Certhidea luteola Ridgway

Certhidea luteola Ridgway, 1894: 360 (Chatham Island).

Now Certhidea olivacea luteola Ridgway, 1894. See Hellmayr, 1938: 144–145, and Dickinson, 2003: 796.

HOLOTYPE: AMNH 522540, adult male, collected on San Cristobal (5 Chatham) Island, 00.50S, 89.26W (Paynter, 1993), Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, on 17 June 1891. From the G. Baur Collection (no. 56) via the Rothschild Collection.

COMMENTS: Ridgway cited Baur’s unique field number of the holotype in the original description and noted that he examined seven Baur and six USNM specimens of his new form. The holotype bears three labels: an unnumbered USNM type label with the name and Baur number filled in by Ridgway; a Rothschild type label with the locality, Baur number, and reference to the description of luteola; and Baur’s original field label. Paratypes in AMNH: AMNH 522541–522544, males, AMNH 522554–522556, females, all collected on San Cristobal by Baur in 1891.