Documentation for reading and plotting data for "Atlantic Tropical Cyclones Downscaled from Climate Reanalyses Show Increasing Activity Through the Late 19th and 20th Centuries" Please note that to create and plot the regressions, MATLAB's statistics and machine learning toolbox must be installed. In the absence of that toolbox, the routines will still work but will not plot regressions. ------------------- Unzip the file into a single directory. Note that this will contain one sub-directory entitled "time_series_files". There are three routines that read the date and produce the plots: time_plot_shaded.m: Figures 1 and 2 modcomp.m: Figure 3 pidecomp_plot.m: Figure 4 All the other files are scripts, functions and datasets used by the above three. Please consult the headers of the three files above for more detailed description and plot options.