Diphylla ecaudata Spix, 1823

VOUCHER MATERIAL: El Diamante: 1 adult female (MUSM 39188), 2 adult males (FMNH 203522; MUSM 39189); see table 6 for measurements.

IDENTIFICATION: Descriptions and measurements of Diphylla ecaudata have been provided by Swanepoel and Genoways (1979), Greenhall et al. (1984), and Kwon and Gardner (2008). Currently two subspecies are recognized: D. e. centralis (southern United States southward through eastern Mexico and Central America) and D. e. ecaudata (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil, excluding the central Amazon basin) (Greenhall et al., 1984; Kwon and Gardner, 2008). Our Mayo River basin specimens exhibit the diagnostic characteristics of the species: thumb small (usually less than 13 mm), lacking basal pads; uropatagium well furred; occlusal margin of lower inner incisors with four lobes, of lower outer incisors with three lobes; two upper incisors and two lower molars on each side (Kwon and Gardner, 2008; Cirranello et al., 2016). Our Mayo River basin voucher material represents the nominate subspecies.


External and craniodental measurements (mm) and weights (g) of Desmodus rotundus and Diphylla ecaudata

REMARKS: Our female (MUSM 39188) was lactating.