Published October 1, 2021 | Version v2.0.0
Software Open

Airspace-Encounter-Models/em-pairing-geospatial: October 2021 - Version 2.0.0

  • 1. @mit-ll


This repository is a collection of MATLAB code to generate uncorrelated encounters between aircraft near sampled geospatial coordinates. It based on the high level concepts discussed in Representative Small UAS Trajectories for Encounter Modeling. The generated encounters have successfully been implemented in the MIT LL CSIM, MIT LL CASSATT, and JHU APL RAVENS simulation environments.

This repository was updated to use the uncorrelated encounter model class from em-model-manned-bayes. Pre-generated files of tracks generated from the Bayesian encounter models are no longer required to create encounters; instead, tracks are now generated using the uncorrelated encounter model class at runtime. Additionally, trajectories are now formatted as Matlab Timetables for improved interpolation, smoothing, outlier detection, and time-based sampling. The use of Timetables prompted the removal or modification of functions whose capabilities were deprecated by the built-in capabilities of Timetables.



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