Cloacaspis Fortey, 1974

TYPE SPECIES: Cloacaspis senilis Fortey, 1974.

EMENDED DIAGNOSIS: Balnibarbiine trilobites with facial sutures moderately divergent in front of eyes. Pits present on internal mold of anterior border furrow, and may also expressed on the dorsal surface. Frontal area relatively short (sag.), ranging from 10%–20% of the total cranidial sagittal length. Glabella with four pairs of glabellar furrows of balnibarbiinae type: 1P extends posterolaterally from axial furrow before turning abruptly posteriorly; 2P straight, extending posterolaterally from axial furrow, or curving slightly posteriorly; 3P straight, short, transverse, not reaching axial furrow; 4P straight, short, slightly oblique, not reaching axial furrow. 3P and 4P tend to be longer than in other balnibarbiine genera (Balnibarbi species), and 4P is more weakly expressed than other furrows. Postocular fixed cheeks triangular. Posterior border of free cheek curves forward to long genal spine. Pygidium small, with two to three axial rings. Posterior border of pygidium may bear short spines.

INCLUDED SPECIES: Cloacaspis senilis Fortey, 1974; Cloacaspis ceryx (Fortey, 1974); Cloacaspis dejecta Fortey, 1974; Cloacaspis ekphymosa Fortey, 1974; Cloacaspis tesselata Fortey and Droser, 1999.