Metadata accompanying 'tidy_data\\pcb_eu28_adj_above5_zenodo.csv' Input dataset for paper: Abundance decline in the avifauna of the European Union reveals global similarities in biodiversity change Column heading Description species: species accepted latin name in HBW and BirdLife International (2019) Handbook of the Birds of the World and BirdLife International digital checklist of the birds of the world. Version 4. Available at: [.xls zipped 1 MB]. species_code: species code used by the PanEuropean Common Bird Monitoring Scheme year: year index: the time-series of index values for the species used in the models described in the paper index_se: the standard error of the index values available for the species ln_index_se: natural log of the index standard error, used to estimate the index confidence interval lci: lower 95% confidence interval around the associated index value uci: upper 95% confidence interval around the associated index value firstyear: the first year of data for the species used in the models described in the paper lastyear: the last year of data for the species used in the models described in the paper firstyear_orig: the first year of data available for the species index_orig: the full time-series of index values available for the species species_orig: the latin name for the species used by the PanEuropean Common Bird Monitoring Scheme