Glyphodiscus magnificus n. sp.

(Fig. 3 A-C)

HOLOTYPE. — Palau. CRECH 146, Mutremdiu 2, Palau, 7°16.41’N, 134°31.43’E, 162 m, 29.III.2001, specimen wet, R = 7.5 cm, r = 2.6 cm (CASIZ 168012).

PARATYPES. — New Caledonia. BATHUS 1, stn CP 701, 20°57.5’S, 165°35.9’E, 302-335 m, 18.III.1993, 1 dry specimen, R = 4.1 cm, r = 1.5 cm (MNHN EcAs 11682). — MUSORSTOM 4, stn DW 186, 19°07’S, 163°30’E, 190 m, 19.IX.1985, 1 dry specimen, R = 2.5 cm, r = 1.1 cm (MNHN EcAs 11684). — MUSORSTOM 4, stn DW 185, 19°06’S, 163°29’E, 230 m, 18.IX.1985, 7 dry specimens, R = 2.2 cm, r = 0.8 cm, R = 2.4 cm, r = 1.0 cm, R = 2.6 cm, r = 1.0 cm, R = 2.7 cm, r = 1.1 cm, R = 3.4 cm, r = 1.5 cm, R = 3.6 cm, r = 1.8 cm, R = 3.8 cm, r = 1.6 cm (MNHN EcAs 11683). — SMIB 5, 250 m, 13.IX.1989, rocks, 3 dry specimens, R = 2.4 cm, r = 1.0 cm, R = 2.7 cm, r = 1.1 cm, R = 2.9 cm, r = 1.2 cm (MNHN EcAs 11692). — SMIB 5, stn DW 90, 22°19.1’S, 168°41.6’E, 310-340 m 13.IX.1989, 1 dry specimen, R = 2.7 cm, r = 1.2 cm (MNHN EcAs 11693).

Vanuatu. MUSORSTOM 8, stn CP 970, 20°19’S, 169°53’E, 252-310 m, 21.IX.1994, 1 dry specimen, R = 4.3 cm, r = 2.0 cm (MNHN EcAs 11691).

ETYMOLOGY. — The descriptor magnificus describes the magnificent and striking appearance of this species.

DISTRIBUTION. — New Caledonia, Vanuatu, and Palau. 162- 335 m.

DIAGNOSIS. — A species with interradial marginal (supero- and infero- series) plates bearing conical prominences extended from the plate. Furrow and subambulacral spines are flattened and nearly flush with the actinal surface.

APOMORPHY LIST. — 14, marginal cones (Fig. 3A). 20, subambulacral spines present (Fig. 3C). 21, subambulacral spines flattened (Fig. 3C).


Body relatively flattened. Arms elongate. Interradial arcs broad-linear. Pedicellariae absent on abactinal surface and marginal plate series. Pedicellariae present on actinal surface.

Abactinal surface flat. Disk region stellate.