Falco peregrinus Tunstall, 1771

Figure 7D

New records. Lonely individuals and couples have been seen perching and feeding on doves and pigeons in a replica building of the Taj Mahal. We recorded this species systematically between October 2018 and April 2019.

Identification. Dorsal region of the body is dark blue– grey, with the crown, nape and broad legs under the eye black. Atrial region, lateral areas and lower parts of the neck are white. Chest and belly in brown are barred, with brown tailed tail, grey blue and greyish white. Head sides, including black ears.

Remarks. We did not record any reproductive events. This species is a boreal migratory bird. It is a winter resident scarce in the Bogotá Savannah (ABO 2000).

Geographic distribution. Western North America, Central and South America.