strasser 2012,Strasser,2012,The fractured lab notebook: undergraduates and ecological data management training in the United States,ECOSPHERE,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"March 29, 2011 - May 25 2011",Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes, Sturges 2014,Sturges,2014,Research Data Sharing: Developing a Stakeholder-Driven Model for Journal Policies,Journal of the association for information science and technology,,Interviews,Focus Groups,Cross sectional (survey),Cross-sectional,,,Mixed Methods,Not reported (journal survey was based on JCI 2011 citation reports),,,,,Yes,Yes, Sulakhe 2012,Sulakhe,2012,High-Performance Data Management for Genome Sequencing Centers Using Globus Online: A Case Study,,2012 IEEE 8th International Conference on E-Science (e-Science),,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,Yes,Yes,,, Suntae 2014,Suntae,2014,"Global data repository status and analysis: based on Korea, China and Japan",Library Hi Tech,,,,,Cross sectional,,,Quantitative,"as of March 25, 2014",,,,Yes,Yes,, Tenopir 2011,Tenopir,2011,Data Sharing by Scientists: Practices and Perceptions,PLoS One,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative," October 27, 2009 to July 31, 2010",,,,Yes,Yes,, Tenopir 2013,Tenopir,2013,"Academic librarians and research data services: preparation and attitudes","International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions",,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,October 2009 to July 2010,,,,,Yes,, Tenopir 2015,Tenopir,2015,"Changes in Data Sharing and Data Reuse Practices and Perceptions among Scientists Worldwide",PLoS One,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"October 17, 2013 to March 19, 2014",,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Trimble 2015,Trimble,2015,"Collaborative Approaches to the Management of Geospatial Data Collections in Canadian Academic Libraries: A Historical Case Study",Western Libraries Publications,,,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,NR,,,,Yes,Yes,Yes, Tuyl 2015,Tuyl,2015,Assessing Research Data Management Practices of Faculty at Carnegie Mellon University,Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication,,Cross-sectional (survey),Interviews,,,,,Qualitative,Spring/summer 2014,Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,, Valentino 2015,Valentino,2015,Data Management for Graduate Students: A Case Study at Oregon State University,Practical Academic Librarianship,,Interviews,Case study,,,,,Qualitative,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,, Van den Eynden 2014,Van den Eynden,2014,"Sowing the seed: Incentives and motivations for sharing research data, a researcher?s perspective ",,Grey Literature: Report ,Interviews,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,Yes, vanderGraaf 2008,vanderGraaf,2008,The European Repository Landscape,,Grey Literature,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,August 2008 - unclear,,,,,Yes,, VanTuyl 2016,VanTuyl,2016,"Water, Water, Everywhere: Defining and Assessing Data Sharing in Academia",PLoS One,,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,"18 Jan 2011 - end of 2013 2012, 2013, 204 for WoS",Yes,,,,Yes,, Varvel 2012,Varvel,2012,"Education for Data Professionals: A Study of Current Courses and Programs",,iConference 2012 Toronto,,,,Content analysis,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Varvel 2013,Varvel,2013,Data Management Consulting at The Johns Hopkins University,New Review of Academic Librarianship,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Verbaan 2014,Verbaan,2014,"Occupational Sub-Cultures, Jurisdictional Struggle and Third Space: Theorising Professional Service Responses to Research Data Management",The Journal of Academic Librarianship,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,February and April 2013,,,,Yes,,, Verbakel 2014,Verbakel,2014,LIBER Case Study: Essentials 4 Data Support ,,Grey Literature: Association of European Research Libraries ,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,,,, Vines 2013,Vines,2013,"Mandated data archiving greatly improves access to research data",The FASEB Journal,,Cross sectional (survey),,,Cross sectional,,,Quantitative,2011-2012,,,,,Yes,, Vines 2014,Vines,2014,"The Availability of Research Data Declines Rapidly with Article Age",Current Biology,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,, Vlaeminck 2014,Vlaeminck,2014,On the Role of Research Data Centres in the Management of Publication-related Research Data,LIBER Quarterly - Journal of the association of european research libraries,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Oct-Nov 2012,,,,Yes,,, Voell 2010,Voell,2010,A response to Rome: lessons from pre- and post-publication data-sharing in the C. elegans research community,BMC Genomics,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,,Yes,Yes, Vogeli 2006,Vogeli,2006,Data Withholding and the Next Generation of Scientists: Results of a National Survey,Academic Medicine,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,January-April 2003,,,,,Yes,Yes, Vrana 2013,Vrana,2013,"Digital Repositories of Scientific Information at the Croatian Universities: Developing the Bridge towards e-Science",,Proceedings of the ITI 2013 35th Int. Conf. on Information Technology Interfaces,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"October 22, 2012- November 5, 2012",,,,Yes,,, Waddington 2013,Waddington,2013,"Cloud repositories for research data ? addressing the needs of researchers",Journal of Cloud Computing,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Wallis 2008,Wallis,2008,"Moving Archival Practices Upstream: An Exploration of the Life Cycle of Ecological Sensing Data in Collaborative Field Research",International Journal of Digitial Curation,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,, Wallis 2013,Wallis,2013,"If We Share Data, Will Anyone Use Them? Data Sharing and Reuse in the Long Tail of Science and Technology",PLoS One,,Interviews,Ethnographic observation,,,,,Qualitative,2002 to 2012,,,,,Yes,Yes, Wang 2014,Wang,2014,"Application of HL7/LOINC Document Ontology to a University-Affiliated Integrated Health System Research Clinical Data Repository",,AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science proceedings. ,,,,Cross sectional,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Wang 2015,Want,2015,Embedded Data Librarianship: A Case Study of Providing Data Management Support for a Science Department,Science & Technology Libraries,,Case study,,,,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Weller 2014,Weller,2014,Understanding methodological and disciplinary differences in the data practices of academic researchers,Library Hi Tech,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Weller 2015,Weller,2015,"Differences in the Data Practices, Challenges, and Future Needs of Graduate Students and Faculty Members",Journal of eScience Librarianship,,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,Fall 2013,Yes,,Yes,Yes,Yes,, White 2010,White,2010,Considering Personal Organization: Metadata Practices of Scientists,Journal of Library Metadata,,Interviews (Ethnography),,,,,,Qualitative,Summer 2008,Yes,Yes,,Yes,,, Whitmire 2015,Whitmire,2015,"Variability in academic research data management practices: implications for data services development from a faculty survey",Program: electronic library and information systems,,Cross sectional (survey),,,,,,Quantitative,"October 31-December 5, 2013",Yes,Yes,,Yes,Yes,, Whyte 2013,Whyte,2013,Improving Research Visibility- Getting Data on the Institutional Repository RADAR,,Digital Curation Centre Case Study,,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Wicherts 2011,Wicherts,2011,Willingness to Share Research Data Is Related to the Strength of the Evidence and the Quality of Reporting of Statistical Result,PLoS One,,,,,Replication study,,,Quantitative,Summer 2005,,,,,Yes,Yes, Wiley 2015,Wiley,2015,"An Analysis of Datasets within Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS), the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Repository",Journal of eScience Librarianship,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,,, Wilkinson 2014,Wilkinson,2014,Research Data Services at University College London,,Grey Literature: LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries),,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,,,,Yes,Yes,, Williams 2012,Williams,2012,Data Practices in the Crop Sciences: A Review of Selected Faculty Publications,Journal of Agricultural & Food Information,,,,,Bibliographic analysis,,,Quantitative,October 2011 - January 2012,,,,,Yes,Yes, Williams 2013 (+ Companion),Williams,2013,Gathering Feedback from Early-Career Faculty: Speaking with and Surveying Agricultural Faculty Members about Research Data,Journal of eScience Librarianship,,Cross-sectional (survey),Interviews,,,,,Mixed Methods,May - 7 June 2013 (survey); August - November 2012 (interviews),Yes,,,Yes,Yes,,"Companion article = Williams SC. Data sharing interviews with crop sciences faculty: why they share data and how the library can help. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. 2013. Available at: Available from: http://www.istl.org/13-spring/refereed2.html. Accessed January 4, 2017." Willis 2012,Willis,2012,Analysis and Synthesis of Metadata Goals for Scientific Data,Journal of the American Society For Information Science and Technology,,,,,Content analysis,,,Mixed Methods,,Yes,,,,,, Willoughby 2014,Willoughby ,2014,Creating Context for the Experiment Record. User-Defined Metadata: Investigations into Metadata Usage in the LabTrove ELN,Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling,,,,,Cross-sectional (Survey),,,Quantitative,NR,Yes,,,Yes,,, Wilson 2014,Wilson,2014,"University of Oxford Research Data Management Infrastructure ",,Grey Literature: LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries),,,,Case study,,,Qualitative,Not reported,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Winget 2004,Winget,2006,Developing a Meaningful Digital Self-Archiving Model: Archival Theory vs. Natural Behavior in the Minds of Carolina Research Project,,Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology,Interviews,Case study,,,,,Qualitative,2004,,,,Yes,,, Wright 2013,Wright,2013,Using Data Curation Profiles to Design the Datastar Dataset Registry,D?Lib Magazine,,Interviews,,,,,,Mixed Methods,NR,,,,Yes,Yes,, Wynholds 2011,Wynholds ,2011,"When Use Cases Are Not Useful: Data Practices, Astronomy, and Digital Libraries",,"Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 13-17, 2011, Ottowa, Canada",Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,February to August 2010,Yes,,,Yes,Yes,, Wynholds 2012,Wynholds ,2012,"Data, Data Use, and Scientific Inquiry: Two Case Studies of Data Practices",,"Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 10-14, 2012, Washington, DC, USA.",Interviews,,,Case Study,,,Qualitative,2006; 2009,,,,Yes,,Yes, Xia 2013,Xia,2013,Mandates and the Contributions of Open Genomic Data,Publications,,,,,Cross-sectional,,,Quantitative,Summer 2011,,,,,Yes,, Xia 2014,Xia,2014,Competencies and Responsibilities of Social Science Data Librarians: An Analysis of Job Descriptions ,College and Research Libraries,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,2005-2012,,,,,,, Yardley 2014,Yardley,2014,"Ethical Issues in the Reuse of Qualitative Data: Perspectives From Literature, Practice, and Participants",Qualitative Health Research,,Focus groups: Action research (structured discussion groups),,,,,,Qualitative,April 2011 and May 2011,,,,,Yes,Yes, Yoon 2014,Yoon,2014,End users? trust in data repositories: definition and influences on trust development,Archival Science,,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,February - July 2012,,,,,,Yes, Youngseek 2015,Youngseek,2015,"Understanding data sharing behaviors of STEM researchers: The roles of attitudes, norms, and data repositories",Library & Informaiton Science Research,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",,,,,,Quantitative,"November 19, 2012 to February 15, 2013",,,,,Yes,, Zachary 2015,Zachary,2015,Information Management in Cancer Registries: Evaluating the Needs for Cancer Data Collection and Cancer Research,Online Journal of Public Health Informatics,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,Quantitative,October 2011 - May 2012,Yes,,,,Yes,Yes, Zenk-Moltgen 2014,Zenk-Moltgen,2014,Data sharing in sociology journals,Online Information Review,,,,,Content analysis,,,Quantitative,,,,,,Yes,, Zhang 2013,Zhang,2013,"Usability Evaluation of a Research Repository and Collaboration Web Site",Journal of Web Librarianship,,Usability testing,Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,Quantitative,NR,,,,Yes,Yes,, Zimmerman 2003 (+ Companion),Zimmerman,2003,"Data Sharing and Secondary Use of Scientific Data: Experiences of Ecologists to locate data for reuse",,Grey Literature: PhD Dissertation,Interviews,,,,,,Qualitative,June 2001 and February 2002,,,,,Yes,Yes,Companion article = Zimmerman AS. Not by metadata along: the use of diverse forms of knowledge to locate data for reuse. Int J Digit Libr. 2007;7:5-16. Zinner 2016,Zinner,2016,The Changing Nature of Scientific Sharing and Withholding in Academic Life Sciences Research: Trends From National Surveys in 2000 and 2013,Academic Medicine,,"Cross-sectional (survey) ",Cross-sectional (survey),,,,,Quantitative,2000 and 2013,,,,,Yes,,