Orchestina molles Izquierdo, new species

Figures 170F, 172F, 175E, map 29

TYPES: Female holotype from Chile: Región de Valparaíso (V): Provincia de Petorca: Los Molles, Rt. 5, km 188, 10 m, -32.23333°, -71.50000°, Oct. 13, 1993, Platnick, Catley, Ramírez and Allen, deposited in AMNH, PBI_ OON 42331; Región de Coquimbo (IV): Provincia de Choapa: Los Vilos, (-31.9°, -71.516667°), Aug. 25, 1966, E. Schlinger, M. Irwin, 2 female paratypes deposited in AMNH, PBI_OON 1934.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: This is probably one of the most distinctive Orchestina species from Chile; however, it shares some characters with its congeners, such as the general shape of the anterior receptaculum and the presence of pockets and epigastric ridges. It can be distinguished by the massive development of the anterior receptaculum, nearly 8-shaped in ventral view, by the small anterior apodemes placed at the sides of the anterior receptaculum (instead of at the tip, as in other species), and by the shape of the external pockets, which have long rims (figs. 170F, 172F, 175E).

MALE: Unknown.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 42331): Total length 1.40.

CEPHALOTHORAX: Labium rectangular.

ABDOMEN: Dorsum soft portions with light gray squares and bands on the sides. LEGS: Yellow; only left leg II present. GENITALIA: Besides diagnostic characters, epigastric region with two almost C-shaped epigastric ridges, internal pockets absent; anterior receptaculum with slightly sclerotized basal structure, probably additional chamber; posterior receptaculum absent, posterior apodeme formed by entire plate (figs. 170F, 172F, 175E).

DISTRIBUTION: Known from Coquimbo (Choapa province) and Valparaíso (Petorca Province, map 29).