Orchestina curico Izquierdo, new species

Figures 164F, 166D–F, 169C, 171C, 173G, 174E, 176C, map 30

TYPES: Male holotype from Chile: Región del Maule (VII): Provincia de Curicó: 20 km E. Potrero Grande, Fdo. El Coihue, fogging in Nothofagus dombeyi, Cypres, 937 m, -35.178983°, -70.963333°, May 25, 2004, J.E. Barriga, deposited in MNSC, PBI_ OON 14871; same data, 1035 m, -35.17889°, -70.96333°, May 25, 2004, J.E. Barriga, 1 female paratype deposited in MACN 17659, PBI_ OON 14875; Región del Biobío (VIII): Provincia de Ñuble: North of Las Trancas, Puente Aserradero, fogging in Nothofagus dombeyi, 1274 m, -36.91645°, -71.45695°, Dec. 01, 2001, E. Arias et al., 3 female paratypes deposited in CAS 9023357, PBI_OON 2311; same data, 1 female paratype deposited in CAS, PBI_ OON 43334.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Males are very similar to those of other species with simple palp; the endites are parallel as in O. nahuelbuta and O. cachai, although in O. curico they are slightly wider and with small projections at the tip (fig. 164F). Other subtle differences are present in the male copulatory bulb, such as the sperm duct course and the length and width of the embolus (figs. 166D–F, 173G, 174E). Female genitalia are similar to those of O. nahuelbuta but can be distinguished by the position of the external pockets, proximal to the epigastric fold (anteriorly directed in O. nahuelbuta).

MALE (PBI_ OON 14871): Total length 1.08.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Labium nearly pentagonal. Endites converging, with small projection at the tip (fig. 164F). ABDOMEN: Dorsum with pattern of purple bands, round. Epigastric area dark. LEGS: Only left leg I, right legs II, III present. GENITALIA: Bulb with no additional apophyses; embolus long; sperm duct slightly coiled (figs. 166D–F, 173G, 174E).

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 43334): Total length 1.12.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Labium rectangular.

ABDOMEN: Ovoid, dorsum soft portions bands of purple pigment. LEGS: Only right leg IV is present. GENITALIA: Epigastric region with external pockets, small epigastric ridges, difficult to see, placed on median region, internal pockets absent; anterior receptaculum with lumen formed by two chambers, apodemes long; posterior receptaculum absent, posterior apodeme formed by entire plate (figs. 169C, 171C, 176C).

DISTRIBUTION: From Región del Maule (VII) to Región del Biobío (VIII), Chile (map 30).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Región del Maule (VII): Provincia de Curicó: Camino El Relvo, 15 km E Potrero Grande, -35,190907°, -70,9228267°, 1000 m, May. 13, 2004, J.E. Barriga, fogging on N. obliqua and N. dombeyi, 1♀ (MACN 34533, PBI_ OON 51169).