Trachyspina illamurta, new species Figures 329, 330; Map 25

TYPE: Female holotype from Illamurta Spring, 24 ° 19 ̍ S, 132 ° 41 ̍ E, Northern Territory (June 7, 1978; F., J. Aslin), deposited in SAM (N1999/89).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Females have an oval epigynal atrium, wider at its midpoint than anteriorly or posteriorly, containing a rectangular septum (fig. 329); the anterior epigynal ducts are widened (fig. 330).

MALE: Unknown.

FEMALE: Total length 6.0. Coloration as in T. mundaring. Leg spination: femora: I d0­ 0­1, p0­0­1; II d0­0­1; IV d0­0­1; tibiae: I v2­4­1p; II v2­4­2; III v0­0­0; IV v1p­1p­0; metatarsi: I v2­3­2; II v2­2­2; III v0­0­0; IV v0­1p­0. Epigynal atrium widest at about half its length, containing rectangular septum (fig. 329); anterior ducts widened, not extending anterior of anterior epigynal margin (fig. 330).


DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the Northern Territory (map 25).