Gekko kuhli (Stejneger, 1902)

Figure 5E

Materials examined. MALAYSIA – Kedah • Batu Hampar Recreational Forest; 05.1966°N, 100.5827°E; 40 m a.s.l.; 11.II.2019; Evan S. H. Quah, Hong Zijia leg.; 1 ♂, USMHC 2558.

Identification and natural history. One adult male (SVL 68 mm, TL 62 mm) matched Das’s (2015) and Grismer’s (2011a, 2011b) description in having a robust body; large head; scattered tubercles on dorsum of body and tail; naked tympanum; vertical pupil; 11–15 supralabials; 10–12 infralabials; large fringe of skin extending from periphery of neck, body, hind limbs, and tail which is deeply crenulated along edge of tail and expanded on tip; short and wide limbs; extensively webbed hands and feet; expanded subdigital lamellae; dorsum greyish with wavy dark brown bands; dark, postorbital stripe extending onto shoulder region and unpatterned light yellow venter. The specimen was found on a tree trunk approximately 2 m off the ground sheltering under the fronds of a bird’s-nest fern (Asplenium nidus) along trail at night.