Format: netcdf4_classic Global Attributes: Author = 'Junjun Yang' Author_email = '' version = 'v1.0' Projection = 'Polar Stereographic South with the true scale at 71S, origin (90S, 0E)' proj4 = '+init=epsg:3031' xmin = 1669500 xmax = 2247000 ymin = 605000 ymax = 846500 spacing = 500 Datum = 'Orthometric height in meters referred to the EIGEN-6C4 geoid' no_data = -9999 license = 'No restrictions on access or use' Data_citation = 'Yang, J. et al. (2021). Bathymetry beneath the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, revealed by airborne gravity. Geophysical Research Letters. (under review)' Dimensions: x = 1156 y = 484 Variables: x Size: 1156x1 Dimensions: x Datatype: int32 Attributes: long_name = 'Cartesian x-coordinate' standard_name = 'projection_x_coordinate' units = 'meter' y Size: 484x1 Dimensions: y Datatype: int32 Attributes: long_name = 'Cartesian y-coordinate' standard_name = 'projection_y_coordinate' units = 'meter' bed Size: 1156x484 Dimensions: x,y Datatype: single Attributes: _FillValue = -9999 long_name = 'bed topography' standard_name = 'bedrock_altitude' units = 'meters' grid_mapping = 'mapping' SID Size: 1156x484 Dimensions: x,y Datatype: int8 Attributes: long_name = 'Source IDentifier for bed' flag_values = '[0, 1]' flag_meanings = '[0 = gravity estimated seafloor topography, 1 = Bed elevation in BedMachine Antarctica v2.0]' grid_mapping = 'mapping' geoid Size: 1156x484 Dimensions: x,y Datatype: int16 Attributes: long_name = 'EIGEN-6C4 Geoid - WGS84 Ellipsoid difference' standard_name = 'geoid_height_above_reference_ellipsoid' units = 'meters' grid_mapping = 'mapping'