Cinnyris büttikoferi Hartert

Cinnyris büttikoferi Hartert, 1896d: 581 (Sumba).

Now Cinnyris buettikoferi Hartert, 1896. See White and Bruce, 1986: 406, and Cheke and Mann, 2008a: 296–297.

LECTOTYPE: AMNH 687587, adult male, collected on Sumba Island, 10.00S, 120.00E (White and Bruce, 1986: 491), Lesser Sundas, Indonesia, in February 1896, by William Doherty. From the Rothschild Collection.

COMMENTS: Hartert did not designate a type in the original description, saying only that Doherty sent several males and females. In his list of types in the Rothschild Collection, Hartert (1920a: 497) listed as type a male collected by Doherty on Sumba in 1896. AMNH 687587 bears, in addition to Doherty’s label, a Rothschild type label. It is the only one of the three males, all collected in February 1896, that has only Sumba on Doherty’s label. The other two have ‘‘Sandalwood or Sumba I.’’ Because Hartert (1920a: 497) did not mention the alternative name in listing the type, this serves to remove the ambiguity introduced by the date and designates AMNH 687587 as the lectotype. Paralectotypes are specimens collected by Doherty in February 1896: Sandalwood I. or Sumba, AMNH 687585, 687586, males; Sumba, AMNH 687588, 687589, females; Sumba or Sandalwood I., AMNH 687590, female. Specimens collected by Everett on Sumba in September 1896 were not included in the description of buettikoferi but were reported on later by Hartert (1898a: 468).