Type locality: North Atlantic Ocean, United States, off eastern Florida, Key West and Dry Tortugas, and the Gulf of Mexico; 247–732 m.

Known range: Gulf of Mexico.

Occurrence at vents or seeps: methane seeps off Louisiana.

Material: United States, eastern Florida, off Fernandina; 31°47′30″N, 79°49′W; Albatross sta. 2666; 494 m; 5 May 1886; USNM 14376 (holotype male). A substantial amount of paratypic material is also housed in the USNM collections; the reader is referred to Manning & Holthuis (1984) for collection-related data for the paratype specimens. Although Carney (1994) reported observations of this species from methane seeps off Louisiana, there is no mention of the collection of any specimens (see Carney, 1994: 151).

Remarks: This species, originally assigned by Manning & Holthuis (1984) to the genus Geryon, was reported by Carney (1994) from methane seeps off Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico.