Type species — Carinozetes trifoveatus n. sp.
Diagnosis — Medium sized (305 – 386 µm body length) dark brown sclerotized intertidal mites. Cerotegument finely granulated. Interlamellar setae spiniform, short or of normal (approx. 10 µm) length. Lamellar ridges absent. Rostrum clearly demarcated from remainder of prodorsum. Sensillus clavate, spinose, short or of normal length (approx. 10 µm). Tutorium absent. Pedotectum I small and thick, pedotectum II absent. Dorsosejugal suture complete. Notogaster with 15 pairs of setae. A pair of strongly projecting longitudinal carinae on anterior epimeral region. A median epimeral granulate cavity on level of apodeme II. Epimeral setation 1- 0-1-1. Genital setae three pairs. Aggenital setae absent. Ovipositor with six k setae. Two or three pairs of adanal setae and two pairs of anal setae. Legs monodactylous. Claws with one proximoventral tooth. Strongly ventrally projecting femoral carinae on legs I and II. Porose areas on legs absent. Femora I and II obviously broadened.