Published September 28, 2021 | Version 0.1
Report Open

CMIP6 Citation Service Survey Results

  • 1. DKRZ


The Citation Service is part of CMIP6's data infrastructure. A survey to collect feedback on the service, its tools and possible future directions was provided for the CMIP6 citation managers  between 25 May and 15 July 2021.

The survey shows the importance of data citations for CMIP data using DOIs and a general overall satisfaction with the provided Citation Service for CMIP6. Data citations should be disseminated as widely as possible. There is a wish for adding citation information in the NetCDF file headers.

For the maintenance of the citation content depending on the local workflow both applications are required, GUI and API. Improvements of the documentation in quality and harmonization and the wish for a less complicated / easier-to-use application is expressed.

The opinions on future directions are diverse: About half of the participants favor a better integration of the citation service into other documenting services ES-DOC and the participation registration (GitHub) and half a better integration into the data preparation workflow. Webinars and transparent issue tracking are regarded as useful additions to the important traditional communication channels email, user guides and webpage documentations.


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