Bipoonops baobab, new species

Figures 505–519

NOTE: Male paratype with missing abdomen and legs I, II, and broken-off embolus. Due to the distinct conductor, B. baobab is clearly separable from the other described species.

TYPES: Female holotype and one male paratype from a forest sample taken at a location at Centro Científico Río Palenque (CCRP), Los Ríos, Ecuador (Dec. 23, 1980, S. Sandoval), deposited in QCAZ (PBI_ OON 10774).

ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition referring to the shape of the anterior genitalic process of female internal genitalia, which is extraordinarily broad stalked and resembles baobab trees (Adansonia sp.).

DIAGNOSIS: Males differ from the other species by the intermediate length of the prolateral part of the conductor, reaching ⅔ the length of the retrolateral part (figs. 509, 511, 512; distinctly shorter in B. tsachila, almost as long as retrolateral part in B. pucuna), and the shape of the retrolateral part of the conductor (figs. 511, 512). Females can easily be recognized by the very broadly stalked anterior genitalic process (fig. 519).

MALE (PBI_ OON 10774, figs. 505–513): Carapace length 0.68 (abdomen is missing). Endites median part with indistinct, moderately stepped projection. Leg spination (legs I, II missing): tibiae IV p0-1-0, r0-1-0; metatarsi IV p0-1-0, r0-1-0. Conductor dividing into ventroprolateral part, flat, broad platelike, distally truncated, and retrolateral part, narrow elongated, dorsodistally with distinct rim, ventroporlateral part reaching ⅔ length of retrolateral part.

FEMALE (PBI_ OON 10774, figs. 514–519): Total length 1.54. Leg spination: tibiae: I p1-0-0, v4-2-2; II v4-2-1p; IV v0-0-2; metatarsi: I, II p1-0-0, v2-2-2; IV p1-1-0, r1-0-0. Median protruding part of large genital plate wider than long; anterior genitalic process very broadly stalked, apex distinctly enlarged; cluster of numerous glands present at base of anterior genitalic process; posterior genitalic process very small, triangular without remarkable duct, distally and laterally with glands.


DISTRIBUTION: Ecuador (Los Ríos).