Raw data belonging to: Csaba Tölgyesi, Attila Torma, Zoltán Bátori, Jelena Šeat, Miloš Popović, Róbert Gallé, Nikolett Gallé-Szpisjak, László Erdős, Tamás Vinkó, András Kelemen, Péter Török (2021) Turning old foes into new allies – harnessing drainage canals for biodiversity conservation in a desiccated European lowland region "Metadata for ""Plants-composition.csv""" Column Entry Value Unit Explanatation A Site Any name - - B Habitat type """fen"", ""salt"" and ""sand""" - Habitat type in which the canals cut through (fen, saline or sandy habitats) C Matrix """Agr"" or ""Nat""" - Type of landscape matrix surrounding the canals (agricultural or seminatural grassland) D Size """L"" or ""S""" - Large or small canals (in width and depth) E Type """canal"" or ""reference""" - Location of the survey in the sampling site - canal or the reference grasslands F-QC Plant species names Cover in percentage % Cover of vascular plant species in 1x1m quadrats "Metadata for ""Plants invasive abundance.csv""" Column Entry Value Unit Explanatation A Site Any name - - B Habitat """fen"", ""salt"" and ""sand""" - Habitat type in which the canals cut through (fen, saline or sandy habitats) C Matrix """Agr"" or ""Nat""" - Type of landscape matrix surrounding the canals (agricultural or seminatural grassland) D Size """L"" or ""S""" - Large or small canals (in width and depth) E Reed any integer number bw 0 and 200 m Cummulative length of the canal sections with reed cover F Woody any integer number bw 0 and 200 m Cummulative length of the canal sections with woody species cover G invasion_m any integer number bw 0 and 400 m Cummulative length of the two canal banks where invasive plant species occur "Metadata for ""Plants-target species.csv""" Column Entry Value Unit Explanatation A Target species Scientific name of species - List of non-ruderal plant species found in the canals sections and in the reference transects "Metadata for ""Bird.csv""" Column Entry Value Unit Explanatation A Site Any name - - B Habitat """fen"", ""salt"" and ""sand""" - Habitat type in which the canals cut through (fen, saline or sandy habitats) C Matrix """Agr"" or ""Nat""" - Type of landscape matrix surrounding the canals (agricultural or seminatural grassland) D Size """L"" or ""S""" - Large or small canals (in width and depth) E Date """May"" or ""June""" - Month of survey F Reed any integer number bw 0 and 200 m Cummulative length of the canal sections with reed cover G Woody any integer number bw 0 and 200 m Cummulative length of the canal sections with woody species cover H-AS Bird species Number of individuals detected - - "Metadata for ""Butterflies.csv""" Column Entry Value Unit Explanatation A Site Any name - - B Habitat """fen"", ""salt"" and ""sand""" - Habitat type in which the canals cut through (fen, saline or sandy habitats) C Matrix """Agr"" or ""Nat""" - Type of landscape matrix surrounding the canals (agricultural or seminatural grassland) D Size """L"" or ""S""" - Large or small canals (in width and depth) E Type """canal"" or ""reference""" - Location of the survey in the sampling site - canal or the reference grasslands F Date """May"", ""July"" or ""September""" - Month of survey G-BL Butterfly species Number of individuals detected - - "Metadata for ""Spiders.csv""" Column Entry Value Unit Explanatation A Site Any name - - B Habitat """fen"", ""salt"" and ""sand""" - Habitat type in which the canals cut through (fen, saline or sandy habitats) C Matrix """Agr"" or ""Nat""" - Type of landscape matrix surrounding the canals (agricultural or seminatural grassland) D Size """L"" or ""S""" - Large or small canals (in width and depth) E Type """canal"" or ""reference""" - Location of the survey in the sampling site - canal or the reference grasslands F Date """May"", ""July"" or ""September""" - Month of survey G-EB Spider species Number of individuals detected - - "Metadata for ""Heteropterans.csv""" Column Entry Value Unit Explanatation A Site Any name - - B Habitat """fen"", ""salt"" and ""sand""" - Habitat type in which the canals cut through (fen, saline or sandy habitats) C Matrix """Agr"" or ""Nat""" - Type of landscape matrix surrounding the canals (agricultural or seminatural grassland) D Size """L"" or ""S""" - Large or small canals (in width and depth) E Type """canal"" or ""reference""" - Location of the survey in the sampling site - canal or the reference grasslands F Date """May"", ""July"" or ""September""" - Month of survey G-IQ Butterfly species Number of individuals detected - -