Meedo munmorah, new species Figures 85–88; Map 4

TYPE: Male holotype taken in litter at Lake Munmorah State Recreation Reserve, Geebung, 33 ° 13 ̍ S, 151 ° 34 ̍ E, New South Wales (Oct. 30, 1987; M. Gray), deposited in AMS (KS17800).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality.

DIAGNOSIS: This species resembles M. gympie (see below); males can easily be distinguished by the much wider embolar base (fig. 85), females by the more elongate posterior and smaller anterior portions of the spermathecae (fig. 88).

MALE: Total length 5.0. Carapace light brown with scattered dark reticulations (heaviest at rear of pars cephalica), abdomen as in M. mullaroo, only coxae and trochanters yellow, distal leg segments light brown. Chelicerae vertical, endites relatively short. Tarsi III, IV with cuticular cracks. Retrolateral tibial apophysis reduced to tiny denticle (fig. 86), unsclerotized portion of tibia occupying more than half of ventral surface; embolar base relatively wide, embolus relatively short (fig. 85).

FEMALE: Total length 6.2. Carapace as in male, abdomen and legs as in M. mullaroo. Chelicerae inclined, endites relatively short. Tarsi I–III entire, tarsi IV missing. Epigynal atrium wide, restricted to anterior half of epigynum (fig. 87); posterior portion of spermathecae long, anterior portion short (fig. 88).

OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New South Wales: Gloucester Road, Barrington Tops National Park, 32 ° 04 ̍ S, 151 ° 41 ̍ E, Nov. 12– 14, 1981, rainforest (Weir, Calder, ANIC), 13; 600 m N Homewoods Road, 2.8 km W Knodingbul Road, Bulga State Forest, 31 ° 37 ̍ S, 152 ° 07 ̍ E, Feb. 4–Apr. 9, 1993, pitfall, elev. 650 m (M. Gray, G. Cassis, AMS KS42520), 1♀.

DISTRIBUTION: Known only from New South Wales (map 4).