Desognaphosa tribulation, new species Figures 199, 200; Map 18

TYPE: Female holotype taken in a Berlese sample of sieved litter from a rainforest at an elevation of 400 m at a site 2.7 km W of Cape Tribulation, 16 ° 05 ̍ S, 145 ° 27 ̍ E, Queensland (Jan. 1983; G. Monteith), deposited in QMB (S26683).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: Females can easily be recognized by the anteriorly advanced transverse vulval bar (fig. 200).

MALE: Unknown.

FEMALE: Total length 3.5. Coloration as in D. bulburin. Leg spination: femur III d0­0­ 0; tibiae: III v0­0­2; IV v1p­0­2, r0­1­1; metatarsi: III v0­0­0; IV v1p­0­2. Epigynum with wide anterior margin at wide end of depressed, triangular atrium (fig. 199); transverse bar situated in anterior half of epigynum (fig. 200).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Queensland: 2.5 km W Cape Tribulation, 16 ° 05 ̍ S, 145 ° 27 ̍ E, Oct. 2, 1982, Berlese, sieved rainforest litter, elev. 180 m (G. Monteith, QMB S 26646), 1♀, Jan. 2, 1983, same (G. Monteith, QMB S26692), 2♀; Noah Creek, Cape Tribulation, 16 ° 08 ̍ S, 145 ° 26 ̍ E, Oct. 16, 1980, Berlese, sieved rainforest litter, elev. 5 m (G. Monteith, QMB S26643), 2♀.

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the Cape Tribulation area of northeastern Queensland (map 18).