Spiking activity of dopaminergic neurons in mouse ventral tegmental area (VTA) during social free interaction and social instrumental task. Contributed by Clement Solie*, Benoit Girard*, Beatrice Righetti, Malika Tapparel and Camilla Bellone (* = equal contribution). Summary and organization of the dataset: This dataset contains spiking activity of dopaminergic neurons of the VTA during social free interaction and social instrumental task. A table recapitulate the individual ID, the number of neurons per recording session, the identification with optogenetic and the session type. - Free interaction folder is composed by recording sessions of 5 min baseline followed by 5 min interaction (repeated 1x or 3x). Each folder of recording session contains the spike timing of neurons and the event timing of 3 types of behavioural interactions (reciprocal, unilateral and passive). - Instrumental folder is composed by recording sessions of 20 min of instrumental task organized in 2 different type of session : -- Sh_Ins corresponding to shaping (session 1 to 10) and instrumental phase (session 11 to 25). Each folder of recording session contains the spike timing of neurons and the following event timing of instrumental task. *events corresponds to all events coming from the instrumental task *events_Start corresponds to the start event of the instrumental task *events_LP corresponds to the lever press events *events_Correct corresponds to events of transition preceded by lever press *events_False corresponds to events of transition not preceded by lever press *events_InteractionEntry_LP corresponds to the entry events in the interaction zone when the door is open *events_InteractionEntry_noLP corresponds to the entry events in the interaction zone when the door is closed *events_HighVel_LP corresponds to events where the animal has a high velocity when the door is open *events_HighVel_noLP corresponds to events where the animal has a high velocity when the door is closed. For spike timing alignement with the different events, events_Start have to be substracted to spike timing. -- Om corresponding to omission phase. Each folder of recording session contains the spike timing of neurons and the event timing of correct trial and false trial. Format of the data: The data is stored in Matlab files. Code: The code folder contains Matlab functions. - To extract the timing of the different behavioural interactions from pose estimation. - To cluster neurons based on features extracted from neuronal activity. Contributions for usage of this data in publications: If you publish any work using this data and/or code, please cite this repository and/or the associated publication.