In this student project it was to be experimentally figured out how fair a fair coin behaves. To achieve this fair coin tosses with a different number of maximum coin tosses were simulated and it was analyzed how often chains of given lengths of ones/zeros (assumed to be heads/tails) appear and how much more often zeros appear per experiment compared to ones. This maximum number was - 10 tosses per experiment - 100 tosses per experiment - 1.000 tosses per experiment - 10.000 tosses per experiment - 100.000 tosses per experiment - 1.000.000 tosses per experiment - 10.000.000 tosses per experiment - 100.000.000 tosses per experiment - tosses per experiment - tosses per experiment Except for the last three, all experiments were repeated 1.000 times. The 100.000.000 tosses per experiment was repeated 100 times, the tosses per experiment was repeated 10 times and the tosses per experiment was NOT repeated. For these one/zero chain distributions the fitting parameters were determined, assuming a geometrical distribution. The experiments with up to 100.000.000 tosses per experiment were repeated with an UNFAIR coin, using a Maxwell Boltzmann statistic for the distribution of coin tosses. -------------------------------------------------- In the data-folder these experiments are divided into the normal distributed and Maxwell-Boltzmann distributed coin toss experiments. These two folders contain the folders with the data for the different maximum number of coin tosses per experiment. Each of these folders contains two subfolders which contain the distributions of the respective chains of ones or zeros (heads or tails). In this folder (NOT the subfolders!) in addition can be found: - a file with the fitting parameters for each heads/tails-chain-distribution, - a file with an analysis of these fitting parameters, - a file in which it is analyzed how much more often zero was the result of the toss (for one experiment) - a file with an analysis of that, - and two files in which the chain-distributions are summed up. The result for each coin toss in each experiment were NOT saved. For the Maxwell Boltzmann distributed coin tosses also the distribution itself was saved for each experiment and can be found in the respective subfolder. -------------------------------------------------- In the scripts folder, all the programs can be found that were created to create and analyze all the data. All programs are published as free software under the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation