Pochyta konilokho sp. n.

Figs 50–56

Type material. Holotype, male: GUINEA: Nimba Mts, Gbié, Konilokho forest, 7°41’N 8°18’W, primary forest, canopy with several trees in connection, fogging, 476 m a.s.l., 16.III.2012, leg. A. Hernard, C. Allard, P. Bimou, M. Sidibé (MRAC 239 583).

Diagnosis. Only males are known. The palpal organ of this species is similar to that in P. major, but differs by the shape of the tibial apophysis, which is broad and short in retrolateral view, whereas narrower with an additional bump below in P. major (compare Figs 51, 53 with Figs 79, 81).

Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition derived from the type locality.

Description. Male. Measurements. Cephalothorax: length 2.1, width 1.7, height 1.1. Eye field: length 1.1, anterior width 1.6, posterior width 1.5. Abdomen: length 1.8, width 1.0. General appearance as in Fig. 50. Carapace high, its posterior slope gentle, beginning just behind eye field. Eye field yellowish, thoracic part yellowish, with two brown streaks forming V, eyes with black rings. Anterior eyes large, with long dark bristles near them, short black hairs on carapace slopes. Fovea sulciform. Clypeus low, clothed in long dark bristles protruding forward. Chelicerae with two small teeth on promargin and single larger tooth on retromargin. Mouthparts light brown, sternum yellowish. Abdomen elongate, narrow, dorsum yellowish medially, sides dark brown. Long dark bristles on abdominal dorsal surface, very dense on dark sides. Venter pale yellowish, spinnerets light. Legs whitish-yellow, bearing brown hairs. Femora of all legs long. Patella of first leg with prolateral spine, tibia with four pairs of long spines ventrally, metatarsus with three pairs, with two shorter spines on pro- and retrolateral surfaces of both segments (Fig. 52). Pedipalps yellow. Tibial apophysis short, wide (Fig. 55), bulb oval, embolus bent (Figs 53, 54).

Female unknown.

Distribution. Type locality only.