Longrita nathan, new species Figures 660, 661

TYPE: Male holotype from south bank of Dawson River, Nathan Gorge, 25 ° 27 ̍ S, 150 ° 10 ̍ E, Queensland (Sept. 11–12, 1996; P. Lawless, H. Janetzki, D. Potter), deposited in QMB (S36474).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Based on the presence of a bifid tip on the male retrolateral tibial apophysis, this species seems to belong to the insidiosus group, but the male can easily be distinguished from all other males of the genus by the very narrow embolus, which occupies only about one­fourth of the tegular width (figs. 660, 661).

MALE: Total length 8. Coloration as in L. insidiosa except carapace light brown and all legs very light brown. Leg spination: femora I–IV d1­0­1; tibiae: III, IV v1p­1p­ 1p. Palpal tibia deeply invaginated at about half its length, invaginated surface glabrous, tip of retrolateral apophysis bifid (fig. 661); embolus narrow, occupying only about onefourth of tegular width (fig. 660).

FEMALE: Unknown.


DISTRIBUTION: Known only from southeastern Queensland.

Longrita whaleback, new species

NEW RECORD: Western Australia: Derby, 17 ° 19 ̍ S, 123 ° 38 ̍ E (J. Basedow, AMS KS44188), 1♀.

Longrita millewa, new species

NEW RECORD: New South Wales: Pulletop, 33 ° 59 ̍ S, 146 ° 05 ̍ E, Nov. 3–8, 1999, spinifex pitfall (D. Driscoll, QMB S53962), 13.

Pyrnus magnet, new species

NEW RECORD: Queensland: N end, Mazeppa National Park, 22 ° 14 ̍ S, 147 ° 15 ̍ E, Mar. 27, 2001, pyrethrum, gidgee trunks, elev. 240 m (G. Monteith, QMB S55149), 1♀.

Platorish nebo, new species

NEW RECORDS: Queensland: Enterprise, North Stradbroke Island, 27 ° 34 ̍ S, 153 ° 27 ̍ E, Jan. 9, 2002, vibration, blackbutt, elev. 60 m (R. Raven, B. Baehr, QMB), 13, 2♀; Mount Glorious, 27 ° 20 ̍ S, 152 ° 45 ̍ E, Dec. 24–30, 1997, malaise trap (T. Hiller, AMNH), 1♀.

Platorish jimna, new species

NEW RECORD: New South Wales: Buckinguy Homestead, 31 ° 03 ̍ S, 147 ° 22 ̍ E, June 28, 1887 (R. Grant, AMS KS44186), 13.

Hemicloeina gayndah, new species

NEW RECORD: Queensland: summit, Mount Gayndah, 25 ° 36 ̍ S, 151 ° 32 ̍ E, Oct. 9– Dec. 19, 1998, open forest pitfall, elev. 340 m (G. Monteith, C. Gough, QMB S50075), 13.

Rebilus lugubris (L. Koch)

NEW RECORD: Queensland: 0.5 km WNW Mount Archer, 23 ° 30 ̍ S, 150 ° 34 ̍ E, Mar. 24, 2001, pyrethrum, trunks and logs, vine scrub, elev. 520 m (G. Monteith, QMB S55130), 1♀ (penultimate but with fully developed epigynum).