Diglossa albilatera schistacea Chapman

Diglossa albilatera schistacea Chapman, 1925a: 7 (Chaupe, 6100 ft., northeast of Huancabamba, N. Peru).

Now Diglossa albilatera schistacea Chapman, 1925. See Hellmayr, 1935: 235–236, Vuilleumier, 1969, and Dickinson, 2003: 816.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 181651, adult male, collected at Chaupe, 6100 ft, ca. 05.10S, 79.10W (Vaurie, 1972), northeast of Huancabamba, Cajamarca, Peru, on 2 February 1923, by Harry Watkins (no. 7118).

COMMENTS: Chapman cited the AMNH number of the holotype in the original description and listed the specimens he examined. The paratypes are: Ecuador, San Bartolo, AMNH 172565–172568, one male, three females, 3–6 September 1921, by Cherrie and Gill; Peru, Chaupe, AMNH 181652–181657, three males, three females, 17 February–3 April 1923, by Watkins.