This is information regarding the data from: Burner, R., V. Selås, S. Kobro, R. Jacobsen, A. Sverdrup-Thygeson. [Currently in press, October 2021]. Moth species richness and abundance decline in a 30-year time series, irrespective of species’ latitudinal range extent and habitat. Journal of Insect Conservation For the entire dataset, names have been normalized using the taxonomic backbone of Non-species level taxa (those ID'd only to e.g. family) have been eliminated from this datset, with the exception of a few species that are similar and cannot be split. These have been retained, but the 'Moth_names_corrected.csv' file (key to names) shows that they are 'genus' rather than 'species' level identifications. See below for descriptions of the each file ############################## FOR 'Full_moth_data.csv' ############################## This file contains all of the moth capture data for species-level taxa (and a few taxa that combine two hard to distinguish species; see 'Moth_names_corrected.csv' Column names (which consist mainly of 'GBIF_Species_names') link this file to other .csv files in this dataset The 'Year' column also links this file to climate file, because climate is the same for all observations in a given year FIELD DESCRIPTION Obs_number A unique X#### code for each capture night of the 30-year study Year Year in which the captures took place Date Date of the morning on which the trap was emptied; associated captures thus took place during the preceding night. Period In each year, moths were generally sampled on the first few days of each week (unless modified due to weather). This means that within each year capture dates are clustered into relatively discrete 'sampling periods'. Here I have numbered those periods, in case they are ever of interest. The count resets for each year. Year_period This is just 'Year' and 'Period', joined with an uderscore, so that each unique value represents a unique 'capture period' in the dataset [species_names] One column per species, with headers that match 'GBIF_Species_names'. Values are number of that species captured on that capture night. These are raw values, rather than the 'standardized values' generate for the manuscript to control for variable numbers of sampling nights in a given year (see manuscript) ################################# ############################## FOR 'Moth_climate.csv' ############################## This file contains the climate data used in JSDMs (see manuscript for details) All climate values are taken from the ERA5 climate reanalysis, hourly data on single levels, Values are summarized from the grid cell that contains the moth capture site Links to 'Full_moth_data.csv' by field 'Year' FIELD DESCRIPTION Year Year in which captures occurred TempSum Mean summer temperature, based on ERA-5 climate reanalysis of '2 m temperature'; mean of hourly values from April-Oct TempSumT-1 Temperature value from the previous summer PrecipSum Value proportional to the sum of total precipitation during this same period (no units); ERA-5 'Total precipitation' PrecipSumT-1 Precipitation value from the previous summer Soil1 Mean soil temperature from the winter period (Nov-Mar); ERA-5 'Soil temperature level 1' Soil1T-1 Soil temp values from the previous winter Snow Mean snow depth during the winter period (in mm of water if melted); ERA-5 'Snow depth' SnowT-1 Snow depth values from the previous winter ################################# ############################## FOR 'Moth_traits.csv' ############################## This file contains species traits based on reference materials and author knowledge (see manuscript for details) Traits are available for many (but not all) species in the dataset, including for the most common species 'GBIF_Species_names' links this file to other .csv files in this dataset FIELD DESCRIPTION GBIF_Species_names Species name based on taxonomic backbone of Original_Species_names Species names used in the original dataset GBIF_family Family based on classification Overwinter_Stage Indicates in what life stage the species is thought to overwinter (based on reference books and author knowledge) Food_plant_habitat Habitat in which the species main food plants grow (based on reference books and author knowledge for food plants, and author knowledge for food plant habitat) Range_in_Norway Indicates whether a species' northern range extent in Norway is in 'Southern', 'Central', or northern ('Widespread') Norway ################################# ############################## FOR 'Moth_names_corrected.csv' ############################## This file contains original names from the raw data, as well as updated/standardized names from that are used in the analyses This file could be useful to see how the original names were recorded by Sverre Kobro, in case of any confusion on identifications/taxonomy in the future 'GBIF_Species_names' links this file to other .csv files in this dataset FIELD DESCRIPTION Original_Taxa_names As recorded in original data (includes some spelling variants) GBIF_status Status in gbif backbone taxonomy of the Original_Taxa_names (Accepted, Synonym, etc) GBIF_rank Rank in gbif backbone taxonomy of the GBIF_Species_names (A few I've changed to Genus rather than species because of similar species that are tough to split) GBIF_family Family of the taxa GBIF_genus Genus of the taxa GBIF_Species_names Species name based on taxonomic backbone of Comments Comments (shows which taxa cannot be identified to species) #################################