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Published April 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Small Signal Stability Analysis of Multi-Area Power System


  • 1. Scholar, OITM ( GJUS&T HISAR), Jind (Haryana), India.
  • 1. Publisher


This paper focuses on methodologies for calculation and examination of oscillatory security of interconnected power system network against constant disturbances. For instance, voltage soundness, transient dependability and oscillatory behaviors are also the measure of power system stability, which must be evaluated. For that proposed strategies based on proportional integral and fuzzy logic controlling techniques are implemented. The integral controller-based technique provides the zero steady-state error and with adequate damping, time to reach steady state can be reduced, on the cost of oscillation in frequency and tie-line power. On the contrary, fuzzy logic has demonstrated that strategies of computational intelligence can alleviate the quick appraisal of oscillatory solidness with less time to reach steady state. Furthermore, Eigenvalues are constructed for small signal stability analysis, utilizing a parallel variation of Arnoldi technique, reducing the time essential for calculation of vast Multi-Area power frameworks. For exhibit purposes, models have been composed utilizing MATLAB/SIMULINK and with the assistance of the fuzzy logic.



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Journal article: 2249-8958 (ISSN)


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