Anoura caudifer (É. Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 1818)

VOUCHER MATERIAL: Tingana: 2 adult males (FMNH 203340; MUSM 39113); Waqanki: 4 adult females (FMNH 203338, 203526; MUSM 39111, 39112), 1 adult male (FMNH 203524); see table 7 for measurements.

IDENTIFICATION: Descriptions and measurements of Anoura caudifer have been provided by Husson (1962), Handley (1984), Molinari (1994), Simmons and Voss (1998), Mantilla-Meluk and Baker (2006), Brosset and Charles-Dominique (1990), and Pacheco et al. (2018). No subspecies are currently recognized in A. caudifer (Griffiths and Gardner, 2008a). Our Mayo River basin specimens exhibit the diagnostic characteristics of the species: well-developed calcar, slightly smaller than the foot; presence of a short tail; lower lip protruding less than 3 mm beyond upper lip; skull with keel along midline of mesopterygoid fossa that is not flattened posteriorly and usually extends onto septum between basisphenoid pits; and upper last premolar lacking medial internal cusp. Our vouchers fall within the range of measurements reported for A. caudifer.

REMARKS: Two females (FMNH 203338, 203526) that we collected were pregnant, each with a single embryo (crown-rump length [CRL] = 20 mm).