Trachionus mandibularis (NEES 1816)

D e s c r i p t i o n: Male. Body color: Dark brown, legs reddish yellow. Wing membrane subhyaline, pterostigma and veins brown. Body length: 3.2 mm. Fore wing length: 2.4 mm. Antenna length: 2.6 mm. Mesosoma length: 1.3 mm. Metasoma length: 1.5 mm.

Head. Ratio length: width: height of head 18: 35: 27; width of head 1.9 times of its medial length. Temples slightly narrowed behind eyes. Vertex smooth, setose. Ocelli almost positioned in equilateral triangle; ratio of POL: OD: OOL= 4: 3: 6; eye bare, longitudinal diameter of eye 1.3 times its transverse diameter. Length of malar space 1.3 times basal width of mandible and 0.3 times longitudinal diameter of eye. Width of face 1.8 times height of face. Face punctuate, setose. Clypeus narrow. Labium extended and setose. Mandibles with 4 denticles. Palps reddish yellow. Occipital carina invisible. Antenna 1.08 times as long as length of fore wing, with 28 segments, length of third segment 1.2 times fourth segment, length of third, fourth and peniltumate segments 3.0, 1.6 and 1.5 times of their widths, respectively. Last antennal segment pointed.

Mesosoma. Length of mesosoma 1.3 times its height, pronotum medially rugose, laterally rugose punctuate, glabrous; mesonotum, scutellum and metapleuron coarsely punctuate and setose; notauli distinct and coarsely punctuate; mesopleuron smooth, glabrous; sternaulis distinct, scutellar sulcus almost visible, metanotum in middle with denticle, surface of propodeum rugose punctuate.

Wings. Fore wing: length of pterostigma 3 times its maximal width; vein cu-a postfurcal; vein m-cu antefurcal; vein 1-SR+M curled. Hind wing: 1-M as long as 1r-m; R1 very long.

Legs. Hind coxa smooth, ratio of femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg= 24: 27: 11, length of femur, tibia and basitarsus of hind leg 3.0, 5.4, 3.6 times their width, respectively; length of hind tibial spurs 0.4 times hind basitarsus; tibia and tarsus densely and femur sparsely setose.

Metasoma. Forms half carapace. Length of first tergite 0.7 times its apical width. First metasomal tergit basally with triangular area. 2 nd and 3 rd metasomal tergites distinctly developed and robust. Metasoma entirely longitudinally rugose punctuate and setose.

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Afyon-Bolvadin-Kapaklı (h: 1250 m), 38° 42' 40N / 31° 02' 55E,, 1; Kırklareli-Vize-Kömürköy (h: 198 m), 41° 38' 00N / 27° 53' 00E,, 1.

G e n e r a l D i s t r i b u t i o n: Palaearctic: Belgium, Bulgaria, former Czechoslovakia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Korea, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, Poland, Russia (Khabarovsk Kray, Primor’ye Kray, Sakhalin Oblast), Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

H o s t s: Parasitoid of Diptera: Dizygomyza sp. Phytobia cerasiferae (Agromyzidae).

New record for Turkey.