Aphelocerus eriodes, new species Map 26

HOLOTYPE: Female. Ecuador, Pichincha, 17 km E Sto. Domingo, Dec. 23–28, 1989, E. Giesbert (FSCA). (Specimen pin mounted, sex label affixed to support card, white, machine printed; locality label, white, hand printed; FSCA repository label; holotype label, red, machine printed; plastic vial with abdomen and aedeagus.)


DIAGNOSIS: The dense distribution of dark decumbent 28 setae on the pronotal and elytral disc will distinguish the members of this species from other specimens of the myrmecoides species group.

DESCRIPTION: Size: Length 6.0 mm; width 2.3 mm. Integument: Black. Vestiture: Frontal, pronotal, epipleural, and metepisternal tufts well developed; pronotum and elytra, densely vested with decumbent dark setae, legs vested predominantly with white setae. Head: Genae and epicranium expanded; gena behind eyes distinctly wrinkled; interocular depression and frontal umbo shallow; frons, epicranium, and gena very finely and sparsely punctate; eyes subspherical, moderately convex; width across eyes feebly wider than width across pronotum (47:45). Thorax: Pronotum considerably narrower than width of elytra across humeri (45:60), finely, sparsely punctate, lateral margin subparallel, anterior transverse depression indistinct; elytra short and boldly convex, with very shallow longitudinal swellings; depth at humerus 25, greatest depth in posterior half 50; legs very prominent and elongate, metafemur extended beyond elytral apex. Abdomen: Pygidial posterior margin evenly arcuate.

VARIATION: One specimen examined.

NATURAL HISTORY: The only available specimen was collected in December.

DISTRIBUTION (map 26): Known only from the type locality.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet eriodes (like wool) is a Greek adjective used to call attention to the dense vestiture on the pronotum and elytral disc.