18. Holopyga inflammata (Förster, 1853)

Ellampus inflammatus Förster 1853: 348. Syntypes ♂, ♀; Italy, Hungary (ZMB) (examined).

Holopyza ferrida [!] var. taorminensis [nec Trautmann, 1922]: Hackman 1958: 163.

Holopyga gloriosa [nec (Fabricius, 1793), suppressed name (ICZN 1998)]: Hackman 1958: 163, Valkeila 1958 a: 91, Wengris 1962: 8.

Holopyga inflammata: Erlandsson 1971: 88, Silfverberg 1981: 61, Vikberg 1986b: 67, Rassi et al. 2001: 190, Söderman & Vikberg 2003: 44, Soon 2004: 45, Orlovskytė et al. 2010: 147, 153, Paukkunen 2010: 540.

Holopyga inflammata inflammata: Rosa & Soon 2012.

Distribution. Finland, Lithuania.—Westpalearctic: Europe, North Africa, West Asia (Linsenmaier 1997, 1999).

Remarks. The species has been recorded only from Finland and Lithuania. In Finland, the latest records are from 1960 and the species has been classified as regionally extinct (Paukkunen 2010). In Lithuania, it has been found from several localities, and the latest record is from 1970 (Orlovskytė et al. 2010). A recent revision of type material has shown that the name inflammata is not the correct name of this taxon (Rosa, in prep.).