Sabinea hystrix (A. Milne-Edwards, 1881)

(Figs. 10 A; 11A–D)

Paracrangon hystrix A. Milne Edwards, 1881: 6.

Sabinea princeps Smith, 1882: 38, pl. 8, fig.1, 1a, 1b.—Smith 1886: 189.— Smith 1887: 654, pl. 10, fig. 1, 1a, 1b, 2. Sabinea hystrix — Hansen 1908: 51.— Stephensen 1912a: 61.— Stephensen 1912b: 555, 578.— Stephensen 1913: 17.—de Man 1920:256, 302, 303.— Holthuis 1955: 132, fig. 95b.—Sivertsen & Holthuis 1956: 40.— Crosnier & Forest 1973: 232, fig. 73c–d.— Chace, 1984: 58.— Squires 1990: 12.

Material examined. 2 individuals, 1 male (TL: 100.1 mm), 1 OvigerOus female (TL: 103.6 mm), POtiguar Basin, #MT– 71, 1062 m, 04° 40' 29'' S, 036° 23' 70'' W, 20 May 2011, MOUFPE: 15.172. 2 individuals, 1 male (TL: 89.1 mm) and 1 OvigerOus female (TL: 111.2 mm), POtiguar Basin, #MT–72– 2, 1073 m, 04° 34' 14'' S, 036° 41' 60'' W, 0 7 May 2011, MOUFPE: 15.173. 1 male (TL: 86.5 mm), POtiguar Basin, #MT–73.2, 1006 m, 04° 37' 85'' S, 036° 30' 08'' W, 16 May 2011, MOUFPE: 15.174. 1 juvenile (TL: 53.7 mm), POtiguar Basin, #MT– 83, 2006 m, 04° 28' 36'' S, 036° 24' 76'' W, 0 4 May 2011, MOUFPE: 15.175. 1 female (TL: 89.2 mm), POtiguar Basin, #MT– 73, 957 m, 04° 37' 66'' S, 036° 30' 54'' W, 0 5 May 2011, MOUFPE: 15.176. 1 OvigerOus female (100.5 mm), POtiguar Basin, #MT– 72, 908 m, 04° 40' 18'' S, 036° 23' 86'' W, 0 7 May 2011, MOUFPE: 15.177.

Diagnosis. Carapace with seven lOngitudinal carinae, the mid-dOrsal carina with abOut 8 strOng teeth, the lateral carinae with many smaller strOng teeth. ROstrum strOng ascending sharp spine with One ventral spine On distal third and twO lateral spines On prOximal third, with twO spines On basis. AbdOminal sOmites dOrsally carinate, sOmites three and fOur ending in a terminal spine, sOmites five and six with spiny carinae, the fifth and sixth sOmites with twO diverging parallel carinae with dOrsally strOng spines (mOdified frOm SQuires 1996).

Geographical distribution. Western Atlantic: Greenland (Davis Strait 64°54' N), NOva ScOtia (Off LaHave Bank tO St. Pierre Bank), Bank Of Galicia (NW Of Iberian Peninsula 42° 67′ N 11° 74′ W), Western Sahara (23° 55' N; 17° 15' W) tO the West Indies, Gulf Of MexicO, Caribbean sea, Guadalupe, RiO OrO (23° 55' N) and Brazil: (Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte) (Fig. 12) (Sivertsen & HOlthuis 1956; CrOsnier & FOrest 1973; SQuires 1996; Felder et al. 2009; Cartes et al. 2014).

Bathymetric distribution. Occurs frOm 550 tO 3957 m depth (SQuires 1996; Felder et al. 2009; Cartes et al. 2014).

Remarks. The specimen herein examined fits well with the descriptiOn given by A. Milne-Edwards (1881), CrOsnier & FOrest (1973), Chace (1984) and SQuires (1996), which carapace with seven lOngitudinal carinae (Fig. 11 A); dOrsal surface Of carapace with eight strOng spines (Fig. 11 A); rOstrum with twO spines On basis and One ventral (Figs. 10 A; 11 A); abdOminal sOmites dOrsally carinate and 3–4 ending in a terminal spine (Figs. 10 A; 11 B); abdOminal sOmites 5–6 with twO diverging parallel carinae ending in twO terminal spine (Figs. 10 A; 11 B). This species is typically benthic, Occurring alOng the cOntinental slOpe and especially, in insular slOpes (Smith 1882; CrOsnier & FOrest 1973). One OvigerOus female shOwed mOrphOlOgical anOmaly On the carapace, with the brancheOstegal spine asymmetric (MOUFPE 15.177, Fig.11A). These anOmalies can be caused by damages resulting frOm cOmbat, defOrmities in ecdysis related tO genetic factOrs Or predatiOn (SheltOn et al. 1981; IvanOv & SOkOlOv 1997). Thus, this paper recOrded the genus Sabinea fOr the first time tO SOuth Atlantic Ocean, being an impOrtant advancement tO the knOwledge Of the geOgraphic distributiOn in Atlantic, especially, increasing the geOgraphic distributiOn Of Sabinea hystrix frOm SOuth Atlantic deep waters.