Coelosia fusca Bezzi, 1892

Material examined. Figure 1. Montenegro: Žabljak, Durmitor Mt., Crna lake, spruce forest along a small stream, 1448 m a.s.l., 43.1486° N, 019.0882° E, 11 May 2010, Kolcsár L.-P. leg., 1 male, DIPT-JS-2015-0304.

A common and widespread western Palaearctic species (Søli 1997, Chandler 2013), here reported as new for the fauna of Montenegro. Members of the genus Coelosia occur in humid habitats or even wetlands (Søli 1997, Jakovlev et al. 2014). Coelosia tenella Zetterstedt is a fungivorous species (Jakovlev 2011).