Trigonostomum brunchorsti Graff, 1905: 115–116, t. III, figs 24, 25; 1913: 311, figs 274, 275; Meixner, 1924b: 96, 98; Steinböck, 1932: 309.

Distribution: Norway (Graff, 1905), Greenland (Steinböck, 1932).

According to Graff’s (1905, 1913) description, the overall morphology of the copulatory organ resembles that of T. penicillatum. The two plate-like structures differ somewhat in shape, ending both proximally as well as distally in a hook-like structure (see Graff, 1905: taf. 3, fig. 24). The bursal appendage is described as resembling that of T. venenosum. The position of the pharynx in the middle of the body is exceptional for a member of Trigonostomum and new material is needed to confirm the validity and/or the taxonomy of this species.