Elaphrus clairvillei Kirby

Elaphrus clairvillei is widely distributed across Ontario (Lindroth 1961). It is found in Ontario’ s Far North region in Moosonee, Ontario and on the Arctic Ocean coast of the Northwest Territories, with records from all Canadian provinces and two territories (Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory) (Fig. 2g) (Bousquet 2012; www.gbif.org/ species/1035548). Adults prefer habitats of soft, wet organic mud with sedges, grasses, and trees (Goulet 1983). Our record is not unexpected as Akimiski Island has many of the habitat features that are preferred by E. clairvillei and typical of northern localities in Canada. Elaphrus clairvillei exhibits body color variation of black, very dark green, and dark green of both brilliant and dull colorations (Goulet 1983). Specimens from Akimiski Island are of the very dark green coloration.