Genus Trichoribates Berlese, 1910

Diagnosis of adult — Rostrum rounded; lamellae wide, with well-developed cusps and translamella; lamellar cusps with or without lateral and median dens; bothridia cup-shaped; sensilli with clavate or oval head, rounded or flattened distally; tutoria broad, with cusps pointed or dentate distally; custodia with short to long narrowly pointed cusps; notogaster with large pteromorphs curved ventrally, line of desclerotization absent; lenticulus present or absent; 10 or 11 pairs of notogastral setae, setae dp present or absent; four pairs of notogastral porose areas (exception, sacculi in T. polaris Hammer, 1953), porose areas Am and Ah present; six pairs of genital setae; all legs heterotridactylous; tibiae I with dorsodistal apophysis bearing solenidion Φ 2; seta l" of tibiae and genua I, II, and sometimes that of tibiae and genua III, IV thick, heavily barbed (see also Behan-Pelletier 1985; Bayartogtokh and Schatz 2008).